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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 1, 1875, p. 1

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' ' ' *v --3B -, "i i\ '-.^^H ." .' ;P.'-3H ^^^M^^^HH -' :* ^^^5? -isr* f " " 'Mii *"' " - 5-%< ^L_ " -^ Imty for *^ HtOOJi ,;t G-V8H t |-:h*t ILbrjc-are now -:. ' a 1111 Shoes rtyle and dursOrS'ii* -; JNSEDY B&OS. W hm.owi;y,m. r; xr.r. ,\ ^, ' = , Vf K>f Trinity College, "Member jojf College of rh\Tiiciaii ,-uiil Surj^ui^.- 'ilii-i. ?Jt1;kkt, Aitmn, ! JOB PJtlXTlKtt neatly iiml promptly ' -' F.UKK IHiKSS tj Dn. il Momtmv. Physician, s.,r. r*4n. &c, tf i-l3ellevuo College; ?' 'St* \oj-k,-also IJrathiatc of Victoria Vollr^e, Oaiiada, j r-\itisulfcatiou diay*- Tuesday* and Vridkye. from 9 a. in." till West liower street ActOH, !" ' J:\MKS MArrhK\VS,,,\.iivoyftn.ccr, IssUeT oi" Marriage Licenses, Post- .___________ Master. Insuraaux-! Agent, Agent M<>nov j Z,A. 11A I, LiAgent. t*t 'Ijmuo,-. Ajrint! MiWiti-ual TeL I'o., t'lcrfc, | Actor, July 1, 1S7A thr 1| Ulllrr, 4l|l Good Hsmlock rtorwhtchl ,WtU va.vM|tVE| ,- ' l*r Ccjjf, A[T 'I'll K At'TOS? -'i KUoltvereu: in-ls) (f..;U'UE.\KDM4 f>f >U kinds executedui the FKJt'K, hlrwi. t: Fourth I*iv. tVurt, Com. in y. Ik, &c, -' Acton, tfnt. .. - j' .- ".. : ,' -----=-----------1-------- B.fHKNl>Ki;sOX.l,oHvcyiuii-er,*c.. alsi- .Vgeti. Canada Life /Assur ance OoJ IVedv, . Mortgages, &c7r pre- . =-^*e<l;,uerl\y jiromptly, wrreetlyjand on L reasonable tennsc-: M-ortsas^e- security. -House, "iYctoiO '". Money to -.Loan ijn Uftiev --lilasgoiv Goods. JS TV"-^ LAHMlAAV, Barrister^ Atfor- " pey-at- Law. ^tlicitor! hTt'.'liancvrv, ic. l.Ttficesj^-H.-uuitton. Id King street. Miltu,]Miun.-tK'^t..rjl'he'Miltuii Office will l6 fcmicr the management o( I>^ \V. Caarpitajll, andMr.LaiiRaw win* atteud t the ^Milton tSiee";on-Kri.lav "f each ) . : ' TyiLLlJiM WllTKIXS. lrr Harrlase"tlifrt>ir> V i crlllr.-tt-, l^!y l";ya^Aj'iN>intmelit. j . BuVihes l>rivatfc autl eontiilential. ' OSecl.vt the Tost t'tfiiv, (jjeawilliam, Cinty jHa'ltotu j.] M ' R$. S. C.VjRTKK. lUil XTEXXEftYS : Marble Woriks, (ipixisite siile{ from > ills* ;&'{ loxnlfellov 's iKoitinSry anil ' | Xrar Ertnaosh jlti idee, <uoJi>Ii. Atu Kiyns njr MONUMENTS Tomli 'Stones, Mantr e An., m.t>le! to any size ,i: !yi;l jmt ii[i in any ] irt Country. , C -." Scotch Crahitji; ' ntonts inn>orWl toot .l'.S.-:-.A. Kenueily tic.-d inarlile oultujr'. TTF Bark DOLLARS |k.N"S' K15Y l*ix^prielor. leeeji, tlqawn, Vfithe Miinu- w - is t i>r;ic-1 l1^ ! vy' $n& ' '-.. !. llass^a're' "N itjv-; t .- . -i. ; ! |h "or Produce. "_., Are, selling at tW -_ of. Presses :^ SALT. OF : ' f |to;?Aie.oarlixtare : money, we haip-t x Trarbrr fMtevlr.'Dran Inz and Frrnrb. ~ . " ' L t*ii<:rv!i street. Aetn. ' --------- *:l?ve jrcr:: the ISaiik of iVmtncrco, j -^Ueli-hJ-f j. ." i-'i "- ..'. We a'K- ;.-.'ihit.< l.tor sevtr!d:.tir*t-ela>i_ rti-ei aai.1 mxtn.-.K ^itnjeuiie-s. - A CTOX "'i 'rvlcrif .Jeit1 at tiie Kkke J*buss I ti*ue ..-i*- -^ ! ^SvM^3.aHkN^j. n.i."yK* LIVERY & SALE SJTABLE ;uv>;;: i.i'Jk!:._ i'lastkiski:. j .' r A<-iji.s, <nt. :!; , -J. I. .1LLJ.1X! , ^bSt^ud ana aj.m^-castijy-'.lone mi ! T:lko< y-.^&Im ana,L V . ".l!te.:Ui'istji\a.-~->lialeienni, ;m.l-,<vtisfne- | public cencnillj'ittiiit'tie jls ' - -L yiTit>X FLOIU UltLS. ;-'-. ^irst-cXassSorscs^afad ^*- i i lUil/ ' 111 >F- X1CKL1N. Proprietors. . ,:! ' - - fli Kl-,'jfill'l H.nrse:.tt; t!- cm:: L>- li.i'V:m.| Ire N '-'letVi nr ;:t;..!.^~ ct i... -ii-riv i'^vISi.; _-!..n Jiiiv \i-.'l~-~,. 1 >_ : yiour lau^; Keeil Ahsay.- "oli .U:inl ij1 Tiholevilt aliii, rdtr.il. Un.-tni,' ,-l^v1"i ' t fi..;.j.j-uL' t>ar|y.. iC.u-!: for all !J;JiN .- r , -f us t<> the |Tel>JirP>l to jCarriaffoa t>st tliaf no.l :iot?fcT I--. :: :;saue.;; gojids; into Cash,- ?. | cage will a second [j rtments : jm?5 eta. upwards :j [AEASDLS,: laisf |S6^p.;',_4-:;.; .-; 3, imiiiiS,aia s? "' r- - ' "'{ lOleiale jprice :"$1^3! . s, worth 37 Jc d| jh {OAIN8 w* ** . * |ao nmd ill, nd' P* % of tiie kind W*t |july and ^if!.: Joue, GeorgeWtm^ ;; .T>'*S>1N -H.iir.'jjK. ActoiL -.(.-Io.ee- rf. il\- tie <;.' T: Kaihvay Station. : Ks- orlleut-aceonimiKlnitioii t<^ the travtjliu" raUit. THUS. l-AMl'15EU.?rr"j>r. ,.[ T\ftMlKlTiX HOTKIs, Ait.v, Ont. AuSew", i'miirietor.' Thiii > Dew Hotel is tittetj uii iu tirst-class style, withiiew1,fumituTK. <."o'tQinetvial Travel- - lers trillffad j;.lt aife<?JHuilatiiai ami, ,i?i crnpjo.li.>a? Sainjjle;' l^ooms. S]>ecial . attention' *pail t<| the: uantrf of tiie travellingpal'lit. . j-lSarifu'jijiIieil vfitji tiie .