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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 8, 1875, p. 1

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t 'VCSIA'&SS 0-iHP'S. , li<V>yRY, M. rt,M. C\ l\ S,, -GraUuite <if Trinity College, : Member of; College, of Physicians and jjurseous. "^------j - ' kIt k Mt>RRONV. Piysicisin, Sur- goon, Six, of' "Rctt^vuo College, *ew l^ork, also Grndunt^' of Victoria j de-He;*?, C\v>ada, JC-onsur^itipii days i Ijucsiiys-n.'ivlV Fridays, from; 9 a. m. till iTiv.iiC,"Kssi<lcnco i-Wost Bower street, ft - Actoru EBEK vcr/iac I*o4* OIUcc XTHANTEJD. JGC30 C0EJD5 JOB PRINTIX B ofall kinds neatly. au<l p.rqnvv1 H,3T executed, ttl too -PIIES^ OFFICE,1 Mill Htrc<rl. I ;E y M, M, tat the! : m* TAMES -MATTHEWS, Conveyancer, "Issuer of-Marriage Licenses, Post- taster, Iiisaranco Agent, Agfciit Money Loan, Agent Montreal Tel. Vci., Clerk mith lVi\\' Court, Com. in'Q. B.-, &c, 'A|etoii. OnW \ \ ._,,' TTV HENDERSON,Conveyancer, &c, mJ also Agvirt Canada-life Assur- aicc.CvV- DeeSs^ .Mortgage's, &c,, pru- p&red noatlVj, promptly, eorroctly and on reasonable teruii ^Mtmey to Luaii oil 14<->rtgage sccafitjv ' Otfiee lilasgow Housed Actooi tAID'LAW. IUn-isterr-AtWf- I'T jiey-fcl-L&w; Solicitor itt-Clianvery,; ; .ftk' vfficef:--Hamilton. 10 Kingsfre<t. '^Utori,"M4in strivi. The Milton. OloVc vtll'be uiufejr the management oil). \Y. CaiiapbelL arid Mr. ISudljiw will attend at! the '^Milton Office"'on'Fri ...wH~-,,-; "---,/ 5ILLIAM WAT^lXs, Q-ood Hemlbck Bark Hor which I Will t* !" '> per d AT. THE ACTO'J If delivered Hi Fummcr, G. LJUtAHU IOKIJ, Proprietor, Z.:JA. H.VLU Agnt. ActOB, Juiyjl, 1S75. on Fridav of each T^ENNEDY' Marble Att'drks, J.ljSposite.- side fi - li.oodfHlow"s Fo I OF j FIVE DOLLAH8 rd, tPANNERY "Mills *. lndry, anil Bridge, .1 statr Kvrlaicr J lccu>e* A Certiorate*, ].'--' (By Reyal Appointment.)'-i -r-Business private 4ml confidential^ btfice-'at the.PoSt-Office C4nuty BaltonJ '_ _."' Xrlenwiliiam,- M RS. S., IRTEtt. Trkclicr orsislr.'pra->Tlns and Frreb, ' "I ' ; . Chnrch street, Acton. -- r>MXGUAM & BRAKE, ie- to le_ SH. |m tnlfy ' iml ilij- ', fill gVt"; y Lee. fieri V ON N /._- m rfej.-iA" t'tte t{ot, J:' V !} prxejes: erchantg in. JGurlph. ' /: % --- iji CL.'m iji.xsi'KixcE AGxyrs. Otice over th'^ "Bank- of Commerce, " j Guelph. '..' - . ' - We are' ageilts,' for scitral rirst-clasi stock and mcRiii; cofiipaniei. ' " (jrrOefe left af 'sha.Vp'EE Pke^ Ot&ec will rtc^ve proiiip^ att^aiion. RoJBii'C^xiNiriiAM. Hhs".rv. L. Drake. /-IIlIYER -LOZIEPv, PI,ASTEUEIl, .'JJ/_iaItos, OnT. Every ile?crij>tioU <>i" Pliiterins and ..'Rough-casting iiun<l on - tb^uoit reasonable ternis, and satisfac- ; tiof? guaranteed. , l'"i[ iTOJr CLOUR HILi,jS. JB-.i E> >'ICKLIN,: Proprietors. Miliar'- and Feed always on hand. Near Eraiiiosa fJneliih. . jALli Si>ip ojr MONUMENTS .TiSiiii/S'tionesi-., JI: nt e "Pieces, &C jnaito toftiuy i'viior design, and pit |up in an; Jiart of the country, i .- ' : ~> ;ti""Sclitc.h Grange Monu- tnf nts injported to order. iP^, A. Kenm dy is a pir^c tical '.riiat'ble cuttci( MOLLY M^JtJAKfT. Molly Moriarty,. Pink W propriety, Molty Moriarty, Molly my 0wli; Sara 'tis your Tim is tA, How could his heart l>o gla L. i Since like an ieielo Molly h w ^rown. ' | ' I KJch 1 'twas ypur oyes so blue,. L. Cut niy poor heart in two, I Eaih took a half of it| enrried it oft{ Then when I Bpokc ofiovp; "' "" Sworo liy the stars above;': Sure 'twas unkind of' yov ,":Mylly, .: scoff. t< I The name of Davenport given. j-.; ' ' \ ;. . .".Davenport! Robert Daver^ port! I leuow them. All rignt If convenient, you will, please go to-morrow,\Mrs. Franklin,, or'the next day. I shall not come till the. middle of next week, and probably frring-a friesd or two wth me, M aye, thd. chambenu in the;;, centre and wings prepared, if you pleas*. The houaekeiener there will- nat Oft at my cabin door,. When tlio dull fay is o'or, Sadly I sit and Send7 sighs on the gnlo^; Rain from my woepinK eyes. Fully a stream supplies, Where drink tlii cows thalj-grazo in the vale. Pigs in a pratieM atch, Running a