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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 17, 1875, p. 4

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T- H :.i}--' !*! o THE' mjfSH TRtE ifSE83 tTKttHv-r-'Mv* tttrfl.r a vr; xtrjc iy In *<j,\5i>> v lT;:n.'U>-'U i^-!w?Ur*c mojntMs > \,\ irjiiail it ulni win t>.- oimut' "^ n>r , iW'iito^wttdl'npt'ind till thrien.rnf'Hip --jk-jt-. --Nn'a.peir>M<l lwm t^any ver-- I'.mn moreTtitti Mt year" unpaid- HVTHH.OV j\r>V*HTISN. vKlRtlt l*ttt lr*i >h< Terrible Disaster; om } ,j' -.Mriohiati. "-v.r . I Chic Afso.Septi. w..... ..^......___ A terrible (disaster oct-Ur'ed on, , i*rTiu%'-ftwi^tw^SvHi^*oieriu.| LaEe'--Michigan.'- carlv y*4torday 'wu.tifl.vriwmiwuor ouiiliuvm and i morning, which has just Wim r- i'rtti, si ft>f inrftolna-riloJ.s. , - Jua under, M X** (::.fefi4::f;: ___.M - p^W'Bj' *-".- ___,.......___ ,____ ,.tUMnM \ij\*j. <-S,_c'la:<>t lines ini'miu. ; i ' Mi >cra1-oP' tolMiredorinJvprtl't- l:lo: lllsnncd ,f ir r$tM*1l>l ix-tfod*. \.ft<rtlw.m.iit wIUvm* apeclarinrtwie- : tori* it>!w ritHt.iin forbid, aiyU charged sir-<>ij\Hnety. "= . * \ amv 5*p>PMit So'te<sAh>t>bj"tr>f which i> trs i>itut>i^e ilie r*(ouotry <.mtcfii of auy 1 Ji' t lu*l mi c imiMny. u> bj ooiuluered Ui\ a<voi* lMJraenu: j ;TiVti*letidver*!>i*mcirs 'O b* rwlifbr : \ii p>-ti >r I. rwl. .Ml wivertMtUif .accounts re- <;'or>Hi >io rtorly. ' : ; _-" : V^'U-^-iH-Mawir***, Births fend Deaths poVted hfire."TlTlto,j|)robeller asc Lake 11. Kqui- "pjEW HJUVUAMN BELLS t4v;"ljr^ -_.-'-__ Abqye the^iiW. :' : ',.' f JvAim'iAi- iJ-jiJoH t'reePrtii.J , The svrfsiir.Ouiuord is HtUKliHua- V tn.ted by JtiVters Ifrota two Roiiah - Caihulic! prvlaW, Arvhtiish^p / Bii" L JB -iirjzpt, of MouU-tial. It ^pij^araj l:v*evVthat in]each caso 'tliei'riBal .^? " jc>iuf :-iowr -t '.issue is eh^l^tJ^ .'- \VlTi>!.tie Church has a Itigitt'to oji;wie, th^ei burial of G<iibor4 in. the ^r-.e~iie hadcbaught arid jsid ^for .>luiiljr his'life bas lieeii decided .in. "'the Jiil-jujije iw Ue .bifeibest'. le^l .^Vi\^rt.v'^iHS"Biiwttr at issue, as &V lai thu.gneral public i$ obflcerned, : gy 'of: Uib ?j.; ^a2Aiv<!athplic;i;hufcU hud sufi J. biitlituiVit gnounJa. to e^conjmun^ *Vir* i-jiiibu.rd; or wheilior they j'jtt^r'iighi, itttlle first place, in re- Kiiiisiiiit' to* allow' .hia.remains -to be ttpjc, on: her wWy from .jCltipnga to Bay" Ci^MiQli.ji witl} sal!;, and towing the"tioboonor :Euu:iik A. Mayes, waa overUiken hy. a stortui about two o'clock'- yesterday morn ing near Point 4'x SubU, 280 Miles north '. of Cluiiago. Cqt4in ^oodworthjof the Equinox, catise to the stem^fj ihej>ropeller,)it that time audculled ou^ to cut tholines.' This was; dotif, and[ the propeller careene4;und isunk in a fev min- litei Sho had on Vjoard a c rewj of mneteeh men ^iHfijQal'Uwi I wight S^ott, of Cleveladd; a wjelW tnowa latcecxiptain, lb6lwaB aeioni wiufd by his w(it*o;a.nd Jsrandaughtei, mak ing a total of j twenty-one p reons. The~ first intimation Uh'e bo lponer, liild of the ; catastrophe^ w is ' the shrieks ijf the xlrowning. Tl^e Mayes could render no ass staucie whatever iu the terrilile-st v rut} uing, Stud; the;j entire, crew,'[of the, E<juiabx went] down. :) * ~ :, ..' Gored hy a Steer,^-In Listo^, ANU. r: ' |ilacfcil.'