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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 23, 1876, p. 2

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?< "W^' ,' THE FREEPRIESS, ACTON, HA LTUN CGtJNTY, |ONTt, MARCH 23, 1870, T1UK ACTON FREE PRESS Pj'il &h*J r'vcrjfrThursiifciy Morning. $1 Per Annttm itf i Advance. JOS M HACKINO EDITOR - / _Xm, **naT Mqssixa,. Maki-u L23, F876. "On Prohibition," x ^ t ti t r- - i t- ' >3 r A Startling Possibility. Tho Liquor Tr&ifio. ; The projqct of a [ship caivhl Tho following hos been -handed throughthe. Central Anglican Isth- usfor publication. If tho' figure!* ivfur has hwta entertained, and much bp CQVWt. thli.. nro truly a8toumi! tune, labor and-wealth litis Ikhmi ox . . *.' - * , .1.1 peiuM upon surv.rys-.V-Panama i*g, but wo cannot vouch for i .eiij and Darien; thus fur to jno poetical i accuracy;: - ': H quteiYine. It bus remained for the]. Statistics of tho number of givlj Now York Ifrrttiil to denipnstmtol.loiiH and value of Liquors 'of ,i\\that-tlie.sum'ssful carrying out of I kinds consumed | in tho United :-tho Song cherished design woijld re-' States in! the, your 1870. Thd fig- Id w is announced A, few days ago h\ .tni-ill hand bills, that Mr. Jacob S|kci\ ho is represent**! as the 1 accrjodited agent. of the Ontario Prohibitory League, would delivoV i letturo irt- the Temperance Hall here, oa " The Legal Suppression of thp L qnor TrulSe," TKe subject is one of considerable importance, and as a \t,xed question^ in political economy will bear much thought ful xtud\ ud finest discussion. From a lecture .with thishigh- sounding title, one Would naturally loejk fv <ouie sort of logic o.-little b> ltt>r thin that of ajpie^crost order fishioncri temperance lecture which eonstsU-d mainly of imejcdptes awl witt\ j k. S at the expeaise of the poor drunkard. Jlr. Spence, ho\v- u\or. seeniod"'tq th'iik tkiit giving nj thin.; mow' substantial would be throning -pearls bof6rv swine. Puriii^ a deluge of words ocoupy- 414 ib>ut an hour arid- half, be rv'at**d -1 number of amusing anoc-. i| >tefi and graphically described the t^iis of intemperance- all very vt.Il in their way. But Jf this is tbc t\ le in. which so serious a ques tion is neing'handled by theageiits of tbe Ontario' Prohibitory League-. we submit that it is calculated to * ; - brinj; the wiiole thing into contempt Amd ndicule. His logic, was ex- tr"meU weak, and the few argu ments he put forth wouldn't; hold ^5fat' r for % niQment against any intelligent disputant.! -^We TVoulii esrnesili, like to see the Jiqnbr ti-af- fic totalU' suppressed in CUnuda, but vie fancy that the accomplish ment oi i,ucb a desirable object will nat be -vrrmight by the_metlibd adopted be oilr worthy lecturer. sulk in " tho moat\Btup|>ndou3 geq KWipicjil-and met<H)i-ologicivl'Jconvul- sions known in the phyaicnt history of: the world, and in j dostrnctiou. .iltiiost InconcelTublu M the biluian mind.,u- - . . Tho llcrtihi^nlt-rs lfnrnedly into tho" sci^iitiHo, social iuul political lioarings of its theoiy, and eortnitily manages to lay a.sijtntiuiitly stiirt- ling and novel dish bufore its read- .^ s. Fts arguments, ojc'.ending over three "colu.nns of sm^ll ty;pe, hi ay '.be briefly summed nji.' Tire com- pHrative mildness of,the iiew Eng land Suites, Canada^ the British Isles and North western Emo]K\; is dub. to .the inlluenoe of the tjlulf Sti-Oiim Uti -the jAtlautic, uiul. iii a sitniliar manner t'lifj grait warm current of the Pacific, the Kuro- Siwo, csirries wanpth: northwanl 4111) renders Alaska! inhabiUible. These rivers in tho ocean modify the tom]iehiture ol" i^egions.'of the earib's surface, soine of which, now Jteeming in .iibuiubuico, would, but for their ' genial inOuouixv U< but barren wastes. lioth mv caitsid by the. equatorial currents iof the At- limtie and P-.icilic ;, i.Jthe' Atlantic qurrvnt. tlowin^ westVi'ard fronv the vicinity of cbi: /African .continent, strikcs_the Amcn-iean ne;ir Ca|Hi St. Hcipieland is turned into the Onll of Slexico, whence it issues on its- ivorthward cqifrse, sleeping the Atlantic co:ust^ of, America, and Stretching its iijfluence away beyond rtro Hebiide.s ti> the bleak-shores of Jfurw-.iy. , The (.J.ulf of Mexico .was tbi-nietl, it is lwilievet.l,'by the erosive action1 ef tJ]fo equatorial eiiri-ent weaving aw;uy enough of territory, and this current would have forced its w'av thpjniih the .Isthmus GENERAL NEWS. Goldio ikMoCullmigh.Gttlt, lmvr shipped nn '-engine t|) tho Conten nial. 1 ' Tho Wellington . A,bhizos oponod Tuesday iititJuolph. beforo Mr. Jtts tico Gwyjmo. MtyJi. O'Donoghuo Q.'