rootlun' match, Sow in tho butti rmilk drinkiisg her fill; Cow in the oabb Re, Makfiig sad-ravi iges- Evory thing gar ti to destruction at will. Soon in the waters deep, I Tim's weary ha id shall sleop, v ! Suckers and- thinors shai nibble my nose } ' ' " ' i ' \Vavc* rolling < vor me, ' - .. Singing a lullal y. Or a sad re<iuiu in when thi wind blows. What's that you're say in,' joy!"" Tim, come at d kiss me, iiiy boy ! "Hero, hou'd-iny hat, wh^Io I ski -the llurt ( : Come to my ar ins, my loy Molly, :my tufI le dove, Whoop! what ;a jewel you are to bo sure. MR. DAYTC H'8 HOU 5EKEEPER. L45TOX! LIVER^k SAllE STABLE JJ Takes pleasure pohllc geueru PiT3t-cla-.5 p. AllllX an fnrhlslf irnnctn^; P Hoi Resale' and- ojipins Daily; on retail. Gristing :aiui. r"C!ajh lor all kzncWV-f iiOSSIX HOUSE, Acton. Ciose to)- : the G.'T. Railway".. Station. . Ex-; - tJTent accominotLation for tile travelling piftlic, THOS. CAMPBELL,-Propr. w At Resisonabl Ilis~lti^ nnit Kn:s-si can !>** h.Hl,nn(l lie is *' b-:- !.uri-:iA<-fl by nny PI Ae:on -July.Jsi. J^..",. thMCXIOX' HOTEL, Acrox-, Oxt. ___r Koet. Auxew, Pn.prietor. Tl-Js ^iwvHotel la fitted'up in iirsticlass styl'j, ' TOth new furniture. Commercial Travel- : ^f|rs;-wiU"tmil good" accommodation! and !~ CJJmmoiliois Sample Kooms.. " Special. attention paid to the wants ol the . travelling public." Bar supplied with-the &st Liquorsand-CSgara.'-, Goojl Stabling and attentive Hostlers. - y~--------1 '. -------- r- -TD'OYAL EXCHANGE HOTEL, ' 4X Acton, O^t /RobtL Dkkie, prop.- ' Sample Count's'targe, and Ui:tfAiti:is. ':, for Co.mm'ercialTravellji ri. J rS->'t acccim- ' modation for Travellei'-and Giicsts. tiest brands of Liquors and CigArs ht:the : Bar; Good .'tablini; and attentive Ifostlers. i "'.":-! ;-'-'; /N E. HORRO^fi \jr _v Chemist and ' l- DEAiKFJ IN DJR'C'jGS, chemicals!, ,' [ .perfu3([eiiy,_ patent ad yc ' .". :pb.(1)prii ip on jo the (s prfiMfVed to a- Cai;riaBro8 rf-'i^e liH^t that 't'-Tiriln^U iiol. to prdggist leave natil Saturday. She "will show you rgundr "' ' : . "Is Mrs., -4 is your wife thoro, or to go Boon 1" He lang^pd, f Mrs. Edward Daytortf Up, she is not there, and J 4o Bfit know of her'goino; at present." Adding more"aerjoualy: i "I have riot the pleasure, -Mrs, Frankfin, of having a wife," with la slight stress On "pleasurel" A r.vivid:- color came into1 the brown cheek of the housekeeper, and her nmuner showed evidsni embarrassment. ; V I. thought 1. can not -"and she stopped. ' He did not notice it. His mind had alieady turned to other things. Ho rose, j :' MJt's all settled,,I believe. By the way," his eves falling on the rii8ty black dreiB, "jyou, may like an advance, is an eyide"nce:of the if>argain. It is; customary, I beliive, to'doso." J . !' fhe housekeeper's hand closed JV;y'"iT|DSOX.. ; LICENSED AUCTIONEER -For tflc-Cpaaij- of IJnllon. the Sales attendedHo irj_ any part Monnty, at^reasonable^ates. '. Address: A DATTDSOX, r 4-,- " ,, Campbellville, P.O. iHis&DA /BLOVt WORKS, ! '; ' AQT0V',:GW2. .'.. % H. STOREY & 00., W^liolesalfi Manutaqtnre rs cl every, des 1 .. J: crivtl^n and style of . Leather & Cloti. G-lo ves MITTS AND gAUMTKT8. ETARY; ' ^: vt-'.'MEDICINES. , - * . . . Always oh bn ml ii larR [nnd well-select- ?.-...i. eul Ktoi;!: )of Dye-Stufia, ^auil BVd, Fancy ' aai. Toilet ft oa s j.. Brasses, . * Ssojebcs, XfU| c i for JOhU- . : droa and adnl^i F2ioiillr Braces fo Also- iJressers of Plain and Kid Leathers- Fancyj ror! aul Oiildrenj Pa ints," 4ty and: ia-.oii, Boo^ Stati$aery and Fa4c3' ctaods-- PURE WIN5S AS J?ot Medlclna -=S3iL. "Phjvlclnns Pre 4rfpti^>ns and Do- meVtic Receipts, n^d Horse land Cattle Medicines, carefully; compomtdod, - M tdlea! Hall, Acton. 