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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 29, 1875, p. 1

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C: -;' 'V ?' .V . - $ ": -Hf id in ;*Hw ^c<o>rdIt^ feiig ever ,.po .. ;-f ijrs/-v/.\<s e-t-tf/w. or. ivi, \l-fn;fttyv.aV<"r\K .'Trinity IVillogo", Member 01 i Collcgu o^ Physicians and jsargcoa*. }, Sry-JKET, A croy. krt TirMORRChT. '.Physician/ Stir.' e,,i ofg Ivllcvao (\illego, Kirk,. also' Graduate .iif Victory. (.""olWfe, t?4U.vla, Consultation days Ifc5ys5arid.Fridays, tt\>m 9 a. m. till i p.W Itcsidenee West 'JSoww street, XJF $*o: JTOB lMUNTIYK of nil k BP neatly una promptly e>xeouloa y L i-FKKK PIUJSS OFFICE Over the l*t>*l Onlrr. MIIIHtrrci T *>. E >* Icing .thai Chs 317 lUnae tQ - ie Trade $ASH; I-cash artd~3i L, aiwk-Vfti 3M -JAMES MATTHK\y.4 Coiiyeysneer,, ' Mter. Insurance Agont.Agent-Xloiie'y" ' VLoaa. Agent Monsnrtd Tel. Co.. Clerk j-Vjnrih 1HV. Court, Com;in Q, li., 4c.;" ' Alt-*, t->n*. -,"' "' -jrv -llEXUEKSOX,Cunyoyaiici'r.*c, JJ'iIsii Agent Canada-Life Assur-' asce Co} IVeus,". Martgagcs, kc; prd- ..pared neatly, p2Vuupiryt-o6rTj*tlyand oil KH90j3able.tt.nus.' Mvriey -to. Loan on MVtftjscSL security.- [ OjEkc lllasgow- Ho'ise, Acton. , _."-,-'* ft, MA*nESON, Aitoruey- .. ;*:-Lw, Solicitor In'Cl:j>neory, ^sm. 03ie< Ooruer.oT SK fh ami Clulrch Streets i>< orSeiowh. ..', -f"VI7:^tA,3irLAW, Rarrifter, itftof- y\ -ney-at-LiM, Solicitorm Chain-cry, c. 'OtSccs: 10 Kui^strecC Milt^a. Main sUvei. The ^fils^i l^fice Irill lv dnO.er^tae lnanagcnjeatot Dj W.; \ -f aiijitxil.-. and' Mr.; l^udl.t\y \"ill attend "it'jac ".\Mil:oa_-6teci::'on FridnV-oi.fach -__^J-----------li Z_______:_______ - PAIEXTS firHEXTEXTIOXS crr-^IUious-ly ar^4 jirx-^-rly speared in Cniid:iJtlie.Cuu<iJ"s;:ues An.";i-13ur&iio, f l*tDl e ^nLnU*d or no cl-urgc. i Senji -Wioctea yiairf.: HEXKY GKIST, -: .:-.* "". o-.utwa, c-.uiivl<<, Mec&*nte EMjttnecr, Solicitor of Pa ' jtsusn^ Prhuglusnuip. :; .-..: "j":.. lMrr Sarrlasr License* A Crrtlllcatrs, "Bufiij-Sji grivati" sind cont'.deiitja ~ -..Oice at tie Tost OtSer, tllenwilUamj (Totmty ,Jli^ti;n. ^j . Marble; Works, Oppo.-vitv Udo,- froiiv 'Mills ItoodfoUow's Foundry, mid >'rnr Eram'osa BridK<f< ;: tjuelph... ,. ^ ALL KIN US bV MONUMENTS Tomb Stcnfea, Miintlij . Piece j, vty,, ma&.le to'iiny si2i\c*des4g i aritllput up in ,-viiy iu-t of tlj i>uiltrv. ' - **~ Scotch "Ortvito!-"Mon ments iiiiitarta'd'tn orttcri' : J>.S..-fr-A. -Kennedy ia a pro s tieol marble. outUir. * . IntU Wt Hid Your jiilu* of golden ort',' -. i While 1 o Q<u\ hardly strive to keep ] f tlliun i Etuuino fpom his door T ,Of \villi ig l)9fuda and Mncat licarts. , \^Alonc should lfpiii 1'U iptoud ; Tfieh ei re him all tlio Ti^m Ijanoodj - Ai\u i over -try to crowd.-'-;--' ' n Ri. S, CARTEK. Tfcirhe'riff ai.o>lej.P;ra,w 2ns and Kmcii, /SjrXXtNCflAM- & PK.VKE, "; . . -I^FSPIMT AKE.NT*. " v* p'ce .ivfjrtHe Bai:k' tJ Commerce, : ^V-e tJtc : aifer.t 3 .for i^ovorr.1 J:rsi-el;.s^ 5ti>cV a-.-i iu;:tiial-,ti':.-i;cu:.us. . On!=rs fei: at the i':^:r. ^i:i~j>> tlir.-.e VrUl'receivj>|>ri<u;'> attentiu^. KoKT. C*t sn'TS'IHA'V'. 11exi:> L. Drake. bmy PBipi^v. borfBBR ^o, wovrcaow|.f a;.-;.,.. Wb woro not thirty; yards h'om Don't oijowd! this \yo>ld is broaxl or,qu'gh tbo 'oigUt rifloa, and cpuld alniost rr,^i;b^ .^!>^.!I..--.-J' f to"! ** >lor < f t>e Py^ looking , along tlip blaik. barrokl Tliti J obauc8 wori ton to one ogninst us j ii-oitd so wo,sat on qur horses, .( "Ifow, to conmonoo with, oonie ilowii.-. from your saddles--!" com- WAt t*ttor, though: you Boaroo; can-,uaiukd tbo louder, coming up to within a few focjt. i,-... "j ThO'dox rs of ark itf( nptliv W'JQ Tho r wiliu of thought li free, -., .rtb'S'pU>cif you are right, u" To/choose tlie. lit yon oaji, Provide t that you do uqt try . To envvd soni6 other, man. c niijt i&i't'citowd, proud Miss J.your'doittty ' ' ".So far, ao. (oo4," remained the WQIf listen flonb tho les, i; \ . Because it CQUiea iji contact witii,;- A be:ar'8 tattered; lrtiasj ,'-"M Tliis lov Jy world was never made u and likkino ; \-r '. * has sa riglit to tread '; thway to a throne. temdor, " Now For yi A paupo, Thej. Uun-t cijowd hi art, tho . gaoid" from out your a khurr> fight t J5y fus ^riug^l that's had ; . . JJnt give to vcr>\virtuo room ' j; -The <in at that may'bo had; j - Be each < lay's record such a t^ite ':.-' That yt>n may well lie proud; Give *aci l'Jus right, give each his rooin, An<l p. :vur try to crowd. :- - mmXim Then wo wuro forcotl tp.opnfoBti that Wo both alighted, holding our] ^ote jjvaa no osoaf/o for jia until our horaosby the H<.