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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 16, 1875, p. 3

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' in end <ler bUcej iviie aoCUmbL S *-*; ram,;, v d^ anoi>etfc_ Hike bun Jen, Itwjand ihdoud, .v Jul Sim fij dcr hoosej'.' -- ya*;yj , - r * L/r.^^7-1:. ' |w i'oot-a igdk, j * "bcvhw's boy -,..'._ . tSj. ^ ',. ': kicked him; by^de* ~~r , brfateSsia locked" -. (Be |>y ir** l&: ear, \ .; /1 iild's-coekecL; >: i A m X fV^ K^ew TorkTriban T" rL : >f in the tube.-~ fergis of swt+riog.,. R. ' BeSfjiad p*r-|;' In order, to reduce tl leir unprecedented Bargains in^oneral _.^ _w Call early,,^cure baj^ains, a-nd save^hlojiey; Acton, June; J875i;'.- of ~|h*>e>th, and lewBjMlJfKrs but the ii '#}Bils and -- f *- %'few .'aesBl. |_tht_irtiders up. ^eteaVway. asjfdt fr^iti ikstskm- *i is be <ST <ba antit bread Juki. la bukden. > The Mast frawj ajbrOtal- fer ip u pbield mpt- laiUr, and the-bay " 1 oT 'gravy-. ; , Even ".l teiJi to fl*p; and. |e '^a pavcmen* of ^t pqliUcjJ opin- taJI.connect to be I would only cral has-tea&td.to *e ) has the strength orypieajise-of *ny rtjjwLu^gof pJal- * possibility. -Tile Wiia wajnts*.- " '! i- V VrVt JEnsijrnj" racemV' |l* turned into lie * smurratdrs of the r- Mr^jieJrry^reai^ : ll^.VJbaDcjk ibis joN -.' l*^.v?-H; iMf-/ I,1 r.hXict/ed by bens, fr 1 .n^^.'^'bjiheir'-j b t? ,o'f itie pouto }|,.r ke.- joujgji (if ma- .1. Ilia Jbo.H bepta !j; in, id search r r m 4Ji cut, Dd ;: J.Tjdt Jk^ip^la Lug l&riitfi'rtie WbUby .. eTat poiato* bog : "" ' " tt j "iisttai^A*- ; . VltobSv : ts ioWroXit plate |pi.'1f l^ea ifj^Siiv i&e paper'you dtuannere, a^ui ttirjr wiH ^paJl ,. (ll.iave -f6 boow ke>.i'e&o.iigb hare i (j&r tfcem, ;^fbich I is/a great troa- . ] 4,ioeisiii gives f Qtajtion abroad j / litnd :ro^jd ypoy- lififeiji . ,i' &M* j;Stbry.;, frptm JSaxm>- m - Ifouid r droirud ad iris^uaoa8 of ; ntertalaedi la'iiiiOT'ledgtal- ,Marble*ex- .'rSke-".y*j.|in. '-jsm^ it I'tfeg; a , b.e' vpungrJ;:man" Wj tbdaglrt -of plfttfr"'**# ad- n, ai?d in it ahe ^ii:,-wiii all- $ eduld Bet4ir_ atblm."' .:-'-7. rble'aieatii, i- ' Tisiito the eioVed,to]iye bdeared bj-afeo-^ iind then one . 1^ -went ohfc. to \o, apd drovtied " onj Lnci wttb a ' > Qoufbipr ti '-" nark^.'- i :\j :n'--'- .. ' i' T- T ; r,l !-'- '.- j:V ":*. j ^ j i 'iSr *" ; is ; j /: i ( ! I i^ ^ ' j " V ' TVi -.-, ' i M"- 1 -- : - -,^' How td Caja Chftmea, Straw- fcerriesV ffiid Raspberries. Sfeiect rjDresh friiit, imd taStvvii|ich is not de^d jwp,jbtit just ill a condf- v-:tmii-io. fcre.i .'tlie'-.'in^^ti pal- -atjfablje. I Take , me best gliass jarjs with tightly] sealing: covers. Filithe cas fuliiofffruitj'aud put ?themrintb a deep kettle oripaa of cold wat/er, first putting a ^raJiDg-ofwire 1 imp' the bottom of it to preyejjt ftle cans from ipiichiri^^ % AhahtJfyil % <if hay, or straw will do lis well. Place over a slow fire at first, for if the hejclt istoo^reatatfthe cum-. ^enceuieiit, ,the| gfa^s ; 3yill expand tqo quickly. Xettheniieoiiietothebpil- flig poiiif,aad meanwhile y/au can prepare a sjrup 6f white --'sugar/ taking, halfta pound'of ;the best Jump sugartoleVery quart "can of jfiruitJ As tlie fruit, iit the-cans ^shrinks, add more to tlietn Boil thej sugar with just enougli .