'Acton, Jaly, 1875. ., fit a'CTON MILLS ll*ne ffOOb SKINS. = | ! . Agents' for Raymond's- Sewing Ma-j fchiiies. i '. . ' ;,- - _ ' - '. j Acton, July 1st, 1875. ;' j -. -., , -:_______j a ctox; bakerV. V: :: PLANING Pomp, Sasfi, bo or and Blind . Factiory. EBBAGE & *nH, Tnmsdar, April Cat No. . ,-. Kato Franklin read this in th| paper which lay on the counter in: the grocery, w!niie'wkit Jig to have an ounce or :wo of tea and a. roll of bakerds bread j \ShR repeji ed the number o'the house over t i> herelf as she' received the changfrlrom the grocer. She,pr<i;i>ared the teaa^tershe re turned' to t tie little b.i re attic, and ate her scanty meal phechanically. She forgot Low unsHttitfied her ap petite still jrtis in her busy thought. A Btran|er in a strange place, succcssi\-ely she hadi Cwed to find a situation is teabherrfebpyiRt, ifj a store, i sowing. She hud" fulled in the firet thiee, arid .wuB.sta^ying opj tho last. She won Id apply for the. place, but she voul.4 peed refeTreneee. Only one \ erson she knew in the iwhole giea , city of ^sufhclent jinflu- epce Jlrs f Davenport, 'thQ , rich sfepsistep, who had ili-trbated her gentle motlier wlfile she liyed* and hated JJat-)" herself. _.; Perhaps Kate thought she would permit he; to refer to her, because g"lad' tfj bai re her descend to nienial eraployme it. Kate w is compefent for .the sit uation, for during her mother's 'ill ness and Her father's absence die had entire' charge of their \ )a-gp Jamily ami splendid lioase. Piit an "elderly woman." Now Kate was hot an elderly wflrri^nj being on y , 20; but. she remem bered, wit ha tprfc of plcnsure, that ik private' theatricals in ..happier Hon, 'Womoa, DtlQUORS purpostes. 8aSd were left unuttered. - She moved to the door: ' He opened it for her courteously. ' ? . 1 /'Good morning, madam.'* "Good moniing,"'she'replied, <( I cannot htarve. I most go. I can keep fjri hiy disguise," she, murmured. \ - , Mr.1 Dayton, accompanied Ijy a friend, arrived at his country house tiie ensuing week. : Everything within and without the house was ill perfect order. If the . new housekeeper had mads a few mi- tnkes at first,, they werp soon recti fied. Every roo'm: that ahe|had touched showed a magical change. Her. predecessor had been one of the kind who believed in .the sun- liglit rjeyer entering a room for fear of fading the .carpets, i : Mr. Dayio% felt the changei with out^ knowing the reason of w. Hp looked around him witlj a satisfied air; .'-.-'. It Was'not posgible t^ find fault with the variety and quality oi* the food placed before them, nor the nianner of its; being served; the table appointments "were perfect} and Daytori congratulated himsifelf upon having such' a jewej o{ ' a housewife. '., 1 The weeks passed and a holiday pame, Mr. Daytori had gone to town the day previous to remain the rest flf the week. The house keeper had given permission to. the seryants to go also. She felt a welcome rejief fa bare the house, and the day to hprl She locked; the doors carefully after the last should be gay, by right'of birth, wealthy and bf consideratidn, visit ed and visiting as! Mr. Dayton's lady visits and is visited. .' He is. noble, good and ijand&snw/' ehe said with a siglh, I "She will bo happy. ; How gracefully she danced here at tbo party the other evening, when the old housekeeper was per mitted to look on. 8ho looks good and amiable, feo. ,' Mr. Dayton danced with her three times. F Wonder if I have forgotten how ito dance 1" and humming, an air, she ^oated gracefully about the room. She stopped breathless, her ;heeks brilliant from the exercise, aer splendid hair disarranged. ' I heller? I feel] like Btiff, old Mrs.'Franklin, with whom dancing loean't agree." | . , | " One ljjpre song Tby that heaven-, y voice, Miss Ftatiklin) and I shall {0 away dreaming I have heard the mgels ing,*' jr the] ludicrously af- 'eoted voice she had, before imi- iat^d. ? Ali" she laughed yet half sd- 1 y. ..' Jii^ 9fiinvi^jiPs poor old housekeeper Franklin receives, I hope won't quite spoil 'tier, and turn her silly old head." , ! She sat. dpvn again at the piano, nd sang ." Home Sweet Home/' ,nd then played one of Beethoyen'a grandest, most solemn! pieces. . i :wT J' "i j She rose and closed the piano, The carnival ia elided. Kate rnnklin disappearH from the pppne, d Madam Franklin j enters," . Neither Mr. Dayton nor thejaer- ants -would have Tsuspeoted, from (She placid and dignified deport ment'of the housekeeper when |hey ijeturned at eveninlg, of ; what find fault " Yes, ii Is true,'| she murmured, faltering, .