- The gang:'all Jciunotip, dropping their rides andJJ1 | pulling out their royolyors, ivrid. wo jAwre couipletelj surroiindod pnU <wrt- tl*oaa.ro- H.jyolver8 and thriw 'eui on'the.grass, ' and drop tboso -ifles froni your wad Idlear Watkiris wh BpeVed tfr too that to inui-der vib, arid i they wore goiiu: that we bad-better lose oiir Uvea in ian t^ tainely aub- lopkod. from "one evil saw tbo eight rovol- SHAKE AND WOLVES. j fuoe to apptber, . Vers on tho cool:, and that J wo should ho.'r ddled in a Bpcond I thorofore .obeyed the order, and. my partner followed niy oxklnple. ".That's all right, too"," remarked tlie "leader. "Nw let go; your. nags, and-conxo over bore to the ; ti-i -.i i <: X' 'vocka. Three <of yon fellowB" if I had with me as partner in t^o .tho men) ..^ 'ch provisioi uuu. supply business sit L" J51ue l^ilse, Arizona, in tbo vetir ,,,: .t '-il f ' >\ o walked over to the* base of .+-1609, a nnm; named A> atk.ns Ho tho ^ d fiye of. ^ men w!W npt young, fcing about fifijy. g f ^bmd &m hl),din five, bui was one qf the ^ "heart- theil! wvdvelfl reildy< ;The Morsel -men +^ver saw Libcnd, honest,-^.ore jed <iQWn. (ho yailey out^f stnughtfovward, he was just the } u , b ^ mQn ^^ in ^rson- wanted j for J was absent ^ 'flr four minu^ Tbe leader much ol my time, and he.-had full <c tile PRINGL lr\T at qh tii aker, Guplph;; Itfu&a. ocxl. stO'.'k of 'RUSSELk" AMD "AMERJCAN" '.,' > ^hvaj's; ou. hand, i end-^-J.)'repair:n^jbf_tlrt'e i^ntehos E, charge < f the Blue Letjge depot, j We; 1 ad made money, and weiro doihs'a tbrivino; business when tho the, Big exciumbrit of f;in^s bpoke out O'l tlVKB -.I.OZIEH, ; fcfcA3TJ-:KKR, |rance.Acfnt srwsf A GH Postering ia^vt ilougt-casupg d'iue ou V^CT>' fLOritlllLLfe^ R'fcJE.?fieKLIX, Proprietors ., Tlonr -aiRl --Feedc. always on-r liapd, ; yhiolesale aad retail. li listing and ; J_'hoppin='Daily. Cash fpr all tuids.of .- - - - ^ ROSSIX HOV.SE, Acton. -.' Close to the .G..T. Kail way' 'Station.!: Ex cellent acccnyho4a^ion for the travelling iKibhc: THOiL C AMPBKLL, Propr. -Heat- "Iiiii;5rlf srf/llackliis, tiajiy. cst;' an\i from Gueli; .(iuet's 1), Sept..27. K7j. "I- or the ft.be !r? ;w, win: iiciu:'^ ai^ jtiffv ery lo* i Vl|Cii requested ri E. ^jlOBBOM", Chemist and Druggist v.', ;T\QlrCvIQX" HOTEL,: Ac-pok, -if. B^jBT-' A/iy-Ex.i Prourietor. M ayr H; [ch. ^aw-.pjfiee*,.: er mercha^tei- FiftesBit, er| iih CfueJph, i;ii: - I a - i-lr. Qkt.- Th!i -faewtHottl'is fitted upiii tirst-clasa style,- jriia new Jucrititfrcr Commercial Travel-j }ers will find.grK>3_accommodation apd ; commodioti? -Sample Booms. Special stteation paid .to the. wants of the * trirelling public. Bar supplied with the-. Jjert liquors and Cigars. 'GootL Stalling and attentive Hostler's.- " ' * JTJlOVAL-' EXCHANGE -HOTEL,. X*'Acton, Ont. Bobt-Dickie, Prop. {Sample Ijooms.Targe and commodious. ' tor: Commercial Travellers'.^ G.oofl accom- modatipn? for- TraNtllersV4nd (Quests, Best branibVof Liquore^alu^jCigar^at the Bar.1 .Good- stabling - ami attentive . Hostler^. : : " '.'"'-. LICENSED AUCTIONEER :-} . Fr Uie I'-amUT of HalUtl). ":. Sales attended; to in any part of the .,-pounty, at reasonablKrrates.' ...' -.. Address : A-'DAVIDS^, ' - . : "Campbe.Qville, P.O. A E. CO'OPEB, -A : ft*-*- WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. Having opened busineBs. in pa'ffcof JIr.';Matthews'store, is prepared"to xe- pair Watclres; Clocks and Jeweler*" in the best; manner, and-, at resonil^le. charges: " Parities leaving their-or^ers may rely:upon having tie work pnoinpt- -ly and ea'tisfactorily. attended to: , ' &Aoa;pttn, 1875/"}' ' '".--.- aud CMilrca, Paints, &r r and i,u oil, BooTsSjj Statiqapyy aad'Zaiicy G-oods. K<ir Medlcliia! Purpose* "!Z3^ Priy^ltflniris Prcscrlptlonfi Medlclnes.careTolIy componntlo I, "<*. JE. MORROW, Medical Hal Acton, July, 1*75, A CTON .. PI^^lNING store);there mujst.do a goo<l bu&i- rirss, jti d,' retaining, v,-e arranged had been looking at lua with) great attention, and he tinally inquired, " Doa't you men keep a, supply store at Blue LedgoT Ain't you Watkins and Bank <" .. | I replied thiit ho was eprrept, and I thought his faoo softened a little. "- " ' ! : " Well, I- thought mo," he^. con tinued, '* About a year ago, you beiug;a Wilt six y miles from Blue, ^1^ j:j n goo(} tu^ f0, I 0j,j LedgnV I sav that.a depot (or partnei, Jem Johnson, ytben he- Wolf 11 iu The uiinoi-8 h^id discoyeied a -n;w field, rich arid profitable; and id'a week every body sw:is on tht rush for ^ig Wp!f( 1 wcKt'|\vitb thq rest, the distahcj) .- --'I ' . i -,- DEALER IS: DRUQ3, i.V" ' " - CHEillOAl^,'. ; . " ^EIlFUaLERY,' PATE:NT;AND '... j - -Pli'aiPil'IETA'ItY ' /"' ' \f\.