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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 30, 1875, p. 2

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ISllir |sG91 t^fcr . iiiTOiniiw ^^v-T*"^*ra:,Tl*Wf*-'.l - Rv^l w-:?i'ft;-:y J':--.' -.' -ill .Uv!' ! . : .:; StAMt TRIAK TIJIK TAB1.K, _; Trains lcav,e Acton as t>Ulo\vs : ! -,.. Morning Mail - - - ., Day'Express.. - Mixed; - V ' -.-. Night Express"". \ - OOINO K.^ST 'Night Express, - ' Xf ixed ;- - . ; P. tO Ajii..' J. 00 p.m. o. JO p.m. rJ:45'ia.n>.! -Day .Express "Wad 7 '- , Mixed * . . 3:S; arm. "9:10 n.ni. U:M--!i.m. x-' ;' < Al"T> TOST Ol'FrcE. - Mails koimjWcsi arc closed at SHI.* a.m. tVoiugTiast at 5 p. m. ' Register*! Letters must bo iu livo minutes before the aK-vc hours. Knatehbull mail," Tuesdays ami Fridays.- LOCAL XSir&' u- all time*, t,y rrcricr itaj> <;/' /i^iH'i'irufe, tneh o. j-neeitl church ,*ircifir*,;uiftt- ingt o( tasptratici or \iiher AKirties, ticrklrnit, vr airy incident' ir.Mch majt tx iiit'Trxthy, riihtr iti-tfiix fiva/iVv ' '>* .* Otf ctttntiy tjfticrxi!!y. Mitttcr v/\t>>i. t^ri.\(tT-V ' <*V>jl,2fni ticTr.j.V \>!" (iv rr;;/ j^r/ov:.,: QKiLcoltrstlr-.i^ lti-'i- ii.riio iiisiiri i.V jntliiirtUiiW it ii nK-s&ux r, ' }ir.i:. ft* ;'f.. #firv- if 6y TSttrx/<ti' i> /./, e' the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. $-?S; ttrttrP 1 *** & j *$* **$> i-*. iisMMNiNiiiiiiii 4 ; School-Notice E, ifoore." i" Sen- Oodjls^-J1. \V. Afiun. -Night SciooT^-J. H: lJoyd. - Election .Card 47. S. Smith, Klcction-'Card^dohhS^Sffrd.1' . _Sfr Astray-f Michad Tracy, i " Election tou-d4.1V I). Christiiy i -Notice U> Bobtiirs ^Eott. Orvich. Clearing Sale-4t'hr:stie, Hcnderaoii 4 ,Co,H :. " * ': "|. LOCAL MATTERS. "-ti.*i-..'.- Balllnnmd |UraaK^. At the n-pilar mctfting of Grange No. J1S, ht llilliuafp.il, on 1 >cc. 21st, -the followingotHccru were eUetcd for 1870, namely : : .tredrgc CtwnpWH, Master. Alv^ajn Swindlchurst, I verncer. M'illiam Shortill, Leuti n-r. M:Ueolm MoUichlan, S oward. _ Ijiohard Shortill, Assis:.int Stow'ariL Oo>rgo Nixon, Ofaplaiii_ JvJm Kue*ell, IVeasunfr. J tieorge SoIwwhI, SecrcUryi. '_..' Angus McLean,0ato-k>ef>er,; Mrs. T. liennett. Ceres, "i -} Mrs. iT/Oamplwll,. rouipnjv. Mrs. T. K.oiT/Kiora.- Mrs. MeNiehol, Lady . This is itrong Grange, and |i^ proa (K-rihg nilmiralily, Uuyiuj; exte-niively, and doing all they can fn their order. They are with it, iu all iU workings] yon. well, I.teuiaiu'a-- i Vaitox or THE ACTON FREE PRESS, ss't Steward. r the g<K>d. of well satisfied Wishing oil DoartI of School Trustrcji Tho ti>{jC\Utr montlih the Roiuxl was IIoubo, oii (he ulh inst pwsi'iit, Messrs. fcriwui Keniieihv KK~SnyAJer liid 0. S. Smith." M uul Smith wore appoi mittoo'to procure tlib wood for the cbminj; account of Seooid Br was orilerod to be pni> Moved by Jlr. Smi bv i[r. Snvder, tlrnt Hl'SPANPIiY. lilBftlll" of held iili the SSfhool Jlonibei-a d Moore, A. Jos, l-wby, jsi-a, Mooro iitwl a coin- neoossiiry year.. iAir s";of '83.99, ELECTION OF MEM BE! FOR THE MUNICIPAL COUNCli OF THE VILLAGE OF ACTON In the County of Halton, ON MONDAY, THE 3RD DAY OF JANUARY, I87. iJ-7- :i^ -,.