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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 6, 1875, p. 4

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Tttte tCTflr FREE] PRESS ^ TrRX<~CM'e dollar > ,v-ii"i siric-tytn - s IvantcT ' ' JriftoH*ld:w-ii'*|n,-h *-' 'Uoi'th* or ;4\^-ndoil>ir*ir l't pa iltlll.Uir.i'H.1 i>! tho -.' -ycAr. No pal or will Ho m>m l" any por- :: n more'Miiu one year uni^iul. 'llxtBS.r .\r.vt;RTUfi>\u.-"Kli;ht rents p-rHire Tor flst iiisvrUpn. iu..t .>uviils n<-h-/Kub*n|i-<'U U-M-rti.!'.. - .fehort itv.-'rtfai<ti\vrnii<tr "H?1" 11 n.';;' i*nj iBodiT, *1 f-ir:tn>.-iMiisrrH.trv. HiKlne*^. , etjht liiu-s jaut i.ti'ter,. t< per - ">uu9n>. " - '-, ; ; A Iti>orar<Jt-ou!',t**li>CAin ilvi-rja<>. ftiorvtt, mxerKvl Jr t'M-'iM. d | rwls. ' .v.lv.r>ionu"nl*|ir!lh<>nt -v*""'-* InMree- Vjixv, Insitt. d iK ri.rl)i.l.,i^.U ;. charged.' ^SvViT.UnclV;- r ." ' v" ,' - :! AiiT SBofiitf-SoUee. tnr o}^c-: <-f which ti> i>ion-.iVme pCMtniaryv iy)..n> ofKUy i iTvi.rnM csj^-rtnvjAn)., to be o.#UM.iere.l -Bin :> )vrri!rrVio*.>U .'iY-mitt-Nit uilvcitifPittVu'ji ii It paid for *tlo;: .-.rVT.-vt. -.*?' hSVuV^MlS accounts* >ei'*Si>r*. :,-.;V..-'yerly. i.v. f X,v>.>ciyjvt Mur.i:^e:-l,:tt?:thUlajHl Death* J. It. ^lACKiNiU- rr 9 . H . 12 . 13 . 14.; 15,. ' .iusns-1!. /a. g> J ; -f' rS"1 T' "?; 3; i.~:t oua'eil. ;'.i ;; '.-. rx<- - ,-.-ro . .< having npplli . cm ..Motui: Vr;.::;;h;i! ". iUvl: IT uL .;; .: i tr-Uf-t-CH-n Ol i t to ll.il- O -Otll of nt. -Thy minutes v.'ci'o read !i:;J'. l>:v Aiiount of Legulati.^ Giants npjwptK?ned to each of M Schools of the County' for t|i June, Sec; 1 3 ' .6:' J to half-year 1S75; : " ESI^OWMM}'. Average Attou. ..... T3.li; '.I ...:! 31.7'J .. ...... -30.1 JJ .. . '.;. 53 8-J .. .,;.:. 2o .^ ...... "ti.4l.> .. :."..V.V S4,t)o .. ,.;^ 6ii.46 .. ...v. ; 14-.. -.>. ;. ... >.;W . . 3-.-J ...;.- 10 42-. 40.J 2 . 0t).Gov. ihe 80ik t of Grant.' -J0i4t - do.ta. /.I 91- 58.76 y^.12 41-45 S0.9 SI.74 "Jf5-.9S 45.02 )9 90 4S.4B C002 00.17 Si-CUOU; tht> .'ci.rjiu .wi'-rii!2:. t- ^ Ptl rxo. l -:i to oiu to iousitrust-:s nlso. ::-i}i ; ^'4'j i^V! . ' ' NASSAtiAWK>-A. SKs. 1 Average! Attcn. Ara' .i>l.i ft '- -;- .: ' r"- 1 - /- lpp-sr-.'. ' 'r - -' ^' ^; < Pi:Wl^:- .'.'TV i. ' u of $470 tor ^ '.-.'nt of (tieir s>-hr>ol -."5tli'ti.s "'.1 bV-l:l\V \V;i| . eJ'--"fifl :{J:UWfi]." Til' it '(c VfctioiuNo. J uuiJe iippiit-.rtiori; '. . .*:iiss a bV-h\.w 'tl$ iiovrovr' the sinii r / wril l>0 iiiMMi'iicftl itnil }:t:ssetl : "at, tlie nest imVliug of tbe ifouifcil.i - '." i+f. "Jien^ii'S liitjytHli socon.knl-by - Mr." Norrish. 'Dint the sunt of $5 _--be paid to IVob.t.- Hadden, fur itv- TSffarig a briilge tiiii the c.ruis. i o;uf, W \.e=i lots 5anl 0> 2ticicon., anil . ifh-'ftirtiier sutn of^3.0|2 to iWiij. r-iiarns for timber /for-, a jculvept on ^r~ ti;e-Or.elph road!"--fCarriisil. 'Mr: Menzies jnaved, sc^ouilf-Ji by Dr.. Winn,"That |the pi'tit;on| o"f -Alexander Pavi-.\s^>n aiid ;4tai'i-s, asking aid' in l>t-bfilf of Mt^. tTrsiu, be |-^cWivetl And read.- Carried. " .; Petition rend, and 'ordered la'tic -over. '; -Dr. "VVinn. moved; sei-wtdr.l bv Mr. Meniles, That tbf' ^io.iisf of H. Tjvoa for Ideepijfg the,itttt: Da"yid "W^irfo^- eight HyijeVsi tanHMintiug" j" --tQ^--|/'J;e-"]T:u<l, aiid itikx. tJle fnr-. .!. iher'siim of S.