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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 1, 1875, p. 3

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..," I . ,-*- ffcio*tru "Qma 6,-aop.m. 7x15 p. nv. 1**5 a. m. 8:40-*. nv 8:5.') a-m. 11:35 a. in. " ' -- sel^t "fclf^^V r :^! I:all\y.-;'".-"_/_/.- " k::s.r:v le-inhabitants of ^ 1 and &ttst& that : 4 " ' '. ' j- :V - i)AX twrm tihk Vastus. , ) \ Tiiiai^r^Atooi> follow*^ 1&ay Sfcprv.**' | ' i Expre* . i - j i- : - ."-> Xtixpd . . I. ;' Xight Express- - - :-., - i. ^tOfNa KAST. iNight Express! (- " - Mixnt . " j '- - ' " I>v Express j > Mil' * ""'" Miwfl :<. i.'-J-- a SBN&rimw", to rwritiP..ifcmit of focal *>}*, *K<-k-iM *i>Jki/ oAkjyA frri'ow^ *. ' * *!fk of 1*mi#rd*ce 'or etaer *\vtrti|s, fitiridrfij*, vr ity icirfr< HU<A . wti,V *' ixttreatiitjj, riArr J* iAix. kmility oK<H. ihf! c.if"n/rjf yfjToWy. Matter o/ <i. i")/ mi? 6c r*tJttirittf ." iViahfr'a <fW\v.'! htlXiratevt' o*t, <*)i< Jrf i., .' ai.-.f Vi/ J-.rtW."Vm ore/<r rb fasCNrr if* i #*i.Wi-"> &i is rc*aj^ ,<br u*. fu.-lre- i' tiy fc t>1--tthitr*-iagr>*orni>>!],' at the r-t-tr customary wntenct*, by R*W Mjf. Atdd. the and1 >rith prayer j T ho tro wol usctF'o .... i U|o.WAblishm)it ofMn'S; >V0ki**;^Unto] todhand. '- edW^AVto PiiKWss ford, by. the young poi pie-of m FREE !f .&*. LOCAL MATTERS. 1 announces -.. . jrea. MrfUnf i Asocial to* mefttirijt m licW in tfo' Temperance Hall,: Wi dnctday oveniiig, in connection w^th i laying of^thp Corner SUaie Of jth-":new Methodist Chntth; Wdor , t^e iwipio^. o{_ jthf Aid Society. "" '_1 "Ijuiie? Aid" Society. The p> rroiKinenii lirovidwl yivH W e\ ery 1f >peet clasa andthe wholt ei tortaiii eht fist ed off remarkably>;ple want. Four long tiUes weio t-ice.fille I nd iOplemshed from the ample' kUppl M of g kxI thing*. The proceed* "fKnri,tl|iia sourJM towards [ fresh mvl k,faU goodai CaU and we. t>he boilding fnnd amounted to alwuj; .t, - -. >, . ,.i , . ^ aixty dollars. At the conclu lion of this -Mossfs. Craine & Son have just received very, large stocjk of bpoU and j^hdes." See their adrrtiiementi :'ir | - Kosa I^TErin* is^i|nnopnced ko | give one of hter mnSioal jonteriainmenta in Milton, next Friday evening. ' ^-4-3S[e, Thi.; %f dlmpbeirUw: |ha Bpring pig ihat took thTfirt priw iathe ^uelph |Bihibitioi. for$ISO, to. !a gentleman frctn the State*. at th j, laying of odiat Church, Ajqton, _ ..,._,,... ^ ' turner SUW& Acton ^Sept. i9th <8?ji O. W. CalTert, Su^t " Th iih beautifi)l momento having j be^y i hanj ad and admired bj^^ Uim^pr oec' crowd eparaid to. t >ot aj >airJ|| th'o '^Present, off Brant, the Meth- MAKR1KD. . ' On tli'o 22nd September, at tho rcsi- (Icnoo of the brttlo father, l>y tho Rev. Mr. HuBlwmd, (if llnwksviJlo, assisted by;tlio, llo*.vlr, CooUinan, .of Berlin, \Vm. ArUdir\\Vrigglcswortli) Ksq., of tho lWiiRhip>t&Hpiosi.inrt of Unit on Co., to Eirvmn lxiusin, 'third .daughter of JBfrti. 