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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 9, 1876, p. 2

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r as X vf-^lli:: pIK MTOX FREE PRESS ; PiblithMl Every .Thursday MorninjjJ illPer Annum in Advance- ^oiaHfo^cSfress ' JO* H f*CKINO tOITOK -I Tmcbodat ifoaiuxo, March 9, 1876. t ! * ~ Ki .". :- :-J -Li'-K - 1- t ' : -i - - : . ,;v" ': i-:--:'- ' ' -1? :i.'- i- ^ >' *. *- . - I - . f :- ^.ij: -* r - !ft*J:*;i, :: i-j-. ** - . -- i - "." ' ' :l . '. '~U.' ?*>' ?.) ' S .- , - . : '."!" 4i' - A "stronlg delegatiou.1 from: the Hamilton and North 'Western Rail-1 way Company interviewed tbo County Council <in Tuesday, for the purpose of trying ~lo gain possession of .the County1 bonus debentures. They Were unable, boweVer, to con vince the members of- the Council that the work on the roaki .would be proceeded -with jtnd coiuploted ac cording to agreement; rind conse quently the Council refused to hand -theiu over. The-f rbbabiH'tjf' f 'In* road being-cwnpleted"(jo. (Sedrge- town this year,r as agreijd ilpon, tsr verv slim,.' THE! FREE post trndersbips, Inside that; of ()rt Sill, were sold by Belknap, despatch from Gen" CuRter to r. Clyuyot, saying in substance tli at every post thulership west ivs purchased^ hnsV tended to: furthor cjcito the public mind, pending D^iuoaaU ro charging that it will shown' hereafter thnt Belknap has boiuv receiving money from n< rly oil 'flip- j>ost traders and he Hi a not iniido hiRs than a quarter of million since ho ihas been in of- fi<c. _' ' " > :1V m - m " -A - - ' -* i'i - - i> "- i - *-'iv*-.r" h'* ;..- s.-. ; * u" ^ '.-U r ;* % t'V * -.'/'. v '. TT- V:t:-S-' V> ";* '"^, i .v>;. : ...* . ;. J - = .- - -', ;-.: 1.-V '.,;) i* vv'r "; '; TV:.'-. -*'u ~ :.. '- ?^it'-'-' : ifp_\i *'- - ' i-.. M:i - THE GRAIN MARKETS. TBe opinion seeius to| prevail in well-informed circles, th^t the pres ent prices5, of ;-whejit are fully as high'as they will be thisiyear. The] only event that would cttuse a rise in pries, would be a European war, and there is no indication thatlsuch^ an eTent is likely to occur. Deal- .ers in grain have now-such'ample facilities for ascertaining the ten dencies of the-markets jabroad, at any hour in-the day, that they can ' know almost to a certainty/bow far tbey may go ;in the -purchase of "~ stocks, artd they are not now so' much in the^position of speculators as they were before the dij s of . ocean telegraphy. ' They .can buy with almost" certain safety, and there is no likelihood of prices tak- \ing~sqch sudden, -flights, upward .or 1 f dosrhward, a^ in by-gona years. Many of our farmers and o'tiers don't appear to. hame jrealized the change which has taken place in this respect, and they continue to ~j hold on to their stocks with the ex pectation' of higher prices which ' aerer come. Now-a-days it will be generally found that the farmer , - who sells his 'grain soon; after har vest realizes tbe best price. It sel dom pays-to keep' wheat lying in tbe barns over winter. Credit Valley Railway. The. Credit Valley Railway Co: bjis petitioned tbo Toronto'Couricil U'submit a by-law to- the ratepay. e s, providing for the granting of n bonus of ?250,000t.'to aid in the ompletion of the line. -Tbe peti tion points out thnt the main lino U intendetl to; connect "with the annda SouVh'ein" at- St. Thoninsj leieliy niuking Toronto the ncttnil rniimiB of thei line, and uIko- by Ihe'AVellington. brahches'nffovding irect connection with the W. G. Si ll. The petition continues:-' Your petitioners had it in vicw~ PRES^ ACTOl^, HAL^TOF C0UNTY, ^)NT^ GENERAL NEWS. Colorado has boon admitted into tho Union- as n SUtte. A trcnty bntweon Japan nnd Corca was signctl on tho 27th ult. : There aKv134 Customs |x rts of entry in thir-Dominion of Cunnda. i Toronto's storage of flour nihil grain is estimated nt 4,000,000 bushels. , . - Toronto; has taken the Royal Caledonian Curling Club tankard from Orillia. ' , I"-' KingstOn 1ms taken' tho Royal m& OFFICIAL CORR0PTIQN. The state of corruption that can continue to exist in': "W^ashington, from year_ to year^ is truly amaz ing. Bribery and dishonesty ap pear to- have become almost a uniTersxT trait in American official Ufa from the highest to the loweftt grade. We unsophisticated Cana- ^ri.ui:.