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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 16, 1876, p. 3

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"/-:' i; s .$ OS a -V- '""Vli' -*~ NEW ADVJBUTISBilENTsT : Swd Wheat-^iarnea Goldie. i \ Bodk Bm.finsKr\ T. Chapmatj.; '.lJrogs, IJrugs^Geo. K. MorBTVr; - Hot Shop Edward'Mattlicys. yeir^prinsiGvj^ia <J. M. Scott, iXew'ButclicrShop-S. Zimmerman "- \Z XW:Spring Tweods Dicksou -,Jti Mc- i : NK__ DS^ farGuk, iee*,' ^w; Hotl. 33 sings. ' J: /.-t i: MENT&> amenoedtb* business ox. i"' ly on h-aod ._ lent*, } tables, kublie iir |ay yoa 1L fATTHKWS. llLIJQN;- r hxje eewcl' E * 1"! Baker,- Ibaszoesr i jh>W premises ointa /. ! daily at Xb-. Id vicinity. ' Tea Cafeea," B, &c., _ .i jjner, and kept . ad fresh. .Also 4 nery, Bisci* y. public is * -' j-E. NICKLIK. of IG... litj -at .t = $2,5t *'" 10CAL MATTERS. Mr. H."Atkins, ^vlio is about ' r*mTin to -Philadelphia," announces a -. 1 of hit household furjrituro ou YVed- , -. - A Durhajn calf, just one yeir foJi, belonging to Mr.A'. S.'Srviith, ws i ireurhed. yesterday, arid it turned the ' scale at 1090 pounds. How is that War ivy; ; -V -" * The Kennedy faniUv, Scottish vocalists,-sing .'at Miltou'on the 21st, r$erg?tivii-n, Sijndj, and Guetph im the ' 4th. :yVh thutk^-they. aru not doing -.-- vuwly in thus ilightim; the many sons of Scotia in and around Actcin. , -'.' Cbttomules from 25b 'per yard :up, at G. M." ScoUV . ' - T Now stylos in Men's, youths' and Boys" Felt Hats just to .hand very .-. cheap at Cjirishk, Hksdei&.<n~& Co.'a. :Mr. John Sohly. an' old gen- ^ thrman residing on the 3i\l line i>f Krin, bike' his leg'near the ankle, Jaifc other day, by fallium on the ice near- his own /house. Dr. MeGarvia attended to the injury, and we .understand he is doing ;_ 'welli " Christie, Henderson t'0j marking-all their nfiv goods at tJleiX"nH.-k l>o^;dm t'ash TrieeX _ ;. As will 1>e seen ly the Conflty _ Cooneil; proceedings, . the contract for drertising the*iiurterly List irf 'O'ti. .a\vr.rdtSl to Tin: 3'kjx j P^EvS. This w-rll entitle us to'-e.ill it " > 'The official-pawr of the County uf "" Hlitoh.'1 ; : Scott's Gik>(1.s are from ! j-tn.ijp per cent less Ui.in Guylph prices. Christirj"-Henderson <fc Co. ure Vlxily receiving and owning up Spring jj Gfloda in "erery deparxrncirt, and celling \at -their re\iuced Oashipricey. Good rrinti^froin 7c, per yard_aud'uptrar-ls.' - : ;_ .. r- ..... - -^T>ie Acton Brass B.ind intend " "having a-grand Concert :ii.this village, 5 ca the 24th- May. It is aim.fuuceil thus 3 esrly in'order to avoid the r.ppointurent THE FREE PRESS, ACTONi raneo : THE PUZZLER. I """": '!- ." 1 'ho following answers havo l<obn coi "cd to last week',Cliarado : Xc :on {Vioc Truss." - VarriS^S-? . LM'i. K.Htor: I ". * . u:aiiwcr to your short ehsinnh.,> this discovery, ir, have made ; trango it i, 1 must confess, That in three words, Acton FreoPress. 'o letters- changed should spoil by chance , Aiit-, Kuat, Cross, Poet, and-France.- ' ' . Tl aa& Soilot Soaps, Drujs, Ohemloali, X>7 Stvffi, { Patoat and Proprlotorr U6dleine|i, Spo&sroi, Srusbos. Faints, Olli aa&Tunlsheb. 