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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 5, 1875, p. 1

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-f*" on&:i everO lb ere-. neat-. tot 17 * . I' : '" gam Am \/\Y/."NN . <'.+/?/'. ' VI ' Xi M A ft. - .H. JltnVKV, .111 M. Ix, M.-t\..P. **., I - Tfiimy" .College, til Physicians and ui:rr, Aoims.- of. an kinds ptl. executed at tho JO*"| IMtf XTIXO neatly inlil prompt!. VIXV.i VUl'.SS (j)JPVlCE, Over Iter l\il Onlcr,3HH (-Irt^i, ,- ' ' ' v.r--v.--:t '.* .- MOiyiOXY, Vhy.-trl.Au; iSur- ^vo:i. .Vo.i >t 'iicllevu^ College" Yor'.i, '-."M .th*du.ito of. Victoria i.-i\'=s a:.": Friday*, from U a, nCTtiM -..' 1U :/di'oci/-- .'" st IVuer street. I .-"Uiucr ,ii "NUrr '"J, ">kstir. Insurance -StA*f*f HEWS. <,"'o^vryaiieer)~j ageT.iccase?, '."Post- I igettt. Agent Money J AiW.ut Montreal Te iV, Clerk)' I'oa." in <?. I*,:, &c.,:. D iikgu ;,; [which ^v Uter-a*!. - ' everv *hriic- asi*. ' Ci* J. H EX1 > EK-"ijX. eo.nyyyJo.ioeT, A i/'<> Ag-.-Ui :*."iana.Li Life 'Assur- C".'. lXv-i/ Mortgages., i.v, \n-^- ii..-.tiy; -jr.r.-jpily,y;'rrv:!y.ind.oit ::.-.' -le ttr::.5. /"M,.'Ilcy til L'uii "i'U ) /ue sc.i-.ritv.' : .'U::i^e'~(51asi;ow .-" '*,_ :. * \. IK 51ATIIESOX. lttdrm\v. _ rt:7i*-i"u% s*t!:ciior in Vhi-tn'or-ry, '.--'i-V-tVrr.or of > n:;i ;L:ul i'Mircii Marble "Works, Opposite Coodui'll, *ide- ftoi >\\-"s hVui Soar tmmosa! BpiUsfc, . Mills * Irv, and . ;i : Lux-kirJivi MONUMIiNTS TiimK.SXaiTes, Maufle io.'j niadtj-.to any *i ami put , up -in any country. . ii-~-'Sij.>t^lf (.'i-aiu't niiTiVs it?p.!r'iVil_-< P.S.- <A. KruiuUb tu-.il mar'rU- cutter; rrr,.iiiiini.^7ui,a^ V) -rr ."NVx.il>.! GLOVE; *\"l"~M.,'ri. A'IPEA \V. Atr 'G f- ;l?:rf.-:stuf; ioi;.^'in <.'h.;nv.-<.ry, ' Ac. 0:":ec/:--"?.i!iii".:>-U; 10 Kijwstrce":. ii:':-::. JUhi' street. : T:;/ MiT:.'ii 0-nek' ' \v**.: ':....: jjt: Rr zh-^ Kiin.-t :yrfit "of 1>. W. t-sn::i:<!i: :li;!;:: Mr. t:\Mlw: will aitslU^M" ;4:. :'a-. ""}i!:i:.ir. ti:Sot'; o:i {'ricayVf \.-u.'(i i AVholt-w acton, ^irx 5VOKUS^ T5ATEXTS for IXVEXTIOXS i FAINT SKETCH'OP ITS TWIHWAYMKU, PU'Kl-Ol'KtnV, i'REOOAHS," 'iuniaLAK8^"'.j ' . AND MIXRTRELS. I (From the Stratford Seifipn.)^ Of thuitsiuiil ways by which tnett grab Your lmiiiey from your'pur.ic, ; '"rwoiihlipuEzle e'en Juilgo iJ to tell, NVhidli method in the-worst-;* lint nil of them are hail enough To Jtiake'a'Quak^r cuss. | . ou'ru riding out, some pleasant day, Ami counttng uji'your gain's ; A] feiloie atiringa out from"a bush Ami.gratis our htirtiu' reiijs; s comrade hints name words about A liullet in your liraina.. j , Ttis'IiAwl ttlnecl^tn^j'll'^siiig'fTionds' lit such a lonely sjiot; 13.very hard to loiise your cosh. But harder to be shot, \ '. nd So you lug your wallet pjiit, -Though you would.-rather not ! going'out to dnic Just as you'r; Y r..... "-'S3 , ui'll hear about the canliou That carried olf his .pegs ; H a Klys it is a criijcl thing For men to,lose their legs. m lslell.i yon ofliis-stnrving ^-ife-- *MZ<ffiitl't-l*iildnii~ti'>bc fed, ball /,/*.. SSooi-it .-.^'. v nrj jr. I'ui'.olStat. .:.-. :! or jro-rl-ar^. :rr.c::on-.- At--.orV ifi it["rr s. liKNlii." tii.iST. ' -.- . - <">tt:,w;C C:maii'n, K:^i*.:e:r, si'.ici'.or of V* - \\ VILLIA5I _^ ATtl XS, I'.-^Li-x Harrin^^ Liec3-.r^ & Ortlncnlr-., r B^iiuVWs-Tcivsie :"4i.l c.ts::dciii"a*L I\nr liandst -.sis's out-. j iharrs^tj-e. j,:. W, r-i.' lasvos it. *\|R>i. .*. i-.l'RtEK.. , Ti-aclir- or.'XuU'r. [Sw ins am! FrriicJa. . CUarch street, Acton. . -1*rXXi'X.yiIA'H.* BRAKE, ' t>:;. !S.ISI'S ::-: 1 : -: ri't '.:--:ni Hi-.N!:i".J. I'^-r^v. l "t'p i-^- un'-t.: Kvvry aejrcnj^Ti'.t: ~-l It-'.UL'ii--citing liont'^cuf A < TOX XLOUR 3I1LLS. K. i. K. KiCKLIX, Propriote.rA. ; ;..-" V].,^r"r:i::.i' :Ft^i' ils'ays on hand, '.r-a'l (.ri.'l.j.p::!;;.-*.'a:*r.-.- (.'r.-l; ifv.-J ill .'kinOii :<u 'Bfi Illar, l^'tlait^ttej tpry 2ttan<!.- to. ie Trade;- -3-0,JH fisii and _di%:'" tnd -srill geV >duce^ tjossi: .JV-IV:,- .< X" "If"i)t'SK, Ac-ton. Close'to j -% J.'.vii Station. 'Kx-> -'"eel!t:it'a'--c.: i fcr the'travullinir. . tniiHiJ.". *lfH"OS.'T.'AMl'BKLL, Prapr. "-' Df)MTXIOX Hi;/T,KL, Aituk/OSt. IV'^x. "1\';>"k;.v, Proprii.-t'ir. _ Tj-ia iix.-w-.-H.-..X'J-is tittt-i upinlirst-elasf 3t\-k, witk.nuw femiture. C'osninercial Tnivel- " -lefi wU find.-.^'^Hi. accoHijaodation "aiid - c'-'taao-iiiiss Siiiiple 1 looms.- " $|*eial aiteiiiiou |iaid "t<r the Vants of- flie. * iifarsupplic-'l -s^-itli tl.i'e ' best fei'jCors arid/."iglira. (jood fc'iabling and attentive-Hostfers. . Sample- It*.