TEST - IPR records

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 12, 1875, p. 2

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' .NBW ADVERTISEMENTS., 7 ALTON'S m^M^M \A Ml-'111 SI H. !!'. ' "Bxccut%'-Xt>tioo.:' ' .~Pnre AliUi-P.' S.. .drrastrong. Wm. Homstrcct^ ,<uo\ioit'r. . Hcnrv. 1. .ftrekc lnsuttuice .-icrnt, TaxNofcjce -" Beware of .Counterfeit*. T. Hollowrijv tjb'ivo vears than :;v - i. PROGRESS. -Acton has gr< > wu more tha past at any time.Tlur- THE ACTQJSTJFREE ihg many years-< if .its previous his! 151 Per Annum in Advance.. ' JOS .M* MACKiHQ CDITOR rRiruVrMGKxixo, Nov. 12, isr*. OSttario Parliament. -: The Parliament of Ontario Iihs' beet -called togtr>erifor the dispatch o: business on ,|Wednesday, the 24tt dav of November. '."' %.:{ :> !,^ h1 ri'j-i LiW'Zi . "*f v-5-"-'. . rv: ; -'. M ">: */?-" f if ' li "-. t. . :-- In Wtjst Toronto the contest on! Saturday between Aid Turner, Be-j fornit-r, a"d jjphu- Beverly Robin son, ConiservUiy.e, to -represent the Riding ;in the Dominion Pifilia- , iueut, was very-exerting.. Mr. Robinson' was per^riiiUy- the .more popular niau and wus-o'.ected by a >nijoriy of 351, ;_ . . The election in. East Northnm- l*rl;vmi, civ4ed by .the. avoidance of -the previous flection, on- the ground of bribery'.by an agent, a.nie offon T'4esd.ir,."iuul- resulted in the return of Mr, Ferris,"the re cently/"tinseated /Reform .member,, iiy thefnereasedmajority of 125. " Tbe returning officer hss declar ed .Dr. McMahon-JuH",. electee! -for North \Ventworth, ' be for. Dr.'Miller's -friends -to fyle a }>etitioH and bring" the: matter be fore the'courts; ii thej' think pro pter to do so. ' . "'..'. ' The TJnited" States Government Hal tot (Dominion) 'Election. . -;i Trial y v'- ..-' : 1 Wilton, JTpvr IX).. Tho trial of the petition against for-y.and tliflackson now cioai^)^0'^"^^11-' il^^?y-f - ,, ,' ... ,t tho House of Commons foivHalton, .as probably ^productive of a ^ganftojday in the Court llonae! hia -Honor Judge Patterson presid ing. This pjotitipnors nr* Henry MeCart-ripy, of Trafalgar; and fgrt'ater number of new buildings and a greater put lay of money thari any piovioua yeni. f Whilo we hara ii*4 no speculnt vo tuovenifent or any indication of unhealthy/growthj the building op< rations have been; going, quietly along during the sea son to sup^ily the demand for dwell ings1 and: for I usiheas purpoaea. Althpngh; we ciu not ycjt boast of having .acquired 1 nV very largo nd-'. >3itions to our \ ianufacturihg in terests, we have i oade~ fair progress, in that direction, and our peoplei have, faith to bellevo that another season will witn ess very' subltan-^ til growth in our manufacturing industry. ; .-'-Acton offers .tempting inducements for tho openitig:6f many branches o|f 'business-, wjiich Iwe believe ' will dvaiitage of. : V shortly bo taken e here' present a J brief niemonrndnlni of the .work )f the past seifept i iows a verrv'fair MAC STRRET. storey, red brick ftl at a cost of abec contractor. 1 1 Thos. Overtoflr '. two-atorey roju, cajst dwelling, built -l'i-: &:': .i Rt*te there5s no ground for fears-- tit measures of a.'liostile character; tHp*in are med=itated in connection with the CuHati- tjuestion, as the natter is merelyrone of diplomacy. jThe",new5".qf-iihe .Malayan, out rage on a British resident at. Perj;ih has been confirmed. His interpret ' ter. was ajso killed,- four of his suite were wounded, and-two jare niiss- "Jg-"' . . ^ .-' '\ ' : beU, ht a cost of 'about $700. fVm. Stephenson , tvhich wo think record --^-coin p ris ing as it ' does :*: i- outlay of over 0,000. /' -: Arch. Ciirrio R iugh-cast ilwcll^iig, ne storey and al,Ua f. Cost about S400. James Cameron- -Ah; imposing two- elling, nicely.fuaiah- i.?120a Eli Snyder, . -i-Jgh'-;.- by Ebhage & Cimp.j' -1 -.if; Mf >-.'"-4l---" 1'; _i"f !* - --j.' ->-. i^'vi;--!- An American's Idea of Canada . Under .the I heading' of-"'A. tilance at Canada,"* a letter'in jthe .Jew Yerk. World 'records th? im, prpssions made upon a resident of that city injeourse of a visit to To 6hto, from whieh thelfbllowing is ' Between;tTnited States and Can-} adian 'institutions you do not care to forte a .oompanson : yf-t a Nerc; Yorker,:fresh from oTer tliie border,;1! has thrust on . him at onee soinei' ppacticiil illustrations of "the power! * frame dwelling: : .of a ^Canadian Hcurrehcv fevel with 1 Reoi E, Morrow oae-ind-a-half atojrey frame idwelltng, 22x30, "Gcltlric froht, upright _baitte u, tieatly designed, anij well finished, it, a coat of .ihout Built by Riclard Hamilton.7]-: * hn Kennedy Semi-detached \ red bri^k , (Torellings, | t\ o storey,i built by (Clarke 4 Cadwell at a cost1; of about $i",soo. ' .' i'- ' "l: Robert Agnew A dtlition to! the |D6- minjoh.Hotel. RichardJIamilton, build er. * Cos'tabout 3tX. " ' ? Kennedy Bros.