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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 9, 1876, p. 3

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I * t Wi-i -if : - ip.-;: x Using >W CttS- Iconyin- ilcfwithf kot po-_ nust he \\ better bwhere. kveHlbut '-* THE FREE: PRESS, ".,- CB** TKrMK TI*K TABl ; Train* 1T Act<iu as folllows : '. . ClHSC Wkst. HomingMail ---;.' -, Brpres* -- yij^J Express ' j , . UOISf^KAgT. jR^a* Express - ;.--' ' DV Express -.' jl.ll. . - '.ffiCAL SBWS.r-Vi't tjuxll be'qtvA, <i ,--r-fcfl(istft, to~recrij*-ilcm*-0f local^nev4r 1 1^ 04 sprciat &urch te-ificcs, */irrt- tlf temperance or o,'Arr tofUtics, nrrttns r Sruool R'onnK , Tho regular monthly meeting of the j Acton School Roard was, held in tho Svhool House 1,-vxt Monday owning' .Mcnibcrs present Mcssrsi'Alex. Ksiw iitnly1, C. S. Smith. K. .Moore, Eli Sny- . 'lr- '-".' On.m'otiou of Mr.' Snyder;, 'seconded vro. \^? ^rv.Smith,'[it was "rcsolyed to have a.ni. (circulars printed to'bo sent to parents ( withtu the Division, who were not send ing Uieirehildrcn between tho ages qf sown and twelve, to school, and noti fying such persons that according to tlio Ontario School Act, audi ance will iiot-lie permitted. ^eddf*tt, or any indent irAicA autylK imtermtin^, eit)>er in ihi*'l,ttailifji\ or in Ike taimir)/ genrvallt,: Mntitr^f thit Hmdmay be ssnif marttfl "Printer'* Capf," attJic rate o'~ oaf-cent p~r\q: end *at mmM. In or\)(rto inxrre - pwkUKUi'.-'" it i n'fceffary /or "ti. to re- eert it. by irednfiday morning, at Me LOCAL MATTERS. ^on-att.e:uU I hat rit clearly io deal !-" ?2 50 1 W : I 00 - Si r so 4 CM -,' *) fl'l -15 :-.' ro., had hoiH/,.' ?3 75 ' r i it) : -t .100 ' 1 7x -6 (rt -'" Us 0*' _' - . I t3 S9; . ss than lr*. The litwoaW Secord (<.: walk^ ~ [ erjr' day storacrs,^ i |oTeve*j reredv&t L Rock-? -Toronto. [TS! Tearing Sii- Icheap. ' -'> -.l. -'M^ .^ m LubUlltB* Jti , "-^Division C^rtiii-A-cton. next Mondy. "J \~\ ' . ^-Gallow*y's new overt woika likecharm: " - 'i -Wtoung Ttionipsbn', ' w:b. ran pter by_- a sleigh last week, is said to be in a^air way ior Tecovery. Mr. Sim^tells us that Ire lias already commenced sowing seeds for- , cabbage and tomato plants. Mr. Baker,', the brnsh ha* not yet put- in an appearance, as Vomi*e?d. The w;hole thing begins to ~fcok decidedly scaly. . J_ . . For the^ l>est bread in the " MrZipjiirritAn, Ti.Jl:ige A-s- ami re- -tam the amount of assessable pr\ipcrty real anrd persoaalr^atjl.ol,000.'i ^Jlessrs. "Wilson ifc Johtison have opened a tin and stove shop in the premises.adj fining Storey's glovq works. See-their advertisement. i - Mri McDt>ngu!l slippjexl on the ice, last Saturday evening,-aaulfrac- tared her arm, utar the wrisjt. The fracture w^ re^luced by. 0r. |Lowryv aiwi'u fast m^ndicg. ;;- - ~ . . Remember D. .Galiowav js - located in the premises Bex: idoor to ^Ljlorrow's I>rug -store and his j bakin fccsisess is now in ItJl operatloii. Give him a call. .:'"__. ' "There's noiHng-like tin!^ says B. Fisher^ and '* A clatter amoagst tin- ware" say Wibon t Johnson. .".(1P- poeitian is the life of rmiie *' ;ssy we_ the month of rebruary was ajlopteil. Moved by Mr. Hall*, seconded by Mr.- Sbx^rv, that Messrs.-Smith and Snyder be a committee to sco to the building of a sidewalk around thcschubl house to the ditrerent doors.: ; "H... J-. Uali., jSeeretary. -^^--. 1- Tho Bonus Question- ' To the L<titvr of Me IWe Pre'w. - ; Dkak Sii^-t 11 notice a "commuuicv tiqn from a "ICitiren" appearsnu your last' issue. IS appears to; jne that '.'Citizen!'