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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 22, 1875, p. 1

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m i now toney, sclera. : 4 pig tci mm, sables ' " i r. 111130 mieni> meters i ti-thJ. ir---;,iU>\vnv. M.-iv. u c. p. s.. ' raii-.:nto -of 'ijiiiity - College. JJcnj'.icriofAViK'jTv1 of lMiysii-ians^aiiil : S'.:r^tor.s.:-Mi:.\ iMr.c.rv, Ai-rov. - Dll. H. .MOKKO'w^ Physician-. Sur- civv.i, ^^.'.'.of. JViUvuo 'O'ollo^b, " -. GiadiKite of lY-ioioria ' iV.lc.-_i C'.-\i-..ul.u -.>^C"o:-..-\.:.i!io;i;; iiajys ' '.;. JtussAsJ-s sad t>:feijr-g, :"ri>nr':!> ,vmi till 4 t'-'J'-'i I.Koj'.tTi-iscc'-'A.cM Bower stivel," '.'Astoii.".! ' __-^ ,jj- - . .' *- -' 'CtaxuJs >iArrin:ws. i'mivcviur. (I iss-Jt-E < !' Htrriajo-'1.'const'-i^'j'o^t- Ir.5uraiiiv. A.rens'./'Ajji'iit Money' io ixiin.i'Apint Aloi-.fron! Tel" (.V., Olerk Fo.tn'h (.Mv.. A\>urt-. C\<:. in\>. J5.yio.. . Ao:':>a.-On-t.. . :' :" r'. BV3ik-\i>Kr.^ON:A:o:ivoy.v.!cor.ic:; cn" l.\u-.nda. I.ito A*sm:- i.-c- C-jj .lji'C-ls.' Xliirti.Mjii'S. ivv, p:-_- parei mii-ly;. promptly.y-iTrvVtlyami on r.\vso::a'ii-' tlniis, M.-:i'cy to" L.vi on Mortchis-'sW-arit-v. O.U,- - -G-Us-ou . Ho3?o,.i.\o-ok ' V ,.. ' / I*. tflTILESOX. Attorney- l-".tr-..:tM^_ S-.v:^:-..o i:: l'V:.!:eoiV, Cl:T.v- rcli TV"** b-A.-tpl-AV.". H.-.r:-:.--:-r.. Attc.'r- ' Vr :K-\--r.:-U . >--!:v-!:.--s:i;it."i;:kuoi-TV- iV.iii:o:i. lti KiiCfirVt. ..Milton/M*^ jtrxct. The Milt-xi t>iK,v ,^.:::i.,:i: of IV \V. :-' <.'ir.rjl>eH; and' Air. Uvdlav will sttvt.l 's.: ihi "MUtyjr. U;:k V o:: Friday . [OB PRINTING otf neatly and p<omntly;c - .^FRF-K PRESS. OFfclCE, Over Ihf Iot >nj?c, MtllVsirrrt. Marbl^ Opposite side; front Works GoodfelloiM^ Found; araosa Xo'ar <rniosn fridge, T tf o. ai.ukinoS in MONUMENTS Tom$> Stii'nyii, Man'tlr Pieces,- f Ac., ih.ide' t n rany sizei r design; |a:iJ'tC:it up hi iuiy piirt of ih |coviutiy.- , i, ' r 'jj.S" S.-otol( 'Gr.-isiii* Monu- I rn.ru s imjurloJ ttv. ur(: I -V.^.. A. Kom|iily s a {irac- I tic vl marlilc Knitter.1 all kinds IV" Oohl pNT., FR]:DAY, Mills i , Ulld F1TEXTS for-" INVENTIONS > k.-'<M:,.LC-'l-0 :vr :i iTvrerly .-oiuniii is C.;::L.t'.thf. ra;:oV--".;'.^^-..:;Ji:-.:]b|'i.. 3>-.xiarX ;-ffr.-i;:cvii or :^_o" fbnrvo. 'f;o!:-i fnr r-riJr.'.e.i :u->:^ :,.^ .\^zrv.cv Lji oj.^r a:i)r: feu } '.{*, Iii:.V!:V .Oiil-T, ' 'leatsa^i Dsii'.igh^iajr.ir. TV ijii LLI AM'Tflf XTiU . lrr;Harr{asr l(.Irca>e- i* <YrUnrati>. I -:.i ds:m . -C-c.-.-.nti- ?!.-Jt II EH. S. f.inTJLKt 'Tiachtr oTHa-Ic. Draw in^-;!.ii:I I'rriu'rh. PR I N G G A\"atcliTndker, :.i\st*nA>cs:: ,A<a:NT>. 'RUSSELL" AND ATCEl uelpli, of AMERICAN' nss ;"' .->'- f - vv Frise TEL -ti '^loif, fr<ini ore: OS 0=ov Hit: Wveivj T.-:ax. :-.:u::\-.yfi\. , '-. - 7^.[r-.-.vi::-:s.:H.Vi:. fi^f-:- I>i:Aga L'iiZ:KI!/ V.t\-iTiLi.\\'. .Mr. l:;:.-u:^2-. r.r the Fj:; U'lr.ui.r c.itrj- \v.'.'.rti.c> :i:i uniifroni-tiiuepi wh>;n re- (JiiCI; ii. Sep;."27, IrSi. OLlV.I^i L'JZIE ji-T^:o^r." i VJT -'I V ^0X^^01:15, HI IAS. !-^ :-Fitr-!and F-eea alvravs- c-n iliiiid, LDT;!"<": T'-. . : . -, *......'11 ., JLJ X t \~. '_'. . E. HOR^OVi, GhemUt \and Etmggist DEALEKiS ir'ao-.-r.i : l>aflv."X'^ih for '! : <JHEMrOA.LS T><,s;nIN"HuL"SE, Ac-:>;n. Cio.^_ to|"_ ^-L, / ^lUi.;. T.-r;.-dl^r ^i-.- 4&- |-?4.'Tl$>.i-A^p - _. ctHiii accomihc-Jation fur iht trrtvcllijuf t PRO!l?T'TFT publ-I TH*S. f-AMPBE-Lr-, I'roiirlv j :,r f ' _ DosiiKiux.'-hotel, :a\tv.s-,.u.--t. ---i.-r. A'iNEiv, Proprietor. . Ti-'.i Turn- ii'jt-il is-titted.-upiniirst-clas= stylo. >itii- ac-w fiirniturc. C-. nirslercial Tra^-ol-. iera vdH, liad 'g:.*od accomrpodatian ai^d CGiniod:o^3 Sample Koriiii^. . Special ^aitintion paid t<i the- 'ivaiitajiji the travelling publig: Bar supplied v.-ith the | '{. est Liqtiore and Oisa'r.^. .<:iyi>d .StaUing I '*ad.s.ttfcTst:'v- Hoitltr?. . ' \ j (VltvhyE on hartd if 3.?.rjr<> an j . ed tu>-jfi ot 3'7, liyc-Stafis, liiiuid l^n^L Toilet j 'i eaps, Sponges, Trasses, drca and Adults TJOVAL EXCHA>"<rE HOTEL, ' v. . VV -ty^Acuin, Out;. B'jirrV I'JH^ii.-i^n'p. i picTiider Sraoes fox "Sampl':"I;->jm.i ! .| SiV"- I ! .. fConahircial,Tr3V(.41cr.i: ; Go-.iU-.econ;- ; ^Ud CMWrca, Pftil^' "-' Best'brand- of L:yWt>rs and! Civ';ir.-4at!tlie Bar. ' deijd'-:Stalling "and "Vtiieutivfc Hostlers.' .'"' ' --------->-------------i-4-------^ J----P^-r-^-----^~ "isB^';Pby.