.C, of Toronto, is t'rown Counsel Mr. Goldwin Sniitli will, it it said, be on tho sfall' of tho now daily, tho Evcmuij Telegram, to bo started hi Toronto about tho 15tli of April. ~ There aro fifty <-exhibitors'. Tn. Hamilton who will^send spficimens of raw and manufnetured . goods from tho city to the Coatonnial exhibition. "| Mount Vesuvius! is now ;in" h stato of eruption, forming a mag nificent sight --to"-lbs people . of Naples.' Tlio discharge of Invu is said to bo immense.'. CREWEON'SCORNERS. Temprriinfe Holrre, The dutnoiutratimi, last Friday ovo tiros willi doubtless', hold-good now.! Spirits distillvd 80^200,797 gHllouR, do. irnj>qrtil 7S4,3'J2,8<>1 gallons. Add distilled and iuiportfitl kikI we find the astonishing nutnbrr of |gal- Ions.of Spirituous Liquors tnanufac^ trircH and imjiorteil in tho UniU;d States, dnripg-tho year 1870 to bo1 no'less'tlmn 864million 023 tbou-j sand 68S gallons Spirituous LiJ quors. - - Fermented Liquors ninnufnotnrj eil valued at 123 million dollars^ do, imjjorted $2,.r)*2(>,l)f>0, total val ue of Ft-rnrentod I<iquors.? 1 SfljfliG,- tlfiO.. i -.'-. I" i Wiiiej- imported. Vr>.07f>,i;>3.ri,-' w-ines homo njado. 8Lr,'f7G,G35, total value of wiiies $31,353,270] ton deWntures in tl^'lmiids of the The (otr vsdno of all kinds of | 'f, Tho Hamilton and Northwestern Railway .Company ba'vn instituted |)roceedings;to coHqicl tho County Connoil of Halton tq place "the Hal rustees. . I Great Rxcitomont spirits fermentiHl, home made, manL ufactiired and imported in .the United States during the vear 187 is $2,020,403,024. ' . D.urina; Mine year tho principal "necessaries1 of life -imported or uian'- .... ufactured in the same countrv were / bor wl11 ^ l'ted to six, oxists among thti hotel koepors in]Orangevjllo on tho license question. At present twelve houses are licoiiiseil, but "tin der the now Liipior, Law the nuin- f D-irien. but/fur the mighty obstacle placed by Nature iti the-way, in the shap<> ot" Cordilliiras, the b;ickbone, :us it were,/of tbc American *ontin ents. Now thfe- Ifrr-ihl hol<ls that if a cinal were,to be cut tKrough this ^isthuuis, 3d "'that the waters of the two oceans 'could mingle witho >t lundranca,: the equatorial current wonfdtind'ho bariier to it-sfwest- ward coivrse, and no longer se'ek an valued nsTqllows; flour and meal V24 million dollars, cotton good 1 if) million, boots and shoes . (J Tnillion, clotbing 70 mjllion, woohn gooi'ls 09 tnillion, bonks,-&c.-4. million. Total value of tho above goods is 910 million dollars. ; Subtract tho above necessaries of life fronrthe value of liij'uors of all kinds and. we find 1 billion 110 millions- 403.thousand (>24 dqllanr more spent-in liquor than there there was'in all the necessaries com: prisedin it lie above.gooils. 'Cost of Liquoi-s $2,020,403,624, time lost by it $73y,020,579,-cost'. of crime -?87,800,000, cost of ]iau- perism $241,000,000. T0U1I $3,-. 110,224,193, cost of the liquor traf fic to the people j of the United States during1 the single. yOar of 1870. ."WJio says we can't livo without the fcvenue derived-from that traffic. Ax ExPEBlkEXT. The Paisley, Out Ailt Kate intimates that a firm in that village has received an order for sashes, doors, mouldings, and other fixings for a residence -to be erected near Glasgow, -Scotland. The person giving the order is de sirous of ascertaining whether these things cannot be: carried "acrosj, more cbeaiplr and profitably when made up than- in the rough timber It is qnet^ionable"~wbether it will " pay " to conrtriict and -export tho fixings for a single h'oui7 but the idea that tbe"ex]krtatiorF"oiialarge scile would_'be .profitable basi oc curred to many minds.: It is un doubtedly a fact that far toe much of our timber is exported, in a ron >h state. -,' .-. The " Hekd Lmjdie" Defeat ed.. Tho Scotiinh Awrinui Jtntr- it'll of last week says : " Mr. Wyllie has been playing in New York during the past.week with Mr. Yates; of Brooklyn, and the.re- Therd"has l>cen n breezs in the On'kyille Council over nn exposui-e of alleged irrvgulartios in tho-bund ling of iho.town fitiancesj particu larly tho drawing of money from the treasury by members 6f the council tc pay accounts. :T Terrible; snow storms havo pre vailed in tho Western Suites lately, blocking tho Union Pacific Rail way and preventing travel. A number of adventurers on their way to tho Black Hills are suppos ed to have be&n-lost. I Tho jiomewhat notcd;case of Wyld and Pj.irling'--fM.