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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 15, 1875, p. 3

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*H^;^^GTOk-|^fiEB ' .yi /if. * *- fully equipcd for Ijie Fall iatid Winter cami>aigii,^i ^fiiile (hanking their nnineiroiis ciiiftoint is for i heir icry liberal yatironage during the past spason, beg lb intihiate tliqfflliiejy are again r *[ " ^ v ";"" ij -/ " i ' r ot the largest^ jcheripest, and most tlioice|siocks of GENERAL DRY JGCOD} jytlLlJI^ Hrer imported into this county by lany one liouso, nnl at prices belpw anything ever known! pn the history of the Dry Go^is trtide. Tlieirfc/bjectfo'eVeiw^ iifeit^Jlie fullest itispec^ijx>fthe> goo Js and prices; Their stock of BOOTS AND SHOEJS in.Men's Women s [and O^iidreii's wear.ffoF quant tyv #uaHJtyj and pricey ^combined, ^ex&^t^faiifig ever; otferedfbefore in this or adjbinink* iconnties. This ac viiiifasre over other7 dealers is,: obtainedSby their ptr1-1 -' - .i-'v |;sh asd. Cansstiajf 1:^* >! aiitage over other dealers is, obtained^y their purchasing direct ^^ro'^-tli^^^'ahuli^turcra,- ir stead o^buyinig through jobbers as; most hoHses dbj^Here-^ ^saving the wholesale iieithfrs profit, |A liberal disleount to; families buying ni one lot five! or more pairs. Thcjir ORDEKED' CLOTHlltfG DEIAR^MENT still riiaih4*in8 iisire^^^ ttess^, durabilityfand cheapnesk. .; in fact td'get a neat aiid stylish s\}\i at it reasonable; price;it is necessary to;chll at the &)asgo# Hou^r j Full lihefis-.jdf $ROGERIE$^E&, &$,, ativay&loti nakl/VTE^ ?at|50c [)erj>ouhdf Avorth SOfcUr-deeidedlytthe best va||ie ever offered. ! "' ' ' ^ ii rv ^BAM*! TKt>li TIJtK T.tBLKiY Trains lcisve-Acton aii follows : - 1 ; _ cuiV west. ;, f Morning Mail ,' 0:10 .mi 'Bjcpttw : '.-->;v ".'3:S0p.ml ' - ' - -:20p,m. bf just <t<> bami: - |W;~': -^ < ; . Er*HAHT betora' &JQp9:Kig|[t, Express ^cit ".Express . T;orxi> k-C^t, JPay1 Express . Mil . .. Mixed > 7:15 p.ni; '12:40 s.uu ;, S-4tt.a.m. - 8:35 a.m. - iU3o A.ttu V --5:20 p. nr. -. ; S:40"p.m/ '-->' SyTE , I tho largo advertisement;,i icoiipvi|ig th'o whol of'the foMrih pagb jof tho KrKi PBKSjia onlyj o bo/iii this w*vk . M'e shall 1 avo our full qii^n ;ity of roatling i iattev in' liext i*sno,v and triist 6nr [Subscribers wilt forgive us for fcr) ing to hiakq' a-hjwrcxtnj Jlollars; be .-nsmnally out of; iour adTeiiising jratfohs. Re-.' .tttpx rosTmir. i n4mbei1' ib i^'uP;lHn vork Pbl^h- ifiais coin^ West Are closed at S:4o ii.m. I >ng \ country p:)pcr ' it" a ^clQllivri a Ooing lC3t it 5 p. m. '.-.. , yir, and thiit jt is.ouly by. tho lib- Mn. i ,i >*-^ Registered Lettfers must lw in five.. i- sainntcs before the above honrsl ' i : Kfitchbull:niait; TueiUvS.aiulFriil.iys. - _ _'*'_" 'tOC.iL .XEVTS.-^n'e iJxtU If gUiili at "- n!l timet, :to recciir titinx of l<>nil Uric*, t, Iwcii <w jpeeial. ^At.Tc-A #i:riw, inert- :- -'iajfi y tfmfKrxtiice or ethfr bx-i-'Jrx, .._' '(liitdenUr o^ dnypnciden! irric.hxnay.be '" i Wl'fc-i.'a^v Jede.niSy!