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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 30, 1875, p. 2

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I^j&qr *& '^Si v%. ?ltSH r* :;il;. my* f i*i?f l pi liPiSM Mp^'iaffi^jr-fiH,fc4-^Tt- l&I.'. JPef Anvjtmi Jn M\evmvc& : "- "."" Khtoiitvd (iioi ilotor ' .I, ' i i'rl j$ot&nJ |ptvj;^| :jN!i,;WTa*j "THE 'BONUS S'YSTjEM-:'.' j opVunl* 'Iioiill&ij psiuMiKhmeiil of ;n ^totU">I w:s ilisciisj sukV,--aii.Wti; The cjtn-stuv ti emsourugo matwifacturc/S in .jivJVrsoii'w". woeks <im of tjio :. stcrccincRt "wns - "- : If*" ' ~; lod fa tbat-rfhe" - v " SMA tiso "suolj oSiy. -~". juenU'didjii*!' ..and. loca$ papv^s,- r r -^ : i i-K ft': ipopnoil' should ml The advertise in; theToj-ontu Hit ifiv to thepi-e- - - . .- - |'i l . time w6 iindoiptaud 'k>| one linn -.; iii.i|o-.?v;: ..?#;j aprjlicutiim ^vv^ib' MisJraiiy ; dtcjnj>t jbn --n lipannfiuv '! t r<3 hep?; ' The im tttvr lmsi -lu>rts thi- -.!;,,. ratepayers ; in a, Ipraeriyiil -shstpV- i'au-y fiir-ther -Action'* it. would Lbo; as! Mxdlj that itfe -.whole principle of -bonuses should bv thoroughly-" '.-discu^soJ ja < u!l j its " ^"^"S^ "Inilh sides of the qiie*- '""^|citfiiwjll'hc:u"w.'tytul and thoughttul.} -'vf^nsidw-atkiii.'! Kdr the ' hetiefir' .of - o\)j- renders ftoisuimiij; the fullow- jij- "hii; t>\yii .iu<hiM.ljt^-r.ja(iil'ViHprpr.iao Is uvefeimu-all *.ihVshijii lux. I Hli lUo'idttei I ,U\V Ktieivedcd in uitabltidii tg.n branch [<f iiiami(Kotnt-u>t,-)Hltvt'<l tttpssMinu-. ' other-, persim whli hns imt lv"fki*,c'rt>tri- lmtol anything; tinvijrils tK'^prosperity of lluvinumelji.-ility Vthoro hi' .Jiropostln I to.liHiato. j '.'CUia. is tho im rc^plajiHiblj' ^oty^otixitvt of-'tlio t\v>>, tin t .even thitr, I iftftiC'ii Cxsniiued iiitu,filniat jiinisli. 1 If tlK'.pi^lK'Vity of-a'pl .<v wimfd l>o sdcurjpi hy lhc|_.4;rautiiiK t fthimusj tlio ol^ m!ummotiir"-s Would n \\i\i jiivjmr- tiiinitoly |wit.hrthq Dthun iii tluvutim- muuiiy. iljfi^ mumifiwtory, tMnidoyinj^ say IW oiWljativcg, ctmld bi.'ivuwd t<i a lowii'bylgf.tiitiiiK ft J.hihhi i>f SlO.tKW, wonlU not this mtiTitiuiuU oionso to tho IHli'iutsilinii "and Aiusinnas] i Uut'town cxui'| a prv^jirtioDiitv' ii'v nf.vo in ' ftlL ,t'o^i)ucntlj,% tho nianufn "inrcrs wUni ]^iit*lili!<l>iHl liHsin'chs Ami "pry.jiM'ty wynld get fu\l ViJuo-for tlxl adiliti uml tAxntitin tjle ( of thjo:'l turns v Inch n'oilrwl this^Jouclit "(vouhljont.-iil u| on tlioin. JS.o tlvit, ^ rc.\Uty, thptv i* no|ii>ju8ti(Ki tlono' tho oltl in ui\lfaoliu-ori>) ir^ ""^f :--'v rS^^;^'l^^'7 ^ U": J -it~t- f I)LE, ACT^V JTJpJE F|IESS, ft'-.-; -ft '"i'u'ij trxct'ilt'Ut -jUjIllOtlt tits 'vhichiw.t' iiiiX iu ;t lato iisuclqf tht- tji"Ufoi:U"'iJ feif'V- ^-!?V 7" ;J?}posiit>r :- .""Tiboi,1 Cfiintry P -es Xlauv |ir|s few iit-oplo vho do the country ;j:i[H>r full jimti jo. JIohI ovoi-j'l)otly l^iiicluiud-to look jiwny oi'fi: the vlioulikttit'of it iu x>uutrv -tditov- to Btuiip |M]>t5 pri nting uioixj lxiidini; matter, liiid thou im ku com parison.*. '. Thwi are"|HH)idc whonc-; tnnlly bflievo-Jtii'RiKiJi.-iijIo to find a jnrson with' feoniinon 'enso, with' industry or with bniinff,, n.tjie qlKct? tif a country m<Wsj>:i|H>i-i; . m>WHjiia]>r > aiix lijivie Tin chajrajiB-fot tlicWi uhk'ssf it *au ho niystifieAl iimW ;a stririgc {.u-ivt^iiility, iind in buying 'a i-iijiy' thcyju-qcfoil oyer tin- Siii i us.intko ptireltaso off a bar. of i a-ip-^they Wtftild nitlntr havt! onv i luit comes from tlm. mtiy, bocniLsf it'<iliiisVneci>a-. '" i' ... 