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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 10, 1876, p. 4

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Hfe ,^m&Lmim*,-. 3- -':'./; ' I: Acton fRti [presjs TReifS. li &4vwci\ -If lv>tpaftlN-farcthtvo nriiui^hii one inllnrxihl a liiu will tw- charit.'tl; or - iWod6Ur If not j<a'dUU_tht.-.eu.i or ti>> >fiejL-WpfBr--1'---------------------- ----- THE FR *a m '.'!>>- II IIPWIHHUII1WH He lp*pd bnckr- d standing wjiero Jtljo' furious! fitftm almost hurlud him from sight)lie answered; "Oil!" . "I know you, sir !" I shouted rar d'ho iuovod iiAVay without turothvr .. !j!he Loid forgive me for that ui ;lit-'s work ! Jhit you might * th-.WSfe-tSS.CT'r^:WyE**1*^*nift Bim morn- 1 >r'.. for, rueh.7Mrt.*ci>io.nt inccnton* tI1,lt jxuiwmeii were trozen on their -!->nortftivrmii.'jiifiiif>r elclil "llnbs n>i <".ii-t or rtjfht linesuiid tunler, $4 por uunnoi. - ( : ' ' [ fiNizivn .-Chi>orlvil(K>oW'iU<jWKlon!avo.rlo- I.Cv'y <- IntUrm II n I -.u.^us" mserto<l f-wr lrxtmir<I IH-rioa^'UleW.- whtU< fUW looked U\y lit m> KiiShlniiiih! i.viyvr^m^v^^pcci*. .n.,,^ ^^: 'tho^io^thrtt |V l^^^^ him with bents, J j oiwimd-tliu frontdoor to fiii|i tljut boy dead on "the steps, jto^deutk- !, .-I-^kuov-.-iis tho IE PRESS,; 4.CTQK,; HALT(p .flQpJfT'Xp, yjp., STO C S CO MP LETS In ovory Deparlmont at Uia F^SlilbNABtB WEST END. I J^.. o i uih*. la-ritl till .fMlbUj..and -ehcO?tl -.r."$drd(ni!t.v. ....... T ."Any i*iwi:iil Nottriyth? rtjjecf of wlilclr ' Wtl?10?"^' V,,e Wm"I,rJ' *-'ehofli orahj" t tCai&or|o.>rutiii(y-, u>bc 5n*fufrpr '. uir. .* TnjuMewt ttdveniscments tc bo paid fur when artil**ro<lu AH advertising accounts r*ndcirwl n.u Irtorly. ;. ' ' '? . >*Uiprt:nfcis, Births oihI Dealing inserted freo ' , : j -V. - "QiL." Warm (jnofl or shilling wotjld hay s sayed his lrftv, antl 1 had driven ibiui out to his death, ' A; rag^,;/J5^yitf ~rbov, ISgecT JfThlF is why I ivo when I am pine or-ten',-St6pjl- me cnf'iticr -Ksla 'v-* ' :' " " " street tl*o other ^uj.- mid said v~ i I haven't hmil anvthing to eltt . tn1^?noira*av-r '"^nt yon-'\353!" givejuaU'D cents?" ; 1 gavu it to him!.. I'd IraVo gijv*ri l'im , the mosey if : it" had b&on" pecessarj- to jiawh my. hat,: '"Do you let innxMitersi s\vindle vod ia that ipanntu- f* inquiretj an #cqukillUHP, tli wi*nged him .ivitli my suspicions bun it^ was toi) late tliun, the aiiv jjell hhd QpeuikV.to him'agatolead ing to" a place..yho'nv tbj} littmnu heart and- etiu hover its unworthy enter. '-'Poor 'thoughts Gil ! low.' "I.-khow that I soine-. tiriii a'girc frf.tbo nfiwortliy, but it woiijid_l)e better io-irive all'l ]>os- to aij, linpesteif ttum to liave eless yhuf: creep back *J& ^o^jjspot whero Lhad ur.- jiislty accused hjm.