TEST - IPR records

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 29, 1875, p. 2

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m 1^^^ * ays l; k3* r*i If '|";Sp. -J, : "Mm-" * ' #. alV'-b- f> * 2- i L; !?'-'*' * -v H'^^i *X* t}} fe5:r .'"- ' *' ' Hu>'i -'-V"~ -V , f I Ms* , y v R^; ' ' "1 ^t ;r. !^i = MM :* Jl: P li'-- :kjewk advertisements; Auction RaIc _ ' Nf* Ooojs ^Tohn'Anderson. ' Fixhigupfor Wiitor--'-'-T..J|V.v. /.' Clothing, Clothing J. \i. Vniiiamiinn.-' Xc\v I>ry<ixd-^-AVhV'. Sfej^irt A-Civ. That \Vomlorfn] Main- Jt>hW Hogg. Hardware A. McRcan.*, C. i- * Tlfe tirtat Tea House. Socord TiW. IVtrninloii Emporium G. M, Scott. A IVirgaln /, thx rtphert" t CeUbrattsl Ointment. ' an I iii n . tpk :*CrfOJI PBEB PltESS of opposing caudidatts iti iiot ai dpi light ful Uihk, tt t lie' bt%t; but, OS l>oeially is it <}'^H_c}yit wiioro' fiicW are .jo' few flaws lit.thl fault/to find j as irr I have been hiethboif !}ul councils, in win litnd'of tbo"county a uncils, and thoy. appear to be . singu laxly.- free from nrry glaring misdeet b. :ach hits a certain number of ] wraonal friends -PaHdsfced"Every Friday Mori'iut, $i-pW Annum in A_dvanoe. |M3lBnJfyfo if* ess Jai M MACKlXO eUTOR FRIDAY MORNING, iVT. 29,187S. who will doubtless rote irrwp^etjiro:;' 61' parly dintinc that tbeclec bo expected, to ThoKcan- One. V ; i: T ' / -\-k/ .--- Xr . fX W-r' ': }. j;; ~-. -We loam on. good authority thitt tlic i Ei-turning Officers tutjf* ^^ cfi^wl instnicUotis to use tl|V rolls of lS7i itt (be polling plaws , Ue-tt Tftasdit. .-;: _ - THB CANDID aLT^ES. --It wou||l be Bb<H;r pivsiinipt'oji, ori the |hrt, of tge PSEii JfRESs l& seek to dictate, to; tlie ebvtors of Hiiiton theVay they: should vot*[ ^ntArhile tbe ciiitor bfls bis own prhptie^jxiiilical"opiaioris atld'pief. f^rene**, be can very well ^iffortl to ~-disj63 the matter without purtizan '.' yrQudio&r It is true, oar personxj a63ttAintiitice with thd two usptrj. Stit? Srf Legislative honors is very limiteJ,' Still we: bav6 seen and - leariederfOilgb^.of both to enable I bs to jiicigS scieethrag of the' merite and .detSerjts; ot each. ' So far as we can learnV t/y tW'Sen.t '^"'O'i ,, both' the gentifttfieii feir* a. i personal 'record j'""th'*V'a*** oltl rUn*!S7'.of this epitnty ; have .'WrniliiF-Tbiisiiiess and offiohil .rola ; tioas, and as represe^atiitive frreti; are well known and.beld .hi high: -esteem. - Mr. Lyon has the ad fan-, fcige of being younger, and presum ably more v^crbu*, while ihis: op ponent has life app2arance;Gf being . .considerably beyond the meridian of : life,'and of having s^nie time since" ; ;"|stg3ed tbe allofcted.^spani. of- thr^t; '. i' -SeOre vears and ten.1 - j J: .A ixlan ,'of CoL Clav's advanced lir/n ;;.lf|l we judge : tJoft |eefalfy may be a /rtrlttfy {tarty vaaa is kpfiitttsttiif^ hbing conducted very nuifctfy; afid thuf.'far we have aSettt-Wt iiltU entbusiasni 6-ftreither 8ide.J A fbw rfrfyi. fh'tiro nti*6t*r, will settle theuiatttr. . Kv.ery 6lec- tor should endeavof ;- i^., v.;-i,:: ^f*&& % SZtfiZGiSijSgt . '*: ill rk Mi T THE ACTOIST db to pick, and sbi oil eithvr Ride, fji__ejmdidate8 of the intinicf. h tliqy riwide,. gtvehim their polls pest Th'estjay nl e*e:iti.so bis franchise in btlittlf his choice. to* be ;at <ho rf tlfc' xantf of THE NOMB1 NATION"'; ^The nominationcf candiditteJfof the Ontaiio' Logiijlature County, took placo Tuesd* good rtsi- in this at Miltohj on 1% Lvon, Re form, and Mr. W7 C lay, Conserva tive, were: nominal h\. Mr. .Jjyoii w,H3sup{xrted by Hon.-.Mr.-WoLd. Mn Oliver M. P., and Mr. Pat cr soi\, M. P. &\v Clay was' su|)brt- ed by, fcfon.-'tV-." A'cUougall,- Mr: Lai'dlaw and Mr. lieatrta 'Tlrere was a, large nutnber: ?resent. ME. LYON'S "ilBETlNQ. There wjis a largo Mr. Lyon's niefctiD Excellent speeches W. D. Lyon and W L'1.