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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 24, 1875, p. 1

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; v' "MJJ I- -' -A : t.-'. *vM.*a * ;. $3 =w it ^ js .-~*-r WV,:i ~ ~rtJ L'-_ j; ar* n^w; ISfroei/ i eaiploy EttOS. _i v; \:- U.!t7:Jl!iFr ;f: .." :. -fdlnmp-I*No. IS.} BVSrIXRSS a A )ms. if h,!'u>\vkv,it. iv,>r. c'ivsH \ Graduate, of Trinity ' College] |ber of ICollogo of Physicians and rooii5.-^Mir]t. SrkjsCTj Actus. IV IV StOUUOWJ, Physician, 'Surl jjeon,- f*o;, of iBellevue j College; \ork, .also t^railuato o Victoria Caaada.'-- / - '1 1 Now T\tcid.\yianil Kriday^j frbm'9 a.m. till 4 .p.'gt. -rW*ldecv- JKUHCS M ATTHE\tSi Conveyancer; '. issuer .-oif Marriage. Licenses, IJ'ost' MlasUir, Insurance A^ctit, Agent Money = t.i!':Lo.'Afi^nt MoiitrviiTTcL-Cou, Clerk ', Fourth piv. | Court, Ctfiu.-in Q. B-> ic. ; Acton, (lint, j *M EN^ftfcfcOX.i'onvcyancer; ic^ n*L>lao i&geut Canada fife Assur ance CiC THmMs, Mortgages, Ac\,-pru- parod Jnoatly I promptly, eorreetly and ou rcasa^ML> Wmis. Money tot-Loan on Mortgage! security; ^Ortietf^GIasgow House; Abtoh. - -. i-/ iods. , *: s ',--/' '-.'. 5 " "Jii- 'VVTM. i.:Wl>LAW,-RMTijster, Attor- T tiey-'-ati. Law, Sulicritori^ Chancery, . Ac QffiJes: Hamilton, llKingstreet. -Milton, Maiij-street. The Milfon Office . wilt he,uiAler the. maiiaiMneut of D.. \V. CaraptwH.! aiid .Mr. Liiidlaw will-attend at the vMHfciu OlJice-' on Friday of each 'M:ee-L; -.- '; ']"".'* ."}' Xy"ILLIAJI tVATKINS,; L ! I*iucrilrrt4ic Uctrisri AOrHOculeh, ~ "iBy Iiiiyal Appointment.). ' ,- Business private and confidential. Countv at the Post Office, Glenwilliain, . . - !' lyres. <s.; CAijTEtt. T earlier or JInUc, Dranlas and Fit-ach, - . ". ! Cbflreh street, ALton. C I XXIXGIIA'M & DltiKE, I\srKA\<E AGEVT*. ! Office ov,er the Bank of; tVnimeroe, _)~ Guelph. i ! I ,' ' i \Ve 'are au'fnts for several first-class St.wfand niJJ'Talienuipluiies. ' Wrdeii left at the K.'rci: I'F.PW OCiee Trill receive prompt attention. V J j Itjirr. (.'r?fsixi:hAM. Htxitv. L. Buakf. ILK! MILK! The snWeiilter dairy business,' ai every wonui)^ houses- in the. villh jo. Milk warranted pur?. lVont,'.on tl, if pawt in pint tickets Mr TO P. Aeton.-Jnlyj Sth, ACTON, ;ONT., hivs commenocd the d will deliver milk njnd evening nt tbo adv wieo,1 or, t\tenty-on6 cejrfs. s,! akmstHo^g. quart tiekfita ' fot 1875. ^TASTEb, . 1005 ; 0-ood i:omlock Bark opap^or . i ASkl.SO. Ho tolo frpm my. Ijoddico ' rpso, My cheek was its eoli r 8|ipiSvhil<s it ah, tho-sl; *' -""' Had he ask'i Bu^ah, tho-slv roinio ! h<i'y?eil knows, k'il it, I tnus.wkvfi Baid.uo, Ho!'nuich'd from my lqw a soft kiss; J;triod at a frown 'Uvosfca smilo [ For, ah, Wis ily iroguo ! he known this, ' Had he ask'a it, i mutt hart said no,) * . * i i . - . -i That, ' ' asking |' :in Lovo'a a mTntake, 'Tii'licst not^to iisk; but to tako j ,Por it saves one fho need to say no.. Yet, stay j Home things should be ask'd if dosirod ( fbrwlitcU I \tlll ilnv -FIVE. UVJLLAKH My Kignoihopo* iiiy promise. to;Wod j.' : ' \Mion ho ask*; me, I will not say no. JH>I Cord, AT TIIK -ACTON TANNERY . IfdeHverel In snrojwer, G.I^HKA^UMOUK, J'VopHolor. J.. A. HALL.jLgi'iii i"'Actor, July J, IS:;. SXXBDY'S K Ma^bTa Opposite-,, side ?Goodfe|l;>\v's Aim Works, fma> !Mill3 & Foundry," and X^ar Erani osa Bridge, lph. \U. Kl SI>3 OK MONUMENTS iTomb iStones, S&c., nii and "pa1 Maritlo. Pieces, made to any sij:eor.desijrii tj up in jiny- part of to countryJ a^7 Scotqh ments iriiitortedlto order. 5* P.S. Uli.' Kei nedy i? a praii- .weal niarUio it :er.' inyipart oi tiraiiitei'. Montr- Hi; .!. iware ': . i B *iu*duce. ng.iii tba j < OLIVER LOZIKIL' PLAHTEltEK -Act' PLis'terin^ and .KijugS tiie iun=t rx^oiiablt- te: t:ou i.'UarantceiL fjn", OKt-. . Kvury desctiptiou!'-,!' hrC.iitiujj done on lernu, aint satiifile- a: rTox riioIR MILLS. i.,B.-& E..X1CKLI>", Pniprie^ors. ; l-Floiir and IFeeil always on bjuid,. li-h^eaale' 'aii.i retail.. .. Gristing .raid <5hn:>Hn^ L'aly. Cash for. all kimls <<{ Grr;rn;- ""' , jj ' puhUe generally tlU't f-iirni "J>G>.SSIS" HlLrSKt Aetoh. ITV.thv'G. T; Railway Stati ,i'!!at aceomino<Ution for the OsU-ellmg ;- lib. tflOi. C-AMPB^LL, Propr, " . Close ti> ti.">.t'- .J>4- V XJnA @F, $0i ir fixtures! yta bre; .-. i : rrr0>rf.j >ET. Aoxew, Propriet.