1U Bt>omor, Esii,, of tho Town- ship of W#llesloy, Watorlbo Go. . Ou-tho UU Sept, lit tho reBidclico of' John-CJ. Harloy, by tho lie v. U, Cocks; Christian 'Bnrnoftnto Mia Louisa Jolui- leai, all of aeoRwftwn. ] > rFt& Sho^r ": Tho 'Ksqlicsing Tftll Show wilf bq ^ hedd nt Georgetown on lPriday, Uii 1st October, uxty part of the entertaim acnt,, t he Metho~ di*t Chnrch adjoining Was ra [lidly filled ~%o overflowing to listen to the mnsio and addresses. Rev. Mr. He ward occu pied the Chadr, and'oiKincd tl le proceed^ ,ings w^th suitable rei a^rka. Exceileat addrease* were given iy Kev. Mr, Mips, of Georgctoiwn, Wrn.; MejCi iney, -JE^, M. P. fc* thai County, R v.-MoWl iWilkinsori and Camarpn, und David Plowes, Esq. of Brant ord, tl e addresses A .1 r* - (gr Now'iii an exoedteril tim* lb bjsing interapereed by music tnd singing jsnbscribe fdr Jhe Acton" ^;-i*^.-]^)hrcli^^ Tho eloquent and free of Postage. (A->-- \': ': "" ^ Georgetown ioauBOtiall to. find SIcLeod, Anderson A jCo-VM >mnth Store. They will alsp irqd therein a t*ern>ndous stock -of dry jgoods and clothing of every description. --A it the Provincial Exhibition; last'4i, both"Messrs C. S, Sihith^wd SPhoi. GAna^DcVi of Actos^ we^tacewsv ful isLoaayiag. off a good many prisaa for sheep. ^ve!rnotJce by Toronto pa-" pers that they, are also exhibiting in Toronto this-week.. -i ..:' IV""t GobDS ;, & I" ( appea'v by Mr Plewes and others resulted in con Jibuti ins of over ?500', (in- additioa to the mount pre viously subacribed,)'. to tle- building fnnd, of which we n ight 1 mention the sum of 950 by Mr. 'M cCraniy-aad $85 by lir. Plewcs--the I slancei being from resident* of Acton a id vicinity. - The estimated cost of the hurch building is $5,000, and there is now af little over $3,000 subscribed. T be contractor cal- culate*-' V have the wa^i'ooittple'ted , L ."WaU. Paper, Holton. doitnto*ShovT,'jat itiln, "on:' " ? C .f-"' ' '-* '- i : Nn8sngn\Veyi, at lJiiste'rbropkj-Ctli of October.-j' . i; CoMntvVfVccl, at Brampton, fithiand tith of. October,. : f Centre \Yellington, at Elora, October .r) nnd ti. .j - ' i West Wellington, n_tr M,ount oreV Oct 6and;_(. '..... "'.: -. South Hiding Perth, lit St. J/aryu, r>t\> "land 6th October.. . ; North Riding Perth, nt Stratford, "th and 8th October. -,-... ', North Riding Waterloo, OctoVcr 12th_ and ^Sth. Erin Show, at Erin Villoge, Tuesday, ,19th October. \. :. it '<: : \> MIU Street, A TO\, DEALER IN ^ G^n^ral Grooeries, 'k Bo^ta and, Shoes, v Mi*"*- **: R|SS^ pC?|GBE uim. v;roi)3sr \ Has pleftsuro in [lotting the good people te'" i Messrs Sccord. Bros, .lmvc jnst received. a nico. .assortment of Gold -and Silver Finger hnd Wediling, Rings, Sih-er Watches, ,kc. Tlie'se" goods will bo sold from one to five dollar* Ivelow jeweller's prices. "'--iCall-ana' Scb'fhem they are cheap.: . the fame lincl flavor of Secord-JJros.' 