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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 30, 1875, p. 1

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*m'-.i. -i4f i iiid iiio^-y p ruling jeter[s do* there* \> htyle, neat,^v ^VoIniBe 1. K*. *} AQTQN, . v' . rr EY1 .'-". OONSTAKTI.ilt ARRIVING AT-iCHE CENTRA^ EMf%RiyM, v MILL S7RET/$CT#2T. i J- W\;MlA.NN,S \ '"Wjintor Stock of . !' ; i . j --; :"! i. \!&< 'F1 tD;.S A N D R E A D Y - MAD E C L OT HIN G Is now ' * i' . At GREATliv: REDUCE PRICES done, ami |.c,u>e allit titan, < g6oJ<-Sgiio ft,' eifirv class,. lis-: bargains, lies* variety If; blonds^ c"aarfa, be sold at lull of Buffa- lie the best Tapes* 5QL> pieces fv t? per yaj-ik, worth ', full choice of all GKREAT |BAR0fI ' _ Are offered for cash/Or produce.-' r-' In G-rcceries, -Crockery and J Glassware Will bo found 9 complete assortment of the best!<juklity. :. Acton, IVc :>} 187.^ j . j IF j ', ; SON, CHRISTIE, HENDERSON CO Begin their Grand i Charing 1 ' ,i y SS,le oh. ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 3$ IGHT SCHOOL. '-'Moinbcni of tho Kigbt" School sire re quested to attend at $Utihowa'- Hall, at seven o'clock p.-JJl.. JOlt , Wednesday,' the 5(h ' of Jumn/trij, . for the commencement of tho torrii. TUbso who do not cfin'o til) eight will receive tuition till ten o'clock, , j," ir, i,u>Vi>. ' Acton," Dec. 29, 1875. : 27-lt~ ^rilOOL NOTICE, Annual Public School Mooting: Notice is hereby given to the as sessed Freeholders, Householders, nud .Tenants, of the Acton School Division, thnt u Public Meeting of tho School Electors of tho Division will be.heldjat . :/:;; The' Tehiperan'ce Hall, On-Wctintmhty, January lUtli, 1870 at ten o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of' electing TWO, fit arid proper persons, as Trustees and Auditors, mul for electing a School Auditor for tho ensuing year, us directed by law. . ; E. MOORE. . GLuinhaii BJ of S. Trustees., . S SMITH, Sec.-Trees..- '.' ' I N- ttTM'E to DEBTOIW. JMJP'aiBfo-'A In :Bver^,,33epairtme:d.t Anoth-ei* tion m ^f c RG/tlNS D. M^lR'$ LPrice 1 :(. DOLLAR, Etating: that tK> liil ooiitmu|e^to the Trade MiLyNEBYJtlANCY GOODS ' - ' - ; ; Call and see tour 1 eautiful-frlocli of ."Woolen Goods, Hilliiery, Dross>ci.s, . Ciildrea'3 Scits,'Sasw Issiery, f ;-;. .-""-' : Scntlcmpn'5 Furaisaine Sooda, Toilet Artieln, Tpirs, Serlia ^rool, itc, ate. All .parties. iiuleuU'd to the uniler- siymul aru ruqutato<l to settle up| by tho 5tU of Janaary, 1S7G. '" . UOBERT CREECH. Acton, Dee. 28> lS7o. - . : NEW APJEj ITI^^^N1 ONT., THUBSDAJY, D^ld]3MIJBR W, 137& r^r (ioriUoinen, A rumor hu on 1 ii'Vtog circulated ong tho Electors of Acton to tho of. foot that if. thoy nj ported 1110 as IJ^ovo; I would use niy. ufluchco With thi Council to-disiKiso 1 f tho old Mothodiui Church-to the mun cipality for a Town I fall, lu reply to ithjeh I bog tio ay that ther it jnot on 1 rirord of tni]%riu t.l^e rumor. It was nover brought up at tuo Council board nor |wil it' tver brouuht Up in any 11 eeting; of tho build- iib U Jiu'iiittco .oft to now-cftirril^ of which! oiri 0110 c[ tlnj mcmboM; I ,trtist my friends wil fplaco hb drcd\uce injthis rejjport, as it is only ubuiI by a few wlio liavo no,r gard for truth, to crl'atc a fueling agaii st me. 1 may say thjnt.I am not in -favor of buying or hiulding a Town Haal, miloag theiratcf payers Sanction it bjj their yoten. Hoping the Elecjors will Bhoir by their votes on Monday next, tho con(id> enbe thuy hove in mi by returning mu aii their Iteevo. I rcmaiiygontl uncn, Tiiiir obei iciitnervan: Y MUNICIPAL ZLH' N. Hotrx^Y*^ -.