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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 24, 1876, p. 3

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NTSl I AM, lOOLS. - TfflE -FREE PRESSi ACTON, / SBASD TRttfK TIHK JFaIBUR Tnani lo^vc Acton M follliAy*: S COINS WKvri" - ' I " Morning Mail - "/- Dy RiP1**3 iMhred . - - - .; .' ooisi.; KAsn Jfigjtt Erprcn - '- MUtd ' " * Dy E*I>r* - -Mill.. " * t.- . Mi*d fl 10n.ni. .2.1X1 p.m. .VJOp.m. 7j:l."i p.m. 12:45 sum". aj:ST ! fe a-ni.' 8:J0.ra. ll;:35a.lu. .'S_:20p.ni. 8:35 p.m. itiCAh Sit\V$.-rW< **" tegml, at itf time*,-to rceeipe items of local neav, fmck ax tprcialiehttrek terriers, meet- iiufi of t(i]xranct or rther ft^dctie.t, accident*, or any inc'ulinl >chich may fx- waiU ig the convenient-*): of tho Hiblo Socic y and other*. H wasaUoabright KloA <o '<tkc thoaehsouf tlw mooting." But vtvs not Mr. AWkcr n little too fast Wjtic.iiitio remarked.t-lmt." tho m.-vn who Bfcnsjtho jwjwr cannot go. hick on the v*ui.[ . " >s no thing to "sign tho l*l>err.-Mul_qite nnothvr to vote away, 'that. kmomit.f\yhcn we dro coitvincod that it will he to our injury to do bo; 1 cmi injform him that men whoso names are on. that "paper both caii and will go back ou the voter On this principle I suppoicihoac. names' wereiput omvith- out arty authority from thu owners, and others were not awafo that their signa tures hvoro on tho paper Hill they ap peared in the Kkkk Tunis. " Cannot they 4 lack V Some of ^nf enterpria- ing citixens are'aKt>eatin;a pet scliemo- of the r qw.ii. " Ko sinking fund fo:r t'eii years.,"- T.'l.'s -*s farseeing with a;von- iHALTON GO -^ n i.inniii.vjitBKanaMBt- 1 :i-. itterc^in.eitAer in.thii lociiHtii or'in .* ',, if ;# .., i "n r ""i " " - ""."" fit country Vrt.mi.7v. ' Matter of thU ' ??*??' U$ i CW^ *ttfwfco- o*< c<; ,*-r -.. Jhc-V M' norther busbies* hcrcj and I compelled'to st.iv may liuuiilatc tho little aocou'nt. Can- the interest not l*r staved off in the same manner, and then the plot; will be per fect ! Others are "so intensely jiatriotic tftit they are supporting a scheme whieh they inform us is to'their own in- - ' jury. May not they also ho -favored _ , , ';-, .';,;, v j witli a'view of sonic advantage not visi- ^;.The test job ^nntmc m the t ount y j \, e to the uninitiated. "Freeholder" t'the Frks Prkss Office-- Call and ex- c^ueliides with a lofty pity for our ig- Capv," at t\e'rale o"' olf cent: jxr oi", aW -an* tritlfil. In ortier to iiww'rr i<j jmblirat'on it w n+ctSMiry for m to \rt- retire it l>y H'ednraiay morning, at Me Mert. '. ' ..-,. 4 , " 1QCAL JilATTERSri S-: if Mil Ji'Vl:. I .- . . '". I'- :5p<* Stock of i ,-.pH>r *ajpi . , prepaid, . * ' VT SCEr 3 0^8 3CKST0RE \Ty iidhira^ StrMt, '.f:.!' it - ABine our tpecunens. ;-. . Acton.1 Monthly: Fair next 9Fhuridy. We h>pe to see a large quantity of-live stock. . : -\V"c are rKjnestetl to -announce _ that Mrl . Kswlxme, of iTphmto, will -prtach iu the Baptist Chapel-ou Sunday next, at 11 a.m. and 6^-ni. ^ The Grand IvJHinion nndeir tjio _ apics3 ef -Acton fiivkion Sons ot7Tem- peraace will l* held on'ffuesday-rcven- ' ing Mareli 7th.* For par'ticnlar^ see bills 3ind programme. ; ' ' ' Now ts the tinit! foreverv- -. . body to-lay in large stoclts of winter goods, for the merchants are rnthing - "them erf at. extraordinary low prices. Thet don't' want to cirry them over another season. .A Kttle money will iiow. go-a. long ways. ; . r. -*-A very interesting and snecoss- ful entertaiproent Mas 4ield in JFjiuc Grove Schiwl.