^1 Sta?s'lui^ aa.l-^hentiTeiM.rstrecs. _ ]h - :. .... ..\v -. :.--------__pl____-____--_____d___. V rfV^iVAIL :i:X'(|HA.\iiE'v WiTKE,- ' 1, XX/VActonr-Oiit. {lloirr. Ufi-KIE, Pnfli. j. -smj4e IIo>ius lar^e ami eotiimiIt<Hi. i"t CiHBniereial Travellers.; (Jj irtel aceoni* ExIation for Travellers'anil -tJueits. ' ISest brauils of IJtj^ors ainl ("ignrii at. the iar.-: "tirrful .s tabling ami .attentive '-:.. E. JIO|tCOW, \ - ' ..' j i\: ;i>atijsox, .v : LICENSED AUCTIONEER > or ifaillon. Sales,atteii'lwl t<i in afuv jiart.of the Conutjyat rea>iial>le rates. A.Ures^: A. DAVIDSON'. .<,ain1.l.eUville, P.O. (giXX.lOJL GLOVE OlltiS, "" -' y:-; acxoh, QH-af. " 1*. H. STOREY ! & GO.; Df f-very etes ; of Whokfile MaouXaetarers iof very ete criptlon nd MtyJ^ of leather & Cloth MITTS AND GAUNTLETS. Dressers of Plain at^d "Fancy Kid Lieather^r . JW Higiuxt'. Market; Price patdtVor WOOL fSKIJJH. ..*-.. Agents for; Raymond'*' -. ehhies. ". ' -_ - ! Acton, July ,}st,~isr5." t'Tox bakery; Chemist and Dxjuggist At'TOXl ' ; ": IiKALKR lis dkugs; "CrTEMICAI^, ' PE,UFUMii)R.'i[ PAtE^T AND J, PKOPIIIETAjfy. AlEDK Always oq linnd a larjj** :i|rtd ed .stock of Ji'ell-select- Dye^stafe, Litiui4'. Oyfe," Faacy and Toilet osps, I rushes, Spoagcs, Trusios fpi Chil- .droa and Adult a, ?aouldar Bracosfor He4 'Womoa * a- !/ fryaad & Caildroa, Paiaita, ia oil, Soois, Stati)acr7 " -. aad Faacy ^wsp,.. PURK WtXES'ANI* iJl'Q^ORS " JKoriiledlclnal Parpo;es. ^g_ Physicians PrtsscrjptU nsjinrf I>>- mn-.-lic'Itecelpts and Horse mid Cuttle MedlcloeSrXurefall}- componn Jed, O.K. MORJKOH', v. Mcdldul-qnll, Acton Acton, Jaly.'lffT.j. : \ VT4i] PLilNrNG ktLLS - r. ANI> |5ewinj5 Ma- - IfSi-"fiL'jf Acionand vlclinity that he unppi, - M S- . - l - ^ ^ ^'i^H'lajis Bread, Buns, t'aken ' ^'.j BisealtK,-^tis. ' ."" Tret, every dar_<i0Hveiied'at ttielr: WEDDING CA^ES ^ toord4r Jn the laftst ItyWund!"at . caasonaploi chafgfes *- Hlgbefct^prtcfijnCaso-iald for Kgg] . IV Pamp, ShkIi, Dooranjil Blind EBBACE & CAMPBELL, - .Manufacturer!* of Window Sash, T.:.-i.J)p6r?,| 4 -Venetiao. Blinds And otheriBuildtn^Beji Also Makera SHfSOtBD' SlJOT^lT Of i Lunibcrilanetf and Drkgscd t0!orderl " 1 - -i'o tl>e beat ma aoer) jt All work guaranb ed. !:l; iniHites PT7MP&-' -n KUtlJET AND -OitilVF.. When' streams of unkiniliiens, iw hitter as, gall, ,'.' .: Buhlile up fnjin tlio heart U) the tiinvtie, ": ? Ami nieeKiirts is writhing in torment nujl thrall,.' Jly the haniluof iugnvtitutlo -wrung, In the heat of injustice, unwept anil unfair, ' . , While the anguish ia fettering,-, yut None; none but an angel of Ood can ile. " 1 ,u0- ca.n forgive ami forget.*' Bit if t)ielKul spirit is chased, from the '- ... | , 'And the lips arc in penftchco stCcpM' With the wrong o rcjteiitetl the wrath nll <lel>art,' \- Tliough scorn un injii.stit-o ! were huap'd ; .-'.. For tile In-st eoinix-iisatiou is paid for nil ill, . Wheiij the check with contrition ia Wet, Anil every nnujfeeln' it is possible still,- At oneej to forgave ami forget. To forget ! it is hnril for' a man with a iniit'd,. However his heart may forgive, To blot out all perils and dangers, be. hind, And but for one future to live ; Then how shall it l>e! for t every-turn. ' lleeolleetion the spirit will fret, . i Ami the'ashes of injury smoulder and burn,' ' ". Though wu try to forgive -and forget: Oh, hearken l-iuy tongue shall the rid dle unseal,. ;: AJ " Ami iuindsliall lie^iartiier with heart, W|iile'--til thvs'clf I-hid coiisdeiice re- vcjii -" .. Anil-8lmw.tliee.^t>w evil thou .art: Remember thy follies, thy sins, and thy crimes,: ; _ . How1;vast is that .infinite debt ; Yet mercy bath?eyen nnd seventy times lteeti*swift to forgive and'forgct'. f - Hrood iiot oil insult-s and injuj-i'^s old, " . l-'or tliou art injifrious too,-- fount jii.t the su'ui'till the ftital is told,' l'or.thon art unkind and untrue : And ii" all thy harms are forgotten, for- .given,' j. ' ' _ Suw ujercy with justice is met , Oil, whir would not gladly take les.sons of Heaven ' ' And learn to forgive and forget ! Yes, vim, let a man, w hen his enemy '.-. ;'^'-ei^.- . . ' lie 41'iiek to receive him a fncud ; For thus on-his head in 'kimlueis he heaps ! ' ^-- '.\ ~ Hot coals -to refine andaiileiid ; And hearts that are I'hristiau more eagerl>- yearn, As a nurse on her iiiiiiH.