-would bo betterjof. a little light on tho subject.' .1 am glad ,^o see that he admits our right to oppose the bonus at all, but wish to correct a mis take or tvio oi his. 1 :do jut wish him to vupposie that I attended the Hible ijoctety'a ineetiiig, but when we were kepii vraitjng nearly two hours after the public meeting j should lvave !>ecu i}>eii-i ed 1 was j inforahed that sufeh was the' reason. 1 atterwanls ascertained that a small Tneetiiig of a very different charac-: ter was" held in a Kick rooni of. one of our Iwtels, at tho.same time, ami the pro^rauunc arranged for tlio evonini;.' While wv! who knew nothing of all this could not be prepared ;to iipp<>se the l*>hus, and at the tTmc did oot.know that it would be hecess-iry to do so. As to my missionary services, tlley will at! .least compare favorably", with those of aj [leading ciLiEen whose.publiv advocating! of ajscheuie contrary to law ;(as " CitiJ zeni" v-ery ; pri-jx.'rlvi.rOluarks) savours' strongly of. ignorar.eeC ^Vgain, 1 wish: to let '. (.'itizcu " know thiitii whether to his kaowli-ttge or not Mr. ftiaker madej the remark, " The man who signg the! piper caimi?- go tuck on the vote,"' as; 1' ca^ijtfove t<> his satisfaction. He then a:ts-his patriotism for ourjl>enetit(. for- "getting that patriotism at your neigh bor's expense is a cheap aSair, but caii- uot. always, Ive.succe-ssfuUy carrieil out. -As he next shows us'how the primitive "forest might have stood ii our .streets! t^>-.lay, 1 will remind him'that the men; who cleared tiff, those forests get nq! bonus. If *' Citizen " has; thf. faith he.! pnuesses to have mithe intelligence of.j thepeoj.le'e: Acton. I would ad\-ise him to give them S'-methiug more to exercisel: it (Hi tlian. a mere personal ..attack- on his; opp><neats, for iK-ithur his letter nor yet" vthat '-Sensible '.' o:ie of *-f Freeholder '*; ,%ro|,arv in Tohonto. Moore hotisb tfciGodsou'8 retail dry gooda storo wob onterod last Sundity night by bnrghir^and about $3,000 worth of Bilk stolon. Early Monday tnonv- ing, two men wro observed by a cbuplo-of newsboys going \tp Hay street, and euch man wus carrying a bag., Tho'boys; watched thom, and saw them jtuni along Tenn>oranoe 8troot, audjaecrete tho bags under the Bteps pjf the 'Tompomnco Hall The boys .went to the Fire Hall, on the corner of tlije street, and inform ed the men on duty of what thoy ,. .. ,.-.-- i . . . -. had Boon. . Thp firetneh and .two On motion of Mr. bmith, seconded by [policemen wentfto the Tompornnce Mr, Moore, tl.o report of Mr.iRo^s for lilall, and, tukhig the bags frbtn iundor tho stops, faitnd they ;on tamed 17 piectls ofi silk. . It was taken to tho police headquarters wheTb it was identified by Mr. GodBon, of thojabove-uumed firm. Tho j>olicp have a desciiption of the men, and jwill no doubt capthro thorn befonj lonx. ~ T Eci.n-SKS in 187G. Of tho foiir jPelipses which I occur this year, -two,-..aiul the only two, visible in North Atimific;^ occur 'during the -month of March!. One of those is of tho moon', tlip other of the sun.! The formw'r' j btigana.'on tho morning of tho lOtlj, ai few' finnntes past midnight, and!.continues for two1 hours, lvacbrnii its maximum at a few minutes pijjjt 1 n,m. The lntt<n- tnkes placeon j? he 25tli, comment cing a few mini tos boforo 4 o'clock p.uKjr_nnd lusttivg about -one' am three-fourths hiours. Both-will bt partial eclipses!. AxoTji'en Phophet. A well-to- do inhubitnnt oi";Uwen Sound, luui become insane over tho notion that the world is coming to an end on the first day of j April. Ho had a vis ion telliug hinijto warn the jit'opte', and last week pe roused the town by going