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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 23, 1876, p. 4

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' Is: a? li;- tl; t;,' .-mm .4' < - fi THE FREE PRESS, ! ACTON, HALTON! COUNTY, GOT., 'MARCH 23, *S76 - 'v.'.-'- ' turned to *tfte <3flice ,of the JGterk of the Peace fur the County of Haltoii, during the Quarter eliding th'c 14th day of Mil ircl v.ne of tVoMouUw. Km to of Defendant. V-lliam Sfinson . . .^i.Tosenh Johnson" . * rl."<"oHwiiy .:.. . ...^jPatri:k K0II3- ...*.* = Viiliitin Sloan. . . ; . J_Georjpp Noma ... Henry Sungel.. .^U>it Meade . <Vnw-ier \ ; . .-.'* ,r;isn Kvder .... r^air?;- UreFTuiii.. Thou las Campbell.... Matt lie 4 Burns........ IV>11W;1V - - it ? .-va n *i> m? Thqi las Anderson.. |=s ,j.:Tisr-ijjnr- Nnturc"\>f Charge. OllfjjWj-Ult-Ht of WllgCS. . ,...v. Awuni.lt ....:.. ..L ...'. .". Soiling litjuor without license / ! Xngnmcy >.....-. j-. -.:.;.. .... Breach oflU-liiw ...'.' J.'..'. .. ittytfttUming' ."...'.-.-------____ ." & Vagrancy r Date of Convicte.it. Name'of l.'mivieting-lust ice. Doo. 4, 187f) -.. >ec. \t% 1875.. iDec. 29 1875,. Jan. 31 1870.. Fob; 7, 1870.. Ded. 9, 1875 .. Dec. .18 i87s:. .Tun.: 29. 187(1.:.. D. Robertson ... ... ..j ,.-, ...... , do ... :...... ,.'.'"...... <lo ... ... ..; ...... ... D.'Rolu'Wwh, A.'Oniiij.il)i>!l,"S. li; Lis { ter, S. Curler am! E.Dixon ......... j T>. Robertson ... ... :.. ...... ... W. H. Storey .. ... ...."__..... '... George Foster, George C. "Crawford1) And HeJiry. Foster ... ;... .... ... f D. Robertson...... ... '< ... ', Fine, Time Given. 40 00 21 dnyw 1 00 20 06 5 00 20Q0 4 '00 Time uiven To whom-puid by Justice. Town of ijilton Vijluyirpf. Acton. If not jiiiid, wliy not. mm , A.Dv 18T0. fJenoml ObHcrvationH .v; :.ni - \&.:-, \. IrQSicO^ c of ,the Clerk ot tle Peace, Milton,1 l"Stli Marcli, 18iG. -~r.; f H >'-- - ^i^.i " ' - > 1- 'T V ' :it&;i':-; ]^- >J:fl * W J. - --f.'-il-f;-^ ifi-l" k. fc-::vv.'". " *. T^, * "I " J-^M IS' i ' ? i;; " ' {." <.*'jhi. fild --i-.V ^7"i. ;:;i;lk!"':: .^:r;^;l A skTlig!it-?rne Gratb blessings Ekrlj ! tree,' Always "0|^r;^r"&)nvicioti- A ; ihicL . . > What nray' lx cnlfetl a ^eedy oc- ""cup^tioa The florist's. _. :Vfh'en is rjoaLSus huslaiid like -^ e'4.tl..'"Wlieii.^'fi'e smelli Be*- c;uis\ botli lose; their bii^k when ~1e:uL ~." | ." l^ots orti-otible are tho lc ts wbich !. ive top.much mortgage <J11 tbem. l\.:;'t v.rite Jmg pJiituaries.- . <eme. ofjyour kiudi XTQiibi for .; --- Uviag.' .i\>rtune is like h rnarke:, where ..is- tiniest if-vou .wait, i he prite ,: 1-Iow^.does man differ from the 'at' tiae /, .. . ,; .! j. "... i A]i])<!aled.' Kentiti) jail fof-'two li'tirid: over- to keej i Sent to juil.for two . .- j.- w--------.---- - --------------------^-T iiiontliHi i Hip pence. riioitMis. rtify tba m oregoing ia a correct Scliednl" of tho Convictions rttumed to ui3' ;otlico for tlio Qunrter above n|entionUl ABMORV, *5S-5 .