50o Meteor Tea, worth 60c. It has no rival. Arfox MAUKi:rs. have said ;rbofed before" llhe weet ten different patterns of china tea *ets; ten different pattern* of gUsa t<*' seta. Abo a foil stock of all kinds of beautiful goods in glass preserve dishes, pitchers, d cheap Secomj Br.oa.^ Jcompletely 'through the W | and will be sold cheap- hi!" urh a tcstllB>": ji v: ' " ~Ht, E. Cleave, of 1st concession sof Erin, ^threshed 150 bushels"barley off 2i acres. On the farm of Thonias Black, near Korval, 650 bushels oaU wgjre 'threshed froia-7 a; rn. to half-past 11 a. m., and in ,the aficmocn by ' half-past three b'elockj 345 bushels were threshed. She "work n-as;done by J. Swackham- iner's machine', made |by Jos. Brothers, of Milton. v *.. ": ' ^ 0b| ebinpl Cl|)M of the iScaltarlr; Cnfart*i **. A sefious accide it Ka^ppened at Douglass <fc Bnrlj lermkh's Mills, township of Esqnesmg, l4st Friday. barley, 6.7c to 87c ^Tiito Wheat.. :. ...... Treadwell..... ----- Spring Wheat. r....... Barley..!..;.:.:....... Oats;...'.............. Peas;___..'... .'T..:... Potatoes, per bush..'.... .Dried Apple*,: per lb.., Onions, per biiliel.,... gutter.......... A: .. 1 O0 to 1 00 0 '95 to 1 00 ' 0 OS'to 1 00 0 70 to 0 85 0. 35 to 0 00 0 bo to 0 00 0 40'tu 0 00 -0 08 toO 00 0 75 to ,1 SO 0 20 to 0 00 0 12 to 0 00. 0 12S to 0 00 14 00" to 15 00 0 oi; to 0 00 0 07 toO 00 reaching oyer the i sdgitif, saw, had and eawn bone a little above the. wriat- St wasj necessary to ..amputate the foreajrrn. Onb more dayiiforild ha' e finished saw ing at'the mills -1 or &Lia season. "We leani that thii 4s "bjut on^jijf series ' of acciden)ts which . hs\ e if J- ". . .; ' .----'.IV* ' Died 1*. a KatsSTv -'- - peath occarreil-to.an old resident,of this vicinity, last Monday, under pe culiarly painful circumstances. ; Mr. ,AJet Ferguson, who had-been ailing for seme T^fUom, went to the Guelph Hpa- prtal!f6r medical treatment; but finding after ^remaining tfjere about a.week, that there was. little hopeof his nfcoveiy, jhe exyrsaaei a wish to be brought home.to did amongst his fribnds. One. of ihe_ hospital attendants, seeing his ieai State, kindly accompanied him oi the t^aii to Acton, and oil arrival at ,-tbe- station had inm eomfc^WyT>l<Je*in a bnggy; to-be driven to the reside^ijof *^. Laehlin Corrie, asm* twoiula dta- . tant Although the carriage wa* dri^v en yntii-'pttil 'care,' aa^' very a^tentoon , pmdto his c<|istfort^ tb*y had not p'o-j ljefallonlir. Linkliter fethiri tie iwi twi> years, in andtebord; tikp milL Hi) firte got his leg broken by logs,/whicfil laid hira np. for sey- eral weeks ; not loi g after he had his knee l'rl|ly ja nmed|; next he? was prostrated witl typhoid fever; then-he had his leg ngain brojken ; and now,; jhe 1ms lo? t! his right hand. Trnly Lis .'lot has bt en'a ft^l ^ne. *^"t~ rrrz. .^.r--t- ^.-'t,.: pocket cuttlery, tea nnd'ttWajqioons, ceeded more than half a mile from the K^ ^ .