-House,. Xasisagaweyai. last Friday e^icniag. The buitling was -;lUled nontnee, which 1 cannot' hut admire, and.'informs us that "It is bound to. carry-." 1 think I c;m- promise him all tho putilieity ho can desire, and would remind him, that "The l>ost laid schemes of men and mice gnng aft aglee." i -.Yours,' OnvsrnoSlsT. Acton, Feb. _'!, lSTti. - . pYe feel certain that my correspon dent: is wroiig in ?upj>o5ing that sluiic of the iiaiiuv*".were.attached to the petition " withofrf authority.7' Wi have reason ta believe that every name on the '-list was written'by the owner, with the ex ception of two, and those two were put ou -ihy. authority.- He: is also, wrtii'ig . >liUt there being "Xo sinkjng fund for ten years." The law.would not allriw it, even if anylx>dy were so tlisposed. The balance of his xfphistry may.be left for " Freeholder,'* or ' any other man" to take up next week. Editoh-Kiiee s AT TJIE" E3 _A. S T El 3^T ID DICKSON &:McNAB. Acton, Feb.-8, 1S76. -^-;A. good iMtm-.il leaf Japan Tea for 2,r> cents ]>jr lb. atJSeconl Hros. - +^fhe l>ost ,"i0o Tea in Canada, at Seord HKis. - Can't 1 j bought short of 5ciju ('uclpli. ; -.Tho bivj'e'st'stock Of Ttas held . by "any retail house' west of Toronto, fo it^ ctmest capacity/. A'lengtliif re- ar.d lowest prices at Sccord Brt>?. " port of'the procettiiiigsj has justil>eeh ' received fivm a comsfponiltnt, tin) late for this issue. It will bo'published next week: _ 7 .- . t < . - Mr. E:sl"er, the pwmdto'r of the proposed- brush 'factjory, 1. expected to l>e in Acton to-day r .to-tuorrow, to ratify the;.-igVceuieiit with tie Corjwra- tiou. If the- agreement ts satisfactory to all concerned, it is likelyjthe By-law Vill 1"pryjored at the regular fneetihg jof the Couaeii oh Saturvlay.evening. j -A meeting of the Committee "iof the Acton Braneli BiHe Society will "; be held in the -vestry of . the Fresbyttr rin Church on Monday evening next Et G-JO o'clock, sharj), fT the: purpose of appropriating the recent subscriptions for the various purj*ases aidetl by the Scatty. A fall atcendance is reques^d. Stock Taking. Cvuistief Ilen'r dcrson & C<k are just now emsi:cd in stt>ck~ taking. Any j>ersou, wanting a .ehia]t,'iiee tittijig suit of ;clotlil'S,' or: a :hah-lsoine silk dress at a v^ry l<i'\vju-ice lean have their'wish fully Igmtitjed by bycdlingXcarly at the Ulasgow House. Ihin't! Jose;.V the goldcti .|oppirtunit:y. Money savci.1 i^ money .uiidir- .-mvl you can save money ariy day by-ieavhjg your urders at thelilasguw HouHe. Keinem- i bc'r that 50c tea. Si ' ' ' CAtH SYSf SELL FOR BASH! BUY M SAVE MONEY AND BECOMI: RICH! NTY,' ONTf., FE^KTJARt 24, ,'^S'7|. --.!.. |HAf 'WONDERFUL MAN. NEWS PRINC CSOOP FIRST ARRIVALS IN CUELPH, 13 PACKftGFS OF NEW Bed Tickings, Sheetings, Tabic Linens, Towels, 500illecesft'cW ilakldsome Pt^inf j. 5,000 Pieces Best AmoricanNtiotto,. T - Ond Case Fd.ncy Dress Goods. ^ewesjfeQopds ONE CASE M BLACK LUSTRES AND ALPACAS, BET VALU^N THE of ItfllNIOK An immenss Variety of FANCY AND STAPLE t DIlY ^00S J^iviag! ^l '! ! I wpuW intimate to my 6ld friends that rriv Agent in Britain hasjbeen able this dull seaspii to obtain extraordinary ba"rga|n8j-all of wbidli yoii have the full benefit of. An early call is solicited, ; ' ' ' ' ' ; -iHOGH Feb. 22, 1870 39 "" Alma Block, tJiTper Wyndiiam Street, GueupL GASH! The Everywhere Popular CA^H Adopted by CHRIST! HENDERSON SYSTEM ECORD B "- . GENT|RAI^r EmIdRI : M2LL STBfE^T, ApTON .