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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 6, 1875, p. 2

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r^-'fe :m \'t-&S m nw* m\i &? IIP ' - t^flj1:.' - Boater be hnppy than Ifirichos brutg sorr >w and p*in; Iii'boitiriaijfsc^ still .llouriidivs is Lop i";,,;" . In \Viim*t>o|;Loi\ ".the tTtli! nist-,-i^rfc ' wn-? si4;\Scr V-rrf-t. tliir fil |<r s.w];,; 'J .von. ir-.ir.r jr.i.l lOioulilct-s l'-Mo,ptv p->:;\t\\. [ , '\ -... Mfc. Oiv>. Uolpit," nn old jvMdcnt of PniWKs. is.. (U|.i>l, % t'onni-rly sit in , }.'ro, ' Ul0 .,.all8llf llo r.-iTJt.-jiiciit ,-j rA$wxwcataUvo. of theltin-u ' disirii-t. ,-_ 'it?!' >..' Thi' v-rijvWciiW4riw I'.iiaWtiii; tho city Kimrtut ntiii.vri t tiiax sun. Hotter to 6W Mul U> Ami enjoy tho littl "t-oiuo.-goopto lovo to 1 pXfH Hy,^ * .. .v. . Yjjjjt Ifl, 'i^^BH ^>r jgeB Hari:iItvu..\V: t:vke. !?H>>,000 aUvk in . -I ao"tt,*imii;oii il-N'ordi-AVtstern,Uaijway .owius tp'the 1'1*H ;ittoh <u" tboTati-'nawrs. A tnoav nunt-: .. i.-.lc".)i ii-.;tn>l }'lv>\>o tilaijlc^ . "-j ' .' .1.. U, S*Ul:-r,: tJi? vhjiinjii.ni of -jluv !,",i..'.riH-.s. \iins- ji*>'i:cil :v elijdUjngc ..^n i\>\v j i".iy ji:.-ui i:i AJiHi'io:-. tv5iouf-1V.r~li.yc Jiiilc l.wv-for C.V>1 jtcrlhviVmjtltv Xhatr.cvf hi ' .".JTi-.c'iiK-r. ,-tt :;;.cxjxj^tciiV that Mvv.Tis -.- .; -piuid tij the "*~ A ^:nnf of j-.-v-o -I'-^jil wlv* "iil.i^tnl.^U \ ^.Ciw<.i. vh <!!i' ^iijil oulhilv, Vonvto/i v.x 'i.:-t-'\\.-iLttc>rt-'io.Aiii:-.s aiul jt'.u- A;.'.'-, tic I'hiivof Klorn, fofc :i silvfr <.}> - : v.l i'.w- v";.:'.iiiii:o!isliip of'-, tho oomitv, '!'!:\ ;.--..._.v v.vjV Kv.l^ti^pn^, JS'; Atii- Tin- owner of thousAi l jjwhilo, Aiiiiv;AvhatothoiK h:,yoy>rji\ji)t lor ivml toil. -riiib. Bottt'i K- hi'.pny tluui If i-iclics linug hw:>\v ;nil jKvin l^ittoiito sow aiuHo stioh,,. \ml onjoy tbu littli) ymi.gnin, 1U>ncstyA.Vel; can 'naj , I Musli to i4'Vst no I'uiui,' mul wl|y! With v-^r.soiviicc Aea '. ns tlic il^vV lie Hvosi'with contentment iuuI jOy, i Bolter bi> lib.gjiy thr rich, ,lf; riolnj litin^ sorr i\v nml ^iaifi ; lU.tfor_to se\V Ami to Anil enjoy tlvc litt Wlnit is the jvwitiou -Wshv uji IT.: e ,ci~<'.':i }h'y\il'.c!h iy C'iv.".;t:V;iin.v Kail pr *?" ji i' ^t X- ': ^' - ",-~ M-' 4-r: - ^ V $~i .;- - - ". if- iv..;t:> Si rev U;ul i'jil>;l;-st "-tuit;- i 'ili'.y myh "lor v-v.tvi'.iipiinu'nteUi't.k ilioir<fil< i]v '- '?*'- - '------ ' i.ir vheir nisr J.:ro; "irlh t. \*i:iv^ "xlie. toreni:ui 1 vuio lTil;;\l>teftn.ts I "I:.l' >}?ii"u rims, i: vi;\r.th>to"Vili the ' eT.iin^ moinii \d iiiv.l JOO trtr.r.s 4- !t';:\ to\ynsliip i;iy Ji.'.s.lK-eii I tliiriv men l-Yi-rtC- 'Hje hroiiiihittho:- Tile jjhiviill e 'wm]tU:tt( t ^\ fe'ree oE iu:jiioye>i,' :>;: f. 3^-^r^ f v. :>. '.i^- It:': :T -.i ' fcL>':^ "-' "=. p"^-"-?vii rjii"'j 'H' '1" :'^-f:/i|: V - -r -^>-"^r fem-^"- --"* - "; - Tho fWsr iu SpRia; ]' . , .K\:o:-\-'vl:sy \>ri:iyi> it.-i.Kjwa htmlen of news i*o;nK.'rniii!j nnU:jijy f-j<:iiik Tho CiUlistJ'tfliijnMjiih- jilay ' !iv ilriy " titat ilie-y n|v :i'chi6vi:i^...iuip'i>iil:uit \ ietone.% ai|d" tho .'AltoliRist.s ;.ismiiv "thy otitsido] world tli:t they lniw :ii.:k1c Sv'yoij:il t-ii6ui:iTi|ii priMiiiors !-i^.jir<%siti^.I?6n n link's r<i tlie%u!I.i Atiii tiaiji it iroos,, tin !;': t-li?"'rv:ii1crs of :r>.^v>j>:i|'t-is (ij>iin riri-i sjile of-it!io Athintlc iwre e'oint io,|hof:e "t!:ni t!:c 'contemliiig. i>iutios viil -iUnvt'ttie lute iif the Kifkt-nny t;:;s And o:i>l this k!t<?ip;vl..