- -Rough-cast store occupied by thems< Ives, and Masonjc Hall abov*. Built b Fulljamea t Cam eron; at a cost of abo it 1,500. Joihn Bi.rns--XAr $c rough-cast cot tage I with wings.. A > frame barn. Eb- bage'4 Campbell, bo Utters. Cost about ' $iooa -.f - " ' James Cnlnjpbell Framo" addition ^0 dwelling; Eblvige & Campbell, buildeTf. Cost'about 400. ' * \s--. '\ ' f / jMIIA S1REET. i L Record Bros.-VAdc itipn to ware-room. - Thos. Craine^ Ad litibn and repairs' iirre: David Cross, of Esqueaing. Hec tor Camerpn| Q. C; James Boatty, Q. C and D. McOit^ bon, of Milton, appeared fov. petiv tionera, nifit Juniea Bethvine, Q. Ci,. of Toronto;! anJ J.: Dewar, of Milton, for t^e respondent. The courtroowi was densely crowded, great intprfcst being manifested in this trial.;- |-A; large number of wit nesses were [examined. Evidence- of offers [ to induce threo electors to vote |for Mr. MpCmAy was given by Jtfjo parties, only 6ne; be ing porspaal to Mr. McCraney. The respondent claims to be nbfe to easily J refute all these charges. No other evidence of ' i in porta 11 cxi was brought out. The Court will roost likely; be -through to-morrow. Sotpe dozen witnesses, woro exam ined, who) did not need'U^y cross- examiiiation by tho resJTondent's counsel, aoiiininiportant: wns their eyidence-j ! No "nioijey has been showrilto have passedUbetween any LATER. . Milton, Nov. 11 $ p.m. By Special fylegmpk to the Free Pre'** Trml iadjourned til', morning. Evidence" weak. Defence nearly through, j I .. CrfiUSTERALi NftWa1 Tho Premier retiirncji to.Ottawa on Saturday evening, j St. Catharine's has hnjcTa 830,6b() fire in -a maohino Bhop; Insuj'eii for two thirds of that hlnoiint. Twodchildron'fl skeletons were ft- oently found >in Stratfor<l. . Thi> mother of dne of tho oliildren and hor siator buve since became insane John Johnson, of Ituron, wan fatally injured nt the raising of a. barn on tho lHcon., on Friday last. A blind pauper, nnrned' Stager, tried to'co.iiiniit s-iicidt the other point of not have Hard Tmi^s. The Niw Xoyk Trjlfime is exor- cisetl ovei the Imrd tithes. It Bays : " Tlije 1 ard tiinoB have now lastr ed' two lull yeai-s, iTho extreme de| ression Iniay or may beoi reachifoL Therp is no infullilile11 estf Fbrmer experl once that the' process! of recovery is not a n pid one, but in the nature of things ts^commencement cannot bo delayed, j England; is the coun tpy which most neawy resembles the Unite 1 States in its methods of business and its bnnkinVsystem In; Englut d during th,o laBt ninety years- tbqre. '.have b^eh seven or HALTON ELECTION, According to^ thp official, count, the majoritjr for Mr. Lyon is only 67, instead of 87, as rejwrted lrist week. 1 Tho following are the offi cial retyrns|: 1 ..' lto.v. clav. mj.'LToy mj., So. CLAT. U 24 2 60 - 3 71 4 23 ) 40: 62 50 - 330' i 54 "13 59 31 v3G - 47 ' ; ' 24 30 47 12 4 15 26 2C4 [ ' TRATALOAR. Ko. 1 O :, 4 5 6 * 60'. 103 V 51 40 28r) ."31; ': 313!; 54 49 59 44 44 .NELSON. ^200. . :-. j Addition and iin> gold and "of the cheapness of cer-; prpvementa to drug i tore. tain necessary thiiigs in a Canadian CWstjc,(Heu<lemjo i Co. Improve inarket-, w-jicb compel a comparison f mentejto siibre;- JinJes 'Matthews- -Rough-cast build' irig,'one storey, adjoining his store, Mr the Free Pbess Pr ntihg Office. - Eb-'" bage'4 Campbell, bu Iders Qost about $306. ' .;-': ',. Patrick Kellyi-t-Re irs and improve ments .to store.- ; Bqbart Fifber-^One -sto>ey rough-cast, for tansmith's shop, ^'o'st about $150. Methodift CJhurch- An imposing red bricK structure," with basement storey Xot yet completed. To cost about Mf: t.OT flvi^J.1,^- j , -f.-i-^i > -,:/i 3 - - -* -'V?'lf ' * Mi- AJi : > ;3;-;-..- > -.-* hm :-:r'Hf., 0-A^r^Mt- V-- fcU.:|t:1S*Tf &- -u . - in his secret'.mind. "For instance ; 1, HaTing to exchange the green- _ backs in hr^ pocket-book for Cana dian money/iie finds they-are worth ust eighty-four'scents on the dollar. For 30 m United States- money he receives $25i20 in Canadian bank notes and silver. -So he loses.ror seems to Ipse, S-t.Sft-by. the trans- . action,,tha'srfme as if he had drxp; ped that sunv or had it! stolen from him. > ... ; - ,; 2. He goes to a Canada hotet When, the bill-is presented, at-the end. of a week he finds ; timgelf chargea iat'the rate of 82 or $2/50 ..'5ftjday ffr board, which in most * parts of the5 .United States would coe'V-Wm Sliand $5 a day. His Bote"IT>ill is, therefore, only S17.5D ", in' his ne_w: Canadian money, iil-! ir'stead-i of the> ?35 -in |green.lJ5acks, JTd. 1 65 43 51 61 220 24 No. 1 -34 -I. 2 47 J f 3 24 S.TVV. E-W." { > '! '1 105 22 9 :i! 51 ', 41 58 .. ' '. 60 ,39:, ." 22 j am J 5 -NASsaoiwirs-A. ' ' 73 .: 101 ';. .. 219 ; MILTOf. 29 28 28 .. 8 ; 4 16 19 J5 9 II 26 77'. 