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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 19, 1875, p. 4

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again While lhankiiig their muriOTqus customers for jheirvcr/ liberal patronage during tf^ that they a of the Jar#et, cheapest, and most.bhoico stocks GENERAL BRYj GOODS, MILLINERY, MANTLES, TWEEDS, fLAWNIatS, HOSIERY, -ever imported into this county;by anyone house, and at prices below anythingevcr,]uiowii in the history of th 3 JJrjy Gc oda tradel invite the fullest inspection of their, gt " .....' """ ~" " ojYe/ed before in this or adjoining couii ties 'by saving the wholesale dealers profit. iR'd'-'J>*'^';'i^'SJ ' '< A&Wl FREE PRESS jTkkjis. OrieidoHar n year, strictly Hi V ndvtnicc. If nok riaulfcx-foretbroo months .,': one isollarsiui 4 limf.wlll b charged ; or two dollars if -no! pa'd.UII the bn.i of th> .-_car.*- Xopav.-or tvIU brsoiu toany per, " sod rnore-thwif on* year.uiipri'd. ' j Katks <f Artiviiwisiscs. KlshJ'>nt* Tr lVrie-for first Insertion, and iwnis *>erliiio~lor'i-:wh subsftiucu-t-l'it.^vrttan. *"Rhor,l*lvt>rtls6mpnt.s0f elclil lines and ?-i for inrep insertions. liu*fni Cards' oXJeigbtf 'HUo* ami ivuicr. ^y -j aniarm.. --.ill v - ~ A lioenit tlisjsorirt flowed on advertise- ' nients msorpeil for ext<'itdM i\<-riods, : Advertisement* without spfciul ln&tr-uc 'j pons Inserwd till fi-rbid,-and. charged accordingly. ". _ .-. ,' Any iSpe^ial XoUcc. flap objeet o? vf hlct jls to.prraw<Jl|e pecuniary i-eseut qfaiiv IndUridtiat or CvinJiviiiy, to be cuiisi\j<>rciJ itn 3ulTeri1so5n<-.at-. Transicnt advert ischients lo bo paid for jTrhen ordered. -All aavertsslhjj account* rendered rv.mrM'K.v. ifoUcescs Msiirrlngcs, Births and Dentin insenedfree J , Wm.Stewiii &; Go. gSW&ti: --t^d!': Hit &\-m.-. ! is i ki - m^>:\t.m$":y ^Vt-Vfa". : (&& UVJST " orr of beach;. __ We tiro vrajidetred by-tbe bay, ~" ^ly STvecthiCart and .1; ' .' Quietly tie Vater lay, i ; Quiet A\-as the sky.' ^rnl my Jarling stooil and ga-'.oti, '. VS'jiJa; her iair face u|nvanl rais-ed : " W-cuiu ttsi st;irj"-migbt bo ; ^ Kearer eartli"." saM she _ <TeU me, tell-iae, Q,my Hve. "VOw are stars sofar above V ' i i i*n,.tbe siujre wc "'onnd a boat-; z: yi-i? Comjj,- sweetieart^" srJVl I, . _: * - -";0'er'tl;e water let-n* float, 3 inhere the star?-are nigh." , .So_Bie leaned htr o'er the siile"1 " ^""^'.^ *"clstars-aiight be',, - Nearer aarthi-:; said,&he J^*-'-Tell me, srtie, love^if yOa-knovrJ Ji> iy are stars so jtar-bilotr ;" ; .n TiVTXDllAM STREET, GUSLPffl Are' sbotvin Z now ;^.- t A Special JLot of, ChjK Bv~. a* fit?- 'JiLf-.itJ-iijii.