-v^-:;" J_ ! .,-.' ~-\.--:$::\>*_ %'-T'\'- ;.':-:"..-ji'-"-' 'F "^'r "'i *: $'%-\\: ~ - ~':'-INK " ' -' ,-\: - ' - V". >-: '. . - / ' C? ^ " 4 : ' - fc ' ;J-' ' . ' k:-.-. cv!: -- M-\- !-1^l!;.::.,- M-i .^i-i-.-y^- Z" 'y - :\-ti?3:;.^- . -! --T- V>-:'i|t|:;;.-:' -ii:': i%k:\V m.?r.- H\^i- f- dians can scarcely conceive of tbe . extent ta which the Government officials miy carry on a syBtem of public plunder. Once in a while they are brbngbtjo'bookjand their aatoanding peculations revealed. .' The latest exposure "is'-that.of Gen. Belknap. This man, a Cabinet offi cer, who rose step by ^step to the r prood. position .of 8*cretaij-y- of. WSr : of the United. Stats, is. made to confess that he sold a post-trader- . ship, a -lucrative contract i under Goveriiment, to a speculator, that : -*ljropgh his wife he received 10,- ;:,rflW& easb, and that he levied toll; on ,' .the^contractor:-to-the tunejof 6,000 per annum. "The committee which Congress' appointed to enquire into ~*tterr in ^connection ;|with the ' ~ypur . I^partment, disccijered "the __guilt of the venal statesman, and If -overcome by the. sudden un- eartiing of his. dishonesty to the country eould only: coriess that ? itrwas too true. He basiresignedj bat Congress will not let him escape '.; - kp'.easily. He will.be impeached, jjnd tHe measure of punishment of lis iniquity meted out to him. JTlftre -is 'no palliation for the crime" which Belknap admits he r" commitUKl. It is trne the.expenses of official life at Washington are immense, but it is also true that - the most extravagant oif all tlie Minister* in the matter of display, was Mr. Belknap;'* Mrs-tBelknap, 'who acted a^-the intermediary be1 tween Marsh and her husband, has bn;-a-recognized queen in soci^y. eoocernin^ whose- raiment ancF7i- eeptions columns u[on columns of gash bare been; published . in the _ American press,' To maintain such' an establishmiita princely revenue were i"nqnisite, an 1 all the world . knows that the official salary of" an American Cabinet Minister is far frottt-priiusely. Iu ordeK t& juain- tatn his glittering -position, Mr. Belknap di'liberately accepted a ' nail until-the fact could ao longer - be htddefe,1 tnd we have j him dis- graoed before the world to-day, without a friend to say ari exculpa tory word in bis behalf. Tha pen alty ..for tbo offence, is sti.^d to be' three years' imprisonment, and fine twice the amount r of money a cor ruptly received. '. 1 ' The Committee aro in [Krasession , - of evidence showing that five otber o grade their, railway' throughout, ence, bridge, and complete the line eadj^for the mils,'and pay for the igbt of' : way, before" u'nderbiking ;o mortgage it tor the ironi'andiihe neans wlhertwithal to lay it, anil pui-ehase the1-rolling, stock..' Cir.- :umstAuees' over; which your peti- :"ioners had no control, prevent the Company from carrying out that programme, -and' itris therefore pro"" posed, now, with the grant of 250- 000, to complete the niitwuy, n.rid, open it as far As the Brock Road, between the townships of Puslinch and Nassagaweya, on the mainline, and as. far int[o the Township of Erin, on the Wellington braijah, as it may be" found possible to irfcach, excluding -from the operations of the bonus the Orangeville branch, from Alton to Orangeville. This arrangement would , give, a little overrieighty miles of completed railwiay,*which there is every rea son to believe, if action in relation to the granting of ' the bonus is prompt, the wholeiof that jx>rtion of the railway could be opened during: the year 1876^ Your petitioners ha've to call at tention to the fact that the City of Haroilion has granted 200,000 in aid. of the Hamilton and North Western Railway, and the govern- ment'have