>tnii^;te 1 uni.Hvt|;i;i ,hi'.( ov.-< r by in If i-i.-conf telcgr.imii uu'iy be " Vhortly , tx:| ?g!ysijijyyj.;g?P Sla^jaSS ^HffB^S^^^jI rioh. itio.lv you gftin. o Uiounht. tioh j j'ou sain. , ': \i y very mon ing to riiul low truo--': :. - tlw.-ro*inJ r^nxmy unnmni; TKat'-jiriili; can ovorliiLin Hotter lie. happy Uiftu rieh, if Ticlirs trnig sonjow :I!tt.erto Pi,\y Aixtl to Antlcnjoy ttw litt Nolilo men evtiru-hn '.Vsnmetliius more tJixHIiiess ot" lieiuit tin to the llus heavenly joys t>'iinfiilil. p you gam.. !0O ::1 ' - ' rthy than |joKl; Family 2Iattei> niLved'witli yv.v>o tin? lusliv:k]>(tout's' .tho iHust (lot's,.ti(.)t usually does. .-evving the beau mask is to tnangh kins, ic, when J10I1 tllftit ttUHK'tltlU'lV ftioy tllvnt iIX we ipi:tv i"' o.ti" of hard 'ii-iiMhe *! ike: I Vt>S -li!L-it -/j)l ft'UtMl e't "to Matlii.l every ro.-tson to i-.ndj tho jro'.u t-.ds 1 :l,'itxi'.011.s jo make vdv.a:.- lmtorti Uilikit: sitiirvlr^.honlil not T;\. ll ;/, <<:.- til >tiji|>er cut gem; from decaliters To,- i<le i>( the tteck w ^i iV: bei.i" g f it.or with it l3iit< ]"ifliei]'lo l>eilio; to by'heat; while 'the eool. -Y.a fill li owever.-jini tie rob:tb!en. The f -th.-i s:v :l.-!gl:t S t';Tr|iti[.s nut :-' /'. Th.it the war an e'-id .'irf, !i -ily-g.-ve i'nijv . .-.v.jkiw. iiiimist be Vemeiti'Deitil. bectei-equipped tli-.nt'jif any pio- vicr.s sm:_' cf it'utbJi_l'eitJ! ' tlifljtist resort they can break tip i:.-io l>amis,|n-riil.cIN;tpr>e anions the ia>tint.uns.t'\vLero-:iT..- s inirtos-sililn to^-jliowjTaeut. ' Hilt although the e.jD?it-'ciinai!St.J.-"j.ii-l;siiltitciy-.(!lii'dv .reuileretf' n|uelt lesh :d;::t 11'^ /, ' mv am stiii'li. I lwin. If'.' ^mg^f00^. TDHE" AlSTO^;: JWm. -yPRESlg;" AIJ^lJBTv- 6l/.\$% Determined to cldarpfl'theJMlaiHe of .^u^imer-Stock: no liih'cr hoiHcJIn \(ytielj>fy -'ian afford to giyiJ.i' s| N<^>y ftptira |pN: ;AV3(fl: IP I A Qgqd Stlbte. pBSEHyij) THE PRICED 7Jc, worth 1'2.U, !^/: iKielt Prititikl Jji'wijs unil Muslins, ...,.._ . .^ )Thoao".botri,itjif>ri CVleHtiitl-lLtiKteretts l>'resR jG'podB !to Ijo 'njifflted pffat 12) c, former pneo 2</&. ill; ^qti;tm ties, 5'fjb.,-.reid pHcp $1.; j. .'-.. 'i'-.!. '; If .stove polish strong! sojtjt-suils hnnttiluiU'ly, tuxl lly ivrountl.as it fiocjtet., of pif- ifttl .{.'loss ott du- titbleelotlis, jmp- very. damp, atiid itftcrw-nrtls, it nil dry.- This pre|Kir stilTttess, nud be.used. f.v $("}ip")\-i. -A -ally" bo reihovoj heatiiij;.'tho out ith n cloth-ilip|>etl nnd bound round, of ;i ctuidltJr; .the cxpiinil.'iiiioliu^V stb.pper- rfuiuiiik Ltttiful ijQ.'tlozen tjitdies' & iLftuo Bhiiwl.ti,--:?3ii,?\vonn $1 Orto dollar. iPftrtl-sols for! (>t)> Millinery,! Manila", Crrbnadii^cs, Bhtck aij(1..0o|9fiB.tJ Arjus, who Ijiujdi: the iKseoverv bf wcH'lleii clothrnc;; soap an | wa'leiy sjirinkiiu :.eij "lirinj. ' attiHie ;oiiiinjf thick. that will lie bioi:i_'l "to Me,-'i'!i"-which so^: nuoys housekcep- l:tsf (<>,>; say's, these e'il effects are due ui.scuntied. Ar.d in-iso;ll to the decomJKjsitiou of soap by tho o IKU-spihition and skin which the Tlio fat of tie pittited ttjioii the ticids present ;in tl i ther waste <>f tl cloth nig absorbs. is then prec ^yc pL 'These-, efifcts mtrk it. io.ity.tid 'jrcVqi:s.' Iof t:ii:eTfc":i<j"- r-ttd i'ti fo the chief l!*enl for-s<intv : niruhitls^fPpiKi stroiji' inoi: ce to the--1. t'ji-|s;t,s -!) "to U(-, tins hiiU it'!- \-?rTtc cn.!M:h i 1. ' A lucre giieiilhi %vfH7rv. viould, be annoying.