9 6 19 no case, h jweVer, has inaction \i sted tliro^ fnll years. By fiie^bnd of. tjjs third (year the ox- I>prts)^R\iul -imports, the rovonues of the Gov'er lmunt, and) the rato of interest hivo invariably begun to liniik soul: improveinent. All die acpeptod authorities on thocommor- ciol crisis huye treSrted them, as reactions following, hn excesfl (of speculation. ; Speculation carries the prices of houses arid lots, goods, bonds,.;.riiilroad - stocks and other commodities to a leyel at which they cunnot'bo susthihed, and the resulting 1 nil is in porportipn to the extent of1!he previous- speculations and the al uses of credjit by which they hayo been attended. An abuse of.crwlit tikes place vfhere, for in stance, a -tanner pal'ts with his grain, for 11 worthless railroad mort gage, 'or ol her pecui ity, or where he is.the vict|fn,of ban debts. Increas ing the qu ,-J 26 43 t i-3 85 V No| 1 $5,000,' Eli Snyderj xintractor. \Thos. ; Rudiile> architect. Jam55s Ryder\ Larg 3 two-storey framo carnage show-Topm an dwork-shbp. Eli Snyder, builder. Edward Matthewsr+Twb-story- roogh- cast; dwelling, gothid front: Xot yet completed, To.costapout $700. Thos. .Mi.Kird, "builder;: l)r. McGarvin Haildsomo..red lirick wfiich-,it would have jcost llitn at residepce, 24i40, with -. the Fifth Avenne Hoif-1 at home. Had he stayed at tba.latter ho^l --he"weq^ have been $5 put of pock- et-fflioroth^n jiis $30^"Staying-at tractor-'Thoi'riuddle, - lio Canada hbtel he has savridfrom ' ..,._, ~-iiUi-93Q. nearly S8 in- Canadian money, wortlij Sft28 in.greenbacks; _."; 3.;. With Tiis i^uiua" of 8 in Canada money he goes to. a Canada store-; and' as|fs.for a h,at. For a hat that, would cost him in New York "85 he-jsiys $2.: H^'.goes'to' a shoe -store with his remaining 5. _For a -pair of boots! that lie bad "been used 55550 jgive-$12-fj>r at home ke;give.$5r and. comes away per- .: pjexsally 5scratchirig! his. head. ' y , " How in the deuce is it that I,' , baye got so. much "for so little sfej'sV JJJy JoW,- it - most' :8e that; greenbacks. are^ the - most niagiqali currency in. the world/' 4-nd :succlfc. doubtless, be Wendal Phillips' or the Cincinnati . Enquirer'i conclusion on a sknilaf occasion. \ The simjile fact that he:feis.ta.ken-lhimKelf and Vhig rottep iihconvertible United - Staiekj>romisg8|,tp pay into.a coun try wbiSh, Shf'fving hiin instantan- - eously what it -tbink&i'oi an inflated, currency, jsheprs off ' fi<ini eveiy .false dollar of 5them the ex;ict sum - ipr' their depreciation bplmc the, dollar^ and which -then; after that,! demonstrates to him'.the blessing of Free1 Trade' by ^ying hiin backin the bargain "twice more for his 1 "poor money than he could get from . ainyi pnbiiftan ojr store-keeper m the - protected Xjcipii - " to.'gnt'through pur bewildered trav eller's beadr* But it is constantly , in fcbe, beads of^shrewd; Canadians,: - yrhA do not_iii ^srid. to, letihem- - eires: be .drawn into a share fri the ' p*ymeat of .pair. && de^fjoiir high" pricea. ,for.;blotiiiig; ami. Utensils; ^onr-t frijcb^Bmiig ratesVof. Stat*, 30; 7h 40 /59 OAKVILLR. 25. 1 37" 1 46 108 GEOBC5STOWN'. - -.152 -'...- 135 -; 6 . !" ' j ACTON. I52', -." Bt?Ri;iV$TON. 50 '". -9, Total vote for Lyon .... do !;; . play...... Majority for Lyon- -..'.',. 12 ..1363 ..1296 vnyint nd fiw.1l taxation. . \p ~S\% Tories on the Rampage. S ( FMtilht.Queljib Mercury.p.- Six supporters bi Ct>L Clay, tho do- featedj of' flalton,; have been going for Mr. J. H. Hacking, because in his paper, the Acton! ;Fkee Press, he stated the week before the ielection' that CoL" Clay, was older feb^n Mr.) Lyon, and expre5S*ed the opinion-.that, on this account he Would not ije so well able to discharge the duties' or a member'as his Reform opponent j The Fs!ez Pbess assumes to. be neutral' in politics, but our friend Hacking will soon find out that political neutrality won't work in Canada. "Well, these six Tories sent-back their copies of the paper to the office, accompanied-, by the following letters; which, jt will-Ike Seen, art; choice specimens of orthogra phy and grammar. .'We-hope 5the resS of the Conservatives in Hal ton can do much better inlletter writing than their thin skinned friends, who ought to be' ashamed of their hot; blood. Let them take'their defeat with o good grace, and not make themselves a laughing stock by trying to dragoon an editor, and force him to be ;a political milk-Bop. [Here follow- the; letters copied from last week's ;Fbee Press.] , - > wing 24x16j: two storeyls^ bow windows, ves'ibule,! mas sive ciornices, etc :H >t quite finished. To co4tabout$1,600. Eli Snyder, con! architect* :..'- W. j Ranishaw^-F'ran e dwelling, two stoijeyj, githic_front : ^.bbut$80p. . .i ' P. S Armstrong Fiim'ebamJ .G.S.^mith Stone 1 >arri, -20x70, and feedini; stalls for his hi; h-bred stock, -f .JOHS. STBIET. ' ~ :[: 1 '^oh-! Sharp -aiJd-a-half ] storey frame,-awelling, corner John and Church streets, with stables, e x. Cost about $900. j Joh^j & HughCa: nerOc, ooilders.1 C, Massiiles-r-Frame bim, AOSES 8TRZ1T. John Kenny] Roug l-cast cottage. Hnghl .Cameron, bnildeil "/Cost about :$500, j Job4 Speight Imp: -ovements qh dwelling. Cost about SI X). ".