g'en $3000 per mile to that Company for a large sec ti op of their railway, as against $2000 per mile to the C> V. R. Co., and'that yqjjr petitioners have encqunteied the most active hostility in and out jof Parliament from the represen tatives of the city pf Hamilton and I the town of GuelpS. And yonr pei ! ptioner8 believe that when the C. R. is completed to-connect with_ |he Canada Southern and tbe'W, > & B., the: city of Toronto will [en become indejiendant of tbe tion of the great through lines hich re mainly employed in car ing bosinesi away from tbe city far as Western Canada ia con ed. [The remaining portion of the petition is devoted to-a recital of th^ advantages, which tbe building e line will confer on tbe city of into. Caledonian Curling Club medal from Avnprior. I- Tho firockvillo papers charge, nnd aro paid, for' tho insertion of Council pi-oceedinga. Intelligence kns ' been received that the pliiguei hits nppomid on tho banks; of tho .Euphrates, Rev. Dr.. Richard Storrs hr* re signed tlui Presidency of tho /.\nqr- iciin Congregational. Union. ' - Zeig ^t Co., of tho Sablo Iron Works, Pittsburg, have suspt tided with 5'S0r00'p of liabilities.';... One hundred years ago there were no steamships, no railroads, ines. ' H Spain at Peace Again. After1 many years of internal strife^Spain isionce more at peace,: tbotjghfrom the peculiar nature of the pppplearid. their chronic fond-^ nessj for a row, it is impossible to say how long it will be before trou ble a no .telegraphs, no sowing'much The Dtinkin Act was defeated in Lanark village by a majority of 8, imd^in Dalhousie by a mnjorityiof 2. A- breach of promise ease is soon to come ofl'. in Frederictop, jS.' B., in which 300 lovq letters are to be produced; ...' Tho Campbell ; divorce casa .of Whitby came up before u.Comuiit- tee in tlie Senato at Ottawa yester day nioinlng. Mr. Bass. M... P., "atys thatj out of 10,699 committals for drunken ness, in England, only thirtyTthree of the persons could read or write. The- sumi ptxiposed to be raised for the Montreal Witnei* building is 100,000. Subscriptions wilL be invited from all' parts of the Do minion, i ^Hon. Mr. Crooks, Ontario Min ister of Education, and Prof. Gold- Win Smith, delivered addresses on education in Elqra Inst . Friday night. ' ' i I^Mr. John Ross Robertson has is sued the prospectus of a new ajfter- noon paper, to be called the .ffew ing Telegram. It will be strictly independent. Tbe Dankin By-law has been re pealed in Morrisburg by n vote of 39 to 4, in Iroquois by a somovrhat similar vote, and in Winchester by apiajori'y of 29. A Lindsay dispatch says that ne gotiations have been completed for the construction of the Yicloria Railway from that town to Xin- mpunt. . jTbe Canadian Football Associa tion has1, received a challenge from iHarranl.Uiniversity to play a match' at Cambridge, Mass.' in the month of May. I D. A. Cook, lessee of tie Tetum- seh bar and billiard rooms, Lon Ion, has absconded, owing 450 rental, and letting in the liquor trade1-for a large amount. A young man named--, Cusbmnn was instantly killed in* Lor don Township ' on Saturday, by I the racks of a sleigh in which he was teaming cordwood giving way. A bullet was'ihot through the window of Mr. Wm, Young's house in Sheffield village, Bevurly township, On Friday evening, nar rowly missing Mr Young's head The Ottawa Times says ther; is no truth in the report that the Don Cntlos lin at last nrrivod in' 8xtT= AT OiUNakviM*.. Tho England, tlmUiiBtimrtfjly rofugo of ( Advnrtiger Bays, Mr. John Smith, whoso farm adjoins, Orangeville, has dincovorod salt irt 6 spring ofj waler on his property, ana. feels cortnin that'salt-in large quantities can be rn. n a i>. procured by-drilling. A meeting ^:?"ifi"nPf??iLl,'tVA.