'is now, ctoiNd on 130, I LION GUELPH 8i78; viM Ibe DclcriniiHul t<| clear oft'the bnlnncc of Sumnief Stock, troniGtidous|lmrgams V no othci1 house iit Guclpli enn nllonl to irive. ! ' ~ i OBSBKVE THE FJRlC!ES OF u^IfeW 0F ^HE Iii$ES^EDlUGtilI> Klch jh inted IJlCO! SllAwliT,'ji IW -CJno dollar jliiriinii l.n\i iThOHO iHwittfjil Oi-loHtitil Lustwetta Di-oks CJ'oodH t}>.bo niHhe'd b(]"at"l2.1,^., formernrictj lOdozeii TAd'^jV Hilk Sqiiiiii; ties, ^5c., rpal ]tiico ^1. - ':]. , "l i ' ., wirtli S2, .. " """ j. .: 'r 1 Jls for l$0ij;* ' " ! ^filliji-jry, JtiijaUeji'-.rnviuidiiias, Black: and d'oloved Silks at half 'price t tho"G'i'eiij, :Qttoli: RS i ; .New t<V"*:D.S 4lJV,;i"JlXi">llS ;to livjll Iu!sifo niid i:|Htl;Lti6if ikcirt'olihT. , I'Ut the'ooiirary tiibu-j titry tb them dnesnot of &t>eJfbU|>|ily. -"-. iiifticieiiLiti^ie to ejnablf itljcm ttiac-! cboijdish tiiisds-iiRad tJ-it-ci. Boih, tiiervJ&iKy aro anxiously itv>kiiit; for i-. ^onit^soiii"ce oftrade'to siip|>!einent ..j..-t-k;it-directly dfciiv<"jl from ihe rnml ' -distriets. All natundl^. it urn U> ~. - pia5!i!ftGtiin)g;aa $\ nitaiisi to. gsijn ; : 'this :td'lit}oh to tisidei Tl^deinand fyr ".ijwni'ifactories jibHis t-nuseti, li.is" iot.l "-.J^ the Sjstetn of. otwringjaddi- '.sToil'isf indnceineutsi to-:'<tiio4u^'tiich'. natiire'iiuiiy have' providi-<lj. \ii" the j ^ skajw of l>oiiiise&[ Th.ert^n'n-'imuiy * ' .bi-oic^ica of: lmniifieture tii[b|j^vf; jmrohi grealts" extfepsfon, a<i(h--t'here- ::;-e ldany- jdaccs Vtiwh njBvv- tii^iiu iuanu'faetories lyhiwi aj^fifct ,xda jtcd. t > piptiiiin-tht:rii.) ; jigHih i-.'.'i_whiv'h;'iwHv; i i|f}ij!tire ii'i v* noni*. c-rtain Ml M-.,ny i wUch Itxdly i.n^UtrLep. Tiius, r ;h. iid:t|>tt'd"to sus|iiiu; ii'ialiufHctsir- iH., ":wiil-'Jm've torgouv>vnfT where ihon {Lipt-s- -wlieitj'fg<K.>tl_ jipfiiiii^s | i-xiit'wiH^ liiot j lik>-ly, s;iiei- or i.laWt- g'fl!"bat "th'eyj uiost d<-.sit.e and '-.vJiai th'ty- iitii ;|5!it--t>i i|.ai!d :t UianufaeturinK biisirit-aK, ": r ,' I -.:, i iiotj'^h tbeie ci4y hi- "Vj^o^xi |>)*'ij(l'fig ,'.] >jmrta a largfj aiifbuut. ol eairtUil - i-^-laU R^vl"' ,"*'-: - 'JBU ^^Bp'>^+7.'=.*,V ^.-.- ^Kz:'.," ii^.-^M ^^^^ "i^i; ^^E^-^"v -' VvfegaMM - temM ^^^^.'^ r.';>;?^U ^^^K;-'-?'."-'-._ J'V' "'"'L'^p^^H v w ^- - ' 't-GBBfl -e?'^M ^^Kt*i~*'~ ':" .- "' ^^SB ^^^fep';--: 1.- "f * "-'*4'J^H - - ^>->-iWM ^^^KsS-i-^Sv .1 Wm -. i-j ^ ^ri^ffiBH ik^ T^-'f^aH ^^E*--.-; >-.iw^H ^fes?'>;:->,i ^^Kfrf;:'i:yi-*. i-"""^i'--,^^B it^feapr^l uu i:r t-his c"iiQti:y cajiiuU.-i.s nut -'. fcvr ahiin'ihuiti. jit- is t lis, tact \-, vL'iL-li lea'ls so. p:iay: iiiahultiotuiei-aJ 'u .<^ek for ninitici|ial- 'oonuL to "aid " Lii'-ni in theii' aianatic <inng enU'i- jiriStSv. M;m\jiti:ihicij>alities have j.'.intfd valiiaHiij Htamifrtcttries: liy granting this iiid. and haC:e tl^ua r-eenrefi. a --'souiico of trad' Which iv^ipiifct thu <lt-ru!!tjni:y c.>usc<|..!;>' tiie ^ ^/4.'.wi-riu>rsv,lthri.ii..^Jjiiifc. iucfO.t'^-Kr ziii-^-' c.uiiiry ' -H>f riilMa-} i fao;li- licj. . .ir^iiy jctiBSf;jja!itio3 :are .ikih' i2>Ui"Ji._^'-iE K"-i:lus failL'Ccitiefcls, -atKi ^sury be soi; much bette-l in every s.-fist: than a! hbiuepnodu^itii-j.- The Hnuiuliiaii would Tailgh at you if ypu si.quit! ivi'uie to iiatroiiw the crjass- ro-ids mijl, becsiuseyou IxSieved }-ou had nether'get your flou =froui tlio t oitv. Tlife.cjiimtty u*!WiJ|i i{>e.r isbne f rt' iof the.ijM.rKtiin'ii'or'^jbtstttriliiitcs' of uvei-y tWn,i: Ui Auirriciir When a colony ^ettlejiuuywhere viihlthein- teiitiijn of building a villa ;e the first thought is a news^iaper; tliei pi-ess is t.hiis iu the very vangi ijrdpf oiv- iliJBitioii., It is the usefil agent in every place of progress aidgij-owth. There is > ot another single power that, otu do so much gocd, jnitieut'. "'ort in tho way of building tip as ' pie local newsjKijieri It is jipt'al- !