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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 27, 1875, p. 2

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-ffT-f* * ** Wk -J**r Hi-* >^* Nf - trjilnj i.ii il.|4......,| iuiMi.<jj|ninilg j' Published ISveij FrhUy Mommg, $1 Per Annum in Advance. JOS H HIKING JOS | H HdCKlMO.. EOITOH Z Mr. MoKoUar Tho writer of <i,itm Alvutiily, tl rhmment vij II from tho OnUuro P^irlianu nt Tho Opposition) ^ card by Hie t Uni.j tjio Pix J - * / U^BASONAKL"1? HARSH Theie is * vast different*; m tho degfe6 of pendjy- imposed upon petty otfonderij m Can ida and that %n tho English rur-il ilistifcfo. Boys vrho robforehnbisOi commit similar d pivdulions are ">ery nirtU puu jdied hpre as se\erolv ay they do, serve. -Indiped the law jt>f the Po mnuoa hunts the extreme pemltv for such offences to a month's, nu pnsotuuent ift tho-common j.iul oi n u smilL t&ie and otu tliia kiutut , puiiishtiam is but seldom mthete 1 A reoi t cise of tS^tceme h iKhnebi in Engl end, p.i*5>mg lindoi the guiBo oi justfcd, h-ia been muck, comment- fid upon, as something poculiulv revolting) A little girl of dm toen plucked U gerunum bud m m ilms ho-so g&rdiai, jtad toi th 3 pettv ' ode nee i&o was dragged lx fore n rural nj igistrate, who wtis, also * pler^ynian, and sentenced- 0 impris onment for u-forought 111 ji I, and fjr four years in apemil institution Severe sentences se.ok as this are by no means rwelV pronounced from tue Benches occupied bv tho " un paid magistracy '* ot Enjjiijnd, Jus -iice, in the hands of the gentlemen Js-ho are called upon to administer punishment to petty oij'eoders in *he English rural districts, is espe cially stern with those who in ;nv ay uirule the sacred rights cf ' " property " Theft or trespass, in their eves, is too apt to be regirdcd as worse than wue-beatmgj or slan der, than perjury or murderous is sault. Such sentence? as th it ac .porded to pool little Sank Cjiandler jarfc fir from, being uncommon. The , -Terr Same clergyman v ho-sought, Im his capacity s a magiiinite, to brand her for life as a J' jail bird,' tteennse she pfucked a. -flower, s<.iu fenced, nbt long .150, a su 11 boScarcely out of his punafor.^ to pri> lin for a month, because he tcraped the leavings of a discarded to^acoo- <Jas>k, and-sold his scraps tor a half oenny", and condemned a yo ing servant ,glrl to six -week-* m j nl toi imttmg some photographs, which ihe fjnr.d in a waste-jjaptr Botk^t < tp th" house where she s<.r\e<|- into her pockefio ihow to some fneuds, J^ot long a,;o sixteen tit.hernien and ttomen, living on the North- hnibnan coast, -were cast into jiii for a month for picking up mUssek on the shore, with which to bait tiheir hooks. -. It- was' an "audacious assault upon the property rights of the squirt whose estates ran do\vn to the wafer's etfge, and the tler^j inen and squires who administered the law withoat pa^ id that region could not let the flagrant dehanct of the rights' of property pass. In Essex three vjery reputable and not disorderly lads, aged about sixteen Sallied out for on afternoon walk In crofamg the fields the} came to .v broofc^ a grassy knoll en its banks tempted them, and they threw themselves upon it and began to rfead some bookd they had bi ought with them. Suddenly up rode the t>vruer of the fjeld on horseback, and roughly 1 demanded their names Boon