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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 17, 1876, p. 2

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MB brtciSK(*-1 - JJ!- fc*?A_-7-1>>1cJF 1^|5 .7 S3*"-? J-VlJf" Pl^::#-F#': 14 tea -if JtllE 4VTOK FRE PRESS PablUhcd Etctj- Tjinrsdiiy MomiteV.. l'sw.M vn 91 Per Annum in ;~--Uj-'~-- 4- jyfonF^if^ess Advance. josh. MAcnm ;.-; S*M> - m* -Tmnt>AT Mousisot ._!Pi.iv! 17, 1ST6. A Chat about Ot jr Hoods. . At aia'aiftt'r-dinnor -lint'-by th'o menilx-rs vjf Km] (listing Council, the other day, the ' quest ioh of our roads' tamo up. It was cli'iti'}}; demonstrated that wo had no lead- in-^line in tUe tovrnshij. upon which the people, of the diffeicnt sections could agree to 4mvg a lirge sum of Hft 1 THE; FREE PRESS, i otit-s, jbt Jcarii that it isto, the ititoivstjof every farmer in this,sec- ti. Vn to i-v.ul tlio.kulvortiFcjmtMitNj^iid buy atadvertising establishments, Rir;fi\m such, thoy iiro sure to got tl o fullest Vuluu for their money. money expended." Th several <vil Jages are so-situated tl at no single li road could ', possibly; 'licet" the re-1 -qniremtnts of all.' Tlni consequence I lie space nlloted is 1 ,f>00 feet is tut but a very' liiuitt.il number of the*ratojwyqts would submitjo having tBeitp^iishap funds expend- any one or The... Cantonuiol .Exhibition. . .The Secretary of the t\inadian ' d "partmoiit -of tho'American Cen- -t'luunl Exhibition isi in- Ottawa, nut a inortirig of tho Commission ers is beiitg held. . It is reported t mt'the rei-|>oliso of the people-- ,of t iic Dominionfia'exhiliitors has ex ceeded all expectations. Canada . ..'ill bo well rcpiviiuited in every i ;eprtmeiit of her" various f indtfs- Jrie-s, and every,fcfct of iher space nt the Exhibition will bo occupi n the main building Canada i over- an area of i!-1,000 square J'eet. For machinery in motion, to vliich another buildm.." is,devoted, In he Avt Gallery Canada will occupy .',400/square,feet, with an aildiljion- i rtv'! ed in ahy Uirge autu on two roaiis. J ;.;.- The R(to surest cd that the, practiep of(ioltng out small amounts here laa'iL'there, each:; ear, should b*' done away "witb.( to a grviit extent, and. also tha'; a-'radical change should be nistde in the stat? ate hl>or system. Hit suggestion as we undeist-cKxl it, j<y"as, briefly, that the principal trjj'.^elled roKJs iti each .-ward ,a!ioukl be taken charge of by the Counc Hoi- for siieb ward, respectively, an 1 that die- ratepayers therein sj>e rially ' ^ltcr- .:tstl insttsid of doing ;.tatu'tc-4nl>Or. work, shokild allow tlie value t>f their labor to bo put i i a general' will bav-k beeJi lathe A 76. COMPLIMENTARY SUPPER. According to announcement ip lust wwkV'FitKK I'iihs-1*, n compli mentary supper was tendered by tjhp'citiscns of Acton last Thursday oyening, to W.J 11. Storey; Kmj.. cx-Keevc, and ox-Cuuneilloi^ Hill,' VS>^ }\ Biipper Nicklin and Speight. -Tlio cmn- niitteo" who had undert^vkon the tunnngciBCHt" spnreil no" pnihs to have' over^thtnef pn-pared in u crtnlitablu manner, and wo Ibelievo wo but express tho feeliiig mani fested by those' present, when wo say thoy succeeded admirably. The novel feati.ireS'Of the entertainment were.the pmsencu of a largo nuin- ber of ladiofi and the entire abseiivo iod.- -f intbxicatin I'ter / By-likw ; biiuw on sidowalkr-IWenf 30 yoaiH Had to got ourlet- 1 ij)D0 ftHJt for a j)liotograj)hic xliibition. The agricultural btiild- ug.s- will .accommodate in n space of 10.000 feet the |>r'oducU ot the^foi-- sr, the farm, ttind.'the gaixlen'; in .$ lit] uoi-s. Slitrrtly eight, o'clock, the chair-wap taken by Dr. McOarvin, Iteove, who was snpportod on tlio right and left byt.be guests of tiio even ing. Tho vice^cluiirmcii were Col- Clay, of Norval, Dr.'Robertson, of Milton, Mossra. 1). HendnrsoiL u'nd Geo. Toltoii; of Acton. Two tables running nearly the length of; tho Hall, -were tilled with ladies.mid gentlemen, principally residents of Acton. After the clatter of spoons . hiding-fwjitls wjiich are to" Uv sent, a"d forks had subsided, and the if:i V ward; fund, and have tl - jileni^nt-eJ by. a libend tiie oouivcil; that the w I expanded should betan (. Sdeat each yeiir to " pi portion of each road ir ;good order. In this ' miles of first-class roa constructed every / tc-j r,_ in ;*W: !s_fund Aip.