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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 10, 1875, p. 4

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J*C*M AGTOH PRESS Tt u^t. 'inn- d*lliir iv i'tar slrle lv In j-i\aiio> ir 1 ].iuti^ror<ttirwii)onibj$ <i ollnrarfil uiiwlllt eb<m, d or t i dollar* If U t p.1 il million) I oT tllP v >a- Ntip* t mil Ik> kotai I mm |n.r s v i more than on* % cor uiuwW ii vt nr \l)\ kR-TMsa-'-FlKlr rontu 1 r llus) Itir flwl lli*rWu, MlKl vMoi-oiiU 1-ft. in* tar iwli .uWpu.ueiil I m rilim * o tdv*r twmimiif oik 111 lines and n i n r, $1 wrUrt",in>ii rilct*. JU Hne-ot l aMi. of vtglit 1 tocfc U)J under, *A jnr h mum* v Ii x-rnl <tl*om t a toWdlon d\irtUo- ii t im jnvprip-i r r *}Xfcnil<d in ntvl \ itrrtl-ciui t* 'Ui "I upotlal Initrm. i H tnir&d I U Jurt M atitl fttargi I j corlnvly M> "six*! il ^ iVKivJIif ohjtvt of wlxlelr }v i promw (lie nqnmtnr} cewetV ioTmiiv 1 J 11 vl or rim naiiy, to 1 tin i iier iC^nv considered "Ti.uiE.u i)l n W iM^inents tt. bo iwlil fic rfcpn i r It rod )i Ji\ ertlslns ncco mfe. t igcs Btr-lhsand De-iths yraen fxl ( orwl q rl<>i Is > 1cm. oi Mur JiikmuU lYn ^ c inure invigoratug bi jim could not l< jfoli^nor u uioYo f'........ ----- I if)j be desired| thuij ptiv.iK.int toni' tlio morning of August the Jjl,th, f jund on bond the * Mauitoh i "* Jil* ou hoard had biltoino qXnuuted, icjid eabji ft idd sotnewh it tli the Hinuitniuit o^tlmt Allow eomj.K\u- lous, J>foi p tl) dn y bud far_ud - h- -*- J tit the Bmco this tyno nl' aOuiowhtt no- d oil tned to pluuture and vanced , we Inuded utke look Sit ^ W V 'UP THE. LAKES Joitmc-3 by the Way l-urtho Acton Irfo f*revs Eiich yet\r tuUKto tlie jk>]>u1 nitv o( Milliliter tmitl 1 bo \iuitinn 1ts\er returns mntialu with tin. .l-ttiion " LvlmjtM id ii.ituix rtHjuirt-a^ .lid custom dt nmnds, a biiiunn t \i at The loiivlnnt mi ih inn nrofegstotud ix)tv biuktr, detk,, ^Uudent Ifod tenJu r, u> i!e and. f,- uitle, are *hko aSTik-tifd ill dv,sir- inq chnngc, now <;i.on(s, and ft re i^i'e from t!e curt^ du lis and j^rjiltxitiss of life i ho observing" tourist will denve nuich jjeiisuro pot ns qiioai Upon, jut nn locky show thorp ui< copjier oi* Jlnt "that i\o Mbited, \Mtlj of ono.hnd Ru(.i>tjaai d an w hat accouctj i\ c l-clmblC infurimi(iou t^ tug out cm loiitiy ii ope is txttuctml froijii ,&te , wu all retuijnid l^red but wistr Toi bimrs, *e wero dulu( Ste SIiliu liifji d tug1 that mtf |i8 lu*e bun nothing in noi in Siotlunl *^ nitiide grnd] it iljt nnynitnae gtual it nil ho term1 it Ivroupjht tib to1 (Mid 11 o liruunub ui oni bo jvirttn,* pllto it Tbis is tbo Uikt isiipt^rior. bis pi ICC 13 lIl t?i tho un), an, \.incii<-in }<id<% UiiiLutli that iit.li beds of 11 the iniiua tho t\et|)tion jptralioi^s.but Could npt pel Aftdf 8 it is to how tbo the tjniutz, ta tun- \i vaiI, the m \t tow j up tho S"iult 1 ho n.t ih ^^ ullv ^lund, 1 fits tountiy >ut pais it for bi.iuttj if I But 4 p in fetO MlllllY j nn net mid th out* itllow lire Traill -~,, . ,- U HO doubt .but