7&ay ui& Sulrter ffeoit. puan vnras and liqttohs for itoaioia&i parpoiei o&iy. All goodB warranted of, the quality and at ten por ~".' .- Don't forfiet thp place. HALT01ST GOUOTY, ONT., MilRGH; 16, 1B76. bent below Toronto Medical Hall, Mill street, Acto*1* ActonfMnrch 13, 1875. G. E. MORROW. MONTREAL HOUSE2, ' LrAST CAIiB. We would for the last time notify oar ..............^... - j:isto:uers thit alla'-eottiitsoii our luxiks nfiay othersimilar entertainment that j jj-came due'on the first of March fh'st.,- ruight ofeerwise t'-arranged lor the" a ld'.we intend to carry 'out this plan (.f .naieJav." I Sl tth-ments everv three months without. j a ly exceptions, serving aH alike. We "CJrARAh'K Xo. '2-4' i iMy First is the founder of ai-aco of bn who still peoplb'a )argij part of the .'be.. My Second is the ,uamor of a iristian jhwt whose works aro still pi blishftl. My Whole is the name of a <* :y in U>e dominion of Canada. ^l^ First is tilt l-lcment My Second is a^ganic. Mv Whole is a foreign bfttle-tield. : ' . . CtfARADK Xo.4 -'-'", My First ami my Secoml are luith a ike. Reverse them, and my name will h a liquor. If you do my Whole, you vill tiud.it an eneiuy to peace of mind. C HARADK Xo.^> Find the writer, if you're able, Jong these thingsAvhrehdoek the table 1 ako the iiamea (not as they come), 1 'luck off Jirst letters, one Ky one, ' 'lieu if yoU place them ;vs you onglit, Ton will see hinj quick as-t-luuight. Apples,Oraiiiies, .fam, ' l'in-k, Auch.ovie, l.ot'sters, . Mellon, li'oose, Kimb. , - Sardipes, Kggs, .Oysters, j . ' "" inUTIM.ByAClHlS'nC-- :.- "My 1st iVthe capital of one of thoj j outlieru States. . -' My 2nd is one of 4hel.Tnitcd States, My 3rd is one of the principal Hritislr Xfi"mdward I.-l.-inds.? Mv 4t|i is the aj*K*rent '-path of one \. ,. ; .} " !' My ^r;syJ^ouutry in South 1 *,l P"1'^ advert isill'?. This, df COUVSC, 18 IlOt pOS- .My tith is a c-olelrateil astrnm>mer. "My 7th is a tj>vinm the Ottawa river. Mv StU is-a' cape north e.ust of Alls-* fali'a. ~ . .' My Otji is an ancient weapon of war. My VOlh is otic of the prine!pal lays 4 South America. - - ( My 11th is a county it) Western i Mv 12th i^oiu-of the Western States My 13th is a-Urgl? l^ike in Africa. Mv 14th is'a sea bird weir known to 'tilors. "'.._,..-_ '.] My'initials-rvad downwards will give le.namc liliiti'editor. , My finals reail :;ovards will-give-the places of his t'or- \ n er and his present'rcsidi-nice. NE > -pr Z^Zm^inS-jS^Xtl "\V"e believe the correct principle of advertising jiand. doing business generally to be, to show cus tomers and-others, clearly, positively and convin cingly,'that it is to their interests to trade wiilr ~Q. -M."Sscot.'t^lmB the largest i aad cber.pest st'rck' c; Prints and t>ress Goo<U. f -^The plow nin^e for th;CVn- Wnial. Eitibition,- by~Mr. Stepcnson. of the Acton Plow Company, is a really l hindsume piece of workinaushiji. .It is _.-_ aingle .frame ard .entirely' of p..liflitd ' . jma. eiceot a few jiucbes of'haujjon.e tiack Trahmt at the end'of thd h.-indl. - Its entire-weight is t>nly 14-o Il. -but is 1 very string - and sabstr-ntial. Before . - rhtpp'.ng it,--yustpr.tiy, the_Tvln>ie was carefully wrapped and paclcj.-<l in a f strung case. Wt; shall expect t<i hear a . good account oLit,-fro:u Philadelphia.