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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 9, 1875, p. 2

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iff mm mam- &i|-a if/ -5-1/-? i^ f?< St- ;f; 1* A S .J ' ; :_- . *'-i>. ; * >/-. NEW: ;.A.D^ERTISEliEis'TS. Early Ct'twiij*. ... Stray Steer--\\'n\. Rmi The Lovctl'Publishing. Company. [_, ~ .'?? rjrnE -^ctox free press ': t'lMtihed. Epry Thursday Morning. %!,- Per. Annum m Aiivanco. JOS H MACX1NQ EOITOR ,:;.--?'. 5 *? k^-.. TnCRSDAY . MoilNlNO. llvr 1ST.' -1 ~- {^T1uvFrKKFKSS Ciill.:bc*.hn<l from Jiowl until Junuarv 1S'77 for only One Dollar 4.fix'tf.f postage. Escape of "Boss"Tjjreodfrom j Custody. CJrient excitement has boon /catis- ^lin^Now York bv tin escape of Ross"" Tweed from custodyon $atimlay night. Ho \ 'us coufincd Hi Ludlow st'ivot gnof awaiting the iJOjiOU^OOO feuit against him. Un Known'.to tho public, it seems to linve been the habit of bis ciisto- .tjiaii,Warden Denhari,- to tKo TwtSil j>_\it for. drives, (ho "-Ro*s wmplaiuingiot headache s. On |?tit ijrday afternoon/tlie tw< t sxcompan- iiir by i~ deputy Keeper, wore out ^iJ " " * ^ ~< f 1 (Iriyi'ug ','ailwi dining, and finally halted t 'the residence of.Tweed's sonin-l.ivv, M-hero his wife \yvsstiiy- Mig.y.. The " Rows"" aski d l)enh.am to bo allowcil a few ':moments' pri ynto nonveisation wit i his ,wifo, Tjliis was.jrrtiiited, he s :ejrped:-into .all adjoining; mum nml wait'se6n no iiuortv This is })cuhiimVi story, but many'btfliovo . :, permitted W> have rfjeeiyed a copy of a Kill.- wfcy'k li<.\ and that he ik how out of j introducy-l in the Ontario LegishV-l'tljp reach -of] the law. ^le can n6t IS -JT UNIVERSAL ; SUF FRAGE ? ' r . that Tweed' was to esciipo . n oro-tiiiin- ji IE *:-.5i-:^ "U ture bv TJon. Mr. Curtie, "ivsix-ct-. :Jng Elections of Members of thiS. legislative Assembly," which spi-ms to follow thoLUnited Stxte^-cnstom . of oflxfring the elective fnincbise to every, male resident twenty-one .1 Vears of age, without resjieet to' property- or income .'qualification, - : --tlie only restriction being- that the ifflector iho'ttld be a resident of,tho icKctond division -for'-period of"-ut least sfi months . previous t-tfthe" r _time_of voting. The Eill 'alio pro X^05*!5 t-repeal the law" respecting ' votere'lists.. Wi.lmrdiy think tlie ' country is rijie fpr: sncii a radic-Al element in our^election- law, and it is scarcely probable that such, an innovation will find many support ers in_toe House. Ths law which has just cpmte into foice giving the franchise to persons assessed on aTi income of-$100 a year, approaches . quite near enough to universal sntf- fra'ge. , ' " -' ' . . .' -=*-* -' - tj ^i;^ '- -* .' ' \m:.' *"-" i -: " \ . " ' - : A'-.' ' ' \-1 '^h^~ ' ' '-- .""t '*" ' -.'*--. -' -' <-=-Ji .:* -\y mls' -' * --*-- ,:.r -.!'"' v. "|: . ^: -il -:L i :t : 1 ' '- -' i-1'*.. -i - i :"-i! (':? ' *r-:- :--l-^'-. ."r: -r ;a:^;j: -' va ;:. > : w. '-*- --i tv i. * -. J-J; ,- 4^$ ~ iV~ %ii'-""l" l-r C~- V\-~ ' f .-'-.^-fe^' Many of our ^ip country friends bave for some yca.rs|eagerly dusired a ichapge, in the ^fjpnuatipn of |he county boundfries, and sundry no- tires have appeared of. their inten tions to apply therefor to (the Legislature at its'- present session, ; In xb'e Hoiise":yesterday{ tbe ques tiori was asked whether the gov ernment intend . to introduce- a general: messnre with resj>ect to new'county formations, or allow:. private legislation in respect - to ariy * particular formation. To which MrV Mowat replied :' "It is not, the intention of the Govern ment during this session to intro- dnce any; measure with^respect to new county formations, and the Gpvernjmentr If ill oppose any pri- - Tate;legislation on. the subject." '. . ' V- I ^i-'V '.; - : .i - !A':A'"--i. ^:> ; ife '; -'V-t=V^:' griry can "1* proved I ujhiuist -ai d tliiS) Jjeouia doubtful. Erin Council. The Coiinjcil of the Township of Erin, met on 30tb ult. Mk.-Bat bdr mov.eil, kecondijd bv Mi'i'Ueid, tlikt the'Reo've onler tl e ]iayment of!the bill fiiom jthe.^iei ei-al ilpspi- Uu, Toronto], nmquritin ;. to 4.50, ft* nine d.-iys attefKla ice, etc., on Dbugall McGill, hp \m\ inj; bad bis hulnds aiid feet fi-ozen 1 ist winter^, , ICan-ied. ! Moved b_\ Mr, Tteid, seconded by:>Mr, BaVbo ir, .that Mr! Teeter be i>iiid $2.00, and Mr. Jas; jj|.