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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 24, 1875, p. 4

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[ ACTON FREE PRESS r i?wun. one dollar * yVar, >ie ly^n aMtvattco. arnnlpitHlbt-IVtreth.tcc'Tnoittha orte .foliar and A nlaifwlll tM thniv'd, or twodYIlnt*tf niH p*'d till the eiutof thn * little old Ionian di*< used in bright green, and Wearing 8] icctucles. She bowed her' he *d. I bowed oli more tl tiii cne yearunjmHI sVvtss <>r A\ Klglit cents v<>U - - - - - >r No'mim " HI bnm to anj |*r. ofi more tl >ir - " "Utssjor A ____ pHlno roe nt insertion, and *n(iilit Ser Ui-$ Tor each *ub*qtit*rit Insertion ItDTtsjuxerilwHithtaor ebtht HUM ajid onaec, $1 tor nave Insr-rtlcn*. BuMneos Cnrdrfor eight Kite* ami un<rcr, 44 per hhum. i A liberaldlneouM aHowednn *dv4rtl*e- Mtlfnts >n*ert**l ftir extended V>< rfods. A^v-ertlwmenw without special InMruc- liata* Inserted Uli--------- ' - - Uata* Inserted Ult forbid, cud charged *reon)lni;U AnV Special Notloe. the object of which Pfp. ilm'Siv ---sj--.1 * j-i 4-io nromfetc the pecuniary uoellt nf any iiidmduatorcirmnMi>,to o* considered anj advertisement. TjFansfeqt adverUsemeutn to be paid tor whf&n ordered. A \l advertising ,aecoiints rendered ^uXrtw-ly, / ' . - _"- ; NoUe*>sctMarrh)ge, Births and Deaths Inserted free. '"|---i ' " spSK>.**'<4 '-' *. --&S' '"-^': -' Rsfjv-^k.-:-^*:!' - bS#s#5- 7::?!:" if .- -J- 1 The' Esque*i ober. Shows,? Fall Show; will "be wit on Fruity, tho 1st bgan mine. The: awkward uc strange way lu which I ing; but thd lady of slopped rue by saying Intake no kpologie (, Headache." "Mrs. Headache'" I tepeatod. "Yea, Mrs! Hcadiclo! ' Poor cicature'" h< tight rayaelf. "I bonder if| headache every day " She really accrued to (andorstand my thoughts, r" very quickly: j . , No, I have no hea fc foes myself, i-*t a)>|)\0Sy -for the was bohuv the houao I am Mrs. al> ll - Xh she IulbI a 'for the ^faalfea Gonnty Show, it Milton, n ,thfcriijth and 14th October]. r I Nassagaweya, -iai Eaaterbrook, ^th of 'October.-- ' ;j r. -L JBramij*,>t.R<^wood,iiSc^t 2ft. ^ Coantv of Peel, at! Branipum, 5th and , eth-bf October. T \ .J " "|/ ' ..r ...', _/ Western Fair, tondon.jTtijsdajri28Ui f7S5>L, and three {allowing diyi ', t. ' '. ^Toronto-Fall exhihitioaj saaie week as :London. I-.; 7 -.; j < iCtntre'W("- "' -r"--^ *n$6l ^Vert^effinj O^t 6 and 7 jElmA and Wallice, at Iistowel 29th ar^d 3pth Sept ! ai EJora^ October at MountvPorM, 1 in yclur; sense Ibf the jvjord.b^t 1 have the control of all th i headaches in tnia part of; *ie > w Id,! Tho^e w* pay soni. j Look " r And I looked and saw; innu n< rabjtn little felloes, all busy, ^ajbe berrying out,; Borne harfying bimie, some waiting for ordeHu 1 Ilk Headache turned to a"jp^loj- of be oik. U "Here," sai^ie, "1 :! ^*'^rt*.*> * - ' -Li ' Xfe : ft^Sp. :i7=t.:.H. ' i &4*-:f4-7-;-.v-H>- BSn5^.:l7 ^i:j7 v: Son<b Riding Pertb^.*>t.S& Jfaryj, "ith aaJ^th October.! tJ hi- '" "X. ]; -N"orth Riding PSft^at Stratford, 7th and ;Sth OctoberJ f ' ; , -J; i., SJcrth Hiding jkVaterlooi'-OjJtpber, I2th ,dl3th. / -V , . -- . ,-------t---------------------- " ;' TAMETIES/ _. Prown pieces- Cftignons.