\% _31EJDlCl?jrE6' A-lways'on band a l.wrn and Well-soleet- ' ed -btock. or SyfeStjifs, Liftuid Dyo, Faacy aa'd Toilet loops, Broifeos, Sponges, Trusses for Cqils , ...drca--aa'df Ad^te^ ,: teris^lk The!third day ^euIde*^raeisstorltca>roiaoa- ^ .reayrig' camp, wo, tfied to teform and becotno^n lininej", h|td I am sorry you.\are - not; some olia else. We niaki.it a riilo tp slash throats when wej get hold, of any prisoners ; bijt I"|ih' blovyed. if we can do it.in your'cWes. When a man does a'good turn for Sibi Smith's: fi-iends, it's a good-turn, for mo, and I'll remember it.", ! I recollected the circuiustarioe to ! which he alluded, an.d expressed ine .bo}>e8 that'he would let ns off, pro^ p|T for j i wet-lc.. '";' 'I .joqiiiing him "that we would! neyer Thiere were titij-ty or forty teahiw] led ourselves to any. effoi-i to caj> uttpget *er, with near two hundred -!ture un>- He "caHed' the hien a men.r EJverybtdy was wiljd nbiat jf^ fpda away, hud they ,had.a Big Waif, and iverybody was tnov, | stormy discussion, all but |Smitb thut-W itkins K'lOuldgo uj) uiid t;ike 'charge, of if. : We loaded ubthre.'e tcums, apd tbej- w-ro read; to surt, when the old . ljnaii suddenly took i notion that jl must gs also and.see hipi projictill/ established. He hadj a. horrdr of- dil>'l ooks! and l ledgers ;~| .Unci so I utade such arrangemetite ; which with our forem in as would Jet mountainous country, great ;port: wit ll the wolves: We firiallj entered'i'long, -narrpw val ley',, blosefl in en eitheij' range. Watkins was ini the rear, and J ahto'd w th tho lieains^when PURJE WI2vE3 AKD LIfi|UORg I got word tbit one'.-pjf [the party haditjeen acc'iiently shot, ' and'-J rode,'tack to ^t further iriforma-'. ______ _ tionj The ma ,! wW was not ba3- mesiic "iieceTpff, "mf .iib'rVe onld oatiFQ Jy hiiift, was plicedina wagbh.ahd Acton. MI AND Pump, Sash^popf and -. 'V Faptoi-y." ^SABA GLOVEAfORKS,X ?-::h " j :ACTOSj.CITT. jV, r.,- W.| if- STOREY d CO., .'Wholesale Manufacturer* of every des - - i ~>-\r crtptlCjD and stj-Je- of l-satlisr & Clotii Gloves ' j MITTS3AND CAUNTLET. [ 'SEQssera of -Plain 'suik: Pancxr- . j >-------- _.. . ... . .r .-.---_.* , -i" - Kid Leatheri3. *&l. ffet 'y^&'i'*. paid tp Agents, for P^v-mondfr Sewina Ma- fnine*. . ; ' " - ^ .-- " Arton, July 1st; 1875. V EBBACE Sc CAMPBELL, '< Manufacturers of Deors, ;Teetlan fluids U; ajffpuldijigsi And otl|fcrJrIuUdihgRe|iiisit^ j 'Also Makers'of :i^PBQYBD ^StrOXIOH. ?Wl Lumber Planed and Dressex: in'the beJsttmaDner. All jwprkrguiacanteed, Acton, July l,18f5, ,L0 Blind put of tl>6 biiBin, and wo conld not seo w,hat-'roAte they took toi got'iuf oftho' Jittle>4llby. ' I' " - > Tlioy yrerp.no, sooner'igono than wo began to niakb an effort to re^ jloaso oursolireB..,, We] pulled, twist ed, Btrainedj and worked for half an hour boforoVowpuldadipit that: the cords would riot untjo or break. frionas oarne.. When would they jcorno? This,wajja qiieation.whioh caused usr ttiuoh Vfthxiety,- os piecially Bftol'wo had stood at tho treo. for an hour, and both feit dhe need of water. ' ^. . ' ' '*\T"t1nTflr the'1 ohand6s-*'nfe*ngin us," remarked Watkinf, who was suffering much. " Thq party Will go on until noon; at least, j before missing us, arid perfiajw until night. But, if they miss .us nr noon, tliey won't rcpenibcr:' just wiierelwo left tho valloy j and with a dozGri pass- OS through tho range, iillj excite-, ment, nil anxious, to get on,"why, they won't feel iftclined^to1 search tnilah, arid might searob a day and not find us. l\ - vigorous,. I meltnichojy ing hb*f t wayJ. Watkins and I wfere moifitt "1, ha^i'g good horses of ;6uT own j uud, ha was: the universal custqir, we wei p both well arri)t+. .It ; vas a w ild antl' new route after; ve got be rond Yellow Creek, and it!ie {.earns had'tar', go slowj/i (luine was plentiful j and,so, while); the.te;;riis crept along at jthe rate of thteb or four miles an hour, most of the frioutited trjen ha4sQpportu- n.ities for try.iHjj their titles. Wjat- kins'i was a gpod rider, a tine shotj; rnd he enjoyed the sport' p- out, soon struck! a arid -liad Youngpf - and xnoro did not tiake such a viow. of the sitijation; filnd niiy ho'pu- ,ful tones k*pt iny companion up for two or throe hours riuaro I About noon, . when tho sun was nottbs't, and. whan I would have 'givjeti my share of the B!"o Ta^dgp warebduse: andstock for \@n dro^s of witter Trom the merry little creek 'five steps away,i Watkins i;uddelnly ex claimed,<( Fpr Ueay.cn a sake, don't moye your feet! A fnarlfuL big rattleaiiake.' is coming through the glass towards us !" ' .:..