.:in' feu re wltli ^h '-ti..' .-.' f - * - the fcame. cetnetry euclo- li other deoiying reuiuanta f UiorUuity., The quetion nowis: Dw the ^authorities jiu Canada, those .-wbij,- r rtsE{>6aibie fr' bur.iefvil iibertitjs and the_executjdn of the iL*-,-.iuiend to permit>^ fanatical ii>iob, to over-ridri British justice? : 'When a <|iHition of tilhe is at is- *.u^ the Catholic clergy ^rely upon ' tltfc lawr to coca pel payineut Of it at ' th^ hands' of/Prottstaute. In such cai^e tho )a.yr is held -i excellent . t*.^renci'-l;l-it _is eminently juat. .But iiffW' that the-law holds that (iuihord mii!?t \>e decently - buried " " 1 lt^t btiVongiDg' to hiniself, and wel, on "Monday, as some h\ tchors were driving a" steer tJ the slaughter, be got wild- aiid i nmau ageable and [attacked Mr. Peter Campbell, merchant, ot that place, and "brother of] the Mayor ;who happenedi to be.On the 8treer,-and was so j badly! gored by.,; i, that at one.time litjtle hopes wei-e enter tained of his .nwioverv. Ir^u-riij^ lifttlies' Juurnjal ^SEPtEMl^ER at AN#fi -,\: 1 '." 4v-'-:4'-in'if^'=^^s*i^,**^^r^<|l^'*n^ .'. '1 -r-.' l"> -j' .|., :tX- END iroerit, THE FA8HI0HABLE Urtsa, Mtintle & Millinery Estublis $Ji UPPER WNDHAM Sr.| GrUELPH^ SALE N (lpMml E^IBITI I.ULACK GLACE SIIKS, wsrrtVntcd pure good *|e),ring| qualities at '50c, 75c* Boc,! I .-(-.. -ULACK GRO GRAIW SILKS, remarkable Tor their Superior appearance and lex- SOIL'S CHEAP 000 (STORE, On Eiist'Wdo AVyiklhain StroctK-i (U'ELriL traordinary dirraiility, 90c, $1.00 and $1.20. N AND FANCY SILKS, in in PLAIN AND FANCY SILKS, in immense variety, al 75c, "8oc, 90c and $iLoa 250 I'lECKS PLAIN AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, new and]approved ktyleis, to 1 sold all rouruj nl 20c, 25c ami 30c per yard B<dii for . tlie money we haye ever sold over the counter. Every Lady must sec this 60 PIECES' FINE J LACK/LtjJSJfRES, to be s61d nt afreduc'tirtn of fro* \ to per yard frcau aurrher /pricei Our :25c, 30c,. 35c and r4&c.- qudlilit* specially rccomwcniU-d for good weari | AVE WILL ALSO SIIOAVl a Tfe and;beautiful Ireircientatlbn o'f New . Tvlanlles, Mitntlt Materials, Millinery, .Shawls, Skits, etc."-, ta whiih we vite particular i^oliccv . Also lOO'fA-IRS 11EAVY BLANKETS,! at a'Bargain, 5K lb Blankets, h.rgekize, .- 6;V lb lllankels, c aia aiies I jyi lb Blankets, tdllc<l, extra i_ _AJsp_jyj0 Quills and 1 'ouiilerpanes iles> to be sold off Cheap] Hotel and Boat .keepers: ate Teqtfwted to give these t;ooda their / eareful attentiou. .Oiir intention-js to 11 ake|thjs Gm id Exhibition Sale the the season^ aud we bej to assure visitors that nothing will to liieet their highest .a: tiicipatiuns.. viB bo the 1st VmMA ' I. tljei, at ouoe, the law is represent-" "" :."wl 3 couinjitting an 6utrage tipon j *^ie v.dec.