-iT. : Tl-Ji; ., p|i>MIXIOX HOTEL, Acfo.v he- Hotel is atted-up in tiist-class stj-1 with'new fnrri^tnre.j Commercial Travel lers will land.'good acconunodatioa- 'and! cSiniaoiious ;>SampIe. Eoo'tns. Special '; aftiijtionl paid to the. wants of the trareUin^puIilic. IBar supplied with the1, bi:st jLiqaors ^ind Cigars. Good Stabling r aadiittejitivi Hitlers. ALICE MMAHON- (Con eluded from hut week.) " ' Ned,': 6i\yB i, ' you shiill do iio 8Vicli tl)ing I'll go, with you where yoivgo; I'll leave 1'iitlior und mother "now; ;YoU know, Ned, I always lovtxl you ;, und . wbut'a the imo of love if it w.ouldn't Htickby n.fl-lend in troubhe? You must loavbtho countrj-, Nedy and that.at once ; and 111 go with you,'and they'll never know .where wo are. Let us go ofl' at once to America.' "Well, Mr, Ned was! silent fpf, n. mimiU), and then fie: 'says, -'|iiV.lice, dear, don't ask trie ;to 'peaciy.or tellou one of tlu-in, .for'ril neVer do it- no, hot; even to gb with you.' 'I'll never ask you. ;Ned,' says I; '.only. e"6m,e away unci leave them there, nny joli ut1.,sou| FRIDAY, i SEPTEMBER 24, 1875.! i 'I i before ruiri yoi ipii warrant' Ned," 'for a turns up that will and body.' Tln-ro out against me,' >i:iid Mioko I hit unother kill tiny of thenis^ivoa that tak :s tho lund over the old stock's heud ; nnd"thoy ""have persuaded Ned ii'sj all rightj <>r af least thoy we -e | neai' doing so. | But I think ne. hates thorn in his heart; and thouf h nothing would make him come 01 it and inform against them: and 1 would be the lasjb to nsk him yfet if ho ciin only si p ttway quietly jit will be all wel: yet, and I ha' promised td; go vith him:"- . . > " Have you money enough go 1" I asked. ( "I'm sorry to tell you I har^e not," replied khe; '"father ht.a plenty,' and .would give mo wliatt I wanto<I if it waajTor anything elwj biifl dare not aik him for it uo1^. Ned, too, has be^sn idling1 anA;dr_tnl|- ing. with thosoj! blackguai-ds, anil they took care-to get put o!f him all ho had. I must trust to yqui* honojr to give ub /the means, and that in another thing I iame for.". . I- "Well," I said, at last,'." jit is a 'serioiiB thing, anl a great responsi bility "to tuke upsn myself to hold back the war ran; in tittch a ease as thiB ; but considering that Ned hfts] done nothing yet except to take thi;! oath, and we havi nothing to proy^ against him,as! a Rl|bbonuiun, 1 think that if I cuuld. seb'hiin my self, and make at risof; what his rea! inteirtions are, I 'would manage to liold back the wairrailt that if should not bo executed for a few days, at all events, mm UVERYs& SALE STABLE j; V. AliLAX t nnoiiueinc^ to the is Iv irepaie 1 to h ! 3 an& Garriagos Pir3t-clasa '^6x30 1 , * U ' ' ,; 'At l^cnsoriaySe Ilates. Ili\ Riijsniiji Hor can ty- hul, i&'l !nj K O' snni.ts*.-<Iil}> ijffrp- fie host that uetorm.iieii not io liy Stable. , Rc OYAL EXCJttAXGE , HOTEL, Acton, Gat. IJobt. DicaiE^Prop. Sample Reruns larg^- iand coi^modions. ;- for Commercial ^Travellers. Good accOm- -mf>darion for Travellers and nesjts. B*t brands of Liquors aiid Cigars at the Bar. Good; Stabling and- attaptive Cah. a second c'^% upwards &- IELs/and' : '- '< " y I '* - ' : 1 - 1 - -77:" ' ' y iricejpr.63 1 37 Jc and 1 '"___ *... y: 9 we- bav Lail an* be braents [ Boil W* 1 t 'A DATH>S^, I, LICENSED AUCTIONEER ' .'. Sales ij^ended %n in "any pait&f the .-County., -: i reaspnable rates. " ',- Addre* :*~ll DAYIDS051 '..' -? . j CampbeEtille.fP.O. fi \XADA jGL<H-;E WORKS, '- ] QT1&, ont. W4 Hi STOREY & CO., . TyhcHisate-'Manuractnrers of every des ."-. : crijition and style of IfSathsrSs Cloti. 0-loves X MITTS AMD GAUNTLETS. ! "Vf atchm^ke r, Gu-eliph, ALSO Fancy Ukes odvatitajjp of jaiiK -Lis cufctome Vchin for. their jpa.-t- ! ici ta a contlnoince. G. P. I*'. also bopes rangeis;enus whereby y may oe ent tx^and safely,mid wlihdnt tr 1 hls-cpslomerf.' : CSiielpli, Jnly.lol 1875 he Fsee Press to 6 In and around patronage, and sc- sobn'to nnrhe ar- ffatehis ami Jewel- Jromj'Guilrb Wltn roijble" and'expeuse JDr&ssftfs pt _PL$an and " " v \vj.Kiid leathers. ':v igT" Highest Market Price paid Sot S VfOOU SKINS.! - r . i Agents for Raymond's Sewing! Ma chines, ;Act6n, July 1st, 1$75. BAKERY. ->.- :- i-:, " Co.,:. Ieorje,own 1- ' ?}* -The iobsertber begs to Inform tu" Jnv habitant* or Acton and vicinity tnstt ha is pf^pired: to supply --,.. ' ;... FirstHclassBr^ad, Buns, Cakes ; Biscuits, etc, '. ;_ " ~ ^ "J ' ' ! --- Fresh evert day delivered .at their1 .isi houses. / , ; I in E. MOBR<fW, Sjr* ' : i Chemist and .Druggist '! .:-" DEAXEp IN?" DRTJGS, j : pfTEMICAL$, .: PERFUMERY, PATENT ANJD !'.' PROPRIETARY, -" M EDICTNES. Always on hand a largW and .well-select-' T \ ed stock of Liqull Dydj Faacy ; - - t Toilet jfoaps, Bmsliea, w NO CAKE8 1 Made to order In the lalest Wlea andr-iyi - reasonable charges. 