^_ _j>osuig candidates, a attendance at ; last Jiight vere made by . Clay, the ofv id by Thoniaa Oliver, M. P., and I ^D. Hay, M. P., P.r; on behalf p'j the. iRtfornv candidate, 7 The chair;was occupied by Mr. John Sjwigl ti Tlie meet ing was conducted \'( rj- orderly ami quietly. ; \ I ; Mrs -OaTio. i '.:)"' j Tllji-STiqiiY oi'- UIJU M KB,. |". - Undpr tb-v abovo ciplion, | tbo Koehestor Drmoorat gives a ImVg ami lifte^estiug nccoun> of 'tbo; Mo and fsitfy bhlarncierof Mr*. Diivio, 4101V lyinf^uhder sentonfo of d'ohtb, in for&nto j^iJ, foundguiur of boinR. apnrlj to oiio of tho most horriblo pj-criiusi. Davis wns irt Rochester before i<dbihg to Toronto, where 'ho wa kutiwn aa dabniftd and lllain>. ous oriinitial: of th6 blnokest dyo. In that mct bb **+ obnr^ed with a timilar ctiuie, at which tin>6 he waa diving with him. . ^Vrh st^ry or ber lifo 'it jntorenlng. Alio* Chapman, for sued tva her maiden name, was born in Wayne County, iNow York, of ropectablo parents. [Her father was a farmer iu ordinary |;ood clroumsUuicos. Alice, in her ih.ildhoo<i' and youth,, was much bdfcjred for her good qualities inteiloct apd disponitioii, and wiib biguly oaio'nnied and-respopied 4> a virtuoua,|liigh minded younrf lady^ Paullitvis and Iili first wire 8*>p- arated. afid -wbko visitiiig some-xeb atives in Wayne County, he aw and was.c'hariietl with tho appearance oi Alice Ch; pauui. . His character -was *uppoiSJ| at, least by tho generajity of, the' paoplo in.tliat section, ta.be good.- A^t last niattora so progressed that his ii|tc"nd60 marriage with Alice Chitpmar Iwas announced. A . large number or invitations were issued; and at. or c& preparations, were made to ihakft (he wtnldfttg a rarj social evept, for that -seotidn of coiinti-y. The! day arrived, and all of ~Alice"s fri^ntfs vrme in atteodanctf'at the nuptift)?. lli'o Cere^upny was per* f rraed in her father's orehar l.tamid llovfons and music, and a gay, Kappv time "was general. To-dn'y, how changed t! 10 sce-Je ! The contrast is a terrible c ne. Thefi over the h6als of thecotplo starting out oil, the journey cjf iiio-to^elhe'r wore tbe leaf covered brinches of the fruit trees ; about tb*f i_Sas giitbere'd a -boil of Iriends, nr iile: tho strains Of mus>io and the oiorpf sweet Jrtowers filled the air. A targe ilele^ation ' of friends'acfompaniod the bride to her' L new ;bome in Ilocliester. Thff p/<*/*y cable lesputeh fixim Ixkidan >m Tuesday says; j-'^Tbe jCanadwfl Idan of twe millions and va half'Sterling: offered last week naa ._- beeri . sntecribe i , for ihan v times over.- It is ex --years carl hardly be expected to^Valiotihent will be' rrhw ks, trader nine m ,.t1--"V .sr M ;'fjv I. \-J: .T . .__ C-,..t --J ilrV. Wv Tu -;]-,; -W: "1 It-' A~ m l^efain his eleentive faculties for any / great Iengtll of time t and, if ha were elected, it is Bftvrcely probable that in fhs Ofdiflary coarse xsf human iereri,t8 he cotild remainrlong enough 4n~the House to gairr that experi- '- enc^ in Xcgislative affairs /that would be" ltkely to command :_ frewonable d^iee of inflaence;- ;vand without inflnanee ami vigwtrtu mental isctJtltyv a rppWaeflUUve becoarae a mens toting Sabine, ho** ephticmg and eifrfatxi^Tis . earry bVt-litUe^weignt. Col Cly, we believe, baa been, and no-doubt ; is yet,-a;ten of considerable eecu-' '^ JiveUbiKty,-but if strifea iK iLat, .' his :day has gone by, that- his- bead - has i>een j frosted with, too $fany' 'wintors, and.that his wohted vigor Js too far on the w"ane to render hxuf its desiruble a rpprssentei?T6 ss w& .rffcmld be inclined to seek. Tbia;,fe efdf vrm jr'icw pierely^btrt ' =s be has beeii Cliossn ;by' the. re- qoonsibi^ delegates of his political . pXftyy wijo we have no1 den're't; hicte ui abiding faith in his abilities, we " h'aye no right to urge these objec- ; -fions except as the passiDg remarks if, * ttonvparutive Btrajsger.- . "M.T. Ly'ony on the o^hef hand, is ^iu'the prime of .vigorous-manhood ; 1 j a reflectfcg,i active, ijsofid-looking "':. mjinof business,apparently capable y of Exerting a good dejTof influence. i -He'iftis been- fc*"ishrjl? yes*4' lead- Irtg tilfe'rcbant itfti '}representative tuati in 5fiHe)*/ and -is, naturally^- >ectod that no The latest andioffic al.news aboi^t Guibord ja, JtEat he is to bo buried on tbe 18th Novembe next, having diepj "on that day sii ^eartagp.' Canadien " Institute- members have chosen the anniversar r of hb death aa a fitting tiae, b Sieving that they VIU bo stfcjsf jl this timei h* ritfg already bTtragl t ibi f imin* to the gates of tbe Bonftan1 Catholic Ce netery ofitwo ocdat ipnsnd"Wexe re^Mi-d a^i entrance. ; - 4* I thorougidy. coft*e?s*nt with the' Jobal interesf^ ott&e' CiJanty.- Hi* extertiotra- iff bebaff of the Credit YH^y Eaiiway, ai3. of fhe Hamil ton and North' Western Eailway,- *ill.nb-diaubt haVe the tendency of *B(fetfaigJTiii. majority in some' sec-- ty-eight pounds ififtce'tt shillings, the-iJarjbeing.IOp, an 1 tbo' fete of interest; four "per'ceirit j Ur.