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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 29, 1875, p. 4

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l^iT&-:i#' :tefv*!*' f*-*. iff i&'-. mmm UUeitUauKiiJgJheir numerous customers for ot the '.largest,^^ ishgapes|,^a^ nu>st c|l(oic s stocks of GENERAL DRY fcOQttS, ^lUUINeftY, 2WiVNTLES, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, I ; f ver imported irtio this ^oimty by nrj}r one lious e, and at]J.#ce> tydo^y anythii^ ever khowjn in the hU^ry of the EM & ' inyiteithp fuUest inspection; oi^t^ $*tkte and priced kmieic st oek Qf &OOTS AND SHOES in Men*s, Women's ,.1,r ' . r'^K&' ft* ACTON FREE PRESS v sr\~ K^'Vi '~*__i'> ' ' &i::" -.. IS?;-If--/ PC 3fl-,--v - - t,' >-; .!- ^ . ;r" " ' T v '$3 : . > m in" B Twre-Oi*e iJ*nir a r*gr, .slr.lclriln dvano&_- If ant paWJse fare three prhutbs a4laU*r*nd natr-velli be cnarcert; or 5^TiTw>j)iFeirjrlH beeenttriany per- ' wwj nMtre&btuqn* year i-.npaiA- > : lerAi| f ** *B*rtJon, sad i^o cooU pcr.uoe TOrilieti* siibseqasn\ lns*rtiotv. Jjhcrt dveirtwmerib!!dr- eieht lines n'oii *ott*r, $1 Jrtr |bi>?*1[nsf rucns. ri Uaslnesx C*t1b or: etjst litcs and trader, ** pr ki^ufi. - - i - V_=- A IfoenU cBSeoar* i!owtl on ndvertlse^ pw Inserteit for exuiS!>.'>l . i>eriodsi AdxenisiemenM-wlihout-sivjeial inslrfi M Inserted till rurWd, nud fbtirttkl ' -'i ' Any Special KoUbe.pie c*ieel of whleli JU3rrcunt>teUie ptx-oBliurvctEnentoracy jodlTldna.1 or company, tgite^*e>lslu<;red ttia'adTcrilseiiiest. - _4 ' XrnIeht<tveitl*iacnls to bepaidfor ^_%nen ordered. AH advertising accounts rndeired qnsrteriy. ' ' NpUcecol Mvrlagej, Blubs and Deaths Inserted free;: ' - wE^^waxt& WYNDHAM STHEE3', GUBiLlJa: Co. -M" Tfie j.Oc and ;-^Ji. sc^on^ Ueg to iu|iniate ths} they^ EW GjftODS. ftiidenps Mjcroscone \Vith Dissectjng iVpraratus, ^lor, x- Mriinlag iriBeot8,'"'ipIiinta>- JlQNVBrs, iloth, circulation ot the. blood, |ani- 'macula in water, &<3, 50 centa. - ,c.' " ^'i7i^_ OW \PI OLD. Never, n>f\heart, wilt thou grow- old.! filyhaS is white, tny blood "Vans cold, ^ahdiooje % one my powers.'depart,' . Bat VoutH eats stnilicc in hiv heart. Downiin thopath of jige? -$>ho, /\ * ; Cpy Vith the patiint step I go.; I ift<h the &ies fast C)right<ening-fher<-, I metbe 4 s^'eiser, ptwet air."', r; . Beside my road srdall tasks spring up, . Though but.40. hand.the cooling cup,': Si>e&k the'tjfo.e worii of hearty cheer, 3eg.the.laiesoul'thaS God;i^gcic, ' Beaten, myhes^t, and grow not old!1 ~* And Thea thy paleffi all iro toW, liet me, thotlgh working, ^ovifrz still, Kriwl^ss^I meet my Father's wilL ; Wt: J"*- y . "',--. gsroche in Children, . ;. *t~.*'.__' When aoTiild'searb^eomes:pain* 1*-:%, fi^, as itlw Qlt^g doee^. everything "ji-; ' 4houl^ gf<iahe .to^foothe i*," and.aU, , ?