- '. ,::- The round ojf pleastirv A ball. .- ' '^pist" attei^pts-^Siioemiiking. | i l>tesirable^ quarters Silver ones. iSisejiiotesH-AnonyTnous letters. . - jAI deliberate; body-^-A slow man. -'-. lA - regnkrsettleiv The evening i suni. - : . ' ^bridge'sh(j)nld be tried by ite pieVsL-. - l- - Tbe race for; riches The human " ra'oey . Writ(ihg all that'thoy day... Number 06! [Number 496 came i i at ono; "Ivwant you," sail his aqtive little mother .Vto taki: jhirty-^tive of youir brottiera a^id go -1 D tho', party in : Graiul Street lis moniliug. Thfere iijto be a very fine supper set out, 7 and a gm t d|eal ;xif gas y lighted, and a great leal of he.at Thejsliildren are to 11 ty very late, and one of you will 11 needed to go home with.eyerf chixl, and .remain with i\ all da|y tomo: 1 ow." **Will they show ' hempelyea to <ie. company f Isk< < L "Noj my children vill berinvisi- Use their .fists hammer1 the g gueslB to- ble; put j they ^ ill -well, tbfpjsund and heads pf those you morrow.-' L 7. "How dreadful^ "Not; dreadfiit a)| *W- Those children:' alii-1 d sobeying 'the rules of Healthrwl ich are very simple. ! (send'ciy i little, ones to them, not as a pvinis ltnant, but as a warning. I heard of a children's party yesterdayjin he open air. JThey;iall wgnt ihoni 3\\and .to bed early. I Bent no he idaches there. ; i v More little fefl&wi came in foV li - , i . I.., ,,, '., orders.^ Sb'e^sent tiem away in Common plaas-fPleaae,.shu.t; the. "^fa Some weit1 to'ciUdren '"" -r. ^ ; 7*81:5!'; fefvv- ildo^r. Sttinge bed4clotbs-r-Threi sheets in (the.wind. ' ] .- i .- . . "woman's pnde and' a sailor's! "de^-The nded^. : / ' : j .-; lwaV "sleeps" Passengers ; by'rught trains. ' 1 J , -.' . Iq what disease is tobacco liable ? V . it^id consumption. 7* J -Wiois tbe oldest lun:iti.o'-'.oa^w- cordt Time obtof mind. A' bookbiiider considerR-ej;erT . act of his as blading. " V/ ' When .a big tfiddle gets out of ttpia ihei.laws of music are apt u> te^.'viol-ated: ;-.:;" "-'.. ~ ..,?"- Pirates generaljly charg*' ^all a snip is worth for boarding it ^, f:'Aii- "taking" j" person^ A"? photo^" ' \ grapaer. A stiill iabre^taking" in- 7.4iyidual^A policeman. ij!\ The Turks hfeye a proverb which " kys tha^fe devil tempts all 'other, niien, but-that Idle men tempt the '^JfdfeviL^ ' ' j -l . 'v>' ! Epitaph npou an organist named ) 3Ierditit: _ I - ) t THera lies one blown out^of breath, ~; Wholired merry life and died aMeri- t;. : : deth. :lm; - rZ . ; Maxim -of a good lawyeEi ^"1 .; always study khe- feasibility, of a V case before I nndertake." ' i- ' j What mBu. want is not Jalfent .7 itj is purpose; in other words not the power to achieve, h*it tbe will '*<>labbr. 