-! :-^ . Abr?iiam MatthoWs I ough'-cast cot-> tage. 'Hi Snyder, builde-, Cost about: $600. ! _ . ' " :: A -;1 ' ;' - ' '-' Jliss Stafford """""."* . 1 '. . -, 1 . ,, B " is preparing.-three frontier forts in ted and-repaired, ata cost of about $200. r * - '- tr- - Tho*., Watspn-4Rough-< ast dwelling, one-and-a-half storey.. C011 about $500. : Geo. Walters Additior the day in tho Waterloo "Pjpr House, teight'ptriods'of-strongly marked d<> by cutting his thioat with an old nression iid business, Tlsuch its that tobacco knife. The numberof pupils, attending the Deaf and. Dumb Institute, Belleville, is now 208, b?ing twelvp more than were in attendance- at the same period lust year. .The prppellor QueVeiu of the North is reported to Im'yo been lost on Ii ike, Erio a few nights agoj' Sho was owned by Mr. Hnry Jack man, atid buloiJged jto Toronto! Montreal police are to bo kept armed . -until ; Guibord's burial} Bishop BoUrget has issiitd: anothei? pastoniMetter;,advising jhis peojilij to refrain from a^y demonstration at.the burial. ! I 'The C-raBgevillo, Advertiser mys that work lias been' 'commenced oil the' hew road to Hockley, nnd there is every prospect of its being made fit for. travel the coining wiuter. _ : { ist season's pennut crop reach!- ed 2.000,000 bushels, valued nt $3,'- 000,000. The oilj-of the North Carolina hut is said to possess great commercial importance, as it is ex.- tenaivoly used as n subsitute "for almond and olive oils. A meeting of tho Council of the Western Prohibitory League was. held on Friday afternoon in Lon don. J. P. Samuels was appointed general secetary, and H. C. Green, treasurer. The .Council proj>ose to raise a fund of $5;0pj) for prosp- cuting the work of prohibition in the-west.,- v ' ' - - i _ . j A fatali accident happened in Mo^r.e'jeid: on Thursday through the ! premature explosion' of dynuj- niite, and a man named;Humphrey- Harris, belonging to CJuelph, lost1 his life, . Deceased fonnerly workf ed at Bell's Melodeon Fact(.ry, but has lately been engagjerl sinking wells, by some patent invention of ;his own.-: '. j - A little girl of seven at Belle.villp lignited her clothes 'while kindling iji fire in a Rooking stoVe, and,at| tempted toj extinguish the fiames without awaking her inothpr, whp was ill. She failed to do so, nncf her screanis-^brought her mother, whb put out' thp. fire, but Tidt nni- til thelittle girl, was so badly burn- jd that she has since.-died. intity of inpney. as inflationist would do if they cpul'jl. would not, revive confidence,) by,t have tlie ojiposite rffect. Unless done oil a sculi to fill the niiiuls of sensible m in v{ith ap'| rehensions'pf repudiatioi, it is not ikely that it would imn ediately^rase the price of any art clp. ;while 1 very pruderit creditor, w juldj wish ! o be paid ria soonns po isible. Ouif currency and finances ur 3 not in the most satisfac tory state, but Bincp vve'carlnot pave practical measures I: of. 'their im provement the; next jest' thing is to lot'; them nlone.r If prices are not now rising; it' certainly is not for luck of money in New York, and other ,;reat cities to buy what is offered ip the inarket. f ' ' WILLOW. STBEBr. to dwelling. " Peter McCann Frame'dwolling,and carpenter ; shop. Not' ye; completed*. To-'cost aliout $500, Acton Plow; Company--Substantial- frame ^iiEldhag, 22x54, and engine house- 21x:24, for- the miinufactire -of 5tJe Stephenson I^ott Plow. - ^ i'ith machin ery, cost about $7;000.L . : I;;.; :., ' EMIN STRKET. ". !' ...'. IV. jit. Storey &TtS),- Kid leather tannery. -A substantiaj^to le and frame building, with out-buildin; ;s. Thomas >Ioore, Ibuildcr, Cost abou 1 $2,300, bit sides machinery.'. '. '.'-' 'Li, ' * TT; NBAR Tliif .58TAT16: f^: !.' .*.."" '"" JdhnjGaratang Additiouko dwelling, by .Ebbttgo & Campbell, ^osb about The Eastern Qijestion does not look any more tranquil. Austria case of hostilities,! and there- are continued indications on the': part of Russia of an intention to inter fere. Le Nord, its organ in Brus sels, hais published tinder rpserve a telegram siktipg that .tbe greatest exasperation is "manifested by the Mussulman^ of , Herzegovina to wards the Christians": and that-se cret meetings, wef< "being held in the Mosques, at whieh preparations were being made, for a general mas,-' fiacre of them at some places. The trutii pi thia despatch is officially denied from JJonstantinople ; and that it should appear in such a.jour nal as Le Nord is not airo-assuring circumstance. ;; . ' : An eaftUquake in California and an .extensive prarie fire; at Nortli Laramie in; Wyoming Territory ate rtipoMedi'.v- -' '",: The Halifax Recorder, in referr-i ihg'tp Mr. Mackenzie's'-visit to that city says : "As a'man ho' comesj anbongst us with n moral character* unblemished ; as a self made uiari who has raised.himself by industry^ probity and talent, lie is entitled to our esteem,' whils in paying respect to him as Premier of the DominionJ we honor ourselves in honoring thej high office he fill*.'