-'tho Indon and LivorpK)l and GIoIhj ' Insurance Company has. been carrii-d to the Court iof Append and was argued before-the full Court on .Saturday. Judgn ent was reserved..] Mr. Thomas Tilt, of Waterloo Town Ints been np]H>inted Inspector for the North Riding of Waterloo, and Dr. Bow I by and Mr. John Motz, of "Berlin, 'and Mr. John Shah, of Waterloo,, License Cunr- inissiolners. M"r. Tilt is to havo a! of $500. dist Church, nt tlmt plnco.'wcroutilw for tho,' oouniiimi, uid both brtildin wore crowdisbto cxcchh. Tho tables the hall wore filled with.provisions riirto profusion Huvoral times butweoniix and oight o'clock, ftftor which tho cofn- pnny sdjounied to !tlio church to linjioy tho intoUuctuarimrt o{ tho vntortn n- ment, prosi.dud ovoriby Bro. J. Scco: i, D.O.W.P.. Boforo tho programme had (airly ouminunc.eil, it wn found necKB- sarj-, iu order to aocommodiito the throng of viuitorn, to divide tiio ontjor- tnituncnt and irtpiiit a portion of |hc audience to adjourn to thu Hall,'wliere some of tho speakers would necoinpany tliom. . j Tho programme was op/Micit with a chorus by n juvenile choir), under the I'cAiU'i-ahip.of Mr. W. M. Crewson. Sir. K. 15. Cook then gavo an iilterestinu nd- dreas. Minneii Adiliu: fruwaoli and Lillio McCioruian rehearsed in a viery pleasing ninnner a dialogue entitled "Learning to Dance." 'filing: by jthc choir; Mr. . Arch.' McXnb and Mr. Hugh Black each gave addreHsea bIiiiw- the oviln of intemperance. A rpcitatjoii, " Canada's Curse," was very conx'ttly aud effectively rendered by" Master J >lni MeM.aster ; followed by a dialogui in 1 bd his duty, to mho his influenco for ,tho good of others, nnd hoped that leading pin-ties in the Municipnl nf- ! fairs of the Township would go and ing, under tho aimpices of - Crewnoi 's ' do likewise, nnd concluded by ro- Cornors DiviBion Sons of Toinpurani o, I qil'pRtitlg his IlftmO be strltck off tll'j was a grand succciis in ovory reKymift. | saiil ljst..', , Sovoml others spoke Tho' IVinporniico Hall and tJm'Motlio-- n'giiiiiHt tho passing of tho By-lawi - ..... .........l:v..:.\ f0,| tho proBont, The general fool ing stjenaed to bo that tho present ntnenjled Tavorn License" Act, should bayo a fair trial in the first place. Mr. Mead and Mr. Cusick spoke in favor of the By-law, Some of the] members of the Council Bar ing oxpresseil their views on the mat ter,; it was moved by" Mr. Menzies, seconded by Mr. Hntcheon, that from tho expression of the first pe titioner on the petition to this Council, u.iwl a ln'Vgo majority of the Mnnicipiil Electors present, in rjgar'd to submitting- a By-law to the ratepayersof this Municifialitr ft|'r tho enforcement of tho, Temper- aticfi Act of 1864, resolved tlmt the said petition lay over for tho pre sent, or until tho question (in re- gord~ to such submission) inay" l>e more fully brought before the Mu nicipal Electors. Carried. Moved by Mr. Noriish, seconded by Mr, Mertzies, thnt the County Inspector's statistical re]>ort "of -the Public-Schools of this Township be accepted, nnd ordered to be printed with.the financial report^ Carried. The Council then- adjourned to meet again on Tuesday, the 2nd diiy of May. next (as jier last ud: jonrriment) for the purpose of ap^ poinding Puthinnstvrs, and for the transaction of other Township bus iness. J. KASTEnnnooK, T'pClerk. )\. fl MICA LAMP From McBean & Co's^ T"hey will not breaK from aiy cause, prodboe a goodllight and i .: - Inst n swre of Glass Chironejs. I.y Calvert, of Acton, iteresting address; sang one of tjheir 1 11 a pleasing-mail' -outlet through the Straits of Flor-'8alfc of 27 games gave- 2 to Mr, ida ; it would- on the other hand, I * >x* wn- Mr- pour int. fie Pacific, and join its ^ J'lbo baB,-therefore-; suffered de- Rnmored the Chanpe Cabinet. '. It is reported in Tomnto that a re-arrangement of' the Executive Cjuncil of-Ontario is aboi'itto take" place, in consequence of the Hon. Adam Crocks finding the duties of the edpcajLibtlal defrartnient too bisiw to 'continue with" those of trwwnrer - Tt is under-stnod that thp Hon S..C. Wood