tK>vbuikik)it in* Hred. TK blfrp Oon4nined IJ tiha, B nam at pe, '1 neb lol the liyo long Hloi^h^ one cuflor i-fijinin^niill, bcii^a other timimig implements t U lie horning uoRiu tho 'building wro burned Rfr7 ^MMtmtm iound in 4 field \rl>,ero hf hua eight horoea, a Minet ' yiiiu ^ 9 r isye<l and for , |nrge quniiUty q^FniU (itc#h mixed snot nsqjnoji .ould vibh w!itli silt tt l ,-j ^ A*-L iikl irofit while tr-vtelliux, \iJioth,r {(m ^hcIl^uoj %f -1 C i ^ Irjro.dor rail Tbo pnt-uretijut. l>*iutus of a pleasant Jinjte,, with trt?cn iieJJs, tie praw mg corn, tin wating fotxst^ tlie nijy^J- uud t> is iniuhttudrti c.paNii tbo i 11\ o ju-obabl^ ^0(]Q ihlialutanti, and ts pic md than u. is in' Adton $fKxti ot still ajhas.in^ I btated befoii. pis ') ib< plnce with tl ti our fellow pleasure is* H t * , t tl) it t.uie wouli^ not tceuiupati't thein Xi peumt us to s cinnot- now vubknve giiuidntr of tUt uiountains, Ui-ser|enBnt. cour&ool pure w iter, thfr broad lakeb, majestic mei>,and . xveTe 'bound" fg^ DuJatli, regit ttmg the wonderful glens, are to the ud imrers of unnire * oontitmd mental foist and a nlk<astire of which, tbeda not fire Jbe main5" -iind con ] btanth? lncreaaing m ml>cr i 6tini mer i^prta in oar own countiS, af 'ford -iutbcienti i ancty to bat!sfivf-iy taste, alid to Uvose wboie daily tt il is at the counter or the dusk such a change is netx^sati, to qi<i3 to tlie mind and bodi thut ->.i\ that wc regret it, as our \oscl bad sailed but JK) inks ftoni th it pl"co when, the coll sank the " Conet, of cloven lues,' I bay on w hoie In sttl t ic 111 for tiiio niehincholy ixKid LI- PS* r frebness and iigor nitboi t wbicli tb<i purposes of 1 fe can ne\W be biit fnltlled, and the i^taiSiires of l Tv. never hslf enjcji ed On theJJTth of August it w?s iny I privilege to take the. morn.ng tiliu, bt G T R., for t-arnia A !>- ^Lt^r or inore pleabaut dai e-iu^d not have been de-ired,and as ' e ^w if ly pass along, on Wt rr bar o to be seen the bunr agrnul t ui t ctibenng^nf tbe jjolden grain, which, trom apjne-irance and itpoit, ilidhiiU: a lirger yield thin in niv ^fiviiie- i ear, from one end of the couatiy to the other and (torn what Lsaw, I feel satf-tted that tl e pecple,ir the W-estern pirt of t_n ta.fio iS\ e re-ison to be th tukfal foi a boantiful harvest We armed ut Sarnia m due-time 3pm, and was much pleased with the ->j jiear ance and situation of tlat jilatt f' thmt it is deati^ed to be one of tlJe n.ost important in our eioiintn It U honored Jby bein^ represented in P rliament by tbe Hon. AIei_ lIUtlffTlOAl nightn ago Mr thu 2nd'Uoii >K contents diisti QMijionc^ collec:*i m v inn, b' ijoiyfed. by a Movcnson liSd lils burn snd THE FASHIONABLE 8t j*r.'Klent(UI>, tli inr-t plot did not suicieod and no Ui vil- liniiH tr\od lljo second 3-^Llto*el Ban nn hms, Mantje & Millinery Establishment, yp^BU wt^puau st., gublpS, JUr gof ix W \orV, tldvi I ulhie, Can la 1iiusu\h ami IV 4p.i r At ton r saUe , I'lijuioiui, Sur llf IhllltMIU ( ollcgi, tjriiluntu -i>f Vntirui "toi milt