=ssfed as well1 as upou the t / it^icg maaibers'ot'.the eburchi" So ] fr ti^e opmions^xpressed upon this ]t matter ia-Ontario have' Jbfce^i mild' \ , /iistiofjPan Sho &(: Eiquesing Fall Show . held -at Uoiirsetown on Fridaj-,; October^. *- '"' ' .'. Haltottl Countv Show, at' MilJLotj, on the 13th ind Htli October. Naessjwyirj at EastcrbrookL 3th of October', j . ' . ~~ ,,'Eramoia, at Rockwood, Sept^ 29. - ; County of PeeL-at Brampton, ith and fith of Oiitober..' ',' Provincial Exhibition,' at i Ottawa, Monday^ 20th Sept. ijand four fullowing days.- /1. ! ' Western'Fair, London, Tuesday, CStb Sept, aid ihre* following dnys^ . Toronioi Fall exhibition, saine ve<Jk as LoadAn..!" 1 . [' ^ ' ' ' ' i ' Centre4Y*>Uiii]>ton, at Horaj, October " ~ ' " .1 ' I if-!' M^. ?y and ;forb2a.ring.; lb is recognized', 5 and 6.; that a species iOf.cotiAici ha arisen "West j Wellington, ,jat Mount/]Forest, %^tvree^ the ecclesiastical - officers Oct- 6 ^^ of "a'V^rUin ,cliuih and the law. Ebna ;ina Wallice; at Listow^l, 29th ThV^ope" is that" tlw conteitantfi and'SOtli Sept :*t?.:>^4--.. BSKi'L-;-.^*-^ will see xhat they, like;othttr pot*- tiumVof the coiHiumitty,:..uiuat. bow before the' law. .; For, V>t it be per- : niissible for one pc*tion;6f the cotn- -jnunity ttf set themselves up against: . 'tfce hxir, ' why > not aeother-'^pdrttoii.'. 1 If to-day; one section is found ex- J: i Reusing, if no,t absolutely reproving, : V;t he 'conduct of tbosei whp defy the ijlaw in Gnibord's'c^se, toimorrow . j ' another pottkin' m4" ^ the same, - the~sahje privileges, rights , of conscience or rules of -communi ty.. Lt is clear that such a .step-is -ac the beginning of social integra tion ^ and that if j permitted, jnay; " farm precedent for Dther gross in- ;' roads upon the authority of the Suity.v.. It is in this aspect that the itffkft b'f Guibord has its Ugly, side, , . Whether it does a; man. any good, -: present or prospective, to lie after ; .. <ifeith ixi any particajar -plot 4)f -; ^ronni rsoay be open to question. - V/heibtr so-called excomruuiiica,tLon; at the hand of mortaTmau has the? - effectB oTcIssing the^gates df'Mercy ...'-.upon' the alleged delinquent is- a mutter still in disputes - Buti. there "'- can be no dispute that, if .society is . 10 retnainas at present cbnstituted, the law inttst be obeyed. JrVe are ^ S alL^called upon to obey they law, - ihou^h jometitnes it is irksome, to ,be porije.. But if the. assumptions .: - at! .Montceal be allowed tovrule, it j ; f. rill ' oe found fiiat there, it a slass /in Canulla~that Sets'itself above h, law. Is this to be ? - " South' i?idingiPerth; at St. Jfaiyi, *>th ad6th!ctober. , ' Jforth; Riding Perth,; at StratfcJrd, 7th; and