--------------r- ILLAUE OF ACTON. ELECTION, To the Municipal Electors. Yoiir voto and influeijco arc rcipectfully j * " iolicitsit for. " 'il ~ - ID: HENDERSON j AS: REEVE. of Acton. Vil'nge'Lot number 11, in Block num ber-l,'ii which -ther * --'- cottage .and frame bani Boft water; situate On t'hureh andilaria atrecte.Mii.jthp village .of A,eton. Titlo indiBputabic..' -For price and portion- law apply to W.-'AtLAN", of Actqh.j Actoir, sI|cc. 22, 167"n ":-'2G-,4t-j ro- JpOK SALE. To the Bleotots in Block iium- ,Yqujr \'oto and in fliieuce ore is a rough-coat: sp<jcti.Velj'.Bolicited ror -" .....GinsMe, AS* CQCPitlLLOB. IPAL I LECTION. 187P !'.'Af'-(i;i':. o TSTEKS AND FIHIT. f George. Stoddard- , Has just litted uj(' juid opencdia first- -' '. - eliaas ., - Flint and Ouster Bazar in the premises on the corner opposite the store nf Messrs. Dickson Jt MeKab, on ilili .street., wliero, Joe WJ4 keep a good supply of 1 .;.."' ^rcsh Oysters, boosters. Sardines, ' .-, Caoico Nfrw Fruit, ' -. . TooasooSf Oi?ars, .and' Oonfaetionwy. Oysters by the can,' or :Berve<l np^fe any style, and the liest stteirtion giveii to rustomys. J'hc t>atroiinge of the'public is Tcs'pect- tully scdiuitod. GEO. .STODDARD. Acton, Deo. lf>, 1S75. 2.5-3t R E.lIOVAbf J^ji'SICIPAL j LECTIO*: To! the Electors of Acton. f, (ilBWrtEMES.^-rHii ving booi^dBJii- ioiitftd as 11 'cundi5ute for Councd- Jotvl take tb,u_ejHtli asi .oLsohft^ir/g your suffrages. I , Yours reipectfully, ( John^Secard. MUNICIPAL ELECTION, 1876. Your Tote and Influence -1' At thecpmiiig Elect oil for Coun cillors,,in the Villugd of Acton, ars respectfully solicited for . O: S. SlIciTHi . ' - AS COL'XCILLOB. Election takes pi*' on Monday SrdiJantiury, 1876, a i the -Temper ance Hall./ ^. Also* uicesjtocK of jEVVEl-ElRfY tobesolkoffv^ry low. ndiimj^f goods Jn great rariety; justreceiyed, to be ; ushed,o3 at extraordinary low prices 'I, Bntter, BggF, Poultry, etc utaken i: 1 exchange forgoods, " ' BiEMOVjAL. . E. IVSORROW, CHSHI3T k& D DRUGGIST, Has Temoi red to the ms& *;t. lunt. 71 m '**&?-.* I the' eaeh5jM. ^**'" i 2, and,ynSr &$ froduca wrance A8*Vh{ fijl* c^ Cl*&~ Br|ek Drug Store on Mill Formerly occapied b* tfae iato DbJ Z. refitted. " : -; A ! ~ Ai large; stock of \Drags^ Medicin always On band. ' Acton, Mot. 3:1^75. 4fiTEa, which ha beejo fancy Goodi^ ToiWfc is. mk J^GRAPMC WliSCBIPTIOX DOMINION OF CANADA AND ITS W0VINCE8, ! J; : Wfc^r TKRRIT.mlES. ANTICOSTI j-aud LaBuaIiok,- with an Appendix ) nfBtnlng Infortnatton ofcisueclai tntejr- Jtoat axt> :.'Ef?1*r,inti. f40^ a ' "able or ' , -^Jn??,tu"*'fl!CBooklosend to friends , lo the Old Country.. Sent Free: on Rfceipt of-Price. .-' CO., VQSTB.HA.L. - ; i ^=^, F ABM FOB SALE. Street, enlarged and Articles," <fcc. One hundred acres wooded, .being the east in the 3rd "Concession, j of Escpiesiug. For pari ixrulars ' : THOMAS Erin P.O., Ont .Nov -f- of ' land, well half of hot 21, the Township address GARVIN. 30, 18fe:.. MrGitm NOMINA'riOH$. tk VI-tiLA GEmOJF 1ACTON. ~Vej>R..RbVB. D. Hemdekjon I'roposed by R. Adams, sc cjbnded by "W. Musules Dn. MfcOfB Vt^-1^ *rtipoat& bf W. ;H. Store^ seconded--by Joha Speight. FOE John Speic Snyder, si touNctLLORS. ..*"-. t oposed -by. EK (jortded by R. B. Coolt. EnwABD NkfcKLi.N-j Proposed by- Asa 44tJi i-neov. ided-W-W;. Storey. I 'lf'(~V--\-\ ' Jouy SecoU)-^Proposed-' by 'R. B. Cook, ------ " Storey. Cjuiiles S; 'seconc ed by W. Tf. Proposed )>y condoa TbjrJ:jB.. Horaoo ." Lucas.. D. D. Ci ftisTiE-j-Pj-oliosed by . Dtincuh Kenned f, seconded by John'S'peCgh'Er"' '"." Horace Hp P opOs^d by A. . Grant, seconded by Wi Musales. Ramsom Adams Proposed by W. H. Storey, seep ideJ ,by John Speight. Thoh. EuDActi- Proposed. b"y.Joha Speight, tecpndcil by Mulcolui . Kennedy. RlCUARD H, iim.T0S Diincun I penned,, t)onald Kennedy. Duncak Kjnned* I in, Sccord, Hamilton. Proposed by socooded by -Proposed by (J. 8: Smith, secojnded by/ f^teyenson 'i'Pdiir of, t ie abov nbmiiiation, leaving did a tea us fo lows ; iFor Reey,! 