? i . ;i! the'Toronto Grand Jury, report that the Lunatic AjsylumA therej contains '645 patients ^-354' mules, and 321. females^ The]-admissions for the.current yiear have been 120, and during the siime time 45 have been discharged;-,against 88 the same time larit year, arid 48 havel died, againBt40 inl874i. This in stitution, thongh'not over^crowded, is quite full,-in which state, it con tinues all-the time* ':'.' The British and British' Amori-itbe.4?il *?. can ^Templars, United Tfemplars, Free Tmiliars of Britain, and.Aus-- traliart Templars, havp united in one. Order, the name chosen j being the United.'" Temperance Order." This union brings into one organic atipns nearly 50,000 Ternperance workers,'over 10,000 of wbom are In .the Province - of Ontario. A Tethperahce paper, the ' '*' Temper- anco Uhion,"is to be published by- Rev, p. F. Austin, of IJelleville. All j signs, grips, and t/est words have., been done away with. Or ganized agents and-ijtra'velling.'lec turers will be placed in jthe fields at once.. ; i .' ' Mr. Wylie, the successful check er player, has met Ma equal atTBur- lington, Vermont, ihi a gentleman named MpGregor. . Out' of- twelve games play ed by them : since the 15tli "of October each has won a singie'game, while;ten games have been drawn. : This result Bee ins tp! ; "RpcouJTbip.ok the|Frascks SmT.^-Tbo .Canadian steamer France^ Sn>.ith roiraculously escaj)e<l finiudeuitig in Luke pSiiperior duf- ing the s|toi-m of the 30th and31st ult. Ninet/ six head bf cattle were thrown ovt-rboard arid many Sheep and swine Iro'wned on board. The cook room was demolished .and-Hb^ supplies destroyed, leaving thernaj. sengere ant crew without food froui Friday ni--lit until Sunday night] The rndile- became nniiinrgenbl<* and but for the-daring exertions of the officers and crew all would have fierished. No human li\]es' lost. , DnowKEo in" A iCiSTEnK. A very sad accident occllred at Cmp bells;Cto, on jSabbath night last, by which Mrs. French, a widow re siding, at j hat place! with two or three'daugtiters, cam to her'death. On the e.-ening spoken of,- the dnughtei-S 1 ad gone tb some neigh bor's (ind O: l returning to their own hornejmiss ?d their mother. On looking aro ind for her and not see ing bier; tiny becamrs alarmed and instituted: i. search' bat 'without finding her. It1 was seen that she had carefully coyored up some po tatoes' in 'the shed from the frost while; the daughters I were- absent, but there -was "nothing to iridicate where! she wks. On Monday morn ing a pail, containing Water was ob served near tlie- water cistern and it occiired t|o some pno pbserving 12, 18170. 1 J; ' Tie Brpbklyn RjylwL. T!io New York Tribvtie, diseuss- jng jtfye labors ofi Mes'sisj Jloody fftnd |S4nkey in Brooklyn, say t: \. AllJ.caleuIatipns .with rigifd to tho J coming of| the jevajrigBlists, Moody and Sanfcey, hojvo jbeen at fauR| Tbo nufnbera imteTsateA, tlie assistance at hurid, the l ol gious feeliiig awakened, bare a 11 been unde.restimated. J This wa :ipt a result of mismanagement--(n the contrary, the management lia.n been Singiilarly rgood-j-but a miiitncep tion of the deph' and oarienthess of the religious feeling hie i e wuit- ed iti'o coming of, the evangelists and. stood ready |at once| to aid and prossioniib business. >uch its that nn4 resppnd^to their efforts. through ulitcli wo arefpassing. ihi Tnw-treligipus spfrit has'been |ately - the extrciiie^*^1^611 in thl country by - " causes, chief among whith v re reck on th!e general tfade- arid 1 usiness depression which, how aa in the past, tends, while multiplying men's troubles, to quicken their sympa thetic and religious feeling>.. The demo nstration yesterday in B ook- lyn-w as, expected to be' npiioaWe and-earnest, but! in its] ma,jnitude, it haii; proved a^snrfirisei. rbere- putat oh" won by Moody and Sinky' abroal specially.adapted tpem to lead in a general revivaj^ano! led: alf; tc uriticipatp a great folloWing 1 to heir" them, but that three or. I four times tho numbers in at'tend- auco 'vptild have to^ turned away was vhplly unfxpectted. Jincl in stead of rin effort being Teqi ire i to swak^n interest and -arorse dof- nifint feelings, it was soon discover ed th; audience was as - i ntt nsly earnest and sympathetic as the leaders themselves..; "' Some of: the! indications of* this spiritj as betniyed' at. yeslerc ay's meeti rigs, are cnriouii. Tim nern- ing se rvices were begun nt h alf jiast eight o'clock. I Before six in the morning the cipwffbegan tj jcath-. er-j-'-'ai; eight o'clpck over five thou sand persons Iw^re seated in the building, and-i threei thousand or more iad been ;turned away for lack of standing rpoVn. * In tb 3 after noon twelve I- poisibly twenty-r- thousand were unable to gain ad mittance ;^ Tneptinga had' leen or. ganized in the different cb.ur^hes (Mr. Siinkey gojiig from