-, IJail/ to j sie ]for what object. 11 y hes(rt you o >uld hardly expect to fain in that' character.^ . "Your, heart," she repeated, cornfully; ". I had no siioh laudable ambition j I had -.-.never seen" or heard "of yti till 1 sa^r. toar; j^dyer-t tiiement. Would you like to know for what p irpos.e I tookjupon me a disguise ec repugQant7|j iou shall. To save n yse)f] from' aiarvation. 1 had eaUn but'qne meal a day for a week [ |rhi n 1 applied to. you, and was tufle-ing with hunger then. My mortey was all gone, >xosptafew pennies, with'wbicj) to buy a next day's meal, and I had to prospocta of more/ft c 1 had been ther *ewit . But why refused should' fiir- you her-pride.: rising. Miss or Mrs. if I fulfi&exl :feif3QU/BtSING BjSHIBITIdN, The annual Exl ibition of' the Encjuesin* Agricui.ttiral.Societytw'aa held at Gieorgetowiiion' Friday, 1st insfc, thejweatherIbeing of alt days dijiringrtlie! past- month one of the rri jsti fttyorable^-hjeither tod1 cold or toi warm*forowotr. Asa natu re I \coniftei|uence,\, ithe number of vi iibors. of both sexes Was exceed-1 |n jl^ large, arid tha'exhibition wAs al :egether a good one. ' 'Tnerje-'was a ipagnificent shoiv of horses in all classes, but so much, cannot be said of]otherliye stock.', iHaltori'flrepu- trange freaks.Bhe|had been guilty, r?he housekeeper, as usual,' Mr. Dayton was alone, sat at table," It had con tmejneed tq when < ' . i had done oc- days she had imitated the voice and [ servant She would have no din 5AMPBELL, habitants of Acton And Vicftiivy t*at ne S ManufacU rers of -i : ".'-' ^indo'w; Safe " ': -H Bons,Cak^ Bi&eaits, etc. i Fresh everyday delivered at tbetrj :. ._ ianses. j j': at WEDDING CAKES ^ade tdorder in the laieiit styles and1 '-....' ' r;easoMrt>Ie~ charges.' Hlghest.prlee In Cash paid for Kgg i. Acton, inly;!, 1870.'; X>. GALLOWAV, ; Doors, Venetian Andiotjier Bnllji ^ Eeqnfcttes Also MaEers of . ,: jpapaQ^Ea?- fjTiiifrzoK:; btohbs Lumbfr P}aned an 1 ' -, in the besi AJl-wprk gu'^lranieed, Acton, July 1,1874 assumed the;character of ah pld yo- nian with great, suceess. Shpinew how to:stlin tne skin tp ya.an ol,dnd crinkled appearariee, ai)d she had fi the bottom of a box some falsi ("gray bajp afid a muslin cap worn on one of these opcasions. She did i ot need to lpok so very pld only to present -ai mature and matronly appearance. : ilr. Edward -Dayton waited at hoine aftir dinner to see tho res- poftdenta1: to ' hjg , adyertisement. He was ^ handsbme.'man, riot yet thirty, with a gay, frank) good-na- iured'cojin'teRance. ' He leaned back in a ndnchalant 4 way, his feet on another chair. "Tdiere ought to-be a: Mrs. Day ton to manage these houskeepihg matters.j Well, -there:? fime endiigh,' Two applicants -were seen and dismissed,in Mr. Dayton's gentle manly way-' , / A third was ushered in. - Mr. Day'tor}. instinctively' laid* aside his cigar, aiid placeid a cbuii- for :his visitor.' i i ' The lakylikenesp and,propriety of her mariner pleased him a."t once. " Fallen1 fortune," lie commented to- himaelf?] ' ' Blinds |)rssed to' order malnrier. : She answered, Ijis .question^ readily, but in few; words. X a good thing," was fiis inward remark. " '"I; think you will suit mg. Mrsi__\-* I what.may I under stand your name." "Franklin," : : , " MM, Franklin, you -will be re quired to go out of town^ about seven miles, .to my country house, Oak Grove rin the town of Sim- bury ,jon the Grand Central nj'l- way. j The salary I propose to pay is $6Q0 per annum. Do my terms suit you. . -i ' i She'anBwered quietly, that t]icy did.H' " / - : "T3hfip jji ^g all settled. By the wayj I -WJfflF.Pft1 vou have fer- pnees, though $fa\ is * mere matter pf ff|rin^'; ner. Only lunch. She Ipjd almost fopgfittpn her feal sljar^jter in that she had assumed : but to-day she could be ^ersejf withoufi fear of in trusion pjc dj^ftfery. . f)he-laid apide her pan and .gray dresses, washfid thp.