|toi"Cther important how itis edited, whether with'jibility or I ot, so that it. tw condlicted withyan industry, iiiid.enterprise at least side, by fiiifis with the town s-if. it cat) aflbrd to keep.a few yeiiEs iii advancif it is all the lie.tter.. A country ' pajjfer tliat had Ijtth' cIfCi than adve -tisoRients would lio-an immense blip'-to any i place, for ady-'rtisemehts constitute a jnosf reliable index to tho char^ actei-,>'ze, business and ge neral pqri- dttion of' the townl ;Totl e stranger who niiiy^hnvo looked iri a prospec- I tiie way upon a placo^thfe adveitise-. tiienU are .the invaluably >art of the pfpertlia't.has'lievn sent aim. Witl oiit a uc.wijpipoK with .it local liews alid ViOsiiH.-s aniiouJiceni( Ills, what would the a vertigo 'Ann rfjsin city or village l>o l.ilt would .sjirejy be .unknown to its neighbor!.-i \ .jhe 'country^tt'Cvkliec ought to lKj-dierlx'4t sujipoi-tpd liovtsjiajierB of &c Whole, lujid, fo'ri'tSer contain uhdersbM, its tuid--MiibliiiB,'7.VoM worth lijfe .r o.t J>c. VmMJ^MBQiti'y i I) ry {Goods ^toro, the ____ - _r-~ Iate4l.:s4qdkfe, and at priced Tp^lowlto markfet. Crranii^s4tsf|:oirLjh^ it. stocks of "jT!3!iiT;u.-:criii" it liewu land gossip,! that; <unnqt 'be foundVini atiy- of ithp' ci,T dailies." Xl'c.farmfr cajt laiyti fro p his local ]>aper if he!p'rcfers to t (kfijit iu- a*5*adiof some mbrti expensive put/-" wtwi; tirejp .ikuiv. i.-iition howututii .his neighbors "*vc-urci th3 lx.-iifciitu I'STxtyiMcre fimin sold tor, how the in^lifcfejnciiEs iwjll,.in all ihr.-iaj-ti graiitiiiu uu iist;hools are'inosperijig, tile price of -Ji.-.j':jr-i-i.-iiitai^ iu jjjdi 4.^ :e ,.f l ,lm'_c, asJiy Jiu-re ^vill iKj^.'-ijirnjily, |,Cc.iu. l/'lHittcr anil egghi at the village rnar- i .- ' in> "'^ '. k^t,' and. \vhat improveni'lits are in I .cation i ?;.atiy wW^-^.i' 'ril%c-3;,^k-rii'td fl'nogi.ws through the :^Ct_lon in aiiViafcctwies are a^eiiy^ity^' ;ii ti:ey j wliich lie lives. 1 Jfe. can get nbne -.ii.-frtA co=r;nce t -^[iioiper.. fiiAhii^;, ] of this in tl>e citivpapiT, and herciin- -;,V.re?vr<U'i3, we Jhjlioxe. good pulley j" ,-,. ,- A |Isefl|1 Ity^ w'f jiout such - ::'rvr.:i f,.r ti;e Vurpos^i of ciuln^hat, l1*"1" f "gM !niftrmntl>n. -. Jt is -t!iij: h-l-.L if they [secure tlliis thon | uiit always that .the.best ^ownssilp throai'h ptfering the ;!biJucemetii, goml port the bes.t! nejuspapers : but'it i hiri.M.JI; iti:ey a,>ut secureLt, jh<iy Ktriclivu f;1ctjthi t" lio play ievergeis vdi ii.i-.-s' W bear,up uiuler tltcir mis-J .f. '. '4. ,.j, .' . .,' ^-ortaac.Bb.'t^fchs loski-i.f iraii?! ^ best t t.kf.cmht of jbeilig .tbr.ft^or entcr- '-u-> ^^ r"-'t:'ei is'bn'e :t!nii> certain'.|_])nsing uritii-it; &rh ieiJd out a c-,..-rin^.a..i.ouug. : Xfijt u;ac<;epte<l^the ' - ' "-J---I-T- .-J^aaB'icigilfty or-ijiiot.ijiil-to get ralae for 'V^it iDjaad paitlf;. if-jii is noc acjepiiii, a.cy-T-:f- e i ;./,flj^u it'35. no jjfvjrer. - .Som-i.jnij^hi-," > ;tiir(>Jj'i.tiie 'tniiijs isilnucruenij,! .'ebiiro ^lnanufcrurmg,'. who i: thley Jjatlin.'t ot- .'. f-jrei'the indtieeniiajt . woiuJd not hav oJtaiiied tae i*eaijtit, for, :m' a[ Cwiniiry n'ljfcre capiijal is -limited, an oii'er of live ' or'ten" tli'wuiailJ/tlollaia is'no <wiaU ai- : |'| .'"'