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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 19, 1875, p. 1

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/*?--s5., if iig eve*--V i<f6. there- 5fel ueat- li1- TEA ? ' - } go* 'v;0 ilWM *3: H 4-. "., ^- -Hi l.OYVRY, Mrfi.'. M; ?."i\S.,' . Graduate--; of Trinitv IVlU'-e' -MKsr. <>: {-.'It.-j-c o(^ VMiv.sici;ros ami. Surgeons, Sim. s<tkkm, .Arhiy. It. MERKOW. Pliy/ie'un, ;*>.' ,. ."ff"?' *< /<. -iwiiovuc-eoi^o, >ow Voti. als.v Grauuato of Victoria Colloc.v -ifanada. Cogitation davs Piiodayssud 5-n.5.ivs, /iv;ii--<J x m." till .4 p.m. 'st tto-.vor street," .tclou. _ : : :m Fll Over (he KK WHW* OFFICE, lN>i JM1W, JAXA1>\ LOi ACTQST,| W H IAMt-fS MATTHEW; ISM'.er of' Marriage- ftl g- .4- af whiplv, of-.niaterisl. (iiid jever?.:-',J Inly Uanda making" our; k all *ve>! V^d- eh a cm. tb ON, y -".-: d :l **v .Ml OLLAR, Iting that the.; tatci^r intmne to Trade; CASfii. .A I W taHf |\^andB#/-/1J ,*ad will ff*: -# >itt- , lAmvey-niuvf, liage- Licenses., Post-- .^Master,: Insurance Ai:cnt. Agei)t-Nlunov lo j.-.var..- A.vrit Moi'.sroal IV1. t'oi'. i'lcfU Fourth Oif. Court, Com. in Q. K. io.. Act" ' s, E WOU 0NT.:y / STORfeY & CO =}U>M'KU-SO'Nl -~y\ .-"r-^ri-.tv>ti.\n',.Iisvv;i:uvr, -LS . >-A^-:lfCra.iila fife Aur - anoelV: IWI*.:-Mortis. Jfc, "pr, P-vreu ueatly^p.\.i,,pUv. correctly" and : rvas, naMe tonus. Moiie'v to-.l . #;'^ seiy.Hty. 0:iiee "-.House. -Ai-to;vr ; II tilai^ow- AVholcsalii Manufacturers or every tics cHption am rstylo or Lcatlipr & Cloth Gloves mitJts and gauntlet; -j Ai.s > Drosseri of Plaiip. and id Lea T. r?JXT-IlKs&S. AttorjrovV *" l:aiic>'j>- :>tTtj\iy _ .-. Office-. Cafise. Street^ >J(o.-j^'tow ;n:l ;:nU.r,!r.ue*t] Aliiuin. Ml:-j-stn.Vt. jfho MiltonHl::icb' ( CaaijvMl. SinJ Mr. l^::. >\-iiriltfcvii.V "*- attki ioh vfok. \ ' )ipt-MiiTk4 i E\Rl L. DKiJiE. Ail h::s: faithf'.:! toUoile. I>>IK.l\<C .VfU'AT. <;IELPII. ' for !l:o^ Mi ro.L:\t. U' ni'-yt \\ ut-Tioo. t:c-^^* f n^:;.-!oci: :o '"-S t*:ire vriilUte :v ji::e:i.:vii-to. Orxlv:^r !'V m.a i, - :ii-i.-. un.iKt: Jimstfcii^ hefs. Jild for %or H;wmoniTs'^ewiiii' F"".*TE'XTS for INVEATIOXS t \j>e JUlvi.lvI^ ar:J i.K'; rr> M.'L-i:rtii ill Cft2:r/ri, 1^1 i? ril.lU' i ??t^t*.-> iiHi! Kl'.rorxr. Pater.t g-ianii-.tcccl 'l*J.o cr.aiv.'. Send ;,o:Fri!--'.<'-! iu-t.-nc-f..-^- As .-.:ui Dr:i:;.-:, <*! 1 "\'l Whwtovcr yon' Roll, Sir whatever you I hojioTjgny lnilillybut Urinly wig- ': -^ -' ' ' Thnt, i\A Well. na tliotimo all your'pro- Enoiigh.; is alloVvoil for your, nnturnl No ' doubt tliii oxcitcuicufc of coinmcrco \ is thrilling,. -Tis hdril i\vai such nlUtiulea weakly . to'tlrou . ]5ut .it.lc:iflt jor UVjiiiglit, Sir-^-hoSvcvcr unwilling Do put up your abutters tijvd shut uj> your shop. - Yyu boo, Sir;1 I too am-a tradesman ami " : .brother. . i Aa grouily' for gain aa the beat of )ny . ' . Oitlv 1 oilei one thing jviul you flell an- ;. ' othoif.- . -; - ;"" ' ' A ml neither imagines h ; two. .,...';' j Of coilrse'thero in uothingi Where/kadi lias a'tr .' ' ;the top;, '. Still by way of a noyeltj lufimti . Pray piit up your tshuijtera ami shut uji your tiliop. worst of. tlie f rivalry iu it, jijaiul' inhabits -just for a >ira at a meet? ivable trade; tivith fury re- Just fancy fto state of affq ! ing Of trailers in every cone "One ami all in a frenzy, ' pelting . ' ' The faet ..that their gopils were the best ever~in"aile. A picture so ghastly shjiuhl .act as a warning, This niureaijtilo raaumle|riug try,-Sir, Anil, until/you get reail^- for work in ' the tnorning, ~ /Vrrt-vr; pi.it up your sliuttjers and shut up your shop. DARKDA "VyiLLIASI W.ATKS.>Si. l>arlr Marrias<-^.Irenr'i *V:rcr!l&caJr,. {{>\j..r<yal :App-.':at:i!i.:iU,>,' /.' Tj-jsiiess'tTivaie ;-.:.<! c<:i;j.!vutial. 3 ninke me ing U):amu- E, S E^'itX/fclK, ^Ti=r"' a:i"l -TOwi. >a :.! " nirail. ..,. |iS^lX JIO.U.HEi Ae't'on. C!os 'Stheii. T. iliilv/ij- Sratioa. Ex ..celleis: tio:-;i:.tmt^i3t:i.a for the travtllin y\X. Pr.--5ir.. k'teft/S" Mi 1> ^int::.:: , ^r^lSi^^S^ii^^ 1 .! = ffavel- 1 : Isri-Jjill gad g->; 1 acli.mni^latiopj'.^ijcl '. <ny>tlii>a >.iniu!c- ll--i.-<i:s.' I-'";>jecial attention -'pa:<l to the, 'rfants o; the - xrar^sIiag.pubUo. Bir stipplitSLwith the .best tiatiors aj:.: Ci^-.-.rs. ' Good Stabling- and atteative Ho^t^rs. ;-. " . ' r/ ifc:---------------------L-----------------^_ X> OYALXCBANE HO"; EL, JLl; [iAetoii; i.>n-_ IV.