* "'"'"." sess lotfro* ho' Bp ivajrje ofj Counterfeits. ^~f*tL$~ m<.w - ^L m&i -i.T ? ? around i -. -. .... , , , , , Fo-tho ilrotfrtith-.i o. mo ptil.Mn orBrlt- A. JOU^nutlet srlio-Iias knocked ' 4sli I onu i\merl<-|v, iilocm i* ravmiy to -itf hit-1 1'fW t>jli>|mttTjtiViATh,. ia:UilltFo. -Me-u. women and cliiHl-! iJov^mmrut stamis with . wouieii and emm-! i5ov+minrut stamp, with the wortls n hzve Bw^Hed;him, ov>ought ^)^^%^^^^1^^i tftj Ipeapfe have lied lo him; kis....... i-S If* till- 'Wm . jnotrfy has been given to whining ;' lying' vagrants j who told direftil tplss qf distress^and he ought tote ^aJile: to cotreqtly read huiu^u - Jiatajre, i '-' ' - ^' -. FfS. J^X'll bet thatbojis*profioTiii beggar," corttinneii ray friend chuck- : )V%& \ ** tlje i.4.: -of ,pjy being- vwuafied. ]. uJCpne otu"s-care:for the loss of a ; shihpl*ster oh the street, wJifle i-veryonif Jeela "Vesed and anripyfed '-. .'^t.tbe iijfia of being -swindled* ofiit ; of . singfe penny. , I ccjuld-liot st tbaJ'theibqy' vaa-Jaotri iSwId- s. ^erfabd yet "I: would hare divided ' - m\ last shilling with him.- ' ' """I-ftbld^my"friend ^:hy; and IiwHI: -' - ---tell yon^ v|-" One day last jfejir vhen the yrild > {jfjnd.bjew tie saoy oyej; the house ' i Jswl^ 3**3. Jmooj^ - #he "coriidrs.1 in : blinding^ clouds, ,. and when the frosty air cnt one'sj fafee like a knife, i: a^3S"-'-Sf tgB_pag}JEj.np to me a> j. . 'waited for the can "Ife """"as thinly clftiaM^aie^betrayed tunger and girt^Tt^, *id in a, nionrnfal yoioe^Kti t;-ae pleaded : ...;' , "Tns, hungry and cold'?,' '. >,- "Why. don't- yea' eo home f x'i V'^ked, "I:-,- -";I haven't any f ' ' ';:; - ';'- .'".Harenit you atiy relatiTes J*f ~t/~' *^*-lorig hprj y6p been here-R "Three weetk."j : 4 boy = spoke! in '.that drasl whicb professional ibegg irs assnme.i r 1 belieire lo,: that! I seen his' -'$ice"^m the streetsJtirae"and again.i: I:l^rdened iny heartland said :' .-;'*/' " Boy -! I inow ypu^ aad if I catch ri'^yTSff",tK'"^ " mon'ey'. ." again Jil Bave. joui a|Tested'!"i He;[faoi^l i'BWay ..tinickly. 'i i arg^e3?|bai#pa prfe<l the guat, fofgatt^ag tjtat: a J[>oniel^BtJfi-ie'4d- lesa ;Tf4*f nii^rt .-evince' fear w-hep ~&ntirwT innpeent t J , ' wnei hottwlater, -when night bad .BUGH^ ll'pts to IntJmnto tlw t hi" Stock |k nowroraplrto In ovory cUpnrtinrnt, and <lciilre'l<> lnbriu:U'v tuiile* cr Mu.'U>li atulvurniniit)ln|t ctnintiry that lili* llpt>y of Now npd " "" ' 0<xlii UipflnoKt Do Ua eyt'r subniUU<l Tor | uUUo approval. Bpoolal uvitoi i o our . i Silk and Dress Department.,^ Shawl arid Mantle Department; Milliiie3*y Department. Furs, Fancy Btajikets, Flannels, T.\yccds, $?c., _ . -;. i '. . I ! All of wiilcli wo aro prerafcJ to cututtu'o vary lowest prlooi .Fash auclph.OcUr-'. 