^lp from.hep skin, and anunged her hair in be coming curls, and donricd.a pretty, fresh muslin, which fitted well the alight, graceful figure. This done, shel entered the parlor knd stood tie- fore, the mirror ae attractive a figure as one would often see. "Truly, I have fofgotte}} my own lookp. I lam ;Kate Franklin, after.'all!" she said, "~ Removed her log . ros- traiiit, her spirits rebounded. She felt gay/ ljglit-!!eart4' an4 like committjng-jftny foolishness,.',., . " Miss ^rapklin," she;'said in tbfi mincing, affected tones of an exquisite, 'f if, would be an inex-- prpBsible pleasure to hear the music ol that long silerit Ypipe!!' ' "It would be a great pity tp de prive you of it then," she answered, in her natural, voice, " and mygelfj also," she added : and going to the piano she opened \t and played a few-pieces wi^ exquisite ,taste and skill, and then ift'e sang song after song, in a sweet, cleir, cultivated- voice. She chose, at .first $he bril liant and triumphant, theft Jhp sad and plaintive - 6*cceeded. tphere were tears in Jier eyes when she rose. But to-day her moods -were, capricious. ' "Mrs. Franklin, who ia playing on thp piano?".she asked in an ex- ceyeif}^'nTjitat|oii of Jjr. Dayton's voice. , !" It ig pn]y I sir, dusting jbe keys.' T^evueed dusting so ioften," ahe replied, in Mrs. Franklin's meagre tone's; and she dusted them vigorously $th her pocket band: fcsrcDi6I "Ah ine,"' she Baid. JiTow what other foolish thihg ihajl I do to prove to inyself that I am not an elderly housekeeper, bgf a young girl, who, by virtue< $ her age. T^ipleritlyi and the weather, iliad {town suddenly cold. Mr. Dayton, as he 'to the li- lirary, where a cheerful fireJbornT <d in the grate, He read the let ters and papers i which hi had pwugbt fjfpni town, white she knit ted. ';_ -.:.__ ^ An hour or more f passed j in ai- l?nce j.indeed thp ijo^sekeep^r sel- (iom spoke except when asked a Question. At lea^tlij ijr, I>yto )ked up to her and said abruptly: " Your's must i. |ja lopejv life,- _adam. If it is notja painl ect, may I.ask ho|w lpng at oat your husbandjf'j Two hands suspended loyment, two eyea looked ilrh; with an alarkned expi.--------. : n his serious, sympatheic ^onnte. ] lance there was nothing to frighten Or ernbarraflB, but the red grew deeper oj; her brojfri cheek. f'^'ifft painful Subject," sae eatd at last, jfaltering: ffif jrott will ] rfeasB pipu'se me.V j j' One morning he was speaMing of be graat lpssUo children in bains; daprived ortheju: parenia;' j " I riever knew a mother,", he said. She died bpforb my earliesi recol eotion. I believjo that, man as I i mi, if 1 had a mother.'I snouln go to lier with all my I griefs, a a little < >hlid ~ would. 11! har sornptimes < if asking you to actai mother in the ipiietevenings, wflenSf have jjopged " What'mi itter if 1 were FranklEo,! ild.'or young, the duties I undertook? Have tot taken joodcareof your house: Have I jno . jmade yob jomfortable 7 I havell r ot,.deduct|frttn>thi8quar. tor's saJa y, which\..$}.K: P*"d this morning, rhatever you like. / -' I, hav i no fault to find, except for placinjg yourself aid me in an awkward posit ion" she did this be come knovn." . . - Wav^sL >f color mointed to the poor, hou sekeeper's t smple*. * '1 thpueht 1 meant, t iat no one should!know, least of all,-you be sides Ith< ugbt when 1 had engaged to come, that you were' married. Oh,, what shall I .do?"! And she- burst into a passion 61 tears. -. j ' Mr. j^ayion's. manne ch-inged., - "Kate); Kate! I did not mean to distress, you.' Uobbdj knbws but. rae^npbojly shall know.'"j And ne soothed h#r tenderly. '.K^te, look up. I love you/with mywholeheart. I wapt yo^u to be my little house- Jeeepefrrrijiy wife al rays. Kate: what dp ,\ yem say 1" I aking] heV in his arfflg and laying hie cheeky against hers. - " iWyown rfaie, ,is it not*"- She murmu.red.BOmihing between her sobs &at she must go away. this minute. V "': "Nonsense, darling! haven't you been hero for months 1 What differ* enoaoanaday longer tnaket You are safe with mei Bitie. OhVbei cause you; I know foa are Miss Franklin, will you givii me the i.nex- preaalbla pleasure of hearing from thai long-silent voioe f Oh, Katie, you bawiteaad ma tt at day I I am afraid1 you will bewit in me always. Bat, Katie, let's taks off these trap- pings," untying her cap and remov ing the gray hair, and with this ac tion down fU the w<lth of brown tresses. ,- . " ,- " Ofa, Mr. Jiftjton, fpa Were kot surely you- were not h >me that day V looking Up covered with' confusion * in' the 1L baary," with an'aooei t & his name, prhiob Kate uodersto< d.'