--1 " If u- ?li. /- :--' . FAMTKr MATTBBa Gray marble can Aje rubbed itvith :_4inseed oil^ sod'no.s^ots .'will jstdw". . "Butter viflj.:%BJOTB tar 'spots. " anffsoap WTifeT^Trill afcern-ards take i - . i If^-ron get- u fujb.borie in vpi:r throat, and, it jcpiitintles- to sfick there, awaJlotr a r^iw egg^ ,It will i - ,be almost certain to carry tho bone 'along with itT-i-' ' '" ^- Sbittins an3i vomiting of bldod m- be stopped hy sage-juica ntixed -arith, a little} ioney. Take three "-.rea^poonsfHlLfand repeat' if neces- sarr. e\ery. fifteen niinates., ."'; The,.Teetli -Salt trill aidinxe- Tnovisg tartar! ; from' the teeth. / [Clean ,your teeth at least once arf \ day ^ithj a tolerably;: strong solu-l rtipp. ofjt using a rather softi/tooth- Lbrttsh. " -, .- : !) . ' To nja^e a.-handy paint , ,l>reak an. egg into a dish arid beat '; jsjjghtly. ' Use the white only, if ^ifbr wbitepaiptj thertstir in color- ling matter .to suit, i Eed lead ;makes a good red paini ' To thin. "rafc, ns*'.a little ..skimed milk. Egga .ithat aj-o a little too 'old" to eat -will [do for this very .well, bbtn- - monly called ironmpuld/aro'rernov- ed, froriv linea by hydrbcHloric > .acitl dr hot-solution of oxalic acid. /'Wash' yell in yrarta water after- : j wards." j "Cabbage sljonld always be- boil- . because, . aceord- _rto me&ical auihority, it"contains an Kesseiitial~pil. which is apt to pifo- - ,dnce bad effecls, and caking it as: ^ jBuggesfied; rejiders it soft and di- digestible. ' ff -! . . ; . r- 4tEhe Maii Who Drfrrks. ; - Tho man who drinks not only. .^njures himself anU family, bat lis; fan injury to"4U those^ with whom r he comes in' contact in the way of ,businep3. If he'is a/doctor he ert- xlangera the lfe of bis patient; if a Jaw.yetj ho fails; to. do his duty .to ' lis clwnt; Jand if r& laborer ^e _ jtrrbngs'and ihjnres his employers ::.4^y;xjetting under the' ^influence !o'f ;-jiqfi6jV; 'and; thus incapacitating I himself for properly performing bis /.labor. Any man' in business, w^g bas_ employed a! numbejr of work-j /men,' fcnpws how-; inconyetiient it; is ^|- a> .^o say potbing: |of the pecuniary w<Cv ld88 and disappointment of puatpm- .ers,ito:have-.a man on-wbohe is de- jwnding to per^foVm a certain !piece ^f wijrkj turn up drunk, and cbnBe- \guentir- L untrustwqrth'y; in the niidst bTa jrus^ "of, business, In this wiy hiundfeds jBuiffef 6-pin tiie ^U$ of intoxicanta vVho personally ^nevefundnlge i their uso, .'. Thus Jjt is that a man who is sleady and faithful to his employment, what-" '.ewt. font .may be> byen thouga -not bo- coinpetent.in:other respetSts, fsj a "nioreljdesira.ble man tp hia ernpioy- , fa \\ik-a. hd;.whdL byjthe use of in- itp^cpjting 4r'nkB, readers him .'uhr j*iialjie )_ and tile fornier will"^find ' ^pl^iBsnt-and prosper where the lattei>hs ^always' liable: to fee with,-- attt-bMiaeas. :' - "' '"".....