^.'Ci^coisr- GO.; ;_iu view k tho plcUiiins'iiani. - Being eonvinccd by ob^crvat-ion liiul experience times it behoves every f>cbon to make thai tllC Olllv tdie-l>rici ll'e-'OU-\\4lic " their mon'ev go las far a$-po.ssible. How-' . "-. * ' . ' - . Craatell-IlerUnc*. ' Krimoa, Frrday, Feb. Coth. Xinagaweya; Satnrday, ^tltli. -JActon, Saturday evening, 2t>llu Xrin, tMopilay, SSth. . B*qu^8ing, "Tuesday, 29th. ' Hal tan County; Taesday,: March ~th. lt c : -wirfii i -1 tea >r _the_!loer.*' ^.iNCa^K i'atchnMJcer, Gofij*'! IlVTS. - ^--. :. r go fas lar as-poss to sin so is no longer a secret. . The fol lowing figures, iuust epiiviiice every person t!;:it .Sceiird' Jiro*. j|< the place to save i:i<u:cy. ,K customer bought at Seciird Kros 50 (K) 1 W , S-'i 1 isct Knivi.s and -iKorka J. ... : 1 .HO i set CJiiua, 44"liteces j .', .. ^4 00 5 1 ns. iiKtcur Tea, at 50c lkT lb. 2 II li-;. biijlitel-t Su.-ar 1. '..' 1 .1*2 li>s. meili'.iin bright Sugar ... I lib. U.st T.-.i .. ... J. ..: loalwar* Jm** :i-ii MOHBt -larticalar in *"*^| heir purcbw****^- Casi P*W, Hao": '-?; ;ah*a i Icjf'.^re'- 3rd"to'eirt",(!**^. ,-whoiooit a*ll*g greater price* *i-^7 . pay anS-tbn* '_ J.-;---":- 'NT , alwy b*1? 61 thote whci ire- any-*** . j [on tHop**hi |SD^ll.PM!r-':r.-j"!;| BOO) m Public Ciiarity Fairf. - -- T* &iE4<ir~ctf thr.Frrt Trek*. Sk-lb Sib f-T-H' U a faci-!"*6!! known. t'mny of our citizens fhatjthe jire-^ent winter has witnessed an unusual nuin ' ir of tramps in our inidst:i Xo d-ouht - \^ aiir *re Jtaibng^ and inudeserviog ierina, but .^ ut of thenIadnnhtlessly ape deserv- ' or at least: arf^ in alc~ '*> * hrt want for food or shelter, and ought _ to b subjects of our lneficcnce, wheth- - XX their wretched condition hais lieen the iwnlt-Of their oVa folly or| misfortune. I do not blame thoee unfortunate beingii for. stolieiting aid to keep-body and- sf-iil together until the refreshing -spring ! lungs hew vigor, and I trust ample empfoynjent.-but I do com "daira of the -'. jUownrigh't stingyncss or want o^ feei- ,; ' ing for these at present 1 elplesa crea- ; , T - tares, on the part of the custodian of, f V the charity fund so .tene^ously and i. .. hinrtily 'voted "\>y opr JVilla^e Coupcil -i' for fhe assistance of starving humanity. " Why'sbould a few private individuals be called upon to feed and :clothe these J' "irsBderirig waifs,- wheat a fund for tjhat . v-,porpo:e has been provided Jjy the;whole :- viljlge ? : Even, although j the village ioepitality may have fien once jier- _ vertfed^it is no good realson why' all others should lie'sent; empty away or u. with only half the price of-[,a bed, or of r * .snpp^r. ^ iBe generons;: T say. The cost of on coroner's ' ingnest would amount to" -more" than thfe price ,of a. dozen bedsiand sappers. Trusting that the wishes of. the people of Acton as ex- . pretsed-tiy the" vote of the: Council will have respect in fulare, J am, &c, - _ "--- ..""- HrJiAMmr,iJvs. j -Scton, Feb.' 23, lS/C" "The Bonus!^Question- 'To the Editor oj'llie.Yet -Ppess. Dzxs. Sib: An article' appears in your last week's issn^. over the signa- tore of "Freeholder," commenting rath- *s severely on those who have the auda city to oppose the proposed bonas. '." As I hive the ^himor to be ' amongst the mmber, I wQttry-and comply with his .-demand. I think, the practice of i^rant- ing bonuses is an injury to'( this country, ' ^ and only in Very exceptional cases - proyes-a success. ' But if we must give '- . " > bonus in Acton, let as have some en terprise that will employ our men-and - not children at from one to,three dollars .