$0 bo -paid to II.; f j. " Carried. j-: |- Mr. Norrisjh nioVed. seco.nHejtl.by !: Dr. TPinn, Th^iil e airwfe5fi ^.34 ;>.. ;:be paid to'J. .Arnlstnurg for-; two ' sheep tilledby 3ogs, th sme bav- liig been duly certified. turned. , . 'ilr. ]Sorrisb moved, stvtiuiitd. br .-' Easterbrook, That the. s\id> o? 83.35fbejaiid. to Vf. \<rCv\-s fiir i irnishing irateriail .for l-iti'jiji: on tije 6J(de of the road opposite -lot 32, on the' 2nd con.TT-Sarri>;d. ; '.'-, On motion the qounciladlottHied to aneet again on Saturday vl . -day of.-Sept^sbfir Ee^gt. ' ' "'" ; ' VO^Jf.EASTfeK'lSRCiOsi ;'..; Tovesship -C'lerl: 2/ 3 4 5 6 ;t 3 Sec rl . 3 .' 5 . 0 . 7 . S . 9 . m . IV.- 12 . la . 14 ". Vr r\6. . n . 15 . 19 . 4!) 23 ;.';;,. 45-..W .. i.... 45 32- ... ]....: J34 02, . j.:.,..' '2U.83 ':.' iiif> . i...4:. SJf-fs4 .. i ');i)C 4 * ... . . - -J . (- j- '.-.. Totals " 340 03 . | 'Ttfa'Ai.OAU, Averago Atten. . ... sooo-^. .... 45 02 ... . :.. 33'IT-... ..v. .2961 ., .... lf^.- .... 'V3$96'.. ..',. 19.Si5 .. .;:. :3l.G2 .. .-;:, i4.*Sr.. ., 25.31 r. fV.... 2^-42 .. .;...i; -t31 30 .. .... 71.02.. ;. -.'- 22.07 ... .... 49.45 .. ..... 13.5") ;. ..;.; lo.ip .... ' 17.S2 i .-,..: 20.44:-.. \he -ith - > - : -' An: Mi:' .=-; : fen. : ,...,/:-ri?';""|-:" ' " ?>ods vyefci Xfca he 0 ' !tfte.-; -fi:;*;L' tm::K : ' 3 11:: It!]-?-- -if - - j ,t" l-Jjl_SS. .!. k|*- '-'r i 3-= i. :al:- , to Keep ! a Sa."bscrlt>er. ;indignant jfirtne-::]; rj-iiently enured the oiSce of!.tile Miltoii i^Ui and ordered iiaji'4.j-er stopped beccijse he diStred in. l>i=jviiews'-rer g-.VTiiirfg tUe'advautagss of subsoil- . ing-fi-tce"tatls: The edit-r.o?.ooursa | 'coiici-jL-d the' uian'.s --v.L'ht .to ..stop ~liis ].ap-2:-. iiviti lie .rcirtai'kedj. cooly; Iriokinif'overjjite lint : ; .; ". I - ,J( " j. voa-knbw Jiti- SJ^'df^rs, of ?*""- '- *-;," "Pj>hed IL" jr.an. . - t .,./:!. LV;stopped n!'. paj.er last o<ic:iu'-:e I tlioi'.gL'.. y. farmer Vi-;:!:e.i fco' y.'ho ii:-i:i'ti bjiosr iiuotliy S'.f-u Ky.-;s a ;.-ijoJ tLit^.g. ;". >ft on hucklel^rry b-.inhes a:.d. Cropped c!<.ad l.'.^t; four, hours. :.-\"ards.". ;"';--' -i. ., ': ;! ' L.-rd, ift'that soj" said the as- ; ". toyJ!;iv-;]:gra'nj;er..(' ' ". ' ' ' and you. know C. 'Krick- !: jiijnt;'-it Stoney'Greek ?" '] . *> VTell,' T hayq .heaycl of-him;" was t)ie-reply.. . ' "r : : '"' " Well," said tjje editor gravely ; -",he stopped- hi.s:,:papHr .because I said he vvus tlie:,:happy I'fathi'i- of twins iind congra^ulat-ed hint Upon ,'Jtis- success so late] itk life. ' Ho died} Therare r.. lots- of similar cuses, bt^t it don't ,.-: matted. I'll just 'cross your, naini off, t-Iiough' you don't look strong. iHid! there's badcolor^on }"otjr tioBe." 'See Ji ere, STrJ-KJitor," said the . somewhat, ularmed- "& Bojieve I'll just kn-p another Veat^ ^piiise 'I, always did like your ..jiaper j; ah'd1 eoiuo to .think aboui it) you're a young man ] undsoriie/allowarice orter bo uiade." And he departed,, satisfied that lie had a. narrpw fescitpe from death. '- ~-.