-Iijl:iiis Prescri. indiuic Keceii)Ls,LnnU Hot ilduiclnes.carerijl!}- CQm~ - gJe. MORI Acton, July, IS' PLANima ,: \ ||M.fIDSOlV,' r LICENSED AUCTIGt^EER : for the Connl} or Ilalton. /- Sales attended' to in any. part of the Coant^, at reasonable ra/es- Address:: A: BAVlDSOX,"' 7 1 ' . ,: Campbellville, P.O. ."jfr ^-COOPER, ,^ WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, ; ^.\ ',; .^.O^FOlEia", ; -/y" Saving opened "tusBieES m part of.\_P,U-mpi Sasb ' _ Mj. Matthew's'st<re, iij prepared 'to re- " '*' . pair T^'atehes, Clocks and Jev?elc-r/ i;; ,^ the best manner^ and at re^onable . -."chargea. Parties' leaving; thfeir orders l?nay rely.-upon .having tb*jivo"rk prompt-. - Jjr and-afefactorily attended t<>. ' ~y Actop,rbct. 1, 1875. '", ^lAXADA GLOTi WORKS, r ,- ^oTOir.'oirr.v ,. j *. H. STOR^T &"()p., Tr*101"^ Manufacturer of every des .-.". .- . _ Ieatlier8cCloth Gloves / MJTTi AHO flAUMTLET. V ^.-^' . greasers '.of Plgin aind Fancy "-;-:. ^-'"" Ageats-fiOT Jlayinond'g: SM-inK Jla- '-jWiinieB. t. - . , " '. " -' \ Actou, Jaly ist/l75. ods- LtQirOES . I aul Fancy .G: pjjRt[\vi>*^S -AK-P . Kor Medicinal. Pui pbsts Door Factory, EBBAGE ;i CAMPBELL Mane Sash; Boors Lumber Plane 1 ,i Jr in.thf All work Acton,-July ] I. - Airp. LE fiue^c-atebc-s E Ii:;::-.s, tvm j-vs'eler^- to :.-led. ' MOMtx'S KIGUT4. r, llnrfi.h t for U10 time ia cocmiV Wlion' die liuliea shall vote liko tho ihuii," . j , - . won't the poll bo a bloomjn J \yijl fithora ondxriuoliuo thin T 1 Kluct An day", thin,'-1 ttiu thinkiu'~ - AVi 1 1ms inovgrand day of the yoar-; Whin }asoa aud lodaswill Imj drhikiii' Toj [it\Kt tho, caollidato's beer. A\Tia1'a tho U80 to,4'ranglo wii| Biddy, Ab>ut Mho the liviu' shall uiako? An' 8 ism, if 'twill plazo lior, I'm riddy To ^ivo np the hijul fo'riher Bftke ; Au'-ty stayuj' ivll'dAy ill tho .shanty, - To tirid to dwnostio tttfRira, : A bil u', tho bbcf njd"-pratioa, Au mindin' tho ripsmid tho tears, . Thin, ivhin tho; eleotlou approaches, . Ah tho Imscs art inarchiu' tho strato, Wid, iip bauds of inuaib and torches,. . Ail Biddy is sUuidiii* tho tratc. I'll bii ou.the sidoWoik hurrahiti' F01 my o\vn darlin' Biddy McFinn, Wid 1 chick, iu my arnis^an' drawin' A ;(ab wid another ou'o in. . V' : <. An' * bin tho is makin' her spacbea, " lieloro tho .great mill of^ho land, . Sure, thin, I will lind bcr|my britchoa, . An 8i-t by hersido on the sthand ;, Ah' a iter she's done with hot talkin', An the people aio cheerin' like mod, Thin off to the polls we'll be walkin', Au votiii'for Biddy, behad: An! beiral! tl(e v<>tin' is over, i An Biddy/elected, sure, thin, ' ; > I'll li ,e like a pifi ifi tho clover, Wil IJlon. .Mra.,McFiim, The shanty I'll muikly be lavih', ' An liviii' wid illlcant taste, \Vid 1 horse and aijdiay for my drivin', Ana najger to Nvait- on the basts, ^ It'a ujyer a lie I'MBpakin', Bu thrue ivery jlvord that I Bay ) It's u eieli that uevcr ani takiu' Th': right of the bidiea an-ay, If a 1; asie/thiukiu'it propar, ... Shi utd shoulder Ithe liiortar and brick, Bad luck to tho man that would sthop r I'd black hialvro eyes party quiokC The'TaV is fgr allto kape aisy, .'. A11 {jive uiq tlcit.ladies thb:r waj- ; they'llsthiipup an' vote like a daisy, No tuatther Avhiit blaokgnarUs way Bay-; ' '--j, '; - " /'.. ' .- An' t iin.' should the officer Ik; spakin', - Ur :si irlin'thi; pick or the iphade, ! An' ti or! us Ahe viu'be n\!\kiiA,r \V1 o c^dl's how the livin' ia made, '- WHAT .?\K ' MEDllCINkslf 1 welljiej^jct- ' "'.. !.: , Fancy BruElios, tifMsa, .t! Women ,i -' , diyaitd ' cupicd w'ooi jg FOLKS SAID FAILURE. OF OUR H ive you ever ! noticed,' dear reader, tbat wjicii .a tnuii fails in busir ess his wife is uluiost iuvari- bly I lamed 4^the cause of his fail ure I His success, is niiothe'r thing ul.iuOst'nhvays due *o hislown abil-. ifeies. 2vow,. while Iiadmit tbat a man'; wife has a greats deal to .do with success and failure, ,he pften recei >es niore blirtne than .she de- .