^"pw'week. If. this is !ail: we get in re,- r _ tom for $4,500 liard eaij I would ask !the freeholders to give it:4 careful con- !'-.. side-ration before they votfe it away, I would also- ask the supporters of the \ ' | scheme what difference St will make ' whether, the other -branqh 3^r. Baker inform* as may be started is ten or one hundred 011168" distant j As we are A awarethe freight on ltht package nearly as much, in one -case as the . ier, and the qifer; of .another bonui Bay divide the business, leavinjg lie Pree. .' ' grows.quite sarcastic 'when he S ^ ^ *he nature btonr opposition. I : '.. . Hafhe not got the knife by the wrong, thutk the hole-awl-corner bnsH " ' attended to. -j^hilc we '^cre ": . i - - . v ; sio s.5 Another t-nrty didii't ibuy at Sscord 1} ros.'-^iud . iiad to J>ayi the .following prices for the saine gimds 2 5 lbs.~meteor Tea, at' 7i>e, per lb. $.1.75 11 llw. brightest Sufrar .].' .. 1 10 1 2 IIjs. medium bright Sugar . . 1 09 1 lb. best Tea .... 7. ... 1 00 I ..set Knives and Forks 4. .. f 75 set China, 44 pieces J. .. ; If \ 00 Krou^ht ilown- .. 81411;9 io:".S5 Secord's customer tlmS paved S3' 85 more th.in the-person who didn't ;buy i rom them. TEeile are facts. - -Mesirs. Sfcoid Bros, desire to emind .their custf-iiiers [that alb-lac- :ounts now running at their store, in iccoriMnce with their pul|lishH;d tennj, will betome due on the first of Mirch. They consider accouiift'i paid every three months as good *s cash, aiid that being the case, they have madeia great reduc tion on all their prices, which were al ready as every person knows,the cheap est toibe had anywhere, and rp) ehalde them to continue these, prices, ,tliey must ;carry oat in every case, .-ynd ho exceptions; the terms tney have pub lished of collections every three mouths, j^ny-accounts not paid then must,be ettled by note with interest. They feel assured no reasonable person can object to this, wheii~theyj know that the merchant only gets an average of' about "0 days credit, and if be gets longer time:than this be has jto"pay interest for it," and it is only fait that consum ers should do the 'samp. | However, we intend in every case tojcarry this out, and on the first of March We will cjom- mence a tour amongst.pur customers, who-will oblige by having- the money ready for us. But if they should be going from. home if they will please leave the. money with their family, so that we won't be disappointed when we call'duting the first week_in March. All accounts not settled then-will be handed over to the clerkjfor collection. 1 business caii rSietl-oii is't'hc* ilottM'iiiincd'iii SELL FOR be successfully and satisfactorily en now Popular"Cash System, we have all transactions TO BUY AlSrD READY PAY ONLY, commencing on the 31st day of March next, on and after which date we will adhere strictly to the Cash System. j By buying, for ! cash and taking advantage of trade discounts,' we will, be qnabied to sell goods at. but a slight adva-rice on importers' and ipanu- 'facturers' prices, and decidedly lower than can be obtained by Grangers and others from cily jobbers. To do this we adopt the Cash Principle, and we feel assured that bur numerous customers antt the (public generally will accord iis:a hearty supppHin bur effort-to advance their interestjrby supplying " S-iith a good article at a decided FyLO^Y House. The Aeku'bwledged Cheapest Is Cheap|ef than Bver. ' .,'. : I j Prices %$ 0". W., MAM'S ;. .