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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 2, 1875, p. 4

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m3ffi!^^^RiS While thunkfng their minfcrouscustomers! WJILLINkRY, ^iAWTLES, TwfcWo^ FfLAIWEts/; HOSIEJ^ onse, and at prices below anything cA-er known in the history of the Dry Goods trade. Thteir-<-bjcet.i^to int prices. Thelr;stock of BOOTS AND SHOES iu Men's, Wouieli's and 0iild*en'sji ^ar,for|lmi^ttyAf[uaiit) and p*iee*comlmietI, jtarext! This advantage over other dealers is obtained by their purchasing direct from the maiM|ictnr^rs^^ jobber*1 as;..m< QEH&&At ORYh GOODS, ev<t?f iiitpoiletHnto this county, by; attyone lj; o :' invite; 1 \m Tidle-t uispeetion of their [^ooils V) offered bef^je >-"this or atljoinmg counties '^l)/j^xyinjr tbe'uu^lesjale dealers pr^iit. A Jiiberai iHseouiithto families hiiyiug'Ui one lot fiveor more pairs. Their ne*?0, durability and 4ilieapnes*. In fact to] at[50e per pound/ worth SUc decidedly tb| jihest value over offered. '-"- it ^i.,-.h : i . KJ^lrff;!^- jT\ : < -J v. 'i- Egt^- : '-A -.;:. i--- S[VU W-^'- -i '-'- %- -: MTdti FREfe PRESS -, TKRaes. fTicMoiUr. n y<".irl RJric lv in -. ove olhtr nd a nau:\vf>!-c?rnu^r.ni; -*r iwndBKi's if not pny t!.l::!: oa-:i of ti:f- \*-ir-^ ?m( or \y!U be'Vtv^ ti :u>y per son nanreiuian n^ yoar"v"U" *.. . . , i*.*rrS5 hr ADVK5Tis;.v;::. i.;-ik>nnts I'-'r.lllw Air (irsvlnserlior. :.,';f -Vi> i-i'i'.ts' j-.\=-lav ,trr ineli >u&.*/-u-.-. i-'i-'-ortifi " *.lij>ri.cuiv*-rtfci5jneiti- -f ^: vt 'ires uu.l a'.-.iiM%"?lf-sr tjl r; ins<-r.u-: ?'. IV.i^'.iu- i. Cnr~:v-o!J tfig-at iiiH-s a:-.d - - Vr. f:-p<u _ _A.!i:jc.~i' -.:i<coc: t .U->.v.-; i.'.v.-rtise .1 .-.^ted -f*r i\* i ,;oriO<l* s %Sr fi K. SBIIftEi HOUSE. On;- Till atock is now to Ji* :f iiir Al\-^:i*-.".i>iur\vnhout r.,:-v-! i'i-uur- stock is the jws'gest nnu csi r;iii-- -:i*>-i:U lilt fL.rl-.<'. ;: - ohLr^oil , ',. .. .-.J' , -.-: < -' fouiict'i.-i tuulitson to ouv la cicj' wA'i i'Juiii iu any If ' Any ^*<^iil Notice. .- ^fTriuc'd -*s t.* p'oiCtiio lite pcf-irrjir- \ t*.-:i! tifniiy Ji-cllVt-i**^'. or e.iTuiijuiy, ;<V_' - **usi'.itu',-l Tmi^r;-!!.! att\>'ltSfmeiK.- ' t>e j\s!! jfeir wapi: f-.Kcevl- All ttdVfri--..:i aocoatits" .' reiliit*.-.i'.v-! -rttffiy. . : inirci!t-<S fr^e I' " THt WEE PJLHt. O'sEOOX. O, lay thein cannic .iIoau', iTamic, An' y<, ' An' =parkiiu: e'e sscliHglvi. Q.rlay-tCein safely doon beside :': i'rhe lock o" silken jhiiir.r J TEm tUe ijatiin'o* thy hwift an* mino j_- " "Will aeicr iveax them taair,! ^ut. Q': jye.Dannie hide, Jrjnis, The voice,that lisiitNi ye'reaamc ;"" r .