TEST - IPR records

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 9, 1875, p. 3

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; xm -'- :\' Illy 4 me, anjl J- againaji. jrjlcI^Hi; mrgatttn, variety/ " Scr% seWTai snjn4.-a.fiM- |of Bafla- I best Tp*- 1500 pittMsf li choice or all X N, -Kl- RE CKAXP ntt^K . TtMK TABLK. ; ^ ' j -;, G0IS0 WEST, ; 1lorwng^tl 9. 10 a.m. DaylJxpress -. 2.00p.m. 7 Krgpe ? -T - ,'*- & 3D p. n. -Mi^ed - .>- r 7:15p.m. " J-Xignt Express ' * - - * '12:43 a.mr : OOtKO'KAST. ;vNijAt Express 3:S7 a.m./ Mi**d ;' ' 9:10 a.m. r "Day .iBxprets ? - '-i- 11:35 a-itu. -'aiall'-,': -,^ - - oYJOpynw ^Si**i k - * : " :35ivm.: ; s ACfs fTma.____f-". MaU:fioin.We*t are closed at S:45 a.m. OotngEast'at 5pm. .'!. ; -.' -Registered Letters mart bei'iu ifive minutes before the above -hours; Knatfhbnll mail, Tuesdays and Eridays. Bcki 1IIoi Opening. TJio now brick School. 2nd concession of EHri w is formejrly. THE *ACT0N FREE PRESS, DECEMBER 9,! 18715. i : ouso in the ! BARGAIN. nthusiastio; gotten tip IOCAL SEWS. W* tkalV be j/forf, at *U i*e to recrirt ittnts oflacat hcjjw, nek <u tpeiial church -*rric\s, meet- ix$i of temprrrtnet or other tii&clics, aec^at^-OrUwij/ ineijeid tchick ntqifhe - iai&rsli'&l,either in thi% loo.\ljjp or in tke)eamirg ffexerally. Matter of tftijt Kaii^Mrfy he rent marked " Printer'* Cbpyi" at, theraU o'" otecent per oi., and i>< te&ietL Inii ur tciiu>t<re itf jm&ieiiSio* it it nrce-aa v or\ us to rr-_ it -by Thmrtdag * j (ng, atrthtr- latest. opd .ad last Friday -eveuir ft, with' a gratjd entertainment and fes ival, whidi waskttertd.ed by a largo and gattteriii^ This f ostival >voi I inTrst-olass style,- reflectiiig j^oat credit. .on, (jh<) liberality aud cxcelh ut cookery of tjio ladies in that hcighbi rhootl who nncjertook Uijj intmagcincnt. if that part of Iho entertainment.. Ait sr tea, Mr. DuiWr was;ap xiintod cltaiiman, when followed 6 Biir:es of .appropriate. ;aj& drtises, interspersed -with music, di'a. logics, recitati.ins,' docliuni,tions,.btc, Th* speakers were Mr. Mel he'rson, the first teacher in that school ; Mr. Mo- Kay, ft\m E^->jrton\; Rev. Mr..CMno- rionl and MeSsrs-'Cook and Speight, of Aelon ; I)r. Tiirrie, of liocliwcxHl/aiid Mr| Arch. Campbell, of Kt ssagawoya! LOCAL MATTERS. 'S, E, n- {<* .- iXm ^A fmll of snow lasiinight msikes ' rrypasbly "sleighing this nwrning. -1 . We"leTO this morning-tbat a' . requisition is receiving signatures ask; iug:Mr:'Storey to again'allow himself to ba.'pt in iionunatioa for. the Bccvc< sh:rx; '." ri " j^A !*lnble thoroughbred horse 1 be^JS^ns * Mri J. S, Jiatton, of ilil- too, hung himself by the halter, in.- his .stable, a few days agix> The horse was valued at fSXl. ; .-/ . ^For useful. and ornaraent&l Chniimv.$ood?, call at the Poat.Offico-- Stare.. . A handsome assortment of toys _ aatd otber presents now shewn, and ' three metre cases to arrive to-day.- : Our merchants haTeTagrjeed to olose their stores at 8 o'clock, prompt, each evening except" Saturday, flntii; lt of :Janarj-.'