-, j . ai.su -_ :_..^. Oold, Silver & Nickel Platjing Works, 148 QTJSB'EC STSSS?, QXTEiPH _ Manufacturer nnd Imi>ortorx>f -- BreecJi anil Muzzle Loading POST OFFICE CASH STORE, V~ ACTOIT, OISTT- J:* istrt ervtttit>ii ? He stands .: ii-e doesn't :u;t-se. ilard hearts arp apt.to -gr aw hrfru- Lind'soft heads to "ro'v softer. Itipes. Shot Guns, &c. '.' Ujiite^t mt-n freqiie ltly. say ' ^: i.!- in: inust cutting things. v"iia: is the ditFjrpiice b; tween a .< i-iiardentM- and a : billiard- k-r. One minds his "pais .and 'Ther miudaLis cues. upright, Jicrolrtrs oj'\all^<lescrlpti'Jiu ahcxty* on ' '-1 " Tell me. cues.. -Miirv diow i <^S-v;^:r -f I"' . i Mr-* ^^4-J: i|^ I-8.V ^ ." /-ul: .- ," is the titlejuf a weliknowri .liiin-. "Give Eer.a pair of'dia- i jiid. e^r!rings.und a. tortoise-shell hair, !. .." " 1 put outside- , my wi adow u fi'rge box filled; ;'iti -mould/ and 1-i e<Lit with seed. Whiit do you I'Tit cllme/up? Wheat, barley oats'?_ Nd-r-a policeman and or .-red ma'-to remove it. JIv faeultv, surely, is t le moat -lent, for the killing fif ( ;cu was the fir^t criminal" case, 1i'itlii'-'bv*j*t 'to fi medical woo A.bel by; -frieiid. . i.-^ine enoggh," replied the doctor, on; before thatliappened a rib, - s taken out of Adam's side,. - :.ea constituted, the first surgical I - ULOll, j^l mm~y 'yyfy. O:-^ jhhnt's ittfiJJt a ix- sifv it that r three -^-*. - - P t" --' ' -? if^^r'Sf^q ^'i'i;' - '--' .-ilfcB;'*v~i*f*S.i. - -Did you ever see an ele a tichftr in an iidid^. steiftiiT old at the foot of; tile .class. 'Vi'^ere T' in4ui'red' the U acher, - j.v..;idertible amused at his eiruest- * On' thilephant," Routed he prodigy,' gleefully, ' jjfeihaps children aretbfl -iprd tbat" bind 7tis "to heavi n, and . -: a man doesn't; think abb .'.;o, after listening imtil Uft< .. 111. ta the music of ids. infai it, just fiances wearily at bis wat :h and :'e-marks to his wife, " My dear, I- > think I'll go oatTato the wood shed Tiild try afed gat a little sleet." "" : ' An ingenious person hits ibebw . red that the three most farcible letters ia- oar alphabet 2 Jt/J; that two which eontanVn'oth. ngiire Jil T"; that four express gr t cor- ],.;? nee, OBCTj that two are in decline,-. D" KLjtiat fo^ir indicate tailed station; X L N (', and . ij ree excite tears, yet,"prom ninced - .ugether, .arg necessary' to a good I'udt'rstandmg-^B1 B G>- . Sy bile Webitt) caaae was lately one v of the Iondon ,.uri4 the cxmneil For the'pla !ntiffd, _-"->'igh a Welshman, begged to be " ed fr'cwti pronouncing the name - "" '/'place where a coal riliaeuat .J ti ispii.ee .was situated. ' was" '( ^..B;d'WwJfwywywywr. ' '- "'A'"glutton of-arfeljovr Vas lining ] i hotel,-and, in the course of the ;- ;J title of knives and forkj," ac- ::rnt;illy cut his mouth;- which ,:ug obseryed. by a Yankee t itting ;.: .