SthjOctober. >"orti( Biding Waterloo, October 12th and 13tk . .. T-yR. fe. MORROW, Physiciap, XJ eobn, &c\ of " BeUevuq Sew Yirk, also Graduate of iCoDeFsJCaaaiia-V Consnlta'tian Tuesaays i>nd Friday-, from 9; a. 4 p.m- iRiydencW-'Vest Bowei Acton, i -' JAiiES JdATTHEWS, Issuer of I Marriagef Licenses Master;; Insurance Agent, Agent 'to Loan, Agent Montreal TeL Co. Fourth !Div. Court, Com. jiQ. Acion, Ont . ' '-"' J D^ENBERSON, Conveyani . also Agent Canada life ance Co. Deeds, Mortgages,: &c, pared nieatly, promptly, correill' reasonable terms.: - Money to L Martgagti security. Office/ G House, Acton. - , - -J TpnOTOGRAP MSI Kailnonable West 8T PHOTOGRAPHS! <:.. '".", , ACTGN,.' '. v - Wonld respeelUilly Ipform tho. public; IhUwlUitn Hie iwt Itw wei>*M h lioia; had g^at Improw-Dieiil* ntu'lp in tnf arrangcuxeuv of Hunt, ami tliul liu is.now, prepared to -Si.' Tarn;. Out Flrsticlnss; ]1('ork During aoy pan if toe 'lay.- In all kinds ,uf we.ithcr. I " : . I bftTeiwcnre<l tWiprvliM ot Mr. W H. KAHRS, D tlrst-eiiisK New York Glty, i|0-l an til* ed. allwoiild do well to cnl are de'iroii^ faf'nbUiiitluic p for arURUellKhllne and brli nre umwiualled <itlii >f KalleHes id ibe )>omluiou stewasIt ns follows: $2 50 per pair .. 3 IS < .. 4.75 -"' I' lot are iFalt in- Ml great commercial event ft be left undone on our part Gall A 0. BUCir^M, End Dress, Mantle and.Millinery Establishment, Upper Wyndkain St., Ciuelph. i JOB PRINTING iiti*t, ini i.f llfiu In liinU- nt^iineo who riiireti. wlilrh liincy.of ttnlHh lUe urii e iy '1 . " i W1SDUAH CO., STREET =e Sur- 'oUege, Victoria days TO. tiU. street, CortTe cancer, Post- Money Clerk , tc, csr, ic., Assur- pro- ana on ian' on lasgow Wf LAIDLAW, Barrister, ney-atiLaw; Solicitor ini.CIl ic. Offices :--flamilton, 10 Kinj Milton, Main Btreet. The Mjflto: 1 will be under the.management of CainpheU, and Mr. Lajdlaww-iUl attend, at the j^Miltpn Cfffice^sn Friday week.! "' . i "' X'*'- street. Office D. W. of each' Wbc lowry,m:. B., M. C. P. S., Grado'ate of'Trraity College^ Member of College, of'Physiciaus and Surgeons.-^Miii STEiBr,-jicro^t. ,'.- Eailway Accident.; ; ?T ...' On Monday a fi*eight train'jgding . at lull speed ran into- f! another "' --ireigh't tTiui:eatering the biding1 at Ife w Hambnrg,on.t3ie Granjd Trunk .i; B^tilway. The engine, drivjer of the -. fi t trai f 1, "whose'. neglect^ caused - tlie'; afecideat, was killed, rhisfire- "mra fatally injiired^and fa brake- ..:"-:iii.td' hafi his,leg. broken, j Several tiirs wsre bafned, ' *nd the liv^ .' stock mithetn wis eitiier killed ori ' roasted jalive. *. "i' -" ; Erom ^ater partictilarSf.iVe loaru ,;. ihat out of a car-load of cattle only " ^iio-bead_ecapsi;. the.oth<:rs/wera r ail-" roasted alive: Sever il" hogs 7 *" Iwerekllled and burned. 'TheStrot-" f.