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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 23, 1876, p. 3

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-J--i :& LOCAL MATTERS. -Village Council tXiis evening. St will onk.. GES, 3. :-Si IF "Wcpli C, Gl'JSLPH. Is? v; : "jr.- ODS, 3ffttQXL# ** ' - i . rketa JbrOwV [GURE. -' pb, price*. - Ajonr Ha*e/- JCOTT. M Biggest snow storm of the sen : ^Jb; on Monday 1m*. "d that ||'t say- :l iig m<d! cither. Sleighing is^good ' jot now, but' not likely to last long. [ Merchants a^e^ctfchig in their "' wiring good*- ,8ripciM should -be lives:* ly tlii year, for people can't wear their J It is^said that the Georgetown Qo^l Templars propose giving an athi\-| Vnr dramatic; performance in Acton- - gome day ncjf^eclC . . -, - Aartta *alr. r '..-";.- The Kxecutors of th'ti estate -oj the; Ut Hcury Ryder vriU jell by auction,: quantify "^f farm stock and imple-~ ient; oif Friday, "Hst inst., on Lot So,; 3V, "4th cvm- oEsquesing. " our -advertising columns that ho/has: qortmchced the undertaking business,. ,nd that he" is prepared t> furnish a; heirsc and other requisites in that line,- Tb is one of those thing*.that Vcr.caiw. i nc>t recommend our friends to teat for j themselves.' He ia also proriared to do all kinds of joinersjand eabinetVork,J iagood style, anil repair furniture.." . / Mr. Mosfs Roper,7a large-sized representative of the Afrio.w race,-an-j Bounced a lecture for last -Vantlay even-: ing. ' The audience consisted of live, persons t&reft^ .of whom were deid^j heads. .Vr. Roper didn't choose to waste : his sweetness on the dissert air. The "JO i cent* werere-ijjvcsted.thc hall vacated, thfl flights ".quenched, aod o were the inhabitants of this .burg deprived of the brilliant scintillations and eloquent per- orations of" -this eminent gcuus^. ub crfjr. ____.. figures lutleivian. In courtia of tin(c ho fall inHovv tkith thoi gentleman's- THE JFREE PRESS, AC*ON, HALTOlSr (roll rcrsbit in fi, THE PtfZZIJ&R. ENIGMA No. 1 i mi,v Ant, my second *a, My third am fourth / ate. ' PiJOBLRM ' ; ii young man, wfl hirpd with a got " Jlo . ______ ......... . hv ighter. When hkaskcdlher father's {' coi Bent to tho' union, the old man told | hii i if he w-o\jld work out al problem hfl w^i iild gi\-o him, hp' might have.. her. Sa d -ho i Bctyvoen jtho KoUso hnd tho on hard are throe, gates ; [go and pull a t umher of apples. Atftllc tirst gate laj down half what you h.avo pullml NEW SPRING TWEEDS 0" TJ S T a^i[ <vawtauc. '" Messrs. J. i "A. Mann sawcil for Mr,; Michael l^uiib, iiu Lot '.KJ, tjth coiiecs- ion t^qnesing, last Friday, 133 cords of wood In e\xn |h<mrs, being at thCr -'txU of nineteen cords au hour, with a> ' michine manufactured by Mr. John S'fewart_..of London, Ont* Thi^ is con'-; ~ siderable tiettcr tluJi the- job. reyently recordw'iiy Messrs. ^Kentner Krin which . was .S4i cords ill seven fetors: with the saine". kind of saw.' "Sh I half an apple jhoro j nt tho socoitd u lay down half of what is left and hf, an applo more ; and.[at the third ga o leave IjaU thu remaiiuicr and half an apple-Biorw, and bring one apple to mi -without cutting any of the apples. xjmMked CHAUAI-K KTo. 2 Mv 0, 7, t?;'2, is a garment. i .My 13, 11, 12, , is si-en in every h'mse. I L My 5, 7, 8, 9, is a portion of time My 10, 3, 1, 4, 2, is a joint-to turn. My p, 11," 1,'7, 8. 