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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 23, 1875, p. 4

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I?? :Vtf ' m li:m i~3 ':m I '-^'3 ^T?j ;33 S-"!'- V:_ w$m si^W tf *s*tt*i*isfKeai* 3*3^mT^^>^3fe*^^TCi^5^ -^**' ifr^i-.JLr 1 t/."'j l ' f^-Sia i. '..' -."' ACTON FfeEE P^ES ! " *rrr,\i<.-lAnf"ftilli(r- t)! y -'"'. f' idiUvai ' >',t:ll~ Mill 11 11:1 1'W F-jl b "-.!" 'iW.i.Vi-bi*- IfiwU ,'LV) it'U'1 Ml <v \<>:i-. Nil |>-l OI" "ill I 4V**l-!-*".:J>" IX".-, rs,iijj:vmv -M in ono^-MrtiriiijuM. , / .' ;I5 VTKS-.U* \iivKKTiiJ.'"<i---':V-"->:.l';^":#-l!' r-r IHl- l\v~ I'.ril llH-'ll Dll:, :li i!i " ".3'JW> .,.- f.* -or i':! -(- ti'M-UB'i" S-h^rt .t,v ">'>'JH!-i'i\-f'! "'j-.t' ';I,,"'V?';|' -c n.;o-- -~ r :' .i- n--s C-ir.t-.'.if . ;jni liiiti Uiwl.-nn irr, T< V*-r n-m. \, < ', ! i ~'* ' : Sim ii-tw.Hl* AFTER MANY "YEARS-" Qillti-n I.llllc Rbiiinnrr. trl u'ly of .WWO l'rnnr III Spriiip'l.'ik<,,;Mioli<,.lul,v-lS On the- cnnier ol .tiicU 0 li in :$','r-iJ<- ^t'/te^ti'i-tviii th'* oViyd l'-Mimnlii- village,- still-Is It. IS75V-- jui nnVf idly on* tile- old,. , i. I .^i-ivo ~ A >i vT-rrt UCI, k,| ,yrjl . i |u, ,Wi ,)',l.slK' ;.>W,in* -n.-Sl id :f^'.ii|.:...%iii-\ i-li.i,rsfil | j.itiu-o,. m'-'lli-i lunUiu-.g. 11 ',!i-. m i -. iniMiv.u5i.ho iH-ruah-rx-i'i . !ii".iijv'jni:i^ orV "nniiniiy.,- toj>-' i i"S \"n' .u.v iunIuv re I -U> itUC-lvB-f....;..... . , . TR=aii-iiM>t-pU-iviisi rr\'!!i'ii '*' i> \vil.l f"r w'l.'h'.r1. fv-U. A.ti :Vtwitisliu m'cousits rri'iirr/ii .;ii':r".i\Ky.- ;'v| N,i ic-N.:'l MilfriKiltVi, llir'.-s JUKI IV;i!-!is iu:.oiU'vl iVen. ,7. llMlAOKIINt.-. iyiii.!;inri;. ,-oii|.h'i liuil linii-. Willi 'iiJi-i-fi'mJly > Iwili^" H'? ^I^"1 ' 'I'bo :'. siit.uijjoiilt lli'iiit I itt!o olil:, tKiV(li!.i'|(k'T-'Vi-s inmilii-< j ut'thif lintsi of JM.V im- tl.irtv i.Hiii:n ; lilifc i'itfll of iuuit.ir.i- j.mimiwns juntvulli i ol' tlio vyeio not suoh n spen'sc.l . s;i"y were |i<>o'L. ' ontionPAii} loooninieiittj tliom iiuiv*.; Willi tJi-.Uit's'oieciloiv tli^V^md ii^ilei'.-. "Vo ii...iii'ii,i_!*'4tii,i>ri.r iii Uit" rt> Siili'iVOiJiiUiit t< ivvi-li' !!>I. f-:ili>r,li.'iiiivit;lliium :i Kinvi lv klioivill :\s '-' N^lilO "i 1 \ i^-M'SVIf>vuiiis to tti-tirst ml .V.i.sii I hiff sJi'iVlA f .luoli.ion.Sir.'Ot; woilt: lUtoTi-tn-omoiit, :u'l<l tho l4ii J4i>'*v DVvr hi|ii, us it \.'oi-t>. Piiiikig-tbo siiimiirr oT 1S:U, forty i>M man, nty-ix.,v four u'ais iiio.'-.-tiiist' litll? thou iitspnjMiviy Alitor or t\v li.i,l. oijiwusmi ol' ilm so.lio.uier (h> mam- "' , ! 1 . wr. joi,mi-ri.*v Tio.isR. ; In s.illtr.ii'.i i! i.iti>>ii^ iiVii f ; *'- t ___Ami ai.Vmpnr.il \v.:is Mi"1-'. <-. 1 i*:>i..lcr.>l.l!.v l!ii? i^l ]-' >" "tons r*i'tin-liriliB nt >ilj'i)c;; 1:1 1. '- Wl'Si n mwI iho:="l l-ftopi'ii i-.nj vliwoii . ; 'fi.f r,-ii<->i;' t;:iiVii?<".r^ '^--^^ ' 'Ai-tv usaVi-iu tiie!4:ip.,yj::diiy>, spoilt wii'to. .. '".": ., " '. .Tn^i tlilxe.^hort y^^irs'trofairo. = |j lirslorifsjVpro tliesv^r.vo t.ii.11' t inoli^i~_: -!' AtVi iin *' iwlTu TtiV^-^ a!o'i^io^"ii: sol W |fh.i.^:,iJ'iij*). tiijmigui win. A: \\ illc.it, ui I'.-v-t;^.--'" ku.iirg! lotvvi vu tlin'l iioi'i t.ilio. Canriiiu. tin si ii-ij Aiij!stol'-'tlmt ji'ifrt'iVjuinti nvi> j.ii>.-eiJj;oi'js, i. y>uii^" Kr ;'tni -4lis wilo,. li.'ii4'i0il U<il;il: worei. iio ji-rssi'iKor boats hiy^; j At no.ii upon u ci-rt \'r. Kml mill tUi il^ -Jnlv or. ' u'liml . nclimah Tlioi'P in ihos.e ill il'lUH. il U^o iv.uii', ivhoii. tin ii;m<is ^T'i- = "ii. T:ic ti iiH..iw;l.r.ir. '. \VliiC'i .ri-;ir.."i lie jr.-* Tunc liiir.iis i".eJivs":h.{ uv* i> liyl^JA at i.iiu'iiiii','iiiivo ut luejhcaivami t!iti"voriii-> ve tU'i^iyr.l :lt J>|si.i" oiv Vf lojiu-l ^t.'<vl ^l. i> rii t !itjf \\ onritii mill j i-t ;vs tlu", i-.i^LMin wns {iloM-viuiini; inio liic ciiiiin, ^-a ^J'kl!^rl iii-;ii' tiH'-iniH'" ' Aiul il-.e..l*,i;Vt-i"o J(. :!:re| y.^rsr./fv - Tliin r^.t-ofe.l oV: <\-.l;-";:rl'.:r.i.T TiJ-ri in' l':c 'o-.-M-' o.' th4 M't'V, ': vWli-p". to:ty'i i:n4 i!.> w.i<t\ < :Allii o/lV.:^:'lCL'-lA:i-'H Iin.<i ^'li.' to* rxst- : Slt-v(Viii t,lie~,!.:il TliftotbiTtlirf.'.roixVe jiii;Sv nn-.!_lh*ii ' vn t'.'.t >! ifl, i "" '" -I\ur iikfjne v:~*.Ui a Mi:liln :irt Ihoy !; '--".Mi ' ' le Ifrfllil :un* utiil !- liur yiiig i-.' iin* >i lj'"V>i ilie \e.sselili l c n:o:ti'l ijiiil lael'.-i-iy lnul l.-fjlon over t l.oiinl. V.;;c..lj M>i^iii'g": tlit roil iil ru .i'."l.V*' oilffi\i':)ii w_iJi t'iret to a tiel'ii.1)!".- l"'.