after they had returned home they were taken in charge by a po Jijaman, hnwgh^ before the magis trates, accused of tresp^ys, and heavily fined. A little ^girl of thir teen was; reeeatly cdn^emmed at -iTJpi-qheRtfr to twenty-one days' lra- l" pcisonment at' "hard labor," and fife years in a reformatoryr for stealing an earthen mifkjng It tarned out that the jug which was eracke.1, hid been given to the girl without authority by\ a servant The snpposed t^iu f, too, was ahcer t teiaed to haveHho best cbaractetj for h'oi>efefcy fheseiirB bntiew lllhstrations of .cases of judicial 'cruelty that are constantly being reported in Eng hind All of them mdictte that, >witjb the English country magistrates t'propfrty" la still a kind of fetich, which it is,ag horrible to desecrate as if ih, in the oyea of a Parhoe, to imter a hre temple w^th sbbes 00 1 " . V "--I. 1 j <>1 J* V MS s Retirfojuient CtunmV Kventa" iji the Atiignst numki of t| dintt illuiloji to t|io (us in Mr !\tcKi llnr C ilunct ujiid from has lost its ;inoat )lho rotnvnunt of i\)\un.iil Soj;ixt.i\ Mi Mc o\>i^ ni'w liHiul, \\ ith Aitministiii- t what has mado fo nttaik mny bu l<.llai Lti"*, liko Vi>on chai geuble t|\ nhimlors-, hi 1|uq vnlni'nhlc tdbtnlml(.d to qutlLtivB o uro acous- tjiimnl to l ink ui on^st tli ^ 11 lues. Uis Unpf f ih*, us n-public man, lii\o uiiJouhteid r bet-n too gixat iiQ>onnt.'<s ot clairs tot, ind too o<>n sj-.mt ti dow ot'xMi mill -hpints. Tho lian who i\l8 his ho,ut upon his sleeio foi d i-yjs to pock at is siti-o, Hi )iiHJu lif*^ to i ni tLom |>ecking tjiero before long In pilMito lift), opoumssuud ohe^fulnoss of man iw aw in\ miblv iii-teptiiblo v hut ih pohticil hfo, 1* politics go uo*ivd\-s, icticonco a id moioseiifss am tie mle, trtuikucfo and cordJaliU tie- unjtoitunito .xciptions. Olli c ill l\jvt.rM., a it -is tailed, p^bbu tit lmihatmntnrj, < lrclos joi oljl^ia1 wisdom, and no : uon can lioj>o to J> iss unscathed the 01 dp d of adVerhi. c [iticism^vuo has tiot leavnei}. tlmt 1 n^Hago is ji\en .0 conceal, nit hi 1 tli in ckprt-sb our thoughts. Mi McKeliu bus, pi,i iu{>s, urod on the o^hn side and t! i<:, with tho pro vaking joMahty 01 his tempei, has I) -ought it aout t mt, bince ho took 0 bee, ho h5M>een the be?t nbu&cd nan of Ins pxrtj Admitting that his judg'ULiit h it> not always been sound us^ 1 Mini't<_r, we are not aware thitjie his avor beenchaige- aj>le with _ii.v. nice or St If seeking Eighteen ve^r^ of parliamentary 1 fo ha\x brought him to tho \ergo of sixtj During .ill that 'time if it bo a merit to >erve one's part} faithfulrv", t.ho . cSetritirr has nt\er swen^l frOt 1 Ins allegiance, and thus Iihs well e; rnqd such recog nftion of his services as his pirtj his the powt-r to be atow Youngdr u^t n hax e taktn - -ire of their it mjaiuing veirs wlnle yet m Jhu prune ot life ill MeKt liar has kept the liirncis 011 ins bad till he has ar rived at an age wlnn the most bit ter of opponents w 1 1 not grudge the rejpose he has earned, for the most part in the c >ld 1 nd unpromising shades of Oppositio 1 dishduoi idiltl 1 tuiiatt 1 (} . ftil UiJi kll4iV\ lodglS n't moiliid, jind tho' tingiauitul stcit.c\ bee "by chaiicu ti lioiiBchoht mi) hud ^ t , SlOf, would honour stum fioui tilieiu odgo of thi m hiui, tli<n aliould sacred toleijieo A TH 1 r S Tho dispjisiiion to jii'y into iho tk t\ Aoy ot tiomostiOj hfo'li, uufqr- \\\^ coiiuliou, Kid