1>. Dr. McGurvin Ww. e decfined the the actual c*u- Hendqrson and ;For Qoun41lorn ^ Speight, Nick Smith, Christie and Specebc* or II e 'aitdl< lalrn. i~ . ' Mr. Render Kin, bcin t, the first nomi nated, prcsum ill he" W01 dd be expected totuake the opening'SKiech. He.said that having,ta ten a'pr>miufnt part in proouring tl^ 'iiieorpor ition of the vil lage, and in Jtiiinuniqipil affairs gener ally, anuinben (if his lei ants liad pressed hint to occcp , the non :ination for the Iteevtehip. Earning that our late' esteemed Eee' -e hadjde iuitely declined re-efection, an fcrJgsJleitio. .o/fiee "would nece^arily. be xirne-ggiat, be hod ac ceded to the -eqnastt-ind was now in the fleldi He had nothing to say re specting the ai ts of the past Councils ; he believed tl ey hojd 1 one their duty, and had Mr. Storey bee 1 .igain a candi date he should not third. of offering him: any oppbsitioi 1. Havir g taken at all times a deep interest ii our municipal affairs,' he felt t hi's dut f not to decline the nomination, andjif. tho majority of the elcctore b iw fit' tc elect him, he inesi pie dent of e lectors preljty wolt. If ihe/Jeaw fit lioii votes jfor. hiii 1 ridojcot j-----1.1; __i-l;.:.H |J tne'hestT twjith what-hat been clone, (jr ^ith-tho cost. He ' . hjad : boin a Acton for 2i| years,; and knew h/Un pi tti;wcpr4thii . ^ hjta W tlie-hoi orablo posTtidi, 1. bo most happj tp. serve theni to of his ability. ] ',-r 4 jMr. Speight said ho had b4 in.the Qouncil th*<]rt^-two y*aA>>mphn'4 Wjorjtod foKivl at he oOnsiiUrbd tfto best ;nterq(itiS.of th( jui4cigali_tyi'r- Although ^QjitA-Tyfaji it oyeiyt'iitig: donjithat Was ilBed..Aii, a great dcii) had : been done towards ; mprovifig.the streeis and atdewalks an 1 ho bulievcd'all ti onoya (. Jb*(ijhiHUS^dd;..io tJi^Uest jdvan- ; f 0iuti 1 eloctejl,' olth^u^h he did a grei t deal anyway, -he.jiv'oiild noycar^ a great deal anyway, try td|do hia Ijest. Ho s^idihb -pfas en Cpurioil, Mr. Nicklih vr {8U00 per ano&im ^nl A<lvnn<( ' .ERIN TOWNSHIP, Rbeve, ': J^IiP^TV liKRvi.-i-J. W. Bllrtr-r- both'.-re^ii-ned jby acclKimition. =P 5= this, wonderful resolution! Wkoo*- Jiqtuvliftt. instni ctioiu this t^oihinii- teeh.is hud, ant we areiyecy thticlt V --' jf thpre are-!,ot tmxi\'-J. I mistiilfce Wra.Te'eieiT, the 'former. Deputy I mote tliingfi in the SciiSbl!Liw, to,1 Reeve,ttire(t from.the field. cSjnpwin a. as mucliias ^tnft'p^-' c4jiipluin f. as gramme of Etlitiajion. thpse whoicom-pl1---~-*' oy'bf.the Schoo listing Jipon- their School ! suses. unnece in their esrt.ifi^ti ..n, wuft Twho toia- ^iHinerl so iraiiph fer teing req.fcst.;- duiajion. Vwji^rp ^re \\f_' }] m-p liiined of the irtgenV .,'_ V i ioo ispiBtior tot. m-^i'.~^i': ' !,:t: ie enlixr^eniert ofV " ,' fv t5V%* tirely ignposeu to tha ...-.._, and jf lelootod .vould go against it nii^' business, !- L -i iu the th Baidv ifl weie iatisllej to ugnln, elect For CouNcitLOE.-i-R A*. Reitl, 'Roherlf Barbotitv Henry Smith, R. D. Bobmer- Win.iMcD6weIj,f.John Fieich3r,and Morgan Hensluiw. - ,'] :nassagaweya:,: 3-i Ramsey, elected Rswye, 'and J. Jlehzies,,Deputy Reeve. v ,; For Councillors, ' T. B. Winn, r> ,-,--v ij * v"i... .t -- ' *beafe^^i John Rao re-elected Reeive. Fcr Deputy lieeve, Tlioa. Waters arid' Michael iCututninaa.. L For C'onncilr *l:toeiiliii-ge tjitir playgrbiin^jandi V leleetors him, he would be. rat cli obligeil; itj not, he was quite wil ing toretiro. Mr,jSecord thanked the for. the honor of reodiylng a electors noinina do the Uon, ^nd if ulected;.would hist in his "p( wer.for the'.frit^reiitsbf the miinlcipa ity, witliout Ibar or fa-: VOT. 