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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 23, 1875, p. 2

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^JPiPBpBR rvRHiUjF:..' [1 H? S#B-- 1 :??' 1 r^HH -^f a^B wB?M]." '^^sHHH^M H^^^^. '-^HH^H "'^E^t^M -=-. ^^JP-JdB^H 1 :ff:-fc^-3^W fcl>fc : t&_ i0 P:ilr-'.- & W lil r.^- V '4^.r ^'SSB MB-'-'"- -r-'i.* j^JIH B-rc~F;-:-.-i- . .' :'-2$^^l ! = n* . V fc^V- ' s ~ K !f-'i' V ira Bri vm.. -i *ei^l -,'! -?--.- * - - -, "'- 'JdH ru>i-s. -fai^l s-'^V"?... isU^^I -V ; ':J9^H '# V^^^l Hbv t ! - ;T !- '. | writ might cr. NVhatmight be done it nie I What; glorious deeds. DO MS. brother^ ..Would thev InloYe.'j<ud And cease their isknniif ray BUllVfing Published Every Vr'nlay Moni:n;. \> ! S3L - Per 1 afixiuni iu Advniice. X- IJOS. H. ftA('K1^V7 "." '.. T " E!|Mr ii>id.Pl'Ofr l<><,'" ~~J :r~^t ~ '! ,. I.-1-1\ ' Oppression's heart might) c imbued r' v ] Andknowtoi -. Light tin the eyes of ftuii ilal blindness, * 00S. H.rH*CK>Ok EPlfort '.- i'-H"' feC^'X.-' fei^/^v ; tef~ :. V-=--.-' '".- fh -^ :. 'v*. sf- *- - Pi^M'tW-: |.':|fr;i K:"--^--r--'"r fH? - -.*' - fy.;-' -;- j-;s:J:.' > j&V-lk "'--"I ter: The de-ilh of this swinent latly, Jri London,,is annouuecd by: .cable }j elegniEi; . F>V)iil the hc^-oio efforts 4 ho has uindeibr niiiny^ui-s to dis- tovertli^fat^of hcii JinsWtid, >.ir ohp;' Franklin, l:cr; ^lume has T ht^i. < time {^miliar to cvory-wader,laud lie announcement of'hw-Ttknith be- "lore tiie ohjecfsjf many ft "vvrtiry feoMxh \vas rcalizcsl," viU he wniyer- JsfUly rogretted tlirongliixutlbe etvil -Lieed" '.world._;In M:y,J.S45, the I Ai-ttie E^j-veditioii nnder Bir John Fratklin Railed fiviri Sheevness. sifd i ontil !So9 his wife h?id no certainty [of! his /ate. Tnen the j lleClintock v. jEtjiodition decided.'the ,tiest;ion -f'*rid showed that he j and his inen I'.had miserably jWishi;i in the wilds f <jf trac^iesss ice, while .s^king to j.ioiis on Us&re the still undtseovvd nty^ (il,hst!ed> THE unto Vigllt-,"' v\Uo iu\oth(jr.l c imhuoil ACTON JHREE PRISTS, JULY f: All: t liwJerjv warlaroplfM ^U1 X: ec ami cririi^'infgh' iiut'wrongf, ' iaiotogctk^r; Aiul w'ine"Vi%l corn, born. S*> i-oh intui ......, I><- fneo as'NrarintU in buj liner weather, vcr trod; It ami sorrow,-J 'riie meanest wretch thtit i Tho ilev]K<at sunk Iri gu M^ight staiul ] Aiv\ BhatV'tno teeming y . row. . What wight bo. done '.: Ffiia night-bo -^-.-TlimQ, ; Anil; more than Jth^s MX} iHE IS NOW ;0OIN(( ON \1 ^ 1875. *), . rect iviu-ld to-mor- iny' Buffering Moi\-! than t ic tongno '. ' . K'er sajd of sung, It men were \Vise and lo red each other. Beterrniijediito clear oft' tiie/ih^l^c/e of S^rnmer Stpc > oiher i^on^t i,^ ^ ' f ' GBJ^EKVEf rai^piiGES OF |. FE^y ;. " &i1\ IMn.M Imwns and Muslinn, 7aioL:; worth-1-2 J<?.. ! ! |! ' Th,^'^^an^ifu] Celeitml Lusterctts hvem Goods: to bo. rushed off jat^2'Ac.>.,fairmpr pH'od 25o.}.| 10 dozen ll^die8|^^k.Sq^r>,tiies,.25c.,,real price SI. ' ';. I: 1 " ^j ' ' ' Jij JLnce Shftwls, 15c., worth $2. ' ' ' . j| k, tremendous biirgains (i^ill be lOno dollar Parasols fprSOe, I : ,^ Gems p% T^ -^fe*- - i ^ Judge a man.not % -what lie hag Ip'h.