-"- '? ox'il>0iir<l,- iiiiii.iis (hi; ; \'t% M\iicoly'^u*or;igo w;ij r"ii.i^ii ilu-' 1. ">'.' iloi j.'i'-.iiiajii-'ni 1 er iiu>o:mii .lineiV >i> t ujioii t' ia :nrival oi llnvivo^ ivnlo tj.o.S iiuui to imlirve t-am to jiicoi'ijt it jiivsijul- l:r Hoel-'s" No- Sif>V ot tho V/v?-- . "i'.l "In \1 v ii'i'til"'" i:i-.' ;iiiil tiiv invi>yyop.'l iiiuy io ".U'ji.irt" froH i:yr ^ siVilfiivUo.iii'i'iaiM - 1^ ' ' '.'ir.;:-.) lAM.'i.i:-). ., di-i \.\iVt-! i i: in the 1 al .Tlje j ^Oliti eut rely lro:ij ,tli uit'iuwsv iviieji ;^ tir-w tla.is aj OlVi'lt fle H.tH..l. .lor'- li 1~, jtoUT iriled .':> j L.on. il:f. r.dVf!, oi.u>iiiisea:?, .Adams. ,5<;ileiso|i'county New?York, iinnoiiiiouiji th Iti.illrrlHtlVi tOifei WTrsmnd.- J 5 l-.i>,--|.llu* \ eiiehiiiii. l.a.l k-.o.-i, i,,-,ni- vi f,,j W_i=.~i!i:ite^- vt. lilt- rA-I pro.iuci a'-t-.o ivsv.itiv *"I'!vU iiuiny j-vhioRs Liiv^?' si-ru; ?!! tii.- ]>uvii~t- uuinlit-r- hi,:l-efnuiro. itiiti-xi wit. .-r:r ail" !l:o.n ti IliO hvu-ruiK is-erj-^ . . .;rv .-.v.- ... : ! :'ji:i) hit m it-liKie. 'tij lii;i:"5i^.r " if'i.tV Lif.iwrtara'l'.\vuw-i:; tii't-rcJ . .'t!to. iyiliyiit( *t 11,0 ijti'i>-i' tii '. fTriHiturv-l' t:i:i--Line ;.' 'tla-^eV.^ejits'aloiis, jiuuiiiL i:-ii._v aiit - fail v'ert rn. c!;at.i-ii .-ei^i.iiU-uii-i, - Hear, tijsi-.ncity^ oj- trijyiinic. i.ptioii.- 1 I>=!rf" >]M tvi- _iiliie peiHait of . tiuii:'. by , a sijii!>jU- - Tilvnii.i.'.slaUon of tlit| ui' it-Liiit-. -u va 'or: laiio i tut- s'-aitiuiei ol 1^^ oiicc.tf.*ve.i iiiy..\v.te.'" t >t "trrti crfeiv bl; mx on .rs*p-L. :;Viv=u *. ,- r-< 1 ^WiWiiMffiifiiiiif frit: iaaiN f :isMF: ,_, fi^teS i-^1?y MIUfiiltJ![lWlllii.ilil| 'iiii<ri|-yji*i fliPK^ WJie^Sii^bliiate^si^l^iiiit^&S';^-'-"^'^ -0. HKSOQfl MM THE;; A$!T!'pN'* FREf EREgS, JULY !J3, Hint to a Glioat. :P!issirjg;tljiroiig|i licr 4tomi<!(i tit it tho fiiic|>or noiuf iti'lH'", li fiiiiv sir- HiUfi-iiian, " tiint in mui'ket, ft Qua" smrt ttinl' inqifii'wl fVuit.: " ii'liiivo, " .hji'uI tlio lidm-lit wilt ituit yotjt my .rr.HiiS8-il.ot 'liv-sl-nile tlim inoi-imij;. ,|-j;o viv- Koinp.': Jllo ctifi'i ' i\)G\i ixrmyjaA iwt inispnibly' l.isjoli--' iii^.wlu'rj tliCt tjv tliV simioi Jiliidy. 1 |Ti stiuiit.". C'ljlmit lUiluyV" istiitl ho t<> sir; horo tiro Hi^i^iP (Mnliin. ' Thoyini* tttein Knjif." i 'I'liV u|; ho! know they ht'1- ootilil lioiu-stly l'bai> -thou pAjii.t >' -((.'ortuinlvi Mir"1 i-y. well, iWifiltiikci mI tliom honi?, nnd lily iiiiHOtiriil, ibtir. <. T60 noxt liiorn- ikeriivcntiigiiii to liV mim who coM liini tin- jWiit cliiiiniHl hint . hiH ens- toim-r, nilil tiBkoi -huy.souiejiBOio. Mo. Wat I fv-'i*f*li'W'eil iiid though "thou nutvi st.ill.1 c;Ttnjiot Irusi dor cliosft 10 iluul palron. I'l'liou j w romonibcr tlii-i. ai Ollt-o tli;li the uiitn t-'rotioh- ,* ,ir.\nvr:sTi.[ tho coiln j bo; J^OUOI'i I \vet'li.-; ?ilist j; ing 01'it voll. tniil ot'ti. i"'i?j of wlMiMi i in hiih.il' ho wotit-.l 'VNsiy, iiiohil, thou )o?, .'mil iiowj nl- <t n.veJk J ho It-it 1 ft, iltt-o".. 'llhy neigh- 11 pi igUtly \vith,;mi>, rTn.l Irvhii .hiMir^lorth I iyi.1 lie! hb AiQuoloh-Boy Killiitli&Peel. ! We vory initcli resrot /tololironU rlo hit ueiideiit which ocuufttJil inj tlio-tJwiiHhiji 61' Peol 011 Monday,! by Svliich .iVedei-ii;]: Tiij-loi1, ngotL le^rYviirH,;"son (>C-Mr. lvichiiitl Tny- \6y, Cjiiolph, los't'his lil'o, Tins !th)V cotisi'.iji \v>\* viniting tit Mr., Jticluircl't CiVssf(ii'il' lot 5, c<m. .r>, Piio). " Mr. OoHsfotil niid hid fvon wtn'ti engngoil in hiiiiUtig'njiiuiui'4 i'roni tlteit- I'-itin vavd-'.to; tv euunn'iiir fullo'yv i witji a Acl BAKERY. ! 1- :' I'flin-KiilJiirrlbpr lirji^'ifb Inform litilillniitinf AoMnmnd Vicinity lij iiruimrl'd to+itipply First-clas n.rcnL, itnnn, Cnkcs miilst i,lo well 1 to il lenyu by exnei-ji- Ont-e'liiiiii'a Ifc U-t. liasejihing in tho t)f-ir{'nnin;:, unit 11 vcty_utniroiililblo pnd'iiiths end." ' . ry avou 1 iihont ft V' ivj. Jtvi-rnurni: 11 ilriiitl ijiVi-h- -fl) bit-- is. cinmnonced in ill Calf-and -if ill tlio. end of .lit'-xt be enijis are tntrt- t-ley^is .a sjileiwlid the lowest i'sti- TKe .Uraw' liko ^raiii*; is cxtti and liji-.il-.- look 1 to the iienV. hat of .-^11 or iti-i- t-ly slkord IV-as xK'edinjly line at'Al 1 tlit- l-ost.retnrn.s- ? luiui el -.v;l had ii'-i"i;i'.l a th u ol'. .... , , , iijniK ..mfi will lM'oniWy i'.l ^ i-."i\>- ! hitliej-to'l-.-tlown ill t.liis sretion.. It the e.i(H- ; lli.ui i'oru looks Iil' raWlvM twUilj.JX.iis-he.ivlti.-'o.i, : ml .only; or a"r4. little if mv bc-hiin! .i.,.