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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 29, 1875, p. 3

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J!e?tPs??9Bsww*wSft '*c~ lAgf >w* >- nv^^^^j & ^ t. I us -Li .! S M " *! :'l , j-;c*x*B ritrsk thbe iaBl1*: .^ Ttwubleavw Actori as ftjPowS J > :'^:- '. "^,.~-r coiyo wksr,^ ' ^"Morning Mail- "- i Dv fty>rc*t - - i -., - rl0 ' Expr**" Mixedl ' . >' r-~:-V \;-U-7jli.m: Night i&tpraw - 5 *..' <ftt<4 k\s N ""^hVExprel-:; '-'i. S'Mirtd- - .-- -r 8>SSa.m. pay Express - - i r' UtSS a.m. ^p.m. thena,' Joseph, ion M Mr. Henry" Di 3HO *.!.'. BW. aged aWtjS y Mm. |[- ' 9*>^^i: i-- k*& H :. -.W *_ gjuUi^iug West at* closed at 8:45 a. a*. 'LotWl-.TOit W id Bm before ttie above fooura.", riuai; Tttes'dayJand ITridays. J LOCAL yEW& W**aU btglatl, at , ** p/- /ocf hom, *e4-<}* rpcr-ial r^rercA .fTtv**,; *- j"9*.-&' tti*i*ron<X or ewr tocktirt, iioriiwM, or i*y >c3rt jrXicJS wiery 6e ' titrmrfiir.;, fitfrri* Mis-Torn/ify or in jmi^KtifKui. Sf i* Mttvtia % or m* la tip. cfwi( 6y:'7%icre&ty > fiyr, at tht LOCAL ItATTIRS. Qb, wmY l^ m attractive and rt ' ,' "!: /. sarin and trade- ilrto Sets' 0QOTT.' -[ swavi -^ :-. ' ^^ KALTOfe U |t|e fishes- of a| -' - I Bfrself -i-.c^idl-T approbition.'.of Sectors of tiiif -Haltou HcctiohiextTuoeday. ^ >-Rememl?er Ihe MoHUily #air in Acton next Thtttw3y: r'; .' ' :., ;'- ' hew, ; ><lrcrtisaeiit 'is hivnded In too Utc rLixi for-it next Troekil\l -: t ' . Yesterday, being Thanksgiv- : ing Day,'wM^nenJly observed in this '"' yillafre, Tipait o"ilri places o business " - being closed. ' Services' *ere_h*ld in the -.' Methodist nd Presbyterian. Ghorches.' , ^rties: in watit)tiif a gopd Trunk'.'ir- ValisS shonlil not'iail to cill iin R. Creech, who Ha* just received . " spleadid st&ck of these Roods, ooitabld 1" for bothi ladies and gantletn?ii: -, __ The man -s-lio cannbt find time) to file hj^' sair on any'toUjer day out Sunday shbtdd go into hi7 cellar or acne ." T out-of-the^teay plaec The harsh sound betrays him, and.. the_report is duly wafted to tHe cditt^s ears! The jdedlcatioii of the new hall " - of'Prospect Mvisjon Sons ofiTempcr- ' / knee, Xassacaweya, took plaoe on Wed- '|^rhere were ,ahont four hundred pebj^o present -.. The dedication service were performed iy Mr. Wtibster, of Brantford; Worthy gcribe of tSe tinier:; 'Addresses were . dflir*red by Ilevs. itcssrs: ?oia and > of Kas^agaireya, Drs. Rob^, -..^rtsoo, Freeman anS'6?K*! aiid by Mr>; 35Tebster.