is al- The apjietite it to be ivguidbd 1111 ih A family havd njjht to pr|\mi |lu gimjdin^ th* puBohold, iivan if 1 *'c* 11 . |- o - dtheito ulitioi.8 of tho h nuns a virtuo. ho pi iopen to! in ijii"{ AtitiOS FREE PRfeSS, AUGUST 27, 1#5. * " ' '-----' . I , , , lndulgjrfico of it rii' BaoriHl ito ailalra of & A I fitl tllj> him to illtd, if ii knew) w^io foioed jipou bt locked m <a double Oblign tiou of $ h mo and secixsy 're<sU>up<- on ono who in i gmst in tv family The tuipitudo of abttiiijalof lanYl^y histoid by h visitor is tin gixuiter thnn thj.ll \ouhl be It ih u tlung so suiuiiulo is, that it should de grade a pi:son, uud put huu out ofo0cie{\ 'To bttnU tho Biurets of the koiihJiold is nbtouly' .n odious immoiahty but id is >\ bin and, a shimo to )o on (|;ood tiaius with tho e who mo known to commit such outrides, ljhey put tliew stKes out il tho pile of,dccerit ho uot} 'Lhcj fahould bo tRHited ns monil onih.ws ^ j Thi^>i> luiiig j e\cd wi-otchet who Mt m th- 1111^11^110101111 oncle of puints n3 oinldjon, treasuring their wordji, sp^nig then weak nes>.ts, uiisintoepi-oting tho innocent libutirs ot the honsoholdy and then'run from housid to house-with" tht u shuinjlcs luws, are worse thnn poioiui*s of wollfri, oi bumoiH lhe> jioihon tho ( faith man 31 ike no terniR people 1 ilo beard's THAT m pJ^iCJLw miEmiAm- ^Lni: H pl,,M In lortOlgltlo g i.6^1 of Atod tbo cjouauj, <,JiJto, iL wiffiogft koW Hut h.U.Jut Mtamrf ftom'tto ' ^BRITISH AND | lfOBEI^N -MARKETS ^, Where Iio has n i do large p urohasos of i *" , ST.VPLB A$D FA^cfy I.-DKY, G00l)& Wllich wilj bo along timing this montlj, furtheif "WOHDBRFCTL A^TBAOTIOITS Ami that Wondui Aji Niily lBHpietion fiotu olij im i^Ih and eiihtomi r-i ih ii*pf ctfullv BolicitelJ ] AiifriiBt 7 IS?r) of hoUSLK of man ui with tiiieh h ii o no i ry, unci Iiou [MONTREAL! njofcloe of v/hiQhjWi'l bd-givexi. WILL BE OFrSEED! ----------------------- ... mmi _ > ... ^^ f\n* \T FOBOIVE jKMB* Why not torgire yoqr hrothfer, li ho cornea to you in gonW t Wliy not jour *nger amothaf I re tht dawning of to-morjrowfi iVou Tay ho liar rtwlul you Vuur (lt".ret fribhds tunon^; J'lhtrhas tifror ne-tr beguiled yon I Hova you Ht'flr corrmnittedjwnrtigj* \\ by not forgive Ban I 4 Ife is pemtent ana JinmMe, . He la w tak and in your-p<arer \V ho is not aptto stumble c \V hen pasaion rules theJjo4r* He wronfctd you in hia M so&ess ; Vow act tut. Christian par*, Am) pour J:he balm of kindness On bid aid, repentant heari Why not forgive loin * t </an you leok for swefet contenfm4rt, _j- Or cfm Urt c your tosont hllk AVink, >on thensh fierce resentment Jttm M 3- meang, fitl M in if indium motto < ^nslill 1'ip'its aiuf Qii^pk Sulea" willjbe th watchword, wiich XiOo^rdSr- pbicbs _J4-isrr> lqzsto pbofits ! JOHN' HOGG, Alma Block, Upper Wyndham treet, Guelph tor tho one who treate yon, ill* Iso ' ppitt of proud position, j Of plate, or power, or peny %1 HOUSfil iU< 'lliev ato toaimun enemies of iood men Hunt, ha* 1 h The Wimbledon CANADIAN PKJZ- The following is a correct list of the Omadi in pr zerl en in the % an <5us matches'nt: Win bledon Alexandra Gibs in, 5, Cruit, Teslm WlNNJfllS 3, Anioll 3 Alfred Hdl, Waters, 2 St Geore's-i-Huptor I) nlv Telegr-iph Cmit, 3, Loggie, ^2 Albert JUO ^ans, 500 yards, Cruit, <B.iss Cruit, ^2 , Queen s Hunter, 12r, ><elson, 3, Wr 3 ; Little, 3 , Ward, Curtis and Hirvej Hunter, 3 