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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 16, 1875, p. 3

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w j % 1- ^THf ACTON ^REE PRfiSS^l^OEi&M 16, 18|75- .*isi f^rsis,"TiMK tvlc. v ,.; Train* leav|f.-A%tonsik, foUlows; : , ^- ^l-.litjlNSl WEST. ' ' Morning >Xil >- - . * 0,10-A.m. Day Express - .7 .> 2.00_^f.i. Express - ' " '5.20-p.m. Mixed " mT Jijafct Express - -.'-.". . 12:43 mm, ';'. CORCO BAST. ._""" ' " ' Utigat EiprMs :-~ - 3:37 ,m. . Mixed ' :'-. - 9:10 a.m. Day Kxpress -.-.-' JhS5a.m. Mail-. ! . . . ' 5:20 p.m. Mlxsd ! . .:-.' . -8:35p.m. N Goods, for Christmas. / -,- t itr* p*t rn(k .tn. . *,. . csffvery lorn, p at&gorea. ' ~t.- T, V." Street, larged a&J "Articles, Ac ED. Mail* -going Went ans doj(l at 8:451 "Ckupg East at "5-p. tn. ,- J'-.. RegisteredLetters,! must bo In five mute before^the above hours, Knatchbull mail, Tuesdays and Fridays. IOC A -VA*IF.S. tte \ikaU f* gttxii, of - aii rfm; to rrWtr^ it<im* of totxtj nor.<; ral-A as tjxrial <Jiurih -atrric<sj meet ings o/ jfr>*f>^TOf4r ipr other- societ**, arV*rf(T)i<ij of oy iWk/ irAifVJ-aJii fte iaffjy.ttijii?, fithrf iji rti* toaiiitg or u & ciairylj?f<rrii/j/. Mattel* of thiit . kimi mtt/ :i*r .r-.sf iarirt< "Printer's Copy," -at-tic -rate i>': nv crut. jkt tc, ami n&i.'tetilexL. /hi.' (,r (oixjttre it* pxMLttii.'n it i.i nfcetsa \ > or w* fo re' core it ftv Thiirjilag u v i</, at-the latent.- * rir" 1 ..! :' 10 ^iffowtit patterns-of China ten sets,' 14 dtUorcht patterns of j glass, table sets. ' ' - A (1 iTorcnt patterns of crockery tea sots. " > I Oei ts' moustocho cups oud saucers., n Lat ics'. ianiiy cnjis'. and satieprsp.a gfrvat variotj1; ' ' . Soy L>ral new and beautiful designs in malm ;any clocks, ' Vci y hanOsumb toilet acta in groat varitty. . - Splaulid display of lamps. ;( All kinds of- glass" ptvaorvo jlishts, nappi , tumblers, goblet^, pitchers, &0, A ; pleutlid assortment of all kinds oi toys. " : :. ': :'-.. Fir 0 assortment, of tablo euttlory, spooiw, forks,- cruotsj 4c. ' -..'-. On is, pistoLi, iaiul other sporting gVKxb. ' . A 1 uw and fresh s^ock of - Christmas gruce-ies. - ij. . ;.. An I any quantity of that celebrated TO cc it meteor tea, ' " I ,' ' V irutMKfTAKY SciTKR:*r-A - oonv- plimt utary snjipcr.was giY-en last Friday ov*ni ng^at' Cwk's Hotel, Miltqn, to Mr. -Finlay Mcdiblioh, who is about to tcmojvo to. Sarnia. :. f Extension x>t Time. Y STEER. Came on tho pMtti$sw'of the siiliscri- I l>cr, kout the 1st;ff| November, a ,11ml f Steer. The owner is, requested to pr<i>vo property, pay charges and t*ko tho auilnal away. \Wm, Stewart & Co. ]rp t=t I>ec 3, 1875. WM, REED, Knfttohboll. j /-. .