-lt." Ijiokik, I'r.'p, -.Sainpie Eoums ]r.rge_2n'5 c.-immriious.' forCeywne.r^L-J Tra-.-e]iea-. ^fJ'.l accira- modaiflon for- "Travellers a;i>l "Guests. IteJt brands of I/fjcnr? ajjiri Cizir.*, at tirie Ear. j G-jod .vt-tii? 'f:" ' " xng .ana arteJiriTe. WM n^rsTiii;ETr Licensed Auctioneer Kor tUe Counties tat \\'d!li"r gtnn iihil Hal- ton. orders- 1-t at. Jh'c Kukk- I'i:f>s uinee, A*u>.-v, of at :fp3- r.riidtr.c.-, in Kockiror^J. Wi!i lifebrbiiptli at-.eiido.< lo. Xeriria reajionabl^. "^- i ... ./.. ;' J4a. a good stoLk of "RUSSS.L" AND ^AMERICA)!" Always on hnjntf. ds fo reraiTing pf Duo watches . Ife at*'( himself. Mr. Hnc);!nff," of the Fit 3'-. t'-'irry iTafciu?s .an kioiil . . . . - iinafrorii Uuelpn wlit-u re<Jut*ted. O'uelpli, pe'pti-.SiVEffi) .^';DATIDSOS|':i- :- ,- . Fr-llie Caaaly vt ll;il:6a. Salel -attended "t'.t" in;, any -part of tJ&j Coiiniy, at reasonable ratejj, ' "" Address: A..BAnbsi)Xi '. . t7^exxey;s Marblej Wpr^is, Opposite 'sfde fr'orn. Mills &! GoodfeJlpw'BiFountlfy^ jauil: Near- Eramosa" Betdsei J HMtS Tomb ..Stoh'jS, /ilantjte Pieces, &(X, iKade to any size'or design, a^st'ijat up injaqy jjart'of. the coKnCry. . ";' ,n - ( . Mouu- mentfi.inrporteii to ojfder. 'i P.S. A. Kennedy is^a prac tical marble cutter. ] ' A.CW- POJANING " ^TILIiS AND Piirapv Sasli, Door : j t Factory, tiiid Blind -iH; E3BACE & GAMPBELL, l^iBiio^.SaBli-, (oors,/ Veaetiai Itfoulj&ing's, _i g* to =thank- J113 ii Rv '-.^l B^H^.: ^ - lrT'tv=-"-^H B -4r* ""-m9HB :""tilB ^K *U ^JUj ^ ^ *L-'-t; v^aB W0S .." >- -^ - iT^^^H . -1 "-^ifl^^^H ,- ^Jt^M cnitpxners for. the liberal! patronage re- Huminer, aiid he da now jirejared to prjpply an addMonai unmberjof custom ers tiithi good, pure;/fresh rnjlk oieliver-. d every morrpijg, anxl twie4 'a -day.oir- Saturdays. tartiej) who ikeep "c'ows.will .fcd irmucixBeapdr and jleiiis: trcuible to get milk.. delivered, st tSeir iloorsrand tbey. w-onld do; wy.to jsell tbejrcows aoa bay their.-mifk. Twenty-oae qtmrt *gkew far $h- if -.paid in advance, or ^veuty-one piii't tiip|j{efes ii,i 50 cenfe. '--""" ' . P.-a.AElrlSTEOSG. Acton, Kov. lOgii.lsyui Ur ilanufacLurers And othjer Bujdding Aleo Makers inpaovtBD. stronolr Lumber Pianeid and Dreised to order iiri tho laest mane B&F Alli^6rkgaaante<d. ;; . ' - . At6n, J.uljsl, 1875, J^QTIjtJE. j -; ,;..= Any person or -persons, tl-ospassing on Lot 2S, Coiicession 3, of < he Township of Ksqucairig, {adjoining, t! ic Village (f( Abton),;or| {njurihg trees oi any kind, Or le}iyirigjiat4s improperly si ut, or fences partly down, will be uubjeit toprosecri tiod oft<jr tJjis date. - 1 :f if -P. S.-AIJLMSTEONCJ. Acton/August 20y:I87^- (Cviielttifal.') Yon !woui<J. not dit.rl I'prisoin-f V I cried, tiy nijtm a lutle""!>]>ii-it. / Ilo liini;lied-.iterisive Dniv-J" he I answer^l. "If. I tllis- cliuni; ik until you lied of'-fuiimio-; !if I choie. to wrap lioit^ up in a winding sheet, and 1 throw "'a'oft- iu^tiip Iakej, wLp is to Jliinder tue'T' 1 I shudileied /at tlie truth of,- his 'threat-; jluijt li bs I 'i'trii d to ..uitsw !i ucti c.umot be I.wiih^inp.itiiity.":: \, '_ 1 aui q.ui.te prfixiifd I conn* <|uotieels of all I li.i shall do,"? he repliedi I'PUtuindcr" of your 'stay ii: I you "" this Too.ni.: Your mea luTH.igli you, and tlie cl|ildix-n will ciiose tolo(,'ic you up in ber-wiVlipiit:fotl or dri umleniablo ne'verthe-. |er. bolill}', lerpctr-.iteii to take the o doiio or Dining the : this house will riot be "allowed to Iwive will be . the lock, ip /4r .lost. Giicijihi, ee I'p.r.'iH, will " Jewelery bf /me here for their, less ohs. Y'o'u have brought this coeiB-pn upon^f ypurtelf by: foolishly yielding to : ybiit"' contemptible curie sity. Let it he' a lesson to you "' So Siiying, he left the rporn, and I heard tl\p key Eurnexl in I-. ga'vie .luyself u never donbtjej btit.th'at I Dtyfeelf into 'a kn'owledfj inylitcrious 'and hidden which, ii^.the end, ray' pay the .forfeit. I felt 1 there was no atrocity lit uian would pause to p revelation of ll-is- guilty'" ffeared to eat and drink, should lurkiin to sleep, lestT should be td. And Ttuded to these rerswere the intangible iinagihation, for I could doubt that supernatural were about.