-xiii'vts for: t,b'e letter. lit niy'.own checkered life I have experienced tbists well as many other things. Wludi we married, Mt\ Brqpks and 1, ^o say'that. 1 was considered the most fortunate, girl in our Tillage is uot saying to-much, and that I thou jht myself.the happiest I am ertain; for country villages as "well as cii ies bare their "great catches," and, as the son of tho Hchcst- man OCTOBER 22, 1875. maid,;aud wo wore porfecljly oon- tont. " '. i' "Titno passed, arid our littlo Eddie caino to share our-love] anl care so with that dear charge iirliand, I hardly visited the kitoliert at nil. Thoso were golduu days, fpt if'do. ing wrong, I win uucouscioiB of it, aud niy'coi^ent wb's perfbot, -1 had noticed from timdto tiroo u shade of care upon my husband'; 1 brow, but attributed it to anxiiety for my." self, as niy health was long i n being re-established, but I and it continued. I grev better, ventured to asU hinii, but he evaded my quesr tions, saying he never was in better health," and,, reassured fjr his health,-1 was'satisGod, for r o other evil occured to me. So tin 10 sped along until autumn, when-1 went home for a long visit, Ralph for the firsttimo sending moaloie,and, as, he said; keeping bouse. Sudh ia cbaruiing jyisit! marred only bj Ralph's abaonco." I.always- think of it aa a season of wimdrous peaco and oalm happiness. s I'visit ed alternutelv at father Brooks', and ray own dear ftithtr'sj aid in a gay circle of brothers, sister)/cous- inB, etc., spoilt a couple of weeks delightfully. I bad not heard from Ralph' for almost a week J what could': it m,ean? He Was to "come for uie toward the close of my visit, but that was distant a week irtwo j unless, as he tenderly said when bidding goodbye, he grew tjo'o lone ly without Ins pets,: and-if ;iio he'd comd sooner.. Btjtj a sense, ofjim* pending evil oppressed me J I grew "restless, antl ho much did tl is leel- iug grow upon ^me^ thathrhen a week lapsc4^withokit a It tter, ; I annonnoed niy. intention of return ing, immediately" to Westvillo. I was at father Brooks', and they all joined in joking me for getting homesick, and said "that Ralph would probably arrive befor y night, and laughed at my firm .-conviction that he was ill. But all persuasion failing to .convince-nie, fatler and mother Brook .said they wtuld go home'with-me.' I believed J had Iru'eoted them with my ftntrs, which grew so upon me that every minute seemed- drawn into the lengl h of an hour. We were on the \yay at.last in the: old carryall, having sent u message explaining to my patents' our hurried departure. ITje old folks strove 'to pass tho .time; chatting pleasantly, but "niy. heart Wjs heavy with its sad foreboding, arid they began to be lessr cheerful as "we approached Westvill 3 with out, meeting -Ralph.'. We <mtored and drovo "through town; I was- not surprised that son\b ,wbDm we ) Liet regarded us, I thought, c urioua- ly. They are looking at the woman who was visiting when her husband lay sick, perhaps dying," I thought. As we approached the hous<! I ob served, 'without surprise tliat the store was closed. But fatlierestart ing violently, exchanged looks with mother, that plainly said, " SheAvas in 'thfij vijlagey Ralph certainly oc- | mother, that pli cupicR th'at epviable position. - The right after all." We drove to the door and stop-. ped, without a sign of any living ] tlons and l)o-. ie iii.'tl Catlie P< 'untl^J. .-ovv, MeJlci i Hall, Acton.' MILLS iud Blind raeturers Vejietia^i Blinds Mouldings^ And other' B|ililding|Requlsites AIec ilakers of : guajraji{Bd, 18T5.. or "*i .1' jstj'CKriotTli'PinaPS and,-I)r ssed to order Best manner. " :. epviable position and wedding, oyer, next oanid housekeeping and settling down to business. A year before JJaljlh had gone into the mercan tile business in,a; viljage ten miles distant his father furnishing the capital. Our'hquse was the pretti est 1 ttle nest I had ever seen^and our 1 urnituw and entire belongings were this aklniinition of the'place, " Ca 1 you afford it, my dear ?" tinrj- idly inquired my mother, upon be>- f rst visit, as she .-viewed, the many handsome, and, indeed;-unnecessary 1 articles of furniture .uijded to my modist outfit, until it ^faa almost lost x> view. I cannotihelp laugh ing f s I recall the looklof import ance assumed by me as^ I assured her that tbat s-as Jittlp pf what we couh. afford. Dear, liotber, her faith inns was almost is gret^t as our own. Mother- Brooks', Inow-- ever, was not eo, " Times werej elian;ed,'arid folks too; iri:he!r day! they began plain and expected to; better-fheir condition; didn't besjinf ahea I of where there father left off. Wei , -we'll see, we'lli,see." But brusipie as'she was, shejwas a ster-. lirig friend-in need. Well, a hap pier little-hbiisekeeper Was never ins'tEiied' in lovelier little home than I, nor;as>5u:med tl)fl domestic reifaf in greajtr state. '-' I . '. : !Now, in thoee days there was aoiif hluch "helpJ' kepfc-\as now, and. ;n 80 small | a -fattrily fiM ours was, mostly dispensed-iwith alto- geth;r. I fully inbteded doing our own vmi, but: Ralph would, not hear of it. Was his iJfattie to be only a household drudge; he could afibi d $0 keep one servant and so he wbu d.