'i ;/ ' %9- Highest price la Cash paid, for Eg|f. . GALLbWAY.' Acton, July U VKo. X~l i and Spoagres, TJrosi es for 0U1' dren aad 0houller Braces fer ilea, Vomea aud OMlOrpa, Pe lats, dry aad in oil. Silica, aid Eaaei' (JoodJ (PURE WJNfiS A^TD LIQUORS i ." Khr- Me4lclna PurposeK ^t. Prtyslclstns Prescriptions and -Do- (nestte Receipts, and Horse and Cattle Medicines, carefully cpnibounded. f j .', Xi.B.i M Aieton, Jjuly, i875. Adultfl, Statieaery orrow. - idtcalHall, Aetoh. boy a few d^ys| ago ; it's in the Po lice Barrack .this,"minute, and they will,b'e out seaicliing for me soon. And if.tjiey arrest me on this war rant, I'l| bo kept to see If they cab get anything ,-else aL'airist rue, and1 maybe something bjid will happen before.it's all over."' . "-' \\ il|_vou come away iff get the warrant slopped i'-suys I. ' ' Alice,' says he, * I'll rlutve to break a sdl- eiun oath if lilo : hut it's better to lio dainned for Ibivakitig an oath to" those; bloody .-villains'than for kill ing spmti oni;; j.so if I'm iiot taken thiswet'k, I'll gp, if you will come withine '.' " j She stopped.' and looked nt me. " Well," said l| "' and whiit do you want me to, do |f" ." I \vtint"yo4 to stop the wai-rant just for arte week," said she ; "4io has.:done nothing yet; the warrant' is only for cutting -another boy's head, which did liini'iio greiit -baa-ni; and! moreover,: that saine'-boy-^de- s'erv.ed it;Wull. I; But,if Ned stays in the, .country, hji'll surely dp: what ever thp'bloody villians he's: joined with bid him. j Keep back the war rant ;for one 'week, and you'll save his soul and body.'"-. . The poor girl could hold-Out no longer^ but drppjn'n'g on her knees before! me again, she -put her hands to her eyes, and;,as the tears stream ed through herj fingers, she sobbbd Put, alnjostchokiig with-agitation, " Oh, sir, ft.tve him if you can ! saye poor Ned, who never would hurt the hair of a child's head, if he was not sworn to it by them terri ble men;" _| , : i r I have seldom felt in a greater di.fficultv. Here wai a man who it was'now^ acknowledged was a sworn Ribbonman, and I wits ttsked to Ijold back the warrant for his ar rest,-so as to onable him to'leave the country and escape the law. True, but then) I reflected, he had done nothing yet as a Ribbonman that the jaw .could-lay bold of, ex cept taking the oath. ' I fully be- lielved the, weeping girl before me, that they.; were! deeply RttachedLtp each, other, and I also-' believed"'her statement that iin a moment of anger at her father's ifejejting his suit; he had joined the Ribbontnen, and wijs sworn into her! bloody edde. She saw in a moment that I hesitated between what at first sight appeared toibe.my dutyias a magistrate! and rtryVdesire ito stve ber lover from 'crime and death. I have said she waB'edueapBd above her class, and she perceived my. difficulty in a mo ment. " Oh, sir/',said she, rising gently from herj knees and calming down ber countenance again-, "you'll do no 'wrong in. holding back the warrant for a wjeek j.-though Ned is sworn in,'.he has done no-bad act yefej and mirely it better to. save him now-inan to.hang him after he has committed tome'terrible crime. I know him we 1; he is as daring wh'en his blood is up as be is gentle and kind jin: heart; hewouW not hurt H-littje dhijd. Bi# they have told him It's for -the good of Ire land;! and; whei he gets warmed with that,Jhe would kill a hundred men.".. - : ' " And does hu really believe it i& for tbe good of Ireland," I asked, indignantly, "U> waylay, and mur- Ider some unfortunate paan who has never injured or1 wronged him V "That's a leng story,.sir," ro- she,; "and! maybo you wouldn't uijders^and it all if I told ypu.' But they .'think the. English have ho right; to the land at all", and they hape to get it back again - only fnghten/ybit God for ever bless you !" c'rfd she but suddenly checking herself, shej added, in a frightened tone, " bttt did your honor say you Wanted to see Ned yourself V " Yes," replied I, "certainly; I will do nothing unless I see him myself. He may have deceived you, und.sent you, on- this j mission only to eilalile hitn more securely to perpetrate some dreadful crime." "Ned is as jmrely true'to his word as your honor would be your self." replied tlislgirl.-i-liMJI? indig nantly. " But ufler all,."" added 'she, gently, " why. should you not 6ee Btory is true that ypli are not do- eeivihg her,'and that you are rpnlly tiling to.l^ave at oncB for Anierica t shall certainly think it miy duty do my utiniost' to Iiave you roiight'to jusiico."