{:: :j> "i=.-KO ', *j. "C ^u -Ji-- :! ; '- :- ill- . irjt; ; J Monthly Cattle Fair iu Acton next Thursday. -;: .- Jitr. Rawbotiejof Toronto, "will preach, ii the Baptist Chnfeh here, oii ,' Sunday next, ^f 11 iv. in. and 6 p. in. ;V Don't forget the So.irei> in- th!e Temperahee Hal] on NewCYear's lay. A ple-iiaut time-,msy be expected. - ,-r ^Xext ,-vreek is appointed is a week .of* Prayer. Special ser\-jces ivill - he held la the' Presbyterian and ileiip- .' dist ciurches, in rotation. "-" ' ; -^The' Free "Press Carrier Boys wish, to say to their village'patrons that their Annoal Address -vrill^be delivered to-morrow afternoon. "A ^tnaHdoutxuf ' will be thankfully received. (., -\- = ' -..{ Mr. Ross has just completed .fcaking the~jciool census for Adton .- School Division, and -reports tlie full number of children, l>etwee1ti;tlje ages of five and sixteen years, at 251, be'og<39 "'SjHthin the corporation limits, anJjjS2' otrteid^. It ia areaiarkabU fact, tlhav the t2>ol; number is. ^precisely- the s: me ca last year.; p ~~ v. i ' .. rrrThe ^entcriainment on Prk ay. - evening by the YoUDg People's Liter, iry \ Society, _paased.<"oif very: pleasantly. - Readings, recitations, dialogues '-e:c, . were^vea in good style, after which .". Mr.- Culvert in the semblance of yl<i SajutaClaus distributed the Christmas ' present3*that were hung upon the tree. W, iL StorevyBsq., occupied the Cludr. - Receipts about $30. ," 'Christie, Henderson" <fc Co. wish 'their, nlany patrons the comjili. ments of the season, and .respectftijlly -ag^si that a trial of theirlfamous 5Ue Tea would greatly, add to its real enjoy ment. l>ecide|"ly the best! value..ever- offered. . " ' ,.^-^The_Sat hath School; A.nniver- siry and tea-n leetiiig, in theplethodist 'Church, last-Tllufeday evening, was tot _3s w^H'attendd'as;we should like to have seen it. '""he.prGceedings were in- ieresting. Spdeches by Rev Mr. Mills, . lit .^Georgetown, Rev Mr. Cameron, of.' Acton,. Rev. Uir, ".Vi.-kinBr.j qf S'ai. -' sagewya, and o^rs.interspei-ied witli e"xte]ieut music by the ^hureh chdiri , -The receipts w<xe i.ut$15j'. '(;<"'/ -Christie, Henderson- <t Co.. Acton, Jiav-ing in contemplation material changes in. their bnsiness, will on ajud niter 2nd January next, offer their en. tire stock at ex :r>ibrdinary loir, figurlas. In the meantime they will be happy to" see all their old customers and as many -. new ones as' possible, and can" asst re thm that no- effort will be spared to: supply them with ^att-their wants, a^ pnqes that will give! eutire satisfacti' n,- " -A. choice lot oi fancy goods .snitable^or Christmas presthts,.etei, at clojepriqe3. th, seconded Vlr.-R'bss-be i-e-enjpiged for tho ensuing \y.eiir> at i salary of $550, with house free. Mr. Kennedy moved, seconded by Mr. L;isby, thut tho Treasurer be authorized to pny'Mr. Ross the puniot $10Q, aiild also Edwni-d Mooiv's note of $300 with intei-est. Moved by Mr, L;isby, seconded by'Mr. Siiyder, 'that .Vf'r.