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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 16, 1875, p. 1

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>t$ merally fSST>f cost. do: f>f Nations. nparaure r**ce [Wlh, there h*r- jveBagrent nation* Ipetcrvt autbont* * Itffa the ten :Ue worHl h*ro ruling imfohtM~ Hoof over <jiaa- rjy. f he lnrr*t i Tnxi by Spain, lie wrtri* adds. f?4S;,lJI0al>OO Knd I- .sv> Britain |g&Uv, *i\d <ilr> of ifae.T -lorjgo , Fhe CriUxl Sl*cre*cil i pi to vk rtvfts i be k- S"W^ 1 hr- ne'toil l^*j.of tho worl tiotaciu> "iure of ptb kd at n\Til in* ft>rJ cf ^ek-t^r** li^ir tlw greater pi it A intire^t aa ft 2 er/ | r< ent > vivuX* arm - I'l dii!it>ri^lo lie :>ve-r,n rnlT I Mv U 0 inter, ai 11 .1 li**! c\M?ertin flat Mine tf-ara im^t |i"il -ii3 Abe r it OjU All> -borrowing mot rnja,u fu H "A WH. IaVWR-Y, M. R, M.C P. "Graduate lof Trinity-"Colte^ Member of College of Physicians aaji I SurgtsoBSs. Mtii. pTRSKT, Acrox D' U. R. ^MORROW, Physiciarf< jSitt- -jrebn, &d,Jof BqUevHi Co?ej }ew".Yprk, .also Graduate of jXTic^toajia Collegi, Canada. Cnnsult4i<?M4yf [ , Tuesdays aid Friday?, fromi\U n. ni. SiU 4 p.mT Ecsideace-^U'elt Bower stjrir^t, J Acton.- : lv '" -j; -" '"' / XAM.ES MATTHEWS, Cpnveyahedr, *J fesuer of Mjurriago Licenses, Fpst- Mastcr,' Insurance Agent, Agent Monty *o Ldah, Agent Montreal Tcb Co., Clerk EonrthDiv. Court, pom. iajQ- B.,i$q., Acton, Out. M^ . i '.< j' HKN DEROX, Cpnveytuicerr: &cj.,'- also AReijt Canada ;lifo Aisur- ______Jo. Deed*, j^ort^ea. A'e. iprp. pared nwtly.prompUy.porriscflvnud du reasonable terms. ^Jdoiioy- to Loan <|n Mortgage- security. Office iGl-wgoW House, Acton. 1. . JL7 also ante Co. I OLIVER .LOZJER, PLASTERER, AcTOS, Pjrr, ! Every deseribuon ij.t Plastering and: RbngoJcastmg1 done an the most riasonablo tej-ms, and satisfac- .op guarajfteed.',. _" V 4i 'tl or ff.n. nl \fb4tif iiit on o*^it--^ei, ^ ii re i un*re In-* rbh iufco? <>" *Jil eatiAieiiS- rr**t M' ^t nil 16 irin1 n.-i ^ f_y ill -tT ill > T tflU a.or ._c{ii.^ ^^ifters* e. JRICHAE'DSON',:| P^rtNTF. mental Painting promptly attended t|; ^hop Over Kyder's Carriage' Factory Mill street. Acton. -------X^r,------------;------ X^^^I^ HOUSE, Atton. 'Close.to EV'the 0: T. Eailway .'Station.- E> - .celleSt ^ccommodatjon for the trhyellin yiblic, "THUS. CAMPBELL,'PJk>pr. DOMIiSIOX HOTEli, -ActosjS 0>-t. Kiwv .Aosrvy Proprietor. XhJi liCA Htel is fitted apinlirst-cbitfsstyl-j. "witn rrey {umitiire. t'ejnniercialTrave' S k V, trJl.'b'ijiuder the mon&jcsaerit of l>.'-'\C aiap_b,-lL amr-Mr.'Lcudlaw wiU:atten At the-^*Mllton OiSee"' on Friday of eac neelL I ' 'j = i rof" - IrKi-eexi > 1 j I fv1 sjipifeil - ^I |i iinne^. is an ex' jylisii ' , -w j frf A Dtinp ,A ' ^, "j , tmrf <jf j oriunjcrt' |s,"I) ui i u-onj t. tttlli^ f- '.it.'! -t t iL -ie<ie> jiy us*il i |.ij. liico tree ^ sin&, *-c Jf encu gal in nf [ox fall it -e brrn <f |a oj iff ui ji^j ->il V i f rove'U-C coli r vt i < ft f er of kj roye tha color / iegjr iij tbe t 4k flrifl grern. jlor* , ant! ^pll ^ V- Id fur uoAB pur- ' i Pot ropj'Jaf)'*- . to one Unctet- {, ecrtfhFinp iut) srj< ^rapb rou"^t^> rtin ^,ir>g l& 'vr^tr . vrm<ld>v^p( n |/&tnSij in jut ccw^ u-<i ilii Wu|ipw ef- r,mg upn carjiet bimg U*e wini^pr, I 4iibtnptB tfin* |il*ijJi|ji trtry A rftRiire 'tlio . line cV^rs^ A I elittiii4r 4 rectde i: T03r JHiOi R 5II1LS. B. &.JL XtCKLIX, Proptia-rj. : [. plonr. ainl. 'Feed .alwcva ! on hani -w^iilesale and ( Eopping Da;Jy. <jrain. " . . Cash for alt kinds If J3HOTOGKAPHSI ' PprOTOGBAPHS ! AdTONJ W'onW reapcottXilly' Inform tlib jfniWle tlmt-tt-tliln the ims.t lew AveoU* he Uaa tmit R-eat loipravrxncnta jihado'lit-tno nj-riutstsmeUv ot light, oua-tuat he is now prepntedto _ | j r ' - ~- *^t , Out First-claes Work pjjriui snjfiiiirt of too <iaijrv' In all kinds - i. 'OCitCHtucr;:. '-.: , : ! ; -f -' ": - ' - . I hiflje aeonirea the s-rviocs of'-Vir. W. .i^otatops per bag. II. KA'ilRS'ii rt-cl,>.8:nitlKt.?lalo i J k-Wool. .... ...... 1 New Aiorli I exl, all VouliliUi.we'd tocnJlai tiijee' who; *-l"*--. ^.,-------. , KA.\D TIUNli TISIE TAJD^E. Train3 leav^AcMtrifts' folioW \ j \ _ ^OINOlwXST. ^g'^ Moniitjg Expresa u\.- . Ojlfc a.mt I j{, Pay : i ' ' ' ^ Mail 4 . . - ' : -i " . IMixodj ' - -iNight ExprcBs . | Night Express Mixed ,. - - - liay Expresa - i.-" Mail - . i- * Mixed, - - Mr^win^r Matoh oh i , a flj' p.m. >'a.m. Tread well. . Spring Whcat'i '. On Wednesday hat, a tiiiwjng I mutch \vns JieW on tho farm of Mr i.-tj. i. B. &wajzo, 'm Binjjrook,, neur lJlIjJJ'JJJ;'Himilton, wiion clo\0n mivcJunta l _ itk cohipottd, with lUo fbltowing e- Bult I I "Tbo Wheel be No 6, (oombinod l'enpei nnd ^nouei) mamiftuituied by Smith A. Thue^ssort, Awcunter, weighing 132S lbs , cut I ft 7 iri Ontiuio Huivestcr, Lwronce & Co, Piilprmo, weighing 187 lbs, cut t ft. G in Chuuipion , combined, Jo1' Hall, 13^0 a|m. 8i35 aim. ll ijis aim. SaOp.jn. 8 |0p.Wi. % -\ ACTOV MABKLT3, ^(\TiiteWlJoae..'r,,..