>iii5 Iarg fort Vrr-^T-.-T.-inl Tr^.* OYAL KXCHA2C0E HUXEL, Aetoii, Ont. Boi-T. Dickie P-p. e- an<l : commodious. eller^. i Goo<l>ccoin- r ^fravellers au<L Guests, if Li(iuor;( and C'jgaTS'at tlie '; .Stabling an'l "attentive m'j:lition - it JJeit h-rau.U liar.. (-x..>, "Hl-nlcrai s ;. \ ATIDjSOX, ^ LICENSED AUCTIQNEER For lw <ouuly or IfalloB- Sales, attended to in any jir.rt of the _.r County,' at reasonable [rates.. '"' Adirid': A. "DAVIDSOX, i' ' "*u. CanijibeUville, P.O.. dOl a: or lovely little innocents,:) All clamoring for bread . A id,:Cnristi'au-like, you help to put rjie liachelor to btiL :;.- "Y ni'rc sitting on your wimbhv seat, licncatli a eloiidlesa inoon.J rut hear a sound that seeing ttj wear-; The seinblaiice of it tune, (- '-.;' 'A: .'f a broken life ihould Strive. j To drown" a.oriola-d b;isoo.tu X!3-iib-er and nearer Sf ii' the tide,, Ivf music :jeeni3 to come, Tl|cre's:sometl|iiig like a htithan voice," j -: l*vndiiojiiethiiy like a drum ; j "i;iju.sit in'speechless agony,. I /'ntil y'cmr oar is iuinh. ' lfuniejStc^r.t flme"- should seem tli be : ,'- ' A Very denial place, ' our il-Auhl\Actpnxint(mce " all'at.once Is altered yi'.the face, } . . discords sting . thro' Burm -.andi 1 ike hedge hogs dressed in lace; Yoit'd think they art; crusaders*!ent 1-tTjm Nick's infernal cljmej To [duck the eyes of sentiment, .-".nd doek the tailof rhyme. To :rack the voice of melody, J ud break the 'legs, of time. Bui bark.! the air again it still, . -" IpejLptisie grist is ground,' ]' And silence like the poultice comes ' To. heal the Wounds or souud : It cinnoibc !- ife'is \S$?S i j Alhat-Ss'going rouiuLJ .. Xo |U-py the dentist when he leaves A fracttir'e in 3-onrjafe, . , And pay1 the owner of tjie hear, r :..' -' That stuns yu witlj his paw, ! And jbuyi the lobster that has had "ijipr linuckles in.his claw. '. j i ' i I " '"" Bnt if you are a "portly, man, - 1 r Put ou your.'fierocit frownj: '"-* . And; tali: al>out the constables ' ' Tiiikiek thein otit'of faown. Then close your sentence with an oath, , And 'shut the :Wmdow. down. : Or, if you arcj a. dwarfish man, ; X/otjliifj; enough fortlAvt, " Or if you cannot make a speech, Beciuaeyou are a Hat, Go .vei|y Ipiietly and drojp -..;'.' '_ ,A button in the hat. ; . HlBERMCUS." <Jhic , Oct 1, 1875J DARKiDALB. ' '- ACT!f^" :^ PLANING^ MILLS AJ<*I" Pump,' Sash, Door and Blind Factory."- EBBACE & CAMPBELL, Manuracturc-ra of ' - " Venetika Bliads And other Building Requisites -, j Alto ilafeers at [_ -' JKPEHsB iiSTTOTIOM: .'PtftJPS = Lumbet' Planed and.DreBBed to order '.'-- - in. the bestiaaxiiier. **^4Tl wofk gaar^nteid. -' ;V *cton, July ^ 1875,'i p". PRJNG Watchmakef, 'Guelphj HoM a. good Btoek of *BUSStLL" AND "Aft lEBipAM' \7vr^!a?03at eis> Always on-5mnd He atl eruls to repairing of i toe wiatelios himself.]; , \ ... Sir. Hacking, of thp FnEE PiiKtS, will kindly c-irry' watches ami , QWefery .tp anu from"jCiuelp.ij When reque j|ted .. GuelpliAjSepL 27.1875, J Colebrated Ointmont POOR MAN'S; FRkENOjJ ia confidently reeominehiled io the Pubi" .. . .r tioh of Homo young 6r c Id lady, wWconEntuutcates the' clipico bits of thoisaWo to|al] hdr friendsi" - 1 asauit'd him I had tip corres- lioiidejitB. 1' A.'p you noivous tiniid T' lie aiiltDd,|abraptly. " Njot:at ail]" thinking it a very odd question, however. I could see him surveying tho all this time, frouijunder liiabishyoye brows,; with- <in ' mtenso sorutiny that "was quite jponfusiug. " Tlie childj-ieii I-', wisfal you to under take the care /of," he proceed ed, "at-o mine girl, aged respectively noven knd (ive.- Their mother bus. been dead two yearn. Their education iras been entirely hegletjted. .You1 jwill find Darlcdale Manor a dull phice, and I am coiiBidered an eccentric person. I have oome njiPto Ivondorj to judge personally of several of the appli cants for tho situation. Wou look the most suitable and if you like, wo will at once strike a bargain." ... - j . ... ! O . The salary he offered was a very liberal one,' hntf I was very^ poor at the time. These two. circumstances combined induced me to accept an appointment which I would .other wise liiive declined.-'. j. V ,Five days lutcxy I booked at King's Cross for n certain ; tovyn in the- North Riding, ijf Yorkshire, hvhere a servaiitfwus tpjeonduct me jto icy destihatipn. ' .