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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 26, 1875, p. 1

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lid cordially |1 (style, neaWp Sarjfcoii*. j,4M' JOB I _________ neatly . _-Colll>.gO, , i ; ilU'srovif Physicians and Xx the I.t "iSTRKKT, 'AlTpJi^ '.,.-._ - r h. unviiv, m; ii, m Gr^Um.0 of Tciuity ^ua^.ro^V'tiyV^ortletfartTre M OCBce, Mm DR. 1^ j\lMittiJ\\\. Physician', Surl' C* . .. J^if,*0-. <"" IVsllovuc.'. College, i V* -Ne*- .\orirf-J.al$o Graduate of Victoria! loUejrjf, Canada^ ! 'nc$dy$-au.i Friday.=. from.'! a. m'-tdK- A 4p.n?. .Evidence--- st Bower sbJuot,:. Wl Acton. ', OK. (ORKS, VXAD^l GLOVE ;W CTONrOJh1! h. Storey j&cfc, : : : . TASfES4lATT>IK\VS. Oonvcvaui-yrl .:? ; tr Issuer or Marriage "l-ieon;***. IW- MasWr,Insurant Ae.i.ut,-.Agont Money - to Loaiu Agent.Montreal Tef. Co., Vlyrk i.jRwrthjtViv -Uovrt. (\ai,,in Q. B,, fcc. : Wholesale [".mifacturerR ot crlpflon \nd stylo' Loat'iieriS; Cloth 'N, ! ' i; Yfl ' < '7': i! 1-1^ -* t* jvt of Which |ty <>f'material^" MKj intv band* )_| |te . ciafcirn war its. all *VeI> fj |-iv. tb ciwrni'th* - , -- -.---------------------,------------------, I ;1?V ! HEX DEKSON. tWxyy.-uu-or,-*c., p- "jMffi also Aj;oih Canada l.ilV AssiifJ j ip^^W, neatly, promptly, correctly ami 0:1 .reasonable.itrw.s, .Monvy to Loan(on Mortjjaire . stvnfity. (.iiho'e Ulaj^oxv Jdou&e, AcUm. * -.. Tf D. MATIIESO.V, AttoriUW- Mf'* al-..tuv> Solicitor, hi i:l:aiicj>ry, *c. OlUctf 4_V,ri>ei-o'f > alii and (.'Mured Streets. Gt oxv^'iowii. ' -. *M. hXl OLAW. lliunristcr, '(Attor ney Jst-La w Jvdiciiorin Chancery, 4c : Office*:' stroet. " Milton,-Miri street. The -MiU.m OUioo will bej under; t.bv in.-.nru-emvnt. *&' D. \V..CsnipVieJL; iwjilrMr. J-iml.-.w \>-":31 attend Tat tin? '-.MUton. O.Ti-.'e" on Friday of c;ich -Week..- ' i\>iea\< e Ac4.vr,-:i:i"i.rn,- AeQl.forttif MrrfiitVU'1111J Waterloo. ' All basjue.s " M1TTSJ cVcry ilos of Glovos AND GAUNTLET. or ALSO Dresseraojf Plain and Fa^icy Kid Leathers-I I- ' pa'J Tfur. w I UUhfiillv lolleftevl, ^lir.'.ije.d'lo rvis mro \vi 1 t>c ttUbnJti.1 10. Oilers tiT nvii! I - H.L. 1.IRAKK inC;.naj.<, }PsSr.'.it~f iarap.t<el ,or r,o <-! ] yt>r-prifl!*?tl in^trucuivns. Aet^i ,.Uan tenytafs./ UAKNKV ; 7TIIR ClIllKt'n SrjDKB. ; 1'wji> s^Jurs, ao the s.toi-y.'goes, [\Ehpcrctt tlie nujytiiig liouso rtno iliiy, "Ami luhwfully wvjto hcanl to', I " !llor\> \vi! sh'alr li.ivo a least, fafr play, J*"itlj nothing ti>-i)roveiit," h chosis hiij place ami wcut tii woikj 'ho Iiffht \vcl>.i grew njiaro ; Oni) on tlio alUir-sprm hiu thrirriil l^iijt-siiijrtly oomo thcuoxtinLilrcail, Anl SM-qitliim off, rfni^mii-half lca'il, ' Ilu sijugh't another i>lluv, *f l|U try; tlie.piilj it netp'siia lie, " T There miruly.ix 11 prize: ' Thf' iles'k apjieimt liiv^icatmiil cle in, l-'nv Puro uo spider there 'han beeii ; ltoitiiles, liow often liavu 1 aceli ' ' 'J('Ue pastor liruHhiugllics.!' Jle.trieil tlie pulpit, hut alas ! llis llopijs pivyiul viiisitiiiiiry With.ilustpig brush thbrextou e:j Anil 8iKiile(l hi geometrie game, Xur gave h5m time.ar.spa.ee to eltiim 'I'li'o rife'lii of banetuary. k auil fnp*ubcrlb>j-l.i|^5 10 tnf.ir lla.W'iiius of; AcfoWiiua: Vleluft PATEM^S. for IXVEXtlOAS ^v v*** to"si)PPi^ expcJUH>'i>I.v ntui I'ro^rly^ooar.ril ' " J hip VintoJ Su.'tes ana Euro;*v. 'Cfv in opr^ ;HiKI^T. OU..VT&, v7Ati:l<In.i - Mec^aniciii JKp.^;e=ir, So.ici;:or of Pi "tenisaod l>.'a:i:2!i^iii.".n. - ^v riLWAJU 1TATM1XS,. Rfstnplass Ikrfcfid, Biiu.^ Cakes ' -., Bispiijts, etc. tVesh every- cyay <l*'Uvered Ut their Iiouses. ON, Xlf: C # Jlarrtajst llrcnsc** rertlQ'ratcis ||P'T "1-(By^Uiyal-JQjpisintiiietttf) " Office at tpi Post Oiiici;, fei!en"iliiaia, " iCoonty Haljo^-^ : , V ~ '- \TRS. S.1 CAirXEK?! '.:' ' " Tracker ofMailr. ^jriwlns nnil Trt-a/itt, - C ;rvirc:i :strc-t.__ictou. .-SLIVER LOZI.eC Plasterer, V/ A t\ix,_<Jnt. Kvc'ry .Uis^r.jr.roit i-i . _ Flajt^n^" - <lo::v im j tlie iciit. ri^tSjcabli; lemisvraid saUifse- tion gtiaiajAtUi- ' - 1 CTOX FEOIH 5lYLLSr~7 '. ' '.'~ Flour, ami" Feed, jnivv^ys. On lruid, i"iri?ting -aiiil .Chopping Daipjy, Cash for all in(li> of. .^Grain.:" '"- \ j T :>'j. --."'- ::',. ' -"ppSisIX JFicA^K,.-Acton. C'bse fo . XV,tiieX".. T.;,I^il-H-fiy:LS:atioa.. ' Elx-^ r -ielleat acuoamt^jatiiin for the travelling public Ti^- C'ijiPUEJi, Propr. mat he 'oiintlj At leiiL'thi half' starved, and ive.