-Rosa be authorized to take fhei'school cen sus, and that.he bo .paid $10. .; Moved by Mr. Snyder,' seconded p.y Mr. Kennedy,' that Miss :Mc- Kellar be re-eng;iged at a. salary of. ^75 per annrrin. ;' ] Moved by Mr. Kt>:\n!edy, Becond- by Mr. Las by, that Miss Moore re-engaged 'up to thle July holi' ays, and that her salary be at; the. ^ate of $225 per anriuni. '., C. S. .SiiiTU; Secretary.! SPEOliJb NOTICE. = " All parties indebted to Christie, "Hen- 4erso n Co., either b}* not* or Ivook ac- ount, are requested, to-call and.settle 1 he sanie at orico, and ^alli persons (if : ny) .-harthg claims against ihem-are re- i uested to r resent the saine for pay- iieu:, ad .all ;accoiuits, ct^, 'must-be tluoc-d before the-end of the jyear. ; For Reeve, HENDERSON: i'id Henderson, Da vi Merchant. McGr^RVIN, *Nej.son"McGarvin,, Physician; For Councillors. CHRISTIE. David D. Christie, Merchant. HAMILTON. Richard Hamilton, Carpenter. ii i-..' i' Edward Nickj.in, Miller.^ its 1 DECEMBER 3Q, 1875. Boots and A Urge stock )f Boots ben received nt , ind Shoes, of the very best rxanufabture, Ea* just CRAINE c& SON'S NEW BOOT & SHOE MILL STREET; AC1pOAI STOftK K full line of all tires for MEN, Wi|l|bo foundl #OiVi which EN AND CHILDREN. to select from, at prices aa low as can be bad anywhere. tr.r Cull and See Ub.'j* i lal attention is cillod to our J CUSTOM WORK, at all times receives our careful personal superrision, faction goarante jd. ' [ ;:. , Repairing nea Jy and promptly att'endied to. ; 1 3EC0RP- j0H>SECORDi Merchant; - ' " ft ' ~ SMITH. Charles Sydney SititW, Farmer. SPEIG-HT. John Speight, AVheelwTight.' Acton, Sept. 28, 1875, IBS" s TRW STEER. -i ir-i"w;v lev.:' 3^-,'j '-=5 :|lrt-... m p F*&t^ i --"c H^-;-- 1^^.-1/?!^ --"*~"Er5j"r...,*. " Last :Monday| being; SC John's Dty, the Masonic 'JJod^eB; throughout the world met for their annual communica tions and tho installation. )pf ofEcerr. The officers-of WJalker Lodge were duly installed by R, M.', Bro, Hugh'Walker Assisted by R) Wl Bro"Hilu(rpe, and E. W. Bro. W. J Paterccn, of Guelph, yiz ; Bro. Caleb QbaseL' W. &. j **" .Hugh Walter, P,M, - ;-j , " Irvin, S,.\V-, " ' I * ' " J. Hunt, J, W, r "~P. .Secord, ("haplain. | " JameslM^tiitews; Tr^astjrer, -" Joh'n Rossj. i Secretary. | ."." D, Kennety, Inner; Guafd. :"v-T,Kennedy.oc Rob^rtSon'.-rJeacdns j" Ryder and Anderson, J>tewardst. ,5'" J. Secord, D.C. - * '* "A.* "Wright, Tyler, ' After th!;clQse ef the Lodge meetii g, the Brethern'adji'urned to Matthevs' Hall where a socia; gathering was be! d. , An excellent .supper was provided, to whieh.about liftyilidies ind gentlemen sat down. The entertainment comprig- tidgiriglng, recitatioiis, parlor amui it- *>neiits,.speaches.etcj. Durjmg theev<n. jngi very ihteresl flog occuiTence' took j;lace. W. Bro. H lgb 'Wlalker-was pre sented by Bro; Hi nt, a behalf of the ; niembers of the Lo< Ige, witi a handsonje oKl ring, as a-align; token iof the esteem jn which he is held by the members of the Order, and of ;heir appreciation of his valiialje ser^iee i] W. Bro. vYalker cknowJe<rged in.nitable terms. Jobs ' Jobs ! Jobs '-pCliristie, enderson &. Co., iu.order b? clean out; Itilance of woolen goods, j millinery, cpiit-s'" cap.