- ' : . ' And \fhat makes yon doubt Alice's latory 1 do! yo|u think sjie would deceive you V.. | I ." Certaiiily ^ot," replied I; "my pnly doubt-is, whether you'_tiro not {deceiving lieiv" , *.- ' :." I . " r)id she throw any doubt upon t%t herself?" . . ' i' [ J'Shedid riot;*he firmly believes feyery word" :ybu told- her, or she iwpuld not have brought'nie to meet o'u here'to-night j she is ready and' altiDg to go'lanywhere with you,; rpvuled you will only leave tfce jcoimtry atoncb," ' " ] "Alice |Wn|s always trite and good," replied Ned, in a softened ^one ; " slie never deceived me, and" I iie.ver deceived her. Your lionor jkriows I am' pq foj1 the next job; but^pleasoGod^rildisAppointtlipse ploo'd-thirsty villians;) and ifA yon pan only stop the warr^nt.for three (lays morii, I'll be gonojforeyer from JEreland, dnd Alice wjili -yo along With me."_! i "I belieye you afo telling me the truth; I do not think you Iwould. have, 'ventured to Wucet; ineihere if you had not intehdedl to |ls true. I iinderstanii yot^! have ! little, or no, money; I will jjiv'e Alice what is' Thoughtaon the Jury-System- To be tried by oneV "pecrs,!'? those ! "peers" reaching ,the exact number of 12,: is regarded, by ia very ljarge number of the commu nity, ijis-i privilege~to be surrender': ied under'no cit'curastances a. pri- yilegei.to be defended u-t'any cost of blond i and . treasime. The word 'fpeer/' as it is used' here, is.'a' cheat.'. Ail; thafc: it means is Jihat :,tlie jiiripr has thej! same. pfl'Jioical power and'privilege* as the main whom! ho helps^to try, yet the wo^ men of America have never been tried .-byN their peers. Infants are never tried by tbeir peers- Those who were formej-ly\slavfes were ,nrver tried by their peers. If.we !-go:beyond this,.and attach any in tellectiml or moral isighificance to for days, or weeks, or months, as1 the pase'raa-y be, with the details of affairs in..wFiicV^ey have.no inter est 'whajtever/ is oppression, against wj^ih'-,_; our- people : vifoitld luive kicked lptig fcgo,!but.-foj; this hallu- ciriationjaHo^tithe gacredrieas of the" iuryjtrial; 'People do npilsee jhpw 'Ire cangfet albng vitbout it. : We should yery'inucn prefer to leavftja casc-.with thtee men trained inihe law, or. toioner man accus-; tbmed to comparing and' nie^suring evidence, than to twelve mfens&ledt- ed by lot'frbrn tlie realoa pfl ackrioi'- Iod^ed 'inexperiience nSd 'ipepmpe- toncyj;.': A fter i>ne has .picked; pij t the three bestmsn oil" a jtiry, file has -better jury-in-the ^hree thun io the nine which are. left.. Asiim- ^___, .______.____ __ isnpt increased by piling, ciphers'. it- TJhe8impl& truth, is t^'t "May God bless you,jsir ! niayj necessary. Gbotl-bye.;| it is dan vai. Hli.H vim'!" i-'riftil kIih r. L'erous ou him?'. I am sin e I Can trust to take no advan Jge, tof- Ned is not far from tl ut6; I could go know where he you He o town this min-; for'"'; him,1 for I is. and he "would .meet you any where you please." it must be alone," I cannot have you with hpnor pleases," gerous ouritulkingjher^ as the po lice are on! the patrol, jund I could not jsaive Vou if they! canio upon you. j.will enilpavor'to hold back the warrant- for three days more; so- make; the lipstf of your time, and, above all, be kinll and '-good, to the tr I Alice, for!? she loves von early."! [j -^ .! . I would give! my heart's* blopd or her," .Said Ned in iin altered one. VShe lias saved my body nd soul. I isuppo.sijjyotir-honor Would not shake the hand of, ii man. like, me, but- if y'ou would I'd be hankful." . ! j " Freely," I| replied ;i and I held . "If I meet him said I;.' '.me." "Just an youi: replied the girl, j ~ " Very well. |Le.t Ned meet me at the back of the Gallows-hill, near tbo old windmill," at eight o'clock this evening. It will be dark then, (and no one will; know anything 'aboutit." ! j - j - .: ' The girl looked at me very steadi ly, for a few moments, evidently en deavoring to pierce into my inmost thoughts, s!nd then 'quietly taking her bonnet' from the table, she. suidj iii a calm' voice] "I am sure and certain your honor would not deal u'tffairly with' u's; j Nied -shall meet you at the time and place ypu say, fori know well he will di> v^iateyer I bid him now." j sV | | -She put. on her hbmiet,-drew down the veil carefully over her face, "so that it,would be impossible to recognize herifeajtures, and left the office by a pnvate door, j No sooner had she'gone than I began to feel I bad made a some- whatlfoblisb assigniitie11! and_I felt a little uneasy as _to the issue.) out my .hand-t<p him uti oiice. "He i hook it warmly.! - '.