-j v ' - Jean. . ; ^ - He sought his former ueitrlibor.i AVho !u)\v lijid gnnyirlio- sleelc and He Wughed n U'aet'ion;of a jtound And looking as iff the art he'dfoi^nd, Of living witljout labor. " JInw is it, friiin'fl," hbasked, "ithiit'l Eudiirc-riuvh tliunijis_niid kiuuKs, jyhile you have grown so \ery_ gross !" '"Tis plain," he answered;- V-not!a loss. l've:iet, biuee tlrsf I spim across ; The etiutribution box." "J: ATALE OF THE BLACK jFOTjEST. TOtD KOl'ND-A XKW ZEALAND Ij'AMP, : /- w ' Bolt. AtfNTw, PrDprietor. rThid kew :Hatel is SKwl iip ia first-elassstylc, ' *itli:"ne'w farnifiurei Commercial Trav^l- .-_ Jer will tirid- gn^i {iCcouuncKlatioa- and fiodioas Sample ilftoaxs. Special tion- paid to the r-K'ant3 of_"'tlie lling public. . Bar-supplied'with the, EJ<juor3andC'igiU-3. . tiooxl Stabling . find, atteniiive IIpstHsra. i i ' . ' jl SO Y AL Eii; ttA VE UO ijPL, 1 Acton, Ont llolxr. Dickik^Piojo. . . pie Booms large and. comniodiou-s. lor Conimeroial Tra veil are. U oo<l aeeota' -" ntodation fbr '/Travellersi and Guestsi . Best brahdj o Lipuara and Ctgarsiat-the I :~"B*r.- JJoojl." Stabling and? atteiitiiie.J ; i /Hoitlera 11 It-is nearly twenty years! luftce xv^tat I :mi nlioiit to folate! touk place rto, rue it^eeins likojD piany bours-^-:i6J the iiit'inery ot it npxv is s fresli anil vivid to'my mini as if it hail happened, but yi-hteklay. Often during my rides 'tlirouglj. tl[o dark inlooniy forest, or xvheii yiiig the to- tb'e I'log,' face and 4i; M n. HE3ISTREET, M, ting-th^t die !.] ibntinaato : the Trade;; U *M I am InjiVJ cash aittd & av&:yalig&%i jLiiceniedt; Auctioneer' -otAim CounUe*rirWcillogtoTl and Wal ton. Orders le'it1 at thfc- Kbek Prkss ?0Sicej -Actbr, or ,ixt my resilience, In "Koc^xroixl, will beproroj-tlj' atleudei' 10. Tervip reasonable., " . '.--'.' A_ DATIDSOJVr'-'.y- IUGEN5ED AUCTipNEER For tjie <'oii4iy ofMallon. A ' Sales attended to inLany ipart of the 5 Counjty, at reasonalJeirates.,:;: . ... " . /.Address i : [.-_-!.' -. ~~^ iCanrDol-HvUle, P.O. TTEXXEDY'S i "" '. Marble Works, Oppoiite side ^rom iUlls & " AiopdfeHowJ6 Fbniidrj, and.. .' Xear EramrtsagJJridse, ~ Gnelyji^ ' ALL KINDS .OF : MONUMENTS Toiab Stones, Mhiitie Pieces, tc.,[ntjule to any nizeor design, ajadjpitt up in anyVpart of the country. '- . ; 3r SoStifc .Grani.te - Honu- m^nte Importeii-te order, r J P.Sy-^A. Kennedylisa prac tical marble cutter. "Watchmaker, Gudpli, ~ Has a gtoil stock of "RUSSELL" A|JD "AMEilCAM" Always] on Imnd, He atlends to renilrlng of Dnej himself. "1 , ' ^ Mr. HaRfelnfr, of t ilndly carxi' watciJ ttDufroin'Uuelpu wlicit requestttl. Gaeiith, Sept. 27.1373. X TOX PLANINdr Ml^iliS by the camp < bi.tght spaikn flying ! upxvard wards heaven, i\nd listening toj melunclioly howl.of the native in fancysee the sweet, gentle of ., A-lice 'Gfilliths, ko aof' woipanly in its every expression, xyiih"nothing to indiqate.liei- t|ouf- agef. im'il'-rVsoliuion'iexcepti.ii.jr. iv-jcer tain' tire i lief eyes, only seen then in-her rate ino:pints ufdeep and liiitense'. excueii'u-iit. '...Then -.tiose lusu'om eyes, so loving and vin- nitig in j their fathomless depth xvould bhize xvitli. a. light' ulia Bt iierce in its grandeur, as sudden, in its earning .ns in ills going, betray ing an unexpected strength of cllar acfer, more akin to the dai ing dete^- hiination "of a bold man, quiclr fn then"to the yieldin<;riii- . to la'ud^dejieiideiit oil -others in uio- liiients of cxticme danger. Ka:her tall, slightly and elegantly fortied, very girlish in both manners and disposition,-with what it, sosellom seen together Llink blub eyes and fair golden hair, a clear, blight c om- plexion, and a. month perfectly be witching in'its ioylinfss sho had the beauty and grace of a Madonna, '.-:.( . _ watches emergency, iiUre of a voting 'girl, trivstin that if oyof, they caught him- with out money, again and plenty, too - they would tie him to a troo'antl f Inirn him iiHvo, I suppose either, ho 'carried it well-filled pnrfee, or he- Imtr the good fortune never to bieet his-friondBrAgain, forlio bus eticap- bucIi a yery, hot reception > fat-.' "This gang waa very durii g, often commitiiig the roost impud mt rob- hericB.-'in broad daylight, on onto or two 66casiou8 even robbing the po lice themselves, when this intelli gent forco was supposed to bo hunt ing for thorn in order to obqainLthe joxvard oil'ered for' their oapiurii It xvns Biirprislng noxv well-rjiforitned ^the- gang xyas. If peisobs ^ld Btockj.