^^j. {o ^ ^ itSj ^ "of Last week wb received ouif ttU stock of!jeUies, j ams, lannaladai, pickles, etc The we< k pretv iaina a laegfe stock 6f table! and pockei cuttlery, spoons, etc., and iteaa. This week, crockery,j glass we, c iina,,lamp( etc 2re ifeek, staple groceries, Biigars, jrice, barley, ffch;' oat meal, eto. Ssookd Frosj - -rrFarmere I if y^ii- kirit .cheap Bye| Staffs jjoji'to tjhe Me|dical Hall, Acton.'--" -'; :'!'::'- Yon can! ave ^fteen- perrcenti-by . and Dye Stuff* a^ the Acton: - j. " . y ^ikw Grootwi-iTew i*bte|- and ttiery, ta jmd'tiblajlioons. Ai ,^r' ' ;.(.. VS. V-- ?:K;Y% , was laid o Wednesday,' many peoile. distance we. 10- sL B. How- Cooknuui, -ood, Mills! of of Nassiga- P.,0?kvUlei, fcroi -i-Wd Chairman, felphV W- r'-m lupwards, ;f.:. A$m \ iS Idjaa rnakes*.am *' -'- J ."- ^0k H- '^Ef " "" : " :" : :% . '. ". - A'-'j&m m village when the poor man expired, pe was about sixty years of'age. - Lariat af Carmer Slaa*.- The. corner sfone:|of "the new ^edifice being erected (for- the.Meth Chnrch in appropriate and witi nasfrf brf a Aiiongst those fron i'fibed the following: ard and "Maxwell, of G' "of^Berlhv Auld,' of Georgetown, Wilkinson,] ' ;%eya-; .WbL McCraney, : David Plews,- Eecff, others. iEev. Hr.-^owj -opened tie ceremonies -wi\ h suitable ,marts; /and. after singiaj , snd ^prsjyer by Rev. Mr. MaxweR, he ; read the 132tb Paa|m, .the oher clergymen ;pre- ;: sent responding. Rev jit. Wilkinson read the 3rd chapter vt 1st dormtbjtos- XhrioQ tbtjbe duajpeeabltx bpl' the yeafiaar/; the.OTiatonja^ were postponed nntil|the: evenmjtj in \ae"!Clmrch.:""-: Eev.. Mr. Calvert " nounee*! ihe contents of the tin' box to ; be deposited under' thet corner stoni follows: Copies of 4he Acton iVe " f-Tprohto Daily Globe, Daily Mail, ticLh Guardian, Canadian A" ,1875, and a. document containing^ the names of the church officers, '.__ c^nmittee,! Ac Bavid Plewes, Esq. of Brantford, then pre&anted with -a beautiful si|er ' trowel) and-requested.t perform %he cerensbny f'ot laying -the_ comer : stone. Mr. PJeweVin a few, eloquent remaito, referred to his residence in Acton sosaai twenty-four years ligp, stating that it '; " rjtqnired not this beautiful momehto to ,keep him in mind <>f the jhaay Jond- . snesses he had r&eivjed frpjn^ihe'p^ll^ -of Acton, and of thejfew; p\ea*antyfea| he had spent in their rnid*fe H*;feif verymnch gratifiedjat ith* :^pn>*peTon all kinds, in great variety, just oppn^ng out at SeccirdBirps. to call the attention'of heiir eustbmers to tile: notice which; hss appeared in the Frkb PkJSS foil some weeks past,.advis ing- them that; their accounts are now ready ahd wiU bie due On the 1st of October.I They ^ ould gpeciauy. re- qnest Qieir customer! not to I toosa aoght Jf this fact, as;4hey Jj ^vefy mujt J; ^it^Svery doDkr t* *heirl|obks-<m'6f .about;the 1st oflOctotier, their own jen 1 gagements