- The Rey. J. H. Johnsto^, ZA.A., Toronto, ~has j-raised $l,4fii' in j -the-town of Sitncoe towards the onddwinfent' of [Victoria; College.! He ia about tp'jdsit othA- tbivus on iijBimjlar mission) .; .;/__ > T'nipn, which is cpmposefl of delegateK from all. the! Trades' Unions in tlj,t Do- ' iwnfpn)Jield.its lannual rheeiiiig at .: fet; Catharines, tliis 'weok. .-Subjects 'J^^htJjipecial interest to ihe.woi;king i clasaeji -Were discussed, r ^ \ The )pres?bti Dnke of Aigylo is rtot'dnlyjian honbriible ansi ihtellec- iaal. man, but he! has trjiined tip his j^iyly, to imitate liis viniij>s; One Qfhis sons, Ldrcl falter Caiu'p'oell, ik a-, member ofj ihe stock broktiig l|rm ! of Caiup- t.iell; another is in ;i. cor^e'a'liug iirui; wilile tlra thiid is ptndyi.n^ lie -Argyll fitiiiily n a Well jts^oble- Totals.. 370.93. 1 3"; 4 5 -.() 7' 3 : 10 : U 12 13 A. \1U t -iif (Jrant. $50 62 4l.0t 38V43 ! 24.07- 25 SO 41,04 31.81 32 S5 30 SS 40.^2 43,31 2ii 04 G4.1SJ *<: J3.76 ... 23.13 ..; : 20.83 .;$741.GO . KKLSO^jt Average Attv'u. {Ain't.of Graiit. , . j".. 28 29 ...; :. 37.45 ...I.. 30.^2 -.-/____ 33'29 ...:'-.; v 29.24' .....'.' 32 33 ....... 55.80 ...... 43 37 .:..-.. 31 IS ...... iSO 03- ..;:.. * ii4.07 ...... 32.54 .....1 10 39 Totals 473.79. Sho DtinR bv ah Ina ine iMan On Sunday 2"5th tilt., 'a" rather startling affair occurred'iii Seaforth. Jam a Blashill for soniE tinae past has been.in a very, low.mintal state, at times' threatening si lf-destruc- tigiij and his brother irttt nded. him at hts i boarding house tc sea that! he did: not harm himself. '. Un Sun day jhe,- seemed mtich.-b stterytlian usualijbut in the evenings ler an sud denly tohra room and re urned in a few |iHinut6s with-.a jhivo-lver in his hands.; '. In;passinj; Ufrough; the diuing.room he fired 'at :t *6 persons seated at tjjie t^ble, -the ballet pass ing th(-qugh' the obat and visst of one" of the perspttJi, ^grizin'g-.-tlie skin:jit his waist. .He run outr in the street and iired another l'Lut iwithont touching: Two!perspns follpwed hits, and; he' ttiyne^roup^ .and .fired .a bullet passing thidugliUie.liat. > pne r the persons and^maklng. a ..'narrow, escape;.'from taking :hi t life. ' A: nnnibeTr, of people-were u i the street at the'time> jreturning rri)mchurch^ and fa? grea-xcitment prevailed.- and be :$"-si;qo %i Grant fm 6110 Jt24 i 43 72 ,-33.?0 55 47 37 12 ;35.t)ti S437.0q fop Kituatroiiin this btt^to as well 1 portions of adjucent Stutys, -is bectmiin^; v'uryj tilarihin^ Thoro is n hoivrp^ntipfaUlevevj- d!iy, and '.Bhort;-intisvuiistiipiij wltli hotj Aotiju. BiuUliino aggravuteH evi). Thisf kind of weather has '^m]!tiii>ie(l' fori, TAMES MATTHEW'S,Conveyancer, about six wu(?ksrtind is lielievodi to' - *f' ,lsB-u?p- of ^arrmgi,' l.-icfiiscp., Pojft-. . ", Miuitur, .Iiimiriuicu Agutit, Audit MonuV bo wtthout Aj{uut Mont^aiaV. Co., Utfk diiyp'r two tllo lautfull hjis, inort|its-. Fourth l)i\v Court, Coin. in'Q. B., &c.j !etl and gloomy upprohejiiHipns .(irtvrAeton,-.Out. > felt in all aectj<j|)u' of tha cpfiiitry.-' The poni (jrop has not beeiv dd.ni- aged seriously as yet, b(it it Hi :be- lievoU thtit tho cr^jp. of whoat, oats, vye, barley and hay hivUfi beon .ill- jurcd fifty pelr eent-. iil! qoulity ami sprouted in fj shock, and at leasf two;tliii;dsai-e already ruined. Corn is in .tjne oondition, but iiot more than half tlio trbp wii bo saved. It is.