-eiit ]*t, (>ver lij>s. once bitter, to ]>enitence turn, ' And whisjier', " Korgivy and forget."' nothing btit tliink'of- the departed Of . cc tiamruity in the slig one ttnd dwell upou hit) memory, gree. He whs a portly, bioad-fac^d, For Mrs. Npruiau. tiro loss and Rpr- smoo li-sljavoh man, wjth ui)iiiiiiti)r row Svore hard onongb; to boar exceelLnuly polite, even cereirioni- witliout the additional bunion tliat ottu. He. wa^ conversing with Air. fell upon lier at Tier husband's Gi-oen when Harry entered, but he doath.' For a timo'slie was too ab- turtle 1 ti^ oijce to the boy with a Borbed-iu,grief to think of this, 5>ut bow people however afflicted' must be fed ami clothed, olid there came, a |ed he day when this fact was biouglib fablo icply., biit at last summoning homo to her with a force that sot all hi) coi(nig he stated his errajid hor. tb thinking of tlio ways audi with meting of getting ii Hying. _ Her-Uusbnnd's lust words and, smile, and inquired: his ibnsin ess. ' Harry wns so embarrass- : oojdd hardly think of a sitit- j" I have.uot left you were, destitute, I jvH the Eloquence of; innocence and Bimplicity. . r I w II do- not! ask you to give tis anything," he Added, " but if you have provided for your support." LJ could only lelpus little for the But when she made an ex^ruina-' presohitl hopeto be able to iay youl tiou of his atTuirs to" see lipw much ho was really worth, she found the deed of their little cottage to com- tlie whole of. his property pi iso. the whole of Ins property . r, tHis expenses had been l.tt-gor of\toJh^j-o,, jjrI c'onK1i btn late than usual muLJie had saved j a fil [^ fi my owu. tlwt , TBE HUSBAND'S LEGACY. eye<l^nmiden,! disjwsition as - A seme of years hat] John and -El.si! Norman -.lived together as. liuisb:ind und wifj.-jmd they,seemed as happy now as in' the d:ty!s of the honey inoon. True, they had amass ed little wealth .excepting., tliat jier- tuining totheHuind and liejirt, but John .was stfjady and industrious, arid-his family never hud wanted' for the necessaries of lif. 'Five 'beitutifuil children had been, given them, and notwithstanding tho additional expense which their maintenance brought^ upon him, John but worked the harder nnd enjoyed it the more. . The eldest was now a young lady alxiut eigh teen, a beautiful, fair-haired, blue- ami as loveable in she was lovely in a]> peanyice. Hkrry, tfie only j son, was a handsome, high-spirited boy of fourteen, and the two youngest, Annie and L'ora, .were' beautiful little girls, six and eight .years old. best beloved in the fanii- ly. gi'Wip was Nina, a little deform ed, girlj of about ten years. Her spine-was diseaed and there, was an unsightly lump on her back that camied people to gaze at!ber, with wonder and curiosity. She had al ways been an invalid and required constant (aire and attention, but she was; so^patient and affectionate that to wait Upon her whs but a labor of love.'- - , ' ' John .'Norman-, had been- blest with good health, anil-had been a hard working man iill his days. The thought,of the dear ones at home dejiendeut upon bis labor nerved him to strenuous exertions. He had given his- eldest daughter, Jennie, all the advantages for a good education^'aiid well had- she improved them. . She was prepar ing, herself, for a teacher; ' Harry, lie'was ihtending'to send to college. 1'hg boy was fond of learning,'and the ambitious father lioped to imake of him a Professor, a StatesjiiAh, or BOiiietliing still more honorahlo aifd brilliant. - f .-* . But change and sorrow, ever busy in tbis._world of' ours, must needs visit this happy home and disturb its sweet.domestic felicity. Almost without a warning John Norman was stricken .with disease and laid upon a bed of death. All. the despairing anguish of wife and children^ alii; the loving miniBtrai tious that were bestowed upon'him could [not-detain his spirit from..its bearveniy pilgritoage, " --V It will be vain to attempt to de pict the anguish bf that widowed .mother and those orphan children. There had" never been a death"in ihe'fumil'y before, and it would be long ere even the firfit'bitterness of theif "grief would wear away.' Pcor littlfe Nina was the greatest suffer er, f The others had occupation which .served to divert their minds in a, measure, but Nina could do nothing,from his WagsW, so she was at aloss to comprehend his mean ing in those Inst words. She could only think that his mind must bare been'. wandering, *nd | the words were..suggested, by-t.be destitute condition of the faniily. - . . A heavy burden" fell at once upon the shouldei-s {of Jlrs. Norman ; and the tender; loving sympathy and assist;vncv> that had formerly lightened every, burden"' of' more than, half its. weight was bora to de pend tipon no longer.