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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 15, 1875, p. 1

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s ;bs;S ir} I art Co. >i. MORE B, R. MOjlEOW. Fhvsici-in. Sur ot Bcllcvno College,, Graduate ot Victoria; Coc->ultatrou dnjs ritlaje, irom 9 a. in, till ii.o--Wi.st llowcr street, in Nt sr \ ark. ~ Meg?,. 0*n-ub , av* aaJ I 4-h.ic " Ri--..l Alton. AMES M VrTHKWS. Conveyancer, Issuer ot-M.irnige Lscen*e% Post- Master, Iniiirai ice A<ent, Agent Moaev 77 * - '------'Montreal TeL Co. " ' to Loan, Agvnt Foarti Pn A<-tot>. Out.' Court, Com, mQ B.. !tc, Hfi\M alao A^Mjt Canada Life Assiu- M0Btl3l^<2S, .&< anceCo IV-oj v ------- _j^r4 huatlj", gvftnpth rsn*ble ten! -s ftlo Mortgage s<*.8|nty. Hflaae, "Acton. \$0X.Oonve\ aneor. rTM. L-A.lt ne\-at Mi ic Olhces. Jfiljon'.JVlam ' w STEM, DOLLAR, of aiatvig that the Lsfectcry will continue to in. the Trad* the OR CASH, r am' hdlj i-li ~nd dis bud will Produce. , Insurance Aspt THEWS. REASDIj i ION JLssnpbell, and a* the "Milton week. w 's_i pace a' CNiMntv Hi! toj. M? RS. S. OL1VF.R. %st. tdp m>t rvasu o-i Til- i E, N Fiv>ar iat, -2ij!eiaJe sit 4 a>"y a\;i>a-fc B^ :G 1 t>1 f H(.; RANTED. , iooo oorjbs of Good Hemlock Bark . ClerL I Por which I will pay ?IVt DoLLAKS per Co: <lj j AT: THE AOTGS TANNERY If delivered to summer. -G. I* BEARD11 ORE, l*roprleior. Z A. It \LU Agent. Acton, Julyi, is"5. Ac ,* >ru- aiul on eopn&h an i one\ to Loan ou , OrheV trlas'o* LAW, Barrister,. Attor- 5oli\.itor m Chane*.r\, rl'\mtfij). 10 Kinc^triHit," rett Tlie Milton Ofeco jader ii .<_ niauain.men* ot D \Mr Orb LudlaM svill attend on Frisiaj of each ILLIAI WATKISSr I^Urr Star Ma* License* A Ortln*!|cj, fvBj Ito\al Ajvo^ntiattit. I> BJfirn-^ pr \ ate-*n<| contidenttaL J^EX.\Ei>VS Marble "Vii'orks, Opposite sido frVta Mills & UtSilfillow 's Foui idrj, and Eramosc Bridge, MONUMI-NTS Near Tomb Stones, ^I/ui de Pieces, frtv, made to anj -uz j or dcurfi, and p it up in any eomitrv virt of the ran menhi imported to o rder. P 5 A Kenned, is a prao' to3j.l jnarlilo gutter Post Oihcj, UkuvijlLam, I'ICTEH. Teiffcer orSttilc^DraTilnE an4 Fr^nrJi. t Lu-Jr m.t;t, A<)to;i. ! Onc<t over t|e l^atik oi i_onuneree (Jaelji-h \Y$ arv a^> ^Uxi -and muf Urvltrrs Kit \ill receive j,r iiioST t-T \MV te Mong- ais iof -tlfrr33 rrat class | -J tou pai^ifi -v .- tit. t KF.B PP.ss Od^Ctf jip3* atttutlOn, - u\y HeMs\ I_ I>i virt. POST OFFICE STOKE Having adopted the READY PAY SYSTIEM And discount for cash of EICHT CENTS ON THE DOLLAR, For ;hree months post, v'ouid--Ltko this opportunity of stating ArTo> LIVEfiY & SALE STABLE L1VF.R. p~>Z.tl.n, rLA^TLHER I L Hoi^fc- *-tin5 Odin- on ' t IxaMJ o-iaie ter^ij, and ^tislat. tTO> 1=X<HR HILLS. [LK.LIV, Propne -^ te-J -^lv.-aj^ oa hnn 1 -a L <in-t ii,. i i <_asn 'or all kimU >-i J. P. VLI p T-i re in ihn _cneriUi tli t e ~7 ' At Ri u-<i abl Flu Ki^- t 1 IJiin. - i b -i -i i - il i>\ hi i U> ALtOU J I \ l^. l^-^ Tit.-- pjl Ho First oCSL\ Actoh. Close t > K.-ulwa_> Station. Lx ct/beat cviomi nidation lor the tra\ elhng S C \MPBELL, Pr. pr MLN'IOJS* -A HCfTEL, Acro'c, o-nj;\v, Proprietor Ovr. pfesr Hotel is htted upinnrat_clas3Bt,iK, f^rtth ne* tun|itnr~ Conjniisrvial'irx-U- accommodation and pit Kooms. Special %o the wants ol the Good Stabling i !ei-s wdljftnd pomnUHljoiis attention iu cl lo the j lepuioU to :d Oairjagrcs ti o; b ^b thai rm iic I nut i.a -|J.'4i thi at the System Has Proved Host Satisfactory I lo my numeious customers and also to myself,-1 will continue to Sell Q-oods as Low as any House in the Trade i Doing n Credit Business, and will give tho 8 tfEF CENT'DISCOUNT FOR CASH. trai ellmg pulilic Bar supplied-swlli the i>ast Liquors slnd Ci and attentn e R HosUt 0YAL EXCH^XOE HOTEL, Acton, Ont. IIobt p^t-sre; Prop Sample_ Eooafs large and'cwaUBCKbou-- { vt Com men-lid Trarellt r ^ ~ Ciood ac^om- raodation fo* Tra\ tilers and Quests. Best brands of Liquors apd C igaro at the Bar Goodi btablmg and attgntne Hostlers. 