-"!' It was t-owards Biinset on a nno November day,': when I alighted atj the dirty shed -which served the small town of : for a station. With the exception of ~ a porter, i there was unfy bne person Upon the platform a tall, guant riiiiii, whose long, saturnine,! yet- grotesquely fig ured face might have served as ft model for. a Gothic gargoyle. He .wore dark breeches and gaiters, and a dark livery coat. He came up to me, and askedr if my name .was Sris8 Manners, (and upon! my an swering in the oflirmatiVb,'bado mo follow him. . He assisted we to' mount into a kind of dog-cartj, .that stood at. the stiition entrance, and dro\p ajivay. Our !rpad lay through a narrow valley, between bare, lolty 'hills. After proceeding about four miles, we caiiie suddenly upon a scene of. almost'Eolid grandeur. *-It| was an irregular amphitheatre:/ ^he:bilf8, here rocky precipices, there covered with dark- fir and pine, assuming the proportion of mountains, their bases washed, l^y the -waters of a lake at least fiye* miles in circum ference. The night W38 falling fastj and wrapping joyery object in "a sombre veil of mist.: . | - We took a 'narrow path' thai; skirted the water for a sliort dis tance,, and after ^proceeding about another half-mile,' \ turned! aharjily into a road.;thkt seemed I scarcely more than a rift in the rocks. At the' end of about a hundred yards, lrowever, it became -wider, and I saw l)efoi-< us, upon a rising ground, backed by a sheier precipioe, an an- H.fixed jjiis block eyes which seome'd to literally' burn beneath' his beetling brows, upon mo, with such a piereing force tlmt' they cnusod minoMnstantly to drop. ; . " Look yo, mi8ti;esH," he said ; "if the place is not In^ely enough for you, or if y<ju have any ntaryputf' feolings abouj it, go buck to Lon don ; I /will pW all your expenses, and give you U quarter's, sal*iiy for your trouble. : Timid people ate no good here. Come,- what <16 yon ' The effect of this strange addr'ess was to -uiakel ine ashamed!of my own cowardict, and express iny de termination tt. remain. !' '-' ,*" Good !" H a. answered; keep a hold heart in .you'r body; urid ypii will do wejl er.ou'gu.": . I Aftei- j)ai-'tul ing of; some substan-' tint refreshment,'a withered old .woman, abiurmally iiglyj' like everybody t-lse -whom I hall seen" connected-witE' the csfablisliment, s'ho'wed'.nio'. to ,:ny bedroom. |." ! It was-a vildeniess of si-'rooip/ panelled, like-tj le parlor below, with black oak. A] Venetian glass over the mantlepiec s a large table, two chairs, anil a lj^gc bed, stead, upon which foiu- pea >le miglit have com fortably slept abreast, constituted the sole "furnilture ; but an: inner dressing-room ir-as fitted up with a modern.toilette snrvibe.: * I, After carefully locking my door, I went toithe narrow latticejl win dow, and drew aside the curtains. My apartmenthooked to the| front. The lowering cj TfTs that hemhied ub in bneach'sidei threw their.dense shadows upon (he court-yard ; but between them j could see the shim mering water, cjf the lake, and the mountain-tops s lyered by the moon1- light. The jna relty of n>y nituai- tion I, who "Until now had been associated iv-ith| oidy the most mat- ter-of-fuct peopt), and lived amongst the most prossic scenes, suddenly transported inti aireigffof myetci-y and romance i recluded all idea of sleep, and dravling my chair close to the roaring H gs' that blazed upon tho hcait'i, l.gnireiniyself up\to re- reflection. J- I , quietude of the tlie fatigiie I had |,he heat of the fire, proved .so conduj :iye tp repose, that my eyes gradual yb'nd unconscious- ell into:a slumber. fc I know not j but Tlie i intense] hoUse, however, undergone, and ly closed, and: I How long I Blej by-and-by, . strai isj stole' upon my and listened ; a, was sinking a ditty," to tbe ;a<J of soft music senses. I'awoke, gweet tenor voic.e peculiar plaintive jompaniment of a guitar, touched -jt y, a master hand The sounds seeu)| the court below. Jic as an iiDftiillng remedy io \wnurids of i j g & i thick-lipped : th chin every description; a jserta : ,, i l/ieerated Bore Lees, even.^of twenty years' standing; >Ctlis.- Burns, Scalds, Bruises, chilblains,Bcotbutli -Eruptions, and Pimples on the Fce, More'and In flamed Eyes, Bor6 Heads, E ore Br^asta, Pllei, Fistula;! and Cancproi s Humours, and> Is a Bpeclflc'for those affl Ictlng flrnp- tlons ttiatsometimes follow --aclnm Sold In Prits at Is. licVand 11. 