-.or by iuiy other nieaiiB 'had money in thoir houses, 'tlioy ,xveii8 jiretty coitain to roceivo In visit, and lucky xvere t}iey if tlioj pnly lost their money. ' ] ; . I laving Home buBiness to do ^cith a neighbor of Uriflj|bhBt I thought I -xv.oul.d take their, place on.the xx-ay. Aeeoixlingly I', xverit there, intend ing to Btay'an hour, and ,th;n pro ceed; but xx-e had bo much -o talk about, and Arthur had so' many, .completed improx-ements to shoxy me, imd.so ninny p.fO])03ed ones to' consult 'iiio about, that thp. time slipped nway~unobserved, until it xx-as too late in the .exjpnieg that I consented, x-ery xx-illingly, to remain all night-^-ithp -more so aaS Alice added her persuasion to her broth er's, saying " You knoxv^ Mr. F^axman, you mjght meet the Blaek Forest gang, and surely you xvould : not jprofor tin ir. society to ours." [ lAttlo eIio thought, the 'meeting xvas so near, or what fin important part slie xx'aa to.take in it. . | . Before dark, Arthur 'and I went to look at somo young ho-Bas he had bred, xvhich he had gotii from tlie run for the purpose of bricking an ;-and as they were rather wild, xve drove them into the'Btockyard' to exaniine them at our lji8ure. After duly admiring arid criticising them, I notice-d'a very handsome horte a darkj nutty chestnut, law, but veri- coin pact, with fine sJoping shQUlders, roiind ,_barrel, po .vierful <iuaijeri, and great thighs, wjll 3et doxvn, abid one of the neatest heads, on a goiid.butJrather thick n?clc^ I ever sniw. This, giimd ' looking \ horso stood on four of ihe sh jrtosr, Uattestllegs, with great big Joints; you: could itpiigine.. He loolqod like aih-rying < a mah for hi i life ; and, with a well-bred loot and evi dent good condition, could hodottbt jgo and stay. -; Of course I] askled Arthur what he Was, and xvhere; he got him. sightof hip: pistol kit mo that itfwaa ussless than useless, as il ^)nco decided nay, worse *r bould but end in one way. jA, pair >f w'orBe looking rascals I never taw. . One. Was a short, thickset, bi 1 et-ueaded, prize fighting looking fel oxv, with a fiat, conrso, face, coyerid with, a stiff, bristly sort of b ;< rd, 1 Hls: eyes, red and weak, xveie deeeply sunken in his head. His month, nothing' but a more ftlitac;'cjs8 his face/ xvas Ornamented by long, yillow Musics, and the corners w ;ro deeply-stainetl with tobacco juice, A rhorp re pulsive vilhiin could:not.beimagin ed. Tho other, thpuah^ hot quito Bp hideous, wa's fir.fifom'being if pretty boy. Taller than his com panion, and equall/fitrong built, he looked the more lahgerous of the two. Uoth were dn-Bsed in red serge shirta, cabba je-tneo hiits, and loose nebktiea like the generality of Btockinen qr-sheph ards. . ' ' I suppose I lool ed the more dan gerous .of our party,'for -tino of them, tho short- biickguard,:took a piece of rojio and tied iny hands be hind me, whilst the other iitood sen tinel over us. Th ;n Ithey tied Ar thur' also, and Wegnn .disputing I about Alice, cursh g and using the most dreadful' oi.thst xvhen they spoke. One xvas f jr tying her up also, but the other'said^-I omit the oaths with whiclilio gjarnished his speech ': j i - " \\7liat's the goc d of tying up a xxrench:? One of ui niust stay .hero and xx'atch thein< lere sxvell, and tho other can hun>t tyv the swag. You go, Jack, ai d if this young 'ooman gives mo any trouble, Fit find means to piiet her fast enough." . I Jack htid his pisl ol on the table, beside his mate, and went in search of moneyt HowT.xvjshed I could get free and seize tho j pistol on the table ! I quietly t ied my; hands, and soon found it would".be impos- 8iblo to-8lip.them from tho clumsi ly tied knot, but I-didinot.&eo how I was to get freo quickly enough to do any good.- I sax r Alice xvatch- ing rue as I tried to get riiy" hands loose; and fearing ho bushranger would also notice xvj iat I xvas ubou t I desisted. I had-bo--wish for giv ing him: the least temptation -to make a tnrpet of r le. . Presently tl e -tall follow xvhd.was hunting for booty came bac k, and ; throxv- ing- a lotj of trinkets belonging to Alice , on: the table, went up to Arthur anddemouded where he kept his jnoney, wai ning him in a manner'more forcible than polite, that it would be na 'veil to tell him, they ^urprjize? IWInj Itorvajnts? |A1J Btuiicj tlie wf pnexv thajfc ];up'i gojrie tho men soon a: oubo: wa^ krep otit of tlie 'nayy npt for assistance ; jeavj ajyot life girl the wprk w tich ought td-ha^cTbelonged: to men I Thfop.gli i the darkness Cheat1!! J oat intoj " (jhestu I (Quickly he vith handa| e3:citenient,'; saddle pni hisbilck, arid mijintitini, dallopsoff.