'He would' 6pp< so heavy taxa- tlpn j would do his utjnost W prevent the grantiiig of Aaloon"|or. [shop' licenss8'. belioving such to befV ex tremely'demjralizidg, as Well aS ail -injustice *o b >tel peeper* .who ,Wera compelled to furnish ample) acctoma- dationfor the publio: tie should advocite hav ng thelprOce^dings of the Council printed and distributed aoiongst the nitepajera at jthej end of eacti year, rod would suppoft all just"mbans'6l advancing the inter' sts of the V llag. j He hnd lived in. Acton a presumed he the vomers see tit, to give o| votes. . Mr. Bmith good ninny years! and was Well known tp- all |Ie trusteed they would him a largo jmajority >ffered the'Domination, and had resided. II t years was well knov n. fie that arij one lad any seiious would endcavir to Ben best of his ability. He l eturried thanks, for the honor,: lid trust* d he would be elected with 4 jood maji rity. He hoped/ the election w ould be < onductcd with the ntmost x>er ional ban lbny. His op e them to the' --ttiro dtie regard^ to ecjnomy j in JOS H. HACKINO TnchsDA; i MOBNiKd, )ec. 30, 187o. ^es$ Anthoay ; Steplisasba Begs to announce to. his customers and others that he has removed his - i BlacUsniTtfiing- Business From the old stand to the Bhvp former ly occupied by Mr. Overton, upper end of Mam street, where he is prepared to attend to :dl kiluls of General Blacksraithlng, Horse i Shoeing. &c. , The patronage of the public,respect- j jfcepfc as a 8ay of Jrtjjojcing. The fully solicited. - ) L..;il m A ^D_ " A. STEPHENSOK Acton, Dec. 15, 1875: : 25-lt NfeW YEAR'iJ DAT. The idvent of thfe New Year has been from timet immemorial TDBIZE ' " PHQTOGIIAPHS. Now Is tnc Time for Cheap Pictures. Bpst Retouched and Burnished photograghs reduced to ,$1.00 per dozen at the Ontario Pliototjraph Gallery, Acton. Calf at once and obtain a good and cheap pioture, finished in the best style, before prices are again adv vanced. - jjt B,__We were awaidei all the first'prizes over all competitors at the late County Kair at Milton, Oct. 13th And 14th, 1875. " ' c. W-. HILW Paoto. Acton, Nov. 26, 1875. . 22-3rn ^OMI-MON HA^RNBSS D1 SHOP. L ;OTEEB ASTBAY, ' .Camt onithepremiBes of the subscri ber, lot l]8,;lst' line Esquesing, soma time last ifall, a Red... I Steer, coming 2 years pld.j '! ' MlCHJABfl. TBAC^ Esquesing, Dec. 24, It 75, : 27-2t 'l.t ' The subscriber begs to announce to tha inhabitaDts of Acton, and vicinity that he has commenced the harness business in the '.' >. Old Post pffice Building, MILt STBEET, AC)TON, where he is prepared to turn out work-second to nono in the Doming ton -as'cneap'as tbe-joBeapeBt, an* On the-shortest possible: notice; I have orfhand a large pnd well select- ed stock of "y. Sdree Blankets. 'WnlSB,' Brashes, ' (JoJabs, Trunlw, ete.;. ^ Kepairing promptly attended to. Give me a call and be convinced. \l ' J.F./DEMPSEY. . Ittis.custdmary 4pt coiintry pa- peca to-sttspend public itioiCerititely during the Christkn as week, in- orderj to give the pi inters' a resf frdrrij they-'arJuouB labors..'We twist] oiir. readers' w 11 accept his half sheet asa sort cf compromise between a; iwhole ope and none atAlii' r Aj-T " _______.