placs to place singing hisj songs), while the sidewilks; and | honse-sfoops for "blocks around were blask w ith the coristalntly ipcreasing crowil. Ad- dt'tionnl car tracks had been lai I to the dejorof the'biiildiug, antl tbcngb cars wjere run at j intervals of only one-minute, many thousand hac! to wend jlieir ways bpriieward on foot/ Tlio prayer, with which tlie, Ber- .vices were begun, though didirired by a [minister whose manner is never Sropassienekl and whose style is puie|l3' argumentative, wte intsr- rnpted!" by frequeijit and ferv ?rit f jac- iilations from tbe audience, indicate ing tl e intense sympiitlry With the movenv nt which existed, Tie sc ngsj Qt' Mr.jSaukey repewed i^nd height^ ened these demoristnitioiis, andjthe ntt<i-aisces of1 Mr. Moody raised the re|igiriris- fervor to tb'e highest pitch, ! , .'--. _ j It is not UnreasbnaMe tc antici pate, fion ,such; indicatiois', that the field is ripe for the harvesters, a great and general religions awak ening in this-part; of^-the cointry- possibly also. ifa. ^ta .'remotest sec tions. !- Such dernpnstrations Will be. frequent in!' ihfs 3arger citiesjof the East; and when the evangelists 8halLhaVe vLiit^d Philadelphia and other points "near i by, tbeir comipg to the metropolis will be prx duetive of scenes tbe !like of which were nsyer .witnessed in this city in the Pas';- i . -A -: ' ' always oa band Acton, Nov. 3. 1875. : / OHEMISi' AB .DRTJfaiSt, ; Has removed Ip tho Brjck B^ug StOTe on IVtilli SW^P Formerljroocnpied by tniat4j DR; OARTEB, which |iaa-'be< refitted, ' - . .,V ;. : , '"' *-. " -- A- large stock of Drugs, iMediolnes. ifancy ;Ooo<l, Toiliet Aftictot^"-.-il'; (ravs oa hand. -.'- BR at! >p>nic KENISIID^ v'V- Har joit rec^j^ed their Fall Siiodk of Boots aidf ' ; "'-H ? -J ^.-, :t- And ar delerhmiuea 5tocontmue;*o sell ciheap^r tBan Xh4 cibeapest, aad'....;'\Wl~ ^^ better vab. e for yourmoney tnariianoQ hiid else Where. " Gall; and Sea for yourselves ain -'.-'x..'..:Fii(Bnds'.-V7itli youf d bring your . Examine onr stoc!*: whicH !comprises everything;itt and moat elegant styles and ijatterns of JEnglishi Canadian land American. manufacture. fcy- Ofders'promptly executed and good fiUjgiaranteed. '0 N B-r All account!xouat be settled ibis raontplj L f Acton, Nor 4, 18" i AVroS a.lEKEDi White Wheat....,,: ;|.v, Treadw'ell.;.".';. .-i,....... [.. Spring Wbea^. ;,,,.;.;. Barley . ,\... \.\ ...,...,.: Oata....;...J...,.!/.L.. Peas.................. ':.. Potatoes, per bush.....;.. Dried Applea, per lb.L. > Oniqn*, per bushel,-,. Butter--.,,.-. EggS. .V. ......,;.. . Pork .........____ Hay, per ton..*.... Chickena, per lb.. 1 Ducks, - " .'..; Turkeys / :. Geese " .;.. 0 95 to 1.00 0 9b toO 95 0 8} toO 590 0 00. to 0 68 0 33to0 00 0 5a|'to"0 60 0 40; to 0 00 0 (J8ito0 00 0 75 to r 50 0 'tJt 0 00 0 13 to 0 00 We Storey j*| Jafanitota. known: = tfaeDoa |, ^Chr j haVe'juay splendid'l " | best vaiu| j :yoijr. ctioi j!ClothCap i-itomjiricf yeOf'TAil f.'McK^i.-^ . itient in i Stoie, by enttrging) ' The.jtoc'kl he trade of the Jateat KEKNEDY BBC'S; Beware ^Counterfeits. ;'."ing fbrfivtj iigql the i For H?e pj^teciloaoiiae 5pcblic of Brit-- (ah Nortft Ametjca.ifl'eem It my duty to state Uiatmy rWLi^ ai^p Olx-rMEwriWftu.'- neltber ;5niauu'a|j;inried: nor sold in any- - - part of the UnWED riiATts.. . , . ? t: EacU^ffl ai'cll Box bears the "Brltls*; ^~ .'Jovernmctit SSitnp", : wUrr. the "-WBrtj-i-j "H.itLowArs-SWmj:-'^ij. Vimuarr, -i I>o.M>PN,B ^ngriv-.-d ibe'reon. . On Uw ' .......' ;ss,"533-OxroBl> STBrrr, -i -r label la the iad LoN-OK. Tbls notice consequence 1 OCUto 7 50 j ilunsor '?HoW< 14 00 iolo 00 b.eln< labricat o wto^oe \l&aa%PZ 0.05 toO 06 " Hrfiotfrfy- 0 C6 t 0 07 !"" afctonei 1 ^bus / 0 05 to 0 06 GZBtTM Mxktuci*. : ,, <r , , -, , Fail w&eat, $1 toj'?^0?-;; to=utjveU,".('tra^ot*^ ' 98c to $1.05; spring wheat;'(Ghu>gow):, -i you by spiling $1 to $1.02; spting-wheat (redcaafflM H,,1Io','av'f-.pI tJSc to 92c ; oats? 3T>c to"^ 38c; Peas, i ,"^ >anraetu Hoc to 70c is become' Df eeBsary, lb rvilfi"nnu spurtouslmlu*; fnv*s i'lll<<aiid Olnlm-^nU'* -------- le-Jat78!Mal<r-" York, oy par- itbe-mixeiTM ' JCO " f-Wit^l firade, mark^-. rid.,n? .can obtain thbt ;; ppier,;nd fO tl^crlVir;- \; aamefprjny genuine.*:. - tml OihtaiHr t.'whieH ."i J only at 533,-- UxfOTd. ' ' /uc; barley, 50jto*&5c; eggs,, per dozen, 17c to'ISc;.butter, =dairjr packed, 37c-to 2pc; potatoes, pcrliag, 50c to70c.