| Onwa{r4; the two| bj-ayejspjritB go - tho piddock. good Mrso ! Cbistn !' answirji hiB,nam3.;'and noxv trembling with she hjuuedly pi ices I axyavl through .hdTbliickl gloomy forest] Little tliOughtlste of how rriuchpijiw dej)e>nue^ on heij reaching|| t.ho police1 station, huji. jtturniti, with hejp'quickljr.. till iho bravo girL^galiojied onivard,5 |ur^ind: her hoi;Ko forest tho nprves at a pace Ithfougli iho" wild xyhich wjiujld.*- hiav^) shijike^ of .in aiiy a bojld, rjeeki less^tpflk-rider. Her'hbiws flying feet'^iitjirtled tl 01 dingo prowling round the flheepf >ljl, and fiightened tho " njiore-pork,y which J sitting-1 on the limb of seme tre)s, uttering itH moaontorious < ly of "More pork! into tlie to hide mora fW'k 1" flew far axvliy neighboring scru i, Beekibg itself from its natural en|en^y, An horn's nciijig less sijedd brougl at tlher and slie j quickjy told and,.refusing toieniiiin 1 all^ pepuasion,' r|cturned " Ho is.a good horse,"he r^pKc|d,.[" for if! don't get the cash the j stant. FnEK Pitf^s, will ami Jewjelery to combined, aa ,you will - hear, cQurage and presence to an ex' I never met with in any other man,"'and of xyhich any man m have been justly proud. She her brother Arthur lived toge on a station not x'erv-lar from iniore, but in rather an tuifrequj e^T ])aft of the country at that ' ANp Pump, Sash, Door and EBBAGE & CAMPBELL, Manufacturers of I*Iind /prRE MILK. I The undersigned begs to; thank liia1 cwtomers for the Hberal' patronage re- :,eifed j daring the past rammer, arid ' would.say that he is now prepared to , npply an additional nnmber orctustom- W with good, ppre,.iresh milK delix-er-- : ed every aorning, and - twice a- day; oh f*toraay8; Parties who keep cowk will find it much cheaper arid less trouble to 8 mijlc 'delivored at:their doors, and -they xfBuld do well to sell their:cowe v *dboytheu?-niilk." ^Ewenty-- >ne quart s^kets-ior $l,-it paid jn ad.'ance, or v^^ty-o4epiiititicket6for50-|!ent8. -^ ' /':' >:.-&. M^i&6x<i. '- ' Acton,S4r. 10th,18757y: T /-.-I ' '.. '-" !'- \;: ; Venetian Blinds, .^j Moxildii,gSj 1 ' ' ...'" J- : - - '. And other Building Requisites Vr -: Al> Makers of bcPSOVSS STOTXOH falSSS Lumber Planed and Brassed in Jh'e best manner. SSf All work guaranteed.' Acton, July J, 1875. '-.! ]' -'"' J^pOTICB. sing on - Any person or persons Lot 2&. ConoesBion 3; of ithV'JJownljbSp of Esqiesing, (adjoining the. Village ef Acton); orinjuriHg'.treeg of any ' ' " ' ' leaving, gate? 'improperly rihiit, partly d^wn,;WiH be-subjeict to tion after this date.- '* " l ,'.."-i.:-'.J>. S; ARSlSfHONO. Actffn, August 20,1875, th .ent wo- fght land ler fil, (ent- me. Their home station xvas Ijeautifully, Almost li'oinai'.tically situated. In,: jfroiit, .it : xvide creek turned and twisted through^ a clear "oi>en flu t of a\>oiit half a mile in-'width, its course marked by the. foliage ! of many a stately Igurn tree, and here imd there clunips of wattle trees, dark.-in their.'winter beauty,-trat gay and bright xyhen clad in ^t-heir summer blossoms. At tlie back, xvithin a fexV yards of the house, a: black,.dense forest'.of stringy bark trees froxvned on the lovely scone in front, like soineix-irgenii scowl ing on the lovely Perf. Alice 'had a great of lovo flowers, and with, much care and considerable display- of taste, had formed a beautiful little garden, taking advantage of every .natural beauty the place possessed. Little beds' of flowers were prettily laid out, and a large charred and withered gum tree was made to do duty and contribute-to Ihe! picture byJBpreading out its long limbs to be covered with green-leaved and gay', bright blossomed creepers. | J ' A. large paddock for horses j ad- .joined the garden. In a] corner of "lit was the' stock yard,; having-slip rails .ojjjning into the : paddock; arid: into ihis the horses were driv en when any were Wanted. There ,wasi no Btabla they were not so to" order licomnibn twenty pears ago as they are:npw. 1 Ai thatjiime a tjang of"bushrang- ,enj jwas roving about Victoria, rob bing every one- they met, and often murdering their victims when they .did riot get any money from them. I It waa-thia gang of .which the fol lowing tale is told: 'A- settler, call* ed JT H. P.j was stopped several kind,oi 1 fciinei; but being rather a cute:fel- it 'fencea j laxy^ the ; bushrangers never [got pfosecu- j more than a few shilling? from him, TniB constant diBapointirient' so- en- ra, * lA 1 - . 