-.24-atj.r KBW. TISBMENTS. "Removal Anthony Stephenson. -Oysters and"Fruisi Geot Stoddard.' LeCAt.il/nTER3. Jhoes^ yom- Ajuvriens < or bkos; ,; ' n- :'M [w-ants a good NBSS, |on LEEC^ \\cnm1 I order on tb* - ': \ /:SCBEj, Astoo, - : y T" for telesrajh iFranwgoii*, The- Titons nro nowj' closing prompt at 8 o'clock- OY-ery evening, ex. cept Satunlay. -i "- ; Mr. Lron, \M.! P. P.,f-nrUl please accept our thanks for 1'arlionien- tary docO%ient*. ' - ,. -. ' Ijicwia.'TrJts. Mr. Xyon is Vtnem- ber. of tfe: Staading Conuuittecs on 2Uilaya'anU Standing O^lera. Sir-pairs"of Ailsa triug curl ing ptoses were ordered by the Milton ddb 00Monday last,>u^K.<A: t^%amj>ion. ^-Haitori Coiintj 'Gouiocil met in Milton on .Tuesday. Tbj; county court 00 the same fiiy. -Eenbrt of pro-; ceedin^s next weekSy'T " . ^AiideTrsdn, tie Gnelpli bopk* seller, has received.the Canadian Al- soanac for JST6- JHc will mail it to any address oa receipt! of 10 ceiits. ' useful' andi ornamen-fctl Christmas goo<ls, call at the Post Offios Store. , A handsome assorai:oTt of toys .aod other presents are noar shown, v % The ninny frie'ml* of Mrs. Ii. 1 little will be "glad to learn th.-jt she ia rapidly' recovering- fmiji the seY-ere" af fliction with which she-has-'been .pro., trated the past t-*o wecka. A. "Fruit and Oyster business has just been oieac!" on the corner op posite Messrs. r>iotson i McNab's swre, by >lr. Cloo. Stod-iard. AYc'have; do doubt-he will receiY'e a oood Ehan: 6patronage. , "i j-^-Kenhedy, the ScottLsh Yocat ist, and iaftiily, gaY-e- three coincerts last wk,im the new-lown Halt Guelph, to crowded audiences each time. Wjll hi no'-conje-tOjActon? Auld Scotia is well rerreseated in this vicinity. TnfTERJLSCE. The Champion learns that tfa* ladiea of Milfcoa are following the -eiansjle ot~ the ladies of Toronto sad ojhor peaces, byigetting np a peti- - tioii to the Oitario^Legislature to Emit 'the number fcf tY"cra lscenses to one for ., every thousand oi ;a population* and to aboliih ejIoccj and store licenges.~ . math^rale's fomrt. . -:. SsiHRE/Wi Hi Sror.nY-, fevj. : , i :-f ,: - "^Acton, Xov. 9th. ^ V Hiram -fEyder chsTge 1 T- Camplwll, Bmkoeper, with1 breach'of By-Law No. 30, m allowing a raffle to ije-held on hra premjsea.; Defendant failing to .appear, and the icase.being proven, he was fined . 330 and costs. ~ Soj that all our customers Yvill haro inipfc notice, wo have decided to extend tho time till tho first of Jauuary, when all ^accounts not then sctthnl up Yrill certainly:b banded.over for collection. Every man can, square his account by thatjtime if he likes, and we \vant tho hioui-y. After the 1st of January our tends. wUITks tliK'C months, except dur- inx Thl fhe sunmier moutlis. SEi-onh Bros. Boat Office Store,; Aoton, Givis $-ceuls tnt.'tht $\ discount for cash on jail General-'Groceries, Crock ery J Glassware,.Wall Papers, Schtxil Books, Stationcrj'> Ac. On a purchare of p> cts, - cts discount ;on 50 cciits, 4 gents"; on- 75 couta, 6 Bt3 ^. and on al, & cts. CdsA ['Womo'i) thiuk, and justly too, that they h.ivo. not here- tonre been fairly dealt with in having to pay the,B.