- Scbtt (Oppcsitibn) haslbeeh ! Ja^en elected for "vflest;'Petjjrbor' 07 '- * mijc*rty of.one. "; 'I. An Exciting Wh- h neiS'l tlpey shall stand side by sidn it will be with the hhvck, horri ble /.skeleton.', of the-gibbet rising above thui heads, surrounded by. a' few" sterr-lue^d: officers of the law, and the harsh words from the:lips of the ,;Sherii will be the ojily music th'ey wirniear before they J start out together b i the journey of j'death v - Iii reguhl to' the marriage of Alifce Chapman vith Patll Davis,, theroare conflictitJg rumors. Somel.say tht it arose entirely from mutiial attrac- tion. and uTectiof. ;' that [Alice was pleased Tfi:b the attention! of "Dr.!1 Davis.aod mirrjed him yoluhtnrily and glad y, On the other band,- it is repot(<t -that Davis hadjhet father tn his po]rir in some mafiner, and the girl. 15 co. 9t)c'iE . IN Mn,To>rJ..=- Jaincfl Mo^oinui, a lunatic"coDfihoti Jn tho Miluiii gnol^ connnittod JBuicldo on Tuesday, by cutting bin ihroab with a razor, which ho proo.urotl from tho pockot of 0110 of tho IprisonorB. t'lRE IN PuitLINOtlip-Mr. R. Littlu'n chuuso factory and dry hoimo in Puslinch, wcro biiriurd down on Monday niglit.' TI16 Hr6 J.Btfpjloa- od to havo originated friom tho dry. houae., All tho . inHobinery and moKt of the cheese .were burned. POSTAOE ON l^KWHPAPKilB. As 8 good inatiy people nnj BtjUI ignQrant of tho i-ulo with ronpect to the post age on nowspapors, wo inay-atate' for their inforhmtlCm that tlia rate on atiih ir/atler is o'/io ceirtt per four ounc<!;: and that otie cent is there-1 fore the pojfoi-' pl'epiyment for one or nioro papei-s, -provided- tba.weight does not'exceed-four ox. - A HHiify S'r'orjiY-. The Thomson it Wifli^ths iroti works of MitchaH, being about- 0 be' assumed by the Stratford Coinpany, the hiu6h5nery and plant were vftluedj hist wo.ek, and amounted to -$54,uD^T; '. Ttfts dies not inchtde the iron,' Krnibor or raw niatorial On; hand,' iuiple incuts alruady niauufuc'tured, wag gons, horses, <ta, which )s oxpocted to amount to $25,000 or ^30,000 moro. ; ^ , Mail RonBEnY. About the time tho branch train-was leaving Monday morning for Pi-escOttif unc tion, to connect with Nd. 4- .West, tho lock of tho train mail box was forced'opon and one bag of tho east and one of the west mail, was, taken therefrom. Thoy were found this morning in a snow plough in the yard, tho atrapaT cut and tho con tents rifled. No clue us yet to the perpetrators of tho robbery. . Missixo Boy. The St. Catharines News says : Handbills are now being circulated j oilerine a lewaril of $100 to any .person' giting sdfch ihlormn cipn. as will 1^'ad. to the, reopvery (alive^of JilfrOd Leo Jackson, 'jfiho mysteriously disappeared from St. Catherineson the JOthorjast .Tune-. Tho lad was thirteen years, of age, wore tt&uit of dark" tweed; and straw hut wifli black ribbon, has1 a slight bjush tfia^k rtefOas the nose.-', A' je ward or SSty dotars will b" pJd for the recovery 6f his body, should he have met |hia death by acchifetxt Or foul play. ' . . " Canadian Bai:t,e? the Best in the M.UtKET.-^-NVe understand that the Directors of the Board of Trade atL)etroiti havo established tho .'fol lowing as itho hfe\v gnidea for, bar ley ins'poA'tion ; No. 1 . Canada, OCTOBE] Cr'ElNli3RA-L|NirWS. t'uo loss hy tie fife in Virdriiti City is juulod jjt bitttwooh thrbp and four.ini lion dolluraJ -l. The Dunl in bill ljas boon defeotj od i tha township.of Kitley by k majority of'10, Two "tlbjtorsV WorO; fined ,625 each at Woxlatock jlnst week for praotiaihgt * [ttidiii lipeni^ | / One deler shipped from King-, 8ton hurt week ?50,000| worth of oheeae. i Morgan's oatublhhi.io bed offlS, lacos on Suri1 f whdwfoio dry goods t; .^fonlroAl/ was rob>; Worth Of Ailks and ay night;-' j _ It is again explicitly announced that the^Crc h. Prinfco 6'f Prussia will visit tb<j. PhilMt|7.pliJa Cenfcn^ nial. : . Mr. Sarttfj knowft hiaciii fiHh-hroeding establishmonfc hear Sandwich.-' '.. j . .{ . i Tlia C'olo ligiio:, Glfiztiitp asserts thatjtbe Cro vn Prince |pfi Germany will Visit At ferifti und Phihutelpbul Exhibition n 3Xt finmme'r:; Tlje Kintptoh and- Pembroke 29, 1875. !