-niiliing heavily -throughout the Statei tq-night and atream* al- i-eady baulf furT will pasabeyoiiiiall ivstra^it.^p^i^oi'fMW. ' :, '.['* ' -^IndianajwjiB, July 31i-rSl|f-cial telegrams from' S^-'counties diana, andi 20 from 11) in" In^ mois) give irk IIKiSDEUSUX(Convoyuccr,&?., XJf ulilp" Agent Canada ljro .Aeuttr- aniSo Co.. Dejjil*, Mortgages, So., * pro- paruiV aoatljs f promptly; correctly ana on ru.ismjia^lu' turiiis.'. Money to boan on Mortgngo"'sticuritj'. Omc^j Glnftgow- ll^.iuao,, Atjtoit. : i ' V\^M. LAIULAW. Barrister, Attor- '. T V~noy.at-ljw, Solicitor in Chain) fffy, &c. 0!iico.M:-dlamilton,10 Kirigvtrcut. M.ilton,:Majt'so>jt. Tliu Milton Offico will be uiiilur the mnuacc'ment-qf' D< W. t^iuapbill, and 'Mr! Laidlaw'will nttetnl at the "Milton'OIllco"-o>t I'liday of each week. P.f.AfiTEjJElt, Aeros, OSr." Every description of j Plastering,;and lliiugli-casting uoro on OLiyiiH ri-ozti-:n, Aeros. U.niv Flrsj^class tairoad. Buna, Cokpb : ' ItliCultS, (UP, Uny delivered nt tiip ,))0U80g '* Mndo loonier In ttte latent ntylan an; roftsjinuUlo ohlsrgcii. ; 'i '^=n- Hlsificitprleo In Cash pald:for Kgg. A^ton^Juty 1 \ll THIS NUiy McVGrAZ^lNTES. discouraging liceouuts of; the cdndi- the t'noat reasonable terms, and satiafne ..tiiui oftlio crops. The crops that weic remarkabiyfgqod aifeW weeks ago iu'i ""-iioWj- in mo^t cWt's tindur wafer. r.Hiiyjand oats ;i'i-<^ rotting on the, ground. -- . " D,esj|atcltjea' "fcom Little Rock, Ark., ybsteklay, *tatp that the fain lias coujuiehcedl in that :Statc,and t mins tire unable to. ruiiltm ptjyeril lilies. " ' St. I^ouis,' July 31; -Advice's from Sputh-yvpst ^[.tssoMtrsay very- heav'y.iju stornw ocpured in that sectiQh \for the past two or three days. . The.crops are ;seriously in jured or ;wholly diatroyed. I, Cincirin.nti,;!.July 31. Reports from ail portions of Southern Old.p l7.64e give g'9'my iiqruits of continued rains'"and damages to jthe crops," iJig ^Ii^mj pjver to--night at .Ciives is risiqg at a rate f six [inches ! per1 hour, and bottoms arejall^ under water. Three thousiuij} acres of corn between Olives and Liwrenpe- burg ipre floQi|od. At Alorrow, Ohio, a teprtble pain fall occtired thi| afternoon,- and little Miami river is pppi-6xl as ,flooc}ingj The t\i\- mage bytthe storm Qt -NVeliiesJay nig.tit-Wiis: irr^nienae, wheat and pat crops are reported entjpelj* washed away, and Mfiskingum river, is full tion guaranteed. M US. is. t;\!M EK. DOM1 lto 833:23 44.03 3d'21 39.1? 34.37/ - 38:0a' : G3.60 50.99 30 60 90.OS ": 40.03 3S.2J 12.21 .. 8.567.S7 any 'shpt, (ine.. Teacher pT Jluslr, prnwlni; and Preach, Church street, Acton. T>OSSrN HOUSE,' Acton. Close"tp "V the (!'. T. -Railway. Station. Ex cellent accommodation for the travelling public. TII0S. CAMl'U.ELL, l'ropr. OSflNION HOTI'Xv A(tox, Osr. ___ ..hit. Aii.M.Wj 1-PriMi'fict'ir. Thli .'now'Hu'toUis tittol piutirt-eiiissstyl'j. withiiew {urnitiire. Commercial Tra\iel- lerjwHJ tin'd gootl a^couuui>da.tlon aud uonniioiiioaij' Sample rituouis. Special attention , paid tu the wants of the travellingipublic. Bar supplied with thf, best Iaiptora and Cigars. Good Stabling apd ntMmtivo Hqstleus. ' , .. .: --------' l' ' I'-------r----------------:----------.