.i >; - "Oh, Bdwardl anjd you teamed lops,"9bajgs pjjt,-1jesabeni30lMg- -syheat, baritjy jpea^ and oats r-4wn- eU by nobody, and could get np jn- forinatioo, ...A^ fair" sh6w. of unto?"".! 'gold wurtzles, turnips, Carrots, 'cjel". ; ' ei*y, corn and pumpkins. -Greelaiari B^others'^iid one'of tjjei'rykrijttiagf Washines" in operation, - Wn^ ^ ' mustn't /forget/ io say 'that. the- Gedrgr&own brass" band f^rWiahed excellent music during the pJfceir- JL well takion fopj beautjf^l horses-'ia es iabliahed) . ands-jl' the - ', ^pecimfena ^bowri in 'Georgetown made.- it al undantly evident that the repu tation (is fully deserved. Cattle w.are but poorly represented; sheep and swine somewhat < better. The slow of paltry-j was very goodj tl are being altogether'. over thirty ops-of geese, turkeys, hens arid docks some of ^b$m of superior breed." .'*-.":; ' -I ._'. " In agricultural;: mplements pany of the aFtioies shown were from a V noort PRIZE LIST- HOBSBS.V ' '.' Heavy dranght-rS.;Mason5-.jVT, Monagan, S Jas, Hunis Two-ywr- old" geldings -John Waggles worth," One-year-old gelding .or fiHy- i-W' :- 1 Best pair jjenerai purpose horsefa-- H. Pipkenng, 2 -r Ciirrie Best carriiage horses a".vjpaskep.- 2" R. B. On-3 J; Bpsa,;-Srn^le carriage - horse -in harness -Tsi O^- Wright/2 Jas. /Moric 4i, 3 m^ Douglas. Hjackihotse in "harness-^ Ji STMot^erabli; 2 ! J. Mason, ST CWrk.^ Saddle' Jioreev-W. P. Mc Clute, 2 JosiVBrbwriridgei 3 Joh 'Ock' Brood Iraara^W, McGleT', land" .2 J. Dj S&r H*rdy-,:3 Jphn; Mann- 'fsfp year-old ejiiire eo}& ,. . .. ,n... _. John Hhter, & RGarvJiir d: stance.-_:j-A. .Grbive, of George- -On^y^^-pld., entire colt-^H; MuV t< wn, sb0veoT a kotato digger and fin; -.^iri ;BL Stirfe .Two-yearfdid d ill plow combmed, also a w(j|oden gelding or filly 4"ohn ^niiinghpm, flfow, a,nd set of hftrrowsj Ji Maw, * -J*..' %*ri^'^^JT^q {! W. P. McClnre, % Georgetown, --fbnn wooden plows; -TY3-' R. Howell, of Churiehville^ cutting box and cultivator; {Hugh Milloyj of Erin, wooden. Plows; The Acton ma with all thpse fojllsh questions whep jou knewVT ":-. . SijYiM, my Kate: uhyinot?"; "BUt you looked sj> innocent?' He laughed. "1 ba)l soon, I holpe/have some body, it not a mothei, to confide it;' and, Kate it is my c uty and pleas sure to gWe you a h rsband, so in fu tore you can answer without so much pain when he is inquired after.1 '.' You are too gen irous." <'I can'afford to bejjenerdus," he said, earhestly, ii when I have had the precious gift of.[ your. love. Kale, blest forever l the day that Lfirst enkage.1 my I ousekeeper," ij confide in someone. My pother -ould have been about your I age, j * again there was a vivid oblor in be cheek of the bousekeepaK such i ib is, rarely seen in the aged, bat if ras accompanied by a quiver in thp i nouth, and endedt in a ooubh but >oth tnoiitb and cheek were fauioklf sovered with a { handkerchief, and mite a violent fit] of! cougblig suo- jeeded. "-" ']-!" -.' "... , ['"- - . Mr. Dayton, however, dw- not; teem to notice-, though he had given jer one curious ; glarioev itiatantly iritbdrawn, and he continue . " For instance respecting! matri nony, whose advic of so much' val ie as a mother's ? a Who so-qbjck tp j ie through character and make a good, selection 1 Hd?you]a son, whom about here would you seleot fur'a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Franks tin 7 '. - . ' . i . I am not acquainted with] any or the young ladles,; Mr. Bayt answered. True, but you have all, and are;'. I should judge, discerner of cliaraoter from < tiori. ^hom would lyou seU those you have seen i" her' She reddened and paled I have beard the Misses ahe them good} tjserva*; fronl irt is ted.' randi- gpn highly spoken of Their ji ppear Sripd'^bqld seem' to prove thfeftruth. rdoubt not ,tbat