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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 26, 1875, p. 3

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: '515 J _ r--. -^x-m :---:;'-" k.^Y .M3 IN r erf f bargains, I-' ' >- [ss variety .- riiads,^ s*r^ ]:.-;! ie sold at'".;_ Flannel, 6&a li of JB-iffa-; |th< beat Tape*- "; I; 500 pieces, of. "{ Iper yartL worth 1 Fun cbojwotmt i't 4k. , ,: ON, #& se " - p- .--?. x, iX.Ss TtttSK TIJMK TAB1.R. L Trains liav* Aetna'as jfolttows : . _ ," i J-ooiNG.vfcKsta'. v ..Morning Ma'1 '* . - ! : ,A i>. VO a.m. Pay texpreaa i.--- '--"- ' - '2.(Xl[>,m., Kxpros* - - " .V2\>p.mv Mixed ' . 7:Wp.m. : Xight Kxpttats } - ... 12t45a.nK col NO EAST. NightEspr**4 < Mixed N-.: - Pay Express *MU - - 3;^ a.lu. l):5Wa.i.': '5-atp.mJ .8:3$ (v m. ' Ifulf $H8 Watrm closed aL8i!45.a.in. ' tiFMhg'Bt *i S ^ nu. "-! ';B)^iabe*cd Lcitters must bo in'-five nimntca Iftforo tine above l\pura. j Knafchbull mailj Tucsdaysiaml Eridays. LOCAL SEW^ Wt'TAalt be gtcul, +U times, fc'TYfriir JJrt. o/'fe-xij tictr.*, /W.-A <M -ffefiitf- cinn-.V jrrric\,i i;i<rf. /: 7* <!{" i^yrjriWY. or ofAty- saiirtir.-s, SCfida'.li, or <*</ < * K\fii<<A mag be ttnl/ixsiiiig, Wi>f >>i fJii* liMriiltty i>r iij, - jtfe WJftv!,,!3*<TKiWv..' -3f<iW<*r or* Mitf - ijKtrf mmst I1}' jsrnf miirMJi- *' PrtHter'is .Copy,'1 pt #j?l r<' o*~ hi* wW-. .rxrokj, . ewrf^oJVtiNi^ 7m-.< ' r jo uijtifrr .,k /iMtVicn&M \it (J* >?^.*a t - or * fo. tr-- " in~it oy ':Jr%ithrfiiy J* v - fiiy, a/ fAe LOCAL MATTERS. M w %ere about ta prepare our "rfitoriid_ro&tt-er,'fc>r thia issut, vre received fa telegram tor-go'imme- .-diatcl'y^to <|uelpb as':& witness in a libel: case,': Absence from our duties will] ?_ trust be accepted by our-Headers;s the cxmse of the lack of editorials';- ' "-Jill! ~\^. vct-'-abd- /-but"" - "* - i' the, approaching Icipal ruatters. are quiet little is. heard.abciiit _ elections. We undostafod:that the pr/afent. Reeve would J^efer_that souie' other ,^ood < in"n".Wnldj take his place, but the: probabilities ri\v tliat he will-not "Be alloVivwt to retire. .-.It is likely thare ^rilljbc cimsidcrilile cfiafigL- in tlid (Council, ats jwe 'lcu-ri-thal .two 4r th^ee of the present ruem. w bers.'liav.s signified ^heir^ intention of aot agkin. biicoming cundidatesj ; Tbejn'ames of any now- amdidatc^ foF / tite honors ha-ve npt yet been (,. mads pablic. ^"TLe, year is fast ' ^'drawing' to a '.jclose.'and it is now -" iWorderl for aiubifipus "men to put /tijemselTes ,i i^hu J-^There is soiue change) in the ("/ran.]. Tnuj^.Tarie t^Wo this vr.-u.k- Tie Vain known as tis " l>ntch ^fiil" now lk\-ej Act in at 9:10 instead of S:3o, go- -: Jrigc^sL There are ptheqslight changes. I The prosj^cts'now seerh favor- ha^Tii^ t*ie new Methodist 't;"iai;rcE cl.