- gi'iint fivmi ] 10'e sum co amount 'suf- t a certain thoroughly way-'-a few ;d mi<'lit be n as they comeiin scison. In this epartmout .will ,also be found >tuth.-d speeimeus of poultry, fish, ind'birds generally, as well as fn'rmj^ I'jJ iniplemouts,: of which ttuVshowj' specially from t>nraiig, will-bo pleiulid. The cattle show is" to ;ike place in, the full. "In tlie lior- icultural dejiartmeiit "flowjjl's aix' :o be exhibited as they came into loom. A space'of 4,000 feet-will" be ,ap]'j'i'pr"iated. for carriages. of i'anaunni'uiamifacttue. All urti- les for the Exhibition have to be i their, respective ,stations by the tiiprtl week in March: Special' qntins will he -made up, one from Ontario and 01:0 from Quelle, audi ladies . have certainly lost some but each little] in 'A>- _i ward, without cresttin if any, additional tiiiation. _ order that every famiei might have the 'opportunity of ; reaping "benefit of a portion of Jtho outlay, it wis suggested that-1. short con tract? be 1st for; ditlen nt sections & tile wore,.and'-tbitt tlie whole hbould be'uhder thegener-.il super vision of a practical superintendent. . Thege views strike usjai being both sensible and practtcabj M.X"-.i r' "M ; ,.' -?- _ m BHS !iS:" ;. : ' ; i i': 1 '*'? -" : +-',' and we wojld be pleased to heir the opin ions of others interested. Wcrleel: convinced that _tbe rate pay <irs- of-Acton would willingly contri butes reasonable sum to the im provement/of the roils in this vicinity, ifi a proper s\ stem were once inaugurated. I - About Advertisements. Some of bur. subscribers: have been complaining of the.space oc cupied by advertisements 'in our jwpier, and to these we L ivea word to Sbv. It is as much tlieTjusiuess of-a^jiewspaper to pub felt adver- itbiements as items of fnews ; for without a Hberal adv^r rpnage j no country ;js. exist; and themaii.who ising pat- ]>er "could-- coinplains ;o the space in a newspiper- being . '-.taken up?.with advertiseujent.s, is,as unphilowophieal as lie |'vho> com- plainar-iof warm weather lija' summer and cold in winter. Takt ounword . for.it, that tlie.man-who adWertise is wide-awak^, and prepared, to" deal ..liberally. .,-He js always "up to the times, and never has *to;k two or three years old, for he |c;in always. ctiapose of all Liu goodiliB season. He invariably doea a l^rge busi ness, therefore, he can afford to sell at a smaller profit than; the slow-, goiug fogy. Read otirj advertise ments and go to the nia'ii who ad- vertfses, and j'ou <Siii biij-asuit of Clothes at 13ast two doll.ti s cheaper , and one-dollar better thb. i you can' eise-wliere, and at^one ptu 3hase you i |;iiiake three lollars piofitj and tlljus J' p;fy for your paper for -ttree yeai-s /_ by merely leading .one- irfveiai.se- inentr . " "'" ,-' '"' J: ! I _....... -: Ainother reason : Fertiins rt-sid- jC|4. :J'- W^tJ^'- in"^ seme dist;3)C<; J'romi the village *'" ' ' *3K-'VAi-f1 ' and constaritly seeing the pajier and "the aunouiietoiients made ft oin week to week,in iljs advertisiilglcolumns, nits, soon' cbjistiuiiied to 'pay th'e place a-vifiit | arid when ttiey find ; our advert^iihg Fiier.ds afU)irepar- - ': ed ti> iill 'gooils aOTeasonalllb \n icei> ^4'i'they deal with them./ ij|p. tjuack -- ' advertiaemenits find a "place in our . jSbpeVf'and pur a^ivertisifid eoliiiHus^ ' V are but a lvflex-of tho ImisineeK of ryceed direct, Hvithojit- delay or l etention. to Piiiladelp'hia. ";Everv- t !iing must be iii 'Philadelphia by tpe 1 DtL of April, and arntnged by tii-st of M^ay; The rLxliibitwti pens on the loth at May. oysters and things had ceased to1 fiow, the chaivmnn announced tl.ut be was pivpatvd to proceed with toasts and sentiments!..'