1- ^ flashed at oncej,, I walking vp to him, and rubbihg Ijia jwholelot of it, nrindjy'ou thatyou.jf denly '"[but certainly, across I ears, as the horse leaned -bis.jj head got for them 'jiimpbjucka' yon .sold, | brain,, [that the ljesj of ' tb<J> on Arthur's shoulder.; " I bipugLt I'll take it " " " hitn last spring from Ryan, oil t|ie -'Gbiilburri, for niy own riding I; brit hei is such a first-iute hack) with gentle manners, and a moutiti fjir too good for niy .rough heavy uands, thatj I gave him to my sister.! She never rides any other noxv, and has made such a petjof him that, when she calls him, he will leax-e the mob of horses and trot straight up to her. I really;believe he likes being j-id- den by fier." - T ihair each, and! sr to! I d li^r thts reck- ilinoro;; lerrand, pite. of: ."wtith'the the'polico toxx-ards "the stititjn, jbut at a-slpwer aud 1 teadier -paqo than that i4 xvhich sh<; came. ] Aithyr arid ll had firmly! tied the |bfvo raspaU to & enough apart to j Jevent tpei: able t'cj render on-s " sistaucp 'and had by tha| fire, each pjaced..|th^rii far bein ^ny ^s- anothe seated ourselves with. a| glii8S of grog aid' a pipe, to await jtb s ani.- val of the police, md to wlatch'over our prisoners; "^fe had beun sit ting therie tor mo:* than two; iiours, when wej heard tl e soitnd bf Jioi-ses' feet at tlie back < f the hcjusi, and of coni'tejconcuidid'that the1 police had "come, although rather Tfcrpiis- d at tjhe|ir being so soon. " .-.. ' I " \V*ijtit here x\fith these 'two gtissts bfIbiirs,'! sa id Arthur-tp " and -I will go ou t and bring in. 1'iii iuot sorry .they have so booh , for I hav j expected some more of tho gang turn and if they had.-01 r live would Tiax-e: bieri xvorthmuch." . ,A.rti]ur| turned: and weliil out 04 he spoke; and, locking^t the twb men beside me, I' saw a villianous look ofjsaVage delight on tliei- ill favoreoj countenan ces, which' 1 lade my heiirtj stand Jstill for |an , in- me, them come tp see up; not steel. "JcTow, then',">I-miittered'ih a hoarse" loX^tone-, ,fremotnber^7-fii-e at the hian bh. the. 'leYt, and aim low, and d&n't hurry. ". : Raifiing piir pistols, weTboth, fired togetlier. The man ihafc"I fiifed at gave a sudden shudder and fell for ward on Lis 'face, shot', dead ; and Arthur's, man' shot through t^hejj breast, but- not killed,., staggered and nearly fell. Tho other drow back, taken by.BlrrjiHse; but onlyj for ajnofeent, for firing ' their "pis tols towolrdfl -ha, they again ruahbd to storm jont* little stronghold. Fire again quick, Arthur !"I criedi as I leveled my pistol^ and. puKed'tho the)-trigger,,' - . T^ojrb was but one report, and an9tiier 'of "tho ruffians fell, either kilied,or badly hurt. Tbis tiirier.thoi gari gdrew backj^videritly. thinking it.wus not safe to'trifhi'x^ith.iis. ' j Then. I-: found /Aytbur was wounded in tlie arm| not danger ously,-but suftjcieniiy. tot prevent his being of much use should tho. follows again niafco a' charge, on tis. This; hoxyever, they seeined riot' in- clirieil to do ; and wev-could hear theip discussing what.was best to bo done. "One suggested firing at us. in volleys "on. the ; chance of ipaiming or killing /Us; but"one,, xvlth greater ir^geniiity, proposed setting-fire to the house, antT Sithel burning us 'alive, or, as he said, " smoking the------ things out: like'-) a pair-of 'Bandicoots'in a fiollaxv f"iog."" This idea'xvas received xvith genei-al satisfaction,. arid; prepkea- fiohs were at, once com.trienced, to carry it out.' Logs and scrub were J piled up against the xvaHs': oft- the |xvooden.house, and lighted in many^ places at once.. Thej dry jwcod caught, and in a few. ininutes -was.' blazing bright and clear, but, for- Doctors; elndfiPatyt It nwiy-jbo fuiirly aikfedi whether we" do^ not'contrrye. ^o-.nijefirdoiv'ri.a. handful bf^ovetjeignS; in; bvery\af : tack of iMiiCBs to very, jhtd* better, purpose than li" we liad ' siiiiply" given them'tojin. old .abheuiLs't. to. put in his^u'rnace and n oke t'oi' us. ah elixir of i life.n vWBal are. those Jong roxys ofJiitems in eai -drnggiBt'r bill for: empfocitions,. linirrients,- blisters, garg es, and wh At notj re-1 presented ' when (the bousanSaid-- clears bur r>om,ifor cor vajcf.ctenca. 'l-""' '" whole riaiiuerit of qii'iii "iT]jn-- .1 -:.. 1 -. by ptied pFiials'.uud 'pill-bb'c'a?-c>ii|wu<: table ? . "Whilt are thqs< ^cb.Bji'er- . able drafts! in[our jck,equ ihook, tiiot - j.for the af.teiiditnce]of.our cnatora'aryj medical adviser ijwhicb Iniighoba ": reasonable) blit fbr' the ; visits ".cf" the e Dinonfl Consulting physician, j 'bi'oiight down, perchance, fiftyji^or ' fife huridi:e"3tniiles jto lool t ai usj $ot1 tiv-o'iiii*utes Mhilie j we h;y Bpeechr;' ': less iii bur fyvel'-t> ;Diq'aivybbdy. ever rise one-h^lf,' of eyen| of the expeirsiij'e hi'edicin as ordjjr^d inewiy: illnessfrbni ihe pharmacy . day itfter diyjl . 