~. The roasical pjjft of; the' pro', cramaie -was fnTnished by1 the choir of :. thoPresbyieriah" Chi"1^ -Sct u^der ; the al^ leadership of Mr, Gordon, aud- :;recatc*!'jrreat ap|^iansc, cstjeeially the :. pieces;, '^Hearts of Oak," by MK'Gor- r cioa, "iione 5eate," by Miss Cameron, and .VCrystal .Spnpgsj" {Jy the ciiofr. X *IB|.I. 98o jtp$ly^5; sprjm irhea^ (Ql |riottirW^, s^nl - *heH (U 58cr trB2cy;,o.t ' "~ 60c to 65c8;Jjirley, do*8Ji^iJ7d:l ,18cvJ4f^K.daiiy Mk* iSoi ttrSOci^tatcjss, per bag, 6*07 ': tST* AHKKTa,' <v Spring Wheat, .while wheat, f 1.08 to i:i 9 35o | bar: Ieyj70cte86c; I !' " CTON KAttUEr. u 7^T '"ow'rtber beg to Inform the In- na.oUn.uts of Acton and TlclulLy Uial be l pre psred (o supply^ first^Oiirt Brtti, If fins, Cakr3 Btseoit^ etc rresa ortry uay-i.4ivr^ at their .' !. i bottles.: WE Madetoonlerln.tlveJatest^tjrlei iinii at M.Mi>.i.u cuorges. \ > -t Csb paid for tg^ reasonable fcft Highest price In . Actoo, July I, 1STS.. {jlajoiiS are wsell to 'hare, the '$" { I Bjany of yon OAkea bar t Jljitook U now to hand, opened np and displayed to view. Thi? in* twgesl and choicest we bare oyer imported/and in it will be adciitlon lo bar large (took of stable goods, erery fuxn'ry and deli j found to any firaiclaHi city establishment, such aaj round' ii yaUrai C6a Uyatrrs^' Clams, Canned Salmon, Sardines, Ocean Trout, Lobsters,' ' Finnan Haddjes Shell Lobsters. K offers for sale' the jeas^ of the RailV a, ipomprfsmg; -six bitception^ J ivarf ll-^give the ^kss-V | &ctrWis oj^posi- |6rt. ithemiri air! to indf^wee &8l <tf7 thf people/ ly opposfe extr* (>rm Whetl&rjn? the disposal ot this vosm<xr,' sf/ csiitrary to* [i - . ^nife will be5 utf/ 'yoht mteireat*' ipr to bey ' S- |ein*i/ c'.ilj'r.^ ,; y^j SI .-r--g- HI lit - The chair w^ ably fiDed by SfiC Gould. ; This Divisionjscemi tp-t be do^ inuch ' ooJ; and isjl* a floorishirfg condition. ^ ' iliss^ bi^hy18=Orierital.Dioniniar krhiVited in tfe Temperance HaH,on Wednesday Wcning; -sMsi^VeTy interest* . |ng' *>&/ pVasing: ' The? scenes in the -' Holy Lsind brought viridly tioVitw the semblance of the ir!ot 1i; tcfeitinc plfices ._- - mentioned in the Bibfe, aiid ereiy one fanuliiif with the hisioH- .Sf t& eveiits . of the ^eaidy periods eou not Imt % pleased jifh their reitjSrkablyJ trrithjafl P represehtaticsi. ?Iiss Crosby, who has herself'travelled extensively through the Holy Land, -and baritigfaniiliartzetLHei;- ~61f with its princijial?: interesting ft- .^ores, gave verj-;instri?tiye remarks in -'. coaneetipn with' each bf the. scenes as ihe^ were-'passed 'in i*view?before the audience'; _ The. entertainment was also 1 int^jrajfersed with songsisindl music . We J were'.sonty-:te:'8ee to gtaati Sin ancli^nce,: ^ad;tra6i thai-when tie exibitiori; KaiT become better known, it widl jeceive fcrta.ker en sosra^emeiii from the .public ' -v:i^- -",,:' r A.party bt four from Acton andyicini* , , . ty,' inclnding Messrs. E. Nicklin, M. ^^.and Win.. WilUs, )started on T^ieS^rriortnJigrfocj two weeks' hunt .in" tfef vicinity, oi