.' -Tho usual loyal toasts wsi-e res ponded to by all joining in singing iv patriotic song. Tlie (jhairmau then, gave ".The Ontario'Legisla ture^" coupled with ,the" nnuie of Col. Gluy,'-who' res|'x>nded in a felicitous-" manner. He jocularly alluded to his" having 4>een recent ly defeated in this county when he wanted to become ti member of the Legislature, and thought it scarce ly fair that he showld be called upon to respond to Uiis toast. The tors lit Stowitrttown Had not then iv buggy over tho roiula-j Felt t flat 3 or -riiouseH in.Acton. Hiivb no reason to complain of peo ple of Aeton though first tiuio had Two Justices' of Peace took ' priso iers to my privuto house A ruilrtad through Acton- Guiliored a mooting of inhiibitantH A|depu- tation to go to Toronto Under ground t'tohsitig miide, n|iproncheB good - Sons of GENERAL NEWS. A lieav i snow Btorin'viBited eastern put of tho ProTincd Tuesday Mr. Goodwin Hwiith lias tejn- drcd his reHigimtion its a memb of Honuto iof Toronto Unive - The historic elm, over two htin dred years of ago, on Uaston Com Erin Council. Tho council met on tho 7ih inst., the Reovolin the chaii- ;- liioniborH nil pfesonti A dejnitation icon'HJst- ing'AIrO. McMillan tind ilov. Wm. M. Bielby, waited":on tho.Couiicil jinoer . ,^IK] pi-C]ien;te(l a petition from Wm. ii;Hidy.-l TvleIV q; M-cMilliuv-'llevrf.' J.) A. men was i blown down Tuesdny l->y the temperance association, and i T night A breach of p'romiHo.. cuho1, which thiwo hundred lettera are -o for trial Temilenvnce Fiwt Worthy Patri- be pro.lueeVli.w coming up ui-ch-i-Perhaps only one in Acton m"t- J0'1". 1{- Tho Mont fury Times, speaking of tlie GovcrnnientiBicasuro to aid i"The princi]>les hia n^ nth.kldowii by tlio Treasurer in s; >eec3v'on. the the subject, are dj'ubt c-irrgi-t. The Goverinm- a. nuot stiiiiiijate.railway entei prises which wouldj.be a mere local bejne-i fii. AntL-tltey :cjinnot__aid Hires .which would naturally destroy one another. Canada,. Jike England, h:is had more than enough of this. T lfiXtoyerninent must look at the public interest-alone, and iti.is bijtmd to-see that its money is -not si 3vo, and the retiriug members of bilimi BtJilk E. ich in im-re. preliminary 'works, ich section should be finished be- fo-e the money is paid ovpr. A 1 these are sound ideas, and Jon th; whole tJiey have been fairly applied."; .- ij Put It Back. :-' j . From j one end of. the Province to the otiher rises-a vigorous nrotest frc m the press of" both jmrtios gainst the Salary Grab. It* is TO- pro as jir< wh| aloki bated without stint. Theifie n be^s of the Hotise are stiguiatis mblic rubbers; and (.lie Assembly laiined'no better than aderi tjii^ves. It is pointed-put that members of the "legislature ich existed dCi.ring.i" SandJia'Id cdonald's time could worryJ on -$400 a yiiar, the members of the present Legislature shou'ld bo ible -to subsist on ?CO0,-. The hatdpess of the times,' when every-, it; and everybody is sdrimpt^d thing, for, he said, if ho had had iv seat in the* LegishituiQ he should have voted for the bill to allow the ladies to vote on inunicijial V>y-laws,i whichWas only lost by u majority of two: He paid - a- warm .tribute, to Mr. Storey, a gentleman -wTth whom. he had had much pleasant intercourse |ih,t!ia County Council. Had never nnjtoue more courteous, or with better buiiness, habits ; wondered at the people of Acton for allowing him to retire from the position he jso admirably graced. Tito chairman then gave " Our ^Guests," referring" briefly to the val uable services tendered by our late Re : the Councils 3Ir. Storey responded in a '.man ner full of | genial eloquence. In thaukiAg tliose present for this mark of tht-ir esteem, ho said he needed not this" evidence of the kindness of the people of Acton, amongst wt.oui he had lived the past twenty^years, fa- ho had ever found the spirit of kindness and generosity one of tin ir leading char acteristics, j Ho waf not so vain as to;accept this as a p uely personal ly honor> to himself aiid colleagues, presuming- the rcomplinient to be mainly-intended ns a rectiguition of their -past-.services in the Village iand County iCouncils. As Reeve of this municipality, he had done nothing mote' than was his. duty, and he hadf il ways lelt a degree of piide in doling all that he e(mld to further the interests; of. the village. He referred jto matters" m comiec- tion with the incorporation of the j llthiinst, village and the diflieult work the i ' ! ps only ojipoied to bonus Village out of dobt-j never',bo again if bonus-is given. Thanks for honor of tho HllJ'lllfr- .' ' i " " Ml'. Nicklin in a few words ex pressed his thanks for thVcompli- uiunt conferred upon him as almoin- ber of the-lute'Council. ' |" Dr. Robettson, Mayor of Milton, nmdq a good-speech, in which he paid a high compliment to the |>eo- ple of Acton for their! enterprise and oinirgy in doing