-vetc, will otTer tiie remain der of their stock, at greatly reduced '_ ices. Rare bargains will be given as .tlwe lines must be sold at once. Came on the premises of the subscri-; ber, about the lst'of November, a Red Steer. The owner-is requested to prove property, pay charges and take the animal away. '.'.';" \VM. REED, KnatchbulL Dec. 3, 1S75--. 24^3t TC1ARM TO RENT. , The subscriber offers -btj rent; or let on shares, his farm, being Lot No. 31, on the 5th. Concession of Esquesing, com prising lOO'acres, SO acres of whic'.i are under cultivation, the balance excellent _^ cedar and- ha.-d wood. Gotnl frame I rhus-^ house and barns, -with plenty o" good | .... . . ------ About I trasli at a very low p Sou by soiling the R _.^_______________. . lolloway's PIU and Esqnesing, Oct. If 1S75. lje>vare of Counterfeits. For the protection or ibe pqbllo or Brit ish North America, 1 darm It my duty to state tnat my Hills asd.Oiktmekt re neither mano'acturetl bior void Id any part orthe UsrrKrHiArt. :Eacli Pot and Box t**ar the "Brlllib 'Jovernment Slnmp, With the words HnLIXJWAY'S PILLS 1AKD UIKTHJEJCT,' Lom>on,b engraved ttiereon. On the label Is the address, 533 lOxroKD Stbest,! London. ' This notice hrts beci eoneq(U*nco or vile n tinns of "HoiIowhj's beiDrf fnbrlent enljvne, Mew ties siylinF^M VViiiem " Hollowly da|"LJ|"Bco ~ an a&iumouVE^^VMirada c. FALL which U now csmplete. CBAIHE & SON. DGMINION EMPORlUMt . SCOT AND WINTER is larger, better assorted, leapoi than ever before, comprising it < necesfary, in Bpurlocu lmlta- andOlnlrQ-nt,'" e tat 78 Maid York, ly par* salve* Wet- MB mark; water, and other ieouvcuieuces. ----------. ... , 2h miles from Acton. Apply: on the } ..^Prlnctpird.yendorj premises to ExteiisiGn of Time. So that all our customers will have aAiple notice, we have decided to extend tie time till the first of January, when all accounts not "then settled up will cortainly be handed over for collecC'on. Every man can square his accpimt by/ th at time if he likes, and wj Want the ru >ney. Aftef the 1st of January our te -iiis will ',be-three months, txe%pt dur- in ; tho summer montlis.' .." ">..- Secoed Bnos. ACTOX MABKETS, White Wheat i.......... Tri-adwell............... ;Sp|iug Wheat. ......:. DaHey................. Potatoes, per bush...... Dried AppleJ, per lb.. .. Onions, per bushel...... Butter.......'....;...'.; Egjs-.".-................. Hay, per ton.....:...... Drtssed Hogs.......::. 0 95 to 1 .00 0 SotoO 98 0 85 to 0 90 0 GO to 6 ("3 0 3o to 0- 00 0 60 to 0 63 ;0 40 to 0 00 0 03 toO 00 "DR. ROBERTS' Celebrated Ointment .' CALI.ED TUB POOR MAN'S FRIEND, i confidently recommended to tho Pub lic us an urlaltlng remedy lor wounds of evey desi-r'pllon; a'certain car* for Clcernted Sore Lejrs, eVea of . twenty venrV BUndlne; Cuts, JlurriR, Hcaldf, Bruises, t'-hllblalns, Ucorbutlc Eruptions, nnd Pimples on >he Pnee, Bore and In- flamtd Eyes, Sore Heads, Sore Breast*, Piles, Fltiula, and Cancerous Humours, and Is a Bpecine far those afflicting Era>- lions' Uiat sometimes follow vaelnhatlon. old In PnU at is. I'd. and 2s. 9d. each Dr.Soberts-rUxOa Antlacro*p3iul Or ALTERNATIVE PIIjLS, conflnned by sixty years' experience to be ope of the b^st medlclnt-B ever compounded for purlfylrg the blood, and assisting Nnttire In her operations, Hehre they are nseful In Scrofula. Scorbutic Complaint*, Olan- d"lar Swellings, pnrtlculorly those of the N.ok, 4c. Tney forma mll'land superior Karnlly Apelient, which may be taken at all times without conflnement'or chaneo; 'of dlit. Sold In Boxes nt Is. l'd,"*s.9d., I '4s. Sd', lis. and '^&, each. BY THE PROPKIKTORS, ; AND BAENICOTT AT TJtEIIl,. 