*0ulloch ^5.00, exi>e.i,sep for, cop vejying - a | dangerous lunatic; to Gqiclph Gaol, and that the; Reeve orier tho piiyment of he same. Carried. On motion b . Mr. Rcid, secpndsd -by Sir. Bur-, a-By-law wiiji intijodueed for the purpose of apikiinting Retuming Officers, and fixing the places wher; .Municipal Eldctions shall- bo hel i for 1876, which was read- a 1st and 2nd time. MrlBarbour moved, aiid Mr. Tee ter seconded, that H. > nrse be.jMiid H$17j00 for a hew roal allowimco through bis place, ;bei.^es the re- maiider of the- back ha d aero- ami thd iJlowanee until, reo uired by (he Murficipsility. Carried!.. O^ nuitjcn by ilr. Burt,l8ecoiid: ed by Mr. Teeter, .he Councfl- forfntd a Committee pi the: whole,- on By-law "No. 1.3, appointing:R turning Officers, etc Council in Committee,: Mr. 'Reid in the Chair; By-law filled up as follows : NoJ 1 IJivision, eir bracing 1st, d,3rd and 4th Cone ^sions, from tunirng S-' &0 .--.';1sjf ^V/' -i n.-f^.'-i-T- i'-.-.'r^lH"---"1 ^T:v"/.te,-.; Siorthorn Convention. ' A conTent-iort of breeders and dealers in Shorthorn Cattle*} from "all parts of the United States and Canada, was held in Toronto; dur ing the , past week. There if as a large number presen^, and "the dis- : cussiona on.matters-relating to the. raising and importation of pure "bred cattle were very- interesting. On Friday there was a great sale of stock from the celebrated Cana dian herds of J. <fc R,'Craig, and ' from th'ose of Col. Taylor apd Gen. T Sumner, oj Connecticiit. Lun- \Me}^ at chepn was .partaken off in the J rage. Crystal' Palace, after, which the sale was* proceeded with. The) t<?tal amount realized by the sal was $78,380.- . j " - ;- From Mr. Craig's h'erd,- ^. W. ' Stone, of Guejplr, purchased fSei-a- phina lstj" for $500 ; "G.'S. ^uitli, . Acton, " Serapbina 6th, for $455, and " Sensation," for $300 ; f John- Pipe, Gaelph, "rlaibei: 5th," $150, The 39 females of this herd brjought 845,485.5; an average of $L,l(!l(i.03"; The 5 bulls hrought $0,340, an av erage o^ $1,268.' Col. Taylor'.,herd of; eight fe males brought.' $6,435- an avei-age of $.S04.37-.: . None of them were purchased by "}>ersbns in this dis-' trier. Gen< Sumneri herd of 15 females broughft. $16,620, an aver age of -$1,103.00", "and one bull brought $2,500. i mmkis^Mm^^iiSiHlIt^ THE ACTON' FREE him, ' OENERAti NEWS. Thn celebrated.t'o'viValints Moody and SanksyTu-o expected in Toronto in" March. : ^ - Tlireoboysin Brussols lnivp boon fined $4 aiid eosUt each'for j talking in jClnuoh. I' - __ ; . : S. S. Weaver, of Berlin, tins been Hp(K>inted Bub-cbllector of cuBtomn at-Berlin. - . -, , A Bjchemo for fighting Goderich w;ith gas is taking ti pructicablo ahpt\ \ f South : Wellington Fat Cnttio Show- takes place at Uuelph on Fritlay, DeceinlKir 10th.- InTGhisgrtw, Scotland, .r)00unom- plpyetl liaiillloom 'Weavers nro en gaged-sweeping the streets.; , - Wm. B. As tor's taxes nmounted to half a niillion dollars per aiinmn. IIu paid ono forty-fifth -of-tlio.tiix.es of New York City. Earl TVnflorin assisted at the .ojienen" of ?i rink in OtUWa on Satufihey, and acted as ono of the skips. [ - *"I ' ' The Wellington County Council nvet.in-tjruelpli at 2 p.m. on. Tues day, and arc proceeding with--busi: ness. ; ;HonJ Joseph Edourd Canchon, njembor for Quebec Centre, was yisstVi day nt ' Otta>va s-vorn in a President of the Council. A little daughter of Mr. Jiimcs Russell, >of Fergus, recently foil over a pot of hot water whiah was on thp floor, .and was badly scalded. The Cologne Gazette publishes "a report thatsthe Khcdiv'o of Egypt has ordered 15,000 men to inarch against, tins' Abyssinians! . The Whitby clock factory was partially destroyed by tiro on Thursday evening-lust. The build ing/was insured for $10,000." ' The Ontario Government, has, it. is said, given penuission for the ballot boxes supplied for the local elections to be used for the ensuing municipal elections. ., The.number of lives lost by the explosion in tho.Swaithe'Main Col- Uery'in Yorkshire on Monday, is now stated to be one hundred and thirty, .' 