0, U held sacred ai longgentlemeii. } . My 10, 2, 1, 7, 1, iR a .b"rit Lam-a \rord of 13 letter^ and: means au raething .adjacent-to, lARADENo. G My 1st is a title. , My 2nd ia four-tifths of tho niiino of small animal. ';" . \ . My 3rd is" a great treasure to "people the"r"ast, _ ', - i ' ' My 4tli is a personal priinouib - My otli a uare. ' , My Gth is ono-half. the naino of a Ves sfcl to hold liquids..,-: j, J My 7th is part of the carcaso of an , fljuitual. j My whole is the name of a poet. ^- Tltt I "V IE 3D v A riNE LOT OF COUNTY, > OSJT.; MARCH \2$J . llHATJ WO Spring and Summer Suitings, Which will b sold Cboap, eapeolally to Cash Buyers. I ' ! rWe nre noted for Fnahlonnble oud Durable Coods."S V DiqKSON &-McNAB. Acton, March 15, 1RT6. DRUGS. axsWehs The following answers [have been rc- ivetl to last week's Charades : Xo.-2- ' ' - i " If for your tirst you c"lioosc out 11am, Kud for your second Milton, JThen I will choose though 1 should lose, j That they 'both stand for Hamilton. "No. 3 Thmigh charade three Sv4i 4' -.3 FOB SALE. ft . . -Vl; yvrag DnriwBs- f -s? 'ntr of ""say ceteviE^"-*"Jjj; ifr%alr. -H*ifsi< .i Jld"fi U>e lAh - ,: -v Irs. smith, .< !' 37-* - *:-& tfjire- LsbV "TW R 2.4 rt eno. Krin. " r- , ". .37-3t^ - [IIJJlON ]'*--: ICKUM" I they bare sal if I 'K of-a i V '" -' """~l" Is Baker,- j bosineasi is ne* ., ' .,i, s preausea f*ati~'y - jvi -. - .' _-: ..',"--.4Jr l-ereddaahr"**^^ r?^ I and riaaitr. ' "/'* Tear/Cat"^ "'i jy!^ [ manner, and kept J'h " asxffeeah. iUs*-4&:; feajerjsj ifiswuta*. <^j pn^Bc. i> ! _ *:_?^" 7fr. lot el i A splendid stock jif Gent'rt Grocrie* at G. !M. Scott's/ Acton. > rarietyof style and ijuality chcip and j iiarabiei-at tb C'ah System. K.'hristieV" Hendersjin-& Co. ^ T1, '-. . ~.. "-^tients-v white .dress shirt1 frouir -:J|L00nji,'at-t}.-'M. Scott's,.Acton. . Boois and Shoes for the mil-: -i:nn at Christie, Henderson &. Co-'s'j; '-cheap cash' store. Gents' neatly 'cut: fine tiuiabeil ^gaiters,_at jfl.75-to[2J00.!; The ca&.h system ij"the'fcccrei. i Lwdies^' if von innjit a.clieap' Breif, go to G. M.Scoits,'Acton. ^r liny .yonr Dns GcidsT-PriTTti C<jttons, ijjpfact-cverytfi'ingyon want at the cheap cash stnre,'Acton. .A tliuUar sareiLraay-ciime7useful at another ,tiuui Christie, :Hun- _^ deffson'&-^.'os" * " T: "\^- -: T\" ! Morteyristvetl bv buying |at^G. .' Mi.^e.'>tt's,'AjctoB,': -y^A- '.- . j -3Iact Dross Goods in' Lnstr**,- /-Cilmurcs, Cashmeres, Tersian Cords, . ' Crape- I'loths,- &c,, in great variety. . splendid valu at Chiffstie, Hemlersim k Co.'s 'Tcheap cash j'store. Lively " Prints, freah and: nfw, r'from 7c_ up. Everybody wants thent-^-' - :] \ yV vwvvrjrrit dieapGoods, go to '.'.'.- 'Xlif cVoa|>est stock !of Prints, ._ "! Grey-and White Cott-iiis, Cottonailes,^ __ be., ever prTered in Acton, tin exbifii: *.>rltion at. irOrisrie, Henderson.1 &. Co..*s Li. cheap ea<h store.. Beautiful" - latest styles, from 7 J Cents np. C, H. 4 Co. are bonud to be aheadrof ail com- ' petition in selling goddx-cheap;- to meet'. the hard .tinies. Don't fail t)*ejamitie '- their stock, just arriving fresh and lie'*',. "^and at "rock bottom: prices. Their fa-. raons 50e tea-styi ahead. The secret is -. they-do trasines* on strictly caah terms. '". ^Cottona<l[es from" 25e per yard up, atG. M. Scott's.. . ' .J1^ '7 ^Christie,' Henderson & Co., Acton, oiand after 3lst inst., Vfll.'au- here strictly to the cash system. They are much pleased to; hear ;froni their numerous.customers that this change is _ very generally approved of^ and can as- , ^snre thein that no ;eflbrt wilt" l>e spared ~ . -tn sbpply the choicest goods at the very * - .lowestprices. All goods marked down &> bottom prices, ^ew goocls arriving ".. * ^iaily, pinschased direct from mannfac- ' importers.