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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 13, 1875, p. 2

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SSEKiKaVWr^; JH /THUS ACTON FfcEK rgfcSS UWsand, dolLra to meet bills n * bilna t^ beef fcar- fJL , = +* r i *., j >ii ralapinTM when onions had obtain- ^.UuUlf^FrKlav Morning *rf"S * V days, and ^ hi-k rt j^VSfmrjiro-Ath, but although 41 Peri Ayrw*" m Advance. * JToS. iL HAt?Klil, - S- KalU-r ar,n Pr-v tl*tr ' ^os. HjHMsotto, aTo 1 k CaTi FRlDAYl MOfcXlXp, At O IS, 1S75. The. Qrops-~The Merchant &x*d t "the Parmer Judging From present appear ances) our fanners are fiow reap-ng bountiful Harvest. Indeed, the only thiujj we bave to fear jast now*o8 that jEe weather may pos Eibly to "setae extent mt-rfere v*itb the crop- j&temg safely boused, and 't.'sJi|guif injury &t may be ea,used to fche-gtiuu by its sprouting inUhe fields. The whole coniimmilv ruav, liowever, be tairly congratulated on tbe almost certainty oft tbore being gathered in one of tha^iest crops that ksve been known^for many years, J and that the pricos for the staple products fwill Jtt^ much, higher than dnrins the past' yesp- or two. The lost jihree years particularly have^ from \ari- 'ous causes, yielded onr farmers v cry poor returns for their toil, bat pre sent appearances favor the bope that, this season, they tra to bo apply repaid for all their labor and. expense. > i And ^biie we join with the rm^r8| in "" rejoicing oyer the pro spects of an abundant harvest and must be paid b*?ng told tint 10 could not have a dollar, rind *-"* ill jgivo a fair ilea, of what oiu buu- ness men nifo mdurmg tkn sui a- inei. Th w ytu>L Amount of inon >y withdrawn Jfuqurtbo couiiti*, and: from cu-cnliUioa^ should bav<i be :u passing ov erj #ie eoimtors Ot o tr m*rck uitb , but, hnv mg been Wit a drnvvn, they vv ere-just so ran -b short The banks, of course, di l iy that Ihev vvppe speculating ih thlsr gold ,11} ,3no\v York, bijt io deny it it. nqnsense on thur par, _, the fucU are- too patent for contur dict+oh There lire also several other causes v. Inch conliibute tp ^ljs state of aftuirs, but spaco tm!1 rot i permit of uiumer&ung them at p -o-j beut V^e would here wtah to ltnpnss on oiu fmiliary and otbeis the jfict that our re till inerchnts and Etc. Uianics are r.ow sulienng fiom the j abo%e orates, and ve btheie it is the duti of eieiy jiatuoiie and honest mart to see to it that his ic count at the atom &t shop is sett td c,x t,l4 en het niocufnt Tliete u en require tha nioneVjand must ]): \ a it. \Ve kuo\r thai, in niinylm. stunivs, tlieT- ' 5feJ I i'HE Uio ui\ag<w of the maggot ohcck^dV jettllo tos of t,ho7omWs n\oh) jin- jarcd bo us, to interfotp with full -p1 .iGtTON FREE PRESS,. AUGUST .It 18^5! ^ ^ W"Qi^riD i I' t i. E5 T1 I T j? t, * > < i are cdiryuig soint of their customers ovti two ye^r^, waile lhev onlt get fur mont Lb' credit from the wholesale de tr, j and ]>y Iiev} Jintereat f6r c* da\ l^eetJni;*-that t me. This is Hiosttiymj on oui business man, and in m\ of tliew are bot in a [>o good prices-, we would wu&tore , "tion to btand the stmin n.wch _^niind ibern. tkat-'lbere is another I lonSor ^ L vouW w & das, of, men:who ba^e been *a'ch I UP" the furu,ers io ^l^h "^ ing the; progress lof the cro^s tbisl8"*1 3^ tt **" SOCfl Inlf3 D0W sb year *U niora than their usual tain*ble, and not to oxt until the anxiety, and. wbo, previous to tbo Jane rains, were deeply concern jd