itipn >K\h ilny , fra.il 9 * m till iiostilettii. -W'wt BtiAoji sfittt, GB AN ft \ BXHiaiTIOjN 1 BL\Cll OLAC: SILKS, wnrfhtl pu|rejfc<>od vyeanncquahtlci, at -<pc, 75C,Jop, I <toc . $i b, $i ?o, St 4P <ln<? ^i to T * ' UbAClji CiKO OKA1N '(ILKS, rmf rkablc fqr tljclr dypcrior rpptftionce and ex n-aimlinnr)t durnbilit), oxjp, ^i pb njld $1 40 r PI \IN AND 1"IANC\ bll KK m imibtl)c ninety", nt 75c , 80c, 90c (ind $1,00 B I'ltl CI S l'P AIN AM) f ANCV 1>H1 >K GOOWS, nc cute -ing jKiint of About uinrthnd of U mudi 111 bide thirds on tht> lining in till J\Ml> M \lfUI ^C* < mtcMimtr Iiaiul-nl Viiiiij,o lniii-it^, i\i*t Masttr Insurii j A^nit \^ lit \! iiiiii tiLoui \(,tiit Montrt tl Kl t.<i (Jlcck loiirth lh\ Cuujt, tun, 111 Q II , &e , Vitmi <'nt \ 1 Dm noi n-Jov rAivtsne*! *o, nlo \^ nt < mail Uito \siinr- nmi tn l>ci JsJ Miirtgicts, A.0 pirt. I utitU pr u r^isuii.ililc terms MoftL.nc,c htcurit(> Hou*c Vcton Wi1 I \[l)I \ it I.iw jKiitt, pi-opir- thtro with pio Aud is our^Mitmg ^tiutob 1' and gfeeki>i"s, it ho will b<. multr tin t imiiUtll mid M at 1 Wtck lpth V ^' OftlLH lirl iu on l 11 n eil> will tm tllli_< w 250 nc).i an<k apjirovtd kjtylic, In hi sold all round at 700, 35^ and Juc pet >ar3 Ihc best goodfl for title, inoiii) l\ e ha\v tverwdd over tiieit/juiittr 1* very Ijidy must iee this 'lot . 60 PU tPs'l I Ml HI.ACK LVS l Hb'J, lobe J1 Id at a reduction of from 5 to Ysd. ||er yird h ipi former ijrlee*. Our 25c, ^oc, 35c and 40c qualities fire 4 -01 illy iti omtiiL-udid for gootl >\carj lor eootl >\carj | n fuL.p and bciulifoj re| . S) milts M mile MntcrmU, Milhniry, Sluwlb,l Sj>ut*( vile paitieu ar notice \VL V [II * Al sla SHOW nTuL,e'and bcmtifoj reprcsenlstiop .of New FIl ""' ' *" '""' ** ........." "- to \vhicli ve I/1 l\\ It'll nitir Vttor 1 tit r in t liaiuirj ie. UlBics - Habdton 10 Kiiigktnit Milton Mtun Rtre t J he Milttn Oltlce inine.ttii< nt of ]) >ImuII iw wilt iittind the t.v. to meet tl tir lii^lu etc , I 'VI 0 fdO 1 AnN^J HEAVY HI ANKE1S, at a Har^aip, as fo)lt/w. ^ "a |b Dlanki is large ".ue, | , 1 50 per pair Oy lb Blankets, extra ti7s 3 75 7ifl \p p'liil t:<.j ttvijled, cXln si/ei | . 4 75 M Mso 2C0 Quilts ; ]iJ Counltrj ones to be Mild pit tbop Hote nd Epasekeepera ore reqpfBUd ^a give these .stood* their careful ftttentiou. Our I'ltonpon i!. 10 nifi^e this Grnntl I xbitition *iale thc^rcit commercial event of ill, -)j)d we hen ti/pisiirc Miitgri. tllaf no'lurtj; will he left undone on our part FOUND AT LAST ril...t I MlUiuery, 1 Mantle*, press. i ii|1ihi Itions I iiiiiU II nmt it- 1*11111 iw y,il[ivt una thV "Mijtul Of in" on 1 ml ij if eieb XV *0) 'Cirndii ite Mimlier cf Colli JMirgeons Mill C1 ded with and msing tho loss i\|m nob able to ttnc rtbts e-nt. but tilt lo! innit_> t ollet,u of J'lij Bicmna ind JTI LET VtTOS lNM>Um & DKVUE, J ink of Pi luiuerce for sot end lirt clasi TtlXUl amen Ofhee ot-ct (Jinlp'i 'W i. -rv agents stocU and niutunl OriUra left at tttic I-'l LI rnr_>-'i Olbeo will receive promp; itttut on J \ ' A 0 BUCHAM, 1 fishiopible \\cst Lnd iircs Mantle ind Millinery Kstabbsbment, 87 Uppf Wyndhuui St., tinelph. WM. Sr STEWART )P1V' MAA/|>tS CO., Koirr trvMM 111 t Hi SB! L. DrAKJE. Z^ ^ [ \ f i" rliament tiy tne lion. .aiei. j tbe " 11 ? ' ]i {\. ' Mackenzie, the Premier pf this our (folia^^m thoG T 1 R( t-ellent a<"commolla nublie THOb DP3! AflMOX incholy I one thing-1 think, m ich bl tint rests Ule most t^^^^i in some qnarttr, 1 hen in bioad tiou gu-u-mttidV and 4teP vta^r, aid seeing each othei b lights fr miles, I think it J\j_ sbeei cereles^noss and lndifTcr ence, that ,siaeh an accident j bhould happen, aid while la menting thul'loss of thoso who found a vra :erj grave tMtbopt d moment 3 ^nnig, ny sympatbies were drawn o our companions on the " ilanlt< iba," w 10 had exiieii enced Euch a shock, md seen such a si^ht and h id come tbxms'hesso near filling a w aterv pri\ c I w as informed by qne whu "witnessed all, that the peculiar sensation that I assed 01 er tht m at that trving mQ- mait can only be imagined, not described And ne lo not ouder, for sudden death wai near to them The * Comet' w aj a propellor, loaded with pi,g iron and bil%eroie and three times tie size of the "Manitoba." Had she b*?n struck 20 fe*>t nearer midships, both would hate-sunk iniftyfa' horns of water, and alb must ha\ 6 p< irished When the "Manitoba' j( turned pn the lit, TI \sfJ HHH, btery Jcsu jhtion ot I'listcrins jind iRduL.li' easting tfone ou \CTOV, ONiei : terrrm ird taticfac rs.s. ^iitrtu. Tfacbcr orjlatlf, 1)rawing anil rwnrli, L h treli stree^ \ctou. OS3INT HOLS.C, Acton. 01oo to vtiwav Stati! Ex ion for the trai cllinc VMPBELL. 1'ropr HOfbL iCTOf, Ovt ht>BT Acyi'i, Proprietor Ih new-*Hotcl is titt-d up in first clasastjlc with new fmniti re LoinjuereiilTravel lers will fail trocd ace-onnuoilaticyi and commodiQii "wimple K<>oia3 Special attention iKud t tbo 1 Wianta ot the tra\ellmj(aEo IBor supplied witllthe best Ciqndrs and CiLara 1 Uood btabtog and attentive He stlers . 1>%M>IIAM hTBET. G-TJBLPH. \rc now Eclbog pity i hmr hplandid Stock af G001>S at I bOw bells AND ^otmgf Jiadiey Journal Dominion At 10 30 ji m :*e went on, board the steamer " 31am toba, of tbe Beat-y line, bound for the d Cerent ] arts of tbe uj per Lakes, to wnich w# tjiall presenth ltfer But itnt let me <uy, {and with all due deference to other similar lines) that tbe |Jeav bne of boats is second to nope, in tins'** in other countiie3 for eontenienes md comfort. The " jfamtoba " is a side-wheeled bpat, mnd a steady tader On embarking, e at once realized thit -w were joining with quite a namber of pleasure seekers moffiing to tho Sault, with those tbqt had been sat ed off the last bpatj it ai my pntdege to vibit, console, and <jet particulars fiom the fellow pass ,ngei"S Much Eraie vvas aw*i-ded 1 o the ladies on oard, for then courage and calm resignation a$ that t; y mg moment Onfthe uiaifning nf the 31st we left for ime> oa tho prop^-lloi " Quebec," tlie larj est apd bnest boat ton the- Iljeatty ine, renewing til that we bill prev