0*75 to 1 50l BEACH 0 20 to 0 00 5 - if i SS *MFES8Ajr, BBIUPOKT, EXCLAND, 1.) 00 to 1G 00 I und by ftIi respectable Medicine Vendors 6 50 to 7 00 I---------------------------- ------ Lambskins............ :.' 0 50 to 0 80 Pelts. .. ...,.*-....'........ 0 50 to 0 GO. rChiekeus, per-jjs'.-....... 0 05 to 0 00 f 1>ucks, . ".......... 0 05 to 0 06 -Turkeys' " .,...:..' 0 06 to 0 07 Oeese 'J - ,:.___. ; 0 05 to 0 00 . j ' i_ Cl'ELPn'MABKETrt. " - F.alf wheat; 97c"to 1.01; treadwell, 97c to 9iic; spring wheat,. (Glasgow), 93ci to 95c; spring wheat (red chaff), 80c! to 85c ; peas, 69cjt<> 70c;. barley, 50c to f*2c; eggs, per ilozen, 17c to'lOc; butter, dairy packed, 15c]fo 16c; potatoes, per bag, 50c to 60e; 't'OBOVTO JIABKETH. HEIGH 0, STOP! :i' wheat, 65c: iiew white Spring wheat, 1.02 to SI.03 ; oatk, 34c ; bar ley, GOc to 81c. ri tELPH ABMORl, What's the Matter? -**^25t A 1.80 Gold, Silver-& Nickel Plating Works, 143 QUEBEC STREET, GUELPH. John Kirkham, Prop., Mdnplflcturersna Importerof Breech and Muzzle Loading " Kifles, Shot Guns, &c. Hwoleirn of M dchcrijitiona \aheayt'on i ' hand. > j i AMMUNITION FOB ALL, BREECH ; LOAJJINXJ AK5IS.!. .'" Eljr-A Kynoch's Cartridge Cneps rind Caps f?r re I.ffldjnz R:itne. 1"e-ldaders, Ke-pupner>>. Cnp1 EJ<rtors; Curlers,' and Creai!orsi'leanlijg Hods, and i^ll articles necesszjry for a Sportsman's outfit. i All sorts of K>p4tflng ahd Jobbing executed on the shortest nottre ut j 148 <inebeo Street. ; JOHN K1RKHAM. remises :"^^E"~'BIBe Cnllery on the J open frqm 10 o'clocK a.m. to 1( p.m. ^^^ -" ' :' WK& h~ ^Z . i Why any person w(ho wants a good " ana cheap SET OF HARNESS, Should call on Robt. Creech, MILL STREET, ACTON, : - -'. Who is always ready to Bnpply cus toniers with everything usually kept in "a first-class Harness Shop, ,. - i. Harness made to order.on the horteBt possible notice, DOLLARS A SPEOLAiTT. can obtain this and todeoefva for my ceaunii Intromt, wtftcli at 6S3, OUord so deceived irtll te with oie. - s;ln the British ,y medlclnj-s di rect from'hero liave.'teiy properly us<- sested that'I should, tor the benefit of Sou by gelling the sat lollowny's PI U are; rminnfactured onj atr^rt, London. r Persons who miry be pleased to commuii Many respectable fir Province*.^ who oblu tliemselve* a.id Ihe'iviblle, lneru. their names In ',m . .ipersj thit It may be known Ihrl i' mfdlclnes can be. nad gpnulnei.nn en.1 - The fol ovi ; hb .Is; of the firms nllnd- ed to: pom 1') .c.iiurly recoiiimetui thorewho.'e " e.o-iCi m^ m> dtelnra to apply to tome of -e d xiatp namei: Evkvr,'Mk'rcsb A Co.. Montrtnl. ... AvEitY, Ubow - A Co.. luliCax, N.8. FoRjnrTH <t lij- Hull.".