Fit-h, 2 -Fiteh," 3 JBtll, 5 Power, -2 12, Mills, ght, 3, Cruit, 3 Power, 2 ta Hardware undersold. our stocks are full;, our prices cannot'be J ii f How easy its is to work |when we: are happy' How delightful, when we are happy, to| work for those. we |love ' A life |of constant toil, merely for subsistence, is very hard ^ind Bad. No heart can bear it Thp strain will break' the courage end mr the temper* of anyhody Tljere mmrt be boforn the worker ^m M fiaiae better rpv^rd than ttte sup ply of hi9-mere physical wants, or he wdl liecome a discontented be iiig; Ha most wdrk fori love more '-tHan money The'thought of lov ing h>arts at b,Qme nerves tho ^tfong aim of the ,maa at his toil.-J ^Tijifr wife, in her household labor, isjhappy. thinking of the evening 1hW, when ihe miy sit down with ^i* hBbandrand' kje rewarded by jolf oompanionsbipjfor aH that, dur-, jPSpthe d*yt she, ,accompIi3hes or tJnuures for him add her httlo ones Prmce of Wales-) Gibson, 5, Cruit, 5 Pigou and Wilkes and Lawrence | pavilion Fitch, 2 graphic Coojier, .5, ^tajah of Kolapore Cup and. 80 ""he Team otal winnings 191 * c * " jiT. The" law IEFERISG OF FBL ^con cerhing the larcen of fruit is of sou e importance at t aia season >( the year, both to fruiterers and to those who may think there can be but httlo harm in ti king of tjiat which'grOweth abundantly. The foil >wmg.aie the provisions of the Dominion Statutes (31 Vic., Cap 20 / Whosoever stea s or destroys" or damages with intent to steal,.any plant root or fruit, or vegetable1 production grown in any garden, orchard^ pleasure grounds, hothouse oi conservatory, shall < n conviction thereof befoi'e a justice of thb peace," at the discretion, of the justice, either He committed to the common jml or house of oorrect pn, there to be imprisoned and k< pt at hard hibqr for any teim n>t exceeding one-month, or ehj>e shajl forfeit and pay over and above tl e article pr articles stolen, oi the a mount of ih jury done, such sum of money, not exceeding twenty dolki -s, as to the justicejnay seem moei, and whoso -ever, having been conv cted pf any such offences, in the se ;tion nefore mentioned, is guilty of felony,* and shall be liable to bejmi ishedlin the h.mio manner as it> t :ie case of simple larceny " ------------* < ------, TttE New8j?apej*. A miui of judgment and discern11ent speaks in the fdllowmg &uhion Tl/e | new .paper is just as n sssary to4it a m: .n for his true posi tion in life as ft od of raiment Sh >w ua a rag- Lkod, b ir6foot boy before an ignorant : His head will co'er.hijj/foet ter life if he uf wi 11 supplied newspapers.' Sh(W u the that is eagro for i ewspapeia ^vill mate the man of mark in life if you gratify that desire bowledge Other t lings, being it is a rule that ; lever fails. the children news[ apers id them out of soeiety. They ai e tho w orst of pests sa\ e one, and til it is tfho hstAei to tho tule bearer There couhl be no,tattling if Jthei'o^wti-o no one to hear Jt tali b an em and r" tolijjut' to makij u scandal Qi-c-edy listening is as dishonour-it'to as nilmblo tattling The eai is t le oj en hiarket wheut the tonsjuo sills its bJI gotten wares. Same there iro that w ill not re pent ag-un whit (ley hour, butl th|j nie willing to listen to it Tljej will nit trule, in eoutnibaiid goo<ls, but thev will my enough ofJ th< smuggler for, f imily use These. re-tjieCUble liteners uno the p.itrohs of t|ttlerv | It is tlie(r idmarket that kitp!