-..iVjHiu.so.livU:HU.ii. aici-iHi-U u-;j;wiU tKn.u.'o Milol- Vhut\l\. ' >;...| r-liii{,i.ea--H; tioin the 1 al>-. . , , ' c 1 c ., . L 'hlilth' :S=|inttir win-.- lirctmist i-.ico o the < vent had'I . i- ' ;. :a.Ui.i..'.si/-w:fll-:(lU-v;'m' 10 he rn.| total ;afeii;;si.wi ni/l.iie ij uierie.cn ] lit tie there ;i.-> I00K Ota lii.-i! stiffened top tieyei , ; e.ii'lyffi'0.it hurt "si it t-er- j to \i,.;i-e.viv*iil iu titne by! the miiis jll>t dl.-il |. . (| ^ j. ;-^| , j N(je](^ ,-|v. will U'lt j . ' " oii'e liir n A Kee.i, 1 il 'tof-.'-id I atier-Un- j I"'-'"i"' thab rli.njp nd who oard the 1) utiitrius.'i4- Gu it Tjtt; V^jjxsa h-.ds Bpiri.ti'il' teani of Iioi-kch nii<l|>v.hgon.' Mr.' tjlosiiforil's win was driviiiij thp team ; aii'rj was ncboMip.huiuil Ay the .deoeat^fd," who Kkiod'on! the load with-iiiui. t)u utriviiiyiit' the field the team bounded. (oi'\vurd> throw ing liijiv to tko <,'i;ound .in: f[rojifc ;of (ho Uiiul'.' wheel ivliieh piintjed'ovei- liiui idiagonally, ifr})inlii!> thi^h, .ueibsh his liveiist' lan.<(l .'oyer li is shoiridei-. Mr.- ('(issforil ' picked him lip an'd carried liiui ! to' the .house; the little fellow laying on tljii -ivay .seW-i-'ltl; tiiiua that lie'as not hurt.' A messenger w(vs-iitoiice" dispalehed U"l^oHi.np)i- J)r. ^Fi-lli" - hi'-di'L-i'iised placed oil j a bud, ',' die:, laid,. uppaVi-riUyj WitllOtlt ingj'for ahtnit (it'teen Siiiiiutcs; ' end of.whieh tittle h^^tlddeti-' tied oyer antl e^jiiri-d.-1 '-A. tul.i i-^i-iiiii Was-|ut. once ih;patched front Flollin to Criielph, lirldressc-d to Mi'. Tftyli-r,' eoiiVcying the bad iutellt- ml as 31 r. Taylor was absent iti lliathat'n, th6 hie.tsago Wiik ojieii- j BlsauUs, etc. I'Vosli' ivory, dny-^il'-llvorod. at l j Iioiihoh, .' ^VEDDIKQ CAKES Mrnlo toinlor.ln the hili-t Htylei nn<| at riiiKiiiiiih'q clmrgca 'i'SU HlglicKt prli-.'e In Cash pjitil for K (gs. >..u allow Arv. Actpn.jluly J,1K7(5^ . i<cnd t \y'ii<r- stiffei .at tli Iv til U, piitatoesliave ecu better, and other root 1. i-'iud |>re.i;t<Ilii. V< ry .t ia ^ro>vn in this is pmhablv the " However v.lkit- v^j-ll. Fall wheat ely ! through the ;b.-,eqneiit drotuh ed by to day 1 ing ^ death mil h a,l fan.-tl of th'.' Had E$ 'PRIfUfl Mts. -Taylor, who,,wii regret y, nas'siiirered severelv from tlie. elieets of the tdio.-k. --Mr^'Cos- fovd (nought the body clown i'ties- loriiing-hv road. Th-, Keat- infurms tt^; that 'he fielieves to;have been caused by in'er- nioi rhaj;<.'. \\\: ni-jsl seareely lat. Mr.-uuil Mrs. Taylor and have the .sineei'i.' h\Jin]it.hy iiiiilio gi-neraHy in thfs, their'1 ^Miction. Of eveiy tfescript ilV!i1L'; all iiis. to'liie .' - * U: H.H A-" m r:-=.'-.IV? ., re'e r-spm .. yjjtiime of tun g^Iion*^ eljtoiic. of i H'-'Jl ff- - siiiiare.'ineh'.'- Tsiisi I r "trt, a:l;t -a:n ;e:UU*lf-i verify b 1 * V ' ". '- :j<-tv tlie. .] "Ti.'eirunduljjfnire, i.-.iiti! new ..l-ei-feet, '.luaeiiine. llow 'raMdiV'itjV jii'Oaeatng iConiph'-Kon, is :ii:!rii.-i. -.wli. n I wili'-jiu-'-jlipVy ah nionstra'tij' itch I 41OW niul IliV b! e: iid"i 1 Tinfisday ttio Ifo ueath of the Hon. .D. L'!i in 1 other riier'nbei-s of or.a.n-i.vo>-el tlr.t "Xummer. Mr- l-o>iiin.' ki'OwUi'jrfl :of the toiir.' :>n(i Tcnowsofthe whl?rraeout , , his bio- i aiul Arts Assoc _ V""-.1" , ,">t},tfifer.;Al HetVdV .tie. ihlis =-<ii.L to the J.A .se.., wuicil is .siftijily a >e trice is .-it U-- vego. and also to W.^hington, (or'jsa des of lit prtj.eVs. Aiul ex eets fiy thn roeans-to et:ihli^h his iUcntity-auU 4^cure the ieg.'cy. ' ; - ..' ' 7| A"Com .'.:., -'ble imtidiei paper- le.'uiers -who have the K e,l...ni c-f .Iliuide." a other ISeoteli cities has' b tn'yi ri-2'lc1\ elizie, are 'lie a \Y-.i i e j.'. frt-edoni rieulttiralv Col purposj.. of; proiiiise.l. hew the the _r leg'ell and to liiake its iblliH'diaCeefe jjjftney grnnttti by j ire.ek previous', A iiishels. jlay. is' lieen known in w Cin.i,rau:.~Oh 1. Mr, Mc.Tveilar, i.-_tie, "and sc yeral the -Agriculture tion met .tit .the >ge, '(.J'uelph, for leetuig'a site .for Veteripaty (.'hi-; :irraiigejiien?H for ;tiou out of> the \Vfcatith6 "Freede-inof a Citr") h^raa-.le wlthotit d . ,/, as .possibfe tl 1 . ' cojtuiiieiidtfd with t K>t nfrws.-., t jrfe (Jjji^. opene l-ead -' - ' -'-1 of vvh';it: it: means! to enjoy in. ot* a citv. Iilo-ilet- te re- that :i'd several j has decided to pn eu- rri\-^-n- i-ii t&e Agricnlttira 1 "' ' r. -' exact:- v tha j.Lia) Ji:pe-1">. jl87o,; xv isynnvipir wtra mu...ksei.v. lieve. their <i ULiIUIi-iltollS. W'l iU.ils we wi! 