< Flattered and delighted, I was easily persuaded that I did not neet: all the"care he was so willing. to^b;stow.,.-I attempted study; to com ilete my education, which was defe itivei but so1 many thingslcame to binder, tljat JE- could not apply mys elf. ~' J/usic! I 'loved, and my ovement in] it was a Source of c]eli jht to.bdth Ralplr arid myself. *We Jisite4 a',great deal,[ and, of ij6we, had a great deal of opm- pan^.; fa ;our1 absences, which wer 3 frequerit,] i the. store was In car^ flf a.clerk)! the h^ufe of-pur But mother, laughed and said : " Ti'ihDn we get you -there see wlion you'll get a.way again;" . ] _- of our carelebsness and extrava gance; no wise saws and hints of solf-aufEciency that needed no.cbun- cil. J Nothii\g hut tenderness, and during tho yours that we made one family j' found rib difference.; For liiyself, joy that.Ralph' was. spared to me, lbudo alt else a'eofn sp^trifling, that \ could not realize it as-a mis-; fortune. But as we viewed our past life ] we saw many things needing careful attention which ';seeined of vory little importance; before, and humbly we knelt and iraploi4d-for givdness for all our many failings to duty, aridwhilei we placed o'nrse.lve^ the iDivine protection, and resolved to begin a new pife, peace'descended to our chastened hearts, as we de termined -thati lione should suffer through ua ! ' " we jftttfijk'ded church as ,usual,.and al though a few 'were quite as cordial as usual, candor copipels me to say that tjie majority kept -aloof as though Tearing some contagious dis ease. ; lEddy grewj restless during' the sermon, arid, not wishing 0 in- terriipt the congregation, I quietly withdrew, and,; seated'in the shade' of a fine tree,; was' enjoying the quiet, when "I was attracted by the sound of cdnvdi-s4tio'n carried on in a lofv tone between ""two' old ladies who were a.lsp enjoying the cool air butside the]church' and at the satnb time enjoying * little gossip abo^it their neighbors.. - Seated with their backs to 'me, 1 conld not avoid hearing all they' aaid.': "JHe couldn't hejp breakin' npif he was as rich as 0.jrafd,"said one, '"? wjth.gucli a wife its he|has, I be lieve he tried to do'as well as ?ould ; but law sajkes,. with her silkfrand finery, to isay nothing of her jgood for-uothin" lazy ways,, no Oth D 1" > P(each blow 2C den eyesC-O. Woods, S iieyi ^H, J; ;r kinds LJohn lge.: r Swedish HELTON dOUNTY SH(j)W. PRIZE LIST. (Cc riclusibn.) BOOTS AlfP" VBGETABL^S. {$1.00'p^r annuiii Ip Advance^ potatoesT-r J. .fW< iods, Foster: 1 ilxly rbse-f-f.w. I fow-r 2 i O. S vaekhammerJ ]?iuk Fostjer. Garnet | CI ilies John Meadi. Eid- r! ^wa:khamnier Field carrots- tej, 3 J; JHunt Fostsr,;:'-2 "J. w.unzel R. Hiinr-; 2 W. turnips - O. 2 John Ramsty, Z R. (tarry.-. Ally other turriip-r-W Wilt on, ;-2 Joiii Hunt, 3 T.' Ta flor. * ' R. Qarryr, 2 C.'Fos- , Table carrots--G: Ramsay. J&an gold Carry, ".2 'G-.-'Foitcir. Glole mangoldj wurtzel ^Rt Carry, C. Fpster. jB^ed onions4 Janies Kelly, 2 W. Iriwin. Spanish onions -W. Irwin. Pbtat) onions I-Wt. Ir.vin, Fos ter, J J. .Ram: say. Sugar bee ;s C: Faster^ 2 B. Tuck.' Cal)ba{e-^ W. Tuck,- 2'H.. J, BaW.'. Red cabbiger-^Hj 1." Baker, j Squashes J M jad, 2" Tl os.