7| \ ~ '" " :\-'\\ ~r I J A Frenchman Las defined an idea as a child of one's owri that one al- wkys wishes some-one else to adopt, ] What is that wbiehi thonglr the darkest off robrt*nees,"' do^ yef most enlighten,the World>iInk. who play in the! Hot sun; some to sbme little boysj: who" made them selves very dizzy slic ing down the banisters; some, to children who spent a great deal o 'their, pockety nioney in colored sweet; things Which looked like pi ik and yellow eggs. I r "Do you think,vth :n, that child* tiii should neveirieat Rood things, Mrs. Headache,,nor >lay much, nor runr ./, ,'lj"By no nieans. I want (them to play and run- \ jl wa it them, tot'eat good things, jiut npt such good things," or. nither bid. things; as pink . and^elldw \ sv gar-plums. I musti send'ithejn nv 7 warnings if they' will not obey the " rules of healthy, Some.of tl em At' up a great deal too ,*late; some walk a great deal too jmuc 1; others uot half enough, ferae f tudy tobjhard, -f-pbre over their tesE ons when they ought to be playipg. Oh! I have a great deal to doJ I can tell you', but I can always wai^lupon yon, ma'am, if you want me; just 1< t me know." "By mail?" fiinqu red, ^^"No; by;T$egra )lt Sit in a very tot room, or eat anything you know td~ie \bad;for you, or Bleep with yodr wuidowi i ^hut down, jto sum mon me/; aid! I w 11 attend to a call at onoe, an,d let; ou -haYfl any number of my most 1 ctive children to try their fista on the pari; of youif heUd." : 7; I thanked Mrs. Headache, and went heme just.as fa *,as;I could. v.- i Headache-- ^_ . ; I was taking a. walk lately ?$n a \ town wMehfXTO^tameiviMt/whBn >! ill-came suddenly upon a BtraTnge- - looking .little honse, with narrow ; windows, in front.of .whidi. were ;' standing a: crowd of queer^poking, creatures, with very smallibodiesv big heads and moujjis, and long, aglyarma.] TV . ""What <sjui they UT'I :Wb4der- ed^ "Perhjaps elves pffitirie*" ' I had read about elves and fair- i^ and kbew that fairies are -, always very pretty^ and very nicely ^VJdressed'--in what we wpuli call ' -<evenlr%dntaes, but that tires are -vawkwaAl and ngly^ as well as'poori- . ;3y-clbthed. But these little fellows bad v^ry injoa clothes on, all made jof scarlet, cloth. ' What knd who: could they bel i Soil Stood looking . at theiii until- the/tallest among them,, by. m ounting^ the ab6u}dere of ' another, raig thebelL T^ery sopa. a little fell(iW,3st like them, openr- --Led the door, and in they rqshe<L It was eviden 3y their hbme.j -Before kfche little pprter "could ahut the door; % pushed In after; Sim. ] % thist: iiow4t wae rathei-jt rude'thing to do under'the circumstances, be- fifdes, if they bad, been rfves they might have ehanged me instantly into whit a mouse, or rose-bush, or brass doorknocker, and 1 might Jaaver have recovered njy ownjshape to thrs dayr .Jiut, without stopping to tbuik of ihiaj ^ wsent in- , The ^Uttto- portei jishered rae into 4 little tparlor, wb^ re everyrjiing wa very jsmalL Hbre, at ,* little table ' The Hdpperjerass. i Sockt jforhrTAiif ItASTORAI, epic. From, the larjWes comes a char- acteristic narration. Its subject is the graashopperi who so doings are recorded for the ben efit of future generations. Bjead: ; ,The grasshopper >s | i : He bringelh pis family ; Also his relatives: *_ And hia friends." '.' LikswiSe his;mqtb^r-iii-law; ] f.And her frierjds; ! As well as alj that bate her.. And they are, legit ns; ! ' The wisdom { of man computeth them not. They spread iover <}he land, j' And there is no pi iee where they ttre-Botj-V' j They nip the springing grass j They devour thei ?ragrant.onion fproat; , ; j ,' .. _ And the ^savatiry < elery. 