^^ T^^--;; ^H|H] "-; ,'--" ^- 'WEt- i\.", Rockwood t'AiB. Thfe fire'f} 1 fVontkly cnttlo IWf'w{U'bo/ bold in :iockwc<p,f1 on .Tnosdayj of next itlonth, tVb.mtboforo G^ehbhFair, ind after that on tho.iirsjt Tujzsday in ovory month. _;. I ^EW AlDVERTISEiMENTS, BOY/WANTED to learn the Pdntlng UuslnoM. Mhi t have * fkir oducation and bo willuig tf learn, 1 Lpply at tho Vuxx Purss offici '. aFOR balk. Lot No7.30, 3rd Con., Esqnoljing, J 01 si milo from tho flourishing tillage of i Kiton,.containing 100ore, About SO a ere* fyeavily timiJr*fl witSi K ue< Hem. lick and Cedar,' taiftablo for telegraph I olca or posts. Exoollont Fran ,0 House, eight roomed, in thorough repair,; framo a lablo and; log liam j orchard a'f choice ulturiRt, lsimin'afh'gja- Liyt^ ',' .'CHAS; ----- running daily freight train^ forty miles and forty men and 'i'Sfed in jt^o disrepu- 1 ri Hamilton, an Sai- Railwuy aro and l>assetn northwijud. Six vrb'ffi boys were 6 table houses uttky nigit. Between tj e lftb' 8n'd'22d of tfajs month'rifty-ii .-o perfqnji lost their lives,by shirjj vreck pri; the eastern coast of Soot an^, between Pittea- weettt and Peterhead: ; j ew' Orleans, arWi gii- applesj pleaded that a' p^ir'alytic and his iiatic, while.he' -jvus id.no "tic "at alL A boy in ed for steal bji Iris father w jnothpr ' a . .hungry and Mr, Ant Seaforth, h stolen recent field.:* All w. orio of them from $100 to , A -bnrglarl Tifrnef A Li A man': .. .,.,.1 . 1 which is to bo tire btest grade offer- as the iiropitifttory sacn- , Vt"' i ui' r * < fJ No. 1 .State, whichis*tb'include b'est ; Stale and second q-tntlity of Ganuda.- All grades lower wifl be classed as No. 2 and 3 State. It ia understood that any grade [of- State gootl. enough to pass No. 1; Canada Will bo admitted to elevators a3 such. Drive.- jTlr* Spectator contains a highly sensational Uile of a ft rmer in that vicinity named Willi impOrr, who gone, to .WeUib:;toih Stjuare that load of grain;,.-{"hidu he' dis- !p1^rssd of.- With'the proceeds lie vested father" ' ex\ ensiVely in stininhitrtff,- and whei in a liiglB state of j*eseriatfon started for bfctoiEa IJftfortnnatel/. he had" a sjiiifted spin of-horses, and a" very deej);pine box to his vagon, iwhich. >vas half filled with straw.. He started off at a nierly pstee, and ;afterjjoiag & ehori di tiyice pulled 'up the . horses iand 1 rocfeeded :to Ught his pij>e. There the; wagon seirt, aid "while en- ged;" in: .holding, hb match and ipe, bis hprses-'gave a jerk which used-Qijr tff lose his balance and j 11 backwards into tbi> straw with- e , lighted ' match, in his hand.- iprihgipg'upwards, .with "an oath, e.qaug^it his whip,arid laicTit vig- efe?5t ,o*er flhte rAcfcs of his S]>irit- iiL. steads,r <&tMftgk\ em to dash way, at it rarioilB gailopr.- Ai the I ijbtime the ntttteh bad".ignited le strawyaud the ftft* nmerst the e&eet of 3a'ril% ffarticW \ 'ifens they dashed iqn till'they came-tb tleivHl^e' of -iv'-* Sa--: ,- ~ 1 -.- ">* -.v?i Sals p-ii6'^ tioHB of/ tiie County where the rate-|?elson- 'W this t?m^'.,the whole itayers; arav oJ<osed to beiig" sad'-i'iasfJ} Wa*^ -^^ iiw , ...." , a, ' I the tails were corowen ?y bufned on m '. -^ w?:* heavy railway debt' thej&orses. In tutftm -a corner in ,|. .. ;V!ipt w ^ttaffnett rf deceiving any>t|ie Village the remnan 6 of tho wag-. V:SErtcSt Jhert.fxom;; still, we. fancy J.pon was upset, scattering thi'burn-j mos* pebpfe WilJ Sake a- 'mow serisi-. {lS 'inine .and the dr iver all over' '1I1 -' .Ttie road. . The .poor htrsea stiiffger- Me vieW xif the r*a.ter mid1 se* that * , ., L , t 6!? , ^ v ~e - " Be * onward-: a short'd stance,? and Jft. Lyo^.vtaSJ -^tae*. - forking in .tifcn-shrank ibtbi shed, presenting -w^rt he" tejsovc^ to bfc the'.beat in- -..': tereaCs "ftf itSe wiole' -Community. ' HkSiM roprtaentati've man,- it is npt / iiki^y. that S*" could stan*_idly by, aifii see "the prbmotT3i'of a' grea'Si public work struggling "tot .secure thd "rei^uisite bonuses, without teiJd- Joa; them his actiyb assistah^-' An;d, now that the work . has not jBrdgrtaeed ,8 ^anticipated, it tyt. scarcely Hit Ifcat Mr. Lyon sboUldl beJtoJt 60"lwtjjder:t'he blame For tker^E&rteoinittga of tba Railway Cortpanb*/ Cixn"parij the iodivitliiaJ Bscrits u< pitiable' pictuire.i Th sy were cov- :ere(J witlt foa-mahd c ndere, their their flunks trembled vrfttt teaSr'Hati exhaustion, :whije their tails Were' denuded of (<i^ery, partic'.e of hai'.