'firoideiti. f :eli a man,or a " 'pari '- Mlie fr.je-.!o:u of a city uri .~f b--'*-n" pas.sed 'by the Cit . ntjtifyttig ail. the'-taver barb :r*. livery ifleti, ca conductors, at/id not t-o take a lucky -indLvidu;. atcjunts, w;i -*&&:. p*--i' 1 - - " Bivsr'-$-'-; : _|^^: ? . Bfe": v_~ "* Ju.jiti mtcrview ustn a c>rre.-iionvi^:S(n.(.^- car t-u.t. Jl-r. ifepTV ls-rejinrtediis tMfking'^,^ | [ V' treely aboii' his- invention.' ' .'<Jf fa.s j,_ 'f I 1 J new utilizijonof farc-e lie ^ni.d: . ; .jtroni-j Uie_ . " Jt-is sonidy a vci.br oi aolti^i oaor- jseud their iter that.:will penetrate tuetaV It vouchevs, to the-Cham is lighter than hydi-ogeii- ntui more : th" cjt'v. So the, niotnen ^owjerruf than'- stetni-.o? any fexiik^ . aws-tnOTn.-r \Vhe|u ucora.es in C"m- ', 1 - tact-with- the air it alnso.-t in-,i.-ntU- ! ih-sappe.irs^ If ihete is 'a. larae. j uan_ j litydet-out ..into "tire sir suddeniy it! aeenai to ^i:aw the; atrtsos^fipre to-i wad it. 11s if. a yuctinrrj had 1 ecu pr ! dtieed. VI remiemi.er on'otie ocft^i n j 1 put too great p:etsi)i- iii the ie-. - ceivesr, ; avul it exploded;, throiVLng 1 .the'piiffpes and.a J.ir^e -so..i-cock up ' ihrOijgh "t?,e .ceiling ilylbrenth. it r't see.iv'h xt; tJi'^cdrom in..tnP!jto-'~ .'-,'.!".- I .'. /'At-tii.-.t 1 r-^pi-Vrjiented -sviTh smijl - ol.jpoji:-- .Grjaluali-y'-iricrejatnii the . ji're5U the- for the . fy-'hii , ... . I" foiind -ti :U jvjjjrar ^>s eap ;_:_..t--;.' j '.'."! fve.iit exeriiii^prrw'er fn.le.:ui,ttelj'.: ' 'i"f X-]' '-' V-J..11- m.u*t TememLeH thai it takes' to"bJi JiniKheil with whicih will, give twenty ituons ptu trici hai been let and itlie'.vi-)ork will im media t ely'. Mi: ;Solve the )'i' thejifv. i-i" eiijoyj; order has .-; Council; ^keepers' c <> , . , .'- '.horn Chicago on - every- nioriey but. to I'^r The population of Oydposburtr i N.Y.. 3s. It) uS.'i, an inci-ir:^cj of 3U7 over ISTO. " " Tlft'^lopu'lalion of Kli"de l-fahd is- US3.0i)t). 11 fiam of iyci- ^l^HXJ.in the hist live j ears. . / Lift year I he pTohibilintiiiifs of New I'oi-U State polled 11,70^ yotes, aud 1 he indieailbns uio that ttiey ivill do much bettep-this yt-itr. O! I'ao 2J,',n00 liijadstones jip'mljrk the restiiigpl.ices of Cnioh ;eoidie,rs in' Pattniiiil cenietries, lli.i.OUU tire Iqi; graves of tho-untinowii. recent- Aiisiook 1 Unt>' In (lib Ijest initrUiOJit jit- i -' : . -" J' , tractivti stvlei, fhn. Assudiation -a suitable plan, will elay. and as 8 on e builiijuc wi!l bo of having linthefall. \Ve ruayjalsn' state that the (iOwrnime if A rJihle.citivasseriin Maine ly round oo.'i I'.iniitiV'.s in I / county ile-il.iiuto'of the 13ihl< seveii 'lamines reluscd' 16 4<;cept n Bible (roni himi ' . -J\ - . 'Steps. are -taken to 'establish, a- woVkly jiurnal in U'ashingtoi, to be rrtanageil fxclusively by Qnljired men mid. devoted to ibeMiitereits of the colourfei jieople. t' A PiSnbtirv'boV: wji6 t-.'.i-ls Hhe proidptfy cx|eciitcti"nt flie pa peri rope sv.elit ut his to l;iji;f;:i h'-'i- hind and Udl PR$3 tliotr NC Ol! RlilOJuc ry, f . : ' " Jljnutlo, Don't fnH nhdvo MiLLIIER Call and Acton, J Wr^ts, id f'iincj doodfli rot Uiioi efi 113 1- ^PLIADTD * LLIE IN OR DA v< A cot if let 9 set, containing eight J, Mallets), Rrjls, ten ^t.iktP, witll the Ga-ne, n 3JC with 1 th a it J t aiiothec stort-y Coliese-buJIdinfe, |wo t,,V'jn,eMliJ not give hiju fifty a Mini-iinl roof. V , *. i-i'ri-y 'Cents-to tmyatwi) bladci/jack-knive hel wobh.l forUiwith hang liunSeif. '. 1 l^couiuioilatioii to lent.s. ; The icon- o. Mr. John Hall, >c pioceedoJ with iccur* . rktqr.\ DoxAtD: o:-.'. It was-) Ve- ported on; Moudtiy that-Prof. Don-: aiuson,^who wen^up in! the baloon riiureday, iilight- betwee-n . South atnek, iii tin ex- Nothing is said i-d. I en Sunday Huyeri" and/Nan; -lmuited.condition proper eriain of fc Mr. Mc- L> uiu-iee Ki>nz5.e-p-tt his foot int cau't get even his bunt-black to accept the usual trjn . cemjs for.ihiu ing chem up. Ou hi. the station Le Ijumps m iiack .on the stand,"siud hiver to go to ttui be. the..place. ' On 'his arr: !iot-.4~ he ask.s the court- of the reporter df the firming 3rin ii'tl \who JtcooInp:ln:""", ' "' "' * ' ' dfeiiatch^ however, wluiteveivhas beer orate thejsforv oi" rrival . ;tfc .0 tlie best telh , the ; jiotel in af at the ' What'rt t-o .paV '.' tng,!>Ls the. reply. - 4 R zu thu.olHce an-1 asks^br Tiie courteous" clerk- t;iv j.ie-st.;- in . the- .