^ater lodissol^ it, and fkimjt thoroughly, then fill up eaqh jar witb thb boiling syrup, and after cooking then* 15 to 20 . in Itutes, setal up ,tightly, tak|!3gva towel ^tipped in eoldwaierto haiidl^the bailing hoteaus. -. Keep thfe cans ,i:i the corniest place in the house, but tioVitva damp celiar, and lookiat them in jab >jit a week affer t^ie^ are se&I- :ed tliatho babbles of^air i are discernible in the -fi*uit.; If tUqy are air tight they .will keep ifor year.; it is not a gppd practice to cook the fiuit with ktheL sugar befre putting into caris; as it' takes away the 'natural flavor in a great degree. His name ii fen blm this ap ring. turn -from, the surprised : >ae Mr. ^oonilral .she camp i ito larie and well-assQrt^i istocKl,'have decided tbSfer *iiei MJ^%^^!^2{^&^ om month imtyAMmsmge . He W inted io J)iaoount. ThoAVidc w Hoops ha buried ihroe bmbtf^dai I ut this faot did not du. ^T4g^ Boif from taking a jlfourth. 1,: " **" riy arid, sbia married Just 'after per re wedJing tourihe was day iby a. yajrik from l.ho underiak^r. As ... the; parlor, tioombs opened be 'OontrewHlion as follows " Ah I Ml *i *! po Brierly i, mean j I hope I'see you well. Did you have a plea sant trip I?. Nice weather while you w ere away!; a'litWe, back ward,' mayt e, but still comfortable^ and likely to make thing*] grow. Cemetry loi ks beautifulnow.; ' 1 was oat there t'c -day a burying. Grass Is. coming up charming on your lot, and I notisod a blaokborry bush growing 011 of Mr. Hoop's grave. He was fond of 'em I reckon- There they were^o yi'ng'.. Hoops, and Smith, and McKadien, aU. three of jtha^na, snug as a bi g in a rug.' (No *oman could hive done fairer with those men than you did, ma'am those mahogany o .ffiae, with silver-plated han iles,>TT re; good enough for- the pitriarphs c nd iprophets, an.d tte President o ' the IJnited States h im. sif" dr*n't ask anything better than a hear.j with real ostrich1 feath ers ami hoises (bat areas blackTas ink all over, except the near hors* that'is'a, litt le ialler about one hoof. *rtuow .ybenwe IaitTJur. M<r-- Fttddeh wit' . said to Tom Po tts, my foreman, tl at the simple-hearted affection ilia you showrd in haviBg-,^^ vooVin that corpse buried in style 'almost T^? ^?^?_ mode me'crj Like aqhild ;'biit I nev er fully Beali i^i what womlin'a love really, was; unt'ti^ou made me line Smith's coffi a wUb white satin and ylet in a Frc l^h plateglass slcj-light That worked on uiy. feelinj |s so ;thit I pretty. near forgot ;id;disi ribuiie the:gloves to the Dobfl^nersT at d I loft th'e lid'unsoreiv- ed till we go ; to: the graveyard. And Smith was worthy of it; he deserved italic He wis a man all orer ; no diRerence .h >w you looked at him; fitoutish, ma; be|, and took a coffin thji't was;thiec through ; but-^he was raIItljBre, anc I know, when you last seen'him h. worried- yoa like any thing. -. "Sow, HI i; none ot Hy business, its, Brierly.' bat casting my eypo*er these; sepul :hres j to-day it struct mehhnt; 'I night.Ugs ;em upi so's they'd be mc re;comfortablelike.N I think McFild?u '= wants a few; sods over the fee ,> where the chickelis bave -been- scratcbing. and Hoop's tombstone his worked a little, out of p'umbt-. He' i settled Isdm-, I s'pose; ii think I^s raighteri it up. anc put a gas-pipe ; -ailing\around South. And while -, ajti're. about It, f. lira. Brierly., hadn t you better buy a iout t^n feet bejt nd. H<>o'ps,"so's' tiere won't be an r seroiiging When you in the oourity, and ice enough! keep him ;p)r three days in j the swelteringest/weather In AugUs And I don't/ mind yes, j I'lll even agree to throw in A plain toinb- atone. If you can |d'd that to [ait oommodate a friend,; why I'll Wolf Don't want.to speculate ,on it? ph, very well; I|m sorry, because I kio " you'd be satisfied with the way I'd bandied him. But no! jnatter, s'pose I can skin around and borto elsewhere, i Good morning; drop4i sometune and I'll short IceU'.-, ,: _ As Toombs wasgpliig ilr.\Brierly at ib$ door, wugpnb. Brierly said;: - " My d^ear, who was tl looking man J ".. :And Mw.frBrierly hesilkteda mo. meat, tdrned very red, add uuwer- d: ,' .-% ' [. <'Tht is he i, I believC,4-a a-fa jsoone kind ot a an undertaker!"( '.' '!* Then Brierfy, Kbk^edglpoiny, and went upvatairs to think ' ]|ou that cas'. out he mei When hd It *ery odd- Theft- ,$*^iafifii^ nPHE EMPOBHFH ^IiIUnery,r ' l Mantles, Dress, and - Fancy Goods. Jewelry, Toyg,&c, &c. In Uon'ttflll toto'to The Emportur abOTo linos you will And complete Th r It is a fact that peoplf who deal atbeoordBros buy their gooda from 10 to 20 percent less than those who don't,- .They {send goods to Ouelph, Goderich, ueorgetown, Milton, and at! othei parts bf the country daily. When yoa want a-handsome China or glass l(Ca set, look at .<ur very large stock. Twelve diOerent kind*, and patterns of Vhina sets in stock. White _granite tea setp, 44 pieces,; ~~ China seis from 85.00 Gall and diamine our stock before pnr- toN$2D.00:per set, Secord-Bros., : L' chaslntalinwhuro . ' MILLINER? A SPECIALim H?ir^wair6 undlersoldl erji k:id",. (MassWai^ 0w the market. In Grdc^ries,\vro.liaVe^^M^^i^i^mi :: "A' W( JOB PRINT. IMC plant the.nealt.oneV * Hike elbow-, In the best and most at- rbb'm in the ccmetrylot and I pledge. you my word it'll be a^tizht squeeze < to get Air. Br erly in there and leave Of every description be. and all em you "M room for you besides. It can't done so's,to I >ok anyways right 1 know ypu d iri't wani' to roust Ithree of the n out, and make |move up so's to let the rest of _ ^n. Of eours >' it'd cot you up and t'd cost like; .bunder,Aop. "j 'v. " 1 know rtien Mr. Butterwick i'oved his- t iree wi,ves but of jtbie ethodist be ry-grou'nd over to the metry, th'e' torse ran off while the , etnains weni^ in the 'cart, and pbe sacred du9t! "ras spilled out of I the all-board aloi s. the streets for half a tie.: Andwien they collected the hree.Mrs. B itterwicks he couldn't ell which wai which to save his' life, d for.monti is it'd'ijotber him the: Worst kind wle'nrie'd want to Come out and mo irn over the grave of Maria to thiik that maybe he Ivas crying/over th a;parti ;oi jBmeh'ne^ jfdr he never lik id her much anyway. Whenapersot 's dead and buried it's the . fair thin) to let him alone,, aad not go bostlin j him around the ^m,-; munity.c^ Thai's imy viewjabywayij and I aay tbst if I waayoBJ sooner than put Hot ps on top of jMcFad- denund iknltt on top of H6pv, I'd buy the_ whde reservation jand lay in its beauty and its shade. ^Ind'hS'i " >l tractive styles,:. -When you plant fpr^ ornament, do hot plant j toothickly/ A'few trees 'properly distributed oh a lawn are haikdsome;many are tib&ightlyr and soon produce tbicketsL The talufe of eyefrgreens is tbeircolbr ah^ym metry; The, value of a decidijious treeohsa laWhl lies both m One good shade tree, on a halffacT-e lawn is enough. Two s Norway _j3prdces next the rpa^are^aljd enough. Then ypu may. fill in as ypu please, vvithd shrubs and othfr ipw. growing things. _ in pretty j we are to J jijj Mr. Brierly? [ ^e'eia hope so;, but I health? vo yoa thi ave him with us long? there's consumption OPSTO^l . see- S?Me cat- " ^e bertfpoliey**' / keg^'-'tha.fc.:'*-* fame," frm in nine /-' " \A ^. [inltordi Card- i Istpctog ia loTcorfi.l'Ehere il'htae*^p^ l!of corn, but '---^" :--?i Look after your mear dovts. Salt, j)la8ter,;inam- ure j frpDi the shjekenr %owei oran^fixiefgFtilfel ier, wifp]iy^H to be iprinfciM over; the grass; jtwiil: not, da for even Efalton furs&xfr to hoot :at'mariuKhei'-^'K :. :[i'/\ I *ioik io ' n.r "i the -.>: rA~ >*-*. -i , ;" . ;--~t* "j? ;Hj?Ta woman e^keep on talki ing; wha^- sh is WMm^np ber rack Sjair^ and has heh toouth full of hairpins, ia i'.inyetery-jiotyet. . - Polfcenien* are "not more .polite than Other, people: although tbey ^e^^eo'art-ly ways. " ; ' / 1PM, < * in his familyi I; believe. Life is mighty uncerti mtv. We don't know what minute l'et may have to skip. I'm a forehand ;d kind of a man, and while his weddi ig suit was beingiBade I just stepped into the'^tailpr's ahd jrn It over wit b i tape measure so's : trfget seme? ids a, of bis size. . .You'd baldly; believe it, but I have got a black walnut casket at the. shop that'll fit him as exact as if it had been made for liim. It pas the luck- iest^tbing._ At odd sfse, too, and wider than-we j ;enerally make them; I laid it away' lp.Btalrs for bin,, to4; ijrTtt-s'Mattlie*!s> Ne'w BuiIdinKflV be prepared -in case ot accident; 5> v ^ ' You've been ft> clever withmejthat I feel ^s ifl pin h^to try.my best to accommodate y >aZ and I know1 how women hate bother.about such things when tf ir grief ii tearing up' their feeling^ aid they are: fretting about getting U eir monrnipg clothes in timet for the i uneraf. '. . !. "And that's partly what trailed tdee you about, Mrs. McFa Briiei-' ly limean, I've | ^>t note to pay in the inorning, an 1 the man's pushing meawfut hard, 1 ut I'm cleaned right eat.; /-Haven't pot a cent, tfo* It occurred to me lhatmaybeyou!dad vanceiine therm ipe/bb Mr. BrierJja funeral1 if I'd ofl >r you liberal terms. How 4does 15' p< ir'oent. strike you ? and if be bangs m six ^r^even years """" make It 2>.; Miiid' you; 1 oger casket iandij |e best trltnminjgs, I'll the! eight carriagas,' : i promptly executed at iBe FREE PRJEK ""HGiiom j; m HAck WO* fro] the noblest hearse hi ' chasing slsewhare. u b. McNAIE. Acton, July lit, 1878>r6m. alt^piLL1, \/r> Mill Street, ACTON, deal: iEEIN Ueneral Groceries' Soots and Shoes, r'-.j\r Wall Window* ili|idB, Crookory,; r ' Glassware, ITails, Glass, IOIBs Oiir siofck: ofTe a^ is noir e^hed, to QOi events p 9r pbtodj best Wkite M lbs beit ' i -. i ri' i' if Stoe] ffiree d&lawl 0*4'<Axm$& Btp^s, -.'l. ana; ra;tlg%Qg, i^oni ;.':--'r N r-i-l* mm Turnip Seeds ield Siig^|lor;$I r ihs best Me^ijiiina Stig^r i!