-, ' The snake came ri^ht'alorig up to ydthin two feet of W-utkibs, and then crawled to niy sidje, where the sun was hottest, and stretched him self; out at full length on the grass directly in front of_ me, notj iv foot. from my hoots. He was tlj larg- est.specirtien I had eve|r seen, being fully eight feet long, arid I counted fifteen rattles on his tail., lit was ra hoitrid sight to see the body twist- iing and drawing, but j! could not help looking: i Jn whispars',1 infoniied WatkinS of.the position of . thej. snake, and': warn*31) him that one move!'would send, tlio reptilo's fangs! into itny; leg. A^ bit of paper^ had'jfiiileh Jon the grass, and was lifted^njow-aiid then by the litjlit hr<seze! j The sn'ike amused itself by strikiifg. at.; the paper, always , biting j it with1 ibis head, holding it 'a hhorrjoiit, >nd then drawing back. [ Jit had been playing this way for fcfpeen or, twen ty minutes, when "V^atkins' tiuiyor^ iugs for water .we>re,so great that h!e had to groan. Hisj lips had not closed when tbs snake coiled up rounded his rattles, infill moved his being in favor of robbing and mUr-- deririg 'us. - At' last they ;;settled matters to suit theUiselvei), : an^d came^back, Smith sayiiig: ;' -. . "tamsorry, buj; business-is busi ness. Tvith us. The boys have,agreed to "th.is:-we sliuiV take what you havo,!tie you up, and then j go off on the -cliffs, the repltfle rineoiled about" qur business. Youi* friends head this way and that, :to, search out tho energy.. : j j'[ '-" . Two" or' ihreb minutes passed, and hearing the scream of a hawk we wire jtbout tfl |nibye on, wh^n Watkin's hpvid suddenly".tiroke away from bin, dashed tip a pass in .ihi left:hind |range,: and was SQqu: aqt of; f ighti. He got tpe- loan c f a led ! torse, moiiriteS.'and he au< 1,1 startedin|pursui,t. While we krewthat i.he hostile Apaches roatie d tbrpu gh thjs district^; we hadjn) fear of Sheeting them. -In fac^J t he *dea < f danger from' any souqe< did, not enter our m,inds.;.. Spt rring uj tht j>ass, we! ^otl/ thecrui rh^the ri nge in a ' few nnk utes;-L ind cani s^oub into a yalley'. like- tbe one we had- left, a.small creek-running through it. Half a mil^ t own we caught sight of the horse, p'rancini j about as if greatly pleasei. Galloping down, ' . we fcaugh ; himj aid Watkin's'bad just changed "horsis, when we; weri etailthd.'by- a -voice crying' out, |9 order unfit u 'HJoll on there?a moment I ' y?e . wai^tfco, speak tp yen'!" ! . / . W were' close to - the | west aide of ,raie range; :and,-lookirig up, wo Bawf-eight'-merip-every one"of whom bab^ his rifle, pointed ^pwn-^pij ft ledge : ibout'ifif ty feet above us. IRpbbers a; id cut-throats I" whis- "Wa'tVins to me.'. : "Let's both, dr you! pered make .< t dash: for it V i was just gathering"" the reins anbt bi 'acing! f or 4 run, j when the leader of the {;angfse6ine4 tounder: stand 6ur thoughts ; and be called down, |" We have got a dead, aim at If yon move, one rijd, we'U eboot you both.!" will miss you, come bupki and be fore you will le released."-" Wb shall take your "horses and arms,, but yon are both' rich, and won't mind " : ' The man had fought hard to save our lives, and. we had no objbetions 'to urge against pur being plurider- ed, We both.felt that wo hali.been very fortunate not to have been aho-fc down at price. .-. ' We handed rover bur! jmrses and watches, our knives, 'tbbacco pouches, pipes, etc,,,and. the fel lows 'took' everyi article.:, [When they knew!-we had nothing'more,. We were conducted down the Valley about: fifteen rods, made a sharp turn tq_he leftr and weye' then, in. ajbasin about an a!criri ajjterjt, the ci'ee]? having its"rise there. There Was a wild pTuirj-troe standing about the "ce'ritre of the basin, arid we ^ere led to it. ; '! ,'! .".j- "T really hope you "won't1 take it. Ij^rd," remarked. Smith, 35'- lib rp|o- taoried to the men to .produce Cords.. 'j We have got to tie you up to- se^ dure ourselves; brit.--your- friends will rip doubt arrive, heforejnoon/ ^nd. then you'U.be all right.", j We ^ere backed up to the; tree, Watkuia on the east and' J oja it.be wpst stde. _'Standing straighjt _up, our artufc were drawn behind. Us, the cords brought forward, and; in three.Ininutes we were as fast'as knots could m.ake iiB. ;Ther1cords: were small 'arid.' stout, and -\ were drawn so tightly around- my wrists that I had not the least hope Of be ing able to effect my p\yQ release. " " 'Now, therij gentlerneW?i gaid Sinitb, removing his, hat andj bow ing, !,"_ aliow me to nid you gobd morning. X am sorry' that; you happened to fall into bur .Jjands; but Jydu : might have ib.tirid-srorse men than. this ab,g, I arri'iiyery triuch .Qbliged- for. the littlej loan you have so courteously. granited-^- .and-4^weU, good-bye. I wori*^ trou- ble you to shal^o hands." - :-l- The. njan had such j a cool, polite. Wjay that I was forced to^wle } and but fpr' the fact of_our- horses going off, it wouldnat have [seem ed like actual1 robbery. rTiie- fel- lbws were- out'of sight as soon as and ci-uwloll off. 