because- of the aWming drouth that tben prferailed for some TreJrsJ but who are now rejoicing foth quite aa"ntuh earnestness as tjie tillei of tbe soi^ Liraself We allude to the j ttore 'iiepers, or mercantile cLlss.. These.1-men are keen observer*," and knewfull well that ths salvation of, tbe country depended on tbe crop J ^hj* bhonld be harvested this year, and felt a deepx solicitude on ac- cotnit of it. ^an7 of t^ar farmers are, por-/ Jhaps, not aware that w e are passing throng a crisis m our List<rr>, ^aad tfee hardest year i on business f men tfee country has experienced f Uunable, and not to v,it until ujerchaht is compelletl to send dun- n bg levtep. Whetber j our jac- count be out dolhir 01 a hundred, settle it tt once, and thus assises m reliqin.g Che ditbculties with widen e\ery bnsiiuet^ man has to contebd, J and be siiro.be-wih remember the man who doe so B\ this.melans \oa will help to avert .what might otoerwice turn out to be a great financial calamity in the connjry &r the past thirty jears, but it is iieTertheless a fact, and bur mer chants are straggling manfully to avert what might be a great cal amity, effecting alike merchant, farmer and mechanic Tbe causes are various. In tbe first place, there |was considerable stagnation in trade in Eebruary last.^wlnttfa .-stall prevails thronghout the conn try to a greater or less extent, ansinf from sympathy with tb ro- * cent great panic in the tJnited- States, during which hundreds oft, the best bankings and< mercantile bouses On the other side succumbed to th^ beneral depression This depression extended to Canada in JP'eb^^a^V lasfeanly, we art happy to say. witb mncb leas severity +hanE8 in .a sreat- xaeaaaftfto the fxelrt^ons of the mercba&ts. Sut, had. tbe crops turned out bad and prices low tbis year, we would nave Is Salt of any Value as " Fertilizer. St^veral }ears ago^ilr Lare-qs &ul>nut.d a ]cipu to the R<i>il AgiiluliUrul Society of Engh nd, in wIikIi be detailed A nmnbti1 of CHreltilly" tondnc.ed e\penm<tnts with salt, which^showed conclusive 1 th d a general top-dressing of Srflt njtrtifd no effect ai all, ei'li r by increasing the grow th of st si* or augmenting th<? crop of grjiin. A coniu iss.ion of! eminent cliem bts, designated b} the Trench Gqi }m pjent, reported that it hid no.'*i;t.lue at all as a fertilizer It is pcfet ible that sal^uay be of some Value is a fertilizer m this piovmce, whicl| is so at renlotp ftom the sea iat tbere^cah be no sahne particle:! in t^ie air, and it *o.tkl be Weliif s |me carefully conducted expenm ibts Weie uiAiie on different soils and in different parts of the country For snch experiments'to haie any yhic- tical value it will not be sufficient to scatter it broadcast o^er ithe who'e ef & field either of grans or grass, and then report tbat the < rop was?' benefited oy it but the salt mubtbe u4ed on pirfc of the leld onlyt and ths quantity used pti icie ctuefully -noted, and also the yield of jg&tin and btraw, or of haj, as the case may ba, concci'y alcei- Ubned I 1 ( It i>eems sirapTy absurd to Sup pose tfyat- a top-drebsing of nit. bad f endoie all tbe miseny andl' unless ve^y hti,v\, cm ha\e jauy loss consequent upon a greit finatv effet-t ln di!8tro>ln^ elther & aM? or I--1J- nl [panic similar to what- our neigbbors across tbs line are io-d!ay v suffering irom. Then, to make the fcase^rprse, in FeDru^ry and Match ottr banks, to the great embarra'-s- ment of our mercantile inen, um- a. mebced online