-0.NI-^:i of those favorable to testing the unsuccessful^- Europcanj royolution Ista When ho reached Chiiring Ctorb Station, London/Rome cheer ed and others hissed him. grossing tho attention 6f tho peoplo . . . or,.i, ,,n. e i iT,'i iti, . t. ' ' matter was held on the <:ot"i ult., of tho Untied States. It m now stated that every poBt-trudornhip West has boon sold in. a Riniiliar mannor, and further startling revel ations are looked for. j Goods from Canada to the Phila delphia exposition aro being for warded by special tmins from To ronto and Montroul, and"by steamer from St. John nnd Halifax at the expend of tbe Gdvernkient. Tlie Houso of Commons iR com- posed of 206 members distributed as fallows : CJiiebeo, 65 ; 'Ontario, 88; jNova Scotia, 21 ; New BruiiM- wicki 16; Prince Edward Island, 6 ; British Columbia, 0 ; Manito ba, 4,.. ' Itis reported that tho Miltcrito ascension which is to take place on tho tirst of April next is creating mucl) alarm - among somo of the weak-minded in the county of Grey. Some people think that All-Fools Day.la a bad day fo such an event. -A Mrs.- Curtis, of Ottawa, who got divorced from her husband some month." ago and married one Van- koughnet, is now looking anxious to find tho latter, he deserting her three or four days ago. She has employed a detective to look after him J" '.- ! -' . T ' The Sl^crifF of Wentworth 1ms received iiwtructions fro.n the Gov ernment to have the gallows -and other preparations ready for the execution of McConnell, on':the 14th' iust. The sentence of the' Court, will-bo. curried out. Tlie Hamilton Times says: " The Halton Conservatives are now in trouble as to how they shall raise the money to pay the costs of the recent protest, Their eagerness to protest at first is only equalled now by their unwillingness to pay the bill." . %t costs the people of the United; States about 10,000 a day jto'siipi port the House of Representatives. A. session ^f t'ic House consumes from three to four hours. _ ^very hour's work is done at an expense of 2,500. Every-minute.of tbe{ session costs 840. Tlie Listowel Banner Rays, one of the early pioneers-of the town ship of Wallace, Mr Andrew Moore,:now in his 98th year,, is still u' hale, hearty old man. He wulksia ntitnber of miles each week, merely, as n means of .exercise. intoxica- /when it waa respired to; fprnua company to bore ' a well j oh Mr. Smith's premises, and to mdnufac: lure salt that is if it bo found. Qranarers' Salt Speoulaiion.' Tho Georgetown\!leral(i of last week, relates tho folldwingjoniusing incident, which recently;tqok placo iir.thjit.villiigo : Ono day ljiBt week tlinco: was an unusual display of WiiggbnH in tliis village, soino with teams attached, and noma with teams detached. Our citizens were nt iii-st at fi IoKH-to know what was up, until-tbo Recrot ot this; Gtnngo moveiiient by Bonijo mysterious means leaked but, and then every little urchin yon nietiwould Bqueaj; " How jura jyot'i off fJr salt!" It appears ttmtn Grange not far away purchased two car loads of salt from , tho Godcrich diialerri, at 05 cents per barrel.; Tho-aaH was (thipped, and in duo; time arrived ' u( {tho O. ved ' u(; the O. It liiiil (on the s END iific; MAlilCH 9, 187G. NEW i ADVERTISKMKNTS, S6 k&'jsao-stuis SmTh trtfB. HTlnspN * Co,, p'lirtluncl, Mnlno. to O. !\ KUV/KMi 4 CO., .k, for Puriirlilotof KXlpaKCH containing llhtn of OQOOncwsnipem, and -------------------,!{, -- - .......... Nnr York, for Puthrhlot of ]( pukch .. alnlng llhtfi of OQOOncwsniperN, a cntlmotpM showing c >m otndimining. <l!1 O n<lny at liorno <lPJ.^i Outfit un.i KiririK free. _ Auonte watitnd. TKOK A I JPSTEAY LAMB. Cum a en to tho premisca of the sub- soribor, lt fall, a Ewe ^ Lamb. Tho owner li requested'to. prove proporty, pay chargvs anil take it away.' : J JKOBEItT KKNNKDY, I liotKo. 2, lstcon. Erin. Acljon, March 8, 1B70J. 37-.3t T\URUAIH BULLFOR SALE. The thorough bred young Durham mill,"!"J1ft<iiyJ>nKe,'.1 ono of my cele brated herd, is ofTercd for sale. Ho is ronrr color, oiio year 0ld oh the 1/ith of March; innt. " / C. S. SMITH.' Acton, Mar<:l|!8, lf7ff. XI-'It. T. R. station here, tmck for two days after notice of its arrival , had'been given, (so we are informed), and when thojGran. gers caire to take if. away, the Station Agent charged the] usual 'demurrage1, viz: 4'per day per car loud, {amounting! in t|he two days to 16 on the whofS; ! Tbis caused quite ;a cotnifiotioniBmqng the Grange fraternity, for at that rate the salt cost them some seven cents per .barrel more than they could purchase it at a ny of. the. 