-uhB price!for givoiLs as those 1 mailing yearly ^ccokintj!. Now they canlget jiietice at the jFost Otlioo Store, whJry they, get 8 per'cent discount,, which is; a reasonable imarjiiii Iwtween oasa and yeaTly-aecouht4 AH kinds of prouuee wanted in exchange ftr t;ood&, ' Th<* fur trade ipf-the Ot.t:iwa-diB- trjt is very difllj-jaiwt the. prices oVipined for skins "considerably bellow rntes of fo*-nii?r Beasons. . qHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Emju-IAXT, BEAfTIJ-riL, VSETCL AXD V CUE.YK. Record Bros. hnY-o*"_jnst. received a l>edulim! lot of new goixla suitable for Christmas presents, such as ^il\"'er Witches' aud Clocks, Gold and. S.lver Fisger Itings, splendid Tablj-CutUery, Spjxins, etc.. C'ructs, magiiiticent China' Tea and Toilet Sets, Glassware of all kiijcU, also the newest and -nmst bril- : Uajit thing iu Glass TaVde Sets, 5 pieces, se|crai dilTcrcnt styles of ' l>eautiful fancy-Cons and Sancucs'for ladies^ and }its,..iud"a thoiisnird otlier very suit abl X>Sht 8ckol. -\T* learn from Mr. J. H. Lloyd that -he purposes "opening a nightIschool in ; Mattkews' Hall, two evenings each week, for, iastrnction .in writing, arith metic, boefcteeping, orthography and elocution.- He will also give lessons in Latin tki French bo any -one desiring his Berrices.; We believe Mr. Lloyd is folly competent to impart valuable in struction in aayiof the above branches, and. have- no'ldoabt a large number of . r young m*a will .eagerly avail thom- srresof this opportttnityl ) :!. X. Ml. " ; ,' Eoekwood Orange Lodge met l>ecem- her 10th and elected the follow-ing offi cers for the ensuing term i_ } i ' Bro. Darid Shnits, W.M. . " George E. Bamshaw, DM. "dier.J.'A. Camp]>e^ Ghap. , . . " D- W.. Bamshawy-^Deputy Chap. .". " Thtrs. B. McKersey, Sec. . '* jftjis Osbourn, jiistJ Sec.. Thos. Moore, Financial :Seo- " Wm. Osbourn, Treasurer, ' j Committee - Men Geo. Saville, Thos. JWelsfoVd, Eobert K. Stamp,:. Alex. ^Johnston, Charles'iOngr ' e aiid useful gooilj for tho seasrin. ACTON MAKHETS, 'WbitoWh.eatr........ Tr sadwell.':..'-....'... S,f ring Wheat. .___. Biriey.!;.....-.A .'.'... Oits___A.......... Peas.^;........____. P^ tatoes, per bush.... Di ied 'Apples; per lb. Oi ions, per bushel .*'. Bitter.............: Ejgs.,.;......-'...:...: H ly, per ton........ Di eased -Hogs ....... L-fmbskins.......... Pdlts...'____...____. Ci icbens,, per lb . i... T>i eks," " ..'.... Tt rkeys f ....-.". Gtjese :- " ..