of action/without .precedent at such a time and under similar circumstances,, ana not, war "granted "to the extent Cairiad by Tb^em. Tfa^ at^ that time took away to Jfew Yorkisooral millions ,of dollars infold, out of ubich they were realizing large profits ni specir- i J&uons there,\and, to keep this up, tbey b^wi to-ccifrpff entirely, onw 4 duce the line *of ^ dasconnte or * atr ' jtonimodUtion-wbicb thepr jcustom^ Jer?erepepending uppte aftd iad # jSglit t^jexpeot, aaftf. w|ii^ ihej ^sbonld bave extended to]thteii< cus- itowers t}iroMghout-t|i ^scjoatry-- >o d^vclapiutiit of tho bujlw , solajro ; fter to UM) tbo diV Rait, and if th0 wwithei sliould "prove diy, givil/u, Kood A\iUoing linmetjiatily alier- waiAls, so as to disaolvjo tho sult.i S ik iuikj l>e benehcially applied to plants, of tbo c ibbage ti lbc, and illso to celery, but these are mariuo jrli.uts originally I liaio nevei t^ken the tiduWe to liusonspanigUH, as tho noil 'of my, gaulen is too heavy for that \ogetable, but a bidv Mho fWneily resided in Ovtru Sound and >*ho pudKl herself on hei*garden, assured me that vlun she >uisJd-aspiranns bho u>ed to spply irdijossm^ ot salt three linJIus thick ,bijt that ^uidt-ii nuis oiigiu atW u jq|iick;iid, so that wjitn fruit trees-wero bret planted theiea quantity of^lirtvings bad to be placed m tbe bo;s dng for tho tries before tin > weri^HOt out I wovdd lecoininiiid this subject to tho attention of join readers, and hope some of therts w)li be ln- duced toexpetuuunt With ssilt (ind repoit tho result Faimir* A^io tCtt -----,-----------,,------,--------r | How to have ifeood Milk;ers No matter what breed of wws jou ha\e, something is -ntoesl-ul) to re leh the. highest silCeeeS of ntibiug milkei-H And mu<fariliu*s ever evpect to raise uood stock trotn cows to * Inch, for the jnirjiostj of uiukiP" the intlkei'S, the) !ia\e l>eeu in the h ibid of usin^an) kind of a. bull tLej could pick up Its a ^reat thing to have good blood , Iw lief her \t bu m Ayrshire, Jerstj, or sbotthoin giadts, but apitfi-oui this im]M3itant udkau ta^,e, the course ot tieitineut in rusiugla milker issomoh it di,iki ent krotn that m mistily a be J am luul or ajun i) toi 1 iboi Tho . ilf slioutl bo well fed and petted iklnle >oung WeJl feil to prodiice a rapid giowth, io as to enable the heift r to coino in etuly , petted to m ike lioi gLiitlc and iui d of tho piebeii^x1 of bet keepers. Fondling helps to creat a quiet dis position, i>o mipoitant in a daueon, and this education nust bigm when young For a milker, we would ha\e; the heifer come ln t\bcn two yeans old, and if she has been well kept, so , as to base attained a good sizel she is then, old enough 'to become 4 cow She will give more milk for coming in early It f<^ins the h i Xnt of giwng milk, and the habit j ou know, is a sort of second nu ture, An old bull is better ^We use too many }oung bulls j A three or four jear old is far tattei ; than a yeuiling, md many piefer a five or sii. j ear old than an\ ether After the heifer comes-in, k; bei be fqd regulaih ClOver" is piefer able to all others for st dl feed A little oatmeal induces a large .flow . Indian meal is rather fattening ln bad weather give her a clean, airv btU A cow newly come in si ould not drink cold watei in coid weatk JQriN IIO(Li<J. Ilaa pleasure in lotting tbe go<?d people of Acton and the jCounties o^ Halto^.4a4 l^e} | (^ 3RITJ313 jAND FOREIGN Aj Wherje jie has madja large purchases pi' ;ND .FAIJCY ^hicb will jbe along durina; this month, further notice of 7pieh'wi*i be giyen. WONDERFUL ATTBACTIONS W;iLL BE OFFERED! And that Wonderful Man's sUinding motto " Small Floats and Quick Sules JDS-A-Tia: rTQ XjOj^tc^- ^^,10^13 Ansni jlodstg- PRO^iTp i I55T An early utspection fiom old friends and cuptoniora is f-espectfully solicited. "Q"Ej t^m,t,.tni.m ' iigton kno^ that be bas j\st return.ed frop the MARKETS ^ I GOODS, I 7 31 -*f 'X August 7, 1875 *"^rSK!