all they could to foster tho nmnufacttiring inter ests of the place. Ho [suggested a little caution in respect to giving bonuses. . ) : The " ]\[anufacturing Intdrnsts of Acton," was ably responded, to by Mr. W. II. Storey, unci the " Mercantile Interests," by Mr. D. D. Christie, of. Aclnh, and Mi-. G. R Fra-ser,' Iof Guelph. Tho " Pi-ess," was acknowledged,^ by i' Messrs. Innes of the Mirctmj, Burtons, of the Ilvrdtd, and -Hacking o^ the Acton Fiike Pukss. The toast o| the Oorpomtion of Acton wuh.given' by Mr. Innes and responded to by Dr. : McGitrviii, nfter which I tlie health of the ladies brought; the formal portion of the meeting to a close, tlie remainder-of tho evening being spent in "pleasant social chat, .parlor games, Ac. The whole ilfair passed oft' in an exceedingly pleAsjint iiianner, refleeting great credit Ion the committee under [whoso'man agement it was got up.j - | i Tlio Canada Gar.dic. contains tlio appoitltment of J. W. Main liramptoii to be an oflicial assign for the County of'Peel. -The Canadian .display at tl Centennial Exhibition promises to he creditiiblu to tho "dotuiiiio Every focjti of the space allotti to us will bo oceupieil. -. Tompson, M.-'Bielby, Hugh Ileid and Win. tv coinmittee njijiointod AT A CREATT SACRIFICE. ESQUESING CODNCIL, iCoujicil '-met at Stewartt6wn January '28th, with till ' ineiu -})TDsent. On motion oi .Mr. \\* seconded- by. Mr. Wriggleswortl was granted to Jatrn-^ Koberi-yin, iers r^ii, ie)ap M.-.. Mr. tan of liid .vith |'^VV tlii to rea No he last degree, is al.SQ fti.ule^ on of objection to .an. increase, hing, in' fact,; that has tmns'pir- ed )'f a Jf-gisrat.ive character either in the House.or out of it has creat ed iUeh a general feeling of disgust ll'iVer the Province. fTh is being the c:e, the memliers vvho accept the aditiQnalrallowan'ce do so in ope i opposition to the expressed Jieni fche.pUce. -/"As the> village thrives, the tributary bountry prospers and 11 are benefitjbed. Think /act6, and griioable no qloie about- tjbe sjwoo occupied- byi-a dYortu,e of these: iob sipn vio; tibn r . ?S 4 this taer pie! f-rpj lllit,Llil and tak ICO wh ed" oitj ecs: Ph. ' Tli iment of tho. country, and ex- d themselves to a charge- of ling.'the treasury in bold defir. inci; of the wishes of the people. The -.additional allowance to the j!bers takes from the peoples'. packets $17,000 for tjii.s one. ses- uloiie'i&ore than/or; niny ji.re- s tession, and with tlio uddi- il salaries voted" to.-Ministers itivs the country at one grab of 300. 'i'hc country .can't afi'ord . It protests; against it. The bers.must either put the (uom-y baeiror sneak, home' to tinjir consti tuencies like so many seif conscious " pockets, [who. were only free irrest ,bpauise they havecotn-. their- offence' in brigades not-singly. ; Tlie man: who . s*from the treasury one dollar e tinin he I agreed to accept n he took hisl^eat will be pofnt- Autosevery street in every town," , vilttge, Lanilet, township, con- ion, highway,! and byway in the vince with ; decisive cries of re goes . a -Salary Grabber." During the three years since incor poration, our village has made very substantial .progrqs^, and he was please^d to bej able to reniark thiit while the whole Dominion;was hi- -boriug undoj- serious commercial depression, 1t| had not been felt here to .any appreciable Texteht. Our people were.ambitious, and took a Soi tha ieu PuTback the money ! NhIIvimI. Ir.. James;. Young, M. P. for th Waterloo, i has given notice ho will move for. u statement sho A'ing.ihe value of goods' iin]x>r- into: Canada during jthc last liye years from the United States, in order to ascertain to what extent this country has been made a slaugh ter, market' for Americjan produc- Uohsdtiring IS74 and lb'75. beitig two thirds value iof two:s killed by dogs. On motion of Wriggles worth, seconded by McEnery, the By-law to aj'poii; Inspector of Licenses, up to Is May, was .read second and time, the blank being filled tile-name cf David Cuok.'