. AVe "tnow. it hit man y Wa'tL-1. > tfiu't - , . ... ... ,1 . -.; Sranilii on llle suifac^ qt the wite: tieir objection's o t^ii jjohits:' :ttty\ icc: " Ibe spring is on H lev ' ^y, hold that ir a- place i. .7, IniGi}x)ce3Heq, we have one (^f the, lM^e&t: and westMToronto. ; '; '],""- r,' :"'^ Oilr stock ot Teas its rtot equalled, and r^niingr fioni t(f ^Dll^ts per pound; i^ ^ * * ^ 10 lbs best Whirte Crushed or Granulated Sijtar for 11 jibs! best 'Bright Refined Su^4rl ^r $1 ! 12| lbs best Medium SuWrMfor[ $1 13 lbs tDark Mofco^f Sugar-f<j>r f 1- giT^fi,; hucJ) a* -J-. Lion. fttoityuig p a TUB 1UUJ. .- I Somobbily *lio>.^it1*ij|.;thq[. _ bIhiii i 'the $i rlji ibid sctife^af loat, ' * Ob^Mcwitho glS, >VlioB golden ciu-Ih Blend witlticbr cvt'iiiiig;dru(|fn| ;Tht>y liaiiiit ouri{lvi' IJki? BJiirit wived, Or,n naiads'haunt the stretjiH. They Hootho our paiiwV: .TkoyfiU.ottr'broin'i : : With dream* of suminor )ioqrH Uodblca* tKo|girta,'.. 'God blcsS tho Ur1j; > <16*1 blesil our human floviri God 1 Joaa the wivop/; , ;;'i.'hey filL oiirihivcAj;-: Withliiitlo, beoa and honeyi J! --- Thoy eaiHtdifo'tiish'tckii, , " : They moud urtOCK8>; j j( ;tBUt^-d(j'p't thoy. s^eml.tlie '.ifHibey ?"'.. ' t I 'i . :f ' i '.'! , , A .. e. ' ii' %%f Tool?, mP0D i0L|E^RINt3 mtE DV ptapi^ aai; Faaly Di J Q-oods AT ftHE |A$HI0IIA4LE \WEST ; END. C The -iniinWl Uirita of the Village of ' invited to.ji I'illa^e of Actojn and surrounding country !are Mtend'the Grand'ClpafjhK Sajbof .'- ._- - Staple anji Fan6^ DI571 Godds Now.Qoing on! at tho NAKLE WEST END depfendH nioi-e upon the pjbople. than tke-.fcilitoK. ' '. .. "GJAS.Si'iJiNq X Mr. Mui] mark l.1 writes to the ' jieitjung ajjarf-sprfng whicl co'vereti in thtvillage; anl ' yestsriiay visited til :1 ft'lieu tvuftin. a tew yardai Iy peiceive a continue -l-l: ^": ys ssSi'f--!:' -' they, hold that if a-place isis litabie-. fi>r ::iiy particular ,hraui.-flfe3 of' in'auHXaccu^ :n:j." tiisje :branches will seek that j>Jaci, r.nl &'.t o.'fering;o.f ilK'^'ia inducements: t'^jjiicige? tae li)Catu'igJ.oi roanufaetux-i. ing eaiiijishraeots'inj hiiiciisnot'adapted; " t tbaat >'ow,in.rfji'<;rei.iee to th'it. o\>- - jro'-TTOftld iaj tl)a| maji}' luuni- ::>alitie3'wjiiph n'wj|njy the' benefits 1 <it tfiern liad they ii<)t a-;ai.rite 1 tjie uu:' U-riakiu^j'l by '. lKflln>es.,.". 0pl thi' Uinajes not. lieefflb.given^ t'h'jii railway would iiothive len trnUu, Tlie bbnijjeb wc-c^giv^|. fi(iw'jver,;[aflii the I be/iehu i,'f -- ' ! Tn:' laot tjiit;AheJraii .viiy" ertu'i . ..1.^1,1. ::._ Li.. tt^ F--^ > >urrouoding grpund.) 'hb spring is cu'bedjby a box, a'px>a"rent y about 2 ji-ei svpiare by 4'iu,iiepth, 1 be depth ol the Spring is.aojjut five feet..t$iih Dress, llantle and Millinery JKHttibllsUiijeiit, . il|PPER WYND^AM STREEi, XJUELPH. Immense it'r&wils ej Fashionable Wpsf Guelph, July 1,-1875. I-JpiJj -'day." AstonishiiiB Itafgalus. to, ho IiRitl- ", Come and See. I i ^ , End i)rcss,Mantle and; Millinery Eitabfobiijent. iriiof Jfew uira" res-< Fie luis di^r1 sijs: - is spring, jcoulil east. :4t>rnrijotion t^the w.i- bi with the ORBAT V Saolf, When wo are sieffc,' ..v Th6j(heal us quick,. That.^n', if tihoy; do loyo iu ) ..- Jf not,r wo- die,',v; - . ;'. _ Artl yet they cry 'And ptco Uitnbstones'abq; ' Of roguish girhf, V; . AVith sonny ciUla, [ .'me liitiy in fancy dreain ;/; ;.--:,^ iijt yivji-^trus wivi I ""-' Aro 4verytljing.tbey' seeing[ AJ Midj^i^ht ,A4vejafcui,a. Tliol othurlnigit, atjqiit hnjf-past twelvd, oldMnjbt; 'Hiotntiik^ -titis awake ied 6y a tronicn^otia^&ppiiij At-b-iu front door. -_ ! j.