-me. Three days past;ed a|vay thus, during which I saw hoth child vcTif 11011 of any hvin the ofd ~woti1a.11, who b^oiiglit mo my. rneais, and who hetrer spoke a .word. . VV'hafc I snfTerecl L'uage could convey. ! :I- Ti. Kcqiiisitcs PTJUFS link of it without a shiujlder.: iiif.t^the end -caiuq at last, very, 'Suddenly and very aw.fully. ' It wasfclirist'mas-Eveyand I was cowering oyer the fire, railing- up pictures of thebusy Lond on streets, of clieerful "^louseholds, iticli as I Jjad'so often seen them atj season of* the year, and with, a- smkitig heart, whether I should ever again be: lampng such, or whether'I should <pid in this savage solitude ; person, skeleton hence, when every one ' had forgot- ton the existence of such whether my mouldering wotild be-found in some nook of the old house, or perhaps ground at the bottom of the lake, rise to all kinds of speculations and -inquiries.! ; I was arousedlfrom iheie ponder- ings by a distant shrieki grown "used., to these.-'sou and they affected me:butlittle; biit raising my bead, I.asked the refleCv tioh of agreat/j|lQw of light upon- .my window* In "Hsome a^rm, half gneBsing'tlie trutb'y I fan iain tbe cause/ and' sa'jv >flanies bursting from the opposite wing ojf the building. I opened JmyxasQ- mf nt, and-screamed for ^ielpf but no person was to be seen, iB. fbrgotton, pi;, uioro. pro^iiably, left purposely to polish." j I jrc'clottblod my cries,\but still n5 tmq lappoared, although II' (5ould: hoiir,-tbe voices shouting, and sound ofhejijvy blows, as ^hoiigU [people wore (jhdoavoiir- ing to broiik open somo door or cut awtty other obstacles, i Nearer nud' ncuivr drew tho reti-forki|d tongues and tho sheets of luirii,uous amber, and volunics of lurid j Brooke that tilled my jthroat, and: choked my cries.and scorched my fa<ie.j" "Hope- lesa of-sucpourj I turned away from tho. sight lof approachiu.{ destruc tion, and : fulling upon uiv knees, tried to prepare uiyself for. another world. " . I Wliilo riiy trtmblihg lips wcro fforing up their prayers', t heard ho click of the lock,' iitid tljo door ipen.\ln!an instant, deB[)iur gavo jUaco to*hope, and to ; tho ititens:; tie'siro for .jjifo. -1 sprang t> my feet, nind rushed, to.my-doliver;'iu.' ITp- on the threshold I. "ehco uitorcd'n little angel-fucc, all white w..th ter ror. It was my little girl pupil's. . "Don't tell 'emd-let y )U out;',' uh". whispered, tremblingly; i" but I thpiight poor govcruoss'should not bo| burnt. " i , !t was to mo an answtr ito my yer a messenger from Heaven.' jurst'ing into hyst-ericul tears, I snatched the ehild tip in :ny arms, And rushed down the stairs, she HnWing close about inynel'k. TI10 outjvard door wits bolwd and ban-- .At aiiother time th\s would About Joimtlmu Ii daughter d it vory.bea yoai-s" of ag(J foreed one her parcntsj of. inonoy, their cattlo| though lie was too re] anyi feeling] tiuiu's liea'ri horn of the of her" futo young wife, niistiikablo i'ight years " toydon Intel greed soli previously jmurrieil the If a noighhofing farmer, Ciful girl,, qnly sixteen Tho ln'aiViago was a Sho was (jacrilicod to; I for a sun^: as they w'pjuld 0110 of to a mail : who, al io veil, her- ito: hnidness, ulsively ug|y to e.Xcito but 'disgust in iv wo- Two chtldren were union, bj.i.t| thei gloom so preyed; upon the that, after, ja time, 1111- fiigus- of iijljtirration of ilitellcct, bo^;an to npppai*, which vcryv soon merged into, confirmed luiincy. l[o took lier abroad nge of scene might do' |\Vhon he ljettuhod, he reasons known onty weddiii" (Whims at! WeddihfifsJ yoiingr cjergyuuin ai'th i I;e; over. liad; tliohj thinking clui her good, gave out -ftyr to hiniself- "i The i>ecuj npss was ah that sho whs dead. iur form of 'her mud tl|tit she was ira whs an idea that she was haunted by k doublo ofilierself, and 'l, ' had forced^ ;e of some crime, for [life would convinced iwhieh this event the iecrets. I |est poison I dreaded issassiiint- jbodily ter- pnesof the no longer influences ed. liav^ bafQed uiy stvength ; but ter ror lent mo vigour, and I i hot back the heavy irons as easily 11:11 would the iuost ordinary fastening.'