- Atter tbt dater,they Jw2Lclo*SLat half-piat seven. - - . We- learri tlt the'^vacant t;oK, od Mill street, owned by XJr. P. -.,Kelly, has been leasetl liy Vwoiparties book '^^tertown,:-Toi\ a tin. and stove ^nxTtineti; They,will t/ot occupyHt for :' a few weeksyet^ i ^rckJes have: covered'all out- dqori_fpr the past foor-Slays; causing : considerable destruction to'the willows iaaJ otiier-fender-limbed trees. The "' xtreme length offtimq thls-icy weather "remarkable.': . tiw. ' . Th^ schoo} ohildWn, under [tho 'careful -trjuning-of their .teath'erj M: . Crewsou, jicqjiittetl themselves admiral Jy, in 'their siniing, recitations, etc Tho Acton Brass, Band .also furnished excellent mukic The proceeds nmoui ted to $67, which sum is t bo approjiri: ted to the putjJiase of a school bcltT -Vrtn Covnetl.; - Council met l'hursday'svei ling pursu ant to ailjonrnnicijt, iu the 1 eniiicrance Halt Reeve" in 'the chair ; members jdl present. jNlinutes of p_re> ioijs meet ing iread and approved. Moved by Dr. McGarvinji sccondeil by ^Ir. Speight, that leave be grantcil to introduce a ly-law to ap. x)int a ro^ turning officer f<r the forthcoming elec tion! :'By-law luly read ard carried, appointing Heurj- P; Moore returning offiefcr. ... Mpvcxl by. Dr. McGarvin seconded by Jlr. .Hill, that jMra. SaraL A. M^a't- thevfs and Asa Hall" lie refolded each Sl.lSj. being anj error in assssment in' clerk lw iuthoiiieil to tho respective I case, And the iv the same FOR BALE. Lot No. 30, ^rd Con., EsquesihgVS olf -a milo from tho flourishing villago.of- Actoo, containing 100 acres. About fi( > acresjhoavily timbered with Pino, Hem. lock nnd Cedar, suitable for telegraph poles or posts. _ Excellent Framo Houbo , eight roomed, in thorough/repair; fram > st-ablo and log barn ; orchard of choice through tho premisos. Sly to fain St' fruit; j^UQver failing sprin creek run i remises. Terms easy. CHAS, CAMERON^ ..... .jm., or by lcittor to Box 62, Aoton P.S.-^-lf not sold will bo rcntod.- Finance on On mo. ed to be ^ Parties intending to" part-ici pate 5a the. St. Andrew's festival in Goelph, to-morrow, should, not fail to pay .^ visit to A. O. Bucham's store, and see the magnificent display- of gotxls . snitable fcr the occasion.- - At- * pioblic meeting held in Matthew*" Hail last Saturday evening, a committee was appointed to make ar rangements for securing a suitable place for ocixl gatherings and: reading room. Mr. Kelly's vacant store was'spoken of, but as lit has been "leased- by other par tita, it lHU; probably be difficult to ob tain ^another .place so conveniently sitated. .. . - J i*.' i S^lal. _ . -\- The Acton.Division Sons .of Temper- ance intend holding a soiree_in their -Hail, on Sesr Year's Day, A good time is expectexL See programmes for particulars.'