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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 19, 1875, p. 2

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telfc'l Mil, 'TBW ADVERTISEMENT; i- "Woaving--Rjjh $ell. /'" Str^y Sheer! \\ rt. ,1. t.l.\lon.: Heigh ho, St'.ip. Kohl, 1' ryeerr- , * Farm for Kilo i-James Th.uiipsoii. i MiUiucryA Fmicv Gpods IVJSleNair i i-oming py>y- at -The Austin t tftiiedy i.'oYa-' THE MoCRANEY j ^ np8K IcTO* FkEK PKESS ^^id E.TDnr; SVivlay: MprnmR. - ': " : - i SI Per Annum iu iAdvanfco- ^ 'trS' *. ,;J| j; Itclan^roD^css : < :,_ jos m. NACKixa Editor -'-". r.-- :M, VM*: r'RIDAV MOKNINH. NOWifcViSM. 9 '. -Mi .:-!-.;:".5QL- r- ;V :.-! iH' &.-1 1:1 ! V- '- 1 ,'-" - ";*fiH:#' V; ; REMOVED, f ? ; Tjhc Fkke iP.KKss. Pointing- OihVe- istioW iuUhe new/hnitdiiiij adjoin- 'Mr.. Matthews' Store,'-which has Tbocm'.. expressly fitted rip for us. " SiiliScribers wlip have Won- in the habit of getting" their pajxri-s at thej Acton.Post Otliee will please ."pall for them hereafter at the print- The pejiitirm agaiiiFt: \V;u. Me t>iim>y,Mi. P. lor this o unty; Una been 'djsmisstd. aiid tti<i | etitionersv a dj inland uvpay costs. "H'o believe thin nvvgit ^f\vill, lo gratifying j to uiue-.tcii.tKs M the elect J mtv, ii lilnsniuch as ;thoi-s of the will riot he again, calledupon to jo through the turmoil of tinotliei) y . - - ; That tlio" bvitleuce of any MgiiinstMr. JilcOi-.inev or . . 'j . i - : - " I was of tlie most frivoloii ' uliabre ;iv.\tprc, ve l^lh e'vwy caivltil ]ie>sim will ily adiuit.' " (Hi. tfial election, illebii Act , . r I -' hut; ascitis. ; aiiil t'tn. vu'ijeafly noi^i rciul- ioJcimwo- r tor ol: tihe-i witnesses hi jiocUtT'for-. - ! . i . . : f . .-i. . ward nr.jfet liavo caused i-oeful tlis- ' i ' . : - -: :.. ,-| appel!anta,'anilr appoint nien seeing ths|, Iteavv costs vy cost, to tin thev' u it uleted j in it, is. not ver thiU: thiiy. ,vill readily rtiiotlier.jjoi of the^ k riiinoliritlia: the recent -^In l.ysi SiiUUSt reiioy- i'airly presumed that ho inert? o t; vould also-be luis. not gained lately, and \t inii r We have suiierjor -facilities foi I ^e.prompt-execution of every de scription" of .book >ud job. priutihjt in'the verybes^ style, and at lowj ites. .". '".... - "Our friends'are'* ftvriteti to .calf and see us. _ "j_ ___:' t '---- ' " - > fEB CREDIT -'VAi-LEY it ; we and tl: inayiheji-efdi-e be. congra the prospee- of being le the next titiee years. .';Anwng- the .witnessis against1 Mr. MdGrainev was the Robins Ifaiiiily, Mr. 'wi Ilarher qualified. : Nathan Rob; tt;'d r.uhcr too much.--'for <4' the "ij')iitjtioners^'iu;'d character fo vinworthv t that the-, jjniblic mity whether his evhlence in case is hoi) utterly umvli s hjs. testimon He was a ^oter': lired following Sk- a-^ ^tL\ ** S :. r-Mm eST-'V- -rV ^.iVU m^ y ; *ti - '.' "is.r-^ K.*" ' :' - . >r i' . .'"-- . W^'fi J:-if \ u J -i^V-^" ,. i=- ..i--. M $?*~jf~T- .si- cr . -. *.- aiKT - -. ^* ) -fH Sa*:>'-.' * ZM. shr" '-- 'r _ -i H sif near Kil- r.nvey call- hinijaiid"a'sktjd him for-. .biide;; I^irber ahd'McC ed torsce;; !>h> Vote, i jDiil'.not pron his wite iijuj-tiiiug to vo Craney, I lit I3ai her tol soniethin:; about giving thing niu , or a nice p nie to vole for him, or hoire.' <!'n -examination T)etbune;j he s;iid I 1 memory.. Might be this what occured sis mont f last in (he election bet -arrd Lyeti- two men ea house : JLjdid not vote ; to be sworn and Tc-fused; to go down to Tmfalga to in'flueiiee .sorne'frieiie go fory)ay,; I have'tlie home nwv, it was all :h noit know the men at a TRIAL. probable mdvrtako nd. The lection.of petitioned luui'li cnr. ! jidwj be will; hear o- electors, mlated on alone, for THE AC^OK FREE PRESS, KO^MHER 19, 0ENERAL NEWS. A JioVnp belonging to'-= ihiniol Mimegnn.jTowiiKliip ;6f Erin, BUilen on liho night of .lho-U3rd Tho grading of tho Canada '.Jou- ... . . , . ..- .t-rul to PeibTirokti will; it iHthoil " ,souie, ono ought to bo appointed m 1r) )U)W ^ ^ Ju u B,1()-b our section t saw Metlibbon thin ,, .. .. : . tP.n been .ulruuk : 1 lo nouiotinicB: get on..i\ spree-; I may hiiyo bceri excited that mol'iiing;' I tiHUtl ^strong hvnguago to JViilmr ; 1 nevcft: cirWd for an iX}i]ioiiitment as nnigjit- tra'U?; -I ,i\u\, too old;-1 thought. ebnited on tyhoio evidence :ei>Jh- dis- ns adiftit- the ' cause slioweil a f eivdttoce 'fell dctiht :-l:e Ixtrber tble." .The whomlthe Another witnessjupou petitioii(ji'S: placed gi-eat, reliance, was Mr, Allan McDoilg; ill,- of Tra falgar. ; When the'time came i for his appearance at the tr al, he was Constables thither: to nowhere) to he found.. were siint hither and - - , I>f & search for him, and it wis not until been examined and the court.was' Tibout to be adjourned, tlat/he was finally .tliscSJVerod, ^iid ii a root- house, -rile was then brjiight for- j^vard and forced, to give mony, which was as. folio ivs : ' On being sworn ho sjiid -Live in Trafalgar;. McCran twice- on nie ; Barber ey wLtli MeCraney on the January ; the first time, in J)cceiu- Mm ::f-. 