1 r .A PAT^DSOX, [ LICENSED AUCTIONEER Ff tor <oi)Bty or Dalian. Sales atten f otint}, at reaiionablt rates Address ts because IjC, iSH ONLY, -f -j ledjto in any part of the A. I>4.VIDSOX, Campbcll% iBe pa f1 .XADAj GLOVE WOKILS, W. H. STOREY ^ CO., Wholesale IJannlaoturej-s cl estry ties cription and style of Leather & Cloth Gloves MITT S AND GAS .TUT. Dressers s AIoO JW4 Hi2hL . WOOL BKINB, 1 Agent* '-- chines. of Plain and Fancy gad Leather^-... hiitt Market Prlfee paid for lT' 1 ' ~ for 'Haynjondi -.Sewing Ma- r\ E. MUBUOW Chemist and proggist AOTON ' pE\LER I DRUGb", ^ CHEMICALS, PEnPUjIEJHY PATENT AND PROPRIETARY HE )ICINES nJ ireir sefeui- Always on hand a largo ed Mot Is t Dyo-StuiSg, Liauid EoA ToiJoir oais Ssonscs, Trasses dxea as& Adtilts, P2iI4or Bracos for 2on, "Womoa aua CMIOjou, Pair.tB, dr.y asl la oil, BooSs, Statioiicry aad Fancy Goods' PURE WrNES ANI> UQUORS Kor Medicinal Purposes. ' fen, Phy>iciiin!( Prescf ptlonsand l)Or mtfctic Receipts, *ndJHo'i>e hi.i} Cattle SteJietQes,-cawft.il> coiniiounded. Dye, fancy Brushes, forCbil- CusW sat i st OOUIll .P tlie d i I Hi rs will no doubt nvrtil tliemt-tlv>s of the discount. I |jrn iullj id ot sulci s-i, ma hatiifoLfion to .ill conct;ine<l,in the cni>h<and dis- b\st(.lU Z >qpt pijinq scomit Cash for all, fonv A monthh oijstouier? considered us cash, and will get Lovo rno, lovo w4 *$& ^'U Moss thee, For my ieart lg very sad ; I Only- tell mo thafc)ypu love nie, Lovo ! and niake this lone heart glad. MoVo it clad, nnd fond, and tree, Lov|ng all for love of theo. Fame and health, andjpower.jind glory, AH I'd willingly resign ; ' Dost thon wonder at the story ! Yea, I'd give,trUs life of nuno For an hour of perfect love, ! Such oa dwells in heaven above. 0, my heart for love la yearning, I could fondly, fondly lovo j 0 my soul,' my bouI is burning With a ljjvo-hght from above. 1 love all with hemrt-lovo free, I love all. but who loves iie * 4 spone jar, FlOTJE AKp nteul of all k , cool, dry p Cream of 8 )iled kid ^felL v To stiffen ai lu,mp of vihile gjlas8ful of co d water) Stone-maac n's flaw-dust Meal| Flo nda sliq'uld be ace. tartar rubbe 1 , ;loves cleansep Finfc Lce I dissolve n itely better than soap for < leaning floors, and m icli more ecoilomical. oil! and ijk is a gjood thing to clean kid boots with A mixture of ir (and iept-in upon ' them a wine- is inQ- Kinds df f*roduce. eyancer. Issuer of ^Iarrlhgc Licenses, Insurance Agent sent JIohcj to Loan, A*i?cnt Montreal Tel. Co., Clerl ifourth Div. Court, Com. in Q, B. &c. i AcU n, feptembor 1,1S75 J^MBS MATTHB"WS. I Call at J. 'W. Mann's entrXl emporium, MILL STREET, ACTON, HIS FALL STOC K "5T G- O O UNO READY-MADE CUOTH1WC Is mtich larger and better thin ever. A splendid stock to very Iff ow prices. Acton, July, iSTij -iQ.E. MORKOW, ^ Medlt a'Hail, Acton. A CTOX -7 PLANING MILLS AN'U T' Acton, July Ut. 1S75, i-clas3 bnyeri one'^ loth daily* on. the ^| LIONM nd. at such, lo* I than otlier ^or Pi JViSON, z\ importer ja' H / ACTOX j BAKERY, Pump, SashjBoor S Faptory, EBBACE & c CA and Blind MPBELL, Mann'cturen Thrwibteiitberoegii to inform the In, t^^i!S5u5rActon'^,^ vlclojty that be *-Dropwe<l to supply T Fit-elas Bread, Boi is, Cakes Biscuits, etc r -* i - Presn every day-deHvere<li qt tSelr