-cJ[-' :he vte t'it has s; sao of> hv-U j - ;/ Mi' j,y when ys casi' hazai ! -[ .."Va. caniii iik" pTOy the snaiSj '.. Tlii 5ji>^s Ifev siisiuer -mc^:-; , .V--' trrj ro^y moa t!t^* s^-chi :,Vk;^^ ' ,~.Vis;n \e Trei^ %Tjiiirv iTOrn S . ' "- - ' limii*. openoil p and iiisj-;l:iypd-to yibw.>". ThU iici-st wo h.ao ever iii)j>">rti)tl, ntV in it wtH bo largo stock ot'V.Ublo goo-'ls, erery luxury iiml-deli- - y establishniout, biiclVfis, . J ..j. . Fro.-h Oytlsrsj Cove OytSrrs/ Chiina, iCpUrtCtl .5:.w;h^;7iT" S.il-(lilics| Ucinn Tio'ut, j. l'"inuan Uaddios 1-.; ijholl Lob^terp.. PresiO^i Lemon.Jelly, j ; Pear ^elly, , -;Gr.\pa Jelly,' Teach Presorve", W4 7-C-1-& *" -- 'TUe -;istlSf-.l wihd^'l'lavrs cvjla, Janil>, ' :*" The sm'^s oa'kiU an-l i>l^in ; . |'. irhe r-^TTe-rs tjbat deek'l ray l;u;'i-j-.ic";- ) ' i - . 5.Tave, "*= " " ] fi ; Arj :a-li-i DT.D. aa'gnno ! i '. : I li; yon fsir'anil abSori : ]. .That wee, wee pair o' Rhoin.- ,-. I v r.ou Currant "i B'.rtckCurrac! Qur K-- ? FAMfTJY MATTERS. -.TctTuTc^^qnins. - A. drop- or trrp ;. of *.ii-.j.'n"6?atwd f;pirat rubbed oil 'the sn:ms will af'ny "frit!_aramation. A:;:niqr4-ii.is tfao bcii a:id chesp-) /, "it ajipliejtioa vto n move. ;gi-?ase I:" : f L 3;-;jts. ', Wijah ^:itiid-ar/soft water jiCogge;' COC03, , I 4 1 t Canned t3-} -J " .:' Gooso'Werrie?, . "- ^ira-.Tbamei, C |.:f.v:i;m- "-r cleaiisin'i;. -..i-tAbleepiDon- ! .'of q>Iacii j>ei>rH-r : .:,- in the first 'witer in which.yre; y,l utjfJF linens* :. -aBbedr'J&\ii! 'k<-?.- tliflm from _!-:>lluio. I-t " generally -'.}: :ei> the colors of hi . : '. r "colored v-ihitiiica-or rnuslip- '.. n" gunning, ii-ul does notjwtrdi'f1. '.;-'. watfr./ The Hair. A goo.t h nr r-estora- ">tVe may be. muua of boxvrood . i .-:ves, of wiiieh take }. handful and 1-: 'U into one pintcf Mi.iM-rig water, lii^'ext for ai hour, siir n:. i i^n inin- .. --. art-IXhen strain- ".-. applying ~i:-. t-ij: lue llair'mt>'it -. "; '\xij- tli'e r- ' - t, ' j__ .-, , i'" 'fuiiS, H'naiut-'l Pou. ':.& ". disordered slom-' : .'feouie-i CliocSlate, furpisliing "of i Kaim or <iar<kici, such'a%, Nails, I/Jcka, Hinges, Bpades, Shovels, Fork?, ,r$, Saw, i Carpenters' Pistols, Revolver^. Ammunition,, Cartridges, Brass Kettles, ic. r^f1 i'v les :. slr.sle. teaspoos'. .: v........ lJ-. dared .-effeci.'./ t .:->;> . tLe'i JtJjT 5-02-^*tlHg Vit'ieat icteTOal seb,in|; -li.j.i i^o!ic>Jj " !' a ieaspoonfin of salfv;.'!'.od to a p:;U of1 "cold water, atiii. l'-.ink at 6:j?e, has teen known tc> '"onl re'-l Xablo'Ctittlery,' l'oc'.et Cmttlery, >lirr"o mmm mm ".::i.