. ^-" '" " am parties. Drj McGarvin,:; chairman Committee, sobmitteil tht; fo'lowini; ac- 'countW and recommended tl e same to he piid: ;S. Ziiiimerman, corporation woTk, $-2S.7i>; Bj.jAd.alns, wobd. f<?r D. -Min'otl; Si50 ; M, jCijopety- b^ilanle paihtiEg school feiice, -'$3.20, tion, tpesc accounts Wf re orde paiii Movtd by Mr.j Speight,, sccmdali by Mr. Xicklin, thajt; the sum of paid t-ojR. Sims, being two-thitds value of a sheep" kille<l by dog-\or logs, the owner of which cannot bo ascet tained. On motion, Conncil-adjonmei to meet again' oil Thursday, 16th tlay of Decem ber, at trio'c^ock p-.ni. ' He*rV P.'Mcioiifc CTerk i Cmd f>lyUls S. of T. delegates were - appf inted by the Acton Divisioh to attend tl e session pfthc^ftrand. Division,Sons.of Temper; ance.'noW being held at Brant ford, but owiiig io family sickness a 1 d other causes, -llr^John S|H;ight and '. dr. Chaa; Dean'-were unable to leave home. Mr- John Se<4>rd is therefore the oi ly repre- UmfOat Church Merrlees. Mr. yr. fj. Bawbone," of Toronto, will prjischlfn the Baptist Church, - Actofii n .Suiday next; the; 12th inst., at 11 o'clock"^.jm. and 6 p.m. The pcHlicareJ cordially invited to attend. ^ahts k god EECM, aCToir, ("apply eb asually kept hop. ',-' , on th* t*T-t SmsW Iw^."---!" ' Tortim- -urn m St. Xm*rew* Festival. . .' The new Town "Hall_, in Guelph, will be, formally opened' to-morrow (Friday) evening, by the St Andrew-V Society, -who are making arrangements for a grand celebration. A concert is to be given by the -Kennedy family, after which the Society will giver their annual ball and supper.: Admission to \ the concert is-fixBd-atSeccnts.and tickets . admitting to the concert, ball and sup per, two dollars for lady and gentleman. We believe there will be quite a number there from Acton and L.j.i-- '&pj.- thorn. -w U At the regular communication of Walker Lodge; A. F. and A, M.; Acton. 1- held on Monday evening, .'the following officea were elected?'for the : ensuing - ' Bro. Caleb Chaae, ivorihipfal Master. f W. Inrin, & fVV. ' " " John Hunt^ji. W. - " John Secbrd, Chaplain. V j f John Ross, Secretary. T .j ; t James Matthews, Treasurer. rV^Alex. Wright, Tyler. -The installation will take place as upial i?n"St. John's day,.,27tli insti Te'ftfe Editor of. the FreePrw, ".'/ v Last night a travelling marble "dealer wandered into one of our -leading busi ness Ileuses^, ind in his ignorance of the -.- angniniy nature of.'our citizens, at- telnpted to measure a youog- man for a tomhifSae. ! He had the height neatly markod jmder his right eye ~, Finding the centre of the town too hot, lie took ; ,. toor^through'the suburbs^and con- elnded io roost in another establish- -^xt-^ Hre- he found the aborigine* ding a-apuatiiAlistie meeting, one of them comnmninz with Dan O'Conncll, - fd other* with inferior angels, accord- tog to Tthe depth-xif inspiration. Among i * he -displayed the most distinguish- ^- alor,'*t being' overpowered TJy ** of^nunhers and Aw*yrwaS'car- . * captiv^bed.? This morning with *he exception of an occasional munfaur .^ "Punch hi head," "Putatin?eir "5W" "Send him to Milton,":ic^ - , Aetoii.