nonses. WEQDINO CAKB9 84e to order In the latest style* and at reacooAble charges. **r Hlgbest price In C^slt paid for .Eggs. 4tttin, Jnly^i, )sr; n, ^ALCCWaT. "Windo-w Sashj, i Doors, Venetiak Bliads - Moutdiags, Alo H4P3a5VED And other Bn ildliu Beanjsites linkers iitTOTlOK*- r LnmberTlanedand Br ed tffordet in the best manner, All work guaranteed, Acton, Jqiyj,l8rj. Of GREAT BARGAINS As Than N Groceries, Crockery and Glassware Will be found a complete assortment of the best quality, 15 S select from, at I Are offered for cash or produce. Tho subscriber begs to return bis sincere thanks lo the inhabitants of Aetou and surrounding country, for their liberal patronage, and trusts that in future they <will continue the same liberal appreciation. i. large portion of his business is ready-pay, he can afford to SELL OHSAPEE those who give long credit and have a great many bad debts J. W. IVIA1V Acion, Sept. 29,187p. EW FALL GOODS , - ' ARRIVING PAILY AT -1 DICKSON Ss MclTAB'S. ptratps Do not fall to visit tb& "3" EAST EUD And examine I those piles of "^INCB^S, ranging fiom 10 cents upwards, AUo 4hose COT'fO.^S, all !best Canadian makes, ranging from 8 cents upward^- FJJANNELS, from 25 cents upwards. And other Staple and Fancy Dry Grooms proportion. DICKSON & McNJSiB. AetonJSipt, 23, 1875, j- Growling Farmers. Farmers may not know it, gen erally, but it is iU fact, that1 most cpnfraercial men; who deal directly! with them, speak of them habitual ly as a parcel of chronic grumblers and growlers.' We wonder why ? dertainly, there is no good reason why the faimer ehoidd live in the daikness when hi prosperity is born of the brightness -of Bunshine, the beneficent showers and the mellow and fruitful earth. - It is easy to acquire a hadtt of finding fiiult with blessingi, no matter in wjhut guise they couie ; but it does no ono good, and is a positive harm and a pernicious habit in us influ ence upon the individual grumbler as wellas upon those who, surround hjm and with whom it 'comes in 'contact. An old farmer once said to us that he would not have a hired man pn his farm wljo did not habitually whistle. He always h^red whistlers. Said he never kuew a whistling laborer to find fault with his food, or bed, or complain of any little extra work he was asked to perform. Such, a man was generally kind to children arid to animals in his care. He wbuldjBvbistle a chilled iamb 'into warmth and hfi;, and he would bring in his hat full of eggs from the barn, without breaking one of thlem. Ife found such a man more cuireful about closing gates, putting up bars, nnd seeing th.tt the xnita on 3ns" plough were all properly tightened before he took itlnto the field. He never knew a whistling hired man to kick or beat a cow, or drive her on the run into the stable. He had noticed that the sheep he fed in the yard and shed , gathered around him as he whistl ed, without fear. He never had employed a whistler, who was not thoughtful and eeonomical^^That this fmmer'8 rule hui exceptions there can be doubt;<but tiuit his philosophy is generally correct is equally t,iue A cheerful, hopeful, buoyant man is suio to get through this" life more smoothly? nnd with less friction than one of those chaps with acute angles and rasp-like sides to thtsir characters. A cheer ful family on a farm, is far moie likely to be a prosperous one than one that is composed of glum, and growling individuals, who arp foi- evjer finding fault and tui ning even prosperity nnd success into a, com plaint. An analysis of the charac ter of those who succeed <ts farmers, and whose homes are places of rest and refreshment, will