0r |did';.anybody fi n'd . a ' medicas. mail, i.in i-^ew ofi a ' patient's, straitened j ieirci tnstanceg; telUn'mhisahxipus fi'iend irthat itUe* remairrs.' bf I the -lasjt' | bol tjpof ihiS'. physic wbu^. answer ias WfH as-.4_/_ newonfl ; or tljat they ir ight read- " ijy change sjt'byj adding a ipf some fi^esh irigredieriti.ipstleat; of ;ordering Ariothi r:-jE:ik! pua'pes frOm !the chemist^ to 1$ seti mide'in iti" turn h-^df-Used :tb-uiorr}w, I : %QrT (what iB still tn< re to I the :pttrpbse) did,.anybody'.ever hpar iff :a'-cise: wherein thb\ pnysieiah's liiimniorieil for;consulta>ion (possiblj ;at erjor-; mous cost) has| giv^a . 1H" honest Ho'is too good for such xx-jprki. ]tuiio>a A_::- ,-'k said I "that is I mean," co|rect- ing myself, "-he is,:pr ought ^io bjs, from his Idoksi,-good enough any steeple-chase in the colony;'A "'So he isj" returned' Griffith! "II had a spin once with Boom: ang, and beat|hini, over two of; fair country, too. -But "notliirig will induce Alice to allow rue tc> train him for!the Melbourne raceii. And I think she i^rightjfor lie b perfection asaladyjs horse,and rac ing xyoiild sqojivspoil him." After wo retnrned to thehb'uB'e, I remarked to Miss Griffiths Jwhuit a splendid horse she had.- 1 . i " Yres, he in a beauty, and 'as nice as he looks,'-'8he: said. f'We have many long rambles all jpx'er the*'--bush together, iand hava got quite to like each others company. I" can leave hiin .anywhere wben I dismount,and he will always tome when'I call him: Ah, Chestuljis a dearold fellow ! But come, let us have a game; at whist. - Arthur can play duminy, if plr. Flajiman will take meas a partner." ! We must have beon playing some time, whe)i our attention' was attracted by the loud! angiy bark ing of the dogs, arfairig us that somebody wajs\ approaching; J but, thinking it might be ope of the, men from one of the putktationsJj we 'took no notice of; it. j Directly al most, we heard footsteps' onl.thl 'vei-andah; arid as we both junipei up to see::what it was, the doo^ which entered from tbe'verandah wa? violently j burst open, ianatw) men rushed iri^ eaeb-hbldlng, a pu- to! leveled in his handJ "Hold up jybur- hands 1% e: ,xy*. them, thiifc they (old him out' of four hide." I told Arthur to tell 1 itri at once, as it was no use. ti-yirij to save the money. So he told liim it xvas in his room, and again he xx'ent off in search of it. I cc uld hea,r hini tossing everything, thbut in .the room in his eagerness ;to find the money, and in. a .feivj jminutes ho , called out- . .. ! j ' " Here it is, jiiek ! j We'll have a good burst over this Hot. next time we go to Melbourne on a spree." '" Jack stepped towr wis flie room; and, in his hurry to:know the re-_ suit of the find,-q lite: forgetting Alice, or not thinling a xvoiuan xviCs likely to give him much trou ble, and no doubt t ustirig to our being ti({d securely, foolishly, laid his pistol on the tuble beside his mate's Quick as:' thought Alice spmng forward, and catching them both up, held one out straight at the ruffain's head. -;,-;."; [. . " Move but one' finger," she sriid, in a .firm yoicer loc king, althoiigli pale with oxcitemei it, determined and fully' able to carry out her throa.t "and I fire. '- 'v For a moment j: thought the man meant mischief, but nomethirig in Alice's face xvarni d hiru not to tempt his fate, and 1 e covered like a cur before the fair, delicate girl. How beautiful she lookeu ! Like a, statute .cut Out of inarble she! stood, not a tremor : Blipwed tlie violent struggle, within.! . Only in her eyes' was there any sign . of ex citement. Their soft I f xpressibn was- gone and in its jjlacq blazed coui-age and determination, triixed with triumph and ricorn. : Little wonder that the miserable wrjetch stink beneath such a' gjize, speech less wifh terror and ' airiazement. Had he moved in th,e .slfchtest der gree, it would have been, death!..the; pistol covered bim wiithldsidlyaim, and w-aa held there ^xyitljout waver-, ing by a hand as cool aiid Bteiady as. if this game 6f4-life j and "death were childish play. ' [ With a struggle I tore jray,harfds! freb, arid hastened to loosb: Arthur.' Then, but not till then, Ajiice gave the pistol up to xiji, andj saying; I am otf 5 to Kil- morefor p\lice;"hurriedjbrit of' the room./- Gut. info the dark, linely night she went.; Did sb|ei not fear ud- tny 'I TUng J had returned, and I rushed to the door, calling after Arthur to. come back as he valued his-life. As I passed through tho clpor-I met Ar thur, -who! hurryin 1 Lack and nsaf- \y krioclced me do1 vn by coming full. tilt against me in lis confusion. Ba^k;!! back !' he cried-!