-3il|v.a ... y'tnmmt ft i for their very liberal phtronge during the paft scasoHj beg to intimatej that they are oi the largest, cheapest, and most choice stocks of MILLINERY, l^AWTLES, TW&&&&> ffLANNEtS, HOSIEJRYi"-"RHtRTSV agaijn fully equ!p|ed 2t a neat and Mylish,snt at a reasonable price it is necessary to cull at (he| Glnsgif?w HoWse; ^ull|lin^^^^^ h^"} sters always in Stock. /Elack: Currant Jelly,- Crab Apple Jelly, Ked Currant Jelly, Strawberry Jolly, - i'iae Apple Jelly Kasp"bo;ry i ' WHte Fist, CDd1, iSalmon Troati Herrings. Jelly. uc.PVJm rre.=erve, Baspterry Preserve, oniharaj. do- dO' Ponr do o!dn Prop do <lo CheVry * - do ^2,slis Large, Fresh, Choics, ihned Black Currants-^. Canned Tomatoes,! " Teaches, - " Green Befns, " Green Corn, .Corn. Confectioao-y, liicuits, Eaisino, Currants, So a.ft6 0S 0 6M ?i|2;i i - - , lii every Department at th'o i' F .VSHIOHABLfi WEST I'EiitffD. OIlDEliED OLOlfHlNGfDEPAItTMEIS Ci T. mil hb i street,- A#r<wr, . .i'. DEADER J.N" j4i O. 3TTOli^-3s4, : k Is non- prmipU.to In cvpj-y;U-!'\rtm"iil, mi.l 1'Kircs .....' - (,w [ rinii'iii' I'. i.f .Vcw i sliinnatiTo <i...'.<li ls-tn<!Tl:iel"lie U'us ever Ailmilt-Ud lor jnOIl ) itpiiiov..l, (luiillnii is Invlle.rtocfir " ; ' " . . . " : '. : I Silk and Press Department Shawl and Mangle Department. Milliuer^i; Department. 'urs, Fancy Woolen Goods, Hosiery, -Kidj Glove [Blankets, Flannels, TjvveedSi ;&c./" >"]- .: AH of tvlilcli wo. are prepared'to cut at the very! lowest vrices-. piC??, .: Pickles, :: -flavors,' Castor and Olive Oils. Mustard,'." - Soap, Hair Oil, By Steeping Good > Goods, and Selling. Cheap, We Bene^t Oui Customers; ':! EAcRDWARE. I In Hardvfaro we have every article neces5ry-t<x.complete the building or nyHouse o Barn, also every :impiement necessary'about a A. O. BUOHAB0* iery acu Mil .FnilitohnblcAVest fciul Dress, Mllllucry oq Mni|aeKftjdiUsliment Giiel?h,_OcU i-J, IS75. -,]' N EW FALLv&b O T?S. AKRl.VIN-3 DAILY AT BS0SSOH & M j?o not fail to visit the ; '. . i / And examine:tboss pile3 of! wiNCEYS, ranging fiont 10 ceiits upwards, Also (hose COTTOXS, all best Canadian makes[ ranging jiVom 8 cents upwards.'- FLANNELS, from 25 cents upwards. Ano\ other Staple and Fancy ithy Goods in proportion. &[ -HffcNAB Acton, Sept. 23^ 1873. ! Tools^,Bolts,,'ChMns^ Ropes, Blatting Powder, In. this' l>rai lizi us quickly as any cfh -.-. ki:own :rsmrdy. ; '^ ! Cblprtde of Lim.~C:ji:,r:ac' o: _..lime, la'-a.-ti^btiy-coi-k'.-i "ri*']e, i rar'i3?:'u! Article'to b' k -.. i -.a th ; ho'.^ie. iiisides bei n^; a4 .^'i.-ia -.; 0:; '-' disinfectant, it: is eai-.l tutllj.eiw '.- slent- to use in ease .or .. j'imi.