-'.hiin., but.bj what 1 e has indiini. ; Itmay be very wbll to go yoitr own wayv but you hs il betCerVseWi that you hiiye a way? t y go. j I - If we waited until i: .was perfect ly con, venient, half ojf he good act-j ions of life would nev .r bo aceom- and vtry few of its suc cesses. Be:not stinffv of ki4d words arid I L't- v.t:*- M-MjK^ the heart and sweeten whrt jecev,ve them. mm--- f -:i'.A '" ... :'t-.rh ; i I-I-C-TT ,;. t St.. |-1i-V--/J"-.'4"^- " .it . ; >-/- >- The Guibord -Case. The trou ..blei a"boufc this case is hot yet over, In sj-ito of the decision f -the -fHvy" . -Council tEat the bodyfof Uuibortl *': s'icjiild be' buried liit' cbiii=ecrated 'ground, the cure of j|hev Parish' i tChurch of Jlontreal _rf;fnses, to al- ~low the interment of t,he iiody; He /has/Written; a long letter|.'tf>. Mr. 3Doutree, connsel in the case, in Nvbich hie says: " ^'. . : . ' I do not-recogruip more tban in 1869 the right oTthebivil authorities to interfere in the'questions; which ^belong only Jo ecclesiastical riomani, f ritl.r notwithstanding .my ,depp re spect for our graciouk Sovereign arid m? perfect sjibmi^sidm to her anther, ity in eTerything fhnt belongs .to' *ci.vil matters, 1 a.iri. jantl always ^fill 'he^obli-ied to fefnsb st^pnUure ;tQ.'. wfiuibord in :consecrated grotiiid *o. "isag rs my :BLshop forbids me to gfnntit."' " . l_h^ This brings the matter in conflict between the civil and eccltaiastical. .- antbdrities, and it nqw remains!to ' beseen whether the hiw of the land; : as'uitarpt-e^ted'.-by the^hjgbest- legal aurbarity' in the Empire/ i to be tTCdden under footaiiatsei at naught rr.y ^efcilisjKcs,.-w.hbaFe cJ\deavoi3cg> to make the lnyv of the Roman Catti- ' olic Chnrchjsupremq, and above all hijii enactment. i the life.of a^l "t te^rv of therolar sens.^ "Lidv iTrfvivkUn - was Sir John's seeend .w.lc, . ?4ie v-ps ... . - for 8iijh a>e: flagrant ;^J^j^^.aai-y:^:^iieh-3&^e- ^"^ *hose l'fl"* wl gladden ':' jiot de^exlh^ on her luo^bej-'s sule. ' J^he' . "^jnarriel>'S:r John on thoStli of March. ; t\venty-threy .years (>t 1 age." .In 1536 she r-ccompaiiied her 1ms- -,; "tian-.l t-> .Tasmfmia. .'-cfj whicltr .plix^.he. : ; wfc1 jo*ji'i--.Covernor.:;'jkiut,': while .jth'ere ^he'rjaid out: o>'her-private purse] a . V'-Koantir-of-ten shilliiigs erWli for tlie de- jstrut-tion of a dangirous species of ser- !: ...!-pej.t. which-ifi--cou*e>in?nee-wassc>n es- '". '-'tertajnawid. -AftW the expiry' of the rt:mi> -ftieil for the return oi >~is ' ' irar.kliii rrm his'-,fatal [Hilar voyage,! it : . was loiigl^Tore.hiis...devoted. wife woald. ' T0 r.phcipo,-aiti expended rj.early all- "." , !tw"joitune'in.promotiug Expeditions to 'j,-8earvh lor.hinu' Since the certain.news ' ">! his deith, she identified herself elose.- . j ly with pliilanthrcpic_ . and .("-nvr-tifie '.