- S'lti-r </ t!ih j .-. kbi! tiay-'fe sshT~tn:irl:ert ]" Printer's- j. ^Cai>.v,!;, o-',7A? ruiev" ote <i;.i.'. .7*r (!^, i":.i(nf-irt ' ijpafliioft"!>ii ' w 'itCffA' I, IA .rw fo!:rfr eratpjatronage of adveitising friends' that a paper can exist atlliat price. He trust Mijss'rg Sbcortl Bros..wiU cap he ricB r.awiiril (iiio to tiioir >risingjspirii. ?ntcr i H m*i mrnm. -at. iirf desire* to : *>rrofr. SidJa Th* Mensiritfle, Ii IthtJ. namq of a-ijrWj compapy vhicli shortly :comme ices'business ; riyH'Aterioo village. Tho! Lieut-Goveinor; aicoaipan- . I bv "the Hon. O. (J. Hood, Coin icuer of Agrieulti re, and other; g<^tlemen vikited, the $pdel Farm at | G icfph ^ bn Thh sdny'.*"' Tho Town Council'gave tljeui a,public ment.v .; i.4. tea imeeting \y.ill 4>e held >at reqeptiou. c " Broo^ril^; N;Sii^a*o}-a,-en-.tho-27thJ.,l T, I a" ^ , B;ipt^t: _' Tfeaiperan L. janjer th,e auspice*of the Sons of 3 Gljej is ta: be ' foriLultv opened nperanoc, co tne opcasjoa-W oj-^aing D^it abbatli ' ;iheiriiew- h^H. . vMfi Osbori. of the sutance C'o: Millliicrj, fllfnntle?! ) l>rcss.;ntl j Fancy t!opds,\ ' ' v -f J.ewchjy,;: Toys, Sec, &Vi I .:. ' ! Wo I't'ji'lt'io-ioi. tT T|iV Rmjiprliim. Tlic ilio'volilies J'o'.i will fiml!complete C. T. HILL --Church, in Ki^ Gloves. I ."",' ..' . ' iglvtogcreo.it to ,i]ost.M .-iiexamter tor ;(jg!>0 .^f acoaite ;rnist. ': '-i^t pnza in lumber, tragons. It shcaifl ; ^-ine.' I Ic-appearslthii .'isve deea'lss t..' Jaries KySer/of ^MpH;! ,jnivelj f0r .sol^o- tim ; kaii.-iid to-Test Alexander.' (.({octorjrecbnifuended .". .'-.V -.t"the.'Cbupty SIiow, in -Mil-.rto jstreingtheri him ' ' j on Friday evenin^ Jtoolc lialF aiwineslaipfjill of' tho Tea, tl3 Srst priio foracMIectioii.of phe- i on i iiSlne3; were' Voth' :avir.lcd; to * vriri'Ma^he sjiipppsea G'nelph Sbvt: ib.iieae ftnisn- l;-b): taking n istikftis it for lie 'has V>ecn ast.'.aml the litt.bi.Tvine' ii, rl: Osbori). i ?e]ing, weak, grap. Hill .-.sIV ofvAot.i . The 4CTI.e:itr3 's h* swaHowjod it he W & the swfettu^ there ,W Kad t P: CoaLon, 6f-Mifcoa. Jth- - W~- He ftt onc0 ^u^ f'^'a doc?' >ie4i4 pfefcs-were girtn U> tai latter:.' tor4 and in tiiX-tRieanl X ; tnc wht,H- very, prominent featu jo; in he Sj-etal palace 'it tlM Comity SMov,-. 't cr.,^?,,j .this; Week, waVTIfjjiarnn-.inie .iiApIay of |'.j'n (.jjy eni^tic'Which' fi-Mlcil t) |>v'ork, arid the'j doctor crihi id; and. it wtss tmt as soon. knew from, jpomethin" 5al Aci ]LtlNERY A SRECIAUTY: and ejcnmlin our stock Iiefore p*r- chnsing clsewlidrt1. ,;.-:. i D. McNAIB, 3h,-Jii:y:lst, lS7i me. took : an it he i, CMt.j, ;; '.{ .,, |dpor|^tic3 in -' (- I. 5l-).--. < I-i vP mpTTiiTig: beiir'o *|are, ^><fsnes oj-irTJt-tss-iv-.-.re, ni.tTle 1 ,10iincid t,ut' dfdai^rer. by: iie:sr8. Secor-1 Bn.s.'/of-Actoiu | f0!-!a t!l,ne hni IiUlo 1 Hum fieri' deserviis -crefiit :" -r thc'eiicr^j-1 On -?niidaV-tghfc'ho v rtt -- - - .hife o'closk ha .