{ " " God bless lyou, sir !: I dare not tnd cannot say more." ^ ; -. i "I wish you ,a gootl life and a happy one with Alice," replied J. - He turnedJrapidly away, disa[>- peared behind Jthe ruined windmill, i nd was'gone.? , I returned to the town, and call ing at the pplice b[irrack, I ex pressed o, wish; toione of the police- yet, if tbe; r can - apdaucrj asy^ju -out .of it, and aen in authority ;that the wan-ant hould npt be fssecuted against Ned Bunningham fori,tlSree or fonr days more.' The pcilijceman touched his bat.in acquies^epoe, but said " I fear, sir,Tie is a bad boy." ' "I know it," replied I; "but I have reasons for what I do." iThe pdliceman'bowed. 1 The scene I> have, described hap pened on a Thursday'. On the fol- lDiwing.Saturday;! Alice. cKme into ny office again. A look of intelli gence from her tyas enjough to make i u& tak&'_ hei- again into niy private sitting-room. - Well, Alice, is nil ready ?" "He iis outside, sir," shej replied ; '* he said he wpuld never leave Ire- lind' yrithout one word TOOTe; of blessing to- ypu for your goodness. He has a new suifeof clothes apd all; but he was afraid tp.plit it on,, for'fear the beys would find, out what he is at But our pipage is httinto stances without ;V-"\ 1 !"' ." - !J. ^- jil.W per annnm In Advance. ',- .] "1-:- .:-. -:: --5 Tlw&grew iii .beauty side by side, " - Always did agree, ; V " 1-'.--"-'-f ... But now they're stindered ir,*hd: wide,- - / Are Goldwin Smith and %.': 'fhe same fondCAifewhichrda^ by day! Onee made it id the self-s^m6 way Too hot for Edgerton. E. says'that Gi!is bound Wgo i' ' - T6&iusi,il'iot'delayed,? ' "V. ! While G. says K is much .too slow, ' .' ' Anri^nrns things retregrader loflrip'n advic^ now listen yet' . '*'<: -^in"d then'.ho'l} end His song j .' ,^ Eet!in--feporteipjthen we'll see! . /'.. Who's righs.apd .^ho is wroiig..' ".,.. However, the girl had trusted jme, j taken.for he borrowed a fewj pounds and I resolved tp trust her, and, 11^^ a neighbor, who will pavhim- what would, to keep the: ap- -^ .-..< come [pbintment, I ate it'hasty dinner, and having carefully examined a brace of doubje-bari.elefi pistols which .1 usually carried wiih nie, I nnifSed mvself up in a large greut-eoat) and walked out unobserved into the street", There wak no gas in those days i-in, CarrickmiicroKB,; and the night being cold and cloudy, I was hot recognized by the few pasjers^ by timet. The 'LGallows-hill!" is a vacant and unfrequented height at-the back of the qourt-house at; Carriokmacross; ahd oh such anigbt and at such an hour there seemed to be; no danger of interruption. - I' will hot deny that my heart beat a little more rapidly than the up-hill walk would wiUTapt,.as I ascended" the dreary, wastbrlooking grassy hilLon the top of which stands the wiudmill. Howeyer, I walked on steadily; and holding one ,/of -ray- pistols cocked in niy^hand, but con cealed inside my .great cpat pbeket, X'iouhd myself at tne place of ap- pdihtnient. 1 coiild see no one; but Having given ai low whistle, a form emerged from1 inside the old windmill walls, and I' stood face to face with Ned.. !, T was'the first t^t gpeak : ;i "You-have com} here at Alice's request?": "I have; and she tells ine she haidet yout know all. It is dan gerous wprkjibr me to be hero; but I'm sure your ! honor won't betray ms" :' -"'T-, .:.!.--;.:; ' ' '.' You need not feac my betray ing you," replied I; "but ybii have entered on a fearful course; and unless J am (satisfied; that Alice's self out of the .crops Ned leiiv-ea be hind him; sp we are off on Sunday to Dundalk, we-wilL get married on Monday, and sail iin Tuesday night. GodJbless youjsir, you have saved his s!oiil and-body." 11plit a ten-pound note-info Alice's hand, and! went out to a back luhe near" the office, whither slie had preceded: me. TlWre was Ned. He ^id'not come npar ,me ; tiut takingoff hiahat/be bpyed al most td the! ground, his countenance beaming with joy,_as he saw, Alice coming toward him. j , They gave me one parting! grate-' ful looK Walked- rapidly down the lliine togethei*; and I saw them no 'more, MuNiciPAji Dstifrs. ! London, England, has a debb.of nearly twen ty-six millions, Liverpool, nineteen and one half "millioiis, Manchester, sixteen millions, Leeds some'twen ty millions, and-taking the cities of England in the older of their jiri- dpbtedness, it will take twenty-pue of them, inoluding