Qtisly ndmired with unabatiug inter sat \Ve think that a tf-ip up our 1 Canadian 1 ikes is -preferable to an Atlantic vo\ ige, but it being late we could form but jbot'i hi point!of ph^nre, coi'ufoit, ia* A few acquaintances, and retired to bed. Next morning we avjoke to bud onrselces tafel> lanJed at God ench itjrbor Tbe hour of the- moming being rather eaily to prop ptct that p/l^cCj we wdl but Bay that it occupies ^-beatitifulsituation, high above th^ lake, and on the binbjj of the Alaitland |nver It is tL*re that salt was firfet discover in Ontario We al& observed that tbe harbpr is_undergoing re- isurs, a.ud the_n\er is bqin^ diedg ed On the arrival of the morning train, we again set ball, keeping w ithin \ lew of the beautiful coast ef the counties of Huron,and Bi uce un the right, andthe dark1 green waters oi Luke Huron to- the left The next place of interest at which wa touched was Kincardine, a. fbnving town, famous for its .s-dts wells. JHere wo baited for p. t^laple of honrs and enjoyed a ram ble'Sin tsrru jlrma But again the warning whjjbtle is sounded, and we glide j)lwis.4atl^" along to South - ampton, where we added to our number as w e previously hadi done tv the foriiier mentioned ports In (.nproaLUing thw place the first "thing that mfeete the eye is the liarbcir of ie&ge which is being eroctedC between Cbantney Island and the mainland, and which forms, fcbelter to the nianner in time of storms, The village being some distant a ironi tjie new ^arbor, time wonld pot permit us to vjsit it AjU - 50 pu, on the Jtrrai/al of the train and the mails, we Kteann d from the coast in a nor^h westerlj sIirection,-aryJ before the shades of e*emng spre5id,o'er s, w^s were-out of syht ot Land Neat in^mitfg, by the break of day, we wWe sad , in<i along between those t; )ck-l)oajid I^Luids tbS, be^iitihes the northern , ^tremity of Lake Hitroi^ and expense. - K4JBILR Tlie Laisiz Aboi tion Case On Thursdiiy mc ming, in tbe Toronto Police Cowt Arthur Davm &a4 Ol 1 v<j Davis wers brought up on remand obliged \'ith the mur' do.r o Cathenjie Lan ig by procur mg aboition The magmtiate saijl he did not think therejwis sufficient evidence given to ywarran him in sending Amor for trwl Ht fert satisbed that no jury 'twould I ring in a true bill against hun, fin<--therefore as far as he (the Jnagiut -ate-1 yus con turned, Amor waa bonorubly a3 quitted So jfar as tbe prisoners Aithur Davis and Olive Davis wero concerned a ver - strong prima facts -case had been nade p,,U It ^vas proved that the d jcessed was in |;he house of the pnsoner Davis the dafr before death, anc. that she died fiom abortion', and he (the magis trate) felt nioj-aHyce tain thaWhe ptisonc r Davit wan t le person who procured thejfbortior. He would thef efore comjnit Art bur Dav is and Olive-Davis ioi trial uu thp chaise of having mdid'red the deceased Catheiiue Lalb,!