187^, at 12 o'< lock nDQn. mitle rose, and \ke Codneil resumed business. On m itioi. by; Mr. Teeter ,'rec ohded by Mr. Held, tho iiy-Law No read the tbirti time and T&ifty colleries and several" iron roinesj'btjldnging to the Philadel phia- and Reading Coal and Ii'oti 'Company also," 25, individual coil the. empiref [and Kash Small's l hoe shop Mi>ncsa. No. 4 Division,'to embrace 'the 7th, 8th 9th, 10th and -11th Con cewionH, froni Lot- No. 18 to ! Ix>t No. 32, both inclusi'e. J| T, Harris, Ftetbrning Offi r. -Elec tion to ie held at ithe Town Hull, Hillsbiirg. i '- ' No. 51 Division to ecibrace 5th, 6th, 7thr Sth.'-Otli, lOti. and 11th Concessi ons. Robert Wood Re Officer. Election to be he-Tdwn Haftl Erin>ViI- The hamination for candidates to be held Brisbane oe"mber, The Con at MacLcan't , Joseph McMiastcr, of George town, employed^ in Hamilton & Go.'s store, Whitby, was found dead in his .bed over the store on Sunday morning. He,.was quite ,, , ,T . 10 . =. ,., , I well and! in good health when he *rk,.**ov.; 13 h, for Glasgow, has * - - - not yet arrived. one was lately - !, i&ENERAL NEWS. ! Af a mooting of.tho oroditors of J. C,( Clcsby, proprietor of. tho) Closby Houso, Ottawa, a atatmont prospnt- o<| showodliubilitiDs to bo $;28,000i nVailublo assots $7,000. - - I j A. call islto be given by tbo Bond stmbt Congregational Ch urcli Toron to, to Rov. X>r Ormiston, formerly of'Hiimiltou and now-in tho [Unitod States, Rov. F. II. Marling is to receive a handsomo present! it.ho Dircctora of-tho Guelph' Gtmoral Hospital lmvo a bill beforo thp IjOgiHlaturo,. ^sking for power to[ borrow money on mortgage, in order to cbmploto tho original de sign of tho building.. - ;Jn Moutroiil, on Snturday night Jcis,"II. Ktonyo Jiiy down on a sofa, and was found next inorniifg- by Iuh wifo; a corjise. At tho inquest a vel-dict of death From, the excessive usp of intoxicating liquors was re turned. ' "i - .. ' Miy Wylio thp checker! player, haft just finished a. aorios i of ono hutiilirtl and three games in Hart ford, 'Conn., ,of which' ho won nine ty-three games, and lbsb t\vo games, wliile eight games were dmwn. Two . Morinim disciplosj are at prejent pitiaching up. the doctrines in ftiis Province.- They have reach ed Goderjcli. In London their number is not altogether legion j but, according to their owjn state ments, [fast approach int? it. ] Owing to the'near-approach.of' Christmas tlio girl pf the period ex hibits the most patient and pleas ing manners towards -tho .young man who insists on staying.after slip begins! to yawn in the evening. He will know the rexison presently. Two Stratford boys have been placed under, police surveillance for bad; conduct. Their offences were.' smashing.school windows,!assault ing ether people, and using 'bad languago to one of the lidy tcaph- .ers. ' '-.':' j- Thirtyiseven largo., sharks were recently captured near tlie- ^nouth' of the Saguenay, and it is. suggest- cdithat 'tbo .'presence of ilnmense nlimbers of these, voracious ci ea- turcs in the summer possibly ac countsfpr the notable fiiiliiro"'uf the " salmon take" last seasion.. . Nothing has been- heartli of tho French steamship Ameri^uo, re ported disabled at sea. The Ah- -. chor Line vessel Antjlia, from Now IT York,N - -- - w^nt to bed the previous night On, Saturday, the 27th . ult., seven head of cattle, valued at Lot JCb. 1 to Lot N- t7, both lots inclnsif-e, Duncan Bob jrtson Jr. to bo-Rettirning OfScer. Election to bo hel*- at) Symon's old dwelling bouse, jDspringe. : Nor|2 Djivision, embracing 5,; 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 laud 11 th Joncessiohs, from Lit :No. 1 to Lot No 10, both lots'inc4is;re,' Alexandsr Smith, to be Rett m!ng Officer. Election to be held at Temperanis Hall; At" BaJlinafWl. - i No.' : J , I>ivision> embracing 1st, 2nd,'3rc^Uth, 51h, and 6th Con cessions, frtm Lit Nc. 1$ to;Lot' 32, bq^h lots inclusive. Duncan McDtnuall to be Returninff'Officerv //- The elSiion to be beld at JohA^ ^owa^T iffl^f T h'08 allowance to officers under them $14;260, were landed at Toronto, having been imported by Mr. Jp|in R. Craig, of Edmonton, from the United Sutes; for the. improve ment of stock. - Dr. and Mrs. Whiting, Mrs..Var- don and -Mr. Clementi of Berlin, while driving home frbni:Gait last wek were thrown out," Mrs. Wlnt- ingikving three'of her ribs broken and Mrs. Varden one of the1 bones of^her arm.. The Legislature has ' been peti tioned: to nmke it compuUory on store,- at who have served a certain number of years as stipulateJ: by. the' pres- ontiAct. i . The Grand Trunk Railway Com pany n;ill not" buy .any wood at! Berlih:Station- this season. Last winter they purchased about $20,- 000 worth. In a'year or twro' coal ]will altogether Ikj jused as fuel on the western section of the Grand Trunk. . ;Thp next annual meeting'of the Dominion Bojird of Trade, which will lie .held in Ottawa next. Jan uary, is expected to be more-largely \ Monday, ! 