^Dec 8, 1875. : ; _ - sentativeifrom here. \Ve lear i by dis patch frdm Brantford that I here are about 150| delegates present from differ ent parts Of Ontario,! beside quite a numbei' of jeading membej s of the Order fronji the United States. Among the more I prominent of thos :' present areT Georte W. Boss, M.P., leader, of the prohibition "mpvement-in t! le House of Commons ; F; i M. Bradley, head of the Order of the! Sons in Am :rica ; J. Henry Mekd, of.-Builalo, head of the Order of T[he Sons inAVest:m' New York'-, theJRev. Jy W. Manning, of Al monte, and Edward CarsweU, of Osh.i- . wa, prominent lecturer on tern jerance ; J..1L T. llknnunij of-Ottawa, head of the Order u Ontario, aud an imber of well known temperance me*i." The Order in Ontario is reportedito comprise' about 16,00 )' mernljers, and fi aanciajly the Grand D ivision J3 xu a first- ra^e con dition. -Br intford.! is all exi :it^ment, and the in! labitants -have re wired to give a heary w.elcoine/to thci visitors, and in the g dness of their hi :arta have IDE. R9BERTS' Cslebratod, Ointmon.1 . v '"' CALI.lft)1 TUI POOR MAN'S FRIEND, In confidently reeommonded to the Pnt> He ns an iiDlallltiK remedy tor wounds o ' n ourtaln euro for UlccrnteH ;8ore. Lcrs, oven of twenty yrntV stnndlnR; Cuts, Burns, (icaldsi HridiioiMChllblalnsi Bcorbutlo Rruptlohsl mid Pltpples on, tho Fnco, Snre nnd ln4 fliiBieUiKyen, Sore Mends, Bore BrcnstsJ1 ptlen, FIrUiIii, and-Cane, rous Humoursl nml Ik a Bpeeine ft>r t-boso nftlictlng ErupJ Uonx Hint sometimes followivnclnnntlonl SoKl.ln I'-Uk at 1h. Ijd. and Ja.M. onch t DivRohorts' Pilula Antisoropliula lir Kl'TEKNATlVE rit,I.S, connrmetl by.sixty year.' exix'rjenco to bo ono oi the b8t nicHllelnta evereonirounded for puriryd'B 'he blood, mid assinlug I^aturej In her oiM'roJons". Henre thpy urouwrut in Scroful*," Woorbutle Comwalnt^, OIan4 d"li\r .Swetllnsrs, pnrflenlprfy those or tho N< cfe, 4r. Tney form u mlM nnd sUperlOtl Family Apenent, wbicbmnv bo takon at) till times without oonnupmentnr obantre or illet. &old in Iloxcs n> Is. lid , 2s,M., K. tM", Us. and '."^.ench. UY THE PROPKIH.TOB8, * > BEACH AND BARNICOTTJ ^" . AT TUKIR , DIHPEXHAKV, BRIUPOKT, ENULANB, nn.t by all rispectable.Medleluo Vendors pARMTO RENT. The subscriber offers to runt, or let on shares, his farm, Wing Lot No. 31, on the 5th Concession fif Esqucsing, com prising 100 acres, SO acres of whipH are under cultivation, the balance excellent cedar', and hard wood. Good frame houserand-barna, with plenty of good water, and other conveniences. About 2J miles" from Acton., Apply onthe premises to *r , , .; SIMON' McLEAN. Esqiiesing, Oct. 1, 1875. Wm. Stewart & Go. Irp WYNDnAM STREET, GTJB1.PH. Are showing now Beware of Counterfeits. For the protectlonoi tbe piibjlc of Brit ish North America, 1 deem It nryduty t state mat my ?ii.ia and Ointment, are) neither m:tnu'nclurd nor told In. any; pnrtof.tlm UNITKnSiATt.*.. J 1 Encb l*ot and Box b*nrsthe " British ^Jovernment Sthmis with the words " H-.t-LOWAVS UlLI.S AND OINTMENT,' I/iSD-iN," ' en'sravt-d thereon.', tin the label Istne address, 533 Oxkobu BTREpT, London. This notice has beeomo npeewary. 