^:. Tnese :i[ooda being purchased on Hhe^best- I terms," cannot be undersold. Thear'fa- :moaj 50c tea still ahead. ' ' _G: M. Scott's Goods are from - :5 to 10 per cent less than Guelpb prices. Im- nisBae "stock of Booti( and Shoes, of all kinds, just to "hand land to_ arrive at ^' Christie, HenderWm iCpi cheap cash ~ store. Their stock for quantity, quali-- : ty and-cheapness hi surpassed by no house in the Province; ., Their beautiful f high cnt,_neat;Iy finwhfeA" prunellas at (5c., is a narvel <rf'-:heapness. These goods are Jsonght dire ct -from t^ie manu- tacturers,^nd will 6e sold from-.10to 20 ^( cent lower thaii.; any i>ther "house: <Jive them a calL T. le secret is they sell for cash. " | ' "I'boujjb charai Shouhl chance to be, Some "Othtr name than I give y Yet III >e lmhi; An 1 "still uphold, 'Tis Water-loo as I live. ^ ':'. \o:ir first is mar, your se'-ond niiir, Revcrsetl they- stand fori runt, rnni ; Your whole is murmur, [which I'm sure, Is much tt>o of ten done,! done. JlUKSX lr,-------- . No. 5" James Ooodall.' Correct answers toj j;he aV.ve have; also liecn received frwin liizzic K----------- CaTrie S----- and Kreij, H. K----------, C irrect answers to the Double Acnis- tio have liecn received from Ixmis S' ~, Carrie ,S" ."Lizzie K: and Fred. H. R- , as follows: ! Double Acrostic : -Jackson St Vincent Her- shel Jient-^Illinois-r -N'gami- Gull: Josefii 1C. .Hackis<; -^l-istowell Acton. Druti, OfcomicaJj, Dye Steffi, Patoat ia& Proprietory Sty&lolne*, iF&noy sa& Toilet Stfapt, 8poaffOB. Bruthee, Paiati. OUi an& Vwraliaoi. j ! Foacy^nd Eubbor d.. PT7AS !WHT1S AITS LIQTJOBS for SCelleinttl Purposos only. , All goods wftrrantod of th* quality und at U-n por cont below Toronto prlcej. j j . Don't forget tho place. Medical Hall, Mill street,. Acton. I : lActon, March 13, 1875. G. E. M0RK')W. ' " ' Ta Guelph, onthe'.i^i inst, the wife of Mr. David Cook, hptel1 keeper, late of Milton, of a daughter. .. f G4i.TETOi.'x!rp Com- - Torrrsa.': "By a thorough kno'wledi ; of the, natural laws which govern, the operatloiis of digest on and nutrition, the fine . Properties-of well s dec ted cocoa, Mr. ..Epps has provided o or breakfast tables !with V delicately flarored.Jbeveralje d svt i ' '\-:'*m .! i- " !' '.J'i-'"^ jllssfc -^. ""ff . "i^ yi-t3^9 :" -:"V ' ^^^ :--J:-.V. :dM which may save us niany heavy doctopt . bills. It is by the j' rdicions use of such 1 7 articles of diet that i constitution ms;" begradually built up until strongenoog to resist. _every tei d^ncy to "disease. Hundreds of subtle b isladiea are floating around- us ready fc >. attack j wherever there is a weak poiff -' We may escape : many a fatal shaft b i keeping-ourselves well fortified with pi ire blood and a pro-. '. periy .nourished fra ne."-^Oivil Service Oavite. Sold only in packets labeled . i "Jakes Epfs' 4 <3o.,: Homceopaihic Chemist, t Threadneedle Street^ apd.H (170, Eiccsdiliy, London." ' IF . G. 31. Scott-hiis...the Uargest and cheapest stock id Prints and Dress Goods. ; ' -O. 31. S.