- aYAL, EXCHAXOE ' ilOTEL, AiitVm, Qiit.' Riiirh VfOilK, IVo]). Sample""RiKiijis'largo and commodioirs. for Commercial Travelk-rs. Good acconi: modition_ for- 'I'ravtllera and Quests. /Best britud.tof Liip'iora anJt Cigars at tji't; Bar. . Good' {Stabling : and attentive Hostler.!. "A tTOX JGLOIK. SIXLtS. ^?1l..- ;'" "-'.. 'i! B. li E: XiCKI.IX, Projirittora. Flour! and' Feed alwa\%]en hniid, wlmlesaile ami retail. Gristing , and Clioppiiig Daily. Grain.-.': :-------*J jsr Yoiuiff ladies' ^uiirnal foir ^u^st. n:i W - Cash- for sdl kinds-of Theinan/9'aS-: soon cap.ured, -'for the. Bar.1 'Appear to be ma iiajfi.1 -'"- '.."; " .T' ' . '." /.. .f.\' , i the revolver takenfrotn him. was taken to Godeiach jnil\on Mon- and apoompanyirig tlie commit- ineiit was a docte'rs certi icate show ing 1 hat \tbeinan -was. t f unsound mind. '{_ ^W-w The Mitchell "Advoatt)n says a scandal in bipti bfe ha created an unusjoai Jamount cf <?xci ement in a neigjubori^g tow|i. durii g!i'jie . paat. few,<iiys;'v',^t aprjeare tUi f e, certain gentleman' wao! suspicious of bi,a wife' liidehty, and be Be; a trap to catel i her^ On a certain evening i ji told her be was going tfo pufiaIo;"an.d - woulibe'absent; a few-.<iays;j Ho took the" train; but getting off's| Sea. forth / he^r'eturr^ed ttirbuj h the flight. .On : ipprbachiDg his hot sffiie found it.locked, but the front doW coon gave way to physical fore i.; Bushing to his-bedroom,.out jumped thep/er- Bon. ivho had given'bin cause for suspicion. He had only -time to put. rop his coat, and he ran (B'^ptigh the streets, with his underfill lbiuncoyer- chased by the enraged h i$band, who spnt two baileta after ".Hi in from are; volv< rJ but being an ex sert runner,' itlthcugb the; phase, was an exciting one,'-finaliy escaped;'- *n'd baa not sine*; been] beard frpm> the i theorv bein; that be got to lis.boardlng lious 3, and after attiring himselrR a ( - Seine months ago t : nuinberof -buvglajries and highw ij.robberies took place in Toronto, .and'-no elite couh I be had to the of endecs. .' pit has iiuce been discovei ed that they- beioi iged to the first fa iiilies of the " Qu e6n city," and iht t .the, cftmes were 4o,mmitted for. at eer deviltry. The natter has been! 1 turned up. We; Hnderstand; 't.iit. Messrs. Notinan <fc Frazer, the well-known photjgraphere, haye git the exclu sive, right to: take" ph )jtogi-aphii:&t the Centerinial Exl dbition, for whicb rthey pay $10^00 >.: A;higher~ offer yfas .made, but tl e firoijjibove- rian* sof go_t tlie pfeferei tee. '-' '/ ' I.:-' -of floating grain at all paints.'-; TyJM is reported us Still falling, and great danger is apprehended ftoui ftirtlior orerflpws pf. drivers |aild sinalier stearps, .The crops arc considered entirely lost.. I - tATEn. i:. New:'j York, Aug. :4th.r Des- patchesi'tothis city front|tlio fluoded 'districts, state that jitthojigh the j raitis have npp altogether cejtaed. j the berglit of the flood has unddubt 1 'edly.been reached, and [the waters will now slowly recede. A contin uous sunshine now for t vq or three >yepks would, i it is thought,'; build he-;crops' up again. ' Tiie | damage appears to have, been^ limited tp