-iv. by, he bawled out,,""] say, vr; don'c make that ar' bile in u-.countenance any' targer^ ot wo Hull starve to death!" -' AMMUNITION FOS AU BKEECH ia^DHva AKM^. " EIv A Kynbol's Cnrtridse Case" anJ Cai* fir rv-lh:iJinc sanip. Ke-lnadi-rs, Ke-^uppers. C ip*KJ**(iU>ns Curlers, aril Cri'.iMTi.i lr-i;ni;< IUhIs, im.l all urtU'lo.* ut-ct'>^.-ry frriisp nsn itnVouuU. Ail *M,t~ot t4,-:i"-il(iiig. and Jobbing exeuuteduii line-sburvcstuotibeai ! 148 JQucbeo Street; : :.'-:,. JOHS. K1RKIIAM. - .tr^^RtlTc Callcry on the. premises opeu from H'u'cioeK a.m. to lu |-.m. .: Wa^oa;j.ani ^arnagp JAJIES KYDtK, PropriejtorJ "'rTagflas,' ':| .' --_ Oarriasos,' [. SlclBhs, On beginning the Imsinesfl of 1S7C,.I would return sincetie'tlinnl;s to my numerous customers lor the very Iilifia! support they have given me during the past .22 years, ariii again I ir.orf respectfully ask a continuutieo of their respective support. During my e.xperieneo in business I lni7e pretty th6r6ugaly foanif out tho ' Ups and Downs in Trade; And am fully convinced, that a Credit Business is a Dangerous Business to Tjotb-Seller and fiuyer, I am therefore determined to do a EEAPY PAY BTJSIjOISS And give,my customers the benefit by giving them Eight per cent off for Cash on all General Groceries ' '*' (excepting Sugar>. By doing business as above, 1 will have the cash to buy my goods and ellect a _^ SAJINa OF A:T LEAST 6 PER CENT "' - and .-.; MY CUSTOMERS WILL GET THE BENEFif, And in reality^get . ! ' 14 per cent for th@ir Money. Please consider the matter over, and give me your support to carry out ' the only right way <jf doing business, that is IR, IE JL ID ."3T '" DE _A, /IT. "" BBMNANTS 1 RBMMANTS:'! Previous to stock oflt|n>nanti e Peace, ,C6un1 t; taking. we will have our usual two livery Itemnant in the store will of Halton. -ataea* Vfceks' Clearing Sale bo'S&W oBeap. ':-" KJlKAiNTS DKJvSS i}Oi)DH IjtliMNANr.s'SU.X< -;, K10.MNANT.S'LU.STKIiS, JtJiJlX.AlN'l'.S IKRKXCII^ Miaxj>; FlIKllli fi'teljih, I-".-li. '.'I; IS' LC IB RlCMXANr.S OOITON.S (White and prev), IKKMNAXCS 'MCKIXCiS, . ' ..'. ijiE.MNA.rrs- Hollands, ; .:. KEMX.ANTS FLANNELS, , 1 KE.MNANTS TOWELLINGS, JiKMNANT< SI1IKTJNG.", ..- LEMNANT.S IWITiCD" JfEMNANTS WINCEYS.Sc., 4e. . A- O. BUCHAM. nablc West KiiiK Dress, Millinery -Jam! Mantle F'stJ.bllslimeiit. TG- SAdlill]3 Ci)MaIENCED AT THE Mammoth House, My stock still always bo found complete in Groceries, Provisions, Crockery [ -Window'i Blinds. Window; Pollers, &c. Spcciaities^-SAlSA;i|, OYSTEItk, YAK.MOLTII BLOATEKS, FIX-VAN IIADDIES, &'cj;, &c. ' PRODUCE TAJ^EN AS CASH. Georgetpwn, Oh Friday, Jan. Stu, 1SVC. The balance of onr Winter. Stock will be clt-aietl but at ;' ! Enorniouslv Low Prices. l- 'W -* A"T A ORE^T SA6k?iF!CEi WINXfeR STOCK m BflOTSl ATd now offered at v ss Kyi* o tat p ik :i g e kr -To make room for Springs 8tociL It; , TfQl^mi . !;! 9 cia3. - .