-Kirbyf Tomatoes M^.F:. McKaughton, 2 J.' Cowin. G4uli- flow< rs E. Celei y ^W. Jj' Robinson, 2 Joaejih Cow: n.; :Pttrsivi|>s^-W. Irwin, "2 R. Carrr. Red pepiiei-s J as. Stewart. thing- appearing to our longing eyes. As father alighted ar d turn ed to assist us down, a slow step coming through the hall attracted us, and I thought some kin't. neigh bor was staying with Ralph. The door opened; it was RjiljihJ imself, a little downcast looking, bt t alive and ' well. IFith _ a . glad cry 1 sprang to his arms, and. foi'tlhe first time in ray life wept hysterically., Ralph carried me into tha parlor while welcoming his; p treats and expressing joy at- our opportune, arrival, explaining his silence by saying he was busy, but meant to have- started, for his fathers that evening. \B.ut somethint wa!s back, w,o felt that j socra jc oarae dut,i for mother could ill brook! suspense : "But why is your store (closed, Ralph, and everything- so still? f^hat meansitV f! It; means, dear'mother,"t said Ralphs with a sad.smile, "that your boy ha? failed in' his business he undertook with such faith in his abilities, that" he haslost"the capi tal given by a"kind father, iri fine, been 6ol4 oufr by the slieriff> and to-day is penniless, nay,1 worse.". "" IFell, I declare," said hib moth er as., he paused,, "if j-ou] didn't frighten md as much as Lizzie did' when she persuaded.ns- that- you were Biok or dead,T TFell, I'll, tell you thejtmth,- Ralph, I am not one bit sorry, For since Myra has gone the old house seotnSi that lonely that your father and I'cjtn hardly bear to stay in it, and now', after Liz^ stie's vUit, I don't think we could ^ave stayed at all. You see" she continued, '.'it's just: providence for if you would have prospered Jjere. you never would .have gone to the oldlihome-again, and I never di4 fike thifi Westville," slie addsd, "with sudden " asperity, s ; if the place WaB in some way responsible toy pljr failure. , -. PLAKTS. Ap. FLOWJSttB^.':'." :.". Collection in .pots-^Mrs. ".i|c- _ Kindsey) Bouquet cut'flotvers for. tabile Miss 'A> Cfaisholrri.jvHaTid boijquet jMiss A, Chisbj^m. "Pan- James Kejiy. F'uehia-iii 'ftowjer^4Mrs.'<-vri Bell; Caetiis-^-Mfs. J.'McKinitsey,: Ddpble -zinnias-^Mrs.i ;p.:j K|eILy: Stofck Annie Ghisbolm.tt Gerah- iutris-. G. C. McKindsey^ CdJCcombs-r-J. Go.win. :.-. ' FjIne ALbts and Ladies Work. <Best ladies' underclothing Miss A. E. Hartne.ttr 2 Mrsl Bell..: Large phdlograplis Hill Bros.-,r'*2 -"BV/P. Coulson, Portrait in oil^ P. Mof fat; CoHectiori photographs ,Hil|. Bros.,^2 P. "Coulson. .Landscape painting' in oil Miss Gertrude Buek, 2"-Miss.C. Willmott,.": Paint ing;.in water colore- Miss A Free man, 2 Miss A, Gulp. - . Pencil drawing -Miss S;. A. Masbn 2 Mar ion ;Willmptt, Ci-ayori^ draSying^ : Miss. S; A.' Mason% Farmers!!.wrelfto. -' Miss Jessie' Rejil. Specirrien w^x fiowers^-Mi'Bs S. Bowes, % MissfF:' McPhee. Wreath hair flowers - Miss Jssie Reid, ^ Miss Cunning- hamv. Stuffed .birds and animals^ . Bilaih. , HARNESS. pleasure". harness i Btlst: set Hewsori, 2 Jbarn iss T. Hewson, 2 R^ S. -L^ise, Teun 1 harness T. A. Atkinso 1, 2 T. Eewson. Saddle arid bridle T. I-iewson. man could get i along. .1 do not honkstly believe thut woman went near the kitchen'! once- a month. Hetty Marvin had full sway, and youNknow whether you or me would trust our kitchen to the Marjvtns. I know w.ha't I know, tho'r.gh T neverjiueutioried it to any one living. But Mrs. Marvin had morj tea, sugar, and.coffee, too, in her house nor I bad,'and it didn't: cost her anything either. Between you and me, M-s. ' Briggs, I may say it, Mr.' Brooks' kept Marvin'^ familj' as well fas' bis but: thats: his affair. Of couiso," and she waxed Warmer with the subject,' " if he can pfford to keep herra-sit-i tin' in her rocking-chair or thump-! in' her piano, he may, but he.won't get rich at-that I do know. Then her company ; well, I like to go to. see my friends, and I like.to .huvei -them come to sec me, but such housefuls of company as sheM have, the 'biggest bugs' in the' place, too." Mra. Perkins : forgot, or seemed to forget how often she had dropped: in to tea, and seen'md then' to con sider md a real nice little iwbman,] not a bit "stuk up," to -use her. own expressive language. "IFellj" she continued, ':'such go ings oh ain't for notjiinV as I tell Mr. Perkins, a iiian's wife lifts him up or puts him down, and- saj-a I, 'where would you be, Mr. Perkins, it you had a wife like Mr. Brooks 1'" TFhat Mr. Perkins : might do under . the. circumstances I never j kueiiy, for Eddy, waking just then; crjed a little, and both ladies look] ing round and" 'discovering who their neighbor was, started to their feet; Mrs. -Perkins remarking, "I feel ibetter now, Sister Briggs, had- not jwe better e.o iri V andi'both the Old ladies whipped past me iand en tered the ohurch in time to join the last;prayer, which Ihave no doubt they did with ,great gusto, after their innocent -gossip. fFor a few moments $ felt too- mu'clj amused to think of prayers ; but, recollecting myfelf, I too entered :]the chmrch and joined the prayers, oonBciousof; a great thankfidness that that Afrs. Perkins was not my mothecrin-law, I LEATIIEE PtJir ladies'-rboots P^ McKoly, 2 he ' D.' C Watflon. Men's fine calf boots/ W. J., Swart, 2 D. C.Watipn, Mens coarse boots ^W. J. Ew|irt. 2 P. McKay. DAIRY PBOD0gE- Bcst factory cheese G.Brc wn- 2 * Miss Marshall. r F trm cheese, not less than 10 lbs.4 itade, by parties without factory ar pli auce:^ Miss Bousfield, 2, Thdnas Bouli. Table jmtter, hot (ess tian ?fiv'e pounds Miss Debpsey, 2 ^dTi-s 'B. Tick;(&-T.