4: KJ^'-';i.A i : "We notice by the Te-ronto'papers . of vestei-day, thatj.v; large dt-jM:ta J ?tion from the various municipalitiy?. - interested In. the Civ J it. Valley 1 Raisway, waited upon, the -'.-heads of . the'Ontario Go'verniiieni^on Wed nesday, -jto;-represent the! afiairs of , ; and to "solicit further ^(-government aid to enable, the work to progress. - The delegation com- 1 prised Tepresente.tive" men. from ln- '-: V gersoll, (HJt, Dumfries, Halton, (nui sixtyl-tkree yeal-s t ;:'=El,6ta, Fergus; and other places. ?10 to vote for Clay th xiVFrom this County 'Were.' W." D , .-.- lLyon,-=U. -I^;"-P. and Mr/ ^W^l," V Barber. The case was very .well i," aSd veryably- stated, calculated at if;' " least to inspire the syrBpathits bf ihe goY.erntaent in behalf of the - _ rNfoad. After several gentlemen had -*,' spoken at considerable length, the fi Attorney General, in reply, said he .' -jfcoold feipressThis sympathy with .{ jtiiose municipalities who have 1; granted aid 'sp largely to the" road. ""But, he oon&iivfe^,r ".w-hether we " : " can recbrjm4nd -to the Legislature '/a further raijv?iiy grant it is nosi- '"fov-the Government to consider. "Theqnestionlnaust be considered " i "_with 'reference to many things : "and to other-projects. All that.I * can possibly s<iy at present is> -; " that "we wijl- consider; thjs ques- V- " 6k>n/to the "best of ourlabiiiiy. - ** and endeavor to act' justly, t-o- . - f; " ^fardi.t-hc. pcoirla. interested in "tliif matter and';as befits;the posi- " tion'We "occupy*-" - -.- WEak'mbre could he E--iy.T The <.]. roqdis'rin a peculiar ^eediaiment. -. Every tnunicipllity;ia"the""Provinc^ i except those directly interested, ., i , ' Will most likely oppose the grant- . . ingof any farther aid, and the par- li*Bientary represehtitives : will!.-of necesidty ..be cotnpelled -to vote / ' against ft. The Credit ~"Valley is ' J' .not one "of those, l-oads-contemplat^ it does not opea upany new diatrie*; of country, " aiid is riot therefore real ly entitled :" to any goyeiTiment bonus. ,T3;it"it -j";.-i. hjis had the promise, of it certain ' i' Bum. wheiilit has reached _a certain - stage of completion. The affairs of all ;(- .. the available furids^.have been fex- .pended, and that no further pro- l VgresSj. can be made without addi. tional assistance from'.-so'mo quar- . '^ter, to enable them, to avail them-1 - selves.of this, promised sum. .The a vei-y plausible: plea to. set forth that the road mtist either frt-ind still and allow ife '..,-" -jnoney1 already expended to .-Ke1 , i 5*anandered, or again appeal toH^e --.miinicipalitfefe for additional bon- - .*'nsfe, if the government refuse to : grant the. requisite assistance. - We doubt very'mn.cli if.ifecgo'v- "ei-ninienfe-Woidd be sastjiinrd in the graritirig rpfianotiier dollar |- the. road, and we 'fillty.: believe tliat a Ijegislative K'Ote'for this .purpOKe would-be lo"HB1jy ail overwhelping ^ \ njajority.": Thecouf-so of our repre4 . i! "-.-"* BCSritatiya in this matter wilt be .. :/' watched With, interest. He .roust -' - .-. Lear in;.^in4 tbiat h'e is jiot merety ^ the Beeve of Milton, bat that the interestB "of the w^ole^so'uptj'aroiSirhcoie^fl did not leave i -:\ ; |4a<5cd in IniA.hands;" / \-)) Y. ise him or for Me- Lbis wife ler some- esent,. for' to stav at hy'Mr. avo a bad uken as to bs ago. ,1 Id. I got daybefo^-e .veen Clay. '.led a> uiy' v:ts asked 1 w-as.'also" V-'or write there to money' at bills j did morning before coming hero j. Mr. .McCniney, the respondent, was recalled Ho denied MoDou- gitll's ovidvhee, ntiver ofTored him a cheque Or any other inducement; wasoidy tit his liouso u fowmin utes with I'arb'er;-never' threntened hiui; 'MeDougall' was very nuich excited tind wa.s vtnyninell irritat ed ;onlv took hiin, iuto-u_rooni to exjilaih th.it llarber was not to b'liuiie itvlii.s.not hieing njipoihteil n liiagistrato ; did Jiu.it expect hit; .vote, us:h(! lwul promised Chishol'm ; there is not a word untruth;.- in/of- Jering; ft tdieque ^or his ihUirests and-his;sons' int<iil\s(K in the .coun ty ; had ihiderst-n'-yf 'that, both sons were witlrus before'tliitl Mi\ l'arber, sworn 1( !oi i-oborat ed "Mel-r.uiey so'far as jM'cl) ouga'.l lieing iingryand exeiti d.; was oniy iu the house a very few niinntcsf. HALTON ELECTION TRIAL .. Pctitiori"Dl!5fci:s324 *.7ith!.Costs. 13. ' The.; Court opened at 11 a. m., when, his Ixirdsfup" delivered judg.