- tale.beaiin^ bijsk It Lna slunii to listen ill of joui wignbour C benevolence aemniids that not love ill Inews (.\ clunk aud a true honour re once in ly things, 'i* shou d be andsoirow l-o kuo>. tl at degiiules joui vohr eyis, eien if he how1 much I more friend ? i I The scijiptiur s sin "Tlioi not do up and down is i ta? ei among tile ptopli." bearer rev eajeth secr>:(s, but is of a faithful (honourable) coiicealeth the mi liter words of thA t,ileb^irei Wojmds that go down nermost jmr. of the Hebrews tliought th tions had Ith .it sea*- hand bi, tins plnase,J to the innei i lost parts] they slgnijf) how shai] peratmg tlo the deepes our nature are the cri icbmmqh. tatt ler. " \ V here no -wood is, the fire joeth out , so, where there is no t ale-bearing, the strife cfeaseth." :A s if he hid said i that so much of the btri e of society , arises froni :atthng, ihat, if that were cured, theie would hardly be any cause1 of quarre! left mend i I makes* tongue, ear ' I In Crockery $Ud Glassware we hold lar^e stocks and af prices below the market. Grange setsSSi tt^doSSt: Our stock of Tea^is^ not equaHed to 90 cents per pdund. i* X to 11'lhtlOll [)OU ijj beast kind pain of ai\thing i * IllClgllUOlH T/i fyoui nemv, ho n jour sha.lt oear- tale- |he thit spirit, "The W'ei*o as into the tn-> belK ' The tit the; itTee- the bowels , go down in of the belly," p and eviB- f, feelings of el offices of a Unt Ics* is j our condition liil jaiq tnumph o'^r yourseju; < ^\hy not forgive ihua^ .Wrth his gnef his heart i riven, . And can yen with reaeen prsiy Tfiatyour sins may bei<jrgiveb I Vi hen from him y^iu tain away ! vaunt not your purg coodition, 5>>r hack forgiveness kejepU- Thinli of heav en's adpxniytipii,| "$a ye bow so h4U >* rekp " 1 \\ hy not forgive pun ' t-1" A nicrt ih am nuaiif HOC.' Some years ago, I was ajbpointted , supervisor of a dis&nct ifalirtlalid - ifn which, for some time rWt,'illicit distillation ba3- b^gavarjrrjfo, with special iristruction3 lo^xisct niyselfj zealously for Us pepressiohj I tod* , up my-iresidenee, accordingly,' at a- HmAi decaving town not Vey tap .;- fcrvn i' from the borders of Tipperary, aaa tut myself into commnnica^ion with the Vaiious officers' of constabnlary station sd in my district, to- ctnioegi ->^ 3 a vigorous systeirj of | detection. ^ j The1-results of this is nofcjmy inten tion to chtpnicle The events of a single night, which made Impression on1 me, I wish account of I received & message In Groceries, we have one of the largest and choicest stoctoiEiSSC^r^J^ WeSt Of TOrOTttiO T I _ (ed an active centre of tneilheit m inufacture of spirits, that be had a strong, to give an from the r IT "a d ikd ranging fronf 15 c^nts Id lbs best White Crushed or GranuUted Sugar for $1 11 lbs best Brjght Refined Su-ar for $1 12 lbs(hest Medium. Sugar for $1 ' 13 lbs Dark -Moscow Sugar for jjkl. Sesfts aa4 Haiprest Tool^, ac, in ^ Grea| Variety, 6 IS NOW GOING ON AT THE pom- to that -rcl gion (which nu.n hnmh le with his and honourable witjbf'his Rwith' ohUd| tlfter fork 4qW Give If with! H young man sits ntp too late his sweetheart at . Iiltoti the did fdlks come into the jjarlor, and, with f rofanprnentofsarcpsm, mvitel Makixo ; Ohc.oifBKB I (PicKLEki To three, pints of good jiider! viii^jgar add six{ tat lespoonfal s oi jrtited horseradish, two