|Beak. rFirken- Imt ter, jot less than SO^pounds'^Miss Demnsoy, .2 Mjiss A. McPhedeiunj 3 J. Dalmage.. ; CAB|S*ETWARE. . Siile board-rrGillet vdj CaldwjelL Bureui -B.' Jpn'eSj-- 9 Phillips] <fc Bryaat.."' Panel. door Mit chell 2 J. H. Crombie. ' Wiric ow sash H Crone bie, ' . ; nor' did she resemble her -in the IpRKt. .1 ' ' \ " '.' -' .Look out "fob Oolds.^-About this: time look, out for colda The change of jiveather, when it dimes, is likely to be sudden, and there will be" much unhealthy exposure. Colds have .an unusual tendency this Reason to result in | pneumonia or inflammation of the lungs, a dis ease that" has parried bff* a great many, who, but for a slight icild, might yet' have enjoyed. Ufa and good hedlth for many years. ? Thdre is po ispecific; rnle! fdr guarding against this dangerous disease, but. the[exereise of good common sense will;, do'i much to prevent taking cold. Wet; feet, going 'frojoji?/'* warm room into the chilly siH ^y^ SOJJESTIC ;JXASDFACrfURES, T.iBeli, 2 Wm. Mc- Clelhirid. Uriidn flannel Win Gord in, 2 Mrs. R.' Miller. I ull cloth L Barbaree, 2, W. Gordon, CoVelid W. B, Read, 2 J. CaJnp- bell. Pair bjarikpts P. A. Guwick 2 Mr. McGr4gor| Horse blanke't -^T. J. GhuiolnL 2 Mrs. Marshall: Rag sarpet P. ^ampbell, 2 R S: HallJ Lindnol Stra\Vhat shirt M^ss Mc' yarn W. Gord shirt' nHichin Stewirt,-: .2 ,Mii Gent leman's shir: Gord an, 2 A. E. Ittartnetb. Wiol en st xskings- M^). J. McGrego:', 2 Miss A. [,K- HJrtnett.: Woden sockf-rMra J.'McGregor, 2 3^ iss A.E Hartnett, Pair woolen upts M Mrs. R. Miller. Culp. Flannel- lelland. Woe len n. Gentlemi.n's made Mis3 ' A. ilary ' Parks. hand made W. '211.' Dolm'age. 1 tag J^ 5-4-Geot^town. ;H- 3/ Baker. / Patchwork' xjuilt t Miss-J.. May, 2 Miss .rtardbbttlp, 3 Miss-A." Stewart. White IquiVted qtiiltf!-Miss M^Gregdry 2 Miss Mc- Clellaiid.^ Silk patchvyprk quilt- Mrs. J, Chi8uolm, 2 Mrs. J. Agnew. CrdcKetwoiJc Mr3.' Marshall. Knitted quilt Miss O. Parks^ ^ Mrs.. ^. JIrs. Si Masoni I Tutted nT_ V^-'^'c ?T-e quilt^-Thos Wills>'2Jacob'l?0lmage, Miss" O.^ Parks, '2!'Miss S." Parks, 3 W. Gordon. CrpdBet shawl i . Miss O. Parks; Fancy knittirig-^-MiBs O. Parks, 2 W. Gordon. Kuitteii shawl' 'Mi8s:0. Parks, Darned netting-^ Mrs. 4Iay, 2;2^fiss M. Hay- .Knitted cushion or soia-r-Jliss M. A..'Cross 2 Miss M.; Bobiris^B; JSilk patchwork ' 7*Miss liillie -Hwlt2er,v' 2 jfiss A.j Stewart/ Embroidery JlisaMcClelJ Iand.:,Z^Mrs.. M.' Parks..; J?Utimj-4 Sarah" Parks, 2 Miss Hay; 'Orri^imetat. al needlewZrk-^- Mrs. Gordon^ 2 Miss HcCleHand."--Womed ,: work--MTss' Fothergill,' 2t Miss Cross; Specin^ejn- raided' worsted Miss F. Cunningham Specirneri, raised Beriiri-^BHiis'__ Cleland, % Miss, P: Baker.- Specini plain Miss McCieland^ 2- Miss E.r Cvo.s.- "Specimen raised - Germs woOI^-Miss Pi -BaVer,' 2 Airs. iJ, Be! . Feather fljWers---Miss H--.Hemstree^/ 2M"ri;J. Bell.: Guplne; work Miss' D Parks.'2 Mrs- Hay. IBraidinpiop stuff-rMiss F, Foihergijl:.- Braifljhje' on -muslinI-^M.iBs McGregor,., 12- Mifa" CleBarid- J".Point lade^iliss iCross,j 2; Miss^'Haj',. - iloniton lace,-rriliss tJrjpEs .2 ilisS^ay. Silic embroidery 'Mi^s. ,C- . Fofliergill.;"/ Net'-embroidery-j-- Miss'McOlelahd.' Net iduslin; and cotton Miss A. J. ..Cross. .-Ladies .bonnet^-J;-HoUirirak'e. Yelve't hat J/ Holfii- rake. vLajiies cap MisiFothergflti. Felt bat-f.T. Hollinrake. Fur roHjre Js'-Bas- tedo;"- ,::'] '-M'i:l r:' . ,- fePEdAii plnzES|..-: '," ,fV ;Sam Cdok.'f'Tliompspri Iio^iEe;'" besf^bandJ^O-^Gakvile..; h/;';-7 Dl JlRjGibbon, silk .patdbwork quilt, S2('-- J/rsV ' L Chisholm. Braiding on - musliii^-- ARss- Afc- G,regor;'! y ' " ',' $L BusseH^ see^adbesf; bandj-f 5 -^Victoria Brass Band; i^Gollectidn of flowe.riy|S3 Mvb,:,G.,'G.1'Mq: Kindseyv '-"'. ;: ' * ' ":" j' -'^-. ,-. H:. Wflteon;3-mangold w*urtzet. 