*" ___,^_t'- "T*! RD MONTREAL ^ Will be tbe watchword, which means (JOHN UQG& Alma Block, Upp* r Wyndham- Street.i Gnelpi, >f In Hardware undersold. our stocks are fuH^ b^r . ^?ices cannot be Our dtock.of Teasi^not equall^c^ &nd to 90 cents p^r pound. ^ In Crodkery and Glassware ,we hoicil large ,s+ocks, and at prices below the market. Granite sots from ^hree dollairsj In Groceries, we have one of the largest and p]i<>ic$&$' stocks west of Toronto.^ j ' - , f f - } j longing fifom 15 jdents y F .Sugar fojj? H>r $1 for $1 er, but moderately warm slop |0 lbs best White Crushed or Granulated 11 lbs best Bright Refined Sugar 12 lbs best Medium Suga 13 lbs !Dark MosciW feugar for $l,v Turni,p Seeds and Harvest Tools, ^c, in Great Variety. The Greatest Sale *>f a IS NOW] GOING ON 1 3V BUOENB J. MALL. "vL. Thru O^lien Holler, whare hemli>oi grow, -1 *^ AVhare f^io ripplm' rills with a rtiih sad flow r AroLos'e^ the rndfiToeks falling Whare fox e(d' heal: an' catamount bide, A ck mt preacher once ased to ri^e, An' HU upmo wa ^Butua Kawnn- ls. * 1 J an* What was the eason AT THE GOLDEN LION, GUELPH. istroj- ing either gi wire worms Suppose 300 lbs of Salt apihed to an acie, that" quantitv .ontainB 4,860 ou ices, whilst teic are 4,840 equire yaids in an acle, ijO that there tsouJil be less than ai ounce of jsaltfor e^erj piece of gfound nine feet sqlaie, or about as much Bolt as spru kled on. a beefsteak when cooking . The favorable result of appiltng salt to Indian corn or beans il i tbe hill is owing to the salt bemj j ap plied at wanting time, and u ex- 1 plained onjthertbeory that the salt being dn^lved and taken up i; ; the sap, renders the .stalk of theco: u oi beans distasteful to tbe grul I haw e read kn account of tbje ea j >err nfent ^beinp tried by au Amt ican fftitner on part of a forty-acre held $Z Indun forn, witb yery Javp i^ble results \ bave for tjhe last two yeara tiiey it myself on beami by < _Li wthe phaais who nbftumson {en aOfeBJinodalion leoold ,-iUrcfJy MDOattt, an4 thi lavs ibousand wi - 'opif ive ^mS -$bai4 Tfao eoupi famfe*rHssd^oar m< t, $$ \qmjpo+ map* wk< W^*t e ^banks, balf 1hfft iooubtedron u^dt^ey coi tnd, wJ1b> u Lj8s(sutns is* l *^"J^t Ranted "*/or_ '3Bb Cal\es iiitended foi raising should betaken from the cow within a few dmyf, and they will b less liable to Buck when old Feed thenl hrfct with new milk for a time, then bkim nnlk, thi'n bxiur milk, taking care-tbat ull the eliariges aie gladu al by adding only a portion at .hist, and gradually a little nieab Cai\ es well fed and taken qj re of with a quart or two of meal daily in winter, will be double the sire at two years tbat tl ej Mould bave attained by common liiat- ment Heiftrs thus ttref ted may come in at two j ears old, and will be better than neglected animals at ithree, and one yeai saved llejfeis dued up too eaily foi calving vill often tun diy in, after vears, threfore be alwavs clirtful to nnlk closely the hrbt jeai| until within six weeks- befoie cilvjug ^leai ty < atars are desn-able for