-... - 0 95 to 1 00 6 9.5'to-O OS 0 85 to 0 90 0 GO to 0 6S 0 35 toO 00 0 6QtoO 03 0 40 to 0 00 0 08 to 0 00 -a 75 to'i 5o 0 20 to 0 00 6 18 to 0 00 15 00to-1600 6,50 to 7 00 0;'50-to-0-SO 0 50 tb 0- 60 0 05 toO 00 ; 0 05too or, 0 O6"to0-07 " ......... 0 05 to 0 00 I KTKLP1I MARKET*. fall,.wheat, 97c\to].01 ; treaawcll, 97b iof 08eJl|priit]8 wheat, (Glasgow), 93: to 95c; spring. Yvheat-(red chaff), 80:' tJ .:85c; oata, 33c to 35c;. peas, 69: to 7fte; fjarley; 50c to 62c;. eggs, per do sen, 17c.to'19c;|bnttcr, dairy packed, 15p to lGc; potatoes, per baa, 50c to 60c. TOnoXTO JIARliKT.*. Jjpring wlie.-itfl 99c; now white Jeat, $1.03 to 51.04; oaU, 36c;, bar-, leyt 67c to 87c '\ .;,"- ; E ARLY CLOSING. Wo,- tho nndcrsjgnodi have nffreod to close our respective:places of business at 8 p.m. sharp, till 1st January, there at Ur at 7:30 p. ni. Saturdays saceptod. Acton, Dec 8, 1875. James' Matthews Christie. Henderson & Co. " Sccord Bro. ] :'-. : j. W. Mnnn Keniifdy Bros.j O < . M. Scott Dickson & McNnti Chas. T. Hill Robert Crainc L , G. E; Morrow. "EfARM TO RiENT. r Thd~sitbscribcf olTctr's tb rent, or lot btt shares,' his farm, bpiiig Lot No. 31;'on^} tlitrSth Concession i of-liscjuesiiig, comj prising 100 jjcres, SO acres jof which atg r under oultivation, the bal.-uico excellent cedar dud h^rd 'Vood,| Good fraiflo h'oiiso and bnrns, with plenty of cockI Yvater, and other conveniences. About 2J tmUc8-JfT0in Aoton. Apply on (^ic premises to ;. j j , " 1 SIMON McLEAN, .', Es<iucsingl Oct. It 1870. W1 SDH AM STREET, aiJBEiPBL DR, RO^EIlTS, Celobrated Oiatmont POOR CAI.LHD tlfK MAN' FRIEND, 1 confldently reeomnio'nded to the l'ub* lie as an ucliilllug reitiody lor wounUs Qf_ EA'oiy'description; a icerlaln curb for ITIceratort Soro Leics; ieY-on dt twenty years' standing; Cuta, Burrs, Scald*. Hrulsem I'hllblalnn,bcorbtttle Eruptions, ninl Pimple* On <lje r*Mce,r8oro and In flamed hyes, Soro Heads, Sore Breasts, Pi)ins KUlulu. and Cnilc- robs HumourJ, ami Is a Hpeolfle for tlund hfillcting Eni|>-. Uons tliat somctlmos followfvaclnnatlon. Bold In PotK ut Is. ljd. and Vs. Od. esch Dr. Bo'borts Piluls AatUcroplxnlB Or ALTKKNATIVJJ PILlA conlTrmml by <slxty yemy experloncei to bo one of the b'st metllcines over comrounded f^ir PiirltJ-iDg tlie MooO, and asilMlnj; N'atuto In tier p<-ra; Ion's. Hcnre thy uroiwefi'I In scmfula, Hc.|rbuttc Cotnplalnu, Olno- d"lar Swellings, nnrtlculawy those of tHe Nrclt, tec. Tnpy form u ml(d and superior lar Swellings, partlculn clt. ^kc. Tiipy form u ml|d and supe Kumlly Apeitent, wbln'mny bo taken at all times withouteonnncinentor chansje of diet. Sold tn Boxes at. Is. ))d., 2n!