'The wheat fiijia is left deso|ato, j And no green th: ng: remaineth where the hbppler ha h beep, i ; His pathway is thp abomination of desolation. j The ranchnwampjrneth fer his';' -l T%^^^ not ftWS OW ^HELLEBORE *TOU' 1 ^TL/u * JUtUa table^ He dieth only oi coyarea wijth bopks and papers, sat' very late i2 the fell J * ~ A - Possibly hajsaithj audibly, and crieth aloud d amne h What careth the t oppergrasst It troubleth bim 1 iot. The epic coitinuei the descrip tion at length, tnd 01 includes refer ence to the gr sshopper as follows 3fou can't kill him, , Neither can fou s are Bim; Nor can'be^l* diaouraged; *mm THE ACTON FHEE% PRESS, , SEPTEMBER -i^~ tp->mako .an ~$ BOW - BELLS answered EW MAGAZINES THE FASHIONABLE I Drtsb, Mantle & Millii ery Q7 UPPER WYNDHA.M ST., QUELPS, AVP Young Ladtes' Journal FOR "I have in ate to do to- SEPTEMBER at ANDtRSr.N'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. Oh East side Wyndhsun Streot, GUELPH. GRAND JEXHI5ITI0N SALE PRICE LIST. BLACK GLACE JSILKS,^warranted pivc good wearing qualities, at 50c, 75c, 60c, for their superior appearance and ex 9oc.,i$i 00, $i.ao, $i 40 and $1 50 """ GRO GRAIN SILKS, rcmnrkftbh BLACK G ) traortlni'iry durability, 90c,' $1 00 and fel.20, rLAIN AND tANCY SIl KS, in immen.e \ariety, at 75c , Soc, 90c and $1 00 MO -PIECES" PLAIN- AND FANCY!- VRESS GOODS, new and approved styles, to be *old all round at aoc, 25c ' .... . - the money \vc have ever sold over tlfe dounter. r yarc' V WE'WILL.-ALSO 60 PIECES FINE BLACK LUJSTR|ES,V( yard from former prices. 'Our specially recommended for ' !.P" coo<l [wear.' SHO.Ay- a Lrgq and Mantles, Mantle Materials, Millinery, vite particular notice. Also 100 PAIRS HEAVY BLANKETS, H Ih Blankets, large sirti ' ' ' ind 36c per yard the best goods for Every Lady, niirst.see this lot. be sold at a reduction of from 5 to 15c 5c, 30c, 356. and 40c. qualities'are beautiful representation._ of New Fall Sl(owls, Skirls, etc.,'to which we in S7 6j<- lb Blankets, extra sizes ' '. .. 7jfi lb Blankets, twillol, extra si?cs AIjscj 200 Quilts and Copterpaftes'to be sol I THotel and Houstkieperfl are requeited to give these ?oodB their 1 , careful attntiou, it a Btfrgain, as follows : , .'. , .. .' ... $i 50 per pais- ' ' off Cheap. Our intention is to make this Grand Exhibit the season^ and we beg to to meet their highest antic pation.s. 1 assure visitors that -pUOTOCJRAPHS: PHOOlOGrRAPHS! .Tl Gr. ixx ACTON, Wonld respectfully .Inform the public that with In the post lew; week* ho has bad great 'Improvements mado In the arrnngetne-v of tight, and Ihut lie is now prepared to | - /. tnrnrOnt First-class^ Work Unruig acy-pan of tbe day, In all kinds :1.. . ' of weather. I have secured the Bervlees ot Vr. W. B. KAHRH, ;a