--.house spa rk 1 iii gi _ cha'fii ji.igue, cigars, haggis, anil the b> 1%^ "jio'thinttltiit air and waieu to do-;ttii's; J vviil Mate that I ionca drove air *i ^hiirg th illlU a^fie" JietKj.ilt- pliice lie packs up wo htH ftid vyalks up to the d ;sk, nsk'iug ous Jejm, O'i.; notlr- lio-.v goes 1 vi'iioni. s- him the J I') orders HaV i.ed li'iiiiv A Liter, says : "-.Nothing heard tqcoriiob- Donaldsoii's Wal loon ha viii'g landed in tlio. vicinity ......:>Iich.-,:The tjle- :hat jioint kn^w .nighty and conir lat point- is sev- stoiy 'JsgeT'er-: re. Iewards to CIO havj been -of- { ry of the bodies and steam tugs e lake;% them." j-The ' eeon'l of South Haven, graph.operator at nothing-of' it-hist "municiUionwith t -ered to-day. " -The ally.discredited- hi theja'uioiiht of feted for the reco'v of the aeronants,, are (now hunting tl Gi'.ki'n Apples -anna j cits' of dangerous It was the 'old man turn tb say : Heaven forgive 3-611, my son, "for tiie av-ful thought herg's the'iifty w.-ut.s^' 11? didn't say u,'however:. lid aii-rely twined his tingeii: in the mail's treises, and bump>ed d against timdobr-JAinb until cide thought it \y*as I-'ourth- yojing his he the sii of-Jui st ot e.v.erv-! -estabTi.vhiin-iit avoids, | prescrij,'time, oreh ght after by-'.ohihJren at the irds heliji" invad- k 'at ar[iet the b"; IfHnV '-ginf! uiak.'jig hijQ revolutions ai'^nn uv. ' (iP tbrty horde ijo'-.verj witji le-.^ jjiiiii-3-riTim'ilefal.J;f-.vaterj mid ke.pi ' it r'iiouiHg fifteen,VJ^ys with the sstiie .v^ter^Jiy^lts^P^ ng the tv-it*5i< nh "i^TtTii; uyed- ! The vapor is "ex-nr" .- ". cee.iinitlyiisife. In due tim^ I nro-'ifiout ijud Seeing a barber 1?T"Uuee f' a-"jirjssure of about 28 Oil.) -|in'g ^ut.side of a- door 1 pounds to thfirs-jujire inca.'in a shell jfaHJ Sets a shave, ' Wh }: i*ceiyer).Wh|:Jhdiail a .capacity |:!ltioli- ls over' }ie xLh, "^ of a giiien nnd'TtHaif. Tind; w.-is three ' 1- mid. a. half-iucfieg ithic.k.V 'Jlie [ires C bUf'e -TV.1S bo g'rafot .that JtTfe vap.^ij.. -i passed through.thte' ihreej inches anff jl1'""^ responds, '. JS iitK J a liidt.-of metal. and'lbrmi-I a Haui)- j'-sih/' lie next sees a;s"t \ circle on tlia rljor. -'.w-itli .-r.radius of |! ,i!a;- haiiging-"tti'u t^ii'loi-'s wiudo.w, -/tiihe Jeet.^ fused a half f.intol wa- !|!;i,l(j rememberiiig'that Bis 'tiwn- has " what's my .hill 1 ". ~ i!_S (tigniticd clerk courteoi if dui'iiig his .s.Uiy: he ta yes a" stroll i pall stick Htijis ill tithe oper- 11 a diiliitii;, when thei com- . ari's-ye.-i sjiiirkle afid ittleil," the siyTTf-jilies. dow cans Afri-: . ie delight-. 1 to pay, ylish paper ter. Hoif-ab.oafc thelPuUinin cars Mr. Keely-?. .: ; | :,',"' vifr-'-KL. I pi-oposs in Bt>oiit j 6ii mouths torus a train", ol {thirtv cai^ from' here'to New 'York;' (it the 7.'--rate.of tgnilea mitiu:*., wit! one'smal] ertgiiift^ And 1 will dr.yw the-power :dl(oiit of as mtjicb wat<l-r a- von -. .jcatvliq'A in'the prtlrii ojf \our hairl - Wh;V peo^ehaveiiofdeaof in jl ae in that can ~ ijj^.iii itt7-|A bucket of w ujreont dn j -efSj'iiib of'Jms- vnipqur to produce V'-lk>wT suffiident. ti;-mdvp ^ .-ouiiof it^cbiirtfe... iAn-gr.tiitai-y Hteam ' L*^ip'cih:J.ejruri soj-faKt wltfi ii that it 'feirh. U- Bplijt;.in twa.' j>ai;i \teijnial>e;pro(d^ tol-fun ttjiee cars kiiiund jthe tru " tiuie, anVl |i farce part off .Tde the oiaciiin- ytip'H-j too, ts lug -muchy ainnsegten t<me'-and' Mgain I.ic'reat'iid raowVwni* iii;iniy:-BhoA ^'. ^jeprortuce-i withtj-to iabojp \n- tiouiiit- ! ; the tobe "thfougSn, (vliici :---!3>iuiite:%ftequentf j cove 4>zTth "exterior.-' Vfthoutiu I'stee-fbi- the vapor as not 111 ! ":*>ee<Ue.f You boittd hm j. jfe in-J <>tf It withbiit, beini iria^Kfiii^TMui/, the. sprightly ,Huu di-i-ady been, turned oiifc. he steps in -and- gets one.: Ou..~ofl\ji-ing to pay, the j.ii|ished, j Frenehinan throws up liifi iiatuls and ye, puts self in a tragic attitude:, aiul ex- g' the 'leih ai tirnn of claims, "Noh. iSlohsieui:": And no it.goes; we suj.pose if evj;ii his plug hat should gin ou( iind"ajnuW yue be needed, he could get oiie on i.the'saUie tei'iim.. It" /in.' 'therefore; no small mutter to hav.; Uie. fr-ee- liot'u of a city- offered ton fellow. We kiiow lot* -of chaps wjlio Would jump,at such a chance. \Ve iiiiicy neither the dignitiod genius who i presides over the desti nes of the <iapiihSe of l- I h<ive Jo-riffcial This cair tue jolly fat nirutof nov even otir yererublK.brother of- the ]L'judar 'yvpnlii/oiijv^t to such a ?.'iv.ih;f'\': These fTdi-y cliaps' that rare, uniting i fun of ' alokeniie'ti die' v*pbr irWod'duck should renijuiber that- s\ with ineljonce irpou a Itinie there the i)ser iioid I o/x-i., p^sH- |j who said'gi-apfc nra' sbthnn-ai! '. . . . j. r- -our j/. Tiie Grangers' Tea. .11 .