the above, with an aggregated pppulatibn of six, mil lions, tp get. a debt as big as the city pf New, Yo^. Loudon with tbe surrounding municipalities, owe less than half as1 much ! as Boston. CJities like Liverpool and; MancheSj^ ter are vaBtly less|encumberea thaii pltieB of the same class in1 An)rioal Birmingham, for example; .j owes $2,865,000 or less! than some pities having one-eleventh of its popula tion. Chicago hafe. the best "claim to solvency among the American cities. She . pwes less than half as much as Boston, and, twelve mil lions less than BuitUnor% L ' a.ijiiun i^ almost never tried by his peers. .In the recent trial pf. Mr. BeeclierJ it would bWyery sijliyrtp say that; he was'tried by jbis-peers. Indeed,.-it; Would .have teen very difficult to fihdjenpugh of his peers in Ampricft to Irylhim. :if such a jury could 'have' had charge of his case, it; certainly would not have disagreed.'; , \ ; *. But jto.pome down unon the polid fact, lei ui( confess - th* \ tho oidin-; ary jurV is utterly irtcc ripetent! to perform j the duties of Vita o;ffice, Men who are taken fro n IheJiffer- ehtr'walks, of life, men t ^hope .minds run in the narrow -Chat nefy of,spe cializedlindustries, are Iroi a court-room under;,ciicu utterly fltrange. to-then, j.,- habits of mental applies .tion, ^vith-: put practice in sifting 'evidence,, easily imposed-updn by Utilities! of co'unsdl, : eiisily.. apted jtjMjh through -their iyihpathiea; eiisily iulpressible ^by eloquence, mid are expected the fin it time,ja,nd every time, to render juitjce. '^The thing.; is absurd on tb> fat* of it; and sp notorious now is .the uncer- tHintyjOf u jiii'y .trial, th it men re gard a verdict Vt;ry nine hi' as they dp the drawing, of a. 1 >ttery. "j A verdjet is a matter of ju -y, and i hot of justice at all. So vdll uhderf stood is the fact, on the. ifcrt of cor porations, that,- before a jury, they stand no!;cbance in -any C iso against nn individual, that jnon;rj of them ..have, ceased -to expect juitice from a jury, and, so, nre const intly pom- promising suits in which! i'oey know, t.heir-opik>nens have no :^se. The average juror makes common cauiie' with ani' individual iagainst a cor- pbration; as the cprpo: ation \ has found to |it3 coat. j; As ! men \average, thorte ra";One man in 1:2 a^ least, pf > xpeptjonul mind acd characteristic!.) / There was a devil among ,t tie twelve Apostlesj aiid in. .nearly ,< ^ery jury there is j a "crooked st cb." ^t! He may .be a man", who has a geniiw for differing with ieve^body! on eyery possible' subject. One man irtT5, atlleast, has some dnd! of ec centricity, and, as he has ao special ejduciitioii to help him, hjfj opinion on any subject is without, the slight est valuej .-Now, 'thiB |-2tih mam is. tbe man ion whom hanjii thf>' fate pf all wlw trust;, th'eiiisf lives to a jury trial;'-' He can. bindcj- justice, and be tisually does it.' The. good sense of iljmen may jhave decided a given case in a given jway, but the.bad sense, or the bad disposi tion, of the 12th man, is bnoughtoi. thwart their will, and mate alMtho labor bestowed upon the case; of no sivail. We; decide all otper"qiies- tions by A majority vote, but this.;' H ere alone !we require u laninrity; and no: clunco whatever i j. afforded to ieaiize!the .results of p :eponder-: ating opinionJ If a jury t rial could he decided- by a majbiify,. even if it shotildi^e five-sixths, or eieven-; twelfths, [justice would-hove a bev, ,tefchanc& ' As if is, wc have al. way8 to icount in the:/c lance of getting the crooked stick; the dis-; honest tnafi, tbe corrn'pti alp . mab, a,nd to. admit his power to spoSl arry veraict that eleven men;m ly -freely decide upon., Theiaw does itja. bek toinake every juror incorapetj ant: by insisting that he s lall be sp little intelligent in cuirei t hfiUirs asjto have, no opinions cencerning "th4m, as they1 may relate to ^cases. Cnjhand. , - ' .._; , . But there, is 'something further than this to be said again it juries. Thje fact that their service. is com pulsory -is an outrage upon the tights ofrthe citizen, .! The re is ! nd other civil or, judicial "ser ice into which ;hieh are comfiel ed .but this. .In; time of war, ,tie State car: coui|)el the service of fte.r ^6n4 for her d^fence;if they donot^ypl-" iin-eer; hht a state of wa r i* altp- get her an; exceptional : In a condition of peace, a ny. com pulsory service in the miking i>r adi linistra-tipn of law iB ^ sentially a h ardship and an butrage -To| fee.! fpr?ed tb|cbmpel thi8|servi:e isj,to howietlge