dntt-elasa1 artist, late of New York City, and as his time Is limit ed, all would do well to call at once who jare de*lrou* of obtaining; plniorrs, which 'forartlsUeHghUnKand brlllliincy of finish are unequalled outstUe of the Oral 0 ty galleries th the Dominion. HavlDg lately ourebased another very valuable; Instr-.iihen* ;seeond 10 none in the country)- 1 am enabled to produce work any size, from' the ordinary card picture to llxll. -i " In Copy ins nnd Enlarglnc, Any le can be obtained and Qnlahrd In. Ink, Oil. Water Color,- Crayon or Plalp, and In the highest style |f the art. ;. '." I would again remind the public th)at I have constantly In stock alarge-assatt- toentof ... , ; . CTil sal Sauaxo licturo Framei Slaifl. aai Taney Uonldlajs, See. which will bo sold at tbp lowest prices, < jar* Partly anxious to Secure a really artistic picture, will please bear In mind that If wilt be to their lntere->t to can j early, as Mr. Kahrs will be unable to re- ( main In Acton longer thftn a few weeks : -'I JAMES G. -HJtl^-" . .. _ > Photo. Julyl.lSTS. Fashionable \Yest End Dre 8T Upper ^.onoqsr Steam Carriages Wagon Wo.-ks MAIN SffREET- M i C H A EL (General Blacksmith, Carrl aeeand Wason Slaker., Best 'Horse-Slibers in the (ipimt^ V Perfect satisfaction guarantied or no price' :bnrged. FIR I" : ' AND (bollard's Patent -Always on A Good Stock of Carriages and Wagons. L RfcPAIRIXG promptly and Acton, July 1.1875. 7/ WEST END Establishment,^ 1 I r w ion Sale the great commercial event of nothing will be left undorie on our piart A- O. BUCHAM, : Jfantlc and Millinery Enablishment Wyiidham St., ne|ph. FOUND AT FOR OHEA IMllltnei y, Man leg, II reus, nnd Don't lull 1 igo to TIrf Err in you will flni .icomplcte'. above II lyilLLIKI RY a SPEIQHT, PLOWS Iron Hairro-ws band. properly attended to. PRINCIPAL REASOi Gall and eiaminn our stocjk hinfoj-o* pnr- ilni'singolSiewlH re, Acton, Jul ;-lBt JOB ; Of erery desci-iptipn C. T. HILL/ Mill Street, ACTON, --,.. ' .'\i - ' CEALER IN _ V Geasral Cfxbceries. Boota and Shoos, ! 1 7 Wall iPaper, ~'_; fWindiOw Bliads, Qrockerjr, ,k ^r.- L, ; Qlassvaro. [ r t, 7 Nails, i. ,'i Vvv ;;v(Jlasef : 'L'-Putty. Linseed Cil, sav] soiiei Faints, Tarpon1 . WDY TIE ! A GOLDEN LION CF G-tT eij^s: Is underselling all the other nerchants, is:becauee~he BUYS FOR CASH AND CASH ONLY, and baa resident in the British marl^ts two-first-class buyefrs one i:i Glasgow and the other ih London, JJpgrand both daily, on the spol, reaping all advantages for the patrons Jof the Lion. * TH1 LION}THE l_K|Ni! )K now opening EALL GOCXDS extansively and: at" such! low pricei In fact tha.Eion,will sell goods tbis senson lower than -bther in^rcharit} pay forjthem^ ' Bring your moiiey to t lb Lion, and-| ine, Maoluno Oil; Ooaioil/: Salt, eto.^ : ALSO '- old age, and on of Potato Bugs, Cattrplllarsand other Insect*. I 1 The subscriber begs to return his thanks to trie Inhabitants61 Acton and surround ing country for the liberal patronager heretdfore extended to him, and at the same time solicit their' further support N.B.