show that the dark side of life1 is'always snb- bordihated to the bright side that cheerfulness is the prevailing char acteristic, and gives ' temper and tonei it is certainly worth wtile, as a matter of dollars and cents, that the farmes should cultivate cheer fulness and hopefulness. It divests labor of two-thirds of j its friction. It makes the boys and girls con tented on the farm. It relieves the self-sacrificing wjfe oi a large proportion of the load of caie, which becomes doubly weighted if there is no brightness and cheerful ness in the habitual demeanor of the farmer. Men and women who am employed to assist-in farm labor will work cheaper and more zeal ously- with . family who cultivate a [ cnearfDl spirit, etypy, innocent fun,| and wake tlie echoes all oyer the ifaun and in the Eoubo, from morning till night, with jollity and g4od cheer. The merchant will sell cheaper and deal more liberally with a keen, wide-awake, jolly far- nW, than with a long anld sour- fa :ed jjiurobler. This is no trivial mitter. It enters into the business as an integer, just! as sunshine makes crops. Burst < New Yorker. 110 Sjfrit softe qs= and the last; black- eps them. To waterpi oof fishing-line s apply aj mixture oi two parts of boiled 1: nseed oil an 1 one part go >d size. Ilxposs to th< air and dry. In sndden ittack o-f diat rhoea, a lirge cup of i Irons tea, witii sugar u ad milk, wil frequently^biing the system to a haUtby state.- To take gr< as from Vail paper. Lay severa folds of blot ing pa pier on the sp it, and hold a: iou iron rar it till thb grease is absorved. f^OFFEE^-LEeer i coffee "ts odorl affects other p tea in a clo le chest Keeping bjy itself as articles. K< c|r canister. KiLtINO ufRA8S. Meat brine or strong salt anjd waterj poured into t be seams of i lagging or si rink led c ver gravel w nlks a few tir ies will c otnpletely ki I the roots of, jrass or veeds. | bi Poverty in Ireland- Ten human beings {says the Clare Journal) in a room Uaifely tiiirteen feet Jong by seven feet broad; seven sleeping is owe bed, and a younger member of the family in a hencoop; misery not a degree removed from I starvation abounding within, and ja dunghill of 11 putrjfied matter from which arises a hoirible' stenefcv without; Such id the- pair.ful story told by one, of the sub-sanitary i officers of thelunion, of a fcmilyvliyhjgon the roadside near Moyreisk. ^Tlre honke, a. mud edifice, was in a tot tering condition, and supported by props j the' roof was only one in na&te, incapable of resisting the weather, so decayed and riddled with holes ; the walls, unfurnished and unwashed, momentarily threat ened destruction to the poor ciea- tures who sought their protection. The' housdpold property consisted of a bed, a hen coop, and a few other Wretched articles not worth naming. The mother was quite naked. The cabin was tenanted only at night; the common high way was i their home during the dayj The only visible meins of support for the starving mass was the Outdoor relief allowed them by the guardians, vhich "could not an swer the letter^and barely fulfiled the spirit,.pf its purpose. I ------------*.-------. Ho-w to Break off B&a-Sabits. Understand the reasons why the habita.is injurious, Study thesnbj- jectj until there is no! Ifngerlrtg doubt in your mind. Avoid the places, the persons and the thoughts that! lead to the temptation. Fre quent the places, associate with the. persons, indulge in the thoughts {t.OQ per annW iri"Advance. Thought.. Getaa of, tender,efli; heart Jeves tliej bold and courageous-one. A. generous mjind, wien it greats a-fjtvor, wil^ do-it with a gracfc ' Idleness ig t&Je great fomenterrof all corruptions,in ch 3 hamar* heart. Neglected hours, like egJecCd women, are sure to ayenge th]em.