- ; Hard tTines, everi want, ere]it in among them. '. Mrs. Norman could do Ijttlo herself towards the support of the faujily, for Niii:vs; jfuiling licud til-'required Tier 'iiiq'tber's almost constant attendance. Since., her /ither's de.itli s.oiiow'and loneliness had so preyed: upQn.thq child/tuat she seemed fast; sinking into a. de-.J cline; and added to iheir qthor ex i penses wiis-tbiit'jo'f medical assLst- ' anci) for .Nina. All thrfsitpjwt of, tlio faniilj- de volved ujion Jennie and Harry. The funner obtained a situation as teacher with ui limited salary, while" the latter found a phico its crralid boy in a stoi-c where ho cotikl little more than make, bis own livi^ig. Iluiry was obliged now to give tip all thought of going to college un less his own unaided exertions could i,-ike -fiiin1 there, but he.'made no -complaint, and manfully labored to help his'mother and sisters in every possible Wiiy. . Jennie a slender, delicate girl, little used to bearing Jieavy .burdens, and her1 mother soon:-saw by her paling; cheeks and diminish ing appetite that her health too was fai'ing. It was not oiily the labor that told'ujion be;!- constitu- tion.it -was the trouble, the sleep less nights and the i>erplei:ing bur-' den that haunted; her sleopiug or waking. Her mother, in- much anxiety, suggested that: she should rest for liwhile- and give herself a chance to get lietten' " Rest, mother, in our eircuiii- stances! No, indeed " was the re[)ly. " We can hardly live how, and ] I don't- know what would be- ctflTTfj of us if lis'hoirfd try to rest." The regit It of hei; continued labor Was a sudden prostration .in illness that .obliged her to give up her school, and for a time confined her ioiber.-bcd. Heavier still grew the burden_;on the shoulders of-Mrs: Norman, her hollow eyes and the, care-traced lines of.her face hinting but too plainly of a premature old age and a spely descent to the grave. She could see'n6 way but they must sacrifice their home to pay the fast accumulating debts that crowded upon, them. Harry could fullyappreiate their condition, and did everything in his power to help.his mother" and lei-sen her burden, but it was littl enough that he could do. " Mother," he said one evening as they, sat together talking over the family diliiciilties; "X have thought of a way that'I meaii to try to get some help: I meau to go to some bf father's friends;and ask them to help us for a while un til I get able: to; do more and then T can jiay thefh; No^ you know Mr. Martin, the lawyer, and Mr. Green, the .merchant, aro both wealthy men audthoy both thought a great deal of fatherX I think' they would help us, and perhaps their influence might get others to do something. , If yon think best. I will go to them tomorrow and try." It was humiliating to the proud spirit of Mrs. Norman to allow her boy to go about soliciting alms, for it was nothing less* that Harry pro posed to do. IJitt her r necessities wtei-e so grea^ that she at last-conr Bented. Full ' of 'Jiis plan' Harry arose early and started out to cull on the gentlemen of whom bo ho]>ed to get assistance. .'! He called first at the offico ,of Mr. Martin, and it was with pleas-' ure that he found Mri Green thel-e also, transactingsomo business with tbe lawyer,, . j '..'." ' .. ' _ ? . Mr. Martiq was a bland^pleasant spoken man. \ One gi*eat: cause of bis success in his business was said to be 'his .faculty of crOSBHquestion- ing and utterly eonfusihg a wUt ness, without loshig hi own temper a few yeara.1" pMr. Martinistroked his chin porn phtcentlj iw he said, " Indeed,'imy. - - -'" " I'd |>e glad but I have ily of my own- that needs all the n cans utmy commund." "I woiddh't have thought of askin * for help if we were all well,1? said Harry, a . choking sensatioii rising in his throat, " but my two> sister i are sick and it takes mother all of her tipie to care for them, and there is nobody to earn anything but n: e. I hojie to be able by and by' to take caro of them all myself, but.n )V;I citn'tdo itl" "I've no doubt you will," said Mr. ,J tartin blandly/ ?' you "seeiri to be a smart little fellow: }Jy the wiry," mid he turiied.i'o Mr. Cireen, ' it is a niistjike forni'pnto "lay up nothing foy tlieir families in case of sickn( as arid death, especially- where they earn as iuuch ;as John Nor man ised to. i always, knew he .wasv^ry imjirovidenti, very.. Men shoiil'ln't waste their earnings and leave their families to bo q^bunlen upon other rfedple-iwheh they, are gone/ "J- " ' "j '! *' Youfre right there," said Oreeri/[ emphiitipiilly, " ahd 1 always said that ] never would, give a cent' in such i. Cttse. If a man Can't leave enough to support his family they'll have to go on the town. J have all I want to do to take care of my own." '*"'"? " Well; seeing that John Norman used A) be an old friend of mine and I feel' sorry for. this smart boy. and h s folks, I'll give him all I;Can afford to;" and Mr. Martin took fifty cents out of his pocket and handed it to Harrv.