'When thbre was no more danger, AYatkiris suggest ed that we raise ,qur 'voicea- in a united cry,- eo that if any one were searching., it might n8w<kr nsa guide. I For a full hour^'<lr until both -of us- were hoarse, wo shouted th?." Tob-hoo-o-o-ri-h !' of th[e West ern haunter. ' The sorfljiuring of the ha:wk!swa^^ the only answer. At three . o'clock, Watkins was in a hisrh fever, and bits mind seem-: ing up his spurage, the brute md denly mad(-the spring; bull givo in. the head, whioh roll ( and over, and sentiim j'ai,yithing^ , TJio, ^ery walk them tear J flesh,; brack went inad going israzy 'i"^i 1 it. 1 n utos after, both wol But they They crawled in on ine, at my logs My bet .vy .I. i 1 *. T ~So Time for Any*hiiitf Ojho'great'diBlculfyiri this coun try 1 w, that' we 'have4 no timrr|for of an %es Tiim a kick od hint ove on hbtvhng PiVe inn wore (u fio it of me, and I boheWl f^joatand goes to husiness as my time h: d come. " " -LI ' ' " " riot leap '" - and uituhed boots p^occ to defeii|/ tl foot, tbietj. drove |th well that' place ino ip off -towards andjlknoH come. Ho and would I'cbultl helpless to a ;pcd me, and holppd em. -' I kicked with one the bthor, arid at list .offl thotfgh I kne^ yiiry. thbrsuch attai^jjf.ij.iild. their power/: Tiey ian ilie ledger behind nie, ^Mt- Wafliirk tpmh ad cbuld offcjr'rip defenc 3, - an eas^ victim.. ; r pt shotit-J-Bpeak I was mve him; ;1 heart!.tie brutes gro*;ling and; SDJarling,-and lirectly the;'both rushed upon him. "hejpbor rr an gave! a yell as lie; ft U ieir teeth, but all1 yaa over! in a nomen^ a id' they ] wbrb eatli i a way ,at. It a> flesh. :I,- iould; ihei r is clothing, Strip off the the boiies, aid I near! y I -believe' ^hat I wia with fear and horror;.; whbn j I- sn<! denly heard, 'shouts at d two or; threi 1 riffe shots.: The wolv< ;a paiised-in their work, 'growling ntj beingdistu:;bed. The shouts can e again,;and- [ tried toreplif. I opeii" .born op; mf ujo lth but'could notevtn whisper. !. [ knew that! friy frienia were searcl ing, bujt I Was powerle :s to' aid! then I*ivie minutes passbd, and thtjn up thb valliy! I saw the refleoticri of a light. The wqlyea;saw it wel 1, and rbse-uji and dashed off, one of theni havir g part bf in.aiTa :in h is month, - Vlxi V momekit I heard a cry' of "Wolves!" tpreet or f'oir shots,] and then men 1 <s ime gallo i- ing into th i basin. gang party I was saved, but, I was like a ohild-palrii ost Hkoi a 'lunatic f( ir! weeks, being.under the care of doi-j tor aid in i-eo, and afraid-.-even- "t an evening shadow.., Smith and b is' had followed :oji after tie and in attacking a portio ri of it the b'i.ndit chief had been mo r-' tally wounded. ' He "did not'li\q five minuttisj.but he used hia tine to*tbli tbo men how he had capfcu,' edand tie I up Watkins and nr self ; >and this was all" that aavtci. m'o! from death death from tie wolves, or from; hjjriger andlithirs|t -ir. m ' \ <t An.- aJteotiae Scene The mar y. freaks of physical id- finnity'BhOT- nothing stranger thi n In8(antarie< .usi blindness or de&fne ^ wi. jj o i,-A. *ir dr.iheir imiaedtate cUre.i. -But:casB, .r^* O^yaler'a-.Faria wheit.tlre 11 authenticate J. inpeo^were Bttt-vnig.? ->^ *, -i ^r-< -ed [ deranged. I wasl'suffering for water, but had ii cooj heart, and he believed I could endure until night. Hb suffered more, brit he also aU lowed his mind to dwell on. the sit uation, and it was the idea ;thatwe werB to die at the. tree which made hiia deranged. J ^{e could rip long-; ei1 speak ijloud.'bjit lie! whispered, " Water ! water!" evbry instant. I talked toj hini about I our business, pretended that, -'I heard sliots arid shputs. affirmed Jthat help | was at bandi hut I could i-aily hiiri" only for a niomerit, and teu he would return ttjlhis whiBpere. . ":'.' Just iiS/the shadows de'epenedi 1 caught sight of| soriietliing which made my .flesh :creep.. 'A large mountain wolf, ajtfiost as large as a' full-grown Newfou"ncJland dog. came trotting into . thb bksin,. stopping not more than I thirty feet from me, I could -see his long fangs, his glassy eyes,) ant J fprgpt-mf pain and want of. wa< or. The w;oK gave a" howl,, and ii.