\. r-, fik shWl*60,0* putip,i>p\flannels jJ-^l ' Bhpuw'liHs'ipplIeS^" wttiEt poppy fo ' T,-: ineatatioBj iTthe jAin does not soon | .*:-j; -sui^^?E&* ttuich children suffer "t-,i--. - ;:,Trtm^*6^'iari^topified"j^cauE^ il-J |- - t unknown it_ would .j>rofebly^ wring i |'J ' ' 'the hearts oj, those who lo've'theni }-\\" ' puddenlj"toi discover. It ifr often very I",.?; I *;- '- iMd, ven Jbr medical men, to aster-' %rii i.-l _ " /tainiiuii tie cause of ayonngchildfs ^.' V ' '. 'rfgtl'*Bfl iikAAAfl *fc: tflO-OcTr nrl fM.- Are Bhowlng now -"M Spcid^l Lines'inf its. heap. Jack peciiil liwes ipf Cheap ress : - "^ -'- l : ' v ! ". -' ' Speciid iin.Kj of Uheap. Oott ins. Special lings ipf Cheap Silki. ' ' Byd Osoiiors, Always useful, always answering, al ways' instructive- ' Goods ;;-t; ': J5 i iJ^a*ed itt-tbe-eax, and fra- cjnently *:isu4deii distharge^frorn'ife,'- with a cessation of pain^firBt reveala the secret of a: lay^terions attack, which baa really t^nyiu^'ibBdmmaV iiotl <)|rihe drnrn^" The"watchtalnesi OT* parent," hovwrer) Vonld' probai- : blfjiHiffi^e to,dtecVihe.cttU3eof suf: x ^~ ^^a--". to this ppint'ka wli |enn^ directed to this point fcs wli ^J : a*-th' Jo|cJ|B4h* If chpdreii cry habit- i "; ial^'wnen'~lhiefr Srs" "a?e'wa>fae<^'.. ':. ' a that- should not' bo neglected; x Special Ernes i btiCheap! Bliu iketf, - Al Special Lot o|- Canton J lannek- i' "*=-- r - . : ) '-"- li Special Lot of Cheap Ti reeds. A ^pjecialLot af:Winceyi, Cheap. ui: .1 there 13, rnastfiyc^lyj-toifia joause oT mm ft" '""S3 Br; t&m^ lW<'-: paui.- Many1 tneSbiines -are de stroyed from discharges, which take.; >g}w 'during " teething.'? "When- :j Svarjthere'is'a ilicbarge_.of matter .from the 6ar, ii Wipald- be; rjght to .-:," poor in warm,water night aiyi morn-' S; risyiadao Mlfasi \o trj' t keep it clean. . - A Bpeedy Cur^irfor Pain. Evear person shoatdlearh how to' ^reat a flesh wound. lathe firsf f" use, close the lips of the wounds th the bands, and hold thein firp. _ ' together to ch*ick ilje flow of ' - blood otit^ ceyeral atitches .can be iifceni !,,nd a 'bandage ~! appKed. tlien bafee the woiind for a tune in ^coldwafrr. " Should it be! painful," "ondent says, '.'take: a pan- Tul 6f|giTiuig coals *ndsprinkle up on them common Brown engar and boUtitie Boaaded_partiin the smoke. |u a minute or terojthe pain will be aUaye% sn'> tb^imc^very proceeds rapKU^i In'my-^rase' a *usfcy nail' *a tf ba^i 5oiuid, in'my] foot: I and n*dua irritation! Were ,^M- "Pfy ^*f *^1 semoted by - . holding it' in emoipa 15 minutei,' and Itws aplKfe resnale^nj reading* in' comfort.:' We"haVe'often recconimed- edit ,th,btliera Jwith a 'like result." last week one, of mjj'men had k fin- ge^naii torn, out bj a pair of ice ! fijttigfl^! ^*Bcamej^ery painful,- as 'X^fca^ex^ectedi^Ueld it m n- j^r smoke/iS) minutea, pain-1 ceased, ad promise^j^we^ly, recoy'ery'^'r.