^ Jp ..:-V!;- ' ft .f-i.:. *t f": Cll, Sav 6s polled I-" - : : sv* ' - 'j . ' Paints,::;-: ^Tuppontin, ; ; Maoliine Oil, '..'j-.-- Coalpil,it:::] " ileto/ r. ALSO F ARIS CREEH & HELLEBORE , . '.'. -y: i ,;...< ,. - ^_i vpt In* Destruction of,; potato-.Bof?. . Caterpillars and ott^er Insects. J . f,iV - rsesobscrl bsr begs torfrttiniblstnanks U tie InbabitanfBoi Actoa 4nd sartonnd- iigtcountry for 'the liberal patronage hi irdtofore extftoded to Wm; and at the u me time solloU! their further support ff.fi.-OashPaldforiHldesdellyered. . Letob, July Ut. 1875. m i Or JT. HILL. 0NU& to afannfactorers. \-yy ; -.- t_L- THE VILLACE OF ACTON Is prepared to pant a beings :to parties eslaW&Wng any Wodoiirnaili " bu slness employing tensHjlted-; upwards, land whers saldrbtnl no oonnloti' with any bnstness already iiubctarlni liDK ana _,___________jited-jhaiids___ nd where saldr btnlness -does * - my -bnahii the corpoistlon. Ac- ... a railway: facilities, rand Trunk : Railway, And, being practical workmen, feel Rati pneapness, i eattaesi and durab.'" %i^^;for $1; n IP la ^he! PMee fbi* !<?3 lejap^jGdoidi r. Dry Gplof '.':;;:lj^ftBi TVr ,!-.!/Sik:-; Is I'l- Large, Well Seleoted rocrifes alwoyi ftfesh and of th,e p|Ba^^:fcai I with to do striotl bnsiness, as on+ LOWEST it*rk4 P'-- ^ J^-'b * :.i!' Books/ WaH Par^rs, Fancy Wiadow Bunds and Boilers, JNxtareii, - ^vjl &&&opportdi\\g? 0& tenSerfag tbaiSca"to m| friehdsVforl the libfeirkljpaiT mage b^siovfe by tbem^or the L ... . _ Kndiis tte/e^periento'of-'tha^ tirtte-has hti ite Jessons.^andl^hS Vi jenabledjine^ to prpfit.thereliy, so tjtotl am. now-a<ja%amted ^tn.tbtfjbeai.^;-. , ^markets ito. purchase, in| and also,the :chea^^^l, .cfiBi6oW!^""^nw^v^^^l Wy npoii gStfcing the; Benefit of^'said Ieip^rien'<ie.V' In. Cornier- year* it^ has toh,ialnjat^r.|mpible'fe on] a strictly :&sh;i ^ufcpur 0^1^^ hiv^hg^jQ^re^tio^ degit * thejaast few f^^ I ihink pnr'peqjpleiate ip*? ti^A poijjMbii U.I&- X ..i- _.' ;Aba^don;ai ^steni^sr^ii^i^ ^ That at.has 'to> creafie ma -gih^ fbrv-had and dbnbtful-dfeijes, whichrtfi* cash customer4ia*; ho iright to bear^and:which hitherto.^ hka Bad^ tjo- '^t^^?J^^Fm Made C LptbMg}v f xi<psil;v;'.i'!: ^Y:'y:'4x Crcick^rfeand imd fe.westpnrcrcmto, u w:s> .,.- ;-,..; ' I i'-'i ' : be3t qaallty., f or. ^Da^Ii ^oir j PrpiiM )': K SfiPIlEHBERf NJEXflko 16"'business for .. ..^M................ Xy} | :,^i^:Mp^in^Jn^i3y6tom I-^-^^nablei^'; j, j^'V" REDUCE *m& F DI-f^lM;^tt^T^ iPMi"' which secures advantages t< -H 'A^rtdnj ' 1.1 4i all np$j to be lcH^ sight'ofiV Conveyancer,'; Issoer ef atarriaffeXlcengeB; I^i6nrane Ac^nt, Vj-Afeli ar<bltf^td^tojitii1 gjent; ITontreal Tet> Ou Citaic - rT'>-'.,">'ii->|f'"

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