>un9^3ceor[! :iBro.-i.. "^ctou;. ' ' .1 1 " ' [ ed,: di-.sjiitD parental?jcbii-hB'els : and fear of the -proiirii t'pfi-, t|le coveted fi-uit Siocttred, and gi-eeUiht devoured. The average.lioV 'vould face a-i-an- ndn shot ill pursuit griping niorsel/ ireflection: tbjrt-twc lit i)y the mania"fi namely.tie niedic- di'iiggists A soci slang has been for ty for the suppression ]iiij)ils^)f tiny girls' high school of r' lid a reporter To'. ; "' Your object one. Do ; you think y<Wi Svill au< ceed in eradicat ing conversational! slang 'I" Said 'she.' San Franpisco. ;S one' of it!,s momberi is A praiseworthy sikifc rijian, i SjlCC. - -*-it3- a r. con versa tioisap. 'You. iktty A siriguha^;occi irrence of b^ood poisoning htfihiieTi ed ito ii - L little da1 lghter of Alfre tl Benham, aged about six yPaVsr the habit oftvruniiiji an 1 contracted'w kniown as a ston i-bruise; and on Saturday last whi the wonr.iL She taken ill and in a .her body, and'she lirpus aiud faint, stid. remained so Pears were en- er recovery, but danger. Milton for; several days, terj-tained as to ' 1 sTie is now out of Nku-8. J he wirininjr/boal at tTre-IIniveriity irnce is made'of pa|>er, t|fe only one M the kind, on the deliea are eitger- bf this vinegary, liicli cautes the classes will pro aiid the night. nusln^s \il!ces. 1 -^-Yrn- can get goods' at tlie.Pa?t Of fice Store ?.s ciieap a any jil.iee in town,, and 8 ets. dis-coant/ili the dolhutfor cash (except ug tugajiiiiid Rait. | C:is|i buyer* will be;,r .in-mind 'im.l- make tlie 8 per cent.. I i"-. V ".-', --,..' j - i Th 'iiicti'ug in, no v rdict C'hristi' tea. 'J-----------! _..,.-.. They g; ve' IS paciuls bright s;tlgarifor l?\. It- is a'fact, cverywheros admitted, tllat_D-y Gbod^, tiriicerjes, .; I5:jot and Ice,, arej sold 'cheaper in Acton uy othl-r part of tin pruviivee, ;et giwids.at riick-liottoin prieijs Kin & f any jOIF'IEflOIE! j(jn ^tattlipw's New Building)-) In M"at ^GTON. 11 c IJceclicr trial^ owihg toitheciiiV Jiatarc of tlie e-i-jdeneo, jrusalted j.. f /, v. '.'." ;rdict. HnW'eVer ,'a luilmiiiioas .-'! ' . has been pronotiilced in'fayor of | -'! 'j'i . :, iHendersim & (Jo.fs fanloiiB 0O0 | ,f [. -.H. jillACKING, l"-' cheapest tea in the bnarhet. " ' " x- - ' Shoe, than in but t s OatliartiQ 11 a: sEt you'.m'ist calf on Christie,'Henderson & Co, " rheir o0;eeiit3-irtii'i9.aliea(l o! thing in the market. ^ Always furenihEt- in tire' tinny of progre.ss and enterprise,--Meati-a.! -Secord :13ros. -have just imported ;thoi largest stock of groceries, teas, 6iigiirs^isyrup.^, eofiVesJtobaecos,..fruits, ete^i etc., file product of ovjery land andr^cUme, ever shoK'n-pi Actbnl , .-*:'jf-'.' - ~r r ityETioi'-s, jMr.TKnns.-^- The Messrs. Se.oord.!fSros. have just received a'con- signmtnt of. jdiat ceieliratcd. fifty cent ineteor-tea-.tjiat. becu'ma Bu.'lceliibratcil r green ..a'nnlfiVfJast fnll. Tliisttea is- said' ^y-.experts For': nnii <tur.iji(!)ei tlie btuiniiili, liy. er, an I cxoj-'lli tivci 1 c ly vege a ciintuii eury or wtiai'evJBt. pcri'aiB pickHcpB and fiutTeriiur is jire nlid every/fanil } lisiyc t'liciii oi) liiindil'ur tlieir/protqe ned iiin'ong.': ol the ihnd been in barefooteilj hat is generally e playing arpund asjusiial/happcpec to step on a fishbbne whioli ran into the bruise and caused tho bljiod .'to ooze from; Was ' soon after very "short time red {ipots began t( .appear all over. became very de- lake, i ( and judges to! Le the best tfiaivgrown in China jit the1 price, but it ia rare and hard, to lie got. ' l'\!" 'V ' '. Nqtwitjistanding th? dull times and judging frnih'tlie constnrit sfreainof cus- tomersj passing in and oiit {arid the im mense loads, of goods daily) passing .oar office f<ir the Messrs. Secord tiros.", they must lie doiog,' a -wonderful: business; and tliis people \if Wellington and Hair toii'niustibe aliv.S to the '-fabVthat they can purchase goods froimthpm at pricei as we' welt know, quite below Guelph or any other': place. People lc interests. .' .1 :ln view of the present financial,he- pressioh tmd. scarcity of money it he- liovea every .frugal ;man and lady; to niiti.-liiii. 