'nj cnnM-qu'we or vjlo ami sptiriooi Imtta4 lions 01 " Holloway's Pills and 01iitmnt.1 -bt-lnx fBbrieat ^Mhw ^ nt K Mald^ rn Lane, >>w f^ 'S^ York.'oy phrJ \\i* st}ilticj* #thtmrelvcl HoU<.w.y iHlUJI^." Kwlth iin 'assumed E^P^W* iniri ^miricJ thus^r1 Spcieal Lines in Cheap Jackets, Specml Lines of Cheap Dress Goods Special Lines of Cheap Cotton*. Special Lines of Cheap Silks. Specml Lihc of Cheap Flannels,, Specinl Lines of Cheap Blankets. A Speciul Lot of Cuntoh Flannels. A-Special Lot of Cheap Tweeds. ^. .WHO vrade y^trtti iriip'rlBelptrd vendors can obta!nvthl tri<+i at very low price, and so deceive von ;i>y selling tbe same for my genunn il .Ho'wnvN Pf:l< and Olntmei't, whlchl nre .rownufacturcd ^only - at 533,, Uxforcl fticft, I^>riUon. u . i . 1 Person* who may be so deceived wl Ire uleiasedtocomnTUnlcnte'wlin me. J M-.nv retpectablo firms ;ln the British; Province*; who obtain my .medlclm-s Ut-j rci-t f'6ra here, have very properly sUR- cested ttmt I should, tor the b*npnt of tliems.-lves artd the ruhllc, lf*eruthelr na'mi-R In iliw tapers, that It may be 4rknown that "my medlcrnes can bo nad g. nutne fmm them. - . ' . \',.' 1 The fol.awrng Is n list of the Orms alludj ed to: nnd 1 particularly reeommeoi^ opened their to partake oi CHBIsi BEILLIAST,- Secord homes to all who their hospitality may wish thoe whodeslre to eet my m'dlclneB to apply to some of the Housrs named: . | Ev an*, Mekceb ft Co.; Montreal. ! Aveiit, Ukdwx* Co.. Halifax, N. S. . ForeiTTH Co., Halifax, U.S. ' | T, B. BARKEB*8o.'H>,Ht.:john, W.B.- L APcrtiiE^AWKs' Hai.i.Co^ OTharlotletown Langley a Co , Victoria. JVC." MbfJBE A CO.. VlCUirl.-i, H. O T>r-JoiiN PAU.EK, Chatham, N. B. 1 Mu'nro 4 Co., Montrenl. : J WiNkB 4 Co^ Hamilton, Ont. H. J. Bo^k/Toronto, . . A. CuiPKAS 8jjrrn, St. John. K. B. JoN Bond, urBierlrh, Ont. Kr.i-rOT * Cu., Toronto. "' J.CHAI.ONEK. Kt. John, N. B. HaNINQT"?! Bbotjiekp, St. John. !.,* It. s. PnmriY, Windsor, Onu Mrs. ORI'EX. Mbnlen, N. H. Rnoraitt'. HUNT.Jun.. Kredericton, N.B W. H. Thojupson Hnrbornnire, r.F.l< J.'."!: Wilkv, Fred rloton. r< t H. W.'*l>. YCII.K, Montreal.- , ClfAe. 1. Davies, Frederlcton, N.B.I i Ti'C m dlclries are s<ild at tho I.iwpsI wholeKnle net prices. In qnnntitle? of noj less than 20 worth viz- fte. Gd., 22k^ untl. 3i. per dozen boxes of Pilfefl or pots of iirtnirrtent, for which remltianoes musi| be sentrln advance. .... 7 THOMAS HOLLOWAY 533, Oxford Street, W.C London, June Ut, 18" ivr4s PRESI3NTS. BEAtTTIFCL, tHEAr. ': US! TVL ASD fhave 'just received beautiful lot of new goods'siitable for Christmas \ results, such as Silver Watches and Cfocks, Gold ind Silver Finger Rings splendid Table Spoons, etc., Cruets,^magnifl^nt <;nina Tea-.and Toi! et Sets,. Glass'rare of all kinds, also t bej newest and most bril- liantthingiirl Glass TableSeis, 5pieces,; several, dlffei erit styles of beautiful fancy Cups ind Saucers for ladies and gents, ania thousand Other (very suit able and usef 1J goods for the The Post Office' Store J Actor*, .Gives SScenlf oq/.tJte 9Y diiicbunt for cash on ;all Seneral' Groceries, Crock ery, Glasswate, (Wall Paper*, School _ " "" " :" ' purcharo Books, Stationery,,'-&c. of 25 cts,2 4 cents | oh on81,8qts, justly too, t lat cts dasdount ;on 50 cents, 75 , cents, . 