! Edward Nixon was also appointed otiictr to enforce the law to said date. Mr.: Warren,: moved, seconded by_ M[r. -Lindsay,, that, the! blank for In spector be. filled with the iiaiiii! George Black, which was lost. ^Tha Clerk, wils instructed to tify the Inspector.! of'License perfocm his duties,'and: to rej at next meeting of Council. Moved by'Ma1. Lindsay, secpu Mr. Wriggle^worth, that leavt -granted to introduce By-lav tho next meeting of the .Council,' limiting the numle:i-:of ce'rtificiites Of ort d-jd bi tions" Counti startin; city. S-r 307 others, .praying that the shop licenso should bo withheld from all. shops within tho Townships; also a deputation of ladies consisting of H. G. Milloy,Mrs. Win. M. Bielby and Misti Ames, waited on'tlio cbtin- cil "and presented a similar petition from a cotrmitteo of ladies, viz : Mrs. Di^MtfRae, Mrs. JLG. Mi'lloy Mrs. Wiu.SBielby'und Miss; 'Antes, Miss'.McMillan-- and 220 others. Tho 'Council received the deputation very courteously, and the Reeve assured the ladies thnt=the petitions would receive their most .careful consideration, after which tho : de putation retired, Moved by ^ilv. McDowell/ seconded by Mr.. Bar bour, that the matter of re-arraiig- ing School Sections No. 14 and II be laid over until nt-xt meeting of the ('ouncii. (Jarried. Ori motion by Mr. Burt, second by Mr. K<)id, a By law was introduced and passed, to'appo'iut the following; Township officers, namely: Lacblin Currie, Assessor ; Daniel. McMillan, (I'ol- leetor; AJbe.-t Thompson Tavern Inspector^., for Erin Vilhige, Jijis- tol and Osj>rilnge, and C. J. Mc Millan for Lllillsburg, , Mimosa and Atildlijoitse. On motipn 'the Reeve ordiired that Samui-1 John stone Jbc paid 15.75 for iiine cords of, wood delivered-to 'Mr. McLean,, night anil passed resolu.-| an indigent jperson 5 i?.'5.48 to Trus- 111. City j tees of School Section No. '.), t;u\es due on a nonrosident lot; $200* was- ordered to be paid to the Guelph General Hospital, and the .council accept'of one bed for two years, in said: Hospital. Moved by Mr. Reiil, beclouded by Mr. Burt, tli.lt the '|>etition;, praying the .Council, to withhold till .[shop license from shops within this. Township, be granted. Moved by Mr."r. B'.Vrt, second by 3lr.. Reiil, that the pt.-ti- tion of William Hatkuess and.32 otheie, be laid ovrr foi-further con sideration. Moved by Mr. liarbmir,.; secind by Mr. Reid that the Coun cil do now adjourn, (o meet on the- 2rttli.iii.st., to grant, -certificates of Tavci-jji License and other business Wjl Tvli:u; T'p Glerk. OTJCR r I t .-. Right Hon.-Hugh-: C. E. Chil er.<*, M.:P.,| President of'the Great Western- Railway of Canada, ar rived from] Liverpool in the steal ship Piirthia, last Saturday. During Itho luofitlr of Janiiai 10,774 Grand Trunk; cars crosseid. the St. Clair River lit Sariiia,.G 17S goiiijj west, and 1^087 goiiMJ east. This is a very goad show for a dtiH month of t4ie Kenson. The Refbrmei'fi of Lirieohi liny again umluiously chosen. Cap|.. Neelon as their candidate to op'prjji(! Mr, Rykei't at the coming electi-jlii in that County, for the Local 1-A-g- islature. j . . i, A meeting was held; in Toronto onTuesday nc nnmendi'iig t. . ___ to subsidixo; any .(.'ompaii v iron s.meltiiig works in th. " 700 Wor'h of silks were stole from Bailey's dry goods warerooii in Torontojon.' Friday. The tliii Wis seen Plugging away liis buniU. when chase was given;- and he w;<s captured. ',- ..". Sheriff McTCellar isj .making pr jiamtions for the exreutiou of 31 COnnell, the assassin of Mr. Nelsi Mills, in Hamilton/. It is r.umoif- ed that there arc no hopes of a rt prieve. .-.-" Mr. Robert Ltu'dl.iw, of the town shiji of' Kentini-k, while in his biisl on'Saturday last ciime on a bear' den.- Hi; stieeeedod in killing th oldb'ar and one cub, and capture, one aii\ c. The excess of ex[>("H'liture' o.ve rccyij'ts in -connection i with posta Service of the Dominion is nbovc $300,000. ;l)uring the fiscal veai 1874-75 .42,000,01)6 j letters 'and 31,oOO.OOO papers jia^Swd througl the post.' ' < ' t ' .-. . , ; 1 j Reports from the district of tin - Ottawa,'west arid south; state that the weutherhas bejeu ! most disas teiotis in its efl'ects on the meadows and fall wheat, more especially in the codntry between the' city and the St. Lawrence.