TEST - IPR records

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 30, 1875, p. 3

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S*U tHrif 111 1 BM \c Jls i tn*.ii mil Juh lb .fbuid In wVrtdi^iT~ t V talfsjay j I t 'j< uir \ ai oks ted ji im 11 Unt'll krtr ith sAid ly 1t> tt id< rly iVwccm l>\ tho i otFrt- JHW} Ijs tk<*i inU 3Tc^roWlu>g [fcit sitJt voor nr diptuongp 1 il giW\cti \\r bad wd tiic Do through tK Lvibe $tr<tt, l^jMtod btm m wi\c mcbt-s [ wi tid kick WtU-TcO, but |i glusLu \kn, Iwct to the |>nts ill t:<-nn^ frs. Thortidike } 5VU ilj W31 \t \tr inr lioil 1 JrTm. i>. - \n pin l)\ B'av+Uli * - / .A V ~(A s'lili farther reduction \vp |>e giVi Acton,-July 30, 1S75. v tf *Sfht So I fi.jx it c^ad Juffht lad- N IL Eidtr d iuvt_r- \Mi5 pJ.101Et la' "UttAltl - en to ft t i ** . i l>-> i f -L*. sam e It rg tl rojyU- dooi a\,l , bi ' /I K II r -! I or |l ttl < riallk I i i [fia j, Y> 4i tiV< i t < tt 1 it ::tr <.i.x^a>til! \. l <- -e- r>i_i.ti II .h W tU '-]> it til t<- J IwUll si' ii \\ >{ i *TIS IlKAVE TO E\E A SHILIXU .. .. ~ TTis tta>"c to'.woAr a niling"fiAx<, |, Ami own a cheerful UVirt,^ <f*H'hi storms SliaU-eatber ill the sky Anil sunshine sli.-ul depart j.'. Tia bravo to tirtaly taiut,by tj&th. So matter where thou tirt. . | The hero true is one- who 'mid - - Tlio hottest of thlight ' y Battles roost strongly 'gainst the wrong J ' Ihat would,usffrp the right; !r Theatars upon'hisAiMiner shiho - :' ' , 'Brighter tliita stars af night. Fvrfwotory is in their jjfearas, 'And glorv ifl their rays ' :" . ' A glorj' whieh shall 'lume the world In many beauteous wavs, f" j And hrigfiter mak with "happiness : .!.. Life's qtaickly -fleeting days. . jLife; hsth ltasoiroirs audits' joys, Its dark; and bright for all ; . , ' " li. |wisi is he when round his way' - Tit heavy shadows fall. . >_:\Vhip, guided by the star of hope,: ': ;F^r aid on Heaven shall call.. . i\iid OjLeepinn ever on his way, Xo xibiwoles shall tear, , I - Swre that li^yond the? shadow* fleop :'; ?-.,The sun shall shi^iemost clear, ; And until in all her h.ii>iiihu*s " - ^Sujireme oiice liiore appear,". ." l,,; .__^ ^ ' * , ^Sotrsvvller long the vfe.Txy rbad, ' . ~ -Xo' mnttr. who thou iirt, -~>. The eloijd^Uiat lower o'er thee .-to^4aTo-iuom-w'shall depart, " "!.; ' 'd: thou-lnit w^ar a'smiling fae& . - Allitowli a Cheerful heai-L : ; ing oiirsolves in for a-jdriy..or two Jack _ Diinlaw, jdiiitu of whiske |irodiiceil _ thi^ ;be| RvUo' w'tts already lay, the. jiotjitiou^ yh'ich ho had hw eh to clear out GOODS at price* to siiit^e u|me^"To^ive visitor? to next l|iontl!y FJiirihe pri several liuifs. Jf y^iij\viit gciixls lit bin ijrices call early. B'$^:"T^B3~E?, ^'^LA^LCDTTm i-npor,.>ii'nd longing [. ' It waa given aaj proinptly ixa the of rest, in strode] iirst, and to the sufj)rise of every ind demanded a ; The Imrkeeppr er.ige, and, Juck, |moro than excited of , vilo liquor, |allo\ved, turned ;it tlown! with a^'gujrgle.' Just as he |owen?d the tin oup which' served instead =of a iuiuWer, Gora Russal| entered- the room, looking for her father. "Here,, gal, givo us . a : kiss'! -Liack" exclaimed, lis he caught sight 'dflier- "':.::.: ' AWmed .$t his brutal inanner, thb girl turned tA leave this room, bnt before shecould do so the bully r^r liad caiiglit tind kissed her' repeat-i I P!**> and; his hand a triilo less edlv wttJi ii'ia Iirumr--fnm' . .>r,^i! steady as ho rammed homo the bul .1,.*. .mt.