6 <:ta.; and Ccul 1: Customers t link, and tofore beeh fairly"oealt" with to pay the sai ie-p running yearly .' eon get jUatic /at where they 1 ;ef which ia' a reasonable mari cash and year y accounts. produce want 1 in exchange ;fc r good* Sf they have j tot here n having rice for good; as those Accounts. Now .they the Post Offi ;e "Store, S-jper cent discount, ,ble margir between I kinds of ,,.H pat up- AH persons indebted to Secbrd Bros, are requested to call and setth at otico without -furtt er" notice. .- All accotfnts remaining lint aid bnihe 15tho E Deceni' ber will be & uided oyer foriS jllectioh. This twticc ap pliei to' all "At thii time of .year, we req airef'the mpfiey ind must have it We sre |detetniinea m collect all accounts tl; is month. Please attend to the above, and save us th > -Pain of having, -to' set d a vy to court- -Skoobp, Boost. Mr, John Mipchell, sen.-, e! farm er in Gafafn xa, near the Hheaf of jWheafc Hot si, was kicke 1 bj- ^ steer on jtfonda>j lost, and l.adboth_ boues of his leg ;l >roken. FIXING IIP FOR j - ^,. -* .-' '.. -- " > " : .-,' i WAL^ I^APER A^T DTVY'a BOOKSTORE. Choice Pattfrns, N'ew Designs, a Large and cheap at Splendid Stock very DAY'S BOOKSTORE. GUEIiEH. Day Sells Cheap; "OONCS to Manofacturers. ** ;__t THE VILLACE OF ACTON Is prepared to grant a bonus to parties establishing any Jclnd df manutacturlnB business employing ten Skilled hoods and .upwards, and where said business does not conflict, with any Iness -already rporatlon., Ac- lway facilities, rnnk Railway, tnlrty-flve miles west of Toronto, Is. Inn, beautlfbl and healthy, ocatlon, is free; from TOnnlelpal debt, a id-property can be obtained on reosonab 0. terms. establIsbed wlthln the. ton possesses good .-ri.... being on the Hrand Trim HENB1 Aetcn, July 1,18T& MOukb, " Village Ctork,1 A Special Lot of Winceys, Cheap. Black Lustres, Special Value.: WM. STEWART & Co. or- The EW GOODS. Student's Microscope 103 T ira-ON SZPZEOI^lJL *78 Pieces Assorted Jl an 5 RIEQES OROSB^I'S fAPESTRY TBE EXTl|BiiELT CHEAP PEICSQ? [ Per AT 75Ctots ight by The above goods have been bo the Dominion. Call early and e9lect. Oct. 27, 1875 me at Less than MILLINERY & FANCY :^; mm v.: ;i"#f: --".-'Mi^' ;:v4 *! ' *' Y~> --^ # - .- '- ', PtTBEIOi 1^^- GAppif^ ar&i Worth $1.20! "V 3 ply Eidderminster BBAUT1F|IJL QGC DS, AT A LAliGii REDUCTION ON USUAL PRICESi the-makers' Mist, and I offer for the next,two months the-cheapest"carpeU to Cheaper thaii the Cheapest LARGEST STOCK IN as just received an extensive stock of new goods snitabla for the: siajston, which he is hound to sell at the very-lowest possible pi Ice. He believes ln^uick sales and femall profits. CMI and set oir beaatiful stock of "WrooVoa Oeedt, MilUaety, DreisQooli, , <^ otiiatca'a Suits, Haterdoshery, Geatlcmoa's TomisUscr Ooodi, ' ' Toilot ArtlcleijImi, ":.!:.', Sorlln pool, et.'i