* s. i*. S. T. a BAltXKr. i 8o.s, I -, John, N. B. AKrTHB*'*.ll'.'HAU ?O.CIl0i OttttOWD Lanoley u Co, Vlci'f... B.C. . Moobk<* Co.; Vic.o.i:., BJ3 ' ' - Dr. John .al..*.v, CUiitbam, V. B. Mt'KRoiCo. /Joutreal. J . Wikxb * 0a', Hp.nslton, Ont. H. J. Rose, Tolo-ito. A.CHiEMAKKniTn, 8 .John. ft. B. John BoND.iUoderlch, OnL Kli.io* C#., Toronto J. Cll ALOKiiB. SL Jobr, N. R. Hakisgt.,.1 Bnorilxk !, Bt. JohB. N. B. B. 8. P.Kinnr, Wlndso:, OnU i Mn. O.TPKN, Morden, ST. K.. l GEono*l'. HCNi.iuD. FredTertcton,N.B. W. r'.-T'toKpso*? H:u born race, N.F.L. J. M. W.'lky,Fwdirlelon; >, B. i i W. * 1>. "ftti '.r, Monti eaU CilAB. 1. DAViK,.Fre< erlcton. N.B. i Tho medicine* are x.ld at the lowest wholesale net prices, 1 1 quantities of not less than 10 worth *i Ir, 8s. 6d., Z2s., add Sis: per doz^u boxes >f Pills or pots of Ointment, for whloh remlttonons must bo sent In advance. : THOMAS HOLLOW-AY. 533, Oxford Strpfit, tt". J. London, June X*\, 1675. Perfect satis, ELEPHANT CLOTHINC HOUSE, i ."^^dasil^sL' -'v.: Mil Ready Fdr Winte^. m~ Vtlui Tie Leading Clothing- House of the County. Just receifed i 500 Men's Overcoats, rabging in price from 5.00 trp. 187 Boya' Overcoats, ranging in price from 2.00 up. A tremeoclous stock of Men' HeaVyBuitsiirirScotch; English and CanadEap Tweeds, rangiog in price frOni $7.,00 up j ' '. A beautiful stook of Cbildren's'Suits, ranging in price froni $2 50 tip, Big stock, of Woolen ynderclqthihg, to be sold very low ^ -.' Cardigan Jacketf, ranging in price froml^Ip) up. x| Mogniflcenl lot;of new"Shirts, Collars, rjcarfs,Bows and Glores^u'st to hsed. Hats and Caf'Sy-ju^t received 4 cases to be ruri oft" very low; ': ^&'^i'r- -:'^ ' ' "' Jfcmber l Surgeons.! D'" ^ii g* New Yor .CoHeie, CI Tuesday* | 4 p.nii. Actonv. to. call %. rl.Itlng43ti'-lpn,*by making U orx-.lnt ;e wbere.i.wlll save at least 6 to a" fer cent on every ^Mv R%JTH Eft FORD & j' ft;the ELEPHA-NT lefi> fury dohar iue^soena. :'.~f - - October 13. , ITo.. 31,:Lower "W'Tndliam Stot, .^aelph. m.1 .' fuice -Co. ' .- pared nea reasonabll ' ilotg3gel House, A| Ik. J. T*? Or STOCK aore attractive and part: '; } . -Fail and \w inter. - Jblamm<?tb* House, Georgetown, Tweoli, Orerebatinffar Sross aooda, ia French. Iferiaos- Cohoures, All Wool :?lfti4i, Black and Colcrc4 Lustzes. ia Plain tod Tlsntfl-J FUnnala, Wincoys, Shirts. Ehirti4sra. tTnder- lairts aa.4: Dra-wors, Felt sHrts, Shawls, All Wool. Tahlo .Oovers, (very patterns),.Clouds, MufflOTS, idfrir. Gloves, Boll&Xidi. ,Tahl8 linens, -.^^Owiels. Bleached Cottons, tte4-pints' Ties. &c, See, 0TDOBvlna; Crocke Crtll early and sec jre bargains Acton, Oct. a -tary., good stock; of - MENS' ilami together witn ; & Glass Sets D CAPSl .. Beg" leaVff tosft'ty^ ibafc tbey^hive rei^iveil large imporlatrena in. .. , J|laok -and Color-id LustrekJ-'.';'; ';[ ,-- WHITE C3TT0N3, PSIHTS. TABLE UNEIi, DRILLS, SHEET1KC3. &C. j;-'.-. ( ' : Fancy GocrdiS aird Small wkres 2>f ail! kindaj. .' ' ,.>' ' Millinei-y," ~%i^^:i^^: Shawls; Carp its, Brcadclcti0,'2oeaidns- -t-.i . *c. Offlcl : Streets. < kc. Offid liilton, ] will be un Campb at the . week. H E.\I Aeon"- foil AJl busiurf rfiilibfailyl aUclted, AT1 ___ e*xp tu Qa-tiiuil 'TkUtut gl fi.r prinieJ aU.