! When I stepped into the court yard], the whole building s 'bined to be ctiveloped in fire." .And there, at an upper window of that part in w|iich'the contlagration 'seamed'-to have originated, stood tin fomalo wlioui.I had'seen thivc tituj's. before ohep as an appanition, o ice its a "corpsa, and onco as a livii g|being. Like a martyr upon the jije, she was surrouudeil; by flames but, to tny excited.faiicy, bho appeared as impervious to them as tho fabled salamander; they seemed to wreathe about I her body like serpents around a snalce-ch.irmer ; ti sparkle urotmij bcr face, like the i falling fires of a rockot, and yet lijt! touch her. : jThere' was the saiim ! move ment -jl had seen before, tie wild 'tossing of the arms : and I could hear those peals of mad hiiijhter, that amidst sudh a scene ub this sounded moro than ever ho -rible. ' Suddenly I heard a great crash. I sawj her turn her head ; at the Kame itooment, a huge column of red smoke, darting 'itp from ]/some newly [ignited part bejow, bid her from liuy sight -When the juceeed- ing flame had cleared it' away, she Wis no. longer there; but in liter plhce was the mis-shapenSform of Jbnathan Roydon, gazingdown with an expression of more/ than mortal agony upon his htdepus fea- tures, * "'.* '* that, wliutov she wad com ft pa suggeti bud read roi to have a li hery'niodeilei! her suduenly first Ufc it "l)ou you idea one day,: and tell 1 1 n ! . . tljut the other self waty dead. v -.-, ft alone for implish the by means of guarded by trance, that (] One more o.\j dbn]>. When she only means < music. Her .very beautiful sides, nn Hence the senebades. He survivecl dying, soino s;i others,.of tlj ceived during Of the fu joth for to I fled from, the accursed me it was accursed- ling of the 'soul save no lan tern never this gay ondering, my days t(n'd years /I had ndg now, although I-could hear a- confusion <>f Voices. As yet I'waB.ia-nbrdangei', but the building was old, aid the interior consisting atinost entirely ojfwood, the flames, would spread . rapidly. Byen inthe^paco of a fev jsecondsl I could^rceiva/them ailvanciiig, and.1 could bear their roar, I was- Yourid onljjy a wa&cii-jft/ure ! I irig the child wjth me. .' I wander ed about in the darkness, kjnowiug not where I wajs, afraid to 1 est'lest I should be frozen. "At dawn I met a laborer \ going to his work, whom I asked the way to the market. town. ; Ho direct id mp, and thither' Ii went, little Agnes nestling close ' to me, aid fast asleep. I. .".!.- I -we^ht at once to a magistrate, and tol.d^my. story from the time I had left London until then; "What else could I do? . T was utterly destitute; every thing ; that I pos- ee'ssed was left behind at Darkdale, and.inost likely;..consumed jy-this time, -j : . . ' .;. He Idnew Mr, Jonathan Eoydoii,' he said; a singular, eocentri 3 man, about whom stories were tol 1; but this was very serious. ' I caving tbe child with the magistrate, I presently went away to Da-kdale, in a conveyance with two jiolice- tnen. i . ' When' we arrived there, we found the house a ruin. Smoke was rising from jevery part, jut no flame. . The fire had buvned itself out* Not a porsbn was to bs seen. In a room onthe ground-floor, Which tbie conflagration had ilmost. wholly spared, we camo upon a sad group; [Upon s rude litter lay the blackened', remains of what had once been.'/ a young and beautiful woman-. I Besida it knelt Jonathan Roydon.! NeaiJ him, sullen, and [impassive, as usual, stood the boy; in the background, torn, sec rched, and dejected, the servant. ~~ '.Mr.l fi.oydonj raised his head upon our, entrance, Never' did I see such yroe depicted iiponimortal features.. . .- ',' You are come," he said, "by the infonhatibn uf that woman,"- pointing |.rae--".to seek; oijt the mysteries of Da rkdalo, f Be ifc so;; The world inay l:riow all now. Go and search the ls.ke> for itbe corpse she-will jhave tdd you wap cast into it." The lake was jdraggod.-ani^ they place- -carrr- er jiereona know nothing 1 glad to.get iiv borhpod into c, and Wiu? noveri my- memories iif JDarkilale, hi'iijied, by tl cipiiticm, to d] oiit his plan supposed desijd bene'atj. the kk> jouii.se succitss to work a The double die tco. S'u that 1 fu.stcuad braiiL. It av smuico of thjfj wujtching he lefj " com 1 At firsC'dt seemed but s i er this other self did, polled to imitate. The ted"by some book he cured to her husband ire, exactly resembling , :o -dress it as . though jfor tl|e'grave, tjo show it to] icr Ho is huinorijng her hullu-w estroy it. 1 He curriuil 0 fur as |to bury the the Waters to ion it began uiy opposite ed'ect. wus dead ; she must th-wits. tjio- new idea lipon |her tliseasod its) iilouiitless, in pur sue fired tho house opporLunity, wlien 1 few motuents, to :uc dei'dy lifter Iockin_ and seen ring iyer-y meVtusjof access toiler In regard tjo"her nocturnal, visit to my cliamllier, it wus/doublless, 1 -' a secret passage,- souie concealed en Scaped. iuy ifcriuiny. auatioui and" I. have a veriy good tiuio! to ihipriiss ... the. cbuple- before: him 'thle j sohfmnf ty-bfjtho act. !, " I hope, DenijiiH," ho srfi'd <\\> tho G'hui'blurmn, with his .licenW baud, "you. hayo weIl"coirSij<)lei-ed this solemn stop !in life." '-. " li'hope. so; your riverence] sweri|d Dennis... - " It's'ii vei'y importiint steji aro Ulkihg, 'Mary;" said the'" lfjinis- ter.'