requiring Ehem to do sa _ -^Messrs- (jihi^ de, Henderson & Co.J: Acton, rispecl fully .ittiniate to thcle-'intett4 *h^ duriiig/Uus and toe early part fof n # week Jtbey will deliver, either persoi ally or through the: post office, all accom fa remaining unset tled, and-request: tiat-pa; same will be made ' as ear possible, as it ia the! intent all ontistandingk w< nnd nfl not later than the 1st October ;TheS fall stock, is: daily coming to hmd. inspection is; respectfully .myi tod. j Another large of-: that fsano^f^egaa^^and Btatenf the church.and; of ibe village generally, and trusted that-ltbesettntn-' bntions.r|p>vi|^MtHi-niaid^'cf .jaiii new' eaifice would "lie so"liberal M to 1 leave it uhincumbei-ed with debt." - ' The stone WBa'plabed ml position and the ceremony completed by reading the :*rr settle-: t . -thus enapleus | been an; eke merchants ge .count we .wob" a special effo: as they well 1 !&;::; : flay, per ton;..:... Chickens, jwr lb----- Ducks, " ..... ?; :l G.U1JLPH MARKETS." ' Fall wheat, 1.00 to $1.05 -treadwell, 95c: to $1.00 j spring wheat, (Glasgow),; 90c' to 1,,00; spring wheat (red chntT), 90c to 95c; oats, 30c to 36c; peas( .".'., .&K*. I*1* dozen, lie to'12c; buttcry dairy piokeil, lBcto !toc; potatoes, per bag, 50c to G0c. j TORONTO SlAUKETS.' "^7 .Spring whctv 1V05; riow white wheat,- f 1.05 toT?1.09 ; oats, ley, 84c. IK. 'Window; Blinds, Oropkery, . ': .. Glasfywaro, v- V .. ,.'.' = :..* ... ;j ;ails,' ; ' CHJaes, ; :i.-' "; ' -. --"-'a Putty', ,n Liinssod Cil, sa*w * soiled Paints, i Turpentine, Maoliino Oil, ; Coal Oil, :: ': Salt,^eto. J AliSO PARIS 6REEH & HELLEBORE ' XL l v, '-!':'.i-' v : .' -r.-'i- jf?Acton and tha Gountiaa 0 Whefe ?g$ purciases of" f'l WONDBRl'UlL A.TTRAOTICaTiS W&& SS* mF^m&y Whi 'All hich will lae lpng dTuring . A-_ *Jtalfc<iu and ^Ve}i|i}gtofl kni>Mr that he has jnsi BRITlSIf Aim H3REIGN MJiiRKEtS^^ mmTRKCOtti rHr".- m ^. Returned-JfrbfH'tljc-., v "1. 4 this month, And tliat Wonderful Man's standing motto" Small Profitrand Quick'Sales " will fe'the'wafcclittwd, '.wliicli - t r .-v-"-' -iF- An! early Hispectidri from old fronds md castomers is respectfully1 aolioi^ed.- , .'; ::'; :{ V-H August 7, 1B7A, ",-' . i SECORD I3F.0 furthei"notic;oof y/hicli wi'.f be given.) H, ^i^o^ia^l Alma Bldbk, Upper Wyndl i , 39c; liar-' For llio.JJeBtructlon of Poiato ^ug? 'Cut'erplllar* niiit othec Insects. -The Kul)grrlber beRB to return hlsthnnks to the IntiaUitanlKotjAcionihiaBniTOund: -rmr-conntry for -the liberal pntronuEe "berolofore.extended io.lilm, and at the same timo sol.lclt.tbelr furfu^r sapport Cash Paid for Hides delivered; m DOMINION a: ^5^ 2 S ^ "% [W. 'Street, kjublpl- IMPOiJtlM^ tn"-:'AA' Ai'.i IbakeB" this opportunity of '-infdrming .'the- inhabifar te.of toundwu country,: that owing to the^satisfuctory |tuin,Awh We are reeeiVins this week rare stocks in all the choicest^ ' I Y"comprising' iii part the foiloVvjh? goods1 > Garmed at lei ist tea adioal Ha PRINGLE, "Wiatchmaker, Giielph, Has agood.sto^k.bf , "RUSSELL" AND "AMERICAW^ .'