9d. ei Dr^Rolj-tt^s' Pilule Anti jDrop: Or ALTEftNAT-XVEyiLrjE, eonfl by sixty gears' experience-to.be'bl the best medicines ever com pounde purifylcg the blood, and asshllm; Ni In her operations- Herii?e th ly are ii ln"8qrofu1sC.Bcoi-but!e Ooranl itnU,-I dolarSwellings, particularly thosero Neclt, &r, '"-- - - m _ i/ pai . . - Tney-formaJnlldjJidsuptrior Family Appjenfc wbleh ma: betttK^I . . . - -__r___,nst all times without conflijemcf tor-clV'.nsre pf diet, Stold ln^lioxes'at Is,) Jd.15S, fld,, Is. 0d3 jw.aud&s.oach: r by THKipnopkmnnnB, BBACHi AND BARfNICOtTT AT Ttt*BIB I>IHPE\ACV, BBIUPOKT, I KVft^XD, ajid by all respectable Medic] no Vendors, anted, a. lady^ over "thirty years' if) age. to underjtake the edu cation of two children. A foroign- ier,-or a j>ei-son^with few near con-- nections, preferred.- ; Address, B. "A.,'3Pclst-oflice, Ripori> Yorkshire." Such wsis the Advertisement that caughtjmyi eye one. morning in the -colnmnk; of the Times. ' Being a gpVernlssj.out of a, sitiiatipn, over thirty years of age,,and not having a .friend or.relation in,1 the- world, j. thougbi it j list the thing to suij me, and ianS'Vered it immediately.. f '*. A,wofk elapsed ;,afid having re ceived xio reply, I had, given up all thoughts {if J hearing! from ..B.. A., when, ..ope! evening, .my . landlady brought|in,a card, upon\_which wais'. ihscribeo the wordsj 'f'.Mr.- Jona than. Roydon, Darkdale," and iri; formed riie'that the gentleman'was waiting \b see me in lier parlor. ' My visitor was a strange-looking personageilthat the first sight of him quite startled me. He coufciliiiot TiaVP beeii )more than fi^e feetjhigh ;- but. liis shoulders were neatly as broad, 'and his arm's as long, as th'ose of Jin'ordinary man of six feet; His head wais : immensely laige, ana covered with I a mass of biistly black hair ; jhbY1 forehead, which, ts Shakespere says, was -"villianonsly lo-fv," sipped, inwards towards' ihe hose, which ~wa8 flat,i with.wide nostrils; the mouth Waa cient stone:ibuilding, forniipg three upon? It was, i, sides of a quadrangle; the fourth, J~" d tocomo up ftpm I mn across.' to the window. Tl e moon, now 'high' in the cloudless heavens, had dis'-. solved the dense shadows, And cast her full light u on, the yard, and upon tho figure t tid upturned face, of a nian. Was I dreaming, or| was it, indeed, til 3 uncouth form of Jonathan *R6ydij n I was looking occupied ofhigh asked of' which fronted* jns, being by a^.blank'w;allj with a par iron gates in the centre. "Is thatDarkdnle?" J my conductor, who had not sjfipkefi one word during.the whole of the jottrney; . f--.'.* , .- -] He nodded. \ .. I looked around me, and conld ; scarcely - repress ;a shudder ; the gioom.and solitiide of'theplace was frightful.,1 3Iy heart sank)-with in- definable|apprthensioriB, and I wish ed myself back.in, my popir lodging in Camderi Town, Little jtimo was- given me for such , reflections, . as immediately afterwards we drew up in the gates* which stood cipea.; we new entered a: paved court-yard, Whibh sWped upwards to the house.- to which; we were admitted through a stone .pprch giiarded by-Ian.oaken* :d6or, studded with large noils:' Thb stone passage *wke:daik and cold as a vault,1-: Jr. ' '* j The gaunt servant nowj .'eonductv ;ed me into a room upon the: ground " floor, saying he1 would inform his nd he was theser- '".I 2 long and I prdf-mdihg. To add *P bis abnormally hideous appearanca, his legs I were bow^d, and his feet splay. His dresB.aid manner,! how ever, were those of> gentlemJEtn. ..'. " You Ire Miss Hester Manners, the .write)] of this letter 1" he, said, handing tie my epistle to (|:B. Ai."i I never heard a voice; so.pleasant and music iliasue iiora tl^e lips, of a man.befor*s'.' . - = ,1 answered-in the affirmjatiye.^ ,"Yc|U Bay: you hkve;no;; rela- twns'r,' ;'Haye yoa: -&ny female friend wit i-whom you hpldporres- pondenoe 1 I ask this question be cause I ha "-e a! great dislike i have all the. ev.'uti w)iich takepli-jce in my house diai'ied for the delecta- enader. While I stood lost in wonder, a wild peal of la ighter, succeeded almost immediately by a piercing,' unearthly shriel, : rang upon the ' x~ an instant,; the. and a profound night air; .'"In singer vanished stillness succeede Was all this a I ba"d just started 'thing had been found it dSfeult upon the point much frightened, he'd all dressed asj child, drew ' the head.. M ' -'.' .. Once more, fort front of ( nature conquered into a deep Bleep, not awake until i Morning is iream from which