-ott is dot<'rniined not to l>e undersold, bv any" Ihouse in the trade.- ". !' SECORD BROS., MONTREAL HOUSE, ^OTOZLST. N E W NDERFrrU M SPRING fctiOClfe, 39 PACKAGES OF NEW y r^ i"- - -Si, AN! FIRST ARRIVALS JN CUELPH, GOODS Ud Tickltizs, SateettfltgWf Table LlneHsy Towels, L a^o 0ne Case Paincy pres (3^>oda Newest Gcfe^ ONE CASE OF BLACK LUSTRES AND ALPACAS. BEST VAL0E (N THE DOMINION. a Immonss Variety of ^ANOf AND STASu? i tf^T $06BS Al^NJir Daoly- i I would intimate to my old friends that trif Ag-nt in Uriiain hab*ot> abW this dull seaon- to obtain etrkordImiry bargarnty nil of which ^tra' sbAll hive the full benefit of.- Ah enrly call is soliciida, j ' . . . " ."-. Feb. 22, 187C bASH SYSTE "We believe tlie correct principle of advertising and doing business generally to.be, to show cus tomers apd others, clearly, positively andj convin cingly, that it; is to their interests ttTXrade with the party advertising This of course-is AittW iBocjt, Upper V^/ndhfn Stret, J0ulpl. ^EU FOR CASH! BUY FORJ^SH! SAVE MONEY AND BECOME RICH! ' & jrhe ;Bverywhere Popular4 CASH SYSTEM j Adopted by CHRISTIE, HENDERSON ! ' ' ' ' ' not pos- Gj M. stott sells very poo.i \ sMc to eVcry '"ejrchant, for to do so he [must tie ^nSl,nt.iK"rinrf,^dWfMO,K^i>l>ie to show clearly that he cm! give the^m better| H. 'Si. Sc lit kpf pR.Ji s]*lnnflid stock or Greea, Hl."\'-*k ati-l JHp^n Teaa. YS n 4 CfOtX ' - LIVERY & SALE STABLE J. P. ALLAN Tafcp p'e:isnre In announcing to the public generally th<it rie U prepared to furnish - _ First-class Horses aid Carrlaffcs At Keasonable Kates. .-Ills nig*aBfl Horses are the Owrt that can b ha't, 2tn/l lie Is itetermlned not lo bp Rtirpai-(J b- anv nty Buible. '- Acton Joly 1st. 1875. 0YSTEH&, ] OYSTERS, > l OYSTERS. Best Brandi of ( BALTIMORE pRESH OYSTERS, ' AT ' STODDARD'S:. |Yuit and OysterBazar. All kinds of Temperance Drinks s|nd Cigars constantly on band. Aoton, Jan : VJ, 1876. : vaJ'iie for their money than they can get elsewhere To-,accomplish this, lie must not only buy well but he must mark all Goods down to Bottom Prices, so that customers will see at a glajnce, that it i to their interests to trade with h'.mj $2 50 1 00 . 1 00 1 8", 1 50 4 00 30 51 1 15 CO., lijate yr-e In the two invoices below we 1 think we clearly show the advantage gained by those who dea with us, over those who don't. ' \' ' ' '- A customer bought of Secord Bros,; 5 lbs. Meteor Tea, 506. perdb...........1...',.... 1.1 lbs. Bright Sugar..............'....j......... 12 lbs. Medium Bright Sugar.................... .' .....:.-.. 1 set Knives and Forks........................ 1 set China, 4t pieces,............. ....... 1 gallon Coal Oil....____....................... Another party whor did n't buy at Secprd Bros., had 1 to pay the following pSricesJor the same goods: 5 lbs. Meteor Tea, 75 per lb. . 11 lbs Best Sugar........:'.. 12 lbs. Mexlium.Bright Sugir 1 lb. Best Hyson Tea ....... 1 set Knives and Forks ..... 1 set China, ,44 pieoes....... 1 gallon Cc*al Oil........... DR. ROBERTS' - Celebrated Ointment ; j CAI/iED jTHE; / POOR MAN'S! FRIEND, l confidently recommended to the pub- 1 lc as an uriuillng remedy lor .wounds of very description; a certain- cure for Ulcerated Sore Leg*, even of twentj yearV swndlne; Cms, IBnmg, Scaldn praises, cbilbudr--------- Brought down. enty aid*. n"s, tscorhutlc Eruptions, Jnd Pimples on the Fce, Sore,'and in named Eyes,-Sore Heads, Sore Breasts. J Iflles, Flsiula, and Cane jrontHnrrtonrs, | darned riles. Fistula, ana uanc r _ and Is a Hpeelflc for tlion oftlictlDg ErupH tjlonstbat sometimes follow vaclnnatlon. ' Bold in Pots at Is. lid. aridvs. 