* Tue FasijAdn 4l New York KOI AL EXCHAMrE H0T|tLr Vetoii, Ont Roirr Dickie, PJ-op Sample Booms larj^s and\commt>ditius . forCoainiertiallratellerB ' Ooixlacdom inodation for Traielleia and Guasts Best brmdsof Liquors aid Cig-ira it tht Bar Good StabJLai^ -vnd attentive Ho&tlerfi R. CREECH, l? holesale aiamifacturci C 0 L L A E S, ALE UEAI |ER I|S Saddles, Earness, ^riuiks, l^alisep, Travelling Bag?? Horse (Nothing", "Wlufs, Comb3 I And BrusHes A)l orders eU en lr give laUsfuctTuu as ffc ctaplov dob lOe best workmen uud ismcrlal "paper, speaking of th s opening dis play of fall fashions in that city, say 8-- The pievaiUnjj: fashion, it is thought, for Pajl alud Winter Wean will be plaids bf all kinds, brown! and gray beuig | fa route colors Scotcli phuds W7|I als' i be woi n ex tensivel v Of these g tods a full line was displayed Ann ng the other goods displayed tvece colored silks 'of all shinies, ihefmor > desirable, it jb 8tate4bingl8ejiibr(iwn and myr tie green, navy Ljlue i n all giaidcr and soiu^ ncw 1 jfagniBd silks A m ide of black COJ LAKS warrar to our hnmli w s el>____ _______ ..._,. s rimiy attiffd to acd warrant it 10 " -ictToi Qt II be ted to git e sn.1 Hod, us they are of ojur own 11 anuft. turn REPAIRING ' Or all kinds dnnev,lth naatness add on tlie sborlBt no1 Ice, AU who require gc otte In, our line will ~"-----------call before put :hus do tfell to gtxe us a lng oIbewh"je Bemcmte/ the Stand B July 1, 1?73 CBEEOil.Ac on out ! c & GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Preparatory to removing tfl more ettcnsiv cand commodious p'rentises Their old frionds in Acton and vicinity are jpecjaljy invited to call and participate iftthe bargainsJiow t offered WU. STBWART & Co. I A bngbBer inborn nevt^- jdawnedf *peciahfey will be a y cij^rer sun never hhoUe, ami a -nik* 1 and 1 ^ jj^rd; fride c Watcf^iri^ er, Criiefp i, Tafes'advaJtnge cf the Feee Pbe is tp thank lis pii&topiers ln| and a^i und Acton rpr tbetr j>m t patrdnatep, am . so; bolt* a continuance. | " , O D, K also hppjs sqoijI to maki rir- ranuenclentSTVhereb'y waltbcs and Je w-l -ry may oe sent to ai id ironpj troubi* safely, t>ucr without I bis oDSUimen Oufilpli, July it>,<is"5. Gliellh pito xp ipse and 1 r* E. HORKOW, Chemist and Druggist ACTON, j DEALER IN DRUGS, chemicals, perfumer^, patent and proprietary, Medicines Altrays enfcand a larg and well pelect- cd stojclt of - Byo-stufls, Llqjuia pyu, Fancy a4 TQilot oaps, Brtshea, Sponcrea, Trua^os for 00,- 1 jLpaa ajjdj Adults, Phoulder Braoes for Mea, "Wotoen aijO. O^^axon, faints, 4sy aal la, oil, SpoiaJ Statloaera SEPTEMBER at ANDERSON'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, On East side Wynilham Street, 1 GtTE^PH. nnd Foucy Good% Jewelry, Toys, &c &t. llonrt o|l Wgo|*o Tpe Brnporlnm. Tho (jboye lliiQieyou wjll (lnd complete MILLINERY A SPECIALITY. Call aqc) e>aml09 our ftoctc before pur- phHitln|-oUoWboro D.