cows, and the(y may usually be se lected while calves A dainty calf will hktdy be a dainty cow Heifem sliould be accustoiqed to be ftvely handled htfote calving | scattering; jthe salt alon^ the <! nils as soon as|the beans were covired, and certaiAly I bad fewer beat; i-de- stroyed by tbe grub' tbajn 1:: the foi mer years when I used no |alt. ilievertliei^ss, I do'not consideutbe result suffaciently satistactoi, <, to form a precedent for others t .fol low. I injtend to 'repeat the eo ^eri >ment this year witbrmoreexacikiess as the grkibs are more sum itrous ~ime year tbs,n others By w eigh- ig tbe qv antity of salt used and pplypig'i; to only partef tie slop, i bope to >c ab[e to make a moie carreer re j ort aba future ;tim :,; I bave isppli ed salt with a Wry good effect! to a lions that were bem % de stroyed bj tbe onion ^naggot, but ikmiist bej'atauied yery (hick ^nd V -! Deternjijif'd to clear off thp balance of Summer Stoicky treraj idous bargains {will be giv^at Mcb|a s ji other hotise in Guelph can aflforti to g'np. > t ' ^ I FEW OF Tfp'jJN^S K^FGED. ^ , -I OB^EltVE THE PRICES OF A > Rich Printed Lawns and Mushps, 7Jc, worth 12ic. a Those beautiful Celestial Lnsteretts t)ress Goods to be r^ishid off at lSJc., form^njprice 25c. 10 dozen Ladies' Silk Squire ties, 25c , real puce SI [ Lace Shawls, 75c, worth $2 One dollai Parasols for 50c | ' Mdbnerv, Mantles, Grenadines, Black and Colortjd Silks at half pnep A* the Giealt Gnelpb Dry Goods Stare, tb|e I^pn GTJELPH, Jnly lo, 1873 of funding ^ GRAND CLEARING SALE tJF and drawing their teats I They will not then be so difficnlf to jDlilk Begin gradually, and b'e careful not to btartte tbem [ In milking cows, dtvide the tune as neaily as possible between morning and evening, ospecially at the tinio of, eai'y ,gra|js, that the" udder may not suffer. I | Persona who milk should keep their nails cut short, nimmils* are sometimes hurt with sharp! nails, and are unjustly charged with lest- lessness ^TJo determine which cows are b$st for 'keeping, try tbein milk separately, and weighctheir butter jfor sometimes h "cow map give much nnlk and little butter!, and frzds verea Coftnan's Ilural World ' j Staple aad Fancy Dry Goodg AT | THE FASHIONABLE WEST END. The inhabitants of the Village of Acton and SQwujpcJjng country ire invited to attend the Grand Clearing fciafe of . _ Staple and Fanc^- Dr^r Gqo^ Now Going on at the FASHIONABLE WEST END , i/ress, Utttttlel and millinery Establishment, UPPER WYNPHAM STBEET, GUELPH. Xa^mage on Beecher Each of tjiese eminent Broojclyn divides edits a newspaper, and in making' reference to the recent trial, Tal mage remarks that1 "the trial will do some good, bb it Will teach all ministers, and married men too, to bo extr^me|y 'ecoripmical in 1 :issing Immense Crowds every day. I AstonisWna; Bargains to b bad. Come and See. * i ^. O-, BUOHAiVr:, Fashionable West End Dress, skanMe and Millinery Estabhsbnient. Ouelph, July J., 1875. r and writing love letters mens wiveB X- A cbampjon of-tbe lig to more ttnwi oneei during tlie se a on ' A. dishopest shopkeepdr. other t WeijBjbls vTOIB ALL K?NDS 0T PBOMBTLT. EXECHj!eK / l' / THE PBBH ?BISS OFItlOB , * GREAT Men ! i! I J. D. WIIuLIAMSOlT. O :crOTHiTrir a- ^o "VyiW |be givei. Ai > we are anxic into elear it; right out co isidetj it a pie i sjire to show goods. r qi^ABINGt ISA^B OF jHe Was set in ma wayst ' . jptiange, , Jf yjob aTgaei with irtm be Trimldn't Y*4 donldn * git nothja" j^tfip i&df