ito. Also a idee stock..of-j WELEflY *be tf4 oS^ f"' Remember all these goods are marked down, tithe very lowest figures ^ S6e Our Cheap Winceys. Batter, Eggs, {Poultry, etc., taken in ^xchangej for goochtl Acton. Nov. 17, 1315 be me* MON at With Dissecting Appnratns, for ex amining "insects, plants, Mowers, cloth, circulation of the blood, ani- malcaU In water, Ac, SO cents. Pljo Ugiton, ] '- ' Taora Ex$rtor,' aye Opoaors, Always useful, always answering, al- - ways instructive- Powerful Pocket 2tticroscope, 5f^CENTS.. Best Finished Reading Glasses, powerful magnifying power, for'flow-: ere, photographs and pictures. A large and cheap stock of new goods at II R SON'S CHEAP I100KST0RE On East side Wyndham Street, CTOW ; WAGON AND CARRIAGE FAGTORy, JEB JAUESi-BYD Oarrlaffbi* Proprietor. DllifflUk ' ' Outtort, fto. Koi t In stock and made to Order on tbe ',-" . '"..'") Strict attention paid to ' Koi'ioHBaoslJisp fcCroneralJoWs^ and satlsfaci .Ion gaaranteed. Aiton, July 1st, 18T5. ;.."J;. ;;;__. . Y WANTEn PANIC PHIGSg.' KEN N EDY BRpTrfl ERii j Have just received their Fall St>o<t>t of Boots jand Shb^si And are deternrained to continue o sell cheaper than tli better value! for your money than can be had else rrtiere, Call and Bei) for Yourselves;and bring your N.B. All account i m Acton, Nov. 4 18' jFriends -vvitli you. Examine our! stocV which comprises everything in the tr He of the 1 Kest and most elegant styflesland patterns of^ English, Canadia^i and Amejrpcan manufacture. fvj Orders pr jmptly executed and good fits gnaranl eed," Alma-Tilock^ TTpper' Wyndham Street, Guielph, i_li.:1-i-^i- '" ELEPHANT CWTHfNa |W with in m All Ijteady For Winter. Tho Leading ClotMug' House cf the County. ;v>-i* ;l -'"!.' 500 Men's Overcoats, ranging in pricej from^$5.00 np^ - - 187 Boys' Overcoats, ranging in pjice from 2.00 np. A tremendons stock of Men"'H'eav.yj Suits in g^otch, English and Canadian Tweeds, ranging in pricVfroiji $7.00 np?^ ] if A beantliui stock oi Children's 8nltii rangingin pricefrom f 2.50 up.'". Big stock of Woolen Underclothing; to be sold vdry low. ! ': Cardigan Jackets, rangmghjiprice from $1.00" rif. k/ ' ->" Magnificent lot of hew Shirts,.Gollars, Scarfs.^Sows: ind Gloves Just to hand. Hats^d Caps jtistreceived^4 cases^tbj be rrinoffwry lotr. Parties vbltlng Goelph, by making It a point to coll at the ELEPHAMT beiror* going elseWbere, wlllsavoat leabt 6 to 20 percent on every dxrtiarTtheyaDend. ~ - n cheapest ust be settled this month. DOMlNIONv EMPO cylMsboT KENNEDY BKjJS. and which is now obi : iPh1 and &71*>llX aji Tladaiy plete. is larger, better assoirted, mdre atirnotiv^ e^ than ever before, oomprisfag to i art. Twoedi, OroJeWtiai^i m Croodt, lit Frto* k^riao*, Oqtefergi, AJI "C7obl':?lLWa. aiftok aad OolorM, Z*unz sijuteji I laaaoii.^^Wiacoyt^ Shirts EjWrt saUti tail Dipa'wori, ffelt bWpU, Ituimts.' AU;"v7*ooi trtta -1 pretty patterns)4 QlOUAt, Boslery. 