vfrheat, pats, and other, cereals, not including corn,. In many; places the crops had.'been safely gathered, and in] -as many pthersj.they >-erc totally; destroyed.] " . ;.. ' ,Aiiotlier "Enoch Arden " Case. 1 S^ine years ago a'pojored -woman in Carleton, (N. B.y "nailed Hainil- .ton,' maiTied a man,; who, j being a sailor, soon lefc;.Horoe in a vessel. After waiting a few years, ^hd-the husband "returning not, the jwoman gave him up for losti an!d consider- edherself a w|d.QW. She married again, and' now has two or three Children by the second marriage. A ifew. days'since she leoeivesd a lefi-J 'terj from her long-lost husband, in forming - her; that he liad been wrecked on the African coast, and Wtts capturedjby .one of the many tribes^ and cajried^ipto slavery. He hail, "iifter a great deal!of trouble, Bucceededineffeptinghis! escape, and was then qn, liii way bpfhe to "greet hero The joy^pf ithe woman wafl] great .on. reading' the injtedngence, but it. chang;ed I to sorroW itnmedi-' ately as shis thofight of the second marriage." However, ^t c.on\4 n'pt be LeJpM^-and, the sitnktipn - was rnade known, to trie second sharei- of iher joysl and sorrows.!] -"The w-o-' man, who bad jdetermihed io wel- dprfleher long! lost husband, and titl^a up]' he^r.' ab.or^e. w\th him,_ told the.pnerw.hp.nciw occupies tnat'posU' tion of her intention, but he refus ed to leave, l^er, " S^he] i& therefore, much' perptexet^-what to dp under the] circ^aumtiea, and, 8^'e. nniqous^ ly' awaits tne iariiv^ 'r^f- her, filrst; husband, whichc 1S Wpec.ted. very soon,- It is hardly ' p^psBibie that heV Kas. been aware of] wb^t has transpired, in his absence, *r\d for this: reason the ifriends of; ail inter ested are in q flutter pfjexcitemonj; awaiting developments.. 1> Carletoii: has a spn^ation^anjd.a great" deal to talk aboutf ' .A, DArDSO>; : LICENSED AUOTtOHEER :; For:iUe County'of Halton. Sales attonded.tp! in any part'of the County, at reasonable rate.-".. Adilreia : A 'V'AVIDSifS,-'-- .. L. rCampl^llvilliJ B.W T>tt<XT6GRAPMSS PHOTOGRAPHS! ; ;' ' Vi-out I re.spectrully Inform' the jiubilc lhalwltt-.in tho past- Lew u-feh lu; UUit had gr^ut. ipiprovi ^lenls .rnade'ln t06 nrrah4e"Ji'e^i o -light, and that lie Is now prepared to " Turn Out First-class ., Work Daring aDj- part of tho day, In all kind* of weather. >'r. W. Of . I Lmveiieenred the' Sfrvtce* of W H. KAfiR-S n nn.t-claKS flftlnW late Of New York City, and a* his time jln.Htnll- ed.aH would flo'W^U to'eallat once who are dclrouVnf.-oSlalnliii; pictures, which j ror(irtl8tlollehtl:nitandbrl|Uaticypffinlfh ) are.unequalled1 outside or-Uio drst o.tjf galleries lutlie vomlnioo. .-- : Hnylrig lately onrciiaRed nnottier very valiiaWo Inrftnuiiont ;'second to .none In the. country) 1 an^.eiiabled to produce work any kjkp, fiom the ordinary <ard picture ttTllsU.} I '.' In Copying and EJnlarginff, Any |zo can bq'ohtairje'd and nnlRhp'd In Ink, Oil. Water Color, Crnvon or Plain, anil lij the blfiliesiKtyiL-'of tho art.