TEST - IPR records

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 12, 1875, p. 3

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m* & i: ":'V-;H .***> Tkrxk Tnre taklc. i Train* leateAtfton as folllowa : I COLVG W*ST. - Morning Mail py Kxpre** . Kxpren Mixed Nigh* E*p*eM - tJOlSU-KAST, Sight Express Mired llirtd ' ...' 9.10 a.m.-l l;A0p.m.:{ .*W2pp.m, 7il5 p.m 12:45 a.ht, .3:40 .. i 8:3,V*.m. U&livm." 6:20p,TJt 8.-40p..,i Tfi^E j$ii&$'. Ducks'find Acrv r*T rrint. Mail* wing Wert are closed at 8.-45 a. m. Going Kastat. 5 P- n\. . -^ Registered l;Ucr* must be in fivo .nUnt** before the ibowe hours, knatehbull mill. Tuesday* and Fridays. LOCAL MATTEM. Toronto correspondence receiv ed jusVas. we were gothg to press too ' {af for,iiisissue. We noticed yesterday qrtHe -, large shipment of glovt*|; at - Mean 'Storey* Co'a factory for; Winnipeg, Jfanitoba. " Aclan's kid-gloves are known-and appreciated infill porta of - Turkeys; wanted at Chri itio, Hender son * Co.'*, Aeton. a* sxm as stoody fros* et in. ; Must bo i licety picked, not scalded or drawn,; yith '^tiulfand wing feathers and: also "J ,'_____, must not bo ted-withinIton hours.of lulliug, osthen the ntcatjwill be much more tender and white. Vhcy arc just opening up another tot o that famous SOgTeAj " ' S'-' ' Mantis, etc., in stock or! made up and trim ned to order, oi ahort notice^ at; Ohri tie, Hondar- * Co.'*, .dcton. ,Thiy kfill main tain their rpputation'~ror 1 ho most sty 1. ish millinery, etc., j sold by any hckiso in the Provincey Also for the- finest flav ored 50c Tea. / : /ckeap*at, a** " I where. : - ring your- MeoftKe] suwi .American- leed-T^K "'_ I' '. :Eby-BKO& Jupterfeits. V f fcirfe of Brtt- ~ t*m Is nirdnty to |-*vfr o3d la taiT Ivrilh iS ' vgrtft "^ 1 *! <-Tr>71lui>y :.~ T'feon. .- on : u>e> can oMiin thj . r>d <fi-or|r- ir lar mV/ r.u-r> . iintjSBi- C Which r *i ^>3, Vitonf J sr dt ee'ivrd^'wlllf r-'te "*i'-ti m<. J-nt;. in iij? Kr|Uh, > A Jirf uj* ^i- |t-y prr^-rl*'*ne- T--U>e b s*i of. >;le.-jtart Utr |"hit lt'.maj- bs. :ae-e*n ^e natj ^i/itie Criris a]!ad - ' r>> rrrommMrtl ?X m-dieina* Ur -: t & s n5er^- KtoaaTaU-'- |aJ)ai, IC.-8. ^ . X. S. . : . John, X. Bj . .Cfcajlottetonns a.'Ci-- r ' . -c |haJO, -X. B. . "r.--" i i- -'. |. Joiin.-3IJB. ' , f reder;clon, K.R. v rtiraci, S.f-1^. la. >_.'. ' ! . . nciors, y.B., |d t liie I-ovst . rat'tltte o* aot ' '-.' I. *- fe^ 22^,' sad P.I!t or po. of it^Uaacns mul HOLlX>WAT. IEfqisesing,^J qfr' iiins ,%-fflige at. About 50 rith Pice^Hem- V fortelegniph ^ Frame lfasc, Jh repair; frzme. Jhand qt choice ing'creek ran*) terms easy. j(tp- Box 62, Acton. - : rented. ' ; iatmeat ;- n. .U ( : HEMO, ped to the-Pnb- i-^ 1 Iriala cur* tor ><ti of urtsotr ^'" liSiirM, 8oUd*r'*- .Ki ^iiie EropUoi*v:ri.-"' -i; fe^ Rore d lni 'r ' *: L Sore Breasfi.', V ! ?> fcffliptJnjfBFC^'-. .-1 I* vjiolrroatton^ ^-^';" > t ?.' 