you, agree wfl ^ma," he replied quietly. . I ' It was nb# hj tprp to oqlo* he did slightly. ' I ' 'I do agree fi^b yaw,-** ] wered empnatiflaljy. >: . tt!wJHlia^-4n.8||Otaitt^ Dayton and the bonafikr both in- the. parlor; unusually grave all day. to vthe housekeeper that per was changed towards : " I have a few questions yeu will permit me Mrs; Fi She felt f instinctive alari torje^ ' { '. ' t Certamiy,"jWitb an eflo: There was an omonious Bfc?fi- Ml have iboen ;toldi"Ji\ ja Miss Kate Franklin, a,yoi by diBkuuing herself, pal self of^'ubon me for Bave: as an elderly lady; da truth id the'story?" looking ingl^ather. - : - 1 -She started , to her leef, trembling sank back into a Ii80ne ...... j while tl e other remained, and was [found ihot through the arm and breast. ,I,t is> <njeotured that when tl e boy was handling a reypl- fver heliad been a arr^ed at the ap " "'" pft: Borne dpp, arid }n attempt ing to thntst it back itx^o a drawer it accident lylgot discharged, billing iim almosi tinstantly. klipH her* moafha rp any search? ohieiEy natoS ftyle Couriel _ shady s^e skirts Fo* j TUB CEkTENNIAL. We underatafad'that the following par ties have) [signified their Hntentiori of exhibiting at tho- Centennial at Philadelphia next year;: In sew-] irig.machines, Mesi ra. Chas. Ray,- morid and T^ilkieVi!; Osborn; other -'"'-'- Mr, ^iioaijiirbrawick. MrJ Thujq^on Gro. >m ia going to exhiblt-4JilB^ EjCoc omicsl cooking range, arid'MeiBBrs: McCrae<fc Co: will ahowl aaniples of their goodaof woolen manqiactur i. Guelpft, Miv cury. "'; - Ytxit \ HAKbtijjfJ. or Firearms in Bbreih. On S tmday moVningf whUe Mr. Henry %x$& and fam ily, of Berlin, were, at breakfast, they we Startled by the jdischarge. bf firear ns in 'tha house. ' On pro-; jceeding to thebatliropm wh^fet^ of hi aoni,) ageij pigqt %t\<\ teft years,.vi ere oathin j, it-waB, discovi; jsred tht t the! youngest brotherjhad into anotLe|r room;to d 4pe of their iron 4)low8:; Jaa.-vKy4er/ Acton,', had two single 'buggies/ ^one covered | ^9e> -buggy! on? market waggon and due .farm Waggori ;-JCulp and' MeKen^ zie, Georgetown, two-..market w-agr gons, two buggies and two phaetoas; Tost and AJexarider, of Glenwil- Pftmn^ .a farm waggon and a demo crat; Mr, Devereux, of <|eorgr> town, ahdwed several implements fprfehiGh he' is'. agent/ inciudip' a Kiyby reaper slpd, mower, a'vgqiti- vaftor. and .broad-cast seeder, horse hoe and-scnfiier, eWjUiaidliw Bros., of PajsVey,-had 'feneVof their liar- vesters," and"L,' Cd8siitt| iQuelph, fanningmilla^^ gq(33vrttang "boxes. A; very 'bad'1, ft ature in- Bome^of the township sh'o'ivs.is the difficulty in" obtaining ithoi names of the.1 ex^ ^bitors. It seems to ns that the principal incentive ^to:exhibitor8 ia almost entirely Jpst in .riot l|iaving| their namea-jattacked. to ejjo^ arti cle. It.is not|mrely Tor the"8ake of the prize mbney that people take the trouble of- briiig\their articles to the exhibition j it ia to let others See arid know'-who are. the produc ers. ; Tliere is riot inncU' satiafuction iii haviiiga. red ribbon-- placed On one's article . wheh ' nobO|(Jy else knows who ia the triaker or owner; geldjng or^filly W, P, MoQlure, % John 'GitnningKgtjj. B^ -spring TOlt^,!.itad.-&,jfcrdy,3/-^j^,. RO^DSTEis. " i ' -' Brood mare-yfc S. Hall^ 3 J- % Fralzer'; 3J Jos. Buddler. Two^ear- oidi geldmg ,or filiv-rJohn^BntrV IJ. Petie^rew.i On^yjear-, of k'\ If it,jvere riot for ^the enter prise bf tfewapaper:.men in'.ipubliahV irig the nam0s of. the successful competitors, it is;riot very pfcobobie jthere would ;be muchof ;an exhibi. dom' These remailks apply espec^ ayy fo }the department inside the hall, where1 the, articles are'placed mainly ifot the admiration'of the public, j- . ' /*>'-]{ ; Inside the| hall we/toek W^ to examine- the articles careifully/ but as we had no means of ascertaining, the namea jrf- the exhibitor*, we v^ill inerely. enumerate some of the: principal airticleai There; wsi a ^and^qme case of imiilinery,. which wg ^presume Was frem-jihe esWblish- nieRt of tWjLeddjj- ^nderaqa and Oo.'j a ^ of pl^togMpha; fr very fine dis^liy. jof 'J&ipcy. wool work, beac|. J?ffcj|| hof j work,, braiding \yool wrea^i, wfa-s ****> trr00/.1 knitftank, cqY&i^a quilts-, etc."; sev old" geldjng V illy W^. Frajier, Spring. ^jlt K'"-S.': Hati, 2 % Cook: THpRODaaBHED CATTX^ l^est cow ^giving mrlk,5 and G, Hkray, ighnxhjeaq-di heifer/j entriei-J,!Waprxjn, ZJL bampbelU 6nWyea*iold' lieifer,/ J entries-, J, ^afjlfij-f W. W^ldle S 4^ Ws Idie. iT^o-jrear-okl btpb % ^ritries^ aTag'- ^arly.'; LQne-yeaivol4 bull, 2 Striea-4W- Wilsori, 2 W; -.