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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 5, 1875, p. 3

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m m In enlarged and |t Ar^Rs, .jft,- :.^M>-'it. (Shoes, :ctejpfs:. and here, " - ~itig^ youi? |Je Of thjlates Mid American' fr&a. [EpY BKC?S. ! Mm Ml L r*- .>- !T$BK st:w:!ve 'amj! I C. - JBs'ta'i TAPS. rissaiEKTs.. I-EARX THE- -.t-_ Mast na Ve jwiilicgHo-learn.-,; fcss. e-Ste.- < '"-: Esoue^ing, $ of j p&hifcg A-iiiage o-j Kres. "About 50 I rith 'Pini,- Bern- I! r-I^'for telegraph-? ln:,FraEe Hoaee, |: fh^xvija.ir'; fram'e J retard of- cboiee.-f. jj ug;. creek .rulnVr ?..terms v-asv.TAp* f - " J: AiLEkoIv; L |c Bor .C2,'.Atleni be rented;v v '* < ~: grains-leave A<J8<>n ? foulowa :- - ~ .- ooiSm'wkst. '- " - ~ Morning Mail- - |>ay Kxpress iSxpr***, r ' ' ' " Mixed M: - >"chf Express ... 4 | CTOISO fciST, Night rtxpross - -> Mixed -.-'- " - '" .Mut:-- v - V.\!i3od ":-" -.- i '- ft. W a. hi. -- ',. :ft.90p.m. ^.|S:40.in. "..:; StSSa,in. .;'11:35 aTm. !-.- 5:20 p. n. _ .'3i4Qp.m. : "f\., Sc<^rdp&ros, liaviiuj becouM tlrii o the iribhMpxiy of paying interdit ion th0 whcat.iu uu\ny farmc* ' bartia, have do cidod t4 mako things .lively i bout the next Cou^, and will jlawj^wBo pn hundred *eouiita in 6 .urt fere oiiection. Tlibso accounts range jjroni oao) to> Hun- dred dottaJ Cixch. rrwitV t.ymi o^" /oooj eiret, jiifjA rtJtit/xefcU-dliircA <T-rif, * <- irujx <;'" f/j>'.nftc* or- -ofArr societies, ' accH('&, cr ihti TntldfM tdkirA may-be -L i<i.'iT!L*ij>t:j, .siiAer in /Ais loentltji.-tir in the r\'nfj:y jjfH^m//;!'. .VnKfr i>/" fAij '~-jKrf-*vi,-'*1../!Vs< carted "i>itof' ?,.' ^oi'.v/t iiH&*. '<ft* o*^ tVsr n? jxt o;., ImiW".f ,!-iiirt?j;.iM j r.'r'-'W iruurc its ied!ie')l ii if Nfp'.w V cr nt ' rf- cfitr it by Titwra lag *> 'i lag, at tAr i.l.Vit LOCAL MATTER8. "'tkVVx' expert b\^c hew- iBrinting t>fiipc, idjoining Mfc[Mtthe>*-8 store,' ' %\-ill- b<- rc,vlv for .movirig into :iu a Oiw ^SJy. '-. ' -:Mr: -SCdrrow,-. I>tuggiat, bis. Vo- - --hiovcd to more convenient quarter*, on :. Mill Stroct fo'w doors JbeloT.the'poct ^Sicr. -^";. i ^Tfae Wiiny friends of Mr. W*. \\. Sto'rty, will be gbid to learn that ho has so Jar recovered from his long illness as to boiagsia at )&i place of bUSih'ci*. ~^ is sfn taking web'and jie-rein from' off "a light l/ln) IiuUnnspoli! Joum pi oFrecent diite says":U. A toi Hble 8^ quel iqrtrt hotir'uamlise^hefcitolling ghtost Btdries occurw I atth jurglckl' Institute!laat night A worn full of young-lftdieVpal enti cA the jlu- stitute, amused Jtril excitKl e|<Jh other by stories of temttc nppari- tipns,1 holigoblins, ghost*; etc; , Tho' gas'had bc<jn turned out, either inj tn'tioria1jy&vJ>y accidcuat. In thej climax t>f a vivid itiry.onn of tlife 'girls.