- %;. ':'. ' "T!Ket-4ye shews cbaracter| The , J"fyee of -great wajriqrs' Have !JmWt always been gray, their brow* slower &l like thunderclouds. Inventors ve large eyes,"vfery -full. _^PhiIoso4 pher thermosii[Iu8tribiig hav^ had ; large'and tleep-set eyW * Th ipojite . aU,liaTe rAr'ge;~full' eyes ; and"imaB'r; ; dans'; eye' aye large j. and'-'lu'slrous; BuBori cooBiders. that: thaimos t beau- tiful; are the- black1 and "the^Ine! Byronj the ^ielle will weep "at ' the a^nnd of eiubic ; The-gajejle's : fyes' have, bein called the most' beautSoi in the world, : and 'the greatest ccfliplimerit an Arab catt pay bU mfetre^i^-to compare' her'^yes friih-Ma ^gawlle's. - Ofeopatra " ;bad , blackjByea.V; Mary, Que^c/pf -Scbts^ . had liquid gray eyes. 'Dark eyes j show. powerfHi?ht eyes geritlesesg, - Ther^^is P*& i^ip^^c power.in>t5e eyes] of ; leveralof the lower |&fimala. The ^^a^&ft^MfiSrJ-*, ao4 theiierpent's Black 'Lustres, Special VaJ ne. Poo Best 0 0 In ipvpry Department at "the FiV^aiOlsrAifiE; WEST: EiNlds Bock to lntlmntc U'rit lilB-Stock is v. ' Poworfal -V ket Microscope, 50 C^NIS. Finished Jieadyig Glasses, 'powerfikl magnifying power, for flow-, er?, phjotQgraphs and/pictures. A large and cheap stock of new goods at- DR SON'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE On' TS^st side. \Tyi^dliam. Street, tJGH ^ ow coin j>1 to In every rlepiirtme.1' Inform 11.e IuMIth ojr Quwlph und^nnrniui>tllii|r country tnathls dlii| .. _ _ _ ___ Knshlonablo.Goods Ik tbo nnestliu lias ever biibmltted lor iitibllc at irovul. Bi>cciai atteiillQiUKlnvli6) tobur" I ' ' ' - "' m ' ilk and Dresp Bebartmerit 1 :: SHawl aind Mantle Departn: ent. Miiliue^y Department. Furs^ Fancy footer jGrootls, H/osiery, K BlanketslF . _, H _ ' v ,c^ * nhd defilroa to iyol K.low'.and i'.-V' ^t)uels(: Tiveeds, &< All of which we ;are prepared to cut at the -very lowest A. O, BUCHAM. "Fashionable. West tend Drew, MiUlnorjiaDd Mamloj Rfl^blishtnenu Qoetph, OcL 12, .1875. m l Qlovips icei>. Trfir. MEWART & Co.- LIVERY & SALE STABLE ;. *;.E. ALLA5 " Takes pleasure jln annonnic log to the public aenezaUyhlwt Oe-ls ; prepared,to : "\ :|tttnlsh . _.. -" Pirst-plftaB'^rse^ aa.1 OMrtagoB At! onable Rat es, His Bigs and Horses are can be nad, a - be silrpasBed _ Acton July sand Horses are tie 1, and be is detern li ted by any Otty Btc b] fnly^s|,"tgg- ? - ^eraeps^ Wholesale ll best that not u> WACOM AND CARRIAGE FACTOHY. -;,'.' .' i ' -J '; JAMES BYDEIt, Proprietor. Vagojfts,!'-.' .. jy ; '. - 5lel{pli8* ' cuttorsi a?e. Kep^ ipsiiock and made.to Order dn U>? ': ' Shortest Notice. ' ' Strict.a'fteptIori paid to i . Sors i-Sboclag Sc Gonoral JoTsTiioaf i.nd BatlsIacUon guaranteeO. , : Actffn, Jblylsti 1S75.".