- It.was written and very lengthy. A ' ' - His Ixirdship snid that over one hundrei! c'ase^ were, on the bill of particulars, mid forty of then1!- had confined-themselves to seven eases, abandoning, the,other thirty-time. Very probably, as.^ie eotisiilered not a shadow'[ of proof had been shown in any of -these cases. His IjOrdihip ,^veiit iu'to! each of tliei.e seven citvps, orn? liy one, disp<>>in;i of tlirm all iis hot provi-n, and-ehai>; sic tori zin^ some of the evidence as totally unworthy of 'billii-f, particii- hirly that of Fleueling, Pcak-'e; llob- bins, and Mac'Dougall. He strong ly .-deprecatHi the acts of J. II. Campbell, of Wellington Square; and Dr. -Ogden,Jafo of Oakvill.-, the former, fpr ofU'iing'^100 to keep iiuiet, hinisevf, and also to silence lit, 11110. BURIWD'jlT LAST; Tlio lfioiii i ronminB of -'-Jio'lato the ()wen He ioiuo hi;: Jill CM and John -Beverly Robinson's, .tlio pur]msi of ho ding reyivul Bor is to bo petiuoiied tjgi inst, ' viocs of Moody a id Sanltcy. Tho tertnining this offer and trying to bring it about. He "-charuct'oriae'd this a gross-onti-ajjo and" would; rp-, ;port- noth as guilty of corrupt prac tice-, and hoped tho plihishiberjt such conduct deserved would be ineted out to them. Dr. Ogden ss hbw in Chicago,, and his' agency was not shown, in fact it was di;?- tinetly repudiated by Young on be half of MeCraney when this offer .was mentioned to him. Dr. Ogil'eu was,' interejited in the electioiv of McCraTiey,.as lie had large bets on' the result, but, was on no committee, nor. was he at all trusted, as he was a strong Conservative, and ua- iially votetl with themJ His Il- shi]) concluded- by disinissing the petition with (costs. He consider ed the election had been pore, and, that respondent had used every mearjs to.hitve it so conducted." Tho Toronto Nation will com mence a daily on tho 1st of J , At a Division Grauga meeting held at Bmuipton lately the organ ization of k Mutual Benefit Bopioty was discutoed,' . Mr. Lume, Registrar' for county of Grey, died at Sound on! Satuidai' Oth hint, had beenjin failiiig-healthfor time past. ;-Mi\ James Smith of. Bmnpto'i has been {appointed the J>i^|it-y Kpector' Of Weights und Men for tho I counties of Haltou Peel. - IIoii. elect ion and the [piineijial charge in io be that the! issue of thoto green pos ters had an. undue inlliieuco and were corrupt.; j ' ' .., ' Thoofllcial -retimis of the lato election'-in lv-v-t .Noi'thiiiube land of a ineiiiber to the Ontario Aisem- ld'y'giyii Ferris 1,709 and Cochrane |,."if'J. votes -a majority foi' the furmety'tho Ministerial, candidate, of 1 GO. | .",..-'"' Tlio recent offers of bonuses have been the. pause; of securing tl e c-r-- tablislii'iient'.iii.-Pulmprston of a flax 'mill,'woollen iijill, and cabinet fac tiirv.. ; A.li ' ]>i'eliniinnry lirr^n nients h'avo bcain satisfactorily plcted,' i ;' |.. Wiii'iim iiifoiiKied tliat M seph Brownridge, of EMpicsin sold' his, span of general pu horte.s, which took the third Sit! the. Brampton fair; this ye; .-'-fi.OOO, to an American buyer, this rale- what should tho prize-team bo-worth ? On Thursday morning1 the; saw mill belonging to J. ik A ttmitli, .about five miles from -Amaster, was coiisuiued by. file together with the contents of the niiliyat'< amounting to over $3,0u0 wo-th of lumber., Tiie mill, boarding anfl so vend small dwellings aisb burned. No insurance. At the.Toronto assizes on nesday, Kliziibeth Patterson r ed a verdict with 1,000 damages for seduction, against 'Robert II. McCormick of that city Joiiojih Gttibtird, o ' MoiiU'oli} about which, thorti hiiH .buo'u I ho -lr.nch wrangling during t ho past sii- yearn liiivo at last been placed in thnir finiil resting plfic!a, in thq Roman' Catholic cemetery Tho.Ijurial'cere mony "fttt perfcrinesl ;t^is tiino without any ui doatatioti. Tho grave was immediately; sealed up twith a thjck coating of Portland cement;, rendering it in a few hours after as tolid :as a]rock. Moody and SaJikey.Revivals. It is definitely ttiinoimceil that Gilmore's (iardeii, formerly :Ba'r- i'hiiu'k Hippbdroii o hns been leased to tlio Young Me i'h Christian As sociation. I The hnso continucH in effect from Jiiijiiiu-y 3rd) to April 3rd, orxmo mont idongei--if; want ed, tho building t) bo fitted tip for e- COIU- ,' Jo- .,'> h"s rposie prize r, for At first liO;llSO we're Wed- eceiv- to his testi- - There is i general feeling in conir' , , ... , .., merciul circles thu,t tho worst of ^fter ad the other; witnesses had * thd ])resellt commercial crisis is iiow over, and a nioro confident tone has taken the place of the late predom inant feeling of distrust.