18 cc labc Is the udarosK, 5SJ OXKOKD-jtjjritEET, LiON >on. 11- TMs notice hi"* b'eenino npccKsnrj-, in consequence or vile i>>l t>urtons;lhiltrtJ lion or -'liloJloWw'sl'lllpuinl Ointinoiit.'" bcln^rnbrtrnt ,^0^^. <xl at TitlMiUd on L -ihr, -Nt>w 4^ IK^ Yrk. *> twir- ties .^lyllnc^rA Br|mt hf msolvoR "HdKjw^j- 48B-2ffl3Co|." with, an t^siinjedlKs!*Tjl*M!^ade marK, Mammotli House, U> prlcclp'ftl vendors cnnipbtatn this tr i at a very lair" p'rleo, anil sodrcetve Sctif hy splllnkthe *imc for any genuine loll owiu's -Pills and Ointment, which nrp rnannficturetl only at G33, Oxford strci t, Ix>hilon." ,,. ,Pe rsons Whp roy bo- JC^dreelved will 4>b n AsLtQeonimtUit',ate with . . M<tiy re>pectittiler^rms-ln the British I'm liices, whoobuVlu my *neillc)ui>s <1U rect ftjm here, havia vciy prpi>erly sng- c4*trd.-.that,l, fchoulil, mrtho tx ntflt of tliex lselvef ami th^-rnbllc, InEfrt their n-imea in tn rarer5- tbit it niny be Vknii'rn that my medicines can be nad gTnlnefmm Them, i . Tn e foKowlng Is a list of the firms allnd; id i oiairfL I Darticolariy reeojnmena the*; who desire to sre't 'my medicines to applr tosomeof the Houses named: Evi xs, Mkrceb 4 CO., Montreal. Ave liT, Bkow\ 4 Co., ilnlilax, N. S FOBbriH Co.; Halifax, N.S. ;iae corjiers in 4^^.iBItaii Aia.c0.>Chrtrlovietown IjA'Jolky 4 Co , Vieiorla. B.C, Mocre * Co.. Victoria, B.C- Dr. Jou.v fALLEK, Chatham, I.B. . Mu:?ro"*CiX, Montreal. U \TrxKffit Ox, Hamilton, Ont. - a.J.'EoSE.Top6nto. AiC nieil*KSiiiTH. Si. JotuxK. B. ' JOHSBoSMb-odcfic^UDU Kti ictt^COi^Toronto. r. C uJR!o1rtVStHJohn, *. a Ha nsisTuB Bkotiiei^s St. John. "N. B. B. J . Prjdijv, Wlnd-ior- Onl. .' i 0 'toK*.<H*rr%itin.; Krod&ricton, J..B. 1\V. H.TnoatPS<- Harbor Grace, ri.F.Jj. J. >;. WXJ.EY, Fretl rrletoh. >, B. W." 4 Il,ii"t:iI.F; Montreal. --j i Cuts. 1. Dayies, Fr,etlericl03, N.C. j 'i T iel-ns'dlcines .are sold at tha Inwest ,C vhi JeS>le netjirices. In quantities of npt lew ttan ^M WJBrJ.h Vi7... 8s.lM., 22*., and 3Ip. Pernfo%n boios of Plllp or pots of Uin jsemt, for whfoa rdmittaneps murt: be i e^ttiii advanw. T-TP-r-. " JTHOS1AB HOLLO WAY. -jz. Oxford Strepi,- W. C. London. June 1st. 1A*3. Woolen Goor'<!, IIosiery,|Kid GrJoyes, A- O. BUCHAM, oaablo West Knd Dress, Millinery and Mantlo KOabllsbmeut. IG- S^.3LIEi 33 CQMM.ENCED AT THE ANOTHER LOT OF FEBBPARY ID,: 1876. OPENING AT ilcBeanm o9^ up-town; hardware store f Dosicned forj tho rr~ - T'T 1 r' " ristmas A LINE 0J". BE at! prices E^li^lVFP'S-' ; G R% A;!T::;;B^;H,fe^l-W^l UNPARALLED IN GUELPH AT dn tflf^S. A|n* m&gmifW |18, l! MOi^EY WANTED. Qe.org0tpwn, The Fridny, Jan. .7tli', balance oT otir Winte* Stock will bo cleared out nt Enormously Low prices. '. '..['Big'Iteductioxi* THE GOODS MUST BE Prjepajre for Bargeui ib. 18Ttt. 80LD. AT PANIC PKicSS- ,D^> ROBERTS; JAxitb THE OOR MAr^^S FRIENO, fid^nttv rcfaEirner/ded to tfce Pub1- ani'ur;^illiii;rptnegy lor wounfl&.ox description."; ^ curtain cure far aied ftore l*axx, avch 'of .twenty ' standing; Cuts, ' JJurifr, 'HealdK, "Brulkes. t^tilblaius.acorhtitic Kruptlon*, aiilliPlmptes on 'bo Face, BorO anil In- UarafeO-KVpV***!