1... - 1. vOay Molls Baoy Will bt 1'iiceE--: .'AT f 1' |i A ftlGil^H, nTinItosnrc MannfaetnnM tp: Th you iv} welry, / Toys, &c &c. Saddle^ teavi D&ALBIt-IJ!<| i EmpoEttifti.: Tho 1 /Indcoinpkile. ixnmtni 011 D. I, lh~J.- CDSTPIAlilTVi Biv< Kittsriiciloll n we cmiitov- 1 0E0-1it Or CUIMLIII IV tin hi st workmen nd material | / Ktoolc hffire par- iMng eltiowhcro McNAIR. tin A" OQUET BOOKSTORE. Anelies, two / Brok of In-druclionB of I done mp in strorg case Jr. 32.eo AL' Bcckstcrc. 1 Clicn^i. ......^ . . .:! Bagte ^br^'OIptni^, '-wkxp^;""" rubies. All ordrrH Riven info onrjinnili strle ly ietttnL,i il to inid,|wn.nii!u Isfat- ( 011 /RSTrnrnntv-J to glrvt I lou, a Hiej aro ol our oiv ft 11 an ljCu j-inre REPAfrtiNQ Of all l\,rn/lH done vllh neiitnc- lli/e fihrtt-l ii<i|1<4, Alt who renufr co<d-, Iri/rur flo * * 11 lOqive us a- tail tjtfore lng clsf whi r^e 1 llu m cm tertte Standi It 'CIIL^CII, Julj I, ISTi NEff 1 Dominion Sdc.di.er7 wJJI bo Cleai od outj at fcp<cial Low 25 1 fish oned hij h puce er cent below the oil ' I DAY . July oruttu EBB; ICE pr ielor. tills, tl c relief ) of. nil ieuts..'in Dewels. I'hey are a niild aiicfiea t, and ail I'll ?!'iigpure- ble, ilicv no "i"i-- 1uii1e.nl ,1..:c!l inteu by .sttoiitd ion unit 3 lias ; iJnii jla lu'icturcrs of 'Wisidc Sasli, Dooi'S, -1 . "Vlenotian Blinds Mouldings, i AI filter puildingECfliusites o Milkers of :jii^ market relief, who'll iciiuirctl. Lonp expc iiroveil tlie 111? to be) Uic'.vafuEti siii litvit of al the l'illk with wliidt th lilinii'nd.o.' lly HiL-li-ocoasiennl ixu|s,f{. 13 blclod in iiiirilieil tiii' iiirii)i*.ioiis of the bfi teni Cx- iielli,.il, oiiiitiii.'tioiii.reinovcd, am* ' " " ' ....... ---------. .- ..^j1( , iiul tl e whole of lil'o restri-ed to its neji3l iy act^v- i:v. Iiiu-rnal oigiuis which lici-oti e clor-;-"! liipm-isli an-oloansedbyAneh1') I'lug, IiniiiliiUil uita'.actiou. I'hn^ ncipieni i" 'I'm- I.rp:-|wtii or Ind'artotlo >,-Xl if. ii" ;- " [\|cnei., JLuiiiiuar, and I.oi< f Am teojile look t-o youritii5ii, they sliould he taken, nioul^iitcly ;tf .Btudy weH the subject, anjl oak tliem-, selves the question,- -'.'jWlie.ro can 1 savo' inosfc money in purchasing liny goods?"! and as they do, they wjll- certainly; de-i -tade -that;.iSecord dJros., Acton, is-the! spot. They give ten pounds:of .broken! loaf, origrouud sugar, eleven nounds of snow .and ...yellow, tweljvp" of bright andj thirteori of.dark Biijgtsrs for a dollar, and' about thirty-one ditferentikinds of teas from ten. to twenty centb par poiinil be-1 low 'any other place. 'A- white, granite tea sot of 44pieces for 3,.which cannot b&i bought elsewliere Bhort'of 3.75; scythe's, l.l"2j, that .cannot be bought - elsewliere short of 1.25; hay forks. 12J cents below anySo'ther towu.-'in Canada. Theso are' facts! that command the at tention jof every one. It .appears to- bo' the study of this go-ahead fii-m to he. coilatanily tryinlg; to discover where they can give'their customers, the benefit of low. prices,', and thus cahjvihee eVery irugal person that they must deal at th? Montreal- House if thoySvant to save money:; ! ' "-.-'- - ' ;' ..--'. tiiluilnU; Ihe-ttv-injidi, aiid restore it 1 heal; hj lime tind a'-'-tlon. I '. j; . For JL'.yi-r C'Ariiptalnr And limivnririi j-viiuitniiirf,. tSMfoir' EEeatlncl<, Mi'.;-li ESVnilii^ tie. -Tiiomllm oThtiir<'i'!i|Ml<ik i>p-, (talon* Colic 'nnd'li'IMIli :i* f i-*!, thdy should I'D JucllBlftiifly tifteu fo i.'iieti .mi'-i', to I'orrJHII the dis.-tsed tu'tlon, rehiovc thii ohstruplions.which caj|ii it.. .For B>y*rntr,T pr'DUgrri-b'tmi. Untpnt nilldiloBe is jrenoranvrc<imr<l-:> ' : . 1-nr 1(iviiriiiVtWtir, <Snilf, iPlrHinel r4lli>:(ati<in of flu- Bi{.-iirf,, E'uin In 0)v rttrtif, Sfiacli, und. lyOln. tl 1 v;6hoiild lie unnlin'ifojiily taken,|ns rc^iiircil, t i ihan(}< thp illsea:-fcd action 1 f the clslcnv (l1 'Mi stiuh it'uniiRO thpto conim^hits (rfsappevir; C P.. K.or Iro|i.r:in I Drpnuical Nn'v.'il- iijcra, they'sfiyilil- lie taken In lm-jro and frc 111 rntdbfctJS to produce the effect of a di-aslii ,,lh-"KC. . j J - - ' . ' ' ""'"" i For S]t>Jrf'o.lJf>p'n larscdniaeif hnuldho -Jikeri, us it prodiices the desiredl. -fleet' b1 sympathy! ' "" i\s a Jijjiircr r,u, take one Bi'tiyi Fill* to proiiiote di^c-fio'nl nud'relieve tl^c lit lmneli.- A11 ocertslmml'do ,-c stimulates .ho iitonnu-1 nnilbowft^;restorpt t))cni>pcttte,iait<!lnvlj(6r ntes tho system. I enoeit Is oneii;nrtvAnUi ircous where no peiUous-flcrniurcniBiit pxifcts One whb feels tolei- lbly-Well, often 1 lnd Ota a do^e of these l*lll mnfeeS,iiim fiet docir. et|ly better, from their cleansing; a id rcno vaung effect on_ the "dlgestiyo appara lis.