-i. - ! BBAVING; A;1 BtfLLY, A I ic-P i* ll K K^_ uil :i L. ;ur r. u. <. bfic 11.1 e o-f iber \i' trd, folding 'ila M?d ^fttr a.} K iJ.e Brotbo [i^tjt EaaUna'i fi e Lt"fd In tuni^nv i*p to tell U-? ert t^ie ^"orda |xt; to fetch I ]) jLfc aidu.. an I igM> li_Li. y assvOi- lj-v-l\td- J L^i ir<V Lfeii |t-it^io: alutic -lared^that it it he deenied a', a,ad h.tA in i-Brotlier >-d need not lit re re fciru, vin ki | Sev^rai years since '] quick 'a young nwn- wben il .waa taml gray- is' now, silvering my Ji-tlr I hiul oc- /l?Sii>ii toVisit tho.tfar west in CIov- ;' ernit-i'iitrreiiiploy, ;wuli a parfV 'of s.iirvyyo/s. -Thtt nature of-Our er- ra'iid, o^ir riumbers, and the eJ.ibor- :it*= ^pinjctruiio'jis ' : \ve hijd .made aiprliist itjiy..hostile ilenioiistrations, iusun.Ti.Uh froiu any molestation, '.-Mve i:i"ti few,r5cre,ini>tances; yet-'in .that wild eo.tntrv it was impossible' . 'that we bbould remain^.Jong".with out witnessing miiny_Jcenl'S itot l.iiiiijiiir hi law-a!idifig uijd Jtiiti- vutcil.iiis riots. Be stilt; we Nvt-re -n"ir. Ixyuiid tb<J jde" of the law- t;^i"t'i^--, thett: were 'certaiff o.ilicc(r?,J w;.dtiv. s-cittiertyl, who occasionally tik-t ifiiwitsoBse drunken dt-sj>eftclo,- 'if-hi's fiieijds v.ere not too. miniyr* .' oils., Gttt l*ey<Jind_ such lifroie a^ts ~itiVy- stddyiu- exercised, the jjiowers u^they "were-^supjiost'd lo ..-jxissksi-. ^-^^nenillv eiiiih-separate uo'iniiniiiity bad a~ lcognizHlt leiuler^ some iuau more, inuscuUr and. recfe'ess tban %l:o by virtue of ,thfe q'ltttli'f'ii'a had a Cfittain nnm l^E?' of iolJowers. wLo wc-re raidw'.'to fiee--.tTni't. his will was-/the 'ruling ,-^>o.w-er in that vicinit}-.- <^f;.course ! such men were the real law-mukera. . ;-und;they were very seldom opposed j !| or molested.- " . -. .'_.'- Dunlaw. '.?i'jjqic?3 iieadquartei'S wjero at itbe r'OverJititl"itiil route >vhere rft'e caijp-d to be located for p. few wii-fc=,- while surveying iii thii,t left the place. n . ' As the scene p rogressed 1 tpnitijg fi-om uiy seataud took a'step'towatll the luitfian, but i. surveyor p'ulleil !-me back- and wit Ira! diffidence and Icpwiu-iltce of whichi I' have ever since been asham yd> I did not make a s<?colid-moyeme.it -T saw the-fat iet-. turn .slightly pafe, bnt liJe iijadi: no protect, only" following hLs d uighte'r from the room, [unit returqiiig several niiti- one, it struck almost'exactly in tbo centro'-of thu buH's-Oytei But with out waiting to heal1 the result, Stephen turned to! re-load his piece. With k, strido li|ke,that of an.o.n- ifiged elephunt.Juck Dunliiw^u'ovod up to tlio 8ido'of his successful coni- petitor. ' Don't yo dar' dp- tli.a't ag'ih he hisseiji betweurj shut jaw's.'. " If jper do, 't-wfil ho.a'bard day foryor. Naw mark what "ij toll ye! I ain t goiii' to' fool roinid no ujistiirtlik^. you. VTe'vo made k, lucky hit 'twice, now lot that end it'! " . j The young man nmde-no answer; ir"T"'Rni !"'= Ul. ,.*- i----------'-------- ,! iattiio hard,ear|h ugaiu becanio bis ; bed.; .- r . i This' :tiui; ho did not rise: im mediately. It Kjis patent to, every- ono betoro this stage of tlio en counter ^that ho (was overmatched for once, juid-nt last that fact Bee'rri- ed to havb becoriie clear to bis own' li-inuid.' iDrawii'igitho'flask from bis pocket, bo cast it up'on the -ground, tiiutt^iu'n savagely: ,.,- j , "Th'ir'j yer did flask ! ' Take it (if yor wait it so. bad." Stephen stiepped.' to tbo spot whoro tho coveted prize lay and picked it up, placing it -beside tho rifle. . Tlion turning aijain? to the Thd M^n WitM It Wasn't riglA, ana but I saw his cheek become a shad % <klly : with his iquor-fumed. - and tobacco-sUiinwl li -is. | As ishe broke from his grispivnd escapot.! at length he turiietri to the bUr -again, and v ith some beastly remark?, thrvw dawn coin and,, sauntered oiJt;}tli6se;of bia udmir-| ers- present laugh Jig heartily as lie ute.