.'i'- - ' "Yes, sir.; I know it is," lt^; died Muryi whimpering. "Perhap|;i wo hud bf'tfer wait awhile." : l. f Pjerlnips we had, your jr^ver Sncp.'ichiiiied in Dennis. i-'Tlie| minister! hardly, iexpddtiii such a - personal application of Jiis exhotuiuy,; and seeing the-5 :ioto yii'nishjing'ibefore his eyes, lieook hiiimilf to-a more cheerful aspept of, the situation, and srdd t "Yes, of couise, it!s solemn and impori;tpt you (know, but"'it'}-\a' very .happy- time, after all, j when people love each other. Shall we go on with tlie service ?" - _ " Yes! your rivereu'ee," the/ 1 bth replied, and they, \yere so'pii n ade one in/the' bonds pf "matrimony, and thai young, minister is now lireful hoiv'he brings on i the splelnn view of marriage to| timid couples. 1 A pjirty came to a clergjm m's honso JQne eveuing to bo manied. Everything went on haiirio:lipiisly until the woman came to ths \>ord " ob'eyj" in the.."service.'." JIeio bauiky scene ensued. . v... "Njjy'er -never!" she said. ["I did not know that word was in|t!ie servjeb, and I will never say it. . " Oli, dear,7 renionstratid:.|hev Vcpnce, and then pay .26,000 for partnet-, "dp not make troubje nDw".!/tr'ying a man for murder,, induced became ; vibleijit, the was possessed a soothing her. husband . voice, uiid was be- 4xc(.'llent rnusician. tllier but a few days, y of-a -Jjioken heart o injnribs he had re- the (Ire.: ; -j the'r career; of the &3 of :my ; story I I' was/on\y too Uy from '; tlfe neigh- vdizatipu once more, desirous of recalling Common ^ejnse Venjfcfla^ion. "The bestipf-actica-l: staternent I havd mot' witli unysj Colonel Atlantic, 'f wasl maitk of a minifi sylviania : ' Air Just say it 'ou! don't mean it i Say it for uy sike - for you're dear John's saks." "Ne^er^ neve'r1!" insist 3d Itte high spirted dame. "I will' lot say what I don't meaa, and 1 do jot mean tjo- obey.: Ybul.must go on. sir,"".she added to the cleri'ymm, " without that word."' :j . j That is impossible,. niadLam. re plied the mmisler,_"I cannot ma 'iy you unless ypd promise to '^lovc', cherish^ and obey;' your hui band" . " Won't you leave us for 11 little time together V ' intercede 1 he yoiing man.". f' I think I ea man age herf iiftcr a while." So the minister!went bacla to lis, study and wrote oil his sermon 'or an hour, and ti quarter, befijro-ten o'clock jthere x. '.-"; * *' eanie a tappjing ' As of some onb gently ranpuigf 1 dciir. about j ventilation, iWating ijij the last contained! in the re- engiiieecin Penn- is like la rope ; you : . ------1.......-iTfri'"' J"" pull it betMT-than ybu can push it.' jA.ll niechunical/iippjiances for pushing-air into a rooUi or: a house aye/disappointing. ." What wo need to co is to pull out, tjie vitiated air alrtjady in the. 100m; the! fresh sup ply .Will takp care of itfeplfiif means foi'Jts admis.iion are'provided. . Ic has been usual ,o- withdraw the air thrpugh.'openiiugs near; the ceiling, that is, to carry off the warmer and therefore lighter portions, leaving the: colder strata at the bottom of the rdouu with their graduul accu mulation oi cob] er^arbonic acid un disturbed. Mush :therbetter plan would be to draw this lower air out from a point lie ir the floor, allow ing tho upper and warmer portions ments. "obey." : "Bull how that coujiprotn ise was - broui knew, j I hajvp ofjjen heard this saiiie clergyman relate now, after a wed ding ceremony, pn one occasiin | which qccured in his -ownpiripi r: the husband whispered {o :1 is And the mild-mannered B med ict ,^^ u 10 oeu yiifdrmed the j parson that it last, all to organize! Organ after a long wrestling of-spi-it, his notfanticidj but' firm; bo " ilriir i Janei" had . consented *-' '- -' 'x --L1- ' ' ' ' "**' '" Tini how that < brought about any small '-change V'. , The phl-SwedesI church.inj. Phil adelphiii was the lamous' marryujig ground foroi-er t wo,.hundred years to all it lie neighborhood and t$e churches in. that VicioAty. , Thor cord book of. descend and ^ikej its place. An in fire, witl a 1'large chimney throat, is. the best ventilator for any room; the onehitlt; or trfp- tl/irds of .