- I- . It Jmd been all-that/the high- spirited boy could dp to hold his toiujier through tb harrowing dis-. course, und now his flashing eyes and, burning face told their own story as lie said, " Thank you sir, this will do us little good in our presoilt necessities, and us I fp.ar I am rojibing your own famiryd will decline to; take it," and lib turned to walk out of the office. ! Has everytli the drawers] r of length inquired j "ri^euevoj^d. d the ; " Where is d rawe.rj,-. mamma) ed in that] ' " Siiroenou^b tliat eu^irely," isn't anything hi didn't bfteti pii,t ^-).sl'-$0 -?;."! ling been taken oifc mamma)" she at ...... _,,' was the.ahswe r, but you can ^()>ok, and see, if you Kke," " ' ^r drawerl,; examincjtl and replaeed it,j that little scret 1 Have :ybu Idol ;- I had forgbttoh thei'3 father was so {cqnfusetl tliat she looked i'; over twice withcut deciding whan it w'as. "[/'Hiilrry, wbiit is thi&t. Wil you look and tell mc 1" she said Ltprningj to her boy. ; HUnfy., took- I, frqm her handi aiid lookc<l at it eagerly.while. hit eyes grew brig] iter, and biightei j witlrexcitmeiit. "Mother, we jaw rich/' lie cried e ailtingly. ; "T.-hii is iv life insijmncs -policy, ;Pathei luidhisilife insur;d for ten thous and dollars, and -i'e sha'n't be poor any more,"' and tie bny embracedj first his mother and then little, Nina, tjhus giving vent to the exti- berance of his siiirits; Mrs.' Nor man sank into a :hair, and holding the blessed ."-pa] er to' her bosom bu,rst into a "pass* ion of tears, the first.her children had seen her Shed for months.' L; ttle ! Annie and Cora climbed upon her chair find mutely caressed ler, but she could] only hold them ti ber bosom a' weep till the fountain of her tea; were exhausted.] . All their wretc lied poverty was over. No more vants for the poor invalids, for wfaoii she bad scarce ly been able to Ifu rnish bpfktL' ..But what touched her most of- all was the loving soHci ittde wbtch had prompted her hus|band thus to pro- yide for his family. She.reraeiri- bere<I of his* spes king to her once about having his life insured, bat she had opposed i, so bitterly that jshe thought he aad given up the i idea. She could now realize how paltry an^l foolish were her objec tions, t and how 1 find, and wise.it |was in biin not tOj heed them." ,Hcr opposition had uc doubt been the "Very well," quietly lamweredj',"fsiof hei* l^and'B hiding-the ftb'e- wetiltby lawyer as lie cocily thrust the :mony back 'into his pocket. I - " Little upstart," said Mr. Greoiv angrily before Hairy was out of bearing ; " that is all" the good 'it does to. try to helpnuch people." -The' lwy. went home sadfy dis pirited. All the bopd ahd buoy ancy bad gone out of his heart. He dreaded to gb" home to bis mother and tell bar of his failure. But his lagging steps and weary face told the whole story before he had sjiokeii a word. It' was almost what Mrs, Norman bad expected, and yet she waft disappointed enough to. shed a few tears when out of sight of ber boy. And uow.-carne bitter, grinding [(overty, such as the -Normans bad never before; known. In order to procure 'necessaries for her Biek children" Mrs. Norman was'obliged to*jsu*t with severalarticles bf fur- nittirej. and her once pretty rooms began to look bare ami desolate. Shejwas abouto dispose of her husband's secretary. It. was en deared' to her by jnany a fond iisso- ciation, und' it. Was hard, to-part with it, but it waj* riot so necessary as many other things which-she re- tained.j She had; not intended for Jennie or Nina t know what she was dojng, but When; it was beingj removed" from t]io library, Nina, whose.pars were ever on the alert', thought she heard ai\ Unusual noise and insisted upon knowing what it was.. ". \: : " O mamma, niust?you sell poor' papa's' secretary. Please don't, it, will seam, so lonesome." \ . "But I must ;sell somethingr- <iarlingi and tbafc is riot really ne- cessarylfor our comfort, so we must letitgj).". ' I , "I vfUh-1 could see it again "be fore it is gone. It seems so much, like ]>apa. I've seen him. writing there bo many.times." , ; ' ' . "You shall -boo it dour if you' wish. We will bring it in hei-e;"; for Nina's every, want was-gratified if possible. ".