- I '; ' . 1 : Always on iianul A 'He attends to repairing of jlnewatches hlinseir. j , ;MrJ Hacking, of'tbo Fkei*! PnJEns, will, kindly ca--ry watciie fint Jewplery \o and fforn Ouetpn wh6n req.ueste8. Gafllph, Sept. 27,1S75 : . j Oysters;'/'/r- Xf \ A\ I'/' ".]" ' ;' Ocean Trout,. Surdinei and ^delicajcies of Ithe season, choice taken, and at the 'solicitationvpf 4,number ^aen induced to " : ; ,-" ;; V , iixixe 'Aciton^ an *f stir' L whiph busiriess:bh's '! of his Kesi^custQai_er^,':he'-bajf.. utess He will endeayor in the;future as io the p'ssi je io business qn'^iJip STRICTLY CASH AND ONE lODt Acicm^pm Relieving that to,have one price fqi- goodi is tibe bnl jjfair and honest way i)f doing business, besides baying"'for cash-jini iselli - snabled to SqjLI at 'j!0asti IQvPer Ovmi Gheaper Gaji^ed^Prmit a Slams, than if he did business oh>the long winded All parties, visiting Acton are ^respectful!? the goods and prices before purchasing elietvhi>re irei it system,:*- .' "1 T A>-hA- A^:s i .' tisd t6 !caft and' insp6|; Salmon, "' ", Lbbitefsiicv >ts'. ent of the 'a date as lon'to^have ATTENTION. i Messrs. Se^ord Bros. >onld res pectfully intiniate io their friend* and. customers that they arelnoy ns*ing out all accounts, andJ* ould. be obliged u their friends fhen visiting the., store would ask for iheirv cconntft We wOl deliver a* many as i ossible t ntjugh the post office, that !beug-the qtickest and best way at reriderii g them ; our custo mers are so nnmerot s and spr ead over so wide a territory,. at it would cost us -ajt. least aAuhdfd ollarsian<L ft month s "time to visit them all and make col- lectinn* personally; benoMt wdl beam- piifJbleJornsiodcaori . p.r VWe tronld also rish! to ife"d our 'friend*, and cujtoin ;rs tjhat a 1 ^>^u onctrr books aise du a^the 1 it October,] and-must be pa?d tl en, as w< have very heavy engagembnta to, meet . lunns; that mc4i8i, andsMreq lire to no lect every donar due-ns by tbi t time. < ; ^Jur cnitomrirs v e are ha; py to say, rareali of the fiSt-c! sss kind, ad we feel assured that thfey ti ill all ma ce an enort - - ace mnta p* nptly, and dhthesam'. This has y hard . season on ___j,- and oi that ac- ae)f our frier da to make in onr/behafj knowing tha we do no; unreason ably pn*h for Jpayi ients. -A U aepnnnt^ not paid by tie Is i of Octoler will be/ handed m to-Qour4for coQecpon. ' L',iA. Wholesale Manufacturer of lOOliLARS, j < ',. > Saddles,, ) Harness, :VrTj?nnlrs, a , ; Valf'3es,r Travelling ^a^a, u Horse Olotliing, a.l- OomTas- : And Brushes P G-UESliSH. :Aro non-Belling their Spleiidid Stock of L -". L DRY GOODS ;at "; GREftTt:Y I - - - . r "'-'. i ' . .