-' However, of actual improvemeht in > trade there has been little, if any; the change-for the better nisultin^ from the conviction thet unsound "busi ness has how to a good extent, been weeded out.* An actual improve mentin.; trade can; only come very gradually. One of tii^gidit indus tries .of the-country'; is still com pletely prostrate, and -!c.r.s work in the woods will probably lie done this winter jlhan for': many) years past." .This Will add to the prostra- whom she had had, two" children. ' w Tho Woman testitiled that ..defqu.- fe dant took her to an abortionist den, ', tl but with what reolilt. did not itppear in the evidence. , It is rumored that thr Hon. 'Mr. Blak.;.'.vill' l.ring in two nieisures next f.e.ssion which will hnye a bearing towards realizing '-fconio points in his famous Auroni s pecch. One of these bills "will be fc r 'tlio reorganization of tho Civil'Sei-viee, and the othor, ^certain amendments to tho existing Election Law, pror vi'dingfoc, tho representation of minorities. News has been received of the loss of. the wooden tide wheel steamship Pacific, plying'between iii won for HHfi =187Si! . M|>no^ Matters^ Tho Afwhiury qnncjty. say j.; uTho feeling in tho'.money tin rkot is slowly tnd almost'imporcep ,i"" tending io|wards easO. ' But tli is upparontly littlo holding|B.ba bills in aniicipatiiig li rc'dtjjstipii- in tbly ere it'o'f persons to who n thojlt'-aso was granted arc! to pa/ the expenses of leuting and lig iting. i Tho rent per \yeek iH;i?l,.'5( 0, ^ Unpaid Letters. Tho now Postal Act provides that nil unpaid letter/ cannot' bo for warded to their d jsiination, but ar# sent-'to tho Dead Letter Oflico at Ottawa,. When it reaches that office this'letter 1b opened, and'if the name ajnd- adf ress of iiho sender ciin be decipherei,, it is returned to liini, with! a' Iciicuhir, jexplaining why it was sent. If the: name and address of j tlio sender carinot be de ciphered, ijcireul ir ip then sent to the persoii to \v iouI tlio letter is addressed;[explaij ing the'provifeions of tho^ new lav ,- nnd instructing him to send thei; mount jof postage duo iii' stalu ijis, ciin, lor its equiva lent. \ Byj this inea'ns the De]nirtr mentl takes ever/" o[>)iortunity of -fbrwVtrding these unpaid lette either to/the sen' er, or' to the per sou to \yiiom it M as addressed. At the siiti/e time th ) jmblie shuuld be -ireful/ to 4;ee thi.t ^ilL-lfcttera. they post'are jirbpaid, and paid tho full amount of jioitagi' rates,- ! Tho demands ifpon j tl3 hnnkt) ih not pressing', nnd-'iDitead of thoir oxjioriencinglany ijnepr von- ionce from the wants of j trad a in the,immediate future, it ifl probable they will have abundance; of avail. able funds at their command. .' Ab yot tho hanks are (following but their policy of ca-utiojn; - [None, but legitim'atoLdefnauds are onterta ined. Discounts aro made at 'from 8 to'10 per ceiit., jaccording to the nuture of tho Itransactions. . iNotxcconioda- tion is Jappareiitly extended to biisv ikss men iof doubtful credit. Ad vances pn! produce oro still, iilade at 7 per cent.1 For time lemi s on collate-uhi 10- per cetit. Ayoul 1 be greedily given, but is steadilfrre- fiised.'i . 'A AyA'ltKIJjp. TO YpLltSTEE tS. It may not be generally known that no person, Iwhetber/a.v jlun-" teer ot Ept, has-'any j right- tx>| use militia clothing, arms or ncccfitte- nie.nts, for other than . vblu iteer juirpoHiH.!. But such | is the case, and a jiovere jienalty ban be iiapos- cd ori ' any jiei-son |who dpiisso. Laftt. weejk Sergt.^Tr^d. Wolf j, of the^ Listowel Company, was fined $20 and costs for using his rifl 3- un lawfully. ". :'.- ' ::^v a m $/' er than the NEW; ADVERTISEME1>TS: s '.TRAY KtlFEK.! Cainc oil to tlio premises of th< sub- Eeriber, Lot 15, /ith con Xass.iga veya, about the 1st of October, awhite b eifer, 2 yeai-s old. The owner is rtfjuea :ed to iruvo iiro^rty, pay' expaises.-tiiia bike iei.al4fty. : . W.V. DKED&K. 15, 18 | ^_-------------:--------------------------1------------------------------------------------__ :---------------------------------------------- Has juat received an .extoriBlvP stook of new go x!b suitable for' the seatoni' vhich he is bound.'to.Bell lit iho very towest poaiible.price. He-belitTeSr 11 quick sales and small profits. .Call and eee our beautiful stock of Voolon Goodsr Milllaory, Droes Goods,- OMldrca's Suits, Safeerdaolionr, . : acatleinea'a ^raiehlaj Gflikls, Toilet Articles,- Tovs, Borli a -"Wool, etc., etc. Also a nice stock of JTEWEL.ERY to jb< sold off rery/low. ' - "'-' "- Remember all these goods are marked down to the yofy low>est-figures. ^ See OurGhea^^Wmce^s, ^ Butter, JEgcP/ Poultry, e'to/j taken in -exenanie-for goods Actbri. Nov.; 17. 