^sedin this season.. The brick . i^ori is almost completed, tad carptn-' rfers are at work at the. roof. ~ Where Sepprft Broa. > geas ioto a rsw rkokxv mu->Kna nv t-oirr. AVe can got no"fcoa hcrc.l ko your SOc tea. Tlcaso. nciu*) u ,Uto .jwiiUdB for which phviso nud 'casIi cue loMtf Send per express to Hamburg sfc ,tion, J. c. a da of your rioase wA- ni^ JO pouii bfst bbxuk tea, same as bust -4-.: I ". I. M.k Ouolph riojj send me;fcnHl8 > r. 80 pounds caddib. of the Mine tea 11 ad tram you last j it is excellent Tho p rtoa was Mo. . J. JkT, Milton, . We; are again out of tw, and as tho latt ydn sent, us broTed i ory satisfac' tory lioth as to c ualit'y ai ;d price, you willoliligo by sending mo t rst opportu. hity.5 Uw; of th* sftme kin I at 00c per lb., also the following goodi. :; . ^r,.8- r ..Wo have tpatcjl^thq sajmjUe of 50c meteor tea yoii; kero goo.I enongh to give mo when in Acton, an H must say it is the best at; tho'pric< I have over trietU Please scud to JBranpton station 10 His. of tlic .safiio for wl ich I enclose cash. ie same f< i-;vf. u. w. Brampton. SUOH liOWlNQ. never reard before \1 stippose y about iiOc tea, asJ you eeo e\ ery week in the Free Pr'essJ Oao firm has it break, iiijj all the U a pj>ta in tlio I oighborhood that ..has',tY.o nnsfortuno "f using it Another firnv-thiit iheir toa has jio rival bu? itself. Thq-P^st Office Store claims for, its 50c ;toi_ riiedieiiia] properties', ly that they hafre/never had a vJiour's sick ness "since UBiag.it. Hesiysalso that the .8 per ^cuUdiscount M giving great satisfaction. ' ' 5, ,e.j . -"j : " ' " trrpjeng^ twQEn^, ,-"", Iprompily and pre--'.; i 1 rny residei^ee, pear ' lit a Bsde-and.adial rHUOH BEU- .1875".- t 2P* -- I' - i of ibe aaV I 4th cpn.^aa8 ab. "rlih*- eV#er> ^ y,jjjcharg^_ Trf. 3. GdSDOSM Sot. 15, i75j.: +i j.-/-.. A t. [ho wants good hep/^-'..:T':' A"- v-m ;- ill on <R m -U:^K iT;-jii)T*iw v jr 5.^ -' k-f " ^ |to^OTdr:>i otieeT . [ CREECH. -^; . .ir-.j5-. ^ -a ' .- ! 3< s " J .- ,'SS-"-i f '^a'S^t vx'i?-#:".- ; Tea ilEETLXG ix Erin-.^ On tht- ^evening of Tuesday;!T^ec. 14th, a tra .meeting will.be htld in': the Union Church, lot 17., con*.5, Erin, when addresses will pel given-- by . a numlierpf tminiaters and others of well "known ability ai platform 'speakers.:. The^roceediirgs will-j)e enlivened by rocal and instrucaeri . tal music This, it ia expected will Ipe one of the jbest, gutertjiinments ;of the reason. Tea will; be Served at sDe o'clock. . -^ '/ '1. \t\vUBditar of the .Fret tfrrxeJ " ' ! i'^lE, pl-waa pleased that yon had ob served the great annoyance ,w,btch the echool chilliren are contdoally giving ui^by running into the:post'office on their Vay to school, at forenoon recess, at noon,"and going .home from school. .To ^nkaSe sure that alt tfeejaeinrJerCISf the; fasnily have no~caIled they also : often come' in. after night. I have no doubt.the parents of these children do . not know of. the continual annoyance complained of, or they' would not allow jitf I hope in the future that there will . be some understanding amongstmem- ibiti of aiasjoly, which one. will call at the post office, and hpw often each day. Another thing I hate, to Bay is,i I am vfely fond p) compaoy, and ajnalways- ^ad'.So see/my' friends, .butif they could epnv.enienily come in through the day and. not so thick in the 'evenings, it- 1 wcjnhjt do. me a kindness. Only this . . week, a lady told me. that she came to the door in the evening, but the place. was Wo crowded with -what" shall I. call f. them J not loafers, butjnst .people wait- k ing around that she could -not venture ' "Jin. be'wanted.