___ _._____ _, ,__ the- adnimistratiOii Of our rmintcipat af fairs, acid, he hoped no dissensions would exist a:nongst osV if-jthe' el ectors saw fit o iye him a majority of their: votes he would do his ut most to retain their confiJen;e, and ponentw'as agfcntlemankrhom he high-.Nrusted jhe'woilkl be able to dplhis duty as one ol their representatives. Mr Hall thought one candidate early Fathers, Chrisdstrom, Agas- tine, arid others,'direited that the year! should be opened with the day of prayer, fasting and humiliation, but the general pract ce has, been, to rrilake it one of fes'ti ^ity,-Wit^ {Jbe interctiatije; of visits find' mutual good wishes, In nmry places it is ushered in with ringii ig of bells ;at midnight) to i..relebrat j the exit of tho ohl and the. at vent,, of th new year.; Friendly interchange of yisits\ congratulations, presen tations of "gifts, etc. characterize tho occasion in all civilized coun tries!. TheCustoro-c^^.ySewiYaSr Calls" has tresolved itself, into a generality w ith Cnarc ians, as well as pther- r ationaiiti* s. Tn-i this. conijection it is, pleasiog to notice the igraduali '> diflrietiii .e:ii of. Hwt&e drinking," |and the substitution therefor of ai milder, bi syerfge, suph as coffee, and home-ma ie' wines, J It is to {be hoped the sub Jtitution will thoroughly dbtain in our locality, nextj.Saturday. Lades have.the prerogative in this in itterf ly esteemed, m id hoped ihere would be no act on cithe per- sonal ill-fcelinj. . Dr. McGarvji saidj is the ofSge of Hcove was aboit. to pecome vacant, he had heen solic ted to oifer himself for the .position." He had :or many years taken con'sidert ble intep st in the pros perity of Aoto i, and wis. three years ago one of thejirime inovers in securing its incorporokirt i|' Tie v Ilage previous ly did notgwi 'j&ur sluue.pf the town ship's funds, tin J now tbi .t wo have, had control of our o to affairs he believed its (fi nances had.be in satisfaatorily admin istered. He hi d been tt'o years'in the Council, and' during the j tost year chair man^ of the finance oimihittee'. .He then gave a brief synopsi 3 of the finan ces of the past year, up to 20th Decem ber,' showing .a balance < in Hand on the lsi'of*?annary, 1875,'of. J.f,.>,8;7S8: 60 Taxes collected.. .. J.'!..; 1545 65 Licenses Municipal Loan Fund interest on Lofn Statute labor Clirgy Kescrve Fond Government Grfint Fines CSh'paid on t-- For School pi irposes . Streets, sidev 'nUts, etc Officers' salar ies, etc. j Charities A loPhee, ; and othe j Contingencies 1G0-40 191 50 75 21 -86 OP - 28^25 123 00 24 75 2974 02 ..167C 23 .. 555 07 -. 127 00 Minot -. 81 80 136 10 bis thanks for said thai, he in Acton,land did not think f lliey in the to find with h m, and him w<irtdy o' a seat he would be i ery^ haj py to their votes.' JETe should do most 'to. ke< p down tares,-i and should joppow 'the granting of saloon ' and shop lice lses. .'.. > Mr. Christie was anxious (0 get his dinner, and bJi ould therefore be b rief. Itjutlorded hit i much-le*sui<e-'i< see* so large a gat lering on this occas and hoped it augurecl Nwell! foi prospect of b< Wg eleoted to].a atthe^tSo-uhct boartt. Hehaidtsfeen a deep, interei t in the prosperity of Acton, 'both: at] Jionje] and Jabroad, had done all n his power to advinc; its interests. Hp thought one of Ihe hest wajrs: ^Jjcourag^.ourr J manu factures and promate 1 their Igrolwth was! to speak: ligbly. of them,, and to scatter < the nforrrration broadcast that wefhad inbiir midst factories of such excel 1 en , character. We should ilora;\Hfenry .Carter,. George D.uf- jfieltl,.'"'. Jaiiies Hartop, Staieklaad Duffield, iind Alfred Anstee.'..,. _ - X ^TRAFALGAR;- ,;^.; The,old- Council has been reel ected by acqlamation, viz : M- Cle-" mentfc; Pveeve; II. Robinson and Dr.'Buck;, Deputies jllW.'G.. JCen^ nedy-and'E. Bray,- Cbuncilioi-s. . ! GEOliGETOWN.^-Reeve, J R Barber, W McLepd ; Councillors, Dr. Stancjish, DivFreemurj, R. D. McMaster, D. Reid,'E; Search anil W. R. Browri -. ; "- \::\ GTJEliPH.T6WN\: '-, . j Mayor.f R. Melviii and 'FSJ. Ghadwicki; lleeve-^Gao. Howard ijind Geo.' Elliott} Firnt Deputy Reeve, pi'MqCrae and 'OIki'f." Dii.vid Hon; Second Deputy Reeve, Tlios^ 'Heffernpri and David' Kennedy,,. Third Deputy Reeve,' Adarii Rob ertson, Sen. and Geo Hood., Goun- cillow,' Thos Sayers, R.