\. plaas', s-i -tho expedition ue-.v~"on its "^ Va^tattS-^Cortl'.iJeft-liirgland.with her Intf^r^-^ai'ana. svmjiatliv. At last, \ at t}- Hae-sji *ge of seventy, she passed - Vc'iy. after years of sorrow, which was "nevejj allpwed. to interfete with her benefeleade^ the: 4^ss---s(sor of a name. that wiil be long remembered, not alstie i Ik.causie' it was lj;e aa:ue of the Arcti<J eilTlorer, bati>ec3Bse'-slie liatf won for- hersV'i tbe mere - tioiior-ible?' '-title\ of - Yri^att of the. Pooh illiHeryf Mantles, Grouudinos, BlapW and Goldi'cd Sillcs at half ppic0 at the Groat Guelph Dry G ii" .n i "IT - :- TfX ! ; "T /' jiyen, hucii ag- fi. loods Stort, the Lm- J. D.! Wfijtii mSBON. r The law; of.Uie pleas tire in liaving idone anything tor.linether is, that the one aliubst.iuimoil iat-ely .forgets j liaving given, a'nd'tiiie b'Uier i-aiffeni-.j 3iei-s eternal!v IwCving ecetyetT. Gratitude is Hke U o good: faith of tradej-s and we often; pay, not because it is just to discharge ourd?bts, but that we may move ieadiir-,inji people to! trust us. The happiness of our Uvea depends much onithe-active psrforniance of the duties of our' station ; net Have we-.any. right to infer tltaV if they are; not properly disirhargod, -they would-be Ixstter if w< ^--inoved in a more exalted sphere. Xhe aoctrmuiation of weaitii .is; followed by an increase of and by an appetite for rniiiiB. He wl^o seeks' fpririiuch,.will e rer.be in'waat of jnucii. ..' It is" best-with; him to ' jyhjsm $rOTidencfi his given that -i?hich is sufficient, though every .superfluity"be withheld. Aj loving heart : md n, qheerful countenance ai-e Comi lodities^yhitrb children,; should never, fail to'keep on'hand. They .will be^t season- their food and soften their pIHows. Sorir faces and croftI'a-'ords make! everything. o wraijg. Xeep' in the sunshine of God's, love, and dop't give, the frowns'a chi ice to'deepen in W>; wrinkles. ' Steadfastly setybiirface against needless delays, doin;; any-jvr^rk for. the jrood of your 'felfi iw men', or Tor In, Hardware 'I undersold. PIXUVC HAttll Many-'ft bright, gcjjid mratAn. ! j Maliyn noblii ihir. (led jtmit/ TSiMn himself in lya sr gliajbiw. ACA1.NHTTBC lifcarted folipwj you sjity <jvelry turning, / joA- ry oihemo, ,.-.'. '.V' niDr(j:(lcBcrvlngi /Jlien agft hitnl if SbTBooiicceed hi, <jve i'^rtiinc /avor kv Otheriiyi tob, thcjrtiijh ____.... ittfa t? pull hgaiiwt t'Ho BtrtinJn! :-.: \ .' .:4 lp~ypiir bent fir ^np (inothcr, i V aking life arjjeasant tfrfcini, '.' fi TTt worn and iwdary brother,: -' ulllng'hsrd flHaiilst the str<iain. ie/wind,iB'iny-onr"faYor, K- : '. ! And you've wejitHer'd (> v'ry Wpalr, Think of those wljo liiekleas labor, 4- fNorer get fair^iiidB at allf:. " : ' Workiing hwd, ci>ntle.ntcdt: wfljing/' .1 Striiggling tftro' life's ocean jvide-"; Not ii fnend an&poi a Bhillhig,'" -'y\ . tiHb'ng liard iai|ist the tide, :: I' Don'tj give way $j--fpoliBh sorrow,. ,." Ijet.thtB keepijioiij in good cileex, Bi ighter days'niay cnm;6:t<>itforrow, * It you try?and jpef-sevctc...' . i j -;' B,irkeat:night8 wjilj;haveiA'morningj. -Tha' tlie'skybe oivcr-caet;'.: r ' Li ingest knes HFajst [have a,{nrhing, And the",tido\%rii^tu'i7h|rt|lagt.: ;:'"' K -' ^TV' : ft *; m =ff your own' edification m1-;:i--- all the temptations o ' the great de-: strqyer. Jt purpose's merely to post- pone,"perhaps for an hour or a day. It would shudder'ac liie'th'ought of final and utter nsgle< t" o* wha,t it thus defers..! J>o