1- T to b^-OOd jbC^r fly thos o^U**' " fi and nperWjr, . sybet**ew4t r. .'EicssdDnii}' peine Vnae*4>" > -*>" ' ":<is '1 -"^ 1 At the London assiwB, oh Mbn- -d\VfRti intcpeatingT)rca;h t>f prom- isw <sb w4 tjried, Bipll :vs. Carnp- bell. Tho plaintiff"was courted by Canipbcll about nine je|iFSr and after five years* " spoprii ri'g". aeked- h&n Lis intention. Ho replied thnt _he ^ould-get married in tt.e fall. For four yeivra tifWrvrati is l'o kept on promising. At; hit If&fo plain tiff's father.'surprUed-' tlip.couple otie evening, and ; insisted; on the contract^, being ^carried* 'bat.' '-.jlie. the Dominion. ^ llejferidaht, however, pies dod pOTer- Christie. Hendersiin tfc Co. ty^'as he wag not yet nl le to pro- ieap .'yide his intended wife y ith a sur:j The^^nt. The old maiy said thje girl was able and willing ' ov wait on herself, und that wna - iio excuse. Besides, thji defendant! ' v'as w-ortTT $40)000. The defendart stili de diningrto marry, a writ was issued for dnriinges. The jur '. awurded $1\2W. ^; . " " ia?si HOUSE. ; Our fall stock is now to bnhd, openedr up and, displayed to view. This stock is the largest rind choicest we have ever imported, nud 4n it will ,be found In addition to our largo stock of stable goods, every luitury and deli cacy to be found in any first class city establishment, suoh as ! PRESS, .^()l!!MBBR li l&TSt -m 103 PIECES si=*53:oi^ii- b?o j-t have just received and aro.scUing cheap ^ spXroufd lines of ButTalo Kobef. best value ottered this seaAon, make your: choice at vwicc "Men's Eur abd doth Caj in immense;'variety, at Ixit- Xom. prices. Itemembor that famous S0eA- -; -- 5 ^^^'notioe that our friend Mr. ifcNair,; has made quit* an improve- teent in ^ie interior arrangement of his store, by! taking Jo.wn partitions, and enlarging; the millinerj- show room. The stock' has now quite ;aa attrictivo appcarancs, under-tlie tisty manipula tion of Mrs. JfcNair. . ' tke vllbige, wheal you-can:; have pure r milk delLvemlatVour dcwre\-n- mom. [ **"** fambus.flOcTca, and ndit'time you - " '-Tcall you-will take 10s -lbs. Kjcrybody pronounces it the best vajue in- the . S|>pciali drives in Blankets, \ Felt Skirts and ShaWlaatCliristic, Hen- derson A Co. 's, A cton. Men's Shirts and drawers at bottom'prici s. See their ecll'bratcd wide width 12j cent Win ceys ; Clouds, Wool Jackets md Hosiery jn euiUe&s variety and at prij-ea that can not be., undersold.'-" Try one pound of . ing for liyc'cejnts a quart ? To say noth ing of the [trouble of attending to'her, .we'Hon't believe it pays. Try Mr. .trm" ' strong's milfc-. He says in bis new ad.- rertiseinent that he?ia now prepared to cupply an additional nurnl>er of custo- .mrrs. '= ^< "_.. -U^"'. =How arUtioying it must l>e to postmasters For several members of the -same fs^oily to inquire one after, the mother, fori;th:sine mail matter .wTthin a trw hours ofecach otlicr. School cbild- - ren are.espoejially addicted to the habit of-ruihiii^ ijfto^the postoiBce three or four times a" day, on thoir.'way to and ; from jchbol,'aad thus-iinoying~not; only the-i postmaster but othera wljd' have busiJKSsrthere.- 5 I rdJaatlva Sertlcea aad Tea JteMtBc Serric6 mr concectioa witb the ordin- itiea^of ^h= I:ct.:.H} H. JlcVhvwa, Jf. i jf.^wiU|be.(jhelil in the Presbyterian i Chnrch, fjlaltonvUle, Naakagavcya, on i -: WednesdaVi the 24th inat., commencing ! Vat 11, a..sfs ,r-lnd in the aftenKxm a tea! . Jtneeting'.wili be held, commencing at 2'1 bjcloek.,' -A large nqmlx;r of cUrgjuien ;. and others aro expected to particijiate '" on both occasions.