-i afiei , "No j one seeinc ft uifuk insult; w where |uh>L' in the would jhiive been mil's a|$ calm us ev<jr. i 1 to= l-es'tnti tTi'L' |hich,p!.'iha[>s, no cisilized world permitted to go u-iipu'n|sljed, and in a kiy. or two we alliiost jce:tsed i4iheribrutal actij l^unlay.*, ciime ua'qer our liotice. (to think of it," as on the part. o'j The'third jday ij ijijle'nt^ t<x>k'place| It h-^d : threattpei iHorning, and the and cloudy. , Hh iii^ of . oi r jT.trty, some >pecirnc-ns o! itig of 'the'We<% took from hL> ba^- tii/ely-iiiyiiijiteu jioNydf^llask, T ;te-p,and'the. details1 were sp^edlly"'isPefl^' -, . ^. arrarig^d. ' [Three shots each : -were !.' " The"'- flask ; liefongs to Mr. Kan- to- Ik- allowed,'.lit <ine hundred'and ("ey," he suicl. "JRlease let him J-Jiftypaces'^and tht man whose three h*ve It. i r. ,. l" shotsJjmada;':the shortest' string,) ."Thejhtsk belongs to. me," l-o- meisuring fiwn-' tlie centre of thertortofi Jai;k. .' 'HW shooting war bull's eye, was to iceeivc'the flaskk;/"U accidentjili ; He only .hai^eiie.d Jack Dunlfl.w 'a id. Stephen Ran- to hit wharj he did. ; lint then,; he ikin beV tho ilajik if he ktn get it; or jyou eitheii" V il. .-'}"' ' r'ficinity, and we bad a goodojibor- i tilJULV U) i=illLT t"Sicid<-llt >.b CCXTcvy fsif America it ,o scarce that rk,was? fixed bj 14,.'in 1351, at jd lAli xhe al |n t tbebcotch ji Etj^htndJ i pax day -\t |ur cpgs wero of tboestfor for twb and a [;-pennyj wheat. 3, and a, tat oi [a day woi k two dezf-n 6C WuUid uu) a | whole homn/i fQriyje-8l>5i2t iap on*. Iq^clotJiiDB uh >encopKiing Fak^c ] in bitid and J Iluj moi. ct U(t\e np jd be cter |uy mtan caws, oxen, and ^oor bay u. cl frrfu^itely, in >tck tame, f*tiiy hard on [eljI whenever iRgtb it i* teki ind keeps o ^lotrnds out which fe offt-i best shut, ] :. Tbeiii wort; let discomfited, bully, |whb| had now M.UvvUiuuu, vlVJ > [**o| iiau risen to his feet, bo continued;: '.'Jack iDunlaw," I have Hot done _________________n , with you yet; | A few days kgo you Thei, with lips tightly com!--| brutally insultsd Cora. IRhkiel.; I pressed, ahd cyea fixed pli\tbe dUij-f coiddi havo' shot y.ou dea(i,!ari|d 1- gbfc, he dropped, up au ouQkiie'e, aiid should have dOre.it hud'Iribt piti- le\-(;le<l hik rifle. - ; | ed you. Noiv you'.ti^ko" your choice u Now,]don't ye: raake "<tinbthe:.* (; -r-go,I aud oa your-knees iisk her mistake!" was Jack's last aduiou|- | p*ari.loii and' thensQJuit this^djico for- ......i " - itiOU, occiimpanifdl by "a" shako" oif the tist so close up to the young, inanls faco that I began to feel like gmsping tho bully ifroiu behuid an ' dragging him from]tbe.sceKC. The,thiiiTshot Sfied as thoothera hud dianj.