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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 24, 1875, p. 3

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rft^S '- & -i^^B mOi ' . " ^B i' ^m x ' - r^^S ^m 3fl^> *- :^m / L'-' ^ *f. IFOR : I s 1 NEW WINCEYS NEW F? ^ tpt Aug. l-rast.'!.- I* /T.. At CH <i- !|i Pr rr of ; THE ACTON FREE PRESS; SEPTEMBER 24, 1875. HATS SEW PRINTS, NEW BO i & Co tl kept tin lc id ill the linn - tin Ih -.t pi; lTt of tin, \<. si lichmIiii; in i Hiking i k. m M.TON p}CAl 3r'EirS.-r-1f t thall <V glari a* iula MilUv t]l h'm, <o rvttrcnr:'i&iv of I ical net * meA,- iw sjfcial cAufiA x*r usr, -w<t' 3j <; teijijwrajici or o(hrr swi tic . vaar-ti*, < <n ?* !*/enM*i^.rirtrr is this Uvili'j < r iu popjjj, "i at t)ir. rate V ont eel,' jvl- _ ^ U^.iK<.inj/<rrf. Jm orrfrr ft> jtwi rr 4' *ii&^f40 iu" i nrcr^fevv Tar 11 rr ' J rej'ir'6 3TA r.-stfd,jf morri^j, a' tf>t r 5S, LOG Air MATTERS. 1 H anted v J j P I it.hthi.irt t imcron 1 I>cmjv>.\ c ^tow p V Nieklin If I) MiM-^k n, K Hill, r 1 -Bnjiriess is beginning to v\ Ab upl !St?res full of customers. ' ^-Large cjuantil iejs of wheat snd baftey aire coming tOjiraarkct. --- -' i'~ ' -rS*e? Dickson 3: MeXib's new adtertiswnfcnt. j -^Fanners' are about ^through , thirbnsy season, and we miv hope 11 them more frequently 1 Mies. rirrs^; on" tdirc-li.^ **l -': 1 L_Tbe attention of ouj pcadorsi^ respectfully directed tt the new id\ it tis4menf w Messrs. SeconJ Brvw. Tin. announce the arrival 01 a laT;e sto.k < Iseascnable goods. Ninety-eight bunches of "ihiti ^es Tere.manTifactnmi ojt ot on" lo^ ; the. other cbtv, "at Mrxiri s hmglt lai . Jffiy. This is consi(5<rvJ >=aTie^hicc; ex " traordinary. Th^ log as 1 rough l tn bs Hr. John ShaT, of JEsquesiug.. ^ ^rThe.prices of -wheat hvte been st^dily x S -idown -fo*- sei eral \rcck* *z& cneidollarft now al>vut the Jii^hest -figure paid. How aK>irt thx. j.. p' who refused t.25 g kw vre.k a_u D<a>^. they witKthey io0( -akti-i j- a J \rth" r- \\ all k-v M n\ it V I oK - , i 1 iti a "<.'ott \ hoi. rt MtLall 11 line Mil n ^t<_w ,n t iuiurx Mr t in. In. iir -ai ti 1 T m<_ 1 gal i U*l> IliL nt- ____ hcr. u N"t ill-A 01 m\t \>ii TS, ISTIB, HBNDBHSQN- & c. f riBBBa ! 1 -* * NEW TWEEDS, SHOES, XC, - r. OO.'S, Actfc)n. Another Lot of that famo-UfS-dOc. Tea just to hand. Alufi tftfd f the (j mil. 011 dub not tl> ll 1. t .idl 0 1 0 1 li TZHZ-A-T "VV7" O ID 3ST S E, ~W XT Xi 1&J1<T JOHN SIHpI^. s CHKISOtEB, HENDERSON & 1L0 lias just returned fiom the Has plriMito in letting tho good iX-oplo cf Acton uud tho Couutipa of IIuHou and Wtllmgton know that_______ U B]RITJ[S.H AND FlORilGN MARKETS =C3 J J "Wlicic lie 1ms made lurge purchnses of 1 i 1 \( II ISMNl - 1 J t 4 ". t. 1 0 i 2 1 o 1 01 ll 1 1 rr in s li 1 1 1 lb S 0 it 4 0 18 1 >-l tmru Miljn_ii' n, < *ih n t 1 1> j 'vii.il I)Ai*. -Firmcrs' ^tUlIs -l> 1 1 rovi 1.' i 11 c 1 -i 1 1 ' lllir I: m ^ l\cr A\ 1 l lle-t ecord Bro^. h v-1 unt ,J \\ l 1 111! lilt 1. L i.' Uiraeitoselli-:" . A: "', :' - ./ : CATApb-Ml Esq ^.ishipSeil, yesterday, omeADi t J hn r' ""'" ' ' X 1 i-oin uiL tolnt lirlh^i bil u }ir _-. the *^telelrated Ml1 '-'Lancaster^ and1 a pat bred o-nr to, 3Ir. John James,--of Kincardine The haP has taken first pnzes wh-nw ae ' ioa beeafexhfbited. , lhe\ aru if nj> I Yon can 1 tet-1 jv - t l'aul Dw Ai i j &.