-thniw kihawl over % trerubl- ing cpmi^de. A ittle r'tstle und 8U-ang cpnduet %-fts noticed. Wllbh a light was brought the fact was >x yealetl that the poor girl wai i insane., She haB-reinaiiied sj; ever' b nco, yet hopes,arcrwitertaiiK d of 'her rccov- :.-.V.V-!fc.-r-.t[l-.: m ^&QmT$. M^e erv T?i i i ,li'. At^Guclph.oh the tth inst, by tho fjiier.;c.; lt..I^, M A.. Mr. Junes 8ocktt,%f-Kramosa, tjo Miss ElUiboth ;F<i"rstfer; of jtittelph. biEb. In"jTrafalgar, .on UiJ -2nd ihst., Wil-' liaw, \ejdest son of M r. Richard Rem- >trciit, nged 28 years, "- Mpttaa Our fall Btodk is h'ow'io'hnrid; opened upl'Khd dlspliiyeii to vlo<v. Th'iB stock U the largest und ohplcest. We liavp over imported, aud n it will bp found in ttdJltion td bhr largo stoi?k <}(' stable goods, evory luxtirj and deli cacy -to be fotiud lb any first fclttss citjf eBtnbiishrnent. such as The. above . the i)braJuloii. haniesr-'fl!k a sale was. m progress on I' the farm1 of Mr: Sitninel Moore, oiv thfc eTonih^ | of Oct, .2Sth,_ will save trouble aad expense, by faring them in some -L-onvcttieat place where.the owner can ?Set tBciii. -" . . - ~T\\4 newB-of.the resnlV of the. ACT** Jf_ll RET8; i\*hite \\Tieat........... 0 00 lb. 1 00 -JTre,vlweU..i.."...... spring Wheat: .... T^iarjeyj........-...:.. Vataf.;;:.....':(:.; .. Peas. j.... j ..!.-.'-.: .. PotaUtes, peilbush.,: Pried jAppWsT per tli 0)niont, per;bushcl.. Bjitttj-;..:.:.,...... clectioSL. on Tuesday 1 e5-nig caused""; p\,rk !' fcany hi Mr. Eyoh's friends here tt wax "juMiaift.- Wax caxioiea weifeinT brisk -.i:enuind-fnr Uluaination, and, old bo^es and t-orrels ^rerc waxed around 'pretty live!r to build- "lniA. witii.i Tllb Hay, tae'r Chtcklens, Duekl ton.'..--..-]____. |>4r Ib^.'c.... 0 "OS to 1 60 Q -90 to I 00 0 00 tb 0 ,66 t)'3AtU0'k)0 0 6ft toO 67 0 40 to O 00 0,0*,toO 00 0 75 to 1 50 0 22 to O 00 0 15 to 0 00 0 12J to 0 00 14 00 to 15 00 0 0> to 0 00 0 07 toO 00 J I . tlEtPB JI. BfcETis Fall wbt^it, Sl.'to U-07 ; troadwell, 9Se :t.BK0.1; Fpring, V-he,tf, ^Glasgow), ivoa iris rai^.r-arit and earthenware, at I SI to) pl-.Oi.-. spring \'heat tred chajl); :" a AUseouat ':,*"-' C.:'"" .'" ' [ j *^! to V2i ; .t3, S ki. to 3SC: JKias, '____,.' ~<a _________ ... >o^ b fi'io; barley, oO,-to 70e; egg^ per _>; AJ-ban-* <"inrri, Aetoa. f ' | dozen. 17e todSc; bdtt ;r, dairy'jlacked, -- On Su,iUay next, Nov.', Evening-' '.*: t<| i0^lio^t^>es^rhag,^50o, to 70e. > Service will-be "resutned in-this ehuroB ! ias-.l rhe'd at 0.