-..-.' Npv/; ttHe~'5tajq5,- altjiq^Kb bold$ ii taiUt^iy comnl'uMijbflj]lsiipt to bb al trif..... tiine^-s,p jlie'awitkened "Jtis bettef liulf, tc' have her judgruejiit -iri~tiie Htiattei, :jj"What* -appcarj ttt-he!'tfce;7{rjou bio? " impii'twd the old lady. i onbla ;eHqugl(," reuljell -|he ' KoiiiobuiTy. isjr rlppt'ngiat 15 eents er [ w.q ,i% <^eajb'*Vajkety: CJLBARitlvjtci fSAlM OF MM Ntr\^uoi<9 OS -it'-.TIilE'-:'- ELHP*|tANTJ; iCtLOTH JfO: 51 WYX| D1IAM STRi jiA'S we^w jinjxious to cleat' co'nsidci' it a i Pleasure t6 shijiw goodd. Mil ^'Streat,! Aeton, . I$$ thePlafeel (for Iphealp (Jobda :lii aaridy bottq.th" I- atb'credibly informed -that the._.vi|a er never; freezes dUnqgHvimer. and . tnatflb^ ;ga- ec.'pes during winter aa t|Se)y as dining summer, in lookingdowp. iisto the spiTng, an almost conliau- oijis etfeam 6i bubbles cqjn e rutoing tfiom'the bottom to the'":;lop i^qinei 'times with great ifirce'.JThi we are gas tiubbles.; 1 pr^url"Sn o ditlnpait, HiiU|hivnsg-ma^ei a small puiicttire in the bot om, proceeded o test tba " mmabtlity of. the gas? Hiving igapiTjtlTe^uqci.Ur^,. I timed th .....otii iipwarda, and j aced -its -s-, . ^v-w.ii lktle linier'tliHii beTurface :ho.4i.i.n<5.pttriufc*-wM:-cfielfee gpurau- nlAhe wateri Iu a yery.si ort upace fceW^ccpiiay-t^ta;r.ulwy1w<u. of tijife'I perceivetthy the bouyancy reaa-reo.-.: Tha sme may be iaid.with n ^W-tol^nuai^u^iiufactoiiies.: The \?JJl',eJ'*!1 thalJt T1" ej"?'? W^1 3<e iplf "I ;3 niiiiucipidify are-thei l^es> , jad^ei whether any particular braiicS'of i lujuiufatiture:'will piiji'/ih thatUn'iiiijsi^ pdity, and tbc:faetoi'tho;ir giintiug -a ". Ixwuii is a g.iaraiitjfce tji the ma^uficiuatr ^taS tho' proposed iiulustry Vvifl pay, ".Afgiin, BiippjJo that tjvo towiistareifearf 'ly t^jualju the.;poiut of elig?ijiiit>r* &r a ^piriiiml,w.niauaf3ct<3i-y.( theiidac'e.^yhjuli ^Jera a ;bS'nu8 will be iiire.'to attficf'tlw StentTaa. of the raaidfactiirer firift-.'and ;*--. Ii iiie'dedly thi-.better' cfiauce pi ,jfc3urin^; the benefit. ' '. jCiJ j si>Mn 1 ribjecti iitlijif w'lth gas. 1 then withifrew the pltjg and applied .a lightiid ina.tch.. I'ni- gas i mmediaT^ly^nite n and con.; ;Uniltd to burivwftli u'lathi ent, flick* iiiig'flinjj>';a few inches t.liove- the bo jt in bf the pail, the !, being jit tirst'tbo ptJie to .be r:iitlUtfitfiMlr,: aiid only becoming so'nlf4 r. .uniting wittrt'be oxygerJiOfthfe atlrjaKjiIierei" ;A- kind-heitrCea pBice-J( ving njart - - ':-. .-' / I i I'ainted. his front steps twenty three th> oacrro of. a bonus Jlt^M ' l\T ,T.< W^f-"j" ^ ^ \_\(iei;it-ufi injustice to-'exisrin^^hiuiu-l -"eu s,l deciquxl that-tb 'irstcotor jj^.jiorin, inisinach;a|a jxa-ion vffluulTi Wil "the I.M.'Hti j -s ^ r !i' "' ^v;: .-.-* :....*Ji|_. ill 33. ^'. 3SF3ST-'S : STOCK (|)F Glothirig, rles, <^rBfckery|; and : Grlasswarb Is Largs,\Well Selected and CHEAP.; Crpeerles always; fresU and \ of tlje best quality. 'Great Bargains may lie always Uad for Cash or 1'roduce. 1 .::v-v: ;- } ' selling at the LOWEST Maria* Prices ' Eighost price paid for all kinds of Produce ~v$ \ Ajctoli, July ], J8T5. .U and- Exathitte oto Stocki ;';^?Si-A!'<- V-l-;-..l-;. ..-... a. GRAND veil, diu-inff' tl ^B I 1ET, TREMENDOUS BARGAINS lYiil be is Sale, havirig.'red6ed; every article to ! Cost and Ifn^ler, !. jit right out.-'Oafi and {examine ^tock, as iwe WM. RUTHERFORD &CO, |Guelpli, Jjtly. 