-. Orr was jcarriedyinto Smith's tjivevhj where eiti was found that his clothes' had |bfeen' bUrnedf: complete ly off him, birt strange to Say he escaped with- lout anyBeiibuSinjiirier:- * r jAdteBpiatch from Walabihgfoiiah. nounces" ttiat President' Grant has dotermimed'1 tio' remove all' the Fed- erkl officer* iiir tltah"." < rho hold to thjavM^ormon faith, whether they' k*v. iolygamfcrt8 or not. '* " " LmiWpSliiqjluX^flM^U SP'-iFi Hea4 Rnn. ttirouRh a Tni-eshirig Machine- A,oorife;ponJent or tho iltochcster Democratl writing i from Clyde, Wayne County,,Bays: - j , tin Wepnesday of last week oneol "tbosie horrible aooideritathrit happen only 'oncej iu hundreds Of years, and by whichja liuman being -was anex- peo(edlyj| in the Swinkling of. an eye, humed into eternity, opoarred on the firm of the'widow Ket tles, in lie town of Junius, a few iniliM frOt 1 here, Partie {.Were en gaged ml hresbfng graiM, and at lu tune of tt e aocid. nt were ythreahing 'loose oats and Theodore Sodino was feeding ihe machine. In soine unex plained piy a coil of fenoe wiio had beien bnpt ^ht in with the gram, and y] the pitcher, was pitched upon t rt-plaftfornr and shoved into I the mac b; ne v?ith the 6at; j Onvlehd or the 63* was caughthy fhe rpvol- iug cjlrhii :r, and the other end in a very mj-SteriDus-way wound around^ BobmejS neck, aisd ru a thoiterfspaco- or titni than it 'j* pos'aible to 'con ceive,. te u"nfortunato rotii's bead was ilTpwa'.ihio ^the trtaCliine, lorn hi atoms, and carried Oat j with the 6trawtwi;ile_pbi toons' of ihe brain, passed! tl rough the separator^ and' came out ;Ot tho spout; beloVy with the groin. I. It was aouie tiiie' befjre the oil er workman realized the' na tureoftb* dreadful accident.- Mr. Bodine wtis ^een Itaningl over the platform in-'front of him!,' but his position being somewhat ilevated it was .-brt djjcovered thai hi? head was iln thi 1 machine, arid-if. was Only Out (jf was no back grain] t ha-t _____eAMEKON, n St., or by letter ti6 rio^ 62, Aoton. P.S. -if n'ot *ofd will be ren ted. ApOTION SjALB f.!-:.-/"' - j fiot^l, Farm iStc^fe AND.; IMPIiEMEJif' fS. i: TliO^. CAMPBELL ha* instrnct- Mr. Geo. C?ibbs to sell\by 'Public ction, on" - ! rsday, ITerVr AI one o'clock A.m., the following valu- al le Farm Stock and Impleme its, viz I, j'i'ait of gookl yctrthg working il iorees, 4 ai'd 6 years old.; I span 61 'J "fares, 7 yt ars old -; 7 head of young Cattle, most of them fit for.'the batcher 4t&, w Gowjihlock, ilear fourjicad of ca;tle from -his past ure valuable "fat cat tie,, thoroughbred wqrlh 200. was committed ibestone's dry co ids I ^ p1' whktrr-will be sold scpara.'te1 or in , T . -i coj nectian with the hoteh. Apr person and silk wate jhouse, James sir jet, Hamilton, oil j Monday night-; utit tho rob'bei-s were alarjnedi and peii witbont secnnpg'ariy bootyl Three Nor't|ioriers, with it cap ital of $18. to s'ivirig.oa,- have starte la fire .iCsuia6cr6ompahyj in Lo lis- iano; ahd are (aking in j everyb xly who want'ploki ictiridepfnity ngit nit iloss by the fie id; ' ; j -' ! . FWir 6r' (S.v4 men, 4itnjn' the ast' l)een aentgnced t< bo' W York city, On \)e- murder; ;i The SKst ten' days,- hanged cemb'e'r 1.9. man 6'oYidehif. of Mr. Noe.- A Ifftla! Tai Credit Valley Railway, years, daughte -A despa^tch froqii Alton dated tho . art>-of Brussel 25th inst^ Siiys i-iWork on tho ^severed near t wlienl bloc d arid brains! mis coming ;tha spbtft.'t'wit'h trie threshed part 01 thp work called th'iiattention of the others to the fai$t ihat some thinglawful had taken place. ] Tlio-Ot revie\/.sir;i jjed du Iriiji- the .niani-atteiKlmg to that Oil $tm-foy last trhilO'.ik ifitch'eii clergy nar. was instructiug"hi* con gregation is to hovr they should be have t lent selves in church'.- ho said that b 1 n<> account would ho allow .cough ng 1 hiring thai hotii'-s of service. One ]>?JPJ gif'i who wis -troubled;, with a-bat cold, was about to cbu^h, i but tt mer lbCrrug the injuntetion- Just; 'receivsd rom tlie; paatorl she rah |ber hiAdHerchref into her mouth to Ijsuppriss the cough, but it got so far jdoivn'-hei throat that-.'slip' was al most Shol ed before it could be ex. jtratetejj,' Ho says the Advocate, i Credit Valley railway has been in part suspended for the present on account of the ad vartOed state of grading. |Thp superintendant of tho work is entertaining tho fore- m'on whoso services have been dis pensed with and also several guests from