>Sl iireTirigade were tent fprj and " , were prompijly on the 'spoil.' ' No djctorjt could] be.fouud-in^tihej'vil- lAge, andVthe injured men were t ikrthto StrWlford tor medical at tendance. . A-n inquest wUa held by 'JO ironr^'Bjwlby. The conductor \__Lja.uI several'otherf wre'Lv present. ;'.;.';A. yefdict was, rendered: that ;the J, jdet^baaed eaifl<rto his^death--l>y a -" ^^a)adLt^bllSn6n, caused byjhis own; ; ~7%^%<&&t. ia ;runnirig gast.Jtbe , ' pttitstioa when orders to make a cross- ~J"_^i5J were given him, r' Mrs. ~ 'V.r. tihArpe' di?d at I.*kelieldj .on Friday morning, the .result of tht - oll6wir^7Birciinistanoe8 : She. - to. J ^jfilier witfi her husband, father in ia&r, and brother-in law werfe camp< ia^ Hi Jack a lakes She jjicktMi aud -eat some toa*bvux>ls on aiistake for QBJfSINGMAW & DRAKE ' I.\girkASCE AGEXT8. 0ice over {the B^nk of :Commerce, . Guelph.1 .; .' lr We . are agents for several fir st-elass stock and mutual companies'. Orders left at the Free Pres^'-Office Trill receive'prompt attention. ROB^.- CDtrsJKOHAK. HENRYi. L"pRAKC.'. OLiyEjB; LOZEER, PLASTEE;ER_ Acrds, j Qst. Every. dAacri jticin ot Plastermgfand^Rongh-castipg tone,on the most reasonable terms, and satisfac tion guaranteed. j RS;S. CASTEICi Teacher orHle, rawlms anil ?rrneli, . - ; , Chirch street, JScton.,' T>OSSIN HOUSE,1 Acton. HMos*. to JtV the G. T. Railway StAtior;, JEx, cellent accommodation for the triveHing public. TH0S..C'AMPBEI|L, T'ropr. DOMINION i HOTEL, ACTolst, Qnt. koBT.; Ao^ EW, Prbprietoi'. TKU .iew Hotel is fitted up in hrst-cla ssatyle, with nw furniture. ComineTCia] Travel" lers will nnd good accommedat on and corhmoaious Sample Rooms. . Special attention paid to the wants of the travelling public.. Bar supplied' vith the best Liquors and; Cigars. "Uood i itabling and-attentiVe Hostlers. Altbr- ffavtn'(Clat"ljr nurrlflwol/ anotnor veiy valuable Instr-.incut ,**comt'lo nnrie Jn. the fpuntry) t am euabied m> produce work any ntxe, fiom ttie ordinary urd picture to XtxH. ; '!.' 1 In Copying and Enlnrgins:. Anyslxecnn beo*itnlne'l fond flnlh*d In Ink, Oil. Water Color, Ck*voi> or Plain, audlu the tugbest aiyl.B cjflUu tirt. I woold aenln remind(thn rmhlle tlint I have cousiaaUy 1U ux]lc a large ussoi L- menlof Ovil aai Stiuaro lipturo Trasios Plaia *ntl Faacy l^euldiaffs. &c i.wtjrcb will be spld at thi>iowe&i prices, ' \fkr i'ATU"S anxious to securp; a relly arllsllc picture vi 11 ^leas*" bear In mind that ItwIlLoo to Ibe t lnlre-t/to cll | early, as Mr. Kubrs will be unable to ic- roalnluAcUiu longer than a Tew weeks r =: jAiiKs o.uili., '< ' : ! i'ubto. July 1..1&7S. - ' G-UElLFIL Are now selling their Splendid Stock of DRY GOODS at GREATLY REDUCED Wholesale nfacturcr; ARS, of COLL UEALEiB, IN Saddles^: ^Harness, ri" .,' -iTvonksj,/ ' "Tilises,"' -' : j j oiling Baga, Horse Clotiing', .; :' And Brashes 111 be PRICES Of *e'Vc.i*yi' clesci-ij^tion if: FOB JMUUnerr, DreM,ah^ .! Fancy . Jewelry. TOjV&C.r&C. Don I fall to go to The '.' l>o.v Upea you will U-IIKRY^ ' M?.