up? The whole o sudden,, that I <o'resolve myself but I felt very and huddled' lnto: I was, and, like a ;lothes oyer ; my mutely, exhaus'.ed terror, and Ifell frpni which I did ayllght.. V ]>'oyerbial for : dis persing the itnnia ririative terrors of the night; but t le people-among whom I found inyselt we're iso[-un like ordinary bun anity ; thp place was so savage anc solitary, and, the thing I had seen, or* rather beard, time I had been there, so iiifexplicj|bly strange, that master of my ah-ival. The aparl>( I,felt far from l-et sstjred.by tlesmi- "" 1, with heavy beams. A; thousi nd wild fears and m^nfc was oak-pahelle antique furniture of .the same ma terials; /bTight fire blaWd upoii- the heattli of an elaborately caryea fire-jplaci?, and.!thi8 was the -'only light. While I was glancing round [this cheerless place, the door-opened and Mr. Jonathan Roydon entered, bearing & lamp jln his hAnpj>nd-so ohanged in appe^raiice' that but f*r his unmiatakeable^ngure^I should hevef ;have reoogni'sed' hiiji. -" Thick ploughman's-;boots, gray worsted stockings, a threadbare ivelveteen coat and- [breeehei^a bljue ^hecjf shirt suoh as are-worn by labour ers glossy black of his town dressj ren dering his ugliness: yet miore repul sive." ".' ." j: "So you havearrivedj" he said; What is the matter? ]Ybu look white and scaredy as if you didn't like your quarters," i V T answered,. a little cbnfusedly, that I was tired with myilong jour ney. s':. ,-.!; ^" , * '! ; faneies chafed eo m other through my brain, and it' 'as with difficulty I wnquered an i hnost irresistible imptrlBo to quit tl e house, arid go back to London that very. day. : : My breakfast v as brought' by the 'old woman- who lid .shown ,nie-to my room1, and aft ;r 1, had finished the meal, the-fe ne jVerspn,' whose language wa8. pu .ely laconic, con ducted me.down. ;airs to the parlor where I. had huld i ly interview'with Mr. Roydon. A id here'I was] in troduced to my jt? <pi pupils, { ;".; It woiiTd be in i (possible to ooni [eelie a contrastin pre startling than existed between rtb'ese' "children : the; boy was the f ither in little, def the girt was beautiful at an angel j- but over both there v as! an atmosphere riidiments of:knowledge;.j<ither could read a word of two *'iyll ibles, nor .for.ni a .wititten chara<*iS*4' pipro elaborate, thin aj potboofc;' both Hjoke with a broarl Yorkshire dia- "cjt, which sounded .natural eliongh fr >m the lips of the bpy, bi't't sir lrige- ly mdl aproiriim fifotn. such >. "airy, lilo creature mis jhis. sister, , The m >st; marked characteristic <f-all ths inhulitanls of the house was th lir tiicituniity ; every one.,jeeui' ed to have taken a vow-ofjailBnce, evpn' tho children. ";, &/ (Continued wxmiieefy) A Sorrowful Cohf<^|iob.. (From the Marffi), {111.), ifewfil) Iri one of tho'baypiiuvl cistloaof;, When the inorth, which -had.' besn -Bin-; by'ah ene'i habited, for years)' there-: "werte-.at their food-'withpjut faaJ.tinsj.* times such, extraprdinary .ri loises--a-'i they? mfj not who had been iartbe' serv ce.oif, a ,pared by the) mansion. % Ah) old story/'Vasi'ciir- on.esgh side rent that an heir ppar*yat-i lad- been I having pi-ispai murdered;-by an "Uncle,; "prsome time ptat.the habits of might pessess the eitate, wi 10, how .Elder J. V Beekmin, pastor o* the|ever,ai^rlenjoyingJit for a tiafe, grisf lb his friends ana.brint re- t"e castle,^tbat be retired, with an pr< aeh-to tho church.. At the cl< se of j nneasy coascieBoe-from the pom/itn; tht sermon last*Sunday, which), was and died in Fi-arice,' ' j pra[ached by a) neighbouring pastor, Not -many years ago the Elc er Beckman mude the folio ,vihg ftdc ress, which we give as a warning to i II men, young and old, to i.void Ihe Binandshume which has iome J * aterlop dauntecL, upc n this riian ; '<,. ' I was'dfetermined tomake'this* cast|le[ As amah I ha\-e tbehighesi. --' con- : his . place cepjtion as to what the life and (jhar- " ' " acu " on as to wnat the iiie and shar- aoiseai werea'subjoct pf real' h ha 7iSr,hfvtllK OTJ to M> tenantryjhe resbfv Id be. I know that he stould ,. -i,1., .f ' j..,..; : -I, of residence.1 \ JAs the terror ihohld'be. I know that,he sllould | -"T "' ^^""W >T .iT^^ t" leac aiconsisfant lire, thathecaa'be [ "leepin the castle bt the mght he [ooled to by the community \ia an ,'toofc ppssession, in, 'drder(|.;td do' exa nple of purity and righteous less, away these sfipers'titaousfBa fa. -Not K.RC wingthat my lite has'nbt seen [a habitable room, could ihe found such in all respect-, f destre to ten- 'except tbe'one occupied by the old |er I to tins church, for wh:ch I gardenef and his. wife in*'tHe- wesi- have laboured so long, my resi jna- -.