$4 worth, of goods and I*as fesftng to pay theinoney for thefri, but I was..depriyed: ;0f thai customer, ., and many others thai havg'tolcl ine, just 5, "by so many waiting-ajQund. "Sow, 1 Jfvdpn't; think those that are in this habit .? with me any ill-wjll, bntjfiiey ai hnrt- f liuj my '.tiad^ in .this wajr not inten- > - itonally. TYoung lads art notified that they iwill not hereafter-'be allowed,to i&af around the post office. . . ^ r" J AS. MATTHin,VS, P. Mi Acton, Nov. 24, 1875. . i-' IWe had intended making some re- T'lnark* in connection with'the above, wi^h reference to securing some place of : ^rjeaort, other than stores and bar-rooms, for evening pastime ; i but being^ pressed for-time, wilTdefer ifetill next fseek.]" - ' Th&Post Qflace Store, Acton, :- Gives 8 cent* on the \^lldiscount for "cash on aU.; General Groceries, Crobk- ery, Glassware, Wall, Papers,. School Boots,'; -Stationery, 4c; On a purchare -" of 25 ;Xte,;-4 cts diifcount ;on 50 cents, 4 cents ; on 75 ;"cU, .'6 eta; and oh $1,.8 cts. Cash?Customer*i-thin^, and .; justly too,, that they have not; her&" tofore -feep fairly, dealt- with, in' having; . to psv the same pried for goods as; tho^; runmng'^ yearlybaccounts. .KoW'they can: get justice at the Post Omce Store, - wheJe 'they get which_ij % reasonable, margin.betftreen - cash and yearly accounts.. All kind* of produce wanted in exchange for goods; i"' j : J ~ Chriktiof H^ndenipn As'- Co,y "r .Apton, turn jout the best fitting atfd of any , * Souse, in Western Canada. -They guar- . antee a perfeet tM and, self at bottom j - P"ces,iHate; cap^, gloves, etc, ingrcat \. wwiet^-.-;^ [^Wanted; ..1000 :den good fresh tggs. Also;any'quai tity of.good fresh fitter,/,"Highest pr ce. Secokd BroSwJ ' CAi-Tiox.+,Weimost reskiectfully d siro to cauti/ri our custome rs" not to put t<x> much or our.^elobrate 1 50c Meteor Tea inf the; oot to draw it once. To prevent a^iLfcnts'grcaiT/c luti'on should be used in nrawing this tec, ovving to its great strbngth as well as fi] te flavor. . 10 grains ,are/ warnvntsKl to burst almost any t<p pofc. SEOORD.BBoi. KCTRAriRPlSAKV Exri<o>iox. A lady callebatvMcs5ra Seeord B-os.' store the other day, and stato>l that : he had lieard so mxiiy.hi her neighbors extolling the virtues j>( their balcbratv I 50c Meteor Tea, thaft she determined ' o teat it for. herself, j' She phrchascd a caddie,-and yesterday "morning 'but son? of itiin.i tea potion the stove.:t<i]drair-.for .break fast. Knddcnly a terrific oxplosion ac- conipaninl by smashing of crockery,: and spillirig of boiling water; aid great "con- fusiou generally was heanl Upon look ing fl>r the cause it w:s discovered. "that /the g'd' lady had q lite mistaken the strength and quality o this tea, and. had Jput;the sunt qnantity of Meteor in the /pot that -she had l>ee a accustomeil to put in of the stuff" nsuall; sold through thef country as 50c tea, w ;th the above res|ilts. Fortunately nob< dy was hurt iVe do not intend the ^obove;to be 1 in its litters! sense - We merely puhli->h in above Iform t<> make it at tractive. SecoRD Bnos. ] 10 tons \J>f Geese, Thicks and Tiirkeys wanteil" at Chri itie, Hender son <t Co. 