-.' O'Connor, D Krtbs, Jas Innes, J B; Arm- s|troiigvA'HMeDo'n;iid A BPetii- Geo Sleemiin, j J T.Cuhaingham, A i R Davis,' Geo'BHikwill, F Sturdy, J P McMillan,' "Pj-MoTague';' Wm Hart, Geo Bruce, J Fv 'Cln'tlbh, Henry Hatch,"T GtJwdy, j; C Mc Lagan, JaaSchofield, Wm Mitchejl, Jos .Heffernan^iDr Hordd, W H Mills, Caleb Chase, Riih MitchelL Wm. Stevenson,; m., H^ira, and Adam Robertson. "' tiinuted rseed ? : ts- ouf: Parliariieiit to bo ttllo.wedb*j n-orogufe withdu^a ayliable or-' Peiitiqn jffroia, tjieso griiiubletfi, and htve aiiother year's, war with tl^InsteectorJ of, Srfj jols tot- doing hhs'dur* I : ?' 1 ' RATEPAlYFjaJ;: , u j Nas'sagawej a, Dcjc'f. ' S #iV f. 2^'ia gi i:'.._ -vi 7?:- e 100,000 libel: enry^C1 Boiyen" ,, The jiffy in ti snit'brought by'i against the BroditlynrjEairZe have returned ^.yeidicf for: plaikti^-itlrS fixed ^htitlainageE at ^1 jOOCf. /! -,-' : In' thct|PuWie|{coonat8 Comiiit- tee another fiiil a^ ftihsCMiv Speak-" er was investigate J. /it .woi fc<r :a;. -silk robe, tis^ hi ^, a;coat;: mil ^a." waistcoat ;We si rppdso'the bill* for his u^d^rclothinabnd! in.dispensi- bles wiJl'come in iext. .,-..", v ~" Tim-petition H^airMt the refcnrh'- .of .Mr. Dawson] . M. P; -..P; forr. Algoni'.i, lias beeii dikmTsied with cpstsjagainst Uie ipetiitiouers,. who failfajj.-. to- miike ,ho liecessury; tie-- p jaic ai secttritv. i. Mr. - Daft son. L*. a iitaunbh isupp'orx'r of the GovOm- jri'oiat; tfi,ougit ori piiaUjy ch^imetl-'as . IndfepeirduncX ~i- ion,- his s^at S2576 20 This,; he" explai led, was not an official Statement, as ,p ie accounts would not i|b audited und] tho 31st December, but ho believed it toie appr sximately cor rect. 'The' onouht ^aid'for school purposes appeal ad to -be high, but the "Triisteeaicame i a the Cot noil and said they Imust ha?o so |]ttnoh,'aad the Council had io^- alternative,.' Our icnborwaTlargi, we haji,- .bree teachers, Ond every department vas full; the ^ohoolhas been prosperp us,, and. he be lieved the rate pkyera v -ere saiisfieoV 'The probabilitj, howeye/was that a4*- 'ditionaT School acpommi datiou |would baye to bef iirni ilje'd belo: e long. With regard, to. the 6t ier funds of the muiii- finality,, he beh' sv.ed the^ were ecoiiom- ically and judiei jusly eipmded,', Drains \yere.Iaid with'i ipn'ey granted from the 'Munioipal I^iaii 'Fund^ . Considerable money bad beei expen^i d in' building Sidewalks arid b r^et repairs, but he did not think a^iy o: ie'could find any iavh .from his secion'of.the-Tilhtge was sufficient, and declined the nomina - tion.' Mr; Adams tos not presen-jwhen cnllel upon, but as be had expressed his intention c f deoiioiug the poinin- ation, his mover and seconder ag reed tO jwitbd aw his najrne). ' J' ' Mr. Ebbago also declined. _/- Mr. DJ Kenr dy said that liej was not in tte field himself: but as Mr. Hamilton was not-present lie spoke a few words" in his'pehalf. die "thougbtlMr. E amiltoh should bejel: ected. ;8omo good meh|ough ; to) be in thb Council to look after the 5h- 'lerests of Main Street |bettertnan had been done the past year, ! | Mr WjH.Sto 'ey, the retiring [Peeve tookoccasion ,6 express.! his thanks lor the many 1 indnesses I manifested towards bim during his ohcupxjn'cy of that office"". He had endeavot-ed to do his bftst, bu t lie was n|fc infallltb le) andf whatever fiult had been commit ted was of the head and not ^>t- the heart., lie mentioned. some matters which the futu re Council sbculd look after, ou'e beii g the building of a' lock-up.! He laid the County Coun pll liad iraotec t. 100 to, the. VJjIm ge of Acton for that purpose] to be pi id when .the building is,^completei. He thought alio tliat-jsome prOjvii in should be road > agaihst the sprei d- ing of fiije thi.ta fire engjne.ofsoiae dAscription ought to be[propurdi Pleased to see the good ieeling that existed, and ttusted it would contin ue so dr.nng.t ie contest.! ~ ^E8QESi]IG TOWNSHjlP. W.: Clay, I eeve, rerelecteijl. i J WarreriJ Depi ty Reeve, j re-elec] t id WtrjyijeEner f,-riepu!