%;..! 0 03 jtjo 1 00 ...._:,._.. . t., OOOjIjoO 05,: O^hawi, 2|05 lbs , cut 5 feet > j lion Clud, comhimd, L. D. Sat ) are cle-lIrouM of **Ulilnit (iloliirc*-, which ,.--^ , . . , ,u forariltucll^httiii-'UnabrlillivjicyorHnitfli ,'I>rit<d Aindes, per.lbV- lire linbiiiialuid'oiUMilc ft the nrsi e.> j Pork galU'li^siii llic DOminioa, ; - - l._v.__ ' Havlhfrlalr'.v nufchaset'l 'nhottyr very vnluub elnslriuielu ;sn"OiiU toJhone in the co mttY) lain unahfal ,t*r t>ro<laee work ilny size, rtijm Ibel.orflnary tjust I>lftiire tollx!!. _ . -.'. , ; I In <|ory ins niiutl Enlargtnff* : 0 SOtloO-So 0 {iOtnO-OU i C) 7o to 0 00 i'O 70 too 75 0 31 fo 0 00 0 llitoO 00 0 12 46 0 00 0 OSfcoG 00 0 l'JJ jco 0 00 can baOM.iine I-.iintl JJnlgferd In yviiut. Coh-r, P^iivon or riu,iu. ,\ ny si ill K, 0| ,, 11 .111*. VI". 1, X-W,1UM Xl| oidln;tae hisliesi sijluoi the uri I wo'tNl npnln remind Ihe V"blle \hnt I h've to'asi mtly -luikHocKj'u large ussili t- mduioi ) , . r \ .-.-j ' 0v^cp4'-Sauar'Sictiirfl TxasdtS; Plaia ex.i S'axery Kcildings, &c. wlilcii irMIl,-i>:> s Jijiit tlipjiiwitti rices. JE3ET |'arti<-s anxious tq !>-uro n':re.i|ljr_ artisiic jplclure'w II Vh'8ci(bear lii lnlml that .'t )rtil tic tii ti'eir ili)u're-t(y::ci>'.i carly/at Mr.Kalirs will be;enable, to ie- . rljpS. H. HACKING, EDITOR ;' miUn In Tr-iCell'ng p*iiblic. B-ir supplied with tb : li- r LiguOH and Cigivr~-. Gicd Stabliu an 1 attentive Hustlers. T> OT AL ; ETCCH AKG E HOTEL, i\' Aetir, Ont. RoEf.'DiciirB; Pro;, i> u.iple Riims' lsrge nnd commo-.liou: f ir iX-uuiierJial TraVelleTs. tiio<t'aecon mo'lstiou ..for"'Travellers and <ue*t Best brands of Jiquors and Cigara at tl ilir -Oootl Scabbag atid:- 'nticutiv H^tlera. ,. , -P. " . WM, LAIB-I.AW, B-urister, Atto; irtv-at-Law, Solicitor in Chaucer; ie Ot.-ei: H -.milt m.. 10 Kingstr.-t MiItonj'Maia sirset. The "Milton l)&<$e Aet.-m-'RHicet than; a fcjv \W!t'etr; J-AJjf-Mj rpKE ACTON |FREET*8|;sS Pulditlicil Every lyiday Morning. ; $J -Per Annum "\ in Advance. JOS. ILUIACKINO,;.'] , EUtbrnnd Proi)rIetptj 1'B.IDAY 'MOPvNI^G, JUEyiGiil87v - ' -no l^'iblsitii ilitic-.i f -ft- in Rlllcliijlid- tio bribery .: trialar--ni): 'p sq\iiibbli-s iio 'newji. Hot wientlic.r uusincSjS. ffnt money tight farintiiU, busy-ff-lmy- ing gootl- sjiringvcrops ^Julv-t, ll-S.. !J Photo. jelieiTic3 ripe ' niin'rwelcoiiie -lttiua sciivce. . :[ JOB PRIXTINft of all kinds neatly anJ promptly executed at tb FREE PltES^ ra,ICE',i_- ' ,. Orerlithe Poit bmcf, lilll Street. a: ZjfEW. ApYERTISEMEXTS. MK^ , S. CARTER, Te*ehei*rHnil'eJ>rawInK and FrencU, . ; Cbnreh.street, Acton. J4- riCXXIBi JGHAM & DRAKE, i KI\SSV\CE ACE\tS^, ( 0^.ep ?t>v'er-'-.the. Bank of tlommerce, 'GaelpH.; '-.- " , i'j-j' j .__ \\~p jire agents I^r several first-clas^ itoek and mutual- companies; '. ; . P^ia^\GcksiKciLi3t,-HKKRY.-L. DiUiai Ta|3i*mers and Others 6 D* PRlWCLE, Tfat^hmakei1,- (Suelph, Takcs:advaJtage' of the FBEE'Tr.Ess M tbank- 'tis ;dii'>tcine,is in InriK. nrr-mid Acton ror their: ra^ 1 atro ^nse; and o- JicIt^n,con;Un;un"ce. "1 L- : G- D. I'i,-aljo hopes soon to pinke ar- ran^erc.ent5 whereby y7atch!Biai t j.;w;l. jry niay beBcnt toand-yrcori bn-j|-h witt; Ejfety, iajid'i witlfbut trouble |and esix.UBe to bl' cDstbmluri. *: GneJFh, July f3...1Kj. A CTO!f BiKERV. - FarmJ^g- * y t of faiju'o; era- Jlem^tol -(**. [.d bntlc not ei^^ I expciidipj L i'r ;_ Bicioubljf iui.nL,> lales to-jTarctCse >y becau e it i* \ h ~ T | sib weir-repair-. J gT-sjartg m the Iclda ororchanjs Tto taake corre<* Enu.ll way, of wr-li.cre for tgood cropp, btnyl bj jgirutf g IbB -inster, j^oaf ail ibt .nl-e ol c^ts or id tlis premiaes, }t$ tan iJh^r/ >ue, "*"__ lt|,er*nd redt*, " tuft L'wtb* if* 4 Tahder* addressed to the nnder=l"heS Jor the'orection of a BlilCK GHUItOif at A-CIorJ..wilI h received np lb AioU:- t>*Y EVENING, tne aSthiijHt.;-- :.[: Plana.'alnd Kr^cincations ca{i be seen at Mr.EU'anyier's^A<*on. ,'-".-_ -\i "-'-;"- X. 5Ic3AK^7Iy. |i r AetOD} JTnly 13,0875. ' \' J1 i- ]S"p iMpreVEotatp;>Bi|gi ^ 1:1- -*_'-" " -:-'^ ', ! ' ; ! "..). j: Eby'ji' Patent Bug Machine, ^Tilcti collect* them with UtUe trouble Prlce-^ltM. Forskle byi ""'-. r'j'i r: " , ' ' J. C. PEV-EREAirX. "I ":"\ ' Oeorge'town 4.1*0 all fcindj o^ implements for Futiu' ^n,; purposes. ,; s ' ~' aeorsretowD,' Jnly J5,1875. j liSTflAY. Stitayei froiriitlieJpreinises of the stab acribfer.near Atftbn, on the 28th June, "Four Ewes-and'Three Ram- Lambs,. al white, ^Ikrabs arJwat'thJBe months old. Any pei^n^rvinginfprmatioBthat wil lead to,thei^ reiof^ yrill' hi sui|a,bly rewarded* ^J : " V H P. S, ARMSTRONG. Acton, July 8, T873. ! :;" *-*' . MXLJlC ! MIIJE f. ! '-el j/pb snbBoriber has commenced ^the otoy busmess, and will deliver milk f**iy .morning; and evening -at tbe *t*es in the village.. Milk warranted i-'r ^^hty-0116 quart tickets R #1, if paid ia advance, or twenty-oiw pint tickets for 50 cents. ,-v .:. > 'j- ' r P. S, ARMSTRONG. " Acton,Juaejlth, 1875. .'