will take the jiosition of "treasurer, and Mr- Clarkf, of Wellington lie a]>pointe" srcretHf^, thna increasing the mini, i>er of the Governme-nf U> six. This rumor, however, is not authentic, and has beeri-contradicted. , r ', Scandabv 'are reported from W islnngton in.snch numbers that people %re.unable to give them full attention To or three Cijngras- sional Coinmittees are at work cb msing the Angan stables of of h lal corruptio_n, Mr. Barlow, of ->r \ll>ins,Vt.,'testifies bi:fore.a' j* (it Olbcei Goiuiiittee that in 1872 / juid $40,000 to sup[)ress "an in (-stigalioii ;-a>id the War Expen- ilifure Committee have uneartheil the paymeiitiqf sums of iiioney for a patent for'years'after'it has prov ed useless. , "c -.' , water..w th^the warm cjirrent qf the ai&ter ocean!" It is the\-latter, which turning northwiird, fortn^ the Kuro-Siwq. or " black water^Ji the term given it by the VTapjines'e from itt intense deep blue coldr. As an imm^iiate result we would have the, dii appearance of -tho j Gulf Strea'pi and a vast increase in the volume ar_d temperature of the Kurq-Siwo. This would not be all. The j glacial period would !st in again almost immediately. .']; We jinfdrturiaUiCaQatKans would have our Domipion buried'funder eterna^ snows,"and the whole of the North-Western par t of Europe would share in our calamity, j New York, toei, 'would suffer, for her. harboi would be ice-blocked for half the ye Ar ; .the Britisb Isles would becouit; an icy residence for the polar !>ear, and'London a metropolis for the Kscjuiuiaux, The]'North Sea would-resemble Hudson's Bay, ; and its hail>ors be free from ice at best c uly in snnimer. ' The power and j, rosperity-^oT its; coasts would ih'rivcl ui.der the bi-eath ofj a per petual, winter; commerce, industry, prospjrity, fertility of s"oilrj])opula- tion would disjippear, iiiid' a vast wastt, a now Libradbr, 'would be come a worthless apjiendage , of sbiue iclinie more favored i by 11a- ture.' ; , Oe the. other hand, the increased warn til of the Kuro-Siwq -would give ^Alaska arid Oregon, *iot-td 8|eaB, it is to-be presumed off a: poi ti >n of British Columbia,:"a cli mate of almost tropical warmth. New cities would spring up on the Pasif c Coast, and newer attractions wotil 1 be offered ihe American citi- falury On 1 Kmjf Alfonso has entered Madrid at the bead of"twienty five thousand -Huldiers -Thfr su])pi-ejion of the ut il war and the-rt-'turn of the King will be celebrated" by .three days' festivities at the'capitul. The people of Boston"have peti tioned Congress in fivor of a reci- : .pracal--trade, between t|ie United State*'and Camid.i. ' [Speaking of -failures 'the Mow- ttjir>J Time* hits tho nail on the - head when it says ':-p-When a man - feas-Jjeen trained for.his business, vhaflbe keeps it witliin' bounds, wbea bfi is it*ful of borrowing. 'when fee Ice^)1*insWed,^when be is steady and iivimtricfus, wheti he" ' j stacks to his owk Una of business, . laxiA witen. \iB-avol&* becoming', en- - It^n^ieH.in obligation "for others, we imay- crm^ently say th*t- eueli a do in the way zen to emigrate west-ward to the "bom of the setting sun. ;-WeCan- adiai s, however, wiould bo ruined beyqid-^all redemption, according to tie //ej.Wrr* ."'cwlculatjfon, diid this, the New York I'limk signifi cant: y hints, would bo fitting retr^- .bution for.tbe manner in which we treated; some worthy people, not altogether uirconjiected with the fieri ihl, who di<l some fast railroad ing within oiir -boundai'ies. about the -ime of the Governor General's, fancy dress ball. [:'.' vIi is well to be'w"arned! in time, ho'wsvor.- England and all the gi'eat Northern powers n^w know what they may expect; from tlie cont ummation of the design to dig a great interoceanic trench.. The tier lid has discovered it, and to.be forewarned is to be forearmed! It is not a little; peculiar, in connec don with this remarkable ?nnounee- uiei t that there is soiiie stir in Pacific.Mail, stock, and Some New Yoik journalsjbaye been jendeavor- ingjtoi-ajipreciate it of lajte. That daring fspeculsitqr and stock gam- bier, Jay Gould, iB involved, deeply, and possibly his studies onthe.snb- jeci, mayl have been Unlisted in the service of the; unebmnfon writer wh 0 has. 8howr>tjie world what it is in ,he power of a canal cprapany.to of uinivcrsal revolri- feat Revival Services. - Twenty- three persons publicly united ^itb the Methodist Church, in Guelph, last Friday evening; making up wards of win Jiuiitlreti added to tho Church since the special services began, Eight adults were baptized last Sabbath evening. The meet ings are to be continued.