- J ft at the to be granted to obtain Tavern censes iti th^'municipality for current year). ,.; Oti motion of Mr. Lindsay, ^eb onded. by Mr. Wrigglesworth,f dollars was grunted for the -benefit of'George Lime, who" is in iucligjeiU circumstances aud ill health, (tlie sum to be payable to the order of Mr. Thos. iiine. . ".' Council adjourned till Friday Georgo Sinallivood, tho lnan who acted lis hangman.at the execution of White at Guelph, has applied'to t!:o Sheriff of Weritworth for the jiosition of. oxectttioner'o* MoC'-ia- nel, the .Hamilton murderer. He is very, anxious for" the.job, and refers triumphantly to the iiianner in which ho "worked ofTf Whitet A case of domestic scandal has Council - had ! to undergo the first year; his; intercourse with the pub lic men of tlio County had been of a very pleasant nature ; luul found the members;of tho County Council gentlemen of: courtei-y, with wlioi j Stewarttowh, Feb. .11 thl 1 Council .met pursuant to adjoiiirij merit.; All the mombers present. A. jietition wasjead froin'Wm. Joyce, Esq.,. and others, requesting the Council to tiike action relative to t in encourag- mt- teniled to commendable] in tore.1, in^'any enter[iriso t promote, the [irogress of the village. He had commenced, business ,herc in a "small way, .a' number of years' ago, as most of pur best, business men had doW, at the bottom of the- ladder, and. worked gradually up-] ward.i, aiid initiirally felt 11 deep. interest in tljie~prosperity , of the jjlace. Although, he was not now in the Council, he felt.that theaf- fairs of the inttnicipality were in good hands, urad he believed the public interests .would be guarded witli tho utmost care. - lie again expressed his ]heartfelt thanks for "the houera thus showered upon him. : "Mr. Hill liriefiy ]expressed his ajipreoiation of this 'flattering ack nowledgement; of his past services in the Council. Mr. Speight mado a; lengthy speech, touching upon a.-little of. every tiling. To do it j ustice would require much j more sjiacsthan we can possibly spare. , The best we can-do is to c6[)y our notes, thus : " Did not enjoy oysters. Couldji't see why he was entitled to a supper after being kicked out of Council. Had many thoughts. Men don't think hh they ought to. ' Thought beeause four Methodists four Temperance mini in Council' (No- grt)-tbeo'logj",- ahecdote) In 'Coun cil till, 11 o'clock r- iiy-luw in Couuiil - Renewul of 1 ing that he h taverns in it was a plejisuro to do- business. | the straightening and improving] of T^.......- .1.- i.............- ..... the road on Jthe 8th concession check; line. [-Aftvv- some converaa- tiau, tho petition was laid over for' future consideration. ;A'commun ication was read from ujrs. But[n- sipe, asking for bulanco due her for the support! of Mrs. Whjteside. Mr. Cook, Inspector.of Licenses, presented hh first report,'represent-" ad visited tho thirteltui the township and found them all in good order, aud in accordance, with the Statute. | . Of/motion! of Mr. McEriery, see- onded by .Mr Wriggleswprth, the Treasurer was authorized, to' pity. Mrs. Btirnside $5.50 forj-kee]ii|ig -Mrs. Whiteside; also'.to jiay $15 for the relief of the Misses Stoniv,' who are represented tolbe in needy circtimsttiuccti. . " ' Sir. Wam'n moved; seconded Iry Mr."McEnery, that Mr. Hacking's tender for printing the accounts of this, municipality'for 1875, be ac cepted, Viz.; $20 for 250 copies, audi that the Clerk bo authorized to enter into engagement accordingly, gloved .by'Mr. McEnery, secoud- ed^by Mr. Warren, that with refdr-i once to MK JR. A. Reid's complaint respecting" his assessment, this Council is of opinion that it was caused by an; errorrof judgment in assessing, find that therefore $2.00 bo refunded to Mr. Ileid being 4.he nmountr'in dispute, r - JMovedtby Mr. I/indsay^ seconded by. Air. Wrigglesworth that six dollars bepuid to John Murray fdr posting election notices, delivering ballot-boxes, constable fees, <fcc. j Council adjourned until Tuesday 29th, inst, i ! conie to light iu Montreal. -'A well known' and respectable married- lady invoked the aid, of the jiolice" in order tosliscover the whereabouts of her hiislkind who'she alleged-had gonri oft' with another more fascina ting woman. . Al-son of James Simpson,.of the 4th con. Wallace, was pursued by a lyii'x i\ fo\v nights ago, when re- tuininglrom a debatiiigisociety, and had to shelter on the top of a. stake aniririder"'fence. The animal too){ hold) of'Simpson's boot while ho was climbing tho fenco. ., ' ',' _ ____,______ Tlie ladies of P^rolia and Strath- NEW /ADVERTISEMENTS, roy Uro busily engaged in arranging. X'kntuai.