- / 4 i e rfpl luntitr'* V *l |adic("lba'^d p I thac jsirta, < la !H)V*J"e fthifL Lrus "<tif Ofiimva 11*1 < Erfpietafr -ixrAWTEp. ' . y Good Hemlock Bark rot wHtcn I will pay WVE DOblLARS f .. _ AT THg ACf O^ TAIi[EE-y l^delWer^ilif/rhriimer. ' V fe' L. BEA^D^roB^Proprle'ro] ^ A. HAbp, Agent, "- . 4toj>;J'uljrJfl87& :"_;' ." l)on'<i send me yiour paper until you " liavo: ]i]ttck' enough to accknowledge your jKilitical creed. * J-~ N ' CLIPS , Tho prospect ra fclia^ tho bbielJ- (bony crop will bean extfmoidinui ' ly good one thiB yettf, Qnlt und G^uclph hal a mntc'i on Dotmrtion Duy o ohequoit) G^ilt winning by 10 games Thouiaa Bryiin,1 of Gait, liiu been gazetted as Colle :toi m Ho MaTestj's Customp The, J)roHpccts of an abundnn; hny ciop \thiough tin Eastern Townships ai o not flatle: ing " Giango Notes" and Bimila-'i liepthnga aio rapidly oming mtcij use wit,h oui countt y e* changes, O^teeso factouos have sticcoedet in Canada, now bnttei f. clones ai< lively to bo the next expsumont The Biock^illo Recorder ilipn tions tlTo repoit thrit, Mi Goldsvic yer, Hamilton, 132J lbs , cut 4 ft ' liuckcjCjCombint'i,Grunt, Guma- by, 17j lbs, cu- 1 ft 7 in Ban's Ohio. L D Suvyer,181 lbs , cut 4 ft. 2 in . Kipby, combined, Harris <fc Co., r, i.;, . "n BrulCtW, 175-lbH;, out 4 ft. 8 in. ^'^ ^'B^p-ed upn a "Hifltory. . Chniirion, aingle^Hull, 175 lbs., iut" 4 ft. I - '. Meadow iiiVk, Grant, 125 lbs., cut 4. feet.'.',- y Kirby Mower, single, 162J lbs., cut 4Tt. 6, in. ' r i Victoria, single, Ii,. D; Sawyer, loS lbs., cut 4 l'uet. lifc- Tho judges npriointJa by tllo proprietors-and agents of the nui- ehinen.i wore J. AiGurnett, i John R>'i!ti)ui and Joseph J.erdeii. It will no noticed . that tu'o Wheeler iiiuchine, mamifrtcturnd in, Anciis- ter, idrawing only 132i lbs.,lent u swifiho of 4~feet 7 inches, being tho wiliest cut, icbnsidering its weight, of iiny oi'r the ground. : -, i ; '. .' I " - - ,: : ) TbfJsnbfcriberheK" to^tnfiirrh tbe ln-:, hnbiljinsof Aeton and vlciuily mat hoi U>pre;>and to supply ' ^Firsjt-cjlas s Bread; Buns, Cakes . lUScuils, etc; Fresh evey day ibllvered at their. - .J '; . WEDDING CAKES llade'loordqrin the lairst styles and at -re ispnubie chargi-B ^^ Hlgliesl prjee in Gush paid for Hggsr; ; i d. gallo.w2y> I, fS75, . j ; ! " I cannnt^tvr'.<!ril>e to jvnrrp.il>er.a3: ' I rimapirty uiiUi and doe not Cpleivo ' in independent Ji'mrnals. i J^- If The above are:the contents of two bttcra received ui few days ag In rsply to*^"J^.--N.J'- we Siiy.Jhijib >yo have nyver heJiitated to 'f acknowledge our political ciewl," a-s a -jprivitte ;'individual, and have ul*-aya.consistently 'supported the- partyj. jwhpni our natural'sym >.\th- ics irjclino us to ,'snjiport; Bat what jfe do as a private irrtliyidual and the course'we choose to adopt as the inlitor of a village ne'jvspa- per, are entirely different matters. There-"is f no inconsistency in. jt^ either. .-' | j .. : j Jh TxJ "jdoe$ not beleive in inde- " penderitljourrjuls."' He lias a per fect right to btlieve "so, ahdlt 'would^p'robablylso useless to try to convince him otTToryise." We be lieve rn-being independent; he be lieves .in i cliiigihg blindly' to the, skirts jaf a party.' We" will agree to differ on that point. ; Now.'Vo limy say in connection with this j,h1iject, thati we.are ftijly satisfied thiit Jtbe minion of. f. vil-. luge paper is notto create political House of industryandlEefiiereTl On Tuesday, morning last; Gait: wak yikitedl jby a deputation;-frorii the County jfl'oiiucils of Ilaltoit. and Peel,"appointed to ;nwke fiiquiries regarding tile' advisability of fcstab- lfehing' a Hq'jiso of Industrs* and Rcfiige- for those1 united counties. The deputation had already visited the Industrial Farm.at Berlin,land expressed themselres very highly satisBed with' the arrangement and management of the Farm an,d! Pbor House; but their object was -jt^ora paVlicularfy to discovifcr wbetht-r the p<jt|']j>Ie of the county generalty,iifter thb yeaVsof experiencethey had had, wh;e satirtftetl witlrthe results aris- iiigjifriilnthe estabhshnient of i the Institution', or whether they.wpiild prefer to <(> back to the'old pltiin of fiich municipalityjtak'ing charge of its own poor) and indigent, Oh this head the gei: tleuien appeared to be pretty well t atisfied frorn. tMr in- Yjuiries; and there is little doubt that they wiil report favouraKly re gardingtthe jstiiblishment of':. sim ilar instittition although probab ly on^tt sma'l lor scale 'orithe ::oun ties which they represent, Frjom Gait the deputation ^proceeded, to the. County of Norfolk, where a Pobri House, has .been esUib^ishcd for some years. ;; 6T Canada. ^Ire cottpiiici'op. of ths| Southern tron We Hhall be glad at all (times to re ^"e *P* ceive items of Ibc J, news, tc- poita of meetings, accident^ or any incident of interest ei thei m the localnj w5heiffit .t , occurs !oi, to the county at nearly 1 their bv n Jmge feuch copy e lay be g^nk!'