*- J/usic to be furui;h- -. by the A cton choir. FoV furthwr-par, * tfeular* see posters. . _, Fresh Oysters, Core Oyitrrsj Glai^B^ Canned Salmon, 59rdin*8, . Ocean Trout, i Lobsters, ;l Finnan Haddies . Shell Lobster?. Y. Fresh. Oysters always in Stook. Yfi 75Cfeirfcs Dlsr:3BCB^TF TiaiE! ^exr^BXich TKBUBJLY GBEilP PBICB OF' *7S Pieces Assorted 2 ' ' ! .., J BEAUTIFUL GQOD^ The above gookls; have been bought by ma at less than th' the Dominion, pall early and select. . j ' "- i and [3 jpiyt Kilaei^m AT market. " ' - U- ' Qhristin, Henderson! <fc Co. Acton, turn out the best fitting and most styliab sui{ and oven oata of. any house inWcstertt Canada. They guar-, auteo a iwrfect tit and sell at lwttom price* Hats, caps, gloves, itc, in great variety.-. ',, - 1000 do: en" g>dd freih eggsi - Abo any quant ity of good . fresh buttesr. Highest prii t. Stxxuui Baos. \ .- InHarriston, on the Jst in <t.:, by Rev, J. Gj.. Jwott, Mr. James Pati erson,Jfore-' man', Hackiftgs j>riuting offi o, Guelpb, to Miss K. H. KlkerUin, laughter pf Mr] Thos. Elkcrton, of'Harrfaton i UIF.D. In-: Acton,......^ u... ....., daughter of Mr. Taos.. Watlton years^and 3 months. I Faglamd ftrMSSft, iAt a meeting of tbe members of St. Alban's copgregation, held. on Monday eTening List, it was decided to pnrclxasel .. that desirable property. ad joining their churcti, nt present ownetl and occupied by flf. J&hu Sbarneva* a rrejidenc<? for tfee clergj-inau of this mission. -J The"unijentigned ofkrs f r>f~nalc 4he ! part lot imniediateiy east cf the'irail- te-ay track,"kuo-ii as Voung s survey, in the;'village of Actfin,, corn ijrtsiiig' six acres, more or lcsa.^r'lt.'hasJ eousurviey- ed'iutojfillage hits, l<ut won <t prefer to sell in block. Actoa-is one >f jUie most prospv-roua and thriving ph ces iu this section1 of country, "and ili p ospects forj rapid gp>wth are second to lone. The^ alx>ve is a ^most desirable n 'operty for private residence or nianufae airing pur poses. : For . terms. and par iculare en- quire'of Mr. D.-Hendersou, ^ctons or to Lemon jelly, Pear^Velly, ['! Grape Jelly, Blaok Currant Jelly, Crab Apple Jelly, Red Currant Jelly, Strawberry ifolly, Pine Apple Jelly Raspberry Jelly. "White . Fish, Cod, Salmon Trout, Herrings. Peach Preserve, Red Currant do Black Currant do Clue- Plum Preserve, .- - Lombard do do Golden Drop dd Our Stook of Teas is Large, Fresh, Choice. and Cheap. do Raspberry Preserve, Pear do Cherry .;' do tbe 6th inijt., Magsie, n, aged 9 Canned Cherries, " ' ^Gooseberries," '. " Strawberries, panned Black UJrranti', Canned Tomatoes, .T ' " Green Beans, " _ Green C^rn/i ' " Cprn. Confectionery, Biscuits, Raisins, Currants, 55c. Coffee, ':-:.. Cocoa', Chocolate^ Spicp^jT - Pickl eP, " >,lnvor*, -r . -, Cust,or and' Olive ;OiIs, li JIustAid, i Hnir.Oil, the bwner; Ashgrove'P,r<>. Esquesiiip; Jf>HN Met SeptJ-4, i'ST" ' Es<|ucsrng. ;ALt.-.. Erety 'Wrd. C. \V. Hill, photograpjier, Acton, would" respectfully; inform-the* public that be will be assisted during the com ing week :6y. W, Johnston, Jis^lof the firm, of Johnston* * Hill, Hamilton, i - Parties wishing first-class work at rt- . duced prices should not lose this opgor- f -tunity,.as Mr. J. is.one of the most sue- ' ceasful and-: experienced artists of that city. . '.-.', j :' - j C. K. HI MilljSt'refet. ACT'by, UEJALfeR IN Kgh BekMl Estraace EiLuslnjUloa. We are requested to!