- ' 1' r'"' ' t. ;': "s ;-, 'n~, -- " ,+* r PRICES AU A'l Uaa Prepaiktory to removing . fo jnore tensiveand corn'modioixs premises, Their old (friends in-Acton 'and vicinity are specially invited to call - and participate ih'fehe bargains now Reaches, . Strawberries, i^uince,,.;...;. j '- - ' 'i' ' ' Tomatoesj ". ' i' Peal's, A':::':- ,; :'. Gooseberries, . Cherries, Green Cirri, Jfbae.Apples, . Blackberries, Raspberries, .::;> Gresn-Peas. Green Beansjiofec. I. Al! bnJerH given Into ohr hands iwlll be strtetly iattenaBd to, and warrajuted to give satisfaction, as we. employ none out the best workmen nnd material, COttiABS warranted "to" give satiBfao- tloh; as theyare of our own manufacture. j REPAFfiINQ Of'ait kinds dohe with neatnoss and on | the shortest po ice,- All Who require goods In our line will do well to give us'a: call before purchas ing elsewhere. I. ' -5 ,' Bemerater.tho Btand s - j : it: CREECH ,Acton. July 1,1875. - - offered, : :'W9l, Potted Jellies. Lemon if elly, Easpben'y Jelly, Pear Jelly, Bine Apple Jdlly, ,- ' : I ,-' Black Gum-ant. Jelly, = Red Chrrrant Je greyer ves; Strawberi-j' Jelly, !Grape..JjBny/,. Iy,- PeackJ )aI v: - as NOW G^U*7f)N AT;Ta i^ for oash,vbe Vvill bS;i, - - .i .-:. -: -" TREMENDOUS BARGAINS QITELPH. A - i 'Will bs given during this.: Sale, - iaa^ngl- ret teid'- eyeiy" article "to" slly, etc. Raspberry, Cherry, Peach, STEWART St C; GE PROPERTY ILK !-. M' ... The subscriber -haB commenced the dairy business, and will .deliver milk; every morning and evening at' the houses in tfie village. . Milk warranted ptrrei Twenty-one quart tickets . for |l if paid in &&vanoe, iot twenty-one pint tickets, for 50 cents. ' ' " | . P. JS, ARMSTRONG. 'A&ton, July 8th, J 875. ' The..undesigned-"offe'raj for sale tha park lot immediately cist of the Bai..- way t*ck, knowre as Ypnng'e surveys i 14 th^viihige ;of Acton,.; omnrtejng".sis acVesj-raore of less.: Ithasibeen survej ed^nto village lots, but would prefer te sill in block, i Acton is one of the moit prosberoos an^l thriving places in ths section of country, and its prosp.ettB-f i r rapid growth are second to; none. : Tl 0 nbovelp; a most desirable property 4ff- private" residence or manufacturing; pu r- poses. For .jwrmsrand particulars.ai- Suirft'of Mn D, Hehdersott-, Acton,;.or s, -%eowneVAagrove"F.t'Q., Esquesuig JOHN McCALI* EaqneBing, Sept. -%, \1875. le& all m wa Blacl c -Currant;, etc No city.eBtabyslimerifc prjssente.any more Fali.'-' -Patties jfhoj1 vyaitt a maUjf choibe artie GROcriiR l-ioh, rare^ ctoio^; t tt'd iona^bie oatalogiie oLdelictipi ?sr a^il staples tl an *0.. are. impprt ing this earfc. V&;$$: Scotch ^.^^'Oil'^otfii" --' Horae'"'Pclk^s,^':v A- T' ' a":- ParisJQrreBii^'W^rr^^ y : fash- |.. s^e ids' . j>:'rFSdu 3i|L:d!'Xo;^-c3i."v:;H-^:C;.";v::-':.:'-b:>fc. a Our Fall Stook of Teas Hec^ived Last ^7"' 4. n ' i Wife (jrpbtts dfA^ .V- :R;MbB%jr; IS, 1876; -'-" Mm 0af(feiilTboiSjv -" n-i 3ardware3lerchihi:S' .

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