're tail stores here. A lew lessons- of this kind will teach some men that all-cannot be .merchnj ness men, 'so must with the higher and ling art of tilling the A Colony of Horse Thieves. nts and bhsi- be. contented more ennob- soil. ' ' 1 THEl HILITAI1Y MAKE A RAID OS A REGULAR ".ROBBER'S R008T.j" who; has waged incessant guerilla Queen has given J^10,000 towirJs warfijre on the established authori-1 tiesjisurrendered.lasfwefek,. enter ing iFran'ce with 30,000 men, the' remnant of his army, -who-'were taken'.prisoners by the French au thorities. Everywhere the Carlists are Isiirreudering, and thousands are fleeing into France. Don. Car los bjimself has gone tolhe North of- Fipmce, and it is said that he will |' seek; refuge in England, wherte he-'will probably await an- othe opportunity tc assert himself. In the meantime the Imperial party ape i:i high feather, and the young il&inf Alfonso, who has for some Jime past commanded the army; in perse n, will make a triu|nphant entry ^fato ^Madrid, where a grand reeertipn Wiill be accorded to him.. The iiu^stiphTof the return of -ex-; Queen 'Isabella to the Capital has; been left with the Ministry, and it is 4o be hoped for the-peace and credit of the country that she may be allowed to reciain permanently in,exile. /1AKD. j I would rcBpectfiiily return my sin cere thanks to tho puoj)lc of A<^ton ami vicinity, fyr tlie very liberiil pntronago they have given mo iluring tlie pat ycar.iond. woulil Bay that I- am now in a bettor position than ever to furriinh all articles HBiially kept in a finrt clasw bakery. Having removed to more coil- venient premises and built a first class oyen,I can now tuni. out bread, and other articles in -inore satisfactory manner than heretofore. The continued patronage of the public is respectfuDy solieted. D. GALLOWAY. Acton, March 8thr 1870, . 37-2t SECORD BROS., MONTREAL HOUSE, ;lA.cTonsr. ;'.'S .'.--"SKAJIB> Trtn 1 ^. Morning Mii : Day Express I B*pre. ' KiWExpre 'KrifhJExpre " W'i '-"-J &4f Express tun -' Mtxwl LOCAL Nl :*& a* ing* <if ' .aiickkntt, i4' i&mirg ., Hkdmay I GiP!r,"-at; 1 *nd aoi tea pvbVcai'wnX , eeiv* U by \\4iat. M TOX BAfcliltV. llurrali. Hurrah. CHEAP BREAD. 'OpposfUo^t Is the Ufe of trade. Bay Gullownj'ii supt-ripr Bread. We believe tlte correct principle of advertising and doing business geiiieraHy.to be, to shdW cu*- tomers and others, clearJy, positively and cohvjih- cingly, that it is to their interests to trade with the party^advertisingj; This of course is not; po- sibJe to every mercliant, for'; to"-do so he must be able to show clearly that he can give them better value for their money than they can get! elsewhere. -To accomplish: this, he must not only buy well but. he must mark all {roods down to Bottom Prices^ so. that .customers will see at a glance, that|4t is to their interests to trade with h!m. i- j Iki the two invoices: below we think we clearly Ho s/13 s he never tasted ting liquor. A young man named Humphries was badly injured in Guelph on Saturday by the unexpected explo sion of a charge Of dynamite with which, he -was blasting a rock in Chubb's quarry. It is feared he will loose the use of at least one ofj bis eyes, j .