- hj':-t .would irStjhiately die t-itt of ! itself/ Js is t.o'.bulliopeil tbat iom-; 'really d.'cioive tinga^rpineiiis will sc-on take f ;--iSi-. TLfei.victiji^.of; jt'ither. side :V.--dt'iiu he'ljtituf tmin -the -anarcliy ii>:wi:cii iue'-natian Is fast ihu-S'-ett- intd ">. :WW*--'-'- :d!iSCt erritio A Novelist on the .Teaching rof .: i, ! - . I[t]:3-iajpi5sjble to eziggerate {.he son the niin"d.of.lhp.ri's!pj;geri- ^ioix . of works .of-'.liungiiiation..- - 1 &ejf are tine sgnisofis.qr- the present ;..-3avj,!j cr-,-1 &jt any rate, iiie t-ermbns ' '.vhfcli are Itstened to.,flttli tll<j^trfflst rj "i-spjjtit^ nuion. Tlie^- are the-ir- ., ^youngand j. j'.'oor. rich iiitil eld. .-UV novelist was i. itj'rofessor srko ha,} -ipaDy.;pii;iils ot ' both sexes. -What [Mid rue \ourfg ':' Tiian learn froai noi-fels ? ;' J)i,J lie '-' ipflrn to bo lta!*e"" anri fraudulent', to cleceiye an'i then be jbdiflerein ]_ to" tiiji-e-spect the l:u7sbfiouor and hon esty ' ' pre-, g the articles in'H washing spdii for ten- adding sojn<j i ftfw drbj)3 of am- ntoniti. The| iyvoijilleiis are then to l washed out at warm -water,' yehted" by steepir warm solution Of several Louts,"t warrit water and d rinsed- in luke- ^Tfi what place a !e two headsbetter. barrel. ; ' i. tl?.ai cue t-Ina i. Parudo.vical. \. lancet is always V.* by have cl nfter 1 ' d-cnnsc necks twirled iit Why is Ire! country ? lk>ctiupe its ahyays Dublin. Why is dew lite'a One is mist on e; surgery the pplied in vain. ickc'ns no - here- they have their this. and the . richest is rth, missed from "hea,-en. lesoia'tc old babhe- quarters is to I-ht: way. for a lor to secure better take a ".better dii If. It. is said necessity knows no law; .This-'.accotnts for jieoph: luaking such a"virtiio-oF, necessity. .fg'overneSs ativertfses for a sit-| cirbed tliis parad , ! 'Or<?id h6-3earn to'be fair and cf J:o^e?t:)ti his dealings,:to desire tb-it |t,,e income the hirder sotigUt to wih" v;i>ich he purppscs, to;\be ^sB*ia-*\ ..... -. ip21k3-tr' '- *-'^?w ' SsfStif -.ii-.r / : mi: rliH--"1' ^' fei.i#v4--.'^ to-wih"' for uoblff true iat liedrt apd tnOid,? .And what,: ^did tub girl' learn ?>' Dul she learfi- to fie holil- facArd,.CDnu'ii3^. ah1, exacting of-did she- lexSt to b&'rja.xlest and allecliiin- iiie. clo'votsd'.to! her dutv and ;uu- .ielilsh. : ll--- thought th-.y must have chosen th:irrnovei^Unifor;tiii;:iieIy.tvh.i found- ia rhtiii\tiif3l/a.:l ifeiions but.'hot the gopd'. TheinoVelist ijrid to detil with the bad as! well a-.iHwth the good!: \iitb things! yile and" vicious, as we;l a;-; \7ith tukj|rs good.and^ gracious!: \yttb thewpAt o: mAnkiod. as well ;;s with the best. 'J'jiis, as a matter of^oorsev'.y^isjpart ofliis duty ais a teicher ; .-ixp\v else-, could; he dratr- 1 ho-'S.'contrasts; which-ivereiQecessiiry ,J<5r his les'spris1*/ -' The'*-question they should a<k theui-jclfes tvasl :dil the riovelists wiioiii they!I;neiv makti viceflitdeous ^or did tire/!; wake it alluring 7j Did they irrtke honor andlttjn<?sty at- tr^etive-pr 'ttnattrnctive? - Iq.'.point of fsict did.I they teach tb Tri ko ho trt^eorf tlse ?.'.' Sir Walter Scott had drriwn j.ictjares of many villiau3.;'of . tins blackest dye, but -fl'ul ariyt .rrAn or ly-irhan.think that he taught ajia'ati to lie false.Oca vill-an!? [ i They all; remeihbered the ciittujg pictures of |Ti)ackoray].iit wli^ch Tip jifrisecied the meanness of men and the meanfrt'ess of woniert.