17th of De- 'attended'than on any previous occa- _* io *. l_-i_______: -:-_ t^ r____.1___^ . i ., . - ' 13 was passed. Moved by Mr. Bnrt, s Knded by Mr. Barbour, tliat Daniel'Medley have the privilege of occupying the bid i|oad..illowance p i tho 8th Line, opposite Lot No. 15, between th cross road and the nsw road;ODv the hill, linti^ required b^ \hk.Muni cipality. | Oii niotion, the Council then adjburned subject tc a call from the Reeve.' j j 'Ws.,TvLER,Towiliship Clerk Turkey,if the sick man in Europe, is not Bcjdn all parts of the world. China 'is getting alarmed at the growing}relations between her an(d Kash gar, the most-western'part of .leries are'to be stopped;in Peiin- sylvanta<\immediately.. .Ten thon- . - Vuind people] will thus Ije! thrown '-, put of employment in Sc'hiiykill. Jttdgmg from theiprteef the de- i bat in the 'House the other, day. '.'when, adqsion was made to tbi :In- pbriate Asylum building at Hariiil-- vloo.rit- will in all probability be i-i -converted into a." lunatic iisylum., ; iMeinbees on both sides of the House are favdrable-to the change. i Hon. Mr. Simpson has! applied f in the Queen's Btichibilicriminal . in/ormation against tha' pHblishers of tfae West Durhiim Ne\cs, and; in - -doTttg! so' filed affidarite denying iii " 'ttefo' tlie" vile charges and insinua , rj^dittcal allies have been so indus- ;{ar troops are said tojbe rapidly becoming proficient under Turkisl training. A ilahbmetai revival i: 'Sow in progress! in.many. parts of Asia, ami thb may be one of.ths'jdevelop- jmerits o' it.' A more, c inciliator^ policy to. th 3 adhei*nt3 of this religion is sail to bo cor templated by the J 'ekin authorities -Xhe othf r day, itw.nxiy sproidtng: 6'vijr, the:'coiintj-y i the otb< c. ten -:li.u!.^.i. <4.A I....4 <' ... ..^.i.'.l. 'et.f:'r t^.'i '.' jdiirinjj tiio last (vw wtseks. ^ Spitn}. A laughable r listake ob- cured t< one. of the pron ofce'ra of a Grange |a few miles from |Teeswater party^ se nt to a wholesale Bi'icy Ui. : sion. It is, understood that the Province of Manitoba will be-rep resented for the first time .ut the coming meeting. ~1, puriityg-jihe discussion on Lunatic AsyliiBriB iii the1 House on Wednes day, Mr. Mowat Btated it would be asked to provide additional accom modation fbr 400 demented persons. It appears that all -the asylums are crowded, and that, besides scoros of applications, there are 160 lunatics in the jails, of Ontario. ment? fur 15 lbs of nut negs, and the abbreviation of ihe word pounds thus letter t iting-;hat they w It appoa -s that the 'lbs.") had been mis taken for biirrels (thus "brls.") hence tl ey, sent five barrjls arid, a in a- few daye, establish- Lachlan McLean, of Minto, and James Allan, of Palmerstonj have returned, from British Columbia about two weeks ago and do not in anyxway feel built up on the future prospects of that far distant land. It is computed .that j the amount which the British ipublic have lost' by foreign loans during the past six years amounts to $300,000;000 The Turkish loans are not included in this. .' : The JEnglish Government has sent an agent to Panama, to make a collection of seeds and J-plants of the .cauoho tree, with tho object of forming plantations of that plant in Bengal and other parts of British India, j I -" ^ ' j ' < The WyldJk Dading insurance ase| in -which, this firm sued the Liverpool, London and ;Globa In surance Company to compel them to carry out -the. contract made by their local agent in Hamilton, has been finally settled in favor of the plaintiffs. - The company's conten tion was that"tbey bad not under stood the matter sis did their agent, ouljl send I and that the policy granted the "A I head office did hot