- 1 w^uM pgaln remind the public that I nave constantly in stock a lyrge nssort. raent|of _ . .' Oyal'.aal Sanaro Xiotuxo Pramos Plala ana Fancy HouldinfifB,.?5o. Whlph ntll bo sold at tho lowest prices, jsit" 1'artloB anxious to Fecuro a really artistic picture will please bear In mind thatjlt will De"lo their.'lntere<t ;'to call early, as Mr. Kahi-R-wij!l ^o uhab^p, tp're- malii in Acton longer than a few weeki, .,: "'-.'" j . . ;, ^Photo. Jtllv 1, 1T5. . , I - -JV | eve H-" 1K76. GALLOWAY ery, Mnntl cs, ess, oiid u Fqncy oodH, ' -Jewelry, ! -' Tojs, &c, &c, UpnU, fnjl tf> ] ;o .to The (ibove Hpi s you will ||LLlto:Y:;A ,o- " ?mily Her-aM and Jinj .,:.- (is.ii Ma^a^ines at AnderEMi'q Bpolcstpr, Oa East aide Wy^dbam Street, GUELPrt Tvrp More Pofatb Pugs -IfyoolBpt Ebi/'i '"Patent [ Iiv,g iMcipkijne, Which cnriACM them with little- trouble, Price $11.00. For sale".'by ' " J. C. DEVEppAXIX. " ",'. Ueorgetown. Ajo i>l"} hind5 or luiploaents for Farm^ lniipunoe8. - ) ; ,.'l'? . '-. ' Uonrcniow-n, July 15. 1R7-3. PRINTING T^TAST|TO EXCHANGE; A TOP BU0CY FOR A HORSE. ! . ."' Mpply to J. |MJiTTHEWS. QCNNINnAM & ^RA1K> .'iJrftilBANCE .ACEfiTS. ', ^>'.-- Office ovdif; tho iBank: of Qomfnerc;e, Guelpfi; . j ] '" 7 ' ; V We 'are ; agent*, for Be,veralfirB"t-olass stock and mutual I. companies. ' will receive prompt attention. H KOBT. CPNKtNOHAit. HeneY. ti DbAKE. y (lespriptio f: Iii the h<jst and naost at- active stvlesi prbmp'tly executecf a^vthe t T&B PRINTING of all kinds tf TtTeiftly^nd promptly execuVd at-the . i' FREE PJtESS OBTlOE, 4 Over the Pofij Offle*, MlU Strtef.! C" ?D. PR INGLE, Watdiraaker, Qi^elpb, Takes-jidyaiitago of- the FeeE Pgsas to Minnk' 8 liv arid around Adtnn for; their- paat patronage, and no- llclta^icoiitlnijance.] t I ' ' > pJ I), P. aUo bopps'soon tp make flr- - rafigement* whoret"watclies and Jewel ry may oe sent-toond frota O^telph wltij su-ioty, uud without! troubjp. arid expense to hlsjcostomfeifc. ! '< ' '- -. ,. i Guolpli.July.lO, 1ST5, '.V ^KBEJ . I^IvBSS O^I^IQij (In1 Matthew's ^e,v^! BuJUding?^ H AmaWi Actorfj^iJiy Jsmporluro. Xhe todcompletc, ' 5PEQIALiTY pall ar diexumlno our.stock bfifbrojpur laslug eliawhere. D. } lc3tf AIR. 1st, iSTO.rOral; MHI VALUE IX DAY'S A coippli.te set, containing eight 'Malletij, lallsj; teh'^ Arphes; . two Stakes, vyiti Book of: Instructions of the Game, arc-l Day Sclhs Cheap. ill done up in strong" case - ! i . H';:;i; ^,:..', VTill b^ Cleared iric^s-^25 per ftshioned liigh.price. - AT D; IVS j BOOK STORE, OualpTi, Ji:ly-f;lS PL,A]CING EPAGE & i L^rabpr PI ined ai J* AT' BOOKSTORE, Trunks,' Valisep, Eorso ClotlLiTig',; i AIlior'doWj?lvninto.onri)andH will be ajrlctiy aileiiued. tq, and/warranted (o glvoi^ttliiraci Ion. as wo employ ban*, bat Jbp btet woi k.men and matcrJaJiv {" J .- COE-LARS warrar)tcd to.etve sattsriii- loh,-ha they aro.jat Qtir owo mariufUcture; '"'.'"" : " "'-.- 'i'| ! +>' REPAIRING ]> /.:!' ^ ul y. 1, IS'q. IllniJ^ili: rurcht/ir- ' "'-if' azj.4 ... ., yM Jfiall.klndij dpne with npatneiB aba on- .". t :> tho shorUe^t nofloe', !* ,' 1 I All who retjulre good* IIT our !"' lo welt to glMe us a call before ng olKewhcre. "' "- llememter theSJand ,^'^as^f 4-- eiBARL'ES" :PEAN. iihs much pleasure In ami'oupclpg to the ] pjoplaoi (.ct/jii andsurraaDiilrip country .: lliat he j|: now prepared to: sunt.Iy cusrj joiners wil'> e!yeryttiinj;':ln the tirteof | It eyeryttittjj'ln the Ule<jf IlAENJj^Sr. :y.