tabjli spooniols of grain pepper , the sanii qu-mi ity of whole cloven and allspice, four ta bleepounfuls pf white m UKt-ird seed, and two onions choppet fine (<<r use tmy ouioiib asj pickle^),r B31I ill to gether five minutes', lien cxol for use. Whqnttie cucumlx re are vfash ed, sprinkle with fine si ti and cover boiling wter| put in the prepurtrf vinegar, I* tt e cu cumbers are<more tbaji [three jnches long, 1 cut ml crosswise thick ui J him^ to wait a few nutates breakjfust will bo ready V and Alices n\i mch Jjazmess biegtnsi in Idobwebe,! and ends an an irm ^hain.l 1 f I- Temper m f 0 good a t un-? tliat we should never lose it ' | it is not until wel liave passed through thef lraace thff we are made to know how much droi s was in our composition, Many a ohlld goes asjtnly not be cause there 11 want of j prayer olr vir tueathome, I utsimply tfecauBehome lacks Bunsbine In the lonjj run, a th^d and prov od character lor trutbJ honor, aod honeBty is tb< 1 best capital, and gives the largest it terest " L say, Pa t, what re| you about Sweewng but ttie rdonr.7" V'H6" answered Ppt; " I'm 8 teping out the dirt, And eavin1 the: com " An iiiahma 1, angry at hemg late, and beat ingl l le clock ui nke, broke its lacs <with bis' cane. The owner expostulated Fa th, ,iir" said, the Irishman, 'ttheclook si ruck iratr.*' on woilid win succd re* be punc tual, courtepiif, hOnest, sconomrcal, agree ible in four perse nal habits, and idgardfol of your hedth Wlep do|rgwhat 1/ngbt. the heart is easy and beconos better everjr day v hji t when pn arising de ceit, thb mind labors and (every day J gets worse. jDetermined to tleat off the l>a^nce of Summer Stt>eU, no other house in Guelph can afford to gi\e QB^EHYElTHE PRICES OF JtFE^r G|F THE LINES' KEDTJCEli the ^asii pO|ELPH. tremendous ^arfsai^is wift b^ g\\eny sucha^ Rich Printed Lawna^c Those.beautiful - )elestial 10 dozen Ladies'- Silk^jfiu..re Lace Shawls, 75c , wc One dollar Parusols for 50c. nt., 7^c, woith 12Jc bteiHJtts ftr^^aibt rqshed Wt&tU fonner price 25c wmtu Millinery, Mantles, G,renadines, Blab" GPELPH, July IBj. 1875 iifertff* ColoredTMlks at hal v ice at the Great Guelph Dry Goods Store, tha'Lion J. i>. WILLIAMSOK C^RANP CLEARING SALE UF 'J Staple and Fancy Dry Goods AT THE FASHIONABLE WEST END. ___________ 1 T 'i ^ Tha inhabitants qf fhe Village of Aolbn anoV surrounding country are 1 invited to attend the Grand Clearing Bale of 1 < > , ,. Staple and j Fancy Dry ^oods Now Going on at the. FASHIONABLE ' WEST END Dress, Ulantle a ad Millinery Establishment, UP)?E$ JATYND^AM STREET, dlTELPjH, Immon$e Crowds everyj had. day. Astonishing Unrgi Come and See.? to ba -AL o- sxjoihi.a.^:. Fashionable West End Press, Mantle and Miltmery Es'tablishment i3uolph, July 1, 1875. ' * ALL KIND^ OF 4 croBi ^Ttx^tTii^r^ PfiOMPTLY EXECUTRJ AT" GB^JAT -CLEARING SALE i-et a watch upon the place, and pro posed, widh my/ concurrenoe, to inalqe a search of th^ premises ttiaf nigbt, l and a seeure of aiiy nnlkirfol im plements, vhen he had pejisoiTta J.now thit the concern, wo^l 1 be in full operation \frLe nearest -tation to" tha scene of 1 action wa& Portan- ( oeh, wLtfre 1 cir would 'meet 4tlSie tram at si5f p 'm , to carry me to the bccne of-action At $ix o'ckxiE, therefc:*^ on a dark NoVyp^iber nfght, I found my- -. j self at the (dimly lighted station of* ' P01 tenoch > Two or three t>easants> and