0d. each. br. Solitrfai'PilTOa iL?itiCMPattl \>i>r AiTEKNATIVE. PIlL^,\ejHi0rme<l ' >y sixty years' experience to be one of - tie best medicines ever oomrxranded for uirlfylrg the blood, and assisting Nature n her operations. Hence they are nsefuf m. n Bcrofuls, aeorbutlc Cpmplaint^, Qlan / l"lar Swellings, particularly thosjeofthe ^eclc, *< . They form a mMd and superior Family Aperient, wblctymay be taken at ill times without eonflnpmenCbr change >t diet. Bold in- Boxes a Is. lid.,2s.9U., " I i<9d', IIS. aDd^2s. each, ' , i . >' , BY: THE PBX>PBiifiTORf, BEACH AJ*D jBiflLRNICOTT ' -:- .. ATTHBI* !8Ffe\ARY,>IUOrKT, EXfiliAWD, aniTDy all respmitable aedlclue Vendors .................. $3 75 ............:..-..... |1 10 .......I..:........ il (9 "" .. .......>........ ' |1 00 ........ .......... il 75 ................... J6 00 . ! . ' 15 04 .....J........... li ia ' ' -T $3 89" .i - -I ' '| ' ! :' ' Seeord Bros.' customer thus saved no less than $3.89 on a purchase of about eleven dollars. The man who didn't buy from) them now thinks it would have been to his interests if he Had gojie to Seeord Bros. -^That maou is,now a living, standingr, walk- : . . i ' i - '.' ing advertisement for us. These are every day facts, witnessed to by kundieds of our customers, and commend themselves to,.the^attcntio.n of every frugal housekeeper. Orders of five dollars and upvyaridsj delikered at Georgetown, Nerval, Limehoupe, G|Uelp)i, Roek- wppd, &c, free of charge. SEC0ED BEOS., ijhe largest Retail Importers Being convinced by observation and experience that the only true principle on which jjusii: ess cart be successfully aiM s4tisfaetorily carried oa is the now Popular t/ash System, we have determined itl all transactions TO JBUT AND SELt FOfiL READY PAY ONLY,'commencing on t|ie 3lst day of March next, on and after which will adhere strictly to thifr Cash System. By buying, for cash and taking advantage of trade discounts, we will be enabled to se 1 goods at but a slight advance on importers' an J manu facturers' prices, and decidedly lower-j thai! can_be obtained by Grangers and others from city jobbers. To d<> this we adopt the Cash Principle] and ^jve feel assured that our numerous customers iand the public generally will accord us a hearty siipport in our, effort to advance their interests by-supplying them with a good article at a decided y LOW PRICE.. ' .'.,;! -' ;;':',; ; -' I1 ' ' ' NOTHING! '.... ..- , . x'- :.. ... When, ythi have the Tinl to buy \it. Begs to annoonce that havlBg- pur* chased an entirely new stock of tools of the most improved charac ter, lie is noWdn a position- to turn out all kinds of -j .. TIN AND SHEET-IRON "WOK in the "^JSRIT BEST ^TYLE ' ' : - Being in ft position to Buy aU life Stock ABRATB ISCVOOIVK, /" it: This change, we--feed, whilst resulting I thebenefit of our patrons,-will, not in any suit in; any material loss to ourselves, as effect h great saving in keeping books, c accounts, interest on outstanding moneys, be made in t and we trust e price the dif- aterial general will be market A decided reduction will of all "goods handled by us, ference will be such as will result in a advantage