-state that aii ex. animation of pupils for admission to the Oakvilie Hi^h Schboli wul~lx? held on Wednesday,' the 8th, sind Thursday, the 9th J)ecember nert^ beginning each" day t 9. o'clock a-m. C/andidates-are re quested! ti> notify the,Head Master, P. A Switzer,, Esq., Oakvipe P.O., not later than the 13th inst, of their iuten- : tioa to-present themselves! for eiafmina- | tion, so tHatan estimate . may be; made of the number,of papers to! be printed.? - . 4' m i: V/NC* :'V Tlii^e cwri| '.'/" '--,. Tbe Council mei Thursday "evening, 4ti inst.; pursuant ^adjournment. The Beeve ih the chair.. Members present ^rMjessrSj McGarrin, Speight and HilL ; SCored by Mr, Hill, seconded by Mr. Speight,JNhatJthe sum of twenty dollars - be placed to the credit of. charities, to be .disbursed by the Reeve. Carried. Moved by Ih-. McOarinn^jSOcoadeid by Mr. Hill, that the petition of eighty-two ladisi of Acton, praying for a. Bidewatk to the station, be received and read. -i ,8c>fieVL ! ',.":.. '- ~-v ~, A ',.. Msvediy Mr/.HOl, seconded by Mr.; Speight, that theyyomniittee on streeta! andlaidewalks wait.en the Grand Trunk: sxtthonties. with a'v vieitr to ascertain1 what- arrangements; can; be made for a sidewalk thrpugb thfir ptemtttes. -fear-: nd. ;'_ .,." Hoved by W. HUT, seeVmded by Dr. " MeGarrin, tljat'the sum! of five dollars be paid to John Speight for one sheep 1UUe4 bjr. dots,:owner unknown. Car ried..^ '- . : Jfored' by! "Mx- SpeigJit seconded by ^.y!McGaryin,\tbat this Council adjourn 'tetieetraga^i onThnrsday, Dec. 5nd. parried, I ] HekryIP. Moore, Clerk. ' ?w"|your'3Boot, and Shoes 'p^JmU^Sxnimon 4 Co! if yon <W*-Wv*ave money.'. They hold the ^ t-stock and sell at smaller profitei S***J*y lbous?-in this or any other General Groceries, Boots and Shoes, - ^allplPaper, \ Window ^linds, Crookery|,; f '. -- ' :(jlass,w,aref ,: Glass,/ . Putty, I^iassed Oil, * ** *j Bued A- By Seeping Good Goods, and We Benefit Our Customers. Cheap, HARDWARE. J In Hardware we have every article necessary to complete the building or burnishing of any House or Barn, also every implement necessary about a farm; or ..Garden, such as Nails, Locks, Hingis, 8padevHbovels, Fork*,' Axes, Saws, Carpenters' Tools) Bolts, Chains, Ropes, .Blasting Powder, Fuse! Guns, Pistols, Revolvers, Ammunition, Cartridges, Brass Kettles, Enamel^bts, &o." * By Benefitting Our Customers We Benefit :'"";- "'., -Ourselves. M -\"y\-:: Table Cuttlery,j ' Spoons, I Pocket Cuttlery, Razors, Canes, fruits, ; " Scissors, Brushes. 'I "' TurpeAiine^ i^.'t-vflla^&rp^' ^^qoaioii,, i : ..I-'." :Salt,;etb. The Eubaeriber-,-egs to return 1 U thanks to Uie-tnUabltaiitsol Anton and; :Drround tiiB country'for.U>e 4iberal jatronsge Heretpfore extended to .him, ai d at the" same time sollctt -ttietr furihej" support . N.B. -Cash Bald Tor Bides delivered. Acton, July let i$T6. HILLr. Our Stock of Hard-ware is Large, Well Se lected and Cheap.1 %.VPAINTS, OILS, ETG. j We Sold a large stock of all kinds of Paints, ()ils, Glass, Putty, Varnishes, Japans; Brushes, Pebcils, Graining Combs, Points, Gold L af Bronze, Smalts, Ac . . j ..." , |. CRPGKEIiy, CHiriA, ET^. In this branch, we havea'Tery fine stock of beautiful goods, oomprutng] everything in. the line, including glassware of all descriptions, ' ' We aim at pleasing our Customers, and keep ing yrh&i they^aati :.