- in 1 ' :l 11 ixr* *^ IT. Slock of C Jl "di th;. 1 f l<_ > } 1 h,F P' Us. ti ll = tlcn tLj rea U -vn 1 ^ j ct U<_ <iUr 1l i,ne t thti- t I 11 this rait, !i t 1 -t 1. r\ do'l; ,110a tin Is < jj-vftme'i ri j 1 11e->s-i 1 I ( Act n ti > in^cr . t the kj-'; j arv ileli\er ci'be - Mr. Robert Little, "onntSchool Inspector, has ntcnreci inm -V1 gonia, haring cohlphteahis mi-oioi oc establishing school sectiois in tha* D s trit. He brings? a sample 01 im fcxtri ordinary growth of hlaci. >ot*va^. oats ,t fmm .the neighborhood 01 Parry S>ound the stalk measuring five feet eight inches, and the-head about ten inches, ;!eontaining 135 kernels. Th cprnex~stone of the new ;:' Methodist Oiurch Suthis vflla^ge will be ^^'e tCtn i-,t ma laid oh 'VVednesday next the 29th mst [ possible is it is whh appropriate ceremonies, bj Da\nd I ^ outatan Imj ' Plewes, Esq*, of Brantford. In the evening tlhere will be a grand tea meet ; injr in the Temperance Hall, under the - ".auspices of theladiea; Aid Society, after ftherewin-be'addresses an/1 other ^atfalainmentiri the Methodist Church TVe have.no doubt there still be a verj large gathering on the occasion. J-or farther^ partamlarB ~iee advertisement and l?rge porters.;'-" :: -^William: IO Ullks j)f*3 th- - U K? tl^l I 1 VI ll I ipi. Ul*"S II U llM l\ \> 31 \l'j. I! r t 1 ir 1 1 i) - t 11- !r 1 _ tuiji t > d carjii ot taat fimou. nc^ t' will l>e l>e c__..-, , _i woull ask K r tl Smith, a mil way, rUlner as many Isbprery gap "ootode of too much fire j pot offiLt, that " regular old around ancf- IES more fenilses." "anil ; to-call l!?ft- . 1 = -. E m m irxra^o, iiract-^ igrtoti, sr Mir- ter of apojf: i attn.*.r --water, knd went on a "regular old ' "tat waj of rendering them 'tax." 'mi Smiths tore around an* mef "". s"fu , 1. ' . wide a tcrnton Itmuhed furmtnre, stoves and things, and created a furious commotion imms " 1 lwajehold. Drunken SmiUi was arrest- 'f d and had-his'-hands placed in the "darby*/' . Craly Smith threatened ' wnc^ief and vengeance, snakea troubled hinuy Sober Smiti was arramgeil before ^J. the Seeve and $n'ed $4 andj costs, and hosad over to keep the peace with D Her Majesty's liege subjects, for the _^.,^ce'0f welve months. ~\ye hope that ---ij this time William Smith is himself i-VagHa. *WH*e Camnefl. The Council met Thursday levening, 16th inst. aH the members present Onmofion, a by-law appointing Collec ted of Taxes for the tcurrent jar, was : dulyread and "passed, appointing Staf. J^ti Zanmerman to that office An h account of James Matthews, of 520, for use of hall for Division Court for a portion cthelyears 1874 and 1875,-was tf^tdydd ordered Jo Ax paid. The Coancil then adjourned till 14th Oct. ' : .-------- } -v- 'r\ v*a J:-ii--; iB^a':^ ?ji: 1 A very well-contested game was play : ^ in MiltonJ oh Saturdaj lx.3tween iixi , *& Desperandums,if AcWm, aad the .