- sel vea. |' v | \ ~ , r 3etter be accused^ of -vice, befi^g ini oeeiit, than acquitted, beiiig guilty, :" i_ > ;?rospejity seems, to be scarcaTy saf; unless it be mixed with a ljttio adversity. ' "- ' I 'HavB nothing to.do with men in. a passion, for iien aire-not,'like iron, to? oe wrought upon wheal tot. Happiness abounds mpst among Uiej-kfnjly j thereareSaors blossoms in ?he -yalleya than on the hills. in prosperiiy, it is the easiest of -i-- - i^-j A friend^in - / of hll things to find ldvfecbity, it is of al. things the most difficult. (Phoose alwayd the[ way tbat seems best, ho'vjrongii soeVer it may be. Custop^will render %, easy and agreeable. ^ v wjtiatso6ver a shall he reap.,r titivate yOijir heajrt arightj afc wcli as your nber man soweth, thjt fa|rm ^ and remem Ltovelyr Eveninfr. nnd pull Ithatjjlead away from temptation, dry, and the ippearance wil be as ^^R!' To Renew Black Idupi. Put aj piece of g ue, with some skim t nlk in -water scalding hot, |and the articles in it. Then shaken__,___. Keeprbusyi idleness is the strength of bad habits. Do not give np the struggle tyhen yon have br&ken your resolution once, twice a, thousand times. That only shows how much need there is for you to strive. When you have broken ^urenotto tiuch the surrounding W r6801"^ J * tL^ &*i u i f * i matter over, and endeaveor-faran as good as new. Habd Cob: rs. Touch thtm with . a camel hair brush dippe d in a little bydroeh loric acid or e oirftsof salts twoior three times i*week, ind they wil 1 soon go aw iy. Be flesh 'Cleaning piLK^4-To cltan Silk : itained by lei ion-juice, vin ?gar, od >f vitriol, and other shar) corro- i ives, pass it through soap 'suds to vhich a litt e pearlash 1 as been added. This plan is said to be rery efficaciot a. Toothache J Toothache may be ire vented, a < orrtispondent |i8sferts, >y using flour of snlphnras a tooth- jewder. " E nb the teeth," be says, ' with a rath jr hard toot i brush, ising ihe snip bur every night. If lone after eac h meal, all tr, e better. It preserves t ae teeth, and does^npt communicate ny odor whi.tever'to ;he mouth " Never paper a wall over old pa per and paste. Always sera pe down thoroughly. Old piper ca i be got off by dampening with laleratus, ind water, ^hon go oTer all the cracks of the wall with plaster of Paris, and.fiuklly put on a wash of a. week solution of carbo: iic acid. The best paste) is made oi it of rye flour, with two ounces of jlue dis solved in each quart of pai te. Half un ounce of powdered borax ini proves the miktnre[. 111 The Guelph ^craW published V statement which has been.copied by other Tory papers,) to the effeot that during the West Wellington cojntest ilr. D. D. Hay, of Listo- wdII, tofd ithe people of 3^[ount Forest, that ho had |aijttbority from Mr- 'ATowatj, scrassmej them that he w.mld ujake that village a County tosvn. Ml J H*y oveitihis own Big- ntture onwadicts thti i-epoj-t, and sajrs thai' it is an unqualified false- he oi lro first to last, ' T " J I derstand why it is yon iiaye fniled, 6oTh&t you may be on your guard , against a recurrence of the same circumstances. Do not think it is an easy thing you have underta ken.1 It is folly to expect to break' off a bad habit in a day, -which may have, been- gathering for long years. I -----------^fe------------ A1 Steangb OccURttEXCE One night last week, Jlr. -Joseph Lundy^ of Mono, was aroused from his bed by two men who; asked him to-cdme and help themi to get their waggon out of a difficulty on