hall a dozer^ squires apd EqaHr-' tens, m red co,xte<-a3nd top bodts-re- ' turning from a day's hunting, ^hghlP cd with me Shrne of tfiase Litter pad bent my con ipimonsin^ha rail way-can iage, aid durmg tlie^jour- pey, hid beejn loudly Iksnj^nting "thatj ow ing to f>pfcuniary difficulties, x the m i^t.er of tpe county! | ihonnda, could not liuno his pack this season, md that thev vere thus oljhged to go fxir .1 held foi |their e|iqi>^, , -Outside the stAfcion-, sevpral dog- cart. avd phsstons were WMtingior the htujSinK men, lamjw 1flas^mg a|nd hoi-ses tosbing their h ^da and jingling their hai^ess ^npkfiently ; anionj; the ivst, S. shkbBy courdry jHunlmg car, -with a. roughhand tin- kempt, but acftivedooking liorse in the shafto. "Aieyo'p_wiiti^g fo^-oj^l Pid : hi th to wi ri' ti; .th| fnl OF Lieutenant Helly Jond you^" ed of tho di n rf. | 1 "Right your hontjr, idd^ed, he did " cnecl the mail, briskly] draw ing up his car teethe door rJump up, quick; I'll have yon to the bar<g raeks hke thi, vffnd " |l We wen.t brafejy -aJong the dark ['wot roads for somp distanok- and presently came in. sight of tfke ^ur- racks, where a detacHmeut jif ion= stebulary, lrr'their dark, soXd|er4ikfe (.uniforms, was drawn up jijepared for 0; start. The oxheer inJlcharge caW up, and ki^ IIotv yH|spered'j I*pt!5 -1 MltN AND BOY i'j NOW GOUiG QN AX THE 1 ' X^t^hant CtbTHUNG STORE, NO. 31 WINDHAM STREET, GpELPH. EMENDOUS BARGAINS ol Tij .ve edj -yo 1 *Bl| ir' -7i ^01 be) w- <sreiph, WM. July lA|l87d; THE F.REB, PRESS WWOM * i- ? --' 1 r ' j^en.dming ^Ms Sal$, having ,redujd every article to (^>st and Ijndtr, * , , fs we are, w jdons^i oleaj; ft right out[ JfiJall and nsidjer it a pleasure to aiio-w goods, M II u. FOR exatrnxe stock, as wi UTHEfiPFORD & CO, woids informed mo jfcbis pUmrof ac tion I noticed, thai the driver of the car ascer tained was Murphy-| seeded-to tig- ten eagerly, although he simulated an,air ot careless fatigue, huddled tip in h(s seat, with iome old sack ing \frapped round Him1, anil Jixb catibeen pulled over Lib face ["You'll follow the cqtefcabulary, Ia?|d keep them msighfcall fJha way," I ^awl, addressing Mi urphy. ^~ ["'AH right your ltonorT" lief-re-' plied in a low, husky voice. JThe police dashed ff at^a swing- Iuu; ti ot, and we follovjred at the same pace Tbe mghu wris dark, ^w I hijvesaid, but the moon would rise in an hour or 1 so The rftttb watt good, and well definedjbetwaenetone . _, fwalls, and ns long as |we kept wifchi C* *& ' ml sight or hearing- of our guides-, thbre was no danger hfgoing astray' Bat the country seeaned sdenS and deserted, thero wto no twinklihg lights fiom cottage Jir cabui; no snug hamlets or roadside inns; ^all signs f>habitation ware wanting; wo might, as far as| appearances went have been p some ' uninhabited w IThe constabulary-j) orpusly, and althou seamed to make free p Ion ma 3aes of SOX aa< N'- wb of] ^?yM FKteE One Dollar .-' ' 1! .pES0K w soon fell behind -it! ag. through 1 [Shed oo.'viij- ih Murphy 'oftheJ e cavalcadeT" 'icvBhut them 1 .pi fifti 'if- ^ Ap last ajtnrnin tbej 16dt t>f eight altogetBeij" ^As we as- ^oended a slight hilL/ths horsfe fell into a walk , and- neither ^theseta' nqr blows, tho lattery 1 bestof ode i fanoied, more upon the! shafts than ^thp horse, could move jlnm to in- Jeieaacd speed 1 1 I .Us

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