- ^Bdependents, pi 'Milton resulting m .. the.defeat of tb* former by a score of 18 ;. if) 13/ Previqu* to.the commencement of the game, our boys learned that their - ?I>oaarts' had secured the semces of I *fe?e "outaiders" to assist them, and *9*tioh was*at.xmce taken, as their ehallenge was 'agams't the Independent ;_cb of Milton, and not against the f"**?. After considerable parleying, hflwerery. they agreed to go on with ,the - ff^JS ^'Injependenta nnt fitfi to ' - /Wir ctfdit., Acton's nrst,wnmg8 only , ..2^.tV^.:J*Ww rf McCall, ... ^Kthe-OBtideri,"lielng evidently ^'taoch; for'them. The second r ^^P^cedr'l-goose eggs '[for both' --.- if JOU to ihe t Binul 1 o0 mm M li (all in 1 =0 s-e nt 1 1 ^t L<ii leist 1 _ v -1 Mil clieiip ii Hill IVL J let I 1..11 Nmll STAPLE AKD IANQY DRY Whicli \s ill bo nlong during this month, furllici notice of v Inch ^i'l be gn-ei "WOHDERRTL ATTEAOTIOITS WILL E23 OPPSREII! And tli it-^Voiidti ful Minis htuidin=' motto " SunLl Piolts nnd QnicL S ilea " will be the w.itcliivord, ivhich means JDtt^.TIS: TO LOITG PBICES [A-ISTID 3L03^T PBOFITgJ I g2'~ An cail\ nispcctioir fi om o'd futiids nnd custoiiKib is loptctfulh solicit eel Au tist 7 IS7'i tcord Brc^ J+'-in? to ^ 1 t iricrs to thiai- te> to r Druv, il H U, 'i Ji ai h a^-ijl 111 tlii - l\i-> .r iro^i hi I Jl ti ,-1 t t- 1 1 .a on < r ^\ 1 1 hr ~,'w, lien t i>on i .] ^.i. ulh mtiii.itt to lh->t ilunnD tnii ind Jt Ul\t HClh tlli> ill p rr=Uf a.U\ or thrr J_h tht post othc*1 all a< ioaiitn -tin ur u tied, ii.d rtviuut that pa\-mtn it at as tarK a thti- int<aition T*oiiii 1 uJ) n< unset of the iti. as > ha\c it Httr I than the 1st Ottjilxg- Thtir lal: nUck is d ul\ ommg resptct't-Jl} ini|itetl o hind. Inspe -tiiMi is ^luther tnn-fj tall :i iten 5Cc Tc-u larfee .d -mil XrJ it ATTENTION Me^rs Sec*rd Bros \v pt tfull\ intmii^t to- thtir lneiiuo md tuato ntrs thit 1 he, aK n >\\ mak ng out all ace unt? ai l( would l)c oKi^td if store t will hrthe their fntnds whfin \i=iting tin tir iccc nuts V as possible throu lx.ing th- (juickfiat an :-ous md spread th-it it would at least a hundr< d dollirs 1 id 1 n onth a 4ime to visit thy-m ill ami mal^e col htnet it will d res County Council AIiiton bqit llth 1^73* Tht council met pursinnt to lid loui'iuitnt The SVuideu 11 tho ch in Mnm'rfrs pitsfnt, "M^'-srs B ir ber Bui >v CIn Llfiilcnts Fosti i, L\ on, MeEm r\, Mcii/ie* R tinsi Robiij^orf b oiei ^ ini u mil %\ itson. ^ Minutc-i. of 11st meeting re id ind eontnmtvl I Tho CVilv icid 1 cop\ of j (.ti till 1 fio n the Cokm*\ Count 1 of tic Conm\ of Bi int re the Legii> 1 ituio of Ontauo prning tin tho 2 of SLC A t ol r< j> il of Mib seetion ]S o ion 71 of tho ibsesauitn 1^"59 Mr1 "Winen! mo\td ^econde 1 bAir E'iim th it the lxpoit of t'e coinmitcoe respictin,' tho toll gnti on tin 7th In e of I^qutsii ^ Jt icentd iridreid- (.' untd Mi Birlici, clun ii hi of t1 e C01 iinutce on tht. Iiital^n, L,-> ipieiiiijj and Erin roil, leld 11 d piesrntfcl tlitir rej 011 "\Ir Bnbermo%t.d stc^ndid by Jlr McKnei), that tho lepoit of the Special Coinmilti r on the T.