thi; very day- ai}d hoiirnhe'duties This, a our "and' ,di^ demand; " \He that loses his conscience hks nothing left that-is v orth _keepinfe.. Theirefore. be sure you look at1 that. And in the|neitt pla<e looked your health; and if yon have'it jpraib'e. God, and '-value it nut to aj goo4 conscience; for health is the second, blessing that vf e mort lis; are capable of, a bless}ng! that, noney cabihot j buy, therefore value it), and be thank ful for it^^- ..Nothing is more true modesty jaTid^jiotBieg" nipre.con temptible than-that v'hic5vr"is. f^lse. The 6ne guards vii-ltui :,.the 6the'r be- ' hi ashamed to do anyth pugnant to right reai ou|-fii]se mjod|-; esty is ashamed;tjp -do Anything that is opposed to the ininour of those wit^i'fe-iom :tli'e iiidi yiduiiT'cbnver- sea.': iTrue modesty avoids every thing that is criminal; false modes- :tyi everything ,that:is junfashionable, A dilatorrv Ini Crockery and GrlassWareVwe liold large s^cks, aiid at prices below the rhar^efb. Qrahite sets fror4 three largest agd chpicestf stocks and 'rajigir^g f^@m 151 cents G7| - :i- Ixi: Groceries, we ha^ on$ of the .'-^j westb;; Torontoi ! ;-.L|' ^?; ; .".':' Oiir :stgcktk^easijs^ot:ecjualled, " ; t0*90 cen^s perrpo^md. j It) libs best V^iW erushed of 6raii^late-d Sugar for $1 ' il bsl&st Bwght befitted Sugar, tori $1 U * :. .'Jig lh,git>est Mediumj Sugar fbr-$rr 'iV m\" l3/i|bs!xDark1Mqscow:"Su for dollars^ ^OIiONB|:i Da'IiltA-Bf's; - -ft; 'STORY OF HAMJ'J'.C^r HA^iSHEf \\ . Cai-PTER HI. > J.ti ceased (raining ,at ; Hanirit on,- after a while,: snd pleafe. Pccembei1. cahio; ftndi .wrippe.d Ithe deo acts maj-fihes in a, jihantle. [.cf. gliste^ ^tg now'. Cli^ste r'io lieJfleeds Jnbn^ fhat'njot{is itul ongl before Uie!hoJ^days came to xrtd le ,wivs a daily visltbif at th!e:ho. ise.. anit; lie ?tuphed_t* looUat; hef >^8 \\ii oj." tea^j> v ^f.einblin^'beneatli-her iaaVcs, it Was; '., 8en*8hrieBH,j and'-tiqt' lovei'; which':':: n.ade him tontintte^:" < T^ -,'V ^ J,n your happiness yon j. cinnotj "_: realize how I suffer." ,- M In nriy happinesa { '. -The wowjs." had -ije^n, Ayrung^frjoin: by ih'is ' ssarchingr-j-aze/ ' She: -l-^ i '<m her: flushed a rburninj; ysi', mojyed her nmiids p^>|"ously,;and theiV- 4tirne4 uway t^^ookat ihe/seB." -~. .- ,, > Antl;s<i" lfB:satf|>'.;tot hSefdin^ the; paia4.S^3Helr aWJisteriedj-" would 'dp!better >to 'go'.away fronj >' .you Eleanbf,' -and leiara io\ bear iny misery its ^ can. t jlrhsips "it Jri^: be les^.Tfla^d. when J am^"'nbfc. -with- ybu -daily.' I, t^ngW ;I] woGlf>,^ - .' :!,' lit come to day ^^yjfarewejLl."- " Go away'l^sbie criedu tti ^Mi'^f iturning; nun like ^ Ct wiis:not difl^cult fob &n obsen i - e IGolbtlpi Delrhur io^ee -iin,- unwonted pi !hat! ^f consternation.: ^. . }- , i %'-' \\" Eleanor," he"crfwf,""." waat Jiay^V-'c. come more lallidithaii her:lovely icfe. ; Ac the weeks wertt jby'sh^ seproedi -to hhr habitually.fend' deathly ever ' it wa's tp him ^ith a look of fiudde)ialarin.' "jNb, "ni?; Yoh must notigq away ':-,: yit, .not;" yet,? EdwaTxl^ ^o .nbt .:" lerayfc'me ye O','donrtlgo awajr-. ,' from |ne, now 1 " - - "I 'ElfJanoHJ'~- ~ v;:.' ; ". 