- The London Ailrertiur under stands that- Mr. J*. B. Gough, the celebrated temperance orator, baa generously offered to pay the salary of Prof. Samuel for one year out of bis own pocket, to allow Mr. Samuel an opportunity to devote his energies freejly to temperance work in Western, Ontario. Mr. Samuel, we understand, is willing work A Model Towsbhip. They. kno^' how to dothings in the town-. ship >f Elizabetbtown, judging from tbe f jllowing extract from the coun cil m inute publish**! in" the last lit-, corfrr; " Mr. Stafford moved, seed! ided by "Mr. iBarlow, thai the minutes of tbis council be published in tl i.e Brockville' Monitor and. Re- border1 newspapers, (providing they publish them^at the raSe of -12 each.'and the clerk pe authorized to see that they are published in both papers if it is agreeable to their editors. Carriedt" This -is, as it s^houjld be. Weldo not think any counjc'il could expend money more judiciously than by encouraging and sustjiining a live" local paper in theirj midst. Newspapers in this section of Canada get nothing for publishing the Council proceedings. defraying the expenses of the [pro jected improvements at Quebec. EtN. W. R. R Wo learn that the surveyors are busy on the line of the Hamilton and North Western Railway, between 5iim merman and Wellington Squarj, Bya curious coincidence Sln-ove Tuesday, or Mardi Gr.as,1 fell Ithis year on the eitra or leap-year Thisfhas not |happened jince 1 and will not occur again till 1 The following failures aro re ^Miller, Son <k Co., colliery jirietors, Soutk Wales; liabilities 40,000 st'g. Lutschen &<Jo., mer chants, L-mdoh, Eng.; liabilities, 2,500,000. The Dominion Senate consisls.of 77 members. Ontario 4nd Quebec send 24 each, Nova Scotia.and New Brunswick'10 each, Prince Elw ard Island 4, British Columbia 3, and Manitoba 2. It is generally believed that the fall wheat throughout tbe country has suffered, on account of the ground being so frequently frozen and;thawed, and the plants bieing exposed to the hard frost when un covered by snow. . I '; By the burning of the|:Home for the Aged near Brooklyn, Tuesday From the Denver (Col.) Kcics, "Feb:\27. Between -assassinations, horse stealing, Indian raid:iand the lesser incidents of daily 1; fe, times i are rather" stiring down n New Mexi co. A correspondent furnifhes the particulats of a raid 'by a-detach ment of cavalry theJother day oh a band of horse thieves at Bo^juiHsi, a small settlement forty-five*-- niiles from Fort. Stanton!. The settle ment, numbering, o.bout forty -hicn, is composed etrtirely of' khic^es, who make horse-stealing their calling. , Originality four { or five thieves settled there. With tihis I beginning -rogi es from all parts jof the, Territory, Colorado and Texiis began colonizing there,'ihe number steadily increasing,4 until the desj)eradoe8 became bo formid- oblethat the ofEceis. knowing the character of the gang, were afraid to make an ari-est. Wllen away from Boquilla, oft en predatory iiti- enrsions, the rogues would always claim to bail from some other place. ' . The little plaza ijn- the! midst of the colony is a |>erfect fOrt. Every means for" defer ce has been provid ed. Shafts sur k atJ intervals along the plaza, and provided with lad ders, connect, a; depths from ten]to twenty feet, with drifts, pr subter ranean passages, some of them run ning hundreds ojf feet to neighboring apordihz meanB I' - look decid Jj^-For, cooaty try G| show the advantage gained by those who deal to work in connection with the, ... ., ,_ Western Prohibitory League, or j ~ylne9. aJd thfs affording wherever his services can be used ,of ^P13 ,ln ,to8f an^- attempt at ar For1 years D. GALLOWAY Urgs to announce to the Inhabitant* of y.clon and vleliiliy that lie has removed Mr Baking Eslablislimeat to the prem ise* next door lb' Morrow's drrnj 6tire, Where lie has bnllt a Drt(.class new ovi-n and rrfltted the premise* in n flrrt-ciuss fctyl* for a Bakery ami Confecilonery Business, and is turning but BSXTE2, BEEAD THAN EVEE, Bun*,. Oaies^ "-_ Slscuits, . " .': ' Pastry, . Canlles, Al) of the best qnnllt j- anil nt greatly .re duced price*. Mixied Candies nt 25c per lb. froduce of nil kinds tiikrn In exchange for Uoods.. '. Weight for weiebrt given In Bread In ex- j change for Flour. Graham Bread a specialty. Bread, Buns nnd Cake's dell>eretl every jday, fres", around the village. WEDDIHQ & FANOV CAKES made to order and on bond, In the latest S' yles and at reasonable charges.. N". 