through'the streets shout ing. .He also visited many families, l;deelariiig that fie was the Shepherd of Israel,' and putting his murk on the houses of those who were to be. saved. - :i Church IOekxiko. The opening of the iiew" Methodist church at Streetsvlllej last week-drew im im- uienso coiicouree of people, and was a success ijh every sense of the word. , The,money that was tjikon a*, the doory and what was raised by subscriptioJis, amounted, to 3,- 500, which; will more than cove'r the debt oti t le chureii. It is!a splendid building having cost 10,- U" i. ]' ., MARCH v9^ 1876. V 1' .' . , t- -'-I . 195,00a. .^EBDAIly"-* of the [ MONTREAL STAR havo now (it fa estimated) in audience of ONB UUNDRED ANP" NXNBTY-TIVB TiibtrsAND RKASERit, which ihakes thorn tho most willoly circulated ond'influon. tial nqwepapors pablifhcd in ban&da. HAT 0 NDBRFtTL a&TANV NOTHING LIKE TI1SIT, Whan you have the Tin io btiy it: R. FISlHBR Begs "Wi announde tjhait haVlne pnr- chnsod an entirely tooliofthe most ini. __,_ ter, he is how in a roVltion to turn out.all kinds of JIN AND SHEET-IRON | In tie VERY BMsfc STYLE. Being in n pbsition to Bfiy all hjis Stock Thereby1 gaining the "adraniage of CASH ^YSTE thr> trade discounts, ed to sell goods of and matarialat he is determin- first-olaaa make DeoidedUy lo'wer Prices . r : Than can be obtained from ohr hons* in the Prorkiee. any 000, and village. is what buyer? will .:contain.anything else, and' for the veryi 'i t"':uthcieut':TeasiVn that';tha facts of thej Vlionus case will not bear /daylight. N'o! sensible man, when he seeis it as it real ly is will give it any mvrcv. jl'irt when " Citizen '" and his class ifill hot argu; the ca.^. on "its nierits, ttey compel us to come'down t" their own level and] teach- they'll with- tlieir weapvins that "Th-i=e v.-'ho li'.'e in gla-s jlio;:.-es should! n^t tlir.v s;'n-!.-u"o in:coiiehi-Moii. I will; say, if _the" l<nus is riotJ dead already,. anotlrcr priblie- meeting will "l>u nee'es- sarj-, and I ciii then jlrotnise " Citi- _ . ..zen" the prettiest pieqe .of-"manlv, .the anapices of the Sons of Temperance [ *rrafght-foijwardi>plo.-iti|)u"- he has met, :....." ' * ' "" * with for sumo tiiiie. Y(.irs truly, OrroiiTiosisT^ "Cheap .tinware he apt to say. :, -^A Tocal and Instnitnerita?" Cancert_will l>e given :d the new town hill, Kassagaweya, under the auspices of Prospect l>ivis;oa Pons of. T&niper- - Dce on" Tuesday evening, March 14th. hot buls feff particulars. j j A Soiree ami Musical! Festi- Til r31 be given at Crp*sou's jCorners ott-Tjnday evening, 17th iusti, under great credit to the SPEX A- i.ew lot of ( T Y6 erf tha^-place. An election cake will be an iatererting' and amusing feature .of . the entertainment.' ] \j' _ - Mr. "" DougLas, representing Messrs. Creelman3ros., of Georgetown, is Boy in this village taking orders for _ musical instruments, .sewing machines, knitting machines, clothes, wringers, Ipti-Parties, wanfng aDythiiig. in this Uno would do well to see him at Ag- - new> hotel. .^ Bfixt). C. "W. Hill, IPhoto, , Wenjd inform tfie public generally that he wtti be assisted during this kni the :. coming week, 6y his brother, J. ]GJ Hill, ; late of Acton, A^ll pajties wis|iing his . scrrices should call early an"dj profit thereby, Ertra finished pictures from ._ .tti date. r-The CJbncert "io the Temper- , aace HalL on Tuesday evening, -was ery well attended, -considering the dis agreeable state of. the weather and the Baddy roads. Some excellent and dif- , fiealt pieces were sang in a creditable aaaner by our local; amateurs, jbut dis- : appouitinent