\:- White Granite Tea Sets, -i " "..' Cups and Saucers, !"," ' V : PUtes, , < " '..fS^ Pitchers, \ ','.-'Mf; i Toilette Setef Parian Jtigs and Pitchers,. " '" China Tea Sets, (10 kinds) , _ . Vase, "' Pitchers, i j Tusfer Jugs, ; !. Fancy Jugs and Pitoher*, Common Dishes of all kinds, Sick Bed Cups and Pans. , Magnificent Deep Blue and Bronze Toilet Sets. Lamps of all kiods, Glass Preserve Dishes, v-';" Fruit Dishes,. -'" Cako Dishes, -;- Glass Table Sets, - \ " Tumblers,. Gobiete, . .Celery Glasses, it! Glass Nappies, Pickle Bottles, -Pitchers;'-/.- Syrup Pitohors. \ W^e'don't give discounts, for we don't believe in them, i We prefir sell, tag cheap and'at net .prices, so that Our cuatomers knqwexiotlV what they are doing. Our Teas are twenty-five per cent, and jother goods fif* teen peV cent lower than they can be bought elsewhere, and every {person saves money fjy dealing at j r SBOOBD f. N & Hatr^iware Metcl^aiit^, Y^rd, Worl^MM- A LAB13f4 BEDUCTIOX ON USUAL PRICES. makers' cost, ALMA BLCOK.jGF cte: Our!Stock of LAMPS lu Fire Grates Alma! Block, Gt|elph,-Oo( JPSI rf BRONZE, CLASS AND; MARBLE, the heaviest and best value in Town, and Irons, Coal V&ka, &c, &c., Just received and going rapidly. ARTHUB MclBEAtt & (jjb,/. : 'Zasinrtxt -Keroliants, 25, 1875. and I ofier for the next two,monthi the cheapest carpet4 to be m^t'wiili ill JOHN Alma Block, > i WyndbJam Street, Guelphtf ^ DOMINION ?IMrllifilVIt -;:^:/':.iAOT0^ pi^s^ii^i :,-. Kail andWirifer. i|876j & Co. McLEOD, Mammoth House Beg leave to DRESS whiti corroHd owjfi, C4t., pay that tbey have received large importatjens In GrOODS; fBliES^ S|pLKS, Lustres, DRILLS, SHEETIHCS, AC. of^all; kinds. -%" & Sli^wls, Biack and Colored . ':"* . Fanjcjf Goods and Small Millineif^, The above Good* tnffe been lmiiortfd direct from the lending markets are o' >nsld<>rnble I nave lnlJ In largo lln PRINTS, TABLE L(HEH, Wares wtfcli !ts now complete, i larger, befter^assdrfed, n^ot 1 M' ' cheaper, than ever befpre, compriaing,injp|u. .T nir .--, xwMdj, I Ovetccjitlasro. iim: Croodi, & Trndi H#iaMr^i<mz9t, - AU Vool Pl^dJ, Blwi aad Oolor^ Luiti. lrinAtoliad ' Plflrtttod TUnal, Wlaeoy*v Shtet> shTfflT>g VtAta^ ;-^ : aiirts aad 'tnffgm, 9il%: eldrt* Stiitl*, ' [' ' l k siaaketf, J&We&TiiliQ&nxk (v*r|r j - "' j, :\ '.' gotiery, flUovait,goUwdii ':\A.-/ , . S*bitlau, ,-.'V -i-.--"-:: r~-:'.. '. i factoW tU Slaci*d ^flettojii, L*4iM* Unm Ui* .; ",-i . .' '--- j'.j ^|'V!:' B0r&'rA!ft> MEWS' h|^|a^P _ '.>' ,'-: Groceries, Gi*oclery & GlassixravO Call early and secure bargains, .;,. :'% Acim^ ".Oct, 26, 1875. T CLOTPHiMlii }0^T^X^B^Ci The Carpets, Sroaftclftb* DMakiafl, Engllab t&d Booteh TweedB, Ove: _,: _, ; ieady-aftia Or^roes ta: and {piotjjiiftft 1 ' Boy'aa47-ma4 0yepct add, , I 1 Oletbiatf. Ssata' Tornidii&fff, &e. ____________________________ reel from the lending markets' of Ecrope, thereby siivinu a largp percentaB*. of which the' publlo .shall got the advantage' OUR C ANAbl^N JDEI^R^iBi|f| is large, varied and i Itrnctlve, and ce'the mr nufncturlnc interests of this Dominion pationlzlng home jlnaustry we I ortanco. nj.il as we believer in of the lolto wing; Tweeds, Full Cloth^Overcoatings, . lj Knitted SI Srts and'Drawers, Mufflers,. I Yat as,.Checks, Fine