^oat ^ ^o" Mi at tho raie ot on > rent_^)ef niQiS,B. isjoy >ugcW-their^>ject ' ~- " m coming here beuigjpo donbt moro wrtn a ylew of leai nmealcw "wrmkles" than with the p Kjt^tion ot jplaymg a tolerably oven gan bj lanjl a?they show- ounce if ' rnarkec Pnntei's, Copy and not &tal< d' To oil sine publiaition inj any paL- ticiilai issue It should leaclf the officr notlatei ifian Wed nesday morning. I States proijiis>8. to ;be rn'p: o than an j irick chiifbh in this^viUagi i. average yiijld.1 .-, t - , TCivid.Cpu'i:'tnay'p editoi; and pro^ iprietor of ithe Northern 'Advance, Briosbridlgo, wis. drowntdat that place on .^vqdnesdayvj ! - ' , MisB: Elizabeth ii^aw,] who-has been 0--nurse fori aye five I years in the',' Hamilton City Hoe pital^-Jias lieen1 appointed " nit LOCAL MATTEhS. 1 I All tho best grades of scythes from 75e to 31 12J at ISdcord Broi I Mrs S Carte* gives instructions in mcsicand drawing atier residence , Cash cuatouUrsget fr.cmts m th^ ;< iollar discount at fho;Post-i tfice -Store, ' .'..- Builders ore'iifefciircd-^oiiihe adver- sement for (tenders for- the: erection of ActonJjJnlj O PLE>rB iff VALUE IX OR WQum DAY'S dissensiona! and locaj prejudices,' b'i'anri, who arrived a.short of 'the JpuelpU General Hp8:iitaJ ; The'Masonic fiutcnity in^.Egypt has started a newsi^pe;', in the Arabic language,. jdi 'vottj 1 to -the' interest of the order. Amoug'the iiaines of(iiho] Cana dians registered at. the Ij indon-of fice of.the (ilqha up tp Ju y Jst^ve' notice tlmt of Mr. JZ>d>niJtl Christie, of Guelph: : - j- |. ,'_' 'Senator Cochrariq, ,.pf Oomp.ton, has i-ecently sold a ccnv 'se'vc'n months old to a Mr. M irphy, of Michigan, for" the'handsnm<J sum of 518,000. . - ; ; f : Goderjch hafi. iipposed a. license fee of $.J0 on. " trailiient traders" and the Clinton, Ifv-ia Eta wishes, the 1 assemble^ wifciloim ol' tSat'vilV' lago to gp^dndjils"liiflBVise -; Moody and Sankey, i (he great American re'vivalwtB.h^ve limounc- ed i that theVpresfent vrjee'k will be .their last'in'Londipif. ,:Tli<y go to Paris, where1 they' will probably ^uhderfeike to holdT rpeeting i. i| The 3I0toji CKainpion. \ sl!s of a party 'of Miltbnians who! rent out fishing and got caudlit in ia thnnder sto.rni. Itrrjfcntipng rio'nines, but in another Column it calls1 i tself the ' ' O-fish-ali paper of the county. Spme of the papers. say; peach-crop was ruined 't>y| frosts, and others say' that Siturda -------------. <jf Torcf&, and t ie ulub, jof Acton. An Art.afflnBiag.i31 ii fcai played here on| dersoo iturday last beti eeh tie G T l Club< 1in ^ Thee! N|l Despemndora 1 ittr boys iadjt voy, tlHtre n.as o. 4-lian excitement. ed a disppjit'on to learn, al very gtntlemoul j, inth)tn: deportoient, wejionld gla4I/ if<ilflon>a them again when-they hayif h;d 6 little more ex- Tle foliowmgia portence anilpract the scoii Mickie, p - LaAvdor, c f Happcr S3 Burden, rf: -.. - AVynn, 2njl b Boweri c .. Draper, 1st b Htet>-Ji. .--J,"'./. NejvinaBj 3rd% i- Totals . ee A lad abmitlS years-of afeewai. s ianijing on q fen.ceiycst5rdiy "booking'.? c lerries: l)r. Morrow' is a lending to tl 10. broken arm. i" , j, .' J. .Ntclduj, let b ; ' '-?: 1 D-li'ightheflrt, p. panting from-the nnei-t;aid tastiest ' ..... cj ird and circular to the jian jiiotli pbs- U r,m the best sljj-le.of trje ai t prompt, "feirrcet and cheap. j i; If you ii-anti'a fine and 1 rtistic pic- ti re, call at once at tho Ont; rio Photo- gxaph Gniflery. -Baby pictup a'a special-' ty. -iCall and examine specuaens. ; .., urg turkles1. and Werp with- lR. _KIL DJvS^EBJjSIjCM.-; '.Ei- Ai. ICameron, S'ud; t J?;'H;. Stopeyji ss Bcmpsey, t.:.. - . '.. : 1>. JMcMackon. If.. 1 d.; ErancES, 3rd b;., ."' .:':A * " ' " ' .53<,i37 5 10 Pae, M'tl quising, has: 800 via X|: icy i are splendid bugtand5, j. rasshp^per ei terminators. Iiook out for sneak.thiives,! jOne lltp lls^ weekj somebody jntered tlje. ' promises df Mr,'.^phn* Mcl5o igall,'- near tho station," and stole' two <whit9 ;Bhirts ifrum the' ofothesiline. : (j . V'^ > "VKfciunderstand that \ 1. P.obert little;!, of this 'Village^ bin esteemed co inty"school inspector, ;has receifed la co nmisslon. to orgaiiizo Bchpol sections irii the new-distriegs of AljomaXj He Wjill ] iroceed tlathet: in iis ! ew -feteks.