was felt in .the" abteence/ of tt.McLaughlin "Brothers who were ex pected to render material- assistance, in earryinst en't the programme. Each-of young ladies ind geatleriien sang . their,^iarts paaaaily well, though there as a noticeable lack "of ebnfidcnfce on ' the "part.of some of theitt which may 'ladily he overcome by greater experi- - aoee on a public platform. Griticism" oukj, be enfirely out of place/on an -' ^ainateur perfarmance. The singers Were -lV "'"c Eliza and Augusta Cameron,iMiss ^ Watson, Miss McGarvin, Miss jHill and Messrs. Charles Hill,. Albert Mjatthews/ - *na Baird. Miss Augusta Xicklin pre ssed at"' the orgam . Several exceUent faeces were played by the Actin Brass Band, under the" efficient leadership "of ~ Mr. John HEX Addresses were de- J^e4 by HeSs. "Messrs. Calvert, Cam- -' **. and'Campbell, on gnbjects relating * j^mPtnn'x- The proceeds were aboat "Acton, March 7, IS70., LiAST .CALL, f We would for the~lasfctime notify our customers.that all accounts on our books became duo on-the first of ilarch ins't., and wn intend to carry ^out this plan of settlements every three mouths without any exceptions, serving all alike. We respectfully require all parties indebted to'us, to call au.l settle the; same before tlie "3)th inst. -; All aceoiuits then un paid we will hand oVer^toVmr Solicitor tor cillectio.n. Wo ciunof allow this /Notice to go unheeded.: \ / i| Base Ball in W'inter. - The Vpliam'pirjn says', an interesting game of base ball was plajfed at Oinagh, .on Feb 25th', between the .Wide Awake Club of B-iyue, an,d the Oak Leaf Club of Oniagh, which resulted in a victory for the Oak Leaf by 10-runs. SPECTACLES ) - - . of the teat quality-Tit ! " ':' 50 Cents, T5 :Cejnts, 91.00, $2.50, 83.50, Received at PRINGLE'3 Jewelery Stpr^ This is not blowing, but genuine facta. If you doubt it, give him a trial. ! SPttlNC coois* FIRST ARRIVALS IN CUELPH, NEW GOODS.! Bed Tickings; Shectlngi, Table Linens, Towels, ^ 39 PACKAGES OF Ojne Case Faiiby Dress Gjoods. Newest Gr - ONE CASE OF BLACK LUSTRES AND ALPACAS. BEST YAL of FANCY AlTD STAPliE: DRY 500 Pieces New Hattdsome Prints. 5,000 I*ieces Best American t'ottbn A:i ImmonsQ ds to Tpe FOTtitci. THE DOMlNIOlfc GOODS Arriving Daily. Variety I'would intimate to my old friei|cls that my Agent in Britain haa been able tbU dull Beasou to 6btam extraordinary bargainsj all of whichiydu BhiU-.- havk the full benefit of. An early oill is solicited. Feb, 22, 187! JOHN HOQ-GH Alma Block, Upper Wyndham jBtreet, Gtialph. SELL FOR CASH t BUY FOR CASH! SAVE MONEY AND BECOME RICH! The Everywhere Popular CASH SYSTEM CHRISTIE, * -^ Adopted by, HENDERSON & COi, Acton, Feb. 2*, 1875. nSHER. 35<3m LEASING SALE OF Epps' Cocoa. Grateful.and Com- rJ0KTi>'o. " By a thorough knowledge oif the natural laws/\ .hich govern the operations of .digesth n and nutrition, and by a careful appl cation of the fine properties of well se ected cocoa,.- Mr. Kpp<s has provided ol r breakfast tables ihtba delicately favored beverage which may save us m .nyheavy doctors' bills., It is by the ju iicious use .of such articfes of diet that : constitution may hegradnally built "up i mtil stiongenough t resist every ten lancy jto disease. Hundreds of subtle ir aladiesiare floating around us ready t< attack wherever there is a weak poinl. We may escape many a fatal shaft b keeping ourselves. _J .well fortified with pi re blood and a proj "pferly nourished fraine." Civil Sefvici Gazette. Sold only iti-jiackets labeled- 'iJAJtes Epps &, Cd., Homoeopathic Ohemist, 48, Thrcaflneedle Street, land 170, Piccadilly, Itoridf^n." "!