-." . I Fixma up eor .j Hannfm tarer. of COLLARS, Saddloa, Harness, TrunkSj Yalises, ! , Tra"7^11i:iffBaj Hqrsa Clotiiag, goml]^ \1 :_I .f^^ti^a^re^ntfy^iie..of-"fche V "^utjjfant^pwwrof the- waCe^"lily " ; % ; ^rwwi^as t&e Vic.tor>R^U| in! the f Jv 1 ^.otanlcal Garden at Giietit. Bricks "-I ' |?^^3?P^H>1??f,Jt8 er^tira area, A gWlXffiji-'fp-^1**- ^nbrnerged iin this ! =rt water-a height of 76i\;i>eund8 was S WALL( PA?BR T^0AY JB" Tl^at the cheapest spot in the Cpu f 0f . 1. ^ ' " KENNEDY Who are selling off |ho balance of their imtiiense GREAT REDWTIOK } Fori -at M #* HOSIERY. HIRT3, .^M^I^SiPfSA-i? odstra4e. luheir object is to suit everj ^DeHJii^fmlUf^u q^i^^^!^e^^^^siniity, (malityjand pri^^dMMWe^ fiffr exceeds an; _ eTmbnuipGtiircr^ instead ol bi|&lA^i(fifoji^:j^^ 0LCTH ilS:G- UEPAUTMIira:-^tH|;r^aintiiin^-iri -.te^tati fpr'ra^"tfeflN: W lifouae .^11 lines of (SiiOClfiRlBS, TEj^S, #c.; firways on n>r# r5f^ epfdiallj' inj^^eyer: ^rM#|.,-r miiE i;^POR|iin a. e? FQB CHEAP "l,UB^^;"..v,,i;r,.:/1 Mahlles,'" jDresft, and ":!.:" iFauey|(Qoo^';" "4/. .' nl "f Toys,&c..&c. L-.v| '} ........ Doctfall muo to|Thfl'Emporlnmi T^ i bore II ion you will fled complete, j MILLINIRY-A SPE01ALITY alj| a,nd e pjn^mojour stock' before pur. " ."J'? qjii^B^l^ft^h^if'.^i' B. McNAIR Actbn, Juljy 1st, 1873, " Id farder to make room for theinFall Good!. *on't fail to secure pome o,f the unheard 'of bargains, t lat they are. now ofleringin'r j - "' i -, Meii^ "Women | and Children's" Boots^laifiia Shoefs) Particular attention] paid to Custom Work and Repair;^ onty first-class workmen, we-can turn out. work that for s ty is second to none i the'Do minion^ ' ! . . Acton, August 24, 1815^ stookat j "t)A8H, t ^ai^T^mgp^ERg^ & '0 !l #*<3^fEi;ili>ISj^ 1 V. "-m :^-^l 4\0lilniel -Me'tol*r; 'Surgeans.- -'.vij o Hi ,f JS"ew ' 'ar3 JUes< 4'p.m. ^.ctonl j Of?; PRINTINC! "r -' : . ' [ Of ^v^>'y .flipscriptipft 'it'l; Itnmen# 13i^r>la^^ cf"-VVfifetter illaftLin ,'TTAitES I tf ..lsimer-| .?..' ance.Qb. ;/':' pariSd'"neatll Teasonible 1 AU made on>6e preno Vse,s, Jeyery giirmenj' of'Whi'ci v " ;: ^a.w^rrant^'.^^,ip^9ase;bJ0^th in vvorknaanship'and 4uSH^fof:m^er^t.; We erQplo^5oiilyq>.fii^ Jj-clas^ ' '. .garment thoroughly tei^ei^ by pur proficient ct^Uer, Mr. Slirtifl,' a^f^.- ". in every instance satUfacilcn guaranteed. - r ._ :_ Ho|4,ydur money till in j Td^tt busxJnWking,;-1-'---'- ' - c^J U^derw^ ; . ;s . j.r In th a best and nicest a at <, tractive stylclB; ^U- As we employ yle' and dura,bi)i-* t ^Ei.JNE'p.V. BKOS. VJ.U^., 1L MAI N STREET. MICHAEL r-.