-.in."the. Dublin street Church during "the coming week. '. From a statement., made before this Financial Depression Commit-,' tee at Ottawa^ it. appears that the Montreal boot and, shoe trade gives employment to 8,1)00 men; 5,000 women and 2,000 children. The total annual Value manufactured in this line is estimated: at $10,000,- 000.. ; :- Mr. Patriek McCrery, of Norton, of Kings' County, N.B.,-refused to pay his school tax, on t,he plea thnt lie had been a non-resident of tlie- parish in 1875. The'trustees-issued ah execution, and one day while McCreaiy"uiid7'his wife were driv ing'out they were' met by a consta ble, who levied on the horse, thus putting an end to "the drive. - j The ' heavy Snow Storm which occurred in Canada on the 16th and :17th; seems to have extended all along the 45th parallel towards the Pacific coast. On the lino of tho Northern Pacific Railway the fall was greater than has been known for years ; in" many places the road bed was-from^ten to twenty feet below the top of the snow. In Scot land a Simultaneous heavy fall is reported, blocking up railways. On Friday night Sarah M. Bar ry, a; mulatto jjirl, nearly twenty- three years of age, died in Tjeslie- ville,' near Toronto, under circum stances which have led.to tho body being taken from the Necropolis, a coroner's jury empanelled, and a pout mortem examination made to determine the causa of death. The evidence heard'implies that de ceased was improperly intimate with a young man now under ar rest a boarder at her father's bouse, and had bad an operation performed, or taken jjiedieine to hide her shtme. The jinqnest will bo continued to-dayf when the med ical testimony will be^&ubniitted. ' ' . ; 1 ". -,. * A few days .ago a. well dressed man visited Gait, soliciting, sub scriptions for magazines and offer ing thom at exceedingly low rates, and a handsome chronio or steel en graving to each subscriber. He represented, himself o's,^tbe agent of a Montreal: firm,, and ' succeeded in collecting . a - considerable snm of money from parties he had deceived. Suspicious circumstances being no ticed, ho, was arrested, and gave the name of the Montreal firm he pre tended to represent.1 iA telegram to Montreal received the replj that no such firm existed, jand-the man was committed to Berlin gaol to await his trial for fraud. ulhin togetl grain tlie ti have Saturday 11th Inst., the largo Hoiiring mill in the village of Glen- *-us totally destroyed by fire, er with alarge quantity of that was stored in the mill at Tlie fire is supposed to (taught in top story from fric tion of the machinery. A large amount of goods intend ed for the Centennial Exhibition are now stored at freight sheds of the Grand Trunk Railway in To ronto, whence they .will be shipped for Philadelphia this week by s|>e- cial train, without r,rarJfkhip:uent. Pictures, &c., intended for fine arts department will bq shipped to-mor row. The big snow storm; predicted by the Rig Indian and Mr. Yenner.as probable* on or about the 17th, set in. on Thursday night at Montreal, lietween seven ' and eight o'clock, and continued throughout the night with unabated fury, and is now fully two feet deep. This snow storm is in fact the heaviest of the season. At the adjourned inqnest on the body of Green Givens,-found on the railway track near Chatham, nothing of importance was added -to the testimony at the first sitting. The jury decided that there /had been a innrder, and suggested that a reward be offered for the appre hension of the guilty person or persons. ! . In February the Grand Trunk Railway freight'shed at Cobourg was twice 'rbbbed, -but notwith standing that eyery exertion has been made.to trace out the guilty parties, up to thejpitsent time noth ing reliable has" been",ascertained. Tlie company has offered a reward of $50 for such information as shall ensure tho conviction of the guilty parties. On Saturday evening,llth inst , as. Mr. James ,Apderson|. of Mono, was returning from Orangeville in his waggon; he was stopped on the road, a littleuast of Mono Centre, by a stranger who took hold of his horses, using some threats a's to what he would do. Mr. Anderson