shivery ; fo jp. cedpnt, confess to' Bcahtinps^ of"re- thp jury:. system jis o'utliyed. and ought tp be outlawed. It 'does hot help" th'e cause of la?w- arid! juHticp, *nd ought tp be kiekedoifft of thfo way.', It is oppressivertp the jiu-oe, it is" anomalous ia-, bnr. System, of sbverameht, ittrpikts the uncertain", ty of the law still .more, uncertain', it is expensive, and'itis uturiy. iiTi- pecessary; \ There is!nothing sacred' aboiitit. T6.be tried by; a man's peers is npt half go good:* thing 'as! lo lie tried by a man's intellectual ind morale superiors. -SeribneiK - QetOB oi^hqughii. ; Anger^begihs in, folly ahd'endsj j h :repentaiice. ." :..! . !,l ' Woe to falseho^ ! It $tffotds no relief to the brea^, like, truth ; it gives ,tis no comfgrt; puinsf hiiin who;fprge8 it, and'like an arrow tile pUn8< directed', by God^;-flies back and" is thathV , 'and !- wiien " he's-.donf,r atid: .thjpiigh, [and -sbt " "down, Iican'tieJlwhaVinjPp^fticu-./ Jar, be's.b<*n'^ talkingiibbiiti; only-C .. he's kep':,a good kind pf noise'ii^;o*-.!-;; ing for^ about fiye-and-forty minutes':'/; .! No longer ago^hlakt Sutidaynight,'-! -: my wife oskiedime {when I gob nomer?,.1. from meetni'-4wTiieh beiii' beat mil.|! V wi'th a ^id week's work she 'diibft,'t:i.' go to says sL~e iVJobn,- what "(SdAjL the ministetj preach. about?' '"aid , ' <! says I,: 'I'donft bblie^e I ean.:teji |:V iy?, Janp. His. te^t \fas: the tail ' v end of a verse in1 Leviticus, and 'tWus' all aboift being gpodj' and! sech; b^it I;really can't say what J there "wan't no pint |tn^t-1" could... ^ bmigHwa}'.'"" wpiinds the. archer. ^ ; Estimating everythir^-at its rati value; keeping everything to" its ' proper use, putting everything into.' its proper'place, doing! eveiytliing at its "proper" time, and keeping everybody to his proper;'-business; vould perhaps-,comprehend" alf, pe r early allr-that canLpromote cota- i jrt, order and contentment in. pur hearts and home:. ji ",-'- ?'.'!- NpJwo leaves in! tjie'-forest are oi exactly the same ; form iind tex- tire/ No two gmins of sand taken from'the! seashore Or tfce^ African desert-are indehtical 'inbnik !and ojutliue!; raind from' Adam. to the l^ist v'-majj,'. -no two faces'; vj-fll be 'fptind exactly the sajhe ; varjuity in, "lineament and truit of-human chur- apter is as ' inexhauslible as is aTman?s ou'tM'aid apjifearancer Look abqye yoa, and in the o^er- ajrchitlg:firmament read- the' truth, pjf.i.sir. all.pervading." Providence. Yqh skyl is God's" outspread, hand; and: ihef glittering- stars'- are? ,the Jewels'pii.the^ fingers of ,t]ie* Ab- "mighty. [ Do yoH-notiSee jS^at ;his. hand ^closes round on all' sidfesj and that you! cannot gp. where itjiiversaj lpve shines not?:, .'".' \.J. : >' U ; | .No matter what'comes upon yah don'tlyon give up to it: Lopk^lit square in" the eye. Don't let it. see ypUjflinch.., If sorrow :has entered yopr lifj^nd rendered* itbletik ahd c iet5rIe^pdou?t bow dowri befpre it like' '.W-rff-reed'shaken in the v ihdy" but swallow4t,:abake it! but ofyouhexistence;jciit.i&kp root and branch; but dph't^iet it put you down under its feet; ". ._> This was, the* criticiMn pf a hiain friend ofiours.!upoh;ay.onhg .minis ter" who commenced preaahihg -witfe-:' in'the last five yejlrs; and who has! -in;! agreeable,! vbEce, :.a/i(l a- mther'- ^raceful-l-if.' a lititle" psjehtatioils---; hianner,' and "a- good,.port";.*ahidj'.. bearing in society.^" aiid-^hb ough,t;. *0 , /it' ^Oitld jseem, -to dp-cohs'iderably'.feet- -i "ter'f ball. Ii is- ioirjg. - !,: ; r ',-; ; .The .^fn^cttlty witb him was (we'll ! stated^ in;! <>ut| "plain'.friend.\, i^is" %' serhipiisj IJckp,'pints"' \ HisVypice " ' l\cks ,"-,pii>t8.';> HisfgesticuHEiioh' Iaiks " piijis.1" 'His character, lacks ' .' fjipintx."- ;; He Is' altogetfieivurid' in.; "'- every fsspect, and fronr e^ery-ppint^:" of yiev^;too;8mooth;and sleek jaaa-'v' ^ glazetl".- !V ^ His texts introduced, ass a ^ene-j! j ;il j thing,! 4| g^^graphicid, gedlogf- ','_',' ca'l, ai'chffiofbgicil, historical, .ttno-. f- l&vjcal essay,a* ito matters 'and' thibpaiposaibly -remotely-"related ,tb" -;: tbe time, place -and events rei^rred \ to; followed',wja;.rambling series -.'-' bfeicelle.h^ +eiiiaarks, haying- a\bout asrmucls.raliticn to either text, or. l intrpductipn,'a/i the/asiorted cargo . of a. ship tvhicE carttes pig lead; in- v iptta'rubbbr and bahanas,^ together! _witb nearly'allHiercpnceivable.