~- We congratalate thel Educati >n :iDepart- raidnt upon., setairing his yi luable Iser- vices, that tk the late it, is the perdildunv C ;s-i .Total :elding' < rror .iviiiDesperondum, 27. Scorer^-rT. Wi^iiaids. i-'Graiat,- . d-J! btwithstanding thefdali i times jand: gii g irom'the constant Bti- ^nj. 61 ciisr- toiheri passing in. abd!nt aid thp; im- mepse loads or goods' Tdafly' j assii g I our; pfnee or the Messrs;! Seeord 1 Jros. 'they jnUBt tbe doing a woriderfhl :ibilimesS, anA-tlie people of ^i"ellingtOH:and Hal- toii must be alive tP ,the. fact that tihey can piirchhse goods from then at-priees ;as we }well know; quite below Guelpbc-r any- other-placer People dopli to youir iritlireits, :J, achin^ry^or the new pi iw factory has arrived, qnd is being rapidly pii; in orde'i1 for commehbiug opera :ipbi i i- a ____ vet y Biiort time.. A large eigine' ini Now which of;these atateineStlsball- Jodi ier;. and a handsome loo\ingj lathe r'frpjn the sta a6u._ Tte | cinginc^20-hor ie pbv -er, and the boiler 24 are fror ftbe cple- besti that has been known Jbr; years. The Horn Mr. Mackenzie lias re ibivcd a, .flattering reception in l)undcp,|and wiis presented with the freedom cjf ithat city.- ""'".. : A Rich Haul. Thd New Hfork customs authorities, oh'Tuesday, seized- diamonds valued at $> OOfl^ af7d, -with customs dutiei) xled, .^ll,8*-5,0.e0, ' iTbe jvrero in the possession of/orie Bink- but to/endeavor to harnioniz'3 all things for the best interest? of the community; wherein it 4receives. ijts support, ""jiIn a town large,tnpugh for two papers to secure ai reason able share , of support it is. night and proper that' each should take a side in; political matters ;. 'and rwe trust the dtiy is not far distant whe: Acton will be' in |that jiosition, 845,- ad- ^wels time AT: ._ i- Mrj GolU^vin Smith threatens ia the last issue pfj|the Ration to'hold Mr.iGor- ?^i doii^ Brown personally responsible for the " 'epitjhete applied,;by the Globe to the former gentleman. As Mr. Smith A comple .set, containing eight - : "1 - Mallets, Be lis,. teri ' Arches, Hwo' ' -:.' ." - *"i. ' \ . Stakes, with Bopfc of jItisti-uctions x>f the Game, ail done op in Strong cas,e AT'.-1 '..-;, - ~* , ' " '.!*- V&t- Bookgtqre,, Pay Sells. Cheap. Prices 25 yf beCdecred.out at Spfcciol Low per cent below, thie old fashioned high price. ,;' - AT D'6 BOOK 8T0RE, '. -:-':- dOELPH. gae.Iph,,Tnlk 1,1875, ;... j M', V! ^iot'jari exciiedihglyjmuscular marnjiti i.8' *xpectfed that theVetort witt bo in tho Cnni^QTADC shape of an exposure of certain act3; of D1IU|%0 P Uli|C> Mr, Brovra! .not previouBly.^generally The G.u^\fyHeralcl- reports that Mr. Crbokk/lias declined the nom ination fori West Wellington.- . ' ry Mr. Adn[m ..Oliver"was ' unseated yesterday .fpr South/'Oxford,, j^he persona :xl|arges;we?ie hot1 presSer|. A J5Sn^sor despitch iBays [Mr. WigXe, lately unseated for bnoer|y' on the part of a'gtente, in Sou th'Esse^c intends appealing against t)ie dceis- ion of^the-'IChancellor,-" " - -'ii ! " , 'The ^formers of Algoma' '^aye nominated |jr.'i W. Q. rjusconibe, i, merchant there, as tfceir candidate for the: seat in tbe Jiocal Hcjiise. Mr Dawson, of Dawson route fi.ine,. iwiil oppose'liiiai. 'The election will :^take placejpn the jlth of Au^us). '^ The Enhrppaeoithe Withi'stat^s, iihat " The | Hon. Adam Crooks ar-: rived in the-village n Wednesday by tbe nooji train and visitea spine prominentr| Grits. He told three difierepti parties afterwards that he did ^nbt intend 1 to. riin iorj West Weiringtop.-TBaylpg-he lmd jthre' :<>tb'graces(in:.view." i ;/ I ' since from Aspinwall ' Guelph: Custom Housp.-Dfiring the fiscal year ending the 30th of June 1875, tlie;tota! value otexjports reported tit the Guelph"custom house amoui.tJea to ^HfipT-OO. The duty'paid on goods impirted during the-bme period wos| S91y< 404.25. - -: ;'. " j |.--- The Goverament -of the (Uriitod States, threat ;h.to recall their min ister at the c ipi.tal of Venezuela if the latter ecunfry dpes 'not settle the; claimsTof,-the iformei', -which Wjere acknowledged three years ago. 1' owing to tl^o con- .fncting nature of the evidence, resulted in no verdict., Hpweyer "a unanimous verdict haa; been pronounced "illfajror of Christie, HendersoHj& Co.'s famoijs. 