make them liablo ' to the loss in dispute, seen, with a broken propeller^ pro ceeding under sail. -,.. On Saturday morning last, about half past seven, two boys, named 'Ralph Wilson and Peter ^Mitchell, of Elom, were skatirig on the Grand Rivert just above tho; lower dam, when! the ice gave "way and they both went through. But-for other patties whp were on tbo ice at the Siime time, tbo^ result* might have been serious.. ' , I The residence of Capt. Coffin, of the New York llWW, was broken into by burglars recently and rob bed of clothing and jewejery valued at $100 and $35 in money. | Tho thieves tpok everything that could be converted into cash,-.but Inft a valuable Masonic " rlin, studded with diimonds, which! they stuck in a conspicuous place, ajiparbntly to indicate their respect for thp order. Mr. Samuel.Piatt, of Goderich, who was the first to discover salt in Canada,-says that the salt busi ness in'this Province is justpio\r in a rather Siid plight. Out of. a |Urgo number of wells in his own town but two ran during the' sum mer, and these two lost heavily by their enterprise. The businoss in Clinton and Seaforth is also at a stand-still. He has himself; sunk about $60,000 in the salt-producing enterprise, and maiiy^othera wish heartily they Were well oiit of it. . ' Plymouth Church, Brooklyn met on Friday and' cbmleiiiiied"*;Deacon West and SJrs.' Sloulton, %p'th of whose .names have been drjopped from the roll for furnishing juews- papers'with copies of letters; rela ting to -their grievances before the let tops had reached the congregation to W'bich they were addressed.; The meeting was decidely favonibJo to Mr.' Beecher, and', opposed to: Mr. West and MrsyMoulton. I' , A'law;suit is now going 'on at Forest, between the Canada Com pany and Mr.'Jenningst.- The latfpr! party sbttled" on lot 45, south boundary, 1 Bosanquet, and claims that a l-esidetice of twenty years absolves' .him from paying the Canada Company one cent for the land. The Canada Company 'de mand "$^4 per acre for the land, whiph it m fully worth. .; At Brampton a young man.es corted _ a] lady home one evening, and the hour being early, he re ceived arid accepted an invitation to walk "in. After chatting a while with the family, paterfamiliesprp- posed the ustml evening -devotions, and! the youth riot "liking to leave at that j tincture, stayed'for prayers. One1 petition earnestly offered by the;head of the, household was, " that the steps of the young man, who for|a-time was one of their -ntt'mber might be directed towards his Father's house." The visitor witbdrowas BoonaBhecould.tbough the hogtiwaa totally unconscious of having h!it bim so bard s ha did, tbo reference being to a beayenly, not -tin earthly, parent. sign td tbo front nne liquor store DECEMBER ^1876 A fo<r nights jokor ItransforroU 'a| undertaker's sinco ;a Now York ofva{ Myrtloiave Tim sign read: Bodies laid outandj prepnrod for burial at tbo shortest notice wit in." Tho body of a wom4n taken frbmf a Chicago cemetery and sent in a, barrol to tbo jexjirqss office in Chicago, has booh^ideiitified as that of Mrs. Emma pi Adams, wifo of a .prominent har'dwaro dealer of that city. Tho body yras buried on Novonibor 20th,jnnd lexhumed un der direction; of Dr. Wilder on lust Wednesda^; M Warrants areout for tbo arrest of Wilder,' but tbo offi cers have not been ablo to_ find bim uji to tho presen i time. . A frightful:tragedy, occurred at miles -from Montreal, on Sitiirdijy pigbt, by which RoV. Fathers Murphy nnd Lynch nnd; nn inmate lost their lives. bo learned, tho facts aro . na follows :-^Father Murphy wns i^i coni|inriy with Father _Lyiich, (proceeding to Sfc Thcrcsp to preach thero on Siindayl On Saturday evejtiing they arrived at thp hotel At)-Back River, and put up for the, rnglit. ) After retir ing t(j> beillthe" g.-isolint) exjOotled, and before tho-pfiasts Could escape thoy were burnri! to death. The steamor I^eutscTilnnd, of the North German Lloyd's Steamship Company,.from Bremen to New York,! with about two hundred souls oh-board,'. mn ashore, oh' the Long-Siinds, off the coast of Eng land, 'at fivoo clock ;bn '.