't^fecbi'sprofitableVfarming,'] Sl.fiO- -^R.-CarrlyV "'""'" iiPE 1* nrfir',.* srAis.f" U': u. .--. ; : f\:. -. Life is hut a afan-^of horses :'A '.. 'IvQn'o^s "Age/ftM^ "other "Prinie,^ :lfpiknd-dowii*he:hi^lpr course: i*jj, -\".tio in,".;ponies-T-,"nike yoortim - time. :| " Lot^em-lrip, they're, tdugh^as oiks.1' "Hi, .ya^l -there ;"-j the Vt*kes i.jre'll "., pocket,'.- !-.,' ].'..-. .= To thewinds let.cire be sent j '! Time, 2:40 :" I'tiive 'em Istring and let 'em wint.'F Unjthesnuny adf tolixty... <} . . . ' sPritfle " is drciwtrelil in Lethe's Nresm *A^"'ia.left,:plll;?iihtferifty; A '-"' ' , Ijfe then provds ','a one-)iorsaltefW;" ^' '. - 'Age?'; jogs on, krqw& quite nnsteady,J:' . Uleels aud slackensiin hia pace ;; ! - . -"Kicks the bucket "[always ready,! *1 Gives it^up " Deitk-wins tbe racer Eating Fruit. .We iiai-dlyJknW' {low -to aAirit for the popiititr rmprepsion that still'prevails in many rural-diKtrjets, tlip-tthe fiee use'pf frtiitis-unfriiruU ly to health. It lias .inuVjh. toj do with tbe.Kcarcity 'of frui^ jga'rdlens and'archiirds in the ebuntjryi JAs: a matter of fact, cities and-vilHgefl- a'rij niuclr lietterisylpplied with1 milt th i year round tb'aaj^fhe' sun-Qijnd-- in;5vcpuntrj'.. Tlj^rdfare hundreds die/oide8t parts of, 1 ] 'the iand, where:rt!ieV^ are ;no|or- " /|] bards>!apd'tbei6"n:ytViit:is,g?itjiei. j^ ed from a. few;: jsee ilirig.a-'iple t^ees 7- } grown:dd.:tho Tfenie corue'i-s. 7 TboV I wa^ts; of-oiies:ar^ supplied'ndfi'so:' j uiiicfrfrpiirtlie proper 1 farming-jdis- tricts.'ai frorii' few' .^en.-jn t^eir j V^y -arl strtuirbe, growing who: njakfc ^bus'i fruit, for fkrmefs^whux raise "a good variei market supply^' the eii tfisiqri Siiiull fruits,for the families, are still! The': villagraK wi^h-i ,balf-aci-e'Jot^,will baVe bis pat strawberries'^-: Iris .Irfow-'df cur and raspberries, hisgrape yiriesand. ' pear trees, and talk intelligently of"; tbeyaneties of'tljese ^wits;' Hw . table-is well anppHed: witii taese :iuxtU;ies for'at.leistj-half.-.<&: yfa-. . But.there is a lainentable dearth < if good^fruiti upok^thelfailriLiVom jtha. : want of ccWiction that, it 'piys. : It, do^S ipay .in personal comfort! and. health, if in no^rng'^el'.iTbjei medical faculty -willj.bear "^tiiripny; to the gdod;4nfluence. erf ripe^fruft upon the .animal 'economy: $*& regulate tbe'system better ^Jthan. : anythutg else,' and; Jfprestaltr-roknyV of the dispasesttQ-wliich we.art ilia- ~'; ble in tbe. aimnfer.'and,,'faH.j 1,A .' quaint -dlcl .gentietrijan of 'oiU'.'alo. quaintancd ofteri^"remark8J.i thlit' apples'are the only jpiils le paxejsi..-. Ha takes -these- every "day .in jtbe . yeaiy when't&ey T^ri ;befpnn4 in 1 market, and. fills; pj thearijteryalbe- ot.!ier fruitr'rTd has bjarHlyrseen silfk: day'iii'forty 'y^irs; and no ddctorWi-bill,;;; 'Wiei Want EUpre gdod Iruitj.. esj^ecLa'lly- jupon ; o ar;;; farmRj/and theibjab'ii ojetiting fruit! ' at our'nieals,'- " ""' ,J ; - - ----------'-. .- - S.tOTtlins~^Bprjeeiatioii rui .;jy'rv"'.^^^h.y:"V^ 4;i very, .yiritellige'nfc -oluji was!jnet l^y-an.ante-jbelluba friyidj' the' other :'day for j ike first time;' sir^ce the war,r*and J-tUp_ oSr| ^fein'B de4icht/in,':seein{T dne-of'7^"' J: P. Roper^ be3t firkin butter,-) tickler friends in^'old -tirnesf wa^jab- lamp, $5 f I. Gurtujier,J10:lbs fresli butter, cruet,'^S-i-Afrsi-B. Tack. -_J", H. J|lcksony'third, bestt band, ingl ^off wrappings.; afper % walk in a,room- insuffiaieatfy heati' edJfiJ.eeping iri a"damp or cold bedj: Father joined1 in pressing our \ or ^oirig to bed before tho body and iraediateTeturn, arid it-was set- feetlhaye become sufiieiently wariri, are among the mast common meth- tled in ft very short time; that we should retuvn with them ind inake their hpffle purs, for the present, at least. ]'V mat-j-Miss. M;-^[ay. Loaf heme made bread,kop-j-Mrs. D.;.Gillie's;. 2 Mrs.: P. ReadiS T, Bell*' loaf home Mrs. 'P. Reat,2:Mr8. "VNJ. C. Beaty,3 R. Hemstreek, Fijve lbs domestic soap Dempsey...' Stare 1 J. Campbd l, 2 Mrs. T. Kirby. Confectionary'-^ j.^p-ilmage. Bottle raspberry * ine 3 Ira. Jose >h Irwin. 