50e tea'. Tho i cheapest;tea in the mirka*. They, give 13pqun|ls bright sugar fpr-Sfy,. .1 In view ofyiig present financial de pression iand.Jscafcity of money, it be hoves eVery j frugal man. and dady' to study ww-rthj? subject, and ask; them selves the-quesiion, "Where can If. save most money in] purchasing my goods !'f and as'they dd, thejr. wilfcertaiuly.de: cide that !SecordtBros.,\ Acton,'la the spot. They give ten pounds of broken' loaf or ground sugar, eleven j).oundfe;of snow and yellow, twelve of brigrjt; and thirteen of daffc Bugari:for ni dollar, arid about thirty-brie different kinds 01 teas^ from ten tto'twenty cents per ponnd': be low' any 'other place. ,,A'wlHte grAnitc tea set'of 44pipces for,3-, which cannot be bought elsewhere .short of 'S3.7-5.: scytlies, gl.12J, that cannot be bbogit elsewhere short of 81,25; hay" forks I2J. cents belowfihy: other town .m' Canada. Ttbese are fajats that command 'tie? at-i .tentibh of-evfery che. It ipnears po be 'the^tudy of! this' go-ahead jfirmi po be cosi'tMitfy tjjjjring to discover wheri they can give their customers Ithe! benefit Pf Iowprio'SBi iahd thus convince pyery frugal penjdni'tliat they must'dpal at the \ Moijtreoliflbuse if -they wont td save roojley^^. -i-'-:;-'/.!-.,, -: 'J I -..,- Oit Wednffeday enaning a w&mah. was attacked1'by rowoies on a street in Hamilton and-rot/bed .of^Wj) 'No we im-peachi j :- ,. ?'- A despatch from Halifax ahnpuh- ces the death of George Briiwii^ the -oarsman,-^' thatf city it' the age of thirty-six yeiirs,rand after an illhessof six rjidntjis,:'v-hichi ho is said to havecontractedat Spring- field; ilass:, during (the race' withi Scbfiriff,: of ;Pitteburg, PeriiK . The principal jmntches inj which Brown was epgaged were.sciilling-matches. \The Chicago Tr\bi\ney tells of a swarm of-Jgrafishoppeirs which, inOv-i ing at the rate of .fifteen, iniles an homy Occupied sixty hours in ipaiss- ; ing over a town. in Missouri, Aand was estimatedrto be from.jsixtyr to seventy-five miles wide tin I jhglf a mile, deep,' tared by Mr.Thos. .^rswicl:, Guelj^h-i- e. A leading ^business nio(n, onre moving to ; Port Hope . 8oiiie. tin e. ago,j brougliit a colored girliwitji lim. aS ja ser-vant, iut had-tojpart y ith ber !directlyi ' Wer; believe ' tho- village of Pprt|i)over, Coiirtyr of 1 jor'folk, enjoys tjhesanie-distitction. ^The Popeihas sent thqJ-Shob ^Ploren- ino mosaic table and a cronz4" nodel of tine S !j- -The Stephenson .plow, w lieh is to be tonufactirred' onlt largo sd de by jtbe* j^ctonPlpw:Company, is well laibwn iri' Sbh vicinity, having bepn inv inted 4nd] pat aited by Mr. Wmi Stepnet son of this and-, imanufacttilrod" f?r several the most any plijw ^ifipu-S-Mr; B^tly, "bf teoJoblo, ofigamdiS honi-a.' inns tarnodi G :'i'.l^~ p cash sale at Christ e,J P 's still continues. ^ 'hf , wliici I goods disappear as :oi jsverybodpJ Thw have justv et _.a it,fc 0 jj^j. ianjoog 50 c:at cents trijve them a 1 all !' -1 .1 ;?0 i : i> ;-d:i--0=fe(5 rif - " ' so. $ 2 0 0 A. 3 0 0 .4 01 1 ,.8- fl' 2t' r.o. -- J" r2 ""idiV: 1 .. ,:QO. 1 >7! i't3 " .9J \io- .51 :o ,41'-.i^-> 0 "JB,, "A.'. ,0 '0 .3 0 4 .3 .0 0- 0 save monifjf, II . . SfBTEoy, Mbtboss "Tie ijtfe Sccord B 'oa have nst received a signment of that cclebrate<i>Srt.y meteor t :a that became no celfcbr last fall _, Tins^tear-js said by^Xi and mat;. !S to bff ike best Ua gt w Chim^ at the price, but it is -*jire hard to-1 e got :f r4cntatlon anil. L^dtjeiu kMr. Ross, th\ gi Seeoied Ptincipal-of 0. licton PdbiicSs Mv 6l, '1 ras -tob reei pient; last wieekv-,oi .a aaii IsonjiS, presept of a1 large" cihicei J+iidl pgripihi of the girls'V;of. the. Benie r|djp^ trnw-a; (fj: the, schfot' ; It was-ace >mj k in sd i >y tihe-fpl- iowing address :f-" I)EAK..TEAic4EB>, J On tfch^alf of rie gifli i< f~i he senior;' dejiartment-,- :alIow nsjt-jj present iyou with-ia small'tokei; jofj id ;at action for yon;, personally, "ah l'!oui ics tee mj and re-' spe^ fin-'Joa-as^nr ^xk, ie . .. 55>e kaow we' mmit'oftehiib^tv* - .caii se 1- jcoi much care,; and we.itake this 01 ^o:rmiQ^p. exjmpsing to yon oi r ii ta i foil the a-tH; tentjpn, kindness^ and ] lataence ye'i haye'shown toius.-,; 1'oob g mt!eness tpL. pot life very ip. We:'naye wards us has made iturB< pleafeaat.-- We ar^rf'spi ftii "'4i'.j W.--.H. cau^d you unrieces ary rr< ncjeiii and-if We should^ be. spa*iLtc> r.esnmo our studies after the^fae |lay :J jre intend to strivro to be.cont9.!not bnly good scholars but gjood children. fTVe hopef PnE little j gift ijWiiT- afford ypjrift j~pleasurQ,'!uot *hly Show bufclijtt - fui ireiy jaire, jb'y ahabl". in^yfcii to reaiibtlic rfaife thatj hayei-Bp bfbenl looked jto yoi jor^ouhselfand in* bratea establishment of Messrs, Gpldiff s ^T^u, ; -' - , , .... , , . .. , rmd McCnllough, of Galt/anc thelatte h fjKW ^' tf^^T*^. is one,lof4he euBerior' articles; mapurac, iMf^*/ jffiay" ^F: *^f HfH r ' .- Shte dailj^ eare'(rf.'tihis"largelsfb.oblj ^ - The Oriilia gitfositQr wk rms as - .shpH^of'peciiliar ,cori8tractiin, which 'a fact, that there, if? not (.