1875. ' ' " :'. her,.Ire asked me to vote I said.I had' promised t-p Cuisholm and Beatty; in they botli called, I spoke and ^old tlieni I was irf luid to be quick and say t had to say at'oneo; Barber fbirmy Vote, and I said have coniiderable brass on his ftjee rto ask me for my vote, or any other person in a school sectior that he ilad passed over and nat' them a magistrate; : IcCraiiey wanted me to go into a rtom and L took him into the sitting room j] j dop't recollect the first w Vds.. tjhe sum of it was that he waited mine and my1 boys' votes;; he isked ine to make ansassigjiment of my. ri^ht and my family's' to the' . lotintyl to- him iid fx3 Barbery I 'sail! I could riot, and that I Wodld-riot break liny '-word for fifty tboiisitn.c r<Sbllars; ;thn he siiid "I can fetch you now, I have one. Cheque left, and.tonly one,,, and I will give you -that: for your inte^-pst- and ycur bvys';" MeCraney ' said it Was not Bar ber's fault that he} w; s not1 - ;'a magistrate, that the T eeve- liad not sent up my name, as a Grand JurynSan.; "MbCraney saici he would telegraph to Toronto iind have me I said I Would not: act or .aceep , in that way ; he said if I di4 n it act lie svpuld- rei>ort me -to- tho Govei'n- meritas being a.bad^cliaricter. [ ' ~ Ort cross-examination by Bethune, jie said I. h.wo 1 av.ay up north ;-I; ha<|| st rne littile fjits of Uiisiness; -J\ J^ft home ori last. Thiii-sday-ron' fciot:. wbnt |^> priiiiifiuin tiret, and: don't, know wherejl j>vas next; pwoiir.5 dori't nigit; can't swear wl^ere on t Siitur Jay nigJ.riVj' dci'fc kiio wliat to\rnship or county on Sunday, night j think somewhere about the :pouiityT- j>f niy fie y. called lley dnce IGihi of for .hiai Vote ifpr January, to them ' a huriw, hat they asked me he. mifat bein tion from other causes,;and the only safe policy is! ^or "otlt-traders^and manufacrurets to ebnfiutj their op- erationsso that they 'will, not ex- pind beyond what is really requir- ^ed for the necessities Of the coun try. The .amount of outstanding indebtedness ifi very large, as new bills falling due have not been met, much less anything paid to meet obligaticmswhicb have been increas ing .sinccj ithe present' slowiies.s of payments began. A shtisfacory feature J8.that the reduction in im ports is steadily maintained, the amount for October this year boijig smaller by $1,1)00,000 thari for the sainc period l;e;t -year. Ill dry- goods the reduction is the-greatest, tho actual saving amounting^ to $!S5'1,000, of this decrease the' re duction .being cbrisid'ehibly' more than the ariiount .left. Montreal, Witness. ; .-.' The Montreah 'Witness, speaking of the immigration from France to Canada 'says: " Ihe number of immigrants;from France who have come into Canada, aiid the,-number who .- hayo settled, Lemj>orarily at least, in Montreal within the last year p'r two has been really surpris ing. Anotjieri fact of. considerable interest; is the largo, number of i those wuo have, under Mr. Chini- quy's .preaching,' embraced the Protesltantf faith; and a \third point, eqiifilly interesting, but "by no means so -pleasing, is-the large number \y;lid have, after a. brief and unhnpjiy'i'ircBidoneo here, lofe for I stayed I was in I.staytd kudw-,w)iore I stay'ejl on .PiidajK Uio United ;States. One of tho^ greatest discduraghments to our ijri- )uigration: effort is the fact,that1 very many of ihpse who come here do.iret stay, but seek, either large centres furtljer south or Wider iy liomc sco^Kj further west, as.their taiste have pf-1 or. training mo.y direct." ' San Fi-anqiKco and the Brith-h Co- ltiinbia -and Puget' Sound ports, with over one hundred and thirty soids on- board. Most 'of' tl e Pa^ cific's passengers Were from Vic toria, on their way to Sin F-ancis- co, and doubtless a number o.' Can adians returning home were among tho lost, The half yearly 'meeting-cf the Great Western lluilway Was held in London on "Thursday, whin the- President rriade a statement of- the alfairs of the Company, and-alluded at length to the falling off of the traffic receipts. After a long dis cussion and several suggestions from shareholders,' who expressed a hope that things hadj-iiow {fpti'.'to the worst and 'would begin' to (iibud, the usual-resolutions were citrried. . The Monetary Timcs: say^ that the stringency in the money riarket iVi gradually "relaxing, aril' al lows mora facility for specu jition. The restoratian of contidenc|"jiro gresHes favourably. And : th jio is little doubt.that money jwlricb through apprehension is now, retain ed in safe but not very productive' places; .will, soon be . released and seek Investment in the channels of legitimate business. The Stra'tford Deacon speaking of tho Rev.. Mr. McPhcrsoh's ac ceptance of the call to Nassagiiweya, says :-f-We aro hapjjy to see tiat our talented friend lias been tort m- ato in