-a fiilgn, E-quosing an 1 Erin loid be adopted Ciri led Mi L\on mo\ed, seconded by Mr NVitson, thitb i\e be tjr-ntf d to introduce a bj law to ruse l>v isses-sment from the township of Xasfc 1 jr i-w q\ n. and poi tionfc of oth< 1 mumcipilitieii comprising the Cre di6 V Heyj grouprSS 210 to p ij in toi-st md jiroMdc for the pigment of debt filhiii; due to the Cm dit Vilhn Bailwiy Compinv. md th it j the sud 1>\ law be read n faist time ,j Cirried Bylaw re id 1 iirht tnno Mr CluncnU. moved sccondi d by Mr Wniren, that the ri].oit of ',j j the Committee oil llousfs of rlo- \Ti> HiltEvETH. I \\ lute A\ luat 1 00 to 1 00 I Ire 1 hull 0 <l 1 to 1 00 spmu' Wlu it 0 ')>to 1 00 Ruli\ 0 70 toO <w IH'a , '0 ~"> to 0 00 IV is . 0 (> (?) 0 00 Pit it 11 V rlii 'i ' 0 10 t^)0 00 Dritf I \\>i In, p r Hi 0 ( 8 to 0 00 O 111 11 lellllsllll 0 7 > to 1 r0 hilt 1.- 0 2) tf 0 )K) f^ - 0 12 toO CO Pi u 0 1-' to 0 0 ) Hi\ pir ton 14 00 to 1 1 CO ( ii'ikeiis p 1 'ti 0 Ui to 0 00 r>jw^ , ' 0 07 to 0 00 C.LI LPH VM'Ml- 1 1" ivl " i\ ^ fiO t > s| 0 , , tr. dwell, n ic to >1 00, spring wlita' (trli_gow)[ 'Hi ti Ml)1) sj n ij wh .'(rtil clnff) '>0c r 1 e , oit iUc rn th\\, pt u% 7" t 7"i birU\ 0"c w s'c t^... (ir DOMINION 1 H J it 'il.i 1 ut 1 r dair\ [ 1 lc 1 .pj'in l^^ l.ig >Vt)t0t TOPONTO M M'KLT's spine wlc t *> ( j new v' itc | been md Stil GOODS, JOHN HOGG, Aim 1 Block, U ipei Wjndhim Street, Guelpl EMPORIUM Ob. ' I- -A-OTOIN" ^Having adopted the READY .PAY SYSTEM A SOOTT Tikea 1110 opportuiity of informing the inhabitants 6: Acton an-i ;ur- roundinjcountiv ithit owing to the sitjsfictory tUrn which bunness has t iken, 11 iet at the i-olicitatioii of a namber of his best customers, he iaa^, linnn in/l i*nAr> 4 r\ ' ' uceu to He v ; wh it hi M. 1 0". t> <! 09 r ut-, uJe, ' ir STuifi PLANING MILLS \Nt> Se Contimie Business in c\ctopL. i i ill endeiior in the futurfi as if the past to o bpsiness on the' TLY CASH ANS Belieniir* ithnt to li iv one pi ice fir go of damp litisKiesj, be-i les bujinj loi a enible 1 tio 1 at Least 10 PRICE PRINCIPLE and honest ?ay and selhng tor oish he will be ia Hih only fiii Pnuip. Sasl;,il)oor apt! Blind Tat rorj. j Tlnn if bb did- buine3 oh the long ivm led credit s\sftem Ji cnuto iverso ' ost us be mv u- lections pereoaallj I>ossible for us tfl do so. V>e wouhl alsjo wish tu rcmti.d our friends an/1 cjiatjniers tint -11 ac .ounts on our books areldiit on tht 1st 0< tfiljer, and must be paul then as w c ha\ . \ trj hea\ v en^^igemer ts to meet durui i. fiat month, andwwill i equire to collect ev eryj dollar due ns bj :hat time Our customers we are happj 13 pi ire ill of the first -class kird, and v 6 feci assure 1 that thej will all niait an t-fVu-t to settle their aetomits promptlj, and thus enible U/i to dt the t-ame'^j f is has been an cxcculi i_lj hard bcasc n on mtrchiuts ^'nerKllj, in 1 (n tint vc c mnt w o woul 1 -isk our fnends to tnakc a special effort n our b"half, hn>1)ng as the> w ell do tl it w c do not iinn asmi ablj pufth for pi) ments All ace r ants not paid by the lit of ()lUi)>ct w 11 U handed in to Coart for collection and read Cat Savs " Quite i nunil er of ]>etty bi rgLi nes have lately ttken pl-icv n. the West, and amongst othei