^ " Spcieal Lines-iii Chtap Jackets. Special Lines of Cheftp' Dress Goods Speeial Lines of Che if Cottons. Special Lines of Chei p Silks.' Special I|ines of Chea p FlaniielB. SpecialLino3 ef C'hoa > Clankefs. A Special Lot of*1 Canton Fiannelf p Tweeds. A SpeciaLJjot of Wit cejs, Cheap. Black Lustres, Special Talne.' WM. PTEWAI tT & Cq. EF GOODS. Uly equipec; M dir oi bdsnnd pricijsv Their stock-of BQpTS AND SHOES in Men's, "Women's and Children's^ wear, fdrfquantityi quality and: pricei^cornbined, far ex(feeetli;anyth^-e| ties. This ijidvantage over othefdealers is obtained by their purchasing direct from the manufactiirers, instead of buying (hrpiigh jobbers 'as most ^oiwea do^fi^ A liberal discount to faiu...^., j...n .., ness.durability an<l cheapness. |In fact to get a heat and stylish-sii it ata reasonable price it is necessary to c lit oOb^xerponiul, rvvorth 80c -tlcculed y the best vajueever 61Tere|l. all at tl'.-e Glasgow* Hjouse ies buying in one lot five brinore pairs. Their; OBDEKED CLOTH1TC yEPAKTMEi^T still maintain^u\ijt reputa ]NT The Students; Microscope With, Disseoling Apraritus; for cx^ nmining -liiseote, ]Vtnritt>, flowers,- olotli, circfulntion jot tin blood, aul- maloui.\ in water, &c , 5l) ceuta, Tip8 Lisrfctors,;"; - ;".| 3?Aora'.ExbratorSi- s .1 ; ~Byo Opoacra, Ail way 8 u'soful, nlwaysnnsworing, nl j ways'" instructive- ::roweiful P oo k o t Microscope, ',.;"; ,50 CpNTS. Best ^Finished Reading Glasses, powerful maKnil'ying power, for flow ers, photographs anil pjcturea. A large and'ehettp stock ol new goods at VERY & SALE STABLE J P. ALLAST Takes pleastira in anrtonilcl pulillo generally that no Is 1 ! furnish First-class SozsoV &n.<. ^Carriages i At Reasonable Bt tes.. ti His Ki'sSand Horses fire can]b hadl, and.he Is detennlried tx> shrpasseil byany City Stlible Afllon -J.aly 1st, 1^75..' ng U> the prepared to e best that not vo. ' .' 'A- ?^y V*?o asked by hia: tach- - "i*. '^t.Coccafeipiiied'the saltnessjof ii"' ]& Btp.yafterVrdflsction, advanced. -. -y : ;-^ w&hj^q^fidEnce"the opinion t|tat it i i'- "';/Baustliijeo'wing to the" codfish." Wholesale Manufa tnrcr COLLARS, * :' pBAX,E^, IN 69f.: - Harness, Tranks, of 'Bi&Q-iOZ.:' OOMI'LfiTB In ovory Dopnrtmont at tlib I | - - - FA^SHIO^BLE WEST' EJND. S"Droir^.dyc I>^Rs to lhtlmiitq.lbnt IiIk Stock Ik now complfto In every inform tlm lu'lit-it of (itii'lph and nurn^uiidinK country ih I'asiilnnalilo Ci':>ds l lln> ilntsl ho Uuh over bubniltted I91 iiltoiillou iKlnvftcd toiiur-' ! Siljk and iDress IJDepartiJiienti Shawl and Mantle Department. Milliuery Departmenti lepnrtmpm, and dPBlres to ' at Ills dlspl'iy of Now and public approval. Bpeclal Ifurs, Fancy "\Yoolen Goods, Hosi Quelph, OeU lii, lSTji :ry^K^d Gloves, &c.,:- " Blankets, iFiannels, TAveef Vll of which wo ar^ prepared to cut at the vo|-i- lowest jprlccs,' A. O. BUCHAM FtiBhlpiinblo Wc(>t End Dress, Millinery ailc SlanileiKflablUUimoht. NEW1 FALL G ABK1VINQ DAILY AT DICSS01T SS M(^' Da" not fail to visit the <3!q ' w DS WAGON AND CARRIAGE r ' FACTORY. JAMES RYDER, Pj-oprictor. .; parriageis, '. ! -.