* Heads, .Sore Brcafts, Pilesi Fisfula; and Cane rnus Humours, comi^d^e windh^td grown td a'^}^^t^^^i^{^^.i c------- - Sola inPptsatJs. lid. and is. 9d. each- > Dr. Sotiorts'Pilula Antis:ro5liTil23 or AM'fflt^A^PlyR' rat.1^3; confirmed by Klatyvears' experience to be one of the. bfestineUicJ'niK cver.compoundeid fon purlfnk the BlbcxJ, aHd assWUngMature irfhe3!opora:IAn3.? Hehee tbey are meful In Ser >fula,-Scorbutlc CumplalnU, Glan- d"lar jwelling^fpprtlculc'rl.v those oTtlio X'.dt, *Ci THey form 11 mlMand superior .FflihJ y Apeuept, which may he taken.at all tin eBTflthdut confinement or elianee T>r dJi . Sold tn.Boxes at .ls.-lid.,2s.Cd.,- 4-s,~9d't lis. and-2s. each., BY THJ5 PBO^KIKTOK-S, 'i AND BAENICOTT -." ATTBEIB, _ ' blpriX$AKY, BKTBPOBT, E>I?I.AXD, and by all respectable Medicine Vendors BEAC id- ^eroftgsSJ'the boy' then bailed inje again! as I plonged througtajpiw^ driita. I did not seer him until Ihe* ^.aJJejaiut;-.. /.! !. ,^.'-j: J. -, jS J 'S*?JyHstei4 I'm '; arjrnoet. star^v-WJ ;and 111 .freeze -to')death if 1 cak't .._ . thin, fragged clothes, ': hardly coinfortable^eDongh for Jane '-^ weather- the1 same . whine to his r r yjaicei. \*Iitelt like giving him money. b: at the fear thkt he iad been sent. ' y out by hi. papents to' b^g, restrain-; ,/ed pn'd angered! mej'- Catching him "' byfthej arm, I yellad out: j; _-j ~?' $4e bere, boy! if yon don't own frip. that youiare lying to-me -- _>' I'll-take-yon to the1 station !" - ja.w his white face 'grow .paler, aadi ' ' ^' -Jf Don't take me don't.! . Yes, jt 'I was lying!" --I. i,;- '<- -- * T' released him land he hnrriifd: ':;--. 8W^y,|rhile. ^ -walkek !on, flatter- .! ; ing "inyse^f: tliat J had- played, s :'{ i^tarp'gatjie^nd donp tlie generous r -' pufir good turn^" ' . j :_ An hour later^ when the nigh,t ;-" -. ha^,grown still wilder arid colder,' ? it- wa^:temjid knbeki an/f-I wonder- 'Ma'^oj'e6^d;ha^e fceab a- cjbtld. tibroid oh a^eh a night. V^hen I o|>ened the door tb.it same boy vtxs on t^e step,;'hi face blue witi cold,: ^ ljis-!_wholfl ^prm sjh^vering.jand p.. '. iaibi. dt desperation fin hafaie. "Please, Mister' ^4rr ' " he be gan, but jrtopped wjlien ^reco^nLuijg iDf. )' -. " '!f- ' ^.' -I jraa puzjJed to know wily he .should bavej Jollpyedyhe home i . why ^ie iad selecte^ inp fof^a vid- 1- -tun ftad;jtra$lled'meteo ..perSistentlyi .-?I B^igjtt have argued that th,e gtorjn bkd JiTTn people j'off th^str^tfl, ,' fta^.taat tie jfreezingV starving ,boy; .(In tftjin.^is 'dofejper^tibn called at ihe ' .<iHl^,bnfc )[-didn't- Had ifct been jjany -dthfr ^pjr'.^r aqy ptherJ piersop . 