- .' Winter' Stock, jf AND READY-SWAOE CLOJHsst _" - " At GKEATLY REDUCED ^RICES GREAT BA:RGAiNS ." " " ; " ' ' - . ' Are oflerect for cash or produoe. Kequced. -\-Money 'Saved. " A little girl braids the hair of one rii front of her, instead of studying, when the teacbep re= inarks*: "Homo is tbefplace for ar ranging tbe4iair, not here. What would yon think of my braiding niy. hair in school.?" Presently Susan's head is raised, and -[the teacher, supposing she wished |to ask some question about ,the lesson, nods, when she hears the following : "Mary., says;; your -hair is false, anil you wouldn't dare to do it liei*:?' .' Y-X-. !i One of the most briitkl cases of torture-to a live aninial ever re corded, has becwred in Shrewsbury, England. A farmer V&8 convicted of halving.cut out aj hen's "croji" while" she was alive. She^ was found living next morning, with, her chest cut open, j When inter rogated about his motive;, heisaid be had lost a bag oil wheat, and, stwpecting a neighbor, had cut out the crop of one. of jbis fowls toi obtain proof of tbb theft. He" was ? Cued five sbillipgs. i v '- them |w PRICE, In G-rooeries, Crockery aifd G-lassw. ' "." Will be found a complete assortment of the best qualrty Acton, Deo. 29, 1S75, [. ;. Ihb* j READ THIS. Haying adopted the system of d<j)ing businesBon Basik of Thr<3e Months' Credit, We feel assured it .mil-result to tbe.advantage of our customers as well as ourselves, and we propose iho ring pur ouatomera a few of the adtantoges they will gain by it. If we can get a settlemimt of all accounts every three months, tt will be ns good to us as cash,"and as we intend to, carry this out,' and whether the account is one dollar or a himdred, insist on caih or note, and interest every three montlis^Vre have made a .( This change, we feci, whilst resulting largely to the benefit, of our patrons, will not in any way re sult in any material loss to ourselves, as we will effect a.greaLsaving in keeping books, collecting accounts, interest on outstanding moneys, <5ic. A deeded reduction wilT-bc made in the price of all goods handled by us, and we trust the dif ference will he such as will result in a material advantage to" all parties, and receive general approval. -,[.-'.;.. - -' In the meantime spoc'ral inducements willi be offered,tp all CASH BUYEItS; " . '.-* Produce will be taken in exchange at market prices, and when required for the purposes of our trade will be paid.for in cash" if-d^sired. In buying Butter we will carefully grade and pay a-price according to quality, thereby offering ji premium for the best production, ! v We cordially invite inspection, by all, and assure our many friends that in no instance ^Vill we allbvv their interests to suffer by dealing with us. Our fariious 50c TEA will still maintain.jts repu tation as second to none in the DominiDn for purity, pungency and flavor, _^>- 03RISTIB, HEftDE&SQST & CO. :Acton, Feb. 16, 1^76./ ::". \ ' "l ,,'.. GREAT AND SHAND REDUCTIO Of ill goods capable of reductibn, a few instinoes of which we give below Lobiqi N IN PRICES S Tea reduced to",IS5 cents. , '80 cent Tea reduced toJO'centnj 73 cent'Tea reduced to 50 centiil 40 cent Cbal Uil r< duced^.to 30 cents. S23 Silver Watch i-edu'ceA-to 1$. $18 Silver Watch reduced to 51 CEESOSfcANJ) DEjUGGIST, - . 'i. ."-. '-" .- ,j ' ' -Has removed to the i Brick Drug Store oil' Mill Stre^^ Formerlyjjccupted by the late. DE. DARTER, which has been enlarges - refitted. ! -... .."