}" but hid any thougii that a man or. a woman i jyas ever m|de.mean by Thackemy's teaching ? JJickenS had fdrawntdeep,: deri^idrrg usurers ; but. cou.d mvy- . !body sivy-that he had ibcefi madeui) ' ij. usui'.er- byf Dickens's\ teriching, or X mn40 a deep, -designing, villi^rj^ by 1 rqsKi8 1dsjw0rk?' lie h!Ml;describ'r, ^ el ^v t=et of foolish, facetious, idleand ' viciouH'yofjng men. They alii knew Lord Frederick ^-Veris>pht ]|"buf was! -there-,anybody wlio thou^fitany yojrhg man ha.'i t>e- co'nie a Lord Frederick Yerfioplrt by; i.ho teao|:JDgs of Scolt^ Thackeray pr --Diplc-Sujt?' Tho^o thre!e great mLN ter^ liS^ dons invaluable good,' and he though t,'ntoo, thiat" all who chose no (barn to watch thieves away'has. now. " . ! A" little .wart :will bre.tk: iipacn ^r than tho dark(t thunder thttt ever gatheri k{1. 'x\re th^reany Asked a strangej; do vcu feel lonfesime p|!y: '!. .;i--^ I A dandy is a bo a Lily if he . ean'fcdbes all he .world lie's! not a that his tailor is ^fei|r;'l r "it !noreii~^erC'gpt'gooiif-norbad;'terf^e wings.of y^nl-'-imaglnatipn and4f?!a ^B|-Up Fforn>ia>speech by jjBEtrofc- them in the tuij-of yotir jad"- ^' fea^riS" -I . ! a IIcik-: - Professor voted.himself to 'the retisVn why vlien wiislietl -with will insist upon cttliar oelor and and In Hardware tl undersold. In j (pmclieitsr apd Glaisswam -'(fr'e jhpLd large -,.r ^<t>cks,iadd'iat} prices belov^ the market. Gfanlte pets from thi^e ddjlara T ' In Groceries, w^ have one it)f ithe largest; and chqicest stocks o$ Toronto. rnip Seeds Staple AT JHE falling star ? , and the other SI ie sftys -s. he is nation as tt-aehel 'MiihiLreks C*f her 'fawn ItonguP. To. Archbishop | Whately: is as- ;';Thb 'larger it. is: to live within it, .Whyilpes- a dick go tinder the water? ! For divt r's reasons. "Why do-s sh.e go on la id ! [For sundry rui.soij's. The Wisconsin fnrnie.r who left.; c.-m'dle blinking iti tlipbani tp scare SECGRD ,'.BR0 tremendous bargains jwi -?;.- OF A FEW 0F THE LINES jllEDtJpEI), I .j. Sfilk^.a't half pr^ce a,t tho C rwit Guelph Dry Qoods 'Stol-o^tfio Lion pur f stp.eki3"," are fujll; ! '! ; One*' wiateps , av^ !storoki>epor in the, Qrei )3tatp wtWahont cloaitjgipfjtpt":thp night arid^'whiib fi|taiijpinij'jnTjtho pho win .t r- -"- - , avp a. country je,Qrei |n '3 rlqtiftt'aiir snow oftBi(lQ: pjjjiiiJg'-.-flp" ^low -_ Bhutitera, saw'! |hj JlJ^ie given, 8UcH as the!-- glass a lpufaging, wioptatle i/j. fallow iwithih grab a. ppunil"-m f esh'^utr'f; tey front tlip shelf and fcoji 2eal {t in, 1 hia ho.t.j ; -. j' !;' '. ! ','_- _:, . Tho.-acfc; wna.no kocpet detected, than tbo rpyefligo jwafr-iifc t pon, arid a very fo\y. mirftjitii? "foind ^Tthe Green 'Mpuii^tiri ; storek seper at | j^ "orico indulging his: t ppe'til e for; fun to tho fullest b^.tcat, a^td.] tayirig 'off ike- thief wit]x a?fjjcatioj a rort of torture, for which Ibi-wp tld have gained a preraium ft'bijn thpioldln- .quitiition. 'v-JL.'-' -; :'il my, tfptb," .jiaM "'tfcp^Btorb;- keeper, cpmirjg in.arjiti L ck door ifteti hii&^-Blapjti over his; sbphldeirB the isnow'ofF iis feeti. Seth }md hh hand his .ha,*! on mk head J knt bntferin his'Jhat, a^tntas ' his exit as soon aa pisiatJi. " I say; Setibi sit a *trh ; I recbpii now,: on such'a|coid fi^ht: as this, illiirig w lg J is iiande- fijd, stamping; pur prices Our stock of Teas lis bot equalled, iiind ranging from id cent^ ' to 9(& cents! p^r potod. -.----/i ! 