-the 1 eat carried np the thfmney 'is the price paid, for im munity from\ disease; and large though this seems, froin its daily draft pn the wood-pileioii coal biu,i is trifling when compared with debtor's bills and the loss of'strength nnd efficiency th it invariably result frpm living in unventilated ajiart- tha't venerable is teeming with marriages, has to be an |parii h The;e extension "-"inAde Soj that de|j!artmbnt in; every new regis ter. Notes and memoranda adoi n ^he pages'of the "wedding col mm/ explanatory of the uifierent couples One clergyman kepta.list of every foreign. sailor*'(with:a wife xety pro bably in every large port) aiii run-! away countrjr girls whom hje had: refused to unite in' matrimo:iy bs cause of his 'suspicions,-or b;cause of the lateuess of: the hour/or cf: the abseiice dt': witnesses^ Colore 1 weddings have always a richly hu morous tide. I The colored racers a susceptit le, imitative one, and wae a they are fine/'as a^t] weddings, .they are gene:'ally superfine, A cleigyman was' called orJ upoti one occasion to officiate at a|coloir- ed 'wedding. I To Pirmers. j'; Pronounoed fuccoss ;in : farming ofien comes frori learning to grow a large crop at less exrlt rise than any one else can. Occasionally a farmer may mace;a goe^d strike, ana make mone/, by .taking hold of a now.thing and pushing it for a year or two ther dropping it. But theVe is more' often failuro than success in this n ethod. -The man wl^o rinikes tho most "'steady gaijis is :he who tabsa up a plan and sticks to it tljroii gh thick land thih. When every h idy goes ! into 0A0 proliict and crentes a greater sup-J ply than, there is a domanjd for it, and; the majority leaye it i'oi'.soine- thhig el$e, he st cks 'tojiti and in tho long run ma' ie& money. the yero " We' assure you, sab," said gentlemanly chWkey; "that this^ wedding, sah, ^s.to be very'.anrtipoA : quite d-la'mode, sah." " Very well}" replied tlie etergyj mail,,'? I will do every thing inj my po^yel to gratify thd- wishes pf! parties." ii ~ / : So after ihejdinner and dncihs| and supper were over, .the: gioom'd "best man" called again; 01. the) minister, j and loft'liim a ton (Ibllar fee, : " I hope everything was at your! friend desired it 1" said the - u|rbane clergyman ' "Well,- sijh, ] tell the trutlj,Mr Johnson ^wag a jlifctle disapoij|ited;1' answeredi Why. Iftooi tlie minis'tei'. . ?* Yes, sah, it wajsn't that. " I adjiered kricfly to thje/ru- brics of the Chiu'ch." Yea, the groomsman. i' my robeis" jsah, thkt vjas all rirht:'*' per annnm li^ A&rtauBSt .,"1 vyias punctual, and shookyj hands with tlra jieopje^i What uiorb would you have u:p do V' f "Wel|,: s)ih0 Mi: 'Jbhnsoujhe kind o'- felt hurt, you see, because you dida't-Bulute the bride !" ' / j ^1 remenrber a friend who in the early days of his ministry was mot by; a coiqjla as he came; out of church, who -wanted to be inarried. He turned /back' tb obligo tte par ty, arid found t.'the "hist that they made up their iniiidsj-to drive off aer in their - buggy , to " some Vtith- church,' " But may T ask," he'inquired of tho man/ " Why ypit .first asked mo to marry-you and, then change hyour lriindsim this "way.'-' .._ r ., No answer caine from thegrqora, but the young wpaian., lifting !yp tho'-back curtain of the buggy,,caIJ- ed,out,:'"'Well, you see,^ I hadn't got ti' look at the niinister/ afor and to tell- the "ffutji,'you're yoiing'and , innoccntlike -that! I'm kind of feared you woiTt'imarijy' us right,-flhd so I'd i-athei-. trust j my{ self to some on'e .Who hd-s doaeTit a good many times': and is sine lib knows how."/ I '_' a't :./ t-e, ,of so" an '/ !> .DCe's'itspay to have ififty <!wj;brli- in'gmen;poor arid fagged, ijiiv order; to have one -naloun liecjiat.-'dressed' in broadcloth and flush of/ money J! Does it pay to have one citizen'..in the county jail; beeausei another sethi him;.liquor1 Does it pay- to Hang .onefcitizen, because another gothini' drunk j Does it" pay .to havo a-dozen intelligent young men turned into thiecetf and vagabonds,! that'one man; may lead a lazy 'life,- by " selling them rum ?' Does: ifc pa'y to receive'15 for a ruro-li-' Qeiix'3 U>f\ Thotlfir&t; : Happy jai'o' ibo famjlfesTwhet --': /the goverjirnent of parents' 'is the; reign of ifijectioii, and! the' x)&aifi- enco Of tjie) cbiliren f|fre-. submit. / siouoflove.. : - <"/ -ri .7-~-./ It. .is by bonsst labor/ rdanfe. loiira'gp/.unfl a\ conscience void * ,-" o/rc'iicp/. th.