being a courageous _young man, jumped out] of his waggon; and taking hold of bis assailant gave him .a good thrashing, and loft him lying on the road somewhat demor alized. Elopements are all the rage now, and the Seaforth gossips are having their share.of talk oyer 8 rather un- rofnantie case, which has taken place-in their neighborhood. One day. last week, it is reported,' the wife of Mr. Johnston Eagen ran away with her cousin, a Mr. Leitch, from near Cromarty, Hibbert, and- has has not' cince teen heard from.' Her husband, arid her brother were hunting after her during tho latter pari: -of last week. She has left her five young, children in charge of her husband, one of them being pick. It is said that she and her husband lived happily together, and they were in very comfortable cireum stances. excollcct style on "Going to Halls, Misses Augusta Martin, Maggie Moore and IlobiiiiiTVUdd. All f.clio nong by tho juvenile /choir tho echo coiiijng from three little girls outside the build ing, was one of the best and' most amusing things of tin evening ; it 'was well done. Hev Mr. delivered a brief but i The juveniles again beautiful melodies, ner; after which Mr. Wrii. Crevfson i road in-good stylo, I"The Schoohnas- ter's CJuests,"- treating considerable aniuseincnt. An interesting dialogue icntitlfl "Choice of a Profession,"'was Swell rendered in character by, M.-istors It. J. McKeown, Joseph Moore, ML "X>". C'rewsou, and Missis Addie Cre^ttou and Catherine Auld. Mr. Cre^vsjon with his son'and daughter, sang "What shall the Hnrycst'be V in a very <iffec- j. 1 1 tive manner. Mr. Secord, re;.d a' sta tistical report of the liipior traffic,show--1 ing, that during the year. 1870 there were distilled in the United States! over 80 million gallons Vf .li(juors Txisides about ~S-r> niilliou gallons importedifrom other countries. The juvenile -choir 1 sang another song, and then adjourned to assist in the entertainment a|t the other Hall. This choir consisted of the following young folks : Misses Augusta Martin, Acidic l^rewsoh, T. Kisher, M. J.' Snyder, Hannah Banio, Fannie M^>ore, Maggie Moore, M. Moore, H. McKeown, JBditli McKeown, Kinily I'eareu and Susaii Snj>cr,; all of whom de serve credit for the-manner in which they acquitted theiaselves. Now fol lowed the liiost amusing and exfciting part of the ntcrtaiument>. viz: thbelec- tion of a lady ciudiitatls for the live- storey cako. Miss Margery Mann,of CrowsonVCorners, Miss Clara Watson, Tif Acton, ami Miss Kate McKeown, were the candidates proposed the lat ter decliued. Tho cWnteat grew very exciting, the rcprqsentatives of the Cor ners doing .their utmost to rival the Acton boys, , Each five cents counted ono. for tho voter's choice, and ftt the close of the allotted half-hour the cata- vassers passed in their money to tho scrutineers. The count showed'j*21..W in favor of Miss. Watson, roprescnting 431 votes, and $lfi,t;6 for Miss Mann, or 332 votes Miss Watson being then de clared tho winner. The cake thus real ized the handsome sum of .?38. llii The total receipts of the ovening we ntider- stand amounted to alxait $88, which we prisnmo will be devoted to the biiilding of & new hall. i ^ w *t\* BRASS Wi:=lE BIRD ; CAGES; Anl n good yhjiety of f:',"'. , C -E3^J53 -M ,3B ;' <D J G; ^fe^ ;>' AMEE:TCAN;:GOq'D.S^:';:"]^ Floor liEatsiaOtfco^ : Hl-v- Floor Mats in Oil ClotH, / | H Floor Mats in Euobor, ["--.; '.' ' 1 I * ! "' " Floor Kata in WcoL March 20, JS7G. f- .- A<TO\ MABKETS, f 2 50 to 0 00 Flour ..."..........'.. White Wheat....... Tread well........... Spring Wheat. ...... Harley .;..-:.___.___ Oats............___ Peas................ Potatoes, per bush..... Dried Apples, per lb, Onion', piir'bushul.'j,. Hutter___i. .....'.'.'. Ki,'gs...,..).......,., Dressed Hogs .......-'. 1 Tay," pcr.;ton......... Limbskins.;..'.;..-.., Pelts......'..-........ Lrd..... ..... ..'... Tallow...:.:-...;___ Hacon . ... . . ........ Ham..; ,. .. ..;.'.... Shoulder .. .'. . ^."..... V orrtoO its 0 95 to.O 9(5 0 90 to 0 94 0 65 to0'78 . 0 35 to 0 00 0- GO to 0 f)2 0 35 to 0 00 0 07 to 0 08 1 00 to 0 00 0 20 to 0'-21 0 V, to 0 00 8 00 to0 00 12 OO to 14 00 0 50 to 0 80 0 50 to 0 GO 0 12 toO 15 0 07 to 0 08 0 10 to 0 00 0 1C toO 14 0 10 to 0 12 NEW "'ADVERTISEMENTS; NEW G. M. A.I McBEAN:& .00/8/ ] j . ALMA pLOCK, 61IELPH; The Largest, PRINTS, 'tiottoaaios, - Plain and Ckecliol REqE^VEjP THIS WKEK AT ' i TOT'S Ubpiceit: and Cheapest Stoc Duties, '." Cotton Silrtjincsi x- ; - Goati' 'WTiite Droa Shirts,; Corsoti, -' - ..