-i i dieted Ly dogs or rab'i anima .until tb-i physician arrives. JM two tabl-.i-fioc-nfuls wi'Jj.K-slf a piilt - , 'of fresli *iater,.and bath; ue woucd qoriSt^ntaf, ,-".,-' ^, - j.- ' Tq H>afc'Yegeable^;--Veget i- ; bles.should never be -washed until ' , immesliafely 'before being prepared; . '.for-the-table. Lettuce is tnade:cl- ' most worthless in flavor by dippir g ..,.-id ;;*a.ter-:8oine; liours before it is jiarVed. Potsltoes suffer even moo "., thau other vfgefcublea through tie washing process..; Tifey should nitt be put in water nntil just-ready f >r' iioilia^.. _^ .'".' - i,!p.Salve, Toikeep' the lips sof ti/ ;ise this- salve';,Wliite wax throo tvoJihtun, spennaeeti one xml a ha Lf . draUBH, olive oil nix. drachma, n\- Melt tie _ ,W3i and spermaceti in a. cup. then llij oil and root in another, noli- ._. . T. , _.. . . . . ti.S rirc^'Btram tL'rqugl, muslin L **nMMJl8 ?M ?}&".", fine linen, and mil With the "wax; - iidd balsainj ,of 'Peru one drgchip, "- . ossenee pf birgta^ai tea drops, otjo >o! t-yn<i ftve di:p3._- ' /; I ifpoons, Kazor?, Stb^k. of Eard'y7are:;'is-,Large,^eil Se lected aa.d Oheap, : v',; ]":-. j paints; OILS, ETC. We bold a ikige stock of all kinds of Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Varniehes, Japahi ...Brushes, Pencil i, Grainipg C6mbn, Points, Gold L-af Sojaita 4c fcHOGKIJRY,5CHINA, ETC. cb we have We &ai at pies WhiteiGraiifte Tea Bets, " ". " j Cups;acJ Pl:t*s; ; Pitchers, |i .<t~~}. K' BfercB'ftiil'Sc^B. Soak aipiece |j. "1 |'. -r/f'Ufeen Tug|in liriiced\x)il, tin|pc'nd ,^-i' it n-dai tfce tongs over a saucer, and -tWn'.be tho lower end. iTbeoiKwhS* w.ps from it '*kile consumjrig AiinW bo pplilf_when -eold^ witb pieSJa'; of .feather to .the; bujra" c r /-mIJ. jlf fcpt.'iij a bottld we|l -'"--^ - / -" n:W it lflkme> nbne of its efB<s*cC ibg oheip'oni at net p , . t A1.3thfir?r^oaj is to apreid ;clar|- f they- are dot^| ( 0ur Te , *}fplj h/XO the'wcundiinpedia'tel :> .1*. Wl i; gen>r.iliy iielicve the pa: >^ :/fiBta:>y,i |Hid_ :heal' the sore in a " '. .fVases, Lamps of all tieds, Glass 'Preserv i, Dish'es^ " "'iTrait'Diihes,- ."' Cake Dijibes," Toilette,Sit*i. teen per cent! loser than saves money jy dealing sit Our Custoniers We Benefit Ourselves. " - Canes, Cruits, : Scissors, Brushes. ivery fine stock of beautiful goods, compriging eyery thing in .tUfl lirieyincludJDg glassware of all descriptions.. -AND READV-MADE-CLOTMIM'O ... . ' ! '. . "1 ' . [s much larger and better than over. A splendid stock tq select from, at very low prices. .'