-Bd-, 4..9d', Us. and 'isi each. - BY TUE PBb'PKlKTohSi BEAGH AND BARNICO AT THEIR DIsrENSART, BKIUPORT, ENCLANB, und by all respectable Medicine Xendbijs 'Are showing nott Spcleal Lines in- Cheap 'Jackets, Special Lines of Cheap Dress .Goods Special. Lines of Cheap Cottons, Beware of Counterfeit^. :F"or the protection o the public of;I)rl)t- lsh North America; lde.era It ray duty |o stale li>nt my Pll.irf aku Ointment nr* neltt^er manufuciMretl -nor. t^ild In ati'jr partortiieCxrrEnS-iATfcs. f : Each Poland Box bentw thcr" Itrllls'h iovernmentrsi.-imtv wnh ^the words '"H'it.lflWAT'8 P1H.S ASK OlSTMEXT, Ijtfsvt in," enxra'vi-d' thereon,- Oil Ihr label Is the rtddresn, 555 Oskohd Stiieet; Uis-ix. ' ' I' This notice has become nersegmry, In conxequonee of vsIb'.hiuI spurious Irnlii- tlnns of tlolloWiiv's I'lllKand-Olnlm^nti" belri^ rnbricat i^s*^*^ e-1 at78 Maid en Lane. Now ^% 2^ York, oy par' ties ; FiyUneMU R.mthomsolve "^lolloway t&i^^Mim00-" with an : numcal(^^> thus EW COODS. rade mari| IJ.iprlnclp'Cd vendors can obtalfi this trash at a very .low price, and'todeoMye ou by sellln'etbe same for my genump .....""":. " "'--------- ""eih ured only nl 633, OUc streetj-Jjondon IloIloway'jipT'ls and OlntrnpfitT are manufactured only nl 633, Qx/o "ft DIED Acton, on the 12; of Mr. John Speight, aged seven yeirs. | "At Georgetown, on the-3rd Dec, Wn. Alex. Henderson, in the 24th ye ir of his age : >n.the,oth Dec, at the-residence of hii mother, Trafalgar, Mr. John Storey, in the 33rd year of his age. :. :n Isassagaweya, on the 3rd instant; Helen,, daughter'of Mr. John-Hcinder. soij seil a 4~ waelpai^ At the recjuTest of 3r. Storey, , *n* pT^osed requisition we' nien- ; totned. laatweek, was withdrawn ,before it was offered for signatures.- Dr. McGkryin has signified his in-- r- teption ofioflerhig himself-as acan- j 3idsie-'^sr.:the Reeveship, and-we >re inforaied thafc;Mr. T>] Hender- *ft Fill ai*o be a, .caD#<iat&:: i'For the Conncil,"wo hear several new y ;nSui^ mentioned, nmong-theh^ b<B- ,. $%Pt-B. Smith'Richard^^ Harniltoji, '- .Jotin gecowl, arui D. D..qhrjstie. , We have, however, no pdsifivl in- tymtipii from. Mui^parties;! theni- *4rei?^ -aJTint i&f in sayingjyiat *ny of t,hera wiU " iun."' . | i j :: aged 22 years, after, an ailment of en years. ".. --.. Persons who may be so deceived wlh "Be pleased to communicate with me. [ Many respectable firms In the British Province*, who obtain my merltelnps: di rect from here", have veiy properly sui- eested thnt I' should, lor the bt-bent pt themselves and tbe public. Insert the names In <h papers, that It may be known thnt my medicines can be nod g-nulne'from Micro*.- r The following Is o list of the firms alltn J ed to: and 1 partichlari.* recommenci thowi who desire to ect *a.y medicines to apply tb some of tne Houses named I Evaws, Mbbcer& Co,, Montreal,' Aveky, UboW 1 <* Co.. Halifax, S.8. KormTTH it Co., Halifax, N. 8. T.&'Barker Jfc8o:H,Ht. John, N.B. ApariiE AKitai'Ham. Co., CharloUetown liXnaixr-A Co .Victoria. B.