10 lbs B^st JWlLite Grlusnedlor Gkraixu IjatpdKSdgar ;for 11 lbs t>est iBright lBefi*i^dL Siigar for $1 ) $h 12 lbs best Med :.;->r;'igJltjs-D and Harvest GLEARINGSALE ^aid PM107 Dry 0-ood? FASHIONABLE WEST END. j T l The inliabitantsi of the Village b|T Acton'-and surrounding icpuntry ja: invited to attend tbo Grand Clearing Sale'of. Staple and Opjancy D% Qoods V Sow Going on at the' . . i FASHION AfiLfe WEST END Dress* Mantle and Millinery Establishment UPPER WINDHAM i STREET, -. i ! : -%< . GUELPH Immense Crowds every backed, hop-tpad orjuet party-qtnek- plottd fools in this city ?' >f newsboy. >'f;No; was the re; chap who would could, but. as ho san to 'shtny the man." -1- .- . A. man put westis'.so bow-legged obliged to use a circular saw' in catting'out hispan-+ ft'-dnonH. . ' ' Some elderly young ladies have the hot weather, the sliadv sicfb declared, during that" tlieyr~were o i of: forty. j "-I;wonder what makes my eyes said a top, to a geritlebian a;: \yeak place," re- so weal "They are in Sponded tlip lattc r, How odd it is," said.Pat. as he trudged -nj.pngp^ Toot, bn&hotimrl- .ni'iiAi never: meets same waylasiim- ' Fashionable West.End Dress, Mantle Wnd Millinery Esublisbinenl. GueIph,iJuly 1, 1875. 1 "~ . " i .--:--! " : v, .' 1 .Mill '< $treefy-.Acton, \. Is thd Hace I for Cheap G-bods If alljjirdif thfrt try day, " thai a cart going the 'aelf._ ; Ojujitho logic, i aing^are songste-s; ;^fien all jbirds tltat tpos.t are rcostbrs ; '. hence all! Ifens- are i;Q'psters j "Sir,", fetid at. old jiidge Jto a ouiig lawyer, toiJrrrCfe some Of ; rou would do well the feathers from day. Astonishing Bargains to h tome and See. Jia'd. iilirnr ^ugar fbr;;$l ^rk J^[6sqow^ Sugar for $1. ,0E ill E^LEJPHA?NT DLiOTHt JREMEWDOUS E ARGA8NS Will qe- giveti during/ this Salt, haying ^sm ism ^. 3sr gsr; s STOCK OF !' Dvrv Goods, r } ; RpMy-Made Glothing " -'ML-' - -' -ir- - . ' : ^roGeriesy j Is Large, ^H Selected and '-- I roceries always frpsh and of the besf ana reat jriarffains may |lj4 /always had for Casl Utyr Cash or Jwisliltojdo stricwy a1 WBSt'Market prices. Highest pries paiC for all kinas of Produce Gallftid. Examihf our|StocfeU;-.' j Acton] July I, 181 i ' I Produce. business, as'our gooda are'selhng at tip -J -.- I'! I I' consider J OLOTH IsUnV'iiOING ON'ATf THE cannot be ed with' ht^ resolutib i. tp hesitation, however, y/aa tied thb, j^n'ijhp door, a rpll Of Bdp they have all ;gine and jtfee'idia^ -' h:! ."steaij is nmtois-' Fntliir ed thotEe i a id! joa^ikj deat . , >::.. a little, soriietlilrig wIlPuv vould riot 1 : Wiy4he ripened hdrt afeljowj'-. .;_ , ;j- -. ^w^h-^^^the Seth felt uheevtairij he had the .-'-.- orafard-bendB.;' ' ~ bitttor,.-and Hv'as "e eec ingl y: an- ..!'.' i . . xious toT>b off; bnti;rJetiK.ptation, ^ - ^robS>oo,'< 'l'"' ** of something warin ]sidb/intrfer-1* ! jvVjth ' t'ltei lark!ion.^ing! wiru^fari,: jo. TheJ . V abolvd; ' sopB set-', t^6 [htfu k>w ier of the butter taking Setajb.1 and planting Inm.in the .stove, where h$ mariner, covered . in f 4s ita .such a U/:,ihe"-'bb*e8 iiQij^bariVjlsi.that, :,wh i ;0 t je gix)cbr stood before Lim, tli'ijijS W brnbi'pbsr sibility of gettiag]otit, ar d light in this verj; pjtt.ee, sure iej.oifgh;;tU.e rocet;.sat down. *'; .! '-"'.'-^ i.. Seth,-we vill ha;4 ai ttlp warm Santa Crtiz," said'thfj Gi:ci?n!lIoun t;>in grpcei'i. astMie b] >e net jthfe stove door and shov-eil fii| ati rii tiry.ticks' as the-place rwoufd" aHtififc, s;*'].wuth- Ptitit you would freea^g'jirig.bome such a night'as this /'j ' -Sbth ahvaily felt"'Jjb Ijjtttterj seti tliug "down closer to "His..:hair,t and ho jumped up, deelari "iNbt'-tiit ybn ,.h wartn, Sfeth. C'bme tp tell you,"^ and Sb 1 puslied into his seat tormbhtor,'; - -.' , "01^ it. is so ",1 the tliiiff, attpmptirii " Sit down jdon't GLEAB3NG -ISILI ;lie shoulde^p;. s!a i close t-b 'auhinb iretoited the grocer backijntp ln's chair. " Tji'itJ 3 have the b;fciiw tjo feed tho wood:' to spJ i t,' &I tiid !! must be ohfg,"".