^t W(^/c}W;eri;.Cl^^ -triL', dignity and1 provi 1 <Jai_/bioneaty .and": V respectability. / i "! '-..j .' . ,-.'.'/ _ .[ " . ' Prayer-is the"key-of the day and! [. I ick (if the, ifl iglit. A=nd! we should!. every day begin, and 'end,; bid Jfiur- skJIves goodnioiTow and good night, Svith 1 r.iyer. ' ',.' .-. f-.-'V 1...,-/, Wisdom and. tr uth,' the., oflspring t(f sky/are- iiniuoi tal;. but :eunni|ig und ' deception,-iljje eteprs/of~tfatf earth, after! glittering for a" niooiint must pass away. .' il/ '..'. Anybody cinsoil -the reputation any individual, however ^iira and chaste/bv Ht'tering a'suap|cioT^^V that his eneniies ; will bejieve^-and:. his- friends! udverl bear: of. i ' ' ' 1 te that! does/good *tj another man does also godd-ito- himself, not only.in\tho! ^u2L^Heiiice',hHtin;tha -j Vei-y act iof - dofrxg^it; for ' the "cob-/ science'of well doing is a: iveryani-i' pip reward., ,, / / /- '!.,.- V- to by- the rum sold;him? i.Does it pay. tb have a thousand ho,ines.blai>ted,- .ruined, defiled, turned in to heilsof .uiiser^', strife and- want, that some :wkoIesa.le rumseller may 'biiild up a large fortune ? Does it pay to have twenty mothers, and their chil dren' dressing in i-ags, live" in ho vels, daily: famish, that one riitnsel-; ler-s^wife aud chiklren may live, in e'ase.and affluence 1 . Does it pay to -liave hundreds'of thciusands'of-iiien aiid woman inlilinshbuses, ipeniteiv tiai jes and hospitalsj.and thpussinds nipiks in the aylum. for the: idkitic and iiisane, that ii few Iieayy capft- tlistsjof.the whiskey'rim iuay'pjo- S by such'an atrocity ?\!Does\ it pay to tolerate traffic which broads, crime, poverty, agony; idleness,, shame and deaih wherever ifc is al lowed?. If these'things were care full}' considered by every .voter /in the cpmmunity,.Jhen! it behoves us ahiie! Be e: not bi goted, brit;bold. -' :Proclainij' princi- ples-verywhere,; Show ^yoiir-colorSj -and stand by thera. * It only, seeds organization to make the Temper ance movement felt in every eboi.; munrffy 'thrrughoiit the) land, - and. ultimately victorious.-./Organize! Restore the drunkard to? irirbself, liis business, family, friends. /Put '<' = brand-new bride a^ they app]rdach-1 tire on hiscold haanth/foodon- his ed the door, 'f 3Iai[y, have y^ii/gpt /bare table, clothinglon his' Iragged,, neglected children,-; peace 'in -the heart of.his wife;.give nerve, to his artn, joy-to his'tad" by.day, and re-' jiose to' his .mind by night. "All this is possible, if Temperance men will act in concert'. Temperance men, organize'!. More are jfp'j: you than against you. Mothei-s, wives, daughters, sisters, nearly all true women's, hearts are with/you; De stroy ,J;he jyoke of alcoholic des ijiotism//_/ -'.'.-' J : ', -. . Poison from Leaves. /'. The Strantoii'(Penri); Timtm says that it has, the best authority- for tbe following singular statement.. "A lady of our city having gathered a Inrg/e quantity of au.tiinnSjlea'ves, took ithevj more "rapid method/of; pressing .thern with a,/ hot flat-iron/; Very soon after'"her -hands' andj said of a scalding humor, such-as is wit nessed in those eases or erysipelas kjn'owp. as St Anthony's' fiji ie,-v and she. is likely to he laid up for some time, if noi worae . results ./ensue/ The. leaves, were of the riiai)le/ spe-; cies,-and the theory is that! a vola-! tile 'oil. of j poisonous nature was evolved by the application "of heat, and obtained access tb" the/ ejircrila: tipn throfigh some abration of the skin.: It ia /safer though a slower rocess, to press leaves in a; book j r.. between flat boiircls under a.; eight.:- No doubt the leaves iwerei the poison, ivy. (Rhus .tpxicoden-. ron) and hoi of the 'maple*' I / ' THE BKIDeJs :bSj,AE,ftli!JE.~; ';" /' jThe pride of an hour storod Bnul^rig> j- Her mother in tears was near, by ;.