^single ^^-ii^7^^*^,n.ijfe:.Jir^ coloifed person: in pprt Hp] Severns i/.~ ' 1. k ii. the'.triumphal arch ^SeptimUB at Romp. The presents; jwili be doliver- ed.by the Archbishop of Berael a_^- On Monday whilqi nttmberiO prison^ srs jvqrei'woijking; inj th|';iKjia' garden betwee^ ipuiresuei and -iFullutn streets,;. MoatrpalJ on'a escaped, ljiie jtuxi key"be- ingiunabi'e..ito follPw; asjuie.was obliged | .'j|:"' i "I. '.' A youn^ iniiii employed in th.i Canada Southern -stops in St. Jhomnsl httM his polts pbokefc pioked lot ffiS^on the Great, firdstorn platforin -in: IxiAdon, prf Thnra- iay .night Ifljit, . " The.King rton News sayft thi It a yoiing^ man wlio'kissed liis'liand fcp.i, lady sit- ;ing at ;a window Icajnelnsar -rbeing 1 ;hrashed | b;' jthe latiy \s bju iwmd,. and [vBfl made aii oper^ s hbwWifl fj ir his 'tin. iertinendei j;" , ...-'. --Cash. oustomers will save aiohipyjby rarchaaing' frpia Christie, He iderpoh <fe ";o.,iAotpm :B^memberlthe!& cent tea. .--AU'km^s-piiriilJinery 1 nd straw ppdaat nnprecedently low prides iat 'hristie, Heiideiaprix-^K Go, a, jilcton. in com plete iwi times as long ois the ordinary sgear, ..!"]- i-' _ * m "' ' i f"r > Ini Pirtjcs; wiEjimg to ias'uie fcJSeir pro pprty would, do well to cpnsal;, :MeSsrs. duniinghain & Drake; of-Guel phi Tliey, h'avphad large experience irii-t Ke inisiir- apce pnsihess; Tand are i 8 for>av- epl of j-tlio very bpst cpnirj&4es. : iSea 11181^ card in another column. - 1 ' 1:7. tlqnor Case Dlsmlsted Ccmplaint -was made a-few days ago by 3 ilrj Hiriam Ryder againt t Mr.: E. Mor-ow, dniggist,"for'exiling iiqnori for othe- than mediqinal purposes withpnt a license. *he case was? tMei L before ia magistrate's .court yesterday, the. i exaniinfltion' of . cqinplai nmt and Beverali witnesses there was fp mdi^pibe ho efviijtence. of .an infripgerni nt:,of line liqnpr law, and the cose w;as*dii missed the eomplainantitopayTSosts. -' Bnsi etc. i"-"".'A-:"," ies Bfolicei5. years past. A nnmbei of va ^lableTim- prpjements ,lia.ye, hdwe T3r, be m recent ly introduced, so thait it is ncrn, perharps, ..... '" it .complete and mostid airable 0f^at thej Pct Omc| tot* 1 iwVever intr^duce^ ii Canada., ". -.(fhriBtie, .rjendj: Qne( of ite chief npveltieW isja' pat<;iit On the 24th nit, the wife of i McBatosl, Burns? Mills, Jiagsasiw j^ay- | of twin (anghters. | Oa tin JOtb mat., the wi{ of Peter P^< die, Eio,., at a stn. t ' At -the nesidence of -the bride's fttdipv on tho 7tl: aiok, by tlk Rev 3J t i^-j . bins, &.4J iiiei J. telQ>mne, i s^,, pp. Equesiiig, tP Barbara, ida&ghier- i L tjo-Jl . iBby'd, !iiq.-, ;:of |te Ho^ujjioJotC W y.";. I "L'.S^yk itai--BbwhiariviiiC a\1?^.;i-i}; '^ AsuiilfjiyivW fi&ti tji^t,'Vwi^"rJ; .as w& eijj. jearii^; isSt^alrarg|J " these waists, hJ>k,ruade^it-.:-it[^e -ance, in iiiitiense: isHpalaat.ti ejh liovj.jjvagpwloads of'^isjiii"a'.;e bplifg- Jcaugiit, aila-iiaving iiiefi.tlit ni^'wai"!, itJaii t4t5tifyjthat.;thy ju-e-jifde iic^p.uisl .niorgel.; T^ie iprpbiibi^fcitefrjuia ilias "tby kre;pf*iUJiict p-|.Amei&iah||jis5' cicirl|mte,' >" - ^if-ypu want'yot^r^'ajpt Jefrsi Ibeiiv'eavberjarid hold't\ii cpldi^'l the.rjest"quality, of,-pain^i iiSt bill Sccoidfc-ps'.! Ac,ton; ~ i .--i -\y y [: -j .., .-; T^ C^da^Sayly^tterfpM; panj ,'douig business,ini Hathslleh>]' cpni nen<dlo'jwt^tiouB;iri the eirfjf?, ;.;.^ part of. the]" yeak- with! a-nirhibai^V; ciipHl:'ojf.jf.5p,0b0j-;8^i^^;#'(ji of' -sdiich,hid been[subscnlietl 1 mdlfi i 1 partly paid-up. .iTfee Riockb|)ld|^V .sbnjei-of ^hom" are ^foij^ineiifeit tf:,-..a ajipirenKiinot Wisiied .wiirif"fli^.;iJ? -shepess of|tleconcerjti,"Xpe> it is ijuii'!-?'"' deritopd,.-;kb )ut f to*ofjferli. thiei pl^lt^ ifpr|saie,: rSae'tj butter d^wsijbot id " ;pWr -t0.'*e" relished any 'betfra-J| Lffaiiniltori than -in Tororftpv ;'-"-- during tite iireseail !(u*ard"tiiiaj|;-]!:^ pvdry trhvell ing bppk 'a^ht,vciirfi ml> ! J.H^ |eilejJ,j/ light ling/- fpdLTpao, ^f^bt'^^| rjiah'tt-^'iiiaih^ 'aind suchr'-likei jjsfittvf^tqjj care (rf. and return strbngthi netj.-'for yciui.liiborali; ^arnongstus wn?en. sc tool reopens. i Si^ied: on l5^hih pf-.thegirls.Pfithe, seni^'department o tlie Actoja iSchppl, '-.'-"j " ' ] j.:\^i2OTMc-GA4vi2r, .- . "'< ' ASssrsjSwA?ji Acton, fl4th Ju>y4fe3. Jnenjjp of jtfi^humain;-,.Mp^^dtJf4r,^fi/^ 4Jd-pice is -t&.EJBoot; h^ua-dfeja'di qiji Ji^;-te.*^ t T-vhehev^ "he.^ppesafe.VipliSi^iia iild: jfojt 'be- toiera'ted,i !^u>t^f%itil -M ^:r'iW4;iate*hfe:rltoi^^'|. '"^ _ (jixlJof^i'jFo^yriesj.a^d/fir^tej^rL * wh agehtkjgeneVallyshohldibt.jk-.^ te.i-rnijia,te!4_,aif so'.r^auy IWseiji' jw ear'?|i.a sels^.ahS,!^^Sf ,ojduus ianicoaii. j;...-ft Ijl All kiBaa|o'f Jtlilsi, pi'iBtfc ^-: *! *-"' p n.tmie%J^^iisbe^!jay^n>j|!r;'J &i!-^.atlSecortt.-BroJ,-'Actbh-*.