the road. When Mr. L. came out of his hquse another man came forward and at tempted to throw a rope round his neck. Mr. L.'called for help, and when his assailants heard some one coming from the house, they made their escaped , Tho matter is en shrouded in mjfsfery, and it seems difficult to understand what the ob ject of the men could be, Orange- ville Adverti$e\: ' ^----------i_^------------- The road to virtue is at first- would sweetly si nile. "It'-sa lovely evening,", said t&e tain one. | s | , res," rerlie i her attendants T ley were silimtund'walked oa. 7V It was a loi *ly evening jrester day^' said ibei beautiful girl as tfiejr . __.... rfnswered.' tbe you ig man, evinently ^ta low what to -siy.J I , ^ ' Tliey came round a third time; and 11 w isv' his turn i iow> I nope it wi I b * lovely eTemaj! to-n orrow." a^l 'l" ' So do f, o^u, pus. , Tl ,e ea?e8droj >p|er arose,-looked oil en the WAf&r, froin which the tinUof the-tlettingNsun had not'gone, and wondered whether all beautiful *o^ men U ere like -Uis one. ^ watering tdace 'florresoondtfo t wriits ; A'beautiful jottngladyarm in arm with a yc ogg mapu an eenrng or Ttwo ago, ipw wbjosa eys sbo 4-u.l A. Mistlnderstandine. They were! trying a horse case the other day, and the lav -yfer was questioning a, witness in reference to the animal's hubits ar d dispo sition. ' ( " Hava you .ever driven her 1" .was asked. , " I have," was the replj. " Was tfyer- > any one v rith you at the time V was the n< * ques tion, "There wis,ra lady with me, the witness answered, and he bliwhod a littl). " Was she i. i good drivjer !" was the next quej tion, the h wyer re ferring to the inimal, bul the wit ness understoid that he meant the }ady. | f " She was," he replied, "Was she g >ntle and kind 1" ask ed the legal lmb, 1 The leply.was in the afflrraa ive, though the wit ness still thiikorig of he lady, looked a little surprised. " She didn't kick V wasj the next interrogation. lx A decisive f'No," wai the an- awer. ' I "She didnt rear up| or kiok over the dash! oard, or, tr f to run away or act n; ;ly or " " Dp ybtt m san the b,o i*se or the ladyr, . " I mean tl e mare we' 'e talking about,!" th<m<l Bred the co msel. -*Oh !" wap the pnby re iponse, "I t lought you n eant the gul " Andfwith ,hiff explaiation tlie pWsuit of justice was res lmed, rugged, steejif covered ~wifh rocks and flints, Uristlijjg with .thorns* and thickets, and bordered by pieci- pices and torrents. In order to advance, one niusfc'nmke continual efforts one nwst climb and -not walk, except wath. the greatest cir cumspection. But if onb has the courage to overcome tho ifirst diffi.- -culties, the farther one-advances tbe smoother W -way becomes. The scene changes; it becomes at length a delightful avenue iit up by a soft lighit, where there are no more toils and dangers, but repose and evei lasting joys. Woe 'to those who allow themselves, to 6e frightened by the difficuljies'of the- outsetl Their felt slip,^<and they fall kito the athei rood?! "^ As a rnle the' whole 'tone of a home depends upi m tbe -women at the head of it"; the average home, nor the wealiby home.- lit this average home, whether^ sunshine shall enter thb rooms, whether the ^------------- 4 yWe hear a g ood dear about the [ fmlu res of reta 1 dealers, throughout y the country, b t very jseldpm -tilny-, thing is publud ed respectingWbola-^ sale men. A statement made ,pf; the I usiness of Moffat'Bros., wboley sale merchant; of Toronto, *&& are'now bankrupts, shows an ex| traordinary stut of affkira. "jhs] Assignee repo -ts that during; the 1 last four and% ialf jears the oec ' profit on tl16 lusin|Bs' witnorit. 