1. ,he knew^that pe JiM betrayecj:-,^ herself, and buretlirito a passionate ' -fife of weeping. He was not prer .; pared for this quick .cfiange ia her I ' mood -ior tbia- wild * -bbrst of-1- i ..." - ' : r J anguish iwrungTroia tlje depths of r a hea^t j^hicjx hail fof'years Ibeeif Steeling itself .against its%rn weak-:" at the momept w*hen.it-*"as rinj'st ne,ede4. . He atarfced f^ojh^B feeTwitb, a look -'bis wife found iirs "in-Ed wa^'s ;-prdenceV.:' |It, w'ajs jlitlone . .AYJiat hat* I 'sajid f\.Mj y' not that her eye had jbrightenee, cjr,j fa? ^^> ^l^V M'^>f) ' vS,^li'ry.j"" the wearied jdissatisfied bx^ies sTj^n'1 fadedjfroiiV A GRAND GLEAB|NQ SALE tejlo anct E^aiLoy Dry j^Q^s THE FAStilONABLE WEST END. Spirit is one of the'inpst flejiUsive of.' XheinbAbit&ats of the "/illage of Acton and surrounding country are; invitedl to amiable-than Every pound of'cochineal con tains 70v.OOO. insects t oiled ito death. T ^uie.tyjnillioa |pec gle soeak the EriglisH la^iiage, |i5'UO6,0O6 speak Gernian;"go;00a,00D| Spanish/ ana: 45,000,00,6 ^i-ench': WW- .Moody an.d Ss^Icey sail'for Kew Tork -August'4f.h. .'c ~',: "i '... '- . Mr. Gerald O'KeiQyjMjiJETamilton, has ,' j bee& appointed Resident IM^ical Assis- t .tant to the Guelph Generai'HospitaL . .[ Abont tlie,if%Et of[ Angnsi nearly 100 ji. children are ejepected to arrive at >Iiss : j: >_Ma4j?hers<m's " Boy 6 Hoinei" in Gait. "XTr. 'VVeatherton - has resigned, and Mr. *Wragge,3ate Chief Engineer, is now. General. .Manager of the T. G. k. B, Rail-' ' 'way. .""- The carcases of several wolves have been fonnd in Garafraxa since winter^ It lis supposed they Ijuec'iimbed to the i "in&eiice oi^oisoii set for theiri. * A curious coiiicidenice.is noted by. the^ Paris 'itonileuT-Lihafc ,tbe' Kteamship Schiller was wrecjfedirm the' annh-prsary of the. death, in; 15CI5, of. the-German poet whose name ifc^bbre. ' :. ; A correspondent writing to.the Pail y _M^aIl pazflte : " It 'if. "a. curious fact, that tte first regatta ^lelilfn England Thames on the 23rd June," 1773, a"ceijitury: to 0c day before this year's me^mg-^^enley. .-, / ':"- \. Wlhiie the"tpan -Khich Ibronght^the rant"bushes in SouthIJersey, ' l^rgetoti-n Oiangefoen-to Guelph on ; t^si lBfhjuast^EasfisSiiig limehouse,! a y nntabepSbf large stone8'ffere thrown at . j severaTof tfie carai . ^r'~ e" '- A foot race of 1DQ yards, for 2o a *ide, took"place an'Galt 'on. Saturday, - ' between JanjesSniith^and George Mor- : Tjijoiij.^omson wonJby about & yard. 'l, i A hiige crdwd.%as present and consid- -crable money ebangediands. :' * ' - '.-. .,:; At '-a. riecent pnbliq meeting, in Xis- i'- ' towel It Twis'jresolved to grant a bonus of ?4,000 to 'Jaities Shields if,he con- senta to establish^ a miU witt. five-run of; 11 ;Btmie,Van4 ^2,Jtf!to Mr. Brewer- to', ' Trowbritlge to lis-* > >twei*ho!. increase its capaeity^ to"lthree!, ifrjmfljdf stones, j -'!"[: :.' : -. T: is - al^o ng that:isfref. Guelph, attend,4b* tiHhd(Clearing'ic5ale of Staple an{| &9#cy Dr^Crb^ds, Kow Going on at the . ' .' -! : FASHIONABLE WEST ENB I .* ..-.:i. u/ . ! . . ... i . ; I ' Dress, ManUe.