-Caah Paid for Hide* delivered. Acton, July 1st IS7|S. o, x. All. Get Twenty Dollars Proprietor of the Leading Store" and tHeonly direct importer iicGuelph 'August 30, 1875. Worth for Fifteen ? ^EINTlirG- and PXJBLIHlisTG- OFPIOB Over the Post Oi&ce,Mill Street Orders for all kinds of Job Pri iting promptly attended to, In the tractive j styles, Fancy Go ods, "i" Je^el^y, Tftll: l... P"rii , That tlie cheapest spat in sm^<ryn, -^fz, 1-4.'. / * *M f if ij -I r 1 f :.! r 18 AT he County for mm Wlaate \ 1 v _?w f^:Ep^:.:,-^e||Qli^^R lam; "the SfECIA /lsV6.-)6 i6m. fTY. PRINTING ; Who are| selling; off tibe balance of their ^ In'-order to; mak*-room for their ]'all Goods. ;. 'j 1 I Don't fail to secnir^ some of the 7unheard di\fc srgains ,that tBbjs are Rerliig in ';.--' v:- ' Immense stock [at . i Member of " Surgefinej-i-j m JSof>ts &h(JIShoe^ v " .'-7<k tueafcv* out i4 p.m.\ liesl .1/* klioj- aee Co. pai^lneatly if.ttnue,\Acb neyvat-| Offieesi-1 r"Xatcsv-3Bh| Ouai -"- atflie; best and most at proinp tly iexe cutet I at th0 Is Largs, Weir SeleotedV aid CHafeEV "mm FBI3B PB ofpic: !SS (In Ma *hew's New Bu idings) tCTDNJ -ft! J. H. lIACfclNXJ, JlVmrietor* Lr oi^ Prodetv^ of IBa^aiixsS i ........ .. ' :.-' TO1 BE GIVEN AT THE SEan-ANNITALf SA^LE .. -. -.- McLEOD, A1TDEHS0IT 5; Co.7 In order to mike roord (for our Fall tfflpo ofjloads of Dry Good?,' and ottatasbunt of the determined on a more sweeping, energetic and Cheaper %K'JM W?m and > ease <>ur.rJ ijty'ojf |monejr.wiiw^ & SAli rS;M tirocerics always fresh and of the Best :i;: '. 7-7 _ :.-: . 7 '. ' ---V'.- j <Jreat Barcaias; inay fbe alwitys had for I.wisli tb^o strtctiy.b, Gash business, as our-goods jare B^lmg at iW^ tOWEST Market'prices,.;-; ' ' ..-! ~m -T^-. . - , - "I"11 *J. l': '^1flr UiidJ '_ wholesale I ad ; Vhait{iUigliaj ^Jemb.j;--,-;}".' OSS1 "" eUent v public. s am new Hotel! isitbifewii jew wjn'ia^ai 7**e!* l|--.Salks*atUfi /^Mrniy.atjj 1;:';. Address fe;t * "^haa lufterto |;atterii|pted;7 as we must con vert iifthatgoods mai Bemeinber the Sales.aie Ki)R CASH, i and ." - ".pnee-lje .made I in, no case ~WU1 a ' imti ^ A SpeciAl lgie.bt LAraES; '^^A^ANpirjTJir^w^ andf2,|t "? (r "~~T*"'"':'""""' "'"!< i We ennumerat onr Leading De; DB.E3S GOODSifrom five centsVupwardaL; j , '.N^PRIN^S'^ from five cents upwards./ 7'. '-] : ,'r,:. MI7SLINSi from five cents upwards.}. !^toralDdGr^if>om^^ ljliL^INE^,:'kANtn^ -i.ii'>A^l;^ lots, fo> H^f price. V Sh'/': l^-i.t^ , > 3 ^pecial lines of SIL'K IL^NTtl^^^OO, /*o^b;^ 1 ftx&l Baj^alns in^^ CJB^C^ S^RT^J^, J>EJJi^^B|BL3ES,'i r-fm '4 '^"*m ALL ST. S pebwl linbaIn Lfe^7B^^^of>pk-jror ipo aii SOo^ trortl i?3Tj|||| . i,/,^: ]'/l: ^ 'M^$& it lslmrxjealble forns toerinnrnerato Wl-juw QREAT B4R<>AII> I t > efflfer, bt^,; we; ogsafety*;.. want to' haeet thie t^rtlnieajs lab^; i convinced, '.. "'. >Vl"" ' ..s "We^agaln reinal^-the pubrlo tbatioij Hie second to, none fa pit.'Domlnlbn, ando ' 'r^Twontoi- !^e Sale trill coiiimence on the "^;:";:' lX'jHri J$H 1875: 7?;r ..\-.f-. ;r <y$ ;-> <~sf. d*t ^.' d^-;

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