& and examine &if chailng else where AcUin.July lat, 18747-Omi Emporium. The flDdmplete. SPECIALTY. took before pur- 1>; MdNAIR. Young 'JJadj!es, JTourfnal jfbr Sept, Bow Bells for Sejit<jmber. .' -*.- i Every ^wk; fq'rj S^e|>tetnber. . , ; London Joiuiial for August. " ;, ' San'lay Magartnefur AJugust'. Good Words^prii^iiiust. ;v ..'-. . Chambers'. Journal" !br ^ugnitt. Young Men of.'<5*ij ,1 JriUin fur Aug. lyiud Words foe August. ' ;'..: Sunday School Papsrs >* August.!! Iii the best.anl iuost at- tractive ^styles; Preparatory'to rernbyirig' to i more extensd^and commodious premises. All orders given Imp onr rmnilx a'rlcily uJteutied toil and warrf...-i give RBtlsfaotlon. as wb employ none ithi tbe best workmen and material. COI.t.A'ris.warranted to give saMsfae- tlou, as theyare of our own n:anufacture. Their aid friends in Actbii and vicinity are specially 'invited t<> call and ;?aftic pateinther'pargainf now oflered. ^'\ i WM. STEWART & Co. ROYAL: Acton, 0$t.'. BoprJ EXCHANGE] ^QTEL, oSl^iErop. Sample Rooms large and tomri odious, for CoTuinercialTraveller*.". jGoot acobm' modatiun" for 'Travellers ' and Guests. Beat brands of Liquors and Cigiia atthe Bar?' Good Stabling anpV attentive Hostlers,- ' J^ PAY1DSOIS LICENSED AUCTIONEER hr the Vammff JL REPAIMINQ Qf all kinds dhne, with neatness and on ] - | the suorteft rib Ix-e,: All who require goods In- bur llne'wlll <to *eU mi^flvo us a call- before piirchus- lug els'ewh-re. ' ,- *. BomemlertbeBianoV-: . : ^. >-' ',.-; R./CREECH .ActonV . Jnly.l, VffS. '. : \ '> Q E. MORROW, Chemist and, Druggist ".-'. ACTON/ DEALER IN DRUGS, CHEMICALS, i PERFUMERY, PATENT AND . PROPRIETARY^ : *":,. MEDICINES. prbraptly executed at tli e at, Vfito areelllrjg off the*;li^jee ortnelr lmmen6.'stoci:at; , lc order to make room for their Fall tided*. Donjt fait tp scur me of tbe whSird of bargiaina that ttoeykre now offerihj|'itl'-L' -- l>Sei^/ yffopkefrZA^ and Shoes. Particular tl H "J;-i^- l't M^loy Mfenli>h paW tdCytbB^^oi1tii4Se^a^^^ Only first cli js Workmen, we, can-turn but work that for style anddunibilU ty is aecna tonon in the Dominion. t -?,-.- v \j.; -\:-,-.y A1e*oo^Atigo#t>24,-1^75. -.'" V^'u/:; ,: h -. :'r..tfl I -' ^CENmSSfy BKOSf -V!l Is ttie: Placie for plieap y-wafe ^r. DAVS BOOKSTORE. re ir/?'^'; :k-< :*-., 4';y .,: ';:.." 1 _< w- ' fee *; V- 'f- -- xm^mM:^^^m^m' & -"i- - "x K <3P: ^-.' "i.-. W^^Y^^7^^JLl^i j%}' :^h;; I wi1(,tO UfWSjt 1 [a rkel: Prices. i 1 : FBBB [allaa> Sales attended io in aoyl pari of tbe County, at reasonable rates rBiialrro^ma, pf which all the party I AddU - A. DAVIDSON, rmrtitck. Th' iHit ,ir iwi/ui-in(r * * r _ ilii_ i partook. The test 4,re recoienng Campbtllvjae, P.O, C D. PRINCLE, T^tciiiif)ua)ker, GfiijBlph, c Takes adviatsge of the Fbbb Press to thank lis; cimtomers fn and around \oton for their pa** patronage, and so-' lioltH a coutinus'noe, a X>. V. also hope* soon to make ar> ranaeicents whereby watches |ntl