3^l(ipjg c^wrfty I would bare given, '-.."" j^grj' at bis trailing tne--raiigered; >Usf' be ihopght hf could swindle' rK>av tod grabbed; -ait him and in- .^ifoy^bi|'px9^r.?ai?!87"; " S PRINTING JO , Of] every description .i" Iti tljie best and most at tractive styles, prdi^pdy executed at tfie FRIE PRESS ' .! - Slatthewis New iBuildingf) Note the pricrs of a.few of onr lead ing lines;: "'. Extra heavy Full Cloth, 40o per yd* Extra heavy Wool Tweed, 50c pr yd. . Extra heavy'.Blankets, 83 00. Splendid Shawls, 1.50. Splendid Jackets, 1.50. ,, Furlsets, 9200. . Extra heavy Flannels, 25c peir yard. Extra heavy Factory Cotton, Icpr yd , 800. Ladies' Wincey Skirts, iaade up, i - -' 'afc each. -~ Ml - '" 200 pieces Tlaih and Fanay Dress Goods, 124c per yard.1 __: : J00 pieces Beautiful New 'Serges, 20c per yard.' The above is only a few lines of poods which we shall offer at this our Big Sale. Remember this.is to be the grandest . "PUSH SALE" we have ever.contemplated." !CaIl arid see us if you want to buy <;OODS AT PANIC PKICES. We shall be pleased to see our ^customers, and show our Btock whether they want to buy or not. ' BS" JVb IroubU to eJtoio OoCfL).~Z^ HpLEOV, ANDEBSON & CQ., JIammoth House, - . Georgetown.. *}. B.~ Remember our Ordered Clothing a,nd3Iillinery-Department8.' i - McL A,. & CO. Georgetown, Jan, 11, 1$76. I ] Have just received their; j Fall fetpek of Boots and Shoes, 1 And are dotornmined to oontinue *o .eell cheaper than the cheapest, -and j better value for your money than can be had elsewhere. !.. ' " Call arid ^ee for Toxirselyes and bring your " ! \- Examine our, stock which1 comprise8"ererythihe in the trade of (he latest and most elegant 8tyle6-and patterns of Epglisb, Canadian and American manufacture. . '; ' ,!.-' .'- C3" Orders promptly executed and good fits guaranteed."a '-'" "! N.B. All accounts must be settled this nionth. ! " KENNEDY BEOS. KN&ife Wm ' , CONSTANTLY ATlillVING AtT THE - CENTRAL i:! J: W. MANNS I ' ' -\. ftyinter -J^tock of" ' :WM omx. Toii> Are offered for cash or prbdew a AND REmY^MADECLOTfflKm .-.;!; Iti! Urooeriesj Crockery anjcjL (HassWfcp| -, Wjlfbefound ;a complete nssgrtment.of tne.best quality^ J. W. lVIAWTV. Acton, Dec1, 29, 187^ DOIvllNION PN -: f ;i Acton Nov. 4, 3875 O T Wll I I ,...,..,.. ;.:.v-"r - i" :'.- '" '*?y which is now/complete,.'is. larger, Hetter assortefc more' atira'ctiy* an^!. cheapei ttian.ever before, comprising in part- -; Xwoeas, Oyorceatingrs. Dross aoods, in Frene 1; HeFtocs.^Ootoutgi, . All Wool Plaids', Black and Colored 'Lustres, iia~Plain.-aa4. ' - Piguted' ffiaiir'plB, ^Tiaceys, pMrts.'tht^tinirfc'XTadesr ", shirts' and. pra/crers, 'ffelt Etirii, pSnAwls,-;'-'if. Blankets, ^a^opl Tablo cdyeits, tvery ';' ' ! K' ?'JV "" " Ta-'blb-iiinoaj,: .1 ' :m^'m. Towolingrs, Factory: and Sleasheq Cottons, J Ladies* Linen Sti; ' Litdies'and, eoats'j Ties, ftff>,: !and a very good, stock of B0Y^;:^^D.jME^' [H4TS - _ together with: ! Cfrocsrie^, p-rpfefcter-5r.'0- - S&- Call early and.secure bargains, j ' ' .