15, 18751 The undera cneil having ui iposed of thu'ir purchased thd'impenBe BtocU~qf_- Boots and THEWf, are how rrepared tt> offer to the injliabitajnta {of Acton and' BM.E CREAT BARCAINS FOR CASH In Mon's Kng(ish aiid Ameriian Styleaof BhWaiid GkUers.'anaiin! "oaH:^id an,t f.runeilasf; \ijhloh (or ijiyle and1 Bt and Childf.c.nB cannot be equjalled {n the coikn^. PARnqu^Aii ATTENrifJtNnpUii)- as a Cutter/isi ! $eiyel"WorkA Sreislajiy^ ['; ,; i. Kemeiber the Stand ^Moin.JSt, oproMtetbqra|niqnJpjqtel. Acton, July]J unexcelled, a1 } ' N.B.-rAy B[jqk accounts TXftUBi be Bettled 18T5. WM ^ ^kM ytekim fci*gi is--: ^il; ['. rit^-'jfon'-piis-tites I.: l?ifII 'iiSs^ >f < .. r; - x)if~s Mjcuii.f.1: ^V:ri!t-t,-fJ.J:"=rOT ^a%-\y8lidnt..Miij^'la1ar^aej%i'-p......~ ?j)b^*roiis *word"j itntl fisteirtid liin night/cap 'firmer1' ifk \txa-' bead j' tUr gave.the VTebriterfgj.lfhabridgeil.'aR kfp^ I tkftV; bent} ai ..ijyjng ijistlf-^ity. aCres^'tBclBtrilety ttn'4 'tbo'air wti filled! with IspeliinKiiG^kB at|d priiai ' .i;il giyeyonftupe^l; thal Se'f; iyod qftiiet for- ti tnqnlth," wiid -be];. ' iind With'; one btuid'riie7 ientferjy ejzed' the trembling Ijeagpn'tjy^tfae'- j^eqat collur, whije the .other affei^ tidijrttcly graBped ;Lim[by.t!ie paitt^1 " I'll tqah, ycffli to come br^wlitr [rqurid hprelSl thJdiiigji^with jm silent 'lei.tcjaj and. {j-ope;.-dipt%OB aftd yqur ^tjr^thongs^ Pll^give; yqUj :-;-j. tha:Worst 8p^l yqujevfr; hadV* ; 'jipj .' -..' And ho feentiyc&rniid; title, Ifc&k f con qtitof the d6or,;itirqiigh thif^ front. yard land - iritp;^tne. stre6J}':. where hejcarefdlry deposjted him ittj! a niud-fible , BbcN4b:;; iwe^ye incfewjif %.. deep. ' '.';" ,. : :-':' The pe><n/lkjuritlered; aqd feicfc^IP : , l-tT^ir &$', and strove^ and; Bp^tter^,^Jjui[i .; : 'll^|!^ thij^Jiajqr, aftej^d^ywgtia|iudeBi|f o vT, ilfMIl silked , rntgestveiTlly ;^cfc;?tot fli^p" liqltuje with his ga^eflts fluttering!* in^he bie^V whil*ISIfs; SHiorndike! stood; in tlie'fdoor^vay, :t>roiidly"-wavp;- _. ing thefkerosene' lamp1' pyver- her atotitf, " !fhe . bo l next wotA bn tjier.list; is ll Am-^hii- ___ _ bt=qti8rne^!'". 'j^Dtki ^n'/" JJlajsdell^ al triH^ timid ii\ {hq j iiigfyt; ^Ildnthtff, Neie*. p ;".; ' i '.-. j-;';:- \ r!j| ' He jAlWays SSi^ht So-;.: - [i Many yflinj\agq, before the<p44 dition ; ft-jis bttift qpon ^tlre, .Staiei' .- Prison: at 'Gtincopd, ^fiLTL, \jwe&, 'EttsttHarij.iui Elderly'- a4: uuive'rSr!./-, j- ally ~"res|iiec"te'3-and beloved' Jfrwil.-. <-': oi:r fr j'lit.dudr ns though wius: o) i tii't?, mid yotif hiul iijijand seq'to'eni.^1 "tc G at. up'yqitrsfclf, yo'i: lilotiH old"'" 'tsowalrdj"-.-, j-j5cl| a(Tcctibnate siKjipjer-. '". :i . V.".? of ii Jhead of Ui fiirnilyi1 call ,[v>uretilf ariyw|ay'? jtiiol-Iionse, bt'ttjtr. get * !AVill 33aptist jtreaclief,'.pfas nnpxdnfc;'{| ^ ehVldaiij^oLthat JpjAial "iii^tituM-ff- nWsibihi- tlfemljfor tlle.yqar .trren"'tq,:.eis1io.;l irnied his .Slyn'oyjafter hi^ appqibtment"' iSri?- Vplijt. lMd ilh^anqthr;ehje*^>f;.the aanijfci: 'ybAi i^faWuHion;.'-' was : 'riding; ilirpHgb ,';{ ; ! I . '^bw,^Xi;rs,^lifrrtdlkjj,? gentjly: 4^^sittui| fi\ jib^.looijft^,-^^': '"^ ;;; Major Thorndike. bail ^kided (.tut'onaJiad.passed.LUe i&atd/Vith; iv^j With Martha Jane for tw^iitl- seven l^ofcfW cqiffityimiice: :} )t undeku*Hkflie. a" Sljjv dear .IJrdtlieri AjUird, ^1 ;; 1. r -di>%>giticn.' T-V^u .kltiow\tbitt .lather r^stman ;.) iyeai'a, and; he we peculiarities of -lier. -di>%>gii IISfG, STORE l- a biirghir a.t th.q;!:dqbr-:hejtl,e.^eP^ wii Jhi%.^ hiul *enttrtaip . i!dS%Jbfs'.n^aa:eapftgri"N^;iwrkn |^^d ^P1 h? *&&.._hea>-d ' atil im irotected kireature. &( Jown. ^ .. 