*E-xiii{!It-i6x. A -ni'fet ing of-the (iitelp1: .Cunf.ral- 'Exhibi tioii.Was hehl] on Friday afternoon, whic-lrtlie ]time for' holding the WINTER STOCK OF BOilfS & SHOES Ato now offered o'fe If A1 To jaaako room for Spring Stock. ITo-wis tlie tiaie to g&t iB^rgaias. Call Eapljf, ; \ CRAINE feSQN; Acton, Feb..f5, 1.87G.-." >'- .'; -: YSTE SILL FOR CASH I BUY FOR GASH I I SAVE MONEY AftO ^SEGOME RICH! The; Everywhere Popular CASH SYSTEM. . -I .' - - ' " I-':'.-- '.'-'. I - Adopted by I SHRiST!E, HENQJRSON & CO., next Exhibition was fixed for the first., week .in October.. The date for the Easter Fat Cattle, Show was fixed .for Wednesday.' April Bt-h. Fair day-. ' At her lntc | rvsiilunec, in the TnWn-. ship oi - N.issagaweifa, on the 1.1th of Jauuaiy, in her (12tni year, Mary t'usiek, ho loved wife ofjMr. <-'hristiil>lier C'usick, n.itivu of1 |Cirkeil, Comity Down, Ire- land. - : At the residence- of her son, Mr. Jacob Miwah-s,. 'in Erin, on tHje 10th inst.-, Mrii. 'Catherine : Mrnalcs, widow 01 the lat-c l'eter Masnlcs, of Nass.1g.-1 aged alxait 75" years. agawcya. AtTOx jt iukj;t. AVhiteWlio.it......:. Tre.il'well..... -.-.. . . , Spring Wheat*.- ..... Uarley . ; . .. .., Oats.-..............-, Peas...... i......... 1'iitntne.s, per bltuh.... I.iried AppUis, pur lb. Onions, per bushel.. . Htitter....... ........ Kggs................. Dressed Hoga ...... Hay} per ton........ T/iiiiiliakins..... .'.... l'elta............... 0 fl.i.too ns, 0 90 to 0 !).} 0 90 to 0 il.1 0' fiO to 0 CS 0 3,1 to 0 (K) 0 60 to 0 62 0 40 to 0 00 0 08 tot) 00 0 7-1 to 1 /JO 0 20 [to 0 00 0 18 toO 00 ' f> 50 to 7 20 13 00 to 1C 00 0 CO |to 0 80 0 50 to 0 60 I fitKU'H M.tKKi,TS. ! Fa|l wheat;. 07c to SI.01 j-t-pejidwcll, !)7c tjo 'JSe; spring ,wlic.it, fGlisgow); iJlSe'tjo 9.1c; spring wheat (reil.j ehalTJ, SOc jto "85u; oats, 33c to Stic: peas, (iile t<.' 70c; barley, 50c to' ji-Jc; eggs, "per dozen, 17c to lite;'butter, dairy packed, 15c to Hie; potatoes, per bag, 50c to 606. '~m < . Capt, John; Burgess' residence ajt Port.Ryerse, Hvas totally destroyed by fire Wednesday morning. mo ISE SOLD Oil LETi Tart of Lot No. 1, 011 t'le 5th soncea- sioh 'of Erin, coinprisiong hyo acres. On it are'a frame liousc 18x24; a l<g barn anila sniall log house ; good orchard in good bearing ; school convenient. Situ ated 3 miles from Acton and J3 from Haninafful.-' Goiid title and immediate.' possesBion. Apply-to JAMES fAVAT- SO.N', 011 the prenii'sca, or to -Thomas Watson, Acton station. 1 -34l2t v, FOR THE MILLION lea]),1 year balls, imd'it is understood, that! any, lady who dances with- it male friend will .render herself liable to excom munication. They (tho ladies) have first, preference choice ! A disgraceful scene took ]>lace at the City HulI.'iLondon, Ont,,;on Saturday. A IVtiks Gaylord was lecturing in favotiv of 'mormonism, when her ileputcd father mounted }|^HEAI IS It E AD the ,'platfovjn and denounced Mr, J. B. (jjough iti a'uiORt abtisivo nmn- ncr fdr having spoken against poly-- gainjy. . The audience' hissed and yelled in great indignation, from- the j'vialetit effects of ['which'-tho offenders narrowly escaped. FWms Sold. Mi. Oliver Lasljy, of Pilkington, has disjipsed of ;his farm] of 67 acres to his brothers, Fretjerick and. Sylvester Lasby, for ! $50 per acre, and "has ])Ufchased!U3 acres in Peel, from Mr. Richard Boyle for $4,4GO,- the cash being paid! down in-each instance, ; -"i -". A| Bad Gaxc jChiefs of Police throughout [Canada liAvo received infovmation from several points in the States, that a gang of thieves and p-ascals have made an[ exodus tp the towns and villages of Canada". The police' have instructions to. lie most; vigilant in looking !aftea s.(is- jiicions characters, and we liave no doubt thoy will meet with a warm reception should they tfall into the liandn of our blue-coated guardians, of the peace. -. ." flicg to announce that they have secured j tho services 'of a ' ') ' . I .' ": : '/' First-Glass Baker, i and that tliey will comihcnco business In the premises Owned!by Mr.. Ilamm,; 911 the 23rd in-jt, ' >i .! i .,"] ! Bread will bc'ilolivtjreil daily ]at- the hoiiBes in tho i-illago and vicinity!. ! !, The patronage of.thp public is res-, pectfully solicited. : ' j ; . ; '_] '. ' ' B. & E. Nl( 1 Acton.. Feb. jl6, 1876. JlCKLIN.' plGKEaiPTORl MOTIVE. 