- a mpmeut.. a campaiiibn appeared) n sight: The twp; came closer, wau!ced arptvnd .us in a piircle,.snuffed' p, us, arid then growled and snarled until pay haii,; was on e^d. Were ' re tcs be eateii alive?'.-, -a '. j' - --.. <!.. X tried fbr the last'time to l-ouse "Watkins. I-whispered to him of 4heJn?w' danger,' kicked liim-=-did everything I could to ,brin^ him to realisajthe preaencii bf a -liew foe ; but he did "not even.;groan.. The wolves were frightened at my ef forts* and rau up the! valley; but were baok. again in ten - jminutes, and recommerioed circling around us. - At length, on 9 oi them pauspd, in"frQnt of. trie, not; five feet away, and began to growl and.gpashhis teeth. Iikne-wihej was goihg tp:at-. 'ta,<jlc.me^.ftn4"I'go(i ready;' Work- of A character. one fS^l.OO per annatd in Advance. I American shows that lie a in a hurry An Englishman butt6ns his , coat and goes to husiness as delib did i erately as he1 goes to elmrcl An American business man ihei aftei bis car, sti ugghng with hj i oat- Bleeve8as he runs, plunges but J at the ;other end withpub regard to tjis neck.. ' Chief among: 6ar ace ideiits ijjJaM thoso .which, oeciir b yotnipe jjeoplejump upori-fiying ^tra ha lor dejiarting l*pats,; "To-wait jtei, min-. rites is sometliing'npt to bo tbojigbt H^ i-. Diflner I^cot cflj^q,;it is iawat. lowed-whole ij arid^wberi^ne ; iptries tq the. dessert lie finds. fh*a t the fruit was pickedIjbfbre'it was iipc! Everything : wa^ hurried through from the building of alipusb, % !>, the curing of a Jhasa. The womer who- work on-*sewing i'.iaobiries"- stc p, be-' fo'Ki . they: come ; to end fof a seam. The dressmaker sends'. iome your dress with' basting thre;id in it, an"d;no loops to hang" it .uji, by There is no slow, .sure coroplet sncB's of the old world "about ariytl ing ; and "eyen;'Toi4uneS; are "centrally mado in ahrirry, and lost \m ii the same way. If^nyman- is. gettkio rich by me slaw' and.steady pi obels ofaavinjj, be, sure that; he is not upon,- this continent, -.Yet people live'is ."long here: as rariy- where else, and the days, are thb same lerigth; Why is it that--.we have rto- time fpr-anything, J^ew York Ledger.,. ;. j . An In^bident of the Itest ^ f/aS: " During the payrrif^nt of the vet erans of 1812:1:5 at Wpodstoc t, an incideut- ocUred-;,ihatV we think should not be lost. . A^ roanfjit imed' iJohn Smith j eighty-nine;, yeai s of age, presentedi-hiniself"for payriEntj- Ho told a straight story, but cshis. name did not ap'p'earpri'tue Script orj'pay"]Voll^6i vras.rieoegsary ' fpf, sprrie other vebei'uh.to-identify him. Colonel MacpherBon asked . if any one present recollected.John.Sihitb '* "?I was once on guarid with.bim:" ',Ms this the mrtn^qubrfeirtho CoIoneL-- | No;" .responded SirriJ -'I can't recollect any of the features. Papp studiednfor ff-momentl5 and theftxsaidj *?Hold onColonel; if he is JToiin Sinitb,.I can:lideritj!fy bluj. by jasTungione question " '.' ',^Prbceed,,* said the.CoIoa& Well;Jndw^.sayR:jPapp, ; ad- 'dresaing.. .Sca'ltb,-,^ '?yhoJMt&ii t .the Rhooh-: at Grvsler'a. 'Farm whei t-. tlra ot the kind are well ___, _ The foUow rig ia told in a Nnsbriue paper;: V\ a j - msrkhble-(nd touching story of la- li ttlc;boy,. ;he son of a gentleman ri an - acljuining .country. " J3is age y> twelio or t inrteen. He is an! in U r- esting and .promising-lad. On- ptke day during tbe past winter he fiil'sd. to rise in the morning as eai-ly! (is usual. At 1 engtb' his' father went in ijo it roo;m whBre he lay, and asked liiia why he did not get up. Ue said it seeriaed da k yet,'and he was wat- ing for da rlight. His, father refi H ed ; brittle boy notmikiag his.a'ip pearance for some lime, be return id and soift a second itime : i- " My spti, why da!n"t you.get ripv'7 " Puthi-r is it daylight?-' heasked. '" ':.'.- "Then, father, ?".tbo,fellow sai 1, 'lam blind," . ,, And so it was. . IIis.sight wis gone.- . ' i . ' ;-.- -In! a shdrt timje his. father took bim itQ Nai hvilte, [to get the berief t Qf.tHo m dical prp:ession there , bu\t .!.' ^8itrn-&aM% responded. S+utth, amid a rk>at> of: laughter, ; Smith was ' paidv Thfi^v^^enoei Was conpluslve.: > ,; ;,'f*: ;;,;!(". -JA.