-.- i (ion "You are aware that I releV fo my i iin of intemperance... This may be "^ly last opportunity of addiesso ing ypii, and 1 want to odk you that youjwill not chirge this greats.tame to' the religion of-Christ.. It teaches | better things. Charge it to my own vity and sinful nature. -Tt you lave not this habit, itisstringe I should yield to * the ten pta- 'I will reme'mber tbe-time irhen depi who that tion. 1 thought < rank and ajlcol ioI, [ am ulad' that so many .yPung men areherethU morning, that I may. 1 It r ly voice In warning and beg i hem t3 profit by my example. You think. t ow that'you are strong and it no t ang e'r; 1 well: remember the j ime ifheq 1 believed the same. Twelve! Dxicuing cup,' I thought I irong; but-I peveloped a habit ow lolde me ih chains and in most has e?er been subjected t<>.' Itijplds tae ii: its embrace when'[I seei'my bed , for repose, it v disturbs. 'my dreatis during! .the w6ary houri of night and seizes me: as its prey.; whenf 1 rise up in the- moriing pie. to confirm the opinion. an'Ongi^ ^^ country people that the place iwas sehrferoatttfr'l^toi$&>, id^jefiTigtbeir haunted. ' In the western) sower an'- feed j&.&b^fa[eaclt, side of thie Old couple-were permitted to live, -ammal's^neck i.Jiixffr fo<^l'isrpre- form'er lord ;;bdt so imbn"id^Mtere |:ed oh'^cabjcl "Abided) witl*vwlif!K,- they with-ihe--<>upitiitioni >- of t'he'.j pohtinHes: girl idnig.Vith: nsrhaii'd- ', country,, that ifhqyneyer. ^ent:"^. milV Hud"-i<seB 1*" " ' bed witjiout exjiiecting to;l ear/tlie j other,*^Jip i4'p.rbii ciies of'the disturbed spirits'of -the bPttJeSjCpntal^jng that he proper ty descended to:a brancli ofi the )fe; male line one of the heroes pf ern tiirret, and he ordered his camp bed to be setiip ih"{h'at *apartmfiit., It w^in- the aUtumn,, at nigh-t- fall, that he repaired^ to-the gloomy abode, leaving, his. servant, to hi.B 110 small discomfort, at" thp "village j inn ,--and after having^^fp^nc; every- thing comfortaialy jlroyidedi tiuned the large,-, old, i"usted ^kej, .iinon "the antiquated pair; whpwoc >k ieave of him to lodge bard *py. It - wis it *tnnge that oibers^ one -ofs thaso nights -Which are ruined, themselves, with ^^^;*wfth;ocea*io^!)g earns of modn-sbine and'darknesfe,),wbeii the) clouds a:re'riding' on a .high' wind, He , slept well for the. [two first hours, and was then awa,ker.-ed: by- a ,low, mbnrnful sou^dJt^at ran through to a'third; wh tttionby baking-tlr meal is finished with camijTs fnijjt/ Tbi nailfeed as bey walk; for*-^this' 'j>tHipi is- Ui w m- ,, -5. * pawned the ifJTweep jj-pd take '*' it; hajtingV That froia their camijls /a ffoneb. One.nxwiat-' the meal to- i^ ided with leather water; suspended he) camel ; [she, _ t^p^^p^s^es; 16 ' slices on a chaiingfdisb, QV portalda_ oveiijiWhijchris liei tod with wo^dor. stra.w. This \> rea I,) with' a) pp tion ' of chisese and "d ate 3, is then; d strip. -. quted by her, t & i*4 her:province to feed,',and tber^r gai-.: clniugBfc' of [hieis ar also lienien't Sng woodettt biowlr, which ate ]massed from j one tosanotker. k Bi<ti;Tjieh.F04-.'fuE* Cesnbr- nial: A' section' 6l'*'bde of die b-^T ,^ a^ whe* I rea-chea' IbrtTmy <f ^ j^P -d accoutred, iiexjierienced hand and took ths in-' ^ dfscended the turretj-.:stairs. with, a bi'iuiant-^gbtjt'which, on tna* [coming "te-tbe groand-flopr,least- a" the gigantic shaddo-^p'f himselif upop: awinl slavery that nnnw nity ; the high ; embattled; walls. I Here he stood and listened;'when'.prer: sently a hollow moan ^ran'throughA) the coiTidor, and died away] "Tms, was followed bj'. one of a higher;key,) . _ a soft of scream, which directed < to en:er upon the duties of. the day, jhia footsteps with more* certainty he found -himself"" in ar great hall, There was a time when I stopd as fair ai 1 any minister of. the ehurin in [of the anteestors, and vanltingujran . Iilinqs ;. thaie wiis) a time, wh^u I the oakeii table. Set down tberlamp") had a 1 bright prospects and as cheer- j and foldiriy his' cloak: about him,' ' inghipesfor the future as ahy.of nij/determined for all that Wjis terrj- cinRsnHates. But now they ar^ all ble;' - The nigh which had-been It ^ l/C stormy J suddenly became still; the Yount^ la-1 