'a,' Acton, as & on as steady, fnnst sets in.. Must be- 1 icely picked nf>t scalded or \ drawn, i nth' tail ,and ihg feathera aud ajio""'iiead left on iaust .not. be fed within tea hours of^ killing, as then the meat will be'much ore tender and-white. "hey are. just ning up another Uot of that famous Tea. -Millinery, - Mantles,-, etc:,-in ck or made up and trin meoTto order, short. notice, at" Chri stie, Hinder^ pn *.' Cov's,' >4eton.- Thoy still main- i their reputation for ;he most sty 1. ih millinery,;etc.,'sold b; any 4use in he Province. : Also for yie finest'flav- :Tca, -^-Special dFives i'l" Blankets, elt Skirts and Shawls at L'hristie, Hen derson *"-Cq's, Acton: Men's Shirts d drawers at bottom pr e'es.,,' See their llebraicd; wile' width I2J cent Win- s; Clohds,,,Wool Jackel sandHosiery infendless variety and at j rices that can- t>e undersold. , ,Try 1 me pound of t famous. 50c Tea,' and lext'fime you you wiH take: 10 lbs. Everybody nounces it-the best yaluo in the rKet-- We never step^ ii to the'live, wide-awake^ ?and go-ahiad store of Meksrs. Second Bro*.,: that we do not find fresh cause for wondei and astonish ment. This house is cert linly a credit to Acton, and is in overy ray deserving of me extensive patrbeaj e it is receiv. ing.Tthe! liberality togct^iei with-the cor rectness .and Justness ;;ofjall their deal ings! have'gained for; th :m, the confi dence of e>ery person; It is astonish ing to see the great loaids >f) goods con- stanoly being delivered at.their -storp, on? wonders where all the goods;go to,. oFwhlo useajhem. They llus and we knowlit.mhBt be so, that the railreads and steamboats! are const kntly convey 'ing-gopda for thlr store, a|nd that there is no day In thoiyoar that steamboats j have -not sone goods on boardlor-them.; For instance, they_ re ceive some j hogsheads nf _ to-morrow they immediate' f order more, andbyithe time: this] travel j the distance from SloHtreal to Actbn t ie first lot is sold, and so on, thus the; - have a; con stant .nream-.of- goods coii* tantly travel ling towards their house. "*r J_" ' everythSngyon want,'from est staple to th? choicest lu: rary, brought from! every land and ev :ry clime, at their.^4re- Bead their 4dvertisement else'whi Qi^M ACTbK .FREE Milton. o House, r! f ramo >f choice ok runs Aoton.- >t 'BARGAIN. \ ].y> _ FOR SAIiEi. i .'. : Ijo^ INo. t?0, 3rd Gdn., ICsquoalng, J of. !iv mile.; ftoui tho UourWiing yillago of iActon] containing 100 acres. About 50 acres hea\iilytinu>ore<l'with Pino, Hem. lock aud Cedar, .-suttaufn .fot,(telograph 1k>1os ot ^osts. Kxc611cnt.Fi eight roomed, in thofough ro; stable ani^ log barn ; oroha fruit; anoyur failing spring c: through thu premwee. Tcrnis - Ply. to ' CHIAa came: Main St, or by letter to Box . P.S. If not aoljl will be ron DB. RpiBER1|S* Celelsrated Ointment GAtXTttJ MtR i' ' v POOR MAN'S FRIEND, 1* confidently recommcniltil tojtho I'ub- llons ununfnlllng rcmctlylor wounds of evni>v: description| u ourtatii 'cure fbr Ulcerated 8oro Lens, even or twonty years' standi ng; cuts,-., Ilurnj, Boolde, lirulsoH, Chllblnlns, Ucorhutlo Kruptlons, and Pimples'on the Knoe, S.oro and In- flumeU^KyeH, Sore' HeudR, Soro Breasts, Piles; FUiulu, aud Bancrrous Humours, anil Is a Specific for those ntTllct|ng Erup- UonH Unit tonietlmcs follow vaolmiatlon. Bold In Pots at In. lid', and is, Od.oach- . Or. Rooorts' Pilxilw AatiaoropiialD Or ALTERnATIVli: PILLS, connrmed by sixty yearn' experlenco to bo one of the best medicines ever compounded for purifying the blood^and asaUtlng Nuturo in her opernllons. Monro they hre use ml In Scrofula, Scorbutus CompUilnWi Qlnn- dolar Swellings-, paialculartv tl)6so of.tha >{ ck.