*, and the i young man sprang t^> hw feet, ,,dro]q>ing the '.rifle-to the ground; in.I a" -iuuintet| jWhicli :showtd tJAt patience hud nearly ceaspd ,tp.be his ruling virj t.tue.. Still I. coulij nyt atiticipatej the scones which' weiie to follow. The last bullet had struck just outsido the bull's-eye, and after' carefully measuring the three, Tom Tarbox, he who hiid offored the Ifter the above iui we were olF dutyrain' during tho day. proved dark Joi-tly alter noon anxious to Su-e the faiue<l shoot- ever or die where you stand ! This quarrel i3~uot my soeking, biit now that you liave' 'beguii it: tak|) your choice. I give you three liiinutcs to decide." ,_ :. "* A half d(i?cri wutohes were pro duced, and tlio attention of our party was divided between "their fsJowly-moving hands and the excifc-. 1 ed grotip befoi-b ui .,At ..first it seemetl j3*tliotigh Jtuck wanted to renew Ithe^ight. tic looked around ujion those" who hii.d boon.bis coi - federates, but tlibir^sympathy -wu's gone, andrit was'.'apparent that ;Stopi'en Raimoy'hadli'n a uioiiierii ' ' ' I' cratioila will'say (that at wasn't.___ camo' U'atnping up sti|ii'8, tossed his; hat on ' down , ._ markea : '"Sujpnoso.you'd lfl^{e "Yes,; of cpiirsej lone reporter. ! J .' ' I iiaven'tl been J o paper- yilth. it," Uo coi. jeanedj forward; "1! tho JFrec Press fori years, arid- I've Walkel 1 to givej you this itonii' %. . "Will, I'm' Very ioticli bbliged indeed. What is the!": " W< :I1,; you ilknow) Trunk; Jiinction;T"_ .'.\ Yes, out hei-o aboljit'tjiree miles rrpnutle City.Hall.".' 'Wdlj it wks ab^uta inile be yond tl at.: -. Me* an' a; iothef fellow was|. co ning in oh ,tb s track.' He was a s ;rarigeri &p.d se med dofrri- bearted afld glodiny;:; .nd he'didn't care tw of cents whethi) to .stable, and-lis lie saR in a chfiir hej carelessly, rp, a bigjtem?" replied^ 'the any fether tinued^as.lie hayo, takeb twenlty-nine four miles [item??' the." Grand Can r he lived-or you describe J,jl liecomol.tho hero of |the" occasion! jack's eyes, topi, werei nearly closed ___ -.....-......- wiwii-u . IKCl: T prize, an-llkept the n.easurements, {jmm thJ energetic blows tbat bo steppedj up .among the crowd now! ,l!Wj received.uha bis conn.ge, if lie gathered,: andjiiid:. | ^iad ever possessed any, seemed to "Gentlemen. ,MK '..Rfinnny lias J bave gone! entirely. '. .< - ..': " made the best reoonl, his three, i" . ,! -;,i- i 1 i'i ^ 1 ' ' A nod, a watch returned to the of the owner,, announced pirution tif'tluj time.',. Not a , i ' i i cbaiigo of muscular -expression . !, r-^. i-it"' x : passed over Steiiheu's features as could take it, Jack imltclied it from ' dipd .:; ' j?ocr:fellowi him?." -j _'. i, ."Yes, ho wasrabout| had ; rid hair,I 'big clothes, and no whisku^s, " Wtll,,go on." : ." U'e'd -got \l:i'thin.fl junclior iwhtm tht f from. tho East 1 along." " Ycsi'l " An^l jof cotiilse the track - ^Yf4' I'" 1 '.' pectjng liny suchj,thinJ,-vou kriow, :the i camu made the best record, his three i r shots meisuriiig b.ui two inche's, so I ^ .' l t-o him I give tho jfllisk iioprdiui> toi-[,,< ' . - . r the ex nil' agiveiru^lt. j , ! , . .- /nieinent. Mb reached forth for thq biari didriit let i qs a prize to (he; liillf-a-dvH'D volnn- the surveyors hand! and thrust iU into hi* pocket. . N, o , one antici pated tuch a iiiovenent,;un>!l i( was some moments befpre fTarbox re covered bis;'Splf-pos3e.ssiou so as to inoref, witne.ss a most mte^est- ___ experience, whick -ti-atis] ud v whilej wcj were there. In apprtirunee he vwai for midable enough, asi we saw him on trhi morning- affier our arrival., Kiilly'six feet six inches,in height, rwith .long arms] Tiiid legs, slightly "stoopjng, wifcli- a_.ponderoii8 frauie, iimmease tnasses of hair and beard, "clolJiing1 in keeping "with his- gen-* ;eral appearance, "nd neither "over-l ' icleanly.ior attmctive, a bowie knife' ~iJnd revolverrthrust into hisjbelt as] .be.