-Monday morning. On account of tlie lieavy sea atlthq time, tlie-signals foras- sistiince cou'd not be answered un til yesterday, when a tug went to the assistance af tho w-recked ves^ sel nnd took ofT three fourths of her passengers and crew. ; Tho other iifty of those on .board were either drowned~pr had terished from the extreme cold whidi prevailed. Most of the passengers ' were German emigrants, - It seems to be now agrped that thepro{>erty of Air. W. B, Aster, .(whose" death wis announced Inst .week)' wat not ns.largii as at first reported, its value now being placed at not over sixlty niilliona at the joutside. Mr. Stewyirt is said to be worth about twenty-five millions, and - ConiiuodoiJB Yanderbilt an It of (JJlairaalnta tip ^n Estate j$260p0fj),000. _ An aiociati|>n has been fbrtned. in New (York, 'composed of des sen* j ! . , . <..,, ., -hi), it for dants;|pf Johnl Vermilyea, Ttbo, it tb- ii nlleged, was possessor in 166 T of I I___?iL_-i_i I-i.!i: 1- lU ... n. largp tract oj lahil- in the iart of Manbittari' Island, w ?ras grfintcd to; him and some atbers ihlC66[by Richard Nichols), tlWEUYl LIYEi-Y! LF^ELfi Govonjior of N, ?w York, and +?hlcb, ibis clai|nod, h)a iiBTor beoB oted, as tho title of the neii^s jremainea intai it and yalid; Iffopertyj, a poitionrof whicb,|Atil soino ybijirs ago was] under .waicr,'is riovirlvidued nt the immense stiii of $250,006,000. KTbe"' ftssosiniion rhet last j w'eek; andi: elected pjoj ma- r ent offiCors, ij'HijJarVisiCljrssto. ijbers, pho of tio bbire, and counsBl .for.'them), jfutel tbat 171 perl oris of tbo lianie an 1 fiimily of V^rmil yea, and 70 tbirs of collaieral branches) of the faihai^y/wero diiect- lyconcdiined in i-hftlegal proceedings for .the Recover/ of the patritii my ij Tho five. biri-giars arrested Hamilton, oh ^Sunday night e)xamim'd befo.-e the:Magistral on tbo charge of/pmniittingarol'Uery T: ap Adan One .eore of^pi in Guel|ih on/ Friday night, of tlio irisorirrB, named Denihy (ilift'x G. 'iffini I,timed ;Queen's: evi denco, a id'(|iv ulged the-whole op- uration. | Tjhriie). of the prisoiei-s were comrqltted for trial, on) tlie charge of stealing, and two-fori ?on- peoling the) gcods. - Denahy;! was also committefi for breaking g^3l i few weeks iico, X 1 ! .* s^; J*-!J -' If; Lioiii^ cShTJEXi^Pis: we hwe evt r done'^kn$_ : hotMflaHit^j^i, The Jbei't Fall Ikade cash that d6es it. For cash we bnjr cheapi. The leading buying largely and underselling ererjfthing^ ( Pile* of new gobds sJanTS riving, to be rushed offat pnio prices. ' ' v New fresh-stock of Furs on cheaper thap any hitherto shown. mtid, in erery' ;laigf ',i; | ^ 4 cases Neyy:"pry'\Go^d\irph^-cnd^u$'bw^Bir^-, Wofrthy the attention of buyrs. three cases New Mantles,1 "' ;]:'U:^ v-- :^. I-1 r"-|" . ... , i New Flowers; New Feathers;in; endless] Varied, inj the Millinery)department,! up stairs. Thousands' of Clouds, !8orf^. Khan Is, all being sold decidedly ebeap, 1 '"""' DIED. In .Pusjin/ch, on the Gth instl T/yphoid [Fever, Maggie,- daugbte: Gerri), iged 28 years. ACTON; J1ABKETS, WTiiteWlwt. Tread well.... Spring W icat. Barley .. dats.;.. jReaa............|... j.. .. Potatoes, perbuih..!....'. Dried Apples, por lb.'.... QniAns, per busiiel. J.. .. Butter...! .....)...!.'... Egg*......;.;.-.., ...f... Hay, per ton... Dressed Hogs .,' Ijambskins...... Pelts...."..-!..'...'. Clrickcns, (per tb Ducks, . !. " Turkeys Reese Wealth is in stocivs, which may.at ariy time depreciate in value. Tbo" Commodore is now. eighty-two. years of age.: J.iy potild is always included in the list of millionaires, but the extent df his possessions is not known even to his brokers. Ho trusts no on^, and is by nature a plotter', who njay at ono moment be . worth; milliopsj and the next day nothing. i ] ; ' ' It is a g'eat pity that Hertry Wilson .did not live long enough to see this gracious paragraph in the Philadelphia Thnck .:-i-'< What a contrast between Abtorand Wilson! The one was bom with a check-book in; his hand, and jthe other with a shoemaker's awlj and yet the death of the former produces no other feel ing than a curiosity to know how much he is worth, ^hilo the tears of a tuition will consecrate the grave of tho latter. There was just this difference : Thlt Willifim B. Astor could never forget Williaim B. Astor, while Henry thoughts were-all for his country, 0 95 to 0 95 to 0 85 to 0 GO to 0 35 to * 0 60 to 0 40 to 0 08 to 0 75 to 0 20 to 0 18 to 15 00 to 10.00 (i 50 to 0 50 to 0 SOtojO GO J 00 9 OG 7 00 0 80 ..: O05to ..f' 0 0.5 to .. 