-; G. M. Scott is determined not. to be undersold bv any house in the | By an oversight, ye entirely obatted ahy-mention of the last nionth- "~-. ~if Cattle,.Fair. It was altogetherrthe 1t thAt has yet been held here, a large (_ nnrpbex of cattle having changed hantls at good prices.. Several "buyers from Toronto and elsewhere were here for the first-time, and they bought np all th* cattle that came in, esecpt two head, many of them leefore they reached the"fair gfound. Bot3i ljiiyere; apd fel lers appeared U> have been wellsatislied with the day's transactions. Farmers may hereafter leel encouraged toybnng out more.stock,' as aereral';of the buyiers promised to be here again: at ^the next Fair cm Thursday, April 6th. . ' :' " , d. M. Scott sells Very gqpd Print at 10c. j>er yard,-andDress Gojvls frwn 12c -nji. '.. -.,. will preach in the Baptist Chapel, next Sun day it l>,a. m. and 6 p. ro. V r pkid we: will hand over to our Solicitor " r collection.. We cannot allow this otiec to go:unheedeth Skivki* Be.os. Galloway's new oven 'work's si | like.a charm. rf. - pec t fully require all parties '-indebted us. to rail and. settle the same before e 2f*:h inst. AH accounts then mi sib.ie'-tb every merchant, for to^ do1 so he must be able Jo show clearly that he can give them better value for their money than they can get elsewhere. r"jTo accomplish this, he mifsi not onlyjbliy well but he must mark all Goods down to Bottom Prices, so that customers will see at a glance, that it is to their interests to trade with him. In the two inv-trices. below we think we- clearly show the: advantage gained by those who deal, with us, over those who don't. i Br'...... 39 PACKAGES '.' '- - ! One Gase thIt w:aasrpMttul, ;mi:fc W SPRiNi FIRST ARRIVALS JN CU|EUlrtr OF NEW GdODSi Bed Tickings, Shee*ins,: Table Linens, ir- y 1 trtoirEE^ COtfcDSi :t ^X 500 Plecds Npijr Handsome Friritij^ r 5,000 Pieiceg Blest American Cotton^ ; ^ncy preBS (tood^ ;\';iN^^est,,Gpd.df t|) fee ^oym^ ONE CASE OF BLACK LUSTRES AND ALPACAS. BEST VALUE IN THE DOMINION. An -Iinmenao ]7#ietyr of FANCY" ^N3> STAPLSJ 1JRT QOO^S '^vtiibig^pasI would intimate to my old] friends that my Agent in Britainiias been able thii^ull season to obtain extraordinary bargains, all o"f-whicn y0U fchii -have the full benefit of. ^.n fe'arly. call, is solicited.. ' . .-, j ! , - . j ' . I . ' .^ ^- '-"" Alma "Block; Upper Wyndham Street, Ghnlp'h. Feb. 22, 1875 CASH SY SELL FOR CASH! BUY FOR CASH! SAVE MONEY AND BECOME RICH! t -r^Eor the- best bread in the 'Urity.itry OallowayV. j. - - lieiiKinbor D. "G.i.lIoAvnv A customer'bought of Secord 5 lbs. Meteor Tea, oOc.pet' Ibf------....... Jl'TbsrBright Sugar ... 12 lr. Meitiunj BrigbC! 1 lb. Best Hyson Tea. .... ., 1 set Khj^ps and Forks ... 1 Bt-Chins, 44 nieces...... 1 gallon Coal Oil... ____ The Everywhere Ifopular CASH SYSTEM Adjopted by \ x ! CHRIST^, |tNDER?bN & tOt, i il' ros. $2 50 1 CO , 1 00 85 1 60 4 00 30 $11 15 Being convince^ Ibyj observation and experience that the only true principle on which business can ;fe:lvi^^r^^ f) i-ine_s-"isn"iwi in full opJVatioD. (Jive . ._ . .-.' | h in a call. - . ' - .-I.