1 There are still a few j^pldwlilo have] riet paid tlieir| taxes tor-1873..] These mnet positively]1 he paid by thief 20th list., or. go into Court) [No, further lolay, S. ZIMMERMAN, Collector. Acton; Feb. 0, 1870, Beihg1 convinced byiobservation "and experielnce lliai "the,.only true principle on which business can be successfully and sat|stctorily carried on is the now, Popular Ca>h Systeni, we have^deri'rtiiineil in all 'transactions TO $tf% AND]' SELL FOR READY PAT ONLY-, conrmencin^ on the 31st day of March next, on and after ivhich date we " ' !' will -adhere'M.'rictpy to tlie Cash System. By buying for cash an(jl taking advantage of trade discounts, jve will^be enabled to sell goruls at l)i.it- a slight advance on] importers' a ad manu facturers' prices, and decidcfdly lower than can he obtained by! Grangers and others from city jobbors. To d< this! we adopt the Cash Principle, and we feel assured that our numcrousciistpnaers and i lie public generally will accord us a hearfy support: hi our effort to advance their interesta by supply ng them: v ith ia good article at a decidedly LOW PRICE. -i : x : } This change, vyeifeel, whilst resulting largelj to the benefit of our-patrons, lvil( not in airy way re sult in any rtiaterialloss:.-;to ourselves, as we will effect a great saving in keeping bodks, collect ng accounts, interest on outstanding nt6rt"eys, Ac. A decided reduction will be macffe'in the price of all gocids; handled byuss, .and we trust the clifr 1 result in a material and receive geneffil ferertce wi I be such as wi advantage-to all ..parties, approval.] In the meantime special! inducements will be offered to all GASH BUYERS, j Produce will be taken in] exchange at market prices,, arid when required.for the purposes of <>ur trade will be paid/for in casl^ if desired. - In buying Butter We will cbirefully.grade a^nd pay a price according" to qualify, thereby offering j a premium for the best production^ f -'".'-- - ' " liVe cordially inyife inspeciion by all, and assure our many friends that in no instance will we allow their interests to suffer^bydimh^ig1 with us. Our fantous $06 TfEA will ;3till maintain itsjrepu- tation as second to lione in thje'Doinitiion for puriiy pungency]and flaYpjfj/. * . T '..Actoh/FepJ'idirisTf." .'-'j v"-. r'.";.-'"'"" y:j':]> , ' - N.B. -JAU overdtie accounts antf notes of hand must be settled foTtjiwith witlibut] fail." i -.-. j' ri-.//-vt .'/'"-:;"!'-"'/;!v /iv %-\jo,i H. & C?o. The best 3 j ~mt th Fr.rE jpme oar ell ; _^-Me$sr^ ohanee thf iUjdtig bnsm \A, text 1 ^ 1, We nc Bfr*. *re tfen ni the ui tpre, preparj tensi-re stock boHfc retinr 10 Acfon, ani hi, firmtnrJ AC, at the lFriday, the Messrs. -O9 t*te in"1 thM -week, t| npon 4optiTi of doing bn^ b*ve |o say. new trven Morrpfv's n|to'4nnonnj bku|^ establ or Twwday I w^MdehvEJ mi4jagpi aJ^jr erpnmp, trM broken pJ co^tsOf the pt' ljfmeiet the trteretorc no 1 artiongst the I brabejo prov distnbnfed. bl|rJB G(f peftncf Leer th<ahar totr-on Moud ^, trckai-jWill b| \ oa'5!]anday,J "for 60 cents, the sinizlt- fai Social in V-_ A, social er Rite (jrore' 'Sx^sagp,* ej a| rcxfbn^, re Se"^r*l excej are'eroected I inmsvjlle stril anoe. (Doore I ^7W M4 10 eeuta Til pairu tf make the sejfeon. TvMH^fif Ue| Thqtoll queuing the J eltstcUce in "has at'lastvL now travel Si***el road i comylied toj dtmL This annoyance ana9*y vearer ^tat the st enj^ to its ] to litigation. Camnpil ynil * iB|kept in a pi MaJaaarr The nLssioj |ttos with the I their annual i| Lictou, on Mri Iru -ell t ntlj deeply ary [cause. oceuWd the j mgBibj read Bible Iray^ aoi, of >"a thj choir nnjr, read-, a;I hawing the] lections deri| -8146 87, with Foreign ^lu ows' Fund, Mission, Mr (a. Camp troa al the re a fervent rap sioniry fund I nectjon Tritii again allow falling crff^irl J ears, lte\-.1 ^an interustiij maf} of the latmg facts -.' there witl. ppn Mr A!v4jy-eensiWo ^byHe '"" Wlgi lengthy ] evasion. -T| u^. renderinr: ?electionj ajfaounttd'fo I ^ tho M^p aoetingJ *>ve of hia'-cl fcwn thiriy-J *fflbnnt paid *re|l|l>e leas - tJWJkhichj coiartheye byieVnosl I>elMLture for| ?.oi>erty *ot,orer hof Kjossesamd *tf *rU--p-J maant. r-f^ g.*ul to ^tWenita, town who ai "*?-M>, ia iwmi r *" J^^^*-'

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