-J-'-f- Ceneral Blacksmith, Car.riage and TVagi m Maker* IjOORgGDORE, i ^ioiceNEatterns,. New Deigns;, a 1rj -e andV Splendid .Stock very cheep, at DAY'S BOOKSTORE. GmEi^H:i>i'|i Bajr Sells Cheap. OS. All orders givfen tntp onrjhandB will be. strictly attend- it'toi; atid warranted u>. 1x6 Ba^tufaccloi .'as <ye cm ploy none bat e best wbr^tr en and ttu lerlal. GOLIjA&Swi nan ted U clvi'satlsfac tlpn, os they.ar i ef oujr ow, i nianofaptore. j V.; T RUPAtAlrtQ. (Of all icindafdi pe with ni atness' and | r ,' ~t|6. i b,ortet n< .ice,7-' Allwhoredulregoodi ii onr lips will doiwcUtoglv? is a call teforl pdrchas- lot elsewhere.'- Beififemter the BtanA- - i t . i',ale B. CBI BCH, Actoh; B?F?:.M 1 < manufacturers. A Good Stock Actohj Ju.ly '\, 187$. Works Best Horse-Skoers iii tHe i Perfect satisfaction guaranteed d^. no price caayged. (^ount^ and; Always pp. hand. of\ 6^rriages: $M, KEPAIfiiNG promptly ani properly attended]td. --7^9.^ Wagons, pr|o>ii|)tIy e?^i^ $ t% :3 'f:*! '7i .""(J FfPi s-!-f .-., .-, <i lao 5 ^ s -.-;-'.' y- V'Jrt ^ '.. it i PRHSS H; :-:>.,.-.^<-- <\:,rr>: TrE VILLAGE OF ACTON lp epared to grant a bonus ta. parties esta JVSWng any'kind of manufacturing bus! ness employing ten skllfed bAuds and up-wardg, and where said business does, not'conflict with any business! already esUnlisbea within the.corpoTatlon. Ac' too posaesses good railway fHclUtles, FEINTINGI'a^d PIJBLI A ton, July l, 1875. ~x ^EIScA9B^c4liOTWr-t way, In a is free belrigon- the ilrand Trtj ..... v -,.jjve jnijeg west ofTo Iful and beallhy loci.,. , ... ___ froth' municipal debt, and property can ' e o atalned on reasannble I Villa reOlork.- O^^ICI m-.n Over She Post Qmqe,MiJl Pl-ders for all .kinds of Jfqb Printing promptl;' ^tended to. I. '"tl ;& , i^Ltftaw'8 iNewi Bua^\n^),, f-'if--. ~~:-3'\: T:;';i "- o:n- , -'v :i.' ;ir--':^r;-,-,o. ^ Ailq ! m?Q%^. ||49KING, ProDrif fear. i I r'- K^W^^^CSiYlstgMi And laiscbunt'foricaBli of ' ' 1.' , :' r' ' "- ' ,' ( i. , - ' '"!t"t Ja,.t'^l./'i;^ BBR CEHTI ... Ii-vKi- : forCwniteifci inoaation < Best brainih Bar. 0,' ' Hostlers. mmHi MttftRitn : -: ^ ^:"*>| |1 !... -.-'.', ;., -..i>.44'. S . |, .; - " ?1 - "^ gell d:ooeia aiftic^i^as:aa^'^d^eu^q; *Vi^ m^^-ui^ft^:,-^ '" p:~-\!/' Y\'.TA:.{} .11-' BBW ^rjfl _ the discount. iDonir*: LICENS -"-Saies litfa County.Ui ;'^4lldrfflss:: . -1 -,PLj /Pnmpi cvr' .-.-' r-i isefflKT mm v&mi^B ' ~~- r ; Cus'ton^ers -(jfill n.0,doubt avfiljtheimselyesibf'therdvBliptint.' X:.^am' 8ntiisfed of swess^a^;3atisi'aati,oa to all^n(^ne4,:in. t^e casKandltU^ '":'-:A c.)^nt^rst^ms, -..." V-v^-. - '-.,:_ - ' ii%J c^r, Issn^r f.narriage:Elcenses,.In ;wranfe-;&*$,',vi^ Money; to "I^i uti^; -Akait Mn^r eal Vl el. iCo,4' "C ter|"' SjS Mr I' ':' " -J-^SslI ,j..sa -:: ^ij ' t- -i.j.,-, Acton, 8ptein,bec 1,18T6, " .cf*ipwiijbVs \:i-X, ::i;

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