-" the Isuioke.. Still, the heat waa intense land 8ufFocatirtg, and iri a very few moments more would", have: either become unbearable and driven us out Jto meet certain death at the hands' of. the cruel ruffians, who* atpod round the heuse; laughing; irid jesting at our. siitTeririgs,. .or l.ave consuiiieiims" where xye were, with no chance of - escaping fi"!!! l,Di.-ture the most agonising andlipr- iible imaginable. , ', '1 After a' Lfflef consultation, we igl^eed to rush; out and' face death" itiphce, luther than hfar the dread- ftil fate waiting .for ha. Hastily I tied -Art|kui:'8,shattered arin to.his my the whole Igajng are | here. Into room^-^uuick ! 'Nfever mind lights." -' ' . \: Not (1 moment xx'as to spare, as xve gained Arthur's room, wl, opened off- the sitting:ropm, busbranWrs enter<d the hous 1. .xx'as prbjably xvell for lis thut had not tjme to take the lighla the 6111a l.i'ooni xvith us, for we 1 ad thus the great advantage of seeing our enenies xvith'out their' seeing us. - In tjiey cumet six dirtyj. lexv, desperate-looking felloxvs they xvere, each aim|ed -with; revolvers, and. bowie-knives, aud evidently hi tf drunk, irid ready (forthe coiimis- sipn of any. cfiine. 1 : "Nov'I Arthur,!' I whisrend, "don't t^ro," (ho raising^is pii.tp); resei-ve bar powder until they r tr, tempt tc enter this; room, and [th|n jy|.the hand,'we were on.tlh^ .point if Irushing through the flames, when ,vo heard shots firedi'and soon after roices' - : ' - The ;police had, cptne:! i FTow 1 hey captured tho" bushrangers I in]' one\third, i '.V:^| H.^ iW' iy opiuiori that'the|regtvliiriaedicaljat-l I'tehdant bf the patient has toistsken-f ;tunately;for jis, with flittle or np(his case,"and riat.tiie :,treatment;!: blight to -be; alaDgetiier reversedl,! j IWeall know-L^etore-hjarid with tol-j L Vahle Certainty, that the ,'riiew I ;" doctor wiiremph tticaliy c oriiann all | : that his iearfhed confrere his.said :j. and done, arid as snrei !tb( 1 j weeping-1 ' relatives that '.' n ithirlg t ora'd "have I been "more judciooti" \than,-.bis ',? tresitment^ and therk, perhaps he ;!' xvill add (jusjt to rerribxjel ithe ajn | j pearanceof total ..uscjesspEsa^;,froui* j' jiis own.visit) the ' reTmir^adutibn '( of some tiSflingin odificatJoin, which f riiay ntfw be ir troduceaij though hitherto it; would- bavejliejep: out of.' the question."' Cprdiilly ticbang-. a hand-shake (hrid pospibily a hekd- t- ' "J ,'. - "S ------. " It*. UUUU-OUUiIVV ^ ***-. |XMUWl| U MXAU" ide, ancftUen/shaldngorie dnotherisijftte) witji' Lis-"4eienM^brotlierf rfinpng,'>inghig"spund in my, .eai-s, I c^e~"jaTa dozen" f>nd|i<xin6iderinK 4 cpnfirsed Boundrof voices, and a.| " ' ' ' ^ ' ' -- after'-cjitin'g > gpi >d ionch eon and-:' pocketing his ha adso ner. fe*^. the; cprisultaug physioh n jjn] taw irito.^hi* .'., oatriag,uund 'cheerfttlb" g;iiti..{i^. . hbnso'bf rirouniihg, : T$at!~vinafehajij . - - ,.,.-. lie done there? Is juheiie, t^eu',:- w not, ex(^ptfrom_hears^y ;>r as. We ;ran th rough' the' fire, blinded by smoke and! nearly, smothered with beat, I felt a- Blnrp twifceh; in ijiiy side, like' a red-hot iron 'rtin^ ing through rr]y flesh,; and then a tor is egregiousll mi itt keni "and" his -ablereblloagne kno>s ,ii, *qd is- aware'he i^ losing t iel patient's . chance of ligcpyery by his w^ong" trefttfrienf ? J If tb"e]i-e he |orie snjh: .. i,^ fire cool y land'steadily at the I'll take care o\ tpe e must ?;pAniss our ?e lose; , 0itr only;- safety prompt, energetic acjtio| Remember; they cannot s^e ne, Vherefon 1 banndt fire' without an^ gree of , precision -; and if we keep thorti off for .a little longer,' x^ehvillyet be saved. " The blackgUai'ds were evidently greatly taken aback byiseeingtbefr two com oariions; tiejtfast and pris oners; hut the txvd worthies so explainel [the matter, with mjin hideous .'aths and deep vows vengeance jagainst Arthur arid. As soon as they were let loose,: orie who vims called Jack, saidj; ti his comr. anion's': ' : -,-; |"Noxx -fjien, ma|tes,,.the spenei' we.finisb tbahere job the beitt^- fpr' that. jbe/e wencfi won't be.;1 jnj J bejforeshje biings, the .whole: 'qa how doctors diil(ir"-'iiwb havB supposed therje -innst in! every txyo 'or three)j kwha lt ment sLall' we pass on tlie Imiiri who __ ff.;dealing honestly with thpjatonjsed parents, husband!,- xxuvesi': ehi|(hen,ivwho- ihaye soughtliis aid (oftenjiitil'great., ^sacrifice) to save ihi life! ^earesiVto tlieih on eai'th !' If anyjof jis.Haye ex^er. chanced to^commiti ithat[^gE>at ^Jeih-viajasttc to the Faep Sty, bp con-i suiting two physicians-i iha s^riier time .urikrioxvn to one ; iftptl ier,j it will rirbbably Imve 1 aoti<pad to ns toAtceive from:each ledkilod, gentle-:, ma^i 'a differient 'dfi igtjjbi is'! b:"' pi^uc case^nnd different how. rb }.tre4tit.. ' By^'wha^isikjniirifata^ ity/ then, can it so ui iifdri llij o^nr^ thilt-we aro; -brought fpj;efliec: for- formallconsultation.i Dr, pNp.