'Mi\rtl:a! Jano,- go do^t and'ipeal tite- ^ hi :*wfc.\e 4?-. ("' tb rii*-better-feeKrigs.'^'-; : -'.-.-:' claredjon mqre than';roie occas-idh, J-: l'ljpi>ealto ybitr laid head- 'that,Brother: lios^iiai was: 'iea|ly; with r boot-jack, ifJ,v<iir .t' on')!start . ^ T4ivinejy m^iii-ed.._ Kjwn ^ in juit Wibbiit' fifteen is(i>iid, you] 'ng. farothcr Ailarilsjjtmg.thereiso ; dihq.idateil old i'aio-<i"-i:-sug jested- M11"-*'^^1'1. ^flectl^ely, WiJfey the chosen qfihisJhWk, ns.she' -c"'1 llot y*&*t thq;tehip^tioj)J4*JU-" jumiied out of bid, Snd ^igliteda' i*e- ' U match. ' "' ':' thq.dopr, ana af^rituq nsuwl: 8j|Ju-~ :ft .-nv-j If- mm dla n'-hail onifSjajbi,' Well- well, wlfer:Sii<l 1,J, -Vlllj ha^bfeii^bl^t^ku^ite PlisonH ->i;{; #p {GUELPH. go . down] Lut'ymi Jiadlbet-eT'.gq' witli ..nit',, for pei;haps .soilm; >f" t-Ji* neighbors. :irtr.->ii;k, nf soinc!. [lit >' AJItthLs tiuio th.i tlmu^pin j'laiui kicking, at the front dtidi-hiid not ^eined fqr one-iiistah-t. ' ""' ' It Keeuied/as dvongli Bi broke ltx>^ev aiid- tlie hair- . iThorndikba heiui stood.up till..fhe1 ' sfrings of IM veil flanBeljiiig ivqap qiiivei-ed like a8|>eli'^l?av<is;: ' , ., _ . He gulped the l^HiStv; sword ,^(i J^ignjifdl^;fJl^ivt^nUwi]88'i witli "Which" he had 4afS^id hU'tf *"' f5 !wuc6*urpvisdaf^v ^lkiiu \ battalions to yiotory;*Ux.jpui)y a? va lient sham fight, aiid j*'itli a f iciKas pallid laa dlay ho jwMsjie'red.: '-;;'*';Ctfmei JIurtlnwJ.aiiei;un.d"ilet-ns- face tli.e dangerous;, fob.'". hail batter go \o bed and have inictJieriui]^ yotiwdathor-. beaten. old l-eettin' hpny" J^ttjiivlied his vyife, ' ." .-Bat thejl Major conKi lei-ejd' Hsl j honor ' iit: stakes and dpwn= they' w^e'ut, .. ::.-" The .military bhieftain, wijth his' s'wot-d atV--.sii'qiiider, arnis," led trie 1 way, and- the void lady) wi^h the Shoes Qr6ce|,y:businq!'s, ami qf { Mrl JAME^ MAiri having yicirjikyi :i Oustoi|h W^rlt aii Having-secuVed the very yjiluabl* sorv^icck'if "jir-j 'flfJOS. EbCi^lir ivbo HtwUl be guari|n|eed|'|d? Jio'saleT m onde. Ladjee1! Durability TO" vpepartj:^ :.% I I i ap.d. I've jrist.JpDrne SVgirtiifti'^ "an^dielKi|^'-^(>-gr|* "en* alt up, yNovv I^varlft Vot $'.":'The .first^kj'-tSr'li^.t 'is1 l-r-T, .111 S'-- kerosene ^aiiipin-'bue; liaiJd ai boot jtick';in the other, brought-up the i-eae. And still the-wppihg iknd kick ing iai the\ outaide^dbor tontinue'dl .' 'sti4rs and through tlyj Jong' enti'y: tl at in leLin- chbly propessjpn sloWly ipasset.; j Ari'iyiiig. at the' door,' he- ^qm rnander-in-eliief; faititly. frjaiii ilaiced " and then to fife dist irber on the otitstde lie-\varbled : "^ Vllo's there".?," v - . \v:fsi"f '.^ The potindi*gceascd.:;ind/a vdfjM exclaimed : f .- , ' V !"" It's mejler iivein !'".\'Cf" \^ho>in- thunder is' ae.f ' fsaid tlje Major,: his couragp'iTi'diig as he thought helrecognized/ttie ' i'oj ce.,.: rtjJt: is Deacon -Biaisdell;" yoiir. nbxK dpqi>. neighbor," - the- mlin' bn'r the outside, "and I w^nt toicoi^i?'in;=,,"'v;:;' ,.. t)A\' ' 'rSlosyly'-" and cautiqiisb 'ilidj- un- faBteiiied-the; door; and-'Mrsy 'Bhorri'; dik6,;s'h))se;C0stirme ,wti8 squi|what iu^equate]'Bet the kerosene.; jiamp' ' - r- /~y. uiaii (LuF Cl-J'-\-: der'r1^' jV'f | .,-' \"-|'dqi"; He irtBjen seiit for 1~: . oiw year." ,\'.\~ :-"-l-:'-. ..-,.'i !' ^-] :'..' 4-fi xV' '"lt>//ifelder.:V ^"Jcun't'beif ,' j,-"'-'[;! '-;: ^j--v3(;kjio^-'ifc,^yi/have_.^nrte1ij'fr '. i-- [ iticialjiajiHrs.1' '-/"' :- :-<: .- ' :':" WeilJ'i 801^7*^^ L^Jh^nl)^';' V' ileanijag fifrward,^ jah^-.