\ MclJAIB. AptOD, ^niy lstl 1676 -4m. t Don't Offering Men, JT^XGLfSp MAGAZINE^ fQp SEPTEMBER * AT "liat the cheapest spot in tbe County for GWS AJCB SBQ IS ,AT Vol r- ^<E|NNEDY brothers; Who are selling off tie balance of their taamet se toci at ^ GE^AT REBUQTIOilf . FOR/ $ASH^ 1 In order to make fbom for their Fall Uoods. fail to jaoenre ome of |be uribeard of bargaW that they ** sow In 1} ' C, Women antf Cljirldren's -f 1 "-U Bl Boots _ i rtldulnr attention paid to L'asUim Work and Hepain ng As we ewptey . P1 only first olasa worktnen, We can turn out work that for fy u eescoe'd to none in tbe Dominion 4<4on, AHgurt 24, JS75 V aritl Shoes. style and durabUu 1* t! k:jn^edy BKO&. I That Churl A thu. Bt- THE -CBHTBAE': STORE JOB PRINTING Of e\e*y description In the best aud mostlit- tractive stales, >romptly exeputed nt the FBBB .PRESS 11 (In Matthew's N/ew Buildings) ag Jon. ^ H (HACKING, Proprietor pHOTOGRAPHS: j PHOfOqrRAPHS ! _ C3-- HILL 1 i ACTON,i ln/onn the public t^atwltlilri the bast few weeks he has id great improvements made in tna r ingotaeuu of tight, and UiuX be is now Vfonld rebpeetfully wltliln the ms great Impnjve: T lgocaeu p -epared to I Oqt First-class WQrfc ring any p irt 1 >t tne day, In all >k)nds T^urn i; 1 Of weather. and I"flJW> Qtnoif. PURE WINES 4*fD LIQUORS Ifog Modjolnal Purposes. 1 "^aSU PI'y'-lelniisBresjBrlplionsftTid l>o- misno Becelpts, and xfoiso and Ci.ttle Medicines, carefully compounded. Qt B, MOBROW, Medical Hall, Aoton. Aqton, July, 1875, ' ftfl^K J MILK )' i t The .'subsenber has commenced. (the dairy business, and w '"",------ Li every morning and houses m the village pure twenty one ^1, if paitl in advawje, or twenty-one pint tickets for 6t> cei ts FS.AEM8TBQNG Acton, June 8th, 1875, noil deliver trufk evening at the Mdk warranted juart tickets ,for idaUed il,n the BOOKSTORE. 1 Young Ladies' Journal for Sept Bow Bells for September Every Week for September London Journal for August, Sundiy Magazine for August, pood Wor^s for August Olmnbers' Journal forvAugUht Yqung 3Ien of Qt Bntaui for Aflg Kind Woi da For Angtiat Sunday fyibpoj Papers for August, I' DAY'S (BOOKSTORE, Day Sella Clieap. c. tThill, Mill street, ACTOX, PEA.LER IN , 1 I General Groceries, 1 Soots and S^oss, "Wall Faper, "Wincio-vT blinds, Crockery, 1 {H&s&Wrq,- Nails, Slabs, Putty, Linseed Oil, sw gouoi Paints, Tn,rj?<ntine, 1 Mill tStreet, Acton, Istbe Place for C&eap H 1 or. Dry ^V5T= i 1' 1 ,_ Bat(e secured the services ol Mr. W, H KAHRH, a Crst-olass artist, late of N,ew \orkOHy,s(oJas histtme is llgjlt- all wofcld do t+fell to call at nno> who Uerles l,n the jU omlnlon. IfTaving latply 11 nrcbased another Tery valuable Instrnir eut second Ut none, in the eountry) 1 im enabled to produce w>rk any) nice, irom tbe nrdlnary cqrd p. oture tolllxU c ] 'n Co^>yinx ftnd E^I^rgtQK. A ay fi;lze can be o itained and flniahedin H fc, OH, ^atte* Stolbr, Crayon V* "Plain, aid in the hlgbes t sty^e pf thean. [ would pgaln 1 e I bavepbB&tliQtjjr ireniOfl 1 Actbn OLEARINGN SALE 1 Good$. Any I<ot! .. ofEiql Actoayf lesTina partly] taoni ' ^ 1 11 t DCT'S ^s ^TopK o? Goods, Ready-Made loi|iibg; I - Groceries^ I / , Grock^rj^ anci j * 1 G^agsw^ra 13 Large. Well ^elected and CilEAP, Groceries always fresh and of tbe best quality. Great