-jvas pro- iTh'erc was o^es.of-him. as repp'rted and eiter|)rLMi with y.hicR.tu;v eonduct^;l nfoA l\i**l' b^ttcr.-but VefV'-.weak, their linsiaesi. ;Tii3t. it'-piys, is tally Svideqit frt>ai the-'ext'jaai'issf-trado wliici their gronuneaeelhas Eeeareil: ' . Fatal ilrrldenr. Last I Frida)-. evening, -.shortly befoie itaari J-ii-ket? . Scrope,* ; ad-t-aatasB- r: ) \- - of ibis Oomtolml Ili^me inansiry w. .Hugh 'Black,; a Fmbps masoa-, , ^m,l coinmitted suicide at iQuelph on C ir I f^ Mill Street; ACTON |, . ; . - ; ;'i>rc,vLfen In General Groceries, Boots and Shoos, . Wall Paper, y Windoi-Iliads Crockery. ;: G-lass-ware, U Nails, ' ' .r fiinseedCil, ,^a so^ioi ."Paints,' . T^rpentiije, M acnineOil, Coal Oilr: Salt, etc. i rn P- BB|ITI * HBNDEESp 3D3Sf:ei:b ji r f i ^ HnB plert3u're in lotting Uicgbpd people of Acton and tho.OpiftttieB df.Haltori and Wellington Jtbon; tfiat he has julfc ^'et^rajed item the # ANI3 i^ - {' j j . i Where no has made largo purchases of ." "' ti--' Vlifcphvpill bp along during ftals month, further-nqfcice of v/Jbich wi'.l be HTar," ;.-l from olt ^ud that Wonderfu plan's standing niotto "8 mall Profits and Quicl^ales^'wiU be the ^a|diw^ I Jf An early inspection - 1 ' ' * AugtiBkTt 1875. friends and customers is respectfully^-solicited. '._ ^: ; Alma3Iock^ Wppe^ Wyndhti^ Boots anid plieei :;:':.:' '" j:- - !'... ! i. large Stock of Boots and Shoes, of beqn received-at , riz o'cljock, Matliiajs: Zimmerman, eldcyti 'son of ifr. Stafford Zinsmenhan, of th *i .vill^e}; feUfrin a loadjof shingles, neajf'lgoijef 8t tliof time1 of crtjss SUriday faigbt^-by hangiiig-'luinielf. in ii .tety deliberate. rnj had for a long time jire deatb~;Oeen addicted fo i'liqucr. "He appears fo ulner." He ipus to his thojtfso"' ot 'have been liis' death.: J^ fee taflBy crossing, anjd was killed byj jjjej verdict -|<f .the cb p'be^'a jury, ' 'fee-wiJeels of:^he w3go4 ^b'in'gvover: his ]Katies^hat he' died \?h H :f-K"""~' .:_ body: \ The yonng inaiiiid beW doing 3an^er,a fit of temporary u,Ji V^:& i4r-rirai, !:-?'J tpfa Bags, .y! ^ iibirtingj - *:.: > sjVVjjite Stnrto.' ' * - :' t fj.. .-.' (i^eirtOIanataertor** Jargalna Some work dliiiiig thS day for Mr. Pater, - Armstrong, aad late ifl the afternoon he ! wm sked to take ihe teanr and bHhg ft I joadc^ ahingles from the mill for Mr.' Armstrong's ne'er bam. -AVh^J arrivitrg it the1 riuVay crqssitig, there :W:S a kcomctive taking water at the tan^j an I iartead^;w<iting till the train had pawed,, he drove tie "team across the ;tr*ck, and jasi at that moment it ap- -pesrf-^eengywt.ftottBiied1 the whistle, -r at which the. horeeabeeame fnghtened( ind jnmping' suddenly, Ithreiv off the driveTi with eeveral bunches of shingle3. " The-jrHeela of ithe wagon ran over his body.'j He waa. sesa. to/rise up on his feet, clasp hia; hands'-to his brevet and alnioatialmedately fall down (^gait4nn' ~-coascu.ua. T^ci of the train mtsnjpicked n hhn nj nd.capa^d,1iim into Mr-. Arm- Btroag'j 'houBeyt^rhere he expired ip - bOTt"<inelido*.:?iHe