-3J ]>.m., until ftrth^1 j nvCte). ~i " - ' j liiy^lTpe to":jJoV. Spring *lieat,\ 1,6<;; - new /white wheni l-.0S to 1,00 oats, 35c i bar- FreVsh' Dyiferi, ^ boo 'Oyatjhw,"" * Clama, ', Canned Saltiion, I - . ' Ocean 'l!rout,- .' ' Finban-lladdies' k5.irdinea, Fresh. Lemon Jelly; ' v":.f PearVelly, | iGrapwj.Jolly,: ^hite Pisb, Cod, Salmon Trout. Herrings. ted Currant.do 3lack Currant d'6' Q^r. ." "-Thei'^-giilar bieetitig of jthe ' above ) "^TlfLLACB P9t<|.'PERl|T. -I.ftd^ein^il lie held next Mnpday eveit. Jxsg.'uifidie'.Masdhic HaZl, ara.o'clock j. | i " i-.-F. Sdoki>, S;|;. pro teni. -: ":; TT------ "-------rr^f AetcnJ FaStf i ' :fo:e&" >^3PjE1 Th- undtrsigntd nircrs'ff.r |>ark |lnf iramrt.!wtel.v (r%st.- *f the Monthly Fair, yesterday, and; we | k.-ty'trick^knUwri ^ youi-.b'^hKflj-, in tT:n;^t.^steJid a ;r*i many rattle h*ngeil ! the lillagc' of Acjon, eorrijir 3<iib;" sii hand*' at fair, prices. Thouias Wiinett : acriw'j mowJ>r l^-, I , i i i e'l iM virhite l.iti, life i: - : i sell rti-lilix.'k. Acton Wffi-. WonK-n houcnt ".^n> Ju ,iihct|s iu thi Kobinrib-' We alio notice*! a quantity ; *ectif n of country, aiu; its pr<K-}>:tA for "' growth .are wm d .= to hmje.. The is a"iiiOst licsii ab)e pro jfcrty for/ a|te reitSU-m-i- or nl insfactii of to and other aHiraalf; but did not"! rapid *itirjfe"betherithey were solcl of not. j l>rjva ."ii 'c-.pies. oi last wfcek 1 BJ.F. P^KSS I ^jjC 0 save 4ietn retamed to this office con- | I |x>sc5, Fuj' teruin at uning the following polite intiinatiuh. ! j F-oiucaing. Scj)tJ 4; the niar^ina.; "We have cbitV- | ^i^ ly refrained'- from ] ^f ^ I ; ]in> l>ee 'life t v. oitld s one of of Mr. I'. Heild't r*on, Ac wnet, i:>!<hgrove I'.-t)., E JOfiN'-Met^ 1-875, Vj Mill Stretfti i t.o-reiif, io5^ on f>>t Zvo; 33...on Uqpt=jin!x, ca*n- Ir^s of' whieh are Ijiianae. exoelle'nb [d,. Cfooi frame, ' fnieuces: "Aiout Apply pa i;Ue >5 3IoL-EA2f. .: i -tre^passmg -on. jf'.'thf; Townihip the Village of, fd- of- any kind, or . shrfl," oi fences [bje^t X41 prosecu- AliMSTEOSG, optnpicnced tb4, IK deliyer milb [i-vc-ning at the I MiUt warranted lart tickets.--/or i>t twentj^jne Irmsteoxg^ li. . , i lofallkintt, >mr*tre. n a i -v-r^X-tn v iiai caae?_ of-tlie authors', in fuji":"- "Mr-.1 Harking "i want you to keep your dirty (irit paper iii your office And cot siiid it to me Anv moTe. - --- " '-.-: "- . jilf Acton. : ybue kti-p :.yanr raper for.-..tlie- fntcr As i o<t not -want It Any more-.' T-; .S: Mr Hackin Acton, as I wish to ru- ,tire horn this paper as yoiir ar .taking 1 * bjie. yf'poliiiica. \.. . Tj C. . . '"' i'fr JTHakingtActojiOnt Pleaoe keep yonr paper for th futur. > . J. S: . > ' - tbibfGirit uaixir anymore.- --, W. B, ,. -". j\ " ' ""- fi" . J..Hacking Esq I hope" yon .will gire jj . ilr Cl3\-Justice m"yonr next Copy.- -'.' ' "V-;:' _:. ^ ' \ :.-M:K.