-C. Moore * Co.r^ctorls, B.C Dr. Joun Pali.en, Chatham, K, B. MVJ.vro A Co., Montreal. J Winbr *.Co-, Hamilton, Qnt. H. J. KosE, Toronto. A. Chitmas Smith, St. John, ft, B, John Bond, Uoderlfh, Out. " Knijot <t Co., Toronto. - J. CiiAtoNER SU Jotin.-N. B. . HAxrNOTio< Brotiieks, 8t. John. N. B. U.&, PKrnny, Windsor, Ont. th mat., Henry,- J Mrs, Orpks.-Monlen, N. K (?ht ai?ed si-ven i Okobob <*. HUst, Jnu,. Krcderlcton, K.B. t-nt. azea ucn , w", u. tuobpson HorborUraoe.lN.F "r J. M. Wii,ev, t^redtrietoh. >. B. I W. 4 . Vwijt, Montreal. CHAS. I. DavieHj Fredertclon,JffB, The m<-dlclno-nre sold at the lowest wholesale net prices. In quantities of nc I leas than 20 worth viz.. 8s. 64., 2i., an 1 .'JIf. per'.dozen Ijoxes of Pills or.pots it Ointment, for which remittances mui be sent In advance. . . THOMAS HOLLOWAY 5S3, Oxford-StriPot, W. C. - LK)ndbn.'June 1st, 1S75. IELPU ARMORY, 0pld, Silver. & Nickel plating Works, - Uf QTJSBBO STREET,>UBL?S. -I- " " : i -.- "-'-.';'- Jc h.a Kirkliam, Prop., Manufacturer and Importer of !' '" ' :. . . '! . [i' Breeejb. and Mnzzle Loading Rifles. Shot Ciuns, &c. Iter livers of-cl_ descriptions always on '.-'.'"" hand. - ; ITION POB AUBBEECH LOADING ARMS. J '-. " ft .Kynoch'sl Cartridge OasBsimnd for rc-loadlne same. He-loaders, pper*. Cap KjAotors, Ourlora, und its. cleaning jtods, -and ah articles cry for a Sportsman's odtflt. ^ ___ sorts -of ttepalrlng-BTid" Jobbing executed on tbe shoriest notice ot: ,148,Ou*beo Btroot. ; v ._ iJOHN K1BKHAM s#TMfle SBllery ton the premises open]from 10 u'cloci a.m. to.10 p.ni. FIXING UP FOB, 'W'l'lSrTEtB. N The Student's Microscope With Dissecting Apparatus, for ex J arnining iniecta, plants, flowers, cloth. Circulation of the blood, ani malcule in w^ter, Ac , 50 cents. . Fipt tighter*, - ; By* Openar*. Always Useful, always answering, al- ..' ' wa^s instructive. WALL TAPER AT DAY?^ BQqKSTQRE. Choice Patterns, New Designs,; ei Large and cheap at Splendid Stock verjt DAY'S BOOKSTORE. Day Sells Cheap, :/ - Special Lines of Cheap Silks. Special Linet of Cheap Flannels. Special Lines of Cheap Blankets. A Special lit of Clanton Flannel* A Special Lbt-of CJheap Tweeds. A SjxHiial Lot of Winceys, Chear Black LiiBtrp, Special Valpe. WM. STEWART & Co. Pooke Powerful t Microsoops, pobENra Best Finished Reading Glasses, powerful maJnifying power,, for flow era; photoerophs and pictures. A large and chejip stock of new goods at AND RSDN'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE - - 1. On East side Wyndhain Street, QUELPHi. A.'c't.6r WAGON AND CARRIAGE factorv. RTDERr proprietor. Kept in stock and made) i Shortest ..JNotl jftXi to'-,' Strict attention Ser>tslsOMSffftfOiajwftl JoWiasr and jsaUsjficjtlon sjuiLr'anteed;. Aoton July ljili.' 