0 06 to ..- 05 to CrELPa ARIiET. Fall wbeat, 97c to 91.01 ; treadWell, . 1 ! "prmg. jwheat,".(Glaa equal amount, a|though the hitter's '93c to 95|!; spring wheat (re<l e 80c to 8j5c; okta, J33o to Jic; 69c to 70ct barley, otfe.to 62c; bgg)>' aff), peas; - . . - -,.. --,----------. -oof VT dozen, J 7c to 19cj; butter, dairy p.-vc ied, 15c toJGc; potafoe8, per bag, 50c to 60c Tosovrq MAKiiirrs. Spring -wheat, 99c;. new' ' ifhite wheat, SI. >3 to $1.04|; oaU, 36c; bar, ley, 67c to 87c, NEW S1 ADVERTISEMENrS TRAY STEERi,. Came or lier, alx>ut Steer. - Th. property, animal awi ,y, tho pfemiefca of the snlilscri, the 1st of November, a, owner is reqn.ested to asy charges anil takt ;)ro WM. KEED, Krurtch' rait Dec. 3, 1875. / I 24-3t E AELY CLOSING. ul to asiless The Mark iJinr, Express in a review of the"grain|markets for the past week' says : j," An unusually severe winter, having completely stopped field labour and partiality closed the Baltic, has -caused ; the wheat market to harden somewhat, but .Qwing tp the; quantity of grain in granaries, there is little prospect of ia. material advance before spring. Tlie character of jthe weather then will ' bo -unusually important. Should anything j untoward happen an ndvance of ten shillings would easily occur; In Paris flour has recovered ono franc. Good Sam- plea of wheat aro jrather dearer. The same ' remark applies to the French provinces, | to Belgium. Holland, Germany, Austria, and Hungary.. Rain has fallen in northern Africa." i i \Ve, tho j lnderaiKned!, have agre close our rpspectivc; places of ban at 8 P-ni. sliarp on and after MonlAay, the 13th' iiist.,till istj January, thsro- nfter at7;30p^m. Saturdays excepted. . Acton, Dec. 8. 1875. j. James Matthews Wilson's "'Christie! Henderson & Co, Record Bros. I j;"W. Mann s- i Kennedy Bros., -i G. M. ScbJt I Dickson F& McAab Ctaas. T. Hill Robert Craine . G. JB. Mdrrow. 1 A Good StepI- of the mercbants was unaniinously shoxild demand a A.t a meeting of Teeswater, it agreed that. they: settlement -from of of all their custome-s ;6n the first Jauuary, o,nd again Ori the first April, and on thej fifst of October next year: Tlius,lcu8tqmers will get six months credit during ithe sum mer. We believe this is acstep ' in tho>right direction, t|ie first deter-.- mined step to hrii|g jtoari end,or at least to greatly 'onrtail the credit system. There has;never been a better opportunity than the present to make'a i>erious| ajttempt in the direction indicate!, J If j the bank presses tbo wholesale merchants, the latter must push his retail debtors.' The country mere iants must push the farmer,J -If tie * farmer knew how much be loseii by not paying cash as he goes, ho would not cling to the credit syste 11 as he so often does. ' We do not wage an indis criminate warfare against credit: There aro honest persons who really need it, and ther3 are occasions when it is equally wise to ask and to giyo it. ,But tie credit system could'bQ reduced by at-least 75'per cent,. to. the ad vantage of all concei-ned.^j-7,isetra<er News. A GRAPHIC HtSCRIPTlON '--,-. I OV THE I - . DOMINION 0FCAN/5DA ANDrtS * [PROVINCES, AJsn NEWFOOWnT.AtJiy, the- KOn^H- ttriKjii mLlc>u.r'rtt. tUTDa r *JTtirtihm*r WKsr TKRKttoRIES,; nnd LABK-ADOK. with I ANTIOOSTI an containing Information orjOsrcciol the I Eml ;rant, and a Table e>'t to KouU- I A most imefal 100k to send to friends In tho Old Counti y -; rmcu 56 cents, Sent Free or Reoelpt I of Prloe ' 'J. ' --------- I !_ < LOVEI, PRINT HG <t PUBLWB^G OO., afONTREjyi.. Q.tELPH A1 riuory, iolol' enl lilir- ALSO Gold, Silver & Nic^l Platinb Works; 148 QUBSB0 UIBBET, Red ve the llx or John Siikaam, Prop, Mannfac.tur ;r ana Importer ot Beeeli Wnd Muzzle Loading Rifles. Si lot Guns, &c. Revolvers of ajij description)! alviarjp hiind. FOB INO ASBIS. Ely * Caps for He-rappers, BK lid b's Cartridge! Cagei ding same. He-load i-s.. cv.i-iFuoi", vP Ejectors, Cirleim nd Crcasors. Oleanlng Rods, and all aril i e ueeessery tot a Hportsnian's otitflt.