-; ! [9" ; :'<' Dr. J: P AYZa i-to., Praotloal.caiqniiltj j ' x^qirEi.TA XA88.'. \r. s; Al v- n'ul shis^i.-li an -oloansed by\rfwej-M unit' 'KtiiiiiOatCKi ipta'.actiou. " I'hni n ilhease is: i-liiniRed into health, the -ahiolol w-hl.-)i c'liioae, wl|i-n rockimqif oij [ho vli.j iiiiiltmiikM who enJpy it, can haidly bo eiin utui-il. Their Hofeii-^m.-illnp"-maKis. i(.|" plt-nsii-nt tii.tuke, aiid |ireserves th:ir vlrtiic- aiiimpuiroil for ui^y lcmrLlr of time' FO-lba Hiev -are;'ever fresh, siul perfectly relialle Alilionrh f-i'iiri'liinlR, they ni-i niild. abit op ,-r- 11 lv without UL-tiuUimcf' 5 <Ju> cons i utiou 01 iliet or oi-iHijmtton.j :.-. - Full ulrOcttons urc, (Tlven on tho vrijpnncij to nal-l'. box, liowto um them nsa Fain f l'liysio, iinn for ttiji loliDwIlu; coinplaliits, wlijich lii<;sc . WA Sa* Cat riag-e^ j act6n, , CHARLES DBlAj H-^muili pknenre Irt aunoundr go tftio pcop <* 'f Acton and ijrrtjinipjij c( in try tint h> Is now rrcrircd tovsujnj;- Ats tonrcrh with evci j t niig lrf the Hliek* II VRNLSS, SADDLES', THUNK&, WHIPS, llORSE CLOTHING, C'. Ot -t'l .-.T^HIliLl "DEALER TN- \: cd to And on ljre vlll purcjus Aeton. Prices to fenit the Ji ucs. Ail Work M nrri nte 1, S BQ3K 1 is ) GTORE, GUELPH. i^i. ' oil tr>. m 1 le n special j <il-.c h in 11 rail in 1 he will do yoa \i ton, J11 > I ls'o I \J JL-J I A L. PL^HlNGI mills AND Ii.DoL r nad Blind factorj. & CAMPBELL, Al IlflPBjOVEB 1 J,,unib4f Plan 1 1 in tl srcsios PUMPS ed and .Dressed to order e Lest inatiuei BSy*j 1 -11 wor 1 jjuartjnleed Actio: July AC CON JAUES 1DE^, Proprietor. 'Wagons, Oanjiagei, Sle ON Kept 1 a stock Strict Aotcn, July Startling", Sleeping and'! TJn.- lieard of Bargains TO BE GIVEN AT THE -SEMI ANNUAL SALE OF McLSOD, A!tTDEE20lT Ss Co. ) I In orler to mike roanil Tor ou of loals of I>ry vjoods, jiniJ on'n: han lntherto attrfm^t'eil, P. Pi , lS-o. PRINTS, f|rom fi\e|ce its,upwards MUi&LINS. lioin. five cents np-aaids 1 -t:i MILLINERY, MANTLE^, Tots, for Half jDrice Special hnea pf SflLlt MANILES for &2.G0, ^oith C 50 Speciil Bargains m CHECK "^------ AjLL STAPLE GOODS Atipeclial line 01 EADJES" COL'LAfiS AND CUFFS wholesale ^nce $1 63 anil $2Jl7 f^r 50ii nnd 73c, Special lines in LINEN J>KtsA' 50c per yard. AND CARRIAGE IACTORY tooftcf, but w cspeclalfj want convinced, 1 I fo ;C.^i' ^:^;:v;T, Boots and Shoes, i Giass-ware, Hails, * j Glass, I _. . -i 1 Putty, Linseed Cil, av & s-ohec Paiats, Tty?peniiii , * -1 ' Machine OiL Coal Oil, ( .' 'S %{M -|- ' - L m~\ d -rw -I i 9 '* - "-Salt, etc. ^ ALSO ] PAfilS CREEH 8c U T LEBORE m- good Kx.r tjii Pcslruction of P0nto Bugs, C lUrpll arsard of er injects. The subs'TiJer bets tojeiumhUthnnkii to Die tnl ibitHTi'tsot Ac oniLpdfltimnmd- ins niDtry fur the liberal patronage herihf re txfeiirJMlo Him, /mu" at the siniet ine 10 lclt i\ie)rtf rtbex hu| irt. j X It - Cosh Pa 14 tor Hlden deH*preiL t A< tin, July let IS") C. T, H3LW NG= SALti O-E OJEl GhS yO',W2Sr. TiT Iin^orfrtbins, and toaseou-bxtares ddoiiot of, the scarcity of money, we tiave clelermined on p. mora bweer)fn %, energetic and CHEAPEH ^CLEARING S^LEi we mtjst convert tb goods into Casj J5SJ* Remember th^ bilesjaie KORiCA^H, and in no ease wilj a seoanct" l T>| f^fll liA infif-ln * ce' be made. Wo ennumer'at* < tur Reading Departments: iBRESp GOODS ftomfiiejceits up\yaids COTTONS, White ml Ui \,fiom5cta npwatds 1 - SITA\FLS YM>* PARASOLS, <\ lar^e 3HIRIINGS, IDENIMS,v DRILLS, and i "^ I -il GOODS, foriScand^, Vforth '3Tic an'd 1 11 Is impossible for us 10 ennlime(atdCall tbo GREAT BARGAINS we h*ve io ntettr tho hard tlmew ao comealh and T I . 1 1 Wle again n mind the pnb le that onr 1 Milliiiery an4 Ordered Clcithing' Departments Are second to none In tbe domi I Outtors, &c. ftnd mailo to Order on the SI ortest Notice. attention paid to Sorpi 1-Bh.oo Las Ss ^oneral JonTslas* c nrt sat) sfactlon Koaranteed. taU 18"S. The Snl July 1, 18S5. 1 colruiiience 1! tinue 1 t i &V&&& i>* nlon] nnd outsMp niiytblng of jthe kind "West i>f Toronto ,. 1 ^ I - on the First of July and con- for si^L \v^elts.- MoiUOD, ANDERSON gc Co. Mammoth House, Georgetown. [ PRINTING 4nd PUBLISHING- _ ' 1* > ? ^ pver tlie [Posfc OfflcerMill Street 1 , % ' I * ' . i I li V? I Otder* for all kmcls of . rbb Printing promi^tty J(ttesdfed Je t 67

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