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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 15, 1875, p. 4

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W.0mw^w^: m fr'T'e desire most ;,u -Mtr* >* i ; "Pi 1 and espftejftft iingTson, if eei ana eisewhere> ior -one "very noerai nos uo say exsraorcuiaarypa^ror.ago z&qy nave iasf drawing to a jSoW.,;'^PftWi*K^^lding>-tH^financial-depression which prevaif ed<duriiig.tlie illy toext mi- C O R O end bur warmest ^thanks to. our Mends anci p ; for the yery liberal not to'sa^r extraordi?^ary patror. )Z> tronO loca; apro thor have Our istock of T^^ city establistmrint $hows an^ ilntf ^pla^ seijv^s; Jams, 4e31ies^)iined ^ru^s^eg^tsbbl^ largest choicest, bjefst rValu&, and lowest la price to be found tej^^iSi-no. S% &e caiiatry anywhere^ towns and cities not e^*1^^ : f^v^Py?1*1 f> (: Wle.N mvQ client-all sc riM. P rts: # lis S'Mv; g& 1 Sta in; the comities of Halton, W$fc accqrji us pasti^fitner we a^h^pp^tpfia^l quwejhavejiada rnost:prosperous years business, and the results are most^gtiatifyjinJto us.):; .^M\f^ cc^-.v";'^t'":'. :' " ":>-:-"flv^tr" ^e;would alsbctasire to extend biir rle^rty Congratulations to our fe this year/ai^ of crops, and the good prospects T3|fpre thenl I ^-^'^VvKK; -; In yiew of the m^^niflcexit crops every where harvested this year, and our anticipation of a very* ia^ge^ciibulatibn of t&amy, r and a porise^uentM CUR BRE^^ k%i>art of the county with 5ne of -the -targest, Handsomest,. Choicest and Mos|~ Comprehensive Stobks of Goods in the sev^r^I lines in which we deal bvbi brought dnto this county. It has been our especial lainl to place in the hands G^our^at^G^a^bejcte^ article at-the price than thl^-could secure elsewhere, and. that we have accom^lisjiedit, a glajnce at !a few of our prices ^uisfcl ^riytncefthe most ske.ptical. ; ' "' about tivcniv-sfeveii diift?rcnt If inds ot Tea parately; but jwe [will give a few of our ;puv ZOC-iDe^ i& WHrtb about 40 jcehts; pur oQq Mqteor Tjoa, is well kiimvn and ac.kti'>wlc(l^etl to Ne the sanio iea(.as is spkl everyAvhere foj-75c aiuliSUc, per po^iul; our 9jQc Tea is i'.ko vetbestie-a imported 1 i stock. 'Space wilt not permit u* quoliii<|?ish,;P^CkleS, aUCOS, OQnfeC prices. <:C)a)|iiisinir ^ouiig and Old Hyfebus, wz '-- \i rWm ' '*' '-rsl :--l "' ;-"-;'| _':<i.M J": - IN-j i Velimi 1 i^^~ ".i ~Ml^>;L m "-hw J. VI -C L . * - L II it eg- !.3 -?> -..: lid a f^^uep iemarklof ^pyLrfro^L tlie..oitiss Visiting'-btta?--Hbiisoi, 'that &M ~%&pj& a^e^alsUsiimeal: a3Is Reseated to tHi eye; en entering out st'^aj Our stock bf Hardware .-.