- > C Acton, Oct1 26, ISTol: ! '. i >- .M- Glasswaro M. SOOTT. Mill StrccjE. ACTOoJU4 DEALER IN General Groceries, ! 1 1 * li, Steam Carriage! Wag on Works MAIN STREET, ACTON; ' }'.' MIC H A E L S P 1 Q H 7, ! General Blacksmitn, Carriage and Wagon Maker* Best Horse-Sbqers jln ||he Gpimty - " , Perfect satisfaction guaranteed or.hoi price charged'..' . FIRST-CLASS ir?LQWS -'" .. ': GOLLABD'S l^ATENT IRC)N HiiRROWB j ^Always; on hand. ; A Good Stock of Carriages and "Wagojis. EfcPAIRl!V .promptly and properly attended to. M Aoion^ J.^ily 1,1V15. "';'--' ." '-. j |; ; H~ i " ALL KINDS OP J. --r..i- S. HACKING. PropKefcor. B003K AND JOB PRINTI )S, J.r' '^all Paper, : .' ": -,."".' M . i- ! wiiidb-'-SftlnfiLI, Or Glasswaj: *t' 'i-'&'ib-- Glass, ; Putty, . ] Linseed. Oil, Ra* * soiled I-'.* ', Turpentine,: v Machine Oil, . Coal Oil, i Salt, -etc. TliosBpscrlt|erbegBtoroturnhlBUuin)u to the Inhabitants 01 Acton and surround ing country for the liberal'patronage heretofore extended to him, and at tho same time solicit their furthe'r Btlpr*rt N.B, Cash Paid for Hides delivered. ! :"-.' 0 T. HILL."" j A cton, July 1st ;1876. WYNDHAM STREET. GtrBiiPK Are showing now ^Spcieal iines-in Cheap-Jackets, Special Lines of Cheap Dress Goods Special Lines of Cheap Cottons. ' - " - - , . I Special, Lines of Cheap Silke. Speciall'Lines of Cheap Flannels. Special Lines of_ Cheap Blaiikets. .. A large stoak of Boots and Shoes, of th"*'very besp-manufactuie, has j>M(tit* been received at .' -. ' 1 " -",' "1 CRAINE m & SCAN'S- '-. , \rt-::-,. -t-"-^--/. . . . MlLL BTBE^T,vA^TQN. ' ' " - '.' ' -r A (nil line^of all sizes for MEN.,- WOMfeN- Afe. :^ILli^EN|[| "j-- cah bai bad anywhtr*. - ^ ^ y 1-J. F3l '.Will be, found to select,from, at prices"as low^as ffij- Call and "See lis. j?fr Special attention is dalled to our - aUWTOM \V7pBM which at all times receives our earefiifpersoiiill sipervisioij. Pejrfeci liiUSift|| faction guaranteed. . .- .' -,.',f!fel Repairing neatly and promptly altended.t^i Acton, Sept..28, 1875, -rA '.'I- '}. ;{ "leaefce "lin^ pu Liqitbr * 'OUB' ^^sos; Bl!': -5- Ad m PJB0UPTLY EXECUTED' A* WMM FREE PRESS Next Door to the Post Onico, Mil Street, Actop. bVB^CBIBE FOB THE ASpeiial Lot jof Wincoyfj, Cheap. ei^li* 0^ a Flat A Special Lot of Canton Flannels A Special Lot of Cheap Tweeds. Black Lustres, j 1 Vadiie. WM. STEWART & Co. Sweeping ;',Sal'e of Beady-Mad^ i. Mmenced to- day at the " ::M-!:.! .<3Ka-Ei32fe: Rare Chanoe. Call and S> January 4,. l$i,M' lung MB" o. 3ir -'jBispr ij^dl4 _i\. '/:-

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