waa aborts 23 yeais t age and. lugtly-esteenied by a large - number a?' fraenda - and aeqnaintances . r Being * njeaibir ,of the Acton. Division Iq fabouirig insanity. HAK^STIKG IN ' THE ^TORTII. . Hujidreds of acre3 of val iable crops, cthStsting chiefly of oa'H,! are still ,o T>e .hji'ryes'ted , iii V 'ppr ,-Gara- fraxnj."'ATthur- and Lu her.']; The season in these localitie ; has'; b'een exceedingly wet, and rn idh of the graiki tbat lis bbtJsed *i!| m a bad and could;they condition, vrops are would yield abundantly be 6jscurely -harvested. " m n g ii E, Wat'hhmakcr,'. GucJph, Has'a goal Kto-jt of "RilSSEtL" AND "AMERICAN" ! '.' -Always on liand.* Trdatl'enUs to repairing ot fine watchcB ""' .ii-lf, -': -.' him Si bio^ly ca ry.vratr anu irem Guelpn wlien rcfiucsttd. U:IpIi,.Sept. 27.1ST:. Ilai-klns, ;or Uie-yr-KE ;Pi!K5.s,'.wiJl wa an i Jewelery ~t<> 'AI.SQ PARIS OREEH- & HE the very laeatjmanufacture, has jtist DdJVTlNiOrW j mk & Street, OselpW , .-f Takes this- WJinbrtnnity of fnforming 'th4_. inhabitant i - (;- ppprj jroundinscoanCry^thatowing to.the8at|s|abtary^urp eolicjtation of .LEBORf Kcr llie.'PpHtnicllon of CaUrplHprsuiid oil. Tffoto Bue? er Insects. The subscriber bppstojuturiihlsllianks to the Iiitinljita'nnso! AClotiiliiUsiirrounil- lag couiur}- for ilieliberalj. patronage herelofore extended to lilin, ind at the sunietimo sojlcit their further sapport :<!= M Ei\\. WOMEN>;A]^D qHIBpRpN, Will be found to select from, at prices as low as can.bs had anywhere. j j ' -) Special attention isi calle'd to'bu'r ;.:;... * I ;f " fJUSTOM WOii"K, which at all times receives ouij (iareful p arsonal supiervision. - Perfee t satis- fabti)n-.gaaranteed. | -J" y ' v | Repairing neatly apd promptly attended to, _ . j -I CRAINE & SON taken, andat the eolicjtation of a number of his best been induced td r J ' ' I- '-." v'--> -i'f55.. Still ^oiitiiiue SttMnls^ M.v of >Ac^4 a*?I sur* fi hjch -Ihnsiiaaa niw: ' customersy h hi* . i past toidb'l in kqfcim "--jl.ui;v,;'-:.-.;:v --+' lb ^psmeas otfthq : gm . TIME. WP. We desire to call the afct< ntion of our cast* rners who Have iiot ye fa wire.I as the amountjof their1 aV cauiita, that' _ fell due- onUhedst of tills .month. On this-date every account itiliur bonks of 3ong 'or'stiort date, i 3 due. -> Th's ; the tune wllen onr ojra'bills^fidl w, we reqtiitre the jnopcy aUtl besiiles this, I we inst sriuire off 6u bcloks every 1st ojf October entarely. B it in order to aceoiifiodate add ineet the iahqs'of our custtntera and friebda wh > atejstUl m arrears,' o far as.iwe posiilly can, we have! decided tb expend the tiide till th Sow o-Te%pe^nce, his remaiis'were %faL'gr07toteA-vthen- all|accounts jth the Society's femaLihf mmaid after tl niterrejl on .Soj day -Wfth _ honoTB-r-a very large , number of tHi brethren;joiihiji in tie funeral prc~ cession] - AScitt is now in receipt 6f'a spleridid stock of fall and winter will . I accounl remaining uiipaift atter that date, wi cerSnly have 