(3'"?r" i njuelph, Fjeb. if. Dlt. K KoberUoi will bo at Aigne'w's IXj^EC. ROBERTSON, of Drs. <t Bennett, Hilton, Hotel, Act on, ' e tha Centennial Exblbltton. : Wel^amfrcan Mr. Wm. Sttjphenson, * the Acton Plow Company, that he is ffeparing one. of those -celebratjed single Exhibi ts* in Philadelphia. The pl?^ is being *%Wy. polished, iaina is a beautiful piece ^workmanship, '<- It will be ready for iini few <lay. -; - '- . :BI1 i'At the Mcthcdie rus. parsonage, Platts- ville, on March lstjtbe wife of the Kev. Jphn C. Stevenso^i, of a daughter. (stillborn). J ' . DIED. " In ^Tassagaweyal on tho 5th inst., the wife of Mr. Alex. {Nichol, butcher. * *aan*red Caaradr, "*y 1, 5, 3, is as insect. - I . My 11, 8,13, 3, iquiet... i ?'".-., , ,' y 2,7,4; 14, 13, is an ancient in. I '_* My 10, 12^ 9, 7, is anoblejnin..'"" ': 1, 5,!2, 8, is th&:faame of c :ntiy3n Europer- . - |- 1 (. ' My-whole- is the name of a weekly ^^ Paper . printed- in tEe'cpunty ql . AtTO.VlJLlfWlETS VVbTteSVheat i'... |....... 0 95 to 0 98 Tread well..... Spring Wheat. Barley ........ Oati......j.;.".. Peas...;.'-----\. Potatoes, per burfh. Dried Apples, par lb.... Onions, per bupHel-f Butter Dressed Hogs I^fty, per ton... Tiambakins.. Pelts........ 0 90 to 0 95 0 90 to 0 93 fi Go to 0 78 CK35 to 0 00 0 00 to 0 62 0 35 to 0 00 0 08 to 0 00 0 75 to 1 50 0 JStoO 20 0 15 to 0-00 7 50 to 8 40 15 00 to 16 00 0 50 toff 80 0 50 toO 60 I / CLELl H MARKETS. \ Fall wheat, )7e to 81.00; treadwellj 93c to 06c; spring wheat, (Glasgow},' 9&c to '93c; spring wheat (red chaff^j 80c to 85c; oats, 33c to 35c; peaS,i fKc tc-63c; bar ey, 55c to 66c; eggs, per d>*:n,ll5c toT c; butter, dairy packed, lBc to 20c; pots toes/perbag, dOcjto-eOc. On Thursciay of each vre^k, From 12 o'clockL noon, until 4 p.m., for professional consultation. Feb. 22,-1876j; i ' 35-tf /iUEAP BBEAD FOR THE MILLION B; & E. NlbKLIN Beg to announce that they hare ascured j the services of a ' * C WINTER ! GOODS Mo N AIR'S Tieing convinced by o^ervation arid experience that the only true principle oil which fausineisscan miring. yi*\ procaroci me most im-' _' , - j l_ i- tl,- prured af.piiancBs ;ror doing the be successfully and satisfactorily carried on is me now Popular Cash System, we ha' e determined in all transactions; TO BUT AND\ SELL FOR READY PAY ONLY, coniniencing on the 3lst day of March next, on jand after which date we' will adhere strictly to the Cash System. By buying for cash and taking advantage of trade discounts, wfe will fee enabled to sell goods al but a slight advance on importers' and maiiu- facturers' prices, and decidedly lower -'than can be obtained by Grangers and others from city jobbers. To do this we adopt the Cash Principle, ajid we feel assured that our numerous customers and the EAVETROUCHINC A SPECIALTY. work, he feels satisfied that be cannot be outdone in this branch. The shop will shortly beconsider- rtbly enlarged, nnl I intend ' to kaep always on tmnd a largo stock of STOVES Of all hinds, which will be sold at very low piicei. ' i . j' Goal Oil for Sale. 55 "X. AT TSB i.^tw m DIOKSON & McN^B 3' .J ' M Acton, Feb. d 1878. Hr&W. Cr LOW Greatly Esduced Prices public generally will accojrd us a hearty supf ort in rour effort to advance tbiir interests by supplying them with a good article at a decidedly PRICE. - -i . / | -, This change, we feel, Whilst resulting largely to the benefit of our patrpns, will not in any way re^ suit in any material lo.ss to ourselves, as we effect a great saving in ktseping books, collecting accounts, interest 0^1 outstanding moneys, &*c A decided reduction wi 1 be rriade in the of all goods handled by us.