^nd Mll^iMry i;stabllshineut, i ' TjfPPER Wli| E>HAM ' S-yREET, (3-TJELPB:. Imnjense Crowds every day. Astonishing Bargains to ba :." ' had. Come and. See. t Fashionable West End Drees, Mantle and Millinery Establishment. ph, July 1,1875.' ,;' ."" I " "V '" ' .'-'", r IHG $OW iiOlbtd .9N Elephant -.5/ ' .'" ' ' 'g^iiii threwj'iat? fitrpiig condnist Ii'er lin-! giMJJlJnarincfi' jii' the presence of h^i" husband. -The cSlcjifil sa'iv^ too tlriit theyouiig man- wns(cfonj pi Mil?.-. .Delrtari, and- -thtffc'.'.-thi'i'Hjth'-' every action \t!iere ran a snbtlt derpurrsent "of yisilile tejiiieci less, which the ii^ost strerjflous jdepaohi- 'strjitions.". :bf j resprietfu}', defer siice ^otild nojj^pt|rely clbiik. : j .,; -ifor ij "tinier th* cheeyier iihji more :1 7. AT THE - >TO. 3l'Vr^'^I)HAM"'STR)E^,'<irTJJEt?H.'.'j-"':::; TRI STORE house 'b<. tinted J7lertRant ifor the young inaiv's i>respuse jn it, I'll w*b at leastf'a relit:/ to niitp Mrs(.' Dil- inivr's changeJ.of J niatmjr; at .'tlfej sound of hi| ifoptiferi or h/g kindly voice, /Yet prest ri'tly ttiej-e sei'in^d. to. fall, upon the ibfjseu.ojd^v. nijs- tenons..intangiblejfioin'efhj^ig ^ hrch. ^eized tfcei hea'rtg iPf'th,? 'actors; in this;little drawa iy^ftlj'a ^hdiJWi srjjig:; chill. . I,t crept.fj$t?: tlien^ -hi} e a 'grealshaidowl ^What^-it vj-us tlv3y y themselves;.did npt:urid,ej*stahd; bit; df. pdsb, my:daVlLngr:-.;I)o not cry aoj Sfiw;. will Sbreafc my "heart. - Forh -Heaven's sakei'stbp! " ;w; ""r^Htj ibetit 3lver"herjwi.d keized ierf': .'"' -. piaijdsv.wqJth- wety- , ^i*'son-fV of 'y . . jplaiif itoT^o^jat shef. ejq>e.riem5 id'^kfen^ distress,;Whilc he ^t^-^ept idellgHt in ^Chester's coAiiany w licjiif wtl^lj-.^ ixar^yppnsetoBsof wtmtV ?% i! .' i?":.:k ".".. soon it.- lrfgiin toili} wiusfejrei among^tljLe servants j that tbeicclprjej : was growing jealc tiis- of his wif i. ' i. One."early winter day M-rsi Del- rhar sat with. Ch ster iff-, .the loiig ' dniwlngTrwm.rby fthe^ 1 She: BARGAINS "Will be-given during ibis &ale, sieving reduce levai . {11 !U1 iStrest, - 4ctoa7 Is thel^N^Jfor v- wlth'carriagesand holrst an^d, filially,' ice ten; will') .support anj ift numerable multitude. cf: -..-1 A woman of Inc ianapolis ias showb that she coiilid fee as murderv j onsly brutal tja . klmost'anjr"man. 3he pursued her rival fntb' a clbsetj; sbotht^* fatally, aha then,; patting her reyplver - gleeful y^' exdaiined; "Oh^qut!yer! that's ri jht, die hard ! I enjoy ithis, I do tj" ;- "; ft In addition to, the potato bugs^a' 'Aew worth ba^ appealed en thecur- ~\'~ It re sembles th&well known "tneashring'; worm," but unlike thsxtsgiilar cur- ' rant- worin,"i(; thriyeji on1 /belebbre ang, plaster, and prom ises jto^bbcpnje;; asjeiioue nuisance; { ^ ' i , "Ice two inches tbicl; will SuDport ainiaiifat a thickne&.6f ithreei inc ' Grocerlek always freslt and of the best heh^idahalfitwillaunportaman .L * - on horseback; fiveinch|cfice will,{<?*&>* ?$**}** &**<}& '^7^y*^ &? CaSb \ ^-f0^^- support anebgh^-pdvndtrVc^nola;:. ,;."tWli[to1.46'strictly GaS busineBS, as or goods are selling at! the1' eight lnchesj a battery4f:artifleij ^LOWEST KftrifctTPttoesTl, - 1- [' "" " - - " " - : . ' i attached, j ibea thick |yl an in'. G-oods. STQjCK OF _ roceries, \ ^ ! Propkefefaix4 v .