>'* *l oilrge, f uef"<i3jHj b. m. . JA(Au).v. Now is the time to get Bargains. Call Ea*ly, 'Acton, Feb. 15; 1876. EV WANTEDV AT PANIC pmGHS, KENNEDY BRPTHERa 1 --vejsiw Fostnna-;y| j >icinej- t6| i- gTn's-h:V<i'-i. : Com. in it* i^lfe. A.=?(; *c:,prepi^ anff" on tm ' (Axil fjft I >tasgTW it Sc.- <>r.i-l Streets-. <J I Y YJniincElr1,! laect .01 i lsr w.i!. on Fri'ir. I-Vss:^ Ag-eui Xurl '-vAH b'isiucf ijaluuult;. I Kblicitttl: Fall Stock of Boots Ilave mst received,thieir and Slidal And are deternmined to continue to sell chr-aper than "ttift cfceapetg x^j better, value for your money than'can t>e haJ elaewiere.^ ; I : Gall an d 'SeeVfor Tourselv.es and bring;.jqar B'rien ds witli you. : -r - *rv 'i'~^ Big deduction. Examinft bur stoek which comprises everytldng in the trade of tl lll and'most elegant styles and-patterns of nglitebj Canadian,and Anjejicsia- ;inauufact^je. _ . " /* Orders promptlyexecuted and good fits gaaranteed."^t . j" '^ i N B. ' ;l: =' -KENNEDY 3K0t" j Acton Nov. 4 .ISTo. , _.'-/,'. . : " .' '" ' ' '.-1 J>ATEI . -Jt_-: cri<l ftn CauaJ : IFateb!, s :-iior"i>riit'.e'J .'. :!a.a in ija j j. 'Slee.'Ttnl .Vr teai-s Itnd f "I-L1 - j Cwa-ty iH:D L5VI l -. j-. tie xnost,^ , ' V;.xli soat ,ft"A CTi .jV';;; ; l"jal in.J uiuij. OJ THE GOODS MUST BE SOLD. I ~! Prepare for Bargains. L- otb the'p icrs of a few of our lead-" I -Cuttors, &e. Kcptlnstofk ahflrnnde to Ortjer on tb' Shortest .Notice. - I believe in the DISCOUNT SsYSTjE^I. and ns it hns proved very satti factory, I will continue to give the {discount as follows:'1 in 25 ots, 2 cents discount; on 50 cts, 4 cents; on7i,cts, 6 cents ;.on ^1, 8 cents. Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage LicenKcs, Iiistirmtrc Atfoht Agent Money to Loan, Agent Montreal Tel. Co., Clerk .Fourth Piv. Court, Com. in <J. IS., &c; j i.Stflct tjttentjdn paid .>, i5ors6iSS.oela5'8s-<Joaefarj6l3l}ittg;; and satisfaction cuaranteed. Acton Jiriy lit-, IS73., -. ~ ,->1 j Beware of Counterfeits.! Arton, January IS, ]670. JAMES BVJATTHEWS. r Poj tlie proteptloi>ot tbe pnJjllc of BtIv lsli Sortb America." 1 deem it my duty td state t&at xny i?ILi.s and OiiJT.MBsr'OTe neitber manufactured iior-bold lu any parf-df the TJxiTKD.ST atek. JSaoU-Pot/ aud Box bears the "British (iovernroent Stamp, with, the1 worde "HollowAY'S |Plx.r.s A> Uistjtknt, XxiNPj.v," engraved thereon. On the habel'is the address,533 Gxkokd STKEtT, VtoVBOX. : r. ,-' :- r . This notice hbp .bemme pecea=arv, in tonflt}rtc* Dt KriJe [&<li^prioax'iibiih- tionsoi "Hulloway'Kj^llsaudOlntm.T.t. beln^ tabrlcat 'en tune, >bw lies stylliiif "Hollow.ty &'1 Jin aftslitnetl thus ed at 78 llald-i York. t>y par-1 themselves! ;Co.," w'ith; trade, mart. 1 Russia has i~aiserf in 15 j years .. ..re-J than - 1,000,000,000, with. , iob- texonstnict 15;000 mijea of ; njad, anil .can easily .find 8300,- '0,000 ;"br?100,p0,000tc coh- m-ict ajlinejTrf-siicli vaLoe id alf, ..e civilized ivorld, ' <. The two .great expressi'compan- tualA lams -\ American, employ' about a,090 jn, 1,900rborseH, ,1,200 wagtons, i'l. use 3,600. iron iSafes. rJfbeir ! nts travel more than : IO0I0OO : ;>.rf daily, or more tlutn &3,( 00,; - 0 miles annually. ' " "' 1 i Fty' thousand persons .' % 'ere J to iltp "permanent residents :- /'jpdon lust year, end it. is isti- ' -d that: by the. middle of itbe nt year the, population of Jthe )., .luetropo.rUi will exceed fpur ,1 :id.a quarter niillip.nB, ..-. -UJFa,lneipVe)!L!V'3B'lum cor) obtaln thlis1 i<Mh MtA vers t/arW^'t^^aWEi^ilecelve you hyjiel line the same for my genuine HotlowaW fi Hi and Ointcnnnt, which are Jrnanafactured only at.S33, Oxtord street, I-ondon.T'.'- : Persons who tany.be so deceived will be i.le.-vjed to cofesojuntcii^e with rne. Mnny reJ^eetiiblei^rraS.l^rthe British Provinces, whoobtatn my medlctheB di rect from here.:1haVe veiy properly rub- Kasted *haf. I should, Kir Jthe b. ne/lt of; 'ttlemtelveg tcp^i the yubllo, Insert Mielr n'ami.'B in <h" paiwrs. that Mt; may be known That my meilicines can be nad g.pniiip frurrr i.hbm. -: ' TneXoHon-UnJ Ika ISstoftbe flfms allud- eil Jo^ and I Sartjealuriji rerommeno thono wliuaoslrQJioirat my roidiclbes to apply, to some ot trie iioust-s named : 15va.ns, MebcebIs Co..:Montreal. AiVEKY, liiu>w- A Coi.'Halifax, N 8 -FOiwvtu a. Co., Halifax. N. 8 T. JJ, BARKeR-<fc.SQNi,.Bt. John, N. B. A^othe vtinKb'HAtt Co.,'CharfolttBwn Lasolby 4 Co-, Victoria. BG vooaB 4 Co-.tvicioria, H. G. BrJ^uMHAttEi.-, Che.thamrN B MtTNRO &Co.~,> Montreal ' ;. J 'Winen dWo.? Hamilton," Out. M.'J. rTo.SE.-'t'orpiiito.. jL,*3uti'M-\H&ihi<lu,JH: John, ts, B. JohF Boyn1'tif>rfe)'lrh, Out Ku.wir'i tiLfTKrhiiCo' r- J. euAM/WEB.Hl. JolibfN. B.' i Hani.vot...v I!it6T|UfcriS, St: John. If. B K. w. fninnv, Wiiidfior, Ont : Mtb. ORt-EN/*lc>rdn, N. B, * ^ , Qbobok ' -. HujfT.jnn,. Crederlcton, JSt. B W. H. TFroMPsojr iHnrborWrace, N.F. L J. M. Wn,KVjPrdrloU>n. t*.M W. * I), YufJ/K, Montreal _ Cutas. I, DA'yras", FnoderlSlon, N B. ThemodlcineB oVe soldijt the lowest whoIoHali? net prleep. in quantities of not less than .20 worth vis:.. 8rild., 228., and Hf.- dot dozen, box8 of Pllffe or pou of Olntroen^ for:Whlch remlttano must be cent In otTvanoo, I - -i_ 'PII0MA8 HOLLOWA.Y. 633, Oxford Btrcei, W.C. ,"*",. London, Jnne Ut.HlS7S, Wm, Stewart & Co. TTYXDHA.!! STREET. GUBLPE Are showing now Spcieal Lines in Cheap Jackets. Special Iiines-of Cheap Dress Goods Special Lines of Cheap Cottons. Special L^nes of Cheap Silks. Special Lines of Cheap Flannels. "M ' ' Special Lines of Cheap Blankets. A Spooial .Lot of Canton Flannenl A Special Lot of Obeap Tweeds. A Special Lot of Winceys, "Chea^j. Black Lustres, Special Value. ' S WM. STEWART & Co. 0. T. HILL, Mill Street, ACTON, D'EALEIt IN General Groceries, Boots and Shoesj .Wall Paper, WinxLow ilirids, Grocker^' Glassware, ; '. Nails, ;! Glass, ' * : Putty, Linseed Cil, *>** ' P'aintSy ; ^Turpentine, .; J Machine Oil,: > - ._ . . Goal Oil, Salt, etc ;.:'.'