-.J i All sorts'/pf Repairing and Jobbing executed pn'tbe HhorieBt notice at Its Ouebeo Btreet1 JOHN Kl Rifle Cllry on tha fiV>m 10o'<Dlck a.m. to II tKHAir. >remls(jl r-m; A bankrupt slock of Tweeds wi!I once, terrific bfrgnins in every piece, quality, at 2(ic per yard. i I n the Tip St airs Depart raent I amfull of Bnfi%r lprKobeSfinuch Cheaper than anything'in Ouelph. We dot^i* besrJTi^pfjsj : try Carpet at ?0c with 5d.<iifierent pattitirns to choote fro m, I 500 pijsces' of dark gray nome'-t&nde Fulled Tveeil, txtra iheavy, at 37 Jc pVr yn" i ^^ [*f\*v+*% * ** m *^ ~** . ** ^4 .^<.S- rm 'f*m 75c. Come right along where the bargains are, and get classes of goods, . T J. D. WILLIAMSON, See the UolderfLion over the door. PLATEB m .Tiatnsl ,VN^'1 Mixed DyJ5xpr -VXail ,S ^fiz*d joiautarl . Knatchbnll J ~~ oil time*j' **!!' kf:'! , -.: aectdent4, ". tTtierestina the ^eo^ntr, \ Copy," t : and not. pailic cewe^U '- latest. ' bevsoldyat 100'pieces of Soirjet Flsnpal^-fins ? full cboi .fillll Very panablj .'%-We; re<jttinti6n r to be pot inl .belo sUble, 4 I Tloed it i :, '--^*r, Cbmlmisj ,A' ^Hhree'iniore 1 '.-.--' :-^y .'.I.T^fOnr;-! - oloseitbeiri iXi'f ji' For the Seasoi. Opening at IHeBean & W ALMA B>LOCK, GUELPH. W are showing the best yarietySpf. JUL IE .pi, IDE OCT -W _4- ^Et Hhi j (KOOBBS', SMTTH'S CHLFBIATKD STAld"), .' '-' r"-,J Kver placed before the people,of Guelplr. Crtfct v I Vases, Toilettes, Celeries, Ac. 41ma Blcck, Guelph, Nov. 24,-1875. Now is X>RIZE PHDITOGBAPHS. __________^_ - --- '-j the Time for Cheap I Pictures. ' Best Retouched and Burnished- I"b.otbgraghi reduced to $1.00 per dozeh at the . Ontario Pi^tacpraph Gallery, Acton. Call at on^e and Obtain a good and cheap picture, finished in the best style, befora prices are .again ad* vanced. i , N, B. Wa were awarded all,ihe first prizes'Over all, competitors a* the late Ooun'ty Kair at Milton, Oct. 13tb arid 14t t 1875. . ' .1 .- ! 1C. W. HILL, Photoj.- Acton,^ov.26, 1875. I 22-3or |] m HARNESS SHOP, Tbe'subscriBer begs to announce to the inhabitants of Acton and vicinity thatihe has commenced the harness busitiess in the : ' ','. Old Pcjst Office Building, MILL STREET, ACTION, ^ where-hej:is prepared to turn out: work second :tl).norle;iri^ihe, Dqriiin-- ion. as cheap as the bheapest, and on, the shortest possible notice. I have ;on hand a large and well select ed Btock pt ',-" Horse, BloaSots, "Wldps, Brushos, Oombs, Tmaia, etc. . Repairing promptly attended to. Give me a call and be Convinced. L ' ^ JrP.DBMPfiETi Acton,;Not, 25, 1875. - ;j -. '" "^OCiALi;.'. A Cpffiee; Social- will -foe' held -*t the. residence of Mr, Charles.Capieroh,- sen., on the evWng of WedneBday, the 15th of December, in aid of StJ AlbanV Church ^arsonajro fand. A cordial I in vitation extended t6 all.: \j ' t - Actonj Dec 1, 187a. : . 23-2t .; -p\-AR^I FOR' SALE.-; One hundred acres- of land, Veil wooded,: being the east half of Lot -21," in tb,e 3rd Concession, in the Township' of Esqueainc. For particulars address ". ; Erinlp.Q,,Ont.,Nov.>,'1875.:j' rcontSnuesi " - ; Sy^BartiJ _;p^m tt piy and ' suitable for] Mi thews' '. a 00: HEIGHJ H(J, STOW What's 'the -v~.. VJ, Why any person.%; 10 wants 4' .:i, andicteap OF H SET Sbohld fiLENESS, i ill on : Harness made to 'order, shortest pdssiblo.no ice. QOZatARSiLSPai tymisiiets. QHRISTMAS TBEB '-.-:- ' .' .'1 . i.-4*11!: UTERARY EUTirr Matter? <2r.ECH; ] MILL STREET, ACTOW, IkTio Is always >eadr) to supply ^!ti. tpmers with eerytb|ng usually "kept [4iiji-' a firsUclass Samj ia Shop. J " i-i! i ^gowtr:-; -: i, ' :^' tho JfJJ . St. Am*re, The new I ' ,fe formally -vning, bj who are* grand < ' pven:, by which the ! ball and ; concert is-i admittjng 1 jner.twodo Webepfyel : ^here frotni MaaaaJe.' At the Walker] held oaMq .officers we . 'year: Bro. Caleb'l -:% ' ^ ' A * John: -:- '" Joha i - '- Jeittl ureal an Stj (.' i^ B. (fHEECHyJH , ; f- The Young Peopte'i 1 Iiteraiy .Sbeiety of the Methodist Church in.Ac*n,* tend having a C3iiritmas-Tree| Church on . Christm: is JBve.' ;'- wiahmg to - hang J pre icnts *h?Jj-:-__ theirifnehds can, do sc on the aftaTiioa" of the 24th. A good literary slni- cal entertainment wQ I be prujtioWt bfi the members ol-Htxi .' .Soorety.----J)t>o*- open at 9 p.m. ;. .-1 1 '-. i_!_J . ! i CHAR LA8BT;3Prstv Acton/Dec. 2, 1874< ;;f .'y%: -Aft A; - m-i j -i.:'-

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