^and we trust th ference will be such as frill result in a material A ltrge quantity of JEWELERY To be rushed off. at f.TBar lo Firsts Glass Baker, anid that their IBaking business is now in fdll operation, in the premises ,dnd bj Mrs* Hannal' Bread will be deUvcred daily ft the hcusei! in the village and vicinity "^"eddinsr Cjakes, Tea Cakes, Pastry^ Biins, &jp;, m^de in the very best manner, anA kept always on hand, good and fresh. Also all-kindsrof Confectionery, Biscuits, -Cheese, 4c. : The patronage of tho public is res pectfully solicited. Bi'fc.E. NICKLIN, Acton. Feb. 29, 1876. JOB PBIJfTIIVO of all kinds neatly and promptly executed at tbe FREE PRESS OFFICE,; Xexi the Post '. t Office, Mill Street. OYSTERS, h 0YSTERS,i OYSTERS. 7EX0SS. .. Best Brands of SALTIHORE FRESH CYSTERS, - >' STODDABD'S Frkiit and Ovstter'Bazarj and All kinds of Tei npernttce Drinks Cigars cons tan ly oh hand. Alton, Jan. Vi, J876, advantage to ! CONSTANTLY AJtRlVllf a./AT THE r h K:' GENTRAL EP||PORlUiyi ! 1HIA STEiBiTy AdTOH.: ;; MiANNfS 6 o ds '."!! 1J- Winter Stock of l_ AND READY-MADE CLOTHING ';. T. price e. dif- ill be tiaarket all pai-tiesi, ami receive general approval. In the,meantime special inducements vj< offered to all CASH BUYERS. Produce will be taken in' exchange at prices, and when required for the purposes bf our trade'will be paid for in^cetsh if desired. | In buying Butter we will carefully grade ajid pay a price according to Cluality, thereby]jyflferiiig a premium fpr tbe best production. | ]; , S "We cordially invite injspiction by all, jind assur0 our many friends that iii no instance will j we allow . At GREATLY TlEDTJjCED. PRICES. G R E A T B A iR Cr A Are offeree? for cast or produoe. 4 1NTS ! In ,Groceries, Crodfeery [and Will be foijnd a complete assortment of the beat quality, v JJ w. MAwrwcl Acton, Deo. '29,1875. , . ;i ... i "" !|' their interests to suffer by Our. famous 50c TEAJwi tation ^s second to\ioneiin pungency and flavor, | , OHSilSTlB, Acton, Feb. 16, 1878: : - /. N". B. All overdue accounts and not ss must be settled forthwith t dealing witkj^s. 11 still hiaintairi iti repu- the Dominion for purity, SE1TSEB.50IT without fail; ' rpiIOSE who always have READY MONEY, are the. most particular in their ef forts to make their purchases at tne Lowest Cash Price. With Cash In Hand No Losses Are Made 1 : > V &C0. of hand Si Co. and you can afford to sell lower than your.neighbors, who must make up their losses by greater prices to those hq pay and thui : :"' . ':. ' . ' '.'. '" '-. I ' MO$T TJNJUSTKSr make, those who always hare money pay the bills of those who nere!r . hare "any. ':::;:^.*J.':;DAT^'^ doesbnslnesson the Cash Pj'lnolple, paying money down. Bel possesses advantages in his line eptcefled by none. . Close Cash Buyers go to his Bookstore) for their , Uo< ds he is satisfied with Small Proht i. UABBATH SCUOOXS. Presbyterian fit. Work \ , jSabtiath School World. ,-,".';."; I . Sunddj School Times,7 j .' . Sunday School Suprinteiide>it*i Ti'te*. - -|. Westrninster Question Book, '--JBerear, Question Book,' .,:T \ . tJntfrnijtiionat Lesson Lkayet. -. .! '"1" Wisiminrfer Lesson Leaves; j ^ ^l- BefeUt) Lexson- Leapes. > " Select Notes on the; International Lctons for 1$76. ' _ J.' - -:\ '/"-" r'-^n TheI>a.Tgest and Cheapest Stock of 'Sabbath School Paper? . siw " forwarded, prepaid. 4 DAY'S BOOKSTORE, ik > ! \- ORWER At ONCS. CUELPH. S 5HEAP BOOKSTORE On jE^st Side of WjndhauV : GTJELP-ffi 'm \.i,!K '* ,-V--- '~

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