'Black currant s irie -^-Mrs, Campbell. \^tiuiried boney Ten '-pounds ntipl^' suga bottled' pickles C. Swaokhaminer. Rnspberry vinegar ^Thomas BelL Collection keteWxip ^C. Swadkh am- mer.. Maple mfalbsseff-r-Tr. Gordon,. FEBlk ETC... . \ /-: Cullectaon apples, 5. of eadh-fA." Dean, 2 W. go.wden,3, j. PeMnsk. IBald wins J. Cowin. Rox t n ry russdt- Tb(B.: Chisholm.l Spit ten- berg Thps,. 'Chisholm. ' jTortl ern spy- - J! B.; iBfessey, Rhode Is] and gree: lifig- )Bib iton pipp p Anson-'.Dean. !$$>6 pf Topjpkiris county-^-A. peani(; Red Cani .ila-i-R -S.^Hall. $nowJ a jple R ^S.V Hull. 1 Golden pippin- =-A. Deai: Collection jpears,"4 oftcacb' A. -Gump- bell. Louise Bduhe de Jersey- -^J.' Kellyr' Vioar of} Wakefield- i-J; Kel] y.^i, Flemish': lbeanty-^L.: M, tiiy.orV,f'|>eaches 2 jji^^riggleswdvth."' Grapes, white 'J^B i 1, j SwiWr,-^-James ]K dly, Gni >ps, blaok' -"James Kelly, 2 Dr ddsI I of. exposure. All these can eas ily and I should' be . vigilantly gijaided against, . ' ... . . TlJHenderson, wedding^ake,'3 --IfisslAi] E, Sartne'tt. 1;. ;.-].., - ',;<=.. .-. Dr. JtoWrtsori, best'Pencil draw> ingl by the] schools of,the cdiin^y, '% i/ar|dn jWiljmot.t.^ '.:..'.':t i:l-\y:". T. ff. BjiirriB,-pair knittedj sodk"!,^ W^e7(l>/ N&cs.Tye&y, ^l-ijlfjs-'ia/'c Gregor. .- "W '.'.- :fK -v" : -;.Best bredd-sdW (prize by:-W. D. Lyon,) j -- " W.' McCfcaney-'s prize of $10. for 'best Durham brill, John Fotjiergill; best pair d'^es, G,,.S..fSuuj^i; best span carriagii horses, J: TasJEer.- ':" EXTRA VRIZfeS. \ .. j ,' '/V- "~ Ifo^s :paiatipgr^L)orothy iBowes. (Feathfer' work-^-Flora jafcPbee^a Jessift^Reid." Lepia -Mrs.'|-J. SeJ cord. - India ink paint"in]g- 3/rs: J Sacprd.. Bedstead '^l\eit & Cald well, 2 B. Jones. - Marble \york H:'J. Orr..' .iWash 'stand Phillips <fc Bryarit.. Assori;,riienti of fm'ould- ings -Johni jiitchell, : Winter rye. L. Barbaree. Large peasA-W.' C. .Beaty.,i. Quince:--Tio3^ Chis holm. Plumts: John 'Ramsay. Last, rose of summerj-^Afiss Cros?. Gents scitrf>r-Ai iss Mfiller- wine Mrs. Gordon - bounded. ;' After ,a],: hearth; .hand-:' ,1. shakifig arid a. pr.otradtbd laughJije^ ; culiar fo;thd Soutlieml darkey, she; geritlemart"asked : :t |v;:'l/ ' li. t '; " Well, tTncle' JceylTioware y|ouLi ^ttingftiorig-ittthi*;Wo'r-ld,?"'. ]] " i ! :. Been! -1 Ir^.riieun^tii^i'igbt - am'aift- lat&yj -; .and j things:i^n>t,;jgpi ie_: Ixactly- riihC 1 no bow," replied the darkev. |r' : .-"j -T?.- : . v .':-.: '-* .' ,UA. great'TrrianyKVehangps: hive .';'. taken place siiice ^ iast"Ww J^ou] ;"- TJndle Joe;" Death] hjj: takenypui* f ^>ld . maater ^way^']thei-lfaiin;.Uy jarft :1 scattered about.^.jfb^r.^riarterB of Vi -t'le.'globe, ther f4rmj i.4 ]diyi^^fcfp;- and ritriangers. occrupy the oI^lTonsei [. jLt makes' -one; fed/ right, iad;- TEJriifelei i Joe, to think bflftbe. ch]anges !%ab have been:wrwight]-byjold Father].,i Tiirie.?'::,./.,.::"-,:. |.V'V'1-V V V , ^Yaas,^: replied tJricleV.JoeJ- ' -Yqu 'jnember jwhfen Lwajsasliye " I worked "hard lat j.odd- .times,: iid inade money 'nriff-|to_ tW; ihyieif. Ii paid* die" mass*J$lit)i0<fe#6r trijr- fVeedori.": ;'vf-r T ' _ ;i>"Y^T'wi4^V.jrr^4r:4.:?;I *^ ' membW;"it."r' '/.. Freiriian. Varietey grapes^ -ILM.: Switzer " "~ ' Hei ustreot. IJat ghton. ""VVater ineldu- Citrons--SI- F. A, lady: bdrre'spojbrtent, ,-(J..- who V . Wish I had datJ money ]nqw,V mused, the old darkey, j . ", Well'yes]\repiivid ililr; " it -would be 1 Quite a? fortune- 11 - . - 1" -: - yu-;.;- :: ^.- .. '.-- .'- '< VI^ts--o' fortttnej'Sar," isaid old' ^iianV,rriournfuUy y I' Bumed.to know, how bf>ys ought > o [ timel think aboutjit.Ijkib.der be v trained,' writes 1 as "follows: pbt de barg:iin. '.jSTiggjer' wari "w'u: F: a' toothers I hunt dbt the sf^ ;fendeiy tbot^mclViollariijtbien,^: but now hr R.j Mo- genial sidd of your boy's'natue '?' Mot hers oftendh^ with, an dldshoe. vStove lustre wtien. 'mixed/with turpentipejknd'iippUrdiin tie usual m'aiweivits flacker,-more glossy apd !briduring t^anVwhen*_m.ixe-I %^th tny otheri-liqpid.: -Applied to'kn ^ld nis like; new ain't wijffia c.u^sl m "dis" yoyld, nieaiii,: for the ^\: e*ery riie f*'*." fcyj-chaji|e j..;-,".r. Gerillernenand l.:idies,*J: s.^id jhe isbowtrisn, i'here yon tSva the insg- niticent pairiting of,I>ieI. itt td 15t>ri't . ,.-_.ir..., .,.... . , dsn IXinielcan bee-iiilyduPiiCTisb ty. stevei it wiU rnajte it loot: e'd froirf the lrin by the g^ef^nc^atdr :W.i.-^:v; :"-:i-- >' -- ^f.Aui^retW/undePi^iarb.'VV^ C :v- -t'j '"JA / :-

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