3. AU goods are warranted pure, as nothing but the beet ofmnteriol Is used. The patronage of the public Is respect fully solicited. Call and see for yourselves. UALLOWAT BROS. Acton, March 8, 1RT6. with us, over those who dori't. A customer bought of Seeord Bros. Slbs. Meteor Tea, 50c. per lb......'.....'..... ... 11 lbs. Bright f^agar-,..,..,.......:..........1. 12 lbs. Medinm "Bright Sugar..........';;....... 1 lb. Best HytonTea. . :____..........i........ I 1 set Knives and Forks ........:...... .,___ 1 set Chins, 44 pieees.. .i......:...'.___........ 1 gallon Coal Oil ....;.....'..____..........____ 2,50 ' 1 00 1 00: 150 "4 00 30 _?ll 15 i.-- Another party who didn't buy at Secord Bros., had to .pay .the following prices tor the same goot s: to good purpose. Tbe friends of tempei-ance in Maine are a'sking for stronger re strictive clauses in their prohibi tory bill. The bill thoy ask for prohibits \h& manufacture of in| toxicat'ing liquors'; .under-a. penalty of 8500 fine or six tnontbs' hard labor, and for second y iolation.botb the fine and tbe imprisonment, or a year of hard labor, 3t> however, exempts', cider fronj its provisions, but declares o'her liquors contra band, and the burden tof proof that the article is not for sale is thrown upon the owner. The reported mysterious disap pearance of D. H. Mooney, Acting Bursar of the Toronto Lunatic Asylum, has been confirmed. On Friday his wife, fearing that some thing had happened, instituted en quiries, and a lettor was found in bis desk stating. that be feared if he stayed at the .Asylum any long er he would become insane, and .that be had gone down to the Bay at the foot of Bathurst street to drown ,himself. His body was found in the bay on Monday morn ing. There are two hundred and fifty- six lawyers in Montreal. morning, at least :seyehteen? and probably thirty, old persons lost their lives. A I panic among the inmates increased the loss of life. The other night; ae the mail 1 raifi" on the 3. T. R. was approac bing Brampton, a man was seen on track. -f-"He. took no notice p f all warnings, and lying down betv^en the rails] allowed ten cars to :! over himi ne escaping unhurt I Go forth in hasW, with pills and pfuto, Proclaim to alf creation j . '> The men are wise who advertise lu the present generation.^ P.M8 Overflow of =t^e Credit. Streetsville, March 6.-^The ice in the River Credit suddenly broke' up to-day, causing "very heavy jams in several places, and greatly en dangering several dams and bridges in 'the vicinity. The bridge at Messrs. Goodetrhaijn & Worts'late flax mills was .carried away; bodily and totally destroyed. At one time tbe ice was piled up near Beatte's dam ten or fifteen feet high, but .passed away without do ing any damage. The water in the mill creek is also very hjgh, com pletely jiurronnding !the Residence of Mr. Daniel McGil. The water is gradually subsiding, and no fur- I ther damage is anticipated. rest should be niadL. tbis colony of thieves has existed, in defiance of the law a4d the an thorities. Their operations have extended over a wide range of coun try,, and hundreds, perhaps* thou sands, of horseshave been gathered in by them nnd! traded arid Bold | in Texas, the Indian'Territory, Color ado'arid Arizona. I The chiefs I of the colony appear, frjotri tie confes sion of the members of the gang recently arrested, tojbe tiiree Mex- icaans named Chavez, Maes, and Lejos, who are fierce a'd blood thirsty villains. They nave.kept scouts out on all sides, day and night, each citizen by turn being subject- to guard duty, and if a stranger approached ibe i.larm was always sounded, and whjile a por tion of the gang shewed, him dis tinguished attention and- showered their hospitalities upon bim, the ringleaders darted iwb/ under ground, reappearing ftt the surface when it Beemed safe to dc so. The cavalrymen vho inade .the recent descent captur ;d fonr of the worst men in the. lot, though not the ringleaders. Thai, people igot wind, somehow, of uheir comtng, and when the horseirien galloped up to the plaza, they found only