. The subsnrlber bogs toreturuhfs thank * to tho InlinbUanlKOl Acton nndsnrronnd- lng countrjyrfor tho liberal p'atronbgo heretofore uxteuded to him, and at tho sametirao solicit their forther support N.B. Cash Pflid for Hides deltveredi X3 T. HILL, Acton, July 1st. 1875. . Ss Boilod Extra heavy l-'ull Uluth, 40c per y<l. 'jEstr'a heavy Wool T>veed, :"0c pr yd. Exlpa heavy Blankets, 3"-00! Kp'cndid Shawlf, *1 50. S-plendid ,'acketp, $1.50. t"ui\Sets, $^00. "' . . ,' K'x'tra heavy Flahoels," 25c per'yard. Extra heavy Factory Cotton, 7c pr yd HuO Ladies'- Wincey Skirts, made.tip, i i 5L)c each. . : r ! .1 : - i 200 j pieces Plain nh 1 Fancy Dress j (ibods, l^ic per yard. . j 100 | piece's Beautiful New Serges, , 20c per yard. : -c. ' . "The above is only a few lines of ootSs which we shall oifer at this :<uir'Big'tsiLe. Kemember this is to bo the "grandest '_ we have ever contemplated.- : Call and see-us it you want to buy, tOOBS AT PANIC PRICES. i We shall bo pleased to see opr cui-toniers, and show our stock whether they want to buy or not. Km' JVo trouble to iJwio Good2,~5H .' ' JJcLEO'D, ANDERSON & CO., i. Mammoth House, .' Georgetown. N. B.'--- Remember our Ordered Clothing and llillinery Departments. " McL., A. & Co. peorgetOfln,;'JaU; llj^STfl, j e w b.0:i!di CONSTANTLY AJIRIVING. AT tflE - /' i OENtraL a^POrTldM ; -; mill STasei, ApToiT. l . -:'-JK>--e.iJ , ttj ILA'J tylerwnl Ti5*ve;iof| .anlc.'iuo *'" !-, t'-lillO': ... 'UTtf i-IUH. ;L,tqu.jrs.:J ial-anU.Ve I 1 -i- J. W.: MABpN'S' Winter'St-oek ofi . :DB AND READY-IVIj^DE ..'" - |S^XXJI3ST;& At GREATLT ^REDUCED Garna|jeiWatt(iri MAIN STREET, ACTOIM- ' ' 'i.".Ji.-' CLOTHlNOh ' ' ,C . 'vj: PRICES. r G'.REA T BAR G All N S i "Are pffereri for cash or produce. -^^ w 1H>*. .Lil ': .r-Qf.thsC] ton: Virif ^ *W3ee-,-Al . Hock wo > Tgrms-re iice| : -Sale^at| CMiiity, I- Adiri IB Iii %Qoeri^s,:Crockery and"!G-lg-ss^^l : Will beibdnd a complete assortment o^.the best quality. Acton, Defe, 29. 1875. 'A!-! "',--i M QKBAP OTBIidtDATS; . i; 'i1 .v. : MI ' \y' i Gericral Blitekktiiitli, Carriageiina.Wiaeoji Maker. ., ,\Best Horse-Sliders in the GQUrxty ' , rerfeotsatisfactionjguaranteedprjio pr^ce1 charged. ' AND U COLLARD'S PATENT IRON JIARROWS Alvays on band. A GGdd' Siocflk of/rOsi;rriaies aajid Wagons. REPAIRING promptly and properly attended to. Acton, July I, 1875..' /00 CoybV Swe^piifig Sale ofl Ready-Ma^e GlcMliing . co^ menced to-day at tlie. J '1 CLOTHJUiG ".-ii'iS'-, , C^XJECL.3E>3E3: j Rare; Chance. ; and.- See 0ttt,i-Pri^ M. RUTHERFORQ <fc C . .-/- V i Uo. ai, Ltovor #yatoia siarieet. -January*, 1876../ :.'i.'i':-.'f : Calli jcheap, i'Setylfe,"--' 'vSncettl a, . B- "- 4i ' lit: ^j first prj "tbe-lat ^3 than I .Act m J>np w.ogdejll . in the >9fiI_Sagn| u; ,m.| MM

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