-..: ,Witlp Hairy's assistance it was broughi into the invalid's room and; Nina was seated, in her easy'chair,; where she could lean her ai-uis upbii the desk and almost fancy sljie could sec berptther sitting in!his'jold aor eustomed placed writing.- . Hut I guess it. Your ____ . , , uiything iii there.l" It whs a curie its. little drawer fit tod in behind oi< other. : iWheh tJi 31 first was taken put a tiny keyliol i whs .disclosed. Jlrsj Norman fitted the: key into the; lock and turning it drew! out |the drawer which had been overlooked and bad not.:been oi>ened since her husband's!7 "death She was surprise! to find a package! in it, but she, coi dd not believe i anything of imp irtance.. She . met- chaiiically. opefi< d it . while Nini looked ; on with wondering "eyes A), paper was il isclosed jto. view, lookiiig- like som 3 kilid of. an ofli citil docuinent, 'mtjMrs. Normar) pulioy and-keeping it secret. There was no difficulty in obtain* ing the money, and it came to them like a God-Bend. Ten thousand dollars to a family in tbe bitterest poverty is a fortune indeed. - Tnere was no moi"e weary night 'wbrk;.'iio more bunlensome plan ning of ways and means; all dint culties were straightened, out,' and plenty reigned onte more in their household. Jennie's health im proved at once as jsoon tis theMjtir,- denwaa removed | froin' her mind, and ere Tong she i^as able to return to hei school with! renewed courage and ambition., Harry is now fitting himself for college. He intends to earn'all he can tolielphim along in Lis course, and his mother is willing to do the rest. JV' Little Nina will never be ought but an invalid even if her life is spared many*yearsjx but her friends thifik she will soon bid theni good bye awl piss through thei valley of death. They cannot wish, to retain her notwithstanding the Joss-it will be to them, for hi r poor Htile body is so ranked with pain that she will look iijpon death as a. welcome hies- sengei. . j 17pon th 5 other shore she hopes to be clothed with a| new'form, free fi bni all defori nity and iMiin. TwA things. Ha rry sayisbe is go ing to do when ho is a .num. .. One is to h sip the poor in ,t-hw." necessi ties, -and the other is to Jiajve bis life irisureu.! "'. ' '* : Vic roRV.-4-She Was n|n'elderly lady, intl as she i ented herself oii one of the stools ii, Wallach's store! arid a>knd to befshswri some " ciilir? ker," i ho remarket that when shei was a " gal" shfe :t hoitghti she -" \yas powoilul! lucky'if sho got sixteen yarils in ja dress, a rid thought it a " sinful waste of stuff'to put hi mpire j but she ha 1; just? j " heern" that Mrf, X was agoin* to hey forty-two yafils in lier ney.caliker, and" she hoped that there jinight be a cloud burst in se renteen minutes if, that air womi n should. stare round at j her iri cln rch and make re- ,| marks!about lier, ck thes. <' Yoj} kin jistcut nieoff forty thi-ee yatds,'arid I'll have it majde \ iivback fashion, with a over-dress ii nd and a square mainsail; and nflyin'jip and a back action; then I jist like to see that stuck up Mrs. me.r ! X. pjutou iirs over Th4 Charley JRoss Caae. The trial of Westervelt ht Pbila- delphia for coin^icity. in the abduction bf Charley. llbss has re vealed.' i most disgr^iteefdji state1 of affairait iatgo'es;far tojejtplalii why t]iis jioor child has remained uiidis- covered so lon^. It was- simi'dy- because, detectives, who" could have placed their bands oh' :bis; kidhii|h perp any day, held back, fearful lps^ rivals might get the piojnised re ward. TlpN. YtTfilititti says:-^; HoW did the police conduct the search! Let theru fq>e^k. foe'tbeb^ selves. Captain "Ileins, j3iief> of tiie Philudelpliia def^-tive force, 'testifies that, the citee was piit .into Ihb hands the day after' the .'