Parr> Sound; : We -pity the pretty deers. \_ -. : - ' Bgrts^s AexiOenU -~;AVljile Mr. Roftt Kinnrd, of 2nd ConJ ; Ee^ndHng,~was assisting to erect'a* "_ ytaioipng" macWfej one of tfie heavy. ' timbers "slipped'- from its position'; .cauflr fi ing him to faQ,jand whQst he was down .'back/---m- ^^ flicting Very severe in^arieaV" fcnn- " dersfand that it 19 not "likely to prove "yiLLAGE PBJQPERTY FOE 0:^LJtt^iz . .The nnd . park lot inihti way track, known as] the [village of ..Actcn; :C*mprfsing; ayes, more orfcjss. -_ \i hjpfojn survey t ed into village lots, I at wpold prefer to bsIIinblock. IJtcton is cn^af.thLii(t prosperous and' thrij ing; places iq ;iUis section of cpnntry, ai d its prospects' for rapid growth aw seco ud to. none. | The above is a most dca1 fable property for private residence or i Ann^acturin^ pur poses. J.For term- a id jsirticnjars on- qu]rt of Mr. V. Bend moo, Jtctori, or to tfie; bvrntr, Ashgrovc ?. O.; Esqucsing. ^'..v<:">..: ' Eiquesing, Sep*. 4, 1875. . -HT^ till Street, AtTok; DEAlJi|.IJt| . ' . (Jertwsal 0roceriss, ; i ' Boots and Sltoes, ^ Window Slhids, 3-Kl J to rent, orle4tj |g Loi'.No. 31, :<[ T'*oesitJ& -, (res of wiiefcat* ! |j Jan(Se excellant Good frarna ' pleRty^rf f?2i< liuencea. "Ao^iw i Apply w tl*:^ )'sf-iiic.tJiBji?':! _.-.Ttiiriiali Tra*>-i- . ^"v./^.-..^ Some iniscipants entcredthe premises - of Mr.: Gec^T6lton'lasti8uBday mgh"* : and; stole a whip and bufiaJorobe, and - _in_their stead, left a dead skunk, placinj ""' "'-', it .In. the1 buggy seit;' yfe woofd Jul ;'.; ay i*0 those'.sknnkish bipeds that we j iy.hope in the-future' vtti&iaiiy oh their. '"; (i friends(or relatives come to kn nntune- ' \-; ly death, that they will try and if|uiy i thfem. ih a more christian-like manaer. Ii '" Greasy ^kunkish Joe "' or any of ; i J his friends, feeliloiiesomc or bereaved at' I- the.loas offth(ir departed, brother, they j caft liare the mortal remains by return- ^ . | ing the^whip and buAalo.Tobe. -Con. -" ' f : . &AST CAXiIi: / ; J .Record BroV. liiLvWff necofie1 ttfSi of ', J*Wmoritftony of paying interest (on the ' wheat in maiy fAriBenr' barns, have de- _; liyeiy about the a*xf -Goortf^iid .'4^ th&$ K>mS oik hundred accounts ii} Cdnrt fir-collection. ?j^ cco&Pta range from dne to a hun. -G.I M. Scott is now Jit receipt of a. splendid stoipk cf-fail and win** ' rOsods, which. ere bought for easb, "*T! Aing-t Jaait 15 per cent; 5Bxe he intends ^vigj^te.tniimblic Ju* customers. ArHfarly call so- *%] -w^" PARIS CflEEH & liaitBORE i'or the Pes ruction bi Cotferpll The su'hgerii >ei fieistoio to the tnhabll anlsoJ Aetoi anidSDrrpund- Jni ciAntry, for 4he Hbi nil -patronage heretolbreexi ended toi>l iy liti'it the same'tlme s'o IcH their ft rffier Rapport Viir.9wr0ash E>i