-.said the pers<|c!utid chap. tear yoitisvlf liife down,; Pjflieniwrli ei. 5'ft'1' -<r'H away lifeo: !>:> " TJtit; ypn~innsjr inrthis rnaniil let- the ,cows take at and keep y.our.sclf HJol ' pear to' boa little iii! < rpijgislf groa";r, with The next thing W tipn of two smoking toddy; the very sigitfc NO. 31 AYJNDHAM STIj.^ 3T? iGUEIJMr. Gpst arid Under, As we are anxibtts'to clear it righ| put. :. C: Jl. arid exauliVio stock,-af y,*o STORE, retjfuced. every article tp it a pleasure tg show goqt}. WM. RUTHERFORD & CO $ue]rR July 15, 1875.! ' . ' QiAND GLtArfNP S^LE 1,&A: FflEWS The.undersigned having deposed bfthetr G rpbery busiriesB, aSid having purchased the immense stook of ftpots anil Sibes s>f Mr., JA^IES MAT.' trQutvu ^-6 now> nrepared to offer to tli^inh kbjtaats of. Aoton&nd vicin^ity In Men'f English and ArAericanStylfts 0l Shojaatd Gaiters, and in Ladies^ and Chill rens'! Goat, Eidand Prunellas, which:. I or! Stjfle and. durability caitnbf be equalled in the county. "" '" TBI) *:1 PAErj.cyiMiK -ATTENIlOl r |PAID TO- GustPm Work ariilj^ jjlepalriiig Haying seoured the yery valuable services of la"r. TkoSl EDGAR, who as-a Gutter, is uriexpelled, a fit Will be gaataitpjedy arjiosale. , I Sewed Work; a Spj scjlalty. ! I -emember, the ;tano)- Mairj tit.,- oppt: ?i)te Doriitpion HotpL ^ :: '...... " ^^|EJN^Dy'-BKQS,.'! All Book accounts rflttst be sptt[ed alt once.: N.B.- ActoH, ^uly I, 1875^. f GASH r th's present jsi'tui{tio: it. Would ]] tve TuatM^jib li.-^jf stand jbrect up on his head/ had it: nop' )6en .we'll led and kept down .yijth ' he butter. " Seth,; I-. will.gire^ima toai w,'andj>ron' caii Ipttei it yeur- iflf," saiuftho grb^jif wi h stichan of consuriiniate , t tptpl bity, - that - pboii, Seth believed, himself unsus .pectgd.. "Seth, herefis a'Ohrist- masgoosej Well roasttijl,;<:h ? An^l Seth,- don't jou uso hogj* fat, ,or common.cooking btitter:{io haste.it with"; eomp ;- take jpir.. better I mean, your toijdy." ', | . _(". -| sinokb at well as; toJipelt|'.'a:i3' his riibuth ?is- heremettcally staled! up' as tjtbugh-ha had; betnjpoTt tinmb. treak. after itfeak pf t te butter trie.poSmng ftiom1 utjder :'hig hat, d his.^handkerchuf was already aked, with the.gretlsy. overflow alkihg^'away. asif liotltir g.was the >r|attpr,'^thefun-loyijig gi-ober kept poking wqpd iato the stc ve^ whUe pbor'Seth sat.upjiglt 'eitiiTii8'bac. against the counter ai id.'. rts - kneesJ almost touching, the reij-hi t furriaca before him. "Coidj night th," |"aid th!o gro! per." '.;. "Why, Setl,, yon sebm: Tto'i perSpjre 43 though, 3 pit we rp warou Why dori'D;ypu takeof^ pur,bat^ HereJ let ine put- your1 :ha t-away ""* n 4 TB IPM.E K-ag<A Bt Uluir, limb* ji -? . withtmoli! ' Yet tlie litjie I ~'\ * raisei '. A-shower ibTa -J-- -iv. V. t.-^-'-.;...^ : xpif^.-{|eei sti id in tie oldba "^iwi" - "^'slants pa tie -Weat-:-'-* Khe Applb t: \.VVdierd thk ijtiuei - Vrn hill vv/ , . -, , . -j. , ^- Tho' springtime et^n.e aild tboi spring..;^-'v = MJ: --. -'.i1 j%Aa tli'cyl \>l< oiri ; biI b^ar: ;hilr irait?S-. I k aarlcdland yini g bratchesinbinty. . 1-%.'^-'; t:Sj-.j 11 thaj-th^^to "windi . ,i- t-roa^ -. .1 .-).