. - ' r ! En G-rocerjes, Crockery- and- !4- siag onr.Oustomers, ;.and keep- >w3iat- tney "wa^t-U : Are offered for cash or produce, The Bubsoribej: begs to retuiTi his sincere thanks to! Acton and surrounding country,.for their liberal patronage, arid trusts that n future tbey. will continue the same liberal appreciation. As a large portion of his'^ business is: ready^pay, he can !iL; SELL, GHE APEB Than those who ive long credit and haye a great many . L ." China Tea, Sets, ($L0 kinds) laucers; _.~ ." Va8p3, ' ' :, : !- " pitchers, - Tuster Jugs; Fancy iTugs and Pitchers) \ Sick Bod Cups and Pans. I 3^agnin(;ent peop ;Blne and Bronze Toilet Sets. (plass Table Sets,: : --. * Glass Nappies,".- "Tumblers, il. "; Pickle Bottles, .Goblets,; ". Pitchers, " Celery Glasses, J. " tsyrupiPitchers, W/e:don"t giye' discount 3,. for we|don't believe ip tbem. 'We prefer sell- ice's,-so "tKat bur. customers know exactly what they are dolirgi|.Uur. Teas are twenty-jttrd per cent, and other goods fif"" *.-.- !__ ....=.- they--eanhe bought elsewhere^ and every person ISBCOBD BEOS. CENTRAL EM^ MILL STREST, ACJCppT.- . "HIS"FALIi STOCK OF .j G-bbDS Will be found a complete assortment of the best quality. G RE^T B A R Gr A, t^S ! or tl|e Fall and Winter jcaJripaigii, 1. DRAWERS, HATS, 111 shaving (aidin^j^l cordialHyi!^ priceli:and exti!ee'i?> mvyi\ut,^i^^: Hifii liou^esf dp, thefe! T.'s'tHI;).iiiafiit-a,?u'K;-l.ls"/rippiitallon'"for. ftv)e^ 'mjfofe'jfc Tali General Q-roceries, Scots and Shoes, '- '" -' , ?-j .' '! ^Tall Papeir,;;^ Eliids, i Lins Ea-w Ss .lieiled Window Orookeryi j.. . Glassware, - iTails, Glass, Putty, eed Oil Paints, 1 urpen^inei, Haoi,ine Coal Oil /- Salt, cite. ThoKiijbscrlljr beffs tojetiirnhls'thahlcs to the iiilmbilantsol Act^n'pndsiirronn'd- lng country for tlio, liberal patiqnage Oil, horelof^re extemled'to hint, sumo tiiiie solicit their farther support ( " ' N.Q.- Cash Paid Ibr HldenideUvered. T. BILL.' and Q-lasswire. the inhabitants of ge, arid afford to Acton bad, debts. MAIN STREET, AptOM,. General BlackBmitb, Carriage and Wagon fllakfcn . Best lidrseVSliders In tHe " Perfect satisfaction guaranteec] or no price ic iia.rged 0LLARB?S PATENT IRON, ?ApL0 WS! Always on hand. A "Good vSiock" of:; Oarriages janjd-; ^Tagpns.1 TiLPAIRING promptly ond properly attended to, " Acton^ July>t 1875. . :; County 'it OOR J I^EO. IE ;diaiiisSi% HBteEE^oif & op^l j j||j ^EMdVAli. Ky*Wi^K**'K*>,*<' ^^ir'ii .'^! VM v~S. ' i \ :>J[imbeJ Si^geonj -mIM $m QfLSlklS? A2ID ife^GGIS^ I S eric Has removed to the t -m >. ';> Brick! Drug Store; oipi Mill ^tre^til Formerly occupied by fhe-late DR. 3AHTEB, jwhich has been ejjlargedjanJb ."-" re Htod-:'"-"." \-- -' . 7. jv />:J (I large stock ,of Drugs, "Jledicipes. Jfancy Gobds, Toilet jiirticles^Ac.