a few men and some womon in the village. The thieves who^ were ar rested, when lodged in the guard house at" Fort Stanton, J confessed their calling, and boaitedj that.the gang bad over 200 iioraes wilhin ten miles of Boquillu, ajnd.defled any one to discover thejno. ;lt is surmised that, everyt lini else be ing on an equal scaie, jthia fang have a large subtern nean stf ble, where the stolen eguiieslaro kept until traded or disposei of singly or in small lots. The caValrymen sat isfied themselves of the existence of the underground passages, but did not venture to explora ^hem.j A large force will investigate/ the whole neighborhood, and try to. dis cover the whereabouta-ofl the Oon- cealod animals. A CLATTER AMONGST TINWAREI NEW TIN AND STOVE DEPOT. 51hs. Meteor Tea, "5 pr lb."1 , 11 lbs B"St Sjigar ;.........1.. 12 lbs. Merlium Bright Su^it 1 lb Hest Hyson Tea ....... it.set Knives and forks) ..'-', - 1 set China. 44 pjecrt*. ..... 1 gallon Coal Uif____ .... Brought down. C. $3 IS " 1 1 ~- 1 , . I C To' ov 1 35 $3 8 I Record Bros:' ciislomer thus savjed no ; less than - '"" -. '- I ' -T $3.89 on a purchase of about eleven dollars. The man >viio didn't buy from them iiow thinks! it tvouhi have been to his iriterests if he,had gone to $e6rd The undersignetl announce to the people of Acton and surrounding country that they have opened a ~ Tin; Sheet-Iron, and Stove Business, in the premises formerly occupied by Mr. Chns. Dean, nearly opposite the post office. Being practical workmen of large experience, we can assure all wlio may favor us with their patronage that they can rely upon having all work exeouted promptly and "in the very best manner. A large stock'of ' Tin, Sheet-Iron and Japan ned Ware always on band, of the best quality. ga?0"yrEg of various patterns always in stock. Eavetroughingl Jobbing promptly attended to. Rags, Iron, Brass and' Copper taken in exchange. -The patronage of the publio is respectfully solicited. - WILSON; & JOHNSON. Acton, March 8, 1876. \ j Bros. That man is now a liviug,!sian<ling, walk ing advertisement for %s. Thesie* are every facts,: witnessed to by hundreds of our cust<iraci*v and commend themselves to 'ih. attention: ofj every frugal housekeeper. ' -U i Orders of five dollars and upwards delivered at Georgetown, ^forval, Limehouse, Guelph; IRock* wood, &C, free of charge.^ v ' _. SEC0E.D BROS., Actons Thejargest Retail Importers of Tea west of Toronto. :.; RE3MNANTS! BBMNAlNTSi J Preyiousto stock taking, we will have our usual two weeksVCIeaTing'-Sfie 4a of R imnants. Every Remnant in tbe store will be sold cbeap. I -DOARDESS. . Parties wanting board in a private house can hear of such accommodation by applying at the Kkee Press office. ; Acton, March 1, 1876, t REMNA?rriS ,PRKSS GOODS; REMNANTS SUSS, :] .RBMNANTS LTJSTREiJ, REMNANTS FRENGE: MERINOS, REMNA^rs PRINTS, REM?TXSTSC01t6ni5 (Whit4 and Grej), REMNANTS TICKINGS, '; REMNANTa HOLLANDS, REMNANTS FLANNELS,, REMNANTS TOWEIJJNGS, REMNASl'S SBIRT1NGM, REMNANTS TWEEDS, '-. ) REMNANTS WINCEYS, 4o., Ao. A. O. BUCHAWI j:. -. Fashionable WeBt End, Dress, Mllllneiyand VLbrCo FiUbUiM""*- aaeii&',Feb|..2l. 1876. : r : ^ 8a bills for !^i-A:Soi| Vt will be j <m^Friday the'auspices I of t&it pL as intercstiri the enter . ;. Mrl Meaars/Cree] in 1 Cluneal instrj ag Partiesl would new'shoteL' | Read.' woildinfor be will be j coming weel later-of Acton 8rrjce3 shoij Vtwareby. this; date. ;_ e C .- aaca ^Lll,. , Very well at agreeable sfc - muddy.] .ficuit pieces j mnnner by 1 appointment, "' thelJcLangl '.pected toi . carryimx on the. yooag { their psrts *5'a nofcc the part (% I readily be 01 .enee t>n a .would be "atoateur per Misses Elizal ' W*ton, : 1 -Mourn. Ch -i.aad' Baku. ited>t : Pwces were j R*ad, nde .otMr. Johnl Kvered. by : ;? eron, and. Ci - itotemperan] ;*30. -;.f. kj.^ ;.'f- * Xasket MyJ 1,8,1 \*-y 2.7. . afrument of I vMyio,iJ Hy e, ii,| ennty in. L My wbol^ e^spaper Bolton. 3* *Al '1 1CJ>- ft - y 1 * 3S*

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