pi iks, a regular raid 1 is been m id this week on the slores of Stnlhio merchants iniongst these Ren Mr J X) TJwto'e, Mi It Sujthei land's, meichant tulor, i." jrpth mg of auv gre i; v <*Iue. vvaa sec ired But on Tuesd-y evening a mther mote serious th3ft was committed, Mr G A Mai in's horse and har ness being takai fiom thestible, and hitched to ii waggon, bcloigmg to Mr H A Ivoi, nnd driven away In the morning no trace of them could btjisund. Hfteralon seaicfa, the horfe, with waggon and harness, -wab found hitched to a fence near Mrj Teny \DoUvUy'8, fourth hue, Ajdelatde, ra,bout ifive miles from Sti had evidently r jceived liard us ige j' he had been ii a lather-ofgueat, and bi& breast i 'as badly galle 1, as if he had been nade to diavv h avy loads. iih V. athroy t Tlie lorse fuge be received lied Mr Birber, ch urman of the Sp cial Committee on Houses of lie i fuge tead and pitwntfd their re jK>it, and aKo re id tne lopdit to the Countv of Peel of {ho Commit tee lppoiuted bv f>.ud Council | Mr B u ber mot id, stcondf d bv 1 Jlr Claj, that the re,)oit of the committee on County Poor Hojscs bo adopted Cmicd Mi Lvon juovtd, sfcnnlled ly Mr Robinson, that it . ihcismi) to jirovidi twtntv fn e qor Is of ^ood 8 jund h u d w opd foi tho use of the com t house md ofhceip conn* cted theiewith, ind tint F Mcfallum and Joshui VuiAllan! be uithonz cd to adveitise foi tendcis foi the bame Cirnod Mr Lyon moved, seconded bj Mr Butk, th it the Bv 1 iw to pro vide tin inteiest Und cu ite a sink mg fund foi* the pavmtnt of the bonus givfn to the Credit Villej Rulwuj.benov ieidat>icond m>l thud 'tune and passed notvvUh standing inj mle of this Council to the contuiy Gin ltd By 1 iw read a second und thud times md pissed Mi. Bnber, chairm-m of the Standing Cominittio on Tinanct, piesenttd thtu lepoit which was leid Mr Cla} moved, seconded bv Mr Barbei, that the repoi t of the Standing Committee on Finance be adopted Carried ' Mr Barbel moved, secontted by Mr Lyon, that the sum of fcw enty fiv>e dollars be granted to the Coun ty of Halton Bine Oiub, and piid the ^rensuier of the Society for the jmrrJosc of offering piizes at the fall matches Camed Mr Clay moved, seconded by Mr Barber, that ihe Council ad journ until Tuesday, December 114th Wm Pi^TON, Cleik E3BAQE & AMP0ELLT '1 mii^cHirers or "Wiado-w Sash, Doors, Venetian Bliads 1 Houlding3, iud other Building KcqtiUitos ALo Makers Qf IKPP.0VED SI7CTI01T PX7ICP3 Lumlcr PHnp(l in<l Drcs^oi) to order In tl e test lninnel B2f- \ll woik guaranteed i Arton Jul} 1 lS~o , TO> t WAOONJANO CARRIAGE i TACTOPvY JUIE{^ RIDER, Proprietor. "Waeoas, i Kopt In stock Carriages, Sloigh3, i Cuttars, &cw nnd ma le to Or^li r on the Shortest .Notice Aoton, July All pT'tips viMtmj AHton i- the g oda I ind pricea I ofoie pure! [I Acton, 'lucust 23 1ST) e respectfully fnvjred tc eiTl and msj ect chiibiii- el-iwhere ' I1 r* GEJEIAT CIiBAIlHSTG I QALB M or ,N C3LOTi3:isrc3- ^o^^ goiag on Elephant CLOTHING- S+ORta, ^nt Dhieaper SCOT And discount for cash of iEIGHT CENTS ON THE DOLLAR, for three months past, would tafce-this opportunity of stating, that