-. The B|ill, ' united r 1 to' pay the following prices for the same goods: HiMUlLLFORSALE.' thorough bred Voting Durham Acton l>ake,"one of mj' tele- herd, is offered for sale. He i* Jan cop'T, one Vear old on the 15th of March, inst. * C. S.JSM1TH. Actoji, March 3, 1S75 ' 37-2t i^STRAY LA3Z.6: Jt-'ame on to the premises, of the sub- riber; l.ast- fall^ a Kwe Lamb.^ ; The 'jviier lis requested to prove property, p:iy charges and take it awav- -< 1 "ROBERT KE.VNKUYK . - I-ot Xo. *i, -1 st corf, Krin. Acton, March S, 1S76. ' 37-3t 5 lbs. Meteor Tea.- 75 per lb. . U lbs Best Sugar.. ;'........ 12 lbs. Mexltum Bright Sugir 1 lb. Best Hyson Tea ....... 1 set Knives and Forks..... 1 set China. 44 pieces....... 1 gallon Coal Oil.......___ $3 75 1 10 1 09 1 00 1 75 '6 00 ".35 H5 04 11 15 , -' . j.- """'.- $389 Secord Bros.' customer tlms 'saved no less than 'our Broughtjrdonn... be successfully and now Popular Cash - V BIT. ^ . ~ i The neighborhood about two'-afid- ,' hlf miles jfest^rf Rockwopd, along Ibe jt'Tl'urll K.oad, was thrown Into a.sune of s <iUement on tne evening or Friday last j ibythe news spreading abroad tbat'a'cer- - T"VtlaweU known genUcman in that vielni- ""- t^.sVhom, for convenience sake, we yrill <*I1 Bachelor, had com ml tied matrimony Js^U a niececf trie wortby Irishman wlro owns rinva!e I-iarm. It appears that Bachelor's mothe'r.hls ohiy near relative, eh U at the point of death, and be not wisn- _,'ngto be left an unprotected orphan in . "-thJi cruel world, has eome4o the matri- "." .'-tnsnlal Vopn very suddenly, after run- / olrtl^gitnUetorbachel<>aioodsorne43 fipi. -It seeum that liie aforesaid Irish- , thjnk^ufetbe afflicted relative was ot loct for^this world, and baying an (fle eye for^he welfare of hls-amlabie niece, (who,Jby the way, resided some thirty .miles dlstantfused hhT utmost ta- .- .,- "aeaee ln-brlnglng about tiie marrlagt; - tlefraphed,'forher to put. In an appear- -.. tortbwlttf, whieb she accordlngry dtdon Wednesday evenliyjjier klBd uncle s . escorting ber.tki tbe reIdence of her fu- tere lord the im evening, where she * the first Urn* beheld -.the ..light, cf his ' '- "onvmpnee. Tli'if 'important, Point utog thus assundek so tangible a^forrn, *1. tx-ine so skillfully- brought. before I -'. - ^^V.he bad little else to.do than "pass J j _ under the rod." . Ba'slness being uulymuj ' *Jd wlthsat'tCietloh and-^Uspatch", niece Bachelor ^ bMdlng his affianced <aniaffectionate;] ;' "- eu- .Spent next day with berat Erin.] ,R. ROIJi-TiSOJ.V. of Drs. Hobertton A UcHni-lt, Milton. \tdl be at , . .^ne-w-'s Htofcel. Actonf -* On Thursday of each week' 1 PJrom 12 o'clock, noon, juntil 4 p.m.,Tor professional cinsultation, . .'. i Fet.22, 1S76. 35- t'f $3.89 on a purchase of about eleven dollars. The man who. didn't buy from them now thinks it would have been to his interests if lie had gone to Secord Bros. That man is now a living*.standing, walk- i '! i _ . ing advertisement for us. These are every day facts, witnessed to by kundreds of our customers, and commend themselves to the attention of every frugal housekeeper!. Orders <|)f live dollars and upwards delivered at Georgetown! Norval, Limehouse, 'Giielph. Bock-, \yoOd, &c.,Sfree of charge. "~ . satisfactorily carried