Spleran an' fetoW in style'wa* ,B6 l, SiendBCjui1 sbm as a tamarack tree, An' llurgaay to disagree With everybody tbat Knew iam. i r j v | Onfe mght he saddled hia sorrel Aarti, And'started over to piptdn, wbalre He'd promw'd tOidttsoHie prea<2iin' * Away ha captet^d over th4 hill, PastJthe Bchodi house at Cyjen'a Mffl 'r The moon wias dowri and the niehtl was isbllJr i ' Save the'-ou|id o' a J night-hawk ecreecjun' ' ' f At l^att be came to a dark ravine A feelin/ kind o' queer, <py"a mean SSensjfiaon steafcn"o'er hub. Old .Soirel be^an to iravSI alow, The parsott clucked, an' he hollared T-Wnq*'", , Anr wondered what was afore bint. Then 'all 07 a sadden he seamed to hear A gtrghn groan, so very near lh&G scattered his sensea nearly , Ffifo <omef" re-echoed the T&cmntam side ; "Go 'oipe '" away in ihe distance died. Ap'-hg wished he was hodv^fincerely. An' then afore his terrified sight, t A light gleamed oat in the st&rlhts night , That seemed to beat all creation. Then thru thejbashea'a figger to <, } " With eyes o'fire an" hps \ coal, That tingled the parson & righteous soul. An] filled him wi^h consternation. He lost jus | sermon, an' dropped is book;j - His Ivor nz ub. and his saddle* shook Lake a sawjsiill under motion. v Kevet a single word he said. But, Boddenly,tunun' old Sorrel's bead. Away an"ojil 0' the woods he *ppd, An'~put io\ the l&hd o' Goshen. . -fato the streets o' Goshen town, i IJhe tert?hed barBO^ coin ndm' down, In b learfoCaert o' a flutter , Swift as a stiJQDg September gale. With his cloak a streamin.' hie SorreTs t^b , I With his eyes Wide open an' bis visage pale, . l , " 1. { An' whiteir thin, winter 'butter. -, '|le told the neighbors that he had seea_ ,A fiend or fire i3 HafTs Ravine s ' , That"bad driven-him back to GosheB. He told orits deep an"dreadful groatis^ Of tta doleful criea and dismal moans, Of rbs tlairun ej es an" ratthn' bonee j 1 An it got op a great 'commotion. fdn' stranger, it is magy a day ^ iSinci Kutus Kawhn vis laid away ' Xnlthe grave /aid over yonder } 4 was alx^y m those glad l^oara, ' [ , As ^uU \o fup as eufi fprln^ with %h,d e .^fliowers , * N ' 'TwW me an' a son o*1 Jacob Pwwqfs lhat got up all that waijder , We took a puukiti o common aizei An buttin" home hple lur the mouth an' I e>es, % We gm it the r ght-expresuon , Thpa MolleVcd iti out iill ius he!l -was Ar' fUttlii a tallow dip within,-* lu io )lf.ed as ugly an' us mean as sin -. 'l'^oulda 8Lor,ed a whole procession, v The imght was dark as ever wss sees, Qa! poxhnv' was heerd in ^uft.s Batme But the sound <? the wser flewm , Thewikson come, in his quiet way, A sinpkiu* his oid^brown pipe o* clay, | A thinkin' o what he was goin' to say. When he got torwhare^he was gam. An? I the. fiend he/saw, sn^ithetrattunTI I bonea __, ' f Were a ipunktn, a- gourd,an's ome gravel I ptone^ ' ^Chat Rin al^O' that glory ' TetJ never Sgm up the' moan tain side,, In the mght~Wonld Rafus Bawbn nlle % ~ nlany a tnnk I've laughed till I cried jj Tb hear h^ni tdl the story /->i 1 ' i- 1" _ Ldre Sized Newspapers. Tho ,&t> Ixjuis "G?pbe" ^says of large4 newspapers % The immense, newspapers known as "blanket sheet?" are out of date as antinuat^ -ed as silver sboe-buektes and teitck burning in Newjgngland,. For>yesift they have beenfaTHngmtodiajfavorj^ but; just after the war, When- gteCn-^ backs were plenty and khoady Aows were in order, they flourished feir- i^ ierm_ Thehj 'race was, soon> run, bowesr, wlrorr the coanlrj