\ -^FjTv^V'iil ; AD'estfuctiv^ fr|shetsiiiate 'occjii' "" ' ipljOhtoi datipig-|Ebe >Dast f|W,^j,.r y -_ Erevq.-'Kilfw)i'y .bridges? toLy ^aenrlif"^ s^epti^way. |[- '-'1 'y'y j^'\'^imk_ Titf The, fclljo^ing. cr^inidrarri Wi^W tbe first rjiifca aiVhe O^ityiiBBltilttH T?led':.-\y&*rrtj-'- ' .li ie : an affbyf. 3U gf pfl'. Witujpht s . q liver till sLJexgets' bnej;:" /' Nailsvi$3l^i,6e>Heg- akrStei^ 'iirOB.j-.ActipnSl -^i.JV i^V.-^i '-.[^ :M^kehine^waji|.p'r ^'jiJi s jniefi to tHef ^ilee^; wh4ri- B^'W |f<! emeinber, the j 1 per cerit drfeconnt Post ,i re." -. :repn iJ0a Hg sugar opji s'alt.) in* mind A: id Belli fwt>,oUf cauae ,'sbe4i-~, - - . Jb3paUj|.sa]i-!i8j'in [|-v ------- ,_,^_ _ ,. ,-!U^ea; fj-10 ^ier :cs it. ,b^lo^|Gtrangersi To; .convince yputjself f-of'^rbe poudds' if their ii*.- jjiist try ; five pus 0 cent tek ^ Mou.'can getgpois! it .thp Ips't Of- flce'^lioreas^cheap |i aiy-pla<6 "in town,' and! Q.ct|t-"djscbunt|Jathe dollar for cas.k 8 (exce will/" -pei TtfT^ is -a, fact, everywhere' admitted, t4at"ipry,<3.poas,:'Gfoeenesi' Bptfts and1 ' chekper jiij'ActpB: Hhah-.ibany otber pi rt'fpPtl^e'prpvmce,' butlty.-get.gdodsjat rooH-bo'ttom,prices yoi iduat'cajl Pn.Ch: iatiel Heftdersoit '&. Cte fTheir 30 ceit3 reX ii'abead of toy thing ta. the market.-'i::.-s'.;, "*- '.]i* .5 4^.|&^ys.forompsk-m.: .the, army ..of progT,e]sBi and etrierpr se, 'MeEsra.i.^ecordt Bros^ |have Just ^ ported .tie |largeat stpok^f g>oceri'e3,v|i as,i^gira;" isyirnj^ cpfe'ear.'febaecbs; f^t its, etcl, ^tiii^ffle prbduet of every- lain t and .Scriai^f; ever ahownjiaActonv ^.j :-l \ li/\: order, fcentrallyifeic jvonieatly situ ited, ia?ja fhie' large; rooni, %. The Granger^' Te'ft: Sfith abundan ;? of iight^. ;f ^|li> ' ' Bto?/.Ac" con- je inllfassaftaweEa. Mr. Cargill'a lumber mills,ab aint seyeni les from this village^-were itestroyedl by Site jon Sunday .'mcaiiiri^.la sti. , Thej wi tchrian left, -the' premises i ,biit bnej o'c Iobk| when everything Was a ipareritly secure.'| Shortly before diyli !^t, Oafgilli seeing .an "pnusnall; r. * bright light) -went down to the mill,, 1 nt could Id 1 ^thin^iVw)iig,..i About 5 o'clock hii fce&mstajtiwas up attend ng to the horaeijlwhen ho .obserVed tto;-: ire in the ' 'al, yjad inaacaiately Aye ,t oe'alarm, | k to)c> totito-jeave tiio. buildii g,". The; ifire wfTOprwaedto have prjgini tedabpnt the "fjrrka^e,' ;ji Loss" af" 4 O00 i.inBui^d ioj ?1; :- ... ..,.....'I .-f-Ii is well kn< wrf fl-4Iaekeii!?ie( contended 't&Jt daj^^nsis\ernfc.,&jr^VKi ]natiep ^tlstTijIn:' t^ie j Ahi^iaft; jContit ifiil ^.^oye^M^jd.in^il^iil?."'" thiir %^st|clishi8gII-jE terfea to ch'elgabd feiiJlingj. jstpd petw^etfCihadatiaKiitiie.1 Cashj buyers i if tntrCredit yalleV-'Rijlroan i-ec ietfc f-ifefci" ...__ that the largest. Mocks pt ' JborSe .Teag-helf^. we-'t.o'l Toronto, by ^ny^i-eVaUlhouse ate;heldibyirjfecbrd Bros, AcfbHs '! . _Itfcelf; .its roitfy/parallel. JiChristie; HcndarsohVjSp ep-^s fi moils 00 oerKtea. -.- ;-. '. --- "C^ ]<-:; to- [bo about-, idtti ii-igecorof Sew Adirtltmcnt. ' -^Mr.P^ing^e.-the ^-kntfjiia^tielph,' jeweler/hw sl.Word -say. in our: oojl- inms^o the J^)ple. 0 "this" yicihity.- -- ; V-i)r. Rutherford' 1 Guelph Elephant aaye h 5 haseoine ohe tp.clothing, which ha would.Hkfif'tftseiii t down thia^iway. ? ,Georgetown, ikj iafeent Epr fibifs fe>t? *^ug^I)^>y.erl which l}e advertises: n^S^tl^ ^lumi j/^rl {Widiamsp'i, -'jp| !tieli piolde: ;Eph,. Suelpb, aiihOB licaVa, deariugVilir1 of sun iner goodfe.j j Sef^ his' idyortisp j" iowht onfthe iejiitl^ '" - Bbess'?;1 |.-..-i f.' -- -JJahy" wi-i^es ?'* tl^Iln^eysdlj fiuji'e- oaV--"tbiei,prpBp^eet: 0: 'ktie'. ~ iHe .i'says ^.thii.; lastf pupi iier; :'yaa' emploj^ in it iph^trac^ "iyirage_forSe -MtfOO^ jftg ithe/wih$erjjrist^^os^jSlt.^D ^ge f6tee\qf'3o*ft. ii4&|j'eaT: Eeet oFibnd^ngVaSayglS.je^ vare biiilt,iand jtjler^s$4i how forj^e .i-ys:.jttesiiy^^; Uveniiles $ frda'd, 'jligiul^jjj^ large -extehij.ofi giiwiing ;ju ddhe in'ttiffi^'ailn^es of V knd. 0xfor(t:||Ah|li ;fr p'iThe Very; greit/iJjE^aiicy money ri^k^tj^it^ifeii Iters' city^iiMgltbi.jia^^w'^ withpi t^ih: pi-cfsplbt iof Wfldlf fori BorheSiuieitft comei ^Td^slS-feS1 be*n auipfe gr^Unda'fc*^e Wngp^i .m cew teriw^fh;v-m large amognti; w" ^"4^; involved iist the ,co, ^re^feVa|ley--ihiJ for-"tfie'exercise! of hi the p*trf']jf ;itLe., piiWutS Bfopsji'" w-h'olt wjoi^: is'teiiripitee^i i;tft^g|... of all trJV;li^p^BifSgn*at^| t^ii ii6ine,'an|iaoioa|ii:-i_W^0. fill, wbjcn^bKeht/toid^&'p yJ& ' %-hiWs iiif: pow; -ri^iJkiiU}] i#;^ _.tbe.'sale \6i -itwyj ,bp^fiR,iMt|rnre| %Hl"----Aill$!0* .Slfe'^'- ,'i-W" --*,vJ!: Vi.'St'^-.,\ 2.*^' f(g^^S-*#v;.;r'""r " '^ 'l- .-"T -->".^'"-' v 'Xy. WgiSi "'"^siip^ >'-'i**B-iai

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