- "' Cuttjrs, -S5c. -- ^': ' - - - \ ' - " - i Kept In stock and .made to Order on tho* Shortest .Notice., : Strict attention paid Horse-Shooing: & CJoaeral jplsblag' nd satlsfactiorj cfnantnUeefc Acton, July 1st, 1S75. And T 'S. examino those pil.e3 of rWTINCEYS, ranfring fi 6m d0' cenis upwards, "'" Also hose COTTON'S, jail best Canadian makes, ranging from 8 cents iip>yards'. '."". jFLANKELfS,! from 25 cents upwards And . ot h e r Staple a rid \ Fa ri cy I >ry proportion. :DICKSON & Vetera, Sept.', 23, JBJS3. >i Sorso Clotl4a^ Com"b3 j AndB^U3li9S. Allordarnglvenlntb oitrhnndB will be strictly aktenarid: to, and-w irranteil to Klve saU4icTlon- as*wo oraplo ? none but tbe best vrorkmen'ond matei lal. : COIUAK8 warranted -to gi ^e satlsfac tion.Jas tb ;y are of our own u unufacturo REPAIftINQ Ctf-all kinllB done vrlth neatrloM and -On iho Btiortaut: no ici, . I , eg.ulre good* In oi r lino will do if el I toi :lv<u ft call befoi e purohas- Itgmer iter tho Btnnd-r- v!"^',L;V' y R-" C'B^Bcp^Aelon 1 Jdiyjjl.175. r- FIXING UP N77-I2SrO?EIi Af DATS b6oestorie. .' i .'.'. Choice/Patterns, New -Designs,.a Iiarge. and Splendid " Stpci: very cheap at 'S BOOKSTORE. GWEL^Et, Day .Sells Cheap. Good s in M&NAB. - - :;: K- .- ' : i-^l' ' " TtlJ'f ' .iMi- ." (or :the.--F:atl:'-and!f^ DRAWERS, ll^Tf, ^P^ fetft IRTS, ect i tpLsjiit ^very one in quantity, quiilrty and prJcfe, arideoi;d(al| T T V.T; GROCEHIES; TEAS, && , ahvays . bjb hand CHRisTIB, ilENDE RS CHEAP Mllliuery, }.-.' \ Mantles, ' | l*res, and Fancy doodg. Jewelry, l>on't fall to go to The Kraporl above linos yon Will flndcoriplttci ys, itc.,&o. MILLINERY A SPEC Gall and examine our stocb: b : chasing elsewhere. AUTY. fore iD. McE'AlE. Acton, Juiy-lst, 1S75. -Cn>. JOB PRINTING Th.o pur- Of eveiy. descrij Jtion In th|e; best and ..most at tractive styles, Gall at ; &ILL STREET, A0t(|?M, - HIS FALL'STOCK OF :'<3r O CD '3 K> 5fT AND READY-MADE CLOTHINC uch larger, and bettor than ever. A splendid stotk to Belect from, at ^ow pricesi '-'" . ',.' DS firoceries, rockery and Will bp found a complete assortment of the be GREAT gass#ire it quality. BAR&A } |'l Are offered-Jbr cash or produce, ThB subscriber begs to return his. sincere thanks tithe inhabitants of Acton and surrounding cbufltry,,for their liberal patronige, and trusts that in future they will continue the same liberal appreciation As a large portion' of liis business is ready-pay, he can afford to! i gBLIL CHEAPEN Than those who give long ci edit and liave a great many bad debts. B< ONUS to Manulacturcrs. THE VILLAGE OF ACTON Is prepared to grant a bonus to parties quUil'bluK.any kind of manufacturing business employing ten skilled haids and upwards', and wbere snld buslnei s does not conflict with any business i Iroiidy OBtablisued wlthlpi the cnrporatlo i. : Ac ton poBBCsses gol railway, being on the Oran'd Trunk TXi ilway, 'tnlrty-flye miles westof Toronto, :h 1> a beautiful arid healciiy location, Is free from municipal debt, and property can be obtained on-reasonable terms. ' HKNfliT y. MOi 1KB, - -., ? .' Village Clerk. 