-n ted J MSCilHtl (aau and W ILl re WAGON AND CARRIAGE Nov. ;g| 1875, B. CREECH, Acton. ^BARGAIN. , :-J FORSALB. Lot No. -30, 3rd Con.^ Esquesing, J of a mile from the flounshing village of "Acton, containing 10& acres. About SO acres heavily timbered with Pine, Hern- lock and Cedar, suitable for telegraph poles or posts. 'Excellent Frame House, eight roomed, in/thorough repair; frame stable and log- ham ; orchard of choice fruit; a neverfailing spring creek runs through the premises. Terms easy. Ap ply to CHAS. CAMEBON, Main St., or by lotter to Box 62, Acton'. . - be.rented^ . ~ FAOTOjRY, JAMES BYDEkJ* Proprietor. "Wasroas, Oarriasfs, Sls^ras, Oufctsrs, stOj. Kept In stock and madio to Order on tb Shortest t otlce, Strlot attentlo) i paid to Sorse-Shoelafir fc.O mrsl -lohbla* ' and satisfaction [uaranteed, Aeton July 1st, 1878. pFRE MILK. "The undersigned bfegsito thank his customers for the libe al patronage re ceived during!the pat summer, and would say that he is aow prepared to supply an additional n imber of custom ers with good, pure, fi ;sh milk deliver", ed every morning, and twice a day .on Saturdays. Parties w 10 keep cows will find it much cheaper a id less trouble to get milk delivered a ; their doors, and they would do well to sell their cows and bay-their milk, "wenty-ono quart tiokets for 31, if paii I in advance, or twenty-one pint ticket ifor 50 cents. P. 8. ARMSTRONG, ^ctoh, Nov, 10th, I US. READY EIGHT CENTS for tiree months past, vould ijtko this opportunity of stating that the' Syatem -a.OT02sr Having adopted the ^COTT. English and. Scotch Tweeds, CVuKoatitgr, ' Bciuly-inado- Overcoats and Clothing, '- .^pj3'rRoad7-iaa4< CvcrcosE^ and - Oftteei <^unty : . Clothing. Gents'* yaraiahings, asc.Y rlTlie ab-.-ve CrrvHl^ havo i,fw>r( Imp-.rt d direct ram-tue lenrivfjjj mtfrketsf <*^- .K*_roi>e,' tfcerel.y; sjlvIii^u largt- i> .rceoi-.ig.s Of whif*li the , ublic '.i.ul. getlbe ndvaotaga* jp, v rieil aTnrnT_tr.icitv* ,Vrnlns the ni'it-ufRctiirtntf ^n'cir.eslK br Uiis i>ornihI<p. o-nsl-tlf rnbleiiuj oi t:iiM-f. nid ;iv v.*e,bciitf \ e itriil Ohizijg benxe liiuust^}- .we uI i In largo hi*-*.<*t life JuJowiu^-c = ' ' .; 1 -/ ii-1- r> :k,0: Is in' lireo tnive Teeis,'FulIiIloths, Overeonting^, Knitted PhirU and.Dr.iw^rs,5ftifH^r., -,".,' . Yarns, Checks. Fine aiid F->ncv Flannel?. V* ' 7. ] All-ft'ool and' UrriOjn BlMrjket?, . .: ' :': * Cotton Yarn, Cotton BMgs, . I; ' ' '~ :' Men'siWhiteSmrts. BOOTS AND SHOES. : BUFFALO-JIOB.BS-, LADlKis,. FUR. SETTS, ; MEN/S FUR CAPS,; - "' - ' j The nbo e Goods have Jven 1"nrebiis*><l from'the jbstj?nd eheapeBt:rnaciiJ!ac] In the Dominion and mil 6c sold at asnnilladvaiic [ on cost.' * '^ 1 * - I : PAY SYSTEM, Andrdi3c6unt for cash of Has To my nume ;ous cus tomers 8 FEB GENT Customers will no doubt count system. Prompt paving the discount. : ON THE Tha Bul)lie"Sia7*pel7 on getting Qfeat Basgain^ ORDERED CLdTHING DEFARTMEkt ! - !- Ahead of all competition. Otirftoek llmmi>ii<p. The dlfT'rent lilies hsVebwnie-i lecte'l'Klth grenf enre. Any.