- TOBovro itxkuvrn. -Spring, wheat, $1.03; new white wheat; $1.04 to $1.08 ; oats, '38c ; bai leys 60c to 88e,' ,. ' ."': Peswiis.Trho . look into the ciste'-h, and there this body wjas seen. By what accident she foil intp the cis tern after dri wing thjo water, is si mystery, for the entrance is by a box-top abo(ut. ; fouijteen inches square; It js 'supposed that she P?.8 te committed the deed through ; The Peel l^urdor. WHl-TE CONFESSES BUS GtjlLf,. Henry, White, the colouivd main who was sentenced' last.week t.t the Guelph assizes,.to be ba lged on the 23rd of December, for t ie mu - der of bis wife, in the township <f Peel, has confessed his guilt.. H|e corroborate^ what, has. often been as-. serted by critical' observers of the same disease, bht it n game, that its combinations are so comparatively few that j they may often^ bo completely mastered by skillful players, who, consequently,. on-meeting find themselves very: evenly matched." must have gone in bead-fpruibsti but how it 1 appened; no one can say, nor do the circumstances .in tbe least Appear to favor the idea of ,a premoditaUOxcase.pf suicide.-4- .Brampton Banner.' h . Tbe Brampton Banner, Bays, there have been sevi eral deaths frc m this ^virulent dis- eiise ,ii\ that t iwn lately.- A num ber of children have also had dyptheria. The unusually' wet weather- niay i'av.e bad some effect in this respect, "Sad. Dr. I^iddal, df Brampton buried three of his children on Sab bath last, they having; died within a" few hours ,of each;other,, from ssarlet feyer. 1 Three pr four mem bers of bis famj ly! are! ill. with the hoped, that they, may recover. Such a sad afflietionl is. ratjely meVwitb. ! The afflicted family lave the, sympathies'1 of ; the comminity. -- Brampton Banner. Terrible The Stbatford Mystery.-^-O'n Monday evening an inquest iwas held on the bod^" jof- a- child' fo ind in a garden pn last Tuesday. A number of .the. witnesses \. were ei- amined and tbe inquest was ad journed for a week, owing to the absence of Mrs. Moffat, the mother of the girl Martha Moffat, -who vaV the mother of the. child, .nd l[rs. Stewart, her sister, both of wb om haye : become" insane, the' fptjier since Saturday last, arid the letter- since Wednesday.. Sp far thore ir no satisfactosy evidende.' [ 1 'XPLOSION. About half-piStsixSafurday nprning the" boiler in "Hess Brps.' saw mill at Listpwel, burst, it j bein g heavy and 60 bprse power, .jit nade a total wreck pf the wUplb mi! 1, nnt leav: ing a bit pfit stjindihg, The first stpfy was of storje,j but iil was com pletely scatteredJ srnast iing a great many windows ii i and n ear the busi ness part of the t jwn, in'1 some cases about 500 lights of glai s in a build ing, and many of the stores having neatly all their f ronts blown "out. fortunately all ^ere afe- breakfast ojnd "ho pne was bprt. fcoHS heavy. /, " J-V' ' je'alonsy. .-He Struck! the [woman several times on tbe bead with . i club, jjjind, then threw her into, the well, i The; whole circumstances- oif the caEJej-Ire related.on Tuesday to Rev. jMr-Balland the editors oTf the Guelph papers. ." j I REC0VERiKO.-^-Mr. Leslie! IJeeve of Puslirich, is.^w^ are glad i o. bearl slowly recovering from bis recent serious illness, and Dr. Ortcn, wh~o^ has been attending'him, hopss that in a short time h^ will bo; ible tp .resume bis usual j duties. Famine in Russia. ALMOST iOTAl, FAILURE OF TH) I CROPS The London Pdd says tb: Riib sian corrjespondenta of tho German papers give distressing accounts, of "this yearns! harvest Never beforff, it is asserted, has a failure been so g_erieral in Russia,i>othinlgeigraph- icil-extent arid comprehens'veness with regird. to the cropsr a Fected. The entire onltivated zone is de-' prived of its expected h irvest. From Orel to; the Crimea au t from Tambo -toj Podolaski it is the same tale, ;and j there Is ;ho prosj ect of belp.! All are groaning und ii? the same load). In other years .of these failures of crop's it attacks pi ly one species, bi it cerpa's, or ro)ts, or grass, bub this yeai: all the crops have suffered alike.; < .- An .iron Steamship. bas been built at pnestef; ]{?a.:, and sliipped to California by rail. It occupies 68 cars. ! ! ' . N W ADVERTISEMENTS; H ENRTX. OitAKE "r*-" I .:- - tXsrKAXCE AGE5T, .CrElPH, Aetent for the Mereabtile nnrt 1'aterloo. All business ntroweJ lb iiiscare wlil-be railfifnlly attended 10. Oider. tfj^ vA<\ 11 solicited, I)R,AKli:"! "YCTM., HEJJSTIIISEIV <L ",:- Iiicensed Auctioneer Kof tbf. Counties ot WeHlogton hnrf nni ton; oriiers' liit at the >"kek'. Prfsss Office, Acton, or.'at mi- J*s5Ulen5cW,. in tiockwood, will be 5promptly atteudef110. Terms re5asonabte. . Tj^XECUTORS' NOTICE/ -. AH perBOtie having claims agiiinat "the estate of .the Tate Gtorge ^3tcKay, of tie -Village of Acton, in the County of Ral- tori, deceased, will present their respec tive chums,-nrbipeTly; verified ; and-all those mdebted to said estate will make, payment of. the *amo on or before the utst day of ^December, 1875/"to ~Wi" Allan, pf said ViUagei of Actoii, "i /BENJ^^J^QNALp, | :E|?cecutora- Acton West," 12tB Nov., 187$.. ay be 5So di elv-d wilt- be i Ir-ased to eoiiimunlc-ite wim m." Many iru-pei-table arms In the British. . - I^rov4i:cei, ho[btlii my me ilrinfa<aH . r/rct frpm YjcrcCinare- ve-y properly saey - Kesikil,itiat 1 i-ifonld, ll>r t5be b-npfltof- .- llieipw^vt-V autljjiln; i.uoltc, insert.Lhlr - iiHOqos In.thi! nansrE. tttit-ft roar, bR^ :Vj tnonrn Hint mjj mpflicmes ' g.miiiip fr-ro uibm. '_ :|~ .