Brampton and Erin to a sup, per at .Cushman's hotel hero to^ night. Tho universal feeing here : is regret^tiat' the work has been SusjHaldea, and a 'desire ta see it pushed through at all hazards. Tub SriuiTFORn And Listowki. Rail- way. TfaSj Listotrel Banper' Stiys that Mr. Dl D. Hay is now in posses sion or a definite and vfety Biitisfac- tory offer from tho Grthd Tf-tihk au- thorfties,-and capiUflietsi who ore in their cbnfideiice, to build the line of railway frOta that point to Stratford and hor'thwards ris soon as a satisfao-' tory financial basis is Secured. The hrsj frorh Listowel toi Stx]a!ford fs- to be pat at ohee under consfttrction,- if ar rangements can be made with the Directors, j Tbb road to b.O m all re*. spects a first-class one; steel rails, iron bridges; jand stone ctrlverlst Thei bonus jto be raised' will bd light on the municipalities. i -. :' -' v-.." . - ANb,rnEBc Vicrrisr. 4- A '" wife clothes line agent called- ori a ,#ell- tb-do tfariner. in Beverly, and . tried to sell him a wire clothesline. The far-mer declined, and the stranger Im'ade an offer to give him one if he (the/farmer) would gfve lVi$ Aame,- to use as a:refe'renco in the vicinity. He gave his name c/tfd slip of paper : presented !lry the atranger and f which was apparently Carelessly j folded, and itr two Vfeeks fYotrf that/, time received an fn^oic'o for wire amounting to S100 as per order. Tho carelessly1' folded paper proved to bo ait order made to. a. third party, and the best he cruiid, do ill ia-Wit Citizen in its I limber S :'-Ht" There is a c'o'ntihu- 3 ihrthe lumbEntrade at this c ty,;i 10 sdles and no enquiries . being rep jrted for -several days -past. Ar Ottiiwa' lumber 'merchant ; who 1 as h sen making enquiries", in |the; 1 lastt rnt^States,. finds that" in Purlingtoii there is; atr improve- .ment in p-ices in highef gi'ades' of] ;timbe: Of irom-SiJ to 3 per thou-l isand, but there is- no increase in I demui id. '. Little a iteration is-noticeable m jehe d< imea lor of the, Davis's. They f re'visited m the jail daily by Reva, . Gnodmen, Robb and Rev. Dr. 1 Gitsth -j atK t seyeral 'christian ladies ,':tre in coriie tanfc attJtindanco with tho fbmal i pri i'oner./ Petitions haying for their o yec't.commutatioh of the' ' sentence 01 Mrs. Davis*, arjo idctr- culatipn'ih Rochester) N, Y,1, Toron tor pijd Ilaimilto*. wo's itho' mtrrd^rer , rigod , about Iwifif of litl D'.tniol St ;w- Ewes ; l'Luraber Wiaggon ; 1 dutter j il ling 1"'"" irt; ] t ,ol _ J ai of Isttiff too numerous to mentio 1. vf6g' . PlRUKh ; 1 Harrow;' 1 Fanning Mill; 1 " 1 set . . >gh Hffpess ; 2-8tring8 of Bells ; aid a lot ?Jjugh;'l. i'^iiu Cradle ; 1 Spring 1 Team Harness.; 1 1 set of set oi Ploofih ttjf.t io edbt(* BT af Mr.'Dlrkerls n<*V Aetoa. at , Usb at; t|ic same 'turfe and p iace will be offered'for salcy that wcll-kno ivn ; Wtrxrn Stdnd tn llii', Vitlitije 0/ Attoiu knnvn' as'thtV Roya,i Exchangi:;' This ho'el i* a igood stone buildjnj, and is wi ho\it exfeption:pne of the be it hotels in tlro= county... There lia^yijiaga lot, oii' -fifth, cf an acrej convcnieirt to the * Svd As/ person wii hing to; go hito the hcbS) business will find this a chanoo that does - not often happdh. '?enna otr Stock arid Imtrietn'ents. $5T ' ' - ' 11 obit 101: kh montlisj creiKt_by famish ug good- it notes. 'Terms "" tt* .1 iri.io ra on ibiy of sale. and under, cash t over that! amount trish notes. \ Terms on Hotjjl inade 3i.B. There will be ho^resetvobids, every article must be. sold.- Don's ;ot.the j day--Aeton: Fair Dtiy/ as fori ten Jit; 1 CEO. GPB8; Au:tior/ecr. Acton, Oct. 25, 187C. At-' BE^ ROBERlfe^ Celebrated CALLED THE POOR MAN'S FR|Efcl 1 t j'nlTcIc-'iitiy rec-om'meiulecl to ih'o Vub- llouan unfailing remedy lor vnunds of , ., ,: evny ^dcsTipllyn; had her arm am OSt \ Ulcje-rated Less, lo wrl^i,- by pla< fng it on a blo^fc M here h er brothei ( a lad of se veh ys its',. wa s.iihopping . The horse/ d lbbssO" known'as the epizootic 10 pre talent among ho ses n couple of yea|s ago, hasagaip m de its appeafanae in Toronto, ton ton and other places ih,Canada. t " Sie" disease is siiid b> be of a muolr injtd- ertype than ffti the former oi6 jMr. MtKer i!ie left Wednejuay oil his Inspecti in tout of the IpMr colonial RailW^y n.ticf other' p>|,lic $ %^tfgl?&& f^u; 4\i M'(- lindane! 