- iGlassware ;Is Lar^sy? ^"ell Selected and quality, Acion,uJuly 1, U15. ^.y.,i' A- price paid for, all kinds of Call and Exuniae our Stock. ProduQe article ;to. As -wear nttxioua to' clear ;tt right out. Call at ct.isxamiie jitock, as .we consider it a pleaBuro to show goods. _ __ .1.., ?! .. Guelph, July! 15, Wf.'." GftAfNJDQLEA At I - - -t - --T ," Th.e-undersitoed havingjdisposed of thou Grooery, WusjneBB, ,aiid having ; purchased the immense stock of B00U and Shoes of Mr.! JAM^S MA^- THEWS?, are now ^re^areif to^oler jt<i*jtl\e inhabit tats of Acton anoV vicinity InJ^o'sEngt and Childrens* cannot be eqi ! , *! Gusto BARCAINIJFOR flii, ^ioJ and "Prunellas, which "" in- the county : appeared "fery beautiful -^jbhajt xfter^ nobnj. veith the ripa 'snulight j;labc-: .ins in from across the Ftiow-iyhite: j , fields,jand dimplijng -in h^H gulden: ^hair; aqdi bb she 6pokek tp. hirn, Chester found it? nearly impossible to renjovSttiaeyes from the lovely j .pi4ture| "Arid so hel.safi gazlni f iiitp her., fadjwith a look' so -wra'pt, that; when at/la^tfiheeanght liis e:-e-^she blushed ; to,Jth!e temphjs'^ol sntjyy and *$eeniejj - disturbed ';and dis- tressed.5.; > j :1...;; -. ' .' stvely. " i-yas thiiikingof t ie-,oid" dfcy^ Agayir>! O'Eleanor ! ;'^.r j they ^ted goaeiforeyec1?" > \'y. .m'V;; He^cs appraacHing! the Jjrbidf; dfen -ground,;but that afljeriio Kifshel; seemed hardly t^lhave the h< art to:. reproach himlfbr'ifc. [ ;'(. ", Yes,'v she" said, :\vttbj;: 1 r-^ald; hfei did;1 she aliow^d. him jtp passiorij '.: ately ^res8j"hi{jh^.jjpo'nJ hetycheek; -: -'- Tjp.t pnce,: but.&any-tjinpi. :- - " iW^hile lie thus 'stobi ajmost. em. ^rueing her,-{she. started ^Piher feit with.": a-. fcudden cry [.and - looked." 1.. aril the jdoor. , Gliesiter. turned; .; itlierirg - l .,M" " yerf Lat^-^-||- .S>;J:Vi -.1-- pqa, and ther," npcjii. the thi^shoitk 'stood; Colonel sI^elTO!^. '^tood,* " "'-;.j' fnojipaless- aad pilai, wi thcin with a look -ef jrireevei **,,-- .: . . -[[ .-. * fed-. crtjsliing ik?m.witli bis dead-\ V L.--.y lviiT^ntt'eraVde- 'acorn'. I ? .1 [ \hiTfer up.ansta.nt thete-.v'.^jjileriCe..'.; M y'rft Pale as death; Ghe-stei- stood in-th 'centre of "the r'opm,j-still holding: Mrs..; Delrcaf's " trembiingv tartd .within his.bwrt.' : Fur.iJseyeraf iw>V mehts np one: nipyeiLj- T]iei cplonH% at last br.okethe '/Irefidfnl sfrliflessi and aSdrjssseil his wife-with a calnv hess I that - was like &lmlaesg which pfpcee^ls the""htirricane : ; \ \\ y\y\. ^ " I thought yon, were!'atone,"? '...-" i:; 'hS. ShcVtrieS-tQ speakjbntiConldnot. .\":f-:.~ :?/4 Twice ' $r.|- answerbitrf, knd fafled: A^5 last :| .;-i!:E;:# vm: *'/_ i- T^'^'ej^dd.'not!! hear/jypa'iccinp^T,^. Henry;"]. - !ljEtis| ujjpn , her_ | fiercely and.-his"pps. fwere wreathed" V ? in-a cr^uel smile^ "^'feuriing^colpf^.- ' rose ^.hBr> pale feai^ej, and she 11 ' recpifed'g ,Step, inVpl^ntirjlyi jDieg ;;". - 8he!saidit6:TGfiesterf' '. . ';.v- ' ' --.-:^ ^'^PH^^'bettejjjgo.'J '] >i^. '.- [ -, .cplp^el'^b.'nis ;wife'| in' nioiiieptarj \--y-. in^e.asioni:' Then 11 e v\droppeiii ' 1^1:! 