-' Por the""-^ "' <-- ' "'- -- ----:'-'-: Eijeiy .heavy; burden of sorrjoir' seen^ likejustone hung.rouBd'out' neck ; yct^are they often, only Iflta. the ttones used by' peSarl diveia, Whicli.enable, them; toi reach; theie^ prize and to rise enrkhedv; -"1 /To- l>e. free ,frow desiifc "& money, 60 lie.free frbui the Vagje 6(^perpet ually buying- something ne^t ia ..! cei;taiii revenue,' to: be content with j wjiai k;a.,po4&dss constitutes -ike groatest andrnibst certain of riche*. ": Thajt nRw/^ho ftternpte,t*risg down and depreciate, thpse-'who ao, "abpye him docs not theret^iJevata] hinisolf. He irathpr sinks himself,^ while'thoie whbm^he truduces-..atl ratherj bene^tcd-thaa| -injtyred Kit' tliejsiahdarSa of onejs^/baie^as hu,j ; Wo are; riiined not jb.y \ythpi . wd, really ~;"want,:j'but by " what '*f*p think "sye do;; tb?relore ^sver 'jgii ] ab'-oa'd in search of your jrantal ;I^: they be' real wjiiiti, they -will -coma! ' -1ioin4 iii searcb-ofyoui; forihe th*t buys what he: do^- not wani will' Tsbbn' wiiili; what he.cannot feuy." J "'. - "- ;' i' ; 11 <| " Yon bring a gTeeri.log arid aean> dtetogether, and they areyiery.ssrffi neigh boss's -but" bring a] few shavj- iugs and set tliem alighti.aiid tbea bring a few smalt stickk, aLtid. Jeit theirr-takc fire, ap;d- tberlog^ be In the.'midsi of Hheta, "^ld, ypju/ wal; ' soon lpsp; yotir/iOg." P-^.nd so it li ' ",' with R^tle sips/" -andJso fhe/Egl- Oiie-brings ybii a little tempt*itiott i and ieaVes yoa io indulge yourself. f" Ther [ik. no great harm id tJhuy'*'.-' "No great peril i&-tLafc^Vaikl so,, - bjr these/Jittlo. chifjs{ we are fipi: . easily-ligiated-Hip'/jinli. at last the_^^ green lpg;isfbarned.j / / ;i: \:T/ ' K'/" -:Ay '^f/i-i!./ .-'.,'. '.;.". A i^olf papturedjby a-Hbise.. v:. / The Barrie Gazette says-,: "V^a.. have ten! faraislied jwith the'fbi- ;. V loy{in|; story from a rfcljgble soared/ [ / and we give"it -to;^qht readers aa '*, '>'.-". hsankpie pf' something/ outt of tfae//",/. ' usual run pf wild; beast adffidEarea, - v>. v Jfiy John IDai-is/a -farnier 'in'^ul- .. irv*n to^vnshipj county Grey/osimsw I a hprse f^liieh is breachy/ and'baa. ' .i Jjoui; oX its .jsastura -field. "..'The,- // other itight,-: the feirruerf, as aiieic- - periiruenjt, tied th'e horse's foiieiifeetr ' togather.ahd left him, hoping'.that hislsch or at l in, ibis b^ad would; ciure the hbijSjepL, . / preveiit him indulg^jog^ . ; - ,--- ,--- |iabit5,' That iaght/A^V'"-;;// pacjk ofiypleas-isited the neighbor- . k. hOpd, their ^ howls being .jilijnijr'. . . fieiird-.by;:the occupan^ ofJi'-'Mc,: -'.- _ Davis"'house. .'In, tlie1 /morning, '-. ' howeverL they'had dissiip^aced,.and- :i\""'; the .farmer] having/ business/admei ".? j. distance aw^ay, left' to. transact tii.-/ "" ' His chil Iren, going to'school, had pecasion; toi pass/ by; the: pastuns field in which; was.,'tha ibreapByr hoiise, ard reuiembering.'tiie; visit/ of-ithe wolves:; durins tho "idkht - I s /t: M m ing tho/n%ht, ^ wrists;"broke/out with an evuptionl.they- w^nt in'rto- look-^aftier; iSm r,r .. c^uin-i.i ihoi-^e'sfsafetK There v&^J9-iiii-./ vmklv-right enoughs apparenUy, hiit: ; standing in afsingular position away - off! in We field.- The :childi'en>apr preached nearer,:, and the. horse's ; appearance \ seemed /;iiiora stajatageC :/. Atjlast t|iey iboldly-^me/up- aois^ and dlsawer^d.-the'canse rfflik'ii ,. ", ltial's' stjikngp condition.. JLjlitger+L g^py WfJlf.wjas" under his fore feet, - piiined'do.wn to the' ground, eo. to ^ speik/ b}'.tlite) ehaui fettering, thie ' horse's'-& nbii hrtd, ^secured?/in ich ' a : vay tb it ^escape w<ui inipoasibleL Tb* 'pluciy eouine had ^vidsiitijr ,.;; bee x attal ked by the eavace brtite*, : andante* a^gtUlant fight lie haduoi' "-" toil, .'-iiouto'd hS^-aisailantii, hot man- ge 1 itv t bis j singular way toi cap-. / ture'oivev : N* one being;around to '. ivliijveftbe horse, henhad ifp hold bis/ ea'pUye. til Sfr; ,T>jivis, rBturned-^ / fit-e/h_oursrj y'hen- tlio wolf'waa da-' '# ' -'hi or the""pet of her life, io rj*guiticg,"c~ Was soon to bid l|er good'-by.i .'. rorjd fijicnds tried vainly to; cheer; herp 8?o stop up the tear3,that fat?fe^l, j '; Uid slio'claspe'd her daiuthter stijl Saeare* r j And-wi agony utteredrfareweli! I . -] /' "hoi groom with his tiride had djepirted. To journey afar ia ^trangqihiaAs^; ' .( (And ta& mottler criea 0ut,broken}-hearted i' VWoll, Pra glndfth'at^g'al'sijoff uiy" m haud?!" t spatehed;. tk | )?ciilp'; taken to aitna. igistRite, tie,timus Igot/for it, au4 'the ibravo :* tU ia! trieabed to. ad ei trajfeed of bajfai1 Wltu:.tlioV i'tifflij of." a j^thie/'Jibr 'caniB-biit 61 }:ly luiinjuri'll^:! , (.Tdtejt'o^;;^ih-iUij tliafc capfcnirei ,a'^;"' tije.^batths if * : -1: j.-- ^m {'3

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