Rarsaiiuj may be alajs I^ad for Casjb I wisli io do strlctlv a Cash business, as our goods ai e selbo LOW^sp Market Prices ^ Hi^hsst price paid for all-kinds of Produde ^r wy I thff- acres, : edt&to] sell in. 1 TJrcwp aectioarj rapid j^ a>bove is] pnvat^ I poses. cjture of I Vie Q L I** r? twall July L,lg75. Call and Examine our Stock. \ i ^p,)rtliiig, Sweeping ^aid Un- kealrd of Bargaips 1 >> TO BE GIVEN ATiTHE SEMI ANNUAL JIALExOP McLEOC, AJTDEUSO^' 2s Go. ea-iEJoitiGHsiajo w^r<r. "SI In ordir to make room ftr oijir Fall Importations, andrtc <____^.,______, of loads < f Dry (Spods, andjon account of the scarcity1 oj i aoaiey, we naro .dplprm^etj oq W |jore sw^ej^ing, eneTgetio aqd | v GH DRESS Machine-Oil, Cual OU, i 1 Salt, eto. gain temind the publto that 5t;intiS m stoc^ W^ttrje asriorty Oral aid SnaM Hoturo rrattn Paia and Vtavf ISouldinfft, So. t "hlc^b wflt be an Id at tbp JoweA prices, jay* Parties an dous to seotfre a reAlly ar 4stio pldlnre w il please b,par in 'mlbd! tb it It wl|l Be U their {ot+rast to oall ti rly, as I^r JSah n will he unable toTe- mpin in Afltob longer than a few weekf JAMPS O. HILt,, iulyl, 1W5 ' T ^ i rv' AXSO PARIS GREEII & HELLEBORE '< . ' L ' Ii Kof, the Desirao ^oa of pola*o I Bagg. Cattrplllara and other lnsebta. ' ] The snbscri Wt^gs to jetton bts tnanS lo the Inbabl anti tol AotouandsurrOnad- lng joountiy for the liberal patronage hereWtore eateudpd to him, and. at tbe aaie tuAs sdiieit tbetr further support I" ^ 11 N.B -pasbgPaKL^yJ^ta^del^Tered. I Acton, Jnly tton I 1st 1P?6- b. t/hiuu i. '<APEH CLKARir^ -I , ] tne no caea x f 1 H >r aseQHfCxtares. Wf $<#l *. i^tbUaaiB SAluE into Cosh, t I -I & seppjidi ~ f will s frot i 5 ctp. upward^ ( BA3*ASGLft ^ : v e-4 I nan jb.il herto Attempted,' as we mtui concert ijenjielpber the bales are KqR CASH, ad,d in * price ba made^ We enaumerate unr LeadinsT Departiienta | i ' OQOBJS from Qvecents upwards* POINTS, from five cents upwards IfUSLINS from flv* cents; upwards, "<- ' ^OTtONS, White and Grey, MILljlNERY, ZpAJfTLBA SHAWLS" AiSfn lota, for Halfpnoe _ Special lines of SILK MANTLES for $2.00, worjtb. $<r,5Q. 4 Special Bargains in OHECK SHIRTINGS; DIlfr^S, DRILLS, aact ', ALL STAPLE GbODS I " i 4 Special} line ol LADXES^COLtARS AND lOifFfS Jwho: eaale price. $1 6^ and $.17- -for $0$ and 75c, ? e i/ v J t ' V SpeoUl hnos m ON^ DRS&J qoiiD,8,'for Ifijc and 20c, worth a7Jff,aiii I ^ 3 per yaid. l lf \ 4 ' t > . 'ij? I ' It Ulmposslble tor us tq ennnmerate all fhe GREAT BAP QAfNS We tove tooffer, but wa egpeoially want to meet'the hard tfm4a. sc ooj^eralt abctlbg eon^cedj ^ ' | ] ' V i W again rjemlnd |he public that jur i MiUiiifery and Ordered Clothing' AW second,to) none in tbe Dominion, ana" outstrip anything) or tne ktailhKsat , of Toronto . , ^,_x The ^aje-wiU conuae^ice; W tbe ^Flrsfc 4' J,J* *1* W* ,' i tlnge-f^r six Weelts* T r~ # . ytoB.j Wj i, f^#:; 'U ism k- ) \. ,i lipLKOD, ANDEjtSON ft to^. VfttaW) |h_ao p; Georgetown l*a w

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