^bducv tion; that instead of at once com municating with 'the Superinten- dant of the New York: police, he' firet' learned what, he knew of it at all. a month after it oocured. Pre-, cisely . one month after'.Charley^ Ross was stolen, "Captain, Reins and our own ]>olieo had' reasipn to believe that Mosher and Doitgt lass were the. abductors....:Tbejw men, wc.re'.knpwn ,to! ' dozen o^- j,cers on the New York forces.their haunts, 'companions, habits were known; they ..were *>ntinaally passing and repassing--from'; New York to Philadelphia, mailing let ters, at. Elizabeth,- Trenton,... arid Newark to. Mr.., "Rossideiinmding ransom, and tbreatening^^tijati'the' "child siiould be HTtterly-anuifiijat-' ed"-if it w-ere notipaid.. There Was"! not a day^n-obably, wben Caprtaiii Heins could not have'arrested, these meit . He wasinrbjilycommriuicsi- tioniwith.tbe heart-broken father knew that, the1 family of; the. -cljild \vere spending". their..money like water in ; efforts' which :be knew to be , utterly-futilej.that they were :going frbm one. end'of- the country 'to the! other, to,Maine, to Califbr: nia to England-agninknd Again, to lotik at cliiidi-en'when Cliarley Boss wasia Mosberfskeeping.; On Sept. 11, he- fefiys_ (two .montlisirafter the chifdV loss), lie . i-eceiyed a letter; from S.uperiritendant Waljr ingi stating the facts concerning Mosher.; H^These were, not!.^o ^be made -known to Mr. Boss; nor jto the committee: of citizens in Ph'rlii- dolplnii, |wiio, had offered ."*20,000 reward, lest the information ;shpuld be given to a private-detective com pany; The facts, .of!,the>-case^;4ie put into the liands oftwo friends-of his own, who. did not know Mosh er, to ,riinj.th"p,'thijbg'6.nt'",;.-'Thiey: were carefully kept'secret- from other, members of the.. police;- Heins, with bis two favorites, ac cording to bis own evideace, ""ran tbe thing I but" arid, not' being able to find the child, still kept the facts secret in- toe hope of securing , the, reward/although the.wbblejrourrtryj was in a ferment, although ihe father of the child^ was accused of! bigamy^ adultery and the murder of the boy, until,riiindTas well as body gave way v lender the load of grief and anxiety/and he became insane. 'All tbisCVpi.4l6ins8!w and knew, and,\ according ;"to;'-bis owntetate^ inept, het'-iriterfered to-keep\m the letters of the kidnappers a/nl every, otherclew from -the public. -Nbj did"-bise*'|eii hint'to Mr^ itoss tbfi Mosher aridj Douglass were c'oncei^i- |ed in. the abxluction; until they we"i-e shot in December. '; Here ia a plain;istatement from the mouth of the chief Philadeiphiaj detectiyo.l. Perbaps.'that'orilcer can set bimsetf right; if so, it is advis able he shjquld do so. . If nut, tiie fact remains- that, the . chiefs of the police force'of.itwo. eities," out'of a greedy desite for reward, and jeal ousy of their vofficials,; bid tll'eir knowledg^ and dallied with, in'cbni. Changid*? his Natpe. The other day a young African 1 asked h if it \vas 'again de hiwfto! change his name. We replied ifhe : had a. good name' be. had Qetter^, keep it as1 a goixl name' was} one ,.' thing"to be'desil-ed in this world. : ,_ 'I've^got^i jiurty fii'r nkme' ie . saidj-.^ra't I'ae had. ever: since., i\ ! war, but It won't do for this fihtti ariy':moah)'"'; '. )> - '-."'. 'Why,-.what's-ifc.l v!e- asked.. ;" .'Well, you "fjee, boss, dan's a fool ~- jnigger come here front ('hillicoffee, - f tVii*'he's' buzzia'.^^drotuid wi d Jtwy ilume .'an" no- two niggers caa--cir: 1 euiiigiite in de'towti .unless': oneior de ttile-r'o^ "era Iiab different procog-i . nem.'"!'" '" . ' " 'Perhaps , you "can / ;p re vailr on him" to, j adopt another nameT'^ 'Nb!, sahf I bffered foar bits- and_ ; a raltzor. i^-calf himself sb'metbih^" else' : sides Geowgs Yy"asbin'toh! , Jones,: btit the yuller fool' won't do" " -" ---a ' 'Yellow, igj^e 1. : .. ' 'Yes,sab; an" <Ltt'#'what makes nieao injurious about it. Hesay^d* Joneses was de.fustest families^ia Virgirinyj an'- dat he's condeased itt' a direct line front dem and eons- quently darfoar; walues,, do aatua j-moab.exceeduigfy'dan iidajferwiaei.'i ' 'So you projioae'to" off with the bid 'ritrme arid ^on wftb.-. tbo new .name.. . >,- 'Sbmetbiti'!-like ihat^ rappse, boss. ; An' I wants to ax .yptrdefui yor: to sejest js >'me dlsappropriaSe .mimo-dat'llgt) f r a eu1ludrpiiKsu dbstjindin.' :iJ'-< lon't spsbate Wrd de-: ccmriion/i.lqw ehiss niggers, a|x'it wants', a name oiit o'dere'-'cpaiprer' tientiori wat d ly^jcan't' steal, yo* : klhow.*; , r "j .-..'. 'i i fKow'lbBenedibt Arnold dd 1 !- ". fj)e jfVrnold a ni.tonish,. for suah,. btit*,diijg,;-tb_i^ahy ! Jlennyes- .an",'. Dieks; aroimd. : Try 4riuddfe,r one boss.?