darki' f|fttihg elpuds-Tiad sunk be neath the lioHzpn,' and the . moon insinuated/her silvery light through the chinks of the inbulderizfji pile) A.s'nrihero bad.spept thei) -morn ing in the cha^e, M0|^be^'came, unbidden, as he fell JaU3lee|) "upon1 the table. >' His dljani) 'Was 'short. is twenty feet rI)ti wi/hollb\ife4 out)in<o:A,-,cyBnder, and ithei"<in'i" 1 .into'sections, making when put io- ' 1 jup'andspiingat thbnnseen voice, 18f^{^ ^^^^^[^P1- 'I * ^ powerful bi*:h&1*'f't*^w^^^^ and wirk with.you mSundaysc )OoI. .. ...... sixito eight inches, thick," exclusive" f:the. park.'"' ""; 7; "['/i i; Wben: morning: came a' welcome what cjirciimsiances. remember ther>! I croud greeting -him,' askedi if he x\tt^ d Th "hi was a ime when jyou were proud of!had. met the ghost.' "'OHlltyes,*' i>"w'e!ana.ner w ;jut treat: ine as ypuj-may^ act | replied the knight,"':dead us dobr- nail behind;-.-the-,- screen vhe< lies, h me. towiirc s me as jioii choose, dhef you wi 11 remembBr my rWlfe kihdly Dpno , give her,pain uod cause 1 >f my wrong doing. t^..~ .; .:sword has.pinneu Him Dcr no , give her pain and sorrou ber i ,. , .-..,, , , ..-?%; >-, TP ' -'-- ' bnng thewrenching^-baif, and sho'iild 1' g* influence. under the'withering influence, I ask>i """^""""'T'"', ."".", ' 7'" ,'T'Tl")*)j)r'liC!itv Goiirt, Brooktfe beforeJndce ttiat you; remember me kindly. ..retraced his steps to the) turret.'1^^: 'tie -X'day- -mX Whenfver:you meet me and rnder, When rr-|;^f ^' i-r^'d ^ettie . thew ! croud greeting -him, asked!if he " t!~Ktl~~Ho^^ fured sweet been ja iintient and faithful [wile. Again I ask you that you will kipUly remen ber my wife and ohiklren ' of inexpressible the former, took) moody sulleness pensive melanoho!; both ignorant 0 adness, which, in the shape of a ' in the latter, of |was y. I found them the ooramonest IkdIectbuctible' Wood, t ) A very i ii port-ant invention lias late ly, bee 1 .patented- -in England; |It is i a p rocess for i rendering j ti mb?r uilinfli .mmable, preventing dr' rot and d icay, and for )renderihj"the Softer Ifiuds of timber as hard and dt|iiibls as oak* and-teak. This pijocea i which is at once chea]rahd eflrecjtU"il, ponsistS in impregu iting the (tiinbtr wibh a hot solution of tungat ite of soda, ata cost of 1 ibou't five ne fits per oubio foot. Tin sue cess of tho operation has been' am ply de noistrated by publiq^e: :peri- menis which has" been so en arely s;.tti8fa story as to'lead the' Ei glish Govei1: ihnent.to:,enter on : anj t gi-ee-' ment; vith the patentee,' At are ceht ti ia'l of the prepared "wPt d at Chicago two -wooden'houses -were set,on' fire, one -being of prepared wood i.nd the Other of wood) unpre pared, exceptl'tjh^-framing, .The result of the experiment; wai [(lmfc the- latter .was -entirely oonsiimed except the: prepared framing vhich hft intact, while the firmer was er tirply. uhinjiii-ea.-^-C?a( Mian Mechanics'Magazine. classr mtes. gone because of intemperance. kJh 1 ttfatl could bring the wholeworld to^\^i".^^Y ..T^rr,' V" hear 1 ly warning voice. YPunilai- j dark, -q/tting clouds[hdd.sahb/be- dies,vju can do much to removdthls curse Prom the world by not coutuex nancii g its use.omong your compan ions .".'. If'Uieihern Ise'vor my -c6hne< lion withjou os your pastor with a sad beurt, It, would be sad,under the most favourable circumstances but -...........-..-* ......... y ^ . more so as it is. But I shall remain for close^uponJiiin ifwoed forth^ the with-you in the ehureh, and. labour: hprrid groan; amazed, he 'started to the community for a livihocii ' 1' ---' will iCjprne to your social .meeting*, and w lido all that Pcan toatodefor^M^^"3^, ,, j the.gr ?at sin that'I have committed, '-l ,W-aao ,-w^b &b^ and .held hidil-to tfce' ' (?>d knows I dp .hot wbhit) in-i| spot- "/-At) this moment thb niopn^ jtire Eis cause. Pray for me tliat-ii shot la;Yray.,."that'iiliimrhal^ the may, yet 6vercome; this bese iting; hall) and showed-that behin'd the' sin. J trust that i shall be ab e, to;; wiivipg 'folds'thei"e lay thM-catisei cohquj-r, ;Butv *PW*_ 1' g. ifown !con*Cea!ed;-:HeVleYt liir^wM^and ti;ees'of C'aliforn'ajis oh its way te; Philadelphia:fo(i- exhibition at thei CenteVioiat; t./;It/passjedi . tbrojigh ) Omaiitt on,th)e; e)ighth iBstVandl thel- iJj^oPthat'phicB tihnsdescribea ft- -"'jTile^triie ftomUvfiicTi!;tHis seetioa:^ *t-as ciit-gi-ewj ihL the -KaWe&b KingVRiveir-Gfovejr nestr.