-. L_ f: "it)'1" more cqjrered ' sing -tljo to make i l-id -1"! dayili.' ever werp skip! . " , BVfect "! " j . 'flian thtar.te'd;t5(Qtai and ' /..'.' gold|!n^u.e,.t i; > r.-.. .. , . When December*: ikhvs tofted ovfarthi -".^ 'feetJ^f > ".On steellebld itft^s yhen ti --""' 'X'V Anfl therej su nrb bh Itfae sold,! tfweet- " flho birds'alwayij used Wn&at"ot< ' k pt ikanVpeif. jhc: n^^ perched- there! bwt; .!'-L."' "' "' .Wrapped In isltetft d the. fcil:mion' "t' fighfj P-f-1 T ' - y^' pii-. trees"; krioi! tpp; .-. CQv, Arid thi^aek.oo' '-: 'ofJbvpy. ,1 s voifec Oiie Jay | shall tttstj; <tt the applMlagain; Arid rene^y, as it' k& 2, the psJsi^-riy , ':' yoiltoV; - tl j: '- '" " "'* ' ' (Thfefruit! that- hun* 0 ,*cr arid ""- :" -iitithe.'Iane,'", V : ,. ' "I"" _. > ^VMn ; tlie'worid w: Mi' fiile^ *ith: tF Ijcitutyand' trriifi. - I Forj jglje must go. j*jye somethingi riit! ve a'story; ah '-'yas-'ajjain cyhSactrniving: {:;Jijsr- td.r ise. bb ir': l--L said 1 - r ahnn:yj|-i .of hot of wbieh.-iri .c Appeal.. "Gpr|tlemerisbf h i.jifry", ftaid.S;' ISenttipky:. adject.^e, .'in-_deferiiding jits clibnt, ;^hp'^-^p|)ajrg^l:j^rith: stealing a harit think tny clierit^!' Th irrias'!E3iriii;: t- Muddy .'Cfee'kj Bnd^lissis^ipjrj^ v -pold jbe-giiHty'of. s tealing ^ hank '. c' cbtting. yain ? I ^ jntlensi^n jgjfthe . j try, ,1:reckon -jnot- 4l ; s'j<osb j np^,.f Iy| .rib: riteaiisv.gen- empri--r-IiOit'rat :' aljj.-':. Ite arj"triet. ^'rScy.' Torn.: , .4 llinnl'Uood 'lieiireis'}. geritlbtupnv j,...;-".;.j| you iil| tr.DiV- Tom <linn'; aiid|,"pn' ibrtouj-,: now, geui!etoigu-r-do.rypH-. , t link; he'd .do it ? -] fp, 'genjktnen, I :reckoVvi}iau^ v 1 iib'niftB Flinn l! "V'Jli r, gieat smies. "W J atitl."a|ligators f! it Mj.- a-, wltolii f It- 'ririi ori 'MuuHily Crei k," and-hpse ttj - {i-tl AJud-do-^u th !nk iTeH-i t5t>eak ofeyith a miseralble hank p' cptting! Vvell, gbqtlf men,'I rjepkou s-^bse- ricj't . "VVli.e^L; 'thb was a-bo *} ,n\. geritlemen, nT-'the rm^untai'tig o' Keaitoc3fy,antt - -.- ,-, (. 2'?t'irbleWHyerb ai-}ightin*the battlbi My a Pi'jd -M'-'-r jif 'Euro];e-Trio vbi tliiink^-thtit. mj? V-t fed; .leer. n: ient,!M_ rj^.'-) 8 yj; ^ ^entifr- tl|a"p.tdnc- r fl""-'- -'"- ' y ifti ? liofH^-I olves ten, coujd.ibb gridty o' hbpkin'^T y es.iookip', ;gen,tleirien rtbat. .pitir: f tl, low, rneim parik d' cpttipgyan) t Oiipp-rible ! :{ierifeli ;meR. jL'.ilcken" . riot I s'pose Utbr. Tom jFlinrij!"~ Crentleuieii, I .^ecfecn rkripw riiy c.tent, Thomasj.;jfrlitnl/j He's,got- tre fastest nag] an 1 thp'pti'rtiest 7 s sterj . gentletplen1, iri .^ii^^inddy ? Creekiarid Miiisi8sipj^,.,iT^tgeritIeTjc- br? f-Tosd M y * blithe .the'^ dovtrs Icnr:' "\$ e season frJ: t" ffl Xpu;kiit|:beE)on- e?, .'gentlemen^.; nes-pn .tnen, are a. fac.t. - tftat, gentlemen. you kin btjt'.your "bbnes-pn that! Now^'lponimy lhTorip|iir, gentlemen,-, dp you tliiiikhe^atej guilty i ,j .Grbrir - tlemen, I reckon not-^I- s'posejioti-,.:. WPT. gen'tfemeu 6t^Su-isC^uryQ ?ny^ 1 client, Thbriias Flitrn, am, ita morel' griilty d'ji steaijn? c{ja.i>are.'ihan)i of - ioottipg tartiT^thanl-a-'tbad-aJro got a. ttiilj5-'. Verdict for a.efen^ dismissed. ,Court[ftd}onrned. f 1$q," . ;exclaimet ppbr last. "." No,.I!I mist ' but, I ain't well: k t li 0 t b.."-'f "^., out of the "door^ reckbri the'.furtil "w'""-worth.." ninppc charge yoit for t| ter id -j our hat."| liff. in? a A, greasj^catarttt was pourtng:. f0r,a patdon. .'Tho'doorned afen'foi;: down the poor man s^face .jylneck^' at least ia reprie^p; ;jTh'e gSmblep and| soakifag, intp! his h]-'"--- ---- trickling'down bis body into boptSj so that iitei-, perfect b'atb;.