A'cCbn, <(u'y ar> anU-6'tc' Tinsects. *I4#ria wi ids. Potato Bugs nrnnlst banks ld4 deJivre<L. Mi " FreBit Oysteri always ia Stbok. Leikion Jelly,! Peai Jeliyr; i jblack Currant ieliy, . Cmi Apple ibliyj a' ^Grapo ielly, |,' ; Red Currant Jelly; Pine Apple Jelly Strawberry Jelly, - iberry Jelly. Wfcitd Pifiisj Cod, Salmon s. beaita rted Black Currant do rreserre; Currant tlo Bloe Plum Preaerre, Baspberry Prescrfo, Lbmb'ari clo olo Pear do Golden Drop' do . do Cherry, do Oro Stook of Teas is Large, Fres% Choioel and DRE^ S GOODS; DRESS Bl^Ck and Co Ibled Lustres; WHrTE COTTONS, PRINTS, TABft I l>lEH,'DRILLS, 8HEETIHC8 Fnncy Gockls aiid Kma|[l Wares of all kinds. MiUfxery/ ton|les ;Sb#Cvlfe Oarpot,il roadolotha, Doosfelas, ... Er jlish aad Soptci, Tyrocd r, Ovflrcoatia^, IWady-mad^J^roriioat* and^Olotbiatf,, ,, Boys^ I oady-mada Overcoats aa<L |" siotaias!,; Oenta' Puraiail^ S^c. The,abOT(i]('0od3 have benh imported <li;ect Crom thelenjdlhtrmarketls :D EnrO] thereby savLiaa large percentage, of width the publicuhailgetths fulVtvlSfbi~ t QtfR Ol^NADIAllr DEP^RTMENf Is large, vim ed and attm.cllve, andas tho mftmifaetnring Interests/of tills) oreoromiKidltrnblelmr-oruaiice.andns vro K.'licve In patronizing home 111 navetaldjln arge lines of tho lpllowjng: TweedsJ 'Fc It Cloths. Overooatiflgs,. Kjj^tted Shirts' and Drawers, Haulers,.. -1 . -/ ;Yaras, Checks, Fine and Fancy Flannels,-.7 -. } - Grey and Scarle , Flannelsj: Draggets,':.'. AlWVool and Union. Blanketa,-. F( toryjCottone, Dedims/Drilt Cotton Yarn,Cotton Bat ; V- ." Ii [TickiHga, SbfrUne T!;- !"--i- Men'aWhite?! BOQTS A^b (SHOES, ; I UFFA10 ! ROBES, LAPiHP', FUR 8ETTS, a : MBN'3 FtJR CAPS,: CLOTH CAPS AND HATS, Theabo iooas have been jmrcbs(Hl l-omtho bpstand cheapest ma airactarm 5TO Men's ,0*eredflta,-ringing in pnee froja^S !187 Boj s' $2j The In Ibe Domli [on and will bo sold at a smul advance oncost. ~ )lic may rsly on getting Croat Da*, ORDE RED qiiOTSH TGf Dfif iit]Mli :,-"': - r r H'.>."l.: Ahead brail i Dmpetltlon. Onr stoelr Is Im'uense:: The- different 11 tu-tfhave Canied Cherries, Gooseberries,' SUiwbemes, ii Canned Black Currant?,' Canned Tomatoes,' " Peaches, 7 " Green J Beans',' ' . (ireen Comi ." If. |Cofn.' Cqnfeotioneryj Biscuits, Raiiins, Currants, &6. Spices/ , Pibkles/.-'.] ,:> ; Flavors, and Oltfe Oils'; Mustajd, flair Off, .,-,- . .v B? Seeping Good Goods, and Selling Cheap, We don't giyodYa^ tbeni WopWfer sell- iWg oheep and at net prieea; so' tnai^-'ou'r ettsfom'era k'nbjrexaorfj; jwnat il *y: are dolbg. 