18rt, PUttftTf, &0. tb Order on the ce. ^S^ SEHioi^kaa".n?d>: sdh: 103 f)ECES GRCt)^ 78 Pieces Assorted 2 and ysebntsi Pr ATTI1E BEAUTIFUL GCJJODS, AT A ^ROH BETJUC'fION ON U8U41V^^ PBJCES. The xbove goo la the Dobiniou. <^ll early and sslect. Oct. 27, 1875 have been bcrught" by me alt 1ms tba^i the makers' PL A TED m For the iSeaison ! "1 Opening at - , '^&w^:m^:-2& :iej ^TTBXjIO. EXTKkMLY CHEAP ;S;> ."V- ciost, and I offer for tbe next two months the cheapest Carpets io be AJma T31pclr, LTpgef Wjtidliam $~ : j. AflMA BL0GK, G|UEL]PH. Vfe are showing the best variety of ^C 32 -3^1.1 3D E 1ST "W J&. "El (Koasliis,l sMitn's cbi.ebratko stamp), E)er JilacM before the people jof Guelgh. CrnetSi ! Toiletites, Vaies^ -_. Alma Block, GJielpb, Nov. 24, Wb, JBooIn and Shoes A large stock o been received .it MILL 3?? Aoton, Sept. 28, IE Celejries, &c+ ' (Boots and Shoes, of the very! S3 best manufacture, has ClRAINE ^& SOISJ NEW BOOT & SHOE ACTON. A lull line of all sizes for MEW, V^OMEN AND 'WiUbefbnnd CHtLDRjEjS (o select from, at prices as low as can be had anyWheije tsr Call and See Us. je - \ - - i i -. . iclal attention is called to our GUST 6 M -WO R E . .' -ii. ' - receives our careful personal pupervis^on Which at all times faction guarantee 1, Repairing neatly and promptly attended to. 1875. DOMINION EMPORIUM X Jt9r-Call .early.. Actoh, Oct. 26! F ARM FOR SALE wooded, being the of'Esqoesingi ." Eoh- Erin P.O., Ont.l kst Perfect skti^ CEAINE & SON. 14? >jery^- BOyS' AtfD MEINS' together with Groceries, Crockery and secure bargains* 1873. *f. "' -I which is now coUplete, is largej', lietter aslsorteid, trjofa attracllve larjd cheaper .than ever_befctre, eomnrlsing.in jpai't Xwesdj/ OvercoLtlnfffl. Dresl QflOda, ia Prtaoll Iteritiefc, ^eWrak All "Wool POalls, Blaok tad Oolorfl* iX^strtlJ^n Plala iadf Fiffatol pnanaeli, "Winciy,;Saltti 3hirtiii^a^Uadf- salrtfl' anl Drapers, irolt" akirfcli, glsstets, All ^ool Tahla .Qoyert. pretty patterns),' 010U4*,. Mufibrl Hosiery. Glove*, SoUaaAfl,; : Taoia Liaeas, . | -; To'woliasft, Padtory ial Bleaclio4 Cottons/ I^Uea' IA01*/.. and; 0eata'Tie,.J88jB.J,. ftsij ' ;and a, fery good vBtodk Llnoa k* ip^lMSt: Criassware m bh> (well Wt tali of &iW, m; the 3rd Concessfon, is the Township partichlars .^address TJjOilAS GARVIN. Nov,^, 1875. lliBgCRIRE Mm d^^Mmlfk SOO^T .,. i'....'... t EI^PHAHT fMtMlNtk All Ready Jpor1 Wiajbeir. The Leading Clothing House of the County. '.'.-. "'- . 