'A,cCcn,lJuly^,187(J. . ^ 1- V . Aetoti, Sept. ,29, 1875. I i tdlhe NS! promptlyi?xecntetI at the free; pRgjsfe agel J.Vff. JHtAWET. Works n Steam MAIN STREET, ACtON. }.';J4i;4.if:'A#jt;^*>.!i'l i General Blacksuiitli, Carriage and Wag< n Best HJorse-^Hoers In the j I Perfect:satififaojipn .guaranteed or no price cl ia ' --^J^ST^ck-A$S?-i! PLC coLflABO'S t4*ent itEON HllilaaOw^ - ... J&lwayjB on hand. A Good Stook of Carriages and RiiPAlRiNit; proiaptly and properly at^djed to, Acton, July ].| 1875. (in-Majtthew* 5-1-i-v; ion) j for style, Off I 8 N-^J^I Member SnrgeDris-J S7 AT " GOL.DENI lilONa ?.. *-M~- 1 | G-TJZEIT^E3: EC fiMiense JDisplay M Winter plothlngi | All -made orj the premises^ everjj garrneiit of whieh\^ i8?arranted to please bpth'in! workmanship)land quality*of aniatembi; #Sj |We employ only 'first-class1, vvc rknien, j and eirefyfC garment thoroughly tested j by our::pronci<nt'cutt!er, ilr. Martin, p&Lli in every insUnce satisfaction guaranTeed^ .j . '. :i-'-,K% Hold yoiir tnbneyi'liil you reach No Jews' Slop Stuff in this Sho "n Town busy, mating : our Overcoats Undercoats. - ."'-; j'v'l'j'-.- :\ -*'-s '.'.i~:-18ew ' Golleg ".irneadaysj ,..";.'iSlfein.')-. :. -':It^MES| .-: XJ 'lasaeif ,' Marter,. ' fexLoan, __ ; ';Ponrth DiJ w: Acton, -;;.", \JkJm aU<J ,: .!J"("Cce Cd^- ~Z-:V*?& neat L reasonable! the Lioln ;::|j Twenty haiidii! tnontj-fite making oar' 5:' ;Thoiisamrf :of Pairs of Pants an<| Vests, ;all i*vell sewn, and beautifully cut, and'at prices sufacjjently low tp-charta-tllw5 buyer. .=' . .- . -' *c. Office St reels. Of I i' ' is.' Office will be nna| Campbell, .,-irf-tIie?'""" week. Agent for ioUe %- pATEJi X^^fexpedf in Canada, I Patent e">a| for printed il atlon ten y^ "'. Meciianlc teats and . .= j. "St-. -Boatae :"-."! I'.p^'i*-! Conity.: .'-.' :TtAtMct.Oli tlTEl ?-Acto5"j PtStcring_ I- 4^;--j^-^iiraa.i friOE v i'-.-B.'!* ,'J : . "Eioar- ; *h^Ieaale-T' Chopping ] ;-A.fhe'G.| '. \ cellentsKobij public. ACtON j. H. JTACKjtJS'G, Iropriofcor '". -AndidiscoWt for cash k EIGHT CENTS ON THE DOLLAR, ----- je moniths past, would take this oppcriunjit "'":-f"--. I System -Has'^ProTed S|!p|t for thr JTo liy numerous' customers and also tb m SellGroods as IjOfwv-i&ariy ^HG^^siri the T^d|i^ I)oing a,Credit3itsiness. and wll gi->e^:tiie . s|l' Gustpiners will nbilbiAbt avail tliemsefopstpjE tfagi satisfied of 'snecess^and. ati^facUcln to.all conce rn adJ c/ount system. :'. 'Prompt paj|ing mpniily citttomera coiisidai-d Jte'iaah; the discount. '*id#.tneCou. . ton.:-: Ower, rRoe^r-6%4 ' \ Terms reasol DAI UCENSI ftn I -will: continue to W*^ Eandtf-ofl Conveyancer, Isfrncr of Marriage Elects es|-] nsaraltee Agent Money, to -: Loan, Asrcnt Montr eal FOvrttiDiv. ^oart,Coni.injg^B^&c. Acton, "^cp'.ombbr 1,1875. "" NK- the pasi and:<i*l ^,f \- - n._--.:--:-5 ana *ili **| m I-:-.]..: ^.j.: !fete V'fr"- nd put] ?m-^

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