6 Teaa are twen$y-Hve per oeht, and other foods fif> U en per cent lower than iixij can $e bought elst wnVre, and4, ever; r pe.son |e tec money by dealing at * -^-. BBteORSlBRpS; Oar Honso boi be suited In. taste, quality anc nrlce. Iccted with g eat care. Any gentleman con beaqtitul line of the nwest thing In Oyci eoattngs. Onr foclllilea - making our girmentB are unsurpafised. Ws have al*th talentthatotpetid money can pr xsure, and can i bereforo gnari ntoe satlsfactlcn In every Insta: MILLTJTERY. Oiir Show J oom is complete with al the latest .styles .from Paris ajndj K $w York, ' "J18t I tar an for tc been fi mad for its styjisb/ahd unique millinery. Thisseasi, former eflorls, becuuso v n hayoiho talent and goods to do 1 sdrpass all our: new colon In E lbbom,! KoalUers, Torqirolss (iranameniSj/Ae, LADIES-AJND QCNTL-EiyiEN. 'i'holforegclnclsamere'.BamMairyrifiurlm leuseBtcclcj ^i,U\yould tuke.oll tne pages c f a Newnpapen to describe the d Here: it meuse ___ r,__ . ______________r _____________r^r___r____ phases oflts It imensovarlety, cheapness e id general attractions, ,.. j wowere-neveb tetterprfparedto^ sttvo tho public totbolr satisfaction,' as #e haf In'a larger stoectban heretmore to meet the vant* oronrleTerlncreiMtfng traae.- no doubt, wltt returning prosperity and the exceedingly low prices we are OS fell goods flt, wo spall surpass all our former advances. /. . _.";; ' ] Goods Sold for Oashj aid no Second "Prioe. MdLEOi), ANDEBiSpiSi |fc Cb. e|eorgetown^||Oct. 7, 0875. FAfcU:'n;Of0^'lJ# ARRiyiNG DiiLtAt; ;-.;.--; I is bo not: fait to MclTAE'3 : t visit, the A;S;f- WINClTSy rarigfi iA.lsoii^| . . ise ranging ftlotn !i- Aiidf o| iier pfO]Vorti6i' And exirninp these piles of riffjng fionn ii5 s; 10 ceiits Turpwardi pTTOXSl <ilj best GJanadian rii^l Scents mp'waids.: ' " Blip, iroiri 2|5 cents ifjr^rds;} ""$ e and tPnncy. maE^omM l;e, EJZB^ !:'^lB^^iS:,i,^^ 351 :Vl' III Dry Gpqdi !.' i j borders n ft all 1 :intls of JoU i*rinti ig"promptly' attendSd ;toJ: T Snglisb/ and jCajuitlint J2;: ^o 2" 'Bi.S*tojk: ofr^ooientrnjderolbihing.Jtth b^sol^ve 'Oar^gaa. Jao.ke^i;rangi ig' in^jprfce-lfrp^; ^\q0'nb."^-;j.^.- ;...j;j. : -', jMagniij jntlot^Bneir t Irirts,- ^o|la^.-^r^;5owi?ai ^Q^Mjf&t&a&jb [Hata an|a"Cap3 jtjst rec^iyed f eases io be rSff'oi '-yk 710*/' " "^-^! t:-Vt'.; --r AND READV-MADE CL stauch^ar^r ^d r|4r"t ian over. .A spleiidkL ,:V- T-'*~ In {rroG^ries^11( S^i^e^ "*. W^' Will be found.ar6^ple^i^rtmeirt jof th< beet qukU^1; i'(-1 :- r:; y. 1, |oo^c Ijte) sOteot from, at' " ^si'*"41"-' " ir'iff - ill It-/^ ' ......' ..- Areofieredfdrca^hoTM ^ - ' ' * "P The subscribetiegs.to^w ti^rn ibis sipeftre-.a Actoa and.6urTOtw^DiJ'c6qiE fty4ifbptheulibei; in future they"wiU*phtinUe. hp aa|ne liberal r ;'; AalJjirgd portMi^&fj^sh 'ti^pss is]ready ;-'. - "" Than those"'t&o.iiut^.^l;^^t;aj|id-htlei:agi^-m irji? Itj.ebla.:j.fi.-...fr l^iV'.ACf^^fe:;'fei' ' " .....'" ' Aetou, Sept-29^ 1875. ' ri'.V'r'"

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