22B. eafch . UY THE ?ROPBrKTQRi PILiUB,, 1 oDflrired j- jrear'(-[ejftrleneo,,to, jejtae of theltH'St iff^llcnui ever eomto liued for put fYJi-e^ne blood, and aMU.Hi g Nature ,rn leroi^ritlons.., Hcnre thoy ureiWf-niV frts HL*w.r..t. -'wA..Y.ClW^' ri..w.i..iJ* . QIq^-J works in the [ilaritime Provintes. The cltiiiers of 3t. Jotrri have de r mined to give tho Preir fia roc ip-' tion'an<| dinnej on Friday, The' -Dpmin on Grange of. Ihe Patrons ot* Husbandry, met in To ronto , on Wednesday and' lib "Worthy Master delivered an' id- dress. There a re two hundreds h'tl fifty-seven su- xirdinate Gran, ^b throughout the -Dominion. it is p'roposid to hold a Cl) BSB Congress jat D.otroit?'.in Januj .ry next; at W|hich| it is said the wi ill- known Canudi in playei-s, Mei sra ! Jackson ahd j V ercoe, Seaforth, < )rt- tario ; Wpite, Quebec ; arid I rs. Hurlburt knd Howe, of Montr< a|, will be fitisentj . Gradually the telegraph is be ng extended -io all the- cities of S01 th America. ' It liaitbeen extended ts Lima. Tho' & 3t; despatch was,list week' sent frbn" fh'a't city. It cr< s; i- ed the A^ndeJ, Jp'asse'd under h a Atlantic5 front Braril |to' PoVtuj it, and1 returned ( this cbhtin'ent t> r which was apparently Carelessly j way bf.LoiidOn aind Newfoundhv ic. The airaidii: nc,Presbyterians it- tfcnd ttf rhbrge th'eff fbtrr /eist n j periodicals into one for fShra' ent 11 Church. It ir to he publish e I monthly, ahd -i ill1 s^art with et < 11 i- [settlement Wos:to.pay$30to be re- culation o^30, )0p. ' Thua the/,.L '...-^ .. -.!._ u:n' ' - i , Psidedevery daj wh-b und'pay .the bilk SihciDB in West FLAMBoiio'.---= The-Thnes says a melancholy case of 'suicide took place afr Ilock Chapel in the Township of West jFlamboro on Saturday night.- ji: y'onn^ man ; named Jes3e Borer, 2i yeWa of age,- .son of John Borer, shot himself through the forehead. With a revol ver.- It appears" trrat fhodeefeased on Saturday'night hWd' beertl to' a temperance mfeeting,- and on Ms re turn home had put tho horse up in the stablej- and going to his- .room lef't a' letter statir.g his-intention? of destioy'mig himself. . Ott {hb-iettdr being fobnd seurchwaff miidfe'every-'1 where for" him1, and at last Hfe-waB discovered in'an empty stohe' huiid'- ing, riear liiis" fath'et's dwellihg',- Shot through' tk'6 head, With a/revolver" lying besido him, which ho had been accustomed to keep under his. pilr low. / The Supposed causoi was dig- appointuieno in lovjei Ointment crlaln ciir* for - "VCJ1 ol tfronty yertrv styndlng-; Cira, Inirn i, -tScaMe, Brtlwi, r:h)lblnlii, Bcorhiitlr I rdpilr.i an<l Pimples im- We F'k), Sole nd In. ftel led Rjrc,- Sore Ueadi; Son. BroARta, PUi*,' Fistula. nd Canc-rnus Jumbtirj, and Is a Hpec,lflo/ar tbo< sfllUt of Erapr tloi s tlwt sometime* folio-? th< In nation'. Id in P^oiu at It. IJct said is.%1. each T. BolJjirts'ail <W ALTEK^NATt by Klxty liaraVI m dr % B" arhlly Aperient,- whlcb may be taken at y fames' W rthouC conflnprnnt dr " S6ld iii Boxes is. J 4^-qd( Hs.;^ud 22S. ealel saporlor BE ACHI AND BARN] CtitfTV 1 j_ AT flfBIB J dis PEsriti,' BBiurorr/ r ciaxb; ona by all respectable Medicine [Vonhbr^-" al TICE TO DEBT* L I every da\| Kingtton lirit WMiJ. ' : 'Application will b'e made'at it 5 j nexttj session of tfie Ontario Lef u - latufe to : set liffde certain 66\ n^ shipti: froifj OttTati^ - Simcoe", apu lyitisicpfea, to rctfko ai new county i'his otject has been kept steadllj in\vro\V -foij a. r atnber of years . jj; tho peopfe jot ( rillia, iJ?ho hope".fte" "pjOTICE.- A iy person, or persons i,tresp4si iihg' -6W Lot 28, Concession 3, of the To ivnship' tsee their <4wn Knacfe '& dounty'-sead *j ^^^^^^S^^JTC ^ iiov^ uuu w, n- . _ j ; ii ,At*in), otmjUrmg trec*of any l^dh/ol1 I'll take bills was accon^hiodf ted-. v u. Parties nwiebfecf ttV thfr mjl are requested .to pay-their a*" or' 1 ttfore the 1st 'of. iNpvenib wort td hate our books' CtbSfei! datifi :' - "' "'.".. I MOGBE-Jt Aetem, Ojet, 14/1876,:; 1 iiPARiTOK ANV jllcn^K _ MwBfa in good COHdltlASJ for sale. Apt ly ta JAME3 BELL, XiOl IN conieslOQ of Efquesljg, ! B -AfaT'rnet,prS3ented a. ohetjtie at one of the Rina stOtt banks for cash ing on Wndndday.: The- ataounl for which the jbiequ'e' ciUed; beini large,.the teller, I to save hiH bills was paying :tarb; rVi (Sovereigns; which the farm'::?)' howtsvei1!