-falding |"*s | * ' Juiiid" I'esix'nVidl^/* I^ri/t-inyvviraS^ for, bettefieu-you a^d; ine\ 'Bi^tfierfTi'.f.. ?Sf outl m ; throe]times, lately, ^ t*U4iy??.'!: ; .'^ ifu^thopglildidn-^iei'thq IwqrtfsjV /' _ -.'- *?T or drbp~tlia't! bu'd bejsttre to feijthl p\> in tW State's Prison .if ;ife:"^ioii|tt-' lookout!" ,!:r'JT---i5s;l a'K ; Brother Wifle^'fqaV ~$a,' liigliry^ aniudqd, iii wey ,as;: sliglitly katjonr" iihedrtS the way in 'wttipll h/U an- liquncement had. beea iaSceiyetL -16. ilrtaid,th)tt Brother Auiard, "|wi ieii^ Jib learned tlie truth, felt not? a HttlcTi ' I- ^'illt' d the 'ckagti^d.;..andrhe^^ldec^red.-ltlmi,it"|yJ^ n M i- .-.in.' .Si' vms Brbthei; Willey that h'edeeiaed'ff \\A -J^MIlf wbrtliy % of jmpnsoiinljett^ ^md ,-iiotf'.; M/> ii Ii -Wa that dear, Wessedl^ i^B^Brot|ier |" Eastinaii." J .' )J.^ T '- '"'fvjL -1 But. Brbthor :!LA.ilarflr neba i(a^-;|?^| Kaye feltsb very ibadlyl.-There are *f thousands - nibrb' like" Jiini -inVtaer---"] land.-. -.-^ ; tv' y/:-%cr'"%:^ r :'T \ .-----^ >. - " t -. ,is said "tnat money was so scarce ifat -; thi price Of a day'a.\vtjrJ^ was fixed by ; theEnglUh Parname^i'ipTSSIj Bti: t n&.ne penny per day.; and\i"414 the A-["i-. J ' lqwanoe of iriieqhaplainite the tJcptcht ' bishopsitrieijr iii prteoij:3i Engliib'd]^ vviis,ibreernalK penqe- jpqr' dsjy.f At, tdistibae, ; twenty-fbnj'Jieggi |werb.| 8oid5fbr a pennyy a paiV;of shoes for ; io4ir pfeuce, a fat goose? foritwb'and'ti5 * ' halt.p^ncq, alien fpr'Jaf pbnnyjjwLe.at ' thre'6 pen6e fqr BiXshiUingiafl^ejgb't;-penpq.l^t>o j that, ia tho"se( d^fa, jilaajjs Lworfc'! tvoudd-buy a he'nfbr' it.-^a-'^ijwn qf.:; eggs; four pjayfsjfbrlt'i wouldfl^uy-la' pair of shoea>l .Onj^bjwhijlej^kinjan tabor rbrbughjtjohyth9" ^eragi^bq^tt -JW& eoi fapts for labor relormers. ^--ii v - andrperhapA one ontlie^floor, and gracefully Titired !fourt}ia8 mucli WothoKclothlB behind'a hafrruckt " j,it^nbWJdc*s,, .'fliejie are:^nqq^ ' .iTho Deacdttehtered.. fjpd ir .his ar-m ho held^.a. niantqjotbj'Cc py: of, Webster's Unabiidgedji'awi Jftis. hands" wero. ftiUvof' Hiiel^ing-l obks, ] pt'iniers,; and diptionaHesi ,;-. I".Wlijiititrioyou.peopling^a'ound beire ;fcM.at ihisr tjiiiei of nijjlA? " iBljobtod tho ' Major, :ln VT i^nful, .'-iiel'nes.' . The -Deacon jwa 3 a'; imallv 6i?ed specimen.; of hunninity iand tlje MMajor was tegitVAiMg; vl 6 feel oburageoua. : ,- '. '. j", Majpr'f.sai4 tqbiPeacqifi Ml'ye got seyeii.worps 'bare.-'ta spel. Ithtifc nq inqrtal man in, toyy i'ha 3 yet.1 beBn|able..to spell.'" SquareH ew-Ksv" buryl bati't dq.'it, :M^i^ jiiwyerTJ Wheeler, nor &hoolinaster Jones'; I i:i>tS.Ro4q'.:To.Poor FiRsth(4-^/ ' Invest till y.qur- iwey,- in latid f^hd' j'i run^m debitor rnorei" V^^fw1mpii -}-. ey tq stoqk your finrn; . 3iHatje[no [,. faith in'your bt|8ultes; and tii r^rer 1 ready tq.Bell out; 4 Buyifieanieotvs; js spavined- hor8ei|,^poor, ^"xtsnjjind, ] ' cheap iqqlsJ . ':5.*i?Beitpodfr;:J|ftJf rnd/i t ^ouldy CQ^B.stalk^;] exclusiy^yv'iaii wder. to - keep yqwr/i s*bo*i.;; itwiwy-v* b^ ,7. yibkty wagons arte? plbftgHsnf* TJMtp Iho.oil ,,q^fi!hio.ryl i'rqrfy^vnapwfft^} ^cneape'r than' hay Ormba^-^ndkeeKsj;.'-. ho'huir Ih'ely,' und also pbtfnps: tmtj!' \-A frc^n^tt^'wn' to:llave a iiie/gi ubs*;"-' N ;oo dqnnuison only cnq^ileetb, a \/i -f ./: a ybun^liiidyil \iyo"uvgq:dbwn\pp:bbtbtXf 'J\ :fyM jou paaj^nojt bo afble to ^8<^jp<i.jquic|t," ' ""' enough iii case qf ihp '^ptl&f pee oi PiilcL ' anenxagOil ftttihefi, \r VM m ^k. 1 fJOi^tl ^'M- W :{

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