-. :r- As^li.'tiie above' parties, except one . : we most respectfully intimate that *te \\jTQG&QTy j BhaJt cohtafiue tbjend the papef regular^ - }y to their laddrtesS onrji this eirpiratioo - of their'suljiicription.. ^ .:. GretPHi'MkEcr^T. r-Both' the Daily and- \\'jeelily edilibhs J of the -,. 21t^curg hare !,'tteen considerably- enlarged and - otherwisi -i^nproyied. Tie Weekly |^ . ! iirm-:one "of-the largest^nd best tdEt^icti \ ed papers in fcanattaj and we believe it j has the' largest, eireulatkm of any outtide ;. -of the jcitiesl." ,_--.- . ... n A Rbcilrwropd,Sensstiom : / , . i the KanxrzD floFse." , The Guelph Mercsry publishes in ita , daily iasue of Saturdayy a long eoftnnn- J hjcation, froin^a -JSockwood corresjJon- dent, giving; .full .particularsoi a huge \4e'nastion in that vicinity, ab*oat an. ari-' tenanted house siud t6 ' be haunted with .^iemonhsal-ghosts. ' On MWday evening, a large party of ghost hunters, comprising about fifty_ - petsoas.lef t Gnel^h by eonveyances, and another party of thirty by Grand Trunk. After reaching Rockwopd, they.proceeij- ed to tbeihoiise; which is situated a con^ I stderalde 4istaoe from ike village, and .gave it a' tbowlagS iftspection, A^ter waiting a reasonable wljle for "ghost*? to appear) tkey finally concluded that" they were !' sold," and'took,their de.i . psrture forrGnelptper Fopt and Walker f -Sir line. "Tfaey arriyed home fully coh-i viaced ^jat ghosts are "frauds," and . that a long walk ir good for the healthy but rather ihird on iiie legs. ; . ' t : HI Iii* UEALKlt IN General Qro^erie^, toots and Blioes, - Wall Pip'tej Windolrr ^kiads, ^lass-warel, [ j Nails, ..j; Crlassi Linseed Cil, y^ Paints, l-'I>artic fMs tlie he Hail- ;isurvoy- prifer to the niost ring-pur- ulnm en- Urn, or to spuesihg. ACtOX; ". WOO doen gjodj but - i ' - . fresh-.JBggs. '> Also anjtqUaJitSty of %f>o$i frjeah butter., Hjgheit -price. -Stecoaif / \. XjFe iearn that* r31 r.'.. HeDdergon, : . tha victim of the^Tecerit Bad-iacci- -', dent in QUielph, ^hd who was re- tT Hospital toiis yhpme in.lfassiga.weya oh'Thursdky fiastj is improving as rapidly as coutd be expected-under'the cSir- cuniitanctk. -4 Macliiiib 0 Coal Oil, AL83;'" PARIS GREEN ^ HEL ttpt- tbe.De^lriuctWrf 'jot i aW,. B$g. Oaterpl'lars and *he>Ubscrlbei- ^l a return itsthabfaT to theinbabltanlBoivSctonnnt sifrronnd- lng country1 for tSe' heretofore extended tx oilier Idi ects liberal cjjujxeiime solicit their rarih< f;Bapport f i -.'"- - - * K.BJ->CasUt(dror ;-?;'i ' " : Acton, ?lulj>- ltt 1S75. Ipanned" Cherries, V ' Gp"c4eb^rnct; Stniwbemes, Con&cllid^ery, Eisciiits, . Raisins, Cnrrdnts, &o. FAINTS, OILSy V W^ b^idadarge ^6k;bf aiijkm^of-PahtsiiflU i<&^&mQ, 1^5-^M^H Cdfab^-Polmi, Gpia.tlL af Bronze, CBOCKERlf, CHINA, ETC; &tnr fi '-'fiolle.d \\ In tbjsbrahch we have a very fine Btock of feautifurfo^rlij,-compK/lng 'i everything in thelinef includingglassware of all description 1 n? EBORE pUl.ruusge blm, bud at the Okies d^Uvel-etl. HILLi Loba^ersl tshcll-Lobsters. s always in Stocki Black Currant Jelly, : Crab Applo.Jelly; Ked Cutrnut Jelly, .Strawberry Jolly, 1'iiib Apple Jelly , ' >_UnB|l;bei ry Jelly. v%U|ei PJjiri preserve, ' Raspberry Preserve, Lombard do do vpear ' :; Jda ' Golden Drop do do Cherry ' jdo of Teas is.Large, Fre^li. ':.