^od.pQolc,,;): ,: Erery; i fnraa should .ota* ai I crap bppkin which to jiaste agrico! taral items. . Almost any man, in re vairig jpaper. will see Ahinga Jwrhtchk lie will wish lo remember.; He norie of th physipiris could do. an - , thing for t im, and happily made to L experiments on-his eyeB. Some In*-]* diesi.in " "" - - - -...... quabitanc^ sought to cheer him In his'afflicticn, nnd.one night propqj ed ito him take to the opera, that-t e mignUhea' the inusio: and singinj; He wkut a ad" was delighted. __^__. . In the c irirBe'of :the! perfortpanae all iat on:e he leaped up.; threv his arms iround' his father's neclf and iscreat loi with ecstacy ('JO fttther 11 can seeT His sight had instantly .returned! And stricti then he has retained a |. in full vig >r, except, that, under ei citemen11 here is- sometimes a -trar sient dinii.ess ol vision;.. The case ^s Ttk Croup and ^&reataient- . Tlris disease cansfeb death by srjf-' r focatmn ^ Tbe entrance to tho tfindpipers very feTmall.' a littl^ ,cvl4 cause* the hnitig of thdf parr called" th"e" mucous mCmbnine' to ' swells Tjus"dminikhes the open ^' ing, whjck is made bmalfer shli by " ' what is culled submucous infeltra tion-^-tbat isr, * this' mncons mem- - l>ran!e,j J-ieiB^Uiiflanjedii th;ows; otit; -. an e^trairrffa^TTt-of flriid>Jik(? th^'- oyb, [whe'ifrit ii. iniluiaed: vTbis il'uid- httiidfensiiiul f^rrna iifr length a! kind -!-" of jayeiy wliiifils siriieiarbes iff; an) aluidstleatherytoliganepSjj iricteas-':\j' ing.yi thickness jinti;! the orrfipeviB-; ^ so,ribarly olosed; that thp.--.breaih:is-. , 'obslructed. .'NaYse^ipfcmedibines 'di.titft this formatiojH two th\wt aid - to bring it away, M. favorite j*er,- r- fecrirjtion for a quai^ar qfa century : arriprig e'uiiri'eh't 'phyMciuns whs- to;', .' mix a teuipoo/i'ifuL'of ttottderedalum wittalUtloBiigar tpjrin.kejjt pulat "S' bJ ithl^j iiediale effect :is to: Tl^e. imuiedL. _. -_ liauseate, giying'"great relief]'in a minute sometimes^ 'lElmneTsi'dip:" - petft iu: ice-cold; fsyatet,' ichariged! "?" - eyej-y .two.mmutesv-sjrid squeewd a| -i^ littlbsiias not_-tp dripble prid! wf* ;f! 'tlie'ciothing, is an sce!lent reme'; C. dy, hecatise it cpdls the part^ ^rict - ' ;dj.m^fifehesr the' iarriquri offtilHbcli :' ' sent*':there, and astnie phleg^ip;i|l ->if .m'a^e.T but of !thel Jblopd, .a!rflbssv\-',-' amount "is rii:ule,i:aiKi .rjlief ii^.;. tain. Biit'fiiumeKJaHjbr^diin-waier'..- as hot as can' be bbrnb iih'd*applied "' ia :feb;e pitrtj-charig^yi. .eveiry"! two! *' ' ^niiitttes-,. carries; offpieh ;heat'fo?i' '- ' evaporation,.apd, irri.tkting the BCtrJ..;-, f|ci: brings the blood... *way ^jfroni...:-:'... tho| interior," and th'us" dlrnmiJ :the phlegm. ' ' ) I-' will >:- The !BJ6rpe of;E -;Chifdrri. ar?.. born y ;th very .litfr! innate; goodnens, and with little;-or: so knowlebTge of righi,"! 'J'hey ^bay^'-; ^ .all' to ljearn from pit ler preempt or ' ' example, ft^r'they krioW Jbbihinjj:-.pp^ _. ly what is taught the'rh, and .';wll;t' f?4f, they aequire Jrom'o^iiperienci**^ ttriijl-.: ofeseryatjov.., as theyi aayince in! ;lifcj'?: Thfey ar#ript naturally tn iunoeerii' crea&res that they a^" often sa^d^ti1 bei-but are oCteri cruel ia itheiridis-t: positions fiii'l unreasb&l ile In-^heir: ; Wanfc< and desires, while their-'ldJeaBT"' of justice - -and-propriety' *'Yer"^' crude,, and inborreoll.: Ujence j th0f grept responsibility. jareatej fori only ss*. tiie|y br.;;taughtlherri.l : rhe wantof! prpper culture is tbe rlea ton why we o^'ein see much uhloy< fy relatic. betwben pafeat arid' cfhi^3i-:;In jacf^".; rk. 'ne:.go so'far, as to ibldj ithp pswnjt. n4Rsurably responsible for tbb fous t- ibrteil'and peryertd'|ot 'bis of rights VF arid) -wrong in iter tifeta hiob lead to-: w " Ibflffci rPbb^ry-a;nd,TnpM M$; vijy^S^,,..,^- . will ever betstime outlaw s^wao Mve> ' ". >hia]!^ pr<ip#r^^ral"'ArilrigfitfiWr^ i.--*-s- iwmiabf.theu- nyUioii 'ii. X rein >sj ii>t^'. r7 of parents""tb tedoharldf* iOTerri their ; diMX-ii' Wltti'^pl- & die #reifftk'?^! j ^i4.i.J^i'l*y^*'l*nl3ib ntrUUki uijilv ihdir!; .ria?sioiS,; .'ibeln x esire#' iand^ ;, their anq ii i ever}-inf Jtahqai obedienea ihottl* Wf enfoTWcfi e-^ even if theMjarntTia(s." ^ resort:?tft-p-;> ;.. Solomon'sjpLin tp dojit ;l ...<r) ,: r'!.v"'.^- . ."-' A! rxti^ 'M'- A Good : th& fcea^pri^^V KWilldesirB^tesP'orfsprhetKiBgis-wanted tbalt:will,cjk i"will tWAiititpt-;bt epjiii l>evriil6,btr;g pff upone^'lrjthing;^>: " WHlTiBW. _. perhaps so seesriggesfions; tbef vali- 4ie of which ha hints which be" erned by In'/uturd^perstlbn's;. .iud i^toricilleB.it,..", iiereat is"i i-Takeha yet, after readiug-theipapbr, he v^ilL,U liu'sbei ofunsiaekei; 1 iii,1 slate it throw, it down "and, probajjly neve*;][. ,:&'- b'0ilin"a * wate'r, cbveririg Vit see it agam. "la such a case, al 'the iTb:A.";-AW tv, ^X^, . i-at^-'it, *t,L valuable articlesr ^ill';.be-lost;^Tb J^rtS thejproceas,t^_kfep,^ the prevent .tucb; a los\ bvery r^aHer. should clip fiorj) the papers Bulbar* tides ah be "desires to perservo,] - arid' interesting arid valuable;..". ilahy local uewspapers through'-; j,- ., , out the Proyirice are now ini rekgi ahimilyot bis-fatherV*--iv^- W^^#;^cription^ tp 2:per.a!nn.uui.' : The Bey.iW.:W. Jeff, D.H. and Very Rev. .Waiter F, Hook,;Ii;I>.