securing such a very] do liv able field of labor as the one into which he is-shortly to be Induct sd, and wo trust that liis "bow nay loiig-abide'in-.strength," and .tliat his many amiable qualities n; id ine hin. a talents will- speedily ;;secnro place in the hearts and affect ion's of. his neW charge. From Essex' Centrojwe learn the following : Some tinje ago i'naii named DpctOriHiram Wigle. a gra duate of McGill's Collqge,: located himself at'the above place, aid ob tained board in a respectable fam ily. Ho had riot been there h ng before he, by his wily j arts, jiccc m- plisjied the ruin of a youngdjidy of 'thc-liousQ. Wlien pressdd on , ,he suViject ho refused to rnarryr he young lady or/make any provis on for her, and left for parts unlirio.vh *Tt is said this is not t]ie moBstiir's first victim, ono of ' wfiorii ih-e s mt of to an untimely death by means dtugs. . About five feet of ropo voiild do this villain i>oa, As ExTitAonriil^ARY CoNsriltAcv Devlin, of Hamilton, hiis-re cently-been uiadt the victim of a most disgi-aceful dot. . A few days siiiqe lie was sent fbr.-byJo.no of his. tenants- to see' n. nick fetAalo visitor at the tenant's- house.; j He weiit, spi/nt .a few mo neiits with the al legl-d patient, foulid- that nothii s tin; matter with her, spent a \' moments in :oi; vendition with ic.jmrties in a l adjoi iing rooin d iheu nturnel to his own home ering .wh_V iic had becit '.sen On the' fi!lowing day Ik fu.i'nil. that an inforniHtioii. "had \h en laid against te 1 that the cjhii ities who concocted'the scheme haivo been irrr-e'itefl. informntioii him .itj tho police with.indecent-J. cdnrt, changing ;h m ly u'ssatilliug the Ljiil' .to' whom wis called in '."professionally. ' At ilie examination at thei court the girl swpro that hs had jcommitted tlie'assault corhpluined iof, and he was accordingly comnjiitted for tr al. The .brother of the girl after wards visited her, when [she admit-. JEAVJS. / Carpet/iyeaving,i Htrq ,...,,, .... ,. anil" ail hindn of liorlic-mt <lu work to anit fanners and otberi, pro ii[>tly and pro pcrly att'Oiided fe, at iny J>nblin clmfcli, about a fronr A'ct'-.n. ping, tw resilience inHe-^inl- near a-'half Escjuesing, Nov. 1G, 187o. HUC4H JiELK :!l-5t* s TKAY SHEEP Came oh to tlie premises of the sub- cril>cr, I^it'No.. Hi, i All: weya./.Ixiui the middle p! Angus; last, or.-^Uvrc aiid one Lain >. j The owner is .r|uo.sted to prove pro icrty, pay ciiargea iud take tiium away -. y' I;- '.w|m; j. ooiiDo^. X.issayiWey.% P.O., Nov; In, IS'5. th con. JJsssaga- F- SXVsi FOR SALEi The1 sulx^cribor ofu-ts to bc-11 Ilia bang.East' h:.!f of:.Ix>t ;K<>. 7, is Tnwi'ishiplof Erin, c-onipiifing al>o acres, to.'lierus of which ir.re under vr.tron. Siitu.ited about four mile Acton. wiine ! djsUnee from v.'oori.; All wt-lj fenced wit'li codai co'.kl level farm, clay'loom ; well water ed. For further partieul.ir'enquire of he j Iioa^id MoXair, Acton, .or in". -;"' JAMES THOMPSON, !'-"'.' <ui the'pre: Xov. 10, .1875..-!/ 1 ' 21 i-ge was trumped up for the purpds oceedings ha'e been taken lin.st her' for jeijuryl, nd the Crkdit Vai.I-ev.^ Th^i Directors report that llfj?! miles of this road . o been graifet, and there) re ins 42 miles! to be done. They nt the Government to| give tJiem onus of Sl-llOO a mileitnore, and City of Tcjrpnto $2p0,000 in er to complete the' work ha m wa al tin on Wo clip Ithe-followlini'frorii the Tces- water J> ni-.-i .- ' The Acton I?;En PriESsj (neutral in polities), because it'tookiup an iudepen dent pdn and pointee out th^ merifs and deiierifji of the crnili bites cqhtestihg for P.-irjliatrientary hnio-a in Halton,; has been rejected by i ni inl>er .(fi Tories iu a ue81>erate hour if defeat. ITho '^true blui " of the Fiie i P jess, aflter explain ing uiis position, \nw is up hib article so fashion : " And w< ^nay EJay.hero, to those few parties wlii think! it a gi;and thing to show their, petty spite by. re- turningtheir papers lud reviling usl by their loud-raouthed blather} thnt: tno, exhibit their w'raih t) no purpose. ! Sttct actions have no jinfliience on us what ever. While pityin j their] ignorance, we are only E0iTy|tlii t tlieir Jcnanccs for leiiriiing'wisdom aro io'slim.i Itjis wi^ll for the country fthat this -claS9 gf men aro not very numbro is. " gcod We never step into;- the live, wide-awake, and jo-ahead store' of Me.iiirs.. Seeoril Ero:.,- that]'-we'do not find frcslteaunc for v, under ajid astonish ment.. This house it cortairlly a credit Actoii, and ia in e .'ery way'deaerviijg ho extensive pai rouage it is. receiH ing.J the liberality toj ;ether lyith the cor reotness and jifstncss of-al], tlieir deal ingsj-have gained for them the coiifi- eksnee on evory' x)Qri on-l It is .astonish ing to set) the gteat 1 >ads of goods, con stantly being- dative red at their-store, one wanders wl ore all the goods go to, or ^yho! uses the n. ' 'hoy tell us and wo knpw it must bp so, $hht. the railroads and steamboats' are constantly convey! ing goods for their, si oro, and that thepe is no elay in the yeat tl^at railroads and steamboats; haye n'c t ' jiomo goodB on boardsfor themi Fo r instance, thoy re oeiyo Bomo hotshea Is of sttgar to-day, to-morrow thevTimm' idiatcly order more, and by the timi this travels ^ho diatanca from Montreal po Ax tori thb; first lot is Bold, and bo on, timi they have a con stant stroam. of. good i c anstain^ly travel ling towards tlieir hi nse. You can get everything you/wan:, from the common est staple to tlits clioii est luxury, brought from every lfjnd a id. every- clime, at their store, ijtead f.hedr adycrtiseniont elseiyh'ero. Close Siason. ^Salnjon trout, or lake trout nnd white fish; !close seaBoh. commehce|l the 12th of No- vieniber, Wht n- no sell! or have any his potwaio a. . I QOHilNG : OMlXG! Uir,- FRrm, I? co-u. it HO culti- i from h'oek'. rails; ;mse3. It D. AT H?ANIC i T2B AUSTIN G'OMrEDY-.-feOJNj-i Will'give'an entertainment in MATTHEA^S' HA|T,Ti AAlien they . will present the bea atifhj ,' |'.: Play cntftied " Dori JGeasair ilei Bcztkn/' Or a Match for J-Kin InterspoTjied with Binging and dancing, and tnewhole to'conclnofc with thp-aide splitting Farce, entitled^ I ' Tlie ^hij-Li%ht\^ntrakcey 6ri The HauntcdiHouso. All lovers of fun should not jfail them..'.!;' I ;osee HEIQHH0,pT0P! What's. tjie Mktter? Why any person who. wants a "-------! SET! OF I 'Shoiii(d call Ori -." : ROBT. Harness mode to. order shortest possibie notice COLLARS Nov. 18J1S76. d cheap *M^p^>^'Wi^*^i>*^^i ' " ; . ^ - '"i Has rerooye(t-to the Briek Drug\Store^ M|U Street,^ ?ormerly occupied by the la'to DR. OAIiTEB, /vhich has! been enlarged-iad refitted. '.--'.'.-." A-largo stock of Drugs,! ilway.s'on hand. A-ctpn,-Nov."3. 1875/ : ..' EDY B .-,','..." ' Have just" received' thsir Sail Stock of Bdotb'an^Shoes^ - ' - ^ - IT' Andare'dfi'tenimined tb\confirine fp.sell ch'-aper 'than vth cheapest, and bitter value To^ your money than ^nbejhad-Vlsewher'e; ' t' Call anh See lor ^ourselves andj.bripg youi ' , Frierids ^iblj-you. Examine our stock which cbmpnsefliaTeryjthins in the trad* of | tlie lateiif and most elegant styles arid patterns Of English/Catia<aian,nd.l/E|MrtB& manufacture. '"' j-'v'-V'- II ' j 1 tj Orders, promptly exeouted and good fits guaranteed. H.B. AUaocounts tokist besettled 'this months Actori, Nov. 4,].1875 . KiSNNEDY BEOS: TTItLAGE OF; ACTON. % TAX NOTICE, good Creech, MILJL.'S^lljEBTv ACTOW. Who Is always rjeady to supply tomers with evory thing .usually in'a firstj-plass'.akrnesB ShopL OU8- kept A SPECIALTY'. on K. CHEECH, personj- can buy, of thiise fish in . i * "* i- EXECUTORS' NOTICE. 1 .j- ! All pcrsofiB having elaitris agninsjfc the estate of the late George jieKojy, < f the Village of Actoii, in tlie County.of jHal ton, deceased, Will present their re spec tivo olaiW, prijiperly verified fe fc d al. thoso indebted to'said cstiito vfill rnaki paytnentj of tliq jamo on or ,befoi3 th<> first dnjt of Dp'cember, -1875. #. W AUaii; pfj said VHlage of ^jjton \V. ALLAJf,. : 'liyxeDutor. BENJ. Mc:30NAU),j ^0'^>^, ^ Actori Yfeat, 12th Nov., Ao on 1870, the Taxpayers are hereby notified that all taxes' duo ' thet Corporation of -' Actont muatjbe PAiD BT.'S8t.li. OP NOVEilBESi Parties who have not paid birfore that date-may find me at my housal / On Thursday, the S5th Inst. If not paid then, cost will be added.' :,S. ZIMMERMAN, e'ollector? Acton.Nov.lO, 1875. ; - 2fr2t. ' . 4 -. ' FOB SALE. ', Lot No.. 30, &d Con..- Esquesingv S of a mile from the floririBhing village- dfT Acton, ccmtamrii" 100"acres.-...- About 5Q, acres' heavily timbered with Pine, ,Hem; look and Cedar; suitable" for telegraph poles or posts. Bxcellent'TVame House, eight-roomed, in thorough repair; irairie^ stableand log barn ; opcham',of choice; fruit; a never failing spring creek runs i through the premises. Terms casv. Apr ply to -.' CHASt CAMERON, Main St., or by letter WBoSc 62, Acton. If not soloV will be rehtedl BR. ROBERTS' ^ Celebrated '.