-,[.' nd.,Qneapi'--VV Choice, Caoned tilacli Currant?,; Canned ^Tomatoes, -. v ."^ Cirecn'Beans, 11 v Green Corn, -."" ' " Crfrn. "." Oct. 27, 1375 0:PHJGI^lIj ZIO TliEl T*T3 . i:%),Gei^::P6r 78 Pib6&' <ALS5iwtsa ^ I lit^ 3; . BEAUTIFUL goods liivye bieri Ub'ugHfc by rae at loas than Calljpurlyjand select Hardiware Merehants. j I i Our Stock Of J ; ' ' r-> BRONZE, CLASS Coilee, Cocbi, .' ( CliOculale: : fichles, ' . : MaVOls, Castor and Olive Oils, V Mustiulh, -.' _ iioop, H ait Oil, Aima'moc mcl: Is th(s beii)ieat andibtSt yaTud In Town. Fire{Grates and Irons, Just received and ARTHUR <, fJuetph, Oqf. 25, JS75. By; -Beeping Good:;Goods, and Selling Cneap, .We Benefet Our Customers. in Hardware we have e.very article necessary to complecb the biiildiog oi furnishing1 ofaify iiouse or'Barn. uUo every implement 'necessary; about; a farm orl-Gardeh, such, a Sails, Locks,- Hinged, Spades, Hr^oyelsj, Forkf, Axes, Saws, Carpenters' Tools, Xkrt't-s,' Chains, RopePj'liliVbting Powder, Fuse, (Jung, Pistols, Revolvers) .Ammuniiion, Cartridges, Ilrnss-KettleB, Enamel Pots. 4o. ,V v ."..'" V "' ' i |- . . .i BJr benefitting Our Customers We 'Ourselves* ; TaUe; Cuttle f|, /.: Pocket Cuttlefy; Mirrors, ' Razorf. : CaneS, ' '. Cruits,'. " Scissors! . i ".; (Bnjshes; '-::': '. ' ..'l(- Benent Our^Stook oif Hardware Js |Large^ ;l^"ell Se lected and i"i-' We aim at pleasing; ourfc? in? -w-hat th4y "rT-ant. vViiite Granite tea Sets, < '..,tf Cups and Sa'Uc'ers^ ' i " -Plates, ' : i. u Pitchers, ' \ "i '.. .n .. ' toilette,8ets, 'i^arian J'ugs afad Pitchers, _ (v-.-o.;tYw, :- n^:/ v. Chinp?;aacH^s, ^ kinds) " :Vase'3, . | . i " iTuster Jugs, : j - : Fanay,Jogs-and~Pitohers,. '. Common bisbes of all L ftid'j.: iSi'ck Bed Cups and Pans'." 3te&aiflceiit .Ddep Blue *m$im^m _/_ + V -i- J amps, of ail kinds, Glass Table S>ts. ^taSsTreserve DUhes, . " Tdmblersj '" Fruit Dishel, "Goblets, << 0ake'pMbBy'r'r'~| f','1 Celery Glasses, Glass ;Nappies, '. '[' Pickle Bottles,- ' '< ' Pitchers, -s" '.'