-"! " TJhe lul owinij p a Ustof tbe firmsjpPl5WJv>: ed ' to: and I '-jjurtienlariy. recommend ' those wliOjIesJratb errt *>y mdlcln,to> -y api-Iy to sVme oJJUre a5ai.snsmei:: . j- v Evix.<^ sji^cWsfi Co.. Montri-aV -.' } '."', r AvEi:y,."!Rf>w.-*-Co'..H-atirax, K.Si : -. - ' ~-y ' FAjhytH1* Co., Halifax.\N.S: '.,- >- T. B, Harxeb di,poNF, sti John, N.B. - ." . - Ai'ofBS Xitis.VJtAWi.Ci'j-, Charlpttetowa . IidsoiiET * Co, Victoria- B. Ci . S .-.. v flOOKedCo. Vlleiorin, V. C. '- ' T>r- Joiui PAi.t,5Ks, ChatUam, N. B. . \:T MCXKOi Cd, ilbn;renl. j~ J Wixkb &4,:6.J Hamilton, OiU.- ';. -'.. B..3. Bo-iE, I'oixikiio. - i- ' '-y.- A. CHJPJtAN^ttHj&t. John.K. B. ' > Jo"N BoMnrciMlerl";^ Ont. Ki-i ioTA;Cu., Tftmnlo. ;' ~ 36hth.S=P~'- "~ -V: ?-'. rs, St. John. If. B ". : - v ? TAX NOTIC^r Taxpayers are hereby hotiBed; that.aJl taxes due the Corporation of Acton, must be j_; ';V"-'*-'."'j1' 'r' PAJB BY 25ti 'p? sroyEwiaa. Parties who have not paid before 'ttiat date may find ma at my. house -.. On Thursday^ the 35% jiast. If not paid then, coat.-will be added. - S. ZIMMERMA%'Collector Acton, Nov. 10, 1S75. ~ 20-2t , The Jindenrigned begs to thank his customers for the liberal: patronage re ceived during the 'past 'summer, *and would say that he is now prepared to supply an additional number, of custpni- ers with good, pure, iresh milk deliverT ed every morning,' and: twice at day1 "on Saturdays. Parties who keep oows will find it much cheaper aid leak -trouble to get inilk delivered at their doora^ and they would'do well to sell-their cows and buy their milk. . Twenty-otie quart .tickets J for $1, if paid ii.advance; or ' twenty-one pint tickcts;for SO.'cente. ; - rpVs, ARMSTRONG. L - :'The;subscriber offers to rent, ;of let oh. shares; ;his farm, being-Lot N,p...jJl; oh the 5th Conceasion of ^^uesinftcpni-' prising 100; acroa, 80 tlcrea Jof '^tiflncK are under, eujtrvatibh, Uje balance excellent, cedar';-and' hard wood.. .Good .frame house and barns, with plenty of good water.aidother convenienGes; About <Ji miles from Acton. Apply-on the premiseato '..::..."'. - -. - :. ;;; SIMON"MctfeAN. : Esqncsing, Oct-. 1,1873, :.-f ' J. CHAIX>NEB.JB1 HAX1-N05T..JJ Bill it. 8. Pkippv. ViMrs. OKPI5^r, JfO| OEOBSfet L 5H r S' W. H. TrtoiiPL J. St-WlLBT.-f: w. & U. neun.E, UH AS. 1.[ p ATI; The m dlejine.' Wholesaleaetp: 1?8K than 20 Wi 3JF. per dozen Ointment,; thr sbe^ent lri advan 5S3. OxforiStreej London, Ji odsor.Cmt.^ leniN-S. .- " jjti ^> 555tarbnr'AT5racerHwF^l. -I _ontial.f .-> . 3 Fred^riatoTj, S.B. " - -" JiirB soldlafe tlie l5wst: Jti.qnhr.tltles of ot > b vlK &zM.,2t*n and ".-i-. fxes orPlll5s- or 5pou ,f ~- tic a- renitttanens must- homas houx>wtat; liw. c.. r BARGAIN. ~ -> . ,i.FO! ^ Lot No. 30,;3i a mile .from tl Acton, contain: acres heavily SAIi^ Con;, lEsqiietaag, J of flourishing' village 61;" 100 acres, Aoput SO. " . . er&l-with Pinej'Heni- lock and Cedarif suitahle to^ to^^?1!^ '. poles or posts, t -ExcellentTranie atiba^," eight room*!, inftjhqrough rerfeuct *~~- " steble and log -ujirn J./Orchr-4 -r fruit ;. -a rieirer falling apjin throi5igh thei preiniseB.; Te'r^aa easy. Ap ply tX : V Main St.,;<-by lctterto'Bftx 0% Acton. ' PcS.^Haot^liwTllbelrented.. ;. -.-"" ^ ^i! .orchard, of j choice \creek- run* DlLiiBOBE^TS? Celebrate CAI .iEK TBS :ril ail time!* witnouflcoiiflupinent or " ' J' " 8old ii( Boxwr at Is. U " At. 59<r, ;l!ii. ami 2S..eftcb of diet, Bold Ointment ,'.p^Bi.^^ifrtiE!ffb,:L'. Q -\.:. It confidently recommended W\b Pul , p Uc aa an uotolllai remedyJor wnund,ior- ' j,-' evMy.'deso.rlpOpnn-'a curtaia" ^r*TSr" "- '"-'- TJIcerated Sore beisj even of; twe.nW' . : , year>l, standing jl Cuts, Birrai, aetBd;i".5 Bruises, iJhllWalns,fjcorbiatlfc rnpUMb*,\4'.-.f- and Plraptea i^raf-he Fee, Bore*n4*i*>*' {' flamed EyeisiS6,e iHeadsj Spri "BtvuUl-P" '>" Pileiv-Flsiuln, ai id Canc^roha Hnwonirfc ; and Is" aVSp^olllQil or Uiose aflfictlDg BrapS'ft' ;' Uodh that sbmett nes follow JvaolnnMoWi"::' .Sold, to.i'ntajata a, lid.' and ii. H--e^W-T:^ -;. ii Or,^D9r1aiPlLxil^ttocro^&^ Or AbTEK N ATI VE PItrCS. coim^ittea"^-1: byalxty years' |< xpferieiioe' KTbo^ii*^'?-. -7 the best m^tliclnts ever.onij>onnded tarj^'^i purifying the:bW )d, iandisUiSgTSAw*t t 1.ube.roperations." -Henre^\StytrensyBM*;* -'-' in Sororuta.Bcbrt uHfe'l^mrtaWiW, Stan-f j ; dnbitSwalllnafeJrartictilMlsfthoee of.tBP--t_- N*clt, 4e. TueyIf arm a mtMaadjMteertart- -S 1 FamilyApejJeut, which may be taken t : Js .... *. _-^ _....^^onfluMnent or ; <; .; Boxwr_at is.-iJd^Kta^.::.",; , BY EM|5|t,BOpyil:fTQBS, ,.i_Mi^ S BJEACH-iA^D nS^^CQTV^ '^ . --!..' .' -. bngPENSAKT, | MpokF.^E*siAi|n* - . ancitoy %& respectable HlcliVlii*wr^vV g| -IjitJBSCRIBEil'OR THE.!; A' ~:C " " " >ii F+ jdetwaJk-i 1^ FREE PEr^S^ Pui7 ess Ibollab a tiar*-:.'^ i --; Wlf,5515T^,^/^T:

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