^|Reeire, jre- electe]3,';'. ; , ] For Council loi-s Robert Brq* et- banfeirGeO. W ^gglesworM), ijTin an T.indsayj Thoa Hume, &.P. Piest >p, John S Frazei, .-.. j ' It will be, r Otfced-that the Ojih- ilidates in Esq:iesihg-,nearly. ,'all re side in the 'lov ror eud'of ;he fToi rn- ship, leaving this | septic n ehtirjly in the hands 4f jf r. Wairreri. (In order to have ed,.Jthe elector i ,wb] unite on 1st Ward and 3rd Ward; .To the Editor-of tJie.Frce Press. ~ During electioni timesitris -icomtlion for-^desigaiHg^ persons to circnlate^reports with e: view to dttniag^'certaui pers|ons who ihay be 'candidates ' for. mtinfcpal hono'-s. I regret that the |)i-e.ent iuunicipal electioniis not going to prove the exceptiop, for " The Dogs of War. "hath again been let ]< oso'; this tirrio: Gossip Bays, th.it_- slibulcl .Dr. McGarvJn be.ele'cted Reeve ,Jie will endeavor to get the,Council to buy the old Methodist Church for a'Town Hall.' Now, as the abdve^ minor is calculated to damage riot only the Doctor, but also : other- Cahclidates-whose crime - seems, to coiisist in being Mejfchodists, T take Jeaive "to say /rom:, iriy positir n: as Secretary of the .Church BuildiHg (Jomrn.itte0,that the; ideii of selling the old'Church to'the nunic.ipalityi -has-" neyer-^been thought of, and.' snrely if the oldCoupcil, four-fifths of whom\>vere ilethodigts, liad, had any siichildasire, what -would have prevented tneni from taking action in the matter. The fact is tho subject was never once spoken of an'd wouW not have been entertain ed if it had.; .Icaii assure those political ScandiemongeVs that. it. they hopel to*-damage" the Doctor's ohance'Qf election, by reso'rti.uj to such, contemptible : means,, their hopes will be fimstrated. The in- trodu'emg of secular' or religious rriattera into anelectipu contest is 'disgiitcefui in the extreme.'!..Such' actions have ever, brought obliquy aiid dtsgra.ee on th'eSr author, arid are despised1 by all;good knd .true" men. Perniifc mil to -suy,.ia -cbn- clusfori,.thai the' old -Church off wbich-so ihrich has :been said, willj in( all prblTaliiUty, be sold and ti-aiiS- fejrred td" aedther religious body.j at lanj'i-ite; j-I will ^indertaka to guarantee thiat ho ofifei'of it will be made-to the rhunicipulity by the Methodists pf: Acton, either in or out of Council.-. Yours truly, ,.'" ' , -I: W. it- Storuv. .' lActo'n, Dae. 20th, 18J5.!; .:' ' "Nqw ..i ' i~ To tivi Sc iior ijf tJictfree Press. '.; .' Eor the past year7 and. especially during flie last election contest, for the LooaL ."Legislature, i'hej. School questionj was the great qii&ition. of the 4ayi witb, mkhy o^ ouV : wise i m comes,:the -titoo ojf; yeiir",wheiv'^lire 'hear'tlcw. rruih, wJlrjeifei ; lis teaih^uncovei ed an{l.huBgi-y-bW' the sti-eete iui tb<! -show, riin^and wind^ylhiie he s t^ bytthe-etOve in. - the store or groceryV'tellirig istorjes. or- ddiiking hot ai ulfE, !lf the poor dumb .brutes coiild ;8peafcj,. wika't ~ tmi -a\ tliey; woujid .tell of hnnVan brutes,1 ^>f careless), heartless men.! I'-r;. t .Soirtsftimis ago|rilie 0ka Indians,'. u smallitribslivirig oh ;the .TJpper- i\Ad werie-convertisd, to; Methorlisin.