&r. Tney forra.a mild and superior Kaiolly Aperient, whlcb.niay b* takoo at- hII times without eonttnement or ohanto of dleu Sold in Boxes nt Is. JI<1, 2s.0d., J. IM', lis. ond 2ii. each. B^ THE PROPKIIiTOR*, BEACH ANDi^ARNECOTT at Tnain :. DISPCNSAUY, DBIDI'ORT, E <LA>T, and by.uinpcspeetable Medlclnq Vendors piARM TO RENT. ; Tho subscriber offerai to .rent or lot on shares, his farm,' Wng-Lot Ifo. 31, on the oth Conceaskm -of Ksqucsing, com prising 100 acres, SO acres of .Which are under cultivation, tho balance [excellent ecilar and hard--wood". Good frame house and bartis; w ith plenty of good water, and other convenience*. About 2J. .miles from Acton. Apply on' the. premises to ; . ' [ ' " '"I' '" SIMON McLEAN. Esjqucsing, Oct. 1, 1875. ; I Beware of Gounte|rfeits. BRESS,, N0Y4iMB^R 2^, 1^75, fm. Stewarts Go.l^irg- Al WVNDIIAItt STREET, atJELE Are showing now the Dominion.- Spcieal Lines In ChDnp Jucltcts. Special Lines of Cheap Di-csf Goods Special Lines of Cheap Cotttons. Special LineB of Cheap Silk Special Lines of Cheap Flat nels. Special Lines 4f Cheap Blur Kor tho protection of the pubtto of Brit- ish-North America, lxlerm Itniyduty to state tal my. Pn.us and Oin-Tnekt are neither miuiu'uclured nor i-old In any pnrtorthBO.vrrr.DSiATKS.- Each I'ot.uiid-. Box bearsttwi "British 'Sove'rnmeut, 8uimts with lie words HotLOWAYSs I'llA^ AMI t'INTJItXT, LOSDoN.r T>nKrav.-d ihereon. On the lnbel is. ibe addrcss,,S33 Oxkor 3 STKKjrr, LONDOJt. ; I This notlco has become neecsfary. In 'coiUcqupiico of S'ile nn<l RpuripUR imlta* tloiui 01 HOUoway'K Pill*and tllntmcnt," belh); rabricat ^^0^^ cl it 75 Maid en Lane, New ^5 K^ Yorlt.Dy par- tli-K stvllntf^fl B_mthfcmBclves il..ll..w.<y Aflt|LJ8gor with an . iuiiiuned'^tjf^a M ^>a le mark. Unprincipled vendors can obtain this trah at h very low price; and \o deceive yon by Selling thb camo for miv cerfninn H.'IlbwaiV Pills nnd Ointmjfit,'which arc 'manufactured only at cvW, Oxrord- stret't, L> ndon. -. . _ Peiwns who may bo.so deceived will be pfeiised t communicate with nie. _ MTini- respectable firms In'tno;BrltlBl Provioces, whoohlaln my modlcluis di rect f>om hcie. have veiy protoerly bub- cested that-I-should, lor the b< nent or themselves and the public. Insert'their -iiaracs in tlio pnpers, thit 11 may be known ttat.mjr medicines con be naa g- ruine from them. - The rol'owln? Is a ibst oTthe B mm allud od to!: and 1. pHruculnrly rarommeiiu thoe who desire tp cct my mVdleJnes-tot apply to someolttie Houses named: EyAJii". Mercbb A Co., Mnritreijl. Avkrv, Bnow > A Co.. Halifax, N.. ForsTTH Co., Halifax, N-8. T.B.BABKEBA8oSK,8t. JnhnJN.B. APOTHE-'AEIES' ilALLCa, ChB^IOtlOtOWn LakoIlet * Co , Victoria^ B.C. MooBE'ACo.. Victoria, K.C-'- Dr. Johs Paij^s, Clialiiam, N. B, MuxrtoAOo- Montreal. ; J WBte A Co., Hamilton, On i. B. J. Rose,Toronto;- - -'* A. CuiPSt*" Smith, 8t. John. W; B. Jo'iKiBOSD, Ooderlch.Ont. ELtjor;* Co,, Toronto. ' J.OiiALOWEi^BUiJoljn, N.R. H. . PKtDOTl Windsor, Ont. - Mr*. ORFEJf, Morden,N.H. GEonbKf. Huxt,Jud