-pf\Otl; ,: " ^b'goodjri^i^iBeih,1*' isaid' the hitaaoroua 3^MSonter, '?*.' if yoy JBiligoy" iind-'flddfd,' % lje darfced" |;lo;-hes, and/ for such ipai-dg: prk'oatls."iof^pUge-aS. HI eociljhe fev^r:oifbB:|iraiji. . / The loTer'i# tp haye;"ye8" tSp-pipf; Seth,; I .of: you so 'I'liiliacnt !at illciu't d of bt}t ir o:noaraouniae na |: ijisb therii for. tbe as these', maxttrii:L are B.0aMpfJradehtx|'|thoiigM4if^^^^ Use sett YJX m Se^h;at lefe^ ina "..,":". j-. ; V^bot-ta pleasanit time, to1 morrow l! \Veneyer.erJoy.iariydayspirjBch|.:t^.] We never shall! ffo-morrow^wby' , It has aIl!thie.p6ssl)bHities.of ;iife -. It! . Only verydispeptic peoplef pp.;-. those who trust ip^ailriaiiacs,yajril - rjtUi" t-hbir faith ]ii: rweatber.-riJi^,:;;; pjyer-believe it is'; ging ipi-rain ^to^ "- inb.rrow. "Jo' inbit of us.itl has a blue sky. ';_'Ob., 'i jsrijcb a "bliie one I ; J'lrbe sick people! lire gbing'.tb' -ie tietter to-mbiTO^ [The ship jis -; gp- ipg to port. T\xk letter will be here. The: wedding' wilt borne pfit/.The : ttierid will enter I at"' our:" welcoraing Icjboi:."-. l'hp-poorimjin jyil^begiri -tp - make ; -h-^"^f'ortuns;.ito-nipiT^'i^..:Tjiie. . t|nt"Ucky^- prie : eijt^cis; feii Htook-' then. J Np doubt! tnbvcorijBCt hopeJ^ w.- j *f he old- rnaid's .bean rid the Id' bkelrelprls ti-Ue Iovb arie t^pejnB . in witbJ.tfiB dityL . Geniud-'igtp.bQ".'. recognisedj #nd liient rewajrded, arid(.; (poetical jtlstt'ceidonp:t; every-bodyi. j to-morjowi -jAiid there is .Wjr fiiT '. . pdt of: you world rind better people'iti if'under 1: "" npt: i^en,: jbut aM:' ways i^tb'rise, thai we cap by. this f ; thjtt shipes, up^ori us. liealTeh bfess" 'tb^nprrow. Yp4fesdriy waa.fsb-iiid, arkl^toiday ia as riaucb worse' for-rip-, itSs hard'tp tell lihai, ftiey njight: Ho ? tiemseiyes of; U: ;thes>; ikwbjW,-. were.it not for-.tjhat -bright j Ja&k-i-'"" :.IFr .- -%r-k ;^p: -1". lap tem-r^P'.it'bn ow. How 10 Jqbds.+HE WJEaThKR.^ The cqlors of the-ekyjiit ,di^3r<aa't;; tiriies| arp a wonderful jjltidaiibj; . Kpt only does a- clpar .sunset ipre age fair weather, put/thp^eriW! ,0 .her tifiti whtcbj speak, witb clearn< i'ss and acbul meyv.! A bright y sllowi a H eleveping indicates* wind ; a >pale j' all Jrt.Wet; a" neutwtgray'cplpjr ppnst I ut esja&vorj able-sign in tie- ^iveninj . nhfavor-'. ablpbne m'faiPrijing. tae-cloudet arefrilVofineainin ; itfthem teltes. Jf they a,re spft, p)tpTefin|di iritt feathw ;ery, thp wpather|will bfe fii o ,ijf! itbe' i Tp Take Out jrijqit edges ate.^Ba'r^'Bharp,-k1 ^riitsj' it ^ ,i,i"nri/4";<* Will feulV-Generiity ijtit$nmaxif deep, unuBual bn< tfbptc e: t wind and rainj whjlp triorp ....... ilri Denmark tl t.e fenivsrs try ihfi.vi* , jtality ofctpver si ed by pH.ttnJg BOm$'On rikriivpbiade andtoatrng it-riser y a candle or laripvJ^be gp<>d eeed"v :pbp'4,ba,*arid thj rpbor sedtl Vurns oij '-a top blade..' A :. -: ;.l ! .. %J,^ ... . . Staaiift!^1bet:r'- tito Btained: patt of the clota imbibe, V ^ ri little vj'atec wi -(tbut dippiid.: and f ___ . hold the part ov ;r ri^Ughted oqaimon ;i ^-4 ,.- 4'dejibate brimstoneinatcl.ataidistairiob. r-Thei^ tints bespeak fa.it IWealiej.. pimple stifphurou*: aci< 1 ^ai wh&4 is!diailf t le/Biiltish charged socln cau"sjs the:Bp<|#"tbdi8>.'H iidittpgul;-, appear." <}r, wet fbospotaii^tbjehlqii;- ff jrir^- ttien, .rine water. ' '"" " ' ,: ' " !tv i-vij,;-.:- i.-nJ:

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