-prff- " _: \ ducts of the- tropipii \ihd.ipf. coble* ;' climates, has tb the- hull - which \ eh-: closes, abd!the Bteam ehgihes'which' prpppl it JHejiis^all pye^itheilpti;-; r yet- he is! hpwhere in partierilar, ^ while trlFia goott. and mild. ackti ana sou rcesi i To force men -ur only inaflequately.tijiaidi hto: the ser rice of tbe eourt, to diag thpni awiy .from their,- business - ar-. their fan lilies, imprison-, thehi m ider the.- charge-^officers^ ahd airpy theni 4b Tnirst 'at'jSea:.:. \. 'j hirst on land ibf'bad/.enpugjb, blpt'itfiirst at-sea -wity yater" evefy- w here,';ypt not'a drop., to ?drink, "is- ton'- tajhes worsej Of;the -iigbny which- it. occasions,W.p hjay" forjn sonie. conception when we read, as in the case of a "late ^ shi'pwi-feck, !of jtlie; ;8urvivoi"s;!of".a.:'boat's crew g^edily: '"drihkjhg; the! bloo3 Jof' tlieir dead ,cbmrade8.:f No \'on'e knows what "his eVil fortune ;Uiayj oie.day bring_Ipm'"tu|eqdiij'e. '>;Eor; _ tlie^benefit of. pur readers; there-. 1^? a subject f( re, we make a hotel of the: fallow- irig question put by./lhe'Board of Ttfede examinerg toijthe candidates fc^ cert'ficates^ of: competehc}' as n ^ites -.in thb ' JBrltish -merchant se rvice -; ".: a. - -^ " What would you.doih order to' allay thirst, witbunothing but sea, waterat h&nd?/,;!!;;;; ' '. ;-^^.- The- answer is;-U^V:.--- -; \ .'< ": . .. " -Keep^^^tha!pjbthes" spepiallyi the si irt, soaked With: -sea 1 wrater.f. "! ,.:--!-.' ; Drinking !siilt -/water ; to ^'allay tl! irsf|:;: b!i ivesy the 'siifferer; mad .':'- bi it an .external applidatfoh of 'it givetf.re'lief, . if it .does . not quite Sfltisfpthe demands. :of craving na^ ture, -It is a sim ple yet truly scientific remedy.:-is known "tpibut^Tejw of- those-who tenopt the treacheilons jnaih". Peaches: grew better in -Scotlaid thjan i& Enghind, as there iss,mpre sunshine there,;thbugh tho fa'ct^a]f- pe ars'to suppHse"_Hifr inhabitants bf; the Southern, parblof the island. * ' " " A boy. in^ the suburbs tried iter; as iertaih the other day the ftotirid- -hs8 pf the prbver!}:. f^Birds.'tf a . -,He does;: lack "piuts.^! ;It is a.T t. gn^fpus :^tck; |; Learning .cannot ,,!. 'siippjemenfi!\! tjiatl-^Didr "lieveall- V;* Geometry and <^hicSeptionsjal!'his;~ -; own; nnd couldrhe -.wJnyerse^finehtr- ly in- all tongue^, Be could not^keep ^ our-: plain frieijtd awake, with'thalT ' serine manner, ' and' .witbT? ho- X ".pints."-.i^ !;.,:, \X:.:r?r": '! We say., <oald ;hot keep I h|ni, _ awake, !not> because '-dtiy prekcHihg", ' would' keep*, epme! peoj^e-^more"u - especially:farmjers'..who toii-sixjohg ;'.-. then':sit .still- in.'-aiH ili^yjehtjiate4 ,i* meeting house in: the bos!o.ours.;of;- - a^auramer _: Sabbath^-tiwalie; =3.utj, '-.' : -notwithstanding'this,; it isJtrnelthTrfr..;!. unless presclierS:-can keep!^ theiri .- hearers. awake] their -first '.-dtt^jy "to-/ , ward them cjinjot - be ' perfprmetl/ :-:, And we fancyj all public. spleiSeiB;- will agree that the simpler, - th \-- moi-6 distinct^ and tbe niore.^^point^:. ed, the diyi8tl^nsvof tlieir treatihiefe,. made, thdiesslerr:! die the aye^^rfceiative!'ghj-A-V"; ;-;] they fiad--it' -inind.with thit a' whicH is ft^ie'b^t afitidote"; ^gaihst" sleep,an( i 'the test! aui .toward coh- vvi^U^^(JMi4gationali$tX " '">-'! "."Ajcbilntry", <fle^rinan, juitfp&gpv "(jing from ;th^e;Effects of! it"Jevers bpjJon.hJs; nose; i stopped ah urchiht^ neaf J i^ortf ^^eB^- -featerday,..^nd "" askedlhiui' theji^y totKe corner of ' jpultdh %n$ (Jlrjitoii streets. 1 "Thb Tad"gliheed;at;hini stikpicjibiislyia-, .mom*nf;" Isn'^jp-; saidr'* Well^: "ysyfi ; rieedn't^gb,.- t|eroj master;,}ftheiB; ain-J.no gift mill-onthatebrher."sy-l]'-' .'-""*::'..-. -.-'"'!!:,V ~\ "".-V. A eoiujlfilofeiiielghoois^ bepAmer'sA:T--', liostihi ftlrafr'tfiBy would hotij speak/ : to "e'ublj'.' o^rj.ecl'i birt bn^."' of ' thSm, ~'; bayyigbeen cJi^iVerted St. a: caicnp^. .. meeting. bnje1eing; his/fonhe^ e.ne-' I ' niy, fheld bujb-vh}s "hand, -J>saying, "^ -' I adX;JinniT"v paid; oKTie^tfabrflobk;togfitfjer.*' * Ete'ffirtiz-- d;the^gld rooster;Ipwh-tba single -'J1 feather, and it dHn*ty.'flpi?fc at _. ,-buC^eht ahd ^hjld inijder the borhi-"; Thu \an;pitheic:/ bid! advr. smashed, '/" ,*.'^ Hcfw d!ye jble enough dbg.^;..' T ij#b; hands/? irith ,* a- licl{yoii kiss iKHir ha^to^hAi^ht^toan opposite^ asked ail ea|i"iirful fimpther ef -"hpV, biboniing 'tfaightBr.! ^JKhyLthfr goritlemanf\ iw i !ti impudenjcia to "' ': -'.kt8l'blearl(M!^^'-'!^iktFe^. an% "c-f I oborse, "I" '.thifiw^itr? ' *I8.veime Jt,i>rbuia/^6qf^ "" ' h ' t?: " ' . y...... v.:t>!iY-ia H ;:..*^ ..... *- ") ir'-$ \'

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