on is the System, we |havej ^eternjuned in air transactions TO , BUT iNDj SELfi FQB BEADY PAT 0Ii"LY, cpmme;ncing on the 31st day of March next, on and after Which date we will adhere strictly to the Cash|System. By buying for |cash and taking advantage of trade discounts, w<i will ;be enabled to sell goods at but a slight advance on importers' and manu facturers'prices, and decidedly lower than can be obtained by Grangers and others from city jqbbelrs. To d> this we adppt the Gash Principle, apd we-l feel assured th at o lr numerous customers. aniil the ptiblie generally will accord^sia hearty support in ---- effort to advance their interests by supplying 0W. K^fr mornlD* posted Into Unelpb, b~"e he procured a rendy-made suit of WfcSf* B**?T,ae license, weodmg ring, fu<~ ?k*' etc"* ^Bd ^etornea !on = ^ of wind to the_obJect of his haste - " b *mile. "Jlnahes, ouistretcbed STODDARD'S and Oyster Bazar. =! ,/AB kinds of Temperahce Drinks s"-- !theb tyr*ia oao ^CBt- We wish ^nd pigars constantly on hand EJIVEBY& SALE STABLE) J. P. ALtAN Ta'ke p'easure In anjiounelng to the ptiblie generally that rfc is prepared to -1 furnlsti ' ' [ .rst-class Sorses %n Oarriaeres ii,t Reasonable) Rates. J lis Rigs and Horses areWne best that eas bo hart, and beJs determined not. to *-esm-passpd bv any City Stable. 'A'cton! July 1st, 1875. ? SBC0HD BROS., Acton, T.ho largest Retail Importers of Tea w^st of' Toronto. BBMNANTS! REMNANTS! theni yvith a goojd article at a decidedly PEirjEi This change, welfeel, whilst resulting-largely"to the benefit of our patrons, wil hot in any way re sult in any materia] loss to; cuirselves, as we .will effect a great saving in keepirig.looks, collecting accounts, interest on outstanding uibneys, &c. A decided reduction will bfe |mjid(i in the Jprice^ of all goods handled by us, and wp trust the dif- NOTHING LIKE When yuu'hava tlte Tin to buy if. ' : ;'- \ ' . * ... BegB.tb announce that*having p.ur- chasect an entirely neyr. stock of tools of the moat improved charac ter, he.is now in a position ,to turn j out all kinds, of ' : Till AMD SJHEET-H.ON rw-ofe: ' / . in the " VERY; BEST STYLE. Beidg in a position to Buy all liis Stock Thereby gaining the advantage of ( the trade.discounts.j he is determin-1 ed to sell goods of first-class make | and-material at ' .. J-: QABBATII SCHOOLS. wm^mmmunt^er^-vi" :,A: Pr^iTxyten^ii at JVorlc. Sybbdth Suhday School World. . : ' School Times. :' .." Sulidaff | JS'c'TtooJ jSuperittier.ciS:i-'~i ",j I Timi: '/'.{" '" .'{ Wesimiivster, Question Book. : Berelin Question Bo61;. " ~l-~ International. Lcseoiv Leaves. V; ':| Westminster Lesson Leaves. Berean Lesson J Leaves. . Select Uoths an the Internaifoha! . Lemns for)lS7C. \ '.; , -The Largest and Cheapest Stock of 1 - Sabbath Sdhool Papers:' Samples - I: jfoi warded, prepaid. V : ORUEB AT OZVCE. CHEAP BOOKSTORE Side "of: Wyr^dham-SticW! 1 l ;i.:?^' On East GUELPHJ Decidedly lowsr Prices Than can ' be ' obtained from any other hbuse inihe^Provincei' ': v i i This is riot-Mowing, but genuine facts. If you -doubt it,, give him a -Uji&l. , . ',..' , . '.