-waJkedjiblout-tbe station, Jack- .. was c^rtainljltbe nian to intimidate ^%fly ^person of moderate nerres. ,j. For inany| yeais he- had been re- : cognized as! the "leading spirit in: that vicinity,; and frptn that posi tion- be had .grown independent of all rjestraiht save bis own. will, i lie had a. chosen bin^i of followers who Were ready foKtipjiortJiim in every ney -were among the contesbmts. I had been .quite, ouiious to see how these two persons would nieet, but I noticed no ehauge in'the young man's dejiortment, He spoke but little,, and when- :bp list was ar ranged ]for the precedence, volmi: JtaHly took the list'^j.Ju'ce.'.- Then folding bis arms ^i :d lean in <: against tb'e doorway, he c liefully watched the"trsa3.':. . "- .-.Jack'was one o:: the first, to try his skilly and whei three shots had ,4been firttl it was loundl that-one ol ' firs bullets bad- s;ruclc Within an. int-hl of the centre,, while the other twpwefenoti mo-e than half an incb farjtlier remo\ ed. .'-^Fo^rancheii!': the suin-eyor an- niiuncejif after cJrefully measuring the distances of iths several sliots. | :" Yas," growled Jack, throwing himself upon a: beich; " I'll-wait! here till!you beat that, some on yer, J ind when yer dew it ye. kin take that thek' little powder-Upx.' Tho others fired in^tbeir several turns.arid oilr1 parly wag quite sur prised to'find the i hooting aomore accurate. "Indeed wcJbegan to look with distrust upon'the wonderful stories of romantic writers! Tarbox bit his lip; and looked: to the other ir.eiuberia of the party, un decided how to act., "f Seeing his ir- re.sblutipn/pi'Uinney stopped forward, aud.saiil : ,:l yourself, Mr. miny<^tud I villianous undertaking; 'We were,' -AH hadrSr-c-d tbe last save Ste-- X-1 cne kn6e fo a |dou on liotb, e&cape quale Inj j t arar-ce c/ -not long kept in -waiting befbfi ""..V-tiome of hisj; peculiarities were ;brooght'to "'our [notice. '; ; " : ,- TJie keeper of the station, Frank Biiskebj vfas-l! a niedium.-sized man " somb fprty ^ea+s of age, Who had recently comette the jdace, bring- inc;;,wi|n bimja family consisting of 6aej'daughter, bis wife, and j a" younjg-jm4n 'Mpf> ' had Inien in[ liis ' einplOTjsoveiTiryeaiis; iind w'boiwas ' -said to'be the accej)ted lover of Ube . daughter Cord, - &>6ephen llantiey \ was biiiuime^tt very quiet, gentle- ibanly tippearing y<l"ung man; some ;-^ive feet nine inches high, and < weighing at ^moderate./estimate ju. _buHdred and fifty "pounds. He sel dom speW-e unless" addressed, when -; His ,^ords were, brief and to the .jwinfe ' \ .< Cj.n tbeircolinijg foi owing "\Qai I arrival^ while thfi chief engineer of A the corps waa preparing the ,woflc for the ^iay, tlie remainder, ol! tie : party, ifter examining tfceir irifetni- liients JaiSl putting e^erythirtg^ in readini^ss-fpr sor.vice,'disposed pur jel,ti< about fhe station. ' anil wait for orders, ^ix: pbpn Ranney, and: J^ekbadnuide much -tbe shortest string.- The young n.iiii: took Ink place and Raised :ht8.rifle, which Was co'u- l^derabiy shorter than any of the others. ';'..-,! ' . " > t : '^Xiook here, Vot hgster," gj-owled Jadfc, with a wuik- to his adinirerg', " ypu'd better jiavr a JKip-gun; that wouldn't: biirt. any body land you'll be-giat as lifeely-to' v {hit the walk* as verwill with that boy's play thing.:".! ;'._ / - .- Stephen made n > ,re|>Iy, but plac ing his weapon in r^st,' bowed! his cheek to.tbe breeiii , and the.next moment 'the Kbrp lejiort rang.out. :^!