to all parties, and receive approval., In the meantime special inducements offered to all CASH BUYERS Produce will be taken in exchange at prices; and when required for the purposels of our] trade will be paid for ia cash if desired In buying Butter we will carefully grade! a" price acQording to quality, thereby ofterih^ a preniiimi for the best production WejCordial|ly invite inspection by all, an 3 asshre our many friends that in ntf instance will ive a their -interests to suffer by dealing twith -mi. t bf Tea Aoton, west pf Toronto; llmlii rgely'to way re- we will llccting &c. ! Thereby gaini^t> the jadvantage of tbe trade discounts, he is determin-1 ed to sell goods of first-olaas make' and material at Pr&byldrlah'at fffrki^ :','- ', Sahhath School. Wdrtd. Sunday SeKool Tima.,- ." Sunday; School Siiperihttndeut'f. Tirrttt. ' I - Westminster Quetttoft Soofr.- i . :* \Bereari Question Booh. '" . . . Jniernational Lcsdctn Lctevett ..WettmingieY. Lesson Liedvetf: Bereari Lex#bnr Leaves, : . Select ' Notei r oil the TntefncUvmat LfMons.fw I8f6i- The Largest and Cheapest Stock of Sabbath School Papers SarnpU* - ';'i. -. foiwarded, prepaid.' OR0EK AT ONCg. :" "' r. - - '.=-!j ANDERSah CHEAP BOOKSTORE *S Deoi lower Prices Than can. be obtained from any Other houso in the Province.' -j (. Tbu is not blowing but genuine fact! trial, tacts. If you doubt it, give him a EAVETROUCHIHC A 8FECtALTY. Having just procured tbe: most im proved appliances for doing the work, he feels satisfied (hat he cannot be outdone in this branch. . The shop will shortly be consider, ably enlarged, and 1 intend to keep always on hand a large stock Of S TO VEW Of all kinds, which will be sold at very low piioes.' CoaTOil for Sale, Un East Side bf Wyndhain ^Street; ;; \i '.~<itrELvn:[' 'I 0LBAKIXG 8AL Or miiNTER:GOODS n ?^i m c N AIR'S areatly Seduced Pri93 fir. Acton, Feb; 22, 1875. Ki PlSHfiK.J . j 35-3m an ^ pay Our famous 50c TIE A will still maintain; its repu tation as second to none in the Dominion fir purjty, ungency and flavor, CHEISTIE, HENBEESOIT & 0. Acton, Feb. 16, 1876. .of hand HpHOSB wh alwi lya have READY MONEY, are tbe most particular in their ef forts to make their purohases at the Lo-weat Cash Price. '.'. -' I-'.' ': -'-i' ' With Cash in Han'd No Losses Ar& M**de 1 i N. B.-^ All overdue accounts and notes must be se tilled forth wit h wi thout fail. :';i-;: '::ir\ o., h.|!&Co. and you can1 afford to sWI lower than your neighbor*, who rnjust make: up their losses bv greater prices to those 1 *hoi pay and tho*: =-' MOST UNJlTiSTIiY make those who alwajjs- hate money; pay tbe bills, of thoee who- never h&reitny, T. J. DAT does business on the Cash fridoiple, paying money down. < He possessed adrantages in bis iino excelle.1 by '6 to his ne i* /-'-A large quahtUy'of V' ; t!abe rushed off at '. ' ifwi% Loir: ?iioss. : HEIGH0, STQPt WJia^s ^Mguttier? :/ Wiiy any person ^bo. *adt*. aTgoooi ana eheip: . i ..' - ".. SET OP S a: ". 1 Should call oh j none. Close Cash Bookstore for their satisfied with-Small profits. Bdyert * >ir| Uoodt DAY'S BOOKSTORE, CUELPH. MILlVSTatf T> AJUTON, " J ^ _ 'Wnolsatirfye re*dy tattpplir* n, tomers with everything taWHy K.ept to a Mrstsclaes Barnes* Soap. i ) J Harrises made: to ortlr on tfi shortest possible notice. . -. I , _" B-CRE*CH4VelB, 1 Nor. 18,1875. -' | r

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