-"' EAVETROUGHINC A SPECIALTY. ('.',' ': " - J'aving just procured ;the most im-s roved appltancea for doing the work, he feels satisfied that he.cannot be outdone in this branch: - c LEARI\ SALE OF ference will be such as will QYSTERS, - OYSTERS, OYSTERS. .: 5Best Brands of HALTIM O BE TtoeWUv8UnBBcqualntajace,^c.,forget.-/x! K,l!iSJi OYoJ-iR&, 'Of *u about home and:kindred, and ob' T . - i -. Previous to stock, taking, we will have our usual' two weeks'Clearing Sale ofBsmnants, Every Remnant hi the store will be.splq cheap.. . f Acltou, Jan. 12,1870. BBAiNANTii I>K>^S GOODS , REMNAtNTS SILKS, BBm!naNT3 LUSTRES, REJW!naNTS FRENCH MERINOS, REMNANTS PRIlirrs, Jl]BMNANTS COTTONS (White and Grey), REMNANTS TICKINGS, '" -:', '. REMNANTS HOLLANDS, REMNANTS FLANNELS, -. REMNANTS tOWELLINaS, . REMNANT'S SHIRTINGS, ': REMNANTS TWEEDS," REMKiNTS WINCEYS, ftp.,-Ac. ; i Ai O. BUCHAM. Fashionable West Bud press, Millinery and Mamlf Kstablistimenti Ctuelpb^Ecb. 31, 1870. " ' i- I ; - r"esult in a majterial our pay advantage to all parties, aind receive general approval. j r . In the meantime special uiducjements will be offered to all CASH BTJTEBS : Produce will be taken in exehEtnge at market prices, and when reicjuired for the piirpbses of trade will be paid for in cash if desired. In buying Bdtter |we will caireruUy gtade and v a price according 1 to quality, thereby offering a premium for the best production. "We cordially invite inspection by all, and assure .our many friends that in no instance will we allovv Uheir interests to suffer by Jdealing with-us. Our. famous 50c [TEA will still maintain its repu tation as second to Wone in the Dominion fur puifity, punffency and flavor: I . , :V--" -: ' ' I , 0HRISfIB,JHBptTDBBS02T & CO. Acton, Feb. 1<3, .18^8. Ml ' r lil ' Nl B. -All overdue accounts and notes of hand must be settled forjt^with without fail. <J!., H. &tCo. The shop; will shortly be consider- ably enlarged, and I intend to keep always on. hand a large stock'of STOVES^ Of. all kinds, which.will be gold at very low prices. ' Coal Oil for Sale. : R. FISHER. Acton, :Fe]b. 22, 1875. 35-3m MaJSlAlR"^ Orpatiy Reiiioed Pme^ JO S^ - '!' A large quad thy of- . : JEWELS ill Tb be rushed off. at rpHOSE who always have READY MONEY, are the most- particular in -their ef forts to make their purchases at the ysar ;lo'w .lajosii.; H0,ST0fl ^ _v Lowest Cash Price. T ': . " : With Cash in Hand i; , Ne- iibsse? Areli-M^de! V and you can afford to-sell lower than your neighbors,, who nius^ make-up their losses-by greater prices to those who jfay and thus MOST .IP^TJUSTLY make those who alwayjs have money pay the bills ot those vrho never 'have any. T. J. DAY does business on the Cash, Principle, paying money down. He possesses advantage* m his line excelled by none. Close Cash Buyers go to his BookBtoitf' for - tnW ooods he' is. satisfied With'Small Profits, ., DAY'S BOOKSTORE, CUELPH. "W tax's diei Matter? Why jahy person who wants a, good ' SBt .-'91! 'SARKESt Should call on i Robt. Creech, i - MILL STREET, ACTO>, Who Is always ready to aupp^ cus' turners wuh everything tJualk kc-j> in a hrsUolaes -Harness Shop. i * ' Harness mads to order on thf shot test possible hotiee, --- ' oQT.t,AS3 ^ spaoiAart NOV. Ig, 1S75. 1 ^ \7W

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