1oVm, Tatrto. tlatai, .s ICoVoli, j-. TowglittM, ffictoir, eml: filo|whii 06tto4. Ladi lAdles' tad Crtatt' a, ^ [ and a very g<K>d stock BOYS' AN|b MENB' HaMs AN(B together with . Groceries, Cfrot^ker^ i^ri Culi early am 1 secjare bargains; Aoton, Oct. 2ff, 1?7S; Oetebi<r 13, I W M. RUTHERFORD ITo. 31, Lover wyadaaa i87)B.^,ir^:-'^ftWintet,- Mc ;'. - Strwrtr fim;. GD, -ANDERSON & Co. animotli ftouse, Georg^tp^ji; dnt.j Beg jleave io *ay tha they have received laiige itiporlaticns in SILKS, ao. : narketa ot -Etfrope,' oxjr canabian; department ' ' '"-i ' .' .'-. Is. large,Lvrled:ftnd[attractivei a'nd'asthe niannfnetniipe Interests of this Ooinilnion- areoi ainslderabieltniportaiice. aiid-as we believe In pati onlrlu, [ home indust ri"wo nave laid in large 11 les.of the lollowlng: '. ^ , t'- TweedB| Full Cloths. Overcoatings, ':' Knitted Shirte and Drawers, Mufflers, Yarns, Checks, Fine and Fancy Flannerp, - jGrey and Scarlet Flannels, Druggets, 1 Atl-Wool and Union. Blanl eU, " - t,; I^ " FactbryX!otton8, Den ms, Drills, x .-- ;!' Goiton.Yarn,CttdnrBgi' "-S ""I-'." Tlckingi, Shirting*, BOOTS AND SH6ES, v -BUFFALO ROBES, -' ^ LADIES' FUa^SETTS, ! MEN;8 FUR i2Af!t > CLOTH i GAPS AND HATS.: >' vr ' The nhoto Gooas have been- phrehased. from tbo b<>st and chleapeit niantUaeturfe*^ - In tbe Dominion and will be sold at a small advance on tost. . . .. Tn.fi PnDlio may raly on cjetting Ore it Bargains j ORDERED GLOTHINOi DEPA^TME^T _ TO leeted-with great enr. Any. petition. Our stock Is imtnens'e.V___,____ _ _ _! . ------------^jj can joe gnlted In tastn,: The. dJflbTet t llfifls'haw _______________ , . - _. , edln tastn,: inalltyaudi beautitol line of the nrwest thine in OrcreoaUngs. Our facll'tle* nvfklpgourgarmentJf.are unsUrpwsed, We have all the talent that ^jTE^yiiKifcj; Carpet Reaving, strippmg, twilhng, and all kinds of hbme-Tnade work to wit farmers and others, promptly and pro S' srly attended to/at my |residenoehn> ublin church, aboul; a mile-andja-i all from ctoi HUGH BELlF" Esqnesihg, Nov. 16j 1876. 21.pt* mJBCRIBE FOE TUE Actoh Free Press aOJ ean therefore guarantee satlsfsetten In wjthj all the latest .jgjttdj.lsrewvTitt -.' Usbknd unique nVllllnery. have the talent nnd l Oraiiameata,e. Inglsarnere' *ti DRESS r rCM0DS, Blaok and Colored Lustres, WHITE OOTTOW, PRINTS, TABL^ LINEN, DRILLS, UHEETIHC*, Fancy Goods and Kmall Wares of all kinds 0*rpetv Broaddctlu, HoetMaa^' 'Uab. tmd Scotoli Tweeds,CVereoa' aa4y-ii^o OverooW aad ao^^tta4^0Vere||4tt 'jBiottiagy aex^;i^i*aiiia8 Tbe abbve Goods nave been Imported direct from the lending : thereby saving a large peroantage.of which the: public ahallget theadvantags r,-;^ :;r- ~- vt ,-H b>fni nrife.' hall Ihe . rtimmary of our Ihr it.wvf. iiiiDaiH7i>Hnr-iinB -/ !-.--; =--i - -,- JP*l*r < esorlbe UiedlO^rent/ s*. enrf^eneral auracUi ju. R(ceMo ay.r ttte'poblfa Xrtltdrtatli faetlan,as mi hive tlMWanUjofnut- rverIncreasing tn>4e)-n<t loWprJl^Bwe The snbi being Saw Township acres/a*! vatkB. ' Aeteti Sd7^F * Donald XNov.)lR .t *VtK>BS OMi, *a4 ao S<md Trice... JCoLEdD, ANS)EftSON PRiN^iililli QFPIC5B. n .d.

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