*'.'In' tJh'e: edgift of^tjje jull'iwey*', half an' jhcb frqm -the ' centre ! " shouted ithe niarkjer. '/ The' best |ot miide .yet^ . | " It's ^;HCident !^ ;He;caV^ .. tlie board nex>.tim3,! ",crit^d Jack, I savtr from his |manner (bathe moat able untoncerned :"fv. :/": r "'Don't |: trouble Tarbox. "Tho.flask ;will see to'getting it ."Yuu ..will, eh i " Knarled the bully. ' ^fout jiif;arm's reach or 111 muslj )re like i >-oast ta'teri "' "- ; - i.'- ." Thus speaking the giailt- swunjj his great fists about, but the young man did,not move: Instead ha re ceived a'blow upon the head which knocked away his hat, and seemed tochange his .whole nature itito th{it of] a young lion. With a strength^ and agility wholly.unlook- \.<d for hedeulfc .the" pant a fearful blow on.the; nose, vhich J knocked him to: the'ground, a id deluged the uncomely face witli torrents of blood.". Tbere was a momentary Htrugglelupoa the gipuud after the Ibully.felL, and then. Steiihen step1 Iped back apace), or t% f b, ' /.' In U moment the raflian was up oik bis feet again, and!with a fearful curse ,Le placed bis ] fand 'where he expectedto Snd a revolver. .But it was, gone/! -Then lie sought for his knife, bufc'thati too, was missing. The young rijou had tiken the! pre- he i was pas getting excited ami arjgry, but, - Stephen! jrelQadedll his rifls \n the knocked: to th^ grbundjwi(;h'a single Nine inches in height the bully to'w^ ered.above his 'antagonist,.while in actual weight he was more!- than twice his ~fcqifAl. ' ' ; i Thdre was no parley or!besita: tion. - '.Finding himsel f wea^oajess, Jack llitshed for tho yodsc man, and wpnld'bflyij.crusl ed haji in Jus deadly grasp; but^-h< > young Mian Jdid hot wait-for the process. Aj quickj fierce blow fall .ng just where! the other .hail fallen staggereld, the rascal, arid beforejieitiould spe-wbat' had become Of the niii i h&supp'osed already in bis grasp* i. tremendous crack in the. |ear brought bim ugain- |-tb thp-grcluncl. Again he scrambled to. his, feet,! triid. again "llidtiiuo is hpj Jack Duula will you live or' die ? " Jack looked 'around once and plaintively ask*<.d : - " What do-yqu isay, .boys ? " ( "Do as.jho tells yer," replied one who bad'been. Jack's "pbiof support er in times piistJ, ' , '. I The last hopo teeemed to leave the contemptible giant. -In a voice weak and wavering be said.: . " I'll leave, and that orter satisfy "-. "You will dp' what Isaid.or^ " The sentence remained unspoken.. Jack Dunlaw bowed bis bead, and walked meekly a.way to make. }.he !required _ apology.. . I - did not follow! liiiii, though many did. Five iniinutes later. 1. saw: bim, the..- blood- washed from bis facei "jwalking \slowly .away iutoj the'fujrest.. Wp did nOt meet .hiui again; nor did, be return.to that [statioii' ty my knowledge. j.' The| favor. which -Jack lost Was ^transferred | to Stephen, arid a. fins |villag<f, which has "si?jce grown up tlierejjbejirs to-du"y the stamp of his. quiet jenergy and cbutage. ' t, himself* by wjoi-dlhor liok. If I'd only; si|'8 lecteil it,[ why L could havo grabbtjtl him." -Yes ) I see We 1, wo stood j facing the t'raiv.: '.'. was a little aliead of him, and what did he do as thatraihgot within 3 00 feet of us,"j "Rusjied on the-trac|: ?" 'No sprliigingaip. ' "No.TAsI not; th'at Me.made jump IfJr the mil, kn^e'ed dotfn, and " Gfcf t blades, but itj was awful," internijx ed tho repprl ". Aivf ul ? T guess ititvas! Iwjiu i""""*" weiikin my Kf j. He de . i..Vj i.