-.* C. Beatiy, BulJ. joyage, 3 enfiriea -^Jas."Jtirly. BW eailf, 2 entries .. , t cjjlfc! 4? entriesr-^]WaJ^-3|:4':--'-^ Oampbell. - '-- -,:'-.|' -'-. o'rabe .g^ttlb. ; , .. i. v . -, f_ Cow jiving milk, \ 3 entrieii-P. : a A'rtiistrong,'2 M Tuck, i.Sl Wi - f Wriggleaworth. Threeryear-btt hd- J fer, li entries^-Tpl: jCross,- J2 -A; ,'(-J Campfriff 3 J. 1ST: Fi^e^.lTwd--:^^ year-olc.i heifer, 6 erifiriesT :'. Fraz^f, 2 -D- Croea, * B.| Tnefc v One-yes iroId'v heifer, 15 eri*r4ea-riA-[ ' Campb&U 2 B. Tuck, 3 fiTGroas.\ ."-.. Working oxe<57 gentries CD.! Rob-, _ inson, 2 Ja U Frae^r, S A^Hen- - dersoni -Fatbeast, -2 eatriea-^D, A, Coopcrj'2 ;W."Praser:.;vHeiFer < 'calf, 2 jritriea^t-Js Qarnp^eg/^ |aj. j Drink* ratgr. " [l' 8HBJf!B,^EIi Rail, 2 entries-iJaar' Brink-; Arateri 2 B, 5ni&fc- ' Sk'^Ir* ram,.2 entrjea^JA: W*Id>e. 'frjMMU lamb, 6 entfles W. IWaldfe.: 3 A. Wajdtk B^u;ewea,&entriein-rW. Wald%, 2 Bj^nighti ' Pair ahar. ling e!wes-B4. Waldie. "^P|lr ewe; lambs/j-4.-entries -"W- ~W* John ^ barren. era! pie iWhjf ii a diBhon l bankrupt Hke" art faon< at poor m^n Because bo^Ja fail to | ;et rich. lnteg rity of conduot, and a praoti cai abh<irerxcp c/artfulri^as and dis guise, v dl alone s. iire reaped and nooeM in our und srtakfnas both In publlo t M private lia, Littl3 Aline was eryirig, bitterly, itnd, on being queitioned, ponfeseed io havi rig reeeiv^t i a slap from one of her play felloW >. i " You, should ve etui ried j ii," Unwisely said .a-.<jtti tio; ipr.)' " Oh, I returned hefo, -e,* f ed4 TP B Ht^le; girl.i ^|r| J^Jobnier, ^e. woTpari.%ho,iB '" *"* vri to the world by the. aj giten- to a oartajtt an% ireBB,Btiillives*! uf&; W" ":"i4-i m some very ekcelieigi J^eJTOfi^S;$. pencil knd "cr>yqij drawHRg,- aft], qf j which should have bad'tJia myneof Starkfv;Pair Mli^Br^iie*--;^. the artistf Attached/ ap, $$ we niigtj^ya-b^^.a^-'iq- ^eatqw ^ :prqpVj mead J ot nrniw-- ^ Oft $e. oantJFa||fi^? feW*: ^7 l^dsome: dU|^^i%feia'a^^plalta, in-. ^eluauijg j|tu'j^e|y ,ar^n^-garden abpUtj (Sj bj' 4/ieet, shown by. JJo^epI'lBarbeii, A good U canned; fjqit !anxl bottled.wine. \ A~ ^orge jju^tUy"'of very fine applrs, gfapes| pieai!i and onions.^ Three seka hlarneagf -a^d ^several pairs of b^ta^nq-'b^^erc Twelye lcjave^ owa, is on :^'aiid=wear|i t^i bteadi:;2i. Mketa fpasb.' buttfr.iS tuWn>ckedlbntter anS J chj * no nntker^i i^ames. . Three;fc X Pauevreianvba Pat aheep ^any" breed,*. 2j entrieki "V^f [Frazeft^2 E. Moore. !R*m any bi^b;. or bre<ri, 2 enteiea-rirlw;: Wifaon; coTswoijf.-" : Rtiti|, 5 entries4-T| Chiahplih, 2 A. Sb.rki Rarri lamp, 4 entries^-i W. Vllson, 2 A^yWald^ Pair ewes Paii-. shearling awea--W. Waldie. Pair e*e larub^ 2, entr|ia-T-W. Wjlaon^ 2 Rl Knigbti. filGS, MttO*^BEEIl, ";. j Boiri W. Howden, 2 R i,Fordi SprinjjBoar S.Mason.: fenr^Dj, Masb l, ^iR.Fori.^SpriiigiJBok-ti S."Ma>on/: :< ' f*At* BBgSJnj _ m_: Bdar S. McNaugKtori, \"% & ^ Garvi n- Spring Boar-J-S. Maaoa,^ , , 2'8."-8lc^ightoii'::&w:-Ja,^Mii-?,T. flannele ftdl jiaugatoii, .2 E. Jffodraf,- Spring u vEhfcq there were Sow--S, Masoni 2 A. P^t f ^t&wv'Vj, Baj?_o/^or"j m=3>* llrali ija Chic Qi irHi. Piar.CooainlfJhi^teai ^-sDr;' if^eemen,^ ^^JlRw^fti T. if uston, 2 R, fd^i. ,"^--"s-t-L ' iab" Ohiokana- R. * Humd<- P^Brtaijie S&^rleya -T| Hqfc i' ^air 0dn>ino^ Ityrkfj ip G arviri, W: Wf, jgta^efl ?4d8c ovv :: l^ckB^CMriRiH Mille Bii Rowan r^udts-tT. iB[u Pair Aylewbury. rBnmfcB^Tii "^ Pair Cori^tton: Daoks-^--<J, Sv hattu^en 2 W.\J,^^ R^b^son.- p.-if-.: :rV:iX|IUHll.r^lB^aaifljji.Wri^Ie^ 2. G| Wriggleswortb^ 3/:l^ -.' ^ (^Ccatmriod on fonrf Kpit'-\y&?

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