* .stearor; strairi the Mq aid; tHrbuj a,.fine ,8ieve"pjr strain^ r( ai^d^'udd [ iti) peck.of-salt -^rev! b^sly weB|diii "posie tbeminabbQ.k,r;Supb,a!..l^p!k';!|8bivfed in water ;.t]^fci !pbri'nda df at the end of a year-or-^yp,;. will.be.' ground iice' ibrletl to] ^ !ibizi inl-Atuao^ncy'dnrt variiflti'A' .' ' -: remarkable and singula r }>. ^Couldn't be Bluffed, couple of hbrsembny comin? if to the city the other day from ,tha. interior, overtook an old man anft his |wif. seated in the bottom bf mule oart Feeling in high spirit:, one] Of the men called'.out;: " .< [HellD, uncle, how-much will yo takp for your wile, basil down T' .!?.*,,Oh, I dunno," he sjowly replied '^'VVell, name yotir price!"" ";H.pw mucU'll ye give?" ask>d, MTen. dollars." . 'Takejher. ".. ,71be boiaemen didn't whatr'tosajj, and was gathering up the reins, wbe thb ord woman ! jumped to.; tb^ grb'ind aid e^claiiaed; " Pass over the ducats, Mister, liU<. the eld man, and he likes -trie but we ate- a farnily'which can't -bpi bluied'bj so man on horseback." Iha '.'bltfaers'/ got out of thW sen.pelby riding off at Tull speed.r- Vickaburs Heraltfc The 51 on treal Telegraph .-Co. hat e Opt ned a ipfiice at Charleston, Cou: i: ty pfIJeil, Qntv '.. " ,!f'.,, ' "-. "' F. R,: S., En .divinBSj-^aceidead., ).- ... ? '.- In dealinig:with- furriiture", reiiem.. brto keepl-water away .from: anyV th in % : soluble toil piom bverything porous,- atoo'hol fipmj var-' ni6h, and nc.id from marbje. .!-;;.';". :.-, *2a Qits^sE. -iL^OTita-r--^We',adt. Visb oHr diaiy frienda' notfto- ibip , "their clieese to England Qnconjiiiiv sion,- -;I<3t theni sell irigCan*dft.t vrhat prices they ;qah. ge*,; tins wilt pay best, ^;Yburig! ijfichbls, whri'stole i>'J(p,-i OQd-fipni the Bank of ^.Conirii sice;; ;Montrbal, invested the greater- iiatrt ofithe ropriey ih/!!Sew York res Tes tate;, ' This has Hseeri/. ^ttkehbt. "by the Bank: officers/ .ani sirred in boiliii g hat-jbalf. iai--. ppjindj of; Srnisb fw hi ting, - and (a | ; pwtmdiof cle^ua^luej;.* hioTi has heeh-^. reyiouislj'^Htssqlfed '!j^ soufcrfij* |jj-j ' rfet ariid then haligiri j ovbr 'a : sloty j jre 3 ' sriiall largd - o|ife:-firied.isith; w^ter* ; fiye:^^iB iipria.of ht>t- yateji-tq 1 he,mix^Bi^li list sti |t wpll ^ndlJ ^et!. V. "^Patrick asked -a! poulterer Lthe. price oTfowls:- " Two dpllai's, sir, " In my clear coiintry^-uiy ti^r iug, ybu inight.by the'flj fpr: siJt,pen :g ' pace." . ".Then whyididn^tyorir |,ay, in your o^vn deaf country %"- '^Clase I we- had: n<i: sixpenpes, iny je/wel ,1re- [plied Pai.'V,.:.. ,!";WUpn 1 .married,^ eiaia ex Chancellor of the J^jwhetfuer: !L >we,J .it! a Loridbri dinner-;, parity;; '* I d?- ;'ciared,'.* With'alt niy worldly gapds I thee eqclpVi' although I'.bacji 'ft; sliilUrig in* the" 'worid^'! Ihi.t; chimed in the wife'i' "yOH".,haid" p;qur splendid taientsi'^ *' Yesipiy: ledr, .butyou.kriow.IdianH; endpvv .yon with.therb'j!' Vas^tha^! riglit ^ a,bib geritleiuaii's renfe; ," " ' i:ii1'!! daysi; covered" irprii ;j ie. diffc': sjibuid bs put on' qiiite.'i he this"^rrpos&y-ifc' ban' her 'kept ;ihn^r'-i A Bin,*,-, of Sbkaj.: iriiktnre Wrltcovit a,;- n-d (^iiare/pf:\..-. a., bpttse, u^^rFpietL-fifith. iv lajj' paiutibrush.,. :.".. >s3b*Kc%i^T.r-rt1ik <r|ie way.tor; |r, make fruit^^fi aty soj . last a lobg ' time 'is "lo*cs51i buy ^in^ifaSl*,f(rt " worm ripe acd"defeieti\ e sp#cime43, ' and to Use lbeis- .firiiii. W; ta^te, houghs and other-earK applet Into thecerlar/spripacl the ft un.:p|ft' Offer paper .on|tbe. cell iir bbi oro, peeping a^ fthe JstHujtler' apples b j:tb_e?iteelT^a. 'Then tbe frutt is pck41 tfver\ everr -' wiefe. .Every nr<pVe:is handled with as'VmuCh icarejuliless ; es ope. irqqhl .haridle eggs:;: By thii a ;earis ire h"air- frikii 3!16rig tTOffe-i itteifbiir ptigbb^fm fibit. ,i; all jgoie.v <IUc;. Highlit brib^e Will cause the fiait to deeiy. Jlr piibediri a eViol, any' irouija'^fy . wilt keep at least a weik alter bcoDg-' gat hff,a.~: Peer's ahowd, BOK*jil- loycpdab ripta fu ..lv-osnthe ^rce^8f i'iilsiVtfeh oaies-tfie ftivolrj is jie**f}|so g bii!ds- it j.wKBp ;-*A4$?r* b.!^ or^d";early: a4 ^P^neffii? tbe^fruit robin..:;:"1';" -i \-* ..-':.'-'{.-.-"' ;*stl;- :| ?v :4h-. stttndiw few Hi' -- ^.^U'-" -*'.: -'i ^Tlj.ci.'countiea.if. T^nj^^rc. auad.i.. WjirwK.ksirti-e'io Ehgh^dhayerWelB visited^by floods cbico bayerc*ri|t ed in^gtbat dairii}e^tp|||. m pwsially fe railwa r^~- JfTbe utttt^iff; febt:<tf .water.' ,1 le 'rAany^housea in ;!|rri y\i

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