- ' ' 'WelL Alger jori. Sa'^oris!' how"* r'that.l-'i; .. -. ?:-"':'--':' K- . '-' 'Dat's mvperlagantl . Aig'enief-." man Sartpris Arnold -t-dat'll dolTor spmeob'.do Wnie. . please reach" for anudder drie'sah." |. ' I .Why that's"iiame<wonigfu Bfoirj much- name do ybu want for ) 1UMB wlr'a r - ' ' ! ^ ' :'\J petent-agentsiii lithe'search until it. was-too late, and j both child and robjjers slmped1 through, their fin gers. i Tbe.Btory is worse'than that of the abducLiori. > "Mosher and; Doug lass, who took the. child for *&<MK)0 were but iWq runiitns, arid aretjone to thoir -tccount;;: but; the-ijioliee. who for 20,000: saffered;hrm to re-; main in their clutches are our, paid and only j irotectibn against crime;. "I have my firstJl^st,-" was Uwrc" iriark of s cobbler; when be set' up business.for biriiself; l\ ' .; - \ : A- msn's arfbol t(? try:; to Beri't- tiie sun in rising It will;be.,8ure to,rue someimprcitig When:.lie' won't.. It is one of the curiosities, of; ririt- |ural historr that a horse enjoys/hisi food most when b,e.lirujri"t ii bit iri his mouth. ..-.: ., '/,---.\v ' A man of large experience said Iris scqunii t^nces Wpura fill a cathe- Idrnl, but a pulpit would bold all liis Itiiends.^. -('- ^:---'-'---r}': It is a pi iasiititthUrs tp see toiev and lilies .glowjngrup^n a^rjmly's oheek,' btit ft bid Sigbt toseiettinun's fiice.break out in blpssomsi' A'pbqr iisri, 'who.-was ill, bein asked by % gentleman wfiether. $o' had taken any ^e'medy.J ' f ain't taken aby<frenSiedy1;'brit ^Tevtaketi lot* Olpbysio." ; :>f| ;,4:^:';.:; .'. ".. .Con>ersi.tion at the broaktast ta ble:] Smlt i, *t Ain't John Ifte in1 bringing the-mail this; mrwafg ?'* Jonaa, ".1 juiss there, is' sometliirir; in the po tar cards that he dosat understand."",'! T" 1 HI: .y-y- L '?"' liess siik'et Bom, yon must 'member dafl'ae [1 deekin In the \ clmrch, tuii'i "'prtjgtor; . I ! obahousean! lot.'r' ! ^ ..,..:, Lj " Jj ' -'Oh, yes j; well, let's see1: Bill A^i ienj'.;.,; ': -, "~ '..... . 'Dai's too".cQriimoiu* -Abraham Lincoln? "';""- ;^ "Toot/ ordinary, ":sah.~ Git ,ug- higber/' \,^ . , -'," - : | "Thil, Sheridan 1- > ;]j "' ;' "i.'Higliier-yet^sah if ybu please.'i ,- 'William Tect|mseh"Sher-^ T ; 'Stopj sah,; dat's mij^"; iieed.ir't feel, nto fiiddeiVr., Wdyum .<?ber- kumseyj Algfef-neymari Sartoris'Arx. _^ noffiTZ Y1^8, ^b, det'il'do|no; low- - ";}.-. class bigger can get'iiiaide o'ditit. Yott'a^ de solm5,witness, bbssf-da*.^;} ' ^ ['. i-U dat's my name, fmm bericefot'h p*.:^ to ailprc-seedn'-tirae. l'c* pligeJ < Wywli sab/ ; As he.'walked! inajesticallyiwayt- 7 i-epeating the nanre^.over to himseUi-. i hej was the !--jiroiidest! niggerX i-. T JJiirnswick., A^d ye^Bbakespeafe- :; y-s there's riothikg. in a namev - >' i, - -V -- . A Dutcb Victor^. ?'-*.'A A crot^d of youtig jcbapif about.' town were in one :ofi the ^popular: '\z lieersaloorisiyeiteidayi-.Where- Uiby! :^ metajolly old <jrerinnii,j wiio'oftcn. gets thoroughly soaked rwitlr. l*eeJ arid mshdliii funny..\^Y -r.i 'MI^llo,- Ciiiserlielier/'iiaye yo.u \V liearil Ae.news^id orie.: '.'Ne iri;.vaS ish das f: -! : "Thlwater work* are Lnsted.!" ', ';Vel, dot's bad tbew! tembmnc* ' eeplea' dotft U'.b^a-}* -i ^Lidgbter all roiirid)"p-/rii;;: ' :S !, \ "Yes, and^theirollinsi riiill's gon : flp'f said ariotber pf the boys. ! ' "Vel," .cjiii>i don't 'got sheered uhpiri\thatj it's so hefly; dori-goorii'. d"dwp qgairi eji, ?; [A grawdrpeal'ovV biughterij-^.;-: !-. ' '. r{ i "And the"ibe maelima . f fins exploded!" cried a tbirdl ' '* Ish- iloj^s: biid^ Imidortd seme tnisdake, " urid id dbii't.t-ain Itiufbu^- it -poiir* I --^de Viizzer oti^ rollbig. 'mill-. bud-r no ndr. jize-^iint all yoit"" y^ring' sh ackassea' broke j on d > of - d shbiblo lot1! ':.'f>ot mak>s me gry !"], Aiwt ribbodf thought it riecos-- siuy to^lnugh. _ ' ' " ' " r \r i?'^":' -f'-" .T- <r-b '_.;:.'_ : J' ; "The wb.d'."honie"^ -i fspefliapa never left iti ibefulnesf" of uw peaceful, beauty except by tbo" Jipiiielfsa. : V lii: love : we grbw 'anqtininte^ be cause We; ie- already atiSelieif;'in - fnendsbTp we must know each other before we love. '.' :,"' :-1 ' Tbe seadrownsout liuannitjr awl time;' it" has; np ^sympathy miih eitbf r;j for it 1>elorig .'te: -e; aniof] (bat it sings its atjoaat 86n!^ fi>r-aTBr and.ieVer. ; .!!-',- ""'{.^ Sle^p >6oths; and arrest* theJevpis L iv. f jJutsb Of the soql," arid iijsj grain* or*.?"/: i k- HheYqulnh.a for'thecORliHt oj[ habiti i m well as for thenotfetfjrbf royesv::-":;*/! -, }-'J ; 'ibe iior vi|r>r^!* an^eW*teU^ 'i:"v. maaia, the higher tendeihjeM h -$?% - *-*. capabfeof,isdnlrifih tre^ tb*t^Jv;:. rpunitsitjelf into ajnildeiarid lijeit-.^! - er-foj-in than oii Uie lbwcnea^-. I ' '" : ' '."* :' : M "-j?- i' ii-: itc--

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