'Aviat iectilved , 500 Men's 6vel-(J0ats',i fahging in price froni $6.00.ap: 187 Boys' Overcoats) iranglng"in jiricfi.from $2.00 Opi A tremendous stock of:Men' Heavy Suits itt Scotch, English; atd Canadian Tweeils; ranging in -price from $'/.00 upa A beautiful stock of Children's Suits; ranging in price froti $3.50 up. Big.stock of Wobler^Underclojhing, tb be sold, very ,low Cardigan Jacket*-, ranging In price from $1.00 tip. . Magnificent lot of nevy Shirts, Collars, Scarfs,Bows n'nd aibves^ist-tQ hand,. Hats and Caps just received 4 cases to be run off very lofr. Parties lrig It a point to call at the ELIbP going elsewDere, will save at. least 6 to 30 >er cent oneVery (fohttrj the] WM. RUTHERFORD bcteber'-lj/ Guoipli. ejribe: & Fall Bind. Wiiitei! K*WJ befoie 4p; 11876. ^ . McLEOD, A17DEILS01T 3s Co. -: .. Maihmoth House^ Q-eorgefcown,' Qnlk, 6fg leave-to ;say that they have'received laj-ge/irAport^Ucns in Black and Colored LurtreiB, WHITE OOTTflMS, FR1MTS, TABLE UNEHt DRILLS,SHE - -Fancy Goods/a^d Small Wares of all kinds .Oariftts, Broaaclctas,7, Boossiaa, ::' Bntf^h aal Sootci, TwseW, OvertoatlaS,'. \ Roady=made Overcoats aa4 C31o^iaj|t ". | The aoVivo (joodshave beenlniported direct from the leading markets of CBror*, (hereby. savifiRa large percentage, "of whlcn UrapubUosliail-g^t ^lief^Tanttts*1 Is large, vnt-lodand attractive, and as the manufacturihelntereit" of this pomlnlofl are of cuislderable Importance. <md os we believe In palio'blBlug home Inatair? w# hovo.laldlnlarge lines qcthe lollowlngi'.'.-'". .-- ' tweedsi' FullCloths, Ov^rcOatlbgs,... '-.-' i. Knitted Shirts,and- Drapers, Mhfflert, . . " '; yarns^CheiCka, Fipe ahd Fanpyj^larineb), JGrey and Scarlet Flanrielsv Ibniggeti. AlbWool and Union Blank. sU, Factory CbttonSjIJenii us, Drills, ':'! - ; Cotton Vanr, Co tton Bagis, ',.'""."'" !.'- 1^ c - ^Tickings, Shirtings, ---.' Men's White Shirts. BOOTS AND SrtUE& v JUFFALO ftouas/. LADIES' Ffjfl SEfTSV ' MEN'S FUR CAPSL, -.;; ^ ' ' is-M n purchased from the' beat and cheapest manufactures sold at a staall adraneo ooVostv .'-.--* ,.; - ;T^-^>r The PubUc may rely on getting Great Bopgains .* The iibbe-fji in the DomlnJott aha wi beantijulllntfof tti8> nWest thing In OvcrOoaUugg. Odr racllfl 1^ for^n^n^anvi Jn-ifclpBourgarrnents are* unsurpassed. Ws( have a the talent t Ktenwrftnc! SS teoney can procure, and can therarore gaa?inuieeaUsraeHon in e erlosujnoe? ^^ Our-Snpw OUr Bouse has be surpass all our Ibi new colors in BIB kt?6mplete wit&^Bliv^l-la^b-JiiBylefa-iiWm'.ljbn^j' ; -II V Paris and 13ew ^6rk, '.?;.- - -^ plmses ofjts ImtUonBe vajrietyj ohe^pne^and en^rala^aoUotrs.:^8u goods at,'we sh^"Bprps^'aUcw former advanoes3"7 7?1 Goota '$& ^--0akV'*>4:'w!:S^^1WJ4' Oeorgetbwn, Oct. 7,-lST5. ;Ht^01^::^LND^C|^^ 'SiLli^NDSyO*1: AC -w <: '^ 11 j-ut %; !qhe HalUinery. ,l}hus4i*n wolffian, i , .he talent and goo la to atoltV-',.&ii<*tA-. OiranameniE, a&. < f : ::-i l" a me^Ssjlintttsfry of oar Im. Ltn^diPmenl i wewtoik.nocr v..i -Ji-.-i.-'i^iii'Timtii : (iiiH-'Tnt'til 4- " "t V . M- ' !&,

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