. " fc'yrup Pjtchers, ! Hfg.leave tp: Bayftbat they .iiave DEESS GOODS, and Mammoth Hdtis^ (jecifg'etown^ Cnt, WHITE COTTONS. PRINTS. TABU Fancy ;(fiood^ and Smal Millineryj Mantle^ &rSha-i^ls^ ls-tnrg'e, virl ttti LBlabk and Col )re& Lustres* Oarpots, SioadLelctbs, Do;s^ins, ' English. and.; Scot :h. Twocisi, Ovorcoatlag, Eeafty-mado Overc >ats and OlotMagr, Boys' Pwi i_ady-mad9 dvercoat& and ciotMngjaeiits' Funnshi igrs, Sec. The above <: ond'aTiavo tloeh lMr>Ort?'d.'di'r( ct from;the leadingmartteta ,ot -Europe, thereby savins a larso p. fcent ige, of Which the pubUCohaUfiet/lheadyaa age1 GRDSi^S fAReSfRY 'AT TBB.EX^iiEMELY .CHijjtP. BEICB^P U.) tr. ^A'MKTiu-:;. I jL>T _Mj JB& 3J1 wm/mmiWmi . | i ,t -i - - U goods,-kr-ai\hhsba reduction on usual't'ric^.* " "'""!.' i -" r"-i-".' ijan tbio nt'ak*^ isost, and 1 oflpTfb'r itid'hbklXtik rhWtrfs^hcoeeff^cart \-'- ; ' h- ' v. -- '--:: V v AND MARIJLE, Coal Vaseif &o.. ;&b, going- rapidly ' McBE4Ni&/CG); '-"- SardwaM-JCftijoliaa^s.i Wintrl vHWG. v. ~A*h 'S.. MLtXO- iiC)iV: i">>" ^0 -~v >.. - -: m - k - ^ ;": - : ' : J.SfTi X\fJ thf"c*e35P99:t;ca^p f^s.fcovbtitf^t^itb Alma'.pl^-'|7^^-W^^iii^is<^-"-^5iii ELtPHArif cidflM^i G3-HT "!^ iai R4&(te site wit! Tne Leading ClotMng House of .M: --.':.-i'-i#lrW;T*cfci*d-1 ' ]', 500 ftlen's Oven&ats, lagging in1 price^iro'in .^ti^'ttj?.' '}* . 187 Bojjs' Overcoate, Ringing ini-^pejir^'^i^P;I ' ^j-i ' A .trpmendpnis stock of M^f ^e*yy.c1uita in SbotcbiJE Qg'Usn.'an ~: ';. .TTweeds,'ranging(inpricefrofnifej^J^piV.'..;^,^- A beautiful stock of Ch tldreh's. Suits,'racking'in prlc* Bigfsfook of Woolen dn'dWclqthing/^AAwltf ve^-ieir^:-"-t^ >'?> Cartilgipf Jadk;e%Xran^ingin/ pric^^rf^OOvup^;.. - ]\\ '-'% Magniribent lot of newl ShirtB, ColUirij l$&ikk-$<&fpn< I iS&vfesjbsttii Hats and Caps jctst respired 4 casBito"b'e run'ofe yei f iWf ^ ~ f ? OD, AK'IEESOLT & roceivoir large im'porlaticns ixx DRESS- SliES, .IHEN, DRILLS, SHEETlHCS, &C. Warjea. of all rkinds: . . H GANABIA1N1 DEP^KTMSNT DomlDlnn- d and attrdcllvrJhnd as the innnufncturlnc Interests ofthls,____________ are o'considerable tmroiftaiieo aidns wol)eilevo IU palidhlztnghbrhg WjttuStry.'we 'lidvelald inliiTBe lin<6 or the following Tweeds"} iful 1 Cloths, dvercoating, tted Shirts and Drawers,: 3 Iiifflers;. ;-1- *-- ' "I'arns; CheciS, Fine and Fancy Flannels, iGfey and Scarlet Flannels, Druggetp, -lJU: ,:'V." Alii Wool BOOTS AND: SHOES.1 ' :-LaDlE!i' FIJRSErr.S, ,CLC(tH CAP^ AND; HATS: _____ _M>n Hd-wlilb'o.BJ The Putlid.may. rbly on Thenhoyc (loi In tbe Dominlb: Ahead-oitill iorhnetltlon. .Ourjftoctt Ijlhihiensa;, Tlie different 11 s h& lected with fe'eat-enve. Any trenileman can.be suited)n last", qun)ltyani b(,ant:lul line 'irt ;Rl,in"g our g e been se-^ price. A of tiie.'nwost tlima.ln 0\^tooatlnsR. Oui- facilities Tor. cutting arid aritn-nU hre-UnsU'pjujswtT V e have all t he talent that e'vpirlepco and -puss" new colors In ol md Union; Bianltefy-.-ir - -.- -i Factory Gottont.i^nims.