andJFifncy.JFlnnnels, ': Grey and Scarlet Fjannelr,, Druggets, -All-Wool and ; Union -Blanket*,- i] Factory Cottons, DenimspDriilsjj Cotton Yarn, Cotton B igsj. j Tickings, Shirting^, " Men's While Shirts. BOOTS AND SHO^S, \ BUFFALO ROBES,.. -LADIES' FUrEsETTS. " I MEN'S FUR CAPS, CLOTH CAPS AND HATS The Bboi o Goods h4ye been piirctiuspdi from'tbe wsf and cheapest mjanuiacturea In IbQ Dominion and 1^111 be sold at a small advance on cost. - "' The Publio may rely on tretting Great Bargains petltlb: lecto J wj'.h great carJ j m iking our garments] ORDERED CLOTHING DEPART: Ahead of nil com n. Our stock lsimmeitWB.- The dlttereSHltn^sli Any genilemanjoan bje sul.edtn taste, bsaiitilol Hue of the; ^jwost"ihiiis; ln_ Ovcrcpattngji raonpycau procure, ail are unHurpiisiiMt. MILLINERS Our Show Room is Complete with all (the la j: .' I Paris tind NeV Ybri Ott'i* House has boen j m ------------, - ------l'ltnerv. T^hi*,s'asiiin nurpassall our former prions, because e havatbe talontnnd goods todol^ new colors In Klbboct, LADIES AN nnuse si/ ck, as phases ol lln immense wi.-were never 'f-tterri; In a larger stock ithan n no doubt, with return 1 good* at, we shall so - ./ flood*! Georgetown. Pot. a " D okWTLEMEN. Theforegclngf^a tn UiioulJ luk" oil toe pages oftiaNc- --- a can iberebSre guaran e^ieense-; id pr^ce.- A" if flatting and ve all; the tnleiittliat exMrlehce and: e sallifacttcttln ererjr Instance, . . quality ;Onr faciltltes fo! *T-tt styles frbnl d jbrjlts stylish and unique llealhers./Torquolse -Orauamei^s, <ae. I lingj Is We'iSpr to U esc inmary f^foOr Im- paper to describe tU^> different (variety, eheapntsa-enjl general attractions. TstfflloIt JO *sy '(pared to r-rve the publictolthelrsatlsfactlbn,.a> weibaVe iWiore to mdeftne wanu of pur evarinbreaslDg radeland prosperity and tAe exceedingly^owjmcesWB are toaeilfonr all ourformer aoVances, T |-.' ..' .- 8^1d for 0ah, aad ao Spooad t*l6., ., ,. ]: '- 7MoL^OD^AisiERSONi&10 IM5; THE FlWBB-PRBSe Leading. Clothing Souse of tho County. -' rtl %m aikl Cinaxfiaa Jqst received 500 Meu!u Overcoats, ranging in price from $5.0<5 up. 187 Boys' Overcoats, ranging in price f^m ^2,00 hp<. A tremendous stock of Men' Heavy Suits in Scotch, EngRsfi! ... "^we&ls, ranging}n prfce from t7.b0: Up. A beautiful tUsdkpt ChlrdreTi's Salts, raiii^bgln^price from|JZ&Q,up., BigsU>ck1of Wcwlen Underclothing, to be soW very Cardigan /atfkets; ranglcg in price from 81.00 up Magninjent.lot* of;ne*.'Shi^".CoUars1rSea^s,;k)vtsl Hats sad .Oarjs-^JMt received 4 cases to 6e run\off Parties vM'tlBgGttPlph, by mating it a point to call at jthe C tEJ>HAHT'tjmW goingS^ewnerer, willssrvefet |efisV6^to2Q hereouton^verjv aolia~aersb^5* /,"- [J v' .'.. . No,. Sb Lb wop-."- ""' "" "' October is, ij>. ;'...;""' low; find Gloves justfo(h>ni rei r^lwj -A A large stock of Soots ftnd Shc^, of tb^ reTybe^ manufa^i^ has' been received At ' \ ': :.',. '-' j^T' . m A-A. -;TT. .,,'*i1f-f-* ^ Ihha fouod io Mle^t fVo^ iff. '-." i^rultimWofallsiirtB CH it3BdJ*Be!.W* : Sr^6iala|t4httdn&^ .'-^AA. whichat all (times jwtwvoi oaf oareft Ifactieri guaranteed Jte paii^^nea^and^rolnptlyattlnde4 tb. Atjton,^p^28,i87i^;!;' - ti Ord*i tot all ku)rd*of 3fob J|t^t|t_iag ^RnopSi; ^StB}i<3!py

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