-.;']'V fiA^bLES, ... ": TRUX-^gj,}1,"', WHIPS. qfeb!E-"CL6T-m#&i".Ei!c. v ' Tiniest, Price si out at Special Eo,w j '* > cf nt below the fo' .Suit the Ail .Work, .WarraKted; ^S3i. Co"llirs made aspeciai'. ' ^' ~J li &M aid Mb \Vill do |y i,isri.- Gt\e hin Actpn, Jii GUELPH. MIIiLS AND mP| 8 sh, Door and Blind Taictpry. ' 1 iadjuTactn'rers of. "Windcw Sasfe, CAMPBELL, inds And otnejr Building Requisites AJto il^kors of [Ztf?B0T$S ' S^ClIOlT PUUPS i i : the be: t mauper ' ' 'il ; guaranteed Actonv.JulyJ.isJa; I All BMk'g'ui d Dressed to order nion Sa ACTON, Vfri Liase^d'Cil, s^ :}'JPfiiits. ^HacMnei' Oil, -& -!.: :-.aJ on owe Mr. and '..A'. LActiM .. corrifd ] bam,I .fruit] . catiol :9m M^O [FAniaOREEN ^ HELLEBORE yon gpod l^cr the' Dt-sfructlon ;pr pbitjfj^Bu'g* -j pattrpiliiiraand otherliitlecti. . : ..The snhscrLber begs to^am hUlbanln - to'the lubal>ilant jotAc(anandsnrrptindfc itig coqtilrj' for th^ Uberitl patr.omige^. lieretofdre-extbuded ip itiio', ~$ad jat-tha 1 sifiuet.iiie solipit thpir;!fur-ther s|ipport,-j. : , ' i' '":" / ' ; K.rjr-Qa^b Pajd ^Jaid^i dellyered. |.;p.TTjB|IiL. - '-"-fe.l til aduptl Mcl.EOD, AITDEPuSON & Go. '"Nl In Ordet to make room for 'V our'IH11 Importations, ana to ftase oar h^xtb -1.1 - of loads of Dry Goods, and on account of the scarcity of tnoney, we/hare, determined on a more sweejpingj energetic and. * / - -.;.f-"i"l. Jf-er? / Kou'ldings,r!pHf A.PER CLEARING SALE:, ylTian hltiarto attotr^pted, as we mtist convert the goods iato Caib. >Ve :-. I WAC01 AND CARRIAGE .JAMES "Waffons, Oaicriasoa Kept in ,4 gtokrind m Bhcrtest 3trl :t attent on paid to J,; H. ' T^AC-RI^G^ ; Pjpoitv^tor,': A?^ Sprs^tSa )eing & S^' Rerr. embor the Sales' are KOR C'AfeH, and in no case wUl s second) ,.' ' price 'be made ennUnierate pnr. Iicading bepartments: DRESS GOODS ftom five cents mpwaids PRINTS, ftom fi\^ceuts ppwards ^ MUSLINS fi-om five cents upwards " ^ COTTONS, Whito and Giy> from 3 cia, upward* MILLINERY, MANTLES, ^A.WLS AND PARASOL^, W*a lots, foi Half piice^ i " * Special lnes of SILK MANTLES foe $2:00, worth 6 50, ^~ Specul Iiatg^ins-m CHECK SHIRTINGS, DENIMS, DRILLS, an^ AL1 STAPLE GOODS ' , ' A tspee^al lune ot lADIES tfOLLVES AND CUFPd-wholesale price $r6 and : ?2 17 for 5,0c and [7jc ^ , i Special boos lh i,IN^ DliESis GuODSpfor 15c and 20c, wotlih _3tjc and SOcperyaVU. f' -, ' ItKlnjiosilbleloru^o-cnuumente pi) the GREAT" BARfjAINS w haya <tp ofler( bi t w cipeoiuttf' want to meit the hard, tlpaes, so Cpme all aBd b4 con\lnccd, 1 -. . r " FACTORY 1 RYDER, Proprietor. Cutters, &c. tde to Order on the Notice. Jti ^ lat^.18- GeneralJooWaj; and s illefacilo n Ruarantcijd* July 1, / "We aga'th remind the public-that our Millinery a^id Ordered Qlothing Departmenta Are stcoad to none In the .Dominion, and. outstrip anything of the kind "West T oj Toronto - * . The Saic tvill coihme,nce onv the- First or July and cone ^ Jlutie for s^x M celts* - t lfe' .j^ f I THE ^^,: McuEOD, ANDERBOH; & Co., ^ Mammoth Eouso, Georgetown! -f Jkzit Jtil SS PRINTI^GRMd P"0BI4SHliST<J Q^FIOE, Pi^sl r>cl Made I Ov ir tiie Ppat Office, Mill Stx^^ Oideis for nil kind? of Job Piintirig'pioHrptly attt^^ to. 1 . ] - \i't.

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