-the. jlit>e of; i""reiisp and Tjalare counties, (j fornia> .on;j,the west islppe, of SierriC Kevadas)i'afc'anvSJevaiio {ybt\*, 6)590' feet abo^p [the level pffthe'; sea, forty -jive jiailes rfrdm: Vua "mi,; >: )the nearest), reilp^: staticm. -,)' rh% ' ' ' age of thtB;tree ^s indicated by-, the - yearly rings was about 2,250 years,') the rings bei^g'sO cio8e!'oh the "iofc- - er edge that it *as ahnost impessi- i bW. tor count - thbni. v The'he^ht' was/S7> ^eefc. " ?3?'8 diamete^iit.).. the), snrfacej ofj [tlie'; ground, was , twentyfsix"Jeefc j h)-, groti'nd the dlatneiter %W itwotit^ I feet j- 1100 )feet afebTei the ground-1. where the rst litob-pk-ojects^r tba j the diameter wja^fourteenfeet; 1 ind> j ^ 20afeet4boyeOie;gronfid the ;di-:.;:'- ameter3vuff hibe| feet. It waa'-jjerV - - fectly sound and sfaud. [ The^ hark averaged one foot in thickness, and i in some phwesitj was sixiteen inches / thick. The^rk. )bf Some :of ;t|ils ,; 'j^n[cies of ti-ee^ is three feet thickly./ The "estimated! puhibet of luui^eir feet that i-would-raakt was'87,- ',{' 00Q,nd tlio nujnber of cnbie fet / about 3i ,000, .eitongb:: it !)}|uak him- :) ber and, posts enough. Irir^jiixwen.' . mriesj of brdiMry fepce. ,?h ! weight of the "Wb)oa when first" puV.' .wis seventy;twbj"|"iound8 [ per chb^ fobfc, making the. weight of- "tie..' '. lumber producing) portion 2,2312,- , :000 pounds. : ittooktwb mei <je>0 idays' hard" work' jtp fell [the tree,^ and when pieces.: . This ikfetipn l^aa taken./';- from f the tree ten i feet: libow tfe " ' groimd to twenty-eix ifeet above thfl .ground. '. The diameter at; tb& base m i-^.\i The: LlTKlATipN OyEB; ANTlSi POT.-4r;: A.trial gipwing ou i of the disputed p^ner8hi{i)of a .tin coffee ppfc^ 'yfie I wbtise in the - |pity Goiirt, "Brobki....... that' ' j fjugme'bt^ bf "a cliapol; 'brgati'.%; oijTd) ' |.the':Bqh)ate wobdeh.-tranks'-A'adefbT' hallowed sounds. wsre)OTed'as j irb)jlpj: jto-stay the work' when /the.' irall) poated robhd wiih OHEVThe, [won-. deniig.1 cli> wns 'la"iighetralpud! a it the) voice. ' - It was the-northern;) bla^t' iit tlfe 8um house in) Pean); street^ ale 'the disputant5. ":Mrs. Peden,. Who got) j-ossessiqi! of the)> tin"Wiire ini^ue^tiPn'-iWiBB [cdled :,-)[(hiefj:-as alleged, by Jtti-s^ JL itUe who cLiiHued .';E^r-'^i8;.'.-Uce|iie'ia<.'^e'.uje of'. iprobriaifs nami ,Mrs. ' ."Pedfn screen':where;thevSWord)' w^sW^)^^^^^^^#4 ' fixed; whenloiniaj:^,^^ ^t' ^J^ fl*^T<rt ' ... .- , .. v-. f . ]$100 ami ?16i> <m -the neipj tbiit, foiind "its way :thrbUghf:*tW crahniesf'.Qf'the wall to the grot ning ]iipeS that had alarnied theebiititry ^ x'.*.- / > When, a man walking, rapidly along.the street suddenly, stopstiatid. retraiies)' his steps, the) act itself \a: guite sufficient eVideh'be;" ihat solaae) tb'>ught!h*8-becure^s toj"*him' W,h)ioh neceBsitates a change of progianime. Uhd yet, in nine cases out of!*ten that matt will pause fpra moment in apparently prpfound" contemplation, will perli^ps d.raw)ome. letters [fjrpin his popket and affect' to famine tbemi- will suddenly) assuihe ';abj ex- prefslon of heroiodecision.' arid)then, 1 v^ith: an [ exclamation of "ftanoyauce, - rapidly retuto in the direojion )<iphi yihich hei?i:iginallyr,ca*ne;| Andi.nil this pantomine is for the purpose of si.^es. at iteue. wprt,hj)about -ififtj diet of thef jury 1 ph.fc."-1"" '; " lH/*iu cents. is for A'CLOBB.eUtl .surprieed/ltislatlj [by-aaking-. f^A^tr-ilt'bpy'- the pt ter <biy #t/-:' ' say-sorl^-. my son.' opnyipcihg some one whom. be be lieves tb^belbttkingori {but who- is npt), thf he h-^ lorgbttonf sbm'p- thjng (-"/hichwoulioai-e been known already); It's funny. , ':"';.; inuideiL' .- .The the del V '>' ;;v^ rs . . , Fatifer, do yfeli like mother 7f; E " Wh*^, yeg; of course." '|A[nd*shejike! f'Qf course11 ,' -i' Did She eye " \[ Many a, timlB", my son." "f.- " '-Did she iniirVr youheoi uaeslie) loved y'dtt-f*.-' ^ ^) "fertainlyt7^ $&T i ' The boy-|lb|kjed atS* old , jov^-, and afbac^^ ijiiang pans* ii^nj^'* ] :]'f Well, was sins .us-njeari" ' fthenasshe'is.nOT'F' ) \ ir: -.-> 'ilO ' ' ". "'" '-' lUr-: " ^"^'- : ' ' :::';*T i.- . . ... There was a'ro v:in Pkwlit,. Vfc^ rsceiitly, because the doctot teen*. fert-ed his attehti ins frptn a c aged inaideii^ to :a Vpi nJ? widow. -.". Tie n^iden hooted ujuler the yrHem'i' window while the doa^or wa, ioo-tj^ "- 1 iiig his new jsw<letiearfy iiit tf.t-: i'idow --threw} diyivw^ter ^ '-'"v-.'i=-1i:> .;'* "'te '-"viJi hi

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