'y^- eaiipr'8 her^elessi naind,',and^silen]3j *,\ ' tuVned toyard8:thejdopr. .. He did . : ^ -hot dare.;t.o;d?E|ppiyi ^tfce Ipofc- Jo/s ": ^ute\TOnjmancl ^pijc^.iie read tip^l i -'.'. pa'use'up^n the,threshold, aiid^rfn::. ; Jjtij he-lefe.the-rbom^ and! softly .^do>ed.V': r| '". Aj ' v'^3 \- ---,v.'.-J M:- .the-dbir^eTiirid hi|n-^: '- ' y'h ^^e' ojofonei:'foldjd" lj^ arms "and;; PAgflCJJLAR ATTENTiON PAID TO *" *'. . *'. 5' .." . " |- - ii -. r^'V-'-aBLd'Hi -";' H. & r|^^membtr^tnd. ^ijl^ tT.Bj-rAli Book ac^onn'^ ratisfc.be settled at or ce, Actbri, ^uly f)'i875^-'."",1 1* "" '": 'j'"" ^ "l . f ' 8milej;'.'anidl perhaps-it i|; Ibett^r': that ithey are;. V^libk bac}: vtp!?in theni'no.vv^thj'dugh afgoldeii -mi^t,*' and we forge^ill the- old! f hs-ows arid, .ie^rtrSnSeiTJigs -that,- n ade.'iis 'unhappy weur" ;'. ' '.,-:. 1 '^If there were any,M ii a.jt<3, .^X do'forget th'em. iiOpking bi< kward now .frbro) out-ofOfchfe hopelesj cloud, -j'*"-v j-t' >.-" J -' :.,c " ', ' ' '"',*'. : th,osa happy day.a;;seenH 'all 1st nshire. arid gladness.- I could ; no: I ib^ud American'Styles of siioes aid Gaitera, and in Ladies1' known uahappmess them,yfh an ybu ^v^a.-i-.^TL-.,.,.. rL:.h ^ g^^ Du^ifityi^g-^Eleanor^ I ! .. ' r ' her eyes;.^l. to ehe^flobr. ,j Mo V^; vety pale,' ind Only a-Blight 1 in & \ar(>u^ *% wbiitbr betiaj ieid the j " 1 thoughts! wit^in|hef auni :. f Haying s^our^d the very valuaWe services of M"r>'TOOSi ED^AE ^frhof . " Yotv fiivo Borney&wke tjd .adat^isimexoelled^a fit^^ua^nteSpj'or no sale, t^'j T' ^thuvimatter di|^l^Jl|nbw,' ^ifce dominion Hotel. - ! jS#- sy "'- 1 E:ENli^EDY, !BK0S. luiow. nothing oi!!that, for; ' !. r --"i"-,.1. :', itoicf.!: ; I .V'vL. ? ipverything.hereto lead, yi , Slie riia&e hint,no ;a^sw' T, a^ ' ! :lodkedmt iiis f^e,) whp stifl ijstobd ' ;*Wn.ite ai^d 'motionlesa. lijfe |a;:marble BtatueJ "wi'li; ^ctt^agony and: terror. in^erreyes. as is'ibt :;6ftjen'\ Been in ;aiay woman^s face] x'\ '^\}}\'.. ' 'wftil4&p;/etlAt.he0iki8ba.n(l's jf^etf I!' PK. be. continued.' ' ip s, it! is .ing-iiy'"het^fc;!! Psib- j6,".:-jcan , fori yj*i haye .Twr_T,.^_ nl/,., iiyxTio/or-5 -r! get me andrto-'riiakS you h a; |pyj!'J r&yjty :-%[-"7' 'M//t" r*\>M-3y.\i.y*- - ^2 I" I-' ...... .. . . . ... ..!! wildly.'! -.' "JO/ roy.| j hrtsbaM 1 what r^ ^j^i l^ve^dorjel'V'V;;!:"-,'- "v-V^.-";;'!'-!J. 'lp. r > j. Ife seiied net b^ft^e^-wnsts ahi-!', { y-& ;!' -" medjierjii|i] hphfingKer ffinnhtm \ "-.;-^fc;r!' , !aia Wspc^bej. :|;f. 0;you}fbolt"::jbe laugh.e.dr-bit^:,' *$$0r >terly, and! mockaig. Iber helpjfesjif^ .:-,-^5-; cry!:;~?^at'havje'ypn dbneU '-Ia^ :': 1 ,.p| "tnataiyfeh*yei'^^^^mS^! i ;,i^ -ybi|no*^etter excuse : thaH itbjaf f:.. $>M '!.'-":' i'i^'f- f She stppd, '.yild^yed aj^ <we!f'vfi||f;/; f^fe^Jiibi^s^ruhk^u'^^ ^^^ troc:^d-pilous:H%nisf;'-."- ;^- .--v -l|i| : ~%p:yij Msjbaikd/' !was-her iCry.' ?i:^^' '.^eicyi'l!..- J T-^e^r'ieliS^A^r'.^^er-. ear. ;!^Kayp ypi^'h>p^%ercy; Ifbr'; ine f V,;3Dp'ypu think;; that ^,;I;;havo/ ; l^tknojvnV '^ymtUi^kMthit^ 1 - ~v" -. "J.l" anl 'cfl m yl ^-.. .- !-- St4; !>^^ - ! ' " i orl l| .^ .V:

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