|-2;so1 invariably' coafirins e mpjbi that Dr. Noi.'"! hait on onr ' behalf 1\ Si mysteiy be cleared blaink. When'I irecoyei-ed consCi- (u^ness,- j. found 'myself lying-in bed, weak, iaild with a^trHihge feel ing! bf lassitude, which Wnew to ,'seU !&" profesaional loykljy ito bis' ilej I had been-badly WPunded, coileag,if above theldutjj L ' and the loss of, blood bad nearly. l:il][ed me. : It. was'many Peeks' .1 efpre I was well enough to- hf ar the, particulars; of tliat dreadful right,-and' mar-'y; more ere I was-1 strong enough- togo down to Melr Loiirne, xvhere I xvas wanted to iilentifythe bushrangers taken, by t lejjiolice. - Arthur soon- got xyell, iis his wounds was not of a .very s;npiis nature; although one of the -boues in his arm-wasj. broken.' __ :" The braxre "gir-1 xyhp saved,'her h rother's life arid niin'e taamed abput two yeai^iafterwards,: arid, v ith her husband, werit backi'^p deal- old'^nglandy where they are lioxv; liying: neah ,a quieft pretty Cpuntiy village, ; arid. where, she lbads a peaceful-, happy life, With out fear . of such interruj}tions\jto hKhappiness asshe metJwitiivin appe4c we ^ muci thisdiot-bed of crime, wickedness,; .hdpr^fci.js of gaci. arid smr wherethestern arm of the-]., ^h^-^j' p'ay5a hub 4- ; ,-' -:i yx- v^^. h w.ia'fhe only xheck pri, the., evil p issibnV of Ruffians whp,;in" their cpwardioe, fear.', niari, but who, or;se thaVdevilsrineitber acknbw,|^^WM-^u-n^fli Q lejdge nor hpnor their God.,J 1 - .---.f-ij 1 y p"|it .cult pay ia hund(-ed fetch SfeiWeMed^ London, to consult -x+ife .ei tham Wrpnghead riV tjhe| blow your brains out !'j cried And you mfiy be veiy ceftaia did npt, require a second, bide For one instant I looked at CAlicel Cool arid collected she! .stoodf Tier eyes .flashing! arid glitjtering Its I bad nevfer keen them| jdp babrei J,that more of the gang! might be Then I thought of daBbing at] th| ihidden djiteid'e, gbjardiiig against' dpwn on) toWafds retdy; thur'felt^ us, like, a swarm. pf ,ajhts Now I votes,:maties>, that .wb jiisi get"a ho d of thq two downy.Gayes write 'beea jnd,ihi^den away in that rbtife," poiitirigito; wherfe we were jWithc tit-more wojrds they eajn f ._ jpulses throbb 2d, abjd hiy eats :seerfc|ed- to bo frill to brirsting -but' my hand was as st<|ndyi ai eyor;, ci|d; iny -nervea .li ke not ikhow ;wha;t ;A^-j is] ttt Speak what you rriean^ do as-you ptofess, and .pfeifoi-in what you .pro mise." ..- Beauty in xxtbman is like the flower in spring; j' but Virtue is like- tile stars in Heaven. . ""<\..\ '.'"' The lfeay tbenre onir py-ejuoSpes' this-T-that-eVery hian should let alone those.he |!eomplaijiB-. of. in PtjherSj. and- exaimine'hrsV-owru .i.: To nridersta'nij^he world;!? wiser ah to condectfii^it. .'To study the iivprld ie better than tp.shim ifoi To use./the woiid\ls-ijobler than to atfuse it: To mak the..world. bet ter, ;: loyeliety. ancl"'^bajipie?'- As, the I nsblestworkbf'pa^br wouiari.' ; "V^om'an can dp,a :great deal.for. q. tieailyall ad idorie till tliis ' jdpejivjt:- ledicinea " i 1 /-': cestor, ten generatibi is-tbt ckjj h$ gave, as^many* in old01 gs " Ifjech," to be meltec ^clov n |.erucible. fpr the ^concobtiioi .; grriat1" At-'cariuni^ihe .ii'""" .The same idea has be^nl 'tout, bjf- hothjprQi that ,if= we dp biitVtepjenl /eriougb a cure nyist f|ol)[o|( fi4 hillj for Otfoher. ......' Sblai iisi eaohi with a" pisltoiij eslch^ other if ?^eyr;on.l^stp^,-feari&g t' do ' l,-'J----- ; ,j i-1>^ i'llvit w iat -V people will thiiik," and.taki, a hearty -interiest: in.Jrh^te've.r ib g< ihg to fit their ^tej-s'j iihd- thetUr selves to.,/driB^^-:'^d;'njpy the rijhta b^v^h^ given-the m-i .It is the ungu'ardect-woicl pftenest proves 0. 'robtjot" 1 |l (r^iimarri^u^q-f-the'.Y.int of per, discij^in^r pf, dpe'- tbiusts ihbrris andinee il iiy happihesk.; ' ,"' ,?.:/'Are theiyonng. 1 idiet present day fiie -for' w vfesi* ;- Bjbstoji Lecturer of ifeJii i< '.' fit foir'h'i is^bXi .c^iiij sponded.^ fefeple vpic i "trouble is youj: men ab p wi*s,!" 'Tti4Fappbrt^;;!wa and. po ,was th^ di^aifitu ; ,*fi;

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