-? ^uch si 7 as ISTails^ lioeks, B^ges, Am bits, Stock ia a;cou3al3?F-plate. oaiiiigr, Ropes, Chains, Saws* "1iGrtin^ Ou^lerjf, j Spoons, Jlorks, Cruets;; I^bn Cistern and Well Ifij(mps;! Bells, iS^ades, S|ibveis; For^is, etc Our stock in this ' Mr A. 1/: pur fetock of Naples is no where (Bixcelled, a^ in rt J^^|| iutojtlusietvjuiirv, ancl is sold eVe1ryhere l^r-n dcillar aijid a do la and leu cents i'l^soui^ places, and jfotmd eVOrythi:2g USUally ke^-in an|r fJrst-Cl^SS^ei^ therf is^ijo better lar^ele tbau this ai any price procurable. All pm-"other .T-vns will he found io Jof- the kind. Parties faVOrinSf US With>trieir lDatrOriaffe C^brdjSrS correspond with the :ibm:pr j -= . Jr .._,,=>. _^. JT.,- csviur by ^the toi^d afebl put Up ^4 neat tin caddies; Jt% IS m ! AC. tMeSI -T ney- in Oatpdn," Pan fort PatgaigrV Medm? 1 is fmaybe certair oi? getting t]ie very best article^ and fat tn0 ^lowest; price pi oo'irable anywheres %M they aaf; astows^d to fia& ^ jL^fepi^ f -j So cr as -.# e .LV-- is now also compile, and injit will be faiiaid. fell Mebs of ali: kinds of ouse jine is v^ry cbmplete dry and teround; I Oils, Varnishes, Glass, In tliis Departmentr"^^ of hg.nd-i'ir A WKW^^&- Laiinps of ^sbnie ajnd usefxiLg^ Kitchen, 'it: *}- M thfe line We have Wia" WE HfiV -**'. irfp r- j" N.^B?.^ One tp h vrbut xwill jbe Jb^y aiibther Week, i^^j have now in stock Jten *^- ^^Nf Interns! bf:^ltfiiajTJia'8l}.-f^ts= and ten ditto of G-J ass Ff:ilft'--ffriTable,-sets, besides aa innumerable catalogne/ of all good.s Ij\lf|'^ i^lonffi^ to the liiio, comprising ^ite 0i?aniteL an'd (loured Sets, eiips'aud Saucers, Toilet Sets, cf V /- v A_ .;0-- A f :^i . "I. >Qmce: ovei ' .-.' '=-. - _ Wtsiarsii *' ' *'"" Soot. CL-Sl S ^ -ihfe most pistols, Beyolyers, Powder i^3b; || as: well as a larhi).! l^E^ny of tbtfaithiully describe - A and ebntains all kinds bfuPiint^^ndiCbl<>i^i| Pu^sr, Japans, Brushes^ltb^^a^ ^11 kinids, inchidlrilg^ Sail, , Stitdbnt, Bracked Stablb can Hand Lamps, also j \ th pse begAitifur nbW design^ Ih P1|lBIuOR $% VASE XAMPS, wlifch used as aliatwlsbme the aboyb gbo|d are tbo m ^n advertisement, -i4 r'~f-- ' - - >.:, X \. .1 - K vase ......$' : <v ;;/v ai- v, .. ;-> prairt] fi-S :'^130SSI ,? 1 Jjestiliquol *>iui iattent '.' -'Cptinlj',': /-i. j .V"bcMsv 01 ocks^ Gold an^d Elings, mo. These^ gdbdf ^01be:B6lci|t<& 3 :) jTen Dollars bdto^ Je^elera' pyipeis. Harties requiring anything in tlW :: 'X:'^~:'m^^^'}^ M WE;HAVE H^RDWARgj f^AJNTS, OILS, G^SJI&0? ENOUGH iLU our ^ppceri^s are kept iii ka^dsQiije .:- i. --T m*i*. r~-M^ Tin Cannisters,_and are cdns&a&entJ y ftfe^h; pure, a.nd free from verm ijne;a ad other ^s Agreeable in^puritiesl; ^i n A WRCi? STOCK ; OF GROCERIES,! TEAS, ETC ..THIN m&& ;.^r!\.Acfe b Pi a biiiy wpmjww& Mwm m City Oxook^ S^i?i- ^' - ! .^ ^i'r I i- #:- : ^ 1 ^1 ^:V'4S*p5s"iJ mmm

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