jewpk ryrnayoesenttoandJrom OUelrh wltn safety,1 aud without trouble and expanse lifsDit0fOjen. _ Ouolpbt July 46,1875, I Always on band a Iarg ft id well-select edutoekvof ' '-'.. Dyo-Stufis, Linuld pyo, 9tA7 'aa.d,' Toilet fo&ps, Snuliea, ; Spoajei, Tnmei for OhU-. - j i dsoa uii Ad oiti*'.] "i CUioulder Brace for lien, "Womoa aud OMlirtm, Spin li, dry iad la oil, BooiB, St atioae: t aad rwojr; G oedi-1 . x PURE WINES AND LIQUORS for Medicinal purposea. PhyrlolBns Prescription* rtWd 1V>- _ . . -------1. -=1qattla : i,-' '. Aolon. tneSTio RetPlpte, nnd Hdre and Modlclnea, carefully oompoondpil -1.. 11... O.^-MORROW,/, 'll ,- '-I ModiealHail, Acton,July, 1875, ;i j The subscriber has comment (d[|th dairy business, and will deliver Bail! every morning and evening i at the houses in the village. Milk wa Ranted pore. Twenty-one quart tidkiita. fo^ Hil, if paid m advaaoe, or tweity-one pint ticket* for 60 cenk 'r -!.]-y' J*L. S, ABMSTRXim Acton, June $tflj 187C. i (In Matthew's NeW'j Building) (i h' iv . i-i Is l^.rgo, "Well Selected and CHEAP. Great Ba rj ;ains .uiay le I'M" always Tres)> and of tlie besl quality. 'ays had fbrMCash '. or, Erodace. ioj strictly a Cash busm'eas, as oUr! goods, are) se^lin^ :at. lhj'. w>i ' >Itly 1^187^ U ,.f':J,\ ly-'-^^^f' ^ r::^Ju '.'S r-t. m vh Wmm. 'li i :" ' ' - , "i = mmm ;-vI # <3|^. In order i o nr*k r<)om > onr PaU tmrwttation ii M ortarfaof^ryG^ckis, a^ ' -' '-' determined on a, moi^swe^pit^/enerjtrtioiaod %<0&jjk; : i ri; ',! : > } -"' j; a sax3k;ing,' .'i3' ,m .......of Pa* TO^JE iGiTr^^T^^Spngr^^ i f.-i- K'-,~' r-do ii~ .f^k. i"l' . fr-.-Tl^T'^'i.'. ;> 'J.t- .-:.%-" J J ,k.-- U-^ U.^-'i!~.\j-V hitb rto atbwnpbadL; as,; Vw, Wqst confei^ the gjoflids ia^ CVta S .'."'"'.*",,' z\: Bemember thb tiajes'sire' l^LJR CASH, and in no case ^U a seoond " B'^'iaade.^ :y,.--T f:v.ik;% [:;;- i >'/.y: .(-... 1 v.. I r enauniejrat* ojar DRESS GO^I^frojtn five oei|t|^*i^rdavi; '. '. Ls\i^ rutrnr^a" j^_i.j^. jsj>. ^>,*ri.' 4iik.i"*aJr>.:..i.'i: 33 ':A:V^-aV-y^r:\K- A. !W:uugiKi-TroTOnveoe^M.;|apKaro^-i;-^ ,..b;!_-; ^ 'j.. :';-:p " -vloii/<to"SW^ncoerTv^"'Jwi,^ m 1:;Hfe "r *i " f: ^ we of S"^;>a,NtLES]for^fjp; #orttt-WLo^*.*# Kor the. rHstrustjoj*! of Potato Bugtt ptberinect : ,Tbe|ot>eilb^b^jtoieturnbUtn^ - " >nandurrouod. __w___,^m. __ ___ -Jienf^tM^rojeiage hwt^rere^ride^tpVr, aST^^^ lrt^o*Sl!t; solicH' Aw lr fbrOier sopJKJrt .V- N.B.-CasbP^^^des ^Uyierad, ,- HILL. > UCII timbC 8pwilinw'mlJNEi? dki^ uoq it; t J' 4'-i-'?i CyFFS^whpleaa^prio>|11^3 linWtea-INEN^^.9^ liraitbf Kte-and' nisWpbaablefcrusttfwjnnnw .*w;bfferv-lut.v'w!*] .e^>eally.;ywjibt-.t >maei vUM,hart andVb u\:j^"'i^:";;':'\ ^'^fatqfaxexM&V&jpi^ *ha*Ifliir |/-U^I|^!h( 'n 'K^i| Millinery and MGred^^^^ r-;\.K -!>- ,j;j(V: ;-!.ii.*).,'-iMj:'l-i.-tfSi>KJ. St^ Proprietor.- Aeton^l^iinrj!, .;C|^.^; 1 ^.^^.^J ;?d'-r&:-?^ :.\-'. '&..- i'J"-.

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