BYedeiletpni w.B. : W. R.TnoMPSos HarborUroee-, ;* .L J. SI. Wu.BY; Frcd--.rleton,'f, H. wTft 1>. YUliE, Montreal. UhaS-1. JDavies, Frederlclon, N.B; Tbe! m^licines are sold at tho lowest wholesale net prlcfcs, in quantities of not less than JO worth viz- Bs. 6c ., 22>., und 31'n. per. dozeh boxes of Pills 3r pots of ulntnienl,! for whlcu renjlttahcoa mnst White ^Theat. Treadwdlf.... Spring Wheat Barley Oats .. Peas;. Potatoes Dried A; Onions, Butter. Eggs.. Hay, pe Dressed Lam' Pelts. Chickens Ducks, Turkey*, Geese ',' ACT^FX BiAKKt^TS. 6 95 to 1 per bush..... plesvper lb. jfbpshel.;. Fall BtELFB HABKIJTB. 00 0 994o0 95 0-85to-Q"90 0 -60-to'O 68 0 35to0 00 0 55 to 0 60 0 40to0 00 0 06 to 0 00 0 75 to 1 50 0 ?3to0 00 0 l'.toQ 00 14 00 to 15 00 6 50-to7 00 0 SDto'O 80 0 50 toO 60 0 05 to 0 06 0 05 to 0 06 <0 OSioO 07 0 06 to 0 06 eat treadwell, 98c to $l|p33 spring whei t, (Glasgow), ^1 to '$\.Wty aprmg whei t (red chaff), 886 to. fiSc ^ oats, 35c .1 o JISc; Ias, 65c to 70c ?, barley, SOcto (5c; eggs, per dozen,-17< to 18c; butter, i lairy packed,' 17c t^ 20c; potatoes, peri> %, 60c t<) 70c, TOKOSTO MAKliETti. Spring (wheat,. $1.03; new-white wheat, fl.04ito-'l,08; oa^s, -38c; bar-. Icy, SOc U 88c, y* WtP*J-flSi0MAB HO^LOWAY, 533, Oxford Slreei, W~. C. - i London, June lot, lf>)5.-- Fifeiira UP FOR WZOSTTEIR, WALL [PAPER Choice -Patterns,! New Designs, a Large and Splendid Stock very cheap at DAY'S BOOKSTORE. - ' .". | GUELPH. Day Sells (Iheap. "|>ONU8 to Manufacturers. THE VILLAGE OF ACTON bnslne^mploylnB; ten sUlled lands, an| SmJartsTand whera said bosi aess does noTMnniotT with aV bhslnes. already estabUhed within the corpora $on. " Ac? SJf nOssesses good i railway fgcilltles, K.h.fnn tho Hrn4 THink Railway', W ?ty-nvdSlleiwes*tofToroht j. ta ln^ ISSnimii and healthy locatloi, 1 free KSun*clViedebtf and. pro Jerty can ^bt^.nedon^^onabh?termsk ; . . ji.'-- .. ;" ! Villfce Clerk. ' Acton',iuly i;i875,| A Special Lot of C!un|tbn Flunnels- A Special Ix>t of Cheap Tweeds. A SpeciaMiOt of Winceysjcboiip. Black Lustres, StHscialvVaUio./ WM. STEWART fc Co. EW GOODS. S" Tlie Student's Microscope kets. Oct. 27, 167fi MII.L1 3^3B C-JliAilli TCD 103 PIECES OROSBY AT THJB EXTHfcMJJBLV CHflAP VV1<M OF" -, ,; The above goeds hi.veueenboug it Jail )arly and 60k 3t ' ERYS Cheap ei LARGIIST STC CK [" -.: Has pjst received an oxtisnBivo stock which he is boi In quick sales m id small Woolen Goods, CM dxca's Also a idee s|ock of Remember all 'sca- BU_tter, Eggs,- Acton, Nov, jeweler; these gix)ds are mar ;ed doWti! to the very lowest Egbres, See Qnr G^ap Winceys tc ,*takea i a exchari Poultry, 1 f, 1875. MONEY With,Dissecting Apparatus, for.ex amining insects, plante, } flowers, cloth, circulation of ithe blood, ani* malcula In water, Ac, 50-cents. Sip8 LUrhtorl, . "'.".') ' Tiora Extrtor ; yo OpjajAM,' Always uieful, always answering, al ways Instructive- | 1 Powerful Pookst Microscope 50 CENTS. Best Finished Reading powerful magnifying powerj era, photographs aud plct ires. A largeand cheapstpek of new goods at ' .' ANDERS0 CHEAP BOOKSTORE On E^ast sido Wyndham Streot, Glasses, for flow- Actony Nov.'A DOM WAGON AND CARRIAGE ; . ! FACTORY. JAMES RYDER, Proyrietor. . (Carriages, . sle'isfliBV "..' ,::-oattj)wif ao. Kept