-tLI-- -.- tir -.. oh'the rail, neverio , . Jiberateli' laid his| neck) shut hisleyes, arid- -' "And tueJlocQiuotijp- took his" bead.clen|n' off," shpu'ted'"---------U"i;- Thelgirls always lovea;man who is pretty> i . .. _ wissajj beijitely jbtcedbiineck held it tl ere And was- mashed No,' iiv hold-it i\ier& for a mouient, and theq: ... ., And was thob struck'-by tlie pilot!"1 ' : 'I No, ^ir-^ and then took jt oflT again,.and is saloon ar jund the cor for a job. ' ' . ] reporter leaned .lookedj ut him for a loha time, Tbei sgranger leanedliback' looked lit the reporter: Nothing; disturbed lene'e but the ticking By and by the- mari item loojted up at down at Jthe floor, out into the hall and Detroit Free Prest v Thejittle Hartfprd girl' who gave utternnde to thefpllowinj; idea was puzzling her.mind .with a problem that has bothered the worLI forages., She was reproved for some cbildieh act, and seating bjerBelf on the floor at her mother's fe^et, reflected fora-i long time,; and then looking up, said "ila I Why U it naughty things are, so nice?" ."'_ ! A curidus instanee of the cheap ness of whpat and' the dearndss oi pi-oyendev! at; the same time is given by^an Englisli farmer iu jthe Mark ... ,, :-.-:r-- L,Me E*l>rest, as liaVihg come-iin- cautio'n of removing them, so that der h^s o-Wn-'iiotigb. . A-farniar sold now .ihe two stood upon equal tbe wheat growh. on. bndi'fieldifor. ground. But wbat) a conti-asti | ^5Q stg>f but for the straw which .produced this 00. or It Wll: teat he obtained , Wben yiou sjee a jiig wiih a straw i in his mou|th it's a sign tn it it ,is go ing to be wft. \V,ben :'pu sed a man with a straw in iUs'motftu, it i a sign that he is dry^^-'-fhe niinVBl generally has a pintof one end of it. ' \Hegbof6htaiiurijr an It'emT) future gen- flspireAaro.1 W ON IJS TH^ILaplOFApfON not., ecu cstublli ton ik use'ss's! being jttlihty.'B beau tii a lrom li beobuIiuqU on reaioimb nterdi Aetoh, July I, |e. hIorrow,1 Chemist and Draggist ACTON, b'RUGS, c HElIteALS, five feet six; feet, coarse! mile of the ^(xpresji; tmin thundering. Stepped'off . . UIEFUMEItY, PATENT AND PKDPRIETARY, Always [on lianjlaliirgf inj wkll- eU btWLlC ot r nor ex- bn or betray herepbrter ng ho deli-'1 an the mil, Acton CANA jjeliberately no v: in. a u4^ inqiiirjug ;' babk SUa kfl[fld ahd t ie tfeep si- pi th clock, an , with- the , tl 3 skylihgt - and softly slid wits.JMuje.; . ' BWr woot Acton JGrreat Ba ili'^y.'^.aJKJj coheIude<i^io contiaii^ tiieFr-^-; iii6l -^iih uuy bctlri&s'JiIri ilietl within the enr;'i)ruU< n.' . . Xftdnraiid Trunk Railway ive mlleB west tor Toronto; Is in a il rindl healthy locailojj), is frfto lunlclijil debt, anil prp|Jtrty can IPEALLK IN grant \n "V lllace C-'ierk. t'r ! ;MEDICtNES POST select- pyo-S' .tuffs, JLiduid Dyo; Fancy and Toiiok ioaps, Brashes, &3^&ees, Trusses for CU1- , dtps, and Adults; I chottli or Bj;,cos for Moa.l'Woiaon aud i ihildisa-, Paints, dry and in. oil, B00K3, Stationery and Fancy Goodsl PUREj WlATES AND LIQUOBS J'or Mjjdjclhal Purpose^. -'^EQ P hyftVlhns PrcFerlpUom- and IM- miHiic itecelpts, nnd Hot an aid C11U0 OFFICE STORE1 : Medicines, careXuHy compound'a /" Q. E. MOJtriOWi I-. , ;L."-JUaica' Hall, Acton Uulj-,.l^i7o. . |u. STrOREY & do., t OVE WORKS AQtOX, CiTT.' ' WhpU'sa p Man ifocturers or every des- '":,; c'rljiUoa'.aud].style or] ' ^oat; isr 3; Cloth Gloves !