- relcrsod whetf th6y' we :6' pushed* .tiiwa'rdj hfidA " >Vhy *V" aaked/ the : b4nfickrl4 ' '& Bekai ai it's ;going downi| I readf hi'e. Nejir Y^rk paper ,thai gonld weA declilhin".- It'a nbt good fj yoa plase." H< I scrfberV' iWon1 isdrr-H: ior saie. ae,zricT /A rCITION SALE otVkl^abls Real Estate . and I FARMING STOC^E Mr. |3eo. Oibbs has received instructions shII by, fTOth of iuable esirlir, x>t 31, acres iltiva* huiil uisaiuuiie ;uuu uufuwuuuji HllUa- tml ibout one mile from the beautlfulaud pros ressive village of ACTtlNl Gock}_ Irario house and barn; stone stables and Other' conveniences; excellent (orchard and seven acres or hop yjird. The soil Is que lualred'ln Ontario lor grain (trowing, and tj* farm Is undoubtedly ond of tup best ejveroffered for sale.br public auction. The place will positively bo sold to the est-bldder, as Ihe owner lawgiving up Jdrnilng on account or Old ageil 4Perfect title guaranteed^ l'eims easy. I | AliOj-at tlio Bani'B time and plaice, will be s )ld a large cjuantlty pf j Pa,rit;&toiok.arici linp'le(nien cornpfislilg i horses,' 3 i'olhs' 15 bead Of catt e/a'number of sheen and pips; one com birfed renpbr a'nd mb'wcjiaj wagons. % ale IgnB, bugg /, cutteT! plpwiCiharrowsj cult; vator. seed drill, fannlUgTallll <SP 4c, See palalpgue for particulars. 1 1 GEO. GIBBS, Auctioneer E^juestop, 8epp Jf9; 187K_ _-1 leay ng gates improperly shut,' 01 fences part y down, will be subject to:p fosecu- tioa after, this date; - ! ' | P.-S.- ARMSTiiONQ.- Abtoh, August 20, 't87C.' ILK! HIILU! ^Tlie subscriber hols' cominoncxl- the- diif> ever f usmess, and , WiH deli'vp milk rhbrning__aiid. evemngj jit .the houf oain'the yillago. ' Miikwairaritltt TWenty-ono quart j tibkets 'for.. iid1 in advance, or tweity-onp 1 foe 50 cents; ' |' P. S, ARMSTRONG. Aikoi^uly 8th,-1879.- .. Groceries, Gi^o Acton, GESTLEJtEjr ; .'.-. ' 'At tho Reform Con'v'eAtiori htbld t Milton on. Monday, 'the" 4thi Oc-i tober instil had the1 &&t oflie," ^^'JpJ;'^' ing unanimorisly, chosen' as' the, large.^umBer stand"a'r^ Bear^ef 6f fie Reform Par ty in the' ifeefcion for tho Parlia ment of;'.Ontario, rendered neees- saVy' by" trie r'esrilt 'ot ti ie' p'etition- asaiifet Mr. Barber;/ I aid deeply sensible of the tfuBt.ybu placing in toy hanrbV tl n'-I'espbiisi- bilitiea it involves, attd the ihon*or attaching* US' "t^e^repreajntation so' important; a county' ui: oii'r Lch cdl fLegislatilre.-: .' - :, If efebted i wITf give1 fee" present GoverhmiBao a\ liberal'- BUpp'6rt so l.ongi f& fJliey a'dniiiiister'. jthn affairs of the'Province as they, jhji've' h'effe- 'tofore dtoni in'a'c^h^tittftionaf rban-i ner and their polidy -tends in my- opinioh to advance the best iriter- :- - . - . :- - L i, -f". I-' ^8t8j and promote t^gll'bspferityjof the cbniitr^./; I ; '.> . _'_' ;-" _ 1 I will support an|y meisdr'e. that wDl tend, io.'iessen the es-ils of in temperance, and that wijl promote? - . - ;. 'i .. . ...it the moral and inteilec^flaf advnnce- of the people. . J I will feeLit to _^bo'- 'my'cluty insist Upon the strictest economy, consistent with efficiency t in everj' branch of tho public service,"ajnd Will give, my-cordial' support j to siicli legislation as .may be;jjeemed' necessary ftrr'that purposB^-. -'.- I,will endeaybr to mett as many of, 'UiB-.eteft6Vf" te/jpx^lde in .the differehHI parts of the ..County before the election, and Miy e>plain" my: politMl view's/ .Trusting yon will honsr ine-witl^ your confidence,' ' Pa-mi, g^rAlferrittri;, ' ^nr ob'd|t>serHr" jMiter?, Got,- 7, lcV75.- thB.^imb6r or iii; any oth'etii wd,^,- well iti i ;j peopfe.l: If'i-tjlftjb Spaiingly devotjd tb'yotir I irfespectiv<i\of, tionalitv: "D iiav prerniseS i& Esquiismg] 0'crt. & hon'6r to ^^'tiemArVy'l Yoi tt pb e|dienit ser^ ant/ portal, OJst'.ij; 1S75.- - Th'o stibsci iber iffers to rent ,:pr let oif.] shares"! his : arm,. beiag. Lot SpXSfr.'po;' the flth/ Con jossit n ofyEsquefihji *^(;-;; prising;100/a.crcs,- 80 acres of ^WhTch "P*.'"j;1 tinilcr iqultiv; ition,: i^io balance rexceUei^ |; radar-' and hard ';wo6<L 'Gofid frame .- ;house- Sn'd IjiiniB, Juith -plenty of g*i::: water,' ibid o ther cprnxmences^.":' Ab<cnWS,'-_ 2^ milealftfcm iicton. _x Ajply: on tW'-7 ; /**$|to' hop^ ia frieids or| "&'.' . If f'Gr__ his fcieadl the (ess oil I'canjfjairef Iragihei / /ejco:rci| ^he:janc! /wheit in 1 ;feiciei-,t6. afolON McLEAJfi-. 5yl873/ > W-. i'y-'/^u

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