in stock and tnade to 6rd mob tfce '.,.': stjortest iNotice/ " Strict attehtloil pttla.tO Horflo-BhoelBC 86 Gimeral OTo"bt)lxiflf and,'saUsfo'tlbngparant oed, Acton, jfulyisti 187&: D. th.an "^^oaD^sriEs^ ' 2 j iaiti :i:,-i BEAUTIFUL GOODS, AT? A LAF.GJi EEDUOTION-ON. USUAL-PRICE^. by men, less than tho makers' tHe M nd to sell ut the vfer; profits. Qal Milllaeiy, Dron Scntlctao-1' Suits, Hi 3t rdaslicry, E Cheapest iim Tov-rr 'J3-:;^i^ESTR^ COi I Shzej opncr^BXiiGL S W t, and I ojlar for tbo next two mpritli3Tthe oiie'apest Carpets u 'tftr N m ^1 Ca toon fiiet wia ifl AliAit Ulocfc; tJppei- Wyndliamj' I Street, Gpel pb;!' ELEPHANT CLOTHING NAIR if new goods suitable-Jor the s loitest "' '" >as6nj possible price. He beiie'Cs ! and seel our- .beautiful stockof ~' loods. Farnisliliiff Soois, ToUot ikxtlclos, Toys,. Sorlia^'W'ool, otc to be sold off very etc. low. G^T^inmiE'aeir A)X, Header E^r ^iiiM Tie keaaisg ^lotHiji^^mSe ^^^pBfety !';. .fust, received- / ifjfJO Metfs' (jivercoats, fahging-ifl price from S5.(W tig, 187 Boys' Overcoats,- ranging in.priee from 82.00 np. .. , A tremendons stock of Men' Heavy Suits in Sootch,"-SBni5lfsh ^nd.CanadlaH < "Tweeds, ranging in price-frorn $T;p0 up; ".; A beautiful stock of Children's Suits, ranging Jn.pridfe fijom $2.50njf Big stock of Woolen Underclothing, to; bei'solot very Xo$ \\i Cardigan Jacket?, ranging in price.frotrl $LfJ0;inp. Magnificent lot of ne Shirts, Collars, rj^arfsj Bows and HOUSE, - ^ i~' jlovea just to ;handjr; Hats and Caps just received. 4 cases- tolierun bffvery: low. .I. .r 1875 I KENNEDY BKOS.n NION EMP0RiyiVI- which is now do'mplete. is larger, better asBorted, t heaper than ever before, comprising Tweeds, Cwori o&tiajs* .Dross Soods, la, "All WolsV Plaids,' Black sad Coloxod Lustnis, in Plain and ffute(i rianaels, Winceys!.Shirts..slrta6?a, Under. sMtta and - BrawofS, . tfrlt fsiaike^s; All wool Tajblo ';-;' pretty patterns), ClOUdS, Eidrts, Oovbrs, Hosiery, ^loreB^SoUa&ds, Tatte linens' Tfl-n-elB, Tow-olineTs, factory .tod Ble&oaed Cbutpns, todies' and aonts' Ties fee. ladies'- Lindi Sots, and % very good stodk-of, - .: __i- BOY'S' 4m :Mm$ 'HATSV '^P,:Cfw>together witB G-rocevles, Grocls&ry ' BSJT Call earlr andpecure bargains! Actoh/Oct, 2 5, 1875 TCTARM FORI SALE. .- The subscriber offers to sell hhyTfarm, being East half < i Lot No. 7, 1st con- Township of Erin, colnprtaing about 100 acres, 95 acres of which Are under culti vation. Situated abou^; four nnlesjronv Acton and same distance from Rock- woodi All well lanced with cedarrailsi good level farm, (lay loom} well water^. ed.' Jfcrr Jurther particulars enquire, of Donalffi MtsNair,. tctoa, or'bf i , , T\ -. 5 JAJ [ES; THOMPSON, i! on thoJpremiBes. ,1875, -^ow. siic Kuffloii, 1 ' more attractive anc in part ' PMiicn, I Horlnos; Co^ourgs Shawls, Ltvefy; & Grlassttiare NOTICE. All person estate of | the 3 VUlat ton, d^ciascd, tive o:v "' those in ing claims against'thd. Jdarge McRa: , fin the- Count} [.'present the!' resj p|e'rljr verified; estate wi 11 mak< KENNEDY Bf|01iHERS Have just received jthelr Fall Siibclk of Boot^ ad. ShbesJ And are deteinintned to.continue fo sell cheaper thanj thfl cheapest, and better value for ydur'money than can be had elsewhere OaJl ahql See fbr Yourselves and; bring ^oiiri Friends with ypo. Examlno our ktock which comprises 'everything ihthe i,ra3e of. th4 latest, and most olegaiffc styles and patterns of English, Canajdian, and .American- manufacture fj^ Orders promptly executed and good fitaguarante I<.B. All aoounts must be settled this raonthi. ' Parties vli-itlng Gticlph, by maElhp It a potnt'to call at ttie EUE going elsewhere, will save a> leaslffto^>er|eUtonoveryaoJar.iB October 13,! 