^ MIT TS AIIO CAU NTLETS. Is thcVlAcc to SECURE VALUE far tout Soney Tn CHOICE 'TEAS, GE0C2EIES ! Provisions, Crockery, Glassware/ , Stationer), School Boobs, Wall Papers, raucj GOt^s, Ifindow Blitids and Rollers, lixtuits, etc I embrace this opport-i nity pf tendering Uvmkg to je\ nt.n'ernna friends foi the lutral pat onage bestowed by tli<jn for th|s l.ut twti> years, and as the expeneice of that time has hud its,'lessons, and has enabled me tdpiofit thereby. So that I am now acquainted w nil <bebei inarkete to j/urcliaae in, *ud also the cheapest my^-custoni^ls ntsy jcly upon gettuig'tlie benefit of satd' expern nee j In foumr jeai^g it has be^hnv matter impossible to'do businebs on a SUlctly cish basis But oui countryshay mg prospered/to an uuprtcLdenjed dgi.e "Wltlim the Jast few \ eHre, I thins oui pcqjile are now in a pdsition to Abandon a System so Pernicious create marfrins for That it: has to _ . cash customer fyts'uof right do-.-! o~ 1 - - 7 ^ ' And by adof>tiri Ari-so Dressers of jPlain and- |Farj,cy { Klid Leathers. llshsbt biarkei T'rlco skins..-. , : r^jy\iBt.]S7i i -, paid for LlVEfW&I^LE STABLE 'J- if Take" p'ensuro-1 pulillc-geueiully 7 ALLAN (uinoaiiclntr"1o the .but-he b) jrepared to Jurnljib. \., j * ' - ffirat-olias Horses atii Carriages , .' j. ; fVt ftea^oriable KHtcs.'l - Ig 1 and BDorse's jtre the w>st' that . fp ?. bad and doubtful debts, wbub tl to bear and whiUi hitherto lie 1 as 1 ail 0_. uuu >rjin-n jjmi^rco}i las had o do-r-t am deteimined, the foie, on and\iW~tlie FIEST DAY C yX SEPTEMBER NIJXT to do business for M j CASH &$ TRADE GNLY^ . ^--gUj^SJstonlwdlbe enabltjd to ' ' REDUCE PR!GE$ FROM 5|X to EHSHT PER fiEKT, Until tho above tin4 ar ives, customers pavjng Casbwdl receive\ha tho ^ish System, which, indeed is th& ONLY TIGHT 'aV^TF^ 1 wbi^lJselures adyaritagesj Ji^ ipJbe.losi iig^?- ^ ^ \~^I fori & f : : 1 > -. ii^>m.;-tBi'<Qi.JEff',:'.&cs ES^lfA l8.<letrniineit not-to yfuty (Stable,] ' . .. ---------- The third I spoaea pur-iaoie. AS be.wflfi about to -firejy jtime he arose, but before be could] ^ smoke Jack w4edtowar 1 the - target tojl^ip6 ^ ^bod from;: Ijiia \,yek su'f' silewreatL-' iuiark';the|eflWtqCie shot; ;.;'ficiently to distrnjguisli bis antagou- "gentb. ..The NE.wsPArB.!-^I>aniel Web stei; aid:-Small i^thesujpi tbat ikrequired to patrojiiie a newspaper,' nnd amply rewarded is its p'atrofi, J i-.I eare not h'ovr bunible and untre- ^ tending jthe gazette which ihe takes!! It is next to impossible! to fill ,a sheot wi^i printed matter! without putting'ihtb-it sbniething that is wortlithe subserijJtip'npripe. Every parent, whoseson iB^way from hou)e at school, should supply him with;a hewspaiijer. I Welll'reniember what a m^rkeil differetijee. there was -be tween those <f? fBV.&ohaol'iaatea who had not access.tb naWspapers.^Othdr things being equ4l, the-first weife ; .always decidedjy superior to tlie last il debate, cbnipositibn aod mt-clli- " "' - Geiieral Klacfcsbiitli, Best tlBSTi 1- Horse- Snoersjiii Perfect satis'faaiioi gtiaranteed <Jr hj> price^ Good Stock RhfAIRiyG i>r A'cton, J 4ly. 11 1875- jCarriag;cj ^ d Walgon lllalticr liW Aiways oh liahdi M.:0arna^p, ra fyi tir and:.nro^rjly Attended j to\: '-ehiii^ Sta^L^^al -- '!. " . . ...... - : , - ' Al1 "il.\i: Oiijr PHnti* fl^est:*}oodsf--artd'. ftress' TriiniitinsAL - - -.1 AreaUJijfUe|l3n^e^Bu*u*wai:rm:t<iri4 '-: '!\-.: i ^the CduMy charged. PLOWS MM; rWlgfeii.

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