fairly' \ setited down to business. While i ^J 1 o: ^1 X *li 1 c ' S \* r ,t v- Ajj^ooroldt And direct^ SamtjPeterj ^itb hi wordsaq i Kow, while " Ap The* events ( Be seep * la?7 < SUp qule^y" I = M "tiowm Peter,! \_ In. awenfar cried; "WEtafflyJ msaicll _ "Why is not f |uea*l -Twixt 1*e had das "KotatsllJ notataJ Jnst>* fjrorf ing * " "Bat poor j tossy, Byhnndred ' --d*y i )J ADoo.tjttDpej aloag, Then alfl vmgJ0 -r 1 1 r -ma-^i w^. ' __ , _^^ \ wkdle alumna fall ef a&rtllng head- I \ W II D / \ \T O ^ hn*8 of terble ^atttes and ***-. r ir-\ 1 \ I I 1 r\ I I V ^S victories were eagerly,boughtj-and, JL X. X 1 MLS WJ \ / JL l J , reau ^y anxious people all -OTer the NOW GOII^G OJO Ar THE v EusPELA-ir CLOTHING STX)l^E, 31 \YTNDHAM STREET, GTJEJ^H victories were eagerly ,boughtr-and, reald, by anxious pelople all <JTer the country, the ituge hand bills news paper "was inn demantt Bot no^j live men cannot afford to waste spars pa^ng^over *hola colurbns, o^joonjec- tures and-suppbsitians and persona} aignrdents to, fand an *aia Or a pit of news tbat mightibe Goi^tensedTWto a tew lines. Ills a loss f>X t"4o encl patience ^ 1 \. * IvTpwspapefs are like turnips HM^ SUler tbey are the <more subtense re isln, ?bem, as a-general thu>i, e nave lonnd this on^ -rcr TREII1ENDOUS BARGAINS 11 1 I 1 ' f during tip Sale, having reduced ,eveiJy\ article to ^ost ^n^TJnder, GruelpbJ, July ^ mi 1,1 In 1 ' 1 I tt^a ppople those 01 Call and examin 1 > i 1 t I 1 3tockr i as we ^'M. RUTHERFORD & CO- t5J, 1875. I , I UpSOsiBE tFOIj^ ,THB 9. piigsja;*: and t J3ence1tb*ose"newspapers which have the mdst information in the fewest words have become toe mostpOpnla^ t * anil tho nio->jt successful f In the ^davfe when the people Of A>nriSS re- cef*e<| b^ siow going jstagaas news-, pipers a freek old and expected |o reoeive no more fork weeldor a m?nlii, adcordirig to Che condition of roads and1 Ibe rapidity pf sailtsg ships, they copld affbrd to sit down * 'and wade" tbroagb aj blanket sheet, merely tor ,pastime | 'JJut tjhat>-hag gabe|by. When yon go/tola mso. for Inlormatjion yqii waoLa&jat once, wrthdut any prolix-jor preamble or? h unnecessary additipar, and the same is .Ibe case, with newspapers.! 3 "Ihfja is afpr^scrh^yoa^n 1 s\ in Bag. f ihi for tof^au-oxbfi drunkenhess, by wiuoh thousands aregaid to' t^fe be-a 88 sted in! retcovermgjvismsVVesA Itlu rafoUqv-s: Sulphate o| bx>n, five gxair-t pepp^miat water, iljorahms; spirit,lol niVtJueg, one dndm twice a day. Tlbx TflrejteaTtaJn acts, as bfc. stnanlant aid-^ toaic, ad""rafrti&Uy ejypphes fh%plsceW the- aetilstoidsd bquo| andprevents ttjtt absolnufpfaysieal and moral piostzatiq^ than follows k kudden (breaking from the. use of stimulating dnnks. 1 s -1 1 jjiaant "^ For $bA gsWt aboad Jion, whid v frem goin^j { terous to" t mB&t, aadl from tbial one ot thi eaing the: the only fifhsrhodl 4pou tne ] giiuilv-^ -Y"oa a .evidence t ltibtrumend Feoea thl aloiS^took I Uamely, ho .. evidence, la^ , icsfvi| me wiph-t )ook to for 1 sat one (iojl 'throbbing I ^iffJharlie'J [ An -honij ^.kdiwk^ij; old gist v, that I badj ing a lawyi mwhod byd nig oblrfea - atl Archly f ruUrder and ter bve rojwjfuUy^ rPttophtj Mtyoisiko^ $<*&$ > yda were. ' f'Whai^ ^1 beabselv jr&el*~ i f'C T_ nun Mkmai ^nUalcetLfJ I jahooia $ ^iffv nibsaiTiiwI f Come -|*Cited;i abjonlttubvl , WSO-&T |i4jjortwt| 1 "df|w th go a .tiieU fejlow^ey 'dHisttadJml fair if r t it-.-./ \^ I t:

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