'to- lielhandei. dvbrf** col-. Iecti4ri, anu'; we, wm be oaligedif qur friends;w>ll try and iiotjmpos^ this very unpleasant necessity Upon t s, : We have aiso ibout five hundjpd' en all [ accounts on our bo^ks, ranging'froi * one to te,n dollaSi amounting irt the aggregate" to " rid * ' " " ' t- 'alid hS custoincrs. An early,;caJl so 'Kcited;5 - ^f^^anti^V" ifJO'Q- dozen , gowif freih eggs. Ahw aany quantity of good fresh'bntteK -lighest price; Sec<ibd * Baos; tJiey-Jare a very Wrgfc. itetn, antt their payment would be a: vklualtle" assistance to- ui Wfi wonld | be oliliged. if our 'frienda owing apy of tbtise- sthall accounts will attend th them by, the) above date. SedoBD BjioS.' '-. lines have tiecu e- ..>-:.: -slitjnend prtee. .* - -,- les ft)r-cntiia-,S>2 33^ Tat e-;perlerie-a. - ' Ifcrj tjmanc*" '.-\ ^; ; 'veffi rtl^ow^is ^b Poetagei as excellent tinie to '\^ "Subscribe for tLe Aetop Frcg Press, IfT^ oily One c oliar a year free of L is uwod V> pdft.: Al neJBbait, -. ?fi^e^e <m* n*i;.-i ja* trade, _^ :asd> & me srJi -. - . |We8Ve.,Bhpwirig'this'.week-ten. ; '.; different patterns of ichina tea seta; ten "-/-i.ffiflfcrtat patt*rph />f glass- .-tea sets. '- - j Also sf^n, stock df fc kmds ^f beantifal '; ggfaiagiasi prekert'e.dishes,'pitchers, etc. -Citwketjr ware-ofkll kinds jost received ind witt be' sold iheap. SeixJed BboS. *.. ~'\i c?.r $jT Qur fri !nds~ nbouM begin i&ffcifiim&ty yp erubs forv-.-jtha- **&>7rik\ lPHvi:'\ Any 'tin$saW- . JfieTfis ?; cWbl 61 VeigTit subscribers^ wKh eij;bt dolla'% ^ill foq enJ^tletf ,W tfotr rer copy free-,' "S-*. ; CREEOH, .AOTQiisrv Wholesale Maniiracturer of OOIiJLAErS, ~ 0EAT.EU IN : v. - - ' - ,.' Sables, Harness, ' Trenks, "*-. ] Valisss, Travelling: Bag4 .pr'se Clothing, GomTjs ; ' AndiS^wshes | ' :j He will"en.deaTbr in the futureias in STRlbtJLY CASff AND ON *!> jt" 'i lfeKeving tnat to haye.ono prioe.^or goods lb,the qnjyt'sijr aiwljhoij^at ws^ ojf doing business, besides buying for casnf and sellioj; for caah, ne-'wili.'$ -" - >* e^bled-to' /.?. yf j<iaie%fr^ :Than if he jdid buiineBS 'on the. long wini led credit ,;;Alt partidj visitipg; Acton, are rjespectftitly. invited bb call the goods and ^prices before purchasing elsewhere. .' v-| |!; , - *: -' " . - .: . \': ' ! - .. ;A!cton:, Augnst 23, 1875. wwtemeat.........1-, ;;g2*--ioo "Ercadwall'.';._______ " totoUOO H^wneit...... {'-SgiSi-S ofe^:::;:;;:::i:: SpSIS. Potatoes, per bush,?...V.V ' < 40^to 0: 00- Dried! Apples, per ib., .b F Of to Q QO Vjnioni; per busheli .... o I'ofpapo Potk-J.......,./.,.,..'; ^i2ifooo Hay, ppr.ton... ..V,... ...C If OQ Wlo 00 Chicken?,; per ,1b . .V. I. Ducki/ : , " .-. ,. i <SUEl.PH> MA,itKE TS; AllA strictfc givesa A CTON-: WAGON AND CAflRIACE :, ; " FACTORY. '."" JAMES RYif>tl?, Pro|prictor, "Wason3, I Oarriagos, I'.". Sleighs, h " Cuttsrs, 850. i Kept In stciqlc nnil made toOVili r on tbe I . - . Sliortes.t Woiice ' Rtrtet attention paid der* given into dip hands w'llL.be Sorse^EllOOiaE' & GOUCral <lndid -to, ncd.WaiTanted (to I * . .