1 l?c. 31, IJWer/wynjiaiLni St*ee*y -oiei^i 18751 FaU andWi^te: Beg lea ro " I'- McLEQD, Maimmbtli Hdti$e, to 'say tiiat they 1iaV received lar^e DRESS^ j G^ ?e% WHITE COtfOHS, PRINTS, TABL5 LIMErl, DRILLS MiilipB^r EaniJy Goods and Small Wares .of all t ,i of th^ ofHalr theiaine oidoV,V*t6>e thi of Dei omber, 1875j ABan. lof^aid Vil age of Aoion.- 'WlilALIiAN, ' ' BliNJ. Mop)NALDs \ 21.4k ,"i Acb^Weiit.lKith^0^,1875 ;to Ei eeutors, Carpets, BMadolotiis-,,3?&BStinsj :;., " \. English. and Sootoli Trreeds, Overeoatine', Hoaly-made Overcoats and (31othing', .'- Boys'fi^ady-aiade-Orercoa' ;--- -' "Olrtni^, Stents'" The above Good1; have beeh-lmporto'd direct from- the lendir g m; thereby savins a1 largo percentage, of wliichsthe pnblleahall ( et. V \- . '-I . ' ':"!" . n Ol m^ GANADIAlt DEBAllT iedSind nttracltvej aim as the m'anufaeturXnir int< res era'We imtortauce,.ntid as v?o believe in pjit;. )hit ln. Is largc-vai are 6r cv>nsidL.--,------- - nave laid-iii largo lilies of-the iollowing: Tweeds, EiilfCloths^;Overc6atingsV : ,:' ,,- Knitted Shirts and Drawers, Muffler^ '. Yarns^Checks, Fiiie and.Foncy Elaijnelb, etij , AlliyTool arid Union.; 61a ibit* Cottons] DeJriirJMf VSR SHOES, L BUFFALO-XOifES,' -SEfJS, '"- " MENrfe fUfl: 00 fcT*5^LCAPS AND_HAtS T3ie above (Spools have been" purchased I n the Dominion ami will.be sold at a-sma Tla.6 pil^lio may1 *oly oa! fefiD money cau Ahead oflalitK>m{i6tiil6rl>- Oiir-stoekislnimense;, lected with gBeat enre/" Any ggnilehaan can be suUeUiln Beautiful Hi feiof the newest-thing in Ove'reoatings. ; Ot 'making Out} garments, are unsurpassed.- We; have all thq t procure,- aiia caju therefore' guamhteesa-asOieMOh lit ;H: beford mm* SHEETIIICS. AfJ. imfa; Sliawls, ihi< rests iof th'ia bohtin iorl.;, home Inhustrv W^ - Drills; jM n Bag*,'- -.... irtlrrgs^H. hiteSnirts'. S:.--"J- Our Shaw faoomnrcoinplete- with' all-the" latesp ;,, '- i"r'.:-.' i Paria arid {f^ew/York.- Ou'r House-has beeh ftrlied for Its stylish piricl.dnlqu'e mlliihe'ri'. surpass all our former, eflorts, becausa i e. hav* the talent am newcolorsii.i Blbbont,- KealHers,TorcjuOls OranameniS,^6. mouse % u wouid-fake.-oH-liiaip phases otllpjr wv-wM-e'neve* l-Ftler pr . to a largar stock thanneietoioi no lioubtl wttlereturnlng prosi j rniriensexarfetsy d tieamwajt ThOforegcingj! pagis bf a Newsp mi r. ewspaper i ft nd general at-trr erity roi goods afi'we bhall st^'pass" all oot rormer h^vanefs.- - ' ; ,eoo> Sold tor OaBh,[ and tio Sejjcnd ^i, ';":' '\ "P--".!^'!,.'^ i|:erjBp])i"i^f^ij^c^-<fc.CtX: per3rg6th, OeU 7t fere. - - *> a* T$oom *wi> PBOJIPTLY' ^SiSjTN1 AT Tti^ wm . t'filK BPaon Wcitilill 6Wds tooaii. Js3i Ihd ; -.'T'^/f - ftmmaxy of_oqrIra- isbrtbl3w'llrerit? ,0O> r 8o1crUtOsyr arwt ' ,-oc^-

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