--, - -: A large stock of Drugs, Medicines; fancy Goods, Toilet Artiolo^ i^ always on hand.'" . .--,' I - Acton, Nov. 3. 1875: .".' ' " 01STERS, x :: {/ OYSTEIiS,"7v OYSTERS. Best Brands of ' ' BALTI3nOKE JFRESH 'OYSTERS, V i /STODDARD'S- ^ Fruit and Oyster Bazar. All k'mds of^tSmperanee Drinks and Cigars constantly.on hand. . Aoion. Jan. la," 1S7B. a VELP'U ARMORY, 15Silver Watch deduced to $1 h 6.50 China Tea St reduced to $5.50. S6I00 China Tea Sut reduced, to $5. Sli50 Chopping A:te;reduced to 1.35. li25 Chopping AXe reduced to $1. $1.59 Granite Cups and Haucen reduced to 1.23. 7J cent Toronto Bisduits, by box, reduced to 7 cents, 20 pounds,of Bice'for 1. A further reduction of 5c.per! lb. on all Teas except our 50c Tea, when sold in 5 or 10 lb. lots. "1 -':. ' jj-,. J5,_A1] overdue accounts and notes pf hand must be settled forthwith without fail. |:=. : " .' .'j : '-'.: '$ 0., H,'& Go.T It is a great and glorious thitgi tol sell good goods.' cheap, and i the man who hasaccomplished this has dways been 2. regarded as a publio bebefac can justly lar some claim to thje title for of. the cheapest anywnere \. tor. If this be So, we think we our. house has always been acknowledged or e and wearepow making.anothe^ eSort to tti'ow .cheap goods and money into the pockets of our custobusr^ and wa ar) already oOnvinced that the publio hail it with pleasure. ( SECORD BROS. ALSO A-'croaf FACTOR^ . L ' JA^IES R1UER, Proprii Wagons, Carriages, ^leijrio, Cuttsrs, L plating pk7?firks, UZ QUEBEC SXasST, GtrELPH JohiL Kirkham, Prop, ;l BrceclTaud HIuzzlo Loading Rifles, Shot Gtths, &W> , Revolver* qf all.debpriptiona, alwayz-on ' ., . .-, liand], AMMUNITION FOR Alii BRtECH ' V ' iOATBING ASMS. : ; "(..-.. Ely & Kynoclv's Cartrluge- Oormi and Caps tor rb loacUHC Ruroe. Ke-loadnrs, Ke-papiiorH,.Oap.Electors, Curlers, nt.d Cren-sorsVi'leaulng itods, and all ariiule*. Uecessary for aMporfaTKati'b omflt. .AIL sorts of Kepalrlbg nud Jobbing executed on 1U0 Bhoriest notice at I . 113 Oaetteo Street. ' . j " J3OHN KlRKH.fM. ' 1 '^*Kiflr. .'fliillcrx-ori the premises Ofieii twin: 10 o'clnclca. ill. to 10 Ivin. ICopI In slock nn I miiin to Orel r Rliorti.'!!, JSoflce strict iftcnlUni jnlil to l Horso-shooiaB ^General Joj und satl-.fi"ttori guaranteed Aotoh July 1 t, lS"a. - I. c : DR, EQBBRT& Celeb rated Oiata" < ' CAI.LLD THE ; POOR W1AN'? FSIENi lsconfldentlyrepommeruleil t H llea-sun ociulllnu ipiiredv lui \ eVui'yl dwell tb it, a. oniam t i IHcanljjLd **o^i Lcp-, nm of i yeaJs' staodfnjr; Cue, H ir^i, n 8riil8i8 < hiiblaiiw tfcorhiitlp Knn u nud Ptfnptffi nn ihe * cc, ^o c ii'l- flnmpd tlP^i Sore> Heads, c?ori"t'Rr XUlesr 1 IbiiiUi unit Cujic runs rtn < ivndlskspic nr r>i- tno*^ imtptrnp tlonsUnit^crfl tlin.es follow vuvl i i ill :8o1diii Pilsath IJd and s 01 > -^ DiSEobsrts-'PaTasB Aatiacroti- )riAIkrFRN\Ti\K PfCIS '<u,b- by sixty >enrb* c xiPrteiir* to bo ui -tbe b Ibi ttioillcirii shierciimrouml i porlfyicgthc bJrodjTln CnitkiMlii? N I In htrjoi ra Ions ( (_urt_1tlin\ pb-i s lnSrrjifula ^o irbntl^ Complalnl-v ji "IrhwolliTi s piHicul "rti ttir-s c i Tied J<tr T ip> fonttH rollil and siri-c_ Farqllj Apeiient, wi ieo. ninj b> luk allt raes wlUumtCHtflarmctlttir cii of diet. Sol I in Boil's at'liff na o, ,.-. \ it Od,llB oniiilii raoh ,, ; Ijjy the pAoFtjitrraRs, ^fJH^CH AN? BASU^CC'K1 I AT TIISMl I ' \ DlSl*r\. VKY, RBlUPARt. F\G 4 land t>jr I1 n spuotablo Sfcalclue Vmdws f 1 1 L1

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