- att^_____ Isradiion. as we employ none 0*t the bqtjt workmen and materip.1.: % r COtl .AK9 warrantetl to glvci sn-ilsfnc'; tion.iii thejlareolourown n;|H5iJraeture; REPAfiSINQ | i ' ,' to Jotbin? O0fit|)00 0 071 Pall Mfbcat, 8Se-to. #1,05; trea<lwell, &c'td -ifflb;-'!prw heat, (Ghufeow), f'Se'-'.to'fl;-'apni% wheat [red .chaff), 8c tip tf2c ; 'oats, 38cLto 4flc; peaa, Pnwi,r '68c to 70c'( barley, 5p\J bof81c; eggs* per eniJUur (lozen> r^. to 15c; butte.r.i'dsiry packed-; ; i" ": j'20c to 2pc; potatoes, per hag 50c to fiOcj Of all] ilnds done with neatness.ond on ; tHe shortest no ire, AH Whoreiiflreeooas In our too wilt do Jifeli fogifeu's a call before puichas- lng els iwherie. . ] Rei lemtprtlio Stand B. CREECH .Aclon. onus: Is prep iref bu*inB < em.p QO iiifrtrard nas.wu esiab Is lied w. "THE VILLAGE OF ACTfON eji.t< grant' a bonus to parlies psiaol'siiins t ny klnd.or.manufacturlns tV&iitl emn oiltwr tenaHliledJia-ateana and satisfaction (fuarnntepd. Acton, July 1st, ists. Who are sellin * off the balance |>f their inimense stock at offer: ty only 'MINISTERS, ;S.-S.J3uperiiiteodeiufs and S. P; ^Te^chers. Upwards of kinds df entirely ne Cards and Tickets; In briler fo makie room fbi fhe'ir Fal^Goods bqn't fail tJo secure pnie of ng in en, Women and |fir8t- plus Particular. ttenlion paid to the lirfhea'-d. o|f bargains that -they ar'now Children's Bdi 8 workhien.' we-can turn.out Custom Wo'rk and Repairing. As we ejnploy; second to nonejin, the Dominion. Ackbn, Au'iut-24, 1875.' ts art id sh oes. wdrik; that for sty lei" arid UurabilU bk9s. 3T0EE, ^:j.GrpC^lj^;S^tsi'V; it ; -'; ];:|v""- Refrigerators; ; Ruibber I)obr ,fe ii-. Hod. AiSpvcnl ( atiil where said business does Mt lrlth any busincFS already Ihln Iho porporotltn. Ac^ l' . . .,_ ------ fnclUH'S,: ini noiKesseii C'mid railway fnclUH'S,;- SW?SF tffS '^"d TronK, Railway,! eautLfi 1 and .ram m -bejobtu; I Ac ten BeautuM- 1....Uiiealiby locatlK Is frf-o from Wnlelpil debt., and property tan ^- i-.. VilJago O.'orK. I8"5.' : uedor ^iiyi; CHEAP E|CCkTCI E - On East sido Wyndjiam.'Street, . -' ': ; j ': ' ' i. Stjeaiti Garriage|W3g# MIGH MfAljN Beist JfMoxse- : - : ^rfect sntisfaotio1 crrcJiJT Wir^ K=, mm mM .' A^Hp'R;McBkL^Hatd Alba Block, Gudpiv.Aug,'"13, 1875. ; .k|iifM:i w ^ ..& ^*r I vairevif^chant.. '-^ ?;' ::iv >; : ^-^irV ?;- ' T.':' -"'I j- sfRteeT- ;"-!. I 8R>PIH1 General Blacksmi^hkCbrrfag e a|hd Wagdn Maker'* 5rs; iii.;l'itlife;JfP'<^itiL|ty lahteed cr po. price charged. REPAIRING nromiitlf |antt properly attended to. Actop^Juiy 1,1875: at ;W Is' underselling lilCine bth.er' mferph intsjc &_ BUYS FOR CASH AND ly> a|rid h s^ri^sident i|t theh'Britis'b; markets tw 6 fcktclakji.b^yer4fa: ih,; Glasgo.y and;the qlEiier-fai J^nabii^fi.hitlatd-y-bpth".=<%ilj;\tp>.t&9:.fpo* r8piDj j all ^yafita^eafbr the .pawbhs'.if*dve' I'M ^. 'Wra '!-*:'-II: - ( .is m a i^tti : Ii-V r

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