-BSll* '*[ Cotton Yarn, Cotton Bjj Tictkingf". Sriirtinirs, 1 :Men's White B^UFFAJ.O ROBBS,:. MENS'PUR CAPS, Shirts. havo bi^en purchased ;lrpm the best and cheapest ma mfectures datahriiiil adyaubeoncOst. U:' itlilon. .TOurJftoctt Ijini rrluney cuii p: ocure, atij cttoihjerefore guinaniep sallsfuclicnine-verjp'lnst inee. bet. teilLisrEM; i .- * Our Show'RoOm is Ibtnplete with all the latest styles' from Prnis-tmd New York. - t Our Hotise Ti4s tw-en f-emedjipr itssty'lsh nnd uniquenfllilnery. 'ThisSea?pW surpitssJnU6i: r former ellorls1"b^PhTiEe-<..e-h ivotlie talent Jlnd goods to do 1 Ribbjut, lieathers, Turquolsjs Oranamenia, <te-i VTJD GEiltTuEIVIEN.'T" > rdregcing1s:.a'mefe'*iiB'riitiry)nfour 1m niuse*rclc iw H would miBeon.tr.plig(* of a NewspaiJer todesoribo th: diflerent phh8s'"oi lis 1 mmenso vjiiieKy. iebeapness- and peneralntf iftetlons. !Suffice It to;si>y W'-- were neve> ' vtl'"r'prt-pafed l^F-rve-tb^pub.'io to tlielr satlstacllonj -'------------- w Inalarfierstosk t,ban'hd: ' ' -; itn; gr.o'JS utv retolore to m^et to i wunt.n of on.r vy'Sf frtcYeaSl now t We don't giye diBC0unlB;,'for 'e dod't b^lieveih them. We prefer i^g cheap atid 'alt net prices, sd that jiur^custorders .^f i bey" are doing. Our teas are twenty-Kve^i^ie^t, iAd. teen per oentflower tl teres money by dealing at '-Si tiian they can be hought else where, "and 1 gSOOltD BBpSi ail- exictiy what. other;fedods fif> every. pe.-sbH iio iroiiblVwli'Si returning prosperity arid ih 'exceedingly low-prices' wedre gr.ois at. We ijhall aurpais oil our former a .vances., ., ^ ; I ,.A Goods Sold for"0ash.,:!id no. Secon.d'Prico; , ' . 'M^Op^JAN^B^p^^^vc Oct. 7, i-pTTJS-" Ocbrgcfowr >i. THE ALl/ Kpir^s OF .' j ; 'pHOMPTLY ids EQUTRD At / -i -H" t-!.,'- Parties vbiting Ouelpb, by maklng.lt a point, to cairitt'ih< pojng elsewbere, willsave( at lea*ta toal yet oeiit oa evttt^ ' '.-**--' :*;' '*".i ' :t'"' ^r; tne County: ' -i:.-'i: and! Ci t; * ;'T- v. from $^50 op-. f - T -^ Octobot 13, J, WM; RUTHERFOR 3 & 0CJ^ 71?"- \,jA- < f? - All been; .il. ";?' -? Bargains London; 'ilesnall '^lLihe; larg'^B'Imk.of^o'tfia^.^h^^pf't&VTeily bipst iatottr^turej ^ai^jusi ' i received fit . ,/i r_ tWjl| bef((,dfad to'sefe/stfrohi, atpjiroail^^^s c?jjbeh^ol^4Fit*fe^ - .;"h. Sp4a|amabi;is'fe{eUiy.6ur. J ^:^'j'^'iV' ^- 1 ^ which ^ailtirfliSre faction guaranteed; fe&dtlr caipfiil.persV)nal Bj|pe? ifsiortj:jPeife<it atis- .' Xli-'A'.^ 'f? Repiiirihg Neatly -and promp tb/tattenderl4d. . M^tmimfy^u:y^A X Hmm .^J.'^. :jfKHiViNa i>AiLT at ; :!XK jlfi -"-^ -i": ::; '&&' ?3iio^fi.'"' "rrf .: Also 11^ ^ ^f TOf Sfial^dfrt: ^|ha|i^ni4l^^ ^ to sell our r.v i*bn m &^mid]FJAioim^ wMmM ^H^. iSriijT.rrtjrrfpb^' '.:';.',!:I lU^i;<K^P faff- '-'-:;Ordersjfop all kindV of;Jot) ^fitihgwoi Jp^ lySotted ffi: h ~~3: ,rr/: -i'V.: i : i

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