th 7 System Has Proved Host Satisfactory To my numerous customers and also to myself, I wil I continue to ^4 I Sell Goodsf as Low as any House in the Trade Doing a Ciedit Business, and wJl give thfe 8 PEB qmi! DISCOUNT Fp^ | CASH, -4- Customers Will no doubt'arari fiiemseh es of the disconlit , I am fully satisfied of snccpss,and patfefactxon to all concerlned,m tnBiah and dis count syBterii \ | I . Prompt paying monthly customers considered asTiaah, and will gel Hie discounts- * > I ! ( ) ' BOYb' Af THE XO 31 WYXDHYM STJIEET, GUTLtoi Ti Will be !EI iEI^DOUS BARGAINS gu eii during this Sale, hk\ mg reduce: \ Cost and j every Uiticle ite As we tie considei it Guelph, anxious to cleai it light out a pie lsuie to show goods ' TTILLl^E PROPERTY FOB S^-LEJ. Btrlot attention paid to Eorso-Snodlng1 & Goscral Jobbing anil satisfaction cruaranteqd, '/ ( t, 18"5 Under,, 1 I Call and evammje stock, a 3 WSVS. RUTHERFORD & CO July \"), 1S73 The undc raign"d offers for sale jthe park lt im: ncdrately cast of tho Kail way track, 1 now n as \ oun^B survcyi, in , the v illage I of. Acfon, compnsmg sii. aero1", more 'i r less It has been surv cy ed into v ilia; =e lots, but w ould prefci to Bfefl-M block i Ac^ou is one of -the ii o&fc prosperous t nd thnv ing places iu his section of co inirj,'"ind its prospects for l ipid grow-tl abov o is a r pnv ato resid poses . Por prospects are sceSnd to lione Ihe i lost dosir ible property fat sneo or manufacturing nifr- ' ____ ___terms nud particulars en ^ quire ot Mr D Henderson, Acton, o the owner, A shgrov e P 0 , Eaquosin'g JOHN McCAIX. Erqtieain^, Sept 1, 1875 TOjOSflS to Manufacture-s T^c VILLAGE OF ACTC N Islpioparedto grant n bonus.to paries est* ilsliins any Kind of ma-iufactiilug butei ifss employing ten sfellled hai <fcl i nd univ irds, und Where tntd buslnes-i d jes iiou, [.onfllct with any but4ngKs alifiidj eslali Uliel within the cor^raikn (Ac ton possesses good NiUwiiy fnclln s, beln s oi the urind Trunk. Raliwii, tnlity uveiilllPSwesipiToiontp, in in o beaujtilul auit tiealiby location, 1s i:<-e 1rdm munletp*il ilolitJnud projerty be oblaTuoJon reasonable terms I -n iiJbNH^ T. MO> iRF, J , VillajeOl'!*. ^cten^Jn^ 1.I87S j w JOB [PRINTINIIJ Of all kin Is neuuy and promptly o&ecultd at be FI&E PIvESS^XFFlbE, foier ibV Post Office tya. strcM. Gash for all- Kinds of Proidiice, i * ' i 1 v CpKreyancer, Issuer of Marriage; license^, Insora*ce Agent Agent Money to ttfaa, Agent Montreal TeJ. JC\ClerIi Fourth Piv. Court, Com<-fa Q. B., &c. * \* \ ,i JAMBS MATTHEWS. Acton, Se; iteiaber 1,1S7S. Floon- Oil Cloth. i JpST REGEIYEt) ' AT IVgoBEAN'S HARD'WAEB ST0RS, Scotcl. Floor .Oil Olotlo, Hcrse Pokes, Paris Green (Warranted Pure) Croquet Sets, t , Refrigerators, I ' ^ v Rubber Door JM^fes^ i Lawn Model's, i "Lawn Scythes, PlyT^ps, * 'Garcjea TdolsV Wire Goods of aH kinds. 1 if ^ AIe '[ ^ARTHUR ^laBE-AiV, Hardwsjre\Merchdnfc. Block, GuelrJOkig 13, 1875, 1/ ALL KINDS OF JOB JP'RXIST'JJJilStG * -1 / THE *HOJ^m-Y ^SKCUfFB AT / l FMBB PBBSS d3??K / v^ 1 I vsv* -^ -r c i *. A: ii fei<v >

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