- J Snlttimr and Croctot Cotton, Fancy Goois,:' Tnmminff, Jto, These (loads were bought with;great care in the beitmarkets.forCHb, UNDERTAKING. KIN The tindirsifmed bogs l<-av> to in form the people of Acton and vicin ity that he will furnish all- Rcquisitrs in. I'ndertnking I on short notice and reasonable terms ns can be had. Ilcarri Supjilieil irhc'n JJ/'nt'rud. Also that he will Fit up Stores & Offlcas j ' in the best style. Show ' '<*. Book Cnn and Bmln made to order. FUBNITUIIjE. REPA1KED. ; Shop on Willow street, near Mill si. \' p. M. mcjaxn. . Acton. March 20. 1876. . 39 6m and owing to thestringencj All ' AN' -UJfT3 Tliey will be sold at fr^m Call and inspect Goridp ai Don't forget the place- Main Street, "Acton Acton,.March 14. 187 NEW ADVERTISEM s EEI WHEAT. To meet a want long felt by far mers, I oiler n lot of very supeiior Fife or (Jlasgow Sjring Wheat, grown on heavy Land in the County of Durham, sele-cted >xpressly for Buy your Boots nnd Shpes at seed, and now lor sain at 'People's the Cash System. Money saved every time .you make a purchase. rChristie, Henderson &. Co," . *Gents ! if you want a stylish hat, go to G. M. Scott's, Acton. ! HASSACAWEYA COUNCIL. A PETITION FOR THE .DUXKIJff ACT. . The Council mot at tho call of the Reeve, on Saturday, [the 18th day of March, at the hour | of 1 o'clock P. M., members all present, the Reeve in the chair. |. The mini)te8of lust meeting were, read nnd adopted. ' . ' The Reeve addressed the Council as to tlie object of the mejetiiig, namely, to take into, consideration the petition signed'by H. Cairgill, Esq., and 44 other Municipal Elec-. tors requiring a poll to be taken in terms, of the Temperance Act of 1864 to determine-if the Municipal Erectors of the Township of NaRS- gaweya will adopt'a By-law for the suppression of the sale of Intoxica ting Liquors within the'said'.Muni cipality. The said petition having been, read by j the Clerk, the jReeve expressed his disappointment of there not being a larger 'nlimber -present'to express thtir views on the matter iiv question, thfit the Council was anxious to be guided by the majority of the Electors in respect thereto, and gave Ion op portunity to all present to Sddress the Council on the "subject'.-.which was jfesponded to by H.Cargill, Esq.;' who addressed the CounciLin a brief and comprehensiveyjew -of the'ibatter, stating that he was in favor of prohibition, but. in ' the mearjt.irae, public accommodation should be provided for thentravel- lingjpnblic; he also treated the mat ter in a financial point of view,' showing that if at some future time the' Electors would enforce' the said Act that they w.ould be greatly benefited thereby! That he became a Son of Temi>prance (not for any benefit to himself) but feeling it to Mills, Guelpb. --f- JAMES G OLDIE. im TKOLLOPE PU4P.1IAN, Practical Bookbinder. All Descriptions of Binding Neatly Executed. Account BookM of all Kind* Made to j"" - - Order. ] . Ruling: Promptly Attended to. BindebY; St. George's Square, Guelph. ] Orders left at the Free Pkbss Office where price list can be seen, will.re ceive prompt attention. "> (hPl 4-rt Qrtr\ per day at nonie. PQ \jO P^V Sample* worth $1 free. Stisson A Co., Portlupd, Maine. 3STE3 W" I'- ..... . Butolier p!i|^). S. 2IMiiERM AN Would inform; tho people < f Ac ton nnd vicinity that ha has g kin 00m menced the Butchexing Bubinees In this"yillage, nod from hii long experience in" this line bn jwilli.be able? to lurnisti: fresh mei;tk! of jail kinds of the best, quality^ nicfly ao'd clearjly-dres-6>i.s f Meat delivered at tb > houses Tue>|dayB and Saturdays, sud always on hand'at The Shop. The patronage of the pu'jlic is re spectfully solicited S. ZIMMEPMAN, Acton, March.Idih 187s. iNG GOODS .iH'j I v. iof- i\ '.; ,' -: 6'pnisi. in 1 the money market. SJJALLY LOW FIGlLTRt:. 