-' - j^" missionary too!:. up!histre$uienc8 niuong themjr.and a-:lAtle -chti^ch '; wius ereetP.d on land wjbich. is. now' claimed,: liy. the ; Se'rokpary; [of ^t. x Sulpice., y'A. few ^ays ' agcvv.'tJiiB, clnirch was surroimped 'feyi'.iho'ivl- 'iri'g mob,'who.'toie'tifc doWh Jiad. ofTsred ji-iolence .'to/: the! ifidif The whole-jiroceedihg wasmpst-gjH-.' '-"-'.f.1 y;raoeful{ arid' tha]t;Jit t^ik! jllacel under tlje religioil^rily niakes|it the worse. Indignation .imeetioW have befen. held -ih j Mori treat,- and - a committee, was ap|wintetl fro Jay8 the matter before Jthe^Dbtriirtibn'. Goyqi-riment to-obtaip sofnOLiedresa, for the unfortunatered-man.: ' There appears.tb have-been ' -.!- good : deal of nonsense' about the "' demonstration.on Firidayiof theun- um'ploj.edin Monttteal. ^Itiiste-' ; ported., that the. ;ci;owd stopped ,a, - 'baker's waggon atidj took tberefrppi;- - r. ten or twelve loa/esjof bread, which. ' :.r they threw playioly froni one..".to'J' : auotber. . . Stsryijng "iBen; ;don't \; throw 16aVes of.Ibr.e^d'arorind in!" :- sport." * That tljerf Is'much diiitress'v - jr. Montreal^, and |hat Wniong ri\4a. - ' .- Nyho "wo'nld'-gladlyH^orki fl; they fa^a. itiodo^ is beyopq Hounti, but: it i^' equally eyideint that.ouflof the-'two {.thousand'Who engaged "in ;FrjJday!'a^ I dpnionsti-atibri . there wtere':. ijaany; ~ ,\i?ho could riot have beetf buffering ;~ yery. severely. -.I..1"' ' -. . TOO i MANY; ;' IfDSBANnS.-'jer A :- queeiiy mixed up:-Aase o i biaanj^r : !iame before the i PdUpe iiagistfiSte afc ^nitford. on Tliesdiiyj!'; tt fp1 :. .pears-'tliat a Gcriljain -. "fiomii -years ago b^ecarae iwsjuai^ted; ' >- 'with Jobjxr|iit-"FinJc, :;and"shortly;; afjerwaids, Jaocoruing. [to. Safe's- -' - st6ry,-they rfei^e mai-iiedatf^ElEnifay.^-' JfTYv, by a ^Tiisycej of the Peace., '-' i|liey Jived togetoei ! for In, niimhei'. w-. of yeaisj having sever^ childre*i.-; At last a shadow a|nd a iubs.tantiat ; -: ojie, I& the sham of i a nian. hkmed/' Ghariesr Seuimlei-,: bafnej' hetween.;; j_V -theni eiul their liappintess^ some-" Ailing over a' moBtbi: ug% tlie ' iwife . ideserted "her h'bine-;-,and : S6d ^to :_ - Tavistock ;wfiere hej fa|her lived; accompsuiecljby Spintnler. ".-Oil the V 2Sth ult., they cafne! to^tratford, m d tr.ietl.to'procure a; li cense co be ;.: ^ "fe men. .- / !Fhey would oyertiiru? the Gbvei-riii ent;iid'they would joist aside -bur School Tntvject3i'/;'anil' wdnltl-gr J.e.no Countenance'"" tjO] any candidate who wpnli hot prqkiise to iamend] the School Law- tb'. iheir- fancy.'"-- jNoVi sir, we ^iave': our Prirliftrneitt sitting for moie than ;'A'- month, ahd^jyefc; we.do -riot; hejar a word froni these decLitihiers' of the ia-wj as to jwliat am^dttteii.tb or MfsprAVem<*ts.!tliey^%baM,hav^ in [the School li'w;ieiw.p;tni^_ t^at indeed I see that.tlieie ytivs^ iiiodej i-esolutk n passed in Jbe^Ikst^pjeeti'r mg;bf^our Oomity.Co^u^bil^ipiwint-e rngi three gejntle'mett.torgu^Hrtel ""ait onjthe G^verameutjJw refereric^ tp: tlnf projiifatt|n of Educaiibn. In'I to trried. v, In. ordpr tb"'sbtainithis necessarv-: document', St ramieri hil, ,' . . s : 'v"' swgar there was-i'1 no just cifiisa ^iiiijieilinjent ' .. the- propbseit miirriage. .i-Tni^be^did'TthroogJj an, 'mierpreteri an4 tlje^ wA"e; .ufibed. :A few^days ago; Nii/eileariifij.tlip. wl |ereabit of;his;rfecroak6 spdulse,' an i ame after hgrJ "JIm atoi-^j is thiAshe was :Beyermarrfed toj- afo - at all, although ^rejJivjjM wttl'-higij,: "- an I that lately 'his^;fendtipfi.b^B>e -.' sbiinbearable thitt^he .^as'Yprcii - to " yamoso 'tndj mn^W";w^ti|t.a> 1, injausheliked.better; ^Tphe ehargeyj' agjiustlter was; b^m^randjiEliHfc ] tgt iiiat ^eointier perj^t^ in ooladn;-,!. '""' A^^ liceiise;-.^Both *e^?' -^ - te-'gai.l1 &3% ifiiH^ier i& -.;\:', injc ed Sbatf&tyBefeon. i'U reufiStit^" eanngi ' i-i'l-.

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