3e-|x. j dnctftig bad debts *as ftI,B0^L: while in that time the partners withiiew the 'sum of $56,416 for theirj private ise. The losses by ebts in he same time pas <^- Tbi total liabilities of ni'isover $3fJfJt;Q00' and 1*e do not imaun(k,tQr hoKLibat A Dutchman3 read somewhBre that nohey doubled heelf bjreom- ponrji interest every \ fourteen years, if it wal put carefully away: and l sft unibu ched. ,. The' guileless Holl. noei'at once dug a bole &V; the c 'llijrv and buried foor hundred dollaiaVin a ^iakettile. jThis wis fotirt lan^ears ago last Wednesday. " On tl at day he rose jai fdur o'clock > in tfa(: mornin j, and " resurrected*" his ec sht with the ednfidenfc expe^j- t.ltior that it sad inereased to eight - bundled dollars. iHijs disappint- ment was" gi eat, and yien his friends interview him about matihe- matie i now, h expresses the opin ion tl at "Desn ari^imet^cs ish ail - .. Tl. . T ^ ^ , a lie ?'/ rai Iron1 rpion was eanght by some men i n California the other day, afndl tormented nntil-iii its rage it struck itselJ' on its back with ita poisoned dart; it immediately._' quiet; 'ah 1 in ess than ten minut died f com i6|^ >wrj sting, i Jo Lee, a,n inoff&nsive negwj Avojy jlles par ish, Est', has "fitl^i _____________________ ______ vi,otin i to the gnoranee and suplsr- parlor shall ee' used ani enjoyed,} 3titifa: i of bis : acel" (Believing haft i. I M:i whether-the table i=hall be inviting ly spreadk whether' bright lights and bright! fires shall give warmth and' cheer on Winter nights. wheth er in brief, the house shall bo an agreeable or ^disagreeable place is usually what be woman detei1- mines. , Men are powerless in the matter.; Some find solace for a, dismal home in study ; some occi/ pation in business; some 6ttbin* with what patienoe they can;, others are attracted" by the cheer] oft the public house; and it is especi ally young nien who are apt, iiji consequence, to drift into bad com pany and bad habits. ' A man rus ied breath essjty into 'aj lawyer's ofii< e in Miltoi i, and, ap-i 'nroacning the legal luminary, ex- j'citedly remaiked; <!A mtnhas tied ai hoop to ray horse's tai 1, Can I d^o anything ' " Yeg," i eplied tl^e attorney j "go and untie it." This waa good advi ie, and dnl r cost the mwx $5, , X ' In a. 'Scotch court a witness swore to the! identity of a- ohickeri "from its resemblance to its tnother.f- ' ) "Why are my eyes so-weak 1' Tsaid, a Main strget " swell" to a bachelor friend. the> other Any, W1 " Because they are in a. w^ak; plaee," | It was, the dry answer, \- < ' U>: I - i to bb guilty o'^'cohjfiring^japar^r of blacks.tied tim, fcontveyed -hpm to a } iece of woods and abok- bira tb.deith,| v " ' Cor ifortable quarters twenty-ure -cent ; jiedea. i ^ 1 r , j . . If y >a wish to, eniiT) co,nstitak>n*l - >. librt r, don't wear VpnU-b*ckdrfL ' Whjr is tho letter ^"the bartd|#ai " in the alphabut T ,Bpau4 whaaj h> I in nsi i yob ajv avs od it boTor nj } 'An Aberdeen girl}suppOseB jba| the r lison sh< > has {never kindled *' flame |n amai i's heart Is because lsB is T^o ;* good mstck? "J - . -If be mrtsqaito who left-our noe*> in iii ch a hu ry that he, jorgo|hf mil call, he can [have it, anttnq ions, wil I be asfciBd. - ^ h j Kentbaky editor tells anolbetj H, Hip; bid welre 9b red,a bis he woub I remind one of ajbost jcfcarrQt surrounded by a cock* . II- - i- r'- bill, ques A that noi JeL ado A^St. '1 U.' 'II- Louts dog! igoes about tbe U gatlering '..cigar .'stumhs, h it carri 53 honie to its m"V*ert" ust he a >oor eiitoe who OW&( ' ' --\-< >>1 V H-;

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