- ..'": OAliED-THE - POOR ntviAN'SJ; FRJEMD, i> eonOcteritly recdmineTided to the Pub-- liqas an UDfalllng-remedy lor wounets.of every " A-j/CertarB oure for, TJIeerated Sore Legs,veven of twenty year*' staiuHner C&us, Burns, Soalds, BrulBiss, OUllteltHna, Boorbutro Eruptions., and Pimples oa ihe Fnee, Sore and In flamed Kyep, Sore Heads, Sore-Brcflsts,-- PlleRi Fistula, and Oanc-roirs Humours; nnd Is a Speciflo for tnoso afflicting Erup tions that sometimes follow vactnnatlon. Hold In Pots at In. IJcL and is. 04-each. Br.Sobsrts^PllulEB AntiscroplxtLlffl Or AiLTEIiNATIVE _PtE,CS,- coriftrmed by.sixty years':espCTlence to begone pf the best tnedlelnes ever compounded fpr fairtfylcg the bVood, atacl assiialiig Nnture' a bar operations. - Hence thoy aro itsenil :lriBcrbful<>, Scorbutic Curaplaii\U,. Glan dular Bwolllui?3.T>articalrly those att^e Np'oIc. An. Tlioy foTma mlfiland-BUnerlor. Family Aperient, -which may-be taHon all tlrnos without confinement or cUnti of diet. Sold 1n Boxes a* li.iHd.,.i I 4s.'9d-, lis. and.'/ia. each.. . -, \ BY TUE.PROPKlKEEOaa, - - eBAjOH AND, aARNIOQIlT -.'[ - DT8PEN8AUY, BKrePQBT, E.\GIAND, and by aU M8p^Otatjl9:Modlclne Vpnaors "Holliiway At an 'asruroed l J3e|vare , of Cbuiit'ef feits. For the brotectlorf'oi the publle of-Bkfei>. Ish North America; I deem It ml<Jnty io \ . statejtnat.jnfc Fiu.3 ajtd OiSTJOttrr in". neithfef mauaisictri -ed nor spldl In aor. ' part of the TJxrrEO: States. - I .- V Kad'1 Pot and Bos bndrstiie "British JoVerninent .8tomp," with' the word* Hi>i.LOWAY PlIUSAiKD iiVPTUXXTi LoKnus,"-engraved theteorti- Llj) the label :iffttie afldress, 533 Qxkoed tbebt, 'ljoniiok. '!. ,! -:) . : This notice hns-lbeeome necea^i consdqtipnce or -vtle.nml spnrlonti Imlta- Uorislor * HoIlo-#i^rtB fllliSi^nil 01riIrillt , b*lnrffabrieat /^M^. f+atTSMalfl- en Lane, i ew f Km "XlrN *>? Pa ries Istyllne^^ <S9'ITse<*la' i!_ GArmbs-.r jirc to cautio t_>o much of | ffea'in the be used-indrJ jprejatstreri^tl fcriins.'are janytiea pot.- Kallwari I;; One) day la "(jErunk "ezprt jbefW&en."jLiinl the coaplin^a^ e^oodatoi; |y riobody :.jjretV !iraaskt| j/^aieViollb? palled esve ' i:| U' V - --' I lnflea- fcrom A| /when,, appinesa. tol TTxiiprlnclp'ed vendors eaniobtfiri tra trash at Very low prwe, ana so tlefcelvj yon r>y selling the sariielbrffaiy *e*uU HollewayV'fills and JplntaiPnt, ^fhlch are jmanry'aretnred .only at;|533, Qxforp streejt, tendon. - -. -J...v , j ' '.Persons who may'be bo flteelviea wia. be pleased tooxanninnlcatef.'With njei.- ^ -M^iky respectable firhaa-inl the!Brltlsu provinces, w1Br>obtaln-iny mted|cliie<l|-' xe'ct r<x>rii hetei have.very nrppertjr J- testeU taiat I should, for tba. benefit thontselve and the public;iPJsert theji iriames In: fhli papeTs,:-tbt'IH Xiay- be kno'wti i hat: niy jmsllckne* pan* be oad Uridine from i them, j.-i.. /.. ~ The fohowlng la a list of the'firaa s allud ed tib: and f pBrticularlyjfleeoiirieQC *fic* who desire tovfiot Imjyjjpdl %>$* t<|, apply to some of tue ilooBeSTtiftmfidi-^ ETiU MkbCee *IC.,-Mpnt**alJ ' AVEBY, BEOW-'-A-e0^ *?a'itS' NSP' T.-SjUARKKtt <S Son?, Gt. Jatjjnt^|.-B., , Ato+HB abIks'-Haij.Cto.Cb^rloitatOTni Laspleta Co .Victoria.B. C. <i :. -.. -,' Moore <fe Col. \lctorln,B. . Dr. JomrBAi.i.ES| ChathttBij'-lt.|B. Monro <SjCo.,'Montreal. :-.. . -. ] Moore <fe CpIT \ Ictorln, B.C Dr. Jomr BA1.1.ES1 Chatham Monro <&Co., Montreal. :.., . . |- J vViSEHiSi Co., Hamilton, pat. . j H. JL Rosk, fl'oronto. = ';/ .: j. ' A.-Gair>MA3r SHiTHV St..jQhn. Si BC John BosdJ ijo<ierlc.h,Ont. EiiTitoT <t Co.^TOronto. J. CnAixjxEB.Ht. Johni N. Hi vHA*lNaT-)S BBOTnEHS,-St. X 'U.S. PRUvriy, Wiodspr, Ont. ! 't'., phi. JS.B. MrslOitPES, M6rlen, N.8. -_j,--- Seohqe t\ uvifr,Juu,;. PredertoVin, N.K = *- W.1H, TnooiPSON Harbor Wta'ofc,H.F.Irf I. M. Wilbv; E^red^rlqton. W.-. wJ&J>.-YuiiE,>Jjontreal.. . Celab. l.^DAyrKsJ?sederlctoh, K.B,- >l e mdiclnea are aedd at t*e ro**!* wb^osale *et pirlces,-ln'qoantltleii or. nor lesfthan 20.Worth viz..Ss.6rL, gb* VO* SifTber dozeniboses of Pills pr-V**J Oimraen*,lfor iWhlph remiltahOM mow be .entm^vanc^^ ^^bWAi. 533, Oxford 8tr*ety .W. C. ivohdon, June 1st, 1ST I^O KEN*.'.['-- ^v JTltti subscriber oStTeri to rent priet'iii f-'-i elkres, his .farm, berngXptlNivSUiW l- ' the ath GoncesotoriojE ^^hewnft'opn^ > priBindlflfracres, 80i acres Jf Wmcbjg /^ under cultivation, the o?laJW!*to|toi M f: bedar anil hard wood. 0*jd^rW|="* house and barris^ with.plemty. of g Water, and other.teonveriiencei. - Am % anilea Jfrom .Actoa. ; Apply- on ** * ')-.' . '_c.. *"' F/^V,".'.: :'; : ViaiON MctEAli.. E^uesing^lOst^l,;18W. :-""' *^.-"'p| = " 1. '.- ~": :r-^ W3 -j .-'-? -IS J Si riedi.firej od cooing;' 1 i^ttheVs; $2, and-ask poaey^ti'JCie 'Ns;'j|pe.- TEAOBDI ^called at Mesl other day, anJ j5o!many"af hrf jjrUea of thl aCea, thafeahel lerself." -She! : yesterday mol '. I^ea. poi'-oa th Wttt Sndde_ jcompanied hii Sspilling otbo^ Iitiion ga9era. |r%*forr ifhe' - Jha* ;the pKK, ^he'atacength^ '*i'*":-'-v8iei I; tin of thl . "cooritiy- reshlta; \EQr j-^e/.dp,, ~ 1- iri Ha i& jire.-^ ,i4id."tp5j rMeys-;wal t'Go.'s, ,>jseta-ia.| <ti" scahted featheiJ -not beI ng^as thif > tender 1 *:rCol drawers-1

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