5-tq 10 per cent less than i?oelpb'prices.. d.Prices befqro>going elseirhere. Jlidgoly s Old Stand, opposite Agnew's BetoL G. M. SGOTT, ENTS.' <UlO a clay at homr-.. ARen CO, OuilitanJ terras free. Anjrnstn, Maine A CLATTER AMONGST TINWARE! NEW TIN AND STOVE - The undersigned annonn .1 ce to tbe SENH'aV. toO. f. ROW^'Lt. 4 -CO., Sew York, forPampjhlet of 100 nafjes cbniainlng lldts of SOOOoewspapcrs, and esttma'.es showing 6-islnjf adtertlBlng. MEAT SHOP. The undersigned has commenced the Butchering Business llHT-i' CTON, Opposite Allan's Livery Stable, and will keep constantly on hand Fresh and Salt I feats, Fish, Fowls and Vegetables, at all seasons of country that thoybave opt ned a Tin, Sheet-Iron The support of the respectfully solicited. OHBAP FOR ibe best plan so -.EDWARD Acton, March 15, 1876 3S-3m the year, public is most say you* all. MATTHEW8 Stove Business, In the premises formerly by Mr. Chns. Dean7 nearly the postofiice." Being practical workmen of larpe experience, we 'can assur s all who may favor us" with their ; latronaga that they-chh rely upbh iiayipgiafl work exeouted promptly a id in; the very, best manner. ^ ." B wonted fKUE * DEPOT. T^FKBAM l^I'LL FOR SALE. V TS= \tlinrpugli. breil young Dnrhitor Bull, "Acton Drike," on$ of my cSb^^.-. bratel herd, is oifferied f(>r sale. Hi, is-?; roan color, one y^ar old on the IStti U March, insf, :".:, C^S. SMlTHi"H"' Acton, March 4. 1875 ^'l?: "'. .* m;:-.,1;l J^STRAY LAJHB. .Came on to the premises "f the- solf- scriber, last fall', a Ewe Ijiinb. '.Tte owner is reqnsafed to prore property, py charges and take it away. '; ROBERT KENNEDY, j. Lot No. 2*.4rt con.. H-in,' Acton, Mareh fe, 1876..V 37^ \*1 Ir^BrfeAP b tFOB TH]E M: 5. B- EA ,-; OlSt NICSLI1T Beg.to announce that tbey hTe scarJ . - the sjsrvices of ,a ;"."""-' First-CUasS .BaJteiv ^: and that their Bating business iti now in full operation, in the premises o*nsd .,' by Mrs. HanHaJ'-.'.". . ,-. iBreadjwiH 4 delivered' dafly-4* tifl.-? L bouses in the Tillage andvicimty. ^';; .\\{ "Weddinsr dakes, Tear^3ake9,||f Pastiry, Bttna,! ^sc.^;'./, '!' made in the "rery best manner^ apd kept always on hand, godil and.fres^ aAIso all kinds of \ jCoaJfec^ieoiry, ."Htsenits, Cheese, tc "' '-.^I'"'1 1 r a r -j ji i> ,. The patronage of tfee" pobhc i rs*-' ^?l!_ ?L^?i.'!l J -teDf1D8i ! pectfulr^Bblicited. ' _ T *T. J and occupied opposite Japan- kjjuarrty., S .A large stock "of Tin, Sheet-Iron and \ ned Ware always on hand, of the bes Q TO"V"lJ Of various.patterns always n stock. LEavetroughingl Ji >bbiiig promptly attended a. Rags, Iron, Brass and Cap m taken in exchange, .The patronage; of tbe Jpiublip respoctfullysoliclted. WILSON & JOHNSON, Acton, March 8, 1876. Acton. Feb. t. B. & E NICKlEf. 1876. '.'". SPEXl Ainew lot-of .',_ . of. the 50 Ceifts," -tS Cents, best.Qualify k -.Village" -^Biggest- ;(in MondaJ !g much citl| t now,. butJ ___Mercbar iring goods, thif -year, fol cl^ihes ford {^_It is saiq (jood Templar . jgjlr dramatic'I r'<oaie day next! ::'Aetip. !*'[ - ThiExecaf "-.latfrajenrjt^yl -[ 'ofl > iments, cfl^FridJ " 31, 4th con- of r 2: sir. p: taf JadTvertisinl enced .th that be i| l|sse and oth is one of I "reComnieri| selves.^ ,^11 kinds of) style, 1 X*--M>.Mc repi'esentativeT . hounccd aiecfc ing. The aaj . persons ^thre- t-iea<is. ih.'-'Ra^ ';his sweetness < isents were re ii k%e_ light? g^aa] ; iigiabitants of -', brilliant scinti^ orationi of colof. ' ; j^jssra. J MicSael I/imlj aion afEsqaesl of wood. in. sq rat of'ninet machtn,e'. Stewart,-o : . siderable. betij recorded by >| Erin which - c houris with ' : i ' .. . A >pleij . Groceries-ot ( : , -r-iGente' Tsriety of sty^ durable -at tl Henderson i'.'-. T.; j-Gonta'. fi.Op'.up, at I ----Boots ..l!on at liril ; ehe^p cash fine rinistKst i The cash syst -..' " dLLadiesJ ."' Dre^s, go to 1 "".',' Buy .yrj . Cottons, JUiJ the cheap 1 *ared .raajtcoi . r a-WJli dersoh &ri.'<K , ' -Moneyi . JM. Scott's, >' -l -iBla^t -"Colxiurcs, CJ . Crapie Clothi] ^ Splendid va ; ".|t -.Co.'s "Che 1 Prints, foanl ; iKvorrbody wl -Tf vbkv -G. M.^cot ,1 ^JflIP"cVl Grey and" \\| Vtc.. erer otfJ tion at Crhr| . <theap cah latest - styles, I it Co. are bou petition in sel - the hard tiinl their stock, jl - and at rock J taoos 50c teal they do busin -MUottonl yp,,"at.O'.' M.f ^."--T-rCfirwtl " ?Acton, oa 1 here strictly j are "much pi -numerous cal ;; very generallf snue them f" to supply th^ lrtwest pric . tdi.bottojn-pri dairy, parch , tarers and ijocjds being "^nns, canno] Wt)ts 50e-i Lf-G. 1Lto. 10 per j v ense stock | just He ijf\ j and che in the cut, i* a , aie.l rers,i cent- lo^ them-aj for cash moo, 'v'Ki Received at Hi tc Gnelpli tilton, PRINCL Jewetery Gualpb, Febt 27.L187*. - ^j&d^. 'S > ,1 j*. mm

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