-trendi-mtn ein be sul.ed in lasti>, qnAMtarrind Price- ;'A| ; beautillil line of the newest tlimsr In-OvcrecciUnsjs. Our facilities for cpttlng'jin'ir ni;k-hnj;our (rn'ments are uftsu.passed. We ba\,e.all th'p'liitent that eTp<.Hence. and- money can procure, and cau.lberefore gunranloe sallsfiictlcn In everj; InslanCe.-' " DOLLAR, Proved Most Satisfactory Vjljwil and also to myself, j I,Jwill continue to Sell Goods as L ow as any House in the Doing a Credit Business, and will give! the Tirade DISCOUNT FOR C^jSHi ;: I..'--- . :v- ".-r ,i:" - avail themselves of the discount. I am fllj satisfied of succesii.and aitisfaction to all concerned,in the eaali amd dis- :ii- . I ' " " ' - -'. -' 1 ' i.'i/v . 'I '." - '. 'U monthly cm tomers considered as cash, and wilt get Cash fbf Ml ?ands 6f prodticej it' - '! Conveyancer, Iijsner of Marriage Lieense6, Insurance Agent Agent Money to Loan, Agent Montreal 'Tel. Co., jClcrl Fourth Div. Oonrt,' Com J in <|. B., &c. ! {tgmi..iiildiiaMWftiil^^liWVii^'^y; Aoton, JJeptembtvl, 1876. S. ; i-;'.{-' MILLINERY,;. 'r,-u Our Shdw. Room isconiplete" with all the latest 'styles from London, i \ .; \ . Paris and New Tort , 'i;'"'!"' ^ . tUtr House has be^n f imed forltsstylish and'unique.milliner-?. TbT<ssra<-on wishoU surpussall ourformer ellorls,because e Have thelaleht nnd goods to ao it. All ihei newcoIorslnKlbbont, Feathers, Torqublse Oranajnehis, 4o. - .'. ' - .'- : -.;- UADIES AND GENTLEMEN. The/breicinlr ISa meresnrhmary of our Itr-; meiiBaHl>-rk. na'li would lake oil lue luiges-ofTi Newspaper to describe the different phases 01 Its Immense variety, cbearnes.s -and- general attractlonsj Surtlce it to say Wc were never tetter p'n pared to s>-rve the pubjlc tothelrisailaiactl/in,1 as we hare in a larger stock tJ<on heretofore tomjeet the wants of our ievr increasing Trade, "and no'doubt, with rRturnlng prosperity and the exceedingly low prices; we are to sell ocr goods at, we shall surpass ayour former advances. Oeoriretoirn, Oct. 7, 1875.; Oeola Sold for Oash,aadao Second 'Price. MoLEOD, ANDERSON & CO. AT PATS1IG PRICHS. KENNED .'! . i -f .v . Have, just received their1 ^aJLL"^^'c3^' .ixBT--. i^cfetid;". and And are detemmined to continue '6 sell cheaper thaq ths oheapeat, and better value foe your money' than can be had rtsemhere. Call imd SeeVfor Ypurselives and tfring y^ir j j i\ 3^ends ^roith. you. -. -Examine 6ur stock whioh comprises everything in. the t^adejpftl ^_ and most olegant styles and patterns of English, Canadian and Anieacfn ihanufacture. . ', ;*' - (g>- Ordrs promptly executed and good fits guaranteed. ' H ' ^. :p ' -V- ksNNEDYBKOS, J Aoton, Not. *, 1875. LIT! Ac "Ptasterinl the moat | iiou gua ' :&&< -' ' B. * Flour wholesale^ Chopping ^rnua, .. JtV-tEel Calledt ac) public. Li -Hof new. Hot wtth nev lers will 1 stommodiJ attention I " travelling bil%] ad|2" Li| *Kor the! too. '. Or Office, Al KooSwo * Termst LICI .: galeae "GounCy, | - -Add Nei N..F, -S S ma 5 }. oeired ironld rapply i fiodltu: afldba-J ^ttoketel twenty J >4ViirAd- Pit^WA ' &St?Siii#it&K&: &sS *%3bM&gr> &iJb*Jbz&&! ****** i_3 *\ > " * 1 b-Hl**'.f l'^-5sS^^,T*TyHt.pE viVWerin .:'. ' a-' I tr

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