^^ jaysonhand. . ' ' Sewi?4 :CoUegs,| Xue Acton. J Master, to Ian,J ypmrthvl al^ Fay Acton, Nov. 3..1875. -. ':*y X- imtM euul Allocs V""-: if.'S A large Btock of Boots and' Shoes,.of. the: very best minufaclnrf, hi iia]0 he?n received at [- -iP.j :- -'. i'M I fi Tit* 'GKAilNE' :.<&: SON'S E fjp S^SLL 3TREET/ A.OTON: A lull line of all sizes' for'.' 1 :. <'"?5 at the LSVgSY&SAlE STABLE . ALLAtf-j Tnkos jp'.ensure In nnnouncliig : public generally flint bo U pi'ep; ' ' furnish |- ^l':-- X) '..the red: to slass Horses and C3,rfiag;o3 l-A First- t Rensonablo Il^tes. His Ti-jsi anil: HoVbcs ure tho'op;t that can bn hml, iiud liojs deteriulned hot to uii surplisscd bv any city Stable, .',Acton Julj; 1st, IB75. . "j !; PRIf^TliyC Of every dejscjiption In1 the- best and inpsjt at- Iractivie styles; promptly executed at the (In" IJatthew'sj,New\ Builctn?)";; AC^@'# ,T. H| IjAClXtNG, ' i'popifictor; '. v 5tpS,'\TOMEN;-ANDrG Will be found to-seleet from, at prices as low as cari'be.hadianywHere. | '" "-." ' ...- . ' . . ' : L\.'- Special attention is called to our - ' -'^.V"^ j which,at all times receives our carefui.personal.supervision. ;,-Jetfect' satl-'.),i'; fa> stion gurtVabteed/. ._.;' "-' ! V Repairing neat]y*;and promptly.aftenj^d to - . / Acton, Sept; 28, 1875... , EIGHT CENTS ON tHE #fl t^^ r > b. 4". _| -Flour I i wholeiild \.\ GhoppinJ jr-XJraioi. 0&S the 'i"L-\<!Ile'laraiJ iipubhc; *> ossi m fcOSfl; -TU--1- ---f-'Ko, ! 'new HotJ '. - .Wiiii ney -"_ j Ters, willi .1 commodil -' i .- Jittentionl ,^i trayellinj j/ v "bestliqd H.atihg adopted-t .-; And discount for ica'sh of 1 'or'three mbhtha past,: would take this opportunity Systeni Ha^: ProYedc3^osj; Sa^isfaiqtoj?yi: > -j ';- To my nunierous ciistoTners-and also lo myself,' % wifl cb|4tihjae:-to_- -v ^ell Goods!as Low as atiy Hdtise| in-tiie tfrfadtfrl ......v1'-:l--:::^-C;v.Vr^\.:^feKtl^'/'^^ Doing~a.Credit Biisanessjlaiidj will give .the .. 8^'PEB-;gSt : L>IS(J|}II^ --J '<P^ m DOLLAR, of siatiiig tha^thft.-' "J= ."Xdl i- '... if or the" c| ,- jton. or -Ite. :^' ^ iW iLf 1V-; i^-'ittHj^ Customers ivill nodowbt aVail.themaelves of" ji. sitisfied.'o^snocesa,'aTid satisfection'to aU cpJQ^rned,in'the. tash'^ii